pre-easter sale · 1t for rent: houses furnished for rent two-room furnished him**, with water,...

FRIDAY TORRANCE HERALD - MARCH 20, 1925 * ' CLASSIFIED Advertisements All ads published In both TOR- RANCE HERALD and LOMITA NEWS. Bates (or combined circulations, both papers: One Insertion, per word__._ 2o Two Insertions, per word to Three Insertions, per word_ 4 Ho Four Insertions, per word__ Go Minimum ad, 12 words. Display Classified, 80c per Inch. Eight lines to Inch. Estimate SIX ORDINARY words t<J the line. In- itials and figures count as words. All ads with white space computed at rate of 80c per Inch. Classified Ad Columns close: For Tuesday Edition, 5:30 P. M. Monday. For Friday Edition, 6:30 P. M. Thursday. Phone. Torrance 200. Phone Lomlta 102. CLASSIFICATION No. Heading I ANNOUNCEMENTS X Funeral Notices I Cards of Thanks I Lodge Notices 6 Lost and Found ( Business Directory 7 Personal I Travel Opportunities t Business Opportunities 10 Financial 11 For Rent: Houses, Furnished 12 For Rent: Houses, Unfurnished II For Rent: Apartments and Flats, Furnished U For Rent: Apartments and Flats, Unfurnished 15 Far Rent: Rooms, Furnished M For Rent: Rooms, Unfurnished IT For Rent Garages For Rent: Stores and Offices For Rent: Furnished or Unfur- nished -- 29 Board and Room 21 For Sale: Automobiles and Ac- cessories For Sale: Furniture and House- hold Goods H For Sale: Horses and Livestock 26 For Sale: Miscellaneous 26 Help Wanted: Male rates by the month. Phone 167-J. 17 Help Wanted: Female 28 Help Wanted Male and Female 19 Situations Wanted SO Wanted To Buy 11 Wanted To Rent 12 Wanted: Miscellaneous It Real Estate: Improved M Real Estate: Unimproved 16 For Lease M OH Properties, Leases, Royal IS IS 13 For Rent: Apartment* and Flats, Furnished FURNISHED apartments In bunga- low court, strictly modern. »30, including garage. 2825 Hcdondo- Wtlmnigton Blvd., Lomita. 17 For Rent: Garages FOR RENT Garaue, 1730 Arling- ton Ave. 19 For Rent: Furnished or Unfurnished 3-ROOM APARTMENTS, furnished and unfurnished; hot and cold water; garages. Inquire Apt. H or K, California Court, 1005 Sar- torl. ATTRACTIVE 3-room furnished or unfurnished apartments, 2 beds; $30 and $35. .'075 fledondo Blvd., Apt. A. 20 Board and Room BOARD AND ROOM for two per- sons. Inquire 1333 Bngracla. 21 For Sale: Automobiles and Accessories FOR SALE Durant touring In good condition. Bargain for quick sale. Owner , leaving country. 22612 Vermont St. 22 For Sale: Furniture and Household Goods IRON BEDS, Jl each. 1927 Car- son St. BEDS, dressers, stoves, dining set, sewing machine. 1027 Carson St. 25 For Sale: Miscellaneous FOR SALE Hemstitching machin Address Box 934, Torrance. 27 Help Wanted: Female tie etc. 17 Income Property IS Real Estate for Sale or Tradi It Musical Instruments 40 Miscellaneous WE DESIRE to express our grt ful appreciation for the m expressions of loving sympathy during our recent bercavem Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Smith and Family; Mr. and Mrs. N. H Cllne and. Family. Business Directory , D. C. TURNER , In Rappaport's Store Expert Shoe Repairer Makes Old Shoes Look New DRESSMAKING Designers, alter- ations and hemstitching. Work guaranteed. 1425 E. Carson St., Torrance. WANTED Painting, tinting and taper-hanging. First class work. Prices right. T. J. Wilson. P. O. Box DT4, Torrance. SUPERIOR cesspool digging and draining. J. W. Snyder, 2388 W. Anaheim, Harbor City. Phone Lomita 319-W. CABINET VAPOR BATHS; Swed- ish massage. 2021 Carson St., TANSEY BEAUTY SHOP, 1913 Carson. Marcelling, 75c. Phone 84-W. JAN'S Window Cleaning Service- House, store, office. Reasonable. Phone 201-M. 2304 Gramercy. HEMSTITCHING, Mrs. King, 2267 W«Hf. Carson St., 1 block west of hi«li school. 1t For Rent: Houses Furnished FOR RENT Two-room furnished him**, with water, light and gas paid Hot and cold water, shower bath Garago space. $20 a month. Gilbert. Honsen & Fuse, 1203 W Prudu, Torrance. MO FURNISHED HOUSE, with bath, gas, lights and water in- cluded. 