prep reading strategies booklet - mr o's...

PREP Reading Strategies Booklet Name: _________________________ Home Room: ____ Title of Text: ____________________ Reading Goal Per Day: _____

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Page 1: PREP Reading Strategies Booklet - Mr O's · - Look at photographs, diagrams, tables or charts. - Reread for meaning - Use


Reading Strategies Booklet

Name: _________________________ Home Room: ____ Title of Text: ____________________ Reading Goal Per Day: _____

Page 2: PREP Reading Strategies Booklet - Mr O's · - Look at photographs, diagrams, tables or charts. - Reread for meaning - Use

Before Reading:

1. Ask Questions: What can I ask myself BEFORE reading to help me understand this text?

- What do I already know? - I wonder if… - What do I need to know?

During Reading:

2. Ask Questions: What can I ask myself AS I READ to help me understand?

- Does this make sense? - How does this information connect to what I already know? - What does the writer say about…? - What does the writer mean by…? - I need answers to the question…

3. Understand the Text: At a tricky part in the text, I… - Pause to think about… - Take a closer look at… - Break the text into chunks - Summarize as I read - Discuss what I have read

4. Make Inferences:

How can I read between the lines? - Based on what I have just read, I know realize… - The evidence that supports my reading is… - I can now conclude… - I think…because…

5. Visualize:

To better understand while I was reading… - I pictured what… might look like. - I created a mental image of… - I used images to help me…

Page 3: PREP Reading Strategies Booklet - Mr O's · - Look at photographs, diagrams, tables or charts. - Reread for meaning - Use

6. Make Connections: How can I use what I already know to help me understand this text? - I already know about… - This text reminds me of… - This compares too… - This text is different from…because… - This section made me think about…

7. Think to Read:

When I get to an unfamiliar word or section, I… - Look at photographs, diagrams, tables or charts. - Reread for meaning - Use context clues for hints. - Skip ahead for clarification, and return. - Pause and ask questions.

After Reading:

8. Ask Questions:

What can I ask to help me better understand this text? - What does the writer mean by…? - Why did/didn’t…? - What I have learned? - I wonder if…

9. Find the main Ideas:

What is/are the main idea(s)? What is important? - The most important thing I remember about this text is… - The main message is… - The text was mainly about… - Clues, words and features that helped me understand the text were…

10. Think About the Text

How do I put all the pieces together? - The message of this text is… - The purpose of this text is… - These ideas relate to…because… - This text may be biased because… - This text doesn’t deal with…

Page 4: PREP Reading Strategies Booklet - Mr O's · - Look at photographs, diagrams, tables or charts. - Reread for meaning - Use

Name: _______________________________


Self-Monitoring STRATEGY

PREDICT Guess what will happen

QUESTION What is the purpose? Why is this happening?

PRIOR KNOWLEDGE Relate to real life/other texts

MONITOR Check your understanding

CONNECT Relate personally

VISUALIZE Create a mental picture

VOCABULARY Use context to understand words

INFERENCES What is the theme?

Page 5: PREP Reading Strategies Booklet - Mr O's · - Look at photographs, diagrams, tables or charts. - Reread for meaning - Use

Name: _______________________________


Self-Monitoring STRATEGY

PREDICT Guess what will happen

QUESTION What is the purpose? Why is this happening?

PRIOR KNOWLEDGE Relate to real life/other texts

MONITOR Check your understanding

CONNECT Relate personally

VISUALIZE Create a mental picture

VOCABULARY Use context to understand words

INFERENCES What is the theme?

Page 6: PREP Reading Strategies Booklet - Mr O's · - Look at photographs, diagrams, tables or charts. - Reread for meaning - Use

Name: _______________________ Visualization Organizer

Directions:  Illustrate  the  key  events  in  chronological  order.    Write  a  key  quote  to  support  the  illustration.  State  the  significance  to  the  story.  

Quote:___________________________________________________________________  Significance:  __________  __________________________________________________  

Quote:___________________________________________________________________  Significance:  __________  __________________________________________________  

Quote:___________________________________________________________________  Significance:  __________  __________________________________________________  

Quote:___________________________________________________________________  Significance:  __________  __________________________________________________  

Quote:___________________________________________________________________  Significance:  __________  __________________________________________________  

Quote:___________________________________________________________________  Significance:  __________  __________________________________________________  

Page 7: PREP Reading Strategies Booklet - Mr O's · - Look at photographs, diagrams, tables or charts. - Reread for meaning - Use

Name: _______________________ Visualization Organizer

Directions:  Illustrate  the  key  events  in  chronological  order.    Write  a  key  quote  to  support  the  illustration.  State  the  significance  to  the  story.  

