predictive security intelligence for vulnerability management · unify and streamline vulnerability...

TM Today, the majority of security spending is focused on defensive or reacve approaches to threats. Security teams are leſt to deal with volumes of disparate data, tools that don’t communicate, and alerts that sound only aſter the damage is done. To survive, organizaons must go on the offensive to preempt threats before it’s too late. The CORE Security and Qualys joint soluon proacvely idenfies crical risks in the context of business objecves, operaonal processes, and regulatory mandates. Security teams can therefore predict threats and effecvely communicate their implicaons to the line of business. Unify and Streamline Vulnerability Management CORE Insight and QualysGuard unify and streamline vulnerability management iniaves by aggregang security data from every corner of your organizaon and adding predicve security intelligence to idenfy crical exposures and associated business risks. The joint soluon reveals how actual aackers can traverse mulple vulnerabilies to access your most valuable business assets. An Automated Process for Continuous Vulnerability Management 1. Scan for Vulnerabilities with QualysGuard QualysGuard is a leading vulnerability management soluon delivering discovery, profiling and assessment of the enre network. QualysGuard: Defines policies to establish a secure IT infrastructure in accordance with good governance and best pracces frameworks. Discovers and catalogues all assets, no maer where they reside, inside the enterprise, on the perimeter or in the cloud. Automates ongoing security assessments for your IT systems and web applicaon The QualysGuard Security and Compliance Suite eliminates network auding and compliance inefficiencies by leveraging your organizaon’s core IT security informaon. In one consolidated suite, groups with different responsibilies can ulize similar informaon for their specific needs and have Qualys results automacally be imported into Insight. . 2. Plan and Simulate Threats with CORE Insight The Insight workflow automacally imports QuaylsGuard results and leverages the scan data to model aacks and reveal the risk they pose to your most crical business assets. Discover and profile network, web and endpoint targets Reveal aack paths that expose business assets Idenfy exploits that could be used by aackers You can also begin assessments at this stage, since Insight can idenfy and profile targets to select appropriate tests independently of scanners. Predictive Security Intelligence for Vulnerability Management CORE Threat Planning & Simulaon Idenfy likely aack paths to vulnerable assets Remediaon & Reassessment Open ckets in Qualys and use Insight to reassess and provide data to close cket Qualys Scanning Idenfy new vulnerabilies and close fixed vulnerabilies CORE Dashboard & Reporng Pinpoint risks & track vulnerability management progress over me CORE Threat Replicaon Validate the exploitablility of vulnerabilies along aack paths Insight embedded funconality Connector / partner funconality The CORE Insight unified vulnerability management workflow. First and only comprehensive vulnerability management solution on the market Combine scan, simulaon, and risk tests in one soluon Streamlined workflow Get meaningful, actionable information Validate vulnerability data from mulple, disparate sources Pinpoint crical exposures and eliminate false posives Correlate vulnerabilities to business risk Reveal specific assets and resources exposed to breaches Report risk in context of your organizaonal structure, processes and compliance mandates Trace attack paths across multiple vectors Demonstrate how aackers can chain vulnerabilies across vectors to move through your environment Increase team efficiency and effectiveness Focus resources on addressing the most crical risks Increase the scope and frequency of security assessments

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Page 1: Predictive Security Intelligence for Vulnerability Management · Unify and Streamline Vulnerability Management CORE Insight ™ and QualysGuard unify and streamline vulnerability


Today, the majority of security spending is focused on defensive or reactive approaches to threats. Security teams are left to deal with volumes of disparate data, tools that don’t communicate, and alerts that sound only after the damage is done. To survive, organizations must go on the offensive to preempt threats before it’s too late.

The CORE Security and Qualys joint solution proactively identifies critical risks in the context of business objectives, operational processes, and regulatory mandates. Security teams can therefore predict threats and effectively communicate their implications to the line of business.

Unify and Streamline Vulnerability Management

CORE Insight™ and QualysGuard™ unify and streamline vulnerability management initiatives by aggregating security data from every corner of your organization and adding predictive security intelligence to identify critical exposures and associated business risks.

The joint solution reveals how actual attackers can traverse multiple vulnerabilities to access your most valuable business assets.

