pre-tribulation rapture precedes the ezekiel 38/39 ·...

1 Pre-Tribulation Rapture Precedes the Ezekiel 38/39 War Part 3 Update Below is a report on Fed activity over the weekend in news for Monday, September 30, 2019. The headlines in blue below tell the narrative facing the U.S. financial system. The New York Federal Reserve Bank controls the Federal Reserve System; it is the largest of the 12 district reserve banks that make up the U.S. monetary system. In essence, the problem continues to worsen! This is one of several breaking reports over the weekend of September 28/29 th , 2019. The Rapture draws closer but obscured by Satan’s craftiness and distraction! The Fed Is Offering $100 Billion a Day in Emergency Loans to Unnamed Banks and Congress Is Not Curious Enough to Hold a Hearing By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: September 27, 2019 New York Fed Headquarters Building in Lower Manhattan

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Page 1: Pre-Tribulation Rapture Precedes the Ezekiel 38/39 · 2019-10-01 · Wall Street banks and their foreign derivative counterparty banks which tallied


Pre-Tribulation Rapture Precedes the

Ezekiel 38/39 War Part 3 Update

Below is a report on Fed activity over the weekend in news for Monday, September 30, 2019. The headlines in blue below tell the narrative facing the U.S. financial system. The New York Federal Reserve Bank controls the Federal Reserve System; it is the largest of the 12 district reserve banks that make up the U.S. monetary system. In essence, the problem continues to worsen! This is one of several breaking reports over the weekend of September 28/29th, 2019. The Rapture draws closer but obscured by Satan’s craftiness and distraction! The Fed Is Offering $100 Billion a Day in Emergency Loans to Unnamed Banks and Congress Is Not Curious Enough to Hold a Hearing By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: September 27, 2019

New York Fed Headquarters Building in Lower Manhattan

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The Federal Reserve Bank of New York first initiated its emergency overnight loans to Wall Street this year on Tuesday, September 17, starting off at the rate of $75 billion daily. It then increased its loans by adding, in addition to the $75 billion daily, 14-day term loans in the amount of $30 billion to be offered three times this past week. But after the demand for the first 14-day loan was more than double the $30 billion offered, the New York Fed boosted the next term loans to $60 billion and increased its overnight loans to $100 billion. What will next week bring? When Wall Street can get super cheap loans from the Fed in the tens of billions of dollars with no questions asked by Congress, it will continue upping its demands until the Fed is once again secretly shelling out trillions of dollars while Congress willfully remains in the dark – in other words, a replay of the 2007-2010 financial crisis. The New York Fed is only allowed to engage in these repo transactions with its 24 primary dealers. That list of 24 primary dealers includes the securities units of big U.S. banks like JPMorgan Chase, Citigroup, Bank of America and Wells Fargo, but it also includes the U.S. based securities units of troubled foreign banks like Deutsche Bank, Credit Suisse, and Societe Generale (SocGen). Because the New York Fed is not announcing which banks are drawing down the bulk of its loans, neither Congress nor the American people know if the money is flowing to U.S. banks or foreign bank subsidiaries in the U.S. Propping up troubled foreign banks is not what most Americans want their central bank to be doing. Bet on it, the Fed is propping up Deutsch Bank of Germany. If the New York Fed is secretly funneling money to a unit of Deutsche Bank to prop it up, the American people need to know about it and Congress needs to be asking questions. The Fed already got away with this during the last financial crisis, secretly funneling $77-billion to Deutsche from the Term Auction Facility (TAF), $1 billion from the Primary Dealer Credit Facility (PDCF) and a whopping $277-billion to Deutsche Bank from the Term Securities Lending Facility (TSLF) for a grand total of $354-billion in secret funding that Congress never approved or even knew about. Three years went by before an audit revealed that you the American taxpayer had bailed out a German bank. Only when the Government Accountability Office (GAO) released its one-time audit of the Fed in 2011 were Americans made aware of the unprecedented loans the Fed had made to Wall Street banks and their foreign derivative counterparty banks which tallied up to $16-trillion in cumulative revolving loans. But the GAO’s report was $13-trillion short of the full amount the Fed funneled in banking support through additional programs the GAO did not report. When those programs are added in, the figure is $29-trillion according to the Levy Economics Institute’s analysis; all on a bailout bill for $750-billion! Deutsche Bank is a likely candidate to be having funding problems. Its attempt to merge with Commerzbank fell through in April. Its latest plan is to fire 18,000 workers and create a good bank/bad bank, isolating off unwanted assets that it plans to sell. Deutsche Bank has run

