prepping for pentecost! - rev12daily.blogspot · 2020. 4. 19. · we also know from the ancient and...

Sabine Vlaming <[email protected]> When is Pentecost fully come? 4 berichten Sabine Vlaming <[email protected]> 11 juni 2019 om 09:49 Aan: Sabine Vlaming <[email protected]> Link to these notes Topics of these notes: Pentecost and the recalibrated Fig Tree Prophecy June 17th celestial line up When is Pentecost 'fully come'? Tripple rushing: of Ezekiel's wheels, the Pentecost wind and the coming rushing bull of judgment Dear all, Earlier this week I've shared with you why I understand Pentecost can be seen as a pivotal marker in a harvest season rather than a single-day event (celebrated on various dates throughout the world from mid-May to mid-June) coinciding with the timing of the wheat harvest. My subsequent recalibration of the Fig Tree Prophecy was based on discerning the Lord directed my attention away from the commonly held May 14th 1948 single event perspective to a process of planting unto budding (shooting forth) which coincided with the planting of Israel as a nation not being a one day event either, but a rather prolonged time frame from its declaration (planting in a dormant stage) unto formalisation (rooting) and outward manifestation after the rains (budding or shooting forth) we are called to look for. We also know from the ancient and current harvest cycles that the wheat harvest lasts until mid-June confirming our spring rapture expectation Various other Scripture portions focus towards a late spring expectation by pointing to 'summer being nigh, even at the doors/gates' (plural). Astronomical summer (for the northern hemisphere, Jerusalem) starts at the solstice June 21. Summer is nigh, even at the doors Israel's marriage customs and historic prophetic patterns (marriage until Tammuz 16 and judgment starting after Tammuz 17) shared yesterday offer additional confirmation of this expectation we are to celebrate our wedding shortly. The heavenly signs mid-June confirm this analysis as Jupiter the King Planet will meet the Moon (bride) at the Golden Gate on June 16 at which time on the other side of the heavens the Sun will be at the tip of the southern horn of Taurus the bull, declaring the judgment about to come down upon those left behind while te congregated (Hyades) are hidden in Him as are the Pleiades (7 churches). June 17th is also the 4th year commemoration of the Bethlehem star in Leo, the first conjunction of Venus and Jupiter in 2000 years on the same day of the American blood moon and was thus labeled as prophetic bombshell (the unique Bethlehem star and US blood moon took place on Tammuz 13, June 30th 2015). Jupiter and Venus were again forming a single super-bright star in Leo the Lion on June 30th of that year (in one week) just like what happened on June 17th of 2 BC. June 17 2BC June 30 2015 was Tammuz 13. June 17/18 2019 is Tammuz 13 Courtesy Informed Christians Pentecost and the rapture | When is Pentecost fully come? Across current denominational lines, Pentecost forms the set apart opportunity for Christians to honor the role of the Holy Spirit in their lives, and celebrate the formal birth of the Church (taking into account the early disciples were given the Spirit beforehand starting the church age). Today, a sister in Christ pointed me to ponder the question 'When is Pentecost fully come?' There are various ways of interpreting this, as Scripture is multi-layered. Such as the fullness in the number of believers making up the bride being 'on board' and having made herself ready spiritually, or as an outworking of the fulness of the Spirit indwelling the bride, her fruitfulness and spiritual maturity, the fullness of the world's iniquity. We see these interpretations reflected in the etymology and Strong's as well. 1 And when the day of Pentecost was fully come (sumpleroo), they were all with one accord in one place. Fully come: when all have been enabled to partake this year? Jean Stepnoski offered a different perspective yesterday, namely when, worldwide people have been enabled by the Lord to partake in the Pentecost services this year, understanding the Lord knows fully how his followers are scattered across the earth and abide by varying calendering systems and rules. So, the question 'when is Pentecost 'fully come' ?' could also be interpreted as whe people throughout the world, regardless of what calendar the follow, have been able to partake? Time framing Due to the duration of celebration among Eastern Orthodox Christians, this year the latest date is June 17th. There are many calendar reckonings for Pentecost in 2019: Torah, Hillel, Church (Roman Catholic and Protestant), and Eastern Orthodox. When are all complete in 2019? They are fully come as of 6-15 to 17 on the Eastern Orthodox Calendar. As Israel goes to sunset on 6-17 on the conclusion of the Eastern Orthodox Calendar, all Pentecost calendar dates are complete. Everyone will have been given opportunities to participate. Pentecost is fully come, time frame wise. A study of the multiple instances of great rushing in the rapture parallels in Ezekiel, Pentecost and the heavenly sign of Taurus where the sun currently resides. Ezekiel 3:12 Then the spirit took me up, and I heard behind me a voice of a great rushing, [saying], Blessed [be] the glory of the LORD from his place. 13 [I heard] also the noise of the wings of the living creatures that touched one another, and the noise of the wheels over against them, and a noise of a great rushing. 14 So the spirit lifted me up, and took me away, and I went in bitterness, in the heat of my spirit; but the hand of the LORD was strong upon me. 15 Then I came to them of the captivity at Telabib, that dwelt by the river of Chebar, and I sat where they sat, and remained there astonishedamong them seven days. The Holy Spirit at Pentecost (Joel 2:28-32; John 14:15-26; John 16:5-16; Acts 10:44-48; Acts 19:1-7) 1 And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. 2 Andsuddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the housewhere they were sitting. 3 And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat uponeach of them. 4 And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues,as the Spirit gave them utterance. Father and Son are at the gates June 9th I sent an analysis of the celestial signs from now until June 21st highlighting that both manifestations of our Lord are positioned at the celestial gates. The Moon (bride) will meet the King Planet Jupiter at the celestial Golden Gate June 16th and the Sun, on the other end of the heavens, highlights the southern horn of Taurus and will reach the tip of it June 17th. June 17 the sun will be at El Hecka/Heka or Zeta Tauri, the tip of the southern horn of Taurus The rushing, pushing Bull (judgment) The Sun is pointing our attention to Taurus, the rushing bull with horns pointing upward, the sign of coming judgment of those about to be left behind, while God’s people and those not (yet) accountable will be delivered from evil and avenged. This animal was particularly distinguished for its great, outspread, sharp, and irresistible horns, to which the horns of ordinary oxen were not to be compared. Hence Caesar says, when a hunter succeeded in killing one, pitfalls being the chief means of capture, he made a public exhibition of the horns as the trophies of his success and was the wonder and praise of all who beheld. Joseph (Deut. 33: I7), in his superiority of power, is likened to the reem, of which his two sons, Ephraim and Manasseh, were the two