An Automated Process for Continuous Vulnerability Management

1. Scan for Vulnerabilities with QualysGuard

QualysGuard is a leading vulnerability management solution delivering discovery, profiling and assessment of the entire network. QualysGuard:• Defines policies to establish a secure IT infrastructure in

accordance with good governance and best practices frameworks.• Discovers and catalogues all assets, no matter where they reside,

inside the enterprise, on the perimeter or in the cloud.• Automates ongoing security assessments for your IT systems and

web application

The QualysGuard Security and Compliance Suite eliminates network auditing and compliance inefficiencies by leveraging your organization’s core IT security information. In one consolidated suite, groups with different responsibilities can utilize similar information for their specific needs and have Qualys results automatically be imported into Insight. .2. Plan and Simulate Threats with CORE Insight

The Insight workflow automatically imports QuaylsGuard results and leverages the scan data to model attacks and reveal the risk they pose to your most critical business assets.

• Discoverand profile network, web and endpoint targets • Revealattack paths that expose business assets• Identify exploits that could be used by attackers

You can also begin assessments at this stage, since Insight can identify and profile targets to select appropriate tests independently of scanners.

Predictive Security Intelligence for Vulnerability Management

COREThreatPlanning&SimulationIdentify likely attack paths

to vulnerable assets

Remediation&ReassessmentOpen tickets in Qualys

and use Insight to reassess and provide data to close ticket

QualysScanningIdentify new

vulnerabilities and close fixed vulnerabilities

COREDashboard&ReportingPinpoint risks &

track vulnerability management progress

over time


Validate the exploitablility of

vulnerabilities along attack paths



The CORE Insight unified vulnerability management workflow.

First and only comprehensive vulnerability management solution on the market

• Combine scan, simulation, and risk tests in one solution

• Streamlined workflow

Get meaningful, actionable information

• Validate vulnerability data from multiple, disparate sources

• Pinpoint critical exposures and eliminate false positives

Correlate vulnerabilities to business risk

• Reveal specific assets and resources exposed to breaches

• Report risk in context of your organizational structure, processes and compliance mandates

Trace attack paths across multiple vectors

• Demonstrate how attackers can chain vulnerabilities across vectors to move through your environment

Increase team efficiency and effectiveness

• Focus resources on addressing the most critical risks

• Increase the scope and frequency of security assessments

Page 2: Predictive Security Intelligence for Vulnerability Management · Unify and Streamline Vulnerability Management CORE Insight ™ and QualysGuard unify and streamline vulnerability


Core Security

+1 (617) [email protected]


+1 (800) [email protected]

© 2012 Core Security & CORE Insight are trademarks of CORE SDI, Inc. Qualys& QualysGuard are trademarks of Qualys, Inc. All other brands & products are trademarks of their respective holders.

4. Dashboards and Reporting

Insight tracks your end-to-end risk assessment activities – from scanning, to modeling, to testing.


• Executive:Monitor overall security posture and drill-down for actionable details to inform decision making

• Tester:Configure and execute security assessment campaigns

• Campaign:Gain in-depth information about the status and results of specific campaigns


• Executive:Identify key exposures, see changes in risk posture, and determine where to focus resources

• VulnerabilityValidation:Pinpoint exploitable vulnerabilities from imported scan results

• Campaign:Get complete details on attack paths identified, assets tested, and vulnerabilities confirmed – plus audit trails of assessment activities

• Delta:Compare results before and after remediation

• Trend:Track security assessments over time

The Executive Report provides key metrics about your real-world security posture.

5. Remediate Vulnerabilities and Repeat Testing

Insight provides the information you need to quickly address exposures – and makes it easy to confirm that fixes are effective.

• Get actionable information for efficient remediation

• Prioritize exposures and optimize resource allocation

• Repeat testing to confirm that risks are eliminated

3. Replicate Threats

Insight enables you to validate if critical assets can be breached and understand the risk to your business – with no false positives.

• Network: Exploit vulnerabilities and weak passwords• Web:Verify SQL injection and cross-site scripting exposures

both before and after applications go live• Endpoint:Evaluate phishing awareness & endpoint defenses

Insight can also replicate threats that move from compromising web applications to attacking backend network resources.

The CORE Insight Executive Dashboard enables you to track vulnerability management effectiveness throughout your organization. Drill-down capabilities include visualizations of how attacks could leverage multiple vulnerabilities to reach critical assets.