preliminary task review

AS Media Preliminary Task Review http:// =eN20cc2PYl4 I did my preliminary task in a group with my friends in media. We called it “It’s all about the money”. I did my film with Phil Mundy, Charlie Hockin and Dael Hughes. If you go to the link you can watch our video which I think worked incredibly well. We wanted our video to be quite dark so we made it black and white, but I think we also captured some comedy in this quick video. I think we managed to record each scene and edit them together really well, I think it works seamlessly, I am especially happy with the two connected scenes where Phil goes to have a look in the bag that I put on the table. When he extends his arm towards the bag we created another scene to carry on the movement, it works really well. In allot of movies black and white looks out of place and you don’t understand why it is there, I do not think this about our video somehow it works extremely well. Originally when we filmed this video there was too much background noise, so unfortunately we had to mute the entire video apart from the end and speak over the top. I am happy to say that I think that this went well too. I don’t think that there are any parts during the recording that are massively out of place or wrong. On top of the recording we did music, we had a bit of trouble with this in the beginning but once we had created and selected the right music to put in our film we began to add it over the top. With a little bit of fiddling and fading sound and light we were finally able to finish out video successfully. The last thing that I am going to say is about the camera shots, we had to follow the “Hollywood” rules such as the 180 degrees rule or the video would not right. Fortunately after looking through the video I am proud to say that I cant see any particular issues with the recording either. So to conclude I am incredibly happy with the recording me and my group did for our preliminary task.

Upload: adamkirby

Post on 25-Jun-2015




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Page 1: Preliminary task review

AS Media Preliminary Task Review

I did my preliminary task in a group with my friends in media. We called it “It’s all about the money”. I did my film with Phil Mundy, Charlie Hockin and Dael Hughes. If you go to the link you can watch our video which I think worked incredibly well. We wanted our video to be quite dark so we made it black and white, but I think we also captured some comedy in this quick video. I think we managed to record each scene and edit them together really well, I think it works seamlessly, I am especially happy with the two connected scenes where Phil goes to have a look in the bag that I put on the table. When he extends his arm towards the bag we created another scene to carry on the movement, it works really well. In allot of movies black and white looks out of place and you don’t understand why it is there, I do not think this about our video somehow it works extremely well. Originally when we filmed this video there was too much background noise, so unfortunately we had to mute the entire video apart from the end and speak over the top. I am happy to say that I think that this went well too. I don’t think that there are any parts during the recording that are massively out of place or wrong. On top of the recording we did music, we had a bit of trouble with this in the beginning but once we had created and selected the right music to put in our film we began to add it over the top. With a little bit of fiddling and fading sound and light we were finally able to finish out video successfully. The last thing that I am going to say is about the camera shots, we had to follow the “Hollywood” rules such as the 180 degrees rule or the video would not right. Fortunately after looking through the video I am proud to say that I cant see any particular issues with the recording either. So to conclude I am incredibly happy with the recording me and my group did for our preliminary task.