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JULY – DECEMBER 2020 Prayer

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  • JULY – DECEMBER 2020


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    Greetings, Prayer Matters readers,

    Welcome to this July–December 2020 edition of Prayer Matters.

    As I write this introduction, the coronavirus lockdown has started to be slowly lifted, while many are still living in the reality of our ‘new normal’, which is very different for each of us.

    So many people have succumbed to the virus and our hearts go out to their grieving families. Many are isolated and lonely; families are coping with home schooling, some anxiously awaiting daily news of loved ones lying sick in hospital. Most of us are experiencing fear on some level; we are doing/being church and serving in new and different ways. Courageous front-line carers, service providers and medical teams throughout our nation are working under tremendous pressure – and the list could go on. Surely this must also mean that the response of we people of prayer is to cry out to God fervently, perhaps like never before, from the depths of our being – Lord, have mercy!

    Some Territorial Headquarters (THQ) staff are working from home while others are furloughed under government guidelines. All of which means at this point, we are uncertain if this edition of Prayer Matters will get printed or sent out to our subscribers.

    In the meantime, what we aim to do is to make this edition available as widely as possible by electronic means. However, by whichever means you receive this edition of Prayer Matters, I hope that you will find it inspiring and helpful as you pray for the many facets of mission and ministry in our territory. I commend to you also the beautiful A–Z series of Advent prayer reflections brought to us this year by Major Gethin Thomas (corps officer, Pentre Corps).

    My grateful thanks go to Stephanie Chagas–Bijl (Resource Hub, THQ) who has collated and edited this issue, and of course to all our guest writers who bring rich perspective to our prayer focus. Please be aware that contributions to each focus were requested before coronavirus was upon us, hence some of the Salvation Army special events mentioned have since been cancelled or postponed. Nevertheless, we can still pray in a meaningful way for those involved in these areas of ministry within the territory.

    As always, dear friends, thank you for your partnership in prayer.

    ‘My prayers for you are full of praise to God as I give him thanks for you with great joy!’ (Philippians 1:3 TPT)

    God bless you all! Pauline

    Captain Pauline Milner, SA Prayer Co–ordinator

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    Bible quotations from the New International Version (2011) unless otherwise stated.



    f WEDNESDAY 1 JULY When the theme of ‘Infinitely More’ was set out for the territory at the beginning of the year, no one could have imagined the toll that Covid-19 would take on all aspects of life. But amidst the illness, the loss, the uncertainties, God has not changed. He continues to be and do infinitely more than we can imagine, according to his will. Rest in the knowledge of this promise.

    f THURSDAY 2 JULYIt’s only when we look up at Christ that we can start to believe in seemingly impossible things. It makes us hungry for more of him and of what he can do. Lord, make me hungry for more of you. Give us faith to believe in your power to transform the lives of our family, friends, colleagues, villages, towns, cities and nations. Amen.

    f FRIDAY 3 JULY If the ‘infinitely more’ we crave is an adventure with God to change the world – and there’s no reason it shouldn’t be – it’s worth knowing that it’s going to take time. Lord, help me to trust your timing, especially when I want everything to happen yesterday! You know the present and the future; give me patience to trust what you are doing. Amen.

    f SATURDAY 4 JULY When it comes to the ‘infinitely more’ of God, it’s inspiring to think about the good things stored up for us, and it’s comforting to think about the limitless love that forgives, heals and restores. But more of God is also bound to include things we find less comfortable. Ask God to make you uncomfortable as you journey with him. Let him break your rules.

    f SUNDAY 5 JULY The invitation to discover ‘infinitely more’ isn’t about being airlifted out of life’s problems; it’s about living something different and

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    hope-filled – right in the middle of life’s problems. Only then can our lives be beacons of hope for those around us. Whatever difficulties you are facing today, be assured that God is facing them with you. Trust that by his infinite power he will make a way.



    f MONDAY 6 JULY – CADET DIANE TAYLORHeavenly Father, we praise you and thank you for your leading in our lives. In times when the way is not clear to us, you guide and direct us. We thank you that we are all called to do different things for you and that you equip us for those tasks. Help us to listen and to obey your calling to do whatever you what us to do. We ask these things in your Son’s name and your Spirit’s power. Amen.

    f TUESDAY 7 JULY – CADET IAN BARKERLord, thank you that you call us to covenantal life. We recognise the privilege in the opportunity to be part of your eternal covenant promise. In the coming weeks, when many will further commit their life to you, we pray for your divine empowerment. May we always strive to seek more of you in every aspect of our being. In the name of the Son, the Father and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

    f WEDNESDAY 8 JULY – CADET DEBBIE HOGARTH‘Called by God to proclaim the gospel of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ as an officer of The Salvation Army, I bind myself to him in this solemn covenant to love and serve him supremely all my days…’. As each cadet of the Messengers of the Kingdom Session makes this solemn covenant, continue to pray for them throughout their ministry.

    f THURSDAY 9 JULY – CADET JONNY WHITMOREFather, we thank you that you call us all to be messengers of your Kingdom on earth – yours is the Kingdom, the power and the glory, now and always! We thank you for the 20 cadets that will be commissioned as Messengers of the Kingdom and pray your protection on them and their families. Today and in the coming days, may we increasingly recognise and join in with the work of your Kingdom in our lives and our communities. Amen.

