presbyterian church the presbyterian · school year and resume our two morning worship services...

FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 324 MADISON ST,JEFFERSON CITY, MO 65101 (573) 6362149 OFFICE@FPCJCMO.ORG AUGUST 2017 The Presbyterian We also have Bible study classes that don’t meet on Sunday - See Page 8 for more information. Sunday School Kick Off 2017 will be August 20 th at 9:30 in Knox Hall! On behalf of the Christian Education Committee, I would like to invite you to check out one of our many, wonderful Sunday School classes we have here at First Presbyterian -- Megan Weber, Christian Education Director. Our Preschool class is for ages 2-5, and is located across from our Nursery downstairs. Our Kindergarten through 5 th grade classes are located upstairs, through the balcony, in the green room, right down the hall from the youth room, and children’s library. Our curriculum is called Growing in Grace and Gratitude. In our Mid High class is new this year we will be asking and trying to answer the questions of faith that we have. We will use a variety of activities and study God’s scripture as we use the “Faith Questions” curriculum to learn more about corporate and personal faith in God. Youth will be invited to share their own faith questions and we will work together to explore these questions. We will meet in the room that overlooks the gym. “What Kind of Christian Am I?” - The Senior High class will discuss history, politics, social norms, philosophy and theology to examine what sort of Christian we want to be versus what society expects Christians to be. Adult Sunday School Classes on Sunday Morning for Fall 2017 The Chapel Class will be finishing up an introduction to the Gospel of Mark in August and then turn our attention to the Protestant Reformation in September. As we study the Gospel of Mark, we will discover how Jesus was reforming and reshaping the ancient Jewish faith and traditions, and how the leaders responded with suspicion and threats. We will discover that same response from the church leaders in the Protestant Reformation led by Martin Luther and John Calvin. Join us as we celebrate the 500 th Anniversary of the Protestant Reformation and explore what it is to be “Reformed always reforming according to God’s Spirit”. Rev. Dr. Rob Erickson will be facilitating the class and Rev. Dr. Cliff Cain will be a guest lecturer October 22, 29 and November 5 th . We meet each Sunday in the Chapel. The Calvin Class meets each Sunday at 9:45 am in the MacAfee Room behind the chapel. We are studying God’s call from the Book of Acts in August using the PCUSA curriculum, The Present Word. In September we will explore our covenant with God starting in Genesis and Exodus and extending through the prophets and finally through the New Covenant revealed in Jesus Christ. Join us for a lively discussion and study led by Tom Holt and Vickie Schildmeyer. Faith and Current Events Class. This class, led by Jim McAdams and Cynthia Quetsch, meets at 9:45 a.m. during the school year in the Children's Library on the third floor. Discussion focuses on the current events of the day drawn from the newspaper or social media. The class reads the relevant article, explores the faith implications and shares insights and observations from a Christian and faith perspective. There is no homework and plenty of lively discussion. Young Adults Class - Our Young Adult Coffee and Conversation class is located upstairs in the balcony in Knox Hall. They discuss a wide range of topics, and look at Scripture in a deeper way, while building connections over coffee. Sunday School Kick-Off - August 20th - There’s a Place for YOU!

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324 MADISON ST, JEFFERSON CITY, MO 65101              (573) 636‐2149              [email protected]          AUGUST  2017 

The Presbyterian 

We also have Bible study classes that don’t meet on Sunday - See Page 8 for more information.

Sunday School Kick Off 2017 will be August 20th at 9:30 in Knox Hall!

On behalf of the Christian Education Committee, I would like to invite you to check out one of our many, wonderful Sunday School classes we have here at First Presbyterian -- Megan Weber, Christian Education Director.

Our Preschool class is for ages 2-5, and is located across from our Nursery downstairs.

Our Kindergarten through 5th grade classes are located upstairs, through the balcony, in the green

room, right down the hall from the youth room, and children’s library. Our curriculum is called Growing in Grace and Gratitude.

In our Mid High class is new this year we will be asking and trying to answer the questions of faith that we have. We will use a variety of activities and study God’s scripture as we use the “Faith Questions” curriculum to learn more about corporate and personal faith in God. Youth will be invited to share their own faith questions and we will work together to explore these questions. We will meet in the room that overlooks the gym.

“What Kind of Christian Am I?” - The Senior High class will discuss history, politics, social norms, philosophy and theology to examine what sort of Christian we want to be versus what society expects Christians to be.

