prescriptions for managing change: a survey of their effects in projects to implement collaborative...

Prescriptions for managing change: a survey of their eects in projects to implement collaborative working between organisations David Boddy*, Douglas Macbeth Department of Management Studies, University of Glasgow, 59 Southpark Avenue, Glasgow G12 8LF, UK Received 1 December 1998; received in revised form 31 March 1999; accepted 16 April 1999 Abstract This paper reports on a quantitative study of 100 companies which had attempted to move towards a more collaborative relationship with another organisation. Judged on criteria set out in the survey 46 had succeeded and 54 had failed in their attempt to implement supply chain partnering. A questionnaire invited respondents to indicate which project management practices (drawn from a review of the change management literature) they had used. Statistical analyses showed that four practices accounted for most of the dierence between successful and unsuccessful implementation. These concerned project goals, resources, structures and controls. Many conventional change management prescriptions had no statistically significant eect on the outcome. The paper relates these results to theories of change management and draw the practical implications. These are likely to apply to many other types of change project. 7 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd and IPMA. All rights reserved. Keywords: Collaborative working; Change management; Successful practices 1. Change projects often fail to meet expectations Projects intended to implement significant changes in the way an organisation works seldom turn out as expected. Some exceed expectations. Many others fall short of their promoters’ intentions. Kearney [1] and the Economist Intelligence Unit [2] found a high fail- ure rate when European companies adopted Total Quality Management (TQM) systems. Hougham [3] and Boddy and Gunson [4] have shown how infor- mation technology projects can take longer and cost more to implement than was expected—as well as deli- vering substantial benefits. Wastell [5] concluded that ‘‘Business Process Re-engineering (BPR) initiatives have typically achieved much less than promised’’ (p. 230). As Burnes observed, ‘‘even well established change initiatives, for which a great deal of infor- mation, advice and assistance is available, are no guar- antee of success’’ ([6], pp. 172–173). Part of the reason must be the inherent novelty and complexity of the change being developed. Rapid tech- nical developments, and the promise of prime mover competitive advantages, tempt senior managers towards novel solutions. They sign up to projects involving advanced systems which inevitably require a great deal of learning and discovery during implementation. Another factor is the unique organisational setting of each attempt at change. Even a well-known manage- ment practice acquires a degree of novelty when it is applied in a particular organisation, with its own dis- tinct history and current circumstances. It is easy to ignore the systemic nature of organisations, and so underestimate the ripple eects of a project, and hence the scale of what needs to be done. And any one pro- ject is likely to be part of a wider cluster of changes which will have unpredicted links to each other. International Journal of Project Management 18 (2000) 297–306 0263-7863/00/$20.00 7 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd and IPMA. All rights reserved. PII: S0263-7863(99)00031-9 * Corresponding author. Tel.: +44-141-330-5660; fax: +44-141- 330-5669. E-mail address: [email protected] (D. Boddy).

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Prescriptions for managing change: a survey of their e�ects inprojects to implement collaborative working between


David Boddy*, Douglas Macbeth

Department of Management Studies, University of Glasgow, 59 Southpark Avenue, Glasgow G12 8LF, UK

Received 1 December 1998; received in revised form 31 March 1999; accepted 16 April 1999


This paper reports on a quantitative study of 100 companies which had attempted to move towards a more collaborativerelationship with another organisation. Judged on criteria set out in the survey 46 had succeeded and 54 had failed in theirattempt to implement supply chain partnering. A questionnaire invited respondents to indicate which project management

practices (drawn from a review of the change management literature) they had used. Statistical analyses showed that fourpractices accounted for most of the di�erence between successful and unsuccessful implementation. These concerned projectgoals, resources, structures and controls. Many conventional change management prescriptions had no statistically signi®cante�ect on the outcome. The paper relates these results to theories of change management and draw the practical implications.

These are likely to apply to many other types of change project. 7 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd and IPMA. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Collaborative working; Change management; Successful practices

1. Change projects often fail to meet expectations

Projects intended to implement signi®cant changesin the way an organisation works seldom turn out asexpected. Some exceed expectations. Many others fallshort of their promoters' intentions. Kearney [1] andthe Economist Intelligence Unit [2] found a high fail-ure rate when European companies adopted TotalQuality Management (TQM) systems. Hougham [3]and Boddy and Gunson [4] have shown how infor-mation technology projects can take longer and costmore to implement than was expectedÐas well as deli-vering substantial bene®ts. Wastell [5] concluded that``Business Process Re-engineering (BPR) initiativeshave typically achieved much less than promised'' (p.230). As Burnes observed, ``even well established

change initiatives, for which a great deal of infor-

mation, advice and assistance is available, are no guar-

antee of success'' ([6], pp. 172±173).