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through four different CEOs in the past four years and incurred losses in three of those years. Its share price has lost 90 percent of its value over the last dozen years and it is trading close to an historic low as of yesterday. On Monday it reported that its prime broker unit, that makes loans to hedge funds, was moving over to BNP Paribas along with its electronic trading operations. Unfortunately for U.S. investors, Congress has taken no action to rein in the systemic risks on derivatives held by these behemoth global banks. Deutsche Bank is heavily interconnected via derivatives to U.S. banks including JPMorgan Chase, Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley and Bank of America. If it blows up, it has the potential to spread the kind of systemic contagion that Lehman Brothers spread in 2008 — seizing up lending between banks because no one knows who has exposure. Credit Suisse, another primary dealer, is also having difficulties with its share price losing 78 percent of its value since 2007. SocGen has also had a bad decade since the crash with its share price losing 66 percent of its value. According to the report out this morning from the New York Fed, demand for its emergency loans has quieted down some this morning. Of the $100 billion it offered out to its primary dealers for a 3-calendar day loan (to cover this weekend), only $22.7 billion in bids were submitted for the loans. Of the $60 billion it offered out in 14-day term loans, banks only bid for $49 billion. That’s a big change from last Tuesday when the New York Fed offered $30 billion in 14-day term loans and banks asked to buy (bid for) $62 billion. ‘Wall Street on Parade’ is not the only financial news outlet that thinks there is something much bigger than a technical/seasonal funding problem happening on Wall Street. John Dizard wrote this yesterday at the Financial Times: “In recent days, some banks and dealers have wound up paying hundreds of basis points over the Fed funds target rate for their short-term money. The implication, to money market people, is there are big unknown counterparty risks out there and nobody wants to get caught in another ‘Lehman’ workout. ” `Simple math tells you that something is very very wrong. As we wrote previously: “As of June 30 of this year, the four largest banks on Wall Street (which are allowed to own federally insured commercial banks as well as stock, bond and derivative gambling casinos known as investment banks) held more than $5.45-trillion in deposits. The breakdown is as follows: JPMorgan Chase holds $1.6-trillion; Bank of America has $1.44 trillion; Wells Fargo has $1.35-trillion; and Citibank is home to just over $1-trillion.”

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The entire GDP for the United States last year was $20.5-trillion. The four banks mentioned above have 27 percent of the entire U.S. GDP in deposits. How could it be possible that those four banks can’t come up with $100 billion in repo loans per day and thus are forcing the Fed to once again become the lender of last resort? Congress needs to call hearings on this matter immediately, calling as witnesses the President of the New York Fed and the CEOs of each of the mega banks holding these trillions in deposits. ← High Drama in SEC House Hearing Ignored by Mainstream Media The Repo Loan Crisis, Dead Bankers, and Deutsche Bank: Timeline of Events →

© 2019 ‘Wall Street On Parade’. Wall Street On Parade ® is registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. is a public interest web site operated by Russ and Pam Martens to help the investing public better understand systemic corruption on Wall Street.

Paul Begley was the first to report the start of the war between Saudi Arabia and Iran and it is not going well for Saudi Arabia. Military sources told Dave Hodges of Common Sense News that it won't be long until we are bombing Iran, likely with cruise missiles to start.

The map above will give you an idea of the proximity between Saudi Arabia and Iran. The Houthis’ rebels from Yemen scored a huge victory over the weekend in their ongoing war with Saudi Arabia. The Houthis of Yemen claimed they completed a successful assault near the southern region of Najran, Saudi Arabia on Saturday. The Houthi’s military spokesman said “three enemy military brigades have fallen” and that they captured thousands of troops and hundreds of armored vehicles.