Adult Sunday School Classes on Sunday Morning for Fall 2017 The Chapel Class will be finishing up an introduction to the Gospel of Mark in August and then turn our attention to the Protestant Reformation in September. As we study the Gospel of Mark, we will discover how Jesus was reforming and reshaping the ancient Jewish faith and traditions, and how the leaders responded with suspicion and threats. We will discover that same response from the church leaders in the Protestant Reformation led by Martin Luther and John Calvin. Join us as we celebrate the 500th Anniversary of the Protestant Reformation and explore what it is to be “Reformed always reforming according to God’s Spirit”. Rev. Dr. Rob Erickson will be facilitating the class and Rev. Dr. Cliff Cain will be a guest lecturer October 22, 29 and November 5th. We meet each Sunday in the Chapel.

The Calvin Class meets each Sunday at 9:45 am in the MacAfee Room behind the chapel. We are studying God’s call from the Book of Acts in August using the PCUSA curriculum, The Present Word. In September we will explore our covenant with God starting in Genesis and Exodus and extending through the prophets and finally through the New Covenant revealed in Jesus Christ. Join us for a lively discussion and study led by Tom Holt and Vickie Schildmeyer.

Faith and Current Events Class. This class, led by Jim McAdams and Cynthia Quetsch, meets at 9:45 a.m. during the school year in the Children's Library on the third floor. Discussion focuses on the current events of the day drawn from the newspaper or social media. The class reads the relevant article, explores the faith

implications and shares insights and observations from a Christian and faith perspective. There is no homework and plenty of lively discussion.

Young Adults Class - Our Young Adult Coffee and Conversation class is located upstairs in the balcony in Knox Hall. They discuss a wide range of topics, and look at Scripture in a deeper way, while building connections over coffee.

Sunday School Kick-Off - August 20th - There’s a Place for YOU!

2 MUP Youth Hungary Faith Partnership Trip

Pastor Dave Henry, Kyle Kittrell and George Burson joined Habitat workers from Arkansas, Illinois, North Dakota and New York to help rehab apartments in

Hungary. The family who will receive this home is pictured with Kyle - they are Bela, Monika, Kinga & Kitti. Kyle, George, along with Pastor Dave and Emily Henry also toured some of our Mission Sites in Ukraine with David Pandy. Amazing work is going on there with Roma families - but there is much needed.

Habitat Trip to Hungary and Ukraine Mission Site Visit


3 A Note From the Pastor Dear Partners in ministry, mission, faith and fellowship at First,

“I thank God for our partnership in the Gospel from the first day until now.” (Phil. 1:3,5) This summer we have seen the many faces of our ministry and mission partnership in Christ. We sent two mission teams to Hungary, with two very different missions. Our youth, with Zac and Megan, were forging partnership with Hungarian youth and learning about and celebrating the 500th Anniversary of the Protestant Reformation. Our mission team of David, Kyle and George were building Habitat Houses in Budapest and surveying our mission outreach to the Roma children in Ukraine. And our REACH Workcamp youth and adults had a chance to provide mission to folks in need in Tennessee. It has been a real 3D mission outreach this summer and the Triune God has been in the midst of each dimension. On the local front we have fed over 100 children everyday in the Jefferson City area with our Food 4 Kids program. Thank you to Shelley Swoyer and all the volunteers who partnered with God and us to “feed and tend these little lambs of God.” We had over 100 children and youth involved in our Vacation Bible School earlier in the summer, as we learned about the real heroes of faith in Scripture and in our church. Each child discovered that he or she is a hero in faith.

It has been a wonderful time of worship this summer as our two morning worship services have combined into one for summer. We have had amazing musical offerings in each service and the congregation has served as a wonderful choir while the Sanctuary Choir took the summer off. Our organist Jimmy Kay had shoulder surgery this summer so Karen Larvick and Mary Kabari have partnered to fill in for Jimmy Kay while she was on injured reserve. Thank you ladies for your partnership in the Gospel. We also invited a local band “Apostles Creek” to play for one of our Sunday Night Live @5 services while Zac was on mission and they provided some wonderful Beatles and James Taylor music that I wound into a sermon, “From Nowhere Man to the Body of Christ”. It was a lively worship service.

