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Preliminary Site Investigation Cowan Street Reserve, Angle Park, SA Report for Jensen Plus

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Page 1: Preliminary Site Investigation Cowan Street Reserve, Angle Park, SA · 2020. 2. 24. · site investigation (PSI) for two allotments on Cowan Street Reserve, Angle Park, South Australia

Preliminary Site Investigation –

Cowan Street Reserve, Angle Park, SA

Report for Jensen Plus

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LBWco Pty Ltd

ABN 58 126 992 274

184 Magill Road, Norwood SA 5067

PO Box 225 Stepney SA 5069

08 8331 2417

Preliminary Site Investigation –

Cowan Street, Angle Park, SA

Report for Jensen Plus

Document Control

File 191091 R01

Revision 0

Date issued 15/07/2019

Author(s) M. Fitzgerald, T. Horwood

Principal review M. Peterson

Approved for issue

Document Distribution

Revision Date Issued Client Other LBWco

DRAFT 03/07/2019 1 x PDF - 1 x PDF - file

0 15/07/2019 1 x PDF - 1 x PDF - file

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Table of Contents

Executive Summary ........................................................................................................................................... i

1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 1

1.1 Objectives 1

2 Regulatory Framework ......................................................................................................................... 2

3 Site History Review Methodology ....................................................................................................... 3

3.1 Site History Review Guidance 3

3.2 Site History Review Methodology 3

4 Site Information ...................................................................................................................................... 4

4.1 Site Details and Identification 4

4.2 Topography 4

4.3 Geology 4

4.4 Hydrogeology 4

4.5 Sensitive Receiving Environments 6

4.6 Site Inspection 6

4.7 Adjacent Land Uses 6

5 Site History ............................................................................................................................................... 8

5.1 Certificate of Titles 8

5.2 Aerial Photographs 8

5.3 EPA Public Register Searches – Section 7 10

5.4 EPA Public Register Searches – Sit Contamination Index 10

Records Pertaining to 17 Warren Street, Angle Park 11

Records Pertaining to Former ETSA Depot, Grand Junction Road, Angle Park 12

Records Pertaining to South Road Superway Operations 12

5.5 Sands and McDougall Directory Search 13

5.6 City of Port Adelaide Enfield 14

5.7 Site History Overview 14

6 Conceptual Site Model ...................................................................................................................... 16

6.1 Potentially Contaminating Activities 16

6.2 Preliminary Conceptual Site Model 17

7 Soil Investigation Methodology ........................................................................................................ 20

7.1 Guidance Documents 20

7.2 Soil Sampling and Analysis Rationale 20

7.3 Fieldwork Methodology 20

7.4 Screening Guidelines 21

Human Health Screening Guidelines 22

Ecological Screening Guidelines 22

7.5 Waste Classification 23

8 Soil Sampling Results............................................................................................................................ 24

8.1 Field Observations 24

8.2 Laboratory Results 24

Human Health Screening Guidelines 24

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Ecological Screening Guidelines 24

Waste Classification 25

Waste Classification 25

8.3 Soil Data Validation 25

9 Conclusions and Recommendations .............................................................................................. 27

10 Limitations.............................................................................................................................................. 29

List of Tables

Table 1 Site Identification Details 4

Table 2 Aerial Photography Review 8

Table 3 Sands and McDougall Summary Table 13

Table 4 Prescribed PCAs 16

Table 5 Non-Prescribed PCAs 17

Table 6 Preliminary CSM - Desktop Assessment of Site Contamination Risk from PCAs 18

Table 7 Summary of Soil Investigation Methodology 20

Table 8 Soil Data Validation 26

List of Appendices

A Figures

B Certificates of Title

C WaterConnect Groundwater Database Search

D Aerial Photographs

E EPA Section 7 and Contamination Index Records

F Sands and McDougall Directory Search

G Test Pit Logs

H Chemical Summary Tables

I Laboratory Certificates of Analysis

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List of Acronyms

ASC NEPM National Environment Protection (Assessment of Site Contamination) Measure 1999

(amended 2013)

ACM Asbestos Containing Material

B(a)P Benzo(a)pyrene

BTEXN Benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylenes, naphthalene

COC Chain of Custody

CSM Conceptual Site Model

CR Crown Record

CT Certificate of Title

DEWNR Department for Environment, Water and Natural Resources, Government of South Australia

EPA Environment Protection Authority, Government of South Australia

EP Act Environment Protection Act 1993, Government of South Australia

LBWco LBW co Pty Ltd

mAHD metres Australian Height Datum

mBGL metres below ground level

OCP Organochlorine pesticides

OPP Organophosphorus pesticides

PAH Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons

PCA Potentially contaminating activity

PCB Polychlorinated biphenyls

ppm Parts per million

PSI Preliminary Site Investigation

QA/QC Quality assurance / quality control

SA South Australia

SVOC Semi volatile organic compound

TRH Total recoverable hydrocarbons

VOC Volatile organic compound

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Executive Summary

LBW co Pty Ltd (LBWco) was commissioned by Jensen Plus (Jensen) to undertake a preliminary

site investigation (PSI) for two allotments on Cowan Street, Angle Park, South Australia (the site).

The objectives of the PSI were to:

• Research current and historical land uses and associated activities undertaken at or adjacent

to the site to identify whether potentially contaminating activities (PCAs) may have occurred

on or near the subject site.

• Provide a desktop assessment of risk with respect to the likelihood that the PCAs could have

caused site contamination that could adversely affect the proposed land use.

• Assess whether site contamination of soils exists that could pose an unacceptable risk to future

site users should site soils be retained on-site.

• Provide an assessment of the likely waste classification of surplus soils that may be generated

by future development works.

Based on a desktop review of current and historical site information and a site inspection, LBWco

prepared a summary conceptual site model for PCAs that were inferred to have occurred at or

near the subject site. The following PCAs were identified:

• Three prescribed PCAs were inferred to have occurred on the site, with the following

likelihoods of having resulted in site contamination that may pose a significant risk or liability

for future land users:

‒ Fill or soil importation throughout the site - HIGH

‒ Stormwater detention basin on the west portion of the site – LOW

‒ Asbestos disposal on the south site boundary – LOW

• The presence of an electrical transformer on the west site boundary was identified as a non-

prescribed PCA, with a low risk of having resulted in site contamination that may pose a

significant risk to future site users.

• Seven prescribed PCAs were inferred to have occurred in the surrounding area, with the

following likelihoods of having resulted in site contamination that may pose a significant risk or

liability for future land users:

‒ A historical construction works depot immediately east of the site – MODERATE

‒ Motor vehicle repair or maintenance on numerous industrial properties located east and

north-east of the site – LOW to MODERATE

‒ A service station located north-east of the site – LOW to MODERATE

‒ A potential vessel repair/construction facility north of the site – LOW

‒ An abrasive blasting operation located north-east of the site – LOW to NEGLIGIBLE

‒ A historical metals processing and treatment facility located south-west of the site -


• The presence of a beauty products manufacturer north-east of the site was identified as a

non-prescribed PCA, with a low risk of having resulted in site contamination that may pose a

significant risk to future site users.

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Based on the results of the intrusive investigation program, the following conclusions are drawn:

• Fill on part of the western portion of the site, east of the detention basin and in the vicinity of

TP02, was impacted with PAH and heavy metal contamination. This material may pose a

potential health risk to future residential occupants of the site, and to current and future

ecological receptors at the site. Although concentrations of PAHs also exceeded human

health and ecological guidelines for recreational land use, it is understood by LBWco that the

site is no longer in use as community recreational land. In addition, as PAH-impacted soil at

this location is present at a depth of 0.4 mBGL, the risk of exposure in the site’s current state is

considered to be low.

• The vertical and areal extents of contamination in this area is unknown; however, impacts are

likely limited vertically to the extent of fill (0.8 mBGL). The contaminated fill identified at TP02 is

visually distinct from fill material observed elsewhere on-site, containing ash, cinders, and

fragments of bitumen.

• For purposes of off-site disposal, the contaminated fill in this area of the site was classified as

Low-Level Contaminated Waste. However, as this material only marginally exceeded the

Intermediate Waste criterion for benzo(a)pyrene in one sample, it is possible that additional

sampling could allow for reclassification as Intermediate Waste.

• No unacceptable risks to human health or ecology were identified for soil on the remainder of

the site, in the context of recreational or residential land use. Should this material become

surplus to site development, the preliminary waste classification for the material would be

Waste Fill. It is important to note that any soils to be disposed of as Waste Fill must also meet

the physical requirements of Waste Fill to be classified as such.

• Soil in the stockpiles assessed did not pose an unacceptable risk to human health of ecology

in the context of recreational or residential land use. Trace concentrations of PAHs were

present in three of four stockpile samples, and based on concentrations of heavy metals, the

preliminary classification of two of four stockpile samples for the purpose of of-site disposal

was Intermediate Waste. Should stockpiles be removed for off-site disposal, additional

sampling will be required to appropriately classify materials at the various stockpiles for


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1 Introduction

LBW co Pty Ltd (LBWco) was commissioned by Jensen Plus (Jensen) to undertake a preliminary

site investigation (PSI) for two allotments on Cowan Street Reserve, Angle Park, South Australia

(the site). A site location plan is provided as Figure 1, Appendix A. The PSI comprised a site history

investigation and preliminary soil assessment.

Based on the information provided by the client, LBWco understood:

• The subject land comprised Council-owned land that is currently zoned industrial and


• Council wish to rezone the land to residential for development purposes.

• The total area of the proposed land was approximately 2.5 hectares.

• The contamination status of the development site was unknown.

1.1 Objectives

The objectives of the PSI were to:

• Research current and historical land uses and associated activities undertaken at or adjacent

to the site to identify whether potentially contaminating activities (PCAs) may have occurred

on or near the subject site.

• Provide a desktop assessment of risk with respect to the likelihood that the PCAs could have

caused site contamination that could adversely affect the proposed land use.

• Assess whether site contamination of soils exists that could pose an unacceptable risk to future

site users should site soils be retained on-site.

• Provide an assessment of the likely waste classification of surplus soils that may be generated

by future development works.

This assessment was undertaken in accordance with the LBWco’s proposals dated 5 April 2019

(LBWco Ref: P191800) and 28 May 2019 (LBWco Ref: 191091).

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2 Regulatory Framework

In South Australia, the assessment, management and remediation of site contamination is

regulated by the Environment Protection Act 1993 (EP Act). The EP Act defines site contamination

in section 5B as follows:

(1) For the purposes of this Act, site contamination exists at a site if—

(a) chemical substances are present on or below the surface of the site in concentrations

above the background concentrations (if any); and

(b) the chemical substances have, at least in part, come to be present there as a result of

an activity at the site or elsewhere; and

(c) the presence of the chemical substances in those concentrations has resulted in—

(i) actual or potential harm to the health or safety of human beings that is not trivial,

taking into account current or proposed land uses; or

(ii) actual or potential harm to water that is not trivial; or

(iii) other actual or potential environmental harm that is not trivial, taking into account

current or proposed land uses.

(2) For the purposes of this Act, environmental harm is caused by the presence of chemical

substances —

(a) whether the harm is a direct or indirect result of the presence of the chemical

substances; and

(b) whether the harm results from the presence of the chemical substances alone or the

combined effects of the presence of the chemical substances and other factors.

(3) For the purposes of this Act, site contamination does not exist at a site if circumstances of a

kind prescribed by regulation apply to the site.

The first stage in determining whether site contamination exists is to assess whether chemical

substances have been added to the site through an activity and whether these substances are

above background concentrations. The second stage is to assess whether the chemical

substances have resulted in actual or potential harm to the health or safety of human beings or

the environment (including water) that is not trivial.

If site contamination is determined to be present at a site, the EP Act provides mechanisms to

assign responsibility for the contamination and appropriate assessment and/or remediation of

the contamination.

The professional assessment of site contamination and consequential risk to human health and

the environment is guided by NEPC 1999, National Environment Protection (Assessment of Site

Contamination) Measure, National Environment Protection Council (the ASC NEPM, as amended

2013), Australian Standards and numerous other guidelines and technical publications prepared

by the EPA and other scientific organisations.

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3 Site History Review Methodology

3.1 Site History Review Guidance

The site history investigation works were undertaken with reference to the guidance provided in

the following documents:

• Edwards J. W., Van Alphen M and Langley A., Identification and Assessment of Contaminated

Land: Improving Site History Appraisal. Contaminated Sites Monograph Series No 3, SA Health

Commission, Adelaide (1994)

• National Environmental Protection Council 1999, National Environment Protection (Assessment

of Site Contamination) Measure (ASC NEPM) as amended 2013.

• Environmental Protection Authority (2018). Guidelines for the Assessment and Remediation of

Site Contamination. Adelaide, South Australia.

Assessment of PCAs was made with reference to Section 50 and Schedule 3 Part 1 of the

Environment Protection Regulations 2009.

3.2 Site History Review Methodology

The history of activities undertaken on and adjacent to the site was researched using the

following sources of information:

• Aerial photographic records provided by Mapland and other aerial image resources

• Published geological and topographical maps of the region

• Water Connect database of groundwater records, maintained by the Department for

Environment and Water (DEW)

• Local planning authority records

• Environment Protection Authority (EPA) Public Register search under Section 7, Land and

Business (Sales & Conveyancing) Act 1994 and interrogation of the Public Register Directory

Site Contamination Index for the local area

• Publicly available records / reports identified from the EPA Section 7 search and obtained

from EPA

• Sands and McDougall Directory of South Australia

• Observations and information gathered during a site inspection.

• Dangerous Substances Register, Safework SA.

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4 Site Information

4.1 Site Details and Identification

Site identification details are provided in Table 1.

A site location plan is provided as Figure 1, Appendix A.

Table 1 Site Identification Details

Site Address Allotments 113 &115 Cowan St, Angle Park, South

Australia, 5010

CT References CT Volume 5791 Folio 576 (Lot 113)

CT Volume 5791 Folio 575 (Lot 115)

Site Area The total assessment area is approximately 2.5


Current Site Owner City of Port Adelaide Enfield

Local Government Authority City of Port Adelaide Enfield

Zoning Light Industry/Recreation

Current Land Use Recreation/unused

Proposed Land Use Residential

Based on communications from Jensen, it is understood that, while the current land use is zoned

as recreational, the site is no longer classified as community land for recreational use.

4.2 Topography

According to the topographic map of the Mount Lofty Ranges (Dept. of Lands 1990), the site has

an elevation of between approximately 6 to 8 m Australian Height Datum (AHD). Surrounding

land generally slopes east to west towards the Gulf of St Vincent. On site topography is variable

and mounded in areas, with a manmade stormwater basin comprising the western portion of the


4.3 Geology

The 1:250,000 Adelaide geology map sheet SI-54-9 (Geological Survey of SA, Dept. of Mines 1969)

indicated that the site lies within Quaternary age sediments. The Quaternary sediments comprise

a mixture of alluvial fan and streambed deposits with clay predominating, but with distinct

stratigraphic layers and isolated lenses of coarser sediments. The main formation in the area, the

Pooraka formation, contains mainly clays, but with sandy, silty, micaceous and gravelly materials.

4.4 Hydrogeology

The site lies within the Adelaide Metropolitan Area. There are three major groups of aquifers that

generally occur beneath this area:

• Shallow aquifers – These consist of sand and gravel layers within alluvial silt and clay, at depths

as shallow as between 3 and 30 m below ground level (mBGL). Salinity in these aquifers is

highly variable.

• Deep aquifers – Formed by porous layers which occur within marine sediments, these underlie

the shallow aquifers. Deep tertiary aquifers include T1 and T2. Water from these aquifers is

generally suitable for industrial and irrigation uses.

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• Fractured bedrock – These aquifers underly the deep tertiary aquifers and are generally of

good quality.

The aquifers within the Quaternary sequence are regionally referred to as Q1 to Q6. According to

Gerges (1987) 1, regional groundwater flow in the uppermost of the aquifers (Q1) at the site is

generally towards the north-west. The South Australia Department of Mines and Energy identifies

the uppermost quaternary aquifer in this area as being present at a depth of between 2 and

4 mBGL2. Shallow perched water can also occur, particularly in areas where more permeable

soils overly tight clay formations. Flows of shallow perched water are highly localised and

typically influenced by the geological bedding planes.

Local groundwater flow and depth to shallow groundwater in the vicinity of the site may be

influenced by on-site irrigation and use of the west portion of the site as a retention basin, as well

as by abstraction for heavily-irrigated features to the north (race track), north-west (soccer

pitch), and south-east (golf course). Surface water and stormwater inflows, as well as leaky

water infrastructure, can also create a shallow perched water system that is strongly influenced

by variability in the source water flows.

On 8 April 2019, a search of the South Australian Government Water Connect database

identified 396 wells within a 2 km radius of the site. A copy of search results is provided in

Appendix C.

No wells were registered on site. In relation to the bores within the 2.0 km search radius:

• 321 wells were installed to a depth of less than or equal to 20 mBGL and therefore considered

to potentially be accessing the shallow regional aquifer. Of these shallow wells, recorded

standing water level depths ranged from 0.9 to 7.3 mBGL.

• Measured total dissolved solids (TDS) concentrations in shallow wells were highly variable,

between 156 mg/L and 76,000 mg/L. According to the Environment Protection (Water

Quality) Policy (2015), groundwater with TDS concentrations exceeding 1,200 mg/L is deemed

unsuitable for drinking water purposes. Therefore, based on recorded salinity, some shallow

wells within 2 km of the site may be suitable for drinking water purposes.

• Of the 321 wells inferred to be accessing the shallow regional aquifer with 2 km, 29 were listed

as domestic, irrigation, recreation or recharge in nature:

– 20 Domestic

– 1 Irrigation

– 1 Recreation

– 7 Recharge

• Of the wells accessing the shallow aquifer and recorded as being for these purposes, the

closest well was located 100 m north east of the site, and was recorded as being for

recreational purposes.

• Several environmental and monitoring/investigation wells were identified within 2 km of the

site at the following locations:

– Approximately 250 m to the north east of the site

– Approximately 400 m to the north of the site

– Approximately 200-250 m west of the site

1 Gerges, Nabil, Z (2006) Overview of the hydrogeology of the Adelaide Metropolitan Area 2 South Australia Department of Mines and Energy (June 1992) Information Sheet 21 Groundwater in the Adelaide Metropolitan Area

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– Approximately 200 m to the south east of the site (Regency Golf Course)

LBWco could not identify any records of PCAs or groundwater contamination investigations in

association with the properties at which these wells were located (refer to Section 5.3).

4.5 Sensitive Receiving Environments

Heavily modified watercourses were present 900 m east and 600 m west of the site; however,

these appeared to be lined drainage channels and were therefore considered not to be

sensitive receiving environments in the context of environmental assessments. No other

potentially sensitive receiving environments were located within 1 km of the site.

4.6 Site Inspection

An LBWco consultant visited the site on 13 May 2019. The findings are summarised below:

• Stockpiles of soil were sporadically observed across the northern portion of the site. Construction and demolition waste, including asphalt, bricks and rocks were visible in the

surface of these stockpiles, as well as across the surface of the site in small quantities.

• Two small pieces of ACM were observed on the ground surface along the southern site


• The majority of the site, with the exception of an approximately 2 m-wide strip along the north

site boundary, was elevated approximately 0.5 – 0.6 m relative to the adjacent streets,

suggesting the historical importation of fill. was depressed approximately 1 m relative to the

remainder of the site and 0.5 m relative to the adjacent streets. This area appeared to have

been used for stormwater retention/drainage.

• An electrical transformer was present on the western boundary. No evidence of leakage

from this transformer was observed on the adjacent ground surface.

• Two discarded cans of paint were located on the eastern portion of the site.

Refer to Figure 2 in Appendix A for on the locations of site features of significance.

4.7 Adjacent Land Uses

Based upon the site inspection and review of current aerial photography, land surrounding the

site appeared to be generally residential to the south and commercial/light industrial to the north

and east. The land to the immediate north was occupied by the Angle Park Greyhound Club,

including a large outdoor racing track. Land to the west was predominantly recreational with

theatre and both indoor and outdoor recreational spaces. Land immediately west of the site

boundary comprised a large, sealed parking area servicing these recreational areas.

An above-ground storage tank was visible on the Greyhound Club immediately north of the site.

Based on a visual inspection of this feature from the site boundary, it appeared to be used for

water storage and was not considered to be a PCA.

Numerous industrial properties that may undertake PCAs were identified within 200 m east to

north-east of the site, inferred to be up- to trans-hydraulic gradient of the site. These included the


• A service station located approximately 210 m north-east of the site

• An earthmoving contractor with a large-scale laydown/repair yard, located approximately

60 m north-east of the site

• A blasting contractor/rental facility, located approximately 160 m east of the site

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• An industrial truck-hire service located approximately 200 m north-east of the site

• A sports marine manufacturing operation, located approximately 260 m north-east of the site

• An industrial pressure-washing operation located approximately 270 m north-east of the site

• A beauty products manufacturer located approximately 280 m north-east of the site.

The location of these properties is presented on Figure 3 in Appendix A.

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5 Site History

5.1 Certificate of Titles

On 9 May 2019, LBWco conducted a search on the South Australian Integrated Land Information

System for the current and historical certificates of title (CTs) for the site to inform historical

ownership information.

The site comprises two current certificates of title, CT 5791/575 and CT 5791/576, which are

included in Appendix B along with a CT tree summarising the history of titles for the two

allotments. Based upon these records, the site appeared to be privately owned as residential

and/or agricultural land until 1946, at which point it passed into control of the South Australian

Housing Trust and subsequently the City of Enfield/ Port Adelaide Enfield. Historical certificates of

title do not suggest PCAs for the site.

5.2 Aerial Photographs

Selected aerial photographs of the site and surrounding area, covering a period from 1959 to

1991 inclusive, were acquired from DEW. Google Earth was utilised for a satellite image from 1999

and satellite images taken in 2009 and 2019 were obtained from Nearmap. Copies of the

images are provided in Appendix D.

A summary of the features and apparent land use(s) observed in the historical aerial

photography is provided in Table 2. The aerial photographs do not clearly identify the date on

which the site was built-up relative to surrounding properties; however, it appears to be post-


Table 2 Aerial Photography Review

Year Key features observed

1959 On-site:

• The east portion of the site appeared to be pastoral land.

• An apparent racing track, potentially a previous greyhound racing track, covered the

west and central portions of the site.

• The site was generally flat.

• An inferred rainwater tank was present in south-west corner of the site.

• Trees were visible on the southern boundary of the site along the road.


• Limited residential development was present to the south-east of the site.

• Several buildings including possible sheds and a dwelling were located to the north

east of the site.

• Livestock could be seen to the north of the site, suggesting this area was pastoral


• Land east of the site appeared to be cropland.

1979 On-site:

• The racing track was expanded and relocated to cover the northern half of the site.

• The southern half of the site appeared undeveloped.

• The tank in the south-west portion of the site was no longer present.

• Possible stockpiles of fill material were present in the west corner of the site

• A sealed road or ran parallel to the western site boundary.

• Vegetation and dirt tracks were visible throughout the site.


• Significant residential development was present to the south.

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Year Key features observed

• Major expansion to the inferred Greyhound Club had occurred, including track

upgrade and construction of several sheds.

• Buildings to the north east were no longer present.

• A tank was visible on the north portion of the inferred Greyhound Club track,

approximately 120 m north of the site. Based on appearance and the nature of the

property, this tank was inferred to most-likely be a water tank.

• South Road had been developed east of the site.

• The recreational centre west of the site had been developed, including a sealed

bitumen carpark.

1989 On-site:

• Groundcover south of the racing track had been cleared.

• A sealed track was present on the east portion of the site.


• Further residential development had occurred to the south of the site.

• The sealed track on the east portion of the site continued north, along the east

portion of the Greyhound Club.

2000 On-site:

• The former racing track had been covered in vegetation, though its outline remained

visible. The remainder of the site was also vegetated.

• A fence was present on the central portion of the northern boundary of the site,

separating it from the Greyhound Club track.


• Further residential development had occurred to the south of the site.

• Further development of sealed roads had occurred to the south and east of the site,

including development of a roundabout to the immediate south of the site.

• Further development of the sealed surfaces at the recreational centre had occurred

to the west of the site.

• Possible fill importation was visible to the north east of the site.

• Further development to the Greyhound Club had occurred, including track upgrade

and construction of multiple sheds.

2009 On-site:

• The eastern portion of the site (Allotment 113) had been turned into a reserve, and

appeared to be irrigated.

• Soil stockpiles were present along the northern boundary of the site.

• Trees had grown along the southern boundary of the site.

• The western portion of the site had been excavated to its current level, forming an

inferred stormwater detention basin.

• With the exception of the site boundaries, the site had been cleared of vegetation.


• Soil stockpiles were visible just to the north of the site.

• Further residential development had occurred to the south of the site.

• Commercial/industrial development had occurred to the east and north-east of the

site, including those identified in Section 4.7.

• Further development of the recreation centre had occurred to the west of the site.

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Year Key features observed

2013 On-site:

• Additional stockpiles are present on the north portion of the site.


• The property immediately east/north-east of the site (Allotment 112) appeared to be

in use as a construction laydown yard.

• Construction of the South Road Superway was in progress, immediately east of the

site and Allotment 112.

• Further commercial/industrial development had occurred to the north east of the site

• A golf course was present to the south east of the site.

2014 On-site:

• No significant changes observed from the 2013 aerial photograph.


• Construction Activities on the property immediately east/north-east of the site

(Allotment 112) and the South Road Superway were significantly reduced.

• Further development had occurred to the Greyhound Club. A large water tank was

present approximately 20 m north of the site.

2019 On-site:

• Additional stockpiles are present on the north portion of the site.

• A new sealed path was present between the west and central portions of the site.


• The property immediately east/north-east of the site (Allotment 112) was no longer in


• Construction had been completed on the South Road Superway.

• A soccer pitch and hockey fields were present in association with the recreational

centre north-west of the site.

5.3 EPA Public Register Searches – Section 7

A Section 7 Search under the Land and Business (Sales and Conveyancing) Act 1994 was

conducted by the EPA for each of the land parcels comprising the site. Copies of the search

results are provided in Appendix E. The search results indicated the following for the site, as of

09 May 2019:

• There were no mortgages, charges or prescribed encumbrances affecting the site under the

relevant sections of the Environment Protection Act 1993

• No license or environmental authorisation was ever issued to operate a waste depot on the

land under the South Australia Waste Management Commission Act 1979, the Waste

Management Act 1987 or the Environment Protection Act 1993

• In relation to the subject site, the EPA Register did not hold any information relating to Details

of site contamination notified to the EPA under Section 83A of the Environment Protection Act


Copies of environmental assessment report(s) that forms part of the information required to be

recorded in the public register.

5.4 EPA Public Register Searches – Sit Contamination Index

The EPA maintains a searchable database on its website of key notifications made to the EPA

regarding site contamination. The database is called the Site Contamination Index


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In May 2019, LBWco conducted a search of the database for Angle Park and the neighbouring

suburbs of Regency Park and Ferryden Park. The EPA also provided data associated with

historical assessments in other regional areas near the site. A copy of the search output is

presented in Appendix E.

The search did not return any records pertaining to the subject site; however, several records

pertaining to off-site properties were considered potentially relevant to the site and reviewed.

These included the following:

• Two South Australian Health Commission (SAHC) records pertaining to 17 Warren Street, Angle


• Two PPK Environment & Infrastructure reports pertaining to the former ETSA Power Corp lot at

Angle Road, north-west of the site.

• A Parsons Brinkerhoff Australia Pty Limited (PB) limited site investigation report for 640 South

Road, located north of the site.

• A Fyfe Pty Ltd (Fyfe) limited site investigation report of five former Superway sites located

along South Road, north of the site, including 640 South Road.

• Two notifications of harm to groundwater under Section 83A of the EP Act, for 640 South


The following sections present a summary of these reviews.

Records Pertaining to 17 Warren Street, Angle Park

The EPA provided two historical South Australian Health Commission (SAHC) notifications to the

South Australia Housing Trust, pertaining to a former metal fabrication operation at Lots 53 & 54 17

Warren St, Angle Park. This property was located approximately 175 m to the south west of the

site. The location of this property is presented on Figure 3.

The first notification included a partial copy of a soil assessment report completed by Andrew

and Partners, dated 1990. Portions of this scanned document were illegible. The second

notification, dated 1991, included a summary of the findings of the Andrews and Partners report.

Key information presented in these documents included:

• The property was historically used for metal fabrication work.

• The soil assessment report identified levels of lead above current health-based guidelines.

Elevated levels of arsenic and zinc were also reported, but were below current guidelines.

Concentrations of toxic/carcinogenic PAHs approaching the current guidelines for the

benzo(a)pyrene toxic equivalence quotient were also reported. Petroleum hydrocarbon

impacts were referred to; however, a summary of reported concentrations was not provided

in the summary or partial report. PAH contamination was deemed by the SAHC to be

consistent with levels expected from a property moderately contaminated by sump oil and

garage greases.

• The SAHC summary indicated that soil contamination was limited to the upper 0.25 mBGL.

Trace concentrations of PAHs were reported in groundwater by the partial report.

Groundwater concentrations of other chemicals of interest were not presented in the partial

report nor discussed in the SAHC summary.

• Based on the generally low mobility of the contaminants identified and the distance of this

property from the site (175 m hydraulically down-gradient), the historical contamination on

this property is not considered likely to be a significant PCA for the site.

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Records Pertaining to Former ETSA Depot, Grand Junction Road, Angle Park

The EPA provided two historical reports pertaining to a former ETSA depot located on Grand

Junction Road, approximately 330 m north of the site. The location of this property is presented

on Figure 3. The first report summarised the results of a 1997 groundwater investigation in the

vicinity of former heating oil and waste oil underground storage tanks (USTs) at this property. The

second report provided a remedial options assessment to address groundwater contamination.

Key information presented in these documents included:

• Hydrocarbon contamination was identified in soils underlying the former USTs on this property.

• Hydraulic conductivity for soils within the upper aquifer beneath this property was estimated

to be approximately 1.4 x 10-5 m/s.

• Concentrations of dissolved-phase petroleum hydrocarbons of up to 41 mg/L were reported

in groundwater. Trace concentrations of dichloroethane and dichloropropene were also

reported in groundwater at concentrations of less than 1 µg/L.

• Approximately 15 mm of free-phase hydrocarbons was reported in one monitoring well,

located approximately 350 m north of the site.

• Neither free- nor dissolved phase impacts extended to the south site boundary.

• As the extent of impacts towards the site were historically bounded more than 300 m from the

site, and based upon the hydraulic conductivity reported for soils beneath the property and

hydraulically trans-gradient location of the property relative to the site, the historical

groundwater impacts on this property are not considered by LBWco to be relevant to the site.

This PCA is therefore not considered further in this PSI.

Records Pertaining to South Road Superway Operations

The EPA provided two historical reports pertaining to properties of interest along South Road,

Angle Vale and Wingfield. These properties were used as laydown yards during construction of

the adjacent South Road Superway.

The first report, prepared by Parsons Brinkerhoff Australia Pty Limited (PB) in 2010, summarised their

investigation of 640 South Road, located 700 m north-west of the site, prior to its use as a laydown

yard. The second report, prepared by Fyfe Pty Ltd (Fyfe) in 2015, summarised the investigations of

five properties of interest along South Road (Properties B, C, D, E and F), including 640 South Road

(property B), and was undertaken subsequent to their use as laydown yards. Of these properties,

E and F were located more than 1 km form the site, and are therefore not considered by LBWco

to be relevant to the site. Properties C and D were located approximately 750 m north of the


Two historical Section 83A notifications were also held by the EPA, pertaining to Property B.

Key information presented in these documents included:

• The direction of shallow groundwater flow in the vicinity of these properties was south-west,

towards the site.

• Elevated fluoride, lead, and petroleum hydrocarbons were reported in groundwater on the

south-west corner of Property B by the PB 2010 report, with only elevated fluoride also

reported in the Fyfe 2015 report. It was considered likely that these impacts extended south-

west beyond the property boundary.

• A historical Section 83A notification of harm to groundwater was reported for Property B in

2010. This notification indicated the presence of elevated fluoride, lead, and total

recoverable hydrocarbons in the C10-C28 range in groundwater beneath the property. A

subsequent Section 83A notification for this property, from 2015, indicated only the presence

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of fluoride impacts to groundwater. This information is consistent with that presented in the

2010 PB and 2015 Fyfe reports.

• The 2015 Fyfe report concluded that the elevated fluoride concentrations at Property B were

most likely indicative of ambient regional values, rather than of localised contamination.

Based on this, the absence of lead and petroleum hydrocarbon impacts at the time of the

2015 assessment, and the distance of the property from the site, the historical groundwater

impacts on this property are not considered by LBWco to be relevant to the site. The PCA

associated with Property B is therefore not considered further in this PSI.

• The 2015 Fyfe report identified elevated fluoride concentrations at Property C, located at 648

– 650 South Road. Similar to Property B, the report concluded these concentrations to be

indicative of ambient regional values, rather than of localised contamination. Based on this

and the distance of the property from the site, the historical groundwater impacts on this

property are not considered by LBWco to be relevant to the site. The PCA associated with

Property C is therefore not considered further in this PSI.

• Hydrocarbon-impacted soils was reported at Property D, located at Allotment 61 Grand

Junction/South Road, Angle Park SA. Groundwater was not assessed at this property;

however, hydrocarbon impacts were not identified on adjacent Properties C and D during

the 2015 Fyfe assessment. As these properties are generally located between Property D and

the site, off-site migration of groundwater impacts from Property D toward the site is not

considered to be a significant concern. The PCA associated with Property D is therefore not

considered further in this PSI.

5.5 Sands and McDougall Directory Search

LBWco conducted a search of historical South Australia Directory (Sands and McDougall)

records, accessed via the State Library of South Australia website, for businesses listed historically

at or near the site that may indicate the presence of a historical PCA. These records relate to

businesses between the late 1800s to 1973. Historical information was gathered around a 2.0 km

radius of the site.

A summary of the results from 1943-1973 are summarised in Appendix F. Offsite addresses of note

are summarised in Table 3 below:

Table 3 Sands and McDougall Summary Table

Address Business Year

17 Blenhelm Rd Welder 1973

21 Blenhelm Rd Fibre Plasterer 1973

27 Blenhelm Rd Spray Painter 1973

33 Blenhelm Rd Painter 1973

38 Blenhelm Rd Painter 1973

6 Bristol Rd Machinist 1973/1963

10 Bristol Rd Die Caster 1973

16 Bristol Rd Plasterer 1963

50 Cardigan St Painter 1973

54 Cardigan St Metal Finisher 1973

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Address Business Year

56 Cardigan St Shoemaker 1973

9 Cowan St Welder 1973/1963

11 Cowan St Painter 1973/1963

33 Cowan St Machinist 1973

51-53 Cowan St Die Caster 1973/1963

75 Cowan St Die Caster 1963

4 Hilton St Panel Beater 1973

22 Hilton St Painter 1963

5 Nelson Rd Welder 1973/1963

15 Warren St Sheet Metal Worker 1973

17 Warren St Coppersmith 1973/1963

It should be noted that the South Australia Directory listed the occupation / profession of the

resident of a property and that this does not necessarily indicate that the address listed is a place

of business. Based on EPA records pertaining to the 17 Warren Street property (refer to Section

5.4.1), this location appears to have been used for industrial metal works activities. However,

based on a review of historical aerial photographs, it appears unlikely that other addresses listed

were commercial/industrial facilities. However, the potential for operation from a residential

property cannot be definitievely precluded.

The properties identified are generally located cross- or down-hydraulic gradient of the site.

Given this and their distance from the site, it is considered unlikely that historical PCAs on these

properties (if any) have resulted in groundwater contamination with the potential to migrate

beneath the site.

5.6 City of Port Adelaide Enfield

A request was made to City of Port Adelaide Enfield to undertake a search for Property

Information and Particulars for the site pursuant to Section 7of the Land & Business Sale &

Conveyancing Act 1994.

The City of Port Adelaide Enfield indicated that they held no records of activities of potential

environmental having occurred on the site allotments.

5.7 Site History Overview

The following presents a summary of the site history and potential for PCAs, based on the desktop

site history undertaken:

• The site was historically used as pastoral land, being developed with a racing track from the

1960s through the 1990s. A stormwater detention basin was developed on the west portion of

the site in the 2000s. No PCAs were associated with current or historical site developments.

• Fill importation has historically taken place on-site, and soil stockpiles have been present on-

site from the 2000s onwards. The source of imported fill and stockpiled soil is not known.

Based on the presence of visible asphalt and other C&D waste in some stockpiles, there is a

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potential for some imported materials to have originated from properties on which PCAs


• A construction depot/laydown yard, inferred to be associated with the elevation of South

Road to the east, was present immediately north-east of the site between 2011 and 2014,

corresponding to the appearance of additional stockpiles on the north portion of the site.

Based on records of surplus soil from this activity being stored on properties in the vicinity of

South Road during upgrade works (refer to Section 5.4.2), these activities may have been the

source of some of the stockpiles present on the site. This activity also constitutes a PCA for the

adjacent property, with the potential for associated groundwater contamination (if any) to

have migrated beneath the site,

• PCAs are associated with a service station and numerous industrial properties located

between 50 and 300 m off-site to the east and north-east, which were developed in the

2000s. These properties are inferred to be located hydraulically up- or trans-gradient of the

site, and as such there is a potential for associated groundwater contamination (if any) to

have migrated beneath the site.

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6 Conceptual Site Model

6.1 Potentially Contaminating Activities

A desktop assessment of prescribed PCAs (defined in Environment Protection Regulations 2009),

that were likely to have been undertaken at or near the site is presented in Table 4.

Table 4 Prescribed PCAs

Activity Definition/Description Comment


Fill or soil


Importation, to premises of a business, of soil or

other fill originating from a site at which another

potentially contaminating activity has taken


Inferred to have occurred

based on the presence of

asphalt and other C&D waste in

some on-site stockpiles

Wetlands or

detention basin

Operation of bodies of water less than 6 m

deep for collection and management of

stormwater or other wastewater for urban

amenity, flood mitigation or ecological or other

environmental purposes

Present on the west portion of

the site

Asbestos disposal Disposal of asbestos or asbestos waste Minor suspected asbestos-

containing debris observed on

south boundary. Debris

appeared indicative of an

isolated disposal event.

Nearby off-site

Abrasive blasting Operation of works for abrasive blast cleaning

or disposal of abrasive blasting material

Currently present approximately

160 m north-east of the site

Metal processing,

smelting, refining or

metallurgical works

Operation of works for smelting (by means of

furnace) of ferrous or non-ferrous metal or

smelting or reduction of ores to produce metal

Metal processing and treatment

facility historically present

approximately 175 m south-west

of the site

Motor vehicle repair

or maintenance

Operation of premises for repair or

maintenance of motor vehicles or parts of

motor vehicles (including engine reconditioning


Multiple industrial facilities

currently present between 50 m

and 300 m east and north-east

of the site

Service stations Operation of retail fuel outlets Currently present approximately

210 m north-east of the site

Vessel construction,

repair or


Operation of works or facilities (whether on

water or land) for construction, repair, or

maintenance of vessels

Currently present approximately

260 m north-east of the site

Works depot Operation of works depot by councils or utilities Historically present immediately

east/north-east of site

A desktop assessment of notable non-prescribed PCAs that were likely to have been undertaken

at or near the site is presented in Table 5.

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Table 5 Non-Prescribed PCAs

Activity Comment


Electrical transformer Present on the western site boundary

Nearby off-site

Beauty products manufacturer Currently present approximately 280 m north-east of the site

6.2 Preliminary Conceptual Site Model

Based upon the site history research, a preliminary conceptual site model (CSM) has been

formulated to identify PCAs that likely occurred at or near the site and provide consideration of

potential contaminated media, exposure pathways, and risks to receptors. Relevant receptors

include construction workers, future residents and the environment within the current and

proposed land use. The CSM is summarised in Table 6.

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Table 6 Preliminary CSM - Desktop Assessment of Site Contamination Risk from PCAs





of potential


Likely location Relevant



Potential Onsite


Potential risk and/or liability for future land use




il V
























Fill or soil




including heavy

metals, mono-

and polycyclic



(MAH and




Within shallow site

soils and potentially

deeper soils

Within stockpiles

Y Y Y Y Y Y High

Fill materials are likely to be present across the majority of the site in stockpiles and

shallow soils. This material may pose a risk to current and future site receptors

through direct contact, and to future site receptors through vapour intrusion and


If contaminated waste soils are generated during redevelopment works, they

may be unsuitable for onsite reuse and higher costs for offsite disposal are likely to

be incurred.

Wetlands or

detention basin

Heavy metals,



Western portion of

the site

Y Y Y Y Y Y Low

There is a potential for contaminants in stormwater from adjacent industrial areas

to concentrate in the retention basin. Based on the absence of visible impacts in

this area at the time of the site visit, this potential is considered to be low.



Asbestos South site boundary Y - - Y - Y Low

There is a potential for asbestos disposal at the site to result in buried asbestos

debris in site soils. Based on the limited quantity of surficial asbestos observed at

the time of the site visit, this potential is considered to be low.





(PCBs), PAHs,



Western site


Y - Y Y Y Y Low

There is a potential for leaking transformer oil to have resulted in localised site

contamination. Based on the absence of visible impacts in this area at the time

of the site visit, this potential is considered to be low.

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Heavy metals 160 m north-east of

the site

- - Y Y - - Low - Negligible

Based on the distance of this PCA from the site and the likely mobility of

associated contaminants of concern, the potential is considered low to



processing and


Heavy metals,




175 m south-west of

the site

- Y Y Y Y - Negligible

Based on the distance of this PCA from the site, contaminants of interest

historically identified, and its position hydraulically down-gradient of the

site, the potential is considered negligible.

Motor vehicle

repair or


Heavy metals,

PAH, petroleum


volatile organic


Multiple industrial

facilities currently

present between

50 m and 300 m east

and north-east of the


- Y Y Y Y - Low - Moderate

PCAs on these properties have the potential to have resulted in

groundwater contamination, which may have migrated beneath the

site. Based on their potential up-hydraulic location relative to the site

and distances from the site, this potential is considered to be low to


Service stations Petroleum




210 m north-east of

the site

- Y Y Y Y - Low – Moderate

PCAs on this property have the potential to have resulted in groundwater

contamination, which may have migrated beneath the site. Based on

the property’s potential up-hydraulic location relative to the site and

distances from the site, this potential is considered to be low to




repair, or


Heavy metals,

PAH, petroleum


volatile organic


260 m north-east of

the site

- Y Y Y Y - Low

PCAs on this property have the potential to have resulted in groundwater

contamination, which may have migrated beneath the site. Based on

the property’s distances from the site, this potential is considered to be


Works depot Heavy metals,

PAH, petroleum



adjacent to the site

- Y Y Y Y - Moderate

PCAs on this property have the potential to have resulted in groundwater

contamination, which may have migrated beneath the site. Based on

the property’s potential up-hydraulic location relative to the site and itsa

location immediately adjacent to the site, this potential is considered to

be moderate.

Beauty products




volatile organic


260 m north-east of

the site

- Y Y Y Y - Low

PCAs on this property have the potential to have resulted in groundwater

contamination, which may have migrated beneath the site. Based on

the property’s distances from the site, this potential is considered to be


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7 Soil Investigation Methodology

7.1 Guidance Documents

The soil investigation was undertaken with reference to the guidance provided in the following


• ASC NEPM, as amended in 2013. Schedules B(1), B(4)

• EPA, 2018 Guidelines for the Assessment and Remediation of Site Contamination

• Standards Australia AS 4482.1-2005 Guide to the investigation and sampling of sites with

potentially contaminated soil Part 1: Non-volatile and semi-volatile compounds

• Standards Australia AS 4482.2-1999 Guide to the sampling and investigation of potentially

contaminated soil – Part 2: Volatile substances

7.2 Soil Sampling and Analysis Rationale

Prior to the commencement of intrusive investigations onsite, a sampling plan was prepared

based upon the findings of the site history assessment. The intrusive soil investigation targeted the

portions of the site where layers of fill or uncontrolled stockpiles were known or suspected to be

present. A plan displaying the test pit and stockpile sampling locations is provided as Figure 4 in

Appendix A.

The Australian Standard AS4482.1 – 2005 was referenced for the minimum sampling density for the

investigation of circular hotspots of contamination. Sampling was completed at 12 locations,

exceeding the minimum recommended by this standard. Four stockpile locations were also

sampled, to obtain a preliminary characterisation of stockpile conditions.

Recovery of soil samples from excavated soil and selection of samples for testing was undertaken

using a judgemental approach. Samples were submitted for laboratory analysis based on

physical evidence of contamination observed. Soil samples were tested for a broad range of

potential chemicals of interest, including contaminants of concern.

7.3 Fieldwork Methodology

The soil assessment fieldwork methodology, including field quality assurance/quality control

(QA/QC) measures implemented during the investigation, is summarised in Table 7.

Table 7 Summary of Soil Investigation Methodology

Activity Details

Environment, Health

and Safety

Prior to the commencement of field activities, a site-specific environmental

health and safety (EHS) plan was prepared and a site sampling plan was

developed. Test pit locations were cleared of underground services by a

licenced service locator prior to drilling.

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Activity Details

Test pitting and

sampling On 14 June 2019, 12 test pits (TP01-TP12) were excavated at the site. Test pits

were dug with a backhoe by an excavation subcontractor to a depth of 2.0

metres below ground level (mBGL). At TP01 only a surface sample was

collected, due to lack of safe access to this location for the backhoe and the

presence of underground irrigation piping that could not be fully located by the

service locator.

Soil was recovered from the test pits at depths representing each distinct soil or fill

layer as determined by LBWco’s field representative, photographed, logged and

sampled into laboratory-supplied jars.

Selected stockpiles located on the northern border of the site were

photographed and sampled by hand.

Test pit logs are presented in Appendix G.

Sample handling Soil samples were handled exclusively by an LBWco consultant and were stored

in glass jars supplied by the primary contract laboratory, ALS.

Nitrile gloves were worn whilst collecting the samples, which were collected using

the glass jars, to avoid equipment contamination.

Quality control

duplicate and blank


TP09-06 (inter-laboratory) and TP09-07 (intra-laboratory), duplicates of TP09-02,

were submitted for laboratory analysis.

An equipment rinsate blank was collected off the nitrile sampling gloves to

provide confidence that no contamination from sampling equipment had


Quality control duplicate and blank samples results are provided in the chemical

summary tables in Appendix H.

Soil logging Soils encountered at each sampling location were logged in general

accordance with Standards Australia (2017) Geotechnical Site Investigations

AS1726. Soil logs are provided in Appendix G. Photographs of each soil or fill

layer were taken prior to collection of samples.

Sample preservation Soil samples were stored under chilled conditions in a portable cooler

immediately following sampling and during delivery to the laboratory.

Sample transport was performed in accordance with LBWco’s chain of custody

(COC) procedures.

Soil bore

abandonment Test pits were backfilled using soil cuttings directly after sampling, prior to

excavation of the next test pit.

Laboratory Analysis Selected samples were submitted for chemical analysis of potential

contaminants of concern, including:

• Metals


• Total recoverable hydrocarbons (TRH)

• Benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylene (BTEX)

• Physico-chemical parameters (pH, cation exchange capacity, percent clay)

• SA EPA Waste Screen – broad suite of potential chemicals of interest.

Primary analytical testing was undertaken by ALS, with inter-laboratory sampling

undertaken by Envirolab. Both laboratories were accredited by the National

Association of Testing Authorities (NATA) for the analyses performed.

7.4 Screening Guidelines

The ASC NEPM provides a nationally consistent framework for assessing the presence and

significance of site contamination in soil and groundwater. The NEPM methodology is based on

assessing the potential for an unacceptable risk to human health or the environment by

comparing concentrations of chemical substances to conservative, generic investigation levels

for various environmental settings and land use scenarios.

Investigation levels are defined in the ASC NEPM as… concentrations of a contaminant above

which further appropriate investigation and evaluation will be required. They are not clean up or

response levels. A response level is defined as… the concentration of a contaminant at a specific

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site based on a site assessment for which some form of response is required to provide an

adequate margin of safety to protect public health and/or the environment.

The NEPM health investigation levels (HILs) are based on conservative assumptions around

providing protection to a young child living or playing on the site and subjected to exposure to

contaminated soils. The most stringent HILs/HSLs are assigned to sensitive land uses such as

commercial, childcare centres and primary schools.

The subject site was proposed to be redeveloped for future residential and recreational use and

therefore LBWco assessed whether site contamination existed with respect to these land uses.

Human Health Screening Guidelines

Based on the current and potential future land uses of the site. LBWco adopted the ASC NEPM

HILs for exposure settings ‘A’ – low-density residential, and ‘C’ - recreational. These provide

consideration of exposure risk in generic residential and recreational land use settings.

ASC NEPM HSLs for the vapour intrusion exposure pathway are dependent upon the grain size of

site soils and the depth of potential volatile contaminants from site receptors. For purposes of this

assessment, HSLs for low-density residential land use, sandy soils and a contaminant depth of

0-1 mBGL were conservatively adopted.

HSLs for direct contact with soils are provided in the CRC CARE Technical Report 10 for

consideration of risk from petroleum hydrocarbons in soils. The guidelines for low-density

residential and recreational properties were adopted.

A summary of the adopted health-based guidelines is provided below:

• ASC NEPM, soil HIL A – low-density residential land use

• ASC NEPM, soil HIL C – recreational land use

• NEPM 1999 Soil HSL A/B for vapour intrusion – residential land use (sand, 0-1 mBGL)

• CRC CARE, 2011, soil HSL A for direct contact – low-density residential land use

• CRC CARE, 2011, soil HSL C for direct contact – recreational/open space land use.

The adopted health-based guidelines are presented on chemical summary tables in Appendix H.