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    f FRIDAY 10 JULY – CADET JACQUELINE COATESDear Lord, thank you for calling each one of us into ministry with you. We pray that as we step out into a future unknown to us, we do so with complete confidence that, as you have chosen us, you will empower and equip us to be who you have called us to be. Amen.

    f SATURDAY 11 JULY – CADET CHRISTOPHER THOMPSONFather God, we give you thanks for the Messengers of the Kingdom Session and the calling that you have placed on each of these lives. Strengthen, empower and equip them as they enter full-time ministry for you. Use them as a powerful witness in the corps, centres and communities they are appointed to across the territory, for your glory. Amen.

    f SUNDAY 12 JULYJesus, we celebrate you today! In all our worship gatherings – at William Booth College and throughout the UK – may we lift you up. May your voice be clearly heard, your presence experienced and the Holy Spirit have total freedom to move and minister. You call and equip us all to be Messengers of your Kingdom – in the power of your Spirit, we respond. May your will be done and your Kingdom come! Amen.


    f MONDAY 13 JULY ‘If your Presence does not go with us, do not send us up from here’ (Exodus 33:15). It’s important for officers and envoys who are changing appointments over the summer to remember that God is with them. As they leave one place, he accompanies them on the journey and is awaiting them in their new appointment. Lord, please give everyone moving an awareness of your presence. Amen.

    f TUESDAY 14 JULY ‘Sing to the Lord a new song’ (Psalm 96:1). Sometimes it’s hard to sing a new song in an unfamiliar place. But it is God who puts the song into our hearts and teaches us to sing. Lord, if there are officers or envoys on the move who are finding it difficult to rejoice, we pray that you will help them to rediscover the song. Amen.

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    f WEDNESDAY 15 JULY ‘Trust in the Lord with all your heart’ (Proverbs 3:5). Trust is a huge part of the journey to a new place – officers and envoys on the move must trust that they are in God’s will and also that he has been preparing the people at the new appointment. Lord, help those involved to trust fully in you and your leading. Amen.

    f THURSDAY 16 JULY ‘Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and for ever’ (Hebrews 13:8). Sometimes it’s difficult to embrace change – for those who are leaving, for those who are left and for those who are waiting for new officers or envoys. We pray, Lord, that all those stepping into an unknown future will hold tight to your hand, knowing you are unchanging. Amen.

    f FRIDAY 17 JULY‘The One I’ve trusted in can take care of what he’s trusted me to do right to the end’ (2 Timothy 1:12 The Message). Lord, we pray that everyone involved in the moving process will be assured that you are in control and that you are able to use them to further your Kingdom. Hallelujah!



    f SATURDAY 18 JULY Lord, thank you that even on a Saturday morning the 999 control rooms are still open. We thank you for the Salvation Army personnel who are ready to respond if necessary. Thank you because when we work together with others we see glimpses of your Kingdom, even in the very darkest of places. Amen.

    `SETTING THE SCENEMajors Karl and Ruth Gray are responsible for one of the 24/7 emergency response pagers in London and spend a lot of their lives on call ready to respond in the city on behalf of The Salvation Army.

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    f SUNDAY 19 JULY Dear God, as a lot of us go to worship today, we pray that we will all keep our eyes and ears open and focused to see where we are called to help. We pray for The Salvation Army’s response in the United Kingdom and also internationally. Continue to provide resources and enable us to continue to share your salvation, compassion and promises in every situation we find ourselves in. Amen.

    f MONDAY 20 JULY Dear God, as we wake up on this Monday morning, we thank you for everyone who works in any role in the ‘blue light services’ in this country and their availability 24/7/365. We pray protection, peace and thankfulness over them today. Amen.

    f TUESDAY 21 JULY Dear God, thank you that we are allowed to make tea, serve sandwiches and offer chocolate in the midst of devastating situations. Of course we do more than that; you also allow us to share your love, offer hope and just be there in the most distressing of environments. Thank you for this privilege. Amen.

    f WEDNESDAY 22 JULY Dear God, thank you for the resources that you provide for us. We praise you especially for the volunteers who are always ready to respond when an emergency arises. Keep them safe as they serve others. May they know your grace, love and protection at all times. Amen.

    f THURSDAY 23 JULY Dear God, we pray for all divisions of the territory who support the emergency response teams. Thank you that they are always available and willing to assist, usually on top of already busy workloads. Please bless them and let them know we are praying for them. Amen.

    f FRIDAY 24 JULYLord, we pray for everyone affected by emergencies: people who have lost family and friends, who have watched their houses burn or who have become homeless because of flooding. We pray for anyone who is struggling because of what they have witnessed. Lord, thank you for bringing healing, restoration and hope in every situation. Amen.

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    f SATURDAY 25 JULY Every year during this particular week the ‘Enabled’ Summer School of music and creative arts is held in Cheltenham. This is a time for people with disabilities and their carers to come together. While this year it has unfortunately been cancelled due to Covid-19, prayerfully focus on the different joys and challenges that people with disabilities face on a day-to-day basis.

    f SUNDAY 26 JULY - PHILIPPIANS 4:13People with disabilities are often told that they can’t do this or that they’ll never achieve that. The doctors told my parents I would never walk, but I did, and danced too! Lord, people with disabilities may have more of a mountain to climb than most people, but thank you because through Christ’s strength they can do it. Amen.

    f MONDAY 27 JULY In general, people with disabilities are very sensitive to people’s emotions. They pick up and respond to them very quickly. Sometimes they can be too trusting and can face discrimination or bullying because of it. Quite often they don’t see the risks, only the fun of living life every day. Pray for all those who support and care for disabled people helping to keep them safe.

    f TUESDAY 28 JULY A disabled person’s biggest goal is to live independently. There are many supported housing schemes and organisations in the UK that can make this happen. Sadly, some people are still fighting for the right to do this, while others are able to achieve this big step. Pray for the organisations and supported housing schemes as they help disabled people succeed in achieving independence.

    f WEDNESDAY 29 JULY One big challenge for people with disabilities is being accepted and included. Employers, colleagues and the general public can overlook or ignore people with disabilities. During the ‘Enabled’ Summer School, participants are encouraged to use the skills they have by taking part in the timbrels, band, dance or drama and choir. Pray for

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    the delegates who are at home this week unable to attend. May they find another source of joy and fulfilment.

    f THURSDAY 30 JULY Communication can be very difficult, to be understood can be frustrating, but with Braille, sign language and new technology this is becoming easier. People don’t always have the time or patience to really listen and understand, and this can hurt, upset and lead to misunderstandings. May God give us all the patience and ability to take time to understand each other.

    f FRIDAY 31 JULYRejection is something people with disabilities face daily. People are too quick to see the disability and not the ability. We all have many gifts and skills and just need the chance to use them. Read 1 Timothy 4:12 and change the word ‘young’ to ‘disabled’: ‘Don’t let people look down on you because you are disabled.’ Let us remember this as we go through each day.




    f SATURDAY 1 AUGUST – MATTHEW 19:14Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to me.’ Children’s ministry takes place through toddler groups, Babysong, Sunday schools, children’s clubs, half–term activities, young people’s band, singing groups, junior camp, and through the five family centres in the division. Lord, we pray for children and their leaders as they gather; may there be laughter and learning. Amen.

