prehilanth quiz series -2

Prehilanth-2 Topic- Business(Generalish hh) Researched and Conducted By Karthik Kumar

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Post on 15-Apr-2017




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Researched and Conducted ByKarthik Kumar

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Q1.Alphabet Inc. officially came into existence on October 2, 2015. Soon the company announced the first stock buyback of nearly $5.1 billion. The exact dollar value was $5,099,019,513.59. Of course, this was not randomly selected number. What was the significance of this number?

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The number is the square root of 26

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Where have you seen this image?


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3.‘White Print’ is a magazine that was launched by Upasana Makati in May 2013. Upasana originally considered the name ‘On The Dot’ before settling on ‘White Print’. The logo does contain several dots though. Who is this magazine targeted at?

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The blind. The magazine is in Braille

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4.In the 1996 Atlanta Olympics, Reebok was the official sponsor and all athletes had to wear the Reebok Logo on their vests / shorts. However, in those days, Linford Christie, the British Sprinter, was sponsored by rival Puma. He managed to sport the Puma Logo, leading to huge controversy. What did he do?

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He wore the Puma Logo on his contact lenses

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5.In 1957, New York based real estate baron Walter O’Malley and owner of the Brooklyn Dodgers had a standoff over several meetings with the city’s mayor since he wasn’t granted the required land and had to move the team to Los Angeles, much to the dismay of the locals.A resident of Brooklyn then, aged 16, noted how big money could easily forsake popular interests and described it as a brutal act which impacted the region in a very significant way – strongly believing that the entity in question belonged more to the people than to the owners.Who was this, whose long-held beliefs were shaped in part by this move of the franchise?

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Bernie Sanders

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6.Artisan families in states like UP and Punjab – specifically in the towns of Agra, Muzaffarnagar, Meerut, Saharanpur and Rajpura – are known to specialize in this annual business that gets them purchases in various places in North India for a few weeks.This business took a serious hit last year with prices falling by about 40% owing to the rising costs of canvas and bamboo sticks. In a normal year, a few hundred of these creations are sold at a price of about 1-2 lakh rupees each – that helps sustain the business year after year.

What do these artisans produce, seen by many as wasteful usage every year?

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Effigies burnt at Ramleela ceremonies.

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7.IBM’s successful history in the field of accounting and data is well known. One of its largest clients in the 20th century sought assistance in business services, data collection and data tabulations – a deal that was inked in 1933. Initial calculations produced about half a million entries while the final number stood close to 2 million, each given a unique identification number instrumental to the client.Besides the punch cards used for this purpose, IBM also later oversaw the efficient and punctual functioning of the client’s transport system that had over 50 wagons in action each day for 4 straight years – about 1600 in all.Who was this client? What were these wagons transporting?

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Jews to concentration camps.

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8.As the Prohibition was drawing to a close in the 1930s, this Chicago-based kingpin needed to find an alternative way to sustain business and thus moved on to the distribution of milk instead of illicit liquor.Having already acquired a Robin-Hood-like status in the city with his largesse during the Depression, he lobbied with the Chicago City Council for a law to introduce a certain feature to his milk sales with the idea of protecting the city’s children from harm. With the lack of regulation, he conquered the market and set in place a landmark feature that soon extended to other products as well. Who was this person? What addition to the product was this, that is still seen by some to be the cause of wastage worth $165 billion every year?

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Al Capone

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Having expiry dates on products.

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9.As part of its expansion strategy in the Middle East after considerable success in Asia, USA and Europe in the recent past – this company recently managed to raise a whopping $3.5bn funding from Saudi Arabia’s Public Investment Fund.Such a heavy investment in one particular country was unprecedented in the company’s history and was met with much skepticism and online protest campaigns from a certain section of the local population who saw it as exploitative and mutually beneficial to both the company and the country’s conservative minded administration.Which company was this? What was the protest all about?

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UberWomen not being allowed to drive and therefore

naturally becoming Uber’s customers.

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10.The Chennai Corporation’s health department over the last few years has had a serious shortage of sanitation workers – with 224 of the 706 posts in the city lying vacant as of September 2015.The major reason behind this shortage is believed to be the diversion of a good number of workers to performing similar duties of maintaining cleanliness in certain government establishments whose growing number in the city – close to 300 now – is also taking up an annual expenditure of 90 crores from the corporation’s budget.

What places are these?

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Amma Canteens

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11.Introduced in the 1950s in response to demands of efficiency in its field, these devices today range in size from 15 to 24 inch, are equipped with custom designed hardware for best stability and come with compatibility across various operating systems. While the initial ones worked on the principle of using mirrors to achieve undetectable reflections, advancements and convenience brought about computer-based variants that have been used ever since – with many people preferring to use two of them at every instance lately, instead of just one, to achieve optimal effect and ease.

What devices are being described?

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Text tele prompters

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12.Tobie Hatfield is one of Nike’s chief designers who has been involved with some of their best designs over the years. In 2012, he received a letter from a college student seeking a special design which came to light last year. Owing to their market potential, they were also produced on a mass scale and prominently used in a biennial sporting event in 2015 held in Los Angeles with over 6,500 participants from 177 countries.What is the purpose of these shoes? What is the event in question, that had India coming in 3rd overall behind USA and China?

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Shoes without laces for the disabled.

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The 2015 Special Olympic Games.

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13.In Iceland, a country of 300,000, three engineering students came up with a much needed Android app, linked to Iceland’s online registry Iselendingabok, with the tag line “Bump the app before you bump in bed”. It addresses what serious social problem for young Icelanders?

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To check if the person they are dating are not related.

For such a small population, almost everyone is related to each other

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Q14.The goal of Pierre Coffin, the creator of a language, was for the audience to understand it without actually knowing the exact verbiage through the speakers’ huge range of vocal melodies and inflections, as well as their physical actions.He says: “You don’t understand their words, you don’t understand their grammar, but you do understand when they’re in a position of conflict, if they’re sad or if they’re happy.”The etymology of the language includes the basics of ancient Egyptian, a dash of high-society French, some proper Transylvanian, all the way back to the grunts and grrrs of early Homo sapiens.Which language is being talked about?

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15.Almost 65 years ago, P.L.Lamba wanted to create a company whose very name would reflect the service standard of all iits future products –served at the best price to satisfy the taste buds of an experimental Delhi .With this mission in mind, in 1940 he opened thef irst restaurant in Delhi’s famous Connaught Place and thus was born one of the most recognized brand names of the country –a rich legacy that has continued to this day.Today, that pride is undiminished and from its humble beginnings,the Group today successfully runs the famous Asiad Village restaurant complex.P.L.Lamba’s gen-next Sunil and Dhruv Lamba have taken the family legacy into the future with pulsating new ideas like The Breads and More café chains in India and the Express food courts in various malls and hospitals.What did P.L.Lamba start?

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16.Prosopis juliflora is a small tree from Mexico ,noted for its straight, hardwood ,which was planted int he Rann of Kutch as a soil binder but due to its explosive growth,has become invasive and a threat to natural ecosystems.Known locally as the ganda bawaal ,it cannot be used as fodder(leaves being toxic )and neither is its wood preferred for use in furniture as it does not last beyond a few months.Over the last few years they have been frequently used in something—peak season being June to OctoberSo what use is this tree being put to?

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Manufacture of Dandiya Sticks

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21.Video Ad

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Heinz Ketchup

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Rohan Narayan Murthy

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23.Identify this personality.He was the CEO of DEN Netowrks which was once India's largest Multi System Operator.He is the CEO of a leading company . Either give the company or the name of the person.

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Jio ans Shailendra Nath Sharma

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Urijit Patel

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