pre-cerclis screening/y)z;^.. , data entry …...(isra) during the late 1980's until a no...

129833 PRE-CERCLIS SCREENING/y)Z;^.. _ _ , / ^^ •'•--<»' V -».-=i_»-i SDMS Document DATA ENTRY FORM EPA I.D. NUMBER: kJ D'kXXD'^O 8$'6 (=> FORM ISSUED DATE: NAMEOF FACILITY: Metals Disintegrating, Inc AKA: American Bronze Powder Co. j2j CJ\I2_ AKA: Radiac Adhesives J> STREET: 271 Grove Ave CITY: Verona COUNTY: Essex STATE: NJ ZIP CODE: 07044 LATITUDE: 40°50'39.82" Indicate + for Northern Hemisphere LONGITUDE: -74°14' 10.13" Indicate - for Western Hemisphere Accuracy meters: 3 Collection method: GIS Aerial Photo Reference datum: NAD83 Reference point: Center point of facility Source map scale: 1:10,000 Point/line/area: Point Collection date: April 20, 2012 Verification method: Source: 2007 Digital orthophotography NPL STATUS: NA SITE TYPE MAIN CATEGORIES: Manufacturing/processing/maintenance SITE TYPE MAIN SUBCATEGORIES: Primary metals/mineral processing SITE DESCRIPTION: (500 characters or 70 words): Based on Sanborn Maps, Metals Disintegrating , Inc. operated at 271 Grove St in Verona, Essex County on Block 62, Lot 11. The site was located on the northwestern bank of the Peckman River near the comer of Grove Ave and Ozone Ave. Site History The 1907 Verona Sanborn map shows the site is occupied by American Bronze Powder Co. American Bronze Powder Co. was purchased by Metals Disintegrating, Inc. in 1939 (Williams, 1998 see attachment 4 and Myers, 2004 see attachment 5). The plant played a minor role in the Manhattan Project and pulverized magnesium for the military during World War II (Williams, 1998 see attachment 4). The plant pulverized bronze into powder for paint pigments etc.

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Page 1: PRE-CERCLIS SCREENING/y)Z;^.. , DATA ENTRY …...(ISRA) during the late 1980's until a No Further Action letter was issued in 1994 (see attachment 7). Elevated concentrations of lead,


PRE-CERCLIS SCREENING/y)Z;^.. _ _ , / ^ ^ •'•--<»' V -».-=i_»-i SDMS Document



NAMEOF FACILITY: Metals Disintegrating, Inc AKA: American Bronze Powder Co. j2j CJ\I2_ AKA: Radiac Adhesives J>

STREET: 271 Grove Ave

CITY: Verona COUNTY: Essex STATE: NJ ZIP CODE: 07044

LATITUDE: 40°50'39.82" Indicate + for Northern Hemisphere LONGITUDE: -74°14' 10.13" Indicate - for Western Hemisphere

Accuracy meters: 3 Collection method: GIS Aerial Photo Reference datum: NAD83 Reference point: Center point of facility Source map scale: 1:10,000 Point/line/area: Point Collection date: April 20, 2012 Verification method: Source: 2007 Digital orthophotography


SITE TYPE MAIN CATEGORIES: Manufacturing/processing/maintenance

SITE TYPE MAIN SUBCATEGORIES: Primary metals/mineral processing

SITE DESCRIPTION: (500 characters or 70 words):

Based on Sanborn Maps, Metals Disintegrating , Inc. operated at 271 Grove St in Verona, Essex County on Block 62, Lot 11. The site was located on the northwestern bank of the Peckman River near the comer of Grove Ave and Ozone Ave.

Site History

The 1907 Verona Sanborn map shows the site is occupied by American Bronze Powder Co. American Bronze Powder Co. was purchased by Metals Disintegrating, Inc. in 1939 (Williams, 1998 see attachment 4 and Myers, 2004 see attachment 5). The plant played a minor role in the Manhattan Project and pulverized magnesium for the military during World War II (Williams, 1998 see attachment 4). The plant pulverized bronze into powder for paint pigments etc.