Part of the reason must be the inherent novelty and

complexity of the change being developed. Rapid tech-

nical developments, and the promise of prime mover

competitive advantages, tempt senior managers towards

novel solutions. They sign up to projects involving

advanced systems which inevitably require a great deal

of learning and discovery during implementation.

Another factor is the unique organisational setting of

each attempt at change. Even a well-known manage-

ment practice acquires a degree of novelty when it is

applied in a particular organisation, with its own dis-

tinct history and current circumstances. It is easy to

ignore the systemic nature of organisations, and so

underestimate the ripple e�ects of a project, and hence

the scale of what needs to be done. And any one pro-

ject is likely to be part of a wider cluster of changes

which will have unpredicted links to each other.

International Journal of Project Management 18 (2000) 297±306

0263-7863/00/$20.00 7 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd and IPMA. All rights reserved.

PII: S0263-7863(99 )00031 -9

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +44-141-330-5660; fax: +44-141-


E-mail address: [email protected] (D. Boddy).

Another explanation, and the focus of this paper,lies in the way people manage the change. There aremany anecdotal examples of management introducingpotentially acceptable changes in a way that is almostguaranteed to create indi�erence, opposition and fail-ure. The process of implementation matters as muchas the content or substance of the change. Changesthat a�ect how people work, who they work with,their status, interests and future prospects are inher-ently di�erent from those that involve isolated physicalchanges. The use of established project managementtechniques will undoubtedly assist those conductingmessy organisational change projects. But they cannotin themselves cope with situations where there aredi�erent interpretations of what should be done, ormajor con¯icts of interest over the solutions proposed.Nor are participative or consultative techniques likelyto be su�cient where a change threatens establishedpractices that have deep signi®cance to those a�ected.Such changes are likely to require a range ofapproaches to get things done. These could includeusing political and power-based methods [7±9] as wellas those of project management and participation.

So the search continues for the factors that makethe di�erence between successful and unsuccessfulchange projects. In this article, we present the resultsof a quantitative study of supply chain partnering, aform of organisational change currently in fashion. Inthe next section, we outline what we mean by the termand relate it to organisational change in general. Wethen indicate our perspective on change projects andsummarise the many prescriptions which observershave o�ered to those responsible for managing suchprojects. We present the methods and results of oursurvey and conclude with the practical implications forthose managing supply chain projects and other formsof organisational change. This latter section also drawsupon the evidence of long-term case studies conductedas a separate element of the research project.

2. Supply chain partnering as an example of change

Supply chain partnering refers to situations in whichorganisations at related points in the supply chainagree to work in a more co-operative rather thanadversarial manner. The argument is that extremeforms of hierarchies and markets have disadvantages(see, for example, Ref. [10]). Partnering occupies themiddle ground between them as a way of organisingeconomic activity. It is an attempt to build close, long-term links between organisations that are distinct, butwhich see bene®ts in working closely together.

Introducing partnering involves substantial changesin both organisations. There is more to it than a will-ingness to work together to develop a trusting relation-

ship. If this happens it does so on the foundations ofmany tangible changes in the way the two organis-ations work, and in the organisations themselves.There is scope for radical changes in the allocation ofresponsibilities for doing and co-ordinating work.Companies often need to re-design business processesand perhaps some of their technologies and physicalfacilities. It may also require deep cultural changes ifpeople in both organisations are to move from anadversarial, arms-length relationship to one that ismore collaborative and with greater mutual obli-gations.

In many respects partnering is similar to otherforms of large-scale organisational change. There aremany players and interest groups; it is a�ected by pol-icy changes at other levels of either of the partneringorganisations; it is implemented in the course of con-ducting the daily business of both organisations; andthe unfamiliarity of the concept means that implemen-tation is more of a voyage of discovery than of follow-ing a well-charted route. The parallels with emergingviews of strategy [11] are close. Understanding howcompanies tried to implement this form of innovation,and whether the methods used a�ected the outcomes,is likely to be useful to those managing any form ofmajor change.

