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Prepublication Copy – Draft 2f – 2.28.13 ICDA21 - Agenda 1 International Coalition to Defeat Agenda 21 Planetary Freedom Declaration: Reserving Rights, Restoring Rights Toward a Planetary Vision for a Thriving Humanity Through Implementation of a Human Rights-Based Planetary Agenda for Humanity This Special Report Has Been Created and Approved by Natural Solutions Foundation Board of Trustees Major General Albert N. Stubblebine III 1

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ICDA21 - Agenda 1 International Coalition to Defeat Agenda 21

Planetary Freedom Declaration: Reserving Rights, Restoring Rights

Toward a Planetary Vision for a Thriving Humanity ThroughImplementation of a Human Rights-Based Planetary Agenda for Humanity

This Special Report Has Been Created and Approved by

Natural Solutions Foundation Board of Trustees

Major General Albert N. Stubblebine III (US Army, Ret.) – President

Rima E. Laibow, MD - Medical DirectorRalph Fucetola, JD - Counsel & Trustee

Natural Solutions Foundation

Reserving Rights: Restoring Rights


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I. Introduction 3

II. Agenda 21: Back to Tyranny’s Future 5

III. Replacing Agenda 21: A Two Step Process 9

IV. The Agenda 1 Declaration 10

V. Agenda 21: Conquest through Intentional Miscommunication and Distortion 11

VI. Why Agenda 1? 14

VII. Creation and Implementation of Agenda 1 [The 5 Big Lies] 15

VIII. Agenda 1 Workshop Participants Background 17

IX. Local Action Plans / Alternative Local Guidelines for Planetary Prosperity 23

X. Conclusion 24

Addendum 25


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IntroductionOur planet is in crisis. The solutions must come soon and must be potent, powerful and equitable or only those in the Deep Underground bases will have a decent chance of survival – and even that is far from certain.

The crisis, created by a greedy and foolish arrogance, is being touted by the same forces that created it as the necessary “reason” for changes so profound that life as each of us knows it will end. For many of us, life itself will end.

Using the emotionally powerful memes of our times, valued and valuable (but very vague) concepts like “sustainability”, “social justice”, “mixed land use”, “resource management”, “consensus” and “conservation” are invoked to mobilize our individual and collective resolve to follow the roadmap of United Nations Agenda 21 into a future over which we will individually have no control.

The problem is that each of these words has been given a special meaning of which most of us are unaware, a “jargon” code. These lofty, but ill-defined virtues are, in fact, the cloak for a host of dangerous and deadly vices.

Sustainability means, in the special language of UNSpeak that most of the population of the planet will not be permitted to exist or reproduce, rapidly bringing about a designer population of “Neo Aristocrats” served by, to quote George Orwell, “proles”, underclass, servants and slaves.1

The total population of this “Sustainable” planet? A mere 10% of today's population.

In order for this plan to succeed, a small ruling elite must convince the masses to enthusiastically embrace the plan of their own destruction. The problem includes, of course, the perception of the masses, who greatly outnumber them, who still believe firmly that they have a right to:

1. Own private property

2. Determine their own employment or career

3. Determine their own educational aspiration and achieve them

4. Engage in and control private enterprise

5. Hold beliefs and convictions regardless of their popularity

1 Noun 1. prole - a member of the working class (not necessarily employed); proletarian , worker, labor, labour, proletariat, working class - a social class comprising those who do manual labor or work for wages; "common man, common person, commoner - a person who holds no title, dogsbody - a worker who has to do all the unpleasant or boring jobs that no one else wants to do.


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6. Engage in private association and religious activities

7. Exercise personal and political self-determination

8. Make their own reproductive choices

9. Travel freely

10. Make their own dietary choices

11. Access information at their own instigation which might prove contrary to official dogma.

For the Agenda 21 scheme to succeed, the masses must participate in their own continuing limitation, surrendering their rights “voluntarily” for a perceived “greater good”.

Agenda 21 not only furthers the genocidal globalist agenda, it is the piece de résistance of that agenda since through it, local and regional political units of governance will be destroyed, independent action and capacity will be destroyed and in their place a series of total social control principles implemented at the local governance level. This implementation will end those opportunities which so many hold so dear by creating lofty-sounding regulations, fomenting meaningless “consensus” which leads only where it is designed to lead and to, quite literally, corralling the remaining human population into “Transit Villages” and settlements occupying only 1% of the total land surface. [Malignant] Environmentalism is invoked to justify this compaction and reduction of humanity. That way, we are to believe, the animals and biological communities which have suffered so at our guilty human hands will be able to recover and restore themselves on the remaining 99% of the planet's surface.

According to the official scenario, once we are so corralled, no human will ever again visit that 99% of the earth’s surface: no mining, farming, road building or other activities of man will sully that 99%. Greenhouse gas emissions will be reduced to some mythical pre-something-or-other low level because only those with permits will be able to travel further than their bikes or legs can take them.