Page 2: PRE-CERCLIS SCREENING/y)Z;^.. , DATA ENTRY …...(ISRA) during the late 1980's until a No Further Action letter was issued in 1994 (see attachment 7). Elevated concentrations of lead,

NJDEP Site Remediation Involvement

An environmental cleanup was conducted under the NJDEP's Industrial Site Recovery Act (ISRA) during the late 1980's until a No Further Action letter was issued in 1994 (see attachment 7). Elevated concentrations of lead, copper and nickel were found at the site. Contaminated soils were excavated. However, based on the ISRA file, it appears that elevated concentrations of lead may remain at this site. The site received a "No Further Action" approval in 1994 (see attachment). It appears that no deed notice or engineering controls were required by the ISRA NFA.

Currently, one of the buildings at the site is occupied by the "Executive Kids" child care facility (see Attachment 4). The cap on the play yard (adjacent to the child care facility) consists of "geotextile fabic with several inches of pea gravel over the fabric and a mixed surface of artificial grass, rubber matting or concrete". This cap has been approved by the NJDEP, Enforcement and Assignment Element, Child Care Facility Unit (see Attachment).

As a precaution, the NJDEP, Bureau of Environmental Measurements and Site Assessment will conduct additional soil sampling in the area surrounding the current child care facility. Soil samples will be collected fi-om 19 locations and analyzed for TAL Metals.

Department of Energv Formerlv Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP)

The site produced nickel powder for use as diffiision barriers for the Manhattan Project. Gaseous diffiision separation plants at Oak Ridge Laboratories, which were established as part of the Manhattan Project used uranium hexafluoride gas as the process fluid and forced it through the nickel powder diffusion barrier. (Wikipedia) separation .

According to a US Department of Energy Memorandum dated December 7, 1987 the site did not handle radioactive material (see Attachment 6). However, other sites that produced nickel powder for nuclear weapons development recycled nickel tubes that were previously used as gaseous diffusion barriers. These sites were contaminated with radiation.

Nearby Land Use

The site is located in a mixed commercial and residential area. Residential Properties are located adjacent to the site.

Since it is assumed that lead smelting occurred on the property, the site was evaluated for HRS purposes for a discharge to soil. A Resident Individual, Resident Population, and Worker exists on the site. Therefore, there may be sufficient targets for the site to score greater than 28.5 on the HRS. Based on this information, fiarther action under CERCLA may be warranted.

Page 3: PRE-CERCLIS SCREENING/y)Z;^.. , DATA ENTRY …...(ISRA) during the late 1980's until a No Further Action letter was issued in 1994 (see attachment 7). Elevated concentrations of lead,

CheckUst preparer: "^^^(-HfltiMAh^l Print name/signature

Title: Principal Geologist Date: 4/16/12

Address: 380 Scotch Road Ewing, New Jersey 08628

Phone Number: (609)530-3956 E-maU address: [email protected]

Regional EPA Reviewer:^!/^^; l^eSf)r/\Jg^ytjd (UAJA. e/^ff^ Print name/sia4^ature I Date


1) OU Field: 2) Action Name: p R F ^ F R C L l S SCRKMlM6^


5) Non-NPL Status Field: Not a Valid Site or Incident Not a Valid Site or Incident: RCRA Lead Not a Valid Site or Incident: NRC Lead Not a Valid Site or Incident: State Lead Not a Valid Site or Incident: Tribal Lead

Page 4: PRE-CERCLIS SCREENING/y)Z;^.. , DATA ENTRY …...(ISRA) during the late 1980's until a No Further Action letter was issued in 1994 (see attachment 7). Elevated concentrations of lead,


Verona Sanborn Map 1907 Sheet 70

Page 5: PRE-CERCLIS SCREENING/y)Z;^.. , DATA ENTRY …...(ISRA) during the late 1980's until a No Further Action letter was issued in 1994 (see attachment 7). Elevated concentrations of lead,
Page 6: PRE-CERCLIS SCREENING/y)Z;^.. , DATA ENTRY …...(ISRA) during the late 1980's until a No Further Action letter was issued in 1994 (see attachment 7). Elevated concentrations of lead,