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The Houthis also claimed some senior Saudi officers were among those captured. No Saudi officials have yet confirmed the raid, but the Houthi spokesman said they will be presenting evidence of the captured troops and vehicles in a press conference on Sunday. The Houthis also say the captured troops will be taken to an undisclosed location to protect them from Saudi airstrikes. The assault comes after Saudi Arabia announced they will be joining a “limited cease-fire” in Yemen. Last week, the Houthis offered a truce with the kingdom. The Saudis did not respond to the truce offer right away and continued airstrikes on the country that were responsible for some civilian deaths. The Houthis took credit for the September 14th drone attack on Saudi oil facilities that crippled the kingdom’s oil output. Both the U.S. and Saudis blamed Iran for the attack, and the U.S. responded by sending a few hundred troops and some military equipment to Saudi Arabia. The Houthis have been armed by Iran and supplied with Iranian arms throughout the two year war. A massive column of black smoke has risen from a train station in Saudi Arabia’s city of Jeddah. The Haramain high-speed railway connects Islam’s holy cities of Mecca and Medina, and is crucial for facilitating annual pilgrimages. There have been no reports of casualties as yet, and the possible cause of the blaze is also unknown. However, trains were diverted from the station and an evacuation was ordered. Jeddah, which is located on the Red Sea coast, is also home to Saudi Arabia’s new King Abdulaziz International Airport, which is linked to the Haramain railway. The transit system cost some $7.3-billion and was opened in September, 2018. Although Saudi Arabia is home of Medina and Mecca, the two holiest Islamic sites, they fear the Iranian growing ambition and power. In 2018, Saudi Arabia had forged closer ties with Israel. Saudi Arabia two years ago agreed to allow Israeli IDF aircraft access to Saudi Arabia air space should they decide to attack iran. What most people do not understand is that Iranians are Shiite Muslims and Saudi Arabian are Sunni Muslims, and bitter enemies of one another. When they are not at war with Jews and Christians, they are at war with each other. I have included a comparison chart on the next page to help understand what it is that the U.S. has got itself into when it should have left the region altogether. The fact is the U.S. will be drawn into this relatively quickly and we will see larger deployments of U.S. troops to Saudi Arabia. Until now, troop deployment announcements have been in increments of fewer than a thousand each. Yemeni Houthi rebels have released footage of what they say was a victorious offensive on the border with Saudi Najran province. It shows scores of captured military troops, including what seem to be Saudi officers, and hardware.

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The footage was broadcast on the Houthi-run Al Masirah TV channel on Sunday. The video features a Houthi spokesman explaining the details of the military operation, which they dubbed ‘Victory from God,’ as well as live action footage from the ground. The offensive began a couple of days ago but is said to have been planned over several months. Three Saudi-led brigades were ultimately led into a major ambush, the spokesman claimed. The battle against the brigades – said to be some 7,000-strong in total – took place on Yemeni soil close to the border with the Saudi Arabian province of Najran.

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The convoy was targeted with Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs), artillery and small arms fire, with the opposing forces seen panicking and trying to flee, while several vehicles are hit and some even crashed into a ravine. The full footage shows some corpses, while scores of captured fighters are being led away. Many military vehicles – ranging from US-made Oshkosh mine-resistant vehicles to assorted Toyota-based gun trucks – are seen abandoned in the footage. Some of the machines are burnt-out by the Houthi fighters on the spot, while others – including APCs with six-barrel rotary cannon – are driven away. The ambush of Saudi military forces demoralized the Saudi soldiers and led to the capture of reported 2 or 3 brigades of Saudi troops. The Saudi military in the past three years has a very poor performance level, based upon observations and U.S. military advisors.