And the partnership continues into the fall. We will have one of our Malawi mission partners, Rev. Levi Noyodo to preach on August 3rd at 9:30 am at our Sunday morning service. We will be hearing from our Youth and all their mission adventures on

August 10th in our 9:30 morning services. Then on August 20th we will kick off our new Sunday School year and resume our two morning worship services with a sermon “A Time for Teaching, Healing and Praise”. It promises to be an exciting fall with visits from our PCUSA Peacemaker, Mphatso Mary Nsuluve from Malawi on September 22nd - 27th and a shared worship with our brothers and sisters in faith at Second Baptist on October 15th.

It is a wonderful time to be Presbyterian as we serve God together in Christ. Please join into God’s partnership in ministry, mission, faith and fellowship as we continue to reach out and grow in Christ.

Rev. Rob Erickson

Apostles Creek performing and leading Sunday Night Live @5 worship, July 16, 2017

Summertime worship with the children.

AUGUST Birthdays

1 - Ian McCaslin 1 - Matt Morris 1 - Abiathar Naaman 2 - Michael Henry 2 - Emily Wales 2 - Beckett Collins 3 - Ruth Farrar 4 - Jeff Shinkle 7 - Millie Rasp 8 - Rebecca Stabenow 8 - Karen Laves 10 - Ernest Perry, Jr. 10 - Don Sisson, Jr. 10 - Maya Andrews 10 - Aubryn Bowden 11 - Marilyn Miller 12 - Jerry Simon 12 - Phil Green 13 - Pam Sonius 13 - Melissa Manda 14 - Joyce Yeager 14 - Beverly Figg 15 - Wayne Hepler 16 - Dennis Figg 16 - Maxine Hall 16 - Nancy Marsh

17 - Michelle Holloway 17 - Morgan Burkhardt 18 - Kay Miller 20 - John Wilson 20 - Bonnie Wood 21 - Becky Veit 21 - Katie Gamble 22 - Ione Hughes 22 - Jack Walker 22 - Becca Hickman 23 - Anne Gue 23 - Don Kopp 23 - Ella Hoell 24 - Carolyn Becker 24 - Carrie Sisson 25 - Harira Naaman 26 - Kathy Scott 26 - Todd Larivee 27 - Niles Nichols 27 - Bruce Phelps 29 - Rose Mary Palmer 30 - Carla Ahrens 20 - Rev. Dave Henry 30 - Cynthia Quetsch 30 - Donise Seneker 31 - Rose McMurtry 31 - Annell Bailey

4 Congratulations to…

Shawn & Shelley (Morff) Kell, on the birth of their son, Henry Russell Kell, on July 7, 2017. Henry is the grandson

of Roger & Bev Morff.


Is sponsoring another Beginners Fused Glass Classes for our families taught by Elder Andy Cleeton. The cost will be $25 per person and includes all materials and one kiln firing. Participants can make a night light or a sun catcher to hang in a window. The Class will be held on Saturday, August 5th at 6pm. The class will be approximately 2 hours and the finished project can be picked up the next day. Ages 6-100! Children 6-12 should be accompanied by adult. See Andy or call the Church Office to sign up.

The Annual Church Family Picnic at Camp Covenant Point will be held on Sunday, afternoon, August 13th beginning with swimming and other activities at 3:00 pm, followed by a potluck dinner (hotdogs provided -please bring a side, salad or dessert to share) and a brief time of worship and praise. For more information speak with Elders Gene Reed or John Howland or Pastor Dave.

Mark your calendar for an exciting and inspiring night of music - a Concert by our own "MISSING PIECES" - on Saturday, November 4th at 6:00 pm in our Sanctuary! Cost of admission is a donation to our Food Pantry of non-perishable food items or monetary gift.

In Christian Sympathy to…

The family & friends of Dorothy Hudson, who joined the church triumphant on June 30, 2017.

The family and friends of Nina Coy,

who joined the church triumphant on July 22, 2017.



Congratulations to:

Travis Figg, son of Bev Figg and Dennis Figg who completed his PhD in Philosophy at Wayne State University on May 23rd. He is looking for a professorship teaching Philosophy in college. Miles Figg, son of Bev Figg and Dennis Figg who graduated from the University of Missouri - Columbia Law School with honors, on May 14th. He will take the bar exam and work in private practice with Bev’s firm - Andereck, Evans, Widger, Lewis & Figg, LLC in its Smithville, MO office.