It is, however, completely inconceivable to the authors of this document, and, we believe, to you, the reader, that the globalist elite, having corralled and controlled the entire ‘prole’ population of the planet to their own liking, will actually refrain from visiting, exploiting, using, abusing and otherwise enjoying their untrammeled global prerogative, unseen by the prying eyes of person or press. The lies will continue.

Human settlement will be condensed, private enterprise will be eliminated, private property will be a thing of the past and rules, regulations, new crimes (like smoking) will abound.

The ‘proles’ living on the 1%, of course, will never know if the elite ARE using the 99% of the land surface to their benefit and pleasure because all news will be strictly controlled, as will be calories and other necessities of life.


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II. Agenda 21: Back to Tyranny’s FutureThis dystopian nightmare of a future is not sold as the totally global tyranny that it, in fact, really is. Rather, it is sold as the doorway to the new era of peace, tranquility, domestic bliss and dawning communal joy.

The basis of Agenda 21 lies in its notion that the individual has no rights. The community has “rights” and only those “rights” are said to exist.

These totalitarian notions are not new. They were old when Plato idealized total state control. Just how old is hinted at in the 1864 master work of jurist and scholar Fustel de Coulanges, The Ancient City, where he says:

“The city had been founded on a religion and constituted a church. Hence its strength; hence, also, its omnipotence and the absolute empire which it exercised over its mem-bers. In a society established on such principles, individual liberty could not exist. The citizen was subordinate in everything, and without any reserve, to the city; he belonged to it body and soul. The religion which had produced the state, and the state which sup-ported the religion, sustained each other, and made but one; these two powers, associ-ated and confounded, formed a power almost superhuman, to which the soul and body were equally enslaved… There was nothing independent in man… Private life did not es-cape this omnipotence of the state… The state allowed no man to be indifferent to its in-terests… The ancients, therefore, knew neither liberty in private life, liberty in education, nor religious liberty…

It is a singular error, therefore… to believe that in the ancient cities men enjoyed lib-erty. They had not even the idea of it. They did not believe that there could exist any right as against the city and its gods… The government was called by turns monarchy, aristocracy, democracy; but none of these revolutions gave man true liberty, individual liberty. To have political rights, to vote, to name magistrates, to have the privilege of be-ing archon, -- this was called liberty; but man was not the less enslaved to the state…”2 [Emphasis added – Authors]

Despite the fact that every legal system in the world, based on every Constitution in the world, enshrines the rights of individuals (and despite the fact that communities have no “rights” in any known legal system), the unelected arbiters of our futures and our very lives feel that it is their right to make shifting, vague, easily changed decisions about the “rights” of the community, sacrificing the real rights of the individual in that process.

Through a shadowy “Public-Private” partnership model, and “voluntary” manipulated consensus, those who are in no way accountable to the public are permitted to make decisions which not only impact that public, but which can literally limit the number of lives of which that public is permitted to consist.

2 Fustel de Coulanges, The Ancient City, p 222 – 223, Doubleday Anchor Books, Library of congress #55-12307


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This “partnership” between the state bureaucracy and the crony corporatists is also not a new idea. Benito Mussolini expressed it well, linking the corporatist state to the crony elite of his regime. Having lost their bid for dominance in the middle of the last century, they are back, using international agencies and some private charity “NGOs” to further their masters’ totalitarian agenda.

It is well-know, for example, that Codex Alimentarius (the so-called ‘World Food Code’) was instigated as a UN agency by “rehabilitated” Nazi pharmaceutical executives after the Second World War following their release from short prison terms for “Crimes Against Humanity”. They went from IG Farben to prison to their old jobs at the Rockefeller-controlled pharmaceutical houses of Germany and decided that their genocidal agenda would be well served by a global take-over of the world food supply.3

That agency has a record of implementing beautiful-sounding rules that effectively destroy local and natural sources while advancing the crony corporatist agenda. [See Dr. Rima’s expose4.]

Each of us is faced, globally, by this audacious and overarching danger. There is no longer time to “wait and see”. Communities all over the world are seizing private property, taxing water use from private wells, creating more and more burdensome regulations over what may and may not be sown or saved or grown or transported, over who may do what and over which property is seized by “eminent domain”, the power of the State to seize private property for the “Public good” (defined in US law as “public use”5 which was redefined in Kelo v. City of New London, 545 U.S. 469 (2005) to include the transfer of private property from one private owner to another for the benefit of tax-collection and against the will of the private owner.

In the Kelo case, an Agenda 21-friendly Supreme Court has enshrined the principle that your private property may be seized from you IF ANOTHER PERSON OR CORPORATION CAN PAY MORE TAXES ON WHAT THEY WILL DO WITH YOUR LAND THAN IF YOU CONTINE TO DO WHAT YOU ARE DOING WITH IT. The potential elitist crony abuse of this new “law” should be obvious.