3. Perspectives on organisational change

The study reported here took account of currenttheories of organisational change. Fairly commonground in modern empirical studies of change is thatthe outcomes of innovation are unpredictable. Theyre¯ect not only the substantive novelty of the changeitself but also how parties promote their intereststhrough the structures, cultures and political systemsof the organisation [12,13]. This interplay of interestgroups, within a dynamic business environment, oftenmeans that change projects take unexpected turns.This brings new challenges to managers charged withimplementing them. That led the research team to askwhether common prescriptions about managing changehelped or hindered project managers in dealing withsuch complex and volatile situations.

The team, therefore, reviewed a selection of com-monly cited works on change management, such asSlevin and Pinto [14], Kanter [15], Kotter and Schle-singer [16], Dawson [12] and Burnes [6] together withother relevant empirical work such as Boddy andBuchanan [17] and Macbeth and Ferguson [18]. Itappeared that there was some consistency in the pre-scriptions made by these authors. Grouping themunder the broad headings of project planning, struc-ture and implementation, 11 practices were identi®ed

D. Boddy, D. Macbeth / International Journal of Project Management 18 (2000) 297±306298

which were commonly recommended to those imple-menting change. These were:

Project planning. setting clear goals. ensuring agreement with goals. having senior management commitment

Project structure. creating structures to manage the change. ensuring adequate resources. having a powerful and respected champion. appointing a capable project manager

Project implementation. creating a project team with the right membership. preparing a detailed yet ¯exible project plan. consulting widely with those a�ected. setting up adequate controls.

The di�culty is that most of these prescriptions werebased on personal experience or deductions from asmall number of cases. The latter can give valuableinsights into a particular situation, but it does not fol-low that the conclusions apply elsewhere. The researchteam therefore decided to test the validity of such pre-scriptions by drawing on a much wider range of ex-perience. The aim was to establish if there was anyquantitative evidence about the relative e�ectiveness ofthe prescriptions on how to introduce change.

A postal survey was designed to explore thoseaspects of the change process most suitable to thatresearch technique. The major themes were:

. what proportion of attempts at partnering suc-ceeded?

. were some of the recommended change managementpractices more often linked with success thanothers?

The hypothesis was that:

The project management practices used in organiz-ations which claimed to have implemented partneringsuccessfully would di�er signi®cantly from thosewhich claimed to have been less successful.

The survey began by presenting respondents with ade®nition of partnering o�ered by Partnership Sour-cing [19]. It then elaborated this and sought to estab-lish the current status of partnering in theorganisation. The questions directed at the process ofchange took the form of statements about changemanagement practices, grouped as above. Thus projectplanning was covered by Questions 4±12, project struc-ture by Questions 13±23 and project implementationby Questions 24±45. For each statement, respondentswere asked to indicate the extent to which it had been

used on their partnering project by indicating a pointon a 5 point scale. The survey concluded with standardinformation about the company. Those parts of thequestionnaire most relevant to this discussion arereproduced in Appendix A.

4. The survey

A pilot study was conducted amongst participantson a related workshop. The main survey was con-ducted among ®rms which had some (however limited)experience of supply chain partnering. The source wasa database of companies which had independentlyrequested information on the topic. We selected 350companies and posted a copy of the questionnaire tothe contact name. We received 100 (29%) usablereturns.

The largest single group (42%) of replies came frommanufacturing businesses. Respondents were asked toindicate their own position in relation to the partner-ing project. 41% described themselves as the main pro-moter or champion. Others included `part ofimplementation team' (19%), `project manager' (6%)and `part of strategic planning group' (21%)Ðindicat-ing a well-informed group of respondents.

The research team divided responses into those whichclaimed to have been successful in introducing partner-ing, and those which had not. The basis for this decisionwas the respondents' answer to a question about theoutcome of the partnering project. Clearly, there arehazards with this, but various statistical tests con®rmedthat the two sets of replies were being accurately distin-guished. Other statistical tests con®rmed that the pos-ition of the respondent in relation to the project had notsigni®cantly a�ected their perception of the outcome.

5. The results Ð what factors made a di�erence?

Two forms of statistical analysis were used, chi-square and discriminant function. The results are pre-sented for both analyses, and then discussed.

The chi-square analysis showed that (at a signi®-cance level of 0.01) companies which had been unsuc-cessful in partnering had dealt with four practicesdi�erently from those which had been successful.These are shown in Table 1.