Ecological Screening Guidelines

Chemical contaminants may adversely affect the ecological values of a site and the levels

considered suitable based on human health considerations may not afford protection to the

local ecology. In order to consider the potential for toxicity to sensitive plants and animals,

contaminant concentrations have also been compared to ecological investigation levels (EILs)

and ecological screening levels (ESLs) presented in the ASC NEPM. These values are typically only

applicable to the top 2 m of the soil profile where plants (and to a lesser degree animals) are

likely to interact with the soil.

EILs were derived using site-specific physico-chemical parameters from sample TP11-02 as inputs

into the NEPM 2013 Ecological Investigation Level Calculation Spreadsheet. The derivation of EILs

was anticipated to produce appropriately conservative screening values.

ESLs are dependent upon the grain size of site soils. For shallow site soils, ESLs for coarse-grained

soils were considered most appropriate.

A summary of the adopted ecological-based guidelines is provided below:

• ASC NEPM, soil EIL – urban residential/public open space land use

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• ASC NEPM, soil ESL – urban residential/public open space (coarse soils).

The adopted ecological-based guidelines are presented on chemical summary tables in

Appendix H, along with the output from the ASC NEPM Ecological Investigation Level Calculation


The ESLs presented in the ASC NEPM 1999 (as amended 2013) were adopted from provisional

Canadian environmental health soil quality guidelines (CCME SQGE). Following the amendment

of the ASC NEPM in 2013, new toxicological data led the Canadian Council of Ministers of the

Environment (CCME) to revise the Canadian SGQEs for benzo(a)pyrene to 20 mg/kg for

residential/parkland sites. Correspondence3 from EPA supported the use of the revised CCME

SGQE within preliminary environmental risk assessments and risk management decisions, as use of

the existing NEPM ESL benzo(a)pyrene criteria may result in an overly conservative approach to

soil remediation and management. The CCME screening level for benzo(a)pyrene has been

included in the soil chemical data tables presented in Appendix H.

7.5 Waste Classification

Criteria used to assess the suitability of waste soils for offsite disposal are presented in the EPA

information sheet Current Criteria for the Classification of Waste including Commercial and

Industrial Waste (Listed) and Waste Soil (March 2010, EPA), dated March 2010.

The waste soil classifications, listed in order of severity of contamination from lowest to highest,


• Waste Fill (WF)

• Intermediate Waste Soil (IWS)

• Low-Level Contaminated Waste (LLCW)

Maximum permissible chemical concentrations for these waste classifications are referred to

collectively as the soil disposal criteria and are presented in soil chemical summary tables in

Appendix H.

In addition to chemical content, consideration is given to the physical requirements of WF as

defined in the Environment Protection Regulations 2009. “Waste Fill” is defined as waste

containing clay, concrete, rock, sand, soil or other inert mineralogical matter in pieces not

exceeding 100 mm in length (but that does not include waste consisting of or containing

asbestos or bitumen).

3 SAEPA (2 July 2015), EPA guidance in relation to BaP ESLs, email from Wendy Boyce to Site Contamination Auditors.

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8 Soil Sampling Results

The following section summarises the field observations and results of the laboratory soil testing.

Soil sampling locations are presented on Figure 2 in Appendix A. Tabulated results of chemical

testing are presented in Appendix H. Laboratory certificates of analysis are presented in

Appendix I.

8.1 Field Observations

All sampling areas assessed were unsealed, with the site mostly covered with grass and weeds.

Brown, low-moderate plasticity sandy clay was observed in all test pits as a surface layer to

approximately 0.2 mBGL. All test pits contained multiple layers of fill, the composition of which

varied across the site. Fill in the vicinity of test pit TP02 was observed to contain ash, cinders, and

fragments of asphalt. This material was not observed elsewhere on the site.

Natural soils were encountered at each test pit, underlying fill at a depth of approximately 0.5 to

0.8 mBGL. Soils comprised brown to brown-orange sandy clay with low-moderate plasticity.

There were many stockpiles of varying composition, age and size along the northern border of

the site. Four of these were selected for sampling. Some of the stockpiles contained inclusions of

asphalt and gravel, as well as other construction and demolition waste material. Stockpiles with

these inclusions were generally located in the north-east portion of the site, and included the

stockpiles sampled as SP03 and SP04.

No suspected asbestos-containing materials were observed in either excavated soil or the

stockpiles assessed.

Detailed descriptions of the materials encountered are provided in soil bore logs in Appendix G.

8.2 Laboratory Results

Human Health Screening Guidelines

Concentrations of lead exceeded the NEPM 1999 HIL ‘A’ for residential land use of 300 mg/kg in

the samples of fill material assessed at TP02. These concentrations were marginally below the HIL

‘C; for recreational land use.

The concentration of toxic/carcinogenic PAHs (benzo(a)pyrene toxic equivalence quotient, BaP

TEQ) in one of two fill samples collected at this location also exceeded adopted residential and

recreational guideline (3.0 mg/kg). Detectable concentrations of PAHs were also reported in

stockpile samples SP02. SP03, and SP04; however, PAH concentrations for these stockpiles were

below adopted guidelines.

No other chemicals of interest were reported in the soil samples or stockpiles assessed that

exceeded the adopted human health screening guidelines.

Ecological Screening Guidelines

Concentrations of copper and zinc exceeded the calculated NEPM 1999 EILs for urban

residential land use (55 mg/kg and 620 mg/kg, respectively), including both residential and

recreational land uses, for both samples of fill material assessed at TP02.

No other chemicals of interest were reported in the soil samples or stockpiles assessed that

exceeded the adopted ecological screening guidelines.

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Waste Classification

Concentrations of copper, lead, manganese and zinc at test pit TP02 exceeded the criteria for

Waste Fill. The concentration of benzo(a)pyrene at this location, at a depth of 0.4-0.5 mBGL, also

exceeded the criteria for both Waste Fill and Intermediate Waste, while the concentration of

total PAHs exceeded the criteria for Waste Fill .

The concentrations of mercury in stockpiles SP03 and SP04 and zinc in SP03 exceeded the criteria

for Waste Fill.

No other chemicals of interest were reported in the soil samples or stockpiles assessed that

exceeded the criteria for Waste fill.

Waste Classification

Assessment of leachable heavy metals was undertaken on test pit soil samples that reported

maximum concentrations of copper and manganese (TP02-03) and lead and zinc (TP02-03).

Leachate testing was also undertaken on stockpile samples that reported maximum zinc (SP03)

and mercury (SP04 concentrations).

Concentrations of leachable metals in the samples assessed were below the criteria for

Intermediate Waste and/or the laboratory limit of reporting.

8.3 Soil Data Validation

A quality control / quality assurance (QC/QA) validation assessment was completed to assess

the suitability of the soil data for use as part of this PSI. As part of this, the relative percentage

difference (RPD) for a pair of duplicate concentrations was calculated using the formula:

RPD (%) = 100(x1 – x2) / x

where x1, x2 = duplicate results and x = mean of duplicate results.

According to the ASC NEPM,

• typical RPD values for soils are in the range of ±30%

• a RPD within the range was considered to show acceptable agreement and, conversely,

data was considered to have relatively poor agreement where a RPD was outside this


Generally higher RPD values occur for organic compounds than for metals and where low

concentrations of an analyte are recorded. Where one or more samples within a duplicate pair

reported a concentration less than five times the LOR, no RPD was calculated. Instead, the

duplicate pair was considered to demonstrate acceptable precision where the difference

between the two samples was less than twice the LOR.

The results of internal laboratory quality control procedures are provided within the laboratory

certificates of analysis (Appendix I). The acceptance criterion for internal laboratory replicates

was set at an RPD of 30%. Laboratory recoveries should be in the range 50% to 150%.

Table 8 indicates conformance to specific QA/QC requirements for soil analysis.

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Table 8 Soil Data Validation

QA/QC Requirement Compliant Comment Acceptable

Chain of custody

documentation completed

Yes All samples were transported under strict LBWco

chain of custody procedures. Yes

Samples delivered to

laboratory within sample

holding times and with

correct preservative

Yes All samples were delivered to the laboratories

within the sample holding times and in

laboratory-supplied containers.


All analyses NATA


Yes Eurofins and ALS were NATA accredited for all

the analyses performed. Yes

Required number of sample

duplicates analysed

Yes Two duplicate samples were analysed for 27

primary samples. This complies with the

minimum duplicate ratio of 1 inter- and one

intra-laboratory duplicate for each set of 20

primary samples recommended in AS 4482.1



Soil QA/QC samples

reported RPDs within limits

recommended by the ASC


Mostly The majority of QC data was compliant, with 49

of 52 duplicate pairs reported RPDs below the

target value. Elevated RPDs were considered

indicative of the highly heterogeneous nature of

site fill.


Equipment rinsate blank

frequency of at least one

per day

Yes An equipment rinsate blank sample (RINSE-01)

was collected from a nitrile glove.


Blank samples contained

concentrations below the


Yes Chemicals of interest were not reported in the

rinsate blank, demonstrating decontamination

procedures were adequate.


Acceptable laboratory QC


Mostly Most internal laboratory duplicates, matrix

spikes, and method blanks were within limits

(516 of 520). Exceptions were not considered to

affect the conclusions of the assessment.


Quality control data collected during this investigation indicated that the majority of QA/QC

results were within acceptable limits. Accordingly, LBWco considered that the data quality was

adequate for the purpose of this investigation.

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9 Conclusions and Recommendations

Based on a desktop review of current and historical site information and a site inspection, LBWco

prepared a summary CSM for PCAs that were inferred to have occurred at or near the subject

site. The following PCAs were identified:

• Three prescribed PCAs were inferred to have occurred on the site, with the following

likelihoods of having resulted in site contamination that may pose a significant risk or liability

for future land users:

‒ Fill or soil importation throughout the site - HIGH

‒ Stormwater detention basin on the west portion of the site – LOW

‒ Asbestos disposal on the south site boundary – LOW

• The presence of an electrical transformer on the west site boundary was identified as a non-

prescribed PCA, with a low risk of having resulted in site contamination that may pose a

significant risk to future site users.

• Seven prescribed PCAs were inferred to have occurred in the surrounding area, with the

following likelihoods of having resulted in site contamination that may pose a significant risk or

liability for future land users:

‒ A historical construction works depot immediately east of the site – MODERATE

‒ Motor vehicle repair or maintenance on numerous industrial properties located east and

north-east of the site – LOW to MODERATE

‒ A service station located north-east of the site – LOW to MODERATE

‒ A potential vessel repair/construction facility north of the site – LOW

‒ An abrasive blasting operation located north-east of the site – LOW to NEGLIGIBLE

‒ A historical metals processing and treatment facility located south-west of the site -


• The presence of a beauty products manufacturer north-east of the site was identified as a

non-prescribed PCA, with a low risk of having resulted in site contamination that may pose a

significant risk to future site users.

Based on the results of the intrusive investigation program, the following conclusions are drawn:

• Fill on part of the western portion of the site, east of the detention basin and in the vicinity of

TP02, was impacted with PAH and heavy metal contamination. This material may pose a

potential health risk to future residential occupants of the site, and to current and future

ecological receptors at the site. Although concentrations of PAHs also exceeded human

health and ecological guidelines for recreational land use, it is understood by LBWco that the

site is no longer in use as community recreational land. In addition, as PAH-impacted soil at

this location is present at a depth of 0.4 mBGL, the risk of exposure in the site’s current state is

considered to be low.

• The vertical and areal extents of contamination in this area is unknown; however, impacts are

likely limited vertically to the extent of fill (0.8 mBGL). The contaminated fill identified at TP02 is

visually distinct from fill material observed elsewhere on-site, containing ash, cinders, and

fragments of bitumen.

• For purposes of off-site disposal, the contaminated fill in this area of the site was classified as

Low-Level Contaminated Waste. However, as this material only marginally exceeded the

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Intermediate Waste criterion for benzo(a)pyrene in one sample, it is possible that additional

sampling could allow for reclassification as Intermediate Waste.

• No unacceptable risks to human health or ecology were identified for soil on the remainder of

the site, in the context of recreational or residential land use. Should this material become

surplus to site development, the preliminary waste classification for the material would be

Waste Fill. It is important to note that any soils to be disposed of as Waste Fill must also meet

the physical requirements of Waste Fill to be classified as such.

• Soil in the stockpiles assessed did not pose an unacceptable risk to human health of ecology

in the context of recreational or residential land use. Trace concentrations of PAHs were

present in three of four stockpile samples, and based on concentrations of heavy metals, the

preliminary classification of two of four stockpile samples for the purpose of of-site disposal

was Intermediate Waste. Should stockpiles be removed for off-site disposal, additional

sampling will be required to appropriately classify materials at the various stockpiles for


The information provided in this report is subject to the limitations expressed in Section 10. The

reader should make themselves aware of the limitations and how they relate to the conclusions


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10 Limitations

Scope of Services

This environmental site assessment report (“the report”) has been prepared in accordance with

the scope of services set out in the contract, or as otherwise agreed, between Jensen Plus

(Jensen) and LBW Co Pty Ltd (LBWco) (“scope of services”). In some circumstances the scope of

services may have been limited by a range of factors such as time, budget, access and/or site

disturbance constraints.

Reliance on Data

In preparing the report, LBWco has relied upon data, surveys, analyses, designs, plans and other

information provided by Jensen and other individuals and organisations, most of which are

referred to in the report (“the data”). Except as otherwise stated in the report, LBWco has not

verified the accuracy or completeness of the data. To the extent that the statements, opinions,

facts, information, conclusions and/or recommendations in the report (“conclusions”) are based

in whole or part on the data, those conclusions are contingent upon the accuracy and

completeness of the data. LBWco will not be liable in relation to incorrect conclusions should any

data, information or condition be incorrect or have been concealed, withheld, misrepresented

or otherwise not fully disclosed to LBWco.

Environmental Conclusions

In accordance with the scope of services, LBWco has relied upon the data and has conducted

environmental field monitoring and/or testing in the preparation of the report. The nature and

extent of monitoring and/or testing conducted is described in the report.

On all sites, varying degrees of non-uniformity of the vertical and horizontal soil or groundwater

conditions are encountered. Hence no monitoring, common testing or sampling technique can

eliminate the possibility that monitoring or testing results/samples are not totally representative of

soil and/or groundwater conditions encountered. The conclusions are based upon the data and

the environmental field monitoring and/or testing and are therefore merely indicative of the

environmental condition of the site at the time of preparing the report, including the presence or

otherwise of contaminants or emissions.

Also, it should be recognised that site conditions, including the extent and concentration of

contaminants, can change with time.

Within the limitations imposed by the scope of services, the monitoring, testing, sampling and

preparation of this report have been undertaken and performed in a professional manner, in

accordance with generally accepted practices and using a degree of skill and care ordinarily

exercised by reputable environmental consultants under similar circumstances. No other

warranty, expressed or implied, is made.

Report for Benefit of Jensen

The report has been prepared for the benefit of Jensen and no other party. LBWco assumes no

responsibility and will not be liable to any other person or organisation for or in relation to any

matter dealt with or conclusions expressed in the report, or for any loss or damage suffered by

any other person or organisation arising from matters dealt with or conclusions expressed in the

report (including without limitation matters arising from any negligent act or omission of LBWco or

for any loss or damage suffered by any other party relying upon the matters dealt with or

conclusions expressed in the report). Other parties should not rely upon the report or the

accuracy or completeness of any conclusions and should make their own enquiries and obtain

independent advice in relation to such matters.

Other Limitations

LBWco will not be liable to update or revise the report to take into account any events or

emergent circumstances or facts occurring or becoming apparent after the date of the report.

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Appendix A


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Site Location Plan

Cowan Street Angle Park



Jensen Plus


Site Boundary

Map Details

Source Map data © Google Maps / Property

Location Browser

LBW co Details

Job No. 191091

Drawn MF Rev. 0

Checked MP Date 08.05.19



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Site Features Plan

Cowan Street, Angle Park



Jensen Plus



0 20 40 m

Site Boundary

LBW co Details

Job No. 191091

Drawn TH Rev. 0

Checked MP Date 02.07.2019


Drainage Basin

Electrical Transformer

Asbestos Fragments

Stockpiled Soil

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Surrounding Land


Cowan St, Angle Park

PSI—Site History


Jensen Plus



0 35 70m

LBW co Details

Job No. 191091

Drawn TH Rev. 0

Checked MP Date 02.07.2019


BP Service Station/

car wash

17 Warren Street, historical

metal processing and


Catcon earthmoving

Sports Marine

Karcher pressure


CMI Hino truck service


Natural Look Manufacturer,

Able Blasting Contractors/

Cavpower Rentals

Approximate site


Significant current offsite


Significant former offsite


Historical ETSA depot

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Site Layout and Sample

Location Plan

Cowan Street Angle Park



Jensen Plus



0 20 40 m

Site Boundary

Stockpile Sample

Test Pit Location

LBW co Details

Job No. 191091

Drawn TH Rev. 0

Checked MP Date 02.07.2019


TP01 TP02








TP10 TP11


SP01 SP02 SP03 SP04

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Appendix B

Certificates of Title

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Land Ownership History

Lot 113 &115 Cowan St, Angle Park


CT 5791/575

Parent Title 5227/157

Allotment 115 Deposited Plan 54323 in the area named Angle

Park, Hundred of Yatala

21.07.2000 New Title to City of Port Adelaide Enfield

Current CT

CT 5791/576

Parent Title CT 5227/157

Allotment 113 Deposited Plan 54323 in the area named Angle

Park, Hundred of Yatala

21.07.2000 New Title to City of Port Adelaide Enfield

Current CT

CT 2844/103

Allotment 4 of subdivision of portion of section 402 and other land

laid out as Angle Park in the county of Adelaide, Hundred of


18.01.1961 New Title to The Corporation of the City of Enfield

20.04.1971 Lease to Days Road Social Club Incorporated

Cancelled to CT 5227/157

CT 2690/107

Allotments 1,2,3,4,5,6 and 7 of the subdivision of portion of section

402 and other land laid out as Angle Park in the county of Ade-

laide, Hundred of Yatala.

27.08.1959 New Title to South Australian Housing Trust

15.12.1960 Transfer to The Corporation of the City of Enfield

Cancelled to CT 2844/103

CT 5227/157

Allotment 106 Deposited Plan 40653 in the area named Angle

Park, Hundred of Yatala

14.11.1994 New Title to City of Port Adelaide Enfield

Cancelled to CT 5791/157 and CT 5791/576

CT 1890/107

Blocks 5,6,7 and 8 of the subdivision of Section 402 in the county

of Adelaide, Hundred of Yatala

04.06.1946 New Title to Harold Edgar Williamson and

Frederick Lerpinere Williamson

08.01.1946 Transfer to South Australian Housing Trust

Cancelled to CT 2690/107

CT 1258/188

Portion of Section 402 in the county of Adelaide, Hundred of


29.11.1922 Transfer to Eric William Robinson

03.02.1927 Transfer to Sydney James Melville

03.02.1927 Transfer to John Ford Towt

03.02.1927 Transfer to Arthur William Jarrett

08.05.1927 Transfer to James Grey Moseley

Cancelled to CT 1890/107

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Appendix C

WaterConnect Groundwater Database Search

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WaterConnect Groundwater Database Records

Project Number 191091

Report Title Preliminary Site Investigation

Site Address Cowan St, Angle Park

Search Date 08-May-19

Headings Class

EC: Electrical conductivity WW: Water wells

TDS: Total dissolved solids WP: Waterpoint well

SWL: Standing water level MW: Monitoring Well

RSWL: Relative standing water level ENG: Engineering Well

Strat: Stratigraphic Well


APN: Anode Protection FND: Foundations REC: Recharge

APP: Appraisal GEN: General Usage RHL: Rock Hole

ASR: Aquifer Storage and Recovery GTH: Geothermal Energy RIV: River

CMT: Construction Materials HOL: Water Hole SCI: Scientific

COA: Coal IND: Industrial SEA: Sea Water

DAM: Dam INV: Investigation SEI: Seismic Status

DEP: Deepening IRR: Irrigation SOK: Soak ABD: Abandoned

DEV: Development LAK: Lake SPR: Spring BKF: Backfilled

DOM: Domestic LWD: Liquid Waste Disposal STK: Stock CFL: Controlled flowing

DRN: Drainage MON: Monitoring TNK: Tank NL: Not located

DWT: Dewatering MWS: Mine Water Supply TWS: Town Water Supply (Public/Muncipal)OPR: Operational

ENV: Environmental OBS: Observation UKN: Unknown NOP: Not Operational 2.0 km

ETH: Earthing PRO: Production WAS: Waste Disposal UFL: Uncontrolled flowing 396

EXP: Exploration RCL: Recreational UKN: Unknown 0

FIR: Fire Fighting RDC: Road Construction / Maintenance RHB: Rehabilitated 321

Min: 156

Max: 76000

Unit No. Class Purpose Status Status DateOriginal Drilled


Original Drilled


Water Level

DateTDS EC EC Date pH pH date Yield Yield date mga easting mga northing mga zone

6628-4400 ENG INV UKN 9/12/1960 2.44 9/12/1960 278362.74 6141148.24 54

6628-29724 WW ENV 3 3/09/2018 278757 6141062 54

6628-8701 ENG UKN 20/12/1960 3.66 20/12/1960 278563.77 6140724.23 54

6628-11499 WW DRN OPR 4 6/09/1980 275429.71 6139380.31 54

6628-11500 WW DRNOBS OPR 4 6/09/1980 275430.7 6139362.24 54

6628-18045 WW OBS 4 15/01/1996 1143 2070 17/01/1996 7.8 17/01/1996 278307 6141243.24 54

6628-19485 WW MON 4 30/12/1998 2.73 2.14 5/01/1999 275731.86 6140808.25 54

6628-19486 WW MON 4 30/12/1998 2.77 2.09 5/01/1999 275731.89 6140818.24 54

6628-24693 WW INV 4 21/11/2006 2.2 1.68 21/11/2006 17235 28300 23/11/2006 277831.21 6141618.24 54

6628-26979 WW INV 4 26/06/2013 2.5 26/06/2013 277235.19 6141236.12 54

6628-26980 WW INV 4 26/06/2013 2.1 26/06/2013 277247.54 6141190.34 54

6628-26981 WW INV 4 25/06/2013 2.3 25/06/2013 277226.76 6141198.47 54

6628-26982 WW INV 4 25/06/2013 2.3 25/06/2013 277220.73 6141217.75 54

6628-17035 ENG 4.49 276421.83 6140678.17 54

6628-21074 WW INV 4.5 27/09/2002 2 1.78 27/09/2002 277803.05 6141692.53 54

6628-26372 WW INV 4.5 15/03/2012 3.42 15/03/2012 277817.16 6140985.39 54

6628-27914 WW INV 4.5 22/05/2015 2.6 22/05/2015 277231.26 6141212.95 54

6628-8705 ENG UKN 20/12/1960 4.57 20/12/1960 278575.7 6140397.31 54

6628-8706 ENG UKN 11/01/1961 4.57 11/01/1961 278594.75 6140037.26 54

6628-8717 ENG UKN 12/01/1961 4.57 12/01/1961 0 3.67 8/12/2000 278627.74 6139736.26 54

6628-19484 WW MON 4.6 30/12/1998 2.79 2.09 5/01/1999 275741.92 6140808.28 54

6628-25692 WW INV 4.6 23/03/2011 2.3 23/03/2011 277307 6141527 54

6628-20786 WW INV 4.9 31/10/2001 1.95 2.95 31/10/2001 278264 6140967 54

6628-18046 WW OBS 5 15/01/1996 27703 43300 17/01/1996 8.1 17/01/1996 278446.86 6141483.48 54

6628-18054 WW OBS 5 15/01/1996 9866 16870 17/01/1996 7.7 17/01/1996 278326.78 6141023.28 54

6628-20689 WW INV 5 31/10/2001 3.25 1.63 31/10/2001 278162.1 6140821.05 54

6628-20787 WW INV 5 31/10/2001 2.62 2.29 31/10/2001 278259 6140521 54

6628-21073 WW INV 5 27/09/2002 2 1.7 27/09/2002 277833.19 6141760 54

6628-24694 WW INV 5 21/11/2006 1.8 1.99 21/11/2006 45010 64300 23/11/2006 277946.49 6141705.87 54

6628-24695 WW INV 5 21/11/2006 1.5 2.41 21/11/2006 18119 29600 23/11/2006 278078.43 6141643.01 54

6628-25191 WW 5 22/02/2010 2.5 22/02/2010 1984 3570 23/02/2010 276433.78 6140797.46 54

6628-26286 WW INV 5 13/04/2012 2 13/04/2012 277842.37 6141557.52 54

6628-26287 WW INV 5 13/04/2012 2 13/04/2012 277956.98 6141654.94 54

Salinity in shallow wells

(TDS mg/L)

Well Search Summary

Search Radius:

Onsite wells:

Shallow wells (<20m):

Total number of wells:

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Page 46: Preliminary Site Investigation Cowan Street Reserve, Angle Park, SA · 2020. 2. 24. · site investigation (PSI) for two allotments on Cowan Street Reserve, Angle Park, South Australia

WaterConnect Groundwater Database Records

Project Number 191091

Report Title Preliminary Site Investigation

Site Address Cowan St, Angle Park

Search Date 08-May-19

Headings Class

EC: Electrical conductivity WW: Water wells

TDS: Total dissolved solids WP: Waterpoint well

SWL: Standing water level MW: Monitoring Well

RSWL: Relative standing water level ENG: Engineering Well

Strat: Stratigraphic Well


APN: Anode Protection FND: Foundations REC: Recharge

APP: Appraisal GEN: General Usage RHL: Rock Hole

ASR: Aquifer Storage and Recovery GTH: Geothermal Energy RIV: River

CMT: Construction Materials HOL: Water Hole SCI: Scientific

COA: Coal IND: Industrial SEA: Sea Water

DAM: Dam INV: Investigation SEI: Seismic Status

DEP: Deepening IRR: Irrigation SOK: Soak ABD: Abandoned

DEV: Development LAK: Lake SPR: Spring BKF: Backfilled

DOM: Domestic LWD: Liquid Waste Disposal STK: Stock CFL: Controlled flowing

DRN: Drainage MON: Monitoring TNK: Tank NL: Not located

DWT: Dewatering MWS: Mine Water Supply TWS: Town Water Supply (Public/Muncipal)OPR: Operational

ENV: Environmental OBS: Observation UKN: Unknown NOP: Not Operational 2.0 km

ETH: Earthing PRO: Production WAS: Waste Disposal UFL: Uncontrolled flowing 396

EXP: Exploration RCL: Recreational UKN: Unknown 0

FIR: Fire Fighting RDC: Road Construction / Maintenance RHB: Rehabilitated 321

Min: 156

Max: 76000

Unit No. Class Purpose Status Status DateOriginal Drilled


Original Drilled


Water Level

DateTDS EC EC Date pH pH date Yield Yield date mga easting mga northing mga zone

Salinity in shallow wells

(TDS mg/L)

Well Search Summary

Search Radius:

Onsite wells:

Shallow wells (<20m):

Total number of wells:

6628-26288 WW INV 5 13/04/2012 2 13/04/2012 277925.46 6141515.49 54

6628-26373 WW INV 5 15/03/2012 3.58 15/03/2012 277833.34 6141016.49 54

6628-26374 WW INV 5 15/03/2012 2.7 15/03/2012 277837.14 6141034.19 54

6628-26375 WW INV 5 16/03/2012 2.8 16/03/2012 277866.72 6141005.11 54

6628-26376 WW INV 5 16/03/2012 2.6 16/03/2012 277800.21 6140998.79 54

6628-26377 WW INV 5 22/03/2012 3.2 22/03/2012 277777.2 6141016.79 54

6628-26389 WW INV 5 30/05/2012 3 30/05/2012 276406.79 6140816.98 54

6628-26390 WW INV 5 29/05/2012 3 29/05/2012 276430.08 6140825.83 54

6628-26391 WW INV 5 29/05/2012 3 29/05/2012 276451.21 6140826.78 54

6628-26392 WW INV 5 30/05/2012 3 30/05/2012 276463.05 6140817.58 54

6628-26393 WW INV 5 29/05/2012 3 29/05/2012 276449.42 6140792.33 54

6628-26394 WW INV 5 30/05/2012 3 30/05/2012 276422.47 6140796.98 54

6628-26592 WW INV 5 21/06/2012 3 21/06/2012 277263.27 6141206.56 54

6628-26593 WW INV 5 21/06/2012 3 21/06/2012 277243.92 6141199.79 54

6628-26594 WW INV 5 21/06/2012 3 21/06/2012 277255.54 6141217.06 54

6628-26966 WW 5 29/07/2013 3.02 29/07/2013 276398.34 6140810.03 54

6628-26967 WW INV 5 29/07/2013 2.91 29/07/2013 276396.92 6140825.55 54

6628-26968 WW INV 5 29/07/2013 276429.73 6140789.43 54

6628-26969 WW INV 5 31/07/2013 2.84 31/07/2013 276463.96 6140830.64 54

6628-26970 WW INV 5 31/07/2013 2.67 31/07/2013 276403.67 6140847.58 54

6628-26971 WW INV 5 31/07/2013 2.69 31/07/2013 276418.36 6140848.77 54

6628-27059 WW INV 5 17/09/2013 3.2 17/09/2013 276412.56 6140788.39 54

6628-27060 WW INV 5 17/09/2013 3.1 17/09/2013 276402.75 6140787.65 54

6628-27838 WW 5 18/11/2014 2.62 18/11/2014 276471.89 6140770.49 54

6628-27839 WW INV 5 18/11/2014 276473.08 6140758.32 54

6628-27840 WW INV 5 19/11/2014 2.55 19/11/2014 276457.89 6140745.41 54

6628-27841 WW INV 5 19/11/2014 2.52 19/11/2014 276442.65 6140743.98 54

6628-27842 WW INV 5 19/11/2014 276429 6140742.87 54

6628-27843 WW INV 5 11/02/2015 2.69 11/02/2015 276384.23 6140826.21 54

6628-27844 WW INV 5 11/02/2015 2.94 11/02/2015 276367.24 6140824.94 54

6628-27845 WW INV 5 11/02/2015 3.17 11/02/2015 276409.47 6140807.16 54

6628-27846 WW INV 5 13/02/2015 3.48 13/02/2015 276408.36 6140787.95 54

6628-27847 WW INV 5 13/02/2015 3.42 13/02/2015 276397.72 6140798.03 54

6628-28036 WW 5 7/09/2015 3.39 7/09/2015 276419.37 6140782.35 54

6628-28277 WW INV 5 2/01/2015 2.87 2/01/2015 276351 6140824.73 54

6628-28278 WW INV 5 2/01/2015 2.82 2/01/2015 276333.52 6140823.32 54

6628-28279 WW INV 5 2/11/2015 2.98 2/11/2015 276338.45 6140843.54 54

6628-28280 WW 5 3/11/2015 2.93 3/11/2015 276295.08 6140840.11 54

6628-28281 WW INV 5 3/11/2015 2.7 3/11/2015 276216.79 6140880.66 54

6628-28282 WW 5 3/11/2015 2.75 3/11/2015 276212.68 6140932.8 54

6628-28283 WW INV 5 4/11/2015 2.62 4/11/2015 276209.04 6140981.53 54

6628-28284 WW 5 17/12/2015 3.5 17/12/2015 276258.3 6140907.72 54

6628-28285 WW INV 5 18/12/2015 3.53 18/12/2015 276301.92 6140852.3 54

6628-28286 WW INV 5 16/12/2015 3.29 16/12/2015 276316.64 6140872.6 54

I:\Jobs\2019\191091 Cowan St, Angle Park PSI\Notes and Calcs\Water Connect\191091 - Waterconnect_2.0KM.xlsx Page 2 of 8

Page 47: Preliminary Site Investigation Cowan Street Reserve, Angle Park, SA · 2020. 2. 24. · site investigation (PSI) for two allotments on Cowan Street Reserve, Angle Park, South Australia

WaterConnect Groundwater Database Records

Project Number 191091

Report Title Preliminary Site Investigation

Site Address Cowan St, Angle Park

Search Date 08-May-19

Headings Class

EC: Electrical conductivity WW: Water wells

TDS: Total dissolved solids WP: Waterpoint well

SWL: Standing water level MW: Monitoring Well

RSWL: Relative standing water level ENG: Engineering Well

Strat: Stratigraphic Well


APN: Anode Protection FND: Foundations REC: Recharge

APP: Appraisal GEN: General Usage RHL: Rock Hole

ASR: Aquifer Storage and Recovery GTH: Geothermal Energy RIV: River

CMT: Construction Materials HOL: Water Hole SCI: Scientific

COA: Coal IND: Industrial SEA: Sea Water

DAM: Dam INV: Investigation SEI: Seismic Status

DEP: Deepening IRR: Irrigation SOK: Soak ABD: Abandoned

DEV: Development LAK: Lake SPR: Spring BKF: Backfilled

DOM: Domestic LWD: Liquid Waste Disposal STK: Stock CFL: Controlled flowing

DRN: Drainage MON: Monitoring TNK: Tank NL: Not located

DWT: Dewatering MWS: Mine Water Supply TWS: Town Water Supply (Public/Muncipal)OPR: Operational

ENV: Environmental OBS: Observation UKN: Unknown NOP: Not Operational 2.0 km

ETH: Earthing PRO: Production WAS: Waste Disposal UFL: Uncontrolled flowing 396

EXP: Exploration RCL: Recreational UKN: Unknown 0

FIR: Fire Fighting RDC: Road Construction / Maintenance RHB: Rehabilitated 321

Min: 156

Max: 76000

Unit No. Class Purpose Status Status DateOriginal Drilled


Original Drilled


Water Level

DateTDS EC EC Date pH pH date Yield Yield date mga easting mga northing mga zone

Salinity in shallow wells

(TDS mg/L)

Well Search Summary

Search Radius:

Onsite wells:

Shallow wells (<20m):

Total number of wells:

6628-29189 WW ENV 5 27/07/2017 276838.74 6140130.4 54

6628-29190 WW ENV 5 27/07/2017 276684.97 6140082.68 54

6628-29191 WW ENV 5 27/07/2017 276805.64 6139989.23 54

6628-29666 WW INV 5 14/06/2018 278135.96 6139774.62 54

6628-29667 WW INV 5 14/06/2018 278107.11 6139771.67 54

6628-28271 WW INV 5.2 15/02/2016 2.97 15/02/2016 276455.41 6140699.97 54

6628-16189 WW OBS 5.4 0.3 1/12/1992 275321.79 6139438.38 54

6628-8718 ENG UKN 13/01/1961 5.49 13/01/1961 278702.78 6139319.3 54

6628-25365 WW INV 5.5 1/06/2010 2.9 1/06/2010 277252.37 6140700.18 54

6628-28272 WW INV 5.5 15/02/2016 3.45 15/02/2016 276528.26 6140646.81 54

6628-28273 WW INV 5.5 15/02/2016 4.08 15/02/2016 276409.05 6140538.6 54

6628-28997 WW ENV 5.5 25/07/2017 276260 6140967 54

6628-29608 WW ENV 5.5 9/07/2018 278455 6140262 54

6628-29609 WW ENV 5.5 10/07/2018 278331 6140250 54

6628-29999 WW INV 5.5 19/10/2018 19/10/2018 275366.37 6139422.81 54

6628-25364 WW INV 5.6 1/06/2010 277298.51 6140719.33 54

6628-25366 WW INV 5.6 1/06/2010 3.2 1/06/2010 277310.93 6140777.61 54

6628-13434 WW DRN OPR 6 2/08/1985 2.1 2.61 2/08/1985 275587.78 6140825.26 54

6628-18999 WW INV 6 23/12/1997 3.6 1.6 23/12/1997 277196.9 6140528.24 54

6628-19000 WW INV 6 23/12/1997 3.6 1.6 23/12/1997 277171.89 6140548.27 54

6628-19001 WW INV 6 23/12/1997 3.69 1.46 23/12/1997 0.01 23/12/1997 277211.85 6140553.24 54

6628-19002 WW INV 6 13/02/1998 3.8 1.26 13/02/1998 277191.91 6140613.25 54

6628-19003 WW INV 6 13/02/1998 3.66 1.51 13/02/1998 277161.86 6140573.23 54

6628-19004 WW INV 6 13/02/1998 3.7 1.41 13/02/1998 277201.91 6140578.31 54

6628-19005 WW INV 6 13/02/1998 4.17 1.3 13/02/1998 277216.9 6140383.32 54

6628-19006 WW INV 6 13/02/1998 4.1 1.38 13/02/1998 277186.89 6140383.26 54

6628-19007 WW INV 6 13/02/1998 4.23 1.28 13/02/1998 277201.92 6140363.31 54

6628-19282 WW MON 6 19/06/1998 2.2 3.06 19/06/1998 0.2 19/06/1998 277196.9 6140498.27 54

6628-19283 WW MON 6 19/06/1998 2 3.58 19/06/1998 0.2 19/06/1998 277166.85 6140338.26 54

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Page 48: Preliminary Site Investigation Cowan Street Reserve, Angle Park, SA · 2020. 2. 24. · site investigation (PSI) for two allotments on Cowan Street Reserve, Angle Park, South Australia

WaterConnect Groundwater Database Records

Project Number 191091

Report Title Preliminary Site Investigation

Site Address Cowan St, Angle Park

Search Date 08-May-19

Headings Class

EC: Electrical conductivity WW: Water wells

TDS: Total dissolved solids WP: Waterpoint well

SWL: Standing water level MW: Monitoring Well

RSWL: Relative standing water level ENG: Engineering Well

Strat: Stratigraphic Well


APN: Anode Protection FND: Foundations REC: Recharge

APP: Appraisal GEN: General Usage RHL: Rock Hole

ASR: Aquifer Storage and Recovery GTH: Geothermal Energy RIV: River

CMT: Construction Materials HOL: Water Hole SCI: Scientific

COA: Coal IND: Industrial SEA: Sea Water

DAM: Dam INV: Investigation SEI: Seismic Status

DEP: Deepening IRR: Irrigation SOK: Soak ABD: Abandoned

DEV: Development LAK: Lake SPR: Spring BKF: Backfilled

DOM: Domestic LWD: Liquid Waste Disposal STK: Stock CFL: Controlled flowing

DRN: Drainage MON: Monitoring TNK: Tank NL: Not located

DWT: Dewatering MWS: Mine Water Supply TWS: Town Water Supply (Public/Muncipal)OPR: Operational

ENV: Environmental OBS: Observation UKN: Unknown NOP: Not Operational 2.0 km

ETH: Earthing PRO: Production WAS: Waste Disposal UFL: Uncontrolled flowing 396

EXP: Exploration RCL: Recreational UKN: Unknown 0

FIR: Fire Fighting RDC: Road Construction / Maintenance RHB: Rehabilitated 321

Min: 156

Max: 76000

Unit No. Class Purpose Status Status DateOriginal Drilled


Original Drilled


Water Level

DateTDS EC EC Date pH pH date Yield Yield date mga easting mga northing mga zone

Salinity in shallow wells

(TDS mg/L)

Well Search Summary

Search Radius:

Onsite wells:

Shallow wells (<20m):

Total number of wells:

6628-19284 WW MON 6 16/06/1998 2.3 3.29 16/06/1998 0.2 16/06/1998 277211.86 6140323.26 54

6628-19285 WW MON 6 16/06/1998 2.1 3.4 16/06/1998 0.2 16/06/1998 277266.85 6140368.33 54

6628-19286 WW MON 6 16/06/1998 2.5 3.05 16/06/1998 0.2 16/06/1998 277191.89 6140343.31 54

6628-19287 WW MON 6 16/06/1998 2.2 3.35 16/06/1998 0.2 16/06/1998 277141.9 6140363.29 54

6628-21499 WW MON 6 15/08/2003 3.94 0.32 15/08/2003 278795.86 6140455.14 54

6628-21500 WW MON 6 15/08/2003 3.95 0.24 15/08/2003 278766.14 6140388.58 54

6628-21501 WW MON 6 15/08/2003 4.02 0.23 15/08/2003 278748.31 6140419.48 54

6628-21502 WW MON 6 15/08/2003 4.09 0.25 15/08/2003 278736.43 6140478.91 54

6628-29516 WW MON 6 20/04/2018 277962 6141713 54

6628-29607 WW ENV 6 9/07/2018 278397 6140083 54

6628-29614 WW INV 6 26/02/2018 4.75 26/02/2018 278750.4 6141168.2 54

6628-29991 WW INV 6 15/10/2018 15/10/2018 275410.41 6139340.98 54

6628-26812 WW INV 6.1 3/05/2013 277933 6141661.74 54

6628-26991 WW INV 6.2 4/12/2013 278374.72 6140602.9 54

6628-8852 ENG 6.25 10/02/1961 1.52 3.49 10/02/1961 276230.74 6140747.31 54

6628-8719 ENG UKN 13/12/1960 6.4 13/12/1960 278774.76 6138960.31 54

6628-18992 WW INV 6.5 22/09/1997 4.9 -1.87 22/09/1997 279001.83 6139683.26 54

6628-21467 WW DOM 6.5 26/10/2003 2.7 3.68 26/10/2003 1647 2970 10/11/2003 0.3 26/10/2003 277412.22 6139582.13 54

6628-22200 WW MON 6.5 21/09/2005 3.8 0.37 21/09/2005 279029.3 6140476.03 54

6628-22201 WW MON 6.5 21/09/2005 3.8 0.31 21/09/2005 279030.04 6140442.1 54

6628-28040 WW INV BKF 28/09/2016 6.5 16/10/2015 4.42 16/10/2015 277456.32 6139045.34 54

6628-28041 WW INV BKF 28/09/2016 6.5 16/10/2015 4.5 16/10/2015 277297.42 6139109.19 54

6628-29983 WW INV DRY 15/10/2018 6.5 15/10/2018 15/10/2018 275417.11 6139085.7 54

6628-18993 WW INV 6.6 22/09/1997 5.3 -2.31 22/09/1997 278971.91 6139543.24 54

6628-16322 WW INV 7 23/03/1993 2414 4330 24/03/1993 7.6 24/03/1993 278766.85 6140453.43 54

6628-16323 WW INV 7 23/03/1993 2454 4400 24/03/1993 7.5 24/03/1993 278701.8 6140453.3 54

6628-16324 WW INV 7 23/03/1993 9632 16500 24/03/1993 7.4 24/03/1993 278836.71 6140538.36 54

6628-16325 WW INV 7 23/03/1993 699 1270 24/03/1993 8.7 24/03/1993 278856.69 6140393.22 54

6628-16326 WW INV 7 23/03/1993 567 1031 24/03/1993 7.8 24/03/1993 278786.73 6140388.2 54

6628-16327 WW INV 7 23/03/1993 6172 10812 24/03/1993 7.4 24/03/1993 278961.67 6140573.34 54

6628-16328 WW INV 7 23/03/1993 5462 9600 24/03/1993 7.1 24/03/1993 278776.82 6140533.14 54

6628-16329 WW INV 7 23/03/1993 5462 9600 24/03/1993 7 24/03/1993 278231.72 6140543.37 54

6628-18990 WW INV 7 22/09/1997 4.7 -1.33 22/09/1997 278776.84 6139703.24 54

6628-18991 WW INV 7 12/09/1997 4.5 -1.31 12/09/1997 278906.91 6139723.26 54

6628-18994 WW INV BKF 30/01/2013 7 22/09/1997 6.1 -3 22/09/1997 278911.9 6139558.22 54

6628-18997 WW INV 7 22/09/1997 5.5 -2.18 22/09/1997 278796.86 6139658.33 54

6628-19046 WW MON 7 24/06/1998 2.6 1.13 24/06/1998 0.2 24/06/1998 278926.86 6139128.26 54

6628-19047 WW MON 7 24/06/1998 2.5 0.95 24/06/1998 0.2 24/06/1998 278751.88 6139763.24 54

6628-19048 WW MON 7 24/06/1998 2.4 0.64 24/06/1998 0.2 24/06/1998 279026.9 6139713.28 54

6628-19049 WW MON 7 24/06/1998 2.6 0.6 24/06/1998 0.2 24/06/1998 278886.9 6139703.24 54

6628-19050 WW MON 7 24/06/1998 2.9 0.19 24/06/1998 0.2 24/06/1998 278946.87 6139663.29 54

6628-19141 WW INV 7 12/01/1998 4.87 2.14 12/01/1998 278781.86 6139783.28 54

6628-19142 WW INV 7 12/01/1998 3.77 3.96 12/01/1998 278881.85 6139238.27 54

6628-19143 WW INV 7 12/01/1998 5.08 2.12 12/01/1998 278811.87 6139783.23 54

6628-19144 WW INV 7 12/01/1998 4.96 2.26 12/01/1998 278876.88 6139758.27 54

I:\Jobs\2019\191091 Cowan St, Angle Park PSI\Notes and Calcs\Water Connect\191091 - Waterconnect_2.0KM.xlsx Page 4 of 8

Page 49: Preliminary Site Investigation Cowan Street Reserve, Angle Park, SA · 2020. 2. 24. · site investigation (PSI) for two allotments on Cowan Street Reserve, Angle Park, South Australia

WaterConnect Groundwater Database Records

Project Number 191091

Report Title Preliminary Site Investigation

Site Address Cowan St, Angle Park

Search Date 08-May-19

Headings Class

EC: Electrical conductivity WW: Water wells

TDS: Total dissolved solids WP: Waterpoint well

SWL: Standing water level MW: Monitoring Well

RSWL: Relative standing water level ENG: Engineering Well

Strat: Stratigraphic Well


APN: Anode Protection FND: Foundations REC: Recharge

APP: Appraisal GEN: General Usage RHL: Rock Hole

ASR: Aquifer Storage and Recovery GTH: Geothermal Energy RIV: River

CMT: Construction Materials HOL: Water Hole SCI: Scientific

COA: Coal IND: Industrial SEA: Sea Water

DAM: Dam INV: Investigation SEI: Seismic Status

DEP: Deepening IRR: Irrigation SOK: Soak ABD: Abandoned

DEV: Development LAK: Lake SPR: Spring BKF: Backfilled

DOM: Domestic LWD: Liquid Waste Disposal STK: Stock CFL: Controlled flowing

DRN: Drainage MON: Monitoring TNK: Tank NL: Not located

DWT: Dewatering MWS: Mine Water Supply TWS: Town Water Supply (Public/Muncipal)OPR: Operational

ENV: Environmental OBS: Observation UKN: Unknown NOP: Not Operational 2.0 km

ETH: Earthing PRO: Production WAS: Waste Disposal UFL: Uncontrolled flowing 396

EXP: Exploration RCL: Recreational UKN: Unknown 0

FIR: Fire Fighting RDC: Road Construction / Maintenance RHB: Rehabilitated 321

Min: 156

Max: 76000

Unit No. Class Purpose Status Status DateOriginal Drilled


Original Drilled


Water Level

DateTDS EC EC Date pH pH date Yield Yield date mga easting mga northing mga zone

Salinity in shallow wells

(TDS mg/L)

Well Search Summary

Search Radius:

Onsite wells:

Shallow wells (<20m):

Total number of wells:

6628-19145 WW INV 7 12/01/1998 5.82 3.05 12/01/1998 279006.89 6139428.32 54

6628-19146 WW INV BKF 31/10/2013 7 12/01/1998 5.83 3.35 12/01/1998 278941.9 6139418.31 54

6628-19147 WW INV BKF 31/10/2013 7 12/01/1998 5.54 3.49 12/01/1998 278901.83 6139418.23 54

6628-19148 WW INV BKF 31/01/2013 7 12/01/1998 4.9 3.78 12/01/1998 278826.84 6139413.31 54

6628-19149 WW INV 7 12/01/1998 4.09 3.68 12/01/1998 278921.92 6139238.24 54

6628-19150 WW INV 7 12/01/1998 4.22 3.55 12/01/1998 278961.89 6139238.32 54

6628-19151 WW INV 7 13/01/1998 5.15 3.75 13/01/1998 278931.84 6139183.32 54

6628-19152 WW INV BKF 10/07/2002 7 13/01/1998 5.16 3.61 13/01/1998 278956.85 6139178.26 54

6628-19153 WW INV 7 13/01/1998 5.29 3.57 13/01/1998 278956.87 6139143.3 54

6628-19154 WW INV 7 13/01/1998 5.26 3.7 13/01/1998 278961.83 6139108.24 54

6628-19155 WW INV 7 13/01/1998 5.02 3.47 13/01/1998 278971.89 6139203.27 54

6628-19191 WW MON 7 9/10/1998 2.2 1.24 9/10/1998 0.1 9/10/1998 278896.91 6139258.28 54

6628-19192 WW MON 7 9/10/1998 2.2 1.4 9/10/1998 0.1 9/10/1998 278801.87 6139303.27 54

6628-19293 WW MON BKF 30/01/2013 7 17/06/1998 2.1 1.17 17/06/1998 0.2 17/06/1998 278871.91 6139388.32 54

6628-19294 WW MON BKF 30/01/2013 7 18/06/1998 2.2 1.55 18/06/1998 0.2 18/06/1998 278891.86 6139153.27 54

6628-19295 WW MON 7 17/06/1998 2 1.86 17/06/1998 0.2 17/06/1998 278896.91 6139118.32 54

6628-19296 WW MON 7 17/06/1998 2.3 0.98 17/06/1998 0.2 17/06/1998 278956.86 6139253.29 54

6628-19297 WW MON 7 17/06/1998 2 0.95 17/06/1998 0.2 17/06/1998 279016.9 6139608.26 54

6628-20954 WW MON 7 26/09/2002 279037.95 6139142.59 54

6628-21087 WW MON 7 4/10/2002 4.5 -1.65 4/10/2002 279065.39 6139558.21 54

6628-21088 WW MON 7 4/10/2002 4.5 -1.71 4/10/2002 279076.16 6139405.03 54

6628-21089 WW MON 7 4/10/2002 3.3 0.19 4/10/2002 278809.1 6139897.5 54

6628-21090 WW MON 7 4/10/2002 3.3 -0.08 4/10/2002 278960.05 6139807.87 54

6628-21091 WW MON 7 4/10/2002 3.6 -0.28 4/10/2002 278860.82 6139796.3 54

6628-21092 WW MON 7 4/10/2002 3.3 0.12 4/10/2002 278796.45 6139818.68 54

6628-23083 WW INV 7 10/10/2007 5.2 1.12 10/10/2007 277967.64 6139009.65 54

6628-23084 WW INV 7 10/07/2007 5.2 1.37 10/07/2007 277977.24 6138932.9 54

6628-23085 WW INV 7 10/10/2007 5.2 1.18 10/10/2007 278036.59 6138958.12 54

6628-23086 WW 7 10/10/2007 5.2 0.84 10/10/2007 278136.71 6139002.07 54

6628-24913 WW INV 7 24/08/2009 3 24/08/2009 4863 8580 27/08/2009 0.25 24/08/2009 276254 6141215 54

6628-26739 WW INV BKF 10/03/2015 7 21/05/2013 277385.46 6141463.78 54

6628-26915 WW INV 7 18/06/2013 5.53 18/06/2013 279131.12 6139706.77 54

6628-27524 WW 7 2/10/2014 4.5 2/10/2014 278918 6139428 54

6628-27529 WW INV 7 2/10/2014 4.5 2/10/2014 279040 6139414 54

6628-28813 WW INV 7.1 28/03/2017 3.9 28/03/2017 275807.12 6139076.95 54

6628-28814 WW INV 7.1 28/03/2017 3.8 28/03/2017 275803.62 6139092.12 54

6628-18986 WW INV 7.2 22/09/1997 5.3 -1.99 22/09/1997 278801.9 6139548.23 54

6628-18987 WW INV 7.2 22/09/1997 5.3 -1.89 22/09/1997 278756.86 6139538.27 54

6628-18988 WW INV 7.2 22/09/1997 5.1 -1.61 22/09/1997 278711.86 6139628.3 54

6628-18989 WW INV 7.2 22/09/1997 3.9 -0.39 22/09/1997 278706.89 6139728.3 54

6628-18995 WW INV 7.2 22/09/1997 5.3 -1.95 22/09/1997 278781.92 6139648.31 54

6628-18996 WW INV 7.2 22/09/1997 5.3 -1.86 22/09/1997 278731.87 6139648.32 54

6628-18998 WW INV 7.2 22/09/1997 5.5 -2.41 22/09/1997 278916.83 6139528.26 54

6628-28039 WW INV BKF 28/09/2016 7.2 16/10/2011 4.59 16/10/2011 277330.62 6138947.94 54

6628-28808 WW INV 7.2 20/12/2016 5.11 20/12/2016 278961.94 6139211.39 54

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Page 50: Preliminary Site Investigation Cowan Street Reserve, Angle Park, SA · 2020. 2. 24. · site investigation (PSI) for two allotments on Cowan Street Reserve, Angle Park, South Australia

WaterConnect Groundwater Database Records

Project Number 191091

Report Title Preliminary Site Investigation

Site Address Cowan St, Angle Park

Search Date 08-May-19

Headings Class

EC: Electrical conductivity WW: Water wells

TDS: Total dissolved solids WP: Waterpoint well

SWL: Standing water level MW: Monitoring Well

RSWL: Relative standing water level ENG: Engineering Well

Strat: Stratigraphic Well


APN: Anode Protection FND: Foundations REC: Recharge

APP: Appraisal GEN: General Usage RHL: Rock Hole

ASR: Aquifer Storage and Recovery GTH: Geothermal Energy RIV: River

CMT: Construction Materials HOL: Water Hole SCI: Scientific

COA: Coal IND: Industrial SEA: Sea Water

DAM: Dam INV: Investigation SEI: Seismic Status

DEP: Deepening IRR: Irrigation SOK: Soak ABD: Abandoned

DEV: Development LAK: Lake SPR: Spring BKF: Backfilled

DOM: Domestic LWD: Liquid Waste Disposal STK: Stock CFL: Controlled flowing

DRN: Drainage MON: Monitoring TNK: Tank NL: Not located

DWT: Dewatering MWS: Mine Water Supply TWS: Town Water Supply (Public/Muncipal)OPR: Operational

ENV: Environmental OBS: Observation UKN: Unknown NOP: Not Operational 2.0 km

ETH: Earthing PRO: Production WAS: Waste Disposal UFL: Uncontrolled flowing 396

EXP: Exploration RCL: Recreational UKN: Unknown 0

FIR: Fire Fighting RDC: Road Construction / Maintenance RHB: Rehabilitated 321

Min: 156

Max: 76000

Unit No. Class Purpose Status Status DateOriginal Drilled


Original Drilled


Water Level

DateTDS EC EC Date pH pH date Yield Yield date mga easting mga northing mga zone

Salinity in shallow wells

(TDS mg/L)

Well Search Summary

Search Radius:

Onsite wells:

Shallow wells (<20m):

Total number of wells:

6628-28809 WW INV 7.2 20/12/2016 4.98 20/12/2016 278991.38 6139418.1 54

6628-28810 WW INV 7.2 20/12/2016 4.91 20/12/2016 279041.32 6139420.41 54

6628-28811 WW INV 7.2 20/12/2016 5.86 20/12/2016 278732.42 6139396.6 54

6628-17034 ENG 7.48 277321.65 6140278.32 54

6628-18295 WW INV 7.5 24/09/1996 4.14 -0.96 24/09/1996 279081.89 6139838.25 54

6628-18296 WW INV 7.5 24/09/1996 4.14 -0.97 24/09/1996 279101.83 6139838.29 54

6628-18297 WW INV 7.5 24/09/1996 4.38 -1.18 24/09/1996 279071.86 6139848.22 54

6628-18298 WW INV 7.5 24/09/1996 4.23 -1.02 24/09/1996 279081.86 6139858.23 54

6628-19115 WW INV 7.5 16/01/1997 5.02 -0.89 16/01/1997 278746.86 6139168.3 54

6628-19116 WW INV 7.5 17/01/1997 5.15 -0.37 17/01/1997 278776.89 6138978.23 54

6628-19117 WW INV 7.5 17/01/1997 5.2 -0.7 17/01/1997 278861.84 6138983.28 54

6628-19121 WW INV 7.5 17/01/1997 278906.91 6138988.26 54

6628-19122 WW INV 7.5 28/01/1997 5.17 -0.69 28/01/1997 278831.87 6139008.31 54

6628-19123 WW INV 7.5 29/01/1997 5.26 -0.76 29/01/1997 278931.91 6138953.23 54

6628-19125 WW INV BKF 30/01/2013 7.5 17/01/1997 5.03 -1.67 17/01/1997 278946.92 6139233.3 54

6628-19126 WW INV 7.5 16/01/1997 4.84 -1.15 16/01/1997 278681.88 6139438.22 54

6628-19127 WW INV 7.5 28/01/1997 5.17 -1.61 28/01/1997 278826.85 6139288.22 54

6628-19128 WW INV 7.5 29/01/1997 5.24 -2.4 29/01/1997 279071.85 6139348.31 54

6628-19129 WW INV 7.5 10/02/1997 278896.86 6139283.26 54

6628-22199 WW MON 7.5 21/09/2005 3.8 0.35 21/09/2005 279066.06 6140468.14 54

6628-27525 WW INV 7.5 2/10/2014 278888 6139348 54

6628-10942 ENG INV 8 29/01/1979 278132.78 6140184.24 54

6628-20908 WW DOM 8 20/12/2000 3 1.51 20/12/2000 2058 3700 26/08/2002 275828.33 6141112.8 54

6628-25360 WW INV 8 18/05/2010 3.6 18/05/2010 277207.98 6140570.59 54

6628-25361 WW 8 18/05/2010 277327.85 6140595.69 54

6628-25412 WW INV 8 1/10/2010 5.89 1/10/2010 276449.41 6138363.58 54

6628-25413 WW INV 8 1/10/2010 5.81 1/10/2010 276445.25 6138369.55 54

6628-25414 WW INV 8 28/09/2010 5.94 28/09/2010 276446.07 6138345.71 54

6628-25415 WW INV 8 28/09/2010 6 28/09/2010 276395.67 6138354.15 54

6628-27097 WW INV 8 5/09/2013 277039.62 6137984.21 54

6628-27098 WW INV 8 5/09/2013 277081.68 6137972.93 54

6628-27099 WW INV 8 5/09/2013 277072.33 6137984.2 54

6628-15127 WW IRR OPR 8.1 18/11/1989 2.3 2.7 7/12/1989 5521 9700 7/12/1989 7.6 18/11/1989 1.2 18/11/1989 275728.74 6139419.28 54

6628-17194 ENG UKN 12/10/1990 8.4 12/10/1990 277296.95 6141828.31 54

6628-20302 WW REC 8.5 1/01/2000 5.5 -1.98 1/01/2000 278949.15 6139172.96 54

6628-20303 WW REC BKF 31/01/2013 8.5 1/01/2000 5.8 -2.67 1/01/2000 278925.16 6139405.03 54

6628-20304 WW REC BKF 31/01/2013 8.5 1/01/2000 6 -2.91 1/01/2000 278943.12 6139404.02 54

6628-20305 WW REC BKF 31/01/2013 8.5 1/01/2000 6 -2.99 1/01/2000 278984.14 6139387.03 54

6628-20306 WW IND BKF 31/01/2013 8.5 1/01/2000 5.7 -1.66 1/01/2000 278929.12 6139047.95 54

6628-20307 WW IND 8.5 1/01/2000 5.7 -1.77 1/01/2000 278961.15 6139051.05 54

6628-20308 WW IND 8.5 1/01/2000 5.8 -1.71 1/01/2000 278883.14 6139069.04 54

6628-20309 WW IND 8.5 1/01/2000 5.8 -2.64 1/01/2000 279022.09 6139225 54

6628-27849 WW 8.6 2/03/2015 6.2 2/03/2015 276250.48 6138381.08 54

6628-28000 WW INV 8.6 2/03/2015 6.3 2/03/2015 276218.54 6138385.71 54

6628-28001 WW INV 8.6 3/03/2015 6.3 3/03/2015 276153.62 6138383.23 54

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Page 51: Preliminary Site Investigation Cowan Street Reserve, Angle Park, SA · 2020. 2. 24. · site investigation (PSI) for two allotments on Cowan Street Reserve, Angle Park, South Australia

WaterConnect Groundwater Database Records

Project Number 191091

Report Title Preliminary Site Investigation

Site Address Cowan St, Angle Park

Search Date 08-May-19

Headings Class

EC: Electrical conductivity WW: Water wells

TDS: Total dissolved solids WP: Waterpoint well

SWL: Standing water level MW: Monitoring Well

RSWL: Relative standing water level ENG: Engineering Well

Strat: Stratigraphic Well


APN: Anode Protection FND: Foundations REC: Recharge

APP: Appraisal GEN: General Usage RHL: Rock Hole

ASR: Aquifer Storage and Recovery GTH: Geothermal Energy RIV: River

CMT: Construction Materials HOL: Water Hole SCI: Scientific

COA: Coal IND: Industrial SEA: Sea Water

DAM: Dam INV: Investigation SEI: Seismic Status

DEP: Deepening IRR: Irrigation SOK: Soak ABD: Abandoned

DEV: Development LAK: Lake SPR: Spring BKF: Backfilled

DOM: Domestic LWD: Liquid Waste Disposal STK: Stock CFL: Controlled flowing

DRN: Drainage MON: Monitoring TNK: Tank NL: Not located

DWT: Dewatering MWS: Mine Water Supply TWS: Town Water Supply (Public/Muncipal)OPR: Operational

ENV: Environmental OBS: Observation UKN: Unknown NOP: Not Operational 2.0 km

ETH: Earthing PRO: Production WAS: Waste Disposal UFL: Uncontrolled flowing 396

EXP: Exploration RCL: Recreational UKN: Unknown 0

FIR: Fire Fighting RDC: Road Construction / Maintenance RHB: Rehabilitated 321

Min: 156

Max: 76000

Unit No. Class Purpose Status Status DateOriginal Drilled


Original Drilled


Water Level

DateTDS EC EC Date pH pH date Yield Yield date mga easting mga northing mga zone

Salinity in shallow wells

(TDS mg/L)

Well Search Summary

Search Radius:

Onsite wells:

Shallow wells (<20m):

Total number of wells:

6628-28002 WW INV 8.6 3/03/2015 6.4 3/03/2015 276099.9 6138376.87 54

6628-25693 WW INV 8.8 19/03/2011 277448 6139715 54

6628-17193 ENG UKN 11/10/1990 9 11/10/1990 277366.85 6140948.16 54

6628-17450 WW DOM 9 17/11/1995 3218 5740 17/11/1995 7.1 17/11/1995 276076.85 6138918.22 54

6628-20183 WW REC BKF 31/01/2013 9 1/06/1999 2.7 1.51 1/06/1999 278894.1 6139032.01 54

6628-20184 WW REC BKF 31/01/2013 9 1/06/1999 2.8 1.08 1/06/1999 278968.12 6139057.99 54

6628-20185 WW REC 9 1/06/1999 2.5 1 1/06/1999 278878.17 6139252.05 54

6628-26916 WW INV 9 18/06/2013 5.02 18/06/2013 279131.12 6139584.81 54

6628-27096 WW INV 9 5/09/2013 277074.73 6138010.04 54

6628-29347 WW ENV 9 2/03/2018 279057 6139573 54

6628-11957 WW 9.1 22/04/1982 3 4.22 22/04/1982 2421 4340 22/04/1982 7.9 22/04/1982 1.5 22/04/1982 277011.72 6139431.31 54

6628-12096 WW BKF 9.1 14/12/1982 2 2 14/12/1982 20990 33832 1/01/1982 7.2 1/01/1982 2 14/12/1982 276232.78 6140600.29 54

6628-12577 WW DOM OPR 9.1 2/11/1983 2 2 2/11/1983 5109 9000 2/11/1983 7.4 2/11/1983 1.5 2/11/1983 275432.76 6139733.25 54

6628-26379 WW INV 9.2 16/02/2012 7.2 16/02/2012 276091.02 6138307.42 54

6628-29255 WW ENV DRY 15/02/2017 9.2 15/02/2017 15/02/2017 279054 6139562 54

6628-4405 ENG ABD 9.22 19/03/1964 276358.7 6141281.33 54

6628-4407 ENG ABD 9.22 26/03/1964 276399.72 6141220.28 54

6628-26257 WW INV 9.5 19/12/2011 7.1 19/12/2011 276122 6138271 54

6628-26378 WW INV 9.5 16/02/2012 7.3 16/02/2012 276089.93 6138321.8 54

6628-26380 WW INV 9.5 16/02/2012 7.2 16/02/2012 276106.21 6138329.39 54

6628-26630 WW INV 9.5 13/03/2012 4.5 13/03/2012 276214.01 6138334.66 54

6628-28089 WW 9.5 19/12/2011 7 19/12/2011 276111 6138316 54

6628-12961 WW 10 26/06/1984 4 1.44 26/06/1984 16764 27572 25/06/1984 7 25/06/1984 275778.75 6140399.27 54

6628-14569 ENG INV ABD 14/02/1984 10 14/02/1984 277712.73 6141249.25 54

6628-14597 ENG INV ABD 5/03/1984 10 5/03/1984 277863.75 6138612.25 54

6628-20186 WW IND BKF 30/01/2013 10 1/06/1999 278918.09 6139046.02 54

6628-20187 WW IND BKF 30/01/2013 10 1/06/1999 278927.12 6139138.02 54

6628-20188 WW IND BKF 31/01/2013 10 1/06/1999 278932.14 6139256.02 54

6628-22330 WW MON 10 3/03/2005 2.8 1.34 3/03/2005 0.25 3/03/2005 278813.51 6140382.48 54

6628-29863 WW MON 10 3/12/2018 277964.3 6138427.13 54

6628-29864 WW MON 10 21/11/2018 277987.79 6138146.01 54

6628-16427 WW OBS 10.3 9/11/1992 3.7 2.39 277506.76 6140138.3 54

6628-16430 WW OBS 10.5 11/11/1992 3.7 2.29 277436.65 6140158.13 54

6628-20622 WW DOM 10.5 14/07/2001 3 1.88 14/07/2001 11507 19500 14/07/2001 1 14/07/2001 275288.1 6140367.96 54

6628-16426 WW OBS 10.8 9/11/1992 4.5 1.48 277491.67 6140183.22 54

6628-16429 WW OBS 10.8 11/11/1992 3.9 2.14 277471.75 6140148.22 54

6628-11956 WW 10.9 13/04/1982 2.7 5.97 13/04/1982 1083 1960 7/11/2003 7.4 13/04/1982 1.25 13/04/1982 276687.75 6138412.25 54

6628-12204 WW 10.9 24/03/1983 5.4 2.6 24/03/1983 3712 6600 24/03/1983 7.2 24/03/1983 1 24/03/1983 276185.77 6138747.29 54

6628-13521 WW 11 5/11/1985 2.4 3.6 5/12/1985 2375 4260 5/11/1985 7.9 5/11/1985 1.5 5/11/1985 276995.78 6139492.31 54

6628-28093 WW MON BKF 25/05/2017 11 26/11/2015 25/05/2017 276896 6137971 54

6628-13877 WW 12 1/02/1986 2386 4280 1/01/1987 7 1/01/1987 276174.69 6138725.26 54

6628-14171 WW 12 20/01/1988 5 3 20/01/1988 2958 5286 4/03/1988 7.7 4/03/1988 0.9 20/01/1988 276381.61 6138538.41 54

6628-16119 WW DOM OPR 12 8/08/1992 4.5 1.31 24/08/1992 11848 20005 24/08/1992 6.7 8/08/1992 275786.72 6140092.23 54

6628-16320 WW DOM 12 15/03/1993 4180 7409 5/04/1993 7.2 5/04/1993 1 15/03/1993 276196.76 6139083.32 54

6628-16407 WW DOM 12 8/11/1993 2630 4711 17/11/1993 7 17/11/1993 276821.71 6138103.28 54

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Page 52: Preliminary Site Investigation Cowan Street Reserve, Angle Park, SA · 2020. 2. 24. · site investigation (PSI) for two allotments on Cowan Street Reserve, Angle Park, South Australia

WaterConnect Groundwater Database Records

Project Number 191091

Report Title Preliminary Site Investigation

Site Address Cowan St, Angle Park

Search Date 08-May-19

Headings Class

EC: Electrical conductivity WW: Water wells

TDS: Total dissolved solids WP: Waterpoint well

SWL: Standing water level MW: Monitoring Well

RSWL: Relative standing water level ENG: Engineering Well

Strat: Stratigraphic Well


APN: Anode Protection FND: Foundations REC: Recharge

APP: Appraisal GEN: General Usage RHL: Rock Hole

ASR: Aquifer Storage and Recovery GTH: Geothermal Energy RIV: River

CMT: Construction Materials HOL: Water Hole SCI: Scientific

COA: Coal IND: Industrial SEA: Sea Water

DAM: Dam INV: Investigation SEI: Seismic Status

DEP: Deepening IRR: Irrigation SOK: Soak ABD: Abandoned

DEV: Development LAK: Lake SPR: Spring BKF: Backfilled

DOM: Domestic LWD: Liquid Waste Disposal STK: Stock CFL: Controlled flowing

DRN: Drainage MON: Monitoring TNK: Tank NL: Not located

DWT: Dewatering MWS: Mine Water Supply TWS: Town Water Supply (Public/Muncipal)OPR: Operational

ENV: Environmental OBS: Observation UKN: Unknown NOP: Not Operational 2.0 km

ETH: Earthing PRO: Production WAS: Waste Disposal UFL: Uncontrolled flowing 396

EXP: Exploration RCL: Recreational UKN: Unknown 0

FIR: Fire Fighting RDC: Road Construction / Maintenance RHB: Rehabilitated 321

Min: 156

Max: 76000

Unit No. Class Purpose Status Status DateOriginal Drilled


Original Drilled


Water Level

DateTDS EC EC Date pH pH date Yield Yield date mga easting mga northing mga zone

Salinity in shallow wells

(TDS mg/L)

Well Search Summary

Search Radius:

Onsite wells:

Shallow wells (<20m):

Total number of wells:

6628-16549 WW DOM 12 22/01/1994 6590 11500 24/01/1994 6.9 24/01/1994 275806.67 6139853.19 54

6628-17098 WW DOM 12 11/03/1995 4496 7950 11/03/1995 6.7 11/03/1995 275981.6 6139038.32 54

6628-17497 WW DOM 12 26/12/1995 14476 24100 26/12/1995 7 26/12/1995 1 26/12/1995 275521.8 6140243.35 54

6628-17498 WW DOM 12 26/12/1995 6418 11200 26/12/1995 6.8 26/12/1995 1 26/12/1995 276131.77 6139818.3 54

6628-17500 WW DOM 12 8/12/1995 2688 4810 8/12/1995 7.1 8/12/1995 276431.84 6138523.32 54

6628-21332 WW MON BKF 30/01/2013 12 2/10/2002 279012.46 6139140.75 54

6628-22797 WW DRN 12 16/03/2007 6.4 1.42 16/03/2007 3586 6380 16/03/2007 0.7 16/03/2007 275720.42 6138748.05 54

6628-22798 WW DRN 12 16/03/2007 6.4 1.45 16/03/2007 3609 6420 16/03/2007 0.7 16/03/2007 275721.26 6138732.17 54

6628-22799 WW DRN 12 16/03/2007 6.4 1.48 16/03/2007 3620 6440 16/03/2007 0.5 16/03/2007 275722.37 6138715.73 54

6628-28892 WW MON 12 5/05/2017 278301 6138822 54

6628-8900 ENG ABD 12.27 31/03/1966 0.91 7.09 31/03/1966 1955 3518 31/03/1966 6.7 31/03/1966 0.25 31/03/1966 277555.75 6139278.28 54

6628-15911 WW DOM OPR 13.5 14/02/1992 6.3 2.58 9/03/1992 2750 4920 9/03/1992 7.4 14/02/1992 276702.78 6138280.31 54

6628-16653 WW DOM 13.5 12/07/1994 2482 4450 20/07/1994 7 20/07/1994 276701.85 6138348.32 54

6628-19172 WW DRN 13.7 2/09/1998 4 -0.64 2/09/1998 278991.89 6139928.31 54

6628-17792 WW DOM 14 1/03/1996 5150 9070 1/03/1996 6.7 1/03/1996 1 1/03/1996 276411.93 6140053.35 54

6628-16428 WW OBS 14.4 10/11/1992 3.7 2.37 277431.77 6140118.27 54

6628-20236 WW DOM 15 26/05/2000 2916 5210 26/05/2000 1 26/05/2000 275551.16 6138800.04 54

6628-8896 ENG ABD 15.24 14/04/1966 0.91 5.09 14/04/1966 5285 9300 14/04/1966 7 14/04/1966 0.25 14/04/1966 278224.78 6139904.32 54

6628-18779 WW DOM 16 17/10/1997 5.4 2.08 17/10/1997 3309 5900 17/10/1997 276656.89 6139298.24 54

6628-26581 WW INV BKF 1/08/2012 16 1/08/2012 278516.39 6140945.48 54

6628-4410 WW DRN ABD 16.76 17/06/1960 276179.72 6141195.26 54

6628-26738 WW INV 17 21/05/2013 277382.77 6141469.89 54

6628-15639 WW RCL OPR 18 10/09/1991 4 2.23 10/09/1991 8663 14923 10/09/1991 7.5 10/09/1991 2.5 10/09/1991 277297.72 6140032.32 54

6628-16318 WW DOM 18 5/01/1993 21371 34446 22/01/1993 6.8 22/01/1993 275401.79 6140723.24 54

6628-18152 WW DRN 18 8/01/1997 4 0.25 8/01/1997 52529 79375 276051.71 6141303.35 54

6628-18848 WW DOM 18 10/02/1998 5.4 -1.23 10/02/1998 9113 15640 10/02/1998 277341.84 6141363.22 54

6628-21965 WW 18 10/12/2004 4 0.16 10/12/2004 6556 11440 10/12/2004 1 10/12/2004 278823.03 6140400.56 54

6628-4406 ENG ABD 18.36 24/03/1964 276376.76 6141261.24 54

6628-8898 ENG ABD 18.52 7/04/1966 0.91 7.09 7/04/1966 2755 4930 7/04/1966 6.7 7/04/1966 0.25 7/04/1966 278266.71 6139344.26 54

6628-8853 ENG UKN 12/01/1965 19.2 12/01/1965 276431.72 6140539.33 54

6628-13223 WW 20 8/02/1985 3 1 8/02/1985 21028 33894 7/02/1985 7.3 7/02/1985 0.6 8/02/1985 275726.78 6140156.25 54

6628-18659 WW DRN 20 4/11/1997 6 2.47 4/11/1997 3454 6150 4/11/1997 2 4/11/1997 275946.89 6138498.25 54

6628-22329 WW MON 20 3/03/2005 2.8 1.35 3/03/2005 6 3/03/2005 278817.79 6140387.83 54

6628-29865 WW INV 20 19/11/2018 277972.39 6138325.6 54

6628-29866 WW INV 20 20/11/2018 277960.52 6138491.46 54

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I:\Jobs\2019\191091 Cowan St, Angle Park PSI\Report\191091 R01.docx

Appendix D

Aerial Photographs

Page 54: Preliminary Site Investigation Cowan Street Reserve, Angle Park, SA · 2020. 2. 24. · site investigation (PSI) for two allotments on Cowan Street Reserve, Angle Park, South Australia

1959 Aerial


Cowan Street Reserve, Angle Park



Jensen Plus



0 20 40m

Aerial Image Details

Date 01.03.1959

Survey 325

Photo 9351

Source Mapland, Dept for Environment and

Natural Resources

LBW co Details

Job No. 191091

Drawn MF Rev. 0

Checked MP Date 09.05.2019

Approximate site



Page 55: Preliminary Site Investigation Cowan Street Reserve, Angle Park, SA · 2020. 2. 24. · site investigation (PSI) for two allotments on Cowan Street Reserve, Angle Park, South Australia

1979 Aerial


Cowan Street Reserve, Angle Park



Jensen Plus



0 20 40 m

Aerial Image Details

Date 19.03.1979

Survey 2407

Photo 54

Source Mapland, Dept for Environment and

Natural Resources

LBW co Details

Job No. 191091

Drawn MF Rev. 0

Checked MP Date 08.05.2019

Approximate site



Page 56: Preliminary Site Investigation Cowan Street Reserve, Angle Park, SA · 2020. 2. 24. · site investigation (PSI) for two allotments on Cowan Street Reserve, Angle Park, South Australia

1989 Aerial


Cowan Street Reserve, Angle Park



Jensen Plus



0 20 40 m

Aerial Image Details

Date 28.09.1989

Survey 4108

Photo 113

Source Mapland, Dept for Environment and

Natural Resources

LBW co Details

Job No. 191091

Drawn MF Rev. 0

Checked MP Date 08.05.2019

Approximate site



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2000 Aerial


Cowan Street Reserve, Angle Park



Jensen Plus



0 20 40m


Aerial Image Details

Date 10.03.2000

Survey -

Photo -

Source Google Earth

LBW co Details

Job No. 191091

Drawn MF Rev. 0

Checked MP Date 08.05.2019


Approximate site



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2009 Aerial


Cowan Street Reserve, Angle Park



Jensen Plus



0 20 40m

Approximate site


Aerial Image Details

Date 26.12.2009

Survey -

Photo -

Source Nearmap

LBW co Details

Job No. 191091

Drawn MF Rev. 0

Checked MP Date 08.05.2019


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2013 Aerial


Cowan Street Reserve, Angle Park



Jensen Plus



0 20 40m

Approximate site


Aerial Image Details

Date 02.03.2013

Survey -

Photo -

Source Nearmap

LBW co Details

Job No. 191091

Drawn MF Rev. 0

Checked MP Date 08.05.2019


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2014 Aerial


Cowan Street Reserve, Angle Park



Jensen Plus



0 20 40m

Approximate site


Aerial Image Details

Date 23.02.2014

Survey -

Photo -

Source Nearmap

LBW co Details

Job No. 191091

Drawn MF Rev. 0

Checked MP Date 08.05.2019


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2019 Aerial


Cowan Street Reserve, Angle Park



Jensen Plus



0 20 40m

Approximate site



Aerial Image Details

Date 28.03.2019

Survey -

Photo -

Source Near mao

LBW co Details

Job No. 191091

Drawn MF Rev. 0

Checked MP Date 08.05.2019

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Appendix E

EPA Section 7 and Contamination Index Records

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LBW Co184 Magill RoadNORWOOD SA 5067

Contact: Section 7Telephone: (08) 8204 2026

Email: [email protected]

Contact: Public RegisterTelephone: (08) 8204 9128

Email: [email protected]

10 May, 2019


The EPA provides this statement to assist the vendor meet its obligations under section 7(1)(b) of the Land andBusiness (Sale and Conveyancing) Act 1994. A response to the questions prescribed in Schedule 1-Contracts forsale of land or business-forms (Divisions 1 and 2) of the Land and Business (Sale and Conveyancing) Act 1994 isprovided in relation to the land.

I refer to your enquiry concerning the parcel of land comprised in

Title Reference CT Volume 5791 Folio 576Address Allotment 113, Cowan Street, ANGLE PARK SA 5010

Schedule – Division 1 – Land and Business (Sale and Conveyancing) Regulations 2010


7. Environment Protection Act 1993

Does the EPA hold any of the following details relating to the Environment Protection Act 1993:

7.1 Section 59 - Environment performance agreement that is registered in relation to the land. NO

7.2 Section 93 - Environment protection order that is registered in relation to the land. NO

7.3 Section 93A - Environment protection order relating to cessation of activity that is registered inrelation to the land.


7.4 Section 99 - Clean-up order that is registered in relation to the land. NO

7.5 Section 100 - Clean-up authorisation that is registered in relation to the land. NO

7.6 Section 103H - Site contamination assessment order that is registered in relation to the land. NO

7.7 Section 103J - Site remediation order that is registered in relation to the land. NO

CT Volume 5791 Folio 576 page 1 of 4

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7.8 Section 103N - Notice of declaration of special management area in relation to the land (due topossible existence of site contamination).


7.9 Section 103P - Notation of site contamination audit report in relation to the land. NO

7.10 Section 103S - Notice of prohibition or restriction on taking water affected by sitecontamination in relation to the land.


Schedule – Division 2 – Land and Business (Sale and Conveyancing) Regulations 2010


3-Licences and exemptions recorded by EPA in public register

Does the EPA hold any of the following details in the public register:

a) details of a current licence issued under Part 6 of the Environment Protection Act 1993 toconduct, at the land-

i) a waste or recycling depot (as referred to in clause 3(3) of Schedule 1 Part A of that Act); or NO

ii) activities producing listed wastes (as referred to in clause 3(4) of Schedule 1 Part A of thatAct); or


iii) any other prescribed activity of environmental significance under Schedule 1 of that Act? NO

b) details of a licence no longer in force issued under Part 6 of the Environment Protection Act1993 to conduct, at the land-

i) a waste or recycling depot (as referred to in clause 3(3) of Schedule 1 Part A of that Act); or NO

ii) activities producing listed wastes (as referred to in clause 3(4) of Schedule 1 Part A of thatAct); or


iii) any other prescribed activity of environmental significance under Schedule 1 of that Act? NO

c) details of a current exemption issued under Part 6 of the Environment Protection Act 1993from the application of a specified provision of that Act in relation to an activity carried on at theland?


d) details of an exemption no longer in force issued under Part 6 of the Environment ProtectionAct 1993 from the application of a specified provision of that Act in relation to an activity carriedon at the land?


e) details of a licence issued under the repealed South Australian Waste ManagementCommission Act 1979 to operate a waste depot at the land?


f) details of a licence issued under the repealed Waste Management Act 1987 to operate awaste depot at the land?


g) details of a licence issued under the repealed South Australian Waste ManagementCommission Act 1979 to produce waste of a prescribed kind (within the meaning of that Act) atthe land?


CT Volume 5791 Folio 576 page 2 of 4

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h) details of a licence issued under the repealed Waste Management Act 1987 to produceprescribed waste (within the meaning of that Act) at the land?


4-Pollution and site contamination on the land - details recorded by the EPA in public register

Does the EPA hold any of the following details in the public register in relation to the land or part of theland:

a) details of serious or material environmental harm caused or threatened in the course of anactivity (whether or not notified under section 83 of the Environment Protection Act 1993)?


b) details of site contamination notified to the EPA under section 83A of the EnvironmentProtection Act 1993?


c) a copy of a report of an environmental assessment (whether prepared by the EPA or someother person or body and whether or not required under legislation) that forms part of theinformation required to be recorded in the public register?


d) a copy of a site contamination audit report? NO

e) details of an agreement for the exclusion or limitation of liability for site contamination to whichsection 103E of the Environment Protection Act 1993 applies?


f) details of an agreement entered into with the EPA relating to an approved voluntary sitecontamination assessment proposal under section 103I of the Environment Protection Act1993?


g) details of an agreement entered into with the EPA relating to an approved voluntary siteremediation proposal under section 103K of the Environment Protection Act 1993?


h) details of a notification under section 103Z(1) of the Environment Protection Act 1993 relatingto the commencement of a site contamination audit?


i) details of a notification under section 103Z(2) of the Environment Protection Act 1993 relatingto the termination before completion of a site contamination audit?


j) details of records, held by the former South Australian Waste Management Commission underthe repealed Waste Management Act 1987, of waste (within the meaning of that Act) havingbeen deposited on the land between 1 January 1983 and 30 April 1995?


5-Pollution and site contamination on the land - other details held by EPA

Does the EPA hold any of the following details in relation to the land or part of the land:

a) a copy of a report known as a "Health Commission Report" prepared by or on behalf of theSouth Australian Health Commission (under the repealed South Australian Health CommissionAct 1976)?


b) details (which may include a report of an environmental assessment) relevant to an agreemententered into with the EPA relating to an approved voluntary site contamination assessmentproposal under section 103I of the Environment Protection Act 1993?


c) details (which may include a report of an environmental assessment) relevant to an agreemententered into with the EPA relating to an approved voluntary site remediation proposal undersection 103K of the Environment Protection Act 1993?


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d) a copy of a pre-1 July 2009 site audit report? NO

e) details relating to the termination before completion of a pre-1 July 2009 site audit? NO

All care and diligence has been taken to access the above information from available records. Historical recordsprovided to the EPA concerning matters arising prior to 1 May 1995 are limited and may not be accurate orcomplete and therefore the EPA cannot confirm the accuracy of the historical information provided.

CT Volume 5791 Folio 576 page 4 of 4

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EPA Site Contamination Index Search

Pertaining to the subject site =

Within 0.5 km of subject site =

Project Number 191091

Report Title Preliminary Site Investigation

Site Address Cowan St, Angle Park

Angle Park

Regency Park

Page 68: Preliminary Site Investigation Cowan Street Reserve, Angle Park, SA · 2020. 2. 24. · site investigation (PSI) for two allotments on Cowan Street Reserve, Angle Park, South Australia

EPA Site Contamination Index Search

Pertaining to the subject site =

Within 0.5 km of subject site =

Project Number 191091

Report Title Preliminary Site Investigation

Site Address Cowan St, Angle Park

Ferryden Park

Page 69: Preliminary Site Investigation Cowan Street Reserve, Angle Park, SA · 2020. 2. 24. · site investigation (PSI) for two allotments on Cowan Street Reserve, Angle Park, South Australia

LBW Co184 Magill RoadNORWOOD SA 5067

Contact: Section 7Telephone: (08) 8204 2026

Email: [email protected]

Contact: Public RegisterTelephone: (08) 8204 9128

Email: [email protected]

10 May, 2019


The EPA provides this statement to assist the vendor meet its obligations under section 7(1)(b) of the Land andBusiness (Sale and Conveyancing) Act 1994. A response to the questions prescribed in Schedule 1-Contracts forsale of land or business-forms (Divisions 1 and 2) of the Land and Business (Sale and Conveyancing) Act 1994 isprovided in relation to the land.

I refer to your enquiry concerning the parcel of land comprised in

Title Reference CT Volume 5791 Folio 575Address Allotment 115, Cowan Street, ANGLE PARK SA 5010

Schedule – Division 1 – Land and Business (Sale and Conveyancing) Regulations 2010


7. Environment Protection Act 1993

Does the EPA hold any of the following details relating to the Environment Protection Act 1993:

7.1 Section 59 - Environment performance agreement that is registered in relation to the land. NO

7.2 Section 93 - Environment protection order that is registered in relation to the land. NO

7.3 Section 93A - Environment protection order relating to cessation of activity that is registered inrelation to the land.


7.4 Section 99 - Clean-up order that is registered in relation to the land. NO

7.5 Section 100 - Clean-up authorisation that is registered in relation to the land. NO

7.6 Section 103H - Site contamination assessment order that is registered in relation to the land. NO

7.7 Section 103J - Site remediation order that is registered in relation to the land. NO

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7.8 Section 103N - Notice of declaration of special management area in relation to the land (due topossible existence of site contamination).


7.9 Section 103P - Notation of site contamination audit report in relation to the land. NO

7.10 Section 103S - Notice of prohibition or restriction on taking water affected by sitecontamination in relation to the land.


Schedule – Division 2 – Land and Business (Sale and Conveyancing) Regulations 2010


3-Licences and exemptions recorded by EPA in public register

Does the EPA hold any of the following details in the public register:

a) details of a current licence issued under Part 6 of the Environment Protection Act 1993 toconduct, at the land-

i) a waste or recycling depot (as referred to in clause 3(3) of Schedule 1 Part A of that Act); or NO

ii) activities producing listed wastes (as referred to in clause 3(4) of Schedule 1 Part A of thatAct); or


iii) any other prescribed activity of environmental significance under Schedule 1 of that Act? NO

b) details of a licence no longer in force issued under Part 6 of the Environment Protection Act1993 to conduct, at the land-

i) a waste or recycling depot (as referred to in clause 3(3) of Schedule 1 Part A of that Act); or NO

ii) activities producing listed wastes (as referred to in clause 3(4) of Schedule 1 Part A of thatAct); or


iii) any other prescribed activity of environmental significance under Schedule 1 of that Act? NO

c) details of a current exemption issued under Part 6 of the Environment Protection Act 1993from the application of a specified provision of that Act in relation to an activity carried on at theland?


d) details of an exemption no longer in force issued under Part 6 of the Environment ProtectionAct 1993 from the application of a specified provision of that Act in relation to an activity carriedon at the land?


e) details of a licence issued under the repealed South Australian Waste ManagementCommission Act 1979 to operate a waste depot at the land?


f) details of a licence issued under the repealed Waste Management Act 1987 to operate awaste depot at the land?


g) details of a licence issued under the repealed South Australian Waste ManagementCommission Act 1979 to produce waste of a prescribed kind (within the meaning of that Act) atthe land?


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h) details of a licence issued under the repealed Waste Management Act 1987 to produceprescribed waste (within the meaning of that Act) at the land?


4-Pollution and site contamination on the land - details recorded by the EPA in public register

Does the EPA hold any of the following details in the public register in relation to the land or part of theland:

a) details of serious or material environmental harm caused or threatened in the course of anactivity (whether or not notified under section 83 of the Environment Protection Act 1993)?


b) details of site contamination notified to the EPA under section 83A of the EnvironmentProtection Act 1993?


c) a copy of a report of an environmental assessment (whether prepared by the EPA or someother person or body and whether or not required under legislation) that forms part of theinformation required to be recorded in the public register?


d) a copy of a site contamination audit report? NO

e) details of an agreement for the exclusion or limitation of liability for site contamination to whichsection 103E of the Environment Protection Act 1993 applies?


f) details of an agreement entered into with the EPA relating to an approved voluntary sitecontamination assessment proposal under section 103I of the Environment Protection Act1993?


g) details of an agreement entered into with the EPA relating to an approved voluntary siteremediation proposal under section 103K of the Environment Protection Act 1993?


h) details of a notification under section 103Z(1) of the Environment Protection Act 1993 relatingto the commencement of a site contamination audit?


i) details of a notification under section 103Z(2) of the Environment Protection Act 1993 relatingto the termination before completion of a site contamination audit?


j) details of records, held by the former South Australian Waste Management Commission underthe repealed Waste Management Act 1987, of waste (within the meaning of that Act) havingbeen deposited on the land between 1 January 1983 and 30 April 1995?


5-Pollution and site contamination on the land - other details held by EPA

Does the EPA hold any of the following details in relation to the land or part of the land:

a) a copy of a report known as a "Health Commission Report" prepared by or on behalf of theSouth Australian Health Commission (under the repealed South Australian Health CommissionAct 1976)?


b) details (which may include a report of an environmental assessment) relevant to an agreemententered into with the EPA relating to an approved voluntary site contamination assessmentproposal under section 103I of the Environment Protection Act 1993?


c) details (which may include a report of an environmental assessment) relevant to an agreemententered into with the EPA relating to an approved voluntary site remediation proposal undersection 103K of the Environment Protection Act 1993?


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d) a copy of a pre-1 July 2009 site audit report? NO

e) details relating to the termination before completion of a pre-1 July 2009 site audit? NO

All care and diligence has been taken to access the above information from available records. Historical recordsprovided to the EPA concerning matters arising prior to 1 May 1995 are limited and may not be accurate orcomplete and therefore the EPA cannot confirm the accuracy of the historical information provided.

CT Volume 5791 Folio 575 page 4 of 4

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Appendix F

Sands and McDougall Directory Search

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Sands and McDougall Search


Nearby off-site activities of significance


Pages 339-344

Project Number 191091

Report Title Preliminary Site Investigation

Site Address Cowan St, Angle Park

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Sands and McDougall Search


Nearby off-site activities of significance

Project Number 191091

Report Title Preliminary Site Investigation

Site Address Cowan St, Angle Park


Pages 348-349

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I:\Jobs\2019\191091 Cowan St, Angle Park PSI\Report\191091 R01.docx

Appendix G

Test Pit Logs

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PROJECT NAME Cowan St Angle Park PSI

ADDRESS Cowan Street Angle Park






COORDINATES -34.85865932, 138.56181517

COORD SYSTEM Latitude, Longitude





Material Description Additional Observations

Disclaimer This log was prepared by LBWco Pty Ltd for environmental purposes only.

produced by on 17 Jun 2019

Page 1 of 1

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PROJECT NAME Cowan St Angle Park PSI

ADDRESS Cowan Street Angle Park






COORDINATES -34.85842368, 138.56218841

COORD SYSTEM Latitude, Longitude





Material Description Additional Observations

Disclaimer This log was prepared by LBWco Pty Ltd for environmental purposes only.

produced by on 17 Jun 2019

Page 1 of 1

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PROJECT NAME Cowan St Angle Park PSI

ADDRESS Cowan Street Angle Park







COORD SYSTEM Latitude, Longitude





Material Description Additional Observations

Disclaimer This log was prepared by LBWco Pty Ltd for environmental purposes only.

produced by on 17 Jun 2019

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PROJECT NAME Cowan St Angle Park PSI

ADDRESS Cowan Street Angle Park







COORD SYSTEM Latitude, Longitude





Material Description Additional Observations

Disclaimer This log was prepared by LBWco Pty Ltd for environmental purposes only.

produced by on 17 Jun 2019

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PROJECT NAME Cowan St Angle Park PSI

ADDRESS Cowan Street Angle Park







COORD SYSTEM Latitude, Longitude





Material Description Additional Observations

Disclaimer This log was prepared by LBWco Pty Ltd for environmental purposes only.

produced by on 17 Jun 2019

Page 1 of 1

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PROJECT NAME Cowan St Angle Park PSI

ADDRESS Cowan Street Angle Park







COORD SYSTEM Latitude, Longitude





Material Description Additional Observations

Disclaimer This log was prepared by LBWco Pty Ltd for environmental purposes only.

produced by on 17 Jun 2019

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PROJECT NAME Cowan St Angle Park PSI

ADDRESS Cowan Street Angle Park







COORD SYSTEM Latitude, Longitude





Material Description Additional Observations

Disclaimer This log was prepared by LBWco Pty Ltd for environmental purposes only.

produced by on 17 Jun 2019

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PROJECT NAME Cowan St Angle Park PSI

ADDRESS Cowan Street Angle Park







COORD SYSTEM Latitude, Longitude





Material Description Additional Observations

Disclaimer This log was prepared by LBWco Pty Ltd for environmental purposes only.

produced by on 17 Jun 2019

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PROJECT NAME Cowan St Angle Park PSI

ADDRESS Cowan Street Angle Park







COORD SYSTEM Latitude, Longitude





Material Description Additional Observations

Disclaimer This log was prepared by LBWco Pty Ltd for environmental purposes only.

produced by on 17 Jun 2019

Page 1 of 1

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PROJECT NAME Cowan St Angle Park PSI

ADDRESS Cowan Street Angle Park







COORD SYSTEM Latitude, Longitude





Material Description Additional Observations

Disclaimer This log was prepared by LBWco Pty Ltd for environmental purposes only.

produced by on 17 Jun 2019

Page 1 of 1

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PROJECT NAME Cowan St Angle Park PSI

ADDRESS Cowan Street Angle Park







COORD SYSTEM Latitude, Longitude





Material Description Additional Observations

Disclaimer This log was prepared by LBWco Pty Ltd for environmental purposes only.

produced by on 17 Jun 2019

Page 1 of 1

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Appendix H

Chemical Summary Tables

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191091 Cowan St Angle Park PSI Chemical Summary Table

Risk-Based Guidelines




















































mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg

4 10 1 0.4 0.5 1 2 1 50 1 5 0.1 1 2 1

100 60 20 100 100 6,000 300 3,800 40 400 7,400

300 90 90 300 300 17,000 600 19,000 80 1,200 30,000

100 55 1,100 230 620

Location Field ID Depth Date Sample

TP01 TP01-01 0.0 - 0.1 14/06/2019 Normal <5 - - <1 - 3 - <5 - 36 - <0.1 <2 - 10

TP02-02 0.2 - 0.3 14/06/2019 Normal 6 40 <1 <1 <0.5 16 5 90 17,300 441 556 <0.1 8 <2 857

TP02-03 0.4 - 0.5 14/06/2019 Normal <5 - - <1 - 10 - 81 - 598 - <0.1 8 - 1,280

TP03 TP03-02 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Normal <5 - - <1 - 17 - 12 - 16 - 0.1 9 - 31

TP04-02 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Normal <5 - - <1 - 24 - 19 - 17 - <0.1 12 - 58

TP04-03 0.7 - 0.8 14/06/2019 Normal <5 - - <1 - 9 - 6 - 20 - <0.1 4 - 21

TP05-02 0.1 - 0.2 14/06/2019 Normal <5 - - <1 - 4 - <5 - 6 - <0.1 2 - 20

TP05-03 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Normal <5 - - <1 - 11 - 6 - 23 - <0.1 4 - 14

TP06 TP06-02 0.2 - 0.3 14/06/2019 Normal 5 - - <1 - 22 - 8 - 14 - <0.1 10 - 86

TP07-02 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Normal <5 - - <1 - 14 - 11 - 17 - <0.1 7 - 36

TP07-03 0.7 - 0.8 14/06/2019 Normal <5 - - <1 - 11 - 5 - 8 - <0.1 4 - 11

TP08-01 0.0 - 0.1 14/06/2019 Normal <5 - - <1 - 10 - 13 - 40 - <0.1 5 - 89

TP08-03 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Normal <5 - - <1 - 9 - 16 - 59 - <0.1 4 - 107

TP09-02 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Normal <5 - - <1 - 13 - 16 - 34 - <0.1 7 - 60

TP09-03 0.5 - 0.6 14/06/2019 Normal <5 - - <1 - 15 - 8 - 29 - <0.1 5 - 15

TP09-06 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Interlab_D 5 - - <0.4 - 14 - 23 - 48 - <0.1 7 - 81

TP09-07 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Field_D <5 - - <1 - 16 - 19 - 40 - <0.1 8 - 77

TP10-02 0.1 - 0.2 14/06/2019 Normal 8 - - <1 - 14 - 8 - 8 - <0.1 10 - 25

TP10-03 0.5 - 0.6 14/06/2019 Normal <5 - - <1 - 12 - 8 - 30 - <0.1 4 - 20

TP11-01 0.0 - 0.1 14/06/2019 Normal <5 - - <1 - 17 - 13 - 61 - <0.1 7 - 72

TP11-02 .3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Normal - - - - - - - - 27,000 - - - - - -

TP12-01 0.0 - 0.1 14/06/2019 Normal <5 - - <1 - 16 - 12 - 42 - <0.1 5 - 49

TP12-02 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Normal <5 - - <1 - 31 - 18 - 12 - <0.1 15 - 28

SP01 SP01 - 14/06/2019 Normal <5 - - <1 - 10 - 6 - 6 - <0.1 5 - 16

SP02 SP02 - 14/06/2019 Normal 10 - - <1 - 6 - 9 - 25 - <0.1 3 - 44

SP03 SP03 - 14/06/2019 Normal 6 90 <1 2 <0.5 31 4 51 11,300 106 130 1.7 13 4 244

SP04 SP04 - 14/06/2019 Normal 5 - - 1 - 22 - 34 - 69 - 2.1 10 - 171

CRC CARE 2011 Soil HSL C for Direct Contact - Recreational / Open Space



NEPM 1999 Soil HSL A/B for Vapour Intrusion - Residential (Sand, 0-1mBGL)

NEPM 1999 EIL - Urban Residential

NEPM 1999 Soil ESLs - Urban Residential (coarse)


NEPM 1999 Soil HIL A - Residential

NEPM 1999 Soil HIL C - Recreational

CRC CARE 2011 Soil HSL A for Direct Contact - Residential (Low Density)