1443 Carson St., Tor- rance. THREE-ROOM HOUSE, furnishml: all modern; cheap rent. 1443 Carsim St. THREE-ROOM HOUSE, furnished. 2060 West 220th St.. iiearjaoliool. TWO-ROOM furnished apartment. 1814 Martlna. 12 For Rent: House* Unfurnished FOIl '.'.KNT M thiw <m>in hmiH «hO(h 112.60 uud Our Want Ads Pay! LADIES $25 to $100 WEEKLY Selling direct to consumer the most remarkable line of ladies lingerie manufactured in Amer- ica. Can not be purchased In stores, neither do stores have any- thing to equal it in price, work- manship or material. Staple as granulated sugar. Almost sells itself. Big repeat business and permanent. It develops into your own business. Stop working for the other fellow. Exclusive ter- ritory. For particulars write O. A. Banker, Factory Representa- tive, 1246 West 39th St., Los Angeles, Calif. 28 Help Wanted: Male and Female MAKE MONEY taking magazine subscriptions. Full Information and confidential catalogue on ap- plication. SUNSET SUBSCRIP- TION BUREAU, the largest sub- scription agency west of Chicago (owned and operated by Sunset Magazine), 460 Fourth St., San Francisco. 30 Wanted to Buy WANTED To buy beef cattle and veal. Trailer for rent. Geo. W. Gillespie, P. O. Box 315, Ingle- wood, Calif. WANTED Real estate; List your properties with the Nelll Realty Company. S-29-tf 32 Wanted: Miscellaneous WANTED TO BUY Feed sacks, 22x36 or larger. Highest price paid. R. 1, Box 228, or 2802 Re- dpndo Blvd., Lomita. Brothers Clairti Traveling Record The world's championship fi traveling by members of one fami is claimed by (from top to botton Frank, William and John Mahl engineers on the Great Northei railway. They've been on the mo' constantly for 129 years, whic total represents their combim mileage can be estimated only millions. Light Tan Latest Style in Footwear For Men, Says Levy Light tan is tho dominant note In men's footwear this spring, according to Sam Levy, who has just received a new shipment of Florshelm oxfords. Mr. Lt>vy also stated that the Florsheim Shoe Company has also perfected a patented arch support that is built right into tho shoe and Is not noticeable. This built-in fea- ture Is the result of ten years' ex- perience and experimenting by the Florsheim designers. Those who have- trouble with' fallen or weak arc'hi'K are ursrcd to see the new spring Klorshfcims with this pat- ented arc-b support. -Adv. Frock Combines Satin And Moire 33: Real Estate: Improved FOR HOMES IN LOMITA, and for fire, compensation and automo- bile Insurance, see J. W. WELTE 1144 Narbonno . Loralto Across from School MODERN 4-rooin house, double garage, on paved street and pav- ing all paid. $3000; half cash and balance, $30 per month. 22'J3 Andreo Avc. FOR SALE, CHEAP Three-room house and lot, $1500; $350 cash, $20 a month. 5165 'Market St., Lawndale, CoJlf. 34 Real Estate: Unimproved FOR SALE Will sarrflfi; two lot)', corner I' and Cota ave- nues. W. C. Hamilton, -'11 South C'ltron. Analieim. WANTED- Listings on vacant lots and acreage, Torrnnco and vicin- ity. Voorhlcs. 701 Consolidated Illdg., Los Angeles. _____ 38 Real Estate for Sale or Trade EQUITY In flvi'-aeru KiuliiU fig ranch, IrriRiiti.m di.ftrict in Stanislaus county, fur house and |,,t In Tmn.nee. Owner, Box U, Herald .Jfllee. $1000 DOWN vvill buy new 5-unit furnished euuil. «,r take house or |.,t rii-Ht payment. Write M, I.KAH LOT. Ann Arbor, Midi. Will trade (or Kml.i coupe ur e.|Uity III same. See Jaek. Y. & (i. Truck <'<>. 100 Nulbonno Ave. To CHURCH NEW S ATTEND SERVICES SUNDAY FIRST BAPTIST J. Whltfleld Green, Pastor. Sunday school, 0:45 a.m. Gor- don Solomon, superintendent. Look- Ing forward to a big day Easter Sunday. The Sunday school will have the morning hour of worship they will preach us many sermons In verso and song. Keep up the good attendance. Morning worship at 11 o'clock. Topic. "The Greatest Preacher of Christ's Day." Evening service. 7:30 o'clock. Topic, "A Sick World." T!. Y. P. V. at 6:45 p.m. "A Kingdom Without Walls." No man livrth to himseir alone. We are helping or hindering each other. Tin; 'other persons that you rub elbows with leave some sort of a, stump on your life for tomorrow. People's meeting Wednesday night. 