predictive maintenance - flowserve · pdf filepredictive maintenance ... vibration analysis...

Flow Solutions Division BW Seals Durametallic Seals Pacific Wietz Seals Pac-Seal PDM OVERVIEW 2 CDPM PROGRAM 3 CASE STUDY 5 INNOVATIONS 7 Predictive Maintenance

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Page 1: Predictive Maintenance - Flowserve · PDF filePredictive Maintenance ... Vibration analysis ... fans, turbines, gearboxes and pumps with their motors, bearings, rotors, fan wheels,

Flow Solutions DivisionBW Seals

Durametallic SealsPacific Wietz Seals






Predictive Maintenance

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Page 2: Predictive Maintenance - Flowserve · PDF filePredictive Maintenance ... Vibration analysis ... fans, turbines, gearboxes and pumps with their motors, bearings, rotors, fan wheels,

Given today’s competitive business envi-ronment and thin margins, plants sim-

ply can’t afford to wait for critical equipmentto fail before making repairs. Nor can theyrely on time-based preventive maintenanceto minimize downtime. While less costly thanbreakdown maintenance, repairing orreplacing components, just because theclock or counter says to do the work, is notcost-effective.

The gold standard for effective mainte-nance is a predictive approach that guidesdecisions about production assets. It monitorseach asset’s condition to determine its fitnessfor continued operation and initiates repairsonly when the machine itself starts crying forhelp.

Predictive maintenance uses non-invasivetechniques to monitor the pulse of a manufac-turing plant. It checks, for example, the usabil-ity of greases and oils. It keeps track ofvibration. It correlates abnormal temperatureswith mechanical problems.

Lube analysisOil or grease between mechanical compo-nents minimizes heat-producing friction andcools the parts. Such lubricants consist of abase stock fortified with a variety of additivesthat stabilize the lubricant’s physical andchemical properties to maintain its high per-formance. However, any lubricant will suc-cumb to the rigors of extended use and itsprotective properties will degrade over time.

Oil analysis alerts a plant that such degrada-tion is occurring. The technique involves sub-jecting a lubricant sample to laboratory testingthat reveals, among other things, how well itcan neutralize acids and resist oxidation thatbreaks the lube into small, ineffective mole-cules.

Wear particle analysisShould oil analysis reveal that a sample is con-taminated with microscopic bits of metal orother wear debris, further testing will uncoverthe contamination’s source. Because metals

have characteristic fracture patterns, a trainedlab technician armed with a microscope canidentify the metallurgical contaminant, help-ing to identify the rotating component beingdamaged by insufficient lubrication. Furtherinstrument-based testing can reveal moredetails, should that be necessary.

Vibration analysisMany pieces of plant hardware feature rotat-ing elements. Examples include compressors,fans, turbines, gearboxes and pumps withtheir motors, bearings, rotors, fan wheels,impellers and seals. Depending on its speedand degree of imbalance, a rotating elementcan generate a vibration that shakes themachine, its foundation and, perhaps, thebuilding structure itself.

Recording vibration signals provides view ofthe bearing’s time-domain vibratory signature.Digital processing converts data points to afrequency-domain signal, which reveals thesource and magnitude of the various super-posed vibrations. Thus, vibration analysis dis-tinguishes the shaking that originates with afaulty bearing from that of an out-of-balancerotor.

Temperature trendingTemperature and energy are linked closely inaccordance with principles of basic science.Temperature trending measures that part ofan object’s energy that manifests itself as tem-perature, which is useful for locating potentialproduction problems. For example, it identi-fies cooler-than-normal clogged steam trapsand overheated hardware elsewhere in theplant.

Heat produced by friction will also raise anobject’s temperature. The temperature of con-stantly rubbing mechanical components, suchas bearings, gears and mechanical seals, willrise if effective measures to minimize frictionaren’t taken.

As effective as these predictive technologiesmay be, they are even stronger when used aspart of a formal testing regimen. ▲

2 Face to Face

Predictive Maintenance 101Using the technology sets a plant ahead of the curve

pdm overview®

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Face to Face 3

cdpm program®

If a plant doesn’t already use predictivemaintenance, instituting a full-featuredprogram will minimize surprises and down-time. Initial efforts will probably uncover a

surprising number of small, hidden, subtleproblems that nobody realized existed.Resources will be needed to address these issues,and, at first, the existing maintenance budgetmay appear inadequate for the task.