Over the past decade, independent advocates for freedom and justice, including health and food freedom, the untrammeled flow of information, constitutional freedom of speech, association, assembly and petition, the right to self-determination through freedom from forced drugging and vaccination and more, have worked separately, sometimes coming together periodically to review the state of our freedoms. Among the most basic of freedoms, of course, is dominion over one's own body, which means that health and food freedom and justice are foundational to all other freedoms. Anything short of this total freedom of self-dominion is, in fact, slavery in which choices about the treatment, care and feeding of a body belongs not to the individual, but to another person or organization.

3 See, for example, Laibow, Rima “Nutricide: The DVD”,


5 “…nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.” Fifth Amendment, US Constitution


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These collaborating freedom activists have, on several occasions, issued formal Declarations informing the public of the issues, galvanizing their determination to exercise those freedoms and summarizing our resolves, which arise from the concerns expressed by the deliberators who, representing many, come together to produce meaningful change. The declaration of that change is then ratified by the many, declaring in a single voice that neither suppression nor compulsion is acceptable.

You can read these health freedom Declarations HERE6

Agenda 1 Declaration of Reservation of RightsAgenda 21 is fundamentally incompatible with the rights of the individuals, with

the glaring exception of those individuals who have taken for themselves the supposed “right” to “assign” themselves “rights” of convenience, greed and inequality while removing any true and authentic rights from the individual.

We, the owners and recipients of all the rights of humanity declare our opposition to Agenda 21 and its basic premises while reserving for ourselves,

individually and jointly, our basic inalienable human rights

What Do We Oppose? Agenda 21

What Do We Propose? Agenda 1

The Slogan of Agenda 21

"To protect the rights of future generations and all species against thepotential crimes of the present"

Thus, on the basis of fictitious right “granted” by a body with no authority to grant or deny any right, “future generations” (whose generations are they?) and “all species” (with the obvious exception of Homo sapiens) are to be “protected” from the POTENTIAL “crimes” of the present.

The implications of this are that we, the current citizens of the planet, are to be held in “preventive detention” to keep us from doing something that we might do – all the while these self-same “protectors” have raped and pillaged the planet to their own profit and our peril.


6 Wilton: (2000);Tiburon: (2007);Long Beach: (2012)


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Corrective and determinative action which is bold, impactful and Rights-Based is urgently required to prevent the further development of Agenda 21 and correct current abuses. In collaboration with Ahavah528 (Israel), the Natural Solutions Foundation (United States) has created a Two Step Process of human rights protection while embracing the legitimate goal of harmonious and ecologically viable survival on this planet for members of the entire biosphere.

Out of this process we are working to craft Agenda 1 because we intend humanity, empowered by the powerful, corrective Two Step Process described in this document, to thrive into the next Century and beyond, and beyond, rather than being herded nearly to extinction by Agenda 21 in the 21st Century.

Our survival requires the disenfranchisement of the Globalist Genocidal Agenda7 represented and now being implemented by many tactical interventions, led by Agenda 21 agencies and organizations. Instead, it is urgently necessary that we engineer its replacement with these Agenda 1 steps:

Voluntary regulations, guidelines, standards and other administrative “suggestions”, when passed, have a consistent and persistent way of reducing national and personal sovereignty and fostering the interests of the ruling elite and their cabal.

In fact, that is precisely what they are intended to do.

7 See Dr Rima on this topic: 8

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III. Replacing Agenda 21: A Two Step ProcessAgenda 21, like Codex Alimentarius, is voluntary. Voluntary regulations, guidelines and and other international structures can be replaced by another structure if the involved party so wishes and the rules of the format are followed. In order to replace Agenda 21, Step 1 of the Two Step Process is the creation and popular ratification, around the globe, of a Declaration of Refusal for Agenda 21 and its principles while affirming another set of principles: those that memorialize and reaffirm the right of all humans to live in harmony and dignity while the earth is respected and protected.

Step 2 is the creation, dissemination and implementation of an Agenda 1 document which is constructed so that it can replace Agenda 21.

Cities, towns, villages and other municipal units are currently under severe pressure, fiscal and otherwise, to adopt planning regulations and since Agenda 21's are available, and oh-so-sweet sounding, they are being adopted as if they ensured beneficial outcomes for the communities. Therefore, it is essential to rapidly and thoroughly replace the Agenda 21 juggernaut with meaningful choices in the form of a new, and equally powerful, document which guides those governmental units into different, better, and human-rights-based choices.