7:30. Make this night the one on which you cancel all other engagements. Come out to our evangelistic, happy hour service Sunday night. You will feel like saying "hello'' to your neighbor and add a smile with it. The music and singing and fellowship will do more than you think to make Monday a bet- ter day. Try it just once at least. Seven churches in Torrance. Yon ought to find your place and tine up. CENTRAL EVANGELICAL Francis A. Zeller, Pastor. Sunday school. 0:45 a. m. Morning service, 11 o'clock. The pastor will speak on tho subject, "The-Greatest Conqueror." Evening service, 7:30 o'clock. Several short addresses by pastor and laymen. Junior C. E. at 11 a. m. Intermediate and Senior C. E. at 6:30 p.m. Midweek prayer service on Wed- nesday at 7:30 p.m. __ _ Choir practice Wednesday eve- ning. LOMITA COMMUNITY CHURCH E. E. Clark, Pastor. . Sunday school, 9:45 a.m. Robert McCartney. superintendent. Classes for all grades from the kindergar- ten to the Bible class. Morning service, 11 o'clock. Sub- ject. "Isaiah's- Vision: Confession. Cleansing, Consecration." Evening service. 7:30 o'clock. "God's Two Books: Nature and Revelation." Christian Endeavor prayer meet- ing, 6:30 p.m. Topic, "What Can We Do -to Win Others to Christ?" Wednesday, 7:30 p.m., choir practice under tho direction of Harold Coackley. Easter music is being rehearsed. Sunday. March 22, reception of new members. The Christian peo- ple of Lomita arc cordially invited to make this church their church home. Sunday, March 29, will bo the last Sabbath of the present pas- torate. FIRST METHODIST Frederick M. Kssig, Pastor. Resi- dence at church. Phone 183-U fall for any ministerial help. Bible school. 9:16 a.m. Classes for all. Morning worship, 11 o'clock. Children's talk on "Fishing for People." Each child will be pre- sented with n metal fish. Sermon on "The Healing God." Epworth League, fi:30 p.m. Meet- Ing of the young people for wor- ship, fellowship and mutual spir- itual help. Our young folks are helping each other get closer to God. Evening service. 7:30 p.m. Ten- minute "Scandalogue" on "Are Some Women as Bad as They Are Painted?" All face artists are cordially welcome. Sermon on "In the Dumps, or the Conquest of Discouragement." ing. The soul of the church Is the praying of the people, and "the world will lurch without the church." He May Lead U. S. Dry Force Coming Events Items for This Department Must Be at Office by 5 p. m. on Day Preced- ing Publication. FRIDAY, MARCH 20 7:30 p. m. Special Masonic meet- ing, first degree. Masonic temple. SATURDAY, MARCH 21 W. I). A. dance. Moose hall. SUNDAY, MARCH 22 Service in all churches. MONDAY, MARCH 23 1 p. m. Millinery class nt high TUESDAY, MARCH 24 7:?,0 p.m. Triple City Lodge. I. O. O. F. Odd Fellows hall, I.o- I mltn. ) p. m. American Legion meet- FIRST CHRISTIAN Kngraci.a and Arlington. B. It LlngenfcHer, Pastor. Sunday school, 0:45 a.m. Scot- I.udlow. superintendent. Morning service, 11 o'clock.' Ser- mon, "Who Is Greatest?" Evening service, 7:30 o'clock Sermon subject. "Thn Rich Young Ruler." E. vlll speak at the morning service. Christian Endeavor at 6:30 p. n: Leader, James Roelofs. The midweek .meeting will be at the church Wednesday evening at 7:30. Choir practice will be at th< church Thursday evening. EPISCOPAL Christ Mission. Rev. T. P. Swif in charge. Sunday school, 9:45 a.m. Morning service, 11 o'clock Morning prayer and sermon. Woman's Guild meets . every Thursday during Lent in the par- ish house. CATHOLIC Rev. Reardon, Pastor. Mass celebrated Sundays at 7:30 and 9:30 a.m. Sunday school, 9 a. m. Sunday and 4 p. m. Saturday. Benediction, 7:45 Sunday eve- ning. Special Lenten services will held at 7:45 p.m. every Wednes- day and Friday during Lent. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIE Stone and Myers Chapel 1732 Cabrillo Ave. Sunday services at 11 a. m. Sunday school classes, 9:30 a Wednesday evening meeting held at 8 p. m. LATTER DAY SAINTS The Church of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints will hold ser Sunday White satin, and black moire silk are combined tojcreate thl* charming and unusual dreii, Tho one-sided collar, uneven hemline and button trimmings should all be noted. 