At the Downtown Diner on High Street is Monday, August 21st at 7:00

am. Come check us out and enjoy great food and fellowship and spend some time in prayer.

Congratulations to Chad Rizner on receiving the Warren Shull National Advisor of the

Year Award - Missouri Association of Student Councils! Well Done Chad!


5 Presbyterian Women

Presbyterian Women Activities Calendar

Aug 6 Hiroshima Day;

Aug 19 World Humanitarian Day;

Aug 23 10:30 am, Kaffee Klatsch, HyVee Dining Room

Aug 25 Orange Day ( Aug 27 Public Education Sunday;

Sept 6 10:30 am Bible Study with Pastor Dave, McAfee Room at church

Sept. 6 Noon - Gathered Meeting with Lunch (“Kit Party”)

Sept 11 10:00 am Hands for Mission, Chapel Sep 12 – 20 Circles Begin Meeting! Dates, times

and places will be in the September Newsletter!

Sept 21 International Day of Peace; celebrate-the-international-day-of-peace.html

Sept 21–27 Global Week of Action Against Gun Violence; gunviolence

Sept 22 Native American Day;

Sept 25 Orange Day; Sept 27 10:30 Kaffee Klatsch at Hyvee Dining



Our Annual “Kit Party” will be at the time of our September Gathered Meeting, at Noon on Wednesday, September 6th. If you can join us to help assemble kits, great! If not, we still need everyone’s help in collecting school supplies, hygiene supplies, and food in Knox Hall through the month in preparation. Our school and hygiene kits will go around the world through Church World Service while our Missouri Family Food Boxes will feed families across Missouri.

See the Display in Knox Hall and pick up a “shopping list”! (The list was also in the July Church newsletter, available online). Thank you for your help in collecting the needed items and helping us assemble the kits!

Join us for the 2017-2018 Bible Study!

We have a really good Bible Study starting this Fall: Cloud of Witnesses: The Community of Christ in Hebrews. This study, written by the Rev. Dr. Melissa Bane Sevier, will explore the many “communities” in our lives. The book of Hebrews is packed full of theology, metaphor, spirituality, and comparisons between Jesus and Jewish heritage. Join us in exploring and unpacking what Hebrews has to tell us today! Our Circles will be using this Bible study, as will Pastor Dave Henry, on our “First Wednesday Morning” study. A few of us got to meet the author and attend her workshop in July, and we are so excited to begin this study!

We have books available for just $10. Pick one up from Anne Schneider over the summer and join us whenever you can over this next year. Call or email Anne if you want one: (573) 893-2280 or [email protected]. If you’d like to join a Circle (or help form a new Circle) let Anne know! All are welcome!

Hands for Mission: Sewing, Etc.

Enjoy any form of needle work (or want to learn)? Want to knit or crochet a prayer shawl? Our Hands for Mission Team create all sorts of crafty masterpieces during the year, sewing, knitting, crocheting, quilting,…and any other needle work they like. We will be starting up again this Fall after a couple months of rest – and hope others will join!

Join other crafty people beginning on Monday September 11th at 10:00 am to work on on-going projects and start new ones. We meet (almost) monthly at church, but members can also work at home and attend when available. Most members bring a sack lunch or salad. Call Jane Bedsworth at 573-338-5418 for more information, or just show up!

Save the Date: PW-MUP Fall Gathering is October 7th

Plan to gather with PW friends (and friends-to-be) on Saturday October 7th at Covenant Presbyterian Church in Marshall, MO. Our special guest presenter will be Judy Robinett who will finally get to share with us what she learned during the U.S.A. Mission Experience study tour to the San Francisco Bay Area! Judy will be bringing us lots of good information about human trafficking, domestic violence and immigration issues that the Presbyterian Church and other faith-based groups are working on along with personal stories about people she met. We’re planning a great gathering with mission projects, worship, great food and our “famous” Amelia Bedelia Pie Contest. Plan to join in the fun – carpools will be organized.



Our church will be packing lunches in Knox Hall from Monday, August 7th through Friday, August 11th, and assisting in delivering lunches to four sites in town and, on that Friday, we’ll also be delivering school supplies for all the kids! There is a sign-up form and display in Knox Hall for everyone who wants to help with any of these tasks – lots of opportunities! There is also a display with plastic bags for purchasing school supplies in

Knox Hall. These can be returned with the needed supplies. We have lots of opportunities to help children in our community! If you have general questions about helping with the lunch program during our church’s assigned week, see Anne Schneider. If you have questions about the school supply program, see Karen Meyers. We look forward to another successful summer of helping kids in our community.