In order to establish more clearly which combi-nation of variables most contributed to success orfailure, we then used discriminant function analysis[20]. This showed that answers to ®ve questions onthe process of changeÐ7, 14, 35, 38 and 39 con-tributed most to success or failure. Companieswhich had been successful at partnering tended toagree with the statements in Questions 7, 14 and

D. Boddy, D. Macbeth / International Journal of Project Management 18 (2000) 297±306 299

35. They tended to disagree with the statements in

Questions 38 and 39.

Combining the results from both tests shows that

the survey respondents showed a statistically signi®-

cant tendency to agree with the following statements

(presented to match the earlier headings):

Project planning

. Q7: The people a�ected by the change within my or-

ganisation agreed with the goals.1,2

Project structure

. Q14: Management created a clear structure to man-

age the change.1,2

. Q15: Senior management accurately estimated the

amount of resources needed to implement the


. Q22: The joint senior team created speci®c lines of

authority and responsibility.1

Project implementation

. Q35: A satisfactory system was developed to

measure the progress of the change.2 They showed a

statistically signi®cant tendency to disagree with:

. Q38: Care was taken to ask people with di�erent

perspectives for their views on the change.2

. Q39: There was a lot of exploring and experimenting

with ideas.2

6. Discussion

Responses to Question 7 show that the peoplea�ected by the change in successful partnering compa-nies had agreed with the goals. This is consistent withthose prescriptions on change management whichemphasize the value of putting e�ort into convincingthose a�ected that the change is a worthwhile way ofmeeting some pressing business need. The unsuccessfulcompanies had not secured that degree of agreementwith the goals of partnering.

Answers to Question 14 show that in organisationswhich had been successful in implementing partnering,senior management had created clear structures withinwhich to manage the change. This is in line with ex-pectations, and with the prescriptions of those whohave stressed that expressions of support from topmanagement are not enoughÐthese need to be backedwith clear structures, together perhaps with rede®nedroles and reporting responsibilities. This is complemen-ted by responses to Question 22, which indicate thatsuccessful companies created speci®c lines of authoritylinking the senior team to the operational team.

Question 15 indicates that management in successfulpartnering companies had accurately assessed the scaleof resources needed for the change. This is consistentwith the view in much of the literature that majorchange is systemic in its nature, and that a change inone part of an organisation needs to be accompaniedby appropriate changes elsewhere. These depend onresources both to plan and manage the change, as wellas those needed to support substantive changes, suchas in equipment or training.

Responses to Question 35 shows that successfulcompanies had introduced adequate systems to moni-

Table 1

Common prescriptions which had a statistically signi®cant e�ect on project success

1 (totally disagree) 2 (stronglydisagree) 3 (neutral) 4 (strongly agree) 5 (totally agree) Total (100%)

Q7 (chi = 9.67) The people a�ected by the change within my organisation agreed with the goals

Unsuccessful 2 (4%) 13 (24%) 24 (44%) 12 (22%) 3 (6%) 54

Successful 1 (2%) 4 (9%) 11 (24%) 21 (46%) 9 (19%) 46

Q14 (chi = 10.48) Management created a clear structure to manage the change

Unsuccessful 12 (23%) 13 (25%) 11 (20%) 14 (26%) 3 (6%) 53a

Successful 2 (4%) 6 (13%) 11 (24%) 15 (33%) 12 (26%) 46

Q15 (chi = 9.6) Senior management accurately estimated the amount of resources needed to implement the change

Unsuccessful 14 (27%) 15 (28%) 18 (34%) 5 (9%) 1 (2%) 53a

Successful 3 (7%) 13 (28%) 13 (28%) 12 (26%) 5 (11%) 46

Q22 (chi = 10.2) The joint senior team created speci®c lines of authority and responsibility to link it to the joint operational team

Unsuccessful 18 (33%) 12 (22%) 14 (26%) 8 (15%) 2 (4%) 54

Successful 6 (13%) 7 (15%) 12 (26%) 15 (33%) 6 (13%) 46

a No responseÐone unsuccessful company.

1 Shown by chi square at signi®cance level 0.01.2 Shown by discriminant function analysis.

D. Boddy, D. Macbeth / International Journal of Project Management 18 (2000) 297±306300

tor the change. This is likely to be especially importantin a complex, multi-site change such as partnering.

Successful implementers tended to disagree with thestatements in Questions 38 and 39. These results wereunexpected, as they showed that successful implemen-ters had not explored and experimented widely withideas. This is counter-intuitive, and is certainly not inaccordance with much of the established prescriptiveliterature. One interpretation is that for most organis-ations the move to partnering would have been anovel activity. There would be little in-house experi-ence, or perhaps even interest, in this initially ratherabstract concept. Extensive debate with those likely tobe a�ected may have been seen as counter-productivein those circumstances.