40 Miscellaneous CALL MRS. LYNNE, Lomita 102, before 8 a. m. and after 6: SO p. m. and give her your news Itenu or advertisements. Anywhere at any tlmcj. .No Items or advertise- ment too small and none too large Is a Holiday for Everyone Except Mother. Why Not Give Her a Rest and All the Family a Treat by eating Sunday Dinner at the Ferncroft Cafe Torrance Special Sunday Dinner 75c are your PLOWIN' THROUqil ADVERSITY WITH AN ACCOUNT AT THIS BANK THAT IS ALWAYS LINKED UP WITH OUR FULLEST CO-OPERATION means helpfulness. -the place First National Bank "SERVICE" with a smile worth while. Arthur Woods, former piiicp commissioner of New York city, is bain;; considered by President Coolidge as a possible successor to Hoy Haynex us national pro- hibition commissioner. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Spurting and Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Bovey of Los Angeles spent Sunday with Mr. und Mrs. Bverett Malone. Rev. F. A. Zeller has recovered suffi :--ntlv r i'om his rocnnt Illness to bu able to conduct services at the Central Evangelical church Sunday: : " Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Dexter of Los Angeles were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Tomkins of 1811 Gramercy avenue. Ruth Bowers of Riverside spent the weekend with her cousins, Bart and Frederick Roes, of 700 Border Dr. Maude R. Chambers was en- tertained at luncheon Thursday in Long Beach by several New York friends. ices at 10:30 a. m. on Sunday morning in American hall, located on Border avenuo between Carson and 218th streets. Public Invited. No contributions taken up. Dr.Chas.E.Baab Optometrist Optician Formerly with Mr. Smith Has opened an optical Watch Clock Jewelry Re- pair and manufacturing bus- iness at 1207 Post Ave. You will find our work the best and our prices very reason- able. Let us give you an estimate on your work. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25 . m. I'.-T. A. rm-i-Cnir. Klnrm ::in . -Tr 11,1,1 Krilmix Inll. I. .11, ,ii;, THURSDAY, MARCH 28 J P. in. Wiiini'n'H null or Torranco. Ilinh school nuilllorliim. FRIDAY, MARCH 27 7:30 p. in. Klnlt! Tral - Kmnraon Slewart recital, high school audi- torium. benefit Lcglnn building flllHl. SATURDAY, MARCH 28 S p. m. Woiui-n'iKvllllMlmii-v. Moose hull. MONDAY. APRIL 13 Knights or Coluniliux dinner dance, Catholic hall. ntnirton of 2828 So- nonm avenuo, who recently re- turned to his home from a Los Angeles hospital, IK suffering a re- lapse nncl is again .-it the hospital. Pre-Easter Sale of Fine Footwear Every Pair of to Shoes in the store your choice...... Men's or Women's No exceptions. Fine new Spring footwear. Buy your Easter shoes now and save from $1.00 to $4.00 a pair. McClellan's Bootery 1919 Carson Street, Torrance That is what you save on your automobile sup- plies and accessories when you buy coupon Dooks from us. £10 Worth of Coupons For only. .......................... ..... Coupins good for Gas, Oils, Greases and all Accessories (except Tires) Palmer Service Stations Border at Cabrillo Arlington at Carson Gas Oils Creases Two Day Shirt Special You Can't Beat This! Light Weight Flannel For Spring Wear Regular $3.00 and $3.50 Values Special Saturday and Monday Just unpacked 'em this morning, fresh from the makers; and a liner bunch of shirts you never saw. Greys, Tans, Blues, and other new colors, in GENUINE BAXTER FLANNEL. Top- notch quality that we won't hesitate to recommend. They have collars attached, the well known Bunson INTER- WEB reinforced colar that holds its shape like a stiff collar. Won't wilt when you sweat. Hnw Fin Wo Fin 1*7 That's a secret. We put over a little HOW I/O ff C 1/0 ll. deal with the manu f acturer who wanted some ready cash. So we took the whole lot and can give you any size you want. Torrance ED KELLY Cabrillo Ave.

