precision strike association annual programs review 20 april 2005 ltgen michael a. hough deputy...

Precision Strike Precision Strike Association Association Annual Programs Review Annual Programs Review 20 April 2005 20 April 2005 LtGen Michael A. Hough Deputy Commandant for Aviation

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Page 1: Precision Strike Association Annual Programs Review 20 April 2005 LtGen Michael A. Hough Deputy Commandant for Aviation

Precision Strike AssociationPrecision Strike AssociationAnnual Programs ReviewAnnual Programs Review

20 April 200520 April 2005LtGen Michael A. Hough

Deputy Commandant for Aviation

Page 2: Precision Strike Association Annual Programs Review 20 April 2005 LtGen Michael A. Hough Deputy Commandant for Aviation

Precision Strike:Precision Strike: Improving the Kill ChainImproving the Kill Chain

Precision Strike: Kill ChainKill Chain

Key enabler: Command & ControlCommand & ControlSituational AwarenessPrecision TargetingStandoffResponse TimePrecision Lethality

Precision Strike: Kill ChainKill Chain

Key enabler: Command & ControlCommand & ControlSituational AwarenessPrecision TargetingStandoffResponse TimePrecision Lethality

Precision: A Warhead on a ForeheadPrecision: A Warhead on a Forehead


Page 3: Precision Strike Association Annual Programs Review 20 April 2005 LtGen Michael A. Hough Deputy Commandant for Aviation

Precision Strike:Precision Strike: Improving the Kill ChainImproving the Kill Chain

Yesterday: Where we wereWhere we were

Today: Where we areWhere we are

Tomorrow: Where we need to Where we need to gogo

Yesterday: Where we wereWhere we were

Today: Where we areWhere we are

Tomorrow: Where we need to Where we need to gogo

Page 4: Precision Strike Association Annual Programs Review 20 April 2005 LtGen Michael A. Hough Deputy Commandant for Aviation

Yesterday: Where we Yesterday: Where we werewere

Quantity versus QualityQuantity versus QualityQuantity versus QualityQuantity versus Quality

Dumb bombsDumb aircraftInaccurate coordinatesOperator skill & luck

Slow & limited intelligence & SALimited precisionLimited standoffVery slow response time

Page 5: Precision Strike Association Annual Programs Review 20 April 2005 LtGen Michael A. Hough Deputy Commandant for Aviation

Today: Where we areToday: Where we are

Enhanced success on non-moving Enhanced success on non-moving targetstargets

Enhanced success on non-moving Enhanced success on non-moving targetstargets

Intel & SA vastly improved

Precision effects desired / required

Major improvement in LETHALITYPrecise & Precision weapons

JDAM, Laser guided weapons

Precision aircraft

Precision coordinate generation – in work

Response time decreased

Page 6: Precision Strike Association Annual Programs Review 20 April 2005 LtGen Michael A. Hough Deputy Commandant for Aviation

Today: Where we areToday: Where we are

Significant progress – more neededSignificant progress – more neededSignificant progress – more neededSignificant progress – more needed


Accuracy, speed, coordinate pedigreeTLDHS (Target Location Designation Handoff Sys) Near-instant data transmission & Near-instant data transmission & processingprocessing

3rd generation FLIR Real-time video downlinksUAVs

Real-time situational awareness FACs: greater engagement range Armed UAVs shorten kill chain

Page 7: Precision Strike Association Annual Programs Review 20 April 2005 LtGen Michael A. Hough Deputy Commandant for Aviation

Target Location Designation Target Location Designation and Handoff Systemand Handoff System Digital Map &

BFSA Overlays

Precise targeting interface

TLDHSUSMC Today: Ground user to GPS weapons with NO human inputPrecision coordinate generation at the tactical level

Page 8: Precision Strike Association Annual Programs Review 20 April 2005 LtGen Michael A. Hough Deputy Commandant for Aviation

Litening Pod DownlinkLitening Pod Downlink

Sensor downlink from aircraft – “Rover”Sensor downlink from aircraft – “Rover”Developed by USMC for Offensive Air SupportProvides video from aircraft/UAV sensor to ground user

Pilot understands FAC – FAC understands pilot:


Real-time Collaboration shortens kill chainReal-time Collaboration shortens kill chainReal-time Collaboration shortens kill chainReal-time Collaboration shortens kill chain

Page 9: Precision Strike Association Annual Programs Review 20 April 2005 LtGen Michael A. Hough Deputy Commandant for Aviation


Litening ATLitening ATAV-8BExpeditionary F/A-18

Shared Situational AwarenessNight operations

RESULTS…Near-precision effectsSortie efficiency!