Quote:___________________________________________________________________  Significance:  __________  __________________________________________________  

Quote:___________________________________________________________________  Significance:  __________  __________________________________________________  

Quote:___________________________________________________________________  Significance:  __________  __________________________________________________  

Quote:___________________________________________________________________  Significance:  __________  __________________________________________________  

Quote:___________________________________________________________________  Significance:  __________  __________________________________________________  

Quote:___________________________________________________________________  Significance:  __________  __________________________________________________  

Page 8: PREP Reading Strategies Booklet - Mr O's · - Look at photographs, diagrams, tables or charts. - Reread for meaning - Use

Name:                     Date:  Vocabulary

Your job is to look for important words from today’s reading. If you find words that are puzzling or unfamiliar, mark them while you are reading, and then later jot down the definition from a dictionary. You may also run across familiar words that stand out somehow in the reading: words that are repeated a lot, words used in an unusual way, or words that are key to the meaning of the text.

Vocabulary  1             Vocabulary  2    The word and Definition:         The  word  and  definition:

___________________________________ _______________________________________

___________________________________ _______________________________________

___________________________________ _______________________________________

Word used in a sentence: The word used in a sentence:

___________________________________ _______________________________________

___________________________________ _______________________________________

___________________________________ _______________________________________

___________________________________ _______________________________________

Vocabulary  3             Vocabulary  4    Word and definition:           The word and definition:

___________________________________ _______________________________________

___________________________________ _______________________________________

___________________________________ _______________________________________

___________________________________ _______________________________________

The word used in a sentence: The word used in a sentence:

___________________________________ _______________________________________

___________________________________ _______________________________________

___________________________________ _______________________________________

___________________________________ _______________________________________

Page 9: PREP Reading Strategies Booklet - Mr O's · - Look at photographs, diagrams, tables or charts. - Reread for meaning - Use

Name:                     Date:  Vocabulary

Your job is to look for important words from today’s reading. If you find words that are puzzling or unfamiliar, mark them while you are reading, and then later jot down the definition from a dictionary. You may also run across familiar words that stand out somehow in the reading: words that are repeated a lot, words used in an unusual way, or words that are key to the meaning of the text.

Vocabulary  1             Vocabulary  2    The word and Definition:         The  word  and  definition:

___________________________________ _______________________________________

___________________________________ _______________________________________

___________________________________ _______________________________________

Word used in a sentence: The word used in a sentence:

___________________________________ _______________________________________

___________________________________ _______________________________________

___________________________________ _______________________________________

___________________________________ _______________________________________

Vocabulary  3             Vocabulary  4    Word and definition:           The word and definition:

___________________________________ _______________________________________

___________________________________ _______________________________________

___________________________________ _______________________________________

___________________________________ _______________________________________

The word used in a sentence: The word used in a sentence:

___________________________________ _______________________________________

___________________________________ _______________________________________

___________________________________ _______________________________________

___________________________________ _______________________________________

Page 10: PREP Reading Strategies Booklet - Mr O's · - Look at photographs, diagrams, tables or charts. - Reread for meaning - Use

Name:                     Date:  Quoter  

As  the  quoter,  your  job  is  to  locate  a  few  special  sections  of  the  text  that  your  group  would  like  to  hear  read  aloud.  The  idea  is  to  help  your  group  remember  some  interesting,  powerful,  funny,  puzzling,  or  important  sections  of  text.  