The Natural Solutions Foundation taught health conscious nations to side-step Codex Alimentarius (the so-called “World Food Code”), which is also a “voluntary” international agency, with our Codex Two Step, a similar method protecting local food and supplements.8

8 The Codex Two Step Video: 9

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Creating Agenda 1, A Road Map for True Sustainability in the Context of Universal Human Rights

The Agenda 1 Declaration, setting forth our reservations and objections to the Globalist Elite’s Agenda 219, which misuses (without accurate definition of the real meaning of these word and concepts) such terms as “sustainability” and “rights” to justify global totalitarian controls, always in the interests of elitist institutions and governments, arises from discussions initiated at the International Agenda 21 Conspiracy Workshop held on-line among participants in Israel, Chile and the United States, on February 2, 2013.10

Recalling the Slogan of Agenda 21

"To protect the rights of future generations and all species against thepotential crimes of the present"

When we read between the lines, it becomes manifestly clear that Agenda 21 sees you as a criminal and intends to hold you in “protective custody” allegedly to protect the interests of the ecosystems of the world while, in fact, protecting the interests of the genocidal globalist elite.

The demented world view of Agenda 21 produces a vision which explicitly holds that humans are equivalent to a destructive virus which must be eliminated, so far as possible, to protect those non-criminal life-forms. Eliminated, that is, with the exception of the viral elite themselves, of course.

A notorious and vociferous supporter of Agenda 21, Prince Phillip of The United Kingdom, articulated his wish to reincarnate as an Ebola virus to hasten the depopulation and eventual elimination of humans from the planet.11

In keeping with our vision of a truly viable and meaningfully sustainable planet, ensuring rights and equitable access to resources planet-wide, we propose

The ICDA21* Planetary Freedom DeclarationAgenda 1

*International Coalition to Defeat Agenda


10 Archived recording of that event available here:

11 “In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, in order to contribute something to solve overpopulation.”


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We, as free individuals choosing to collaborate to achieve and maintain health, food, social, environmental and legal freedom and justice, declare our full Reservation of Rights for ourselves

and posterity regarding Agenda 21.

The “logic” of Agenda 21 would require the early deaths, without replacement, of 90% of humanity – what has been called: “THE GREAT CULLING.”12

We, the autonomous and personally sovereign inhabitants of this Planet, are neither chattel nor cattle to be culled for the benefit of the elitists or any other force or group.

We proclaim, and, where necessary, demand, our fundamental human rights as articulated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.13

We insist that no component of Agenda 21 or any other regulation or document of determination be approved or implemented unless it is in harmony, not derogation, of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.14

Whereas we are free and sovereign individuals committed to a thriving, ecologically sound human population inhabiting on a meaningfully ecologically sustained planet, and

Whereas the provisions and principles of Agenda 21 are VOLUNTARY, we exercise our rights as self-determining human beings to state, and act upon, Freedom Reservations to Agenda 21. In so doing, we demand, and defend, respect for humanity and its universal rights. We call this “Agenda 1”.

V. Agenda 21: Intended Globalist Conquest through IntentionalMiscommunication and Distortion

Agenda 21, conceived in the mid 1980's, mis-uses familiar words with strong emotionally attractive and consensus meanings by intentionally distorting those meanings, thereby deceiving 12 Dr. Rima on the Globalist Genocidal Agenda and the Great Culling:


14 Ibid. 11

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those who believe they know the denotation and connotation of those words in the dialogue. In fact, Agenda 21 uses guile to distort the meaning of “sustainability” and other seminal terms to impose poorly defined and imaginary “collective rights” while abrogating human ones to promote a Globalist Depopulation Agenda.

Wolves, Bengal tigers, spiders, pond algae and ticks may or may not benefit. What is certain, however, is that while we, the ordinary of the planet, WILL perish from the earth or survive in the most total bondage any tyrant has yet conceived, the program and the outcome will be, as intended, solely to benefit the internationalist elites.

Agenda 21's official symbol makes clear what the intention of the program is. While what may be the Dove of Peace flying to the left with the globe cradled in its wings, seen another way, the fingers of a giant hand grip the world tightly under the guise of being part of global peace.


Reservation of rights is a well-established protocol and procedure to disagree with measures being implemented in international treaties and agreements. Countries, for example, regularly articulate the formal reservation of rights at Codex Alimentarius meetings, stating so publically on the record.

If Agenda 21 is a “treaty” among the elite determining a restrictive future for humanity, we reserve our rights....

If Agenda 21 is a voluntary set of suggestions and principles for restructuring society by changing local governance functions and focuses, we reserve our rights….

We unreservedly, however, proclaim our fundamental human rights, which no state, combination of states, or agencies thereof may violate. These are our:

Freedom to believe, worship (or not), communicate, assemble, associate and petition for redress of grievances.

Freedom to combine and collaborate within our expressive association rights.

Freedom to live and to defend our lives, including the right to acquire and hold property, and maintain family, community & economic associations.

Freedom to keep and bear arms for self-defense and defense of our free communities.