Verona Tax Map Sheet 12 Showing Location of Facility

Page 7: PRE-CERCLIS SCREENING/y)Z;^.. , DATA ENTRY …...(ISRA) during the late 1980's until a No Further Action letter was issued in 1994 (see attachment 7). Elevated concentrations of lead,

!S'J'jP..^»\HliW!lJii f'm'wm^mmifitm uspnF IIS

m^m T?PjiliimW;iii." I . l u i JJ i ^Pm- : "



Page 8: PRE-CERCLIS SCREENING/y)Z;^.. , DATA ENTRY …...(ISRA) during the late 1980's until a No Further Action letter was issued in 1994 (see attachment 7). Elevated concentrations of lead,


Aerial Photo of Facility

Page 9: PRE-CERCLIS SCREENING/y)Z;^.. , DATA ENTRY …...(ISRA) during the late 1980's until a No Further Action letter was issued in 1994 (see attachment 7). Elevated concentrations of lead,

2010 Image

Page 10: PRE-CERCLIS SCREENING/y)Z;^.. , DATA ENTRY …...(ISRA) during the late 1980's until a No Further Action letter was issued in 1994 (see attachment 7). Elevated concentrations of lead,


Images of America Old Verona

Page 11: PRE-CERCLIS SCREENING/y)Z;^.. , DATA ENTRY …...(ISRA) during the late 1980's until a No Further Action letter was issued in 1994 (see attachment 7). Elevated concentrations of lead,
Page 12: PRE-CERCLIS SCREENING/y)Z;^.. , DATA ENTRY …...(ISRA) during the late 1980's until a No Further Action letter was issued in 1994 (see attachment 7). Elevated concentrations of lead,

Ccjpvriglir © 1998 hy Rd>eri L, WUliani?, ISBN 0-73854922^3

Ptihlishcd by ArcJiclia Publishing Qiarlesron SC, Chicagpi !L,, Partsmouth NHf San FFancisco CA

Printed in the United States of Amcricfi

Library of Congress Gwsilog Card Number: 2006930444

For :ilt general infonnsitioti con)act Arciuiia Puhlisliing at: Telephone 843-853-2G70 Fax 843-853-0044 E-nvHil siilts@sij-CEiilia]>iitilishiiiy,cort'i Ft?r customer service :ind ortlcrs: Toll-Frvc 1-S88-313-2665

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Page 13: PRE-CERCLIS SCREENING/y)Z;^.. , DATA ENTRY …...(ISRA) during the late 1980's until a No Further Action letter was issued in 1994 (see attachment 7). Elevated concentrations of lead,

During the early vcars'work at the Anierican Bronie Powder Manulactunny Company WTIS kept Secret, asGrosch and Ahlborn were apptehcnhU'e of Euti pe.tti nt;eni« whi desired-ti> learn iheir iiimuil.tctuniiy pruccSb- Tlfetniil gcnera'iccl .1 srcit dual tvf noise due lo'che-larue stump tnilli; which iiiils'erized the bninre stnps irtlo iKiutler- When thu wcsitrn comer of the mil) cnraplcK wns demolished in 19')", pnwder wab discovered under the sill places.

'Twn po5u inside the mill in the 19305, In'l 939, after Ahlbom s death, the American Biiwize PiHvdcr Company became a Hub«ndiar\- of MeraU Wsmtej^Hin" oi"Eli:abcth. ll is nnrcd Uiat ihe cyitipany played a minor rofc in ihu'M-dnhistwn Prtijeci of World War 11 and pulverised •mtigt esminfoi* thewar effon.