great horns which were to push the people to the ends of the earth. And to this mighty, untamable, and invincible primeval ox the Messiah compares himself in connection with the great judgment upon the wicked world; for then His horn shall be exalted like the horn of a reem. Toward His Church He is the Lamb, but toward the unsanctified world, He finally becomes the terrible reem. But the figure is not that of the common bull of any known class. The horns are greater and different set from those of domestic cattle, whilst the toes also have horns. The attitude and energy displayed are likewise far fiercer and more nimble than the common ox ever shows. It is the reem of the text, the aurochs, the bull of yore, the fierce, mighty, and untamable wild bull of the primeval ages, and a most expressive symbol of Christ as the irresistible and angry judge. And when we take this fierce and enraged aurochs as the symbol of the glorious Head of His redeemed people, particularly in those scenes of judgment upon the apostate and unbelieving nations after the saints have been taken away, we have before our eyes in the stars the very picture which Isaiah describes where he prophesies of " the world, and all the things that come forth of it," and says: The indignation of the Lord is upon all nations, and His fury upon all their armies. He hath delivered them to the slaughter. Their slain also shall be cast out, and the mountains shall be melted with their blood. The unicorns [the reems, the precise animal which constitutes the figure in Taurus] shall come down, and the bullocks with the bulls, and their land shall be soaked with blood. For it is the clay of the Lord's vengeance, and the year of recompenses for the controversy of Zion "(34 : 2-8). The Scriptures everywhere tell us of a period of indignation, when the Lord shall come forth out of His place to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity; when He will no longer keep silence; when the earth shall disclose her blood, and shall no more cover her slain (Isa. 26: 20, 21). He is very longsuffering now. Men sin, but His judgment does not quickly follow upon transgression. Sin is added upon sin, and wickedness upon wickedness, and yet the Lord keeps silence, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. But there is a limit to His forbearance. There is a time coming when He will tear in pieces, and there shall be none to deliver. His own word is " Behold, the day of the Lord cometh, cruel both with wrath and fierce anger, to lay the land desolate, and to destroy the sinners thereof out of it. And I will punish the world for their evil, and the wicked for their iniquity; and I will cause the arrogancy of the proud to cease, and will lay low the haughtiness of the terrible. The earth shall remove out of her place, in the wrath of the Lord of hosts, and in the day of His fierce anger. Every one that is found shall be thrust through" (Isa. 13) The name of the star in the bull’s eye is Al Debaran, which means “the governor, captain, leader.” The bright star at the tip of the northern horn is called Elnath, which means the wounded, reminding us that Jesus, the coming ruler was “wounded for our transgressions. The star at the tip of the southern horn is called Al Heka (driving away) Taurus personified in Scripture: Messiah, Lamech, Joseph Lamech means the strong, the mighty, the wild and invincible overthrower. And so Christ is to come "travelling in the greatness of His strength," "with power and great glory," to execute judgment upon the Enemy, to make the apostate nations drink the cup of His indignation, and to tread the winepress of the wrath of Almighty God, till the mountains are melted with blood. But this is the exact presentation which we had in the sign of Taurus! Joseph is Taurus, the reem. Ephraim and Manasseh are his two great horns, pushing the people to the ends of the earth. The arms of his hands are made strong by the mighty God of Jacob. His glory is like the firstlings of the herd. His jewel-sign signifies tongues of fire. The two pictures are exactly identical. Zeta (ζ) Taurus, Al Hecka, "The Bull's southern Horn" this star marks the tip of the southern horn of the Bull. AL HEEK; A bull’s southern horn. In Arabic, hakka is to scratch or gore. Hebrew HaKHaH is a fishing hook, and, of course, the source of English HOOK. Fishing requires patience as well as angling with a hook, so the notable Taurus patience might be a factor here, before there is an explosion of horned anger. Hebrew HaCKeH also means to wait. The star description mentions power, another meaning of the Hebrew and English source of “horn.” “His glory is like a firstborn bull, And his horns like the horns of the wild ox;” “Together with them (the bull and wild ox) He shall push the peoples To the ends of the earth; They are the ten thousands of Ephraim, And they are the thousands of Manasseh.” I see two things here: Ephraim and Manasseh are two of the tribes of Israel. Ephraim, the younger son of Joseph, received the first-born blessing from grandfather Jacob, if you recall. His name means Fruitfulnesses.” (plural) Manasseh means “To Forget.” He depicts those who don’t know their Messiah. That’s the Jewish people! After 70 A.D., they were scattered all over the globe. But The Lord gathered them and brought them back to their own land in 1948. Today, they are finding out in droves Who Jesus is! As for Ephraim, from the Middle East to the whole world, the Gospel has gone around the globe. Like a powerful, relentless, mighty bull, He built the largest and most successful organization of all time: The Church of the Redeemed. Like an untamed bull or a wild ox, the gates of hell not only haven’t prevailed against her, she has mowed them down. That’s the power of Jesus! Ephraim is associated with the USA Charging Bull in the Harlot's capital Many blessings, Sabine Sabine Vlaming <[email protected]> 11 juni 2019 om 12:02 Bcc: artilleryman1861 <[email protected]>, Nethanel Bender <[email protected]>, "Pastor, Benjamin Davis" <[email protected]>, Kim Dalton <[email protected]>, Daniel Matson <[email protected]>, [email protected], moon flower <[email protected]>, ft <[email protected]>, Frances McKenzie <[email protected]>, Gigi <[email protected]>, Ger & Tru van Schaik <[email protected]>, Kristen Gilmore <[email protected]>, New Horizons <[email protected]>, Jane Reeves <[email protected]>, Karen <[email protected]>, kayshomeoffice <[email protected]>, kghomeoffice <[email protected]>, Lauren <[email protected]>, nurturinglife <[email protected]>, "Niels ." <[email protected]>, PAUL SKOTARSKI <[email protected]>, [email protected], Scott Richardson <[email protected]>, Terri Stevens <[email protected]>, Tammy W <[email protected]>, [email protected] Link to these notes Topics of these notes: The Pentecost season and the recalibrated Fig Tree Prophecy June 17th celestial line up When is Pentecost 'fully come'? Tripple rushing: of Ezekiel's wheels, the Pentecost wind and the coming rushing bull of judgment Dear all, Earlier this week I've shared with you why I understand Pentecost can be seen as a pivotal marker in a harvest season rather than a single-day event (celebrated on various dates throughout the world from mid-May to mid-June) coinciding with the timing of the wheat harvest. My subsequent recalibration of the Fig Tree Prophecy was based on discerning the Lord directed my attention away from the commonly held May 14th 1948 single event perspective to a process of planting unto budding (shooting forth) which coincided with the