However, companies that persevere and getpast this initial maintenance bubble soon dis-cover that predictive maintenance can quicklystabilize the rate at which new problems appear,allowing maintenance to be more easily man-aged. Once this stabilization occurs, the predic-tive maintenance program starts to recoup itsinitial costs. As the maintenance departmentgains more thorough knowledge of the condi-tion of its productive assets, the rate at whichnew problems appear declines even further,and the program starts paying richly deserveddividends.

Typically, plant’s that have developed effectivepredictive maintenance programs discover thatmonitored assets rarely cause unplanned down-time. This new development allows the mainte-nance departments to address “back-burner”issues that that can improve the overall condi-tion of the operating assets even more. Smoothoperation also improves the maintenance tech-nician’s morale.

Making it happenThe Flowserve Flow Solutions Division makes iteasy for maintenance departments to achievetheir desired performance levels. Flowservebrings a full-featured predictive and proactivemaintenance program inside the plant gatesand applies its benefits to any pumps, compres-sors, fans, valves, gearboxes or other equipmentdeemed critical to operational excellence aswell as to the entire mechanical sealing system.

Not only does Flowserve collect and analyzedata about equipment condition, it typicallyprovides the plant’s maintenance departmentwith complete, comprehensive reports within

three business days of testing. The reports,each delivered by e-mail, identify any criticalproblems, recommend corrective actions,track recommendation status and provide asummary report for maintenance departmentsto use as a basis for reducing the overall cost ofasset ownership.

Flowserve’s Equipment Manage-ment Software enables plant personnel to man-age and update equipment data in real time viathe Internet. The data available include detailedcause of failure and maintenance recommenda-tions for specific equipment, which can besorted and filtered to provide insight into waysto improve plant performance. The softwarealso lets users calculate such equipment reliabil-ity parameters as suction specific speed. It facili-tates sharing resources and knowledge to


It’s the realization of a maintenance department’s dream


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4 Face to Face

cdpm program®

maximize efficiency and minimize the plantmaintenance burden.

The detailsThe Flowserve Condition Data PointMonitoring program can be applied stepwise toconform to the plant’s exact needs. Thisapproach allows users to have access to exactlythe level of technology that’s appropriate fortheir purpose.

For example, Flowserve’s Vibration Coll-ection and Analysis module monitors how apiece of hardware responds to external forces.This technology identifies bearing problems,cavitation and recirculation, misalignment, res-onance and imbalance. Flowserve techniciansuse a hand-held device to gather vibration datafrom designated equipment. Off-site analystslook for vibration signatures that exceed presetalarm limits and make recommendations forreducing or eliminating the causes.

Flowserve’s Critical Temperature Trendingand Analysis module is designed to seek outabnormal operating conditions at predeter-mined locations throughout the plant.Flowserve technicians, equipped with hand-held data collectors, track temperatures at bear-ings on motors and pumps, at processequipment and on mechanical seal hardware,including seal flush, quench and heat ex-changer reservoirs. Collected data are down-loaded to the asset management software and

analyzed for non-conformities or notablechanges in operating conditions.

With its Trigger Point Monitoring module,Flowserve identifies specific conditions thathave been proven to lead to premature com-ponent failure. Like a mechanic inspectingyour automobile, the Flowserve techniciangoes through the plant, examining pumpsand documenting such items as critical pres-sures, process and seal fluid flow rates, reser-voir levels and pump speed. Again, thecollected data are downloaded to the assetmanagement software and analyzed for non-conformities or notable changes in operatingconditions.

The Lube Oil Analysis module allowsFlowserve to gain insight into abnormal lubrica-tion and machine conditions that may exist at aplant. Lubricant samples are subjected to a bat-tery of tests, including spectroscopic analysis,wear particle counts, fourier transform infraredspectroscopy, viscosity measurements, the KarlFischer water test and, if the particle count isout-of-spec, analytical ferrography.

The Condition Data Point Monitoring pro-gram can be integrated easily with Flowserve’sAlliance Partner program and is a natural pro-gression for maintenance departments that arestriving to move from reactive maintenance toproactive maintenance. Plants that use bothprograms report excellent long-term results thatcan be duplicated in any plant. ▲

Typically, plant’s that have developed effective predictive

maintenance programs discover that monitored assets

rarely cause unplanned downtime.