                                                         Quote              My  Response  (Comes  directly  from  the  story)  Pg  #                 This Quote is important to the story because:

___________________________________ _______________________________________

___________________________________ _______________________________________

___________________________________ _______________________________________

___________________________________ _______________________________________

___________________________________ This Quote made me think:

___________________________________ _______________________________________

___________________________________ _______________________________________

___________________________________ _______________________________________

___________________________________ _______________________________________

Quote              My  Response  (Comes  directly  from  the  story)  Pg  #               This Quote is important to the story because:

___________________________________ _______________________________________

___________________________________ _______________________________________

___________________________________ _______________________________________

___________________________________ _______________________________________

___________________________________ This Quote made me think:

___________________________________ _______________________________________

___________________________________ _______________________________________

___________________________________ _______________________________________

___________________________________ _______________________________________

___________________________________ _______________________________________

Page 11: PREP Reading Strategies Booklet - Mr O's · - Look at photographs, diagrams, tables or charts. - Reread for meaning - Use

Name:                     Date:  Quoter  

As  the  quoter,  your  job  is  to  locate  a  few  special  sections  of  the  text  that  your  group  would  like  to  hear  read  aloud.  The  idea  is  to  help  your  group  remember  some  interesting,  powerful,  funny,  puzzling,  or  important  sections  of  text.  

                                                         Quote              My  Response  (Comes  directly  from  the  story)  Pg  #                 This Quote is important to the story because:

___________________________________ _______________________________________

___________________________________ _______________________________________

___________________________________ _______________________________________

___________________________________ _______________________________________

___________________________________ This Quote made me think:

___________________________________ _______________________________________

___________________________________ _______________________________________

___________________________________ _______________________________________

___________________________________ _______________________________________

Quote              My  Response  (Comes  directly  from  the  story)  Pg  #               This Quote is important to the story because:

___________________________________ _______________________________________

___________________________________ _______________________________________

___________________________________ _______________________________________

___________________________________ _______________________________________

___________________________________ This Quote made me think:

___________________________________ _______________________________________

___________________________________ _______________________________________

___________________________________ _______________________________________

___________________________________ _______________________________________

___________________________________ _______________________________________

Page 12: PREP Reading Strategies Booklet - Mr O's · - Look at photographs, diagrams, tables or charts. - Reread for meaning - Use

Name:                     Date:  Discussion  Director  

As  the  Discussion  Director,  your  job  is  to  develop  a  list  of  questions  that  your  group  might  want  to  discuss  about  this  part  of  the  reading.    Your  task  is  to  help  your  group  talk  over  the  big   ideas   in   the   reading   and   share   their   reactions.  Usually   the  best   questions   come   from  your  own  thoughts,  feelings,  and  concerns.  Use  why,  or  what  if,  or  what  would  you  do  types  of  questions.  

                                                         Question            My  Response              (About  the  Story)               This Question is important to the story because:

___________________________________ _______________________________________

___________________________________ _______________________________________

___________________________________ _______________________________________

___________________________________ _______________________________________

___________________________________ My answer to this question is:

___________________________________ _______________________________________

___________________________________ _______________________________________

___________________________________ _______________________________________

___________________________________ _______________________________________

Question            My  Response            (About  the  Story)               This Question is important to the story because:

___________________________________ _______________________________________

___________________________________ _______________________________________

___________________________________ _______________________________________

___________________________________ _______________________________________

___________________________________ My answer to the question is:

___________________________________ _______________________________________

___________________________________ _______________________________________

___________________________________ _______________________________________

___________________________________ _______________________________________

___________________________________ _______________________________________

Page 13: PREP Reading Strategies Booklet - Mr O's · - Look at photographs, diagrams, tables or charts. - Reread for meaning - Use

Name:                     Date:  Discussion  Director  

As  the  Discussion  Director,  your  job  is  to  develop  a  list  of  questions  that  your  group  might  want  to  discuss  about  this  part  of  the  reading.    Your  task  is  to  help  your  group  talk  over  the  big   ideas   in   the   reading   and   share   their   reactions.  Usually   the  best   questions   come   from  your  own  thoughts,  feelings,  and  concerns.  Use  why,  or  what  if,  or  what  would  you  do  types  of  questions.  