planting of Israel as a nation not being a one day event either, but a rather prolonged time frame from its declaration (planting in a dormant stage) unto formalisation (rooting) and outward manifestation after the rains (budding or shooting forth) we are called to look for. We also know from the ancient and current harvest cycles that the wheat harvest lasts until mid-June confirming our spring rapture expectation Various other Scripture portions focus towards a late spring expectation by pointing to 'summer being nigh, even at the doors/gates' (plural). Astronomical summer (for the northern hemisphere, Jerusalem) starts at the summer solstice June 21. Israel's marriage customs and historic prophetic patterns (marriage until Tammuz 16 and judgment starting Tammuz 17) shared yesterday offer additional confirmation of this expectation we are to celebrate our wedding shortly. The heavenly signs mid-June confirm this analysis as Jupiter the King Planet will meet the Moon (bride) at the Golden Gate on June 16 at which time on the other side of the heavens the Sun will be at the tip of the southern horn of Taurus the bull, declaring the judgment about to come down upon those left behind while te congregated (Hyades) are hidden in Him as are the Pleiades (7 churches). June 17th is also the 4th year commemoration of the Bethlehem star in Leo, the first conjunction of Venus and Jupiter in 2000 years on the same day of the American blood moon and was thus labeled as prophetic bombshell (the unique Bethlehem star and US blood moon took place on Tammuz 13, June 30th 2015). Jupiter and Venus were again forming a single super-bright star in Leo the Lion on June 30th of that year (in one week) just like what happened on June 17th of 2 BC. Two of the past Bethlehem stars. The June 30th one from 2015 (Tammuz 13 at the time) coupled by the US blood moon is commemorated this June 17/18, Tammuz 13. June 17 2BC June 30 2015 or Tammuz 13 June 17/18 2019 or Tammuz 13 Courtesy Informed Christians Pentecost and the rapture | When is Pentecost fully come? Across current denominational lines, Pentecost forms the set apart opportunity for Christians to honor the role of the Holy Spirit in their lives, and celebrate the formal birth of the Church (taking into account the early disciples were given the Spirit beforehand starting the church age). Today, a sister in Christ pointed me to ponder the question 'When is Pentecost fully come?' There are various ways of interpreting this, as Scripture is multi-layered. Such as the fullness in the number of believers making up the bride being 'on board' and having made herself ready spiritually, or as an outworking of the fulness of the Spirit indwelling the bride, her fruitfulness and spiritual maturity, the fullness of the world's iniquity. We see these interpretations reflected in the etymology and Strong's as well. 1 And when the day of Pentecost was fully come (sumpleroo), they were all with one accord in one place. Fully come: when all have been enabled to partake this year? Jean Stepnoski offered a different perspective yesterday, namely when, worldwide people have been enabled by the Lord to partake in the Pentecost services this year, understanding the Lord knows fully how his followers are scattered across the earth and abide by varying calendering systems and rules. So, the question 'when is Pentecost 'fully come' ?' could also be interpreted as whe people throughout the world, regardless of what calendar the follow, have been able to partake? Time framing ETA | June 17th - June 21st Due to the duration of celebration among Eastern Orthodox Christians, this year the latest date is June 17th. There are many calendar reckonings for Pentecost in 2019: Torah, Hillel, Church (Roman Catholic and Protestant), and Eastern Orthodox. When are all complete in 2019? They are fully come as of 6-15 to 17 on the Eastern Orthodox Calendar. As Israel goes to sunset on 6-17 on the conclusion of the Eastern Orthodox Calendar, all Pentecost calendar dates are complete. Everyone will have been given opportunities to participate. Pentecost is fully come, time frame wise. Thus, Pentecost partaking lasts until June 17th and the summer time frame marker is June 21st. A study of the multiple instances of great rushing in the rapture parallels in Ezekiel, Pentecost and the heavenly sign of Taurus where the sun currently resides between its horns. [Tekst uit oorspronkelijke bericht is verborgen] [Tekst uit oorspronkelijke bericht is verborgen] New Horizons <[email protected]> 11 juni 2019 om 21:59 Aan: Sabine Vlaming <[email protected]> Hello Sabine, Hope your Summer is going well. Good observations as always. Since it is a topic about the timing of the Pentecost count, I wanted to share a short conversation that went on at Revelation 12 Daily blog about it as well. Again, just observations and sharing, discussing and discerning together as each day brings the Call that much closer. Blessing, Lu Prepping for Pentecost! - One of our awesome commenters (Watch and Seek, aka Eric) was kind enough to share a link by TW Tramm regarding the Pentecost Rapture Connection. VegaPostJune 9, 2019 at 7:58 PM ‘Even unto the morrow after the 7th Sabbath (49 days) shall ye number 50 days; and ye shall offer a new meat offering unto the LORD.’ -Leviticus 23:16 = 7 Sabbaths = 49 days, on 50th day, count 50 days from = 100 Days total = ‘When Pentecost had FULLY come. ReplyDelete 1. Charlie in DCJune 9, 2019 at 10:20 PM @VegaPost (aka Luis):: This is supported by TimFoster's study from also Nick VanderLaan and also Ron from Jesus Rules YTC (which I included above) Re: Day count for the Feast of Weeks from scriptural analysis TimFoster's Study: First Fruits Wave Offering - WHEN? 13min - BTW, great post on the Watchers, I'll need to go back. 2. VegaPostJune 9, 2019 at 10:35 PM Thanks Charlie for the support. It is a minority interpretation but such is the story of my life. ;) I'll look into the references. Lu Delete 3. JimboniJune 10, 2019 at 12:16 AM Lu with the Minority Report...that would make you...Tom Cruise! I KNEW IT! 4. Sheila B.June 10, 2019 at 1:16 AM With all due respect, I have 3 little problems with understanding this 100 day count thing that I've been seeing push Pentecost into mid or late July. First off, why call it Pentecost if it's actually a Centecost? Second, from His Resurrection on the Feast of Firstfruits when the "wave" offering was made (Lev.23:9-11) until His ascension we know was 40 days (Acts 1:3) so were the 120 waiting for the Holy Spirit in the upper room for 10 days or for 60 days? I've always understood it to be 10 days and it seems like Lev. 23:16 might be being misinterpreted to arrive at this "100 days" theory. I'm just not seeing where this additional 50 days is coming from using this verse as a reference. KJV: "Even UNTO the morrow after the seventh sabbath shall ye NUMBER fifty days; and ye shall offer a new meat offering unto the LORD." (with the word "number" meaning to mark, score, inscribe, celebrate or declare-- Strong's Concordance Heb.#5608 ) NIV: Count off fifty days UP TO the day after the seventh Sabbath, and then present an offering of new grain to the LORD. ESV: You shall count fifty days TO THE DAY after the seventh Sabbath. Then you shall present a grain offering of new grain to the LORD. NASB: You shall count fifty days TO THE DAY after the seventh Sabbath, and then present a new grain offering to the LORD. (emph. mine on all the above, but if I'm missing something there in the text, I'd be glad to have it pointed out to me:-) I've also seen the argument about the Acts 2:13 new wine accusation and grapes not being harvested until July. The usage here is Strong's Gr.