prebooking guide

Guide to Pre-bookings Process

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Post on 16-Aug-2015




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Prebooking Guide


Guide to Pre-bookings ProcessContentsHow To Do Pre-Booking in SAP?How to Delete Pre-Bookings in SAP?How to Do Pre-booking in SAP?Pre-booking in SAP 1. On your, desktop, Double click on the SAP LOGON icon.2. The SAP LOGON 620 menu will appear. Double click on the PS1 [PS1 Production] client 400 to logon. 3. The !" #$3 menu will appear as indicated in this illustration. Pre-booking in SAP 4. Type your !" %.D. or &adge number here.'. Type your password here. "lease note that asterisks will appear as you encode your password. Pre-booking in SAP (. The SAP EASY ACCESS SABIC AREA MENU will appear as indicated in this illustration. Pre-booking in SAP %n the !" )!* !++) !&%+ !#)! ,)-., there are three /30 ways to pre1book an attendee through the transaction codes listed below23PV02Pr!"#oo$ ONE %tt!nd!! %&%in't ONE #u'in!'' !(!nt t)*!+3PV06Pr!"#oo$ MUL,IPLE %tt!nd!!' %&%in't ONE #u'in!'' !(!nt t)*!+3PV16Pr!"#oo$ ONE %tt!nd!! %&%in't MUL,IPLE #u'in!'' !(!nt t)*!'+ 3-ote2 *ou can also access all the abo4e mentioned transaction codes by using -R12 .MANAGER/S 0ES1,OP2 3or %ut4ori5!d !6*7o)!!'. The procedure will be the same as shown in the 5ollowing illustrations. 6. %n this e7ample, we will choose "802 by typing the transaction code in this window. 9. Then, con5irm your action by clicking on the ):)+.T) button as shown.Pre-booking in SAP ;. "lease note2 %5 you already ha4e the business e4ent type %D number, * by clicking on the arrow as shown. Pre-booking in SAP 11. Then, click on the arrow to select TRAINING JUBAIL. This is the MAIN GROUP for co!anies " affiliatesin JUBAIL. #or co!anies " affiliates in Ri$a%h an% &an'(, the$ sho(l% select their res!ecti)e *ro(!s.Pre-booking in SAP 12. *ou may select any o5 the listed sub1groups. &ut in this e7ample, we will choose =)-)#!> T#!%-%-= by clicking on the arrow as shown.Pre-booking in SAP 13. *ou may select any o5 the listedcourse groups. &ut in this e7ample, we will choose +O,".T)# T#!%-%-= by clicking on the arrow as shown.Pre-booking in SAP 14. ! list o5 business e4ent types will appear. elect on your pre5erred course by highlighting and double clicking on it. %n this e7ample, we will choose , )7cel 2003 >e4el 1Pre-booking in SAP 1'. %n the T%,) ")#%OD window encode the date by indicating the T!#T and?.1(. )-D date. &ear in mind that you should encode date on a @.!#T)#>* type basis. Pre-booking in SAP 16. elect the ")#O- tab by clicking on it.19. Then, encode the attendeeAs !" %.D. on the window as shown and con5irm your action by pressing the )-T)# key on your keyboard. !5ter con5irming your action, the attendeeAs name and department should appear as shown. Pre-booking in SAP 1;. Then, click on the "#)&OOB button to sa4e your transaction. Pre-booking in SAP Cinally, a message will appear on the status bar below con5irming that your transaction has been sa4ed. Pre-booking in SAP How to Cancel Pre-booking in SAP?%n the !" )!* !++) !&%+ !#)! ,)-., you can cancel "re1bookings by using the below Transaction2 PV02 Then, con5irm your action by clicking on the ):)+.T) button as shown.Canceling Pre-booking in SAP "lease note2 %5 you already ha4e the business e4ent type %D number, * by clicking on the arrow as shown. Canceling Pre-booking in SAP Then, click on the arrow to select TRAINING JUBAIL. This is the MAIN GROUP for co!anies " affiliatesin JUBAIL. #or co!anies " affiliates in Ri$a%h an% &an'(, the$ sho(l% select their res!ecti)e *ro(!s.Canceling Pre-booking in SAP *ou may select any o5 the listed sub1groups. &ut in this e7ample, we will choose =)-)#!> T#!%-%-= by clicking on the arrow as shown.Canceling Pre-booking in SAP *ou may select any o5 the listedcourse groups. &ut in this e7ample, we will choose +O,".T)# T#!%-%-= by clicking on the arrow as shown.Canceling Pre-booking in SAP ! list o5 business e4ent types will appear. P7!%'! Not!8 You 4%(! to '!7!ct t4! #u'in!'' !(!nt t)*! 3or 94ic4 )ou 4%(! *r!#oo$in&. %n this e7ample, we will choose , )7cel 2003 >e4el 1Canceling Pre-booking in SAP Then +lick on the "rebooked.This will show a list o5 prebooked nominees 5or this e4ent typeCanceling Pre-booking in SAP Dighlight on your prebookings!nd click on the Delete "rebooking /Thrash &utton0 to delete your prebookings No9 )our *r!#oo$in& %r! d!7!t!d 3ro6 SAPCanceling Pre-booking in SAP Thanks for following the Procedure