                                                         Question            My  Response              (About  the  Story)               This Question is important to the story because:

___________________________________ _______________________________________

___________________________________ _______________________________________

___________________________________ _______________________________________

___________________________________ _______________________________________

___________________________________ My answer to this question is:

___________________________________ _______________________________________

___________________________________ _______________________________________

___________________________________ _______________________________________

___________________________________ _______________________________________

Question            My  Response            (About  the  Story)               This Question is important to the story because:

___________________________________ _______________________________________

___________________________________ _______________________________________

___________________________________ _______________________________________

___________________________________ _______________________________________

___________________________________ My answer to the question is:

___________________________________ _______________________________________

___________________________________ _______________________________________

___________________________________ _______________________________________

___________________________________ _______________________________________

___________________________________ _______________________________________

Page 14: PREP Reading Strategies Booklet - Mr O's · - Look at photographs, diagrams, tables or charts. - Reread for meaning - Use

Name:                     Date:  Connector  

As   the   connector,   your   job   is   to   find   connections   between   the   book   (poem/story)   your  group  is  reading  and  the  outside  world.  This  means  connecting  the  reading  to  your  own  life,  to  happenings  at  school  and  the  community,  to  similar  events  a  other  times  and  places,  to  other  people  and  problems  that  you  are  reminded  of,  or  to  other  literary  works  or  movies.  There  are  no  right  answers;  whatever  the  reading  connects  you  to,  is  worth  sharing.  

Response  1              

 The connection I have is:         This is significant to the story because:

___________________________________ _______________________________________

___________________________________ _______________________________________

___________________________________ _______________________________________

___________________________________ _______________________________________

___________________________________ _______________________________________

___________________________________ _______________________________________

Response  2  

The connection I have is: This is significant to the story because:

___________________________________ _______________________________________

___________________________________ _______________________________________

___________________________________ _______________________________________

___________________________________ _______________________________________

___________________________________ _______________________________________

___________________________________ _______________________________________

Response  3                The connection I have is:         This is significant to the story because:

___________________________________ _______________________________________

___________________________________ _______________________________________

___________________________________ _______________________________________

___________________________________ _______________________________________

___________________________________ _______________________________________

___________________________________ _______________________________________

Page 15: PREP Reading Strategies Booklet - Mr O's · - Look at photographs, diagrams, tables or charts. - Reread for meaning - Use

Name:                     Date:  Connector  

As   the   connector,   your   job   is   to   find   connections   between   the   book   (poem/story)   your  group  is  reading  and  the  outside  world.  This  means  connecting  the  reading  to  your  own  life,  to  happenings  at  school  and  the  community,  to  similar  events  a  other  times  and  places,  to  other  people  and  problems  that  you  are  reminded  of,  or  to  other  literary  works  or  movies.  There  are  no  right  answers;  whatever  the  reading  connects  you  to,  is  worth  sharing.  

Response  1              

 The connection I have is:         This is significant to the story because:

___________________________________ _______________________________________

___________________________________ _______________________________________

___________________________________ _______________________________________

___________________________________ _______________________________________

___________________________________ _______________________________________

___________________________________ _______________________________________

Response  2  

The connection I have is: This is significant to the story because:

___________________________________ _______________________________________

___________________________________ _______________________________________

___________________________________ _______________________________________

___________________________________ _______________________________________

___________________________________ _______________________________________

___________________________________ _______________________________________

Response  3                The connection I have is:         This is significant to the story because:

___________________________________ _______________________________________

___________________________________ _______________________________________

___________________________________ _______________________________________

___________________________________ _______________________________________

___________________________________ _______________________________________

___________________________________ _______________________________________

Page 16: PREP Reading Strategies Booklet - Mr O's · - Look at photographs, diagrams, tables or charts. - Reread for meaning - Use

Predictor Recognizing hints and foreshadowing is an essential part of active reading. Making educated guesses helps you to interact with the reading and develop a better understanding of the text. It is job while you read to make 6 inferences and identify details in the readings that support your thoughts. You can choose to make an inference about the mood of the story, motivation of the character, or the main idea of the reading.

Clue Prediction What really happened

Examine the chart that you created as you read. Did most of your predictions come true?

Page 17: PREP Reading Strategies Booklet - Mr O's · - Look at photographs, diagrams, tables or charts. - Reread for meaning - Use

Predictor Recognizing hints and foreshadowing is an essential part of active reading. Making educated guesses helps you to interact with the reading and develop a better understanding of the text. It is job while you read to make 6 inferences and identify details in the readings that support your thoughts. You can choose to make an inference about the mood of the story, motivation of the character, or the main idea of the reading.

Clue Prediction What really happened

Examine the chart that you created as you read. Did most of your predictions come true?