#1098--gleukos-- sweet wine used of the more saccharine and highly inebriating fermented wine, so this could have been just a metaphor for drunkenness and is vague enough that it really doesn't carry any weight imo re the timing of Pentecost. Blessings and Maranatha! 5. VegaPostJune 10, 2019 at 9:52 AM Hey Jimbo-ni :). LOL…Good one. I’ll take it! Call me 'Tom' then...:) Sheila, very good questions. Let me reply from where I am that in terms of perspective. 1. Yes, there is that July 17 of this year that many are saying is true Pentecost but such are still using the single 50 day count. This is based solely on a different calendar count, which if it is really 100, then it will come and go as all others. Yes, it is called Pentecost but realize that it has been deemed that by the translators of the Septuagint, the Greek-speaking Jews that coined it. I suspect such did not and do not want to have emphasized the 2nd50-day count because it would have legitimized the power and authority of YHVH given to mere ‘fisherman’, tax-collectors, prostitutes’, and the like instead of the ‘Elders’. It legitimized the Church Body and ‘the rest is history’ as they say. 2. Pentecost, yes does start out linked to the end of First Fruits, as Jesus was that fulfillment of the Wave Offering. But it finishes up in Summer. In my own theory, I see it as the 4th correlated Feast of the Menorah pattern. The number 4 speaks of ‘division’ or halves, so to me, Pentecost has 2 corresponding counts as a prophetic symmetry of sorts. As we understand, Jesus was that Waive Offering. He thus sanctified the whole harvest to come at the end of summer , 4 months later. Interesting you mentioned 120 as that is 4 months x 30 day/month = 120. Of course, this would be from just before Jesus entered Jerusalem, triumphantly, etc. However, the passage does not really say ’10 days’ later…it has been a long-held tradition that it has to in adding-up to the 50th day. 3. Good observation about the New Wine. Consider the pattern of harvests. The first-fruits are first presented and then the harvest comes. It so happens that at the end of that 2nd 50th day, was the Wine Festival. In relation to this year specifically, the first fruits of the ‘grapes’ would be on July 16-17, the actual date others are purporting, which is interesting. So, having the crowds mock the Disciples for speaking in understandable languages not known at around 9am was not meant to flatter them but does lend some credence that indeed, ‘when Pentecost fully came’ was during the Wine Harvest, the 100th day, out from the first fruits of the Grain Harvest. On an aside note, one of my other theories is that although initially the 120 Disciples did meet in the Upper Room and that Is where Jesus appeared, the ‘House’ mentioned when the Holy Spirit came down was the ‘House of YHVH’, or the Temple and in the courts where the 3000+ throng of worshippers assembled there were thus speaking in their ‘tongues’ or languages from the regions they had come from. Back to the question. This is a case of being or taking the Scripture passage literal or not. In the Hebrew lexicon, it is plain and reads clearly to count a 2nd 50-day duration. Now if others argue it is not meaning that, sure that is fine; not an issue of fellowship. But for me and other ‘Tom Curises’ of the world, I wish the Body would be more discerning as it would avoid much anguish when disappointed that their date/count will always come and go and in some cases the faith of many will be and does get damaged or left altogether because of it. But it is good to hash this out and attempt to discern together. Blessing to you and family, Lu Delete 6. Sheila B.June 10, 2019 at 2:14 PM Lu, TY so much for that kind and in-depth reply explaining your view. I appreciate that and you're right about it not being a fellowship issue. Unfortunately I am not adept at things like the Hebrew Lexicon, but I am a literalist when it comes to the translation I've been given. My view on the Holy Bible (and I prefer the KJV for many reasons) is that it is the Holy Spirit Inspired and Infallible Word of God and I trust that He was able to have it delivered to the world per His Liking in order to instruct the person of average intelligence (of which I, ofc, am one of those.) So it's just head UP and Watching! In re to folks being turned away from their faith in disappointment from failed dates on the part of human understanding, that's truly sad if it happens, but I can't really relate to that myself as I've been watching and getting hyped up over every promising day of His possible return for 22 years now and all that's happened to me is to find myself more awed and amazed by His orchestration of events and faith that has grown exponentially as I just dug in deeper to find out why we're still here:-) Blessings to you and yours as well, Mr. Cruise. TY again, Brother, and Maranatha! 7. BenJune 11, 2019 at 5:25 AM Yes, if you look at the Hebrew closely, there seems to be 2 counts, first the sabbaths, then the days. I understand that this point of view is controversial, to say the least, yet the text says it, and I believe it. From: Sabine Vlaming <[email protected]> Sent: Tuesday, June 11, 2019 10:02 AM Subject: When is Pentecost fully come? [Tekst uit oorspronkelijke bericht is verborgen] Sabine Vlaming <[email protected]> 12 juni 2019 om 17:44 Aan: New Horizons <[email protected]> Hi dear Lu, Great analysis and wonderful sharing. I second your Leviticus 23 reading of the second count and its implication regarding PC being fully come. Thinking out loud..... Can Pentecost be seen both as prophetic day and a season where the giving of the Spirit enabling the harvest of the Gentiles is done in portions, from the early disciples (first harvesters) being given the Spirit before Pentecost, the first exponential increase on Pentecost day (3000) till its fullness in number and maturity on the 99th day mark as a foreshadowing of the entire harvest? Pondering on timing, the 'summer being nigh' bookend pointing to the rapture seems to be formed by the bit more fluid agricultural pictures like in Matthew 24 and Song of Solomon (pointing to late spring, early summer IMO not the hottest days of the year) and the more specific astronomical summer markers, being the summer solstice marker June 21 (or as a final stretch the heliacal rise of Sirius as the dog days of summer marker 1st week August). Interestingly, 25 Tammuz on TC is the 4 yr commemoration of the June 30th 2015 Bethlehem star (sign for us as magi type seeking the Lord) coinciding with the American blood moon (judgment of Babylon/Harlot) on the Gregorian calendar and the NY pride march day (a feast the Lord hates). Remembering also the fig tree was given three plus one years to produce fruit untill being inspected (Luke 13:7-9) and cursed due to lack. Spiritual fruitfulness, watfulness, readiness and the Lord questioning if he will find faith upon his return and people having been given ample and extended time (the extended year of the fig tree prophecy or the 'no harvest in the Jubilee year'). In this case the 2015 Bethlehem star may have been that 4 full year marker ending June 30th 2019. Would love to know what you think about this Lu, what a follow up of your and our shared analysis could be. Blessings, Sabine Op di 11 jun. 2019 om 21:59 schreef New Horizons <[email protected]>: [Tekst uit oorspronkelijke bericht is verborgen]