    `SETTING THE SCENEThe Ireland Division encompasses the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland. It is a division full of rich cultures, places of interest and natural beauty spread across many miles.

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    f SUNDAY 2 AUGUST – PSALM 55:22A recent intergenerational partnership was established between the only care home in the division, Sir Samuel Kelly, and the Thorndale playgroup. Pray for the relationships that are being formed, that these times will be a blessing to all involved, young and elderly!

    f MONDAY 3 AUGUST – ISAIAH 40:29–31Each month all–age worship happens at different corps under the banner of ‘Ignite’. The worship is led by young people. Pray for the youth of the division, that they would continue to grow in their faith and would have encouraging people around them, using their gifts as God calls them.

    f TUESDAY 4 AUGUST – 1 PETER 4:8–9Hospitality is a key theme in both Ireland and Northern Ireland. There is always a cup of tea and a bun available! Lord, bless every conversation shared, whether it’s things to celebrate, sadness, fears, hopes and dreams. Bless the silence when nothing is said. We pray for those who are lonely. Amen.

    f WEDNESDAY 5 AUGUST – COLOSSIANS 3:15Pray for all the corps in the division: Ballymena, Ballymoney, Bangor, Belfast Citadel, Belfast North, Belfast Sydenham, Belfast Temple, Dublin City, Dublin South, Dundonald, Enniskillen, Larne, Limavady, Londonderry, Lurgan, Newry, Newtownards , Portadown and the new expression in Limerick. Pray as they seek to find out what God is calling them to. Pray for the communities in which they are placed and as they seek to serve them.

    f THURSDAY 6 AUGUSTPray for the Lifehouses and night shelters and for all those who find themselves in difficult circumstances and with daily challenges. ‘Whenever you possibly can, do good to those who need it’(Proverbs 3:27 GNT).

    f FRIDAY 7 AUGUST – PSALM 96:11–12The division is blessed with stunning landscapes and beautiful coastline. Some of the tourist hotspots include the cliffs of Moher and Giant’s Causeway. Lord, we thank you for the beauty of your creation for us to enjoy. May we honour it as we are entrusted with its care. Amen.

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    f SATURDAY 8 AUGUST The psalmist invites us to worship and bow down before God. Why? Because he is our God (Psalm 95:6,7). As this week unfolds, let us worship and praise God because God is who he says he is. He is worthy of our praise!

    f SUNDAY 9 AUGUST ‘Because of your unfailing love, I can enter your house; I will worship at your Temple with deepest awe’ (Psalm 5:7 NLT). We can come into the awesome presence of God because of his love for us. What an incredible truth! As you pray, allow that truth to seep into your thoughts. God loves you. Whatever the day brings, that truth stands firm.

    f MONDAY 10 AUGUST ‘In every place of worship, I want men to pray with holy hands lifted up to God, free from anger and controversy’ (1 Timothy 2:8 NLT). Timothy is reiterating something Jesus taught, that we are to mend relationships with others. When we pray we must first forgive others (Matthew 6:12, 14–15). Ask God to reveal to you those relationships in your life that need healing, and help you to forgive.

    f TUESDAY 11 AUGUST ‘I bow before your holy Temple as I worship. I praise your name for your unfailing love and faithfulness; for your promises are backed by all the honour of your name’ (Psalm 138:2 NLT). God has promised so much and his promises are true. As we worship and pray, we can trust that he will hear because he has promised he will. As you pray, claim a promise from God over your life. Worship him and praise him. His love endures for ever!

    f WEDNESDAY 12 AUGUST ‘They worshipped together at the Temple each day, met in homes for the Lord’s Supper, and shared their meals with great joy and generosity’ (Acts 2:46 NLT). Worship in community is so important. In Acts we can see this template for church: worship, sharing, expressing joy and generosity. Pray for all those you are sharing your journey of faith with. Praise God for the truth that we are not alone. Even now there is a community that is praying with you.

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    f THURSDAY 13 AUGUST ‘Sing to him; yes, sing his praises. Tell everyone about his wonderful deeds’ (1 Chronicles 16:9 NLT). God has done so much. Pray today that you will have an even deeper awareness of those you need to share your experience of the wonderful deeds of God with.

    f FRIDAY 14 AUGUST ‘And the Lord will be king over all the earth. On that day there will be one Lord – his name alone will be worshipped’ (Zechariah 14:9 NLT). This verse reveals a vision of what is to come. If our world ever needed this to be so, it needs it now. Pray that the world will see Jesus and worship him.



    Bible texts for this week can be read from The International Children’s Bible (ICB) 2015

    f SATURDAY 15 AUGUST – JAMES 1:17Thank you, Father God, for summer time and the opportunities for families and children to spend time together in rest and relaxation with each other and in you. Pray for families today who, despite the Covid-19 crisis, may still be going on holiday. Every time you hear news of people in your locality (or on social media) who are ‘going away on holiday’, pray for God’s blessing on their precious time together.

    f SUNDAY 16 AUGUST – PSALM 113:3I give you praise, Lord Jesus, that you promise to be with me every day, from the beginning to the end. It’s the same every day and will be the same for ever. Find a sunflower, or a photograph or painting of a sunflower – spend some time looking really closely at it as you pray. Thank God for his love and care towards all things.

    f MONDAY 17 AUGUST – MATTHEW 13:43Unfortunately this year, due to Covid–19, all the youth and children’s summer camps have been cancelled. Pray for all these young people, that they will be provided with other kinds of activities. But pray especially for those who will not have the opportunity to engage in any form of summer ministry.