It was also observed that several commonly pre-scribed practices, such as those shown in Table 2,appear to have had little e�ect either way on the out-come.

For example, it is often recommended that success-ful e�ective change requires the public support ofsenior management. The responses to Question 13show that while this had occurred in 74% of successfulcases (in line with received wisdom), it had alsooccurred in 54% of the unsuccessful cases. Question16 give some support to the frequent recommendation

that signi®cant change needs to be backed by a strongchampionÐ74% of successful companies had a strongchampion backing the change. Yet 50% of the unsuc-cessful ones also had a champion. Another commonprescription is to prepare a detailed plan to manage achange. Replies to Question 33 show that this wasdone in 57% of successful casesÐbut was also done injust about as many of the unsuccessful cases. Suchresults show that while common prescriptions mayhelp a project, they do not by themselves ensure suc-cess.

7. Implications for implementing supply chain partneringprojects

The results indicate that many of the recommen-dations for managing projects based on anecdotal evi-dence are not in themselves a route to successfulsupply chain implementation. Practices such as ensur-ing top management support and consulting widelyabout the change will not do any harm. However, theyshould be seen as necessary rather than su�cient tothe success of a supply chain project. The results alsoprovide empirical support for the view that e�ectivechange does not depend solely on the skills of individ-

Table 2

Common prescriptions which had NO statistically signi®cant e�ect on project success

1 (totally disagree) 2 (strongly disagree) 3 (neutral) 4 (strongly agree) 5 (totally agree) Total (100%)

(Q5) The basic goals of the change were clearly de®ned

Response 1 2 3 4 5 Total

Unsuccessful 4 (8%) 12 (22%) 11 (20%) 22 (40%) 3 (6%) 54

Successful 1 (2%) 6 (13%) 15 (33%) 17 (35%) 7 (15%) 46

(Q13) Senior management publicly expressed their commitment to the change

Response 1 2 3 4 5 Total

Unsuccessful 8 (15%) 8 (15%) 9 (17%) 21 (39%) 8 (15%) 54

Successful 4 (9%) 4 (9%) 4 (9%) 11 (24%) 23 (50%) 46

(Q16) The change was backed by a strong champion (a person who was highly respected within the organisation)

Response 1 2 3 4 5 Total

Unsuccessful 10 (19%) 7 (13%) 10 (19%) 15 (28%) 12 (22%) 54

Successful 1 (2%) 5 (11%) 6 (13%) 16 (35%) 18 (39%) 46

(Q28) The change was run by an experienced project manager

Response 1 2 3 4 5 Total

Unsuccessful 11 (20%) 8 (15%) 12 (22%) 13 (24%) 10 (19%) 54

Successful 6 (13%) 4 (9%) 10 (22%) 16 (35%) 10 (22%) 46

(Q33) A detailed plan was prepared to manage the change (Yes or No)

Response 1 (yes) 2 3 4 5 (no) Total

Unsuccessful 28 (52%) 0 1 (2%) 0 24 (44%) 54a

Successful 18 (39%) 0 0 0 26 (57%) 46

a No responseÐone unsuccessful company.

D. Boddy, D. Macbeth / International Journal of Project Management 18 (2000) 297±306 301

ual change agents. People with those skills are valu-able, but they need to be supported by more formal,institutional devices. Senior management needs to con-struct a coherent framework to support individual pro-ject managers. This will include appropriatemanagement structures, clear reporting relationshipsand control systems that allow progress to be moni-tored. Management can increase the chances of suc-cessful implementation if they give priority to thesmall number of factors that made a di�erence to suc-cess or failure at the companies in our survey.

7.1. Ensuring agreement with goals

The data implies that at the project planning stagee�ort put into ensuring people understand and agreewith the goals will usually pay o�. The hazard thatbesets this seemingly obvious statement is that in¯uen-tial players may themselves disagree about the goals ofsupply chain partnering or emphasise di�erent possibi-lities. Faulkner [21] argues that there are four principalmotivations for creating inter-organisational alliancessuch as supply chain partnering:


organisations seek to reduce uncer-tainty by gaining greater access toor control over resources or skillswhich are necessary to their contin-ued survival

Spreading risk ®rms facing `either an opportunityor a defensive challenge' may seekto spread ®nancial risk by collabor-ating with a partner.