I:\Jobs\2019\191091 Cowan St, Angle Park PSI\Laboratory\191091 NEPM Guidelines 

1  of 8


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191091 Cowan St Angle Park PSI Chemical Summary Table

Risk-Based Guidelines


Location Field ID Depth Date Sample

TP01 TP01-01 0.0 - 0.1 14/06/2019 Normal

TP02-02 0.2 - 0.3 14/06/2019 Normal

TP02-03 0.4 - 0.5 14/06/2019 Normal

TP03 TP03-02 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Normal

TP04-02 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Normal

TP04-03 0.7 - 0.8 14/06/2019 Normal

TP05-02 0.1 - 0.2 14/06/2019 Normal

TP05-03 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Normal

TP06 TP06-02 0.2 - 0.3 14/06/2019 Normal

TP07-02 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Normal

TP07-03 0.7 - 0.8 14/06/2019 Normal

TP08-01 0.0 - 0.1 14/06/2019 Normal

TP08-03 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Normal

TP09-02 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Normal

TP09-03 0.5 - 0.6 14/06/2019 Normal

TP09-06 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Interlab_D

TP09-07 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Field_D

TP10-02 0.1 - 0.2 14/06/2019 Normal

TP10-03 0.5 - 0.6 14/06/2019 Normal

TP11-01 0.0 - 0.1 14/06/2019 Normal

TP11-02 .3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Normal

TP12-01 0.0 - 0.1 14/06/2019 Normal

TP12-02 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Normal

SP01 SP01 - 14/06/2019 Normal

SP02 SP02 - 14/06/2019 Normal

SP03 SP03 - 14/06/2019 Normal

SP04 SP04 - 14/06/2019 Normal

CRC CARE 2011 Soil HSL C for Direct Contact - Recreational / Open Space


NEPM 1999 Soil HSL A/B for Vapour Intrusion - Residential (Sand, 0-1mBGL)

NEPM 1999 EIL - Urban Residential

NEPM 1999 Soil ESLs - Urban Residential (coarse)


NEPM 1999 Soil HIL A - Residential

NEPM 1999 Soil HIL C - Recreational

CRC CARE 2011 Soil HSL A for Direct Contact - Residential (Low Density)





















































































mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg

0.5 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.05 0.2 0.1 0.5 0.5 0.1 0.1


<0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 - <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5

<0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 - <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5

20.7 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 2.2 2.1 - 1.1 0.9 2.6 2.2 <0.5

<0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 - <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5

<0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 - <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5

<0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 - <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5

<0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 - <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5

<0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 - <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5

<0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 - <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5

<0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 - <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5

<0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 - <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5

<0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 - <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5

<0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 - <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5

<0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 - <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5

<0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 - <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5

- <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.06 <0.2 <0.1 - - <0.1 <0.1

- - - - - - - - - - - -

<0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 - <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5

<0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 - <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5

<0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 - <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5

- - - - - - - - - - - -

<0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 - <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5

<0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 - <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5

<0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 - <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5

1.8 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 - <0.5 <0.5 0.6 <0.5 <0.5

2.8 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 0.5 - <0.5 <0.5 0.7 <0.5 <0.5

3.1 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 0.6 - <0.5 <0.5 0.7 <0.5 <0.5


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Page 91: Preliminary Site Investigation Cowan Street Reserve, Angle Park, SA · 2020. 2. 24. · site investigation (PSI) for two allotments on Cowan Street Reserve, Angle Park, South Australia

191091 Cowan St Angle Park PSI Chemical Summary Table

Risk-Based Guidelines


Location Field ID Depth Date Sample

TP01 TP01-01 0.0 - 0.1 14/06/2019 Normal

TP02-02 0.2 - 0.3 14/06/2019 Normal

TP02-03 0.4 - 0.5 14/06/2019 Normal

TP03 TP03-02 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Normal

TP04-02 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Normal

TP04-03 0.7 - 0.8 14/06/2019 Normal

TP05-02 0.1 - 0.2 14/06/2019 Normal

TP05-03 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Normal

TP06 TP06-02 0.2 - 0.3 14/06/2019 Normal

TP07-02 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Normal

TP07-03 0.7 - 0.8 14/06/2019 Normal

TP08-01 0.0 - 0.1 14/06/2019 Normal

TP08-03 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Normal

TP09-02 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Normal

TP09-03 0.5 - 0.6 14/06/2019 Normal

TP09-06 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Interlab_D

TP09-07 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Field_D

TP10-02 0.1 - 0.2 14/06/2019 Normal

TP10-03 0.5 - 0.6 14/06/2019 Normal

TP11-01 0.0 - 0.1 14/06/2019 Normal

TP11-02 .3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Normal

TP12-01 0.0 - 0.1 14/06/2019 Normal

TP12-02 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Normal

SP01 SP01 - 14/06/2019 Normal

SP02 SP02 - 14/06/2019 Normal

SP03 SP03 - 14/06/2019 Normal

SP04 SP04 - 14/06/2019 Normal

CRC CARE 2011 Soil HSL C for Direct Contact - Recreational / Open Space


NEPM 1999 Soil HSL A/B for Vapour Intrusion - Residential (Sand, 0-1mBGL)

NEPM 1999 EIL - Urban Residential

NEPM 1999 Soil ESLs - Urban Residential (coarse)


NEPM 1999 Soil HIL A - Residential

NEPM 1999 Soil HIL C - Recreational

CRC CARE 2011 Soil HSL A for Direct Contact - Residential (Low Density)









































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mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg

0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.05 0.5 0.5 0.5

300 3 3 3

300 3 3 3





<0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 0.6 1.2

<0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 0.6 1.2

3.6 <0.5 1.0 <0.5 1.0 4.0 20.7 2.8 3.0 3.3

<0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 0.6 1.2

<0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 0.6 1.2

<0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 0.6 1.2

<0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 0.6 1.2

<0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 0.6 1.2

<0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 0.6 1.2

<0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 0.6 1.2

<0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 0.6 1.2

<0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 0.6 1.2

<0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 0.6 1.2

<0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 0.6 1.2

<0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 0.6 1.2

<0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.06 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5

- - - - - - - - - -

<0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 0.6 1.2

<0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 0.6 1.2

<0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 0.6 1.2

- - - - - - - - - -

<0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 0.6 1.2

<0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 0.6 1.2

<0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 0.6 1.2

0.6 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 0.6 1.8 <0.5 0.6 1.2

0.8 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 0.8 2.8 0.6 0.9 1.2

0.9 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 0.9 3.1 0.7 1.0 1.3


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Page 92: Preliminary Site Investigation Cowan Street Reserve, Angle Park, SA · 2020. 2. 24. · site investigation (PSI) for two allotments on Cowan Street Reserve, Angle Park, South Australia

191091 Cowan St Angle Park PSI Chemical Summary Table

Risk-Based Guidelines


Location Field ID Depth Date Sample

TP01 TP01-01 0.0 - 0.1 14/06/2019 Normal

TP02-02 0.2 - 0.3 14/06/2019 Normal

TP02-03 0.4 - 0.5 14/06/2019 Normal

TP03 TP03-02 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Normal

TP04-02 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Normal

TP04-03 0.7 - 0.8 14/06/2019 Normal

TP05-02 0.1 - 0.2 14/06/2019 Normal

TP05-03 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Normal

TP06 TP06-02 0.2 - 0.3 14/06/2019 Normal

TP07-02 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Normal

TP07-03 0.7 - 0.8 14/06/2019 Normal

TP08-01 0.0 - 0.1 14/06/2019 Normal

TP08-03 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Normal

TP09-02 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Normal

TP09-03 0.5 - 0.6 14/06/2019 Normal

TP09-06 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Interlab_D

TP09-07 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Field_D

TP10-02 0.1 - 0.2 14/06/2019 Normal

TP10-03 0.5 - 0.6 14/06/2019 Normal

TP11-01 0.0 - 0.1 14/06/2019 Normal

TP11-02 .3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Normal

TP12-01 0.0 - 0.1 14/06/2019 Normal

TP12-02 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Normal

SP01 SP01 - 14/06/2019 Normal

SP02 SP02 - 14/06/2019 Normal

SP03 SP03 - 14/06/2019 Normal

SP04 SP04 - 14/06/2019 Normal

CRC CARE 2011 Soil HSL C for Direct Contact - Recreational / Open Space


NEPM 1999 Soil HSL A/B for Vapour Intrusion - Residential (Sand, 0-1mBGL)

NEPM 1999 EIL - Urban Residential

NEPM 1999 Soil ESLs - Urban Residential (coarse)


NEPM 1999 Soil HIL A - Residential

NEPM 1999 Soil HIL C - Recreational

CRC CARE 2011 Soil HSL A for Direct Contact - Residential (Low Density)

































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e (




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e T




l B


mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg

0.5 1 2 0.5 0.5 10 10 50 50 100 100 50 0.2 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.2

100 3,000

120 40,000

4,400 3,300 4,500 6,300 100 14,000 4,500 12,000

5,100 3,800 5,300 7,400 120 18,000 5,300 15,000

45 110 0.5 160 55 40

180 120 300 2,800 50 85 70 105

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

<0.5 <1 <2 <0.5 <0.5 <10 <10 <50 <50 <100 <100 <50 <0.2 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.2

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - <10 <10 <50 <50 <100 <100 <50 <0.2 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.2

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - <10 <10 <50 <50 <100 <100 <50 <0.2 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.2

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - <10 <10 <50 <50 <100 <100 <50 <0.2 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.2

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - <25 <25 <50 <50 <100 <100 <50 <0.2 <0.5 <1 <1 <2 <1 -

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - <10 <10 <50 <50 <100 <100 <50 <0.2 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.2

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - <10 <10 <50 <50 <100 <100 <50 <0.2 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.2

<0.5 <1 <2 <0.5 <0.5 <10 <10 <50 <50 <100 <100 <50 <0.2 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.2

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Phenols TRH BTEX

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Page 93: Preliminary Site Investigation Cowan Street Reserve, Angle Park, SA · 2020. 2. 24. · site investigation (PSI) for two allotments on Cowan Street Reserve, Angle Park, South Australia

191091 Cowan St Angle Park PSI Chemical Summary Table

Risk-Based Guidelines


Location Field ID Depth Date Sample

TP01 TP01-01 0.0 - 0.1 14/06/2019 Normal

TP02-02 0.2 - 0.3 14/06/2019 Normal

TP02-03 0.4 - 0.5 14/06/2019 Normal

TP03 TP03-02 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Normal

TP04-02 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Normal

TP04-03 0.7 - 0.8 14/06/2019 Normal

TP05-02 0.1 - 0.2 14/06/2019 Normal

TP05-03 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Normal

TP06 TP06-02 0.2 - 0.3 14/06/2019 Normal

TP07-02 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Normal

TP07-03 0.7 - 0.8 14/06/2019 Normal

TP08-01 0.0 - 0.1 14/06/2019 Normal

TP08-03 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Normal

TP09-02 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Normal

TP09-03 0.5 - 0.6 14/06/2019 Normal

TP09-06 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Interlab_D

TP09-07 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Field_D

TP10-02 0.1 - 0.2 14/06/2019 Normal

TP10-03 0.5 - 0.6 14/06/2019 Normal

TP11-01 0.0 - 0.1 14/06/2019 Normal

TP11-02 .3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Normal

TP12-01 0.0 - 0.1 14/06/2019 Normal

TP12-02 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Normal

SP01 SP01 - 14/06/2019 Normal

SP02 SP02 - 14/06/2019 Normal

SP03 SP03 - 14/06/2019 Normal

SP04 SP04 - 14/06/2019 Normal

CRC CARE 2011 Soil HSL C for Direct Contact - Recreational / Open Space


NEPM 1999 Soil HSL A/B for Vapour Intrusion - Residential (Sand, 0-1mBGL)

NEPM 1999 EIL - Urban Residential

NEPM 1999 Soil ESLs - Urban Residential (coarse)


NEPM 1999 Soil HIL A - Residential

NEPM 1999 Soil HIL C - Recreational

CRC CARE 2011 Soil HSL A for Direct Contact - Residential (Low Density)








































+ D







mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg

0.05 0.05 0.2 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05

240 6 50

400 10 70


- - - - - - - - - - - -

<0.05 <0.05 <0.2 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

<0.05 <0.05 <0.2 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05

- - - - - - - - - - - -

Organochlorine Pesticides

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Page 94: Preliminary Site Investigation Cowan Street Reserve, Angle Park, SA · 2020. 2. 24. · site investigation (PSI) for two allotments on Cowan Street Reserve, Angle Park, South Australia

191091 Cowan St Angle Park PSI Chemical Summary Table

Risk-Based Guidelines


Location Field ID Depth Date Sample

TP01 TP01-01 0.0 - 0.1 14/06/2019 Normal

TP02-02 0.2 - 0.3 14/06/2019 Normal

TP02-03 0.4 - 0.5 14/06/2019 Normal

TP03 TP03-02 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Normal

TP04-02 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Normal

TP04-03 0.7 - 0.8 14/06/2019 Normal

TP05-02 0.1 - 0.2 14/06/2019 Normal

TP05-03 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Normal

TP06 TP06-02 0.2 - 0.3 14/06/2019 Normal

TP07-02 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Normal

TP07-03 0.7 - 0.8 14/06/2019 Normal

TP08-01 0.0 - 0.1 14/06/2019 Normal

TP08-03 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Normal

TP09-02 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Normal

TP09-03 0.5 - 0.6 14/06/2019 Normal

TP09-06 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Interlab_D

TP09-07 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Field_D

TP10-02 0.1 - 0.2 14/06/2019 Normal

TP10-03 0.5 - 0.6 14/06/2019 Normal

TP11-01 0.0 - 0.1 14/06/2019 Normal

TP11-02 .3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Normal

TP12-01 0.0 - 0.1 14/06/2019 Normal

TP12-02 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Normal

SP01 SP01 - 14/06/2019 Normal

SP02 SP02 - 14/06/2019 Normal

SP03 SP03 - 14/06/2019 Normal

SP04 SP04 - 14/06/2019 Normal

CRC CARE 2011 Soil HSL C for Direct Contact - Recreational / Open Space


NEPM 1999 Soil HSL A/B for Vapour Intrusion - Residential (Sand, 0-1mBGL)

NEPM 1999 EIL - Urban Residential

NEPM 1999 Soil ESLs - Urban Residential (coarse)


NEPM 1999 Soil HIL A - Residential

NEPM 1999 Soil HIL C - Recreational

CRC CARE 2011 Soil HSL A for Direct Contact - Residential (Low Density)












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mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg

0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.2

270 10 6 300

340 20 10 400

- - - - - - - - - - - -

<0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.2

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

<0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.2

- - - - - - - - - - - -

Organochlorine Pesticides

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191091 Cowan St Angle Park PSI Chemical Summary Table

Risk-Based Guidelines


Location Field ID Depth Date Sample

TP01 TP01-01 0.0 - 0.1 14/06/2019 Normal

TP02-02 0.2 - 0.3 14/06/2019 Normal

TP02-03 0.4 - 0.5 14/06/2019 Normal

TP03 TP03-02 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Normal

TP04-02 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Normal

TP04-03 0.7 - 0.8 14/06/2019 Normal

TP05-02 0.1 - 0.2 14/06/2019 Normal

TP05-03 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Normal

TP06 TP06-02 0.2 - 0.3 14/06/2019 Normal

TP07-02 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Normal

TP07-03 0.7 - 0.8 14/06/2019 Normal

TP08-01 0.0 - 0.1 14/06/2019 Normal

TP08-03 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Normal

TP09-02 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Normal

TP09-03 0.5 - 0.6 14/06/2019 Normal

TP09-06 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Interlab_D

TP09-07 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Field_D

TP10-02 0.1 - 0.2 14/06/2019 Normal

TP10-03 0.5 - 0.6 14/06/2019 Normal

TP11-01 0.0 - 0.1 14/06/2019 Normal

TP11-02 .3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Normal

TP12-01 0.0 - 0.1 14/06/2019 Normal

TP12-02 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Normal

SP01 SP01 - 14/06/2019 Normal

SP02 SP02 - 14/06/2019 Normal

SP03 SP03 - 14/06/2019 Normal

SP04 SP04 - 14/06/2019 Normal

CRC CARE 2011 Soil HSL C for Direct Contact - Recreational / Open Space


NEPM 1999 Soil HSL A/B for Vapour Intrusion - Residential (Sand, 0-1mBGL)

NEPM 1999 EIL - Urban Residential

NEPM 1999 Soil ESLs - Urban Residential (coarse)


NEPM 1999 Soil HIL A - Residential

NEPM 1999 Soil HIL C - Recreational

CRC CARE 2011 Soil HSL A for Direct Contact - Residential (Low Density)














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le P











mg/kg mg/kg cmol/kg - mg/kg cmol/kg % cmol/kg cmol/kg cmol/kg % pH Unit

0.1 0.05 0.2 5,000 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1

1 10

1 10

- - - - - - - - - - - -

<0.1 <0.05 - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - 6.0 -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - 1.8 0.9 7,000 15.2 11.6 6.2 5.4 1.9 - 7.7

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

<0.1 <0.05 - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -


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191091 Cowan St Angle Park PSI Chemical Summary Table

Risk-Based Guidelines


Location Field ID Depth Date Sample

TP01 TP01-01 0.0 - 0.1 14/06/2019 Normal

TP02-02 0.2 - 0.3 14/06/2019 Normal

TP02-03 0.4 - 0.5 14/06/2019 Normal

TP03 TP03-02 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Normal

TP04-02 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Normal

TP04-03 0.7 - 0.8 14/06/2019 Normal

TP05-02 0.1 - 0.2 14/06/2019 Normal

TP05-03 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Normal

TP06 TP06-02 0.2 - 0.3 14/06/2019 Normal

TP07-02 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Normal

TP07-03 0.7 - 0.8 14/06/2019 Normal

TP08-01 0.0 - 0.1 14/06/2019 Normal

TP08-03 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Normal

TP09-02 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Normal

TP09-03 0.5 - 0.6 14/06/2019 Normal

TP09-06 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Interlab_D

TP09-07 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Field_D

TP10-02 0.1 - 0.2 14/06/2019 Normal

TP10-03 0.5 - 0.6 14/06/2019 Normal

TP11-01 0.0 - 0.1 14/06/2019 Normal

TP11-02 .3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Normal

TP12-01 0.0 - 0.1 14/06/2019 Normal

TP12-02 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Normal

SP01 SP01 - 14/06/2019 Normal

SP02 SP02 - 14/06/2019 Normal

SP03 SP03 - 14/06/2019 Normal

SP04 SP04 - 14/06/2019 Normal

CRC CARE 2011 Soil HSL C for Direct Contact - Recreational / Open Space


NEPM 1999 Soil HSL A/B for Vapour Intrusion - Residential (Sand, 0-1mBGL)

NEPM 1999 EIL - Urban Residential

NEPM 1999 Soil ESLs - Urban Residential (coarse)


NEPM 1999 Soil HIL A - Residential

NEPM 1999 Soil HIL C - Recreational

CRC CARE 2011 Soil HSL A for Direct Contact - Residential (Low Density)















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ic M





re C




g/cm3 % (w/w) % % % - % %

1 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.5 1

- - - - - - - 14.4

- - - - - - - 8.1

- - - - - - - 6.6

- - - - - - - 7.8

- - - - - - - 8.7

- - - - - - - 5.1

- - - - - - - 8.4

- - - - - - - 3.8

- - - - - - - 15.5

- - - - - - - 6.0

- - - - - - - 2.3

- - - - - - - 10.4

- - - - - - - 6.8

- - - - - - - 6.8

- - - - - - - 4.3

- - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - 7.2

- - - - - - - 19.9

- - - - - - - 4.4

- - - - - - - 11.1

2.48 39 35.1 40.8 12.4 3.3 1.1 11.2

- - - - - - - 11.1

- - - - - - - 13.4

- - - - - - - 9.5

- - - - - - - 10.4

- - - - - - - 11.8

- - - - - - - 11.9


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191091 Cowan St Angle Park PSI Chemical Summary Table

Waste Classification




















































mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg

4 10 1 0.4 0.5 1 2 1 50 1 5 0.1 1 2 1

20 300 20 3 1 170 60 300 500 1 60 200

200 40 30 200 170 2,000 1,200 6,000 30 600 14,000

750 150 60 750 1,000 7,500 5,000 10,000 110 3,000 50,000

Location Field ID Depth Date Sample

TP01 TP01-01 0.0 - 0.1 14/06/2019 Normal <5 - - <1 - 3 - <5 - 36 - <0.1 <2 - 10

TP02-02 0.2 - 0.3 14/06/2019 Normal 6 40 <1 <1 <0.5 16 5 90 17,300 441 556 <0.1 8 <2 857

TP02-03 0.4 - 0.5 14/06/2019 Normal <5 - - <1 - 10 - 81 - 598 - <0.1 8 - 1,280

TP03 TP03-02 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Normal <5 - - <1 - 17 - 12 - 16 - 0.1 9 - 31

TP04-02 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Normal <5 - - <1 - 24 - 19 - 17 - <0.1 12 - 58

TP04-03 0.7 - 0.8 14/06/2019 Normal <5 - - <1 - 9 - 6 - 20 - <0.1 4 - 21

TP05-02 0.1 - 0.2 14/06/2019 Normal <5 - - <1 - 4 - <5 - 6 - <0.1 2 - 20

TP05-03 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Normal <5 - - <1 - 11 - 6 - 23 - <0.1 4 - 14

TP06 TP06-02 0.2 - 0.3 14/06/2019 Normal 5 - - <1 - 22 - 8 - 14 - <0.1 10 - 86

TP07-02 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Normal <5 - - <1 - 14 - 11 - 17 - <0.1 7 - 36

TP07-03 0.7 - 0.8 14/06/2019 Normal <5 - - <1 - 11 - 5 - 8 - <0.1 4 - 11

TP08-01 0.0 - 0.1 14/06/2019 Normal <5 - - <1 - 10 - 13 - 40 - <0.1 5 - 89

TP08-03 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Normal <5 - - <1 - 9 - 16 - 59 - <0.1 4 - 107

TP09-02 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Normal <5 - - <1 - 13 - 16 - 34 - <0.1 7 - 60

TP09-03 0.5 - 0.6 14/06/2019 Normal <5 - - <1 - 15 - 8 - 29 - <0.1 5 - 15

TP09-06 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Interlab_D 5 - - <0.4 - 14 - 23 - 48 - <0.1 7 - 81

TP09-07 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Field_D <5 - - <1 - 16 - 19 - 40 - <0.1 8 - 77

TP10-02 0.1 - 0.2 14/06/2019 Normal 8 - - <1 - 14 - 8 - 8 - <0.1 10 - 25

TP10-03 0.5 - 0.6 14/06/2019 Normal <5 - - <1 - 12 - 8 - 30 - <0.1 4 - 20

TP11-01 0.0 - 0.1 14/06/2019 Normal <5 - - <1 - 17 - 13 - 61 - <0.1 7 - 72

TP11-02 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Normal - - - - - - - - 27,000 - - - - - -

TP12-01 0.0 - 0.1 14/06/2019 Normal <5 - - <1 - 16 - 12 - 42 - <0.1 5 - 49

TP12-02 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Normal <5 - - <1 - 31 - 18 - 12 - <0.1 15 - 28

SP01 SP01 - 14/06/2019 Normal <5 - - <1 - 10 - 6 - 6 - <0.1 5 - 16

SP02 SP02 - 14/06/2019 Normal 10 - - <1 - 6 - 9 - 25 - <0.1 3 - 44

SP03 SP03 - 14/06/2019 Normal 6 90 <1 2 <0.5 31 4 51 11,300 106 130 1.7 13 4 244

SP04 SP04 - 14/06/2019 Normal 5 - - 1 - 22 - 34 - 69 - 2.1 10 - 171











SA EPA - Waste Fill

SA EPA - Intermediate Waste

SA EPA - Low Level Contaminated Waste


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191091 Cowan St Angle Park PSI Chemical Summary Table

Waste Classification


Location Field ID Depth Date Sample

TP01 TP01-01 0.0 - 0.1 14/06/2019 Normal

TP02-02 0.2 - 0.3 14/06/2019 Normal

TP02-03 0.4 - 0.5 14/06/2019 Normal

TP03 TP03-02 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Normal

TP04-02 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Normal

TP04-03 0.7 - 0.8 14/06/2019 Normal

TP05-02 0.1 - 0.2 14/06/2019 Normal

TP05-03 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Normal

TP06 TP06-02 0.2 - 0.3 14/06/2019 Normal

TP07-02 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Normal

TP07-03 0.7 - 0.8 14/06/2019 Normal

TP08-01 0.0 - 0.1 14/06/2019 Normal

TP08-03 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Normal

TP09-02 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Normal

TP09-03 0.5 - 0.6 14/06/2019 Normal

TP09-06 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Interlab_D

TP09-07 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Field_D

TP10-02 0.1 - 0.2 14/06/2019 Normal

TP10-03 0.5 - 0.6 14/06/2019 Normal

TP11-01 0.0 - 0.1 14/06/2019 Normal

TP11-02 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Normal

TP12-01 0.0 - 0.1 14/06/2019 Normal

TP12-02 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Normal

SP01 SP01 - 14/06/2019 Normal

SP02 SP02 - 14/06/2019 Normal

SP03 SP03 - 14/06/2019 Normal

SP04 SP04 - 14/06/2019 Normal











SA EPA - Waste Fill

SA EPA - Intermediate Waste

SA EPA - Low Level Contaminated Waste













































































mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg

0.5 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.05 0.2 0.1 0.5 0.5 0.1 0.1




<0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 - <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5

<0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 - <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5

20.7 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 2.2 2.1 - 1.1 0.9 2.6 2.2 <0.5

<0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 - <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5

<0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 - <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5

<0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 - <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5

<0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 - <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5

<0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 - <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5

<0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 - <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5

<0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 - <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5

<0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 - <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5

<0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 - <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5

<0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 - <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5

<0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 - <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5

<0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 - <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5

- <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.06 <0.2 <0.1 - - <0.1 <0.1

- - - - - - - - - - - -

<0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 - <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5

<0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 - <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5

<0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 - <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5

- - - - - - - - - - - -

<0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 - <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5

<0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 - <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5

<0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 - <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5

1.8 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 - <0.5 <0.5 0.6 <0.5 <0.5

2.8 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 0.5 - <0.5 <0.5 0.7 <0.5 <0.5

3.1 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 0.6 - <0.5 <0.5 0.7 <0.5 <0.5


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191091 Cowan St Angle Park PSI Chemical Summary Table

Waste Classification


Location Field ID Depth Date Sample

TP01 TP01-01 0.0 - 0.1 14/06/2019 Normal

TP02-02 0.2 - 0.3 14/06/2019 Normal

TP02-03 0.4 - 0.5 14/06/2019 Normal

TP03 TP03-02 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Normal

TP04-02 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Normal

TP04-03 0.7 - 0.8 14/06/2019 Normal

TP05-02 0.1 - 0.2 14/06/2019 Normal

TP05-03 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Normal

TP06 TP06-02 0.2 - 0.3 14/06/2019 Normal

TP07-02 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Normal

TP07-03 0.7 - 0.8 14/06/2019 Normal

TP08-01 0.0 - 0.1 14/06/2019 Normal

TP08-03 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Normal

TP09-02 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Normal

TP09-03 0.5 - 0.6 14/06/2019 Normal

TP09-06 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Interlab_D

TP09-07 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Field_D

TP10-02 0.1 - 0.2 14/06/2019 Normal

TP10-03 0.5 - 0.6 14/06/2019 Normal

TP11-01 0.0 - 0.1 14/06/2019 Normal

TP11-02 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Normal

TP12-01 0.0 - 0.1 14/06/2019 Normal

TP12-02 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Normal

SP01 SP01 - 14/06/2019 Normal

SP02 SP02 - 14/06/2019 Normal

SP03 SP03 - 14/06/2019 Normal

SP04 SP04 - 14/06/2019 Normal











SA EPA - Waste Fill

SA EPA - Intermediate Waste

SA EPA - Low Level Contaminated Waste

































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mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg

0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.05 0.5 0.5 0.5




<0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 0.6 1.2

<0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 0.6 1.2

3.6 <0.5 1.0 <0.5 1.0 4.0 20.7 2.8 3.0 3.3

<0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 0.6 1.2

<0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 0.6 1.2

<0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 0.6 1.2

<0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 0.6 1.2

<0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 0.6 1.2

<0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 0.6 1.2

<0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 0.6 1.2

<0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 0.6 1.2

<0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 0.6 1.2

<0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 0.6 1.2

<0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 0.6 1.2

<0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 0.6 1.2

<0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.06 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5

- - - - - - - - - -

<0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 0.6 1.2

<0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 0.6 1.2

<0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 0.6 1.2

- - - - - - - - - -

<0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 0.6 1.2

<0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 0.6 1.2

<0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 0.6 1.2

0.6 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 0.6 1.8 <0.5 0.6 1.2

0.8 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 0.8 2.8 0.6 0.9 1.2

0.9 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 0.9 3.1 0.7 1.0 1.3


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191091 Cowan St Angle Park PSI Chemical Summary Table

Waste Classification


Location Field ID Depth Date Sample

TP01 TP01-01 0.0 - 0.1 14/06/2019 Normal

TP02-02 0.2 - 0.3 14/06/2019 Normal

TP02-03 0.4 - 0.5 14/06/2019 Normal

TP03 TP03-02 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Normal

TP04-02 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Normal

TP04-03 0.7 - 0.8 14/06/2019 Normal

TP05-02 0.1 - 0.2 14/06/2019 Normal

TP05-03 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Normal

TP06 TP06-02 0.2 - 0.3 14/06/2019 Normal

TP07-02 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Normal

TP07-03 0.7 - 0.8 14/06/2019 Normal

TP08-01 0.0 - 0.1 14/06/2019 Normal

TP08-03 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Normal

TP09-02 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Normal

TP09-03 0.5 - 0.6 14/06/2019 Normal

TP09-06 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Interlab_D

TP09-07 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Field_D

TP10-02 0.1 - 0.2 14/06/2019 Normal

TP10-03 0.5 - 0.6 14/06/2019 Normal

TP11-01 0.0 - 0.1 14/06/2019 Normal

TP11-02 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Normal

TP12-01 0.0 - 0.1 14/06/2019 Normal

TP12-02 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Normal

SP01 SP01 - 14/06/2019 Normal

SP02 SP02 - 14/06/2019 Normal

SP03 SP03 - 14/06/2019 Normal

SP04 SP04 - 14/06/2019 Normal











SA EPA - Waste Fill

SA EPA - Intermediate Waste

SA EPA - Low Level Contaminated Waste

























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e (

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e T




l B


mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg

0.5 1 2 0.5 0.5 10 50 100 100 50 0.2 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.2

0.5 65 1,000 1 1.4 3.1 14

17,000 100 1,000 5 50 100 180

50,000 1,000 10,000 15 500 1,000 1,800

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

<0.5 <1 <2 <0.5 <0.5 <10 <50 <100 <100 <50 <0.2 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.2

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - <10 <50 <100 <100 <50 <0.2 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.2

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - <10 <50 <100 <100 <50 <0.2 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.2

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - <10 <50 <100 <100 <50 <0.2 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.2

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - <25 <50 <100 <100 <50 <0.2 <0.5 <1 <1 <2 <1 -

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - <10 <50 <100 <100 <50 <0.2 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.2

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - <10 <50 <100 <100 <50 <0.2 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.2

<0.5 <1 <2 <0.5 <0.5 <10 <50 <100 <100 <50 <0.2 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.2

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


I:\Jobs\2019\191091 Cowan St, Angle Park PSI\Laboratory\191091 Waste Table 

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191091 Cowan St Angle Park PSI Chemical Summary Table

Waste Classification


Location Field ID Depth Date Sample

TP01 TP01-01 0.0 - 0.1 14/06/2019 Normal

TP02-02 0.2 - 0.3 14/06/2019 Normal

TP02-03 0.4 - 0.5 14/06/2019 Normal

TP03 TP03-02 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Normal

TP04-02 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Normal

TP04-03 0.7 - 0.8 14/06/2019 Normal

TP05-02 0.1 - 0.2 14/06/2019 Normal

TP05-03 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Normal

TP06 TP06-02 0.2 - 0.3 14/06/2019 Normal

TP07-02 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Normal

TP07-03 0.7 - 0.8 14/06/2019 Normal

TP08-01 0.0 - 0.1 14/06/2019 Normal

TP08-03 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Normal

TP09-02 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Normal

TP09-03 0.5 - 0.6 14/06/2019 Normal

TP09-06 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Interlab_D

TP09-07 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Field_D

TP10-02 0.1 - 0.2 14/06/2019 Normal

TP10-03 0.5 - 0.6 14/06/2019 Normal

TP11-01 0.0 - 0.1 14/06/2019 Normal

TP11-02 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Normal

TP12-01 0.0 - 0.1 14/06/2019 Normal

TP12-02 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Normal

SP01 SP01 - 14/06/2019 Normal

SP02 SP02 - 14/06/2019 Normal

SP03 SP03 - 14/06/2019 Normal

SP04 SP04 - 14/06/2019 Normal











SA EPA - Waste Fill

SA EPA - Intermediate Waste

SA EPA - Low Level Contaminated Waste
































+ D







mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg

0.05 0.05 0.2 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05

2 2 2

2 2 2

50 50 50

- - - - - - - - - - - -

<0.05 <0.05 <0.2 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

<0.05 <0.05 <0.2 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05

- - - - - - - - - - - -

Organochlorine Pesticides

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191091 Cowan St Angle Park PSI Chemical Summary Table

Waste Classification


Location Field ID Depth Date Sample

TP01 TP01-01 0.0 - 0.1 14/06/2019 Normal

TP02-02 0.2 - 0.3 14/06/2019 Normal

TP02-03 0.4 - 0.5 14/06/2019 Normal

TP03 TP03-02 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Normal

TP04-02 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Normal

TP04-03 0.7 - 0.8 14/06/2019 Normal

TP05-02 0.1 - 0.2 14/06/2019 Normal

TP05-03 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Normal

TP06 TP06-02 0.2 - 0.3 14/06/2019 Normal

TP07-02 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Normal

TP07-03 0.7 - 0.8 14/06/2019 Normal

TP08-01 0.0 - 0.1 14/06/2019 Normal

TP08-03 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Normal

TP09-02 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Normal

TP09-03 0.5 - 0.6 14/06/2019 Normal

TP09-06 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Interlab_D

TP09-07 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Field_D

TP10-02 0.1 - 0.2 14/06/2019 Normal

TP10-03 0.5 - 0.6 14/06/2019 Normal

TP11-01 0.0 - 0.1 14/06/2019 Normal

TP11-02 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Normal

TP12-01 0.0 - 0.1 14/06/2019 Normal

TP12-02 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Normal

SP01 SP01 - 14/06/2019 Normal

SP02 SP02 - 14/06/2019 Normal

SP03 SP03 - 14/06/2019 Normal

SP04 SP04 - 14/06/2019 Normal











SA EPA - Waste Fill

SA EPA - Intermediate Waste

SA EPA - Low Level Contaminated Waste




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n I





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n a






n k



















mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg

0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.2




- - - - - - - - - - - -

<0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.2

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

<0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.2

- - - - - - - - - - - -

Organochlorine Pesticides

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191091 Cowan St Angle Park PSI Chemical Summary Table

Waste Classification


Location Field ID Depth Date Sample

TP01 TP01-01 0.0 - 0.1 14/06/2019 Normal

TP02-02 0.2 - 0.3 14/06/2019 Normal

TP02-03 0.4 - 0.5 14/06/2019 Normal

TP03 TP03-02 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Normal

TP04-02 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Normal

TP04-03 0.7 - 0.8 14/06/2019 Normal

TP05-02 0.1 - 0.2 14/06/2019 Normal

TP05-03 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Normal

TP06 TP06-02 0.2 - 0.3 14/06/2019 Normal

TP07-02 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Normal

TP07-03 0.7 - 0.8 14/06/2019 Normal

TP08-01 0.0 - 0.1 14/06/2019 Normal

TP08-03 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Normal

TP09-02 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Normal

TP09-03 0.5 - 0.6 14/06/2019 Normal

TP09-06 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Interlab_D

TP09-07 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Field_D

TP10-02 0.1 - 0.2 14/06/2019 Normal

TP10-03 0.5 - 0.6 14/06/2019 Normal

TP11-01 0.0 - 0.1 14/06/2019 Normal

TP11-02 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Normal

TP12-01 0.0 - 0.1 14/06/2019 Normal

TP12-02 0.3 - 0.4 14/06/2019 Normal

SP01 SP01 - 14/06/2019 Normal

SP02 SP02 - 14/06/2019 Normal

SP03 SP03 - 14/06/2019 Normal

SP04 SP04 - 14/06/2019 Normal











SA EPA - Waste Fill

SA EPA - Intermediate Waste

SA EPA - Low Level Contaminated Waste






m o

f to














le S









m R









le S











le M










le C








le P











mg/kg mg/kg cmol/kg - mg/kg cmol/kg % cmol/kg cmol/kg cmol/kg % pH Unit

0.1 0.05 0.2 5,000 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1




- - - - - - - - - - - -

<0.1 <0.05 - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - 6.0 -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - 1.8 0.9 7,000 15.2 11.6 6.2 5.4 1.9 - 7.7

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

<0.1 <0.05 - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -


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191091 Cowan St Angle Park PSI Chemical Summary Table


TP09-02 TP09-07 TP09-02 TP09-06

soil soil soil soil

14/06/2019 14/06/2019 RPD 14/06/2019 14/06/2019 RPD

Unit EQL


Arsenic mg/kg 4 <5 <5 0 <5 5 0

Cadmium mg/kg 0.4 <1 <1 0 <1 <0.4 0

Chromium (III+VI) mg/kg 1 13 16 21 13 14 7

Copper mg/kg 1 16 19 17 16 23 36

Lead mg/kg 1 34 40 16 34 48 34

Mercury mg/kg 0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0 <0.1 <0.1 0

Nickel mg/kg 1 7 8 13 7 7 0

Zinc mg/kg 1 60 77 25 60 81 30


PAHs (Vic EPA List) mg/kg 0.5 <0.5 - - <0.5 - -

Acenaphthene mg/kg 0.1 <0.5 - - <0.5 <0.1 0

Acenaphthylene mg/kg 0.1 <0.5 - - <0.5 <0.1 0

Anthracene mg/kg 0.1 <0.5 - - <0.5 <0.1 0

Benz(a)anthracene mg/kg 0.1 <0.5 - - <0.5 <0.1 0

Benzo(a) pyrene mg/kg 0.05 <0.5 - - <0.5 0.06 0

Benzo(b+k)fluoranthene mg/kg 0.2 - - - - <0.2 -

Benzo(g,h,i)perylene mg/kg 0.1 <0.5 - - <0.5 <0.1 0

Benzo(k)fluoranthene mg/kg 0.5 <0.5 - - <0.5 - -

Benzo(b+j)fluoranthene mg/kg 0.5 <0.5 - - <0.5 - -

Chrysene mg/kg 0.1 <0.5 - - <0.5 <0.1 0

Dibenz(a,h)anthracene mg/kg 0.1 <0.5 - - <0.5 <0.1 0

Fluoranthene mg/kg 0.1 <0.5 - - <0.5 <0.1 0

Fluorene mg/kg 0.1 <0.5 - - <0.5 <0.1 0

Indeno(1,2,3-c,d)pyrene mg/kg 0.1 <0.5 - - <0.5 <0.1 0

Naphthalene mg/kg 0.1 <0.5 - - <0.5 <0.1 0

Phenanthrene mg/kg 0.1 <0.5 - - <0.5 <0.1 0

Pyrene mg/kg 0.1 <0.5 - - <0.5 <0.1 0

PAHs (Sum of total) mg/kg 0.05 - - - - 0.06 -

Benzo(a)pyrene TEQ mg/kg 0.5 - - - - <0.5 -

Benzo(a)pyrene TEQ calc (Zero) mg/kg 0.5 <0.5 - - <0.5 - -

Benzo(a)pyrene TEQ calc (Half) mg/kg 0.5 0.6 - - 0.6 <0.5 18

Benzo(a)pyrene TEQ (LOR) mg/kg 0.5 1.2 - - 1.2 <0.5 82


C6-C10 mg/kg 10 <10 - - <10 <25 0

C6-C10 (F1 minus BTEX) mg/kg 10 <10 - - <10 <25 0

C10-C16 mg/kg 50 <50 - - <50 <50 0

C10-C16 (F2 minus Naphthalene) mg/kg 50 <50 - - <50 <50 0

C16-C34 mg/kg 100 <100 - - <100 <100 0

C34-C40 mg/kg 100 <100 - - <100 <100 0

C10-C40 (Sum of total) mg/kg 50 <50 - - <50 <50 0


Benzene mg/kg 0.2 <0.2 - - <0.2 <0.2 0

Toluene mg/kg 0.5 <0.5 - - <0.5 <0.5 0

Ethylbenzene mg/kg 0.5 <0.5 - - <0.5 <1 0

Xylene (o) mg/kg 0.5 <0.5 - - <0.5 <1 0

Xylene (m & p) mg/kg 0.5 <0.5 - - <0.5 <2 0

Xylene Total mg/kg 0.5 <0.5 - - <0.5 <1 0

Total BTEX mg/kg 0.2 <0.2 - - <0.2 - -


Moisture % 0.1 - - - - 6.0 -


C6-C9 mg/kg 10 <10 - - <10 <25 0

C10-C14 mg/kg 50 <50 - - <50 <50 0

C15-C28 mg/kg 100 <100 - - <100 <100 0

C29-C36 mg/kg 100 <100 - - <100 <100 0

+C10-C36 (Sum of total) mg/kg 50 <50 - - <50 <50 0

Field IDMatrix


I:\Jobs\2019\191091 Cowan St, Angle Park PSI\Laboratory\191091 RPD Table 

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191091 Cowan Street Angle Park PSI Chemical Summary Table-









d (













ry (





c (




mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L

EQL 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.001 0.1

SA EPA - Intermediate Waste (leachate) 10 5 50 0.1 250

SA EPA - Low Level Contaminated Waste (leachate) 10 5 50 0.1 250

Location Code Field ID Depth Date Sample Type

TP02-02 0.2 - 0.3 14/06/2019 Leachate <0.1 - 1.0 - -

TP02-03 0.4 - 0.5 14/06/2019 Leachate - <0.1 - - 1.6

SP03 SP03 14/06/2019 Leachate - - - - 1.3

SP04 SP04 14/06/2019 Leachate - - - <0.0010 -



I:\Jobs\2019\191091 Cowan St, Angle Park PSI\Laboratory\191091- Leachate Table 

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191091 Cowan Street Angle Park PSI Chemical Summary Table-



SA EPA - Intermediate Waste (leachate)

SA EPA - Low Level Contaminated Waste (leachate)

Location Code Field ID Depth Date Sample Type

TP02-02 0.2 - 0.3 14/06/2019 Leachate

TP02-03 0.4 - 0.5 14/06/2019 Leachate

SP03 SP03 14/06/2019 Leachate

SP04 SP04 14/06/2019 Leachate






































































mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L

0.0005 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.0005 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001


- - - - - - - - - - -

<0.0005 <0.0010 <0.0010 <0.0010 <0.0010 <0.0005 <0.0010 <0.0010 <0.0010 <0.0010 <0.0010

- - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - -


I:\Jobs\2019\191091 Cowan St, Angle Park PSI\Laboratory\191091- Leachate Table 

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191091 Cowan Street Angle Park PSI Chemical Summary Table-



SA EPA - Intermediate Waste (leachate)

SA EPA - Low Level Contaminated Waste (leachate)

Location Code Field ID Depth Date Sample Type

TP02-02 0.2 - 0.3 14/06/2019 Leachate

TP02-03 0.4 - 0.5 14/06/2019 Leachate

SP03 SP03 14/06/2019 Leachate

SP04 SP04 14/06/2019 Leachate




























































r H


mg/L mg/L mg/L µg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L pH Unit pH_Units pH_Units pH_Units

0.001 0.001 0.001 1 0.001 0.001 0.0005 0.1 0.1 0.1

- - - - - - - 5.5 9.5 5.0 1.7

<0.0010 <0.0010 <0.0010 <1.0 <0.0010 <0.0010 <0.0005 5.5 8.9 5.0 1.4

- - - - - - - 4.8 8.4 5.0 1.7

- - - - - - - 4.8 8.0 5.0 1.6


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191091 Cowan St Angle Park PSI Field Blanks


Field ID RINSE-01

Matrix water

Date 14/06/2019


Arsenic mg/L <0.001

Barium mg/L <0.001

Beryllium mg/L <0.001

Boron mg/L <0.05

Cadmium mg/L <0.0001

Chromium (III+VI) mg/L <0.001

Cobalt mg/L <0.001

Copper mg/L <0.001

Lead mg/L <0.001

Manganese mg/L <0.001

Mercury mg/L <0.0001

Nickel mg/L <0.001

Selenium mg/L <0.01

Vanadium mg/L <0.01

Zinc mg/L <0.005


PAHs (Vic EPA List) mg/L <0.0005

Acenaphthene mg/L <0.0010

Acenaphthylene mg/L <0.0010

Anthracene mg/L <0.0010

Benz(a)anthracene mg/L <0.0010

Benzo(a) pyrene mg/L <0.0005

Benzo(g,h,i)perylene mg/L <0.0010

Benzo(k)fluoranthene mg/L <0.0010

Benzo(b+j)fluoranthene mg/L <0.0010

Chrysene mg/L <0.0010

Dibenz(a,h)anthracene mg/L <0.0010

Fluoranthene mg/L <0.0010

Fluorene mg/L <0.0010

Indeno(1,2,3-c,d)pyrene mg/L <0.0010

Naphthalene µg/L <1.0

Phenanthrene mg/L <0.0010

Pyrene mg/L <0.0010

Benzo(a)pyrene TEQ calc (Zero) mg/L <0.0005


C6-C10 µg/L <20

C6-C10 (F1 minus BTEX) µg/L <20

C10-C16 µg/L <100

C10-C16 (F2 minus Naphthalene) µg/L <100

C16-C34 µg/L <100

C34-C40 µg/L <100

C10-C40 (Sum of total) µg/L <100


Benzene µg/L <1

Toluene µg/L <2

Ethylbenzene µg/L <2

Xylene (o) µg/L <2

Xylene (m & p) µg/L <2

Xylene Total µg/L <2

Total BTEX µg/L <1


C6-C9 µg/L <20

C10-C14 µg/L <50

C15-C28 µg/L <100

C29-C36 µg/L <50

+C10-C36 (Sum of total) µg/L <50


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I:\Jobs\2019\191091 Cowan St, Angle Park PSI\Report\191091 R01.docx

Appendix I

Laboratory Certificates of Analysis

Page 110: Preliminary Site Investigation Cowan Street Reserve, Angle Park, SA · 2020. 2. 24. · site investigation (PSI) for two allotments on Cowan Street Reserve, Angle Park, South Australia

Envirolab Services Pty Ltd

ABN 37 112 535 645 - 002

25 Research Drive Croydon South VIC 3136

ph 03 9763 2500 fax 03 9763 2633

[email protected]


184 Magill Road, Norwood, SA, 5067Address

Mark PetersonAttention


Client Details

19/06/2019Date completed instructions received

19/06/2019Date samples received

1 SoilNumber of Samples

191091 - Cowan Street Angle Park PSIYour Reference

Sample Details

Results are reported on a dry weight basis for solids and on an as received basis for other matrices.

Samples were analysed as received from the client. Results relate specifically to the samples as received.

Please refer to the following pages for results, methodology summary and quality control data.

Analysis Details

Tests not covered by NATA are denoted with *Accredited for compliance with ISO/IEC 17025 - Testing.

NATA Accreditation Number 2901. This document shall not be reproduced except in full.

25/06/2019Date of Issue

25/06/2019Date results requested by

Report Details

Pamela Adams, Laboratory Manager

Authorised By

Chris De Luca, Operations Manager

Results Approved By

Revision No: R00

17155Envirolab Reference: Page | 1 of 13

Page 111: Preliminary Site Investigation Cowan Street Reserve, Angle Park, SA · 2020. 2. 24. · site investigation (PSI) for two allotments on Cowan Street Reserve, Angle Park, South Australia

Client Reference: 191091 - Cowan Street Angle Park PSI

93%Surrogate aaa-Trifluorotoluene

<1mg/kgTotal +ve Xylenes







<25mg/kgTRH C6 - C10 less BTEX (F1)

<25mg/kgvTRH C6 - C10

<25mg/kgvTRH C6 - C9

21/06/2019-Date analysed

20/06/2019-Date extracted

SoilType of sample

14/06/2019Date Sampled

TP09-06UNITSYour Reference

17155-1Our Reference

vTRH(C6-C10)/BTEXN in Soil

Envirolab Reference: 17155

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Client Reference: 191091 - Cowan Street Angle Park PSI

73%Surrogate o-Terphenyl

<50mg/kgTotal +ve TRH (>C10-C40)

<100mg/kgTRH >C34 -C40

<100mg/kgTRH >C16 -C34

<50mg/kgTRH >C10 - C16 less Naphthalene (F2)

<50mg/kgTRH >C10 -C16

<50mg/kgTotal +ve TRH (C10-C36)

<100mg/kgTRH C29 - C36

<100mg/kgTRH C15 - C28

<50mg/kgTRH C10 - C14

21/06/2019-Date analysed

20/06/2019-Date extracted

SoilType of sample

14/06/2019Date Sampled

TP09-06UNITSYour Reference

17155-1Our Reference

TRH Soil C10-C40 NEPM

Envirolab Reference: 17155

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Client Reference: 191091 - Cowan Street Angle Park PSI

90%Surrogate p-Terphenyl-d14

<0.5mg/kgBenzo(a)pyrene TEQ calc (PQL)

<0.5mg/kgBenzo(a)pyrene TEQ calc (Half)

<0.5mg/kgBenzo(a)pyrene TEQ calc (Zero)

0.06mg/kgTotal +ve PAH's
















22/06/2019-Date analysed

20/06/2019-Date extracted

SoilType of sample

14/06/2019Date Sampled

TP09-06UNITSYour Reference

17155-1Our Reference

PAHs in Soil

Envirolab Reference: 17155

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Client Reference: 191091 - Cowan Street Angle Park PSI









21/06/2019-Date analysed

21/06/2019-Date digested

SoilType of sample

14/06/2019Date Sampled

TP09-06UNITSYour Reference

17155-1Our Reference

Acid Extractable metals in soil

Envirolab Reference: 17155

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Client Reference: 191091 - Cowan Street Angle Park PSI


21/06/2019-Date analysed

20/06/2019-Date prepared

SoilType of sample

14/06/2019Date Sampled

TP09-06UNITSYour Reference

17155-1Our Reference


Envirolab Reference: 17155

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Client Reference: 191091 - Cowan Street Angle Park PSI

Soil samples are extracted with methanol and spiked into water prior to analysing by purge and trap GC-MS. Water samples are analysed directly by purge and trap GC-MS. F1 = (C6-C10)-BTEX as per NEPM B1 Guideline on Investigation Levels for Soil and Groundwater. Note, the Total +ve Xylene PQL is reflective of the lowest individual PQL and is therefore "Total +ve Xylenes" is simply a sum of the positive individual Xylenes.