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The offensive appears to be the second major blow delivered to Riyadh by the Yemeni rebels in just a month. Earlier in September, a major Saudi oil refinery came under drone and missile attacks claimed by the Houthis. Saudi Arabia, as well as the US and its allies, however, shifted the blame for the attacks on Iran, while admitting they did not know the actual launch site. Tehran has strongly denied its involvement. The war in Yemen has been raging since 2015, after the Houthis rebellion ousted US- and Saudi-backed President Abdraduh Mansur Hadi and captured the nation’s capital, Sanaa. In response, Saudi Arabia, the UAE and their allies launched an invasion of Yemen, trying to reinstall Hadi. The land operations, as well as an indiscriminate aerial bombing campaign has

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taken a heavy toll on Yemeni civilians, while a sea and air blockade has led to large-scale cholera epidemic and has put millions on the brink of famine.

As I posted in my update Part 2 of this saga, the United States is obligated to protect the Saudi Arabian because of the deal that was created between Dr. Henry Kissinger and the U.S. and Saudi Arabia and the nations buying their oil from Saudi Arabia. When the Petro-Dollar agreement was established, the U.S. became the guarantor of protection for the House of Saud. The news media would rather prefer to cover the bogus impeachment scam story and the Democrats scandal of deposing President Donald J. Trump when the world is about to explode into regional war that likely will go global with the Ezekiel 38/39 War. Iranian Royal Guard leader said that they believe they can now overthrow Israel.

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Iran’s military Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) has been stepping up their rhetoric and claims they are capable of driving Israel into the Mediterranean Sea. They see the chaos in the Israeli government’s ability to form a new government as an invitation to step up their terrorist attacks on Israel. Benjamin Netanyahu has been unable to form a new government, and when given the chance first to form a government has been stalemated. It is dead-locked inability to form a new government. The people of Israel are very unhappy with both Netanyahu and Gantz for their mutual unwilling to compromise, and thus, now a third election is likely to take place. The body guard of King Saud of Saudi Arabia was killed in attacks closer to Riyadh the capital of Saudi Arabia. Abdulaziz al-Fagham was a Major General in Saudi Arabia’s Royal Guard Corps, whose mission is to protect the senior members of the oil kingdom’s royal family. Al-Fagham served two kings, king Salman and his predecessor, king Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, and was constantly seen alongside the official functions. Since much current-affair coverage in Saudi Arabia’s state-owned media revolves around the activities of the royal family, al-Fagham’s figure was familiar to most Saudis. They were reportedly shocked by the murder of such a familiar figure that was very close to the Saudi royal family. But details of al-Fagham’s killing remain sparse. Saudi officials began posting social-media messages of condolence about al-Fagham and his family late on Saturday evening. It wasn’t until late on Sunday evening that the kingdom’s official media began to publish official reports of al-Fagham’s demise. State-run Saudi television said that al-Fagham, whom it described as a “bodyguard of the custodian of the two holy mosques”, had been killed following a “dispute of a personal nature”. A subsequent television report stated that al-Fagham had died on Saturday evening at a house belonging to a close friend of his in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia’s second-largest city, which is located on the shores of the Red Sea. It has since emerged that while visiting his friend’s house, al-Fagham had a prolonged argument with another visitor named Mamdouh bin Meshaal al-Ali. The latter left the house in anger and later returned with a rifle, which he used to kill al-Fagham and injure two others, according to reports. Al-Fagham was taken to a nearby hospital, where he died of gunshot wounds. Meanwhile, police surrounded the house where the shootout took place and tried to arrest al-Ali. But the alleged culprit refused to surrender to police and was subsequently shot dead by security officers, following a firefight that injured several people. As the map below shows, this is such a convoluted struggle between the various states and their neighbors. Iraq called for all U.S. forces to leave their country and not to plan any invasion of Iran from their land as they have been seeking to normalize relations with Iran. Iran has been using their resources to back insurgencies in the neighboring states of Israel, as they experience success in their arming the Houthis. The map encapsulates the players in this struggle for dominion of the oil region that supplies much of the world.