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Page 5: Predictive Maintenance - Flowserve · PDF filePredictive Maintenance ... Vibration analysis ... fans, turbines, gearboxes and pumps with their motors, bearings, rotors, fan wheels,

Lucite International’s newest manufac-turing plant in Nederland, Texas, makesmethyl methacrylate monomer, the raw

material that makes possible the rigid, coloredand transparent acrylic sheets for which thecompany is so famous. Any unplanned down-time on any of the three lines would cripplethe plant’s production schedule. That’s whyLucite is a firm believer in the benefits of aneffective predictive maintenance program.And why Lucite relies on Flowserve to providea key part of that predictive program.

Although the Lucite plant is rich in rotatingequipment, with 250 pumps, nine refrigerantcompressors, seven fans and two turbines, itoperates with a lean workforce, less than 100people working 12-hour shifts, according toDickie Hughes, who has worked in the plant’smaintenance group for the past 12 years. Theplant’s maintenance group is proportionatelysmaller. Lucite uses a computerized mainte-nance management system, primarily for gen-erating work orders.

Hughes is responsible for the plant’s vibra-tion monitoring and oil analysis programs.Meanwhile, Jeff Brooks, the plant’s mechani-cal engineer, wears many hats as he overseesthe technical issues that arise at the facility.

Historical perspectiveLucite had been operating its own in-housevibration monitoring program for many years.That system worked well until two or threeyears ago, when the plant’s in-house trainingprogram couldn’t compensate for a shortageof skilled vibration technicians. As a result, theplant’s production schedule started slippingbehind schedule, untenable for a facility thatproduces a key raw material. “At one time, wehad been gathering vibration data on every-thing,” said Hughes, “but we had to scale thatback to just the critical items because of timeand manpower constraints.”

A known entityAfter evaluating alternatives, Lucite adopted

Face to Face 5


case study®

A structured program keeps vibration under control


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6 Face to Face


the Flowserve CDPM program. “We wereimpressed with the program and the use ofEntek,” Brooks said. “We’re familiar with theircapabilities. We liked the fact that Level 3 ana-lysts review our vibration data. Our relation-ship with Flowserve was another attraction tojoin forces on this predictive maintenancetool.” Analysts certified at Level 3 identifyincipient vibration problems using sophisti-cated analytical tools including high-fre-quency envelope signal, deflection shape andwaveform analyses. “We look at the analyst’sreport and write work orders, if we have to,”added Hughes.

While Lucite uses the Flowserve CDPM pro-gram’s vibration analysis module, the com-pany operates its own oil analysis program,collecting samples and sending them to a lab-oratory in Houston.

Beyond the skilled analysts and up-to-datelaboratories and test equipment, an importantfactor in an effective predictive maintenanceprogram is deciding where to apply the technology. “Our critical machine list is based on risk to safety, the environment andthe business,” said Brooks. “We’re monitoringsix fans and six refrigerant compressors, twoturbines. The rest are pumps. In all, we’remonitoring 63 machines, with 10 data pointson each.”

Since it began early this year, Lucite’s CDPMprogram has proved its value, says Brooks. Sofar, the plant has only had to pull only onepump from service and replace one gearboxbased on reports of high vibration levels. Theplant stilt-mounts its pumps to minimize pipestress and uses laser alignment when connect-ing pumps and their drivers.

The cycle“Lucite would be considered a world-classmaintenance operation,” boasted DustyYoung, Flowserve’s senior sales engineer serv-ing the Lucite plant. “During a start-up in1992, once the plant was up to operating con-ditions, it was making on-spec product within24 hours.” Flowserve’s CDPM program aug-ments that maintenance expertise.

Once a month, a Flowserve technician visits

the plant and collects data from its 600-plusmonitoring points in about 12 hours, spreadover two days. Then comes the customerinteraction that gives the plant a heads-upon potential problems. “The technician whotakes the readings then discusses anomalieswith us before he leaves,” said Hughes.Within a week, the test results are available.“That’s when we go to the Entek Web siteand enter our password,” added Hughes.Reports retrieved there complete anotherpredictive maintenance cycle. “The reportsare very detailed,” said Brooks. The recom-mendations in the reports must be on targetand reflect reality. “We get very few recom-mendations. Most say to continue monitor-ing,” Hughes said, bearing witness to thecompany’s effective maintenance program.