Cvopyrighte-ci rnaimiat

Page 14: PRE-CERCLIS SCREENING/y)Z;^.. , DATA ENTRY …...(ISRA) during the late 1980's until a No Further Action letter was issued in 1994 (see attachment 7). Elevated concentrations of lead,

;• ' I .1 i | 5

Prominent Families of NJ

Page 15: PRE-CERCLIS SCREENING/y)Z;^.. , DATA ENTRY …...(ISRA) during the late 1980's until a No Further Action letter was issued in 1994 (see attachment 7). Elevated concentrations of lead,



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mmamSmrf Myers


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Page 16: PRE-CERCLIS SCREENING/y)Z;^.. , DATA ENTRY …...(ISRA) during the late 1980's until a No Further Action letter was issued in 1994 (see attachment 7). Elevated concentrations of lead,

1%M> 'Bt k aow miit / l fmo Mi sctife vuSiMvtffs, sod is one OS uK wluwl mttoi ta of tfib Hew Jcnor district. fioA ae end Mn. VoMfaeei woe boiii in iS^o, ^%qr 1)^ OBmc tic yiwntii a tiie&iibMlnK cfattdtcn: i* Jtdut Nenr-ton VouBBBti of AttiTittj GeuiHittt 4BI gjmmiw of ^ K CtuiaUi Bower ft Xl[|1tt CoBmqjr. 3. Sfetdert W. Voor-Doctj €5 luliifi fHfulMi. '3* Ffuoc O. -VoortBCff finessed IB faiiHiiiig In HiifundiiB GranOTf «ew Jcttcs^* 4* GucgB IL Vooritte^ of SlnoOTtai* New jcnMQT* w mnfiiipd with tbe Gexioxl l u t n s Cbipwctnin, at yrfiHtm, Mnr Jenc3r>

(H Vtet, Mexbat W. Vocriiea « » bamaOt odtieaied m Hi^NrdL Alter ji«tMtiuB Awe HapoRS J ^ ^ Sdnotlv ht spent two yean tt HK Uotvcninr of Pcsm^l-y a * . Hwa a^ygg «t Ifae Agitodanml Gatege In Mew Bnnswick. He bgcii»ie UGOcisted tiieo ivi& tftce Sdn Knits Ouimniii, tf Phils rtfljifriiu BOd for ttn yean vxs SL-'atle^artiuwanntiwi. ttsve&ng tor tim orguMiattiun sad oattatfaigte line of tAod waj ihau It « u in 1931 titxt BeiMrt wf* V ooHiecs iduiuBd to idx luMUt xtftn »i Hopeitdl TowisAtok sidildi he his^sfaee ciMdueted. KBRV Sillkiiult cngsgcd ut gensnl biiulug <qientiom, IK sve* rialisw in iKliius Gjifiiinj citttc. iiirkxt nuaioK liu faeeo 4ne of bb Bojor tmnioK iututsts, vx^ end Ox, VodcfKH becBSBc, wa u tmtter of fsct, ifae fiist ittcaiifeMl of the Meor Jenegr Turitsr Assodstian, so conttnoisg <r lime yctzsu

7MB) KB cart)' period Ur.'Veorbee* has cuwegit»Bd Mm-•eH witii the simtian of Mow tnef'* harmm voi>a1atimi. He mui one of HK lagsiuMaa of Hie Nov JcroQr FMd Cnp toiwu WBHtt- AssoetoHflB, trideli te iidpodto b " n in co^pHntion wiHi tite New 7CRK7 Comi^ «»d ttie Hew jencgr pCTHrttMBt of Aeriadtore. He hsf (omiiHid an fljfiser and 0 dineiar of the •ssoG&itiaB Kooe te jBocptlcm. Im X9|a iK was eimtcn to hli i n s u t post «s mcddent of « e Hew J « s 9 F u n Iforora, in « f d a be is no«r s e r ^ « Ida aeeaad lOEin. Bte las dao Kted u di^inan irf th: Mew Jcimor ^Bte Asricuitiiral Lidbor GDnaitee siine it was oet up In ta$0. He fatmetir otfvesd oa tiie Mcarcer Ckaaitr Triple A Cocnoduee, of wMdi lie was pnsideat fmr foor Tcats. Steoe 190 IfT. Voortceei hss been • onober M ^ danfe , M O aerrc* as Master of 'Bme-SNU Gtante No. 97 «t iiie ttoe of vrttbm. A m a ^ m (rtber idSliitioos, te is pre^dent of Free Fatmers, &&, « BB&nud otnodzstfara initiated In 194a. AlcaiK wMi aO Iris OUKT aetriaiei, Ur. Vooriiees b m indf^pentoit Ri^Ui-OB to to galMcal vfeBs. He fMdonn to tise Ltons Otdi in Hopewul, is a .usauber and A n t Master of HojKwtil Lodkc. No. s j j , of the Free and Aoeqited UUoos, atnt is a dsuter iMiid«r oE 6ie Hopewdl Vatkr GoU Qid>, of

