presentation overview in this presentation today we are going to discuss: resilience defined ...

Presentation Overview In this presentation today we are going to discuss: Resilience defined Conceptual framework General Education literature DHH literature Case studies Summary

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Page 1: Presentation Overview In this presentation today we are going to discuss:  Resilience defined  Conceptual framework  General Education literature

Presentation Overview

In this presentation today we are going to discuss:

Resilience defined Conceptual framework General Education literature DHH literature Case studies Summary

Page 2: Presentation Overview In this presentation today we are going to discuss:  Resilience defined  Conceptual framework  General Education literature


Looking at academic social performance of DHH children in public school setting.

We looked at risk and resilience rooted from the field of saying public schools for DHH results in social isolation and academic compromise.

After examination of data, a significant portion of students doing as well or better overall than the hearing population.

What contributes to this success?

Page 3: Presentation Overview In this presentation today we are going to discuss:  Resilience defined  Conceptual framework  General Education literature

What is Resilience?

The ability to manage respond positively to/cope emotional, developmental, economic, and environmental challenges.

The ability to respond positively to vulnerability in the face of life challenge.

How children thrive emotionally, behaviorally, academically, and interpersonally. (Goldstein & Brooks, 2005)

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A Cactus Embodies Resilience!

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Using the Resilience Lens

Importance of using resilience lens: Help researchers examine outcomes, intervention design, deeper understanding of risk and protective factors in


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What is Success?

No one single answer. Researchers often refer to the concept of success in defining resilience.

Examining DHH children in mainstream educational setting.Similar to Resilience, there are broader contexts than solely academic achievement .Consider social, behavioral, emotional, and interpersonal performance.

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Risk and Resilience Conceptual Framework

What we know Greater the number and duration of risk

factors, more at risk for social and academic difficulties

Interaction effect between and among risk and resilience factors

Not yet known, the balance of specific risk and resilience factors critical to impact lives of children

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Risk and Resilience Conceptual Framework

What we know Goal of Intervention

Reduce number, duration and intensity of risk factors

Increase number of protective factors

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Conceptual Organization

Research on risk and resilience organized in reference to specific factors

Three levels Individual Family Social- Environmental

Risk and resilience can be viewed on a continuum Sociability Hearing loss

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Influencing Factors

Individual Level Factors Constitutional & Biological Resilience Personal Attributes Sociability Educational Achievement Intelligence

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Influencing Factors

Family Level Factors Family Cohesion Parental Expectations

Social- Environmental Level Socioeconomic Status School Experiences Supportive Communities

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Case Study Participants

Subset of 25 out of 197 students within larger study Attending general education classes. Identified sensorineural bilateral or

unilateral loss. Receive direct or consultative services

from teachers of DHH students. Enrolled in grades 2-8 at beginning of


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Data Collection

Three sets of interviews over a 5 year period

Interview participants Teacher of DHH General education teacher for core

subjects Parent Interpreter Administrator Student

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Interview Protocol

Protocol based on success school literature & inclusion literature of DHH School press School inclusion policies Quality of support services Parental attitudes and support of school

program Separate protocols for each interviewee

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Degree of Hearing Loss

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Mode of Communication

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Number of Hours/Dayin General Education

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Key findings

Assets and risk factors are similar to those found in the literature

The individual balance of assets and risk factors is important

Transitions are socially disruptive Longitudinal trajectories are more

positive than single year snapshots

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Individual level: Constitution and Temperament

Outgoing friendly personalities

Shy, withdrawn personality

Mental or physical health issues

Assets Risks

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Individual: Sociability

Close relationships with adults (parents and/or teachers)

Having at least one close friend or a group of friends

Close relationships with siblings

Interpreters can get too “close”

Desire to “fit in” with peers results in rejection of hearing aids or additional help

Assets Risks

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Individual level: Communication

Fluent in the language of the school and the society

Communicatively assertive i.e. persistent and motivated to communicate with others

Passive communicator

Assets Risks

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Individual level: personal attributes

Self advocacy Determination

and motivation to succeed

Ability to take on responsibility

Passivity, Unwillingness to

assert oneself or take responsibility

Assets Risks

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Family level

Family time and resources to involve children in community and school activities

Willingness to welcome friends to home, and take children to other homes

Good communication with school professionals

Poor communication with school professionals

Assets Risks

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Help and mentoring from teachers (general education or special education)

School level social programs such as Peace Builders

Friendly school community

Access to school activities

Lack of access to school activities

Assets Risks

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Community activities in which students can get involved

Church support and involvement

Lack of transportation to community activities

Assets Risks

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Balance of assets and risks

Two children who show a contrast in their balance of assets and risks

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Unilateral severe-profound hearing loss Uses oral language Does not use individual amplification (FM

used in class) In general education classroom all day Grades 3 – 7 Receives only consult services

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Timothy’s individual assets and risks

Motivated and competitive, but also kind and helpful to peers

Has many friends,“knows everybody” and highly regarded by peers

Has a close relationship with parents and siblings

“Phenomenally organized”

Self assertive

When younger he was not comfortable talking to unfamiliar peers

Assets Risks

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Timothy’s family assets and risks

Parents supportive of his racing and school activities

Parents welcome his friends and transport them everywhere

Family illness

Assets Risks

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School has social programs and extra curricular activities

School provides transportation to extra curricular activities

Teachers support his racing involvement

FM system isn’t valued by teachers and doesn’t always work

Assets Risks

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Active in church that offers extra-curricular activities for children and has a Deaf member

Many opportunities to engage in community extra curricular activities

Community members offer extra curricular classes at school


Assets Risks

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Mild bilateral hearing loss Grades 8 – 11 Spends 3-5 hours a day in general

education classrooms Spends some time in special education

resource room

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Ruth’s individual assets and risks

Becomes less introverted as she grows older

By high school has friends in school and community

Withdrawn personality Mild physical, mental

health, cognitive, and attention problems

Refuses amplification Irresponsible Few or no friends

Assets Risks

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Ruth’s family assets and risks

Mother would welcome friends

Poor family-school relationship

Possible neglect Family issues prevent

her from participating in summer activities

Poor relationships with father and stepfather

Family moved to a new neighbourhood

Assets Risks

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School assets and risks

Many structured social support clubs and programs

Professionals worked hard to build a friendly school community

Large middle + high school

Poor relationships with teachers

No interpreting for extra curricular activities

Assets Risks

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Community assets and risks

Many community activities available

Church activities Participates in

community theater


Assets Risks

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Sheila is an example of how disruptive a transition can be Bilateral Profound loss Grades 3 - 7 In general education classroom 3 – 5

hours/day Home language is Spanish Father is Deaf

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Sheila’s Transition

In elementary school she was a very popular child

In middle school (6th grade) she was lonely and depressed; did not want to join in any social activities

By 7th grade she was again connected with hearing and deaf friends in and out of school

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What helped?

Personal assets Outgoing and friendly Motivated to do well academically Good problem solving ability Assertive

Family assets Family drove her long distances to see


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What helped?

School assets Sign language club

Community Assets Access to many extra curricular events in

community Access to social and extra curricular

activities at school for the deaf

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Look longitudinally

Frank Unilateral profound loss Grades 9-12 In 9th grade he had few friends, was shy,

and uninterested in school Had many school risks Had several family assets

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What helped?

A job in the community A supportive supervisor A job in school