presentation keynote speech: governance for resilient cities: some insights from the starflood...

Governance for resilient cities: some insights from the STAR- FLOOD project Dr. Ann Crabbé, University of Antwerp Prof. Dr. Corinne Larrue, University Paris Est Crétail

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Governance for resilient cities: some insights from the STAR-FLOOD project

Dr. Ann Crabbé, University of Antwerp

Prof. Dr. Corinne Larrue, University Paris Est Crétail

About the FP7 project


Flood risks are real

Need for governance research

Evolution of climate change research over time from 1980s onwards

in European countries (Biesbroek et al. 2010)

Governance research


6 countries:

• The Netherlands

• France

• England

• Belgium

• Sweden

• Poland


Per country: national study + 3 case studies

Nederlands France England Belgium Sweden Poland

Nijmegen Nevers London Antwerpen Gothenburg Slubice



Le Havre Hull Geraards-


Kristianstad Poznan

Rijnmond Nice Leeds Lessen Karlstad Wroclaw


Legals scholars

and political

scientists work


Some important findings of

STAR-FLOOD until now

We are facing a diversification of strategies

for flood risk strategies in practice,

strenghtened by other evolutions, new

discourses etc.

Classic : investments in ‘flood defence’

A matter of fact: evolution towardscombination with other strategies

Trends, discourses… supporting this evolution

⇒ reduced reliance on engineered solutions (Netherlands,


⇒Reduced budget for defense policy (all countries)

⇒ Impact of Flood Directive: incentive for implementing

comprehensive/integrated local strategies (all countries)

⇒ Important shock events (PL)

⇒Perspective of climate changes (increasing adaptive

capacity (Sweden)

Illustration for France

The decentralisation process has visible consequences

with regard to diversification of strategies:

• Transfer of infrastructure management from State to

local authorities

• Empowerment of the intercommunal organisations, cf.

presentation Fournier/Gralepois

• Introduction of specific tools (PCS/DICRIM) enforces

municipalities’ role in flood preparation

• Incentive through a global framework (PAPI)

Illustration for Flanders (Belgium)

The discourse on multi-level water safety broadens the

scope from flood protection towards prevention and


• MLWS: a discourse used by water managers to appeal

to spatial planning (prevention) and other actors (civil

protection, fire brigades, insurance sector)

• Cost-benefit analysis to identify the most cost-efficient

approach for each watercourse: collective protection

versus other measures

There is a growing need for tailor made

policies at the local scale.

Generic policies, developed by central governments,

have their limits:

• Because of decreasing resources (financial,

personnel…) stimulating decentralisation of


• Because ‘one solution that fits all’ often does not

work, particularly in countries as Belgium with its

historic problems with spatial planning

We see a call for more tailor made solutions at the local


• Need for coordination platforms, bringing together the

big number of governmental authorities (in Belgium)

and other actors involved, eg. CIW, GTI, basin

committees, river contracts etc.

• Particular need for experimenting with innovative

instruments that help to resolve spatial planning



• Still strong coordination ambitions from the central

governments – preference for ‘uniform’ policy


• Tricky combination of flood risk management and

economic development ambitions of local


• Lack of knowledge, human resources, financial

means and time with local governments to coordinate


Public authorities will no longer be the only

responsible for flood risk management:

responsibilities are shifting more and more

towards private actors.

Traditionally flood management is a highly technocratic

issue, almost exclusively carried out by government


Recent trend towards distribution of responsibilities

between govennmental and non-governmental actors.

Illustrations from Belgium

• Private insurance companies have an important role

in flood recovery: flood risks are part of the fire

insurance of house owners/tenants

• The duty to inform potential buyers of property in flood

prone areas

• The multi-level water safety discourse introduces the

idea that the government will cease to provide

collective protection in all cases; indidivuals will need

to take action themselves

Illustrations from France

• The willingness/discourses to develop “risk

consciousness” within population

• The duty to inform potential buyers of property in flood

prone areas

• Local inhabitants involvement in case of flood

(réserve communale de sauvegarde)

• Public participation as a way to responsabilise target


Some concluding remarks

• Flood Risk management is more and more complex:

do not rely anymore only on defence and preparation

• Multiple actors, multiple instruments, multiple

strategies => more coordination needed

• Climate change perspective : still a long term

perspective, not yet really integrated in local flood risk