Where will you be for the total solar eclipse on Monday, August 21st? Considering joining us at Camp Covenant Point! We are busy collecting quilts and selling tickets for the once in a lifetime experience of a full solar eclipse at camp. Quilt lovers will want to plan to be at Covenant Point for the live and silent auctions of over 10 handmade quilts. There will be lap and crib quilts, a wall hanging, one made by the campers this

summer and even a prayer shawl. Help us raise enough funds to make some needed updates to the main lodge facilities and to replenish our camper scholarship funds that help send campers to summer camp. Covenant Point is a place to get away from your everyday and connect with God and one another. August 21st, starting at 10am we will hold the auction, have a silent auction and enjoy a delicious lunch and then it will be time to put on your solar eclipse viewing glasses and enjoy the nearly 2 1/2 minutes of solar eclipse - right in the path of the eclipse. Kid friendly activities including canoeing on the lake and swimming in the pool will be options for the day, in an alcohol free natural setting for this once in a lifetime experience. Tickets for the day are $25/adult and $15/child (12 and under) and include the auction, a delicious lunch, and solar viewing glasses as well as various camp activities that will be available at designated times. Tent sites, the RV sites and the cabins will be available for lodging before and after the event for an additional fee for those not close by so invite your family and friends who don’t live in the path of the eclipse. Our camp will be an ideal spot to view the solar eclipse near the line of totality and it will be a family friendly location to witness God’s greatness. See our website for more information –


This year’s Big Tent, using the theme Race, Reconciliation, Reformation, took place on the campus of Washington University in early July. The 3-day event featured our PC(USA) co-moderators, Rev. Denise Anderson and Rev. Jan Edmiston, Stated Clerk J. Herbert Nelson, and many other speakers and workshop leaders.

Attending from our church were Margi Bowles, Anne Schneider and Brenda Waters. They visited 2nd Presbyterian Church and 3rd Presbyterian Churches on Friday evening for dinner and more intimate presentations and discussion of racism, as particularly experienced in the St. Louis metro area, and attended workshops on a variety of topics, including the changing historical stances on race in the Presbyterian Church, the Israel-Palestine conflict, poverty in the United States, world mission, the Syrian Refugee Crisis, and how the PC(USA) is changing to meet the needs of our changing world. They also enjoyed a Bible Study entitled “Difference & Diversity in the Book of Acts” led by New Testament Scholar Eric Barreto of Princeton Theological Seminary and attended a presentation by Dr. Liz Theoharis who has written the recent book, “Always With Us? What Jesus Really Said About the Poor”. Anne, Margi and Brenda will share their experiences with the Social Justice Mission Team on Monday, August 7th at 5:30 pm. All are invited.

RADICAL BEAUTY: LIVING IN THE TENSION OF HEALING AND SOCIAL CHANGE is a Conference at the Montreat Conference Center, October 9 – 12. Elder Anne Schneider and Pastor Dave will be leading a group to this Conference. This is a great opportunity to relax and enjoy the beauty of Montreat in the Fall, be inspired by glorious worship, fellowship with folks from around the country and discern your role in healing the tensions in our nation and world. If you are interested in attending (you can check out details at the Montreat Conference Center website). Reservations have been made for several from our church family, but if you are interested see Elder Anne Schneider or Pastor Dave about availability.


MAILING ADDRESSES for Military personnel in our church family:

Douglas Snodgrass See Pastor Dave for Doug’s mailing address

Nathan Gray Unit 100329 Box 1 USS MESA VERDE FPO, AE 09578-1702

These young men would love to hear from you as they serve and protect us. Your prayers are also encouraged for them and their families – and all who serve.


My name is Cathy Penman and I was a member of your 2017 Peru Crew. Here are some of my thoughts about the trip:

Here’s what 6 mission team members, representing 4 different United States, states (Kentucky, Pennsylvania, California and Missouri) accomplished while we were in Tamshiyacu, Peru.

Roofs on several of the church and school for special needs children (SCOTA-Special Children of the Andes) buildings were repaired.

Ceiling tiles on outside overhangs were replaced. Trees planted to help fortify the bank from high river crests. The gate to the schoolyard where the playhouse was to be built was repaired, stained and covered with

roofing. Wood for school playhouse arrived our second Tuesday evening, work began Wednesday and Thursday.