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Freedom to protect and maintain our individual sovereignty rights over our bodies and our personal and group choices.

Freedom to hold personal property, including land, without fear of seizure or unreasonable restraint in its use and disposition.

Freedom to access information without censorship or limitation.

Freedom to travel without hindrance.

Freedom to choose educational paths for ourselves and our dependents based on our own decisions.

To this end, we pledge our attention and our intention to creating and implementing Agenda 1 – the Freedom Reservation of Rights, a meaningful Freedom-Based alternative to Agenda 21, as our focus for 2013 and beyond.

We declare the creation and implementation of Agenda 1, our expressive association, to be integral to our implementation of independent, private plans to achieve and maintain health, food, social, ecological and intellectual freedom and justice in the face of the Five Big Lies15 and their correlated Genomicidal Technologies that lead to Genome Disruption and the Genome Disruption Syndrome (GDS)16.

15 Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs), Industrial Food, Nuclear Radiation, Drugs and Vaccines, Chemtrails: see

16 13

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VI. Why Agenda 1?Through Agenda 1, we seek a thriving humanity and world in this, the 21st Century, into the 22nd Century and beyond. Our species, which once roamed the whole world, free, shall not be driven to the edge of extinction by the hubris and greed of the globalist elite. Nor shall we, surviving, do so as serfs or chattel, but rather as free men and women endowed with inalienable rights and free to use them as we so choose.

To be expanded.


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VII. STEP 2: Creation and Implementation of Agenda 1

The Five Doors: Agenda 1 and the Human Future.

Drugs and Vaccines Kill – Toxins Do Not Heal!

Educate Decision Makers – Take Action Here: a world where treatments do not kill or maim, but help the body to heal. They you have to imagine a world without ei-ther pharmaceutical drugs or vaccines.

Drugs Kill and Maim. Vaccines Kill and Maim. And, unless everyone at the FDA is either a fool or asleep at the switch, this is no accident.

I have been identifying publicly the toxic threats presented by prescription drugs and medical vaccines for decades. That’s why I wrote The Syringe of Death and proudly joined the ranks of the Vaccine Refusers -- REL

More here:

You see, even if vaccines did provide protection against the diseases they are designed around, (which there is, quite literally NO real scientific evidence to show that they do), the toxins in them are nothing short of horrendously dangerous. So rather than acquire GDS (Genome Disruption Syndrome) and perhaps die from it, I choose to refuse all vaccines, a prime cause of GDS.”

Similarly, all patented prescription drugs (vaccines are drugs too) have “side effects” which provide evidence that they effect the body by poisoning enzyme and other metabolic and biochemical pathways in the body. More people in America die, every year, from lawfully prescribed drugs than any other single


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cause – nearly a half million lives a year as has been well documented. WHY? Enter the Drugs and Vaccine door with me to find out.

Chemtrails – Are You OK With Being an Involuntary Experiment?

Educate Decision Makers – Take Action Here:

Imagine a world where the skies do not reign milky white or inky black death from the sprayers on specially fitted airplanes. They you would have to imag-ine a world without Chemtrails.

Although long denied, governments now admit that Chemtrails are “JUST” weather modification activity, although they are, in reality, one of the mecha-nisms designed to cut off your genetic line. The Genomicidal Technologies, first identified by General Bert, are there to make you sick, less fertile and get

rid of you so that the human population will crash. You see, Genome Disruption is not just what happens to you when you are subjected to GMO’s novel proteins, ionizing radiation from Fukushima, toxic metals from Chemtrails and similar sources, vaccine, drug and industrial toxins. It is what happens to your ge-netic present and future if we allow the literally insane Genocidal Globalist Elite to get their way.

Chemtrails are part of an aerial spraying program that appears to be a secret government program or se-ries of programs. Chemtrail poisoning appears to be implicated in Morgellon’s Disease, a horrid condi-tion perhaps caused by the heavy metals, synthetic DNA, GNO viruses, and the other toxins found in chemtrail poisoning. Chemtrails are also poisoning our soil, water and air with arsenic, beryllium, alu-minum and a host of synthetic “life forms”. Come with me through the Chemtrail door to learn more and learn what you can do to take back the skies and end the destruction of our planet. – General Bert

GMOs – Fake ‘Phude’ = Real Suffering

Educate Decision Makers – Take Action Here:

Imagine a world in which food promotes health, healing and vitality, in which silent killers and undetected poisons are not introduced into your food from “farm to fork” with the active and vigorous complicity of governments and supra governmental agencies like the UN.To open your eyes and find that kind of world, you have to live in a world without Codex Alimentarius, the vast Agribiz forces and where all food is re-ally organic – and better.I am worried about your next meal, what it is and where it is coming from, and

you should be, too. “Famine in America” is an accurate label for the horrific problems created by reliance on Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) monoculture (e.g, the same crop wherever that crop is planted) with. The GMOs themselves lead to more chemicals in the food and environment. But they are unsustainable. The failure of the US GMO corn and soy crops and the extreme danger these ‘Franken-


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phudes’ pose are well documented – and deeply worrisome. For more information on Famine in America, Click Here to read my warning.