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Page 1: Prepping for Pentecost! - rev12daily.blogspot · 2020. 4. 19. · We also know from the ancient and current harvest cycles that the wheat harvest lasts until mid-June confirming our

Sabine Vlaming <[email protected]>

When is Pentecost fully come?4 berichten

Sabine Vlaming <[email protected]> 11 juni 2019 om 09:49Aan: Sabine Vlaming <[email protected]>

Link to these notes

Topics of these notes:

Pentecost and the recalibrated Fig Tree ProphecyJune 17th celestial line upWhen is Pentecost 'fully come'?Tripple rushing: of Ezekiel's wheels, the Pentecost wind and the coming rushing bull of judgment

Dear all,

Earlier this week I've shared with you why I understand Pentecost can be seen as a pivotal marker in a harvest season rather than a single-day event (celebrated on various dates throughout the world frommid-May to mid-June) coinciding with the timing of the wheat harvest.

My subsequent recalibration of the Fig Tree Prophecy was based on discerning the Lord directed my attention away from the commonly held May 14th 1948 single event perspective to a process ofplanting unto budding (shooting forth) which coincided with the planting of Israel as a nation not being a one day event either, but a rather prolonged time frame from its declaration (planting in adormant stage) unto formalisation (rooting) and outward manifestation after the rains (budding or shooting forth) we are called to look for. We also know from the ancient and current harvest cycles that the wheat harvest lasts until mid-June confirming our spring rapture expectationVarious other Scripture portions focus towards a late spring expectation by pointing to 'summer being nigh, even at the doors/gates' (plural).Astronomical summer (for the northern hemisphere, Jerusalem) starts at the solstice June 21. Summer is nigh, even at the doorsIsrael's marriage customs and historic prophetic patterns (marriage until Tammuz 16 and judgment starting after Tammuz 17) shared yesterday offer additional confirmation of this expectation we are tocelebrate our wedding shortly.The heavenly signs mid-June confirm this analysis as Jupiter the King Planet will meet the Moon (bride) at the Golden Gate on June 16 at which time on the other side of the heavens the Sun willbe at the tip of the southern horn of Taurus the bull, declaring the judgment about to come down upon those left behind while te congregated (Hyades) are hidden in Him as are the Pleiades (7churches).June 17th is also the 4th year commemoration of the Bethlehem star in Leo, the first conjunction of Venus and Jupiter in 2000 years on the same day of the American blood moon and was thus labeledas prophetic bombshell (the unique Bethlehem star and US blood moon took place on Tammuz 13, June 30th 2015). Jupiter and Venus were again forming a single super-bright star in Leo the Lion onJune 30th of that year (in one week) just like what happened on June 17th of 2 BC.

June 17 2BC June 30 2015 was Tammuz 13. June 17/18 2019 is Tammuz 13

Courtesy Informed Christians

Pentecost and the rapture | When is Pentecost fully come?

Across current denominational lines, Pentecost forms the set apart opportunity for Christians to honor the role of the Holy Spirit in their lives, and celebrate the formal birth of the Church (taking into account theearly disciples were given the Spirit beforehand starting the church age).

Today, a sister in Christ pointed me to ponder the question 'When is Pentecost fully come?' There are various ways of interpreting this, as Scripture is multi-layered. Such as the fullness in the number ofbelievers making up the bride being 'on board' and having made herself ready spiritually, or as an outworking of the fulness of the Spirit indwelling the bride, her fruitfulness and spiritual maturity, the fullness ofthe world's iniquity. We see these interpretations reflected in the etymology and Strong's as well.

1 And when the day of Pentecost was fully come (sumpleroo), they were all with one accord in one place.

Fully come: when all have been enabled to partake this year?

Jean Stepnoski offered a different perspective yesterday, namely when, worldwide people have been enabled by the Lord to partake in the Pentecost services this year, understanding the Lord knows fully howhis followers are scattered across the earth and abide by varying calendering systems and rules. So, the question 'when is Pentecost 'fully come' ?' could also be interpreted as whe people throughout theworld, regardless of what calendar the follow, have been able to partake?

Time framing

Due to the duration of celebration among Eastern Orthodox Christians, this year the latest date is June 17th. There are many calendar reckonings for Pentecost in 2019: Torah, Hillel, Church (Roman Catholicand Protestant), and Eastern Orthodox. When are all complete in 2019? They are fully come as of 6-15 to 17 on the Eastern Orthodox Calendar. As Israel goes to sunset on 6-17 on the conclusion of theEastern Orthodox Calendar, all Pentecost calendar dates are complete. Everyone will have been given opportunities to participate. Pentecost is fully come, time frame wise.

A study of the multiple instances of great rushing in the rapture parallels in Ezekiel, Pentecost and the heavenly sign of Taurus where the sun currently resides.

Ezekiel 3:12 Then the spirit took me up, and I heard behind me a voice of a great rushing, [saying], Blessed [be] the glory of the LORD from his place. 13 [I heard] also the noise of the wings of the livingcreatures that touched one another, and the noise of the wheels over against them, and a noise of a great rushing. 14 So the spirit lifted me up, and took me away, and I went in bitterness, in the heat of myspirit; but the hand of the LORD was strong upon me. 15 Then I came to them of the captivity at Telabib, that dwelt by the river of Chebar, and I sat where they sat, and remained there astonishedamong themseven days.

The Holy Spirit at Pentecost(Joel 2:28-32; John 14:15-26; John 16:5-16; Acts 10:44-48; Acts 19:1-7)

1 And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. 2 Andsuddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the housewhere theywere sitting. 3 And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat uponeach of them. 4 And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues,as theSpirit gave them utterance.

Father and Son are at the gates

June 9th I sent an analysis of the celestial signs from now until June 21st highlighting that both manifestations of our Lord are positioned at the celestial gates. The Moon (bride) will meet the King Planet Jupiterat the celestial Golden Gate June 16th and the Sun, on the other end of the heavens, highlights the southern horn of Taurus and will reach the tip of it June 17th.

June 17 the sun will be at El Hecka/Heka or Zeta Tauri, the tip of the southern horn of Taurus

The rushing, pushing Bull (judgment)

The Sun is pointing our attention to Taurus, the rushing bull with horns pointing upward, the sign of coming judgment of those about to be left behind, while God’s people and those not (yet) accountable will bedelivered from evil and avenged.

This animal was particularly distinguished for its great, outspread, sharp, and irresistible horns, to which the horns of ordinary oxen were not to be compared. Hence Caesar says, when a hunter succeeded inkilling one, pitfalls being the chief means of capture, he made a public exhibition of the horns as the trophies of his success and was the wonder and praise of all who beheld. Joseph (Deut. 33: I7), in hissuperiority of power, is likened to the reem, of which his two sons, Ephraim and Manasseh, were the two great horns which were to push the people to the ends of the earth. And to this mighty, untamable, andinvincible primeval ox the Messiah compares himself in connection with the great judgment upon the wicked world; for then His horn shall be exalted like the horn of a reem. Toward His Church He is the Lamb,but toward the unsanctified world, He finally becomes the terrible reem. But the figure is not that of the common bull of any known class. The horns are greater and different set from those of domestic cattle,whilst the toes also have horns. The attitude and energy displayed are likewise far fiercer and more nimble than the common ox ever shows. It is the reem of the text, the aurochs, the bull of yore, the fierce,mighty, and untamable wild bull of the primeval ages, and a most expressive symbol of Christ as the irresistible and angry judge.