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    f TUESDAY 18 AUGUST – ISAIAH 18:4Thank you, Father God, because we know you are looking out for your children. Thank you that we can place our children and young people in your hands as they grow and develop. Take time to think of all the children and young people that you have in your life. Speak out their names.

    f WEDNESDAY 19 AUGUST – SONG OF SONGS 2:12When did you last spend time in nature, just experiencing God through all of your senses? Go outdoors – see God close up and thank him for his creation.

    f THURSDAY 20 AUGUST – JOHN 4:14Pray for corps as they begin to prepare for the potential recommencement of activities. Pray that adults, children and young people will meet Jesus through everything that will happen.

    f FRIDAY 21 AUGUST – PSALM 107:9Around the UK, local corps are providing meals for children who won’t be receiving their regular school meals during the holidays. Pray for corps in their response to their communities. What is happening in your local community? Can you find out? Can you support them in prayer, or by providing practical support or financial help?



    f SATURDAY 22 AUGUST Dear God, may we know your guidance in all situations, along with your direction and your empowering Holy Spirit. In all things may we seek to reveal glimpses of the Kingdom of light into this world that often seems so dark and chaotic. Amen.

    f SUNDAY 23 AUGUSTDear God, all over the Salvation Army world people are responding to emergencies in a variety of ways. A food parcel, a utility top–up, a mug of coffee and pastoral care at a fire… the list is endless. As a privileged group of people, may we always take you into every situation we find ourselves in. May we shine in the darkness as we reflect you in every conversation you have ordained for us to be part of today. Amen.

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    f MONDAY 24 AUGUSTDear God, in numerous places toddler groups are being run where new, often isolated carers can become part of a community. May people glimpse your community and see that they could be part of that Kingdom. We pray that people will choose to follow you because doors are open and toys are on the floor. Amen.

    f TUESDAY 25 AUGUSTDear God we live in a world where we have stopped being shocked. Stabbings, gun crime and muggings have become everyday occurrences. We know that only you can change the world, however. Help us to be obedient where we are and share your love at every opportunity we encounter. Help us to be the best customer, the kindest person on the bus… Please stop the hatred and violence that happens, and help people to learn to live in peace. Amen.

    f WEDNESDAY 26 AUGUST Dear God, help us to do everything that we do well. Help us to focus on the conversations and situations you need us to engage with in our sphere of influence. May we all listen to the Holy Spirit’s prompting, and if we need to do anything practical for anyone, please direct and compel us to do it. Amen.

    f THURSDAY 27 AUGUST Dear God, we pray today for families who through broken relationships do not get to spend time together. This world is broken in so many ways; help us to be people who put it back together, not always in big ways but through a smile, through buying someone a coffee… Amen.

    f FRIDAY 28 AUGUST Lord, you call us to worship you every minute of every day. Help us today to recommit to being your Church seven days a week. Help us always to say yes to your voice in our lives and not to do anything that distracts us from building your Kingdom community. Amen.

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    f SATURDAY 29 AUGUST Poet Lemn Sissay was told as a child by his Christian foster–parents that his birth mother abandoned him and he should call them Mum and Dad. At the age of 12, however, they abandoned him to the care system. Pray for children experiencing any kind of family breakdown. Ask Christ to demonstrate his love and acceptance to them tangibly through the Church.

    f SUNDAY 30 AUGUST In her book Shameless, pastor Nadia Bolz–Weber argues that the Church has long idolised a certain kind of ‘normal’: heterosexual, married, able to have children, etc. Pray for all those who have experienced exclusion and psychological harm at the hands of the Church on account of being different. Ask Christ to give you his all–embracing love for ‘the whosoever’.

    f MONDAY 31 AUGUST Global catastrophes have the potential to change not only the world, but also people’s behaviour and wellbeing. Pray for those who are still struggling with their mental health due to the effects of Covid–19. Ask Christ to give you the grit and courage to embrace change and bring his hope to those in your community who need it at this time.

    `SETTING THE SCENEMental illnesses can be more common, long–lasting and impactful than other health conditions. But stigma around mental health still exists – which might explain why almost three in every four people with diagnosable mental illness receive no treatment at all. As you pray this week for good mental health in others, ask God to transform you into Christ’s likeness, so you can be part of the solution.

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    Readers of Fredrik Backman’s novel A Man Called Ove discover that the elderly protagonist has become miserable due to various knockbacks and losses throughout his life. However, the relentless kindness and straight talking of his Persian neighbour eventually crack his hard exterior. Pray for those who are embittered by life. Ask Christ to give you the unrelenting kindness that transforms communities.

    f WEDNESDAY 2 SEPTEMBER Megan Phelps–Roper grew up in the infamously intolerant Westboro Baptist Church (described as a ‘hate group’) and developed a reputation for her witty, but hate–filled Twitter posts. A few people chose to engage her with calm, compassion and curiosity, triggering her to eventually quit the group in 2012. Pray for those who are consumed by hate. Ask Christ to teach you to respond to anger with compassion.

    f THURSDAY 3 SEPTEMBER After escaping a life of utter poverty in North Korea, Yeonmi Park claims that reading truly freed her: ‘I could literally feel my brain coming to life, as if new pathways were firing up in places that had been dark and barren.’ Pray for schoolchildren who have missed weeks of learning. Ask God to grow your own curiosity and wisdom.

    f FRIDAY 4 SEPTEMBER Earlier in the year the Youth and Children’s Ministries team launched Upbeat, an innovative resource that gives 13– to 16–year–old boys the tools to identify, and talk openly about, their emotions, using group activities, videos and music ( Ask Christ to show you on a regular basis how you can be praying specifically for this demographic.



    f SATURDAY 5 SEPTEMBER ‘There will always be poor people in the land. So I’m commanding you to give freely to those who are poor and needy in your land. Open

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    your hands to them’ (Deuteronomy 15:11 NIRV). At this time of Big Collection, we pray that we will remember those in our land who are needy and poor and need the help of The Salvation Army.