How the plant responds to the recommen-dations and integrates them into its dailyoperations is important. Once the technician’scomments are confirmed, Hughes initiates awork order. Once it’s scheduled, the mainte-nance department fixes the problem with aminimum delay between problem discoveryand repair.

ImplementationRamping up Flowserve’s CDPM program atthe Lucite plant was not that difficult. Luciteprepared a critical machine list based on aninternal audit, which was then delivered toFlowserve for a quote. After awarding the con-tract, Lucite provided details about themachinery to be monitored, which Flowserveused to develop the Entek database for thesite. Lucite learned some important lessonsfrom the program. For instance, Brooks said,Lucite found that industry-standard vibrationalarm limits are set too high for its system. “Welowered the limits to reveal problems earlier,”he said.

Close collaboration between Lucite andFlowserve has rendered virtually meaninglesssuch standard maintenance metrics as mean-time-between-failures, downtime hours andmean-time-between-repairs. There haven’tbeen enough maintenance problems at theplant so far to develop these calculations. ▲

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Page 7: Predictive Maintenance - Flowserve · PDF filePredictive Maintenance ... Vibration analysis ... fans, turbines, gearboxes and pumps with their motors, bearings, rotors, fan wheels,

According to U.S. Department of Energystatistics, pumping systems can account

for as much as 50 percent of the energy con-sumed in industrial plant operations. It’sobvious that any improvements and savingsin these applications can decrease costs andmake a positive impact on the environment.Concurrently, mechanical failures frommetal-to-metal contact are another source ofreliability problems that lead to more costs.

To that end, the Flow Solutions Divisionof Flowserve Corp. has become the exclusiveafter-market distributor of Greene, Tweed’sWR® line of engineered pump wear materi-als and solutions. These wear materials pro-vide Flowserve with additional tools toincrease pump efficiencies, while at thesame time improving pump reliability,thereby reducing total life-cycle cost.

The WR family of composites exceeds thevalue of metallic, carbon-graphite and rub-ber wear components by offering the follow-ing benefits:

• Low friction that minimizes the chancesfor galling and seizing, allowing fortighter wear component running clear-ances and higher pump efficiencies.

• Intermittent dry run.• Strength exceeding that of steel.• Dimensional stability and low thermal

expansion.• Resistance to chemicals, impact, ther-

mal shocks and hydrolysis.WR525 composites are an ideal replace-

ment for metals and alloys used in impellerwear rings, case wear rings and bushings inlarge, multistage pumps. Unlike most com-posites, this material can be used for highspeed rotating components. Temperaturelimitations for WR525 meet the require-ments of API 610, 9th edition (-20 °F to 450°F), and WR525 provides a pressure limit of500 psi (2,000 psi, if suitably supported).

WR300, a unique, carbon-fiber reinforcedmaterial, delivers performance and reliabil-ity beyond the reach of metallic wear mate-rials. The composite is used for bushings,bearings and case wear rings in most cen-

trifugal pumps handling poorly lubricating,low-specific gravity media. The material’santi-gall and anti-seize properties limit cavi-tation and bearing failure damage.Temperature limitations on the WR300composite also meet the requirements ofAPI 610 (-20 °F to 275 °F). WR300 has apressure limit of 300 psi.

AR®1, with its nearly universal chemicalresistance and superior abrasion resistance,is the bearing material of choice for riverwater and sump pumps. The AR1 materialhas a temperature limit of 105 °F and,unlike bronze or rubber, it offers dry-run-ning capability.

Wear rings and bushings can be manufac-tured with tight clearances to reduce inter-nal pump recirculation and stabilize therotor. Depending on the service, this alonecan pay for the upgrade. Low-friction WRprevents shaft seizure during pump startup,thus reducing warranty repairs. These characteristics, plus numerous other bene-fits, make Greene, Tweed’s WR family ofmaterials the clear choice for pump wearcomponents. ▲

Face to Face 7

Flowserve adds Greene,Tweed’s WR® to its toolkitIf you specify API 610 pumps, here’s something you shouldknow about wear components


Composite materials

can protect critical

parts from mechani-

cal damage.

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