And when we take this fierce and enraged aurochs as the symbol of the glorious Head of His redeemed people, particularly in those scenes of judgment upon the apostate and unbelieving nations after thesaints have been taken away, we have before our eyes in the stars the very picture which Isaiah describes where he prophesies of " the world, and all the things that come forth of it," and says: The indignationof the Lord is upon all nations, and His fury upon all their armies. He hath delivered them to the slaughter. Their slain also shall be cast out, and the mountains shall be melted with their blood. The unicorns[the reems, the precise animal which constitutes the figure in Taurus] shall come down, and the bullocks with the bulls, and their land shall be soaked with blood. For it is the clay of the Lord's vengeance, andthe year of recompenses for the controversy of Zion "(34 : 2-8).

The Scriptures everywhere tell us of a period of indignation, when the Lord shall come forth out of His place to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity; when He will no longer keep silence; when theearth shall disclose her blood, and shall no more cover her slain (Isa. 26: 20, 21). He is very longsuffering now. Men sin, but His judgment does not quickly follow upon transgression. Sin is added upon sin, andwickedness upon wickedness, and yet the Lord keeps silence, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. But there is a limit to His forbearance. There is a time coming when Hewill tear in pieces, and there shall be none to deliver. His own word is " Behold, the day of the Lord cometh, cruel both with wrath and fierce anger, to lay the land desolate, and to destroy the sinners thereof outof it. And I will punish the world for their evil, and the wicked for their iniquity; and I will cause the arrogancy of the proud to cease, and will lay low the haughtiness of the terrible. The earth shall remove out ofher place, in the wrath of the Lord of hosts, and in the day of His fierce anger. Every one that is found shall be thrust through" (Isa. 13)

The name of the star in the bull’s eye is Al Debaran, which means “the governor, captain, leader.” The bright star at the tip of the northern horn is called Elnath, which means the wounded, reminding us thatJesus, the coming ruler was “wounded for our transgressions. The star at the tip of the southern horn is called Al Heka (driving away)

Taurus personified in Scripture: Messiah, Lamech, Joseph

Lamech means the strong, the mighty, the wild and invincible overthrower. And so Christ is to come "travelling in the greatness of His strength," "with power and great glory," to execute judgment upon theEnemy, to make the apostate nations drink the cup of His indignation, and to tread the winepress of the wrath of Almighty God, till the mountains are melted with blood. But this is the exact presentation whichwe had in the sign of Taurus!

Joseph is Taurus, the reem. Ephraim and Manasseh are his two great horns, pushing the people to the ends of the earth. The arms of his hands are made strong by the mighty God of Jacob. His glory is likethe firstlings of the herd. His jewel-sign signifies tongues of fire. The two pictures are exactly identical.

Zeta (ζ) Taurus, Al Hecka, "The Bull's southern Horn" this star marks the tip of the southern horn of the Bull. AL HEEK; A bull’s southern horn. In Arabic, hakka is to scratch or gore. Hebrew HaKHaH is a fishing hook, and, of course, the source of English HOOK. Fishing requires patience as well as angling with ahook, so the notable Taurus patience might be a factor here, before there is an explosion of horned anger. Hebrew HaCKeH also means to wait. The star description mentions power, another meaning ofthe Hebrew and English source of “horn.”

“His glory is like a firstborn bull,And his horns like the horns of the wild ox;”

“Together with them (the bull and wild ox)He shall push the peoplesTo the ends of the earth;They are the ten thousands of Ephraim,And they are the thousands of Manasseh.”

I see two things here: Ephraim and Manasseh are two of the tribes of Israel. Ephraim, the younger son of Joseph, received the first-born blessing from grandfather Jacob, if you recall. His name means“Fruitfulnesses.” (plural)

Manasseh means “To Forget.” He depicts those who don’t know their Messiah. That’s the Jewish people! After 70 A.D., they were scattered all over the globe. But The Lord gathered them and brought themback to their own land in 1948. Today, they are finding out in droves Who Jesus is!

As for Ephraim, from the Middle East to the whole world, the Gospel has gone around the globe. Like a powerful, relentless, mighty bull, He built the largest and most successful organization of all time: TheChurch of the Redeemed. Like an untamed bull or a wild ox, the gates of hell not only haven’t prevailed against her, she has mowed them down. That’s the power of Jesus!

Ephraim is associated with the USA

Charging Bull in the Harlot's capital

Many blessings,Sabine

Sabine Vlaming <[email protected]> 11 juni 2019 om 12:02Bcc: artilleryman1861 <[email protected]>, Nethanel Bender <[email protected]>, "Pastor, Benjamin Davis" <[email protected]>, Kim Dalton <[email protected]>, Daniel Matson<[email protected]>, [email protected], moon flower <[email protected]>, ft <[email protected]>, Frances McKenzie <[email protected]>, Gigi <[email protected]>, Ger & Truvan Schaik <[email protected]>, Kristen Gilmore <[email protected]>, New Horizons <[email protected]>, Jane Reeves <[email protected]>, Karen <[email protected]>,kayshomeoffice <[email protected]>, kghomeoffice <[email protected]>, Lauren <[email protected]>, nurturinglife <[email protected]>, "Niels ." <[email protected]>, PAULSKOTARSKI <[email protected]>, [email protected], Scott Richardson <[email protected]>, Terri Stevens <[email protected]>, Tammy W <[email protected]>,[email protected]

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Topics of these notes:

The Pentecost season and the recalibrated Fig Tree ProphecyJune 17th celestial line upWhen is Pentecost 'fully come'?Tripple rushing: of Ezekiel's wheels, the Pentecost wind and the coming rushing bull of judgment

Dear all,

Earlier this week I've shared with you why I understand Pentecost can be seen as a pivotal marker in a harvest season rather than a single-day event (celebrated on various dates throughout the world frommid-May to mid-June) coinciding with the timing of the wheat harvest.