Speed to market a partnership can create the criticalmass needed to respond rapidly to amarket opportunity.

Low costs an alliance may be regarded as aless risky and less costly optionthan, say, acquisition; the creationof the critical mass may alsoincrease productive e�ciency/econ-omy of scale.

These may be complementary, or they may con¯ict.They may also change as a partnering arrangementdevelops and matures, making it all the more essentialto put time and e�ort into ensuring continued agree-ment with the current goals of the relationship. Thisapplies to both parties.

7.2. Creating structures to manage the change

This could include establishing clearly which individ-uals or departments are responsible for the change andwhat their remit should be. Those individuals whotake a leading role in partnering need an unusual com-

bination of expertise. In some respects this consists ofbeing able to apply familiar management practices tothe particular circumstances of partnering. Partneringis also likely to require an additional set of boundary-spanning skills to cope with some of its distinctivechallenges arising from making internal and externalchange, within a volatile environment.

However, there are limitations to what people actingon their own to solve a problem or improve a processcan achieve. These include the possibility that theyignore wider considerations in their decisions, use alimited range of ideas and lack the necessary power.Continuity and learning is lost if they leave.

A way to overcome this is to support individualaction with structures and mechanisms. People maycreate new structures to support their personal initiat-ivesÐsuch as pulling together a task force of peoplewhom they know support their idea. Support mechan-isms also take the form of relatively formal bodieswhich bring the players into regular face-to-face con-tact through teams of various kinds. Formal structuresand mechanisms can ensure that people bring a cor-porate perspective to their diagnosis, draw on a widerrange of skills and have access to institutional sourcesof power.

As an example (drawn from case studies conductedas part of the same project), two companies that suc-cessfully introduced partnering gradually created aseries of regular, formal meetings at which relevantsta� from both companies collectively dealt with im-mediate and longer term issues. They provided a regu-lar forum at which issues could be brought into theopen and dealt with. These structures supported indi-vidual initiative, in that people were able to act asseemed appropriate between meetings, con®dent thatthe commercial or other implications would be dealtwith at these forums.

Structures also include documentary or electronicsystems to record information about the proposals, de-cisions and agreements made in the course of the part-nering project. These are independent of any oneindividual and can easily move to widely dispersedsites. Others can then act in more informed andmutually consistent ways and they may also learnfrom experience elsewhere.

7.3. Ensuring adequate resources

The survey shows that a signi®cant factor in the suc-cess of a project is to make realistic resource commit-ments. The reasons for this lie in the complexity ofcollaborative working, and in the systemic nature oforganisations. A signi®cant attempt at supply chainpartnering is likely to require signi®cant internalchange, especially in relation to the business processesand technical infrastructures of both players.

D. Boddy, D. Macbeth / International Journal of Project Management 18 (2000) 297±306302

Partnering implies that the nature, responsibility andlocation of business processes within and betweencompanies change and become more closely linked.For example, one of the case study companies intro-duced, at corporate level, a major global process re-en-gineering exercise. The stated aim was to:

``Radically simplify business process within oursupply chain with the aim of reducing time, therebycreating cost reduction opportunities, maximising¯exibility, improving quality and increasing custo-mer satisfaction.''

This in turn led to signi®cant operating changes inprocesses for new product development, sub-tier sup-plier management, materials planning, inventory man-agement, quality assurance, scheduling, andperformance management and reporting. This clearlya�ected their relationship with core suppliers, prompt-ing both the customer and their suppliers to introducecompatible internal changes.

Partnering can also involve one or both partiesinvesting in compatible technologies, such as a supplierbuilding a plant close to the customer and investing indedicated equipment on the surety of a long-term re-lationship. They are also likely to invest in electronicinformation systems to support their business links.Finally, management is likely to plan and introducepartnering alongside current operations and alongsideother changes. Coping with parallel, interactingchanges severely overload both those planning changeand those a�ected by it, unless they are adequatelyresourced for the job.

7.4. Setting up adequate controls

The survey shows that using one or more of thewell-established project control techniques is likely tohelp the success of a change project. The di�culties ofknowing what is happening in a multi-site change suchas partnering are formidable, and this ®nding indicatesthat investing time in this area is worthwhile. One cau-tion is that the novelty of the change is such that itmay not be clear at the outset what should bemeasured. Control mechanisms therefore should besensitive to the context and focus only on criticalissues.