    f SUNDAY 6 SEPTEMBER ‘In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: “It is more blessed to give than to receive”’ (Acts 20:35–38). Lord, we ask you to bless us and those who give to us, as we raise money for those who are in need. Amen.

    f MONDAY 7 SEPTEMBER ‘“ Love your neighbour as yourself.” There is no commandment greater than these’ (Mark 12:31). Lord, help us to see our ‘neighbours’ as you do and show love to all. Amen.

    f TUESDAY 8 SEPTEMBER ‘Now that you have purified yourselves by obeying the truth so that you have sincere love for each other, love one another deeply, from the heart (1 Peter 1:22). Lord, it never fails to amaze me, that you love someone like me. Teach us to love others, Lord, as you have loved us. Amen.

    f WEDNESDAY 9 SEPTEMBER ‘Do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased’ (Hebrews 13:16). Lord, I know that if I give, it will be given to me. So I pray that I will give freely. I pray that I may show this same regard when I do good to others. Amen.

    f THURSDAY 10 SEPTEMBER ‘Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver’ (2 Corinthians 9:6–7). Let that be so, Lord! Amen.



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    f FRIDAY 11 SEPTEMBER ‘Who among the gods is like you, Lord? Who is like you – majestic in holiness, awesome in glory, working wonders?’ (Exodus 15:11). What does it mean for you to stand in front of a God whose nature is majestic and awesome, and yet loving towards us? Reflect and pray about this today.

    f SATURDAY 12 SEPTEMBER ‘You are to be holy to me because I, the Lord, am holy, and I have set you apart from the nations to be my own’ (Leviticus 20:26). This direct command from God also comes with a promise. We are to be holy, and yet we belong to God. Holy God, we commit our walk with you today, knowing you are with us. Amen.

    f SUNDAY 13 SEPTEMBER ‘Exalt the Lord our God and worship at his holy mountain, for the Lord our God is holy’ (Psalm 99:9). Where is your ‘mountain’ today? Where will you meet with God? Where will you worship him with prayer and praise?

    f MONDAY 14 SEPTEMBER ‘May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. The one who calls you is faithful, and he will do it’ (1 Thessalonians 5:23–24). As your prayer today, substitute the words ‘you’ and ‘your’ for ‘me’ and ‘my’. Repeat that last sentence over and over and feel the presence of God.

    f TUESDAY 15 SEPTEMBER ‘But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written: “Be holy, because I am holy”’ (1 Peter 1:15). Holiness needs to be at the centre of all that we do today and every day. Loving God, keep me in the centre of your will as I try to live a life of holiness. Amen.

    f WEDNESDAY 16 SEPTEMBER ‘Each of the four living creatures had six wings and was covered with eyes all around, even under its wings. Day and night they never stop saying: “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was, and is, and is to come”’ (Revelation 4:8). Both Isaiah and John had this vision of a holy God who was worshipped by his creation. Lord, we declare that ‘all thy works shall praise thy name, in earth and sky and sea’! Amen.

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    f THURSDAY 17 SEPTEMBER ‘Who will not fear you, O Lord, and bring glory to your name? For you alone are holy. All nations will come and worship before you, for your righteous acts have been revealed’ (Revelation 15:4). Today, in reverent fear, let us bring glory to God for he alone is holy. Loving God, as I continue my walk in holiness, let me always be comforted that you are always with me. Amen.



    f FRIDAY 18 SEPTEMBER – LUKE 5:17The friends didn’t just tell Jesus about the paraplegic man – they brought him to Jesus. Think of the people you pray for regularly. God, show me how I can be instrumental in helping others encounter Jesus personally. Amen.

    f SATURDAY 19 SEPTEMBER – LUKE 5:18These men knew that the answer to their paraplegic friend’s need was to see Jesus. Who are the people God has put in your life that he wants you to take responsibility for bringing to Jesus? God, help me to be diligent and committed in praying for the salvation of those you place on my heart. Amen.

    f SUNDAY 20 SEPTEMBER – LUKE 5:19What are the ‘roof tiles’ that get in the way of your loved ones, neighbours and community reaching Jesus? Holy Spirit, give me eyes to see the obstacles, and perseverance to make holes in those roofs. Amen.

    f MONDAY 21 SEPTEMBER – LUKE 5:20Jesus says that forgiveness comes in response to faith. Our mission can sometimes stop at physical demonstrations of the gospel, without also leading to inner transformation. God, raise my faith today to see people turn in repentance and seek your forgiveness. Amen.

    f TUESDAY 22 SEPTEMBER – LUKE 5:21–23For Jesus, physical healing was an outward demonstration of an inward grace – forgiveness of sins. God, make me aware both of

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    people’s inner needs and their physical circumstances as I live missionally. Amen.

    f WEDNESDAY 23 SEPTEMBER – LUKE 5:24–25The man who was healed took every step as an opportunity to give God glory. Take notice of the steps you take today. How can you live a life of celebration and praise? Father, help me to be grateful for your goodness and power to act and move in this world. Amen.

    f THURSDAY 24 SEPTEMBER – LUKE 5:26Lord, I want to see amazing miracles in my community that would point people to acknowledge you and rejoice in your goodness. Amen.


    f FRIDAY 25 SEPTEMBER – GOOD NEIGHBOURSLord Jesus, you told the parable of the Good Samaritan and shared how the good neighbour was the one who cared for the man. In our isolated homes we can be oblivious to the needs of those who live near us. Give us a way to get to know people so we may be there when they need us. Open our eyes and our hearts to our neighbours. Give us courage to say hello and ask them how they are, or even if there is anything we can pray for them. Amen.

    f SATURDAY 26 SEPTEMBER – MY NEIGHBOURSLoving Father, I bring to you the people who live around me and pray you would bless their homes with love and happiness. Bring healing and peace to the distressed, and joy to the sad and lonely. I pray your blessing on young families, for understanding when life gets hectic, and contentment and health for the elderly. Thank you for the privilege of praying for my neighbours. Amen.

    f SUNDAY 27 SEPTEMBER – DOCTOR’S SURGERYFather God, many of my neighbours are sick in body, mind and spirit. May your love and healing power touch them. Thank you for the resources that are available to our community, especially the doctors’ surgeries where fears can be calmed and medication sought. Be with all who work in caring professions, especially those neighbours who fulfil these roles. Amen.