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A senior commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) announced that the country has developed proper strategy and weapons to attack enemy targets in distanced areas. "Today, the enemy's conditions and our preparedness status have enabled us to conduct long-range offensive operations at strategic levels," IRGC Deputy Commander for Operations Brigadier General Abbas Nilforoushan said on Saturday. "We have also developed proper weapons in line with this strategic change," he added.

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General Nilforoushan said that Iran has also developed a multi-layer defense as well as missiles, drones and weapons appropriate to its offensive strategy. "Today, our deterrence power covers all the strategic targets of the enemy and certainly war in the region will engage all enemy interests," he added. The IRGC and other Iranian Armed Forces have in recent years prepared themselves to give a crushing response to any enemy attacks even in distanced areas. The Head of the IRGC Public Relations Department General Ramezan Sharif had warned in 2017 that the trans-regional enemies of Iran's defensive power and its capability to attack their interests in faraway lands in case of any aggression. "We are the only country which enjoys 100% indigenized defense, naval, ground and aerospace forces and are able to target our enemies in distanced areas," General Sharif said at the time. He underlined that the enemies of Iran should rest assured that the former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein's fate is waiting for them. Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif says the United States has already initiated a cyber war against Iran, but it could not "finish" a full-fledged war if it started one against the country. In an interview with NBC's "Meet The Press," which aired in full on Sunday, Zarif referred to Stuxnet, a malicious computer worm that is widely believed to be have been made by the US and Israel. "There is a cyber war going on. The United States started that cyber war, with attacking our nuclear facilities in a very dangerous, irresponsible way that could've killed millions of people," he said. "There is a cyber war and Iran is engaged in that cyber war," he added. "Any war that the United States starts, it won't be able to finish." The Washington Post reported in June 2012 that US spy services and Israel’s military had worked together to launch the Stuxnet virus attack on a uranium enrichment facility at Natanz, Iran. Asked whether Iran was attempting to interfere with the 2020 US presidential election, Zarif said the Islamic Republic doesn't have a preference in the race. "We don't have a preference in your election to intervene in that election," he said. "We don't interfere in the internal affairs of another country," The interview comes amid heightened tensions between Iran and the US over the latter's provocative moves in the Middle East.

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President Donald Trump has said the US is “locked and loaded” and ready to respond to recent attacks on Saudi oil installations, which his administration has blamed on Iran without providing any evidence. Washington has also adopted hostile measures against Tehran since its withdrawal from the 2015 multilateral nuclear deal, officially named the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), and the re-imposition of anti-Iran sanctions. Another mystery airstrike was conducted over Iraq late Friday night, after a summer that's witnessed Baghdad blame Israel for a series of unprecedented violations of its airspace to carry out alleged strikes on Iran-linked Shia militias in the country. This newest incident involved an attack on Imam Ali base near the border with Syria, in an area which Israeli defense officials have voiced concern Iran is utilizing Iraq's Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF) to aid Syrian forces in establishing a security corridor stretching along the Syrian-Iraq border, or so-called Iranian "land bridge".

The Israeli media has taken keen interest in each new 'mystery' attack on Iraq of late after last month Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu confirmed in public comments that he's been forced to "defend" Israel's security and "interests" even in faraway Iraq. The Times of Israel described of the overnight Friday attack: “Unknown aircraft reportedly struck bases belonging to Iranian-backed militias in Iraq close to the Syrian border late Friday night. The Shiite fighters in the Boukamal region responded with anti-aircraft fire, according to local media. There were no reported casualties.”