We were able to help with placing the foundation supports, the remaining work had to be done by the gentleman who lived there, Johnny, also the keyboard player for the church, after we left. We received pictures of the finished projects not too long after we arrived back home. It looked awesome!

Anti-parasite medications were distributed to families, over 70 persons.

The first week of vacation bible school was amazing seeing as how we were only two of us (though Kelly & Juliette were also there helping) to present it to the 100+ children who came each day.

The second week of VBS was a huge success because puppets Jose and Cooper were old friends who had come once again to teach their friends of Tamshiyacu more about the Good News of the Gospel.

Additional things that weren’t on the schedule, prayers with local persons to help encourage healing and continued walk in faith that through God all things are possible. The women’s group from my home church contributed funds to help me purchase some toys and specially designed tools for the school, to help calm and make acquiring some of the skills that the very loving Ms. Kelly teaches, easier. To thank us for all that FPC of Jefferson City does for their children, the mothers of the students fixed us lunch and presented each of the team members with hand made crafts by the mothers and daughters who made them. The children’s chairs and tables in the SCOTA were stained. We received a personal, private concert by Pastor Joel and his wife, Betty, giving glory to God. Joel played guitar and they both have wonderful voices,

I am grateful to Kelly, Juliette and Villa’s daughter who helped tirelessly with VBS, as well as Johnny’s children and the other local kids who helped out. I enjoyed getting to know each of the team members and am always so excited to see the gifts we all have to share with our brothers and sisters in new lands. It truly is a small world and for me it is always a pleasure to be a part of joining us together as one by means of assisting in breeching the communication divides. --Cathy Penman


We celebrate the honor flight of Don Kopp on July 5th. Don served in the Army during the Vietnam Era. Don is the second

veteran from First Presbyterian to travel to Washington D.C. on an honor flight. Bill Chapman, a World War II veteran, made the trip in 2015. We thank our veterans for their sacrifice.

Pictured right: Don’s Welcoming Committee.


At the Springfield Cardinal’s July 8th game, Kim Wade got to throw out the first pitch.



Monday Evening Bible Study of Romans. This class meets each Monday at 5:15 pm in the Parlor to Study Paul’s Letter to the Romans using William Barclay’s Daily Study Bible series. The class is a lively discussion format facilitated by Rev. Dr. Rob Erickson. We explore how the words of Paul’s letter spoke to God’s people in ancient days and how those words still speak to our experiences of life and death and faith today.

Tuesday Morning Bible Study Class. This class meets on Tuesday at 9:30 am in the McAfee room (behind the Chapel) and is studying an overview of the Bible in “The Story”. As we read this abridged version of the whole Bible we are able to draw connections between Old and New Testament writings as well as the prophetic writing throughout ancient Israel into the time of Jesus the Christ. The class is taught by Rev. Dr. Rob Erickson.

Presbyterian Women’s Bible Study - The Community of Christ in Hebrews. The various PW Circles will be using this study for their meeting times: First Wednesday of the month at 10:30 in the McAfee Room; Second Wednesdays at 1:30 pm at Heisinger Bluffs in Susie Jones’ apartment (Faith Circle); Second Thursday of each month at 12:45 pm in the Church Parlor (Afternoon Circle): third Tuesday at 6:30 pm in various people’s homes (Coral Circle).

9 Missions & Ministries


...In Hungary, Ukraine, Malawi, Nepal and Peru as we seek to be faithful to the command of Jesus to "Go out into all the world" to proclaim God's love in action and word! We currently have active missions partnerships on five continents - and have had members of our church family travel to Peru and to Hungary/Ukraine this summer. Michaela Krause and Pastor Dave continued our mission with our friends in the Peruvian Amazon with our sister church in Tamshiyacu and Elder Kyle Kittrell, George Burson and Pastor Dave were in Hungary/Ukraine July 7-22 for a Habitat International Build and to visit with our mission partners (churches and schools for the Roma families in Ukraine), and Dr. Jackie and Pastor Dave will travel to Nepal in September to continue our work with the children and families of Ripple-Nepal. We appreciate the prayers and support of our church family as we continue to share in partnership with our sisters and brothers in these nations.