R A S O I ^ & HAIX—Wltii the littlc-lmown In-dptrg^ of jwwdeieJ ni^ris, fitoetd £ . Ball fass been Mentlned anoe si n r t 'tioR after tcawtns ocOniei vcA so tamf j m n mo. In fhtai vocailan be iSskmtA* fatiier, n^HS «i tids sphere of coiiin&etnriiK aaS a irofesiai' of loo; and uutewutittir fecord in Oolonibia Utrimritir, New Yoilc CIQr. In rapid tooxsdonr tin youi«r mm Tose to geseiai iiuiisfltf aod antce early in io$3 has iieen txresMect of liie Mc^Is Qissnu^n^tis CeaipasQr, tA BliMJbeMh, Kew Jvaef.^ l ids ODrpondian enndfl^ ap-prox8B2te^ one luiudral ond scvcn^r^nve people tst tsat-toai iBoeiv oboet a Itslf of wheK are sit^ie Verooa, New Jcn(y,_nlant

Mr. Ban was boiB at P a a s ^ New Jeteqr, September d, 190A saB_ ri PrOtetaor Bvereti Jod Hall and the former Hazflett XW.XJBWSQSI* Ids KIKIUICI also faciiQi u tie-tim of Ftasaic E«rett Jod HsA .<wss bean fat New Ywit tSy, lo tS!7A « d yas a gradin te^ local achoob. Stevens IiisutuCe of ^ptiiinifogyi Hbbukwi« New Jerseyr and Cotatrida XJaiterriqr, Mew Yorfc Oiy. He was pro­fessor of assasnis at Coiffitdda Unircrsltsr for thir^^two yeai3,a anosthqiiiitf csteennd iBsnber of its itsadtf. He « ^ was neddent of tin Metals DislnteipraiiQS Coov-puv, is Mew Jersey, from 1916 to hia denuse in m i .

'As lesufb the bradlii of pradnGtion aod variety of tnateiUs, 'thii vom^dag sras ttie idea of tbe cMo- Mr. Hall, and estafdeAed by him in jBoond Braolc, New Jer-Kf,' in 1916. As indieiilied, lie dtieeied its operatiiBis for a qaarter of « eczaiBT. H b son, Harold B. Hall, after hetsg a. ^aiaient in the ptade seboda of EUsabeth, and the &ittiB SBQitb S<te^ 'man wfddi he fradiiated in tgiS7, eatrio^ted at Oolttx^ thinrettity, New York Oty, where be la^ two tdmiaAie yearn of work, prior to tstjo, wtiea it wn> adfigatde e» netnm to hk home and beconn .assocatni wiUi the MmA JOt^tsytstiiig Caa^nsf. Smt^ss as a Ubozatoty assktant in the Elkabefli vSaat, he sest^'Siade i^isKtal nsnascr of tbe eonoem in t937i aari'Siiwe Msy. 19<$. has iten pteddtot ol the cmpoera-tiait As tnentienedt dds tamtBeny qiecisliies in IIK nouao-Jietdre of |>uwii<ifed tnetaB^ meteltic panil pissKstt, M t a fyt4a»t of VR^SKH- Hall, in 1931, hit widow, Harrtett I*. Hall, beeame lietrf of the omaiiiiatioo, and senidsed w te her retoeateiit in 19*3. In reiatiTelr le-csBl jieacsb ^ eovpotsboii iwiuJuserf llie filaiit in Vemnsij Mew Jtrmf, foondcd in l ^ inr WiUisin Grosb aod Henry AhSm^ as tiie Smote rowder Maoniactorins ColIn•tg^ so m t a traifition and an tuduatrj has beeo ouauiuted by ^ present owners. This plant was ac-qtdred ta 1 9 ^ and has faeea aa oittstattdiag fsclor in

reduction, whiiA is fattibtited all owr die United aid. pridr to 4ie present global war, in foreiBn