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Page 1: Pre-Easter Sale · 1t For Rent: Houses Furnished FOR RENT Two-room furnished him**, with water, light and gas paid Hot and cold water, shower bath Garago space. $20 a month. Gilbert


* '


All ads published In both TOR­ RANCE HERALD and LOMITA NEWS.

Bates (or combined circulations, both papers:One Insertion, per word__._ 2o Two Insertions, per word to Three Insertions, per word_ 4 Ho Four Insertions, per word__ Go

Minimum ad, 12 words.Display Classified, 80c per Inch.Eight lines to Inch. Estimate SIX

ORDINARY words t<J the line. In­ itials and figures count as words. All ads with white space computed at rate of 80c per Inch.

Classified Ad Columns close:For Tuesday Edition, 5:30 P. M.

Monday.For Friday Edition, 6:30 P. M.

Thursday.Phone. Torrance 200.Phone Lomlta 102.

CLASSIFICATION No. Heading I ANNOUNCEMENTS X Funeral Notices I Cards of Thanks I Lodge Notices6 Lost and Found ( Business Directory7 Personal

I Travel Opportunities t Business Opportunities

10 Financial11 For Rent: Houses, Furnished12 For Rent: Houses, UnfurnishedII For Rent: Apartments and

Flats, FurnishedU For Rent: Apartments and

Flats, Unfurnished15 Far Rent: Rooms, FurnishedM For Rent: Rooms, UnfurnishedIT For Rent Garages

For Rent: Stores and Offices For Rent: Furnished or Unfur­

nished --29 Board and Room21 For Sale: Automobiles and Ac­

cessoriesFor Sale: Furniture and House­

hold GoodsH For Sale: Horses and Livestock26 For Sale: Miscellaneous26 Help Wanted: Male

rates by the month. Phone 167-J.17 Help Wanted: Female28 Help Wanted Male and Female19 Situations WantedSO Wanted To Buy11 Wanted To Rent12 Wanted: MiscellaneousIt Real Estate: ImprovedM Real Estate: Unimproved16 For LeaseM OH Properties, Leases, Royal



13 For Rent: Apartment* and Flats, Furnished

FURNISHED apartments In bunga­ low court, strictly modern. »30, including garage. 2825 Hcdondo- Wtlmnigton Blvd., Lomita.

17 For Rent: GaragesFOR RENT Garaue, 1730 Arling­

ton Ave.

19 For Rent: Furnished or Unfurnished

3-ROOM APARTMENTS, furnished and unfurnished; hot and cold water; garages. Inquire Apt. H or K, California Court, 1005 Sar- torl.

ATTRACTIVE 3-room furnished or unfurnished apartments, 2 beds; $30 and $35. .'075 fledondo Blvd., Apt. A.

20 Board and RoomBOARD AND ROOM for two per­

sons. Inquire 1333 Bngracla.

21 For Sale: Automobiles and Accessories

FOR SALE Durant touring In good condition. Bargain for quick sale. Owner , leaving country. 22612 Vermont St.

22 For Sale: Furniture and Household Goods

IRON BEDS, Jl each. 1927 Car­ son St.

BEDS, dressers, stoves, dining set, sewing machine. 1027 Carson St.

25 For Sale: MiscellaneousFOR SALE Hemstitching machin

Address Box 934, Torrance.

27 Help Wanted: Female

tie etc.17 Income PropertyIS Real Estate for Sale or TradiIt Musical Instruments40 Miscellaneous

WE DESIRE to express our grt ful appreciation for the m expressions of loving sympathy during our recent bercavem Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Smith and Family; Mr. and Mrs. N. H Cllne and. Family.

Business Directory

, D. C. TURNER, In Rappaport's Store

Expert Shoe Repairer Makes Old Shoes Look New

DRESSMAKING Designers, alter- ations and hemstitching. Work

guaranteed. 1425 E. Carson St., Torrance.

WANTED Painting, tinting and taper-hanging. First class work. Prices right. T. J. Wilson. P. O. Box DT4, Torrance.

SUPERIOR cesspool digging and draining. J. W. Snyder, 2388 W. Anaheim, Harbor City. Phone Lomita 319-W.

CABINET VAPOR BATHS; Swed­ ish massage. 2021 Carson St.,

TANSEY BEAUTY SHOP, 1913 Carson. Marcelling, 75c. Phone 84-W.

JAN'S Window Cleaning Service- House, store, office. Reasonable. Phone 201-M. 2304 Gramercy.

HEMSTITCHING, Mrs. King, 2267 W«Hf. Carson St., 1 block west of hi«li school.