MALAWI MISSION – Reverend Levi Noyodo and his wife Ruth will be with us here in Jefferson City from August 4th to 8th and Levi will preach during our 9:30 am worship on Sunday, August 6th. A schedule of special opportunities to meet and talk with the Noyondos will be presented by the Missions Committee soon. Rev. Levi is our central contact person for our mission in Malawi and has been a friend to and partner in mission with our congregation for many years. See Elder Kyle Kittrell or Pastor Dave for more information.

Mphatso Mary Nsuluwe, PCUSA Peacemaker will be visiting our church family and Missouri Union Presbytery from September 22nd through 27th. There will be opportunities for us to hear her story and learn from her.

OUR SOCIAL JUSTICE MINISTRY TEAM will meet on Monday, August 7th at 5:30 pm in the McAfee Room. Join us as we explore ways to work for equality and justice for all in our community and seek to be faithful to God’s call to “do justice.”

FAITH VOICES FOR JEFFERSON CITY will hold its monthly Assembly Meeting on Monday, August 28th at 6:30 pm at Quinn Chapel.

FAIR TRADE AND MISSION SALES – One of the ways we support Common Ground and our International Missions and the crafts- people with whom we work in our International Mission Partnerships is through the sale of Fair Trade and Mission items. We keep some items in stock near Pastor Dave’s office upstairs in Knox Hall and we held a three-day Sale July 2-4. Over $700 was raised for mission through this sale. We have many new items for sale from our partners in Peru and Hungary/Ukraine. See Vicki Schildmeyer or Pastor Dave to see items or make a purchase.


Our Board of Deacons met on Tuesday, July 11th at 7:00 pm.

The Deacon Officers for 2017 are Moderator: Nathan Nickolaus; Vice Moderator: Tom Holt; Recording Secretary: Sherry Simon; Corresponding Secretary: Beth Archias. Our Deacons continue their ministries of compassion and love with our church family and throughout our community. Our next meeting will be held on Tuesday, August 29th at 7:00 pm. Please not this change of date. We will not meet in September.


October 7th at Rolling Hills Golf Course

All are invited to bring friends and play golf and support the ministry and mission of

Christ through First Presbyterian Church.

AUGUST CALENDAR CONT. from Page 10 Monday, August 28 5:15 pm Bible Study - Library 6:30 pm Faith Voices - Quinn Chapel 7:00 pm Boy Scouts - Gym Tuesday, August 29 9:30 am Bible Study - McAfee Room 1:30 pm Staff Meeting 7:00 pm Board of Deacons - Chapel Wednesday, August 30 6:00 pm SWAG (Mid Highs) Meet 7:00 pm EPIC (Senior Highs) Meet 7:00 pm Choir Practice Thursday, August 31 5:30 pm K-Plus Open House - K-Plus Classroom

STEPHEN MINISTERS We are excited to announce that Jodi Hardman has received Stephen Ministry Leadership Training. She will be commissioned as a Stephen Ministry Leader on September 10th in

Sunday morning worship. She is joining Jim Crabtree and Rob Erickson as Stephen Leaders.

Stephen Ministry is offering a Spiritual Gifts inventory on October 15th during Sunday School in the parlor. If you have always wondered what your spiritual gifts are, come and join us for this session.

10 AUGUST 2017

Tuesday, August 1 9:30 am Bible Study - McAfee Room 1:30 pm Staff Meeting 6:00 pm Mission Committee - Library Wednesday, August 2 4:30 pm Stewardship Committee - Library Thursday, August 3 5:30 pm Worship Committee - Library Friday, August 4 12:00 pm SWAG (Mid Highs) Lunch at El Jimador (Missouri Blvd.) Saturday, August 5


Sunday, August 6 8:30 am Calvin Class - McAfee Room 9:30 am Worship Service 10:30 am Coffee Fellowship - Knox Hall 2:00 pm Worship at Primrose Retirement Community 5:00 pm Sunday Night Live @5 Worship Service 5:45 pm Shared Meal - Knox Hall Monday, August 7


5:00 pm Facilities Committee - Library 5:15 pm Bible Study - Library 5:30 pm Social Justice Ministry Team - McAfee Room 6:30 pm Stephen Ministers - Parlor 7:00 pm Boy Scouts - Gym Tuesday, August 8 9:30 am Bible Study - McAfee Room 1:30 pm Staff Meeting 4:30 pm Serve Supper at Salvation Army 5:00 pm Youth Sunday Planning Meeting - Knox Hall 6:30 pm Session Meets - Chapel Wednesday, August 9 4:30 pm Serve Supper at Salvation Army 6:30 pm Youth Ministry Team - Senior High Room Friday, August 11 10:15 am Meals on Wheels Saturday, August 12 AM Youth Sunday Practice - Sanctuary 11:30 am Serve Lunch at Ken Locke Apartments Sunday, August 13