As an example, a computer manufacture undertooka major project to relocate production of some of itsmodels from its own site to that of a subcontractor.This involved very complex logistical arrangements asit was imperative that production was not interrupted.The change involved consequential changes at foursitesÐtwo in Europe and two in the United States.The main control device used was to hold weekly tele-conferences at which all the participants who were

active on the project at the time (over 30 sta� at onestage) reported verbally to all others about the state oftheir part of the task. This allowed instant access tothe latest information, as well as enabling actions tobe co-ordinated. Items were symbolically coded ateach meeting with green, amber or red ¯ags, to indi-cate those that were felt to be in the least and mostdangerous state.

7.5. Will `consulting widely with those a�ected' help orhinder?

The survey results suggest that companies with suc-cessful partnering projects had not consulted anddebated widely about the project. This result is con-trary to conventional wisdom on change management.It implies that sometimes management must be willingto drive change, rather than delay while the issues arewidely discussed. They may need to use political andpower skills, rather than those of participation andconsensus. This approach may work when the changeis so novel that many of the possibilities only becomeclear with experience: prior discussion may add littleof value. However, extensive discussion of the resultsof that experimentation, and of how to further developthe system in the light of that experience, is likely tobe bene®cial.

This may be illustrated by one of the case studycompanies that decided to establish closer links with asupplier of a bulky product that was previouslyimported from the United States. They wanted to havea secure and reliable local source. They identi®edwhich of their current suppliers was willing to workwith them to meet the demanding quality requirementsand to invest both human and ®nancial resources indeveloping closer links. This strategic decision wasmade by a very small number of senior people and therelationship began. However, at later stages of itsdevelopment many more people in both organisationsbecame involved in decisions about how best to makethe relationship work. They progressively discoveredthe issues to be managed and built the con®dence todeal with them.

8. Implications for managing other forms of changeproject

To the extent that other major organisationalchange projects are similar to partnering changes,these results may apply more widely. Some of theseareas of similarity were mentioned earlierÐmanyplayers and interest groups; a�ected by policychanges at other levels; implemented in parallel withother changes; and unfamiliarity with the detail ofthe concept. To the extent that managers can recog-

D. Boddy, D. Macbeth / International Journal of Project Management 18 (2000) 297±306 303

nise these similarities in their projects then thisstudy should be useful. It helps them to discrimi-nate between the many prescriptions available. Thequantitative analysis of the experience of 100 com-panies suggests that they should concentrate theiractions on four areasÐensuring agreement withgoals; ensuring adequate resources; setting up ade-quate controls; and creating structures to managethe change.

This last point can be elaborated. Many writers onchange have emphasised the role and signi®cance ofthe skills of the individual change agent. We havedone so ourselves in earlier work, and clearly skilledand committed change agents are essential ingredients.However, this research shows that they are notenough, and that their activities can be supported byappropriate institutional mechanisms. Such structuresprobably contribute to change in at least four ways.

1. They provide a known forum in which the playerscan raise issues, lay them on the table and seek toresolve them in conjunction with the other players.Structures provide a vehicle for bringing wider ideasto bear on a solution, including both functional andhierarchical interests [12].

2. They can link the inner context of the project towider developments in the external context. Thishelps to ensure that events or information fromboth are brought together for scrutiny and decisionsin the same forum. This can reduce the chances ofinconsistent or incoherent actions being taken by in-dividuals acting independently of one another, andthe tensions between external demands and internalconstraints.

3. They can integrate a cluster of changes. One changeis usually part of a cluster of changes within, ora�ecting, an organisation. Well-designed structuresenable managers to maintain an overview of suchmultiple changes, and in which they can balance thetensions between them.

4. They support and maintain the change over time.Major change is surrounded by volatility and caneasily falter and lose momentum as prioritieschange, people leave or individual change agentsbecome discouraged or overwhelmed. More formalstructures can sustain or substitute individual e�ortto maintain momentum through di�cult times andas the need arises. They may be a stronger barrierto the forces of inertia than an individual. This isespecially true of changes which cannot be fully-de®ned at the outset, but in which solutions arelearned and discovered in the course of the change.Without a coherent institution such incremental oremerging change can become unco-ordinated ordirectionless motion. Structures can be the basis ofcontrol mechanisms to check on progress.

9. Conclusion

Managers are not short of advice on how to managechange projects. They are expected to produce quickand e�ective results, as well as deal with current oper-ations and other parallel changes. Where best to con-centrate their e�ort and resources? Change can only bemanaged by adapting any practice to the unique andparticular setting in which it is taking place. However,with that caveat, this paper provides ®rm empiricalsupport for the argument that they should pay particu-lar attention to the areas of project goals, resources,structures and controls.