Soil samples are extracted with methanol and spiked into water prior to analysing by purge and trap GC-MS. Org-014

Soil samples are extracted with Dichloromethane/Acetone and waters with Dichloromethane and analysed by GC-MS. Benzo(a)pyrene TEQ as per NEPM B1 Guideline on Investigation Levels for Soil and Groundwater - 2013. For soil results:- 1. ‘EQ PQL’values are assuming all contributing PAHs reported as <PQL are actually at the PQL. This is the most conservative approach and can give false positive TEQs given that PAHs that contribute to the TEQ calculation may not be present. 2. ‘EQ zero’values are assuming all contributing PAHs reported as <PQL are zero. This is the least conservative approach and is more susceptible to false negative TEQs when PAHs that contribute to the TEQ calculation are present but below PQL. 3. ‘EQ half PQL’values are assuming all contributing PAHs reported as <PQL are half the stipulated PQL. Hence a mid-point between the most and least conservative approaches above. Note, the Total +ve PAHs PQL is reflective of the lowest individual PQL and is therefore" Total +ve PAHs" is simply a sum of the positive individual PAHs.


Soil samples are extracted with Dichloromethane/Acetone and waters with Dichloromethane and analysed by GC-FID. F2 = (>C10-C16)-Naphthalene as per NEPM B1 Guideline on Investigation Levels for Soil and Groundwater (HSLs Tables 1A (3, 4)). Note Naphthalene is determined from the VOC analysis. Note, the Total +ve TRH PQL is reflective of the lowest individual PQL and is therefore "Total +ve TRH" is simply a sum of the positive individual TRH fractions (>C10-C40).


Determination of Mercury by Cold Vapour AAS. Metals-021 CV-AAS

Determination of various metals by ICP-AES. Metals-020 ICP-AES

Moisture content determined by heating at 105 deg C for a minimum of 12 hours.


Methodology SummaryMethod ID

Envirolab Reference: 17155

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Client Reference: 191091 - Cowan Street Angle Park PSI

[NT]90[NT][NT][NT][NT]82Org-016%Surrogate aaa-Trifluorotoluene







[NT]93[NT][NT][NT][NT]<25Org-01625mg/kgvTRH C6 - C10

[NT]93[NT][NT][NT][NT]<25Org-01625mg/kgvTRH C6 - C9

[NT]21/06/2019[NT][NT][NT][NT]21/06/2019-Date analysed

[NT]20/06/2019[NT][NT][NT][NT]20/06/2019-Date extracted

[NT]LCS-1RPDDup.Base#BlankMethodPQLUnitsTest Description

Spike Recovery %DuplicateQUALITY CONTROL: vTRH(C6-C10)/BTEXN in Soil

Envirolab Reference: 17155

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Client Reference: 191091 - Cowan Street Angle Park PSI

[NT]75[NT][NT][NT][NT]78Org-003%Surrogate o-Terphenyl

[NT]93[NT][NT][NT][NT]<100Org-003100mg/kgTRH >C34 -C40

[NT]96[NT][NT][NT][NT]<100Org-003100mg/kgTRH >C16 -C34

[NT]87[NT][NT][NT][NT]<50Org-00350mg/kgTRH >C10 -C16

[NT]93[NT][NT][NT][NT]<100Org-003100mg/kgTRH C29 - C36

[NT]96[NT][NT][NT][NT]<100Org-003100mg/kgTRH C15 - C28

[NT]87[NT][NT][NT][NT]<50Org-00350mg/kgTRH C10 - C14

[NT]21/06/2019[NT][NT][NT][NT]21/06/2019-Date analysed

[NT]20/06/2019[NT][NT][NT][NT]20/06/2019-Date extracted

[NT]LCS-1RPDDup.Base#BlankMethodPQLUnitsTest Description

Spike Recovery %DuplicateQUALITY CONTROL: TRH Soil C10-C40 NEPM

Envirolab Reference: 17155

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Client Reference: 191091 - Cowan Street Angle Park PSI

[NT]82[NT][NT][NT][NT]94Org-012%Surrogate p-Terphenyl-d14
















[NT]22/06/2019[NT][NT][NT][NT]22/06/2019-Date analysed

[NT]20/06/2019[NT][NT][NT][NT]20/06/2019-Date extracted

[NT]LCS-1RPDDup.Base#BlankMethodPQLUnitsTest Description

Spike Recovery %DuplicateQUALITY CONTROL: PAHs in Soil

Envirolab Reference: 17155

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Client Reference: 191091 - Cowan Street Angle Park PSI

[NT]103[NT][NT][NT][NT]<1Metals-020 ICP-AES


[NT]103[NT][NT][NT][NT]<1Metals-020 ICP-AES


[NT]118[NT][NT][NT][NT]<0.1Metals-021 CV-AAS0.1mg/kgMercury

[NT]100[NT][NT][NT][NT]<1Metals-020 ICP-AES


[NT]99[NT][NT][NT][NT]<1Metals-020 ICP-AES


[NT]104[NT][NT][NT][NT]<1Metals-020 ICP-AES


[NT]107[NT][NT][NT][NT]<0.4Metals-020 ICP-AES


[NT]100[NT][NT][NT][NT]<4Metals-020 ICP-AES


[NT]21/06/2019[NT][NT][NT][NT]21/06/2019-Date analysed

[NT]21/06/2019[NT][NT][NT][NT]21/06/2019-Date digested

[NT]LCS-1RPDDup.Base#BlankMethodPQLUnitsTest Description

Spike Recovery %DuplicateQUALITY CONTROL: Acid Extractable metals in soil

Envirolab Reference: 17155

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Client Reference: 191091 - Cowan Street Angle Park PSI

Not ReportedNR

National Environmental Protection MeasureNEPM

Not specifiedNS

Laboratory Control SampleLCS

Relative Percent DifferenceRPD

Greater than>

Less than<

Practical Quantitation LimitPQL

Insufficient sample for this testINS

Test not requiredNA

Not testedNT

Result Definitions

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines recommend that Thermotolerant Coliform, Faecal Enterococci, & E.Coli levels are less than1cfu/100mL. The recommended maximums are taken from "Australian Drinking Water Guidelines", published by NHMRC & ARMC2011.

Surrogates are known additions to each sample, blank, matrix spike and LCS in a batch, of compounds whichare similar to the analyte of interest, however are not expected to be found in real samples.

Surrogate Spike

This comprises either a standard reference material or a control matrix (such as a blank sand or water) fortifiedwith analytes representative of the analyte class. It is simply a check sample.

LCS (LaboratoryControl Sample)

A portion of the sample is spiked with a known concentration of target analyte. The purpose of the matrix spikeis to monitor the performance of the analytical method used and to determine whether matrix interferencesexist.

Matrix Spike

This is the complete duplicate analysis of a sample from the process batch. If possible, the sample selectedshould be one where the analyte concentration is easily measurable.


This is the component of the analytical signal which is not derived from the sample but from reagents,glassware etc, can be determined by processing solvents and reagents in exactly the same manner as forsamples.


Quality Control Definitions

Envirolab Reference: 17155

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Client Reference: 191091 - Cowan Street Angle Park PSI

Analysis of aqueous samples typically involves the extraction/digestion and/or analysis of the liquid phase only (i.e. NOT any settledsediment phase but inclusive of suspended particles if present), unless stipulated on the Envirolab COC and/or by correspondence.Notable exceptions include certain Physical Tests (pH/EC/BOD/COD/Apparent Colour etc.), Solids testing, total recoverable metalsand PFAS where solids are included by default.

Measurement Uncertainty estimates are available for most tests upon request.

Where sampling dates are not provided, Envirolab are not in a position to comment on the validity of the analysis whererecommended technical holding times may have been breached.

When samples are received where certain analytes are outside of recommended technical holding times (THTs), the analysis hasproceeded. Where analytes are on the verge of breaching THTs, every effort will be made to analyse within the THT or as soon aspracticable.

In circumstances where no duplicate and/or sample spike has been reported at 1 in 10 and/or 1 in 20 samples respectively, thesample volume submitted was insufficient in order to satisfy laboratory QA/QC protocols.

Matrix Spikes, LCS and Surrogate recoveries: Generally 70-130% for inorganics/metals; 60-140% for organics (+/-50% surrogates)and 10-140% for labile SVOCs (including labile surrogates), ultra trace organics and speciated phenols is acceptable.

Duplicates: >10xPQL - RPD acceptance criteria will vary depending on the analytes and the analytical techniques but is typically inthe range 20%-50% – see ELN-P05 QA/QC tables for details; <10xPQL - RPD are higher as the results approach PQL and theestimated measurement uncertainty will statistically increase.

For VOCs in water samples, three vials are required for duplicate or spike analysis.

Spikes for Physical and Aggregate Tests are not applicable.

Filters, swabs, wipes, tubes and badges will not have duplicate data as the whole sample is generally extracted during sampleextraction.

Duplicate sample and matrix spike recoveries may not be reported on smaller jobs, however, were analysed at a frequency to meetor exceed NEPM requirements. All samples are tested in batches of 20. The duplicate sample RPD and matrix spike recoveries forthe batch were within the laboratory acceptance criteria.

Laboratory Acceptance Criteria

Envirolab Reference: 17155

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0 0.00 True


CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSISWork Order : Page : 1 of 25EM1909466

:: LaboratoryClient LBW CO PTY LTD Environmental Division Melbourne

: :ContactContact MARK PETERSON Kieren Burns

:: AddressAddress 184 MAGILL ROAD


4 Westall Rd Springvale VIC Australia 3171

:Telephone ---- :Telephone +61881625130

:Project 191091 Date Samples Received : 18-Jun-2019 10:10

:Order number Date Analysis Commenced : 20-Jun-2019

:C-O-C number 191091_COC_20190617 Issue Date : 26-Jun-2019 10:51

Sampler : ----

Site : Cowan Street Angle Park PS1

Quote number : ADBQ-001-18 PRIMARY WORK ONLY

75:No. of samples received

27:No. of samples analysed

This report supersedes any previous report(s) with this reference. Results apply to the sample(s) as submitted. This document shall not be reproduced, except in full.

This Certificate of Analysis contains the following information:

l General Comments

l Analytical Results

l Surrogate Control Limits

Additional information pertinent to this report will be found in the following separate attachments: Quality Control Report, QA/QC Compliance Assessment to assist with

Quality Review and Sample Receipt Notification.

SignatoriesThis document has been electronically signed by the authorized signatories below. Electronic signing is carried out in compliance with procedures specified in 21 CFR Part 11.

Signatories Accreditation CategoryPosition

Dianne Blane Laboratory Coordinator (2IC) Newcastle - Inorganics, Mayfield West, NSW

Dilani Fernando Senior Inorganic Chemist Melbourne Inorganics, Springvale, VIC

Nikki Stepniewski Senior Inorganic Instrument Chemist Melbourne Inorganics, Springvale, VIC

Steven McGrath Technical Manager Melbourne Inorganics, Springvale, VIC

Steven McGrath Technical Manager Melbourne Organics, Springvale, VIC

Xing Lin Senior Organic Chemist Melbourne Organics, Springvale, VIC

R I G H T S O L U T I O N S | R I G H T P A R T N E R

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Work Order :





General Comments

The analytical procedures used by the Environmental Division have been developed from established internationally recognized procedures such as those published by the USEPA, APHA, AS and NEPM. In house

developed procedures are employed in the absence of documented standards or by client request.

Where moisture determination has been performed, results are reported on a dry weight basis.

Where a reported less than (<) result is higher than the LOR, this may be due to primary sample extract/digestate dilution and/or insufficient sample for analysis.

Where the LOR of a reported result differs from standard LOR, this may be due to high moisture content, insufficient sample (reduced weight employed) or matrix interference.

When sampling time information is not provided by the client, sampling dates are shown without a time component. In these instances, the time component has been assumed by the laboratory for processing


Where a result is required to meet compliance limits the associated uncertainty must be considered. Refer to the ALS Contact for details.

CAS Number = CAS registry number from database maintained by Chemical Abstracts Services. The Chemical Abstracts Service is a division of the American Chemical Society.

LOR = Limit of reporting

^ = This result is computed from individual analyte detections at or above the level of reporting

ø = ALS is not NATA accredited for these tests.

~ = Indicates an estimated value.

Key :

pH analysis is done under non-stirring condition.l

ALS is not NATA accredited for the analysis of Exchangeable Cations on Alkaline Soils when performed under ALS Method ED006.l

Benzo(a)pyrene Toxicity Equivalent Quotient (TEQ) per the NEPM (2013) is the sum total of the concentration of the eight carcinogenic PAHs multiplied by their Toxicity Equivalence Factor (TEF) relative to

Benzo(a)pyrene. TEF values are provided in brackets as follows: Benz(a)anthracene (0.1), Chrysene (0.01), Benzo(b+j) & Benzo(k)fluoranthene (0.1), Benzo(a)pyrene (1.0), Indeno( (0.1),

Dibenz(a.h)anthracene (1.0), Benzo(g.h.i)perylene (0.01). Less than LOR results for 'TEQ Zero' are treated as zero.


Benzo(a)pyrene Toxicity Equivalent Quotient (TEQ) per the NEPM (2013) is the sum total of the concentration of the eight carcinogenic PAHs multiplied by their Toxicity Equivalence Factor (TEF) relative to

Benzo(a)pyrene. TEF values are provided in brackets as follows: Benz(a)anthracene (0.1), Chrysene (0.01), Benzo(b+j) & Benzo(k)fluoranthene (0.1), Benzo(a)pyrene (1.0), Indeno( (0.1),

Dibenz(a.h)anthracene (1.0), Benzo(g.h.i)perylene (0.01). Less than LOR results for 'TEQ Zero' are treated as zero, for 'TEQ 1/2LOR' are treated as half the reported LOR, and for 'TEQ LOR' are treated as being

equal to the reported LOR. Note: TEQ 1/2LOR and TEQ LOR will calculate as 0.6mg/Kg and 1.2mg/Kg respectively for samples with non-detects for all of the eight TEQ PAHs.


ED007 and ED008: When Exchangeable Al is reported from these methods, it should be noted that Rayment & Lyons (2011) suggests Exchange Acidity by 1M KCl - Method 15G1 (ED005) is a more suitable method

for the determination of exchange acidity (H+ + Al3+).


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Work Order :





Analytical Results

SP02SP01TP02-03TP02-02TP01-01Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

14-Jun-2019 00:0014-Jun-2019 00:0014-Jun-2019 00:0014-Jun-2019 00:0014-Jun-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EM1909466-010EM1909466-009EM1909466-005EM1909466-004EM1909466-001UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EA055: Moisture Content (Dried @ 105-110°C)

14.4 8.1 6.6 9.5 10.4%1.0----Moisture Content

EG005(ED093)T: Total Metals by ICP-AES

----Barium 40 ---- ---- ----mg/kg107440-39-3

----Beryllium <1 ---- ---- ----mg/kg17440-41-7

----Cobalt 5 ---- ---- ----mg/kg27440-48-4

----Iron 17300 ---- ---- ----mg/kg507439-89-6

36Lead 441 598 6 25mg/kg57439-92-1

----Manganese 556 ---- ---- ----mg/kg57439-96-5

----Silver <2 ---- ---- ----mg/kg27440-22-4

<5Arsenic 6 <5 <5 10mg/kg57440-38-2

<1Cadmium <1 <1 <1 <1mg/kg17440-43-9

3Chromium 16 10 10 6mg/kg27440-47-3

<5Copper 90 81 6 9mg/kg57440-50-8

<2Nickel 8 8 5 3mg/kg27440-02-0

10Zinc 857 1280 16 44mg/kg57440-66-6

EG035T: Total Recoverable Mercury by FIMS

<0.1Mercury <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1mg/kg0.17439-97-6

EG048: Hexavalent Chromium (Alkaline Digest)

----Hexavalent Chromium <0.5 ---- ---- ----mg/kg0.518540-29-9

EK026SF: Total CN by Segmented Flow Analyser

----Total Cyanide <1 ---- ---- ----mg/kg157-12-5

EP066: Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB)

---- <0.1 ---- ---- ----mg/kg0.1----Total Polychlorinated biphenyls

EP068A: Organochlorine Pesticides (OC)

----alpha-BHC <0.05 ---- ---- ----mg/kg0.05319-84-6

----Hexachlorobenzene (HCB) <0.05 ---- ---- ----mg/kg0.05118-74-1

----beta-BHC <0.05 ---- ---- ----mg/kg0.05319-85-7

----gamma-BHC <0.05 ---- ---- ----mg/kg0.0558-89-9

----delta-BHC <0.05 ---- ---- ----mg/kg0.05319-86-8

----Heptachlor <0.05 ---- ---- ----mg/kg0.0576-44-8

----Aldrin <0.05 ---- ---- ----mg/kg0.05309-00-2

----Heptachlor epoxide <0.05 ---- ---- ----mg/kg0.051024-57-3

----^ <0.05 ---- ---- ----mg/kg0.05----Total Chlordane (sum)

----trans-Chlordane <0.05 ---- ---- ----mg/kg0.055103-74-2

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Analytical Results

SP02SP01TP02-03TP02-02TP01-01Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

14-Jun-2019 00:0014-Jun-2019 00:0014-Jun-2019 00:0014-Jun-2019 00:0014-Jun-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EM1909466-010EM1909466-009EM1909466-005EM1909466-004EM1909466-001UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EP068A: Organochlorine Pesticides (OC) - Continued

----alpha-Endosulfan <0.05 ---- ---- ----mg/kg0.05959-98-8

----cis-Chlordane <0.05 ---- ---- ----mg/kg0.055103-71-9

----Dieldrin <0.05 ---- ---- ----mg/kg0.0560-57-1

----4.4`-DDE <0.05 ---- ---- ----mg/kg0.0572-55-9

----Endrin <0.05 ---- ---- ----mg/kg0.0572-20-8

----beta-Endosulfan <0.05 ---- ---- ----mg/kg0.0533213-65-9

----^ Endosulfan (sum) <0.05 ---- ---- ----mg/kg0.05115-29-7

----4.4`-DDD <0.05 ---- ---- ----mg/kg0.0572-54-8

----Endrin aldehyde <0.05 ---- ---- ----mg/kg0.057421-93-4

----Endosulfan sulfate <0.05 ---- ---- ----mg/kg0.051031-07-8

----4.4`-DDT <0.2 ---- ---- ----mg/kg0.250-29-3

----Endrin ketone <0.05 ---- ---- ----mg/kg0.0553494-70-5

----Methoxychlor <0.2 ---- ---- ----mg/kg0.272-43-5

----^ Sum of Aldrin + Dieldrin <0.05 ---- ---- ----mg/kg0.05309-00-2/60-57-1

----^ Sum of DDD + DDE + DDT <0.05 ---- ---- ----mg/kg0.0572-54-8/72-55-9/5


EP075(SIM)A: Phenolic Compounds

----Phenol <0.5 ---- ---- ----mg/kg0.5108-95-2

----2-Chlorophenol <0.5 ---- ---- ----mg/kg0.595-57-8

----2-Methylphenol <0.5 ---- ---- ----mg/kg0.595-48-7

----3- & 4-Methylphenol <1 ---- ---- ----mg/kg11319-77-3

----2-Nitrophenol <0.5 ---- ---- ----mg/kg0.588-75-5

----2.4-Dimethylphenol <0.5 ---- ---- ----mg/kg0.5105-67-9

----2.4-Dichlorophenol <0.5 ---- ---- ----mg/kg0.5120-83-2

----2.6-Dichlorophenol <0.5 ---- ---- ----mg/kg0.587-65-0

----4-Chloro-3-methylphenol <0.5 ---- ---- ----mg/kg0.559-50-7

----2.4.6-Trichlorophenol <0.5 ---- ---- ----mg/kg0.588-06-2

----2.4.5-Trichlorophenol <0.5 ---- ---- ----mg/kg0.595-95-4

----Pentachlorophenol <2 ---- ---- ----mg/kg287-86-5

----^ <0.5 ---- ---- ----mg/kg0.5----Sum of Phenols

EP075(SIM)B: Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons

<0.5Naphthalene <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5mg/kg0.591-20-3

<0.5Acenaphthylene <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5mg/kg0.5208-96-8

<0.5Acenaphthene <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5mg/kg0.583-32-9

<0.5Fluorene <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5mg/kg0.586-73-7

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Analytical Results

SP02SP01TP02-03TP02-02TP01-01Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

14-Jun-2019 00:0014-Jun-2019 00:0014-Jun-2019 00:0014-Jun-2019 00:0014-Jun-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EM1909466-010EM1909466-009EM1909466-005EM1909466-004EM1909466-001UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EP075(SIM)B: Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons - Continued

<0.5Phenanthrene <0.5 1.0 <0.5 <0.5mg/kg0.585-01-8

<0.5Anthracene <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5mg/kg0.5120-12-7

<0.5Fluoranthene <0.5 3.6 <0.5 0.6mg/kg0.5206-44-0

<0.5Pyrene <0.5 4.0 <0.5 0.6mg/kg0.5129-00-0

<0.5Benz(a)anthracene <0.5 2.2 <0.5 <0.5mg/kg0.556-55-3

<0.5Chrysene <0.5 2.2 <0.5 <0.5mg/kg0.5218-01-9

<0.5Benzo(b+j)fluoranthene <0.5 2.6 <0.5 0.6mg/kg0.5205-99-2 205-82-3

<0.5Benzo(k)fluoranthene <0.5 0.9 <0.5 <0.5mg/kg0.5207-08-9

<0.5Benzo(a)pyrene <0.5 2.1 <0.5 <0.5mg/kg0.550-32-8

<0.5Indeno( <0.5 1.0 <0.5 <0.5mg/kg0.5193-39-5

<0.5Dibenz(a.h)anthracene <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5mg/kg0.553-70-3

<0.5Benzo(g.h.i)perylene <0.5 1.1 <0.5 <0.5mg/kg0.5191-24-2

<0.5^ <0.5 20.7 <0.5 1.8mg/kg0.5----Sum of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons

<0.5^ <0.5 2.8 <0.5 <0.5mg/kg0.5----Benzo(a)pyrene TEQ (zero)

0.6^ 0.6 3.0 0.6 0.6mg/kg0.5----Benzo(a)pyrene TEQ (half LOR)

1.2^ 1.2 3.3 1.2 1.2mg/kg0.5----Benzo(a)pyrene TEQ (LOR)

EP080/071: Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons

---- <10 ---- ---- <10mg/kg10----C6 - C9 Fraction

---- <50 ---- ---- <50mg/kg50----C10 - C14 Fraction

---- <100 ---- ---- <100mg/kg100----C15 - C28 Fraction

---- <100 ---- ---- <100mg/kg100----C29 - C36 Fraction

----^ <50 ---- ---- <50mg/kg50----C10 - C36 Fraction (sum)

EP080/071: Total Recoverable Hydrocarbons - NEPM 2013 Fractions

----C6 - C10 Fraction <10 ---- ---- <10mg/kg10C6_C10

----^ C6 - C10 Fraction minus BTEX


<10 ---- ---- <10mg/kg10C6_C10-BTEX

---- <50 ---- ---- <50mg/kg50---->C10 - C16 Fraction

---- <100 ---- ---- <100mg/kg100---->C16 - C34 Fraction

---- <100 ---- ---- <100mg/kg100---->C34 - C40 Fraction

----^ <50 ---- ---- <50mg/kg50---->C10 - C40 Fraction (sum)

----^ <50 ---- ---- <50mg/kg50---->C10 - C16 Fraction minus Naphthalene



----Benzene <0.2 ---- ---- <0.2mg/kg0.271-43-2

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Analytical Results

SP02SP01TP02-03TP02-02TP01-01Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

14-Jun-2019 00:0014-Jun-2019 00:0014-Jun-2019 00:0014-Jun-2019 00:0014-Jun-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EM1909466-010EM1909466-009EM1909466-005EM1909466-004EM1909466-001UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EP080: BTEXN - Continued

----Toluene <0.5 ---- ---- <0.5mg/kg0.5108-88-3

----Ethylbenzene <0.5 ---- ---- <0.5mg/kg0.5100-41-4

----meta- & para-Xylene <0.5 ---- ---- <0.5mg/kg0.5108-38-3 106-42-3

----ortho-Xylene <0.5 ---- ---- <0.5mg/kg0.595-47-6

----^ <0.2 ---- ---- <0.2mg/kg0.2----Sum of BTEX

----^ <0.5 ---- ---- <0.5mg/kg0.5----Total Xylenes

----Naphthalene <1 ---- ---- <1mg/kg191-20-3

EP066S: PCB Surrogate

----Decachlorobiphenyl 94.3 ---- ---- ----%0.12051-24-3

EP068S: Organochlorine Pesticide Surrogate

----Dibromo-DDE 103 ---- ---- ----%0.0521655-73-2

EP068T: Organophosphorus Pesticide Surrogate

----DEF 110 ---- ---- ----%0.0578-48-8

EP075(SIM)S: Phenolic Compound Surrogates

109Phenol-d6 102 92.8 102 100%0.513127-88-3

1082-Chlorophenol-D4 101 88.9 103 101%0.593951-73-6 83.3 61.0 86.8 85.5%0.5118-79-6

EP075(SIM)T: PAH Surrogates

1082-Fluorobiphenyl 105 102 109 105%0.5321-60-8

111Anthracene-d10 105 95.9 110 106%0.51719-06-8

1134-Terphenyl-d14 107 98.1 113 107%0.51718-51-0

EP080S: TPH(V)/BTEX Surrogates

----1.2-Dichloroethane-D4 76.2 ---- ---- 71.7%0.217060-07-0

----Toluene-D8 86.2 ---- ---- 75.1%0.22037-26-5

----4-Bromofluorobenzene 92.0 ---- ---- 91.4%0.2460-00-4

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Analytical Results

TP04-03TP04-02TP03-02SP04SP03Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

14-Jun-2019 00:0014-Jun-2019 00:0014-Jun-2019 00:0014-Jun-2019 00:0014-Jun-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EM1909466-024EM1909466-023EM1909466-016EM1909466-012EM1909466-011UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EA055: Moisture Content (Dried @ 105-110°C)

11.8 11.9 7.8 8.7 5.1%1.0----Moisture Content

EG005(ED093)T: Total Metals by ICP-AES

90Barium ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg107440-39-3

<1Beryllium ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg17440-41-7

4Cobalt ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg27440-48-4

11300Iron ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg507439-89-6

106Lead 69 16 17 20mg/kg57439-92-1

130Manganese ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg57439-96-5

4Silver ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg27440-22-4

6Arsenic 5 <5 <5 <5mg/kg57440-38-2

2Cadmium 1 <1 <1 <1mg/kg17440-43-9

31Chromium 22 17 24 9mg/kg27440-47-3

51Copper 34 12 19 6mg/kg57440-50-8

13Nickel 10 9 12 4mg/kg27440-02-0

244Zinc 171 31 58 21mg/kg57440-66-6

EG035T: Total Recoverable Mercury by FIMS

1.7Mercury 2.1 0.1 <0.1 <0.1mg/kg0.17439-97-6

EG048: Hexavalent Chromium (Alkaline Digest)

<0.5Hexavalent Chromium ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg0.518540-29-9

EK026SF: Total CN by Segmented Flow Analyser

3Total Cyanide ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg157-12-5

EP066: Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB)

<0.1 ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg0.1----Total Polychlorinated biphenyls

EP068A: Organochlorine Pesticides (OC)

<0.05alpha-BHC ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg0.05319-84-6

<0.05Hexachlorobenzene (HCB) ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg0.05118-74-1

<0.05beta-BHC ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg0.05319-85-7

<0.05gamma-BHC ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg0.0558-89-9

<0.05delta-BHC ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg0.05319-86-8

<0.05Heptachlor ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg0.0576-44-8

<0.05Aldrin ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg0.05309-00-2

<0.05Heptachlor epoxide ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg0.051024-57-3

<0.05^ ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg0.05----Total Chlordane (sum)

<0.05trans-Chlordane ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg0.055103-74-2

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Analytical Results

TP04-03TP04-02TP03-02SP04SP03Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

14-Jun-2019 00:0014-Jun-2019 00:0014-Jun-2019 00:0014-Jun-2019 00:0014-Jun-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EM1909466-024EM1909466-023EM1909466-016EM1909466-012EM1909466-011UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EP068A: Organochlorine Pesticides (OC) - Continued

<0.05alpha-Endosulfan ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg0.05959-98-8

<0.05cis-Chlordane ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg0.055103-71-9

<0.05Dieldrin ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg0.0560-57-1

<0.054.4`-DDE ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg0.0572-55-9

<0.05Endrin ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg0.0572-20-8

<0.05beta-Endosulfan ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg0.0533213-65-9

<0.05^ Endosulfan (sum) ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg0.05115-29-7

<0.054.4`-DDD ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg0.0572-54-8

<0.05Endrin aldehyde ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg0.057421-93-4

<0.05Endosulfan sulfate ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg0.051031-07-8

<0.24.4`-DDT ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg0.250-29-3

<0.05Endrin ketone ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg0.0553494-70-5

<0.2Methoxychlor ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg0.272-43-5

<0.05^ Sum of Aldrin + Dieldrin ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg0.05309-00-2/60-57-1

<0.05^ Sum of DDD + DDE + DDT ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg0.0572-54-8/72-55-9/5


EP075(SIM)A: Phenolic Compounds

<0.5Phenol ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg0.5108-95-2

<0.52-Chlorophenol ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg0.595-57-8

<0.52-Methylphenol ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg0.595-48-7

<13- & 4-Methylphenol ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg11319-77-3

<0.52-Nitrophenol ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg0.588-75-5

<0.52.4-Dimethylphenol ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg0.5105-67-9

<0.52.4-Dichlorophenol ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg0.5120-83-2

<0.52.6-Dichlorophenol ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg0.587-65-0

<0.54-Chloro-3-methylphenol ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg0.559-50-7

< ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg0.588-06-2

< ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg0.595-95-4

<2Pentachlorophenol ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg287-86-5

<0.5^ ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg0.5----Sum of Phenols

EP075(SIM)B: Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons

<0.5Naphthalene <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5mg/kg0.591-20-3

<0.5Acenaphthylene <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5mg/kg0.5208-96-8

<0.5Acenaphthene <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5mg/kg0.583-32-9

<0.5Fluorene <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5mg/kg0.586-73-7

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Analytical Results

TP04-03TP04-02TP03-02SP04SP03Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

14-Jun-2019 00:0014-Jun-2019 00:0014-Jun-2019 00:0014-Jun-2019 00:0014-Jun-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EM1909466-024EM1909466-023EM1909466-016EM1909466-012EM1909466-011UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EP075(SIM)B: Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons - Continued

<0.5Phenanthrene <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5mg/kg0.585-01-8

<0.5Anthracene <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5mg/kg0.5120-12-7

0.8Fluoranthene 0.9 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5mg/kg0.5206-44-0

0.8Pyrene 0.9 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5mg/kg0.5129-00-0

<0.5Benz(a)anthracene <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5mg/kg0.556-55-3

<0.5Chrysene <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5mg/kg0.5218-01-9

0.7Benzo(b+j)fluoranthene 0.7 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5mg/kg0.5205-99-2 205-82-3

<0.5Benzo(k)fluoranthene <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5mg/kg0.5207-08-9

0.5Benzo(a)pyrene 0.6 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5mg/kg0.550-32-8

<0.5Indeno( <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5mg/kg0.5193-39-5

<0.5Dibenz(a.h)anthracene <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5mg/kg0.553-70-3

<0.5Benzo(g.h.i)perylene <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5mg/kg0.5191-24-2

2.8^ 3.1 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5mg/kg0.5----Sum of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons

0.6^ 0.7 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5mg/kg0.5----Benzo(a)pyrene TEQ (zero)

0.9^ 1.0 0.6 0.6 0.6mg/kg0.5----Benzo(a)pyrene TEQ (half LOR)

1.2^ 1.3 1.2 1.2 1.2mg/kg0.5----Benzo(a)pyrene TEQ (LOR)

EP080/071: Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons

<10 ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg10----C6 - C9 Fraction

<50 ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg50----C10 - C14 Fraction

<100 ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg100----C15 - C28 Fraction

<100 ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg100----C29 - C36 Fraction

<50^ ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg50----C10 - C36 Fraction (sum)

EP080/071: Total Recoverable Hydrocarbons - NEPM 2013 Fractions

<10C6 - C10 Fraction ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg10C6_C10

<10^ C6 - C10 Fraction minus BTEX


---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg10C6_C10-BTEX

<50 ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg50---->C10 - C16 Fraction

<100 ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg100---->C16 - C34 Fraction

<100 ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg100---->C34 - C40 Fraction

<50^ ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg50---->C10 - C40 Fraction (sum)

<50^ ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg50---->C10 - C16 Fraction minus Naphthalene



<0.2Benzene ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg0.271-43-2

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Analytical Results

TP04-03TP04-02TP03-02SP04SP03Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

14-Jun-2019 00:0014-Jun-2019 00:0014-Jun-2019 00:0014-Jun-2019 00:0014-Jun-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EM1909466-024EM1909466-023EM1909466-016EM1909466-012EM1909466-011UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EP080: BTEXN - Continued

<0.5Toluene ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg0.5108-88-3

<0.5Ethylbenzene ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg0.5100-41-4

<0.5meta- & para-Xylene ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg0.5108-38-3 106-42-3

<0.5ortho-Xylene ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg0.595-47-6

<0.2^ ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg0.2----Sum of BTEX

<0.5^ ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg0.5----Total Xylenes

<1Naphthalene ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg191-20-3

EP066S: PCB Surrogate

107Decachlorobiphenyl ---- ---- ---- ----%0.12051-24-3

EP068S: Organochlorine Pesticide Surrogate

102Dibromo-DDE ---- ---- ---- ----%0.0521655-73-2

EP068T: Organophosphorus Pesticide Surrogate

108DEF ---- ---- ---- ----%0.0578-48-8

EP075(SIM)S: Phenolic Compound Surrogates

100Phenol-d6 87.8 98.5 94.9 96.8%0.513127-88-3

1022-Chlorophenol-D4 90.0 100 95.3 97.0%0.593951-73-6 76.6 84.9 79.4 78.4%0.5118-79-6

EP075(SIM)T: PAH Surrogates

1072-Fluorobiphenyl 94.6 104 100 100%0.5321-60-8

109Anthracene-d10 95.1 107 103 103%0.51719-06-8

1124-Terphenyl-d14 96.5 110 105 104%0.51718-51-0

EP080S: TPH(V)/BTEX Surrogates

74.91.2-Dichloroethane-D4 ---- ---- ---- ----%0.217060-07-0

78.6Toluene-D8 ---- ---- ---- ----%0.22037-26-5

92.44-Bromofluorobenzene ---- ---- ---- ----%0.2460-00-4

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Analytical Results

TP06-02TP07-03TP07-02TP05-03TP05-02Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

14-Jun-2019 00:0014-Jun-2019 00:0014-Jun-2019 00:0014-Jun-2019 00:0014-Jun-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EM1909466-043EM1909466-039EM1909466-038EM1909466-031EM1909466-030UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EA055: Moisture Content (Dried @ 105-110°C)

8.4 3.8 6.0 2.3 15.5%1.0----Moisture Content

EG005(ED093)T: Total Metals by ICP-AES

6Lead 23 17 8 14mg/kg57439-92-1

<5Arsenic <5 <5 <5 5mg/kg57440-38-2

<1Cadmium <1 <1 <1 <1mg/kg17440-43-9

4Chromium 11 14 11 22mg/kg27440-47-3

<5Copper 6 11 5 8mg/kg57440-50-8

2Nickel 4 7 4 10mg/kg27440-02-0

20Zinc 14 36 11 86mg/kg57440-66-6

EG035T: Total Recoverable Mercury by FIMS

<0.1Mercury <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1mg/kg0.17439-97-6

EP075(SIM)B: Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons

<0.5Naphthalene <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5mg/kg0.591-20-3

<0.5Acenaphthylene <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5mg/kg0.5208-96-8

<0.5Acenaphthene <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5mg/kg0.583-32-9

<0.5Fluorene <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5mg/kg0.586-73-7

<0.5Phenanthrene <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5mg/kg0.585-01-8

<0.5Anthracene <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5mg/kg0.5120-12-7

<0.5Fluoranthene <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5mg/kg0.5206-44-0

<0.5Pyrene <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5mg/kg0.5129-00-0

<0.5Benz(a)anthracene <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5mg/kg0.556-55-3

<0.5Chrysene <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5mg/kg0.5218-01-9

<0.5Benzo(b+j)fluoranthene <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5mg/kg0.5205-99-2 205-82-3

<0.5Benzo(k)fluoranthene <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5mg/kg0.5207-08-9

<0.5Benzo(a)pyrene <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5mg/kg0.550-32-8

<0.5Indeno( <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5mg/kg0.5193-39-5

<0.5Dibenz(a.h)anthracene <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5mg/kg0.553-70-3

<0.5Benzo(g.h.i)perylene <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5mg/kg0.5191-24-2

<0.5^ <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5mg/kg0.5----Sum of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons

<0.5^ <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5mg/kg0.5----Benzo(a)pyrene TEQ (zero)

0.6^ 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6mg/kg0.5----Benzo(a)pyrene TEQ (half LOR)

1.2^ 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2mg/kg0.5----Benzo(a)pyrene TEQ (LOR)

EP080/071: Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons

<10 ---- ---- ---- <10mg/kg10----C6 - C9 Fraction

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Analytical Results

TP06-02TP07-03TP07-02TP05-03TP05-02Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

14-Jun-2019 00:0014-Jun-2019 00:0014-Jun-2019 00:0014-Jun-2019 00:0014-Jun-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EM1909466-043EM1909466-039EM1909466-038EM1909466-031EM1909466-030UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EP080/071: Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons - Continued

<50 ---- ---- ---- <50mg/kg50----C10 - C14 Fraction

<100 ---- ---- ---- <100mg/kg100----C15 - C28 Fraction

<100 ---- ---- ---- <100mg/kg100----C29 - C36 Fraction

<50^ ---- ---- ---- <50mg/kg50----C10 - C36 Fraction (sum)

EP080/071: Total Recoverable Hydrocarbons - NEPM 2013 Fractions

<10C6 - C10 Fraction ---- ---- ---- <10mg/kg10C6_C10

<10^ C6 - C10 Fraction minus BTEX


---- ---- ---- <10mg/kg10C6_C10-BTEX

<50 ---- ---- ---- <50mg/kg50---->C10 - C16 Fraction

<100 ---- ---- ---- <100mg/kg100---->C16 - C34 Fraction

<100 ---- ---- ---- <100mg/kg100---->C34 - C40 Fraction

<50^ ---- ---- ---- <50mg/kg50---->C10 - C40 Fraction (sum)

<50^ ---- ---- ---- <50mg/kg50---->C10 - C16 Fraction minus Naphthalene



<0.2Benzene ---- ---- ---- <0.2mg/kg0.271-43-2

<0.5Toluene ---- ---- ---- <0.5mg/kg0.5108-88-3

<0.5Ethylbenzene ---- ---- ---- <0.5mg/kg0.5100-41-4

<0.5meta- & para-Xylene ---- ---- ---- <0.5mg/kg0.5108-38-3 106-42-3

<0.5ortho-Xylene ---- ---- ---- <0.5mg/kg0.595-47-6

<0.2^ ---- ---- ---- <0.2mg/kg0.2----Sum of BTEX

<0.5^ ---- ---- ---- <0.5mg/kg0.5----Total Xylenes

<1Naphthalene ---- ---- ---- <1mg/kg191-20-3

EP075(SIM)S: Phenolic Compound Surrogates

100Phenol-d6 97.8 93.5 97.1 98.1%0.513127-88-3

1012-Chlorophenol-D4 96.7 94.9 96.9 98.6%0.593951-73-6 84.1 76.4 80.0 81.4%0.5118-79-6

EP075(SIM)T: PAH Surrogates

1042-Fluorobiphenyl 103 100 103 104%0.5321-60-8

107Anthracene-d10 107 102 104 108%0.51719-06-8

1094-Terphenyl-d14 110 104 107 110%0.51718-51-0

EP080S: TPH(V)/BTEX Surrogates

67.51.2-Dichloroethane-D4 ---- ---- ---- 67.0%0.217060-07-0

67.2Toluene-D8 ---- ---- ---- 72.0%0.22037-26-5

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Analytical Results

TP06-02TP07-03TP07-02TP05-03TP05-02Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

14-Jun-2019 00:0014-Jun-2019 00:0014-Jun-2019 00:0014-Jun-2019 00:0014-Jun-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EM1909466-043EM1909466-039EM1909466-038EM1909466-031EM1909466-030UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EP080S: TPH(V)/BTEX Surrogates - Continued

82.64-Bromofluorobenzene ---- ---- ---- 84.0%0.2460-00-4

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Analytical Results

TP09-07TP09-03TP09-02TP08-03TP08-01Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

14-Jun-2019 00:0014-Jun-2019 00:0014-Jun-2019 00:0014-Jun-2019 00:0014-Jun-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EM1909466-058EM1909466-055EM1909466-054EM1909466-049EM1909466-047UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EA055: Moisture Content (Dried @ 105-110°C)

10.4 6.8 6.8 4.3 7.2%1.0----Moisture Content

EG005(ED093)T: Total Metals by ICP-AES

40Lead 59 34 29 40mg/kg57439-92-1

<5Arsenic <5 <5 <5 <5mg/kg57440-38-2

<1Cadmium <1 <1 <1 <1mg/kg17440-43-9

10Chromium 9 13 15 16mg/kg27440-47-3

13Copper 16 16 8 19mg/kg57440-50-8

5Nickel 4 7 5 8mg/kg27440-02-0

89Zinc 107 60 15 77mg/kg57440-66-6

EG035T: Total Recoverable Mercury by FIMS

<0.1Mercury <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1mg/kg0.17439-97-6

EP075(SIM)B: Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons

<0.5Naphthalene <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 ----mg/kg0.591-20-3

<0.5Acenaphthylene <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 ----mg/kg0.5208-96-8

<0.5Acenaphthene <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 ----mg/kg0.583-32-9

<0.5Fluorene <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 ----mg/kg0.586-73-7

<0.5Phenanthrene <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 ----mg/kg0.585-01-8

<0.5Anthracene <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 ----mg/kg0.5120-12-7

<0.5Fluoranthene <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 ----mg/kg0.5206-44-0

<0.5Pyrene <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 ----mg/kg0.5129-00-0

<0.5Benz(a)anthracene <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 ----mg/kg0.556-55-3

<0.5Chrysene <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 ----mg/kg0.5218-01-9

<0.5Benzo(b+j)fluoranthene <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 ----mg/kg0.5205-99-2 205-82-3

<0.5Benzo(k)fluoranthene <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 ----mg/kg0.5207-08-9

<0.5Benzo(a)pyrene <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 ----mg/kg0.550-32-8

<0.5Indeno( <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 ----mg/kg0.5193-39-5

<0.5Dibenz(a.h)anthracene <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 ----mg/kg0.553-70-3

<0.5Benzo(g.h.i)perylene <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 ----mg/kg0.5191-24-2

<0.5^ <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 ----mg/kg0.5----Sum of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons

<0.5^ <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 ----mg/kg0.5----Benzo(a)pyrene TEQ (zero)

0.6^ 0.6 0.6 0.6 ----mg/kg0.5----Benzo(a)pyrene TEQ (half LOR)

1.2^ 1.2 1.2 1.2 ----mg/kg0.5----Benzo(a)pyrene TEQ (LOR)

EP080/071: Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons

---- ---- <10 ---- ----mg/kg10----C6 - C9 Fraction

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Analytical Results

TP09-07TP09-03TP09-02TP08-03TP08-01Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

14-Jun-2019 00:0014-Jun-2019 00:0014-Jun-2019 00:0014-Jun-2019 00:0014-Jun-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EM1909466-058EM1909466-055EM1909466-054EM1909466-049EM1909466-047UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EP080/071: Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons - Continued

---- ---- <50 ---- ----mg/kg50----C10 - C14 Fraction

---- ---- <100 ---- ----mg/kg100----C15 - C28 Fraction

---- ---- <100 ---- ----mg/kg100----C29 - C36 Fraction

----^ ---- <50 ---- ----mg/kg50----C10 - C36 Fraction (sum)

EP080/071: Total Recoverable Hydrocarbons - NEPM 2013 Fractions

----C6 - C10 Fraction ---- <10 ---- ----mg/kg10C6_C10

----^ C6 - C10 Fraction minus BTEX


---- <10 ---- ----mg/kg10C6_C10-BTEX

---- ---- <50 ---- ----mg/kg50---->C10 - C16 Fraction

---- ---- <100 ---- ----mg/kg100---->C16 - C34 Fraction

---- ---- <100 ---- ----mg/kg100---->C34 - C40 Fraction

----^ ---- <50 ---- ----mg/kg50---->C10 - C40 Fraction (sum)

----^ ---- <50 ---- ----mg/kg50---->C10 - C16 Fraction minus Naphthalene



----Benzene ---- <0.2 ---- ----mg/kg0.271-43-2

----Toluene ---- <0.5 ---- ----mg/kg0.5108-88-3

----Ethylbenzene ---- <0.5 ---- ----mg/kg0.5100-41-4

----meta- & para-Xylene ---- <0.5 ---- ----mg/kg0.5108-38-3 106-42-3

----ortho-Xylene ---- <0.5 ---- ----mg/kg0.595-47-6

----^ ---- <0.2 ---- ----mg/kg0.2----Sum of BTEX

----^ ---- <0.5 ---- ----mg/kg0.5----Total Xylenes

----Naphthalene ---- <1 ---- ----mg/kg191-20-3

EP075(SIM)S: Phenolic Compound Surrogates

97.8Phenol-d6 100 95.3 99.4 ----%0.513127-88-3

97.82-Chlorophenol-D4 99.8 94.2 97.7 ----%0.593951-73-6 82.7 78.7 78.4 ----%0.5118-79-6

EP075(SIM)T: PAH Surrogates

1042-Fluorobiphenyl 106 99.2 104 ----%0.5321-60-8

105Anthracene-d10 107 101 106 ----%0.51719-06-8

1094-Terphenyl-d14 111 104 110 ----%0.51718-51-0

EP080S: TPH(V)/BTEX Surrogates

----1.2-Dichloroethane-D4 ---- 67.2 ---- ----%0.217060-07-0

----Toluene-D8 ---- 69.4 ---- ----%0.22037-26-5

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Analytical Results

TP09-07TP09-03TP09-02TP08-03TP08-01Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

14-Jun-2019 00:0014-Jun-2019 00:0014-Jun-2019 00:0014-Jun-2019 00:0014-Jun-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EM1909466-058EM1909466-055EM1909466-054EM1909466-049EM1909466-047UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EP080S: TPH(V)/BTEX Surrogates - Continued

----4-Bromofluorobenzene ---- 83.0 ---- ----%0.2460-00-4

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Analytical Results

TP12-01TP11-02TP11-01TP10-03TP10-02Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

14-Jun-2019 00:0014-Jun-2019 00:0014-Jun-2019 00:0014-Jun-2019 00:0014-Jun-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EM1909466-071EM1909466-065EM1909466-064EM1909466-061EM1909466-060UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EA001: pH in soil using 0.01M CaCl extract

---- ---- ---- 7.7 ----pH Unit0.1----pH (CaCl2)

EA055: Moisture Content (Dried @ 105-110°C)

19.9 4.4 11.1 11.2 11.1%1.0----Moisture Content

EA150: Soil Classification based on Particle Size

---- ---- ---- 39 ----%1----Clay (<2 µm)

EA152: Soil Particle Density

---- ---- ---- 2.48 ----g/cm30.01----Soil Particle Density (Clay/Silt/Sand)