Page 18: PREP Reading Strategies Booklet - Mr O's · - Look at photographs, diagrams, tables or charts. - Reread for meaning - Use

Enhancing Meaning During Reading: Chunking & Responding

Divide your reading for today into 4 chunks: After each chunk, respond to the reading with the following questions:

a) Illustrate: draw/sketch some of the main idea in the story so far b) Wonder: What would like to ask the character or the author, Ask yourself: Why

What if, How does this connect, What is important etc. c) Predict: Make a prediction as to what will happen next in the story

Chunk #1 Chunk #2



Wonder:___________________________ Wonder:___________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Predict:____________________________ Predict:____________________________ __________________________________ ___________________________________

Chunk #3 Chunk #4 Illustrate:


Wonder:___________________________ Wonder:___________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Predict:____________________________ Predict:____________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________

Page 19: PREP Reading Strategies Booklet - Mr O's · - Look at photographs, diagrams, tables or charts. - Reread for meaning - Use

Enhancing Meaning During Reading: Chunking & Responding

Divide your reading for today into 4 chunks: After each chunk, respond to the reading with the following questions:

a) Illustrate: draw/sketch some of the main idea in the story so far b) Wonder: What would like to ask the character or the author, Ask yourself: Why

What if, How does this connect, What is important etc. c) Predict: Make a prediction as to what will happen next in the story

Chunk #1 Chunk #2



Wonder:___________________________ Wonder:___________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Predict:____________________________ Predict:____________________________ __________________________________ ___________________________________

Chunk #3 Chunk #4 Illustrate:


Wonder:___________________________ Wonder:___________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Predict:____________________________ Predict:____________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________

Page 20: PREP Reading Strategies Booklet - Mr O's · - Look at photographs, diagrams, tables or charts. - Reread for meaning - Use

Three Levels of Questions

Level One Questions "On the Page" Literal

Level Two Questions "Between the Lines" Inferential

Level Three Questions " Off the Page" Evaluative

Answers are found right there, in the text on the page.

Help us to read for facts and accuracy.

Examples of Literal Questions:

• Who did...? • How many...? • When did...? • What are...? • Define...? • What happened before...? • What happened after...? • How many times did...? • Then what happened...?

Literal Questions are:

Found in the text Pg # and word to answer Straight forward Sentence answer

Answers are reached through reading between the lines.

Help us to draw conclusions.

Examples oflnferential Questions:

• Explain what you mean by ...? • Why did happen ...? • What kind of person was

...? • What would happen if

...? • What makes you think that

...? • How is like ...? • Is the same as ...? • How many causes of ...? • What events led to ...?

Inferential Questions are:

Harder to find 2-3 sentences Explain/Evidence Look for it

Answers are reached by drawing on information both within and outside the text. '

Helps us to defend an opinion, synthesize information, and bring personal observations and insights to the text.

Examples of Evaluative Questions:

• What were your reactions to

...? • In your opinion ...? • How do you feel about ...? • Is it right or wrong fair or unfair

...? • Evaluate the ...? • Do you agree with ...? • How might the author ...? • Could this ...? • Do you believe a person ...?

· Evaluative Questions are:

Not in book Personal opinion Fully Explain Many sentences to explain

Good readers question what is happening in their books continuously. By wondering who, what, where, when, and why as you read, you interact with the book and develop a better comprehension.

Page 21: PREP Reading Strategies Booklet - Mr O's · - Look at photographs, diagrams, tables or charts. - Reread for meaning - Use

Questioning Skills

Review the Three Levels of Questions Chart. Your job is to develop 3 questions, one from each level: literal, inferential and evaluative. Some questions to consider are: What were you wondering as you were reading this section? Why were things described in a certain way? What were one or two of the most important ideas presented? Usually the best questions come from your own thoughts, feelings and concerns. 1. Page # ________ Type of Question: ____________________ My question: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ My answer: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Page # ________ Type of Question: ___________________ My question: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ My answer: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Page # ________ Type of Question: ____________________ My question: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ My answer: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Page 22: PREP Reading Strategies Booklet - Mr O's · - Look at photographs, diagrams, tables or charts. - Reread for meaning - Use

