pre-production city colege magazine

As Coursework Pre-Production Tyler Reed

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Post on 17-Mar-2016




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City College magazine, Pre-production


Page 1: Pre-production City Colege Magazine

As CourseworkPre-Production

Tyler Reed

Page 2: Pre-production City Colege Magazine

Medium/Close-up Photo

I chose to use myself as my central picture for my magazine cover; as it reflects the type of magazine I want to portray. I am a college student and therefore I thought it would be effective to use a college student as the image for a my college magazine. The pose I have chosen is a bold, medium shot, which connotes that my magazine will be a bold and striking magazine full of stories. Direct eye contact with the camera also gives a confident and eye catching effect to its audience.

Page 3: Pre-production City Colege Magazine

SketchI’ve chosen a typical layout for my magazine front cover. I’ve used cover-lines and incentives to capture the attention of my target audience. I’ve mainly aimed this magazine at girls as I feel they would be more likely to buy a magazine from college then boys would. My masthead is bold and is coloured to relate to other coloured points on the page, to keep the theme relevant. Cover-lines and incentives were added to draw the reader in and give them an insight into what the magazine will contain.

Page 4: Pre-production City Colege Magazine

Screen Grabs

This screen grab contains all of the incentives, cover-lines and masthead that is on my front cover. I felt that completing this and deciding on background later was more constructive and appropriate.

I used this image again as I felt it relevant to use a college student for a college magazine .

I didn’t edit it as I wanted my magazine to feel real to its audience.

Front Cover

Page 5: Pre-production City Colege Magazine

Screen GrabsContentsThis background is of a graffiti

piece from the college the graffiti itself isn't centred so it connotes an abstract feel to the magazine, and makes it more striking. I increased the exposure on this image to make it stand out more and make it more eye-catching for my readers.

I then added a picture and page number so the audience can see what page the incentives are on.

This also increases the readers interest. Keeping the theme I’ve

used green to match the bold colouring of the magazine. Ive

also put a slight angle on the picture so it relates to the

background. To make it more interesting.

After; I added text, so the audience can see what the magazine contains. I kept the theme of green to keep the theme relevant. I chose to put the text in the bland space so the graffiti was still clear so it gave that bold, youth-like impression