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    f MONDAY 28 SEPTEMBER – SCHOOLSLord, thank you for the sound of children’s voices as they pass my door on the way to school or to the park or the shops. I pray for my local school; may it be a place of safety and somewhere children want to be. Bless the teaching staff with patience and understanding. Give them courage and tenacity when dealing with problems and difficulties and keep them safe. Amen.

    f TUESDAY 29 SEPTEMBER – SHOPSLoving Father, thank you for my local shops where I can buy things I need to keep my life on track. Thank you for the people who serve the community in this way, sometimes even when times are hard for them and business not so good. Help me to consider supporting my local shops more to help keep their business going. Amen.

    f WEDNESDAY 30 SEPTEMBER – SILENCE AND NOISE O Lord, sometimes it’s so quiet in my neighbourhood and I can feel quite lonely and cut off from people. In those times help me to embrace the silence so that in the quietness my soul can be still before you. At other times it’s noisy with buses and traffic, refuse collections, ice cream vans, people, dogs – the list goes on. Be with all who go about their daily business. Amen.



    f THURSDAY 1 OCTOBER Lord, on this International Day of Older Persons, we think of the older members of our communities who are unable to get out and about. We know that many rely on carers, family and friends to support them in their isolation. Please be with them, we pray. Amen.

    f FRIDAY 2 OCTOBER ‘But Barzillai answered the king, “How many more years shall I live, that I should go up to Jerusalem with the king?”’ (2 Samuel 19:34). Barzillai was a wealthy man who served King David. In his old age

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    David wanted to show kindness to him but Barzillai felt like a burden. Lord, we pray for those in old age who feel they are no longer of use and are a burden to their friends and family. May they know they will always be special. Amen.

    f SATURDAY 3 OCTOBER ‘By the rivers of Babylon we sat and wept when we remembered Zion’ (Psalm 137:1). Father God, we pray today for those living with dementia and for their carers. As they move to a strange land within their minds, may the songs they sang in Zion remain in their deep subconscious, that one day they may return to the promised land and sing a new song. Amen.

    f SUNDAY 4 OCTOBER‘Remember your Creator in the days of your youth, before the days of trouble come and the years approach when you will say, “I find no pleasure in them”’ (Ecclesiastes 12:1). While age can bring many challenges, it also brings the wisdom of the years and the lifetime of walking with God. Lord God, may we live our lives in your presence today knowing that, whatever our age and whatever our circumstance, you will be with us. Amen.



    f MONDAY 5 OCTOBER – ACTS 2:43Whittlesey’s ‘Music Mites’ toddler group is seeing an increase in numbers of families attending. Pray that this will continue. There is a new vision and passion for this work which we hope will extend with outreach into the community. Pray that the church – which is very small – will also grow alongside the weekday programme.

    f TUESDAY 6 OCTOBER – ACTS 2:44Leicester West Corps is just beginning an exciting new missional journey. Pray that they hear the voice of God directing them clearly, enabling the corps to grow both numerically and spiritually. Pray too for weekday volunteers to help with the daily programme and also for leadership within the corps setting.

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    f WEDNESDAY 7 OCTOBER – ACTS 4:31Hinckley Corps are just about to enter into a building project which will see the hall being made more attractive and accessible for those needing support. There is a large homelessness problem in the area, and every Wednesday the community kitchen welcomes a number of attendees experiencing homelessness. Pray for guidance and wisdom as they endeavour to meet the continuing needs of the community.

    f THURSDAY 8 OCTOBER – ACTS 2:46–47Kings Ripton Court Lifehouse is a very busy place with a 36–bed capacity that supports young and vulnerable adults between the ages of 16 and 24. Pray for the residents there, as many of them struggle with mental health issues. Pray for strength, health and guidance for the staff too as they support the young people with the right words and effective care.

    f FRIDAY 9 OCTOBER – ACTS 4:32Over the past months Cottenham Corps underwent a major building project which left them temporarily with no hall for worship. They have now returned into their premises and need prayers for direction for the future. Now that they have seen a physical newness with the refurbishment, they are eager for spiritual development. Pray that the hall will be a welcoming place used for bringing the community together.

    f SATURDAY 10 OCTOBER – ACTS 4:33Rothwell is a small market town outside Kettering. In recent years the corps moved from its hall into a rented shop on the main street. The site now houses a drop–in cafe, small charity shop, community lounge and worship hall. Pray that God will continue to inspire vision and mission as they seek to serve and build relationships with people. Pray that faith conversations will happen that will lead people to Jesus.

    f SUNDAY 11 OCTOBER – ACTS 4:33Rushden Corps has a very busy community presence, with charity shops, a community centre and a coffee shop. However, they are still looking for new ways to engage with people, such as establishing a local Employment Plus and being a point of contact to help the unemployed on their journey back into work. Pray that this initiative will also support people to learn basic computer skills and engage with the ever–changing digital world.

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    f MONDAY 12 OCTOBERDear God, we pray for those who are vulnerable to being exploited: those stepping out into the unknown, perhaps moving away from home, sometimes to a different country or culture, those who have been tricked by the sale of false hope and a better life ahead of them. We pray too for the protection of people at risk in our own neighbourhoods, the defenceless and unprotected. Amen.

    f TUESDAY 13 OCTOBERDear God, I thank you that all of us are precious to you. We pray for victims of modern slavery, for those who have been treated as commodities and held captive by the greed and violence of a broken world. We pray for children, women and men who are bought and sold and abused by those who have forgotten the worth of a human being. May they rediscover their value in you. Amen.

    f WEDNESDAY 14 OCTOBERDear God, please give those who are trapped or enslaved the opportunity, courage and support they need to escape from a place of danger to a place of safety. We pray for our staff and volunteers, that their actions and words will aid recovery and restoration and bring renewed hope. We pray that through them, survivors will come to know God’s love and freedom. Amen.

