presentacion 6 mrian


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Post on 20-Jun-2015




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Page 1: Presentacion 6 mrian


Page 2: Presentacion 6 mrian

Rafael will be angry if you see the autobus.

The bus was crowded in the morning.

Page 3: Presentacion 6 mrian

Before leaving home, he told his son that was not bad and obey his teacher.

When he saw the bus, I try to run, but it felt big.

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That day was very busy, so no thought about dressing in layers, because the news said it would make very cold.

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He paused to think, were being pressured to take life as if it were so old that he had forgotten how young he was.

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But he thought that now was poor and had to work hard to be rich to his family was fine.

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He was tired of running, but it was very important to get to that meeting, was scared into thinking that it might not arrive in time.

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He saw his life so slow in thought, he decided to go to work fast.

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Suddenly came out of the house his young son, said, daddy do not worry if you lose your job, I never can lose. He felt so strong with the words of his son, who he thanked God for having a family. Next step a taxi and arrived on time for your meeting, where he received a promotion at work.