ED006: Exchangeable Cations on Alkaline Soils

----ø ---- ---- 5.4 ----meq/100g0.2----Exchangeable Calcium

----ø ---- ---- 6.2 ----meq/100g0.2----Exchangeable Magnesium

----ø ---- ---- 1.9 ----meq/100g0.2----Exchangeable Potassium

----ø ---- ---- 1.8 ----meq/100g0.2----Exchangeable Sodium

----ø ---- ---- 15.2 ----meq/100g0.2----Cation Exchange Capacity

----ø ---- ---- 35.1 ----%0.2----Exchangeable Calcium Percent

----ø ---- ---- 40.8 ----%0.2----Exchangeable Magnesium Percent

----ø ---- ---- 12.4 ----%0.2----Exchangeable Potassium Percent

----ø ---- ---- 11.6 ----%0.2----Exchangeable Sodium Percent

----ø ---- ---- 0.9 -----0.2----Calcium/Magnesium Ratio

----ø ---- ---- 3.3 -----0.2----Magnesium/Potassium Ratio

EG005(ED093)T: Total Metals by ICP-AES

----Iron ---- ---- 2.70 ----%0.0057439-89-6

8Lead 30 61 ---- 42mg/kg57439-92-1

8Arsenic <5 <5 ---- <5mg/kg57440-38-2

<1Cadmium <1 <1 ---- <1mg/kg17440-43-9

14Chromium 12 17 ---- 16mg/kg27440-47-3

8Copper 8 13 ---- 12mg/kg57440-50-8

10Nickel 4 7 ---- 5mg/kg27440-02-0

25Zinc 20 72 ---- 49mg/kg57440-66-6

EG035T: Total Recoverable Mercury by FIMS

<0.1Mercury <0.1 <0.1 ---- <0.1mg/kg0.17439-97-6

EP004: Organic Matter

---- ---- ---- 1.1 ----%0.5----Organic Matter

---- ---- ---- 0.7 ----%0.5----Total Organic Carbon

EP075(SIM)B: Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons

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Analytical Results

TP12-01TP11-02TP11-01TP10-03TP10-02Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

14-Jun-2019 00:0014-Jun-2019 00:0014-Jun-2019 00:0014-Jun-2019 00:0014-Jun-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EM1909466-071EM1909466-065EM1909466-064EM1909466-061EM1909466-060UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EP075(SIM)B: Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons - Continued

<0.5Naphthalene <0.5 <0.5 ---- <0.5mg/kg0.591-20-3

<0.5Acenaphthylene <0.5 <0.5 ---- <0.5mg/kg0.5208-96-8

<0.5Acenaphthene <0.5 <0.5 ---- <0.5mg/kg0.583-32-9

<0.5Fluorene <0.5 <0.5 ---- <0.5mg/kg0.586-73-7

<0.5Phenanthrene <0.5 <0.5 ---- <0.5mg/kg0.585-01-8

<0.5Anthracene <0.5 <0.5 ---- <0.5mg/kg0.5120-12-7

<0.5Fluoranthene <0.5 <0.5 ---- <0.5mg/kg0.5206-44-0

<0.5Pyrene <0.5 <0.5 ---- <0.5mg/kg0.5129-00-0

<0.5Benz(a)anthracene <0.5 <0.5 ---- <0.5mg/kg0.556-55-3

<0.5Chrysene <0.5 <0.5 ---- <0.5mg/kg0.5218-01-9

<0.5Benzo(b+j)fluoranthene <0.5 <0.5 ---- <0.5mg/kg0.5205-99-2 205-82-3

<0.5Benzo(k)fluoranthene <0.5 <0.5 ---- <0.5mg/kg0.5207-08-9

<0.5Benzo(a)pyrene <0.5 <0.5 ---- <0.5mg/kg0.550-32-8

<0.5Indeno( <0.5 <0.5 ---- <0.5mg/kg0.5193-39-5

<0.5Dibenz(a.h)anthracene <0.5 <0.5 ---- <0.5mg/kg0.553-70-3

<0.5Benzo(g.h.i)perylene <0.5 <0.5 ---- <0.5mg/kg0.5191-24-2

<0.5^ <0.5 <0.5 ---- <0.5mg/kg0.5----Sum of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons

<0.5^ <0.5 <0.5 ---- <0.5mg/kg0.5----Benzo(a)pyrene TEQ (zero)

0.6^ 0.6 0.6 ---- 0.6mg/kg0.5----Benzo(a)pyrene TEQ (half LOR)

1.2^ 1.2 1.2 ---- 1.2mg/kg0.5----Benzo(a)pyrene TEQ (LOR)

EP080/071: Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons

---- ---- ---- ---- <10mg/kg10----C6 - C9 Fraction

---- ---- ---- ---- <50mg/kg50----C10 - C14 Fraction

---- ---- ---- ---- <100mg/kg100----C15 - C28 Fraction

---- ---- ---- ---- <100mg/kg100----C29 - C36 Fraction

----^ ---- ---- ---- <50mg/kg50----C10 - C36 Fraction (sum)

EP080/071: Total Recoverable Hydrocarbons - NEPM 2013 Fractions

----C6 - C10 Fraction ---- ---- ---- <10mg/kg10C6_C10

----^ C6 - C10 Fraction minus BTEX


---- ---- ---- <10mg/kg10C6_C10-BTEX

---- ---- ---- ---- <50mg/kg50---->C10 - C16 Fraction

---- ---- ---- ---- <100mg/kg100---->C16 - C34 Fraction

---- ---- ---- ---- <100mg/kg100---->C34 - C40 Fraction

----^ ---- ---- ---- <50mg/kg50---->C10 - C40 Fraction (sum)

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Analytical Results

TP12-01TP11-02TP11-01TP10-03TP10-02Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

14-Jun-2019 00:0014-Jun-2019 00:0014-Jun-2019 00:0014-Jun-2019 00:0014-Jun-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EM1909466-071EM1909466-065EM1909466-064EM1909466-061EM1909466-060UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EP080/071: Total Recoverable Hydrocarbons - NEPM 2013 Fractions - Continued

----^ ---- ---- ---- <50mg/kg50---->C10 - C16 Fraction minus Naphthalene



----Benzene ---- ---- ---- <0.2mg/kg0.271-43-2

----Toluene ---- ---- ---- <0.5mg/kg0.5108-88-3

----Ethylbenzene ---- ---- ---- <0.5mg/kg0.5100-41-4

----meta- & para-Xylene ---- ---- ---- <0.5mg/kg0.5108-38-3 106-42-3

----ortho-Xylene ---- ---- ---- <0.5mg/kg0.595-47-6

----^ ---- ---- ---- <0.2mg/kg0.2----Sum of BTEX

----^ ---- ---- ---- <0.5mg/kg0.5----Total Xylenes

----Naphthalene ---- ---- ---- <1mg/kg191-20-3

EP075(SIM)S: Phenolic Compound Surrogates

94.2Phenol-d6 106 91.7 ---- 101%0.513127-88-3

93.82-Chlorophenol-D4 105 91.1 ---- 100%0.593951-73-6 90.0 78.1 ---- 83.8%0.5118-79-6

EP075(SIM)T: PAH Surrogates

95.02-Fluorobiphenyl 106 91.3 ---- 102%0.5321-60-8

98.0Anthracene-d10 110 94.8 ---- 104%0.51719-06-8

98.64-Terphenyl-d14 110 95.5 ---- 106%0.51718-51-0

EP080S: TPH(V)/BTEX Surrogates

----1.2-Dichloroethane-D4 ---- ---- ---- 77.1%0.217060-07-0

----Toluene-D8 ---- ---- ---- 84.0%0.22037-26-5

----4-Bromofluorobenzene ---- ---- ---- 94.0%0.2460-00-4

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Analytical Results

----------------TP12-02Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

----------------14-Jun-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

--------------------------------EM1909466-072UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result ---- ---- ---- ----

EA055: Moisture Content (Dried @ 105-110°C)

13.4 ---- ---- ---- ----%1.0----Moisture Content

EG005(ED093)T: Total Metals by ICP-AES

12Lead ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg57439-92-1

<5Arsenic ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg57440-38-2

<1Cadmium ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg17440-43-9

31Chromium ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg27440-47-3

18Copper ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg57440-50-8

15Nickel ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg27440-02-0

28Zinc ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg57440-66-6

EG035T: Total Recoverable Mercury by FIMS

<0.1Mercury ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg0.17439-97-6

EP075(SIM)B: Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons

<0.5Naphthalene ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg0.591-20-3

<0.5Acenaphthylene ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg0.5208-96-8

<0.5Acenaphthene ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg0.583-32-9

<0.5Fluorene ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg0.586-73-7

<0.5Phenanthrene ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg0.585-01-8

<0.5Anthracene ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg0.5120-12-7

<0.5Fluoranthene ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg0.5206-44-0

<0.5Pyrene ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg0.5129-00-0

<0.5Benz(a)anthracene ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg0.556-55-3

<0.5Chrysene ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg0.5218-01-9

<0.5Benzo(b+j)fluoranthene ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg0.5205-99-2 205-82-3

<0.5Benzo(k)fluoranthene ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg0.5207-08-9

<0.5Benzo(a)pyrene ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg0.550-32-8

<0.5Indeno( ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg0.5193-39-5

<0.5Dibenz(a.h)anthracene ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg0.553-70-3

<0.5Benzo(g.h.i)perylene ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg0.5191-24-2

<0.5^ ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg0.5----Sum of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons

<0.5^ ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg0.5----Benzo(a)pyrene TEQ (zero)

0.6^ ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg0.5----Benzo(a)pyrene TEQ (half LOR)

1.2^ ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg0.5----Benzo(a)pyrene TEQ (LOR)

EP075(SIM)S: Phenolic Compound Surrogates

94.0Phenol-d6 ---- ---- ---- ----%0.513127-88-3

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Analytical Results

----------------TP12-02Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

----------------14-Jun-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

--------------------------------EM1909466-072UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result ---- ---- ---- ----

EP075(SIM)S: Phenolic Compound Surrogates - Continued

93.52-Chlorophenol-D4 ---- ---- ---- ----%0.593951-73-6 ---- ---- ---- ----%0.5118-79-6

EP075(SIM)T: PAH Surrogates

95.02-Fluorobiphenyl ---- ---- ---- ----%0.5321-60-8

98.5Anthracene-d10 ---- ---- ---- ----%0.51719-06-8

99.44-Terphenyl-d14 ---- ---- ---- ----%0.51718-51-0

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Analytical Results

----------------RINSE-01Client sample IDSub-Matrix: WATER

(Matrix: WATER)

----------------14-Jun-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

--------------------------------EM1909466-013UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result ---- ---- ---- ----

EG020T: Total Metals by ICP-MS

<0.001Arsenic ---- ---- ---- ----mg/L0.0017440-38-2

<0.05Boron ---- ---- ---- ----mg/L0.057440-42-8

<0.001Barium ---- ---- ---- ----mg/L0.0017440-39-3

<0.001Beryllium ---- ---- ---- ----mg/L0.0017440-41-7

<0.0001Cadmium ---- ---- ---- ----mg/L0.00017440-43-9

<0.001Cobalt ---- ---- ---- ----mg/L0.0017440-48-4

<0.001Chromium ---- ---- ---- ----mg/L0.0017440-47-3

<0.001Copper ---- ---- ---- ----mg/L0.0017440-50-8

<0.001Manganese ---- ---- ---- ----mg/L0.0017439-96-5

<0.001Nickel ---- ---- ---- ----mg/L0.0017440-02-0

<0.001Lead ---- ---- ---- ----mg/L0.0017439-92-1

<0.01Selenium ---- ---- ---- ----mg/L0.017782-49-2

<0.01Vanadium ---- ---- ---- ----mg/L0.017440-62-2

<0.005Zinc ---- ---- ---- ----mg/L0.0057440-66-6

EG035T: Total Recoverable Mercury by FIMS

<0.0001Mercury ---- ---- ---- ----mg/L0.00017439-97-6

EP075(SIM)B: Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons

<1.0Naphthalene ---- ---- ---- ----µg/L1.091-20-3

<1.0Acenaphthylene ---- ---- ---- ----µg/L1.0208-96-8

<1.0Acenaphthene ---- ---- ---- ----µg/L1.083-32-9

<1.0Fluorene ---- ---- ---- ----µg/L1.086-73-7

<1.0Phenanthrene ---- ---- ---- ----µg/L1.085-01-8

<1.0Anthracene ---- ---- ---- ----µg/L1.0120-12-7

<1.0Fluoranthene ---- ---- ---- ----µg/L1.0206-44-0

<1.0Pyrene ---- ---- ---- ----µg/L1.0129-00-0

<1.0Benz(a)anthracene ---- ---- ---- ----µg/L1.056-55-3

<1.0Chrysene ---- ---- ---- ----µg/L1.0218-01-9

<1.0Benzo(b+j)fluoranthene ---- ---- ---- ----µg/L1.0205-99-2 205-82-3

<1.0Benzo(k)fluoranthene ---- ---- ---- ----µg/L1.0207-08-9

<0.5Benzo(a)pyrene ---- ---- ---- ----µg/L0.550-32-8

<1.0Indeno( ---- ---- ---- ----µg/L1.0193-39-5

<1.0Dibenz(a.h)anthracene ---- ---- ---- ----µg/L1.053-70-3

<1.0Benzo(g.h.i)perylene ---- ---- ---- ----µg/L1.0191-24-2

<0.5^ ---- ---- ---- ----µg/L0.5----Sum of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons

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Analytical Results

----------------RINSE-01Client sample IDSub-Matrix: WATER

(Matrix: WATER)

----------------14-Jun-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

--------------------------------EM1909466-013UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result ---- ---- ---- ----

EP075(SIM)B: Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons - Continued

<0.5^ ---- ---- ---- ----µg/L0.5----Benzo(a)pyrene TEQ (zero)

EP080/071: Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons

<20 ---- ---- ---- ----µg/L20----C6 - C9 Fraction

<50 ---- ---- ---- ----µg/L50----C10 - C14 Fraction

<100 ---- ---- ---- ----µg/L100----C15 - C28 Fraction

<50 ---- ---- ---- ----µg/L50----C29 - C36 Fraction

<50^ ---- ---- ---- ----µg/L50----C10 - C36 Fraction (sum)

EP080/071: Total Recoverable Hydrocarbons - NEPM 2013 Fractions

<20C6 - C10 Fraction ---- ---- ---- ----µg/L20C6_C10

<20^ C6 - C10 Fraction minus BTEX


---- ---- ---- ----µg/L20C6_C10-BTEX

<100 ---- ---- ---- ----µg/L100---->C10 - C16 Fraction

<100 ---- ---- ---- ----µg/L100---->C16 - C34 Fraction

<100 ---- ---- ---- ----µg/L100---->C34 - C40 Fraction

<100^ ---- ---- ---- ----µg/L100---->C10 - C40 Fraction (sum)

<100^ ---- ---- ---- ----µg/L100---->C10 - C16 Fraction minus Naphthalene



<1Benzene ---- ---- ---- ----µg/L171-43-2

<2Toluene ---- ---- ---- ----µg/L2108-88-3

<2Ethylbenzene ---- ---- ---- ----µg/L2100-41-4

<2meta- & para-Xylene ---- ---- ---- ----µg/L2108-38-3 106-42-3

<2ortho-Xylene ---- ---- ---- ----µg/L295-47-6

<2^ ---- ---- ---- ----µg/L2----Total Xylenes

<1^ ---- ---- ---- ----µg/L1----Sum of BTEX

<5Naphthalene ---- ---- ---- ----µg/L591-20-3

EP075(SIM)S: Phenolic Compound Surrogates

34.6Phenol-d6 ---- ---- ---- ----%1.013127-88-3

81.22-Chlorophenol-D4 ---- ---- ---- ----%1.093951-73-6 ---- ---- ---- ----%1.0118-79-6

EP075(SIM)T: PAH Surrogates

94.02-Fluorobiphenyl ---- ---- ---- ----%1.0321-60-8

107Anthracene-d10 ---- ---- ---- ----%1.01719-06-8

1064-Terphenyl-d14 ---- ---- ---- ----%1.01718-51-0

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Analytical Results

----------------RINSE-01Client sample IDSub-Matrix: WATER

(Matrix: WATER)

----------------14-Jun-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

--------------------------------EM1909466-013UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result ---- ---- ---- ----

EP080S: TPH(V)/BTEX Surrogates

97.81.2-Dichloroethane-D4 ---- ---- ---- ----%217060-07-0

97.3Toluene-D8 ---- ---- ---- ----%22037-26-5

1104-Bromofluorobenzene ---- ---- ---- ----%2460-00-4

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Surrogate Control Limits

Recovery Limits (%)Sub-Matrix: SOIL

Compound CAS Number Low High

EP066S: PCB Surrogate

Decachlorobiphenyl 2051-24-3 36 140

EP068S: Organochlorine Pesticide Surrogate

Dibromo-DDE 21655-73-2 38 128

EP068T: Organophosphorus Pesticide Surrogate

DEF 78-48-8 33 139

EP075(SIM)S: Phenolic Compound Surrogates

Phenol-d6 13127-88-3 54 125

2-Chlorophenol-D4 93951-73-6 65 123

2.4.6-Tribromophenol 118-79-6 34 122

EP075(SIM)T: PAH Surrogates

2-Fluorobiphenyl 321-60-8 61 125

Anthracene-d10 1719-06-8 62 130

4-Terphenyl-d14 1718-51-0 67 133

EP080S: TPH(V)/BTEX Surrogates

1.2-Dichloroethane-D4 17060-07-0 51 125

Toluene-D8 2037-26-5 55 125

4-Bromofluorobenzene 460-00-4 56 124

Recovery Limits (%)Sub-Matrix: WATER

Compound CAS Number Low High

EP075(SIM)S: Phenolic Compound Surrogates

Phenol-d6 13127-88-3 10 46

2-Chlorophenol-D4 93951-73-6 23 104

2.4.6-Tribromophenol 118-79-6 28 130

EP075(SIM)T: PAH Surrogates

2-Fluorobiphenyl 321-60-8 36 114

Anthracene-d10 1719-06-8 51 119

4-Terphenyl-d14 1718-51-0 49 127

EP080S: TPH(V)/BTEX Surrogates

1.2-Dichloroethane-D4 17060-07-0 73 129

Toluene-D8 2037-26-5 70 125

4-Bromofluorobenzene 460-00-4 71 129

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QA/QC Compliance Assessment to assist with Quality ReviewWork Order : EM1909466 Page : 1 of 10

:: LaboratoryClient Environmental Division MelbourneLBW CO PTY LTD

:Contact MARK PETERSON Telephone : +61881625130

:Project 191091 Date Samples Received : 18-Jun-2019

Site : Cowan Street Angle Park PS1 Issue Date : 26-Jun-2019

----:Sampler No. of samples received : 75

:Order number No. of samples analysed : 27

This report is automatically generated by the ALS LIMS through interpretation of the ALS Quality Control Report and several Quality Assurance parameters measured by ALS. This automated

reporting highlights any non-conformances, facilitates faster and more accurate data validation and is designed to assist internal expert and external Auditor review. Many components of this

report contribute to the overall DQO assessment and reporting for guideline compliance.

Brief method summaries and references are also provided to assist in traceability.

Summary of Outliers

Outliers : Quality Control Samples

This report highlights outliers flagged in the Quality Control (QC) Report.

l NO Method Blank value outliers occur.

l NO Duplicate outliers occur.

l NO Laboratory Control outliers occur.

l NO Matrix Spike outliers occur.

l For all regular sample matrices, NO surrogate recovery outliers occur.

Outliers : Analysis Holding Time Compliance

l NO Analysis Holding Time Outliers exist.

Outliers : Frequency of Quality Control Samples

l Quality Control Sample Frequency Outliers exist - please see following pages for full details.

R I G H T S O L U T I O N S | R I G H T P A R T N E R

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Outliers : Frequency of Quality Control Samples

Matrix: WATER

Quality Control SpecificationQuality Control Sample Type

Method ExpectedQC Regular Actual

Rate (%)Quality Control Sample Type Count

Laboratory Duplicates (DUP)

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC StandardPAH/Phenols (GC/MS - SIM) 0.00 10.000 14

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC StandardTRH - Semivolatile Fraction 0.00 10.000 19

Matrix Spikes (MS)

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC StandardPAH/Phenols (GC/MS - SIM) 0.00 5.000 14

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC StandardTRH - Semivolatile Fraction 0.00 5.000 19

Analysis Holding Time Compliance

Holding times for VOC in soils vary according to analytes of interest. Vinyl Chloride and Styrene holding time is 7 days; others 14 days. A recorded breach does not guarantee a breach for all VOC analytes and

should be verified in case the reported breach is a false positive or Vinyl Chloride and Styrene are not key analytes of interest/concern.

Holding time for leachate methods (e.g. TCLP) vary according to the analytes reported. Assessment compares the leach date with the shortest analyte holding time for the equivalent soil method. These are: organics

14 days, mercury 28 days & other metals 180 days. A recorded breach does not guarantee a breach for all non-volatile parameters.

If samples are identified below as having been analysed or extracted outside of recommended holding times, this should be taken into consideration when interpreting results.

This report summarizes extraction / preparation and analysis times and compares each with ALS recommended holding times (referencing USEPA SW 846, APHA, AS and NEPM) based on the sample container

provided. Dates reported represent first date of extraction or analysis and preclude subsequent dilutions and reruns. A listing of breaches (if any) is provided herein.

Matrix: SOIL Evaluation: û = Holding time breach ; ü = Within holding time.

AnalysisExtraction / PreparationSample DateMethod

EvaluationDue for analysisDate analysedEvaluationDue for extractionDate extractedContainer / Client Sample ID(s)

EA001: pH in soil using 0.01M CaCl extract

Soil Glass Jar - Unpreserved (EA001)

TP11-02 21-Jun-201921-Jun-2019 21-Jun-201921-Jun-201914-Jun-2019 ü üEA055: Moisture Content (Dried @ 105-110°C)

Soil Glass Jar - Unpreserved (EA055)

TP01-01, TP02-02,

TP02-03, SP01,

SP02, SP03,

SP04, TP03-02,

TP04-02, TP04-03,

TP05-02, TP05-03,

TP07-02, TP07-03,

TP06-02, TP08-01,

TP08-03, TP09-02,

TP09-03, TP09-07,

TP10-02, TP10-03,

TP11-01, TP11-02,

TP12-01, TP12-02

28-Jun-2019---- 21-Jun-2019----14-Jun-2019 ---- ü

EA150: Soil Classification based on Particle Size

Snap Lock Bag (EA150H)

TP11-02 11-Dec-2019---- 25-Jun-2019----14-Jun-2019 ---- ü

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Matrix: SOIL Evaluation: û = Holding time breach ; ü = Within holding time.

AnalysisExtraction / PreparationSample DateMethod

EvaluationDue for analysisDate analysedEvaluationDue for extractionDate extractedContainer / Client Sample ID(s)

EA152: Soil Particle Density

Snap Lock Bag (EA152)

TP11-02 11-Dec-2019---- 25-Jun-2019----14-Jun-2019 ---- üED006: Exchangeable Cations on Alkaline Soils

Soil Glass Jar - Unpreserved (ED006)

TP11-02 12-Jul-201912-Jul-2019 24-Jun-201921-Jun-201914-Jun-2019 ü üED007: Exchangeable Cations

Soil Glass Jar - Unpreserved (ED007)

TP11-02 12-Jul-201912-Jul-2019 24-Jun-201921-Jun-201914-Jun-2019 ü üED008: Exchangeable Cations

Soil Glass Jar - Unpreserved (ED008)

TP11-02 12-Jul-201912-Jul-2019 24-Jun-201921-Jun-201914-Jun-2019 ü üEG005(ED093)T: Total Metals by ICP-AES

Soil Glass Jar - Unpreserved (EG005T)

TP01-01, TP02-02,

TP02-03, SP01,

SP02, SP03,

SP04, TP03-02,

TP04-02, TP04-03,

TP05-02, TP05-03,

TP07-02, TP07-03,

TP06-02, TP08-01,

TP08-03, TP09-02,

TP09-03, TP09-07,

TP10-02, TP10-03,

TP11-01, TP11-02,

TP12-01, TP12-02

11-Dec-201911-Dec-2019 21-Jun-201921-Jun-201914-Jun-2019 ü ü

EG035T: Total Recoverable Mercury by FIMS

Soil Glass Jar - Unpreserved (EG035T)

TP01-01, TP02-02,

TP02-03, SP01,

SP02, SP03,

SP04, TP03-02,

TP04-02, TP04-03,

TP05-02, TP05-03,

TP07-02, TP07-03,

TP06-02, TP08-01,

TP08-03, TP09-02,

TP09-03, TP09-07,

TP10-02, TP10-03,

TP11-01, TP12-01,


12-Jul-201912-Jul-2019 21-Jun-201921-Jun-201914-Jun-2019 ü ü

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Matrix: SOIL Evaluation: û = Holding time breach ; ü = Within holding time.

AnalysisExtraction / PreparationSample DateMethod

EvaluationDue for analysisDate analysedEvaluationDue for extractionDate extractedContainer / Client Sample ID(s)

EG048: Hexavalent Chromium (Alkaline Digest)

Soil Glass Jar - Unpreserved (EG048G)

TP02-02, SP03 28-Jun-201912-Jul-2019 22-Jun-201921-Jun-201914-Jun-2019 ü üEK026SF: Total CN by Segmented Flow Analyser

Soil Glass Jar - Unpreserved (EK026SF)

TP02-02, SP03 05-Jul-201928-Jun-2019 23-Jun-201921-Jun-201914-Jun-2019 ü üEP004: Organic Matter

Soil Glass Jar - Unpreserved (EP004)

TP11-02 12-Jul-201912-Jul-2019 21-Jun-201921-Jun-201914-Jun-2019 ü üEP066: Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB)

Soil Glass Jar - Unpreserved (EP066)

TP02-02, SP03 31-Jul-201928-Jun-2019 21-Jun-201921-Jun-201914-Jun-2019 ü üEP068A: Organochlorine Pesticides (OC)

Soil Glass Jar - Unpreserved (EP068)

TP02-02, SP03 31-Jul-201928-Jun-2019 21-Jun-201921-Jun-201914-Jun-2019 ü üEP075(SIM)A: Phenolic Compounds

Soil Glass Jar - Unpreserved (EP075(SIM))

TP02-02, SP03 31-Jul-201928-Jun-2019 21-Jun-201921-Jun-201914-Jun-2019 ü üEP075(SIM)B: Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons

Soil Glass Jar - Unpreserved (EP075(SIM))

TP01-01, TP02-02,

TP02-03, SP01,

SP02, SP03,

SP04, TP03-02,

TP04-02, TP04-03,

TP05-02, TP05-03,

TP07-02, TP07-03,

TP06-02, TP08-01,

TP08-03, TP09-02,

TP09-03, TP10-02,

TP10-03, TP11-01,

TP12-01, TP12-02

31-Jul-201928-Jun-2019 21-Jun-201921-Jun-201914-Jun-2019 ü ü

EP080/071: Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons

Soil Glass Jar - Unpreserved (EP071)

TP02-02, SP02,

SP03, TP05-02,

TP06-02, TP09-02,


31-Jul-201928-Jun-2019 21-Jun-201921-Jun-201914-Jun-2019 ü ü

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Matrix: SOIL Evaluation: û = Holding time breach ; ü = Within holding time.

AnalysisExtraction / PreparationSample DateMethod

EvaluationDue for analysisDate analysedEvaluationDue for extractionDate extractedContainer / Client Sample ID(s)

EP080/071: Total Recoverable Hydrocarbons - NEPM 2013 Fractions

Soil Glass Jar - Unpreserved (EP071)

TP02-02, SP02,

SP03, TP05-02,

TP06-02, TP09-02,


31-Jul-201928-Jun-2019 21-Jun-201921-Jun-201914-Jun-2019 ü ü


Soil Glass Jar - Unpreserved (EP080)

TP02-02, SP02,

SP03, TP05-02,

TP06-02, TP09-02,


28-Jun-201928-Jun-2019 21-Jun-201921-Jun-201914-Jun-2019 ü ü

Matrix: WATER Evaluation: û = Holding time breach ; ü = Within holding time.

AnalysisExtraction / PreparationSample DateMethod

EvaluationDue for analysisDate analysedEvaluationDue for extractionDate extractedContainer / Client Sample ID(s)

EG020T: Total Metals by ICP-MS

Clear Plastic Bottle - Nitric Acid; Unfiltered (EG020A-T)

RINSE-01 11-Dec-201911-Dec-2019 21-Jun-201921-Jun-201914-Jun-2019 ü üEG035T: Total Recoverable Mercury by FIMS

Clear Plastic Bottle - Nitric Acid; Unfiltered (EG035T)

RINSE-01 12-Jul-2019---- 20-Jun-2019----14-Jun-2019 ---- üEP075(SIM)B: Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons

Amber Glass Bottle - Unpreserved (EP075(SIM))

RINSE-01 30-Jul-201921-Jun-2019 21-Jun-201920-Jun-201914-Jun-2019 ü üEP080/071: Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons

Amber Glass Bottle - Unpreserved (EP071)

RINSE-01 30-Jul-201921-Jun-2019 21-Jun-201920-Jun-201914-Jun-2019 ü üAmber VOC Vial - Sulfuric Acid (EP080)

RINSE-01 28-Jun-201928-Jun-2019 21-Jun-201921-Jun-201914-Jun-2019 ü üEP080/071: Total Recoverable Hydrocarbons - NEPM 2013 Fractions

Amber Glass Bottle - Unpreserved (EP071)

RINSE-01 30-Jul-201921-Jun-2019 21-Jun-201920-Jun-201914-Jun-2019 ü üAmber VOC Vial - Sulfuric Acid (EP080)

RINSE-01 28-Jun-201928-Jun-2019 21-Jun-201921-Jun-201914-Jun-2019 ü üEP080: BTEXN

Amber VOC Vial - Sulfuric Acid (EP080)

RINSE-01 28-Jun-201928-Jun-2019 21-Jun-201921-Jun-201914-Jun-2019 ü ü

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Quality Control Parameter Frequency ComplianceThe following report summarises the frequency of laboratory QC samples analysed within the analytical lot(s) in which the submitted sample(s) was(were) processed. Actual rate should be greater than or equal to

the expected rate. A listing of breaches is provided in the Summary of Outliers.

Matrix: SOIL Evaluation: û = Quality Control frequency not within specification ; ü = Quality Control frequency within specification.

Quality Control SpecificationQuality Control Sample Type

ExpectedQC Regular Actual

Rate (%)Quality Control Sample Type CountEvaluationAnalytical Methods Method

Laboratory Duplicates (DUP)

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 100.00 10.001 1 üExchangeable Cations on Alkaline Soils ED006

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 10.00 10.002 20 üHexavalent Chromium by Alkaline Digestion and DA Finish EG048G

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 10.00 10.004 40 üMoisture Content EA055

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 11.11 10.001 9 üOrganic Matter EP004

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 11.11 10.004 36 üPAH/Phenols (SIM) EP075(SIM)

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 50.00 10.001 2 üPesticides by GCMS EP068

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 15.38 10.002 13 üpH in soil using a 0.01M CaCl2 extract EA001

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 50.00 10.001 2 üPolychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB) EP066

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 10.00 10.002 20 üTotal Cyanide by Segmented Flow Analyser EK026SF

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 10.26 10.004 39 üTotal Mercury by FIMS EG035T

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 10.00 10.004 40 üTotal Metals by ICP-AES EG005T

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 16.67 10.003 18 üTRH - Semivolatile Fraction EP071

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 10.53 10.002 19 üTRH Volatiles/BTEX EP080

Laboratory Control Samples (LCS)

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 100.00 5.001 1 üExchangeable Cations on Alkaline Soils ED006

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 10.00 10.002 20 üHexavalent Chromium by Alkaline Digestion and DA Finish EG048G

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 11.11 5.001 9 üOrganic Matter EP004

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 5.56 5.002 36 üPAH/Phenols (SIM) EP075(SIM)

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 50.00 5.001 2 üPesticides by GCMS EP068

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 50.00 5.001 2 üPolychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB) EP066

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 5.00 5.001 20 üTotal Cyanide by Segmented Flow Analyser EK026SF

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 5.13 5.002 39 üTotal Mercury by FIMS EG035T

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 5.00 5.002 40 üTotal Metals by ICP-AES EG005T

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 11.11 5.002 18 üTRH - Semivolatile Fraction EP071

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 5.26 5.001 19 üTRH Volatiles/BTEX EP080

Method Blanks (MB)

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 100.00 5.001 1 üExchangeable Cations on Alkaline Soils ED006

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 5.00 5.001 20 üHexavalent Chromium by Alkaline Digestion and DA Finish EG048G

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 11.11 5.001 9 üOrganic Matter EP004

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 5.56 5.002 36 üPAH/Phenols (SIM) EP075(SIM)

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 50.00 5.001 2 üPesticides by GCMS EP068

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 50.00 5.001 2 üPolychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB) EP066

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 5.00 5.001 20 üTotal Cyanide by Segmented Flow Analyser EK026SF

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 5.13 5.002 39 üTotal Mercury by FIMS EG035T

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 5.00 5.002 40 üTotal Metals by ICP-AES EG005T

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 11.11 5.002 18 üTRH - Semivolatile Fraction EP071

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Matrix: SOIL Evaluation: û = Quality Control frequency not within specification ; ü = Quality Control frequency within specification.

Quality Control SpecificationQuality Control Sample Type

ExpectedQC Regular Actual

Rate (%)Quality Control Sample Type CountEvaluationAnalytical Methods Method

Method Blanks (MB) - Continued

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 5.26 5.001 19 üTRH Volatiles/BTEX EP080

Matrix Spikes (MS)

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 5.00 5.001 20 üHexavalent Chromium by Alkaline Digestion and DA Finish EG048G

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 11.11 5.001 9 üOrganic Matter EP004

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 5.56 5.002 36 üPAH/Phenols (SIM) EP075(SIM)

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 50.00 5.001 2 üPesticides by GCMS EP068

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 50.00 5.001 2 üPolychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB) EP066

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 5.00 5.001 20 üTotal Cyanide by Segmented Flow Analyser EK026SF

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 5.13 5.002 39 üTotal Mercury by FIMS EG035T

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 5.00 5.002 40 üTotal Metals by ICP-AES EG005T

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 11.11 5.002 18 üTRH - Semivolatile Fraction EP071

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 5.26 5.001 19 üTRH Volatiles/BTEX EP080

Matrix: WATER Evaluation: û = Quality Control frequency not within specification ; ü = Quality Control frequency within specification.

Quality Control SpecificationQuality Control Sample Type

ExpectedQC Regular Actual

Rate (%)Quality Control Sample Type CountEvaluationAnalytical Methods Method

Laboratory Duplicates (DUP)

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 0.00 10.000 14 ûPAH/Phenols (GC/MS - SIM) EP075(SIM)

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 12.50 10.001 8 üTotal Mercury by FIMS EG035T

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 10.00 10.002 20 üTotal Metals by ICP-MS - Suite A EG020A-T

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 0.00 10.000 19 ûTRH - Semivolatile Fraction EP071

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 10.00 10.002 20 üTRH Volatiles/BTEX EP080

Laboratory Control Samples (LCS)

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 7.14 5.001 14 üPAH/Phenols (GC/MS - SIM) EP075(SIM)

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 12.50 5.001 8 üTotal Mercury by FIMS EG035T

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 5.00 5.001 20 üTotal Metals by ICP-MS - Suite A EG020A-T

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 5.26 5.001 19 üTRH - Semivolatile Fraction EP071

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 5.00 5.001 20 üTRH Volatiles/BTEX EP080

Method Blanks (MB)

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 7.14 5.001 14 üPAH/Phenols (GC/MS - SIM) EP075(SIM)

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 12.50 5.001 8 üTotal Mercury by FIMS EG035T

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 5.00 5.001 20 üTotal Metals by ICP-MS - Suite A EG020A-T

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 5.26 5.001 19 üTRH - Semivolatile Fraction EP071

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 5.00 5.001 20 üTRH Volatiles/BTEX EP080

Matrix Spikes (MS)

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 0.00 5.000 14 ûPAH/Phenols (GC/MS - SIM) EP075(SIM)

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 12.50 5.001 8 üTotal Mercury by FIMS EG035T

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 5.00 5.001 20 üTotal Metals by ICP-MS - Suite A EG020A-T

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 0.00 5.000 19 ûTRH - Semivolatile Fraction EP071

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 5.00 5.001 20 üTRH Volatiles/BTEX EP080

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Brief Method SummariesThe analytical procedures used by the Environmental Division have been developed from established internationally recognized procedures such as those published by the US EPA, APHA, AS and NEPM. In house

developed procedures are employed in the absence of documented standards or by client request. The following report provides brief descriptions of the analytical procedures employed for results reported in the

Certificate of Analysis. Sources from which ALS methods have been developed are provided within the Method Descriptions.

Analytical Methods Method DescriptionsMatrixMethod

In house: Referenced to Rayment and Lyons (2011) 4B3 (mod.) or 4B4 (mod.) 10 g of soil is mixed with 50 mL of

0.01M CaCl2 and tumbled end over end for 1 hour. pH is measured from the continuous suspension. This

method is compliant with NEPM (2013) Schedule B(3)

pH in soil using a 0.01M CaCl2 extract EA001 SOIL

In house: A gravimetric procedure based on weight loss over a 12 hour drying period at 105-110 degrees C.

This method is compliant with NEPM (2013) Schedule B(3) Section 7.1 and Table 1 (14 day holding time).

Moisture Content EA055 SOIL

Particle Size Analysis by Hydrometer according to AS1289.3.6.3 - 2003Particle Size Analysis by Hydrometer EA150H SOIL

Soil Particle Density by AS 1289.3.5.1-2006 : Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes - Soil

classification tests - Determination of the soil particle density of a soil - Standard method

Soil Particle Density EA152 SOIL

In house: Referenced to Soil Survey Test Method C5. Soluble salts are removed from the sample prior to

analysis. Cations are exchanged from the sample by contact with alcoholic ammonium chloride at pH 8.5. They

are then quantitated in the final solution by ICPAES and reported as meq/100g of original soil.

Exchangeable Cations on Alkaline Soils * ED006 SOIL

In house: Referenced to Rayment & Lyons (2011) Method 15A1. Cations are exchanged from the sample by

contact with Ammonium Chloride. They are then quantitated in the final solution by ICPAES and reported as

meq/100g of original soil. This method is compliant with NEPM (2013) Schedule B(3) (Method 301)

Exchangeable Cations ED007 SOIL

In house: Referenced to Rayment & Higginson (2011) Method 15A2. Soluble salts are removed from the sample

prior to analysis. Cations are exchanged from the sample by contact with Ammonium Chloride. They are then

quantitated in the final solution by ICPAES and reported as meq/100g of original soil. This method is compliant

with NEPM (2013) Schedule B(3) (Method 301)

Exchangeable Cations with



In house: Referenced to APHA 3120; USEPA SW 846 - 6010. Metals are determined following an appropriate

acid digestion of the soil. The ICPAES technique ionises samples in a plasma, emitting a characteristic

spectrum based on metals present. Intensities at selected wavelengths are compared against those of matrix

matched standards. This method is compliant with NEPM (2013) Schedule B(3)

Total Metals by ICP-AES EG005T SOIL

In house: Referenced to AS 3550, APHA 3112 Hg - B (Flow-injection (SnCl2) (Cold Vapour generation) AAS)

FIM-AAS is an automated flameless atomic absorption technique. Mercury in solids are determined following an

appropriate acid digestion. Ionic mercury is reduced online to atomic mercury vapour by SnCl2 which is then

purged into a heated quartz cell. Quantification is by comparing absorbance against a calibration curve. This

method is compliant with NEPM (2013) Schedule B(3)

Total Mercury by FIMS EG035T SOIL

In house: Referenced to USEPA SW846, Method 3060A. Hexavalent chromium is extracted by alkaline digestion.

The digest is determined by photometrically by automatic discrete analyser, following pH adjustment. The

instrument uses colour development using dephenylcarbazide. Each run of samples is measured against a

five-point calibration curve. This method is compliant with NEPM (2013) Schedule B(3)

Hexavalent Chromium by Alkaline

Digestion and DA Finish


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Analytical Methods Method DescriptionsMatrixMethod

In house: Referenced to APHA 4500-CN C / ASTM D7511. Caustic leachates of soil samples are introduced into

an automated segmented flow analyser. Complex bound cyanide is decomposed in a continuously flowing

stream, at a pH of 3.8, by the effect of UV light. A UV-B lamp (312 nm) and a decomposition spiral of borosilicate

glass are used to filter out UV light with a wavelength of less than 290 nm thus preventing the conversion of

thiocyanate into cyanide. The hydrogen cyanide present at a pH of 3.8 is separated by gas dialysis. The hydrogen

cyanide is then determined photometrically, based on the reaction of cyanide with chloramine-T to form

cyanogen chloride. This then reacts with 4-pyridine carboxylic acid and 1,3-dimethylbarbituric acid to give a red

colour which is measured at 600 nm. This method is compliant with NEPM (2013) Schedule B(3)

Total Cyanide by Segmented Flow



In house: Referenced to AS1289.4.1.1 - 1997. Dichromate oxidation method after Walkley and Black. This

method is compliant with NEPM (2013) Schedule B(3).

Organic Matter EP004 SOIL

In house: Referenced to USEPA SW 846 - 8270D Extracts are analysed by Capillary GC/MS and quantification is

by comparison against an established 5 point calibration curve. This method is compliant with NEPM (2013)

Schedule B(3) (Method 504)

Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB) EP066 SOIL

In house: Referenced to USEPA SW 846 - 8270D Extracts are analysed by Capillary GC/MS and quantification is

by comparison against an established 5 point calibration curve. This technique is compliant with NEPM (2013)

Schedule B(3) (Method 504,505)

Pesticides by GCMS EP068 SOIL

In house: Referenced to USEPA SW 846 - 8015A Sample extracts are analysed by Capillary GC/FID and

quantified against alkane standards over the range C10 - C40. Compliant with NEPM amended 2013.

TRH - Semivolatile Fraction EP071 SOIL

In house: Referenced to USEPA SW 846 - 8270D. Extracts are analysed by Capillary GC/MS in Selective Ion

Mode (SIM) and quantification is by comparison against an established 5 point calibration curve. This method is

compliant with NEPM (2013) Schedule B(3) (Method 502 and 507)

PAH/Phenols (SIM) EP075(SIM) SOIL

In house: Referenced to USEPA SW 846 - 8260B. Extracts are analysed by Purge and Trap, Capillary GC/MS.

Quantification is by comparison against an established 5 point calibration curve. Compliant with NEPM

amended 2013.

TRH Volatiles/BTEX EP080 SOIL

In house: Referenced to APHA 3125; USEPA SW846 - 6020, ALS QWI-EN/EG020. The ICPMS technique utilizes

a highly efficient argon plasma to ionize selected elements. Ions are then passed into a high vacuum mass

spectrometer, which separates the analytes based on their distinct mass to charge ratios prior to their

measurement by a discrete dynode ion detector.

Total Metals by ICP-MS - Suite A EG020A-T WATER

In house: Referenced to AS 3550, APHA 3112 Hg - B (Flow-injection (SnCl2)(Cold Vapour generation) AAS)

FIM-AAS is an automated flameless atomic absorption technique. A bromate/bromide reagent is used to oxidise

any organic mercury compounds in the unfiltered sample. The ionic mercury is reduced online to atomic

mercury vapour by SnCl2 which is then purged into a heated quartz cell. Quantification is by comparing

absorbance against a calibration curve. This method is compliant with NEPM (2013) Schedule B(3)

Total Mercury by FIMS EG035T WATER

In house: Referenced to USEPA SW 846 - 8015A The sample extract is analysed by Capillary GC/FID and

quantification is by comparison against an established 5 point calibration curve of n-Alkane standards. This

method is compliant with the QC requirements of NEPM (2013) Schedule B(3)

TRH - Semivolatile Fraction EP071 WATER

In house: Referenced to USEPA SW 846 - 8270D Sample extracts are analysed by Capillary GC/MS in SIM Mode

and quantification is by comparison against an established 5 point calibration curve. This method is compliant

with NEPM (2013) Schedule B(3)

PAH/Phenols (GC/MS - SIM) EP075(SIM) WATER

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Analytical Methods Method DescriptionsMatrixMethod

In house: Referenced to USEPA SW 846 - 8260B Water samples are directly purged prior to analysis by

Capillary GC/MS and quantification is by comparison against an established 5 point calibration curve.

Alternatively, a sample is equilibrated in a headspace vial and a portion of the headspace determined by GCMS

analysis. This method is compliant with the QC requirements of NEPM (2013) Schedule B(3)

TRH Volatiles/BTEX EP080 WATER

Preparation Methods Method DescriptionsMatrixMethod

In house: APHA 4500 CN. Samples are extracted by end-over-end tumbling with NaOH.NaOH leach for CN in Soils CN-PR SOIL

In house: Referenced to Rayment and Higginson 4B1, 10 g of soil is mixed with 50 mL of 0.01M CaCl2 and

tumbled end over end for 1 hour. pH is measured from the continuous suspension. This method is compliant

with NEPM (2013) Schedule B(3) (Method 103)

pH in soil using a 0.01M CaCl2 extract EA001-PR SOIL

In house: Referenced to Rayment and Lyons 2011 method 15C1.Exchangeable Cations Preparation

Method (Alkaline Soils)


In house: Referenced to Rayment & Higginson (1992) method 15A1. A 1M NH4Cl extraction by end over end

tumbling at a ratio of 1:20. There is no pretreatment for soluble salts. Extracts can be run by ICP for cations.

Exchangeable Cations Preparation



In house: Referenced to USEPA SW846, Method 3060A.Alkaline digestion for Hexavalent



10 g of 40°C dried soil is mixed with 50 mL of reagent grade water and tumbled end over end for 1 hour. Water

soluble salts are leached from the soil by the continuous suspension. Samples are settled and the water

filtered off for analysis.

1:5 solid / water leach following drying at



In house: Referenced to USEPA 200.2. Hot Block Acid Digestion 1.0g of sample is heated with Nitric and

Hydrochloric acids, then cooled. Peroxide is added and samples heated and cooled again before being filtered

and bulked to volume for analysis. Digest is appropriate for determination of selected metals in sludge,

sediments, and soils. This method is compliant with NEPM (2013) Schedule B(3) (Method 202)

Hot Block Digest for metals in soils

sediments and sludges


In house: Referenced to AS1289.4.1.1 - 1997. Dichromate oxidation method after Walkley and Black. This

method is compliant with NEPM (2013) Schedule B(3) (Method 105)

Organic Matter EP004-PR SOIL

In house: Referenced to USEPA SW 846 - 5030A. 5g of solid is shaken with surrogate and 10mL methanol prior

to analysis by Purge and Trap - GC/MS.

Methanolic Extraction of Soils for Purge

and Trap


In house: Mechanical agitation (tumbler). 10g of sample, Na2SO4 and surrogate are extracted with 30mL 1:1

DCM/Acetone by end over end tumble. The solvent is decanted, dehydrated and concentrated (by KD) to the

desired volume for analysis.

Tumbler Extraction of Solids ORG17 SOIL

In house: Referenced to USEPA SW846-3005. Method 3005 is a Nitric/Hydrochloric acid digestion procedure

used to prepare surface and ground water samples for analysis by ICPAES or ICPMS. This method is compliant

with NEPM (2013) Schedule B(3)

Digestion for Total Recoverable Metals EN25 WATER

In house: Referenced to USEPA SW 846 - 3510B 100 mL to 1L of sample is transferred to a separatory funnel

and serially extracted three times using DCM for each extract. The resultant extracts are combined, dehydrated

and concentrated for analysis. This method is compliant with NEPM (2013) Schedule B(3) . ALS default excludes

sediment which may be resident in the container.

Separatory Funnel Extraction of Liquids ORG14 WATER

A 5 mL aliquot or 5 mL of a diluted sample is added to a 40 mL VOC vial for sparging.Volatiles Water Preparation ORG16-W WATER

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6 6.00False


QUALITY CONTROL REPORTWork Order : EM1909466 Page : 1 of 20

:: LaboratoryClient Environmental Division MelbourneLBW CO PTY LTD

:Contact MARK PETERSON :Contact Kieren Burns

:Address 184 MAGILL ROAD


Address : 4 Westall Rd Springvale VIC Australia 3171

::Telephone ---- +61881625130:Telephone

:Project 191091 Date Samples Received : 18-Jun-2019

:Order number Date Analysis Commenced : 20-Jun-2019

:C-O-C number 191091_COC_20190617 Issue Date : 26-Jun-2019

Sampler : ----

Site : Cowan Street Angle Park PS1

Quote number : ADBQ-001-18 PRIMARY WORK ONLY

No. of samples received 75:

No. of samples analysed 27:

This report supersedes any previous report(s) with this reference. Results apply to the sample(s) as submitted. This document shall not be reproduced, except in full.

This Quality Control Report contains the following information:

l Laboratory Duplicate (DUP) Report; Relative Percentage Difference (RPD) and Acceptance Limits

l Method Blank (MB) and Laboratory Control Spike (LCS) Report ; Recovery and Acceptance Limits

l Matrix Spike (MS) Report; Recovery and Acceptance Limits

SignatoriesThis document has been electronically signed by the authorized signatories below. Electronic signing is carried out in compliance with procedures specified in 21 CFR Part 11.

Signatories Accreditation CategoryPosition

Dianne Blane Laboratory Coordinator (2IC) Newcastle - Inorganics, Mayfield West, NSW

Dilani Fernando Senior Inorganic Chemist Melbourne Inorganics, Springvale, VIC

Nikki Stepniewski Senior Inorganic Instrument Chemist Melbourne Inorganics, Springvale, VIC

Steven McGrath Technical Manager Melbourne Inorganics, Springvale, VIC

Steven McGrath Technical Manager Melbourne Organics, Springvale, VIC

Xing Lin Senior Organic Chemist Melbourne Organics, Springvale, VIC

R I G H T S O L U T I O N S | R I G H T P A R T N E R

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General Comments

The analytical procedures used by the Environmental Division have been developed from established internationally recognized procedures such as those published by the USEPA, APHA, AS and NEPM. In house

developed procedures are employed in the absence of documented standards or by client request.

Where moisture determination has been performed, results are reported on a dry weight basis.

Where a reported less than (<) result is higher than the LOR, this may be due to primary sample extract/digestate dilution and/or insufficient sample for analysis. Where the LOR of a reported result differs from standard LOR, this may be due to high moisture content, insufficient sample (reduced weight employed) or matrix interference.