Page 17: PRE-CERCLIS SCREENING/y)Z;^.. , DATA ENTRY …...(ISRA) during the late 1980's until a No Further Action letter was issued in 1994 (see attachment 7). Elevated concentrations of lead,

us Department of Energy Office of Legacy Management

Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP)

Page 18: PRE-CERCLIS SCREENING/y)Z;^.. , DATA ENTRY …...(ISRA) during the late 1980's until a No Further Action letter was issued in 1994 (see attachment 7). Elevated concentrations of lead,

, Office of the di rector |wC JBusiness Opeijations

'•^;'^:S:ite;'Operatl^©^s :;;>,. -^ Pi^grams &' faci l i t ies . A b o u t LM

About DOE

':ai n:£'OFi£i \C'<^»;^a*ii»i3iBwaEPrr''

FUSRAP Cons ide red S i tes


Eliminated from consideration under FUSRAP

Designated Name:; :

Alternate Nanne:


Evaluation Year:

Site Operations:

Site Disposition:

Radioactive Materials Handled:

Primary Radioactive • Materials Handled::

Radiological Survey(s):

Site Status:

Not Designated


271 Grove Avenue , Verona or Elizabeth , New Jersey

1987 i

Provided nickel to Linde. i

Eliminated - No radioactive materials were handled at this site.

None Indicated

None Indicated

None Indicated

Eliminated from consideration under FUSRAP


NJ.0-03-1 1 NJ.0-03-2 '' NJ.0-03-3 ;

NJ.0-03-3 i

NJ.0-03-3 NJ.0-03-4 i

NJ.0-03-3 ;





Page 19: PRE-CERCLIS SCREENING/y)Z;^.. , DATA ENTRY …...(ISRA) during the late 1980's until a No Further Action letter was issued in 1994 (see attachment 7). Elevated concentrations of lead,

Also see


1. NJ.0-03-1 - Letter: Goman to Metals Disintegrating Company, Inc. (Attn. : Macwatty); Availability of 1800 Cubic Storage Space: August 28, 1944

2. NJ.0-03-2 - Metals Disintegrating Company , Inc. Letter: Powers to War Department CAttn.: Campbell): Re: Supplemental Agreement Modification 12, Contract No. W-7405-eng 139: April 5, 1946

3. NJ.0-03-3 - DOE Memorandum/Checklist: Wallo to File: Sublect: Elimination of Metals Disintegrating: December 12, 1987

4. NJ.0-03-4 - Letter: McKee to Metals Disintegrating Company: Return of Two Invoices from the Elizabeth Motor Trucking Company: June 19. 1944

Historical documents may contain links which are no longer valid or to outside sources. LM can not attest to the accuracy of information provided by these links. Please see the Leaving LM Website page for more details.

Page 20: PRE-CERCLIS SCREENING/y)Z;^.. , DATA ENTRY …...(ISRA) during the late 1980's until a No Further Action letter was issued in 1994 (see attachment 7). Elevated concentrations of lead,

7 NJDEP ISRA "No Further Action

Page 21: PRE-CERCLIS SCREENING/y)Z;^.. , DATA ENTRY …...(ISRA) during the late 1980's until a No Further Action letter was issued in 1994 (see attachment 7). Elevated concentrations of lead,




OCT - i m ( Ira L. Whitman, Ph.D, P.E. The Whitman Companies, Inc. 44 west Ferris Street East Bruns-wick, KJ 08216

RE: Irvd\i8trial Establ i8hB»ent: Paul L. rurmicV; Mfg. Co. and Pey.ay ;\i:)r asi ves , Inc.

Location: 271 Grove Street, Verona Borough, Essex County Block: 62 Lot: 11 Transaction: CeBsation of Operations ISRA Case / ' B : 87049 and 87635 Final Re-port d.ated July 22, 1994

Dear Dr. Whitman:

Pursuant to the authority vested in the CocwniBBioner of the Mew Jersey Departjmont of EnvirorBnental Protection and Energy (HJDEPE) by. the Industrial Site Recovery Act (ISRA), (R.J.S.,*.. 13:lK-6 et seq. ) , and duly delegated to the AsBistant Director of the Industrial Site Evaluation Element pursuant to H.J.S.A. 13:lB-4, the referenced Final Report is hereby approved and the referenced Industrial Eatabliohment is coneidered to be in full cotnpliance with ISRA.

