pregnancy blueprint pdf, ebook by lindsey johan


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Discover the truth and the facts about Pregnancy Blueprint™ PDF, eBook by Lindsey Johan. Happy reading :) ➽➽➽ Click "SHARE" » "DOWNLOAD" to read the document offline.


Page 2: Pregnancy Blueprint PDF, eBook by Lindsey Johan

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For a lot of women, conceiving and giving birth is the most natural thing in

the world; the ultimate fulfillment of womanhood. It is in fact, a part of our

biological nature as human being.

I reminisce the time when I wondered when my time would come. Yes, the

moment I had been waiting for many years ever since I was a newlywed was

just to be called ‘mommy.’

I remember those days when all I wanted was just to get pregnant. After

almost a year waiting, I realized that my inability to get pregnant had affected

me and my husband’s life significantly. I went through some really tough

times … Tough periods which made me lose sleep, appetite and the constant

self-blaming thoughts of what could I have been doing wrong, every single


I believe that you feel the same - more than anything in the world you want

to be a mother, to get pregnant and give birth to your very own baby. But for

some reason, your body is not working the way you want it to.

Not being able to have a baby is an empty, sad and lonely roller-coaster ride

of emotions that you have to go through month after month, even years. The

feeling of helplessness and uncertainty mixed with a fleeting hope of this

month might just be the month where your “dry spell” will end.

This situation almost led our marriage to the brink of separation. Our

frustrations made my husband and I quick tempered and volatile. We got

angry on unimportant stuffs.

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Our sex had just become ‘scheduled’ activities of the baby making – forced

and lack of excitement, which we found less enjoyable as it used to be.

At one point, me and my husband got tired of blaming each other and

decided to consult our situation to the doctor. We faced our greatest fears

and had various infertility tests.

Unfortunately, we didn’t get a clear answer to our problem. The thing is, the

doctor didn’t find any exact reason of why I could not get pregnant as neither

me nor my husband suffered any physical, psychological, or biochemical

reason to prevent pregnancy. The only suggestion we got is to keep trying!

How I wished that somebody could simply tell me what was wrong and give

me an exact formula to help me out of the vacuum I was stuck in.

I finally started to conduct extensive research about infertility from

numerous books and websites. I visited many clinics, both modern and

traditional one. Then I began to apply my newfound knowledge to myself –

taking dozens of supplements, following our fertile routines, doing yoga, and

change my diet into organics and avoiding toxic whenever I could. My

husband also did all that he could, constantly hoping those efforts would

yield satisfactory results.

After almost three years of agony, finally I got pregnant! I understandably

elated, but sadly, my pregnancy was short lived. After just 4 weeks of

pregnancy, I experienced miscarriage. I couldn’t feel more devastated.

Amidst my great despair, my husband kept supporting me and said that

we’re actually somewhat fortunate. He said that despite the miscarriage, we

had just proven that we could make it work – we can actually have a baby.

What we could have done better was to keep our baby healthy and strong

until delivery time.

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That’s such a long desperate old story of me and my happy family. After our

hard work and years of waiting, I finally gave birth to a wonderful little girl.

My husband and I finally felt a sense of completion when we heard the words

‘mommy’ and ‘daddy’ came out from my sweet little daughter’s mouth.

I realize that there are lots of women all over the world facing infertility

issues that have turned to expensive methods with the belief that the more

money being invested in a treatment, the higher chances are for a cure.

Many hopeful women have been given false information and wrong

diagnoses. As a result, many of them are left wondering in the dark.

If you are one of these women facing troubles with infertility, chin up. YOU

ARE NOT ALONE. There are millions of families who share the same

desperation with you. I assure you that there is still hope. Something can still

be done to resolve your problem so you can finally hold your little baby of

your own.


Warm Regards,

Lindsey Johan The Author of Pregnancy Blueprint

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It is from this first step that you can start over with a renewed level of

determination and confidence that you are about to do everything you can

to support your goal of having a baby. Did you know the startling fact that

fertility is four times greater with a normal cycle than those cycles falling ten

days or more outside the ‘norm’? A woman’s menstrual cycle should be

regular, 28 days, void of serious pre-menstrual tension and period pain.

Ovulation should occur prior to day 18 of the cycle to ensure a healthy young

egg is fertilized and a further twelve days or greater to allow for implantation

of the fertilized egg.

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Cycle length is calculated from the first day of red blood flow. Normal is

generally considered to be anywhere between 24 to 29 days although it is

not uncommon for relatively normal cycles to extend out to 35 days. There

are many things that can cause a sudden change in the cycle such as

exercising excessively, lack of a nutritious diet, dieting, major weight loss or

gaining a lot of weight, drinking alcohol to excess, drugs including caffeine,

stress and many organic problems such as polycystic ovarian syndrome,

imbalances in hormone levels and certain medications.