    `CONTEXTModern slavery is an umbrella term for the crimes of human trafficking and slavery practices – for example, forced labour, domestic servitude, sexual exploitation and debt bondage. An estimated 40 million people are held in slavery worldwide, meaning there are more slaves in the world now than were taken from Africa during 300 years of the trans–Atlantic slave trade. Since 2011, The Salvation Army has had the responsibility for the care and support of adult victims of trafficking in England and Wales. With our partners, we give specialist support, safe and secure accommodation and help to survivors to move on to a life of freedom.

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    f THURSDAY 15 OCTOBERDear God, we pray for a change of heart in the perpetrators of human trafficking. We ask for a miracle, that you would touch the hearts of those who enslave others. We pray that your light will break through their darkness and they will turn from their ways, finding freedom from greed and violence. Amen.

    f FRIDAY 16 OCTOBERDear God, we pray for the families and friends of victims and survivors. We long for a world where there is no need for an impoverished family to send a child into a trafficking situation; no need for a young person to leave home and fall victim to perpetrators. And we pray that when survivors return home, they will be reunited with their families with love, mercy and compassion. Amen.

    f SATURDAY 17 OCTOBERDear God, we pray for all of us who are intentionally or unintentionally creating consumer demand because of our desire for cheap food, goods and services. Help us to understand the way our choices may play a part in keeping others captive by creating demand for more slave workers; and give us courage to make different choices. Amen.

    f SUNDAY 18 OCTOBERDear God, we know from Scripture that you want people to be free (Isaiah 61:1–3; Psalm 68:4–6; Luke 4:16–21). We pray on this Anti–Slavery Day for all those involved in aiding the liberation and restoration of children, women and men, for governments, local authorities, companies, charities, churches and individuals to do what they can to address the problem. We know we cannot do this fight on our own and we ask for your guidance. Amen.


    `CONTEXTUnfortunately while the Territorial Congress, due to happen this coming weekend, is cancelled, the original theme of ‘Light, Life, Love’ will still guide us in our time of prayer.

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    f MONDAY 19 OCTOBER Territorial Commander Commissioner Anthony Cotterill chose the theme for the Congress weekend after reflecting on the words of General Albert Osborn in SASB 742. Make these words your prayer today: ‘Light, life and love are in that healing fountain, All I require to cleanse me and restore; Flow through my soul, redeem its desert places, And make a garden there for the Lord I adore’.

    f TUESDAY 20 OCTOBER Throughout the Gospel of John we see the use of this symbolic language of light. Jesus is the light that has been shining in the darkness of the world, calling people to follow it, to be transformed by it, so that they too may become sons and daughters of light (12:36). Lord, thank you for the privilege we have to know you and to walk in your light. Continue to light up our path so that we may follow you closely. Amen.

    f WEDNESDAY 21 OCTOBER While there is light for the whole world to see, not all choose to see it. John’s opening words in his Gospel remind us that though the ‘light shines in the darkness, the darkness has not understood it’ (1:5 alternative reading). Lord Jesus, we think of people who don’t know you. Come and shine your light into their hearts, just as you did for Paul on the road to Damascus. Give them this transformational encounter with you. Amen.

    f THURSDAY 22 OCTOBER To reject the light is to reject the hope of salvation and eternal life (John 12:36,50). Assurance of eternal life means choosing to know Jesus right now in the present time, while looking forward to being together with God in the life hereafter. Thank you, Lord, for Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross. Because of his death I have everlasting life! Amen.

    f FRIDAY 23 OCTOBER Lord Jesus, thank you because you have promised to give us life, and life to the full (John 10:10). We receive from you all the spiritual blessings, deep joy, peace and hope that come from a life united in you. Amen.

    f SATURDAY 24 OCTOBER As the disciples gathered with Jesus to hear what would be his final teachings, he spoke of a new commandment: ‘As I have loved you, so

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    you must love one another’ (John 13:34). While to love God and others was not something new (Leviticus 19:18), loving the way Jesus loved was. Lord, it’s not always easy to love as you love. Teach me how to do this better each day. Amen.

    f SUNDAY 25 OCTOBER Lord, in a world so desperate for light, help us to resist the darkness of our own sinful nature and allow Jesus to shine his light into our hearts. In a world so desperate for life, help us to be open to receive the abundance of life that Jesus offers through the choices that we make. In a world so desperate for love, help us to leave aside our selfish desires and pour out to others the same measure of this new love we have received. Amen.



    f MONDAY 26 OCTOBER – MISSION PARTNERSAs part of the international Salvation Army, we have mission partner countries (Greenland, Estonia, Ghana and Togo, Pakistan, Paraguay, Uruguay and Argentina). Pray for the work in these countries and for our officers and staff who support families through the many social programmes, corps ministries and community projects in these regions.

    f TUESDAY 27 OCTOBER – WATERSalvation Army International Development UK (SAIDUK) supports many water projects around the world, including rainwater harvesting tanks, latrines and handwashing units in schools and communities. Water is essential for life and is a way to reach some of the most marginalised communities. Pray that our water projects will be more than simply providing a basic need, but will lead people to Jesus who gives water that whoever drinks will never be thirsty again (John 4:13–15).

    f WEDNESDAY 28 OCTOBER – FOOD SECURITY Imagine going to bed every night hungry. This is the reality for many families that SAID UK is supporting through food security projects around the world. Not only are these projects essential in overcoming

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    malnutrition, but they also help people to adapt to changing environments due to climate change. Pray for those who are hungry and for families that struggle with the worry and stress of not knowing where their next meal is coming from.

    f THURSDAY 29 OCTOBER – INCOME GENERATIONBeing in debt or long–term unemployment is no way to experience fullness of life. Around the world SAID UK runs initiatives such as self–help groups in Kenya and village savings and loans groups in Tanzania. These help to raise the income of some of the poorest so they can pay for basic needs such as food, education and medicines. Pray that the new skills people learn through SAID UK programmes around the world will enable them to break out of the cycle of poverty.