This approval is baB«d on the impleroentation and completion of the Remedial Action Workplan in accordance with the terms of the November 1, 1988 approval letter and any Remedial Action Workplan addenda as supported by the referonroH Final Report &e w<.ll as HJDEPE investigation of the aito.

This approval mhall be limited to the above referenced transaction only and Bhall not reetrict or prohibit the hJDEPE or any other agency front taking regulatory action under any other statute, rule or reiyulation. By ioBuing this No F irthor Action Letter, HJUZVc continues to reserve its right to pursue any ponaltios allowable under the law for violations of ISRA or the regulations OBBOciatod with this transaction.

Nru) Jersey h An Equal Opportunity Employer • Printed on Rrcyded end Rayclablt Paper

Page 22: PRE-CERCLIS SCREENING/y)Z;^.. , DATA ENTRY …...(ISRA) during the late 1980's until a No Further Action letter was issued in 1994 (see attachment 7). Elevated concentrations of lead,



This notice will serve to release and return the Financial Assurance and any other funds held pending cooipliance with ISRA.

S i n c e r e l y ,

Afi yri -T:. Howitz, Assistant Director lnduel.ii-al Site Evaluation Elenvent

c: Registration number 0178040 Tina Layre, BAC Greg Heumann, BEERA Derek Carano, B<rWPA ThomaB A. Restaino, Health Dept.

^€4 ^ ^ t , r

Page 23: PRE-CERCLIS SCREENING/y)Z;^.. , DATA ENTRY …...(ISRA) during the late 1980's until a No Further Action letter was issued in 1994 (see attachment 7). Elevated concentrations of lead,

8 NJDEP Child Care Facility Approval Letter

Page 24: PRE-CERCLIS SCREENING/y)Z;^.. , DATA ENTRY …...(ISRA) during the late 1980's until a No Further Action letter was issued in 1994 (see attachment 7). Elevated concentrations of lead,


PC BOX 369 TRENTON, N.J. 08625-0369

^"^G^ovemof^^ HEATHER HOWARD Commissioner

SEP 1 i Z009

Ms. Debra Rella Executive Kids of Verona 271 Grove Avenue Verona, NJ 07044

Re: Executive Kids of Verona; Essex County

Dear Ms. Rella:

As a child care center, Executive Kids of Verona is subject to the rules promulgated by the Department of Children and Families, specifically N.J.A.C. 10:122-5.2(i); Physical Plant Requirements for All Centers.

The Department of Health and Senior Services (Department) has reviewed the information submitted regarding the current conditions and historical uses of the building located at 271 Grove Avenue in Essex County. This information included a Preliminary Assessment Report and a Child Care Center Approval Letter issued by the Department of Environmental Protection.

Based on the above information and a walk-through of the facility, the Department will not require any additional actions at this time. However, if conditions within the child care center change or if there is a change in adjacent business operations within the building, further evaluation may be required.

If you have any questions, please contact Michael Boucher with the Indoor Environments Program at (609) 584-4003.


^ n ^

Joseph D. Eldridge Director Consumer, Environmental & Occupational Health Services

MB: c: Ron Corcory, Department of Environmental Protection

Gary Sefchik, Department of Children and Families

Page 25: PRE-CERCLIS SCREENING/y)Z;^.. , DATA ENTRY …...(ISRA) during the late 1980's until a No Further Action letter was issued in 1994 (see attachment 7). Elevated concentrations of lead,

D E P A R T N | ^ j ; . p ^ ^ s ^ V ^ ^ J ^ ^ y ^ ^ ^ ^ C T l O N J O N S . C O R Z I N E Child Care/Educational Facility Unit M A R K N . M A U R I E L L O

PC Box 028 Acting Commissioner 401 East state St, 5"" Floor Trenton, NJ 08625-0028