1t For Rent: Houses Furnished

FOR RENT Two-room furnished him**, with water, light and gas paid Hot and cold water, shower bath Garago space. $20 a month. Gilbert. Honsen & Fuse, 1203 W Prudu, Torrance.

MO FURNISHED HOUSE, with bath, gas, lights and water in­ cluded. 1443 Carson St., Tor­ rance.

THREE-ROOM HOUSE, furnishml: all modern; cheap rent. 1443 Carsim St.

THREE-ROOM HOUSE, furnished.2060 West 220th St.. iiearjaoliool.

TWO-ROOM furnished apartment.1814 Martlna.

12 For Rent: House* Unfurnished

FOIl '.'.KNT M thiw <m>in hmiH «hO(h 112.60 uud

Our Want Ads Pay!

LADIES$25 to $100 WEEKLY

Selling direct to consumer the most remarkable line of ladies lingerie manufactured in Amer­ ica. Can not be purchased In stores, neither do stores have any­ thing to equal it in price, work­ manship or material. Staple as granulated sugar. Almost sells itself. Big repeat business and permanent. It develops into your own business. Stop working for the other fellow. Exclusive ter­ ritory. For particulars write O. A. Banker, Factory Representa­ tive, 1246 West 39th St., Los Angeles, Calif.

28 Help Wanted: Male and Female

MAKE MONEY taking magazine subscriptions. Full Information and confidential catalogue on ap­ plication. SUNSET SUBSCRIP­ TION BUREAU, the largest sub­ scription agency west of Chicago (owned and operated by Sunset Magazine), 460 Fourth St., San Francisco.

30 Wanted to BuyWANTED To buy beef cattle and

veal. Trailer for rent. Geo. W. Gillespie, P. O. Box 315, Ingle- wood, Calif.

WANTED Real estate; List your properties with the Nelll Realty Company. S-29-tf

32 Wanted: MiscellaneousWANTED TO BUY Feed sacks,

22x36 or larger. Highest price paid. R. 1, Box 228, or 2802 Re- dpndo Blvd., Lomita.

Brothers ClairtiTraveling Record

The world's championship fi traveling by members of one fami is claimed by (from top to botton Frank, William and John Mahl engineers on the Great Northei railway. They've been on the mo' constantly for 129 years, whic total represents their combim

mileage can be estimated only millions.

Light Tan Latest Style in Footwear For Men, Says Levy

Light tan is tho dominant note In men's footwear this spring, according to Sam Levy, who has just received a new shipment of Florshelm oxfords.

Mr. Lt>vy also stated that the Florsheim Shoe Company has also perfected a patented arch support that is built right into tho shoe and Is not noticeable. This built-in fea­ ture Is the result of ten years' ex­ perience and experimenting by the Florsheim designers. Those who have- trouble with' fallen or weak arc'hi'K are ursrcd to see the new spring Klorshfcims with this pat­ ented arc-b support. -Adv.

Frock Combines Satin And Moire

33: Real Estate: ImprovedFOR HOMES IN LOMITA, and for

fire, compensation and automo­ bile Insurance, see

J. W. WELTE1144 Narbonno . Loralto

Across from School

MODERN 4-rooin house, double garage, on paved street and pav­ ing all paid. $3000; half cash and balance, $30 per month. 22'J3 Andreo Avc.

FOR SALE, CHEAP Three-room house and lot, $1500; $350 cash, $20 a month. 5165 'Market St., Lawndale, CoJlf.

34 Real Estate: UnimprovedFOR SALE Will sarrflfi; two

lot)', corner I' and Cota ave­ nues. W. C. Hamilton, -'11 South

C'ltron. Analieim.

WANTED- Listings on vacant lots and acreage, Torrnnco and vicin­ ity. Voorhlcs. 701 Consolidated Illdg., Los Angeles. _____

38 Real Estate for Sale or Trade

EQUITY In flvi'-aeru KiuliiU fig ranch, IrriRiiti.m di.ftrict in Stanislaus county, fur house and |,,t In Tmn.nee. Owner, Box U, Herald .Jfllee.

$1000 DOWN vvill buy new 5-unit furnished euuil. «,r take house or |.,t rii-Ht payment. Write M,

I.KAH LOT. Ann Arbor, Midi. Will trade (or Kml.i coupe ur e.|Uity III same. See Jaek. Y. & (i. Truck <'<>. 100 Nulbonno Ave.




FIRST BAPTIST J. Whltfleld Green, Pastor.

Sunday school, 0:45 a.m. Gor­ don Solomon, superintendent. Look- Ing forward to a big day Easter Sunday. The Sunday school will have the morning hour of worship

they will preach us many sermons In verso and song. Keep up the good attendance.

