presentation eurobodalla 2013

17 Voice, Choice and Control A festival of ideas for our community - The NDIS in Eurobodalla 1

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Presentation made to Eurobodalla business community. Eurobodalla is situated on the NSW far south coast.


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Voice, Choice and ControlA festival of ideas for our community - The NDIS in Eurobodalla


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Voice, Choice and Control

This was a presentation to a business forum organised by the

Eurobodalla Shire Council - a regional council on the far south coast

of NSW - to promote the business opportunities that the NDIS

presents to the business of the Eurobodalla.


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Voice, Choice and Control

I will make the assumption that you know what the NDIS is, also

what the NSW Living Life My Way is!

NCID is the national peak body representing people with intellectual

disability and their families. We make representations to the

Commonwealth Government on issues that people with intellectual

disability have told us are important to them.3

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Voice, Choice and Control

Key Message

✤ By 2019, across the nation, 500,000 people with disability (many supported by their families) will have 18 billion dollars placed in their hands annually. This translates into 900 individuals with disability living in Eurobodalla, spending 30 million dollars ...

✤ Are Eurobodalla’s businesses, council and community ready???


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Who am I ...

✤ Yes, I am the Executive Director of the National Council on Intellectual Disability

✤ I am also ...✤ a dad✤ I have a daughter with a disability, who will be eligible for NDIS

funding✤ who will she spend her $ with? Eurobodalla businesses or will she

and the family have to leave our community to get the things she wants/needs in a capital city?


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What happens now ...

✤ lack of support services means that many people have had to leave the area - from rural/regional areas to a capital city

✤ $ are given directly to services (non-profit) by the government

✤ this will now change

✤ NDIS and NSW Living Life My Way = $ to people who can buy from anyone, any business.


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Facts and Figures

! $$! ! ! ! ! ! ! people with disability

✤ 18,000,000,000! ! ! ! ! 500,000 (22,000,000)

✤ 6,000,000,000! ! ! ! ! 160,500 ( 7,300,000)

✤ 30,000,000! ! ! ! ! 900 ( 37,000)


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The controversial bit ...

✤ One of the key aims of the NDIS is to create a ‘Market Place’✤ another way of looking at it; people are valued according to their

contribution ...✤ time✤ involvement✤ connections✤ and most importantly - resources including $$$

✤ (NDIS = social and economic participation = increased value of people with disability)


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3 Stories

✤ NCID is an example of an organisation which is dispersed across the country. All staff live in regional areas bringing wealth, students, etc to their communities.


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3 Stories

✤ Campbell Page

✤ From small beginnings in 1985 as a drop-in centre for young people, Campbell Page is a vibrant, not-for-profit organisation helping over 100,000 people each year through a range of employment, community and learning services. Now also doing business in the UK

✤ Head Office is in Batemans Bay


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3 Stories

✤ regional Queensland

✤ recently contacted by an organisation in regional Qld offering financial services to people with disability who are self-managing their disability funding.


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✤ planning✤ financial, accounting✤ daily support✤ employment✤ holidays✤ leisure, recreation✤ equipment and repairs


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✤ planning - specialist skills, provides local pathways and careers for students undertaking local TAFE and Uni courses.

✤ financial, accounting - keeping track of invoices and bills, assisting with the employment of support workers

✤ daily support - provides part-time and casual work for students, parents with kids at school, retired people, etc✤ also, opportunities for business to act as teachers, eg, people will

want to learn to cook, who better than a cook, where better than in a cafe!


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Opportunities, part 2

✤ employment - not only good workers, $ to train and support people ✤ holidays - (respite) for people all over Oz, NSW and local✤ leisure, recreation - eg, golf. Membership and an opportunity for a

young golfer (or older one) to act as coach✤ equipment and repairs - again specialist services, eg, wheelchair

repairs = bike repairs, car repairs (including electrical)!


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Other considerations

✤ As I have stated - lack of services has meant that individuals and families have left the area to go to cities

✤ can we get them back?

✤ can we stop people going?

✤ can we attract others to the area?

✤ what do people with disability (and families) need, apart from their disability support, so that they stay in the shire, eg, a job


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Are we welcoming???

✤ The average NDIS funding is $34,000; 2 people = net income from a small business.

✤ 900 people = 450 small businesses✤ So ... are we a place that people with disability want to live in? Are we

a community that can meet the needs of people with disability?✤ Are we prepared to change, to think differently to meet the wishes

and needs of people with disability✤ Who can assist us?


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✤ people with disability (of course) ...

✤ do you know people with disability?

✤ do you employ people with disability?

$ for you as a Eurobodalla business means a better life for people with disability