Debra Rella Executive Kids Of Verona 271 Grove Ave Verona, NJ 07044

Re: NJDEP Child Care Facility Approval Letter Executive Kids Inc 271 Grove Ave, Verona, Essex County Block 62 Lot! 1 Preferred ED: 460614, Activity Reference Number: CCF080001 DCF Child Care License #: 07EXE0005

Dear Debra Rella:

MAY 1 3 2000

The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (Department) has completed its review of a certified Preliminary Assessment (PA) Report dated December 5, 2008. The report was prepared by Brinkerhoff Environmental Services on behalf of Executive Kids Inc. The Department acknowledges that PA Report meets the requirements of the Technical Requirements for Site Remediation (NJ.A.C. 7:26E).

The Department issues this NJDEP Child Care Facility Approval Letter for the child care facility site specifically referenced in this letter so long as Executive Kids Inc did not withhold any information from the Department. This action is based on Executive Kids Inc's final certified PA Report. For the purpose of this letter, the child care facility site is the child care facility building as described in the PA Report, the outdoor play area(s) where children have the potential for direct contact with soil, the potable water supplj', and no other areas.

Child Care Facility Site

The child care facility site is as defined in the PA Report, as such any relocation and/or expansion of the existing licensed child care facility into other portions of the building or on other portions of the property, requires a new Child Care Facility Approval Letter. (See enclosed map.)

Child Care Facility Play Area

The fenced outdoor play area is located on-site adjacent to/near the child care building. The play area is underlain with geotextile fabric with several inched of pea gravel over the fabric and a mixed surface of artificial grass, rubber matting or concrete. The integrity of the barrier covering the native soil within the play area shall be maintained at all times so that direct contact with the soil is prohibited.

Child Care Facility Potable Water Notice

A statement has been signed certifying that the child care facility is connected to a public community water system- Verona Township Water Department PWSID 0720001.

New Jersey is an Equal Opportunity Employer, Primed on Recycled Paper and Recyclable

Page 26: PRE-CERCLIS SCREENING/y)Z;^.. , DATA ENTRY …...(ISRA) during the late 1980's until a No Further Action letter was issued in 1994 (see attachment 7). Elevated concentrations of lead,

Building Interiors Not Addressed

Please be advised that this letter does not address the presence or remediation of hazardous substances that may exist in building interiors or equipment; including, but not limited to, radon, asbestos and lead. As a result, any risks to human health presented by any building interior or equipment remains. To meet the requirements as called for in the Department of Children and Families (DCF) licensing regulation, the Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS), Indoor Environments Program, should be contacted to determine what steps, if any, are necessary to address the risks posed by the prior historical use. The DHSS, Indoor Environments Program can be reached at 609-631-6749. DHSS Guidance can be found on the DHSS web site at A complete building interior evaluation should be performed before any change in use or re-occupancy is considered.

In issuing this NJDEP Child Care Facility Approval Letter, the Department has relied upon the certified representations and information provided to the Department in the certified PA Report. This letter does not make any representation as to the environmental conditions or risks outside of the child care facility site.

Thank you for your attention to these matters. If you have any questions, please contact Lee Hendricks at (609) 633-0745 or [email protected].


1 Ronald T. Corcory, Assistant Director Enforcement & Assignment Element

Enclosure(s): Child Care Facility/Play Area Map

Thomas A. Restaino, Montclair Health Dept Health Officer, Essex County Health Department Local Construction Official, Verona Clerk, Verona Wesley Fitchett, Brinkerhoff Environmental Services NJ Department of Children and Families (NJDCF) - Office of Licensing NJ Department of Health and Senior Services (NJDHSS), Indoor Environments Program Lee Hendricks, DEP Case Manager NJDEP Child Care Facility Unit File

Page 27: PRE-CERCLIS SCREENING/y)Z;^.. , DATA ENTRY …...(ISRA) during the late 1980's until a No Further Action letter was issued in 1994 (see attachment 7). Elevated concentrations of lead,


Executive Kids of Vertma 271 Grove Aveame Verona, NJ

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133 Jsckson R«Kl.Siiitc D MxifiDnl. New Jener 06055 (609)386-3579 FAX; (609) 714-2143


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