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The area has been hit by several airstrikes in recent weeks that some have attributed to Israel. Earlier in the week Israeli media featured satellite images released by the private Israeli intelligence company ImageSat International which had revealed extensive construction underway on military compounds along the border. Notably the attack came on the same day Iraq announced re-opening of the key al-Qa’im border crossing in Boukamal, which had once been controlled by ISIS. Should there be proof or confirmation that Israel was indeed behind the overnight airstrikes, it could signal the start of a more aggressive Israeli campaign to ensure pro-Iranian forces can't establish bases along the Syrian border. Such Israeli operations are likely to receive Washington's tacit blessing. Last month ‘The New York Times’ confirmed that at least some among a spate of airstrikes on Shia militia compounds in and around Baghdad were carried out by Israel. An Iranian official has announced that the UK-flagged tanker Stena Impero was free to leave. Remember the Stena Impero? This is the tanker the IRGC arrested after the Empire committed an act of piracy on the high seas and seized the Iranian tanker Grace 1. Col Cassad posted a good summary of this info-battle, blow by blow (corrected machine translation): 1. Britain, at the instigation of the U.S., seizes the Iranian tanker Grace 1 and demands from Iran guarantees that it in any case does not go to Syria. 2. Iran, in response, captures the British tanker Stena Impero and says it will not retreat until the British releases Grace 1. British ships that guarded merchant ships in the Strait of Hormuz were warned that they would be destroyed if they interfered with the IRGC’s actions. 3. After 2 months, Britain officially releases Grace 1, which is renamed Adrian Darya 1. It raised the Iranian flag and changed the crew. 4. The British government says the tanker is released under Iran’s obligations not to unload the tanker at the Syrian port of Banias or anywhere else in Syria. Iran denies this. 5. The U.S. officially requires Britain and Gibraltar to arrest Adrian Darya 1 and not let him into Syria, as it violates the sanctions regime. Britain and Gibraltar refuse the U.S. 6. Adrian Darya 1 reaches the coast of Syria and after a few days on the beam of Banias, unloads its cargo in Syria. The Iranian government says it has not made any commitments to anyone. 7. After Adrian Darya 1 left Syria, Iran announced that it was ready to release the British tanker. The goal has been achieved. This was truly an amazing series of steps, really! It confirms that Iran is not to be under-estimated in its strategic planning. The U.S. is the undisputed maritime super-power, not only because of its huge fleet, but because of its network of bases all over the planet (700-1000 depending on how you count) and, possibly even more importantly, a network of so-called “allies”, “friends”, “partners” and

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“willing coalition members” (aka de facto U.S. colonies) worldwide. In comparison, Iran is a tiny dwarf, at least in maritime terms. But, as the U.S. expression goes, “it’s not the size of the dog in the fight, it’s the size of the fight in the dog” which decides the outcome. And then there is the (provisional) outcome of the Houthi strike on the Saudi oil installations. The Saudis appeared to be pushing for war against Iran, as did Pompeo, but Trump apparently decided otherwise. But as we can see, events can turn on a dime! Some have focused on the fact that Trump said that it was “easy” to attack Iran. Others have ridiculed Trump for his silly bragging about how U.S. military gear would operate in spite of the dismal failure of both U.S. cruise missile attacks (on Syria) and the Patriot SAMs (in the KSA). But all that bragging is simply obligatory verbal flag-waving; this is what the current political culture in the U.S. demands from all politicians. But I think that the key part of his comments is when he says that to simply attack would be “easy” (at least for him it would) but that this would not show strength. I also notice that Trump referred to those who predicted that he would start a war and said that they were wrong about him. Trump also acknowledged that a lot of people are happy that he does not strike (while others deplored that, of course, beginning with the entire U.S. pseudo-liberal & pseudo-Left media and politicians). The one exception has been, again, Tulsi Gabbard who posted this after Trump declared that the U.S. was “locked and loaded”. Army Lieutenant-General Mark Milley is taking over as the nation's top military officer against a backdrop of controversy over defense aid to the Ukraine that has triggered a presidential impeachment inquiry at a time of persistent threats from China, Russia and Iran. As Commander of the Joints Chief of Staff, General Milley is one tough package and Iran should be careful not to push General Milley. A few days ago U.S. Air Force General Tom McInerney joined Dr. Dave Janda to discuss the latest impeachment hijinks. He asked, "Why are they doing all these bizarre things that we've never seen in the history of this great nation, Dave?” "They are doing it for one reason: they have got to cover up the most corrupt administration in the history of the United States, the Obama Administration...” said General McInerney. The General went on to say, "They also had to cover up Uranium One, they had to cover up the IRS scandal, they had to cover up Fast and Furious with the Department of Justice and Holder - so, there are a whole host of things that they are trying to cover up...” "The same team that created the Russian hoax is the same team that is creating the Ukraine hoax. The "whistleblower" is not a whistleblower. He's a treasonous leaker and he is in cohorts with the group of people from, said General McInerney. The General stated, "His attorney worked for Hillary Clinton and Schumer before, so he's a dyed-in-the-wool, in-party, Democratic hack who is advising this whistleblower and from very

