prepared by : adnan alnasser jafar almubarak supervised by : dr.maan a.bari qasem saleh

Role of Stress Effecting Health : Family, Work & School Prepared by : Adnan Alnasser Jafar Almubarak Supervised by : Dr.Maan A.Bari Qasem Saleh College of Applied Medical Sciences Department of Respiratory Care Course : Behavioral Sciences

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Page 1: Prepared by :  Adnan Alnasser  Jafar Almubarak Supervised by : Dr.Maan A.Bari Qasem Saleh

Role of Stress Effecting Health : Family, Work & School

Prepared by:

Adnan Alnasser Jafar Almubarak

Supervised by: Dr.Maan A.Bari Qasem Saleh

College of Applied Medical SciencesDepartment of Respiratory Care

Course : Behavioral Sciences

Page 2: Prepared by :  Adnan Alnasser  Jafar Almubarak Supervised by : Dr.Maan A.Bari Qasem Saleh





Its impact on the family, work and school

Methods of Treatment

Page 3: Prepared by :  Adnan Alnasser  Jafar Almubarak Supervised by : Dr.Maan A.Bari Qasem Saleh

Introduction Stress and health are closely

linked. It is well known that stress, either quick or constant, can induce risky body-mind disorders. Immediate disorders such as dizzy spells, anxiety, tension, sleeplessness, nervousness and muscle cramps can all result in chronic health problems. In the long run they may also affect our immune, cardiovascular and nervous systems.

Page 4: Prepared by :  Adnan Alnasser  Jafar Almubarak Supervised by : Dr.Maan A.Bari Qasem Saleh


Stress affects overall mind/body health. Adults who experience a great deal of stress rate their mental and physical health lower than adults who are not experiencing stress .

Page 5: Prepared by :  Adnan Alnasser  Jafar Almubarak Supervised by : Dr.Maan A.Bari Qasem Saleh

People experiencing stress are more likely to report a number of specific ailments and symptoms, including feeling nervous or sad, symptoms of fatigue, inability to sleep or sleeping too much, lack of interest, motivation or energy and headaches.

Page 6: Prepared by :  Adnan Alnasser  Jafar Almubarak Supervised by : Dr.Maan A.Bari Qasem Saleh


I) Good stress: Eustress. (pronounced YOU-stress) can be fun, exciting and energizing, especially in the short-term. Face a sudden danger and resolve the situation safely, and you'll get pumpted and excited; like when we are getting dressed for our wedding .

Page 7: Prepared by :  Adnan Alnasser  Jafar Almubarak Supervised by : Dr.Maan A.Bari Qasem Saleh

II) Bad stress: Distress .When we think of types of stress, distress is what we have in mind. In fact we usually call it "stress," plain and simple. Here are some examples of situations that create distress. - A truck swerves into your lane. - A lost job reduces your income. - You or a loved one is injured.

Page 8: Prepared by :  Adnan Alnasser  Jafar Almubarak Supervised by : Dr.Maan A.Bari Qasem Saleh

III) Acute distress is the most common of the types of stress. It comes on quickly and is usually short-lived. It is the most intense stress.Acute episodic stress response can actually become a habit that is difficult that is difficult to break. Some sufferers may even need help from a therapist or a medical professional to begin recovery.

Page 9: Prepared by :  Adnan Alnasser  Jafar Almubarak Supervised by : Dr.Maan A.Bari Qasem Saleh

IV) Chronic Distress is the type of stress that arises out of long-lasting events and circumstances beyond your control. According to Monika Fleshner, a neuroimmunophysiologist at the University of Boulder, Colo. who has studied stress and the immune system. She says "It’s only under the circumstances of chronic stress or extreme, severe stress that we suffer negative effects."

Chronic distress often results in feelings of hopelessness, helplessness, and misery. You feel there is no way may suffer from the conditions below related to distress in your life: high blood pressure , a weight problem , cancer , ulcers , sexual dysfunction , allergies and heart disease.If you suffer from chronic distress, you may need medical and behavioral professionals in addition to a stress management professional such as a life coach.