The research on which this paper is based was sup-ported by Engineering and Physical Sciences ResearchCouncil grant GR/K/21252.

Appendix A. Questions on the change processes used

Respondents were requested to indicate on a scaleof 1 to 5 (where 1 is totally disagree and 5 is totallyagree) the category which best described their com-pany's experience.

Planning the change(4) The pressures for change were clear and urgent.(5) The basic goals of the change were clearlyde®ned.(6) Partner organisations agreed with the goals ofthe new relationship.(7) The people a�ected by the change within my or-ganisation agreed with the goals.(8) There was a lot of uncertainty about the costsand implications of the change.(9) The change was expected to disrupt a lot ofestablished practices.(10) The costs of the change were expected to begreater than the bene®ts.(11) The goals of the change were in line with thegeneral goals of the organisation.(12) The change just seemed to be inappropriate toour culture and style.

How your organisation structured the change process(13) Senior management publicly expressed theircommitment to the change.(14) Senior management created a clear structurewithin which to manage the change.(15) Senior management accurately estimated theamount of resources needed to implement thechange.

D. Boddy, D. Macbeth / International Journal of Project Management 18 (2000) 297±306304

(16) The change was backed by a strong champion(a person who was highly respected within the or-ganisation).(17) An internal senior level team was set up tohandle the strategic issues.(18) An internal team was set up to handle oper-ational implementation issues.(19) A senior level team was set up to handle oper-ational implementation issues.(20) Teams were set up with joint membership fromboth organisations to handle operational implemen-tation issues.(21) The senior level strategic team created speci®clines of authority and responsibility to link it to theinternal operational team.(22) The joint senior level team created speci®c linesof authority and responsibility to link it to the jointoperational team.(23) Top management received regular feedback onthe progress of the change.

Partnering implementation in your organisation(24) Partners contributed to problem solving asmuch as our own sta� did.(25) Partners were able to in¯uence the changes inpractice which they had to make.(26) The change goals were explained to all of oursta� who were a�ected by them.(27) The change goals were explained to all a�ectedsta� in our partner's organisation.(28) The change was run by an experienced projectmanager.(29) The implementation team included people withadequate technical skills.(30) The implementation team included people withadequate management skills.(31) The implementation team had speci®c lines ofauthority and responsibility.(32) The implementation team was committed tothe success of the change.(33) A detailed plan was prepared to manage thechange. Yes/No.(34) The change plan was ¯exible enough to adaptas circumstances changed.(35) A satisfactory system was developed tomeasure the progress of the change.(36) Careful studies were made of the changes inpractice that would be needed.(37) Sta� involved were actively encouraged toidentify possible di�culties.(38) Care was taken to ask people with di�erentperspectives for their views on the change.(39) There was a lot of exploring and experimentingwith ideas.(40) Changes in sta� that would be needed to sup-port partnering were implemented.

(41) Adequate training was provided in the newways of working.(42) A�ected sta� were well informed about whatwas expected of them in the new system.(43) Attempts to revert to old practices were dis-couraged.(44) Resources were available to resolve practicaldi�culties as soon as they arose.(45) The successes and bene®ts from the changewere widely publicised.


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D. Boddy, D. Macbeth / International Journal of Project Management 18 (2000) 297±306 305

David Boddy teaches a range of courses for experienced managers,

especially those attending Executive MBA programme where he

leads the core courses in Organisational Behaviour. His main

research has been in the human and organisational aspects of infor-

mation technology; implementing major change; and supply chain

partnering. His most recent books are Organisations in the Network

Age, Routledge, 1996 and Management: An Introduction, Prentice-

Hall, 1998.

Douglas K. Macbeth is CIPS/SCMG Ltd. Professor of Supply Chain

Management and Head of the Department of Management Studies

of the University of Glasgow. After an industrial career he entered

the academic world where he worked at three Universities in Oper-

ations and Manufacturing Management. He than redirected his

research and consultancy into the ®eld of co-operative inter-organis-

ational strategy and practice. As director of the spin out consultancy

company SCGM Ltd. it has been possible to realise a degree of

synergy in these complementary activities. Thus, the research output

has a route to market and the consulting insights are used in

research projects, all with international client organisations.

D. Boddy, D. Macbeth / International Journal of Project Management 18 (2000) 297±306306