Anonymous = Refers to samples which are not specifically part of this work order but formed part of the QC process lot

CAS Number = CAS registry number from database maintained by Chemical Abstracts Services. The Chemical Abstracts Service is a division of the American Chemical Society.

LOR = Limit of reporting

RPD = Relative Percentage Difference

# = Indicates failed QC

Key :

Laboratory Duplicate (DUP) Report

The quality control term Laboratory Duplicate refers to a randomly selected intralaboratory split. Laboratory duplicates provide information regarding method precision and sample heterogeneity. The permitted ranges

for the Relative Percent Deviation (RPD) of Laboratory Duplicates are specified in ALS Method QWI -EN/38 and are dependent on the magnitude of results in comparison to the level of reporting: Result < 10 times LOR:

No Limit; Result between 10 and 20 times LOR: 0% - 50%; Result > 20 times LOR: 0% - 20%.

Sub-Matrix: SOIL Laboratory Duplicate (DUP) Report

Original Result RPD (%)Laboratory sample ID Client sample ID Method: Compound CAS Number LOR Unit Duplicate Result Recovery Limits (%)

EG005(ED093)T: Total Metals by ICP-AES (QC Lot: 2418362)

EG005T: Beryllium 7440-41-7 1 mg/kg <1 <1 0.00 No LimitAnonymous EM1909371-001

EG005T: Cadmium 7440-43-9 1 mg/kg <1 <1 0.00 No Limit

EG005T: Barium 7440-39-3 10 mg/kg 40 60 27.6 No Limit

EG005T: Chromium 7440-47-3 2 mg/kg 9 12 30.6 No Limit

EG005T: Cobalt 7440-48-4 2 mg/kg 4 7 49.6 No Limit

EG005T: Nickel 7440-02-0 2 mg/kg 6 9 36.4 No Limit

EG005T: Silver 7440-22-4 2 mg/kg <2 <2 0.00 No Limit

EG005T: Arsenic 7440-38-2 5 mg/kg <5 <5 0.00 No Limit

EG005T: Copper 7440-50-8 5 mg/kg <5 <5 0.00 No Limit

EG005T: Lead 7439-92-1 5 mg/kg 7 8 0.00 No Limit

EG005T: Manganese 7439-96-5 5 mg/kg 27 26 3.81 No Limit

EG005T: Zinc 7440-66-6 5 mg/kg 7 11 50.7 No Limit

EG005T: Iron 7439-89-6 50 mg/kg 7120 6720 5.71 0% - 20%

EG005T: Beryllium 7440-41-7 1 mg/kg <1 <1 0.00 No LimitAnonymous EM1909371-023

EG005T: Cadmium 7440-43-9 1 mg/kg <1 <1 0.00 No Limit

EG005T: Barium 7440-39-3 10 mg/kg 50 70 38.3 No Limit

EG005T: Chromium 7440-47-3 2 mg/kg 18 16 6.65 No Limit

EG005T: Cobalt 7440-48-4 2 mg/kg 10 10 0.00 No Limit

EG005T: Nickel 7440-02-0 2 mg/kg 10 10 0.00 No Limit

EG005T: Silver 7440-22-4 2 mg/kg <2 <2 0.00 No Limit

EG005T: Arsenic 7440-38-2 5 mg/kg <5 <5 0.00 No Limit

EG005T: Copper 7440-50-8 5 mg/kg <5 <5 0.00 No Limit

EG005T: Lead 7439-92-1 5 mg/kg 9 11 18.5 No Limit

EG005T: Manganese 7439-96-5 5 mg/kg 33 35 7.55 No Limit

EG005T: Zinc 7440-66-6 5 mg/kg 6 6 0.00 No Limit

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Sub-Matrix: SOIL Laboratory Duplicate (DUP) Report

Original Result RPD (%)Laboratory sample ID Client sample ID Method: Compound CAS Number LOR Unit Duplicate Result Recovery Limits (%)

EG005(ED093)T: Total Metals by ICP-AES (QC Lot: 2418362) - continued

EG005T: Iron 7439-89-6 50 mg/kg 15200 13500 11.8 0% - 20%Anonymous EM1909371-023

EG005(ED093)T: Total Metals by ICP-AES (QC Lot: 2418364)

EG005T: Beryllium 7440-41-7 1 mg/kg <1 <1 0.00 No LimitSP04 EM1909466-012

EG005T: Cadmium 7440-43-9 1 mg/kg 1 2 0.00 No Limit

EG005T: Barium 7440-39-3 10 mg/kg 60 60 0.00 No Limit

EG005T: Chromium 7440-47-3 2 mg/kg 22 20 6.61 0% - 50%

EG005T: Cobalt 7440-48-4 2 mg/kg 4 5 34.4 No Limit

EG005T: Nickel 7440-02-0 2 mg/kg 10 16 41.7 No Limit

EG005T: Silver 7440-22-4 2 mg/kg 2 4 59.8 No Limit

EG005T: Arsenic 7440-38-2 5 mg/kg 5 8 35.8 No Limit

EG005T: Copper 7440-50-8 5 mg/kg 34 36 5.82 No Limit

EG005T: Lead 7439-92-1 5 mg/kg 69 64 7.69 0% - 50%

EG005T: Zinc 7440-66-6 5 mg/kg 171 173 1.26 0% - 20%

EG005T: Iron 7439-89-6 50 mg/kg 14700 14500 1.21 0% - 20%

EG005T: Beryllium 7440-41-7 1 mg/kg <1 <1 0.00 No LimitTP08-01 EM1909466-047

EG005T: Cadmium 7440-43-9 1 mg/kg <1 <1 0.00 No Limit

EG005T: Barium 7440-39-3 10 mg/kg 30 40 0.00 No Limit

EG005T: Chromium 7440-47-3 2 mg/kg 10 14 33.5 No Limit

EG005T: Cobalt 7440-48-4 2 mg/kg 3 4 40.0 No Limit

EG005T: Nickel 7440-02-0 2 mg/kg 5 7 36.5 No Limit

EG005T: Silver 7440-22-4 2 mg/kg <2 <2 0.00 No Limit

EG005T: Arsenic 7440-38-2 5 mg/kg <5 <5 0.00 No Limit

EG005T: Copper 7440-50-8 5 mg/kg 13 18 37.4 No Limit

EG005T: Lead 7439-92-1 5 mg/kg 40 50 23.4 0% - 50%

EG005T: Zinc 7440-66-6 5 mg/kg 89 102 13.0 0% - 20%

EG005T: Iron 7439-89-6 50 mg/kg 13200 12700 3.95 0% - 20%

EA001: pH in soil using 0.01M CaCl extract (QC Lot: 2418404)

EA001: pH (CaCl2) ---- 0.1 pH Unit 8.2 8.0 2.47 0% - 20%Anonymous EM1909434-001

EA001: pH (CaCl2) ---- 0.1 pH Unit 7.1 7.0 1.42 0% - 20%Anonymous EM1909558-015

EA055: Moisture Content (Dried @ 105-110°C) (QC Lot: 2419344)

EA055: Moisture Content ---- 0.1 % 18.0 17.4 3.40 0% - 50%Anonymous EM1909434-011

EA055: Moisture Content ---- 0.1 % 5.1 6.0 16.8 No LimitTP04-03 EM1909466-024

EA055: Moisture Content (Dried @ 105-110°C) (QC Lot: 2419350)

EA055: Moisture Content ---- 0.1 % 7.2 5.8 22.4 No LimitTP09-07 EM1909466-058

EA055: Moisture Content ---- 0.1 % 14.6 11.9 20.3 0% - 50%Anonymous EM1909479-004

ED006: Exchangeable Cations on Alkaline Soils (QC Lot: 2419658)

ED006: Calcium/Magnesium Ratio ---- 0.1 - 0.9 0.9 0.00 No LimitTP11-02 EM1909466-065

ED006: Magnesium/Potassium Ratio ---- 0.1 - 3.3 3.3 0.00 0% - 50%

ED006: Exchangeable Calcium Percent ---- 0.2 % 35.1 35.8 1.71 0% - 20%

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Sub-Matrix: SOIL Laboratory Duplicate (DUP) Report

Original Result RPD (%)Laboratory sample ID Client sample ID Method: Compound CAS Number LOR Unit Duplicate Result Recovery Limits (%)

ED006: Exchangeable Cations on Alkaline Soils (QC Lot: 2419658) - continued

ED006: Exchangeable Magnesium Percent ---- 0.2 % 40.8 40.1 1.73 0% - 20%TP11-02 EM1909466-065

ED006: Exchangeable Potassium Percent ---- 0.2 % 12.4 12.0 3.21 0% - 20%

ED006: Exchangeable Sodium Percent ---- 0.2 % 11.6 12.1 4.10 0% - 20%

ED006: Exchangeable Calcium ---- 0.2 meq/100g 5.4 5.6 3.77 0% - 20%

ED006: Exchangeable Magnesium ---- 0.2 meq/100g 6.2 6.2 0.00 0% - 20%

ED006: Exchangeable Potassium ---- 0.2 meq/100g 1.9 1.9 0.00 No Limit

ED006: Exchangeable Sodium ---- 0.2 meq/100g 1.8 1.9 6.16 No Limit

ED006: Cation Exchange Capacity ---- 0.2 meq/100g 15.2 15.6 2.06 0% - 20%

EG035T: Total Recoverable Mercury by FIMS (QC Lot: 2418363)

EG035T: Mercury 7439-97-6 0.1 mg/kg <0.1 <0.1 0.00 No LimitAnonymous EM1909371-001

EG035T: Mercury 7439-97-6 0.1 mg/kg <0.1 <0.1 0.00 No LimitAnonymous EM1909371-023

EG035T: Total Recoverable Mercury by FIMS (QC Lot: 2418365)

EG035T: Mercury 7439-97-6 0.1 mg/kg 2.1 1.8 15.8 0% - 20%SP04 EM1909466-012

EG035T: Mercury 7439-97-6 0.1 mg/kg <0.1 <0.1 0.00 No LimitTP08-01 EM1909466-047

EG048: Hexavalent Chromium (Alkaline Digest) (QC Lot: 2418400)

EG048G: Hexavalent Chromium 18540-29-9 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 <0.5 0.00 No LimitTP02-02 EM1909466-004

EG048G: Hexavalent Chromium 18540-29-9 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 <0.5 0.00 No LimitAnonymous EM1909479-008

EK026SF: Total CN by Segmented Flow Analyser (QC Lot: 2419260)

EK026SF: Total Cyanide 57-12-5 1 mg/kg <1 <1 0.00 No LimitAnonymous EM1909371-014

EK026SF: Total Cyanide 57-12-5 1 mg/kg <1 <1 0.00 No LimitAnonymous EM1909479-003

EP004: Organic Matter (QC Lot: 2418443)

EP004: Organic Matter ---- 0.5 % <0.5 <0.5 0.00 No LimitAnonymous EM1909289-009

EP004: Total Organic Carbon ---- 0.5 % <0.5 <0.5 0.00 No Limit

EP066: Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB) (QC Lot: 2418871)

EP066: Total Polychlorinated biphenyls ---- 0.1 mg/kg <0.1 <0.1 0.00 No LimitTP02-02 EM1909466-004

EP068A: Organochlorine Pesticides (OC) (QC Lot: 2418873)

EP068: alpha-BHC 319-84-6 0.05 mg/kg <0.05 <0.05 0.00 No LimitTP02-02 EM1909466-004

EP068: Hexachlorobenzene (HCB) 118-74-1 0.05 mg/kg <0.05 <0.05 0.00 No Limit

EP068: beta-BHC 319-85-7 0.05 mg/kg <0.05 <0.05 0.00 No Limit

EP068: gamma-BHC 58-89-9 0.05 mg/kg <0.05 <0.05 0.00 No Limit

EP068: delta-BHC 319-86-8 0.05 mg/kg <0.05 <0.05 0.00 No Limit

EP068: Heptachlor 76-44-8 0.05 mg/kg <0.05 <0.05 0.00 No Limit

EP068: Aldrin 309-00-2 0.05 mg/kg <0.05 <0.05 0.00 No Limit

EP068: Heptachlor epoxide 1024-57-3 0.05 mg/kg <0.05 <0.05 0.00 No Limit

EP068: trans-Chlordane 5103-74-2 0.05 mg/kg <0.05 <0.05 0.00 No Limit

EP068: alpha-Endosulfan 959-98-8 0.05 mg/kg <0.05 <0.05 0.00 No Limit

EP068: cis-Chlordane 5103-71-9 0.05 mg/kg <0.05 <0.05 0.00 No Limit

EP068: Dieldrin 60-57-1 0.05 mg/kg <0.05 <0.05 0.00 No Limit

EP068: 4.4`-DDE 72-55-9 0.05 mg/kg <0.05 <0.05 0.00 No Limit

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Sub-Matrix: SOIL Laboratory Duplicate (DUP) Report

Original Result RPD (%)Laboratory sample ID Client sample ID Method: Compound CAS Number LOR Unit Duplicate Result Recovery Limits (%)

EP068A: Organochlorine Pesticides (OC) (QC Lot: 2418873) - continued

EP068: Endrin 72-20-8 0.05 mg/kg <0.05 <0.05 0.00 No LimitTP02-02 EM1909466-004

EP068: beta-Endosulfan 33213-65-9 0.05 mg/kg <0.05 <0.05 0.00 No Limit

EP068: 4.4`-DDD 72-54-8 0.05 mg/kg <0.05 <0.05 0.00 No Limit

EP068: Endrin aldehyde 7421-93-4 0.05 mg/kg <0.05 <0.05 0.00 No Limit

EP068: Endosulfan sulfate 1031-07-8 0.05 mg/kg <0.05 <0.05 0.00 No Limit

EP068: Endrin ketone 53494-70-5 0.05 mg/kg <0.05 <0.05 0.00 No Limit

EP068: 4.4`-DDT 50-29-3 0.2 mg/kg <0.2 <0.2 0.00 No Limit

EP068: Methoxychlor 72-43-5 0.2 mg/kg <0.2 <0.2 0.00 No Limit

EP075(SIM)A: Phenolic Compounds (QC Lot: 2418870)

EP075(SIM): Phenol 108-95-2 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 <0.5 0.00 No LimitTP05-02 EM1909466-030

EP075(SIM): 2-Chlorophenol 95-57-8 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 <0.5 0.00 No Limit

EP075(SIM): 2-Methylphenol 95-48-7 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 <0.5 0.00 No Limit

EP075(SIM): 2-Nitrophenol 88-75-5 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 <0.5 0.00 No Limit

EP075(SIM): 2.4-Dimethylphenol 105-67-9 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 <0.5 0.00 No Limit

EP075(SIM): 2.4-Dichlorophenol 120-83-2 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 <0.5 0.00 No Limit

EP075(SIM): 2.6-Dichlorophenol 87-65-0 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 <0.5 0.00 No Limit

EP075(SIM): 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 59-50-7 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 <0.5 0.00 No Limit

EP075(SIM): 2.4.6-Trichlorophenol 88-06-2 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 <0.5 0.00 No Limit

EP075(SIM): 2.4.5-Trichlorophenol 95-95-4 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 <0.5 0.00 No Limit

EP075(SIM): 3- & 4-Methylphenol 1319-77-3 1 mg/kg <1 <1 0.00 No Limit

EP075(SIM): Pentachlorophenol 87-86-5 2 mg/kg <2 <2 0.00 No Limit

EP075(SIM): Phenol 108-95-2 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 <0.5 0.00 No LimitTP02-02 EM1909466-004

EP075(SIM): 2-Chlorophenol 95-57-8 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 <0.5 0.00 No Limit

EP075(SIM): 2-Methylphenol 95-48-7 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 <0.5 0.00 No Limit

EP075(SIM): 2-Nitrophenol 88-75-5 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 <0.5 0.00 No Limit

EP075(SIM): 2.4-Dimethylphenol 105-67-9 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 <0.5 0.00 No Limit

EP075(SIM): 2.4-Dichlorophenol 120-83-2 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 <0.5 0.00 No Limit

EP075(SIM): 2.6-Dichlorophenol 87-65-0 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 <0.5 0.00 No Limit

EP075(SIM): 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 59-50-7 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 <0.5 0.00 No Limit

EP075(SIM): 2.4.6-Trichlorophenol 88-06-2 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 <0.5 0.00 No Limit

EP075(SIM): 2.4.5-Trichlorophenol 95-95-4 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 <0.5 0.00 No Limit

EP075(SIM): 3- & 4-Methylphenol 1319-77-3 1 mg/kg <1 <1 0.00 No Limit

EP075(SIM): Pentachlorophenol 87-86-5 2 mg/kg <2 <2 0.00 No Limit

EP075(SIM)A: Phenolic Compounds (QC Lot: 2418876)

EP075(SIM): Phenol 108-95-2 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 <0.5 0.00 No LimitAnonymous EM1909356-001

EP075(SIM): 2-Chlorophenol 95-57-8 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 <0.5 0.00 No Limit

EP075(SIM): 2-Methylphenol 95-48-7 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 <0.5 0.00 No Limit

EP075(SIM): 2-Nitrophenol 88-75-5 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 <0.5 0.00 No Limit

EP075(SIM): 2.4-Dimethylphenol 105-67-9 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 <0.5 0.00 No Limit

EP075(SIM): 2.4-Dichlorophenol 120-83-2 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 <0.5 0.00 No Limit

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Sub-Matrix: SOIL Laboratory Duplicate (DUP) Report

Original Result RPD (%)Laboratory sample ID Client sample ID Method: Compound CAS Number LOR Unit Duplicate Result Recovery Limits (%)

EP075(SIM)A: Phenolic Compounds (QC Lot: 2418876) - continued

EP075(SIM): 2.6-Dichlorophenol 87-65-0 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 <0.5 0.00 No LimitAnonymous EM1909356-001

EP075(SIM): 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 59-50-7 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 <0.5 0.00 No Limit

EP075(SIM): 2.4.6-Trichlorophenol 88-06-2 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 <0.5 0.00 No Limit

EP075(SIM): 2.4.5-Trichlorophenol 95-95-4 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 <0.5 0.00 No Limit

EP075(SIM): 3- & 4-Methylphenol 1319-77-3 1 mg/kg <1 <1 0.00 No Limit

EP075(SIM): Pentachlorophenol 87-86-5 2 mg/kg <2 <2 0.00 No Limit

EP075(SIM): Phenol 108-95-2 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 <0.5 0.00 No LimitAnonymous EM1909383-028

EP075(SIM): 2-Chlorophenol 95-57-8 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 <0.5 0.00 No Limit

EP075(SIM): 2-Methylphenol 95-48-7 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 <0.5 0.00 No Limit

EP075(SIM): 2-Nitrophenol 88-75-5 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 <0.5 0.00 No Limit

EP075(SIM): 2.4-Dimethylphenol 105-67-9 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 <0.5 0.00 No Limit

EP075(SIM): 2.4-Dichlorophenol 120-83-2 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 <0.5 0.00 No Limit

EP075(SIM): 2.6-Dichlorophenol 87-65-0 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 <0.5 0.00 No Limit

EP075(SIM): 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 59-50-7 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 <0.5 0.00 No Limit

EP075(SIM): 2.4.6-Trichlorophenol 88-06-2 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 <0.5 0.00 No Limit

EP075(SIM): 2.4.5-Trichlorophenol 95-95-4 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 <0.5 0.00 No Limit

EP075(SIM): 3- & 4-Methylphenol 1319-77-3 1 mg/kg <1 <1 0.00 No Limit

EP075(SIM): Pentachlorophenol 87-86-5 2 mg/kg <2 <2 0.00 No Limit

EP075(SIM)B: Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons (QC Lot: 2418870)

EP075(SIM): Naphthalene 91-20-3 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 <0.5 0.00 No LimitTP05-02 EM1909466-030

EP075(SIM): Acenaphthylene 208-96-8 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 <0.5 0.00 No Limit

EP075(SIM): Acenaphthene 83-32-9 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 <0.5 0.00 No Limit

EP075(SIM): Fluorene 86-73-7 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 <0.5 0.00 No Limit

EP075(SIM): Phenanthrene 85-01-8 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 <0.5 0.00 No Limit

EP075(SIM): Anthracene 120-12-7 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 <0.5 0.00 No Limit

EP075(SIM): Fluoranthene 206-44-0 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 <0.5 0.00 No Limit

EP075(SIM): Pyrene 129-00-0 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 <0.5 0.00 No Limit

EP075(SIM): Benz(a)anthracene 56-55-3 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 <0.5 0.00 No Limit

EP075(SIM): Chrysene 218-01-9 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 <0.5 0.00 No Limit

EP075(SIM): Benzo(b+j)fluoranthene 205-99-2


0.5 mg/kg <0.5 <0.5 0.00 No Limit

EP075(SIM): Benzo(k)fluoranthene 207-08-9 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 <0.5 0.00 No Limit

EP075(SIM): Benzo(a)pyrene 50-32-8 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 <0.5 0.00 No Limit

EP075(SIM): Indeno( 193-39-5 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 <0.5 0.00 No Limit

EP075(SIM): Dibenz(a.h)anthracene 53-70-3 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 <0.5 0.00 No Limit

EP075(SIM): Benzo(g.h.i)perylene 191-24-2 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 <0.5 0.00 No Limit

EP075(SIM): Naphthalene 91-20-3 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 <0.5 0.00 No LimitTP02-02 EM1909466-004

EP075(SIM): Acenaphthylene 208-96-8 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 <0.5 0.00 No Limit

EP075(SIM): Acenaphthene 83-32-9 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 <0.5 0.00 No Limit

EP075(SIM): Fluorene 86-73-7 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 <0.5 0.00 No Limit

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Sub-Matrix: SOIL Laboratory Duplicate (DUP) Report

Original Result RPD (%)Laboratory sample ID Client sample ID Method: Compound CAS Number LOR Unit Duplicate Result Recovery Limits (%)

EP075(SIM)B: Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons (QC Lot: 2418870) - continued

EP075(SIM): Phenanthrene 85-01-8 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 <0.5 0.00 No LimitTP02-02 EM1909466-004

EP075(SIM): Anthracene 120-12-7 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 <0.5 0.00 No Limit

EP075(SIM): Fluoranthene 206-44-0 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 <0.5 0.00 No Limit

EP075(SIM): Pyrene 129-00-0 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 <0.5 0.00 No Limit

EP075(SIM): Benz(a)anthracene 56-55-3 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 <0.5 0.00 No Limit

EP075(SIM): Chrysene 218-01-9 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 <0.5 0.00 No Limit

EP075(SIM): Benzo(b+j)fluoranthene 205-99-2


0.5 mg/kg <0.5 <0.5 0.00 No Limit

EP075(SIM): Benzo(k)fluoranthene 207-08-9 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 <0.5 0.00 No Limit

EP075(SIM): Benzo(a)pyrene 50-32-8 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 <0.5 0.00 No Limit

EP075(SIM): Indeno( 193-39-5 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 <0.5 0.00 No Limit

EP075(SIM): Dibenz(a.h)anthracene 53-70-3 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 <0.5 0.00 No Limit

EP075(SIM): Benzo(g.h.i)perylene 191-24-2 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 <0.5 0.00 No Limit

EP075(SIM)B: Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons (QC Lot: 2418876)

EP075(SIM): Naphthalene 91-20-3 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 <0.5 0.00 No LimitAnonymous EM1909356-001

EP075(SIM): Acenaphthylene 208-96-8 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 <0.5 0.00 No Limit

EP075(SIM): Acenaphthene 83-32-9 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 <0.5 0.00 No Limit

EP075(SIM): Fluorene 86-73-7 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 <0.5 0.00 No Limit

EP075(SIM): Phenanthrene 85-01-8 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 <0.5 0.00 No Limit

EP075(SIM): Anthracene 120-12-7 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 <0.5 0.00 No Limit

EP075(SIM): Fluoranthene 206-44-0 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 <0.5 0.00 No Limit

EP075(SIM): Pyrene 129-00-0 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 <0.5 0.00 No Limit

EP075(SIM): Benz(a)anthracene 56-55-3 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 <0.5 0.00 No Limit

EP075(SIM): Chrysene 218-01-9 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 <0.5 0.00 No Limit

EP075(SIM): Benzo(b+j)fluoranthene 205-99-2


0.5 mg/kg <0.5 <0.5 0.00 No Limit

EP075(SIM): Benzo(k)fluoranthene 207-08-9 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 <0.5 0.00 No Limit

EP075(SIM): Benzo(a)pyrene 50-32-8 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 <0.5 0.00 No Limit

EP075(SIM): Indeno( 193-39-5 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 <0.5 0.00 No Limit

EP075(SIM): Dibenz(a.h)anthracene 53-70-3 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 <0.5 0.00 No Limit

EP075(SIM): Benzo(g.h.i)perylene 191-24-2 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 <0.5 0.00 No Limit

EP075(SIM): Naphthalene 91-20-3 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 <0.5 0.00 No LimitAnonymous EM1909383-028

EP075(SIM): Acenaphthylene 208-96-8 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 <0.5 0.00 No Limit

EP075(SIM): Acenaphthene 83-32-9 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 <0.5 0.00 No Limit

EP075(SIM): Fluorene 86-73-7 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 <0.5 0.00 No Limit

EP075(SIM): Phenanthrene 85-01-8 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 <0.5 0.00 No Limit

EP075(SIM): Anthracene 120-12-7 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 <0.5 0.00 No Limit

EP075(SIM): Fluoranthene 206-44-0 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 <0.5 0.00 No Limit

EP075(SIM): Pyrene 129-00-0 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 <0.5 0.00 No Limit

EP075(SIM): Benz(a)anthracene 56-55-3 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 <0.5 0.00 No Limit

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Sub-Matrix: SOIL Laboratory Duplicate (DUP) Report

Original Result RPD (%)Laboratory sample ID Client sample ID Method: Compound CAS Number LOR Unit Duplicate Result Recovery Limits (%)

EP075(SIM)B: Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons (QC Lot: 2418876) - continued

EP075(SIM): Chrysene 218-01-9 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 <0.5 0.00 No LimitAnonymous EM1909383-028

EP075(SIM): Benzo(b+j)fluoranthene 205-99-2


0.5 mg/kg <0.5 <0.5 0.00 No Limit

EP075(SIM): Benzo(k)fluoranthene 207-08-9 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 <0.5 0.00 No Limit

EP075(SIM): Benzo(a)pyrene 50-32-8 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 <0.5 0.00 No Limit

EP075(SIM): Indeno( 193-39-5 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 <0.5 0.00 No Limit

EP075(SIM): Dibenz(a.h)anthracene 53-70-3 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 <0.5 0.00 No Limit

EP075(SIM): Benzo(g.h.i)perylene 191-24-2 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 <0.5 0.00 No Limit

EP080/071: Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (QC Lot: 2418255)

EP080: C6 - C9 Fraction ---- 10 mg/kg <10 <10 0.00 No LimitAnonymous EM1909301-002

EP080: C6 - C9 Fraction ---- 10 mg/kg <10 <10 0.00 No LimitTP02-02 EM1909466-004

EP080/071: Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (QC Lot: 2418872)

EP071: C15 - C28 Fraction ---- 100 mg/kg <100 <100 0.00 No LimitTP02-02 EM1909466-004

EP071: C29 - C36 Fraction ---- 100 mg/kg <100 <100 0.00 No Limit

EP071: C10 - C14 Fraction ---- 50 mg/kg <50 <50 0.00 No Limit

EP071: C10 - C36 Fraction (sum) ---- 50 mg/kg <50 <50 0.00 No Limit

EP080/071: Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (QC Lot: 2418877)

EP071: C15 - C28 Fraction ---- 100 mg/kg <100 <100 0.00 No LimitAnonymous EM1909356-001

EP071: C29 - C36 Fraction ---- 100 mg/kg <100 <100 0.00 No Limit

EP071: C10 - C14 Fraction ---- 50 mg/kg <50 <50 0.00 No Limit

EP071: C10 - C36 Fraction (sum) ---- 50 mg/kg <50 <50 0.00 No Limit

EP071: C15 - C28 Fraction ---- 100 mg/kg 120 110 0.00 No LimitAnonymous EM1909383-028

EP071: C29 - C36 Fraction ---- 100 mg/kg <100 <100 0.00 No Limit

EP071: C10 - C14 Fraction ---- 50 mg/kg <50 <50 0.00 No Limit

EP071: C10 - C36 Fraction (sum) ---- 50 mg/kg 120 110 8.70 No Limit

EP080/071: Total Recoverable Hydrocarbons - NEPM 2013 Fractions (QC Lot: 2418255)

EP080: C6 - C10 Fraction C6_C10 10 mg/kg <10 <10 0.00 No LimitAnonymous EM1909301-002

EP080: C6 - C10 Fraction C6_C10 10 mg/kg <10 <10 0.00 No LimitTP02-02 EM1909466-004

EP080/071: Total Recoverable Hydrocarbons - NEPM 2013 Fractions (QC Lot: 2418872)

EP071: >C16 - C34 Fraction ---- 100 mg/kg <100 <100 0.00 No LimitTP02-02 EM1909466-004

EP071: >C34 - C40 Fraction ---- 100 mg/kg <100 <100 0.00 No Limit

EP071: >C10 - C16 Fraction ---- 50 mg/kg <50 <50 0.00 No Limit

EP071: >C10 - C40 Fraction (sum) ---- 50 mg/kg <50 <50 0.00 No Limit

EP080/071: Total Recoverable Hydrocarbons - NEPM 2013 Fractions (QC Lot: 2418877)

EP071: >C16 - C34 Fraction ---- 100 mg/kg <100 <100 0.00 No LimitAnonymous EM1909356-001

EP071: >C34 - C40 Fraction ---- 100 mg/kg <100 <100 0.00 No Limit

EP071: >C10 - C16 Fraction ---- 50 mg/kg <50 <50 0.00 No Limit

EP071: >C10 - C40 Fraction (sum) ---- 50 mg/kg <50 <50 0.00 No Limit

EP071: >C16 - C34 Fraction ---- 100 mg/kg 110 110 0.00 No LimitAnonymous EM1909383-028

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Sub-Matrix: SOIL Laboratory Duplicate (DUP) Report

Original Result RPD (%)Laboratory sample ID Client sample ID Method: Compound CAS Number LOR Unit Duplicate Result Recovery Limits (%)

EP080/071: Total Recoverable Hydrocarbons - NEPM 2013 Fractions (QC Lot: 2418877) - continued

EP071: >C34 - C40 Fraction ---- 100 mg/kg <100 <100 0.00 No LimitAnonymous EM1909383-028

EP071: >C10 - C16 Fraction ---- 50 mg/kg <50 <50 0.00 No Limit

EP071: >C10 - C40 Fraction (sum) ---- 50 mg/kg 110 110 0.00 No Limit

EP080: BTEXN (QC Lot: 2418255)

EP080: Benzene 71-43-2 0.2 mg/kg <0.2 <0.2 0.00 No LimitAnonymous EM1909301-002

EP080: Toluene 108-88-3 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 <0.5 0.00 No Limit

EP080: Ethylbenzene 100-41-4 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 <0.5 0.00 No Limit

EP080: meta- & para-Xylene 108-38-3


0.5 mg/kg <0.5 <0.5 0.00 No Limit

EP080: ortho-Xylene 95-47-6 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 <0.5 0.00 No Limit

EP080: Naphthalene 91-20-3 1 mg/kg 4 4 0.00 No Limit

EP080: Benzene 71-43-2 0.2 mg/kg <0.2 <0.2 0.00 No LimitTP02-02 EM1909466-004

EP080: Toluene 108-88-3 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 <0.5 0.00 No Limit

EP080: Ethylbenzene 100-41-4 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 <0.5 0.00 No Limit

EP080: meta- & para-Xylene 108-38-3


0.5 mg/kg <0.5 <0.5 0.00 No Limit

EP080: ortho-Xylene 95-47-6 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 <0.5 0.00 No Limit

EP080: Naphthalene 91-20-3 1 mg/kg <1 <1 0.00 No Limit

Sub-Matrix: WATER Laboratory Duplicate (DUP) Report

Original Result RPD (%)Laboratory sample ID Client sample ID Method: Compound CAS Number LOR Unit Duplicate Result Recovery Limits (%)

EG020T: Total Metals by ICP-MS (QC Lot: 2418139)

EG020A-T: Cadmium 7440-43-9 0.0001 mg/L <0.0001 <0.0001 0.00 No LimitAnonymous EM1909311-042

EG020A-T: Arsenic 7440-38-2 0.001 mg/L 0.197 0.204 3.36 0% - 20%

EG020A-T: Beryllium 7440-41-7 0.001 mg/L <0.001 <0.001 0.00 No Limit

EG020A-T: Barium 7440-39-3 0.001 mg/L 0.341 0.354 3.61 0% - 20%

EG020A-T: Chromium 7440-47-3 0.001 mg/L 0.156 0.161 3.21 0% - 20%

EG020A-T: Cobalt 7440-48-4 0.001 mg/L 0.007 0.008 0.00 No Limit

EG020A-T: Copper 7440-50-8 0.001 mg/L 0.099 0.109 9.80 0% - 20%

EG020A-T: Lead 7439-92-1 0.001 mg/L <0.001 <0.001 0.00 No Limit

EG020A-T: Manganese 7439-96-5 0.001 mg/L 0.301 0.312 3.77 0% - 20%

EG020A-T: Nickel 7440-02-0 0.001 mg/L 0.097 0.101 4.33 0% - 20%

EG020A-T: Zinc 7440-66-6 0.005 mg/L 0.034 0.032 6.20 No Limit

EG020A-T: Selenium 7782-49-2 0.01 mg/L <0.01 <0.01 0.00 No Limit

EG020A-T: Vanadium 7440-62-2 0.01 mg/L 0.16 0.16 0.00 0% - 50%

EG020A-T: Boron 7440-42-8 0.05 mg/L 5.94 6.05 1.86 0% - 20%

EG020A-T: Cadmium 7440-43-9 0.0001 mg/L <0.0001 <0.0001 0.00 No LimitAnonymous EM1909409-005

EG020A-T: Arsenic 7440-38-2 0.001 mg/L 0.002 0.002 0.00 No Limit

EG020A-T: Beryllium 7440-41-7 0.001 mg/L <0.001 <0.001 0.00 No Limit

EG020A-T: Barium 7440-39-3 0.001 mg/L 0.081 0.082 1.43 0% - 20%

EG020A-T: Chromium 7440-47-3 0.001 mg/L <0.001 <0.001 0.00 No Limit

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Sub-Matrix: WATER Laboratory Duplicate (DUP) Report

Original Result RPD (%)Laboratory sample ID Client sample ID Method: Compound CAS Number LOR Unit Duplicate Result Recovery Limits (%)

EG020T: Total Metals by ICP-MS (QC Lot: 2418139) - continued

EG020A-T: Cobalt 7440-48-4 0.001 mg/L 0.001 0.001 0.00 No LimitAnonymous EM1909409-005

EG020A-T: Copper 7440-50-8 0.001 mg/L 0.004 0.003 0.00 No Limit

EG020A-T: Lead 7439-92-1 0.001 mg/L 0.001 <0.001 0.00 No Limit

EG020A-T: Manganese 7439-96-5 0.001 mg/L 0.160 0.157 2.13 0% - 20%

EG020A-T: Nickel 7440-02-0 0.001 mg/L 0.002 0.002 0.00 No Limit

EG020A-T: Zinc 7440-66-6 0.005 mg/L <0.005 <0.005 0.00 No Limit

EG020A-T: Selenium 7782-49-2 0.01 mg/L <0.01 <0.01 0.00 No Limit

EG020A-T: Vanadium 7440-62-2 0.01 mg/L 0.02 0.02 0.00 No Limit

EG020A-T: Boron 7440-42-8 0.05 mg/L 0.28 0.28 0.00 No Limit

EG035T: Total Recoverable Mercury by FIMS (QC Lot: 2416788)

EG035T: Mercury 7439-97-6 0.0001 mg/L <0.0001 <0.0001 0.00 No LimitAnonymous EM1909311-043

EP080/071: Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (QC Lot: 2417883)

EP080: C6 - C9 Fraction ---- 20 µg/L <20 <20 0.00 No LimitAnonymous EM1909344-001

EP080: C6 - C9 Fraction ---- 20 µg/L <20 <20 0.00 No LimitAnonymous EM1909449-003

EP080/071: Total Recoverable Hydrocarbons - NEPM 2013 Fractions (QC Lot: 2417883)

EP080: C6 - C10 Fraction C6_C10 20 µg/L <20 <20 0.00 No LimitAnonymous EM1909344-001

EP080: C6 - C10 Fraction C6_C10 20 µg/L <20 <20 0.00 No LimitAnonymous EM1909449-003

EP080: BTEXN (QC Lot: 2417883)

EP080: Benzene 71-43-2 1 µg/L <1 <1 0.00 No LimitAnonymous EM1909344-001

EP080: Toluene 108-88-3 2 µg/L <2 <2 0.00 No Limit

EP080: Ethylbenzene 100-41-4 2 µg/L <2 <2 0.00 No Limit

EP080: meta- & para-Xylene 108-38-3


2 µg/L <2 <2 0.00 No Limit

EP080: ortho-Xylene 95-47-6 2 µg/L <2 <2 0.00 No Limit

EP080: Naphthalene 91-20-3 5 µg/L <5 <5 0.00 No Limit

EP080: Benzene 71-43-2 1 µg/L <1 <1 0.00 No LimitAnonymous EM1909449-003

EP080: Toluene 108-88-3 2 µg/L <2 <2 0.00 No Limit

EP080: Ethylbenzene 100-41-4 2 µg/L <2 <2 0.00 No Limit

EP080: meta- & para-Xylene 108-38-3


2 µg/L <2 <2 0.00 No Limit

EP080: ortho-Xylene 95-47-6 2 µg/L <2 <2 0.00 No Limit

EP080: Naphthalene 91-20-3 5 µg/L <5 <5 0.00 No Limit

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Method Blank (MB) and Laboratory Control Spike (LCS) Report

The quality control term Method / Laboratory Blank refers to an analyte free matrix to which all reagents are added in the same volumes or proportions as used in standard sample preparation. The purpose of this QC

parameter is to monitor potential laboratory contamination. The quality control term Laboratory Control Spike (LCS) refers to a certified reference material, or a known interference free matrix spiked with target

analytes. The purpose of this QC parameter is to monitor method precision and accuracy independent of sample matrix. Dynamic Recovery Limits are based on statistical evaluation of processed LCS.

Sub-Matrix: SOIL Method Blank (MB)


Laboratory Control Spike (LCS) Report

Spike Spike Recovery (%) Recovery Limits (%)

Result Concentration HighLowLCSMethod: Compound CAS Number LOR Unit

EG005(ED093)T: Total Metals by ICP-AES (QCLot: 2418362)

EG005T: Arsenic 7440-38-2 5 mg/kg <5 83.921.7 mg/kg 10778

EG005T: Barium 7440-39-3 10 mg/kg <10 76.9143 mg/kg 11076

EG005T: Beryllium 7440-41-7 1 mg/kg <1 87.95.63 mg/kg 11384

EG005T: Cadmium 7440-43-9 1 mg/kg <1 79.54.64 mg/kg 10876

EG005T: Chromium 7440-47-3 2 mg/kg <2 86.443.9 mg/kg 11078

EG005T: Cobalt 7440-48-4 2 mg/kg <2 82.616 mg/kg 11278

EG005T: Copper 7440-50-8 5 mg/kg <5 85.632 mg/kg 10878

EG005T: Iron 7439-89-6 50 mg/kg <50 89.88400 mg/kg 11284

EG005T: Lead 7439-92-1 5 mg/kg <5 78.540 mg/kg 10678

EG005T: Manganese 7439-96-5 5 mg/kg <5 86.8130 mg/kg 11081

EG005T: Nickel 7440-02-0 2 mg/kg <2 87.255 mg/kg 10980

EG005T: Silver 7440-22-4 2 mg/kg <2 1042.1 mg/kg 10880

EG005T: Zinc 7440-66-6 5 mg/kg <5 94.560.8 mg/kg 11079

EG005(ED093)T: Total Metals by ICP-AES (QCLot: 2418364)

EG005T: Arsenic 7440-38-2 5 mg/kg <5 95.121.7 mg/kg 10778

EG005T: Barium 7440-39-3 10 mg/kg <10 82.5143 mg/kg 11076

EG005T: Beryllium 7440-41-7 1 mg/kg <1 96.55.63 mg/kg 11384

EG005T: Cadmium 7440-43-9 1 mg/kg <1 93.34.64 mg/kg 10876

EG005T: Chromium 7440-47-3 2 mg/kg <2 89.943.9 mg/kg 11078

EG005T: Cobalt 7440-48-4 2 mg/kg <2 92.816 mg/kg 11278

EG005T: Copper 7440-50-8 5 mg/kg <5 10332 mg/kg 10878

EG005T: Iron 7439-89-6 50 mg/kg <50 89.98400 mg/kg 11284

EG005T: Lead 7439-92-1 5 mg/kg <5 97.040 mg/kg 10678

EG005T: Manganese 7439-96-5 5 mg/kg <5 98.7130 mg/kg 11081

EG005T: Nickel 7440-02-0 2 mg/kg <2 98.055 mg/kg 10980

EG005T: Silver 7440-22-4 2 mg/kg <2 -------- --------

EG005T: Zinc 7440-66-6 5 mg/kg <5 10160.8 mg/kg 11079

ED006: Exchangeable Cations on Alkaline Soils (QCLot: 2419658)

ED006: Exchangeable Calcium ---- 0.2 meq/100g <0.2 83.733 meq/100g 12075

ED006: Exchangeable Magnesium ---- 0.2 meq/100g <0.2 77.032 meq/100g 12075

ED006: Exchangeable Potassium ---- 0.2 meq/100g <0.2 79.42.2 meq/100g 12075

ED006: Exchangeable Sodium ---- 0.2 meq/100g <0.2 86.95.6 meq/100g 12075

ED006: Cation Exchange Capacity ---- 0.2 meq/100g <0.2 -------- --------

ED006: Exchangeable Calcium Percent ---- 0.2 % <0.2 -------- --------

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Sub-Matrix: SOIL Method Blank (MB)


Laboratory Control Spike (LCS) Report

Spike Spike Recovery (%) Recovery Limits (%)

Result Concentration HighLowLCSMethod: Compound CAS Number LOR Unit

ED006: Exchangeable Cations on Alkaline Soils (QCLot: 2419658) - continued

ED006: Exchangeable Magnesium Percent ---- 0.2 % <0.2 -------- --------

ED006: Exchangeable Potassium Percent ---- 0.2 % <0.2 -------- --------

ED006: Exchangeable Sodium Percent ---- 0.2 % <0.2 -------- --------

ED006: Calcium/Magnesium Ratio ---- 0.1 - <0.1 -------- --------

ED006: Magnesium/Potassium Ratio ---- 0.1 - <0.1 -------- --------

EG035T: Total Recoverable Mercury by FIMS (QCLot: 2418363)

EG035T: Mercury 7439-97-6 0.1 mg/kg <0.1 79.22.57 mg/kg 10477

EG035T: Total Recoverable Mercury by FIMS (QCLot: 2418365)

EG035T: Mercury 7439-97-6 0.1 mg/kg <0.1 1002.57 mg/kg 10477

EG048: Hexavalent Chromium (Alkaline Digest) (QCLot: 2418400)

EG048G: Hexavalent Chromium 18540-29-9 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 78.840 mg/kg 11275

EK026SF: Total CN by Segmented Flow Analyser (QCLot: 2419260)

EK026SF: Total Cyanide 57-12-5 1 mg/kg <1 11220 mg/kg 13070

EP004: Organic Matter (QCLot: 2418443)

EP004: Organic Matter ---- 0.5 % <0.5 87.277 % 10971

EP004: Total Organic Carbon ---- 0.5 % <0.5 89.543.5 % 11173

EP066: Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB) (QCLot: 2418871)

EP066: Total Polychlorinated biphenyls ---- 0.1 mg/kg <0.1 1041.27 mg/kg 11563

EP068A: Organochlorine Pesticides (OC) (QCLot: 2418873)

EP068: alpha-BHC 319-84-6 0.05 mg/kg <0.05 84.50.5 mg/kg 12269

EP068: Hexachlorobenzene (HCB) 118-74-1 0.05 mg/kg <0.05 79.00.5 mg/kg 12271

EP068: beta-BHC 319-85-7 0.05 mg/kg <0.05 88.20.5 mg/kg 12172

EP068: gamma-BHC 58-89-9 0.05 mg/kg <0.05 85.00.5 mg/kg 12466

EP068: delta-BHC 319-86-8 0.05 mg/kg <0.05 85.80.5 mg/kg 12060

EP068: Heptachlor 76-44-8 0.05 mg/kg <0.05 1020.5 mg/kg 12062

EP068: Aldrin 309-00-2 0.05 mg/kg <0.05 98.40.5 mg/kg 12270

EP068: Heptachlor epoxide 1024-57-3 0.05 mg/kg <0.05 98.00.5 mg/kg 12170

EP068: trans-Chlordane 5103-74-2 0.05 mg/kg <0.05 99.30.5 mg/kg 12468

EP068: alpha-Endosulfan 959-98-8 0.05 mg/kg <0.05 1090.5 mg/kg 12471

EP068: cis-Chlordane 5103-71-9 0.05 mg/kg <0.05 1010.5 mg/kg 12271

EP068: Dieldrin 60-57-1 0.05 mg/kg <0.05 95.70.5 mg/kg 12365

EP068: 4.4`-DDE 72-55-9 0.05 mg/kg <0.05 1070.5 mg/kg 12171

EP068: Endrin 72-20-8 0.05 mg/kg <0.05 86.90.5 mg/kg 12963

EP068: beta-Endosulfan 33213-65-9 0.05 mg/kg <0.05 1100.5 mg/kg 12270

EP068: 4.4`-DDD 72-54-8 0.05 mg/kg <0.05 1050.5 mg/kg 12869

EP068: Endrin aldehyde 7421-93-4 0.05 mg/kg <0.05 89.50.5 mg/kg 12969

EP068: Endosulfan sulfate 1031-07-8 0.05 mg/kg <0.05 1100.5 mg/kg 12964

EP068: 4.4`-DDT 50-29-3 0.2 mg/kg <0.2 93.40.5 mg/kg 12962

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Sub-Matrix: SOIL Method Blank (MB)


Laboratory Control Spike (LCS) Report

Spike Spike Recovery (%) Recovery Limits (%)

Result Concentration HighLowLCSMethod: Compound CAS Number LOR Unit

EP068A: Organochlorine Pesticides (OC) (QCLot: 2418873) - continued

EP068: Endrin ketone 53494-70-5 0.05 mg/kg <0.05 1020.5 mg/kg 12376

EP068: Methoxychlor 72-43-5 0.2 mg/kg <0.2 78.00.5 mg/kg 12958

EP075(SIM)A: Phenolic Compounds (QCLot: 2418870)

EP075(SIM): Phenol 108-95-2 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 1103 mg/kg 12577

EP075(SIM): 2-Chlorophenol 95-57-8 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 1103 mg/kg 12678

EP075(SIM): 2-Methylphenol 95-48-7 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 1083 mg/kg 12577

EP075(SIM): 3- & 4-Methylphenol 1319-77-3 1 mg/kg <1 1106 mg/kg 13076

EP075(SIM): 2-Nitrophenol 88-75-5 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 96.83 mg/kg 11853

EP075(SIM): 2.4-Dimethylphenol 105-67-9 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 1083 mg/kg 12871

EP075(SIM): 2.4-Dichlorophenol 120-83-2 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 1063 mg/kg 12673

EP075(SIM): 2.6-Dichlorophenol 87-65-0 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 1073 mg/kg 12873

EP075(SIM): 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 59-50-7 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 1033 mg/kg 12369

EP075(SIM): 2.4.6-Trichlorophenol 88-06-2 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 1023 mg/kg 12264

EP075(SIM): 2.4.5-Trichlorophenol 95-95-4 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 1043 mg/kg 12870

EP075(SIM): Pentachlorophenol 87-86-5 2 mg/kg <2 80.56 mg/kg 11320

EP075(SIM)A: Phenolic Compounds (QCLot: 2418876)

EP075(SIM): Phenol 108-95-2 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 1013 mg/kg 12577

EP075(SIM): 2-Chlorophenol 95-57-8 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 1013 mg/kg 12678

EP075(SIM): 2-Methylphenol 95-48-7 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 1003 mg/kg 12577

EP075(SIM): 3- & 4-Methylphenol 1319-77-3 1 mg/kg <1 1016 mg/kg 13076

EP075(SIM): 2-Nitrophenol 88-75-5 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 89.33 mg/kg 11853

EP075(SIM): 2.4-Dimethylphenol 105-67-9 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 98.73 mg/kg 12871

EP075(SIM): 2.4-Dichlorophenol 120-83-2 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 97.13 mg/kg 12673

EP075(SIM): 2.6-Dichlorophenol 87-65-0 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 99.03 mg/kg 12873

EP075(SIM): 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 59-50-7 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 92.93 mg/kg 12369

EP075(SIM): 2.4.6-Trichlorophenol 88-06-2 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 94.23 mg/kg 12264

EP075(SIM): 2.4.5-Trichlorophenol 95-95-4 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 91.43 mg/kg 12870

EP075(SIM): Pentachlorophenol 87-86-5 2 mg/kg <2 92.56 mg/kg 11320

EP075(SIM)B: Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons (QCLot: 2418870)

EP075(SIM): Naphthalene 91-20-3 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 1083 mg/kg 12977

EP075(SIM): Acenaphthylene 208-96-8 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 1063 mg/kg 13074

EP075(SIM): Acenaphthene 83-32-9 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 1093 mg/kg 12978

EP075(SIM): Fluorene 86-73-7 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 1083 mg/kg 12878

EP075(SIM): Phenanthrene 85-01-8 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 1103 mg/kg 13083