My subsequent recalibration of the Fig Tree Prophecy was based on discerning the Lord directed my attention away from the commonly held May 14th 1948 single event perspective to a process ofplanting unto budding (shooting forth) which coincided with the planting of Israel as a nation not being a one day event either, but a rather prolonged time frame from its declaration (planting in adormant stage) unto formalisation (rooting) and outward manifestation after the rains (budding or shooting forth) we are called to look for. We also know from the ancient and current harvest cycles that the wheat harvest lasts until mid-June confirming our spring rapture expectationVarious other Scripture portions focus towards a late spring expectation by pointing to 'summer being nigh, even at the doors/gates' (plural).Astronomical summer (for the northern hemisphere, Jerusalem) starts at the summer solstice June 21. Israel's marriage customs and historic prophetic patterns (marriage until Tammuz 16 and judgment starting Tammuz 17) shared yesterday offer additional confirmation of this expectation we are tocelebrate our wedding shortly.The heavenly signs mid-June confirm this analysis as Jupiter the King Planet will meet the Moon (bride) at the Golden Gate on June 16 at which time on the other side of the heavens the Sun willbe at the tip of the southern horn of Taurus the bull, declaring the judgment about to come down upon those left behind while te congregated (Hyades) are hidden in Him as are the Pleiades (7churches).June 17th is also the 4th year commemoration of the Bethlehem star in Leo, the first conjunction of Venus and Jupiter in 2000 years on the same day of the American blood moon and was thus labeledas prophetic bombshell (the unique Bethlehem star and US blood moon took place on Tammuz 13, June 30th 2015). Jupiter and Venus were again forming a single super-bright star in Leo the Lion onJune 30th of that year (in one week) just like what happened on June 17th of 2 BC.

Two of the past Bethlehem stars. The June 30th one from 2015 (Tammuz 13 at the time) coupled by the US blood moon is commemorated this June 17/18, Tammuz 13.

June 17 2BC June 30 2015 or Tammuz 13 June 17/18 2019 or Tammuz 13

Courtesy Informed Christians

Pentecost and the rapture | When is Pentecost fully come?

Across current denominational lines, Pentecost forms the set apart opportunity for Christians to honor the role of the Holy Spirit in their lives, and celebrate the formal birth of the Church (taking into account theearly disciples were given the Spirit beforehand starting the church age).

Today, a sister in Christ pointed me to ponder the question 'When is Pentecost fully come?' There are various ways of interpreting this, as Scripture is multi-layered. Such as the fullness in the number ofbelievers making up the bride being 'on board' and having made herself ready spiritually, or as an outworking of the fulness of the Spirit indwelling the bride, her fruitfulness and spiritual maturity, the fullness ofthe world's iniquity. We see these interpretations reflected in the etymology and Strong's as well.

1 And when the day of Pentecost was fully come (sumpleroo), they were all with one accord in one place.

Fully come: when all have been enabled to partake this year?

Jean Stepnoski offered a different perspective yesterday, namely when, worldwide people have been enabled by the Lord to partake in the Pentecost services this year, understanding the Lord knows fully howhis followers are scattered across the earth and abide by varying calendering systems and rules. So, the question 'when is Pentecost 'fully come' ?' could also be interpreted as whe people throughout theworld, regardless of what calendar the follow, have been able to partake?

Time framing ETA | June 17th - June 21st

Due to the duration of celebration among Eastern Orthodox Christians, this year the latest date is June 17th. There are many calendar reckonings for Pentecost in 2019: Torah, Hillel, Church (Roman Catholicand Protestant), and Eastern Orthodox. When are all complete in 2019? They are fully come as of 6-15 to 17 on the Eastern Orthodox Calendar. As Israel goes to sunset on 6-17 on the conclusion of theEastern Orthodox Calendar, all Pentecost calendar dates are complete. Everyone will have been given opportunities to participate. Pentecost is fully come, time frame wise.

Thus, Pentecost partaking lasts until June 17th and the summer time frame marker is June 21st.

A study of the multiple instances of great rushing in the rapture parallels in Ezekiel, Pentecost and the heavenly sign of Taurus where the sun currently resides between its horns.[Tekst uit oorspronkelijke bericht is verborgen][Tekst uit oorspronkelijke bericht is verborgen]

New Horizons <[email protected]> 11 juni 2019 om 21:59Aan: Sabine Vlaming <[email protected]>

Hello Sabine,Hope your Summer is going well.Good observations as always.

Since it is a topic about the timing of the Pentecost count, I wanted to share a short conversation that went on at Revelation 12 Daily blog about it as well. Again, justobservations and sharing, discussing and discerning together as each day brings the Call that much closer.


Prepping for Pentecost! - rev12daily.blogspot.comOne of our awesome commenters (Watch and Seek, aka Eric) was kindenough to share a link by TW Tramm regarding the Pentecost RaptureConnection.

VegaPostJune 9, 2019 at 7:58 PM

‘Even unto the morrow after the 7th Sabbath (49 days) shall ye number 50 days; and ye shall offer a new meat offering unto the LORD.’ -Leviticus 23:16

= 7 Sabbaths = 49 days, on 50th day, count 50 days from = 100 Days total = ‘When Pentecost had FULLY come.


1. Charlie in DCJune 9, 2019 at 10:20 PM

@VegaPost (aka Luis)::

This is supported by TimFoster's study from also Nick VanderLaan and also Ron from Jesus Rules YTC (which I included above) Re: Day count for the Feast ofWeeks from scriptural analysis

TimFoster's Study: First Fruits Wave Offering - WHEN? 13min -

BTW, great post on the Watchers, I'll need to go back.

2. VegaPostJune 9, 2019 at 10:35 PM

Thanks Charlie for the support. It is a minority interpretation but such is the story of my life. ;) I'll look into the references.


3. JimboniJune 10, 2019 at 12:16 AM

Lu with the Minority Report...that would make you...Tom Cruise! I KNEW IT!

4. Sheila B.June 10, 2019 at 1:16 AM

With all due respect, I have 3 little problems with understanding this 100 day count thing that I've been seeing push Pentecost into mid or late July. First off, why callit Pentecost if it's actually a Centecost? Second, from His Resurrection on the Feast of Firstfruits when the "wave" offering was made (Lev.23:9-11) until Hisascension we know was 40 days (Acts 1:3) so were the 120 waiting for the Holy Spirit in the upper room for 10 days or for 60 days? I've always understood it to be10 days and it seems like Lev. 23:16 might be being misinterpreted to arrive at this "100 days" theory. I'm just not seeing where this additional 50 days is comingfrom using this verse as a reference.

KJV: "Even UNTO the morrow after the seventh sabbath shall ye NUMBER fifty days; and ye shall offer a new meat offering unto the LORD." (with the word"number" meaning to mark, score, inscribe, celebrate or declare-- Strong's Concordance Heb.#5608 )

NIV: Count off fifty days UP TO the day after the seventh Sabbath, and then present an offering of new grain to the LORD.

ESV: You shall count fifty days TO THE DAY after the seventh Sabbath. Then you shall present a grain offering of new grain to the LORD.

NASB: You shall count fifty days TO THE DAY after the seventh Sabbath, and then present a new grain offering to the LORD.