YOUTH SUNDAY 8:30 am Calvin Class - McAfee Room 9:30 am Worship Service 10:30 am Coffee Fellowship - Knox Hall 3:00 pm Church Family Day - Camp Covenant Point 5:00 pm Family Dinner & Worship - Camp Covenant Point 5:00 pm Sunday Night Live @5 Worship 5:45 pm Shared Meal - Knox Hall

Monday, August 14 5:15 pm Bible Study - Library 7:00 pm Boy Scouts - Gym Tuesday, August 15 9:30 am Bible Study - McAfee Room 1:30 pm Staff Meeting Wednesday, August 16 6:00 pm Preschool Open House - Sanctuary/Knox Hall 7:00 pm Choir Practice Thursday, August 17

PRESCHOOL BEGINS 10:30 am Retired Adults Fellowship - Knox Hall Friday, August 18 6:00 pm Mid-High/Senior High Lock In Begins Saturday, August 19 8:00 am Mid-High/Senior High Lock In Ends Sunday, August 20


8:30 am Worship Service 9:30 am Sunday School Kick-Off 9:30 am Coffee Fellowship - Knox Hall 9:45 am Sunday School for All Ages 10:45 am Worship Service 11:45 am Coffee Fellowship - Knox Hall 5:00 pm Sunday Nigh Live @5 Worship Service 5:45 pm Shared Meal - Knox Hall Monday, August 21 7:00 am Men’s Prayer Breakfast - Downtown Diner 4:30 pm Serve Supper at Salvation Army 5:15 pm Bible Study - Library 6:30 pm Stephen Ministers - Parlor 7:00 pm Boy Scouts - Gym Tuesday, August 22 9:30 am Bible Study - McAfee Room 1:30 pm Staff Meeting Wednesday, August 23 10:30 am Ladies Kaffee Klatsch - HyVee 4:30 pm Serve Supper at Salvation Army 6:00 pm SWAG (Mid Highs) Meet 7:00 pm EPIC (Senior Highs) Meet 7:00 pm Choir Practice Friday, August 25 5:00 pm Wedding Rehearsal Saturday, August 26 11:30 am Serve Lunch at Ken Locke Apartments 5:00 pm Wedding Sunday, August 27 :30 am Worship Service 9:30 am Coffee Fellowship - Knox Hall 9:45 am Sunday School for All Ages 10:45 am Worship Service 11:45 am Coffee Fellowship - Knox Hall 5:00 pm Sunday Nigh Live @5 Worship Service 5:45 pm Shared Meal - Knox Hall

August Calendar continued - see Page 9


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20TH. 8:30 am Worship 9:45 am Sunday School

for All Ages 10:45 am Worship 5:00 pm Sunday Night

Live @5 Worship

From the Desk of: Megan Weber, Christian Education Director

We had a wonderful kick off to our Summer here at First Presbyterian!

The first week of June, we welcomed almost 60 Super Heroes and 37 Super Helpers to Knox Hall for our Hero Central Vacation Bible School, and kicked off our time together learning our Hero Verse, “Do Good, Seek Peace and Go After It!” based on Psalm 34:14.

We learned that the story of God’s people is full of examples of God selecting unlikely heroes. Each day we discussed a Bible Story to help us understand our Hero Code of the day. Our Hero Codes were Heart, Courage, Wisdom, Hope and Power, and we looked at the stories of Samuel, Abigail, Jesus Goes to the Temple, the Beatitudes and Pentecost.

Our Heroes also got to experience the Word of God through Science Discovery, Recreation, Crafts, Snack Time, Music and through our Mission collection. This year we chose a program near and dear to our hearts for our Mission collection, the Food 4 Kids program. Food 4 Kids assembles and delivers sack lunches and snack packs to children right here in Jefferson City. Our Super Heroes were able to raise $304.53 for Food 4 Kids!

On Friday, we gathered together with family and friends to share some of what we learned during the week and performed a few of our favorite songs together. It was a wonderful, Spirit filled week discovering the Hero that God calls us all to be.