Questioning Skills

Review the Three Levels of Questions Chart. Your job is to develop 3 questions, one from each level: literal, inferential and evaluative. Some questions to consider are: What were you wondering as you were reading this section? Why were things described in a certain way? What were one or two of the most important ideas presented? Usually the best questions come from your own thoughts, feelings and concerns. 1. Page # ________ Type of Question: ____________________ My question: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ My answer: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Page # ________ Type of Question: ___________________ My question: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ My answer: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Page # ________ Type of Question: ____________________ My question: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ My answer: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Page 23: PREP Reading Strategies Booklet - Mr O's · - Look at photographs, diagrams, tables or charts. - Reread for meaning - Use

Reading Strategy: Context Clues

Your job is to look unfamiliar words or content specific words from todays reading. Mark them down while your reading. Use the hints and clues from the surrounding words and sentences to help find the correct meaning of the word. After, use the dictionary to determine if you were correct. Word:

Clue: Meaning:

Synonyms: Antonyms: Connection: Word:

Clue: Meaning:

Synonyms: Antonyms: Connection: Word:

Clue: Meaning:

Synonyms: Antonyms: Connection:

Page 24: PREP Reading Strategies Booklet - Mr O's · - Look at photographs, diagrams, tables or charts. - Reread for meaning - Use

Reading Strategy: Context Clues

Your job is to look unfamiliar words or content specific words from todays reading. Mark them down while your reading. Use the hints and clues from the surrounding words and sentences to help find the correct meaning of the word. After, use the dictionary to determine if you were correct. Word:

Clue: Meaning:

Synonyms: Antonyms: Connection: Word:

Clue: Meaning:

Synonyms: Antonyms: Connection: Word:

Clue: Meaning:

Synonyms: Antonyms: Connection:

Page 25: PREP Reading Strategies Booklet - Mr O's · - Look at photographs, diagrams, tables or charts. - Reread for meaning - Use

Name:                     Date:  Summarizer    

As   the   summarizer,   your   job   is   to   prepare   a   brief   summary   of   today’s   reading.   It  should  convey  the  key  points,  the  main  highlights,  of  the  reading.  Make  a  prediction  about  what  you  think  will  happen  next.    Summary:  


Main Idea for the Chapter(s)

Important Detail #1 Important Detail #2 Important Detail #3

Significance to Novel as Whole: What it reveals about theme, character, conflict etc.

Page 26: PREP Reading Strategies Booklet - Mr O's · - Look at photographs, diagrams, tables or charts. - Reread for meaning - Use

Name:                     Date:  

Summarizer    As   the   summarizer,   your   job   is   to   prepare   a   brief   summary   of   today’s   reading.   It  should  convey  the  key  points,  the  main  highlights,  of  the  reading.  Make  a  prediction  about  what  you  think  will  happen  next.    Summary:  


Main Idea for the Chapter(s)

Important Detail #1 Important Detail #2 Important Detail #3

Significance to Novel as Whole: What it reveals about theme, character, conflict etc.

Page 27: PREP Reading Strategies Booklet - Mr O's · - Look at photographs, diagrams, tables or charts. - Reread for meaning - Use

Name:                     Date:  Illustrator  

As  the  illustrator  your  job  is  to  draw  some  kind  of  picture  related  to  the  reading.  It  can  be  a  sketch,  diagram,  cartoon,   flow  chart,  or  stick   figure  scene.    You  can  draw  something   that   is  not  directly   in   the  reading;   it   can  be  something   that   the  reading  reminded   you   of,   or   a   picture   that   conveys   any   idea   or   feeling   you   got   from   the  reading.      Response                  This illustration show:                          This is significant to the story because:

_____________________________ _______________________________

_____________________________ _______________________________

_____________________________ _______________________________

_____________________________ _______________________________

_____________________________ _______________________________

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Page 28: PREP Reading Strategies Booklet - Mr O's · - Look at photographs, diagrams, tables or charts. - Reread for meaning - Use

Name:                     Date:  Illustrator  

As  the  illustrator  your  job  is  to  draw  some  kind  of  picture  related  to  the  reading.  It  can  be  a  sketch,  diagram,  cartoon,   flow  chart,  or  stick   figure  scene.    You  can  draw  something   that   is  not  directly   in   the  reading;   it   can  be  something   that   the  reading  reminded   you   of,   or   a   picture   that   conveys   any   idea   or   feeling   you   got   from   the  reading.      Response                  This illustration show:                          This is significant to the story because:

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