(emph. mine on all the above, but if I'm missing something there in the text, I'd be glad to have it pointed out to me:-)

I've also seen the argument about the Acts 2:13 new wine accusation and grapes not being harvested until July. The usage here is Strong's Gr.#1098--gleukos--sweet wine used of the more saccharine and highly inebriating fermented wine, so this could have been just a metaphor for drunkenness and is vague enough thatit really doesn't carry any weight imo re the timing of Pentecost.

Blessings and Maranatha!

5. VegaPostJune 10, 2019 at 9:52 AM

Hey Jimbo-ni :). LOL…Good one. I’ll take it! Call me 'Tom' then...:)Sheila, very good questions. Let me reply from where I am that in terms of perspective.

1. Yes, there is that July 17 of this year that many are saying is true Pentecost but such are still using the single 50 day count. This is based solely on a differentcalendar count, which if it is really 100, then it will come and go as all others. Yes, it is called Pentecost but realize that it has been deemed that by the translators ofthe Septuagint, the Greek-speaking Jews that coined it. I suspect such did not and do not want to have emphasized the 2nd50-day count because it would havelegitimized the power and authority of YHVH given to mere ‘fisherman’, tax-collectors, prostitutes’, and the like instead of the ‘Elders’. It legitimized the Church Bodyand ‘the rest is history’ as they say.

2. Pentecost, yes does start out linked to the end of First Fruits, as Jesus was that fulfillment of the Wave Offering. But it finishes up in Summer. In my own theory, Isee it as the 4th correlated Feast of the Menorah pattern. The number 4 speaks of ‘division’ or halves, so to me, Pentecost has 2 corresponding counts as aprophetic symmetry of sorts. As we understand, Jesus was that Waive Offering. He thus sanctified the whole harvest to come at the end of summer , 4 months later.Interesting you mentioned 120 as that is 4 months x 30 day/month = 120. Of course, this would be from just before Jesus entered Jerusalem, triumphantly, etc.However, the passage does not really say ’10 days’ later…it has been a long-held tradition that it has to in adding-up to the 50th day.

3. Good observation about the New Wine. Consider the pattern of harvests. The first-fruits are first presented and then the harvest comes. It so happens that at theend of that 2nd 50th day, was the Wine Festival. In relation to this year specifically, the first fruits of the ‘grapes’ would be on July 16-17, the actual date others arepurporting, which is interesting. So, having the crowds mock the Disciples for speaking in understandable languages not known at around 9am was not meant toflatter them but does lend some credence that indeed, ‘when Pentecost fully came’ was during the Wine Harvest, the 100th day, out from the first fruits of the GrainHarvest.

On an aside note, one of my other theories is that although initially the 120 Disciples did meet in the Upper Room and that Is where Jesus appeared, the ‘House’mentioned when the Holy Spirit came down was the ‘House of YHVH’, or the Temple and in the courts where the 3000+ throng of worshippers assembled therewere thus speaking in their ‘tongues’ or languages from the regions they had come from.

Back to the question. This is a case of being or taking the Scripture passage literal or not. In the Hebrew lexicon, it is plain and reads clearly to count a 2nd 50-dayduration. Now if others argue it is not meaning that, sure that is fine; not an issue of fellowship. But for me and other ‘Tom Curises’ of the world, I wish the Bodywould be more discerning as it would avoid much anguish when disappointed that their date/count will always come and go and in some cases the faith of many willbe and does get damaged or left altogether because of it. But it is good to hash this out and attempt to discern together.

Blessing to you and family,


6. Sheila B.June 10, 2019 at 2:14 PM

Lu, TY so much for that kind and in-depth reply explaining your view. I appreciate that and you're right about it not being a fellowship issue. Unfortunately I am notadept at things like the Hebrew Lexicon, but I am a literalist when it comes to the translation I've been given. My view on the Holy Bible (and I prefer the KJV formany reasons) is that it is the Holy Spirit Inspired and Infallible Word of God and I trust that He was able to have it delivered to the world per His Liking in order toinstruct the person of average intelligence (of which I, ofc, am one of those.) So it's just head UP and Watching!

In re to folks being turned away from their faith in disappointment from failed dates on the part of human understanding, that's truly sad if it happens, but I can'treally relate to that myself as I've been watching and getting hyped up over every promising day of His possible return for 22 years now and all that's happened tome is to find myself more awed and amazed by His orchestration of events and faith that has grown exponentially as I just dug in deeper to find out why we're stillhere:-)

Blessings to you and yours as well, Mr. Cruise. TY again, Brother, and Maranatha!

7. BenJune 11, 2019 at 5:25 AM

Yes, if you look at the Hebrew closely, there seems to be 2 counts, first the sabbaths, then the days. I understand that this point of view is controversial, to say theleast, yet the text says it, and I believe it.

From: Sabine Vlaming <[email protected]>Sent: Tuesday, June 11, 2019 10:02 AMSubject: When is Pentecost fully come? [Tekst uit oorspronkelijke bericht is verborgen]

Sabine Vlaming <[email protected]> 12 juni 2019 om 17:44Aan: New Horizons <[email protected]>

Hi dear Lu,

Great analysis and wonderful sharing. I second your Leviticus 23 reading of the second count and its implication regarding PC being fully come.

Thinking out loud.....

Can Pentecost be seen both as prophetic day and a season where the giving of the Spirit enabling the harvest of the Gentiles is done in portions, from the early disciples (first harvesters) being given the Spiritbefore Pentecost, the first exponential increase on Pentecost day (3000) till its fullness in number and maturity on the 99th day mark as a foreshadowing of the entire harvest?

Pondering on timing, the 'summer being nigh' bookend pointing to the rapture seems to be formed by the bit more fluid agricultural pictures like in Matthew 24 and Song of Solomon (pointing to late spring, earlysummer IMO not the hottest days of the year) and the more specific astronomical summer markers, being the summer solstice marker June 21 (or as a final stretch the heliacal rise of Sirius as the dog days ofsummer marker 1st week August).

Interestingly, 25 Tammuz on TC is the 4 yr commemoration of the June 30th 2015 Bethlehem star (sign for us as magi type seeking the Lord) coinciding with the American blood moon (judgment ofBabylon/Harlot) on the Gregorian calendar and the NY pride march day (a feast the Lord hates). Remembering also the fig tree was given three plus one years to produce fruit untill being inspected (Luke 13:7-9) and cursed due to lack. Spiritual fruitfulness, watfulness, readiness and the Lord questioningif he will find faith upon his return and people having been given ample and extended time (the extended year of the fig tree prophecy or the 'no harvest in the Jubilee year'). In this case the 2015 Bethlehemstar may have been that 4 full year marker ending June 30th 2019.

Would love to know what you think about this Lu, what a follow up of your and our shared analysis could be.


Op di 11 jun. 2019 om 21:59 schreef New Horizons <[email protected]>:[Tekst uit oorspronkelijke bericht is verborgen]