Natural Solutions Foundation has been warning for years about the dangers of GMO “PHUDE” (looks like food, may even taste a bit like food, but it isn’t). I’ve been pointing out that the human body has no evolutionary experience with the novel proteins in these “Frankenphudes,” so the increased risk of can-cer, dementia, infertility and other cataclysmic health problems to which GMOs expose us is no surprise. The threat, however, is wider than just the harm GMOs do to our bodies and our health. Just as our bodies fail under the burden of GMO PHUDE, so, in fact, does the entire farming system and so, increasingly, does the entire ecosystem. Once GMO-related DNA damage is done, there is no known way to undo that damage.Come with me through the GMO door to lean what you can do to protect yourself and your loved ones and how to stop GMOs altogether. REL

Dr. Rima on the Agenda 21 Big Lies from Codex Alimentarius:

Nuclear Radiation - Fukushima, March 11, 2011: the Day That Changed Everything.

Imagine a world in which healthy babies are not dying because their rapidly growing bodies are being poisoned by so much radiation that they cannot repair all of the DNA damage they are sustaining. That world requires ending the nuclear nightmare once and for all. No reactor is safe, as Fukushima Daiichi shows us.All Ionizing Radiation (e.g., radioactivity) exposure leads to damage to DNA, pro-

teins, and other essential parts of the working system that is the body, just as it does in all living organ-isms.

Much of the damage is done by the free-radical storms created by the ionizing radiation, producing seri-ous damage to all cell-level structures, including proteins and DNA. Although under heavy attack for it by the FDA (because their products reduce or eliminate the need for drugs!) that the Natural Products companies have been working on for the past 30 years or more are nutritional responses to free-radical at-tacks!

That’s a huge part what all those powerful antioxidants, vitamins and supplements are really doing when they prevent, mitigate, reverse, treat or cure diseases. Real therapeutic nutrition! That’s why I feel confi-dent in recommending these nutritional approaches. They work. I have seen it in over 42 years of medical practice.

I recommend the pretty much the same types of response to all the genome-attacking technologies that we have identified: nuclear power & other radiation sources, GMOs, vaccine and environmental toxins be-cause the all produce powerful free-radical attacks.


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But once we’ve dealt with the immediate response to the immediate personal assault, once we’ve brought our nutritional status up to a level where we can feel that we’re doing what we can under very trying cir-cumstances, how do we move to the next step and seek to repair the damage done? To some extent, nutri-tional support will, of course, allow the body to engage in normal repair. Here, though, we want to go be-yond that and give the body the energetic resources needed to restore optimal health. And, of course, as you step through the Radiation door with me, you’ll find out what you can do to stop the threat, once and for all. – General Bert.

General Bert: Fukushima, Estimate of Situation

Food & Supplements – You Are What You Eat and It’s Killing You!

Educate Decision Makers – Take Action here:

Imagine a world in which food is weaponized to support illness, not health. Now open your eyes because that IS the world in which you live. Through the merger of the interests of the multinational AgriBiz corporations (which make the herbicides, pesticides and other deadly in-puts, the synthetic fertilizers that degrade the quality of the food you eat and the genetically modified crops and animals – the GMOs) and the US and other gov-ernments, your food is killing you, fork by fork.

In fact, the World Health Organization (WHO), which is openly dedicated to pop-ulation reduction at nearly unimaginable levels, runs (along with the Food and Agriculture Organization, FAO) Codex Alimentarius, the UN Commission that sets standards and guidelines to regulate the international trade of food, warns us that the “preventable, non-communicable diseases (NCDs) of under-nutrition “Be-cause of these changes in dietary and lifestyle patterns, chronic NCDs — includ-ing obesity, diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular disease (CVD), hypertension and stroke, and some types of cancer — are becoming increasingly significant causes

of disability and premature death…”

So your food is knowingly being degraded to the benefit of those who profiteer from your illness and are committed to your death. And, oh, by the way, the corporations who control food production and chemicals are also the corpo-rate interests with the biggest stake in your ill health: Big Pharma.Of course, there Through the Friendly Food CoOp, the world’s first international CSA (Community Supported Agri-culture) we will “discover, develop, demonstrate, document and disseminate natural solutions…” to the food needs of the world. Thanks for opening the door to the real world of real food, fake PHUDE and what you and I, together can do to protect, and take back, our food supply.