There has been a correlation between lengthy menstrual cycles and insulin

resistance which suggests that long cycles harbor a metabolic abnormality.

Irregular cycles, as few as 9 or less per year, could also be symptomatic of

polycystic ovarian syndrome.


Lack of estrogen could be the cause of light periods. Scant bleeding

combined with irregular cycles could indicate more complex problems.

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An excess of estrogen and hormonal imbalance in general can be a

contributing factor to heavy bleeding, clotting and spotting. Heavy bleeding

can also be implicated in more serious issues which must be investigated

thoroughly by a medical specialist.


An extended pre-ovulatory phase, past 18 days, can indicate a lack of

estrogen. Every woman’s cycle is different however and there are wide

variances between what is considered normal.

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Basal body temperatures that are high, above 98.0F/36.6C, or below

97.0F/36.1C, in the pre-ovulatory phase can be an indication of a lack of

estrogen. There are a number of other factors that can affect the accuracy

of temperatures such as sleep patterns, excessive alcohol, stress or illness.


Post ovulatory temperatures can range anywhere between 97.5F/36.3C to

99F/37.2C however it is the pattern of the temperatures during the entire

cycle that is of utmost importance. If there is no shift in temperature for the

entire cycle and or there is an apparent luteal phase defect then lack of

sufficient progesterone could be the cause.

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A lack of fertile mucus can be an indication of poor estrogen levels and this

symptom combined with higher or lower than average temperatures can

give a more than likely signal of a hormonal imbalance.

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Severe pain during a period can be an indication of significant fertility

problems such as endometriosis, uterine fibroids, STDs or hormonal

imbalance. Mild cramping is fairly common amongst women during their

period. Pain that occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle could be

attributed to having too many male hormones. This could also present as

excess body hair, blood sugar fluctuations, acne, ovarian cysts and irregular


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Secondary amenorrhea is when the menstrual flow has not occurred for six

months or more assuming no pregnancy, breastfeeding or menopausal

factors. The continual lack of a period has been found to be caused by major

weight gain or loss, stress or anxiety, some medicines, excessive exercise,

over active adrenal glands and an under functioning thyroid gland.

Secondary amenorrhea needs to be investigated by your health care


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The lack of a temperature rise throughout the menstrual cycle can indicate

an anovulatory cycle, one where ovulation does not take place. The

occasional anovulatory cycle is not too great a concern; however multiple

cycles with the absence of ovulation is cause for concern.

There are a number of problems that some women experience with their

cycle that are difficult but not impossible to treat. From natural therapies

to today’s advances in technology, reproductive solutions are many and

varied providing us with hope even against the toughest of odds.

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There are so much fertility problems that can make it difficult for you to get

pregnant. The Getting Pregnant Plan will help you to understand the root of

your fertility problems and what to do about it and how to treat it so you can

have a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby. Information on various fertility

problems such as PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome), Ovarian Cysts,

Endometriosis, Blocked or Tied Fallopian Tubes, Fibroids, Cancer, STD,

Unexplained Fertility, and so much more. To be precise, The Getting

Pregnant Plan is suitable for any ages and conditions. It is going to greatly

improve your chances of healing and conceiving, so you can move toward a

successful and healthy pregnancy. So, let’s start today, shall we?

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Here is an example of the extensive information that you will discover by

adopting The Getting Pregnant Plan system



Understanding of Female Body page 11

What Makes Him the Man You Need to Make a Baby page 17

Get Rid of PMS and Other Menstrual Problems page 25

How to Pinpoint Your Ovulation page 42

Understanding infertility and fertility problems page 47

Correlation between STD and fertility page 53

How to do Fertility Testing For Men and Women page 55

Curing Infertility Through Chinese Philosophy page 79

PCOS and the Treatment page 97

Blocked Fallopian Tubes and the Treatment page 103

6 Steps Into Pregnancy page 105

Dietary Guidelines page 111

Understanding Ovulation page 171

Signs of Pregnancy page 183

Your Pregnancy Week by Week page 196

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Weight Changes and Calories Intake During Pregnancy page 241

Exercises during Pregnancy page 253

Life after Childbirth page 262

Dealing With Miscarriages page 285

Treatment for Miscarriages page 295

And so much more


To get all of the steps of how to get pregnant and treat your fertility problems

in order to boost your chances of conceiving go to your copy of ‘Pregnancy Blueprint’ today