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responsible sources, it is evident that the whistleblower complaint was written by a legal firm; lawyers, probably and sent in...” "I think I've got to agree with Stephen Miller and you, that Trump is the real whistleblower. He is blowing wide open the Joe Biden-Hunter Biden corruptness that they did against the Ukraine government, as well as the Chinese, $1.5 billion dollars from China, fifty grand a month to be it on a board - are you kidding me? And he knows nothing about energy. Look, I've been on seven boards. I know what the pay goes and it's nothing like that. So, it was very corrupt and the American people must know it..." The two noted that the U.S. has a treaty with the Ukraine on mutual legal assistance in criminal matters. This treaty went into effect in 1999 under Bill Clinton, to investigate such matters as Biden's corruption and how the 30,000 emails that Hillary Clinton deleted after these were subpoenaed by the FBI are saved on the CrowdStrike server, which is located in Ukraine. Nancy Pelosi and the Deep State want to impeach Donald Trump for enforcing this treaty, without even looking at any evidence against him. Adam Schiff has had access to the "Whistleblower Report" since early August. As Gen. McInerney says, "John Brennan selected the lawyer that wrote this; he's intimately involved with it. Why? Because he doesn't want the Durham Report ever get out; that shows what he did to corrupt the IC and the CIA and he left a lot of moles in there...” "The Deep State team is the team that created the Russian hoax is now creating the Ukraine hoax. They created and were involved, deeply with the Uranium One sale, they were involved with the guns-for-hire - all these areas of corruptness came out through these same people that were in there...” "It's all the Democratic Party, which is so corrupt. And it's obvious now, that they have the House and what those chairmen are doing is all corrupt. They're not doing anything for the American people. This is consuming all their energies and it's not helping on healthcare, not helping on infrastructure, it's not helping on the Mexican Canada-US Treaty. None of this is it helping anyone, because they are trying to cover up their corruptness." Dry Janda agrees but points out that there's plenty of corruption on the Republican side. He asks, "Why don't we have the head of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Lindsey Graham calling for Hunter Biden and Joe Biden to testify in front of the Senate Committee?...Everybody's pointing at the House...where are the players in the Senate holding similar hearings? Pulling people that are actually involved in this quid pro quo issue with a foreign government such as Biden, Obama, Hunter Biden? Where are they, Tom?"

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"Great question, Dave. Where is the Senate Intel Committee? Where are they right now? Why are they looking into this matter? Why is Lindsey Graham not doing it? He's speaking out forcefully but what is his committee doing?” "They need to be getting Joe Biden and Hunter Biden up there and ask Hunter Biden, 'Why did you get $1.5 billion from China and $50,000 a month as a board rep?' Go around and look at all the board members and see what board members get fifty grand a month for being on the board." Dr. Janda points out, "These guys have information to take down this whole Ukrainian Hoax thing, the impeachment reason du jour and it's not happening. Why? I'll tell you why. I think and it all goes back to The Hammer and the leverage the Deep State has on these guys through illegal surveillance." If you are thinking because the Feast of Trumpets is over for another year, and we are still here, I would not be too concerned or disappointed. The issues and events that you have been reading here is certainly not a sign that things are getting better, think again. My central point in this series has been the Rapture will precede the Ezekiel 38/39 war. This is akin to the fact, when one sees Christmas decorations and toys in WalMart in October, it is also a reminder that Thanksgiving is even closer! We must not lose sight of the tenor of the U.S. has shifted from a Christian ethos to one of Lucifer coming on strong. Their goal has always been the total removal of God from American society and the downfall of America. Donald Trump says he is a Presbyterian, but he left off the USA, an apostate church. The Economic Doomsday is here. The second financial bubble is going to soon burst, and there’s nothing anyone can do about it. The Federal Reserve has set up the American economy for financial collapse, for printing trillions of dollars back in 2008 and 2009. The next crash is coming, and the decision by central banks to paper over their economy’s troubles with a massive injection of debt likely means that the next economic collapse and stock market crash is already overdue. The Federal Reserve’s policies of printing trillions of dollars back in ’08-09 have locked into place a serious financial crisis at some point in our future, going so far as to intimate the financial collapse and market crash will occur at least sometime in the next two years, It’s unavoidable, and even Donald Trump can’t stop it. Top economists predict that within the next 18-24 months, the imminent economic collapse will happen. I think that is too generous and do not give it 12 months before a collapse. The Federal Reserve has set up the American economy for financial collapse and market crash for printing trillions of dollars back in 2008 and 2009. The Federal Reserve’s policies of printing trillions of dollars back in ’08-09 have locked into place a serious financial crisis.