EP075(SIM): Anthracene 120-12-7 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 1133 mg/kg 12976

EP075(SIM): Fluoranthene 206-44-0 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 1123 mg/kg 13479

EP075(SIM): Pyrene 129-00-0 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 1123 mg/kg 13584

EP075(SIM): Benz(a)anthracene 56-55-3 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 1093 mg/kg 12572

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Sub-Matrix: SOIL Method Blank (MB)


Laboratory Control Spike (LCS) Report

Spike Spike Recovery (%) Recovery Limits (%)

Result Concentration HighLowLCSMethod: Compound CAS Number LOR Unit

EP075(SIM)B: Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons (QCLot: 2418870) - continued

EP075(SIM): Chrysene 218-01-9 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 1133 mg/kg 13576

EP075(SIM): Benzo(b+j)fluoranthene 205-99-2


0.5 mg/kg <0.5 1013 mg/kg 12369

EP075(SIM): Benzo(k)fluoranthene 207-08-9 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 1123 mg/kg 13177

EP075(SIM): Benzo(a)pyrene 50-32-8 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 1023 mg/kg 11665

EP075(SIM): Indeno( 193-39-5 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 1053 mg/kg 12465

EP075(SIM): Dibenz(a.h)anthracene 53-70-3 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 1043 mg/kg 12766

EP075(SIM): Benzo(g.h.i)perylene 191-24-2 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 1043 mg/kg 12465

EP075(SIM)B: Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons (QCLot: 2418876)

EP075(SIM): Naphthalene 91-20-3 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 1013 mg/kg 12977

EP075(SIM): Acenaphthylene 208-96-8 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 96.03 mg/kg 13074

EP075(SIM): Acenaphthene 83-32-9 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 99.93 mg/kg 12978

EP075(SIM): Fluorene 86-73-7 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 98.63 mg/kg 12878

EP075(SIM): Phenanthrene 85-01-8 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 1023 mg/kg 13083

EP075(SIM): Anthracene 120-12-7 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 1043 mg/kg 12976

EP075(SIM): Fluoranthene 206-44-0 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 1033 mg/kg 13479

EP075(SIM): Pyrene 129-00-0 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 1063 mg/kg 13584

EP075(SIM): Benz(a)anthracene 56-55-3 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 1013 mg/kg 12572

EP075(SIM): Chrysene 218-01-9 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 1063 mg/kg 13576

EP075(SIM): Benzo(b+j)fluoranthene 205-99-2


0.5 mg/kg <0.5 95.13 mg/kg 12369

EP075(SIM): Benzo(k)fluoranthene 207-08-9 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 99.93 mg/kg 13177

EP075(SIM): Benzo(a)pyrene 50-32-8 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 93.23 mg/kg 11665

EP075(SIM): Indeno( 193-39-5 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 93.63 mg/kg 12465

EP075(SIM): Dibenz(a.h)anthracene 53-70-3 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 93.23 mg/kg 12766

EP075(SIM): Benzo(g.h.i)perylene 191-24-2 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 91.43 mg/kg 12465

EP080/071: Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (QCLot: 2418255)

EP080: C6 - C9 Fraction ---- 10 mg/kg <10 89.036 mg/kg 12761

EP080/071: Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (QCLot: 2418872)

EP071: C10 - C14 Fraction ---- 50 mg/kg <50 80.0688 mg/kg 12272

EP071: C15 - C28 Fraction ---- 100 mg/kg <100 1033100 mg/kg 12384

EP071: C29 - C36 Fraction ---- 100 mg/kg <100 98.61490 mg/kg 11979

EP071: C10 - C36 Fraction (sum) ---- 50 mg/kg <50 -------- --------

EP080/071: Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (QCLot: 2418877)

EP071: C10 - C14 Fraction ---- 50 mg/kg <50 101688 mg/kg 12272

EP071: C15 - C28 Fraction ---- 100 mg/kg <100 1053100 mg/kg 12384

EP071: C29 - C36 Fraction ---- 100 mg/kg <100 1011490 mg/kg 11979

EP071: C10 - C36 Fraction (sum) ---- 50 mg/kg <50 -------- --------

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Sub-Matrix: SOIL Method Blank (MB)


Laboratory Control Spike (LCS) Report

Spike Spike Recovery (%) Recovery Limits (%)

Result Concentration HighLowLCSMethod: Compound CAS Number LOR Unit

EP080/071: Total Recoverable Hydrocarbons - NEPM 2013 Fractions (QCLot: 2418255)

EP080: C6 - C10 Fraction C6_C10 10 mg/kg <10 83.545 mg/kg 12560

EP080/071: Total Recoverable Hydrocarbons - NEPM 2013 Fractions (QCLot: 2418872)

EP071: >C10 - C16 Fraction ---- 50 mg/kg <50 93.71050 mg/kg 12177

EP071: >C16 - C34 Fraction ---- 100 mg/kg <100 1003960 mg/kg 12183

EP071: >C34 - C40 Fraction ---- 100 mg/kg <100 85.8280 mg/kg 12365

EP071: >C10 - C40 Fraction (sum) ---- 50 mg/kg <50 -------- --------

EP080/071: Total Recoverable Hydrocarbons - NEPM 2013 Fractions (QCLot: 2418877)

EP071: >C10 - C16 Fraction ---- 50 mg/kg <50 1031050 mg/kg 12177

EP071: >C16 - C34 Fraction ---- 100 mg/kg <100 1013960 mg/kg 12183

EP071: >C34 - C40 Fraction ---- 100 mg/kg <100 97.7280 mg/kg 12365

EP071: >C10 - C40 Fraction (sum) ---- 50 mg/kg <50 -------- --------

EP080: BTEXN (QCLot: 2418255)

EP080: Benzene 71-43-2 0.2 mg/kg <0.2 85.72 mg/kg 11963

EP080: Toluene 108-88-3 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 95.82 mg/kg 12667

EP080: Ethylbenzene 100-41-4 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 91.42 mg/kg 12466

EP080: meta- & para-Xylene 108-38-3


0.5 mg/kg <0.5 88.94 mg/kg 12868

EP080: ortho-Xylene 95-47-6 0.5 mg/kg <0.5 90.42 mg/kg 12873

EP080: Naphthalene 91-20-3 1 mg/kg <1 86.60.5 mg/kg 12361

Sub-Matrix: WATER Method Blank (MB)


Laboratory Control Spike (LCS) Report

Spike Spike Recovery (%) Recovery Limits (%)

Result Concentration HighLowLCSMethod: Compound CAS Number LOR Unit

EG020T: Total Metals by ICP-MS (QCLot: 2418139)

EG020A-T: Arsenic 7440-38-2 0.001 mg/L <0.001 1030.1 mg/L 11090

EG020A-T: Beryllium 7440-41-7 0.001 mg/L <0.001 1020.1 mg/L 11388

EG020A-T: Barium 7440-39-3 0.001 mg/L <0.001 1040.1 mg/L 11288

EG020A-T: Cadmium 7440-43-9 0.0001 mg/L <0.0001 1090.1 mg/L 11186

EG020A-T: Chromium 7440-47-3 0.001 mg/L <0.001 1040.1 mg/L 10987

EG020A-T: Cobalt 7440-48-4 0.001 mg/L <0.001 1030.1 mg/L 11388

EG020A-T: Copper 7440-50-8 0.001 mg/L <0.001 1010.1 mg/L 10887

EG020A-T: Lead 7439-92-1 0.001 mg/L <0.001 1030.1 mg/L 10988

EG020A-T: Manganese 7439-96-5 0.001 mg/L <0.001 1050.1 mg/L 11188

EG020A-T: Nickel 7440-02-0 0.001 mg/L <0.001 1030.1 mg/L 11187

EG020A-T: Selenium 7782-49-2 0.01 mg/L <0.01 97.10.1 mg/L 11385

EG020A-T: Vanadium 7440-62-2 0.01 mg/L <0.01 1040.1 mg/L 11288

EG020A-T: Zinc 7440-66-6 0.005 mg/L <0.005 1070.1 mg/L 11387

EG020A-T: Boron 7440-42-8 0.05 mg/L <0.05 1100.5 mg/L 11888

EG035T: Total Recoverable Mercury by FIMS (QCLot: 2416788)

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Sub-Matrix: WATER Method Blank (MB)


Laboratory Control Spike (LCS) Report

Spike Spike Recovery (%) Recovery Limits (%)

Result Concentration HighLowLCSMethod: Compound CAS Number LOR Unit

EG035T: Total Recoverable Mercury by FIMS (QCLot: 2416788) - continued

EG035T: Mercury 7439-97-6 0.0001 mg/L <0.0001 97.50.01 mg/L 11576

EP075(SIM)B: Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons (QCLot: 2415376)

EP075(SIM): Naphthalene 91-20-3 1 µg/L <1.0 72.45 µg/L 11048

EP075(SIM): Acenaphthylene 208-96-8 1 µg/L <1.0 78.65 µg/L 11750

EP075(SIM): Acenaphthene 83-32-9 1 µg/L <1.0 79.15 µg/L 11753

EP075(SIM): Fluorene 86-73-7 1 µg/L <1.0 80.75 µg/L 11854

EP075(SIM): Phenanthrene 85-01-8 1 µg/L <1.0 88.35 µg/L 11959

EP075(SIM): Anthracene 120-12-7 1 µg/L <1.0 89.15 µg/L 11351

EP075(SIM): Fluoranthene 206-44-0 1 µg/L <1.0 89.65 µg/L 12061

EP075(SIM): Pyrene 129-00-0 1 µg/L <1.0 89.85 µg/L 12056

EP075(SIM): Benz(a)anthracene 56-55-3 1 µg/L <1.0 92.65 µg/L 12053

EP075(SIM): Chrysene 218-01-9 1 µg/L <1.0 89.75 µg/L 12257

EP075(SIM): Benzo(b+j)fluoranthene 205-99-2


1 µg/L <1.0 97.65 µg/L 13156

EP075(SIM): Benzo(k)fluoranthene 207-08-9 1 µg/L <1.0 97.25 µg/L 12459

EP075(SIM): Benzo(a)pyrene 50-32-8 0.5 µg/L <0.5 98.45 µg/L 12454

EP075(SIM): Indeno( 193-39-5 1 µg/L <1.0 94.75 µg/L 12455

EP075(SIM): Dibenz(a.h)anthracene 53-70-3 1 µg/L <1.0 96.45 µg/L 12454

EP075(SIM): Benzo(g.h.i)perylene 191-24-2 1 µg/L <1.0 95.25 µg/L 12456

EP080/071: Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (QCLot: 2415377)

EP071: C10 - C14 Fraction ---- 50 µg/L <50 77.04030 µg/L 12950

EP071: C15 - C28 Fraction ---- 100 µg/L <100 92.815600 µg/L 13255

EP071: C29 - C36 Fraction ---- 50 µg/L <50 85.27820 µg/L 13055

EP080/071: Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (QCLot: 2417883)

EP080: C6 - C9 Fraction ---- 20 µg/L <20 104360 µg/L 12665

EP080/071: Total Recoverable Hydrocarbons - NEPM 2013 Fractions (QCLot: 2415377)

EP071: >C10 - C16 Fraction ---- 100 µg/L <100 80.65960 µg/L 12953

EP071: >C16 - C34 Fraction ---- 100 µg/L <100 85.320700 µg/L 13156

EP071: >C34 - C40 Fraction ---- 100 µg/L <100 85.61520 µg/L 13653

EP080/071: Total Recoverable Hydrocarbons - NEPM 2013 Fractions (QCLot: 2417883)

EP080: C6 - C10 Fraction C6_C10 20 µg/L <20 102450 µg/L 12464

EP080: BTEXN (QCLot: 2417883)

EP080: Benzene 71-43-2 1 µg/L <1 10820 µg/L 12369

EP080: Toluene 108-88-3 2 µg/L <2 10820 µg/L 12473

EP080: Ethylbenzene 100-41-4 2 µg/L <2 11120 µg/L 12571

EP080: meta- & para-Xylene 108-38-3


2 µg/L <2 10740 µg/L 12972

EP080: ortho-Xylene 95-47-6 2 µg/L <2 10820 µg/L 12976

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Sub-Matrix: WATER Method Blank (MB)


Laboratory Control Spike (LCS) Report

Spike Spike Recovery (%) Recovery Limits (%)

Result Concentration HighLowLCSMethod: Compound CAS Number LOR Unit

EP080: BTEXN (QCLot: 2417883) - continued

EP080: Naphthalene 91-20-3 5 µg/L <5 96.35 µg/L 12570

Matrix Spike (MS) ReportThe quality control term Matrix Spike (MS) refers to an intralaboratory split sample spiked with a representative set of target analytes. The purpose of this QC parameter is to monitor potential matrix effects on

analyte recoveries. Static Recovery Limits as per laboratory Data Quality Objectives (DQOs). Ideal recovery ranges stated may be waived in the event of sample matrix interference.

Sub-Matrix: SOIL Matrix Spike (MS) Report

SpikeRecovery(%) Recovery Limits (%)Spike

HighLowMSConcentrationLaboratory sample ID Client sample ID Method: Compound CAS Number

EG005(ED093)T: Total Metals by ICP-AES (QCLot: 2418362)

Anonymous EM1909371-004 7440-38-2EG005T: Arsenic 88.850 mg/kg 12478

7440-39-3EG005T: Barium 95.250 mg/kg 13571

7440-41-7EG005T: Beryllium 96.050 mg/kg 12585

7440-43-9EG005T: Cadmium 94.350 mg/kg 11684

7440-47-3EG005T: Chromium 97.650 mg/kg 12179

7440-50-8EG005T: Copper 10250 mg/kg 12482

7439-92-1EG005T: Lead 90.950 mg/kg 12476

7439-96-5EG005T: Manganese 98.950 mg/kg 13668

7440-02-0EG005T: Nickel 93.350 mg/kg 12078

7440-66-6EG005T: Zinc 10350 mg/kg 12874

EG005(ED093)T: Total Metals by ICP-AES (QCLot: 2418364)

TP03-02 EM1909466-016 7440-38-2EG005T: Arsenic 91.350 mg/kg 12478

7440-39-3EG005T: Barium 81.050 mg/kg 13571

7440-43-9EG005T: Cadmium 99.750 mg/kg 11684

7440-47-3EG005T: Chromium 10450 mg/kg 12179

7440-50-8EG005T: Copper 92.750 mg/kg 12482

7439-92-1EG005T: Lead 83.650 mg/kg 12476

7440-02-0EG005T: Nickel 95.650 mg/kg 12078

7440-66-6EG005T: Zinc 94.050 mg/kg 12874

EG035T: Total Recoverable Mercury by FIMS (QCLot: 2418363)

Anonymous EM1909371-004 7439-97-6EG035T: Mercury 82.60.5 mg/kg 11676

EG035T: Total Recoverable Mercury by FIMS (QCLot: 2418365)

TP03-02 EM1909466-016 7439-97-6EG035T: Mercury 80.30.5 mg/kg 11676

EG048: Hexavalent Chromium (Alkaline Digest) (QCLot: 2418400)

SP03 EM1909466-011 18540-29-9EG048G: Hexavalent Chromium 70.640 mg/kg 11458

EK026SF: Total CN by Segmented Flow Analyser (QCLot: 2419260)

Anonymous EM1909389-001 57-12-5EK026SF: Total Cyanide 85.420 mg/kg 13070

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Sub-Matrix: SOIL Matrix Spike (MS) Report

SpikeRecovery(%) Recovery Limits (%)Spike

HighLowMSConcentrationLaboratory sample ID Client sample ID Method: Compound CAS Number

EP004: Organic Matter (QCLot: 2418443)

Anonymous EM1909421-001 ----EP004: Organic Matter 83.40.95608 % 12070

----EP004: Total Organic Carbon 83.30.55452 % 12070

EP066: Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB) (QCLot: 2418871)

SP03 EM1909466-011 ----EP066: Total Polychlorinated biphenyls 1061.27 mg/kg 14444

EP068A: Organochlorine Pesticides (OC) (QCLot: 2418873)

SP03 EM1909466-011 58-89-9EP068: gamma-BHC 85.30.5 mg/kg 13922

76-44-8EP068: Heptachlor 95.40.5 mg/kg 13018

309-00-2EP068: Aldrin 82.90.5 mg/kg 13623

60-57-1EP068: Dieldrin 1070.5 mg/kg 13642

72-20-8EP068: Endrin 94.90.5 mg/kg 14623

50-29-3EP068: 4.4`-DDT 71.00.5 mg/kg 13320

EP075(SIM)A: Phenolic Compounds (QCLot: 2418870)

TP02-02 EM1909466-004 108-95-2EP075(SIM): Phenol 1013 mg/kg 11763

95-57-8EP075(SIM): 2-Chlorophenol 97.93 mg/kg 12365

88-75-5EP075(SIM): 2-Nitrophenol 93.93 mg/kg 13440

59-50-7EP075(SIM): 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 87.83 mg/kg 12256

87-86-5EP075(SIM): Pentachlorophenol 65.43 mg/kg 13915

EP075(SIM)A: Phenolic Compounds (QCLot: 2418876)

Anonymous EM1909356-002 108-95-2EP075(SIM): Phenol 1023 mg/kg 11763

95-57-8EP075(SIM): 2-Chlorophenol 98.43 mg/kg 12365

88-75-5EP075(SIM): 2-Nitrophenol 73.63 mg/kg 13440

59-50-7EP075(SIM): 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 94.93 mg/kg 12256

87-86-5EP075(SIM): Pentachlorophenol 37.13 mg/kg 13915

EP075(SIM)B: Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons (QCLot: 2418870)

TP02-02 EM1909466-004 83-32-9EP075(SIM): Acenaphthene 99.53 mg/kg 11767

129-00-0EP075(SIM): Pyrene 99.23 mg/kg 14852

EP075(SIM)B: Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons (QCLot: 2418876)

Anonymous EM1909356-002 83-32-9EP075(SIM): Acenaphthene 98.83 mg/kg 11767

129-00-0EP075(SIM): Pyrene 1013 mg/kg 14852

EP080/071: Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (QCLot: 2418255)

Anonymous EM1909301-007 ----EP080: C6 - C9 Fraction 62.028 mg/kg 13142

EP080/071: Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (QCLot: 2418872)

SP02 EM1909466-010 ----EP071: C10 - C14 Fraction 100688 mg/kg 12353

----EP071: C15 - C28 Fraction 1033100 mg/kg 12470

----EP071: C29 - C36 Fraction 97.71490 mg/kg 11864

EP080/071: Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (QCLot: 2418877)

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Sub-Matrix: SOIL Matrix Spike (MS) Report

SpikeRecovery(%) Recovery Limits (%)Spike

HighLowMSConcentrationLaboratory sample ID Client sample ID Method: Compound CAS Number

EP080/071: Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (QCLot: 2418877) - continued

Anonymous EM1909356-003 ----EP071: C10 - C14 Fraction 106688 mg/kg 12353

----EP071: C15 - C28 Fraction 1063100 mg/kg 12470

----EP071: C29 - C36 Fraction 1021490 mg/kg 11864

EP080/071: Total Recoverable Hydrocarbons - NEPM 2013 Fractions (QCLot: 2418255)

Anonymous EM1909301-007 C6_C10EP080: C6 - C10 Fraction 60.533 mg/kg 12939

EP080/071: Total Recoverable Hydrocarbons - NEPM 2013 Fractions (QCLot: 2418872)

SP02 EM1909466-010 ----EP071: >C10 - C16 Fraction 1051050 mg/kg 12365

----EP071: >C16 - C34 Fraction 1013960 mg/kg 12167

----EP071: >C34 - C40 Fraction 82.6280 mg/kg 12644

EP080/071: Total Recoverable Hydrocarbons - NEPM 2013 Fractions (QCLot: 2418877)

Anonymous EM1909356-003 ----EP071: >C10 - C16 Fraction 1091050 mg/kg 12365

----EP071: >C16 - C34 Fraction 99.63960 mg/kg 12167

----EP071: >C34 - C40 Fraction 122280 mg/kg 12644

EP080: BTEXN (QCLot: 2418255)

Anonymous EM1909301-007 71-43-2EP080: Benzene 72.62 mg/kg 13650

108-88-3EP080: Toluene 79.22 mg/kg 13956

Sub-Matrix: WATER Matrix Spike (MS) Report

SpikeRecovery(%) Recovery Limits (%)Spike

HighLowMSConcentrationLaboratory sample ID Client sample ID Method: Compound CAS Number

EG020T: Total Metals by ICP-MS (QCLot: 2418139)

Anonymous EM1909311-042 7440-38-2EG020A-T: Arsenic 98.61 mg/L 11882

7440-41-7EG020A-T: Beryllium 1051 mg/L 12179

7440-39-3EG020A-T: Barium 96.21 mg/L 11480

7440-43-9EG020A-T: Cadmium 97.60.25 mg/L 12975

7440-47-3EG020A-T: Chromium 1041 mg/L 11880

7440-48-4EG020A-T: Cobalt 1021 mg/L 12082

7440-50-8EG020A-T: Copper 91.61 mg/L 11581

7439-92-1EG020A-T: Lead 97.51 mg/L 12183

7439-96-5EG020A-T: Manganese 1051 mg/L 12373

7440-02-0EG020A-T: Nickel 93.61 mg/L 11880

7440-62-2EG020A-T: Vanadium 1081 mg/L 11981

7440-66-6EG020A-T: Zinc 92.31 mg/L 11674

EG035T: Total Recoverable Mercury by FIMS (QCLot: 2416788)

Anonymous EM1909344-001 7439-97-6EG035T: Mercury 1020.01 mg/L 13070

EP080/071: Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (QCLot: 2417883)

Anonymous EM1909360-001 ----EP080: C6 - C9 Fraction 85.8280 µg/L 12543

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Sub-Matrix: WATER Matrix Spike (MS) Report

SpikeRecovery(%) Recovery Limits (%)Spike

HighLowMSConcentrationLaboratory sample ID Client sample ID Method: Compound CAS Number

EP080/071: Total Recoverable Hydrocarbons - NEPM 2013 Fractions (QCLot: 2417883)

Anonymous EM1909360-001 C6_C10EP080: C6 - C10 Fraction 80.7330 µg/L 12244

EP080: BTEXN (QCLot: 2417883)

Anonymous EM1909360-001 71-43-2EP080: Benzene 10720 µg/L 13068

108-88-3EP080: Toluene 10320 µg/L 13272

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0 0.00 True


CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSISWork Order : Page : 1 of 5EM1910662

:: LaboratoryClient LBW CO PTY LTD Environmental Division Melbourne

: :ContactContact MARK PETERSON Kieren Burns

:: AddressAddress 184 MAGILL ROAD


4 Westall Rd Springvale VIC Australia 3171

:Telephone ---- :Telephone +61881625130

:Project 191091 Date Samples Received : 18-Jun-2019 10:10

:Order number ---- Date Analysis Commenced : 08-Jul-2019

:C-O-C number ---- Issue Date : 12-Jul-2019 17:08

Sampler : ----

Site : ----

Quote number : ADBQ-001-18 PRIMARY WORK ONLY

4:No. of samples received

4:No. of samples analysed

This report supersedes any previous report(s) with this reference. Results apply to the sample(s) as submitted. This document shall not be reproduced, except in full.

This Certificate of Analysis contains the following information:

l General Comments

l Analytical Results

l Surrogate Control Limits

Additional information pertinent to this report will be found in the following separate attachments: Quality Control Report, QA/QC Compliance Assessment to assist with

Quality Review and Sample Receipt Notification.

SignatoriesThis document has been electronically signed by the authorized signatories below. Electronic signing is carried out in compliance with procedures specified in 21 CFR Part 11.

Signatories Accreditation CategoryPosition

Dilani Fernando Senior Inorganic Chemist Melbourne Inorganics, Springvale, VIC

Nancy Wang 2IC Organic Chemist Melbourne Organics, Springvale, VIC

R I G H T S O L U T I O N S | R I G H T P A R T N E R

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General Comments

The analytical procedures used by the Environmental Division have been developed from established internationally recognized procedures such as those published by the USEPA, APHA, AS and NEPM. In house

developed procedures are employed in the absence of documented standards or by client request.

Where moisture determination has been performed, results are reported on a dry weight basis.

Where a reported less than (<) result is higher than the LOR, this may be due to primary sample extract/digestate dilution and/or insufficient sample for analysis.

Where the LOR of a reported result differs from standard LOR, this may be due to high moisture content, insufficient sample (reduced weight employed) or matrix interference.

When sampling time information is not provided by the client, sampling dates are shown without a time component. In these instances, the time component has been assumed by the laboratory for processing


Where a result is required to meet compliance limits the associated uncertainty must be considered. Refer to the ALS Contact for details.

CAS Number = CAS registry number from database maintained by Chemical Abstracts Services. The Chemical Abstracts Service is a division of the American Chemical Society.

LOR = Limit of reporting

^ = This result is computed from individual analyte detections at or above the level of reporting

ø = ALS is not NATA accredited for these tests.

~ = Indicates an estimated value.

Key :

Benzo(a)pyrene Toxicity Equivalent Quotient (TEQ) per the NEPM (2013) is the sum total of the concentration of the eight carcinogenic PAHs multiplied by their Toxicity Equivalence Factor (TEF) relative to

Benzo(a)pyrene. TEF values are provided in brackets as follows: Benz(a)anthracene (0.1), Chrysene (0.01), Benzo(b+j) & Benzo(k)fluoranthene (0.1), Benzo(a)pyrene (1.0), Indeno( (0.1),

Dibenz(a.h)anthracene (1.0), Benzo(g.h.i)perylene (0.01). Less than LOR results for 'TEQ Zero' are treated as zero.


This is a rebatch of EM1909466.l

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Analytical Results

----SP04SP03TP02-03TP02-02Client sample IDSub-Matrix: ASLP LEACHATE

(Matrix: WATER)

----14-Jun-2019 00:0014-Jun-2019 00:0014-Jun-2019 00:0014-Jun-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

--------EM1910662-004EM1910662-003EM1910662-002EM1910662-001UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result ----

EG005(ED093)C: Leachable Metals by ICPAES

<0.1Copper ---- ---- ---- ----mg/L0.17440-50-8

----Lead <0.1 ---- ---- ----mg/L0.17439-92-1

1.0Manganese ---- ---- ---- ----mg/L0.17439-96-5

----Zinc 1.6 1.3 ---- ----mg/L0.17440-66-6

EG035C: Leachable Mercury by FIMS

----Mercury ---- ---- <0.0010 ----mg/L0.00107439-97-6

EP075(SIM)B: Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons

----Naphthalene <1.0 ---- ---- ----µg/L1.091-20-3

----Acenaphthylene <1.0 ---- ---- ----µg/L1.0208-96-8

----Acenaphthene <1.0 ---- ---- ----µg/L1.083-32-9

----Fluorene <1.0 ---- ---- ----µg/L1.086-73-7

----Phenanthrene <1.0 ---- ---- ----µg/L1.085-01-8

----Anthracene <1.0 ---- ---- ----µg/L1.0120-12-7

----Fluoranthene <1.0 ---- ---- ----µg/L1.0206-44-0

----Pyrene <1.0 ---- ---- ----µg/L1.0129-00-0

----Benz(a)anthracene <1.0 ---- ---- ----µg/L1.056-55-3

----Chrysene <1.0 ---- ---- ----µg/L1.0218-01-9

----Benzo(b+j)fluoranthene <1.0 ---- ---- ----µg/L1.0205-99-2 205-82-3

----Benzo(k)fluoranthene <1.0 ---- ---- ----µg/L1.0207-08-9

----Benzo(a)pyrene <0.5 ---- ---- ----µg/L0.550-32-8

----Indeno( <1.0 ---- ---- ----µg/L1.0193-39-5

----Dibenz(a.h)anthracene <1.0 ---- ---- ----µg/L1.053-70-3

----Benzo(g.h.i)perylene <1.0 ---- ---- ----µg/L1.0191-24-2

----^ <0.5 ---- ---- ----µg/L0.5----Sum of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons

----^ <0.5 ---- ---- ----µg/L0.5----Benzo(a)pyrene TEQ (zero)

EP075(SIM)T: PAH Surrogates

----2-Fluorobiphenyl 75.8 ---- ---- ----%1.0321-60-8

----Anthracene-d10 99.2 ---- ---- ----%1.01719-06-8

----4-Terphenyl-d14 103 ---- ---- ----%1.01718-51-0

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Analytical Results

----SP04SP03TP02-03TP02-02Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

----14-Jun-2019 00:0014-Jun-2019 00:0014-Jun-2019 00:0014-Jun-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

--------EM1910662-004EM1910662-003EM1910662-002EM1910662-001UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result ----

EN60: ASLP Leaching Procedure

9.5 8.9 8.4 8.0 ----pH Unit0.1----Initial pH

1.7 1.4 1.7 1.6 ----pH Unit0.1----After HCl pH

5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 ----pH Unit0.1----Extraction Fluid pH

5.5 5.5 4.8 4.8 ----pH Unit0.1----Final pH

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Surrogate Control Limits

Recovery Limits (%)Sub-Matrix: ASLP LEACHATE

Compound CAS Number Low High

EP075(SIM)T: PAH Surrogates

2-Fluorobiphenyl 321-60-8 36 114

Anthracene-d10 1719-06-8 51 119

4-Terphenyl-d14 1718-51-0 49 127

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2 2.00True


QUALITY CONTROL REPORTWork Order : EM1910662 Page : 1 of 4

:: LaboratoryClient Environmental Division MelbourneLBW CO PTY LTD

:Contact MARK PETERSON :Contact Kieren Burns

:Address 184 MAGILL ROAD


Address : 4 Westall Rd Springvale VIC Australia 3171

::Telephone ---- +61881625130:Telephone

:Project 191091 Date Samples Received : 18-Jun-2019

:Order number ---- Date Analysis Commenced : 08-Jul-2019

:C-O-C number ---- Issue Date : 12-Jul-2019

Sampler : ----

Site : ----

Quote number : ADBQ-001-18 PRIMARY WORK ONLY

No. of samples received 4:

No. of samples analysed 4:

This report supersedes any previous report(s) with this reference. Results apply to the sample(s) as submitted. This document shall not be reproduced, except in full.

This Quality Control Report contains the following information:

l Laboratory Duplicate (DUP) Report; Relative Percentage Difference (RPD) and Acceptance Limits

l Method Blank (MB) and Laboratory Control Spike (LCS) Report ; Recovery and Acceptance Limits

l Matrix Spike (MS) Report; Recovery and Acceptance Limits

SignatoriesThis document has been electronically signed by the authorized signatories below. Electronic signing is carried out in compliance with procedures specified in 21 CFR Part 11.

Signatories Accreditation CategoryPosition

Dilani Fernando Senior Inorganic Chemist Melbourne Inorganics, Springvale, VIC

Nancy Wang 2IC Organic Chemist Melbourne Organics, Springvale, VIC

R I G H T S O L U T I O N S | R I G H T P A R T N E R

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General Comments

The analytical procedures used by the Environmental Division have been developed from established internationally recognized procedures such as those published by the USEPA, APHA, AS and NEPM. In house

developed procedures are employed in the absence of documented standards or by client request.

Where moisture determination has been performed, results are reported on a dry weight basis.

Where a reported less than (<) result is higher than the LOR, this may be due to primary sample extract/digestate dilution and/or insufficient sample for analysis. Where the LOR of a reported result differs from standard LOR, this may be due to high moisture content, insufficient sample (reduced weight employed) or matrix interference.

Anonymous = Refers to samples which are not specifically part of this work order but formed part of the QC process lot

CAS Number = CAS registry number from database maintained by Chemical Abstracts Services. The Chemical Abstracts Service is a division of the American Chemical Society.

LOR = Limit of reporting

RPD = Relative Percentage Difference

# = Indicates failed QC

Key :

Laboratory Duplicate (DUP) Report

The quality control term Laboratory Duplicate refers to a randomly selected intralaboratory split. Laboratory duplicates provide information regarding method precision and sample heterogeneity. The permitted ranges

for the Relative Percent Deviation (RPD) of Laboratory Duplicates are specified in ALS Method QWI -EN/38 and are dependent on the magnitude of results in comparison to the level of reporting: Result < 10 times LOR:

No Limit; Result between 10 and 20 times LOR: 0% - 50%; Result > 20 times LOR: 0% - 20%.

Sub-Matrix: WATER Laboratory Duplicate (DUP) Report

Original Result RPD (%)Laboratory sample ID Client sample ID Method: Compound CAS Number LOR Unit Duplicate Result Recovery Limits (%)

EG005(ED093)C: Leachable Metals by ICPAES (QC Lot: 2454423)

EG005C: Copper 7440-50-8 0.1 mg/L <0.1 <0.1 0.00 No LimitAnonymous EM1910538-002

EG005C: Lead 7439-92-1 0.1 mg/L <0.1 <0.1 0.00 No Limit

EG005C: Manganese 7439-96-5 0.1 mg/L 0.3 0.3 0.00 No Limit

EG005C: Zinc 7440-66-6 0.1 mg/L 0.5 0.5 0.00 No Limit

EG005(ED093)C: Leachable Metals by ICPAES (QC Lot: 2462407)

EG005C: Copper 7440-50-8 0.1 mg/L <0.1 <0.1 0.00 No LimitTP02-02 EM1910662-001

EG005C: Lead 7439-92-1 0.1 mg/L 0.2 0.2 0.00 No Limit

EG005C: Manganese 7439-96-5 0.1 mg/L 1.0 1.0 0.00 0% - 50%

EG005C: Zinc 7440-66-6 0.1 mg/L 1.4 1.4 0.00 0% - 50%

EG035C: Leachable Mercury by FIMS (QC Lot: 2462674)

EG035C: Mercury 7439-97-6 0.0001 mg/L <0.0010 <0.0010 0.00 No LimitSP04 EM1910662-004

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Method Blank (MB) and Laboratory Control Spike (LCS) Report

The quality control term Method / Laboratory Blank refers to an analyte free matrix to which all reagents are added in the same volumes or proportions as used in standard sample preparation. The purpose of this QC

parameter is to monitor potential laboratory contamination. The quality control term Laboratory Control Spike (LCS) refers to a certified reference material, or a known interference free matrix spiked with target

analytes. The purpose of this QC parameter is to monitor method precision and accuracy independent of sample matrix. Dynamic Recovery Limits are based on statistical evaluation of processed LCS.

Sub-Matrix: WATER Method Blank (MB)


Laboratory Control Spike (LCS) Report

Spike Spike Recovery (%) Recovery Limits (%)

Result Concentration HighLowLCSMethod: Compound CAS Number LOR Unit

EG005(ED093)C: Leachable Metals by ICPAES (QCLot: 2454423)

EG005C: Copper 7440-50-8 0.1 mg/L <0.1 98.81 mg/L 11588

EG005C: Lead 7439-92-1 0.1 mg/L <0.1 90.91 mg/L 11388

EG005C: Manganese 7439-96-5 0.1 mg/L <0.1 1041 mg/L 11488

EG005C: Zinc 7440-66-6 0.1 mg/L <0.1 95.21 mg/L 11487

EG005(ED093)C: Leachable Metals by ICPAES (QCLot: 2462407)

EG005C: Copper 7440-50-8 0.1 mg/L <0.1 95.41 mg/L 11588

EG005C: Lead 7439-92-1 0.1 mg/L <0.1 1061 mg/L 11388

EG005C: Manganese 7439-96-5 0.1 mg/L <0.1 1031 mg/L 11488

EG005C: Zinc 7440-66-6 0.1 mg/L <0.1 1061 mg/L 11487

EG035C: Leachable Mercury by FIMS (QCLot: 2462674)

EG035C: Mercury 7439-97-6 0.0001 mg/L <0.0001 89.80.01 mg/L 11577

EP075(SIM)B: Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons (QCLot: 2454293)

EP075(SIM): Naphthalene 91-20-3 1 µg/L <3 64.75 µg/L 11048

EP075(SIM): Acenaphthylene 208-96-8 1 µg/L <1.0 90.45 µg/L 11750

EP075(SIM): Acenaphthene 83-32-9 1 µg/L <1.0 96.25 µg/L 11753

EP075(SIM): Fluorene 86-73-7 1 µg/L <1.0 98.25 µg/L 11854

EP075(SIM): Phenanthrene 85-01-8 1 µg/L <1.0 1125 µg/L 11959

EP075(SIM): Anthracene 120-12-7 1 µg/L <1.0 1125 µg/L 11351

EP075(SIM): Fluoranthene 206-44-0 1 µg/L <1.0 1065 µg/L 12061

EP075(SIM): Pyrene 129-00-0 1 µg/L <1.0 1075 µg/L 12056

EP075(SIM): Benz(a)anthracene 56-55-3 1 µg/L <1.0 1085 µg/L 12053

EP075(SIM): Chrysene 218-01-9 1 µg/L <1.0 1105 µg/L 12257

EP075(SIM): Benzo(b+j)fluoranthene 205-99-2


1 µg/L <1.0 88.95 µg/L 13156

EP075(SIM): Benzo(k)fluoranthene 207-08-9 1 µg/L <1.0 93.45 µg/L 12459

EP075(SIM): Benzo(a)pyrene 50-32-8 0.5 µg/L <0.5 91.25 µg/L 12454

EP075(SIM): Indeno( 193-39-5 1 µg/L <1.0 1005 µg/L 12455

EP075(SIM): Dibenz(a.h)anthracene 53-70-3 1 µg/L <1.0 99.35 µg/L 12454

EP075(SIM): Benzo(g.h.i)perylene 191-24-2 1 µg/L <1.0 1035 µg/L 12456

Matrix Spike (MS) ReportThe quality control term Matrix Spike (MS) refers to an intralaboratory split sample spiked with a representative set of target analytes. The purpose of this QC parameter is to monitor potential matrix effects on

analyte recoveries. Static Recovery Limits as per laboratory Data Quality Objectives (DQOs). Ideal recovery ranges stated may be waived in the event of sample matrix interference.

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Sub-Matrix: WATER Matrix Spike (MS) Report

SpikeRecovery(%) Recovery Limits (%)Spike

HighLowMSConcentrationLaboratory sample ID Client sample ID Method: Compound CAS Number

EG005(ED093)C: Leachable Metals by ICPAES (QCLot: 2454423)

Anonymous EM1910538-004 7440-50-8EG005C: Copper 1131 mg/L 12191

7439-92-1EG005C: Lead 92.81 mg/L 11886

7439-96-5EG005C: Manganese 1031 mg/L 11985

7440-66-6EG005C: Zinc 89.31 mg/L 12385

EG005(ED093)C: Leachable Metals by ICPAES (QCLot: 2462407)

SP03 EM1910662-003 7440-50-8EG005C: Copper 1031 mg/L 12191

7439-92-1EG005C: Lead 98.81 mg/L 11886

7439-96-5EG005C: Manganese 1011 mg/L 11985

7440-66-6EG005C: Zinc 92.01 mg/L 12385

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QA/QC Compliance Assessment to assist with Quality ReviewWork Order : EM1910662 Page : 1 of 5

:: LaboratoryClient Environmental Division MelbourneLBW CO PTY LTD

:Contact MARK PETERSON Telephone : +61881625130

:Project 191091 Date Samples Received : 18-Jun-2019

Site : ---- Issue Date : 12-Jul-2019

----:Sampler No. of samples received : 4

:Order number ---- No. of samples analysed : 4

This report is automatically generated by the ALS LIMS through interpretation of the ALS Quality Control Report and several Quality Assurance parameters measured by ALS. This automated

reporting highlights any non-conformances, facilitates faster and more accurate data validation and is designed to assist internal expert and external Auditor review. Many components of this

report contribute to the overall DQO assessment and reporting for guideline compliance.

Brief method summaries and references are also provided to assist in traceability.

Summary of Outliers

Outliers : Quality Control Samples

This report highlights outliers flagged in the Quality Control (QC) Report.

l NO Method Blank value outliers occur.

l NO Duplicate outliers occur.

l NO Laboratory Control outliers occur.

l NO Matrix Spike outliers occur.

l For all regular sample matrices, NO surrogate recovery outliers occur.

Outliers : Analysis Holding Time Compliance

l Analysis Holding Time Outliers exist - please see following pages for full details.

Outliers : Frequency of Quality Control Samples

l Quality Control Sample Frequency Outliers exist - please see following pages for full details.

R I G H T S O L U T I O N S | R I G H T P A R T N E R

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Outliers : Analysis Holding Time Compliance

Matrix: SOIL

AnalysisExtraction / Preparation

Date analysedDate extractedContainer / Client Sample ID(s) Days




Due for extraction Due for analysis


EN60: ASLP Leaching Procedure

Non-Volatile Leach: 14 day HT(e.g. SV organics)

----28-Jun-2019TP02-03 ----08-Jul-2019 10 ----

Outliers : Frequency of Quality Control Samples

Matrix: WATER

Quality Control SpecificationQuality Control Sample Type

Method ExpectedQC Regular Actual

Rate (%)Quality Control Sample Type Count

Laboratory Duplicates (DUP)

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC StandardPAH/Phenols (GC/MS - SIM) 0.00 10.000 13

Matrix Spikes (MS)

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC StandardLeachable Mercury by FIMS 0.00 5.000 1

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC StandardPAH/Phenols (GC/MS - SIM) 0.00 5.000 13

Analysis Holding Time Compliance

Holding times for VOC in soils vary according to analytes of interest. Vinyl Chloride and Styrene holding time is 7 days; others 14 days. A recorded breach does not guarantee a breach for all VOC analytes and

should be verified in case the reported breach is a false positive or Vinyl Chloride and Styrene are not key analytes of interest/concern.

Holding time for leachate methods (e.g. TCLP) vary according to the analytes reported. Assessment compares the leach date with the shortest analyte holding time for the equivalent soil method. These are: organics

14 days, mercury 28 days & other metals 180 days. A recorded breach does not guarantee a breach for all non-volatile parameters.

If samples are identified below as having been analysed or extracted outside of recommended holding times, this should be taken into consideration when interpreting results.

This report summarizes extraction / preparation and analysis times and compares each with ALS recommended holding times (referencing USEPA SW 846, APHA, AS and NEPM) based on the sample container

provided. Dates reported represent first date of extraction or analysis and preclude subsequent dilutions and reruns. A listing of breaches (if any) is provided herein.

Matrix: SOIL Evaluation: û = Holding time breach ; ü = Within holding time.

AnalysisExtraction / PreparationSample DateMethod

EvaluationDue for analysisDate analysedEvaluationDue for extractionDate extractedContainer / Client Sample ID(s)

EN60: ASLP Leaching Procedure

Non-Volatile Leach: 14 day HT(e.g. SV organics) (EN60a)

TP02-03 ----28-Jun-2019 ----08-Jul-201914-Jun-2019 û ----

Non-Volatile Leach: 180 day HT (e.g. PFAS, metals ex.Hg) (EN60a)

TP02-02, SP03 ----11-Dec-2019 ----11-Jul-201914-Jun-2019 ü ----

Non-Volatile Leach: 28 day HT(e.g. Hg, CrVI) (EN60a)

SP04 ----12-Jul-2019 ----11-Jul-201914-Jun-2019 ü ----

Matrix: WATER Evaluation: û = Holding time breach ; ü = Within holding time.

AnalysisExtraction / PreparationSample DateMethod

EvaluationDue for analysisDate analysedEvaluationDue for extractionDate extractedContainer / Client Sample ID(s)

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Matrix: WATER Evaluation: û = Holding time breach ; ü = Within holding time.

AnalysisExtraction / PreparationSample DateMethod

EvaluationDue for analysisDate analysedEvaluationDue for extractionDate extractedContainer / Client Sample ID(s)

EG005(ED093)C: Leachable Metals by ICPAES

Clear Plastic Bottle - Nitric Acid; Unfiltered (EG005C)

TP02-03 04-Jan-202004-Jan-2020 09-Jul-201909-Jul-201908-Jul-2019 ü üClear Plastic Bottle - Nitric Acid; Unfiltered (EG005C)

TP02-02, SP03 07-Jan-202007-Jan-2020 12-Jul-201912-Jul-201911-Jul-2019 ü üEG035C: Leachable Mercury by FIMS

Clear Plastic Bottle - Nitric Acid; Unfiltered (EG035C)

SP04 08-Aug-2019---- 12-Jul-2019----11-Jul-2019 ---- üEP075(SIM)B: Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons

Amber Glass Bottle - Unpreserved (EP075(SIM))

TP02-03 19-Aug-201915-Jul-2019 10-Jul-201910-Jul-201908-Jul-2019 ü ü

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Quality Control Parameter Frequency ComplianceThe following report summarises the frequency of laboratory QC samples analysed within the analytical lot(s) in which the submitted sample(s) was(were) processed. Actual rate should be greater than or equal to

the expected rate. A listing of breaches is provided in the Summary of Outliers.

Matrix: WATER Evaluation: û = Quality Control frequency not within specification ; ü = Quality Control frequency within specification.

Quality Control SpecificationQuality Control Sample Type

ExpectedQC Regular Actual

Rate (%)Quality Control Sample Type CountEvaluationAnalytical Methods Method

Laboratory Duplicates (DUP)

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 100.00 10.001 1 üLeachable Mercury by FIMS EG035C

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 18.18 10.002 11 üLeachable Metals by ICPAES EG005C

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 0.00 10.000 13 ûPAH/Phenols (GC/MS - SIM) EP075(SIM)

Laboratory Control Samples (LCS)

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 100.00 5.001 1 üLeachable Mercury by FIMS EG035C

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 18.18 5.002 11 üLeachable Metals by ICPAES EG005C

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 7.69 5.001 13 üPAH/Phenols (GC/MS - SIM) EP075(SIM)

Method Blanks (MB)

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 100.00 5.001 1 üLeachable Mercury by FIMS EG035C

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 18.18 5.002 11 üLeachable Metals by ICPAES EG005C

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 7.69 5.001 13 üPAH/Phenols (GC/MS - SIM) EP075(SIM)

Matrix Spikes (MS)

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 0.00 5.000 1 ûLeachable Mercury by FIMS EG035C

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 18.18 5.002 11 üLeachable Metals by ICPAES EG005C

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 0.00 5.000 13 ûPAH/Phenols (GC/MS - SIM) EP075(SIM)

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Brief Method SummariesThe analytical procedures used by the Environmental Division have been developed from established internationally recognized procedures such as those published by the US EPA, APHA, AS and NEPM. In house

developed procedures are employed in the absence of documented standards or by client request. The following report provides brief descriptions of the analytical procedures employed for results reported in the

Certificate of Analysis. Sources from which ALS methods have been developed are provided within the Method Descriptions.

Analytical Methods Method DescriptionsMatrixMethod

In house: referenced to APHA 3120; USEPA SW 846 - 6010: The ICPAES technique ionises leachate sample

atoms emitting a characteristic spectrum. This spectrum is then compared against matrix matched standards for

quantification. This method is compliant with NEPM (2013) Schedule B(3)

Leachable Metals by ICPAES EG005C SOIL

In house: Referenced to AS 3550, APHA 3112 Hg - B (Flow-injection (SnCl2)(Cold Vapour generation) AAS)

FIM-AAS is an automated flameless atomic absorption technique. A bromate/bromide reagent is used to oxidise

any organic mercury compounds in the TCLP solution. The ionic mercury is reduced online to atomic mercury

vapour by SnCl2 which is then purged into a heated quartz cell. Quantification is by comparing absorbance

against a calibration curve. This method is compliant with NEPM (2013) Schedule B(3)

Leachable Mercury by FIMS EG035C SOIL

In house: Referenced to USEPA SW 846 - 8270D Sample extracts are analysed by Capillary GC/MS in SIM Mode

and quantification is by comparison against an established 5 point calibration curve. This method is compliant

with NEPM (2013) Schedule B(3)

PAH/Phenols (GC/MS - SIM) EP075(SIM) SOIL

Preparation Methods Method DescriptionsMatrixMethod

In house: Referenced to USEPA SW846-3005. Method 3005 is a Nitric/Hydrochloric acid digestion procedure

used to prepare surface and ground water samples for analysis by ICPAES or ICPMS. This method is compliant

with NEPM (2013) Schedule B(3)

Digestion for Total Recoverable Metals

in TCLP Leachate


In house QWI-EN/60 referenced to AS4439.3 Preparation of LeachatesASLP for Non & Semivolatile Analytes EN60a SOIL

In house: Referenced to USEPA SW 846 - 3510B 100 mL to 1L of sample is transferred to a separatory funnel

and serially extracted three times using DCM for each extract. The resultant extracts are combined, dehydrated

and concentrated for analysis. This method is compliant with NEPM (2013) Schedule B(3) . ALS default excludes

sediment which may be resident in the container.

Separatory Funnel Extraction of Liquids ORG14 SOIL

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[email protected]

ph 03 9763 2500 fax 03 9763 2633

25 Research Drive Croydon South VIC 3136

ABN 37 112 535 645 - 002

Envirolab Services Pty Ltd


25/06/2019Date Issued

191091 - Cowan Street Angle Park PSIProject Reference


17155Envirolab Report Reference

Report Details

All laboratory QC data was within the Envirolab Group's specifications.


All preservation / holding times (based on AS/ASPHA/ISO/NEPM/USEPA reference documents and standards) are compliant.


Certain analyses have had their recommended technical holding times elongated by filtering and/or freezing on receipt at the laboratory(e.g. BOD, chlorophyll/Pheophytin, nutrients and acid sulphate soil tests).

Internal laboratory QC rate complies with NEPM requirements (LCS/MB/MS 1 in 20, Duplicates 1 in 10 samples). Note, samples arebatched together with other sample consignments in order to assign QC sample frequency.


Refer to Certificate of Analysis for all Quality Control data.

PMatrix spike(s) was performed as per NEPM frequency

PA Method Blank was performed with the samples received

PLaboratory Control Sample(s) were analysed with the samples received

PDuplicate(s) was performed as per NEPM frequency

QC Evaluation

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