Morning worship at 11 o'clock. Topic. "The Greatest Preacher of Christ's Day."

Evening service. 7:30 o'clock. Topic, "A Sick World."

T!. Y. P. V. at 6:45 p.m. "A Kingdom Without Walls." No man livrth to himseir alone. We are helping or hindering each other. Tin; 'other persons that you rub elbows with leave some sort of a, stump on your life for tomorrow.

People's meeting Wednesday night. 7:30. Make this night the one on which you cancel all other engagements.

Come out to our evangelistic, happy hour service Sunday night. You will feel like saying "hello'' to your neighbor and add a smile with it. The music and singing and fellowship will do more than you think to make Monday a bet­ ter day. Try it just once at least.

Seven churches in Torrance. Yon ought to find your place and tine up.


Francis A. Zeller, Pastor.Sunday school. 0:45 a. m.Morning service, 11 o'clock. The

pastor will speak on tho subject, "The-Greatest Conqueror."

Evening service, 7:30 o'clock. Several short addresses by pastor and laymen.

Junior C. E. at 11 a. m.Intermediate and Senior C. E. at

6:30 p.m.Midweek prayer service on Wed­

nesday at 7:30 p.m. __ _Choir practice Wednesday eve­



Sunday school, 9:45 a.m. Robert McCartney. superintendent. Classes for all grades from the kindergar­ ten to the Bible class.

Morning service, 11 o'clock. Sub­ ject. "Isaiah's- Vision: Confession. Cleansing, Consecration."

Evening service. 7:30 o'clock. "God's Two Books: Nature and Revelation."

Christian Endeavor prayer meet­ ing, 6:30 p.m. Topic, "What Can We Do -to Win Others to Christ?"

Wednesday, 7:30 p.m., choir practice under tho direction of Harold Coackley. Easter music is being rehearsed.

Sunday. March 22, reception of new members. The Christian peo­ ple of Lomita arc cordially invited to make this church their church home.

Sunday, March 29, will bo the last Sabbath of the present pas­ torate.

FIRST METHODISTFrederick M. Kssig, Pastor. Resi­

dence at church. Phone 183-U fall for any ministerial help.

Bible school. 9:16 a.m. Classes for all.

Morning worship, 11 o'clock. Children's talk on "Fishing for People." Each child will be pre­ sented with n metal fish. Sermon on "The Healing God."

Epworth League, fi:30 p.m. Meet- Ing of the young people for wor­ ship, fellowship and mutual spir­ itual help. Our young folks are helping each other get closer to God.

Evening service. 7:30 p.m. Ten- minute "Scandalogue" on "Are Some Women as Bad as They Are Painted?" All face artists are cordially welcome. Sermon on "In the Dumps, or the Conquest of Discouragement."

ing. The soul of the church Is the praying of the people, and "the world will lurch without the church."

He May Lead U. S. Dry Force Coming Events

Items for This Department Must Be at Office by 5 p. m. on Day Preced­ ing Publication.

FRIDAY, MARCH 207:30 p. m. Special Masonic meet­

ing, first degree. Masonic temple.SATURDAY, MARCH 21

W. I). A. dance. Moose hall. SUNDAY, MARCH 22

Service in all churches.MONDAY, MARCH 23

1 p. m. Millinery class nt high

TUESDAY, MARCH 24 7:?,0 p.m. Triple City Lodge. I.

O. O. F. Odd Fellows hall, I.o- I mltn.

) p. m. American Legion meet-

FIRST CHRISTIANKngraci.a and Arlington. B. It

LlngenfcHer, Pastor.Sunday school, 0:45 a.m. Scot-

I.udlow. superintendent.Morning service, 11 o'clock.' Ser­

mon, "Who Is Greatest?"Evening service, 7:30 o'clock

Sermon subject. "Thn Rich Young Ruler."

E. vlllspeak at the morning service.

Christian Endeavor at 6:30 p. n: Leader, James Roelofs.

The midweek .meeting will be at the church Wednesday evening at 7:30.

Choir practice will be at th< church Thursday evening.

EPISCOPALChrist Mission. Rev. T. P. Swif

in charge.Sunday school, 9:45 a.m.Morning service, 11 o'clock

Morning prayer and sermon.Woman's Guild meets . every

Thursday during Lent in the par­ ish house.

CATHOLICRev. Reardon, Pastor.

Mass celebrated Sundays at 7:30 and 9:30 a.m.

Sunday school, 9 a. m. Sunday and 4 p. m. Saturday.