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The Financial elite will soon prevent you accessing your own money! I have warned for a long time that the Federal Reserve is planning to destroy the U.S. economy by printing the U.S. dollar in exponentially riskier quantities until it blows off the charts and crashes, and by easing credit and rates until the average individual and corporate debt loads are so enormous that the resulting massive distortions in the economy suddenly bring on an economic heart attack, leaving no possibility of a short or even medium-term recovery. That day is here! Several years ago, legislation was passed that declares your money in the bank technically belongs to the bank, first and foremost! A day is coming when the ATM’s will be shut down and you will lose what legally belonged to you. You should not keep more in the bank than what is needed to pay your bills. The question isn’t if the U.S. Dollar will collapse… but rather, when. What would cause a U.S. economic collapse? The United States cannot sustain the national debt that it has at $22 trillion. As the national debt continues to increase, interest rates must go up as well. If America’s debt is so massive, why hasn’t it collapsed yet? The answer is simple: Major economies like Japan, China, and the European Union still invest in the US economy. Also, the U.S. accurately pays off its bonds worth trillions of dollars a year. The Exchange Stabilization Fund, which I have written about before, is enabling the government to keep the illusion of a booming stock market and economy. More important is that the House of Rothschild has permitted it for its own reasons. The following facts are 11 actual quotes from President Donald J. Trump’s speech to Congress that show that the U.S. economy is in a state of collapse… 1. “Ninety-four million Americans are out of the labor force” 2. “Over 43 million people are now living in poverty” 3. “Over 43 million Americans are on food stamps” 4. “More than one in five people in their prime working years are not working” 5. We have the worst financial recovery in 65 years” 6. “In the last eight years, the past administration has put on more new debt than nearly all of the other Presidents combined” 7. “We’ve lost more than one-fourth of our manufacturing jobs since NAFTA was approved” 8. “We’ve lost 60,000 factories since China joined the World Trade Organization in 2001″ 9. “Our trade deficit in goods with the world last year was nearly 800 billion dollars” 10. “Obamacare premiums nationwide have increased by double and triple digits. As an example, Arizona went up 116 percent last year alone.” 11. “We’ve spent trillions and trillions of dollars overseas, while our infrastructure at home has so badly crumbled” Same-sex marriage in the United States expanded from one state in 2004 to all fifty states in … In June 2015, the Supreme Court ruled in the landmark civil rights case of Obergefell v. Hodges that the fundamental right of same-sex couples. I have not backed off my point that the U.S. has the hand of judgment upon this country, in the June, 2015 legalization of sodomy! God has turned our nation over to a reprobate mind. A nation that is imprisoned by our vain and evil thoughts is not long for this world. Minds and actions that have to succumb to every

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kind of wickedness, sin, deception, malicious behavior, a nation that has positioned itself as a hater of God. Remember that world events can change overnight or as we know, turn on a dime! Keep praying, and looking up, the sound of the Trumpet is closer than you may think! Blessings, Pastor Bob, [email protected]