Litening ISR

Page 10: Precision Strike Association Annual Programs Review 20 April 2005 LtGen Michael A. Hough Deputy Commandant for Aviation

Weapon TLE is NOT the limiting factor

We use precision weapons in an imprecise way

Coordinate Generation is KEYQualityTimingDigital Transmission / Error avoidanceEmploymentProcessing time & effort

Kill Chain TodayKill Chain Today

Page 11: Precision Strike Association Annual Programs Review 20 April 2005 LtGen Michael A. Hough Deputy Commandant for Aviation

Efficiency Sorties Risk: aircrew vs. machines Capability: persistence/duration Survivability Cost: AV-8B = $7K/hr, Tac UAV = $300/hr IR pointer on Pioneer

UAVs in the Kill ChainUAVs in the Kill Chain

We need a 3We need a 3rdrd tier tactical UAV: Eagle tier tactical UAV: Eagle EyeEye

We need a 3We need a 3rdrd tier tactical UAV: Eagle tier tactical UAV: Eagle EyeEye


le E

ye F


t V


Must be fully plugged into C2 Net>>> Seamless Integration>>> Operate within Kill Chain

Page 12: Precision Strike Association Annual Programs Review 20 April 2005 LtGen Michael A. Hough Deputy Commandant for Aviation

Today: Where we areToday: Where we are

Today’s model for precision Today’s model for precision strikestrike

Today’s model for precision Today’s model for precision strikestrike

What is our best PS weapon What is our best PS weapon today?today?

Real-time TargetingReal-time TargetingTarget DiscriminationTarget Discrimination

Moving TargetsMoving TargetsIntelligent ResponseIntelligent Response

Accuracy: Accuracy: 1 INCH1 INCH

Page 13: Precision Strike Association Annual Programs Review 20 April 2005 LtGen Michael A. Hough Deputy Commandant for Aviation

Today: Where we areToday: Where we are

Today’s model for precision Today’s model for precision strikestrike

Today’s model for precision Today’s model for precision strikestrike

What is our best PS weapon What is our best PS weapon today?today?

Real-time TargetingReal-time TargetingTarget DiscriminationTarget Discrimination

Moving TargetsMoving TargetsIntelligent ResponseIntelligent Response

Accuracy: Accuracy: 1 INCH1 INCH

Page 14: Precision Strike Association Annual Programs Review 20 April 2005 LtGen Michael A. Hough Deputy Commandant for Aviation


Compress the kill chainCompress the kill chainCompress the kill chainCompress the kill chain

Command & Control – SA & Intel

Sea Shield & FORCENetNetworked Architecture


Better Situational Awareness

– An “Internet-style” architecture for all players?

– All users, platforms, weapons linked – total visibility

Drive down Response Time


Page 15: Precision Strike Association Annual Programs Review 20 April 2005 LtGen Michael A. Hough Deputy Commandant for Aviation

Urban ops require increased precision

Marine on the ground needs…Marine on the ground needs…Sophisticated system to acquire precision coordinates

Image processingMensuration

Microburst precision data to platform & operatorsPlatform data transmitted back to man on the ground

Coordinates refined & transmitted

Tomorrow: Kill ChainTomorrow: Kill Chain

USMC will field soon with TLDHSUSMC will field soon with TLDHSUSMC will field soon with TLDHSUSMC will field soon with TLDHS

Page 16: Precision Strike Association Annual Programs Review 20 April 2005 LtGen Michael A. Hough Deputy Commandant for Aviation

Marine on the Marine on the ground needs…ground needs…

Sophisticated system to acquire precision coordinates

Image processingMensuration

Microburst precision data to platform & operatorsPlatform data transmitted back to man on the ground

Coordinates refined & transmitted

Tomorrow: Kill ChainTomorrow: Kill ChainInstant weapon programming

Air-launched bombMissileSmart artillery/naval round

It should all happen in an INSTANT!Simple user interfacesNo voice comm

USMC will field soon with TLDHSUSMC will field soon with TLDHSUSMC will field soon with TLDHSUSMC will field soon with TLDHS

Page 17: Precision Strike Association Annual Programs Review 20 April 2005 LtGen Michael A. Hough Deputy Commandant for Aviation

Moving/Mobile TargetsLong range weapons – targets move Terminal guidance updatesSensor-fused weaponsGuidance systems that can discriminate

Today: LGBs, Maverick, Hellfire Joint Common Missile technology… NETWORKS

“Internet” for all players – weapons linked inLimiting factor becomes response time, not accuracy


Making the kill chain more effectiveMaking the kill chain more effectiveMaking the kill chain more effectiveMaking the kill chain more effective

Need “tag” formobile targets

Page 18: Precision Strike Association Annual Programs Review 20 April 2005 LtGen Michael A. Hough Deputy Commandant for Aviation


We need your helpWe need your helpWe need your helpWe need your help

Joint Policy

Joint Training

Joint Equipment

Joint Architecture

This is not easy…This is not easy…

Page 19: Precision Strike Association Annual Programs Review 20 April 2005 LtGen Michael A. Hough Deputy Commandant for Aviation


What we do todayWhat we do today

Will determines Will determines the steps we take the steps we take



Page 20: Precision Strike Association Annual Programs Review 20 April 2005 LtGen Michael A. Hough Deputy Commandant for Aviation

Advanced TechnologyAdvanced Technology

MARINES:MARINES:Our best platform

Page 21: Precision Strike Association Annual Programs Review 20 April 2005 LtGen Michael A. Hough Deputy Commandant for Aviation

How we will make this How we will make this happenhappen

Page 22: Precision Strike Association Annual Programs Review 20 April 2005 LtGen Michael A. Hough Deputy Commandant for Aviation


Marine Corps VisionMarine Corps Vision: 2015: 2015