Benediction, 7:45 Sunday eve­ ning.

Special Lenten services will held at 7:45 p.m. every Wednes­ day and Friday during Lent.


1732 Cabrillo Ave. Sunday services at 11 a. m. Sunday school classes, 9:30 a Wednesday evening meeting

held at 8 p. m.

LATTER DAY SAINTSThe Church of Jesus Christ

Latter Day Saints will hold ser


White satin, and black moire silk are combined tojcreate thl* charming and unusual dreii, Tho one-sided collar, uneven hemline and button trimmings should all be noted.

40 MiscellaneousCALL MRS. LYNNE, Lomita 102,

before 8 a. m. and after 6: SO p. m. and give her your news Itenu or advertisements. Anywhere at any tlmcj. .No Items or advertise­ ment too small and none too large

Is a Holiday for Everyone Except Mother.

Why Not Give Hera Rest and

All the Family a Treat by eating

Sunday Dinnerat the

Ferncroft CafeTorrance

Special Sunday Dinner 75c

are your



means helpfulness.

-the place

First National Bank"SERVICE"

with a smile worth while.

Arthur Woods, former piiicp commissioner of New York city, is bain;; considered by President Coolidge as a possible successor to Hoy Haynex us national pro­ hibition commissioner.

Mr. and Mrs. Albert Spurting and Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Bovey of Los Angeles spent Sunday with Mr. und Mrs. Bverett Malone.

Rev. F. A. Zeller has recoveredsuffi :--ntlv r i'om his rocnnt Illness to bu able to conduct services at the Central Evangelical church Sunday: : "

Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Dexter of Los Angeles were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Tomkins of 1811 Gramercy avenue.

Ruth Bowers of Riverside spent the weekend with her cousins, Bart and Frederick Roes, of 700 Border

Dr. Maude R. Chambers was en­ tertained at luncheon Thursday in Long Beach by several New York friends.

ices at 10:30 a. m. on Sunday morning in American hall, located on Border avenuo between Carson and 218th streets. Public Invited. No contributions taken up.

Dr.Chas.E.BaabOptometrist Optician

Formerly with Mr. Smith

Has opened an optical Watch Clock Jewelry Re­ pair and manufacturing bus­ iness at 1207 Post Ave. You will find our work the best and our prices very reason­ able. Let us give you an estimate on your work.

WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25 . m. I'.-T. A. rm-i-Cnir. Klnrm

::in . -Tr11,1,1 Krilmix Inll. I. .11, ,ii;,

THURSDAY, MARCH 28 J P. in. Wiiini'n'H null or Torranco.

Ilinh school nuilllorliim.

FRIDAY, MARCH 277:30 p. in. Klnlt! Tral - Kmnraon

Slewart recital, high school audi­torium. benefit Lcglnn buildingflllHl.

SATURDAY, MARCH 28S p. m. Woiui-n'iKvllllMlmii-v. Moose


Knights or Coluniliux dinner dance,Catholic hall.

ntnirton of 2828 So- nonm avenuo, who recently re­ turned to his home from a Los Angeles hospital, IK suffering a re­ lapse nncl is again .-it the hospital.

Pre-Easter Saleof Fine Footwear

Every Pair of


Shoes in the store

your choice......

Men's or Women'sNo exceptions. Fine new Spring footwear. Buy your Easter shoes now and save from $1.00 to $4.00 a pair.

McClellan's Bootery1919 Carson Street, Torrance

That is what you save on your automobile sup­ plies and accessories when you buy coupon Dooks from us.

£10 Worth of CouponsFor only. .......................... .....

Coupins good for Gas, Oils, Greases and all Accessories (except Tires)

Palmer Service Stations

Border at Cabrillo Arlington at Carson

Gas Oils Creases

Two Day Shirt SpecialYou Can't Beat This!

Light Weight

FlannelFor Spring Wear

Regular $3.00 and $3.50ValuesSpecial

Saturday and Monday

Just unpacked 'em this morning, fresh from the makers; and a liner bunch of shirts you never saw. Greys, Tans, Blues, and other new colors, in GENUINE BAXTER FLANNEL. Top- notch quality that we won't hesitate to recommend.

They have collars attached, the well known Bunson INTER- WEB reinforced colar that holds its shape like a stiff collar. Won't wilt when you sweat.Hnw Fin Wo Fin 1*7 That's a secret. We put over a little HOW I/O ff C 1/0 ll. deal with the manufacturer whowanted some ready cash. So we took the whole lot and can give you any size you want.

Torrance ED KELLY Cabrillo Ave.