Page 10: Prepared by :  Adnan Alnasser  Jafar Almubarak Supervised by : Dr.Maan A.Bari Qasem Saleh

Its impact on the family, work and school

1 )FAMILY: -The most common causes of stress in

family life are finances, work and health. The financial situation is the cause most often cited for stress in family

Page 11: Prepared by :  Adnan Alnasser  Jafar Almubarak Supervised by : Dr.Maan A.Bari Qasem Saleh

-Children are another source of stress. Parents worry about their teens becoming involved with alcohol or drugs, or hanging with the wrong crowd. They worry about their education, and providing for their needs and their safety

Page 12: Prepared by :  Adnan Alnasser  Jafar Almubarak Supervised by : Dr.Maan A.Bari Qasem Saleh

2 )WORK: Causes of work stress include:

-Being unhappy in your job-Having a heavy workload

or too much responsibility

-Working long hours-Having poor management,

unclear expectations of your work, or no say in the decision-making process

Page 13: Prepared by :  Adnan Alnasser  Jafar Almubarak Supervised by : Dr.Maan A.Bari Qasem Saleh

-Working under dangerous conditions

-Being insecure about your chance for advancement or risk of termination

-Facing discrimination or harassment at work, especially if your company isn't supportive

Page 14: Prepared by :  Adnan Alnasser  Jafar Almubarak Supervised by : Dr.Maan A.Bari Qasem Saleh

3 )SCHOOL: As we all know students all over the country deal with stress situations in school and at home but some others commit bad decisions such like doing drugs or even dropping out of high school so they can just no longer have the pressure and stress that they had before .

Page 15: Prepared by :  Adnan Alnasser  Jafar Almubarak Supervised by : Dr.Maan A.Bari Qasem Saleh

one of the most stressful times of life. Students today face increasing amounts of school work, assignment deadlines, and exams. By having all this stress and thoughts in their heads they will probably not be able to focus on school work and studying for Exams.

Page 16: Prepared by :  Adnan Alnasser  Jafar Almubarak Supervised by : Dr.Maan A.Bari Qasem Saleh

How to deal with school stress?

-Exercise. - Division of labor.- Assertiveness - don't say yes to everything. If you can't do something well, or if something is not your responsibility, try to seek ways of not agreeing to do them. - Nutrition - eat plenty of fruit and vegetables. Make sure you have a healthy and balanced diet. - Time - make sure you set aside some time each day just for yourself. Use that time to organize your life, relax, and pursue your own interests. - Talk - talk to you family, friends, work colleagues and your boss. Express your thoughts and worries .

Page 17: Prepared by :  Adnan Alnasser  Jafar Almubarak Supervised by : Dr.Maan A.Bari Qasem Saleh

Methods of Treatment:

- Relaxation exercises/techniques. There are many variations of these exercises, but all of them produce what physiologists call “the relaxation response.” The parasympathetic nervous system predominates, the individual’s autonomic system is not in an emergency mode, and the body is in a more rebuilding, “healing ” mode. This is not the same as sleeping although sleeping is also a type of rebuilding activity.

Page 18: Prepared by :  Adnan Alnasser  Jafar Almubarak Supervised by : Dr.Maan A.Bari Qasem Saleh
Page 19: Prepared by :  Adnan Alnasser  Jafar Almubarak Supervised by : Dr.Maan A.Bari Qasem Saleh
Page 20: Prepared by :  Adnan Alnasser  Jafar Almubarak Supervised by : Dr.Maan A.Bari Qasem Saleh

- Cognitive therapy .This form of psychotherapy helps patients to replace dysfunctional, inaccurate thoughts and images (causing the experience of stress) with thoughts and images that are more accurate and that decrease stress .

Page 21: Prepared by :  Adnan Alnasser  Jafar Almubarak Supervised by : Dr.Maan A.Bari Qasem Saleh

This often involves a technique known as “reframing” in which one learns to view or think about a stressor or stressful situation in a different light that is less stressful. In addition, the therapist will also help the patient to find ways of decreasing or removing stressors. Sometimes this is the easiest thing to do if it is logistically feasible.

Page 22: Prepared by :  Adnan Alnasser  Jafar Almubarak Supervised by : Dr.Maan A.Bari Qasem Saleh
Page 23: Prepared by :  Adnan Alnasser  Jafar Almubarak Supervised by : Dr.Maan A.Bari Qasem Saleh

-EEG biofeedback (also known as neurofeedback). This is a cutting-edge technology that uses operant conditioning (reinforcement) to alter brain waves. EEC biofeedback provides information to patients about their nervous systems so that they can self-regulate more effectively. This regulation can help the body achieve homeostasis and balance.

Page 24: Prepared by :  Adnan Alnasser  Jafar Almubarak Supervised by : Dr.Maan A.Bari Qasem Saleh

- Medical hypnosis .Particularly when

performed by a licensed mental health professional such as a clinical psychologist, hypnosis assists the client in entering an extremely relaxed but focused state so that subconscious processes of healing can occur. This relaxed state not only reduces immediate stress, but it also reduces chronic stress.

Page 26: Prepared by :  Adnan Alnasser  Jafar Almubarak Supervised by : Dr.Maan A.Bari Qasem Saleh

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Adnan Mustafa Alnasser & Jafar Shawqi Almubarak