Check out our Food Freedom eJournal videos here:


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Methodology to Achieve a Thriving Planet

[1] Sustainable Engineering Not Agenda 21 Geo-engineering

Our collaborators at IEI (Institute for Sustainable Engineering (Dr. Tony Pereira) envision a prosperous, free, decentralized, sustainable world. “...the design, architecture and engineering of state-of-the-art sustainable, renewable, solar energy powered, organic food producing, and non-toxic built environment, homes, residences, offices, buildings, schools, cities and communities that are economical, safe to live in, long lived, low maintenance, use the smallest amount of energy and resources both for construction and life supporting service, produce their own energy and recycle their own waste, human waste included, collect and recycle water, all working in balance and harmony with the natural environment: air, water, soil and light.” -- Dr. Tony Pereira

True Sustainability Protects and Enhances Human Survival

[2] Zero Emissions Farming, as practiced by our collaborators at Songhai Institute (Fr. Godfrey) shows the way17.

VIII. The Background of the Participants in the WorkshopNatural Solutions Foundation (USA & Chile)

The Mission of the Foundation is to discover, document, develop, demonstrate and disseminate natural solu-tions to the problems facing us and threatening our health, food and freedom. Since its founding just a few short years ago, in 2004, the Natural Solutions Foundation has pursued a vigorous program on many fronts, includ-ing natural solutions to significant social problems involving health and wellness, food and freedom. We consider health and food freedoms to be part of those solutions. Below we list dozens of accomplishments that your support has made possible. Truly, PUSH BACK WORKS!The threats to health, food and freedom are both domestic and international, as are the natural solutions.

17 Fr. Godfrey on sustainable agriculture: 19

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Examples of our accomplishments (there are 82 entries as of the preparation of this ebook) may be seen at:

Ahava (Israel) -

“Stimulate the curiosity and desire for further investigation. This is just the tip of the iceberg. Ancient knowledge and science; latest breakthroughs; the Internet in recent years; public discourse and different opinions about our being here, energy. The content presented on the site is for learning and reference…”

IX. Local Action Plans Alternative Local Guidelines for Planetary Prosperity

"Agenda 21 is the linchpin in the globalist depopulation agenda. Defeating Agenda 21 locally requires understanding the Delphi Technique of manipulated consensus. But the core of this attack on humanity, through our food, health and property, is The Great Culling - the plan to reduce the human population by ninety-five percent. This will not happen if we stand our ground!" – Maj. Gen. Bert Stubblebine (US Army ret.), Natural Solutions President

Delphi Technique: How to know when you are being manipulated.

The Delphi Technique has been defined by its proponents in relatively benign terms:

Delphi may be characterized as a method for structuring a group communicationprocess so that the process is effective in allowing a group of individuals, as a whole, to


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deal with a complex problem….To accomplish this "structured communication" there is pro-vided: some feedback of individual contributions of information and knowledge; some assess-ment of the group judgment or view; some opportunity for individuals to revise views; and some degree of anonymity for the individual responses18 [Emphasis added.]

It is the imposition of “group think” where individual dissenters are marginalized and isolated where this technique finds its use for political manipulation. Even the proponents acknowledge this. Page 570 of the above noted 1974 book states, “Today the least acknowledged hazard in connection with Delphi is its potential use for deceptive, manipulative purposes.”

Critics of the system are even harsher in their judgment:

“This technique is a very unethical method of achieving consensus on a controversial topic in group set-tings.  It requires well-trained professionals who deliberately escalate tension among group members, pit-ting one faction against the other, so as to make one viewpoint appear ridiculous so the other becomes "sensible" whether such is warranted or not…

If measurable opposition persists, advocates are told, get the local ministers on board.  Take steps to neu-tralize, by whatever means necessary, the opposition.  In some places, opponents have been harassed, both at home and on the job, personal property has been damaged and vandalized, people have lost their jobs.  Anyone who does not go along with the restructuring of our society is susceptible to the totalitarian tactics of those promoting education reform – whether it be parents, teachers, principals, superintendents or board members.  The need exists for advocates to maintain an iron grip on the process.  They cannot, for instance, withstand open public debate of the issues.  Therefore, they do not partake in public fo-rums.  They cannot withstand the criticism, so they close every avenue for parents to address the is-sues.  They are rapidly creating, through their divisive tactics, a volatile situation.  America is being torn apart.”

Lynne Stuter continued in her 1996 critique:

“First, no opportunity must be left untaken to expose this unethical, divisive process.  Second, when this process is used, it can be disrupted.  To do so, however, one must be able to recognize when the Delphi Technique is being used, and how to disrupt it.” 19

The Freedom Technique: How to Assert Your Reservation of Rights.

Stuter recommends: “always be charming, stay focused, and be persistent.”

We call countering the Delphi Technique the “Freedom Technique: Reserving Your Rights.

You have not surrendered your rights if you knowingly reserve your rights. We have seen that happening over the years that we interacted with Codex Alimentarius (the so-called UN Food Code; an agency that implements Agenda 21 in international food trade, using the Dephi Techinque. We developed the Codex Two Step, a legal method for countries to preserve their interests in the international arena. Among other countries, the Chinese delegation almost always tells Codex that whatever matter is being decided by “consensus” is in the “national competence” of the Peoples Republic which is not bound by the consensus!

18 Pg. 3

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We recommend a similar approach when dealing with the Delphi Technique. Stuter states it well:

Never, under any circumstance, become angry.  Anger directed at the facilitator will immediately make the facilitator "the victim."  This defeats the purpose which is to make you the victim.  The goal of the facilitator is to make those they are facilitating like them, alienating anyone who might pose a threat to the realization of their agenda.  [People with fixed belief systems, who know what they believe and stand on what they believe, are obvious threats.]  If the participant becomes the victim, the facilitator loses face and favor with the crowd. This is why crowds are broken up into groups of seven or eight, why objections are written on cards, not voiced aloud where they are open to public discussion and public debate.  It's called crowd control.  It is always good to have someone else, or two or three others who know the Delphi Technique dispersed through the crowd; who, when the facilitator digresses from the question, will stand up and say nicely, "but you didn't answer that lady's/gentleman's question."  The facilitator, even if suspecting you are together, certainly will not want to alienate the crowd by making that accusation.  Sometimes it only takes one occurrence of this type for the crowd to figure out what's going on, sometimes it takes more than one. 20

The way to defeat the Delphi Technique is to stand your ground and never surrender your fundamental human rights.

ICDA21 Principles of Planetary Prosperity and Local Land Use.

We propose these Principles as essential for any reasonable, sustainable land use planning.

The First Rule is “Do no harm.” This means that existing land use patterns, including especially, local and organic food resources, must not be derogated. The polluting of

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local water sources and food resources through industrial toxins (including drug toxins and radiological waste) is a trespass on local inhabitants and their property which must not continue.

UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights Article 17. (1) Everyone has the right to own property alone as well as in association with others.

The Second Rule is: “Respect humane living conditions.” We reject the artificial concentration of populations in “stack ‘em and pack ‘em” urban control centers.

UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights Article 13. (1) Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each state.

The Third Rule is: “Reject ‘cookie-cutter’ regulations that ignore local needs.”

UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights Article 12. No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home...

The Fourth Rule is: “Restrict use of eminent domain.” Eminent domain is costly to the public and imposes harsh burdens on the land-owner. It is tyrannical to take one person’s property to give it to political cronies, and all such takings must be banned. The limited use of eminent domain must be restricted to specifically public uses, not private gain.

UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights Article 17. (2) No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his property.

The Fifth Rule is: “Local inhabitants must be respectfully heard by local government.” Citizens must not be subjected to “Delphi Technique” manipulation which causes them to surrender inalienable rights.

UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights Article 21. (1) Everyone has the right to take part in the government of his country...

The Sixth Rule is: “Land use controls, where they exist, must be minimally restrictive.” Individual land-owners must be protected when making use of their property for dwelling, home commercial, gardening and husbandry purposes. People have the inalienable right to grow and consume their own food.

UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights Article 25. (1) Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food...

We recommend these Principles to local communities, for the protection of the private and public interests of the local population.21

21 Universal Declaration of Human Rights: 23

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Prof. Dr. Tony Pereira, UCLA ME PhD, our advisor on sustainability, and the world’s first “professor of sustainability” tells us we need to develop

“…a strategic plan for the long term health, environmental quality, sustained economic prosperity and general welfare. While the Natural Solutions to be proposed are certainly not possible to implement everywhere at all times, they will no doubt go a long way towards facilitating the urgent process to move towards a sustainable society. Consider the following two points concurrently:

I) remedy accelerated environmental degradation [the Five Big Lies – REL]

II) while offering natural integral solutions for a livable present

All the engineering and other technologies follow a doctrine of:

a) integral solutions approach, and

b) natural solutions that prevent and/or altogether eliminate problems right at the onset and not at the end, when it is already too late and the problem(s) has/have become vastly insurmountable…”

X. ConclusionThe Globalist Elite have their Depopulation Agenda. We oppose that agenda of tyranny and

death. We offer a Planetary Vision of Sustainability, grounded in profound respect for each

person and for the Planet we all share – for the 21st Century, the 22nd Century and beyond: our

Agenda 1. Our rights are #1.

Our Mission: to Heal the World!


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Video Links

[1] Ann Bressington Exposes Agenda 21, Club of Rome, Sustainable Development, at the Lord Monckton Launch 2 Feb 2013 at the Adelaide Convention Centre, South Australia.

[2] Rima E. Laibow, MD: The Genocidal Agenda, at the School of Enlightenment, 2010.

[Further Links to be added.]