    f FRIDAY 30 OCTOBER – ANTI–TRAFFICKINGAs a global church we are in a unique position to disrupt traffickers and stop people getting trafficked. As well as an extensive programme in this country, SAID UK is supporting a number of anti–trafficking projects around the world, including skills training for vulnerable young people in Ukraine, children’s recovery centres in Malawi and Tanzania and raising awareness in Russia. Pray that those who are trafficked will be able to experience freedom and life in all its fullness.

    f SATURDAY 31 OCTOBER – GENDER JUSTICEWhen someone is abused because of their gender, it exploits the very identity of who they are made to be. SAID UK is supporting a number of gender justice projects around the world, such as group therapy for survivors of domestic violence in Argentina and women’s advocacy in Pakistan. Pray that those who are involved in helping these survivors will have wisdom in how to heal the wounds from trauma.


    Lives are devastated when disasters strike. Working closely with territories around the world, SAID UK supports the global response, recovery and reparation of communities that are affected by global emergencies and disasters, such as floods, earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes and other types. Pray for the work of The Salvation Army around the world as it reaches out to those who are affected by disasters.

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    f MONDAY 2 NOVEMBER Today is All Souls Day. Let us take the opportunity to remember before God all those whose influence in our lives continues though they are no longer physically with us. We give thanks for the hope that we will be reunited with them in Heaven.

    f TUESDAY 3 NOVEMBER – PSALM 139:13–16What is your earliest memory? What is your first memory of knowing God’s presence in your life? Reflect on your journey, pray and give thanks that God formed you and knew you even before you were born.

    f WEDNESDAY 4 NOVEMBER – GENESIS 32:26Can you bring to mind today an encounter with God that changed the direction of your life? Perhaps there have been several such events. Reflect on what you discovered about yourself and God, praying in the words of Jacob at Bethel: ‘I will not let you go unless you bless me.’

    f THURSDAY 5 NOVEMBER – GENESIS 8:1When the Bible says ‘God remembered’, the Hebrew word used is the verb zakar which means ‘to turn attention to someone and act on their behalf’. God remembering Noah does not imply that he had ever been forgotten, rather that there was a decisive moment for God to act in what appeared to be a hopeless situation. Reflect, pray and thank God for the assurance of hope whatever your current circumstances may be.

    f FRIDAY 6 NOVEMBER – LUKE 23:42‘Jesus, remember me when you come into your Kingdom’ was the simple yet profound heart cry of the thief crucified next to Jesus. In

    `SETTING THE SCENENovember is the month when acts of remembrance are held as we remember and give thanks for men and women who gave their lives in the service of the nation. During this week preceding Remembrance Sunday let us explore and reflect upon the ways in which memories enrich our current experience.

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    his dying moments he glimpsed the salvation offered by Jesus and acknowledged him as his Lord and Saviour. Reflect, pray and ask God to enable you to know his presence today as you voice that simple prayer, ‘Jesus, remember me.’

    f SATURDAY 7 NOVEMBERToday let us remember and give thanks for all those people who helped to save others during the Covid–19 health crisis which overwhelmed our world earlier this year. So many NHS staff, healthcare professionals and other key workers put their own lives at risk to provide the essential services we so often take for granted. Reflect and pray that all we learned during those days will continue to shape the way we live now.

    f SUNDAY 8 NOVEMBERThis is Remembrance Sunday, a day when the nation, led by government, head of state and church leaders will participate in many public acts to honour the memory of men and women who fought to secure peace and freedom. Reflect, give thanks and pray for peace in our time: ‘O Living Christ, who still dost all our burdens share, come now and dwell within the hearts of all men everywhere’ (SASB 1010). Amen.



    f MONDAY 9 NOVEMBERDear Lord, we pray for our financial inclusion services and those that work or volunteer within them. As people access our debt advice service, Victory Programme, lessons in financial education and general budgeting courses, we ask that they are brought into an awareness of the fullness of your love for them and their families. Guide us all to have the right words to say to our clients when they are often facing one of the most difficult times in their lives. Amen.

    f TUESDAY 10 NOVEMBERGod provider, we pray for the Victory Programme, a ground–breaking Salvation Army project helping people grow their own vegetables and make tasty budget meals. We pray for centres currently running the

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    programme and those that will soon start. We ask that the programme will have long–term benefits to those who engage with it. Amen.

    f WEDNESDAY 11 NOVEMBERLord Jesus, as the new debt advice service commences at Goldthorpe, Crook, Blaydon and the Isle of Man, we pray that it will bring a sense of hope and peace into people’s lives as they are supported with their finances. We ask that they will be able to lead a life that is not weighed down by debt and limited money, but filled with achievements and aspirations. Amen.

    f THURSDAY 12 NOVEMBER Dear Lord, we pray for individuals and families who have been financially affected by Covid–19. Many are facing unmanageable debts as well as the need for food banks and debt advice for the first time. We pray that as they seek our services for support, that you would give us words of hope to share for the future and help them to discover life in all its fullness. Amen.

    f FRIDAY 13 NOVEMBER Loving Father, we pray that those who are in a difficult financial situation may be able to make good choices with the skills they’ve acquired that will bring life and prosperity, not death and destruction. At difficult times it is easy to forget that you love us. We may even blame you for the things that are happening. Please help us to see you in all circumstances and guide us to good choices and life. Amen.

    f SATURDAY 14 NOVEMBER Loving God, you care deeply for all those who are struggling to make ends meet. You care for those facing the heavy burden of debt. Please change their difficult circumstances and give them hope for the future. Help them to work with our teams so that they can live a debt–free life. Give our centre managers and volunteers strength and success as they work with people on budgeting and financial inclusion issues. May they come to know freedom in Jesus through the witness of our Salvation Army. Amen.

    f SUNDAY 15 NOVEMBERLord Jesus, you understand why and how people struggle to make ends meet. Please help us as we seek to tackle the root causes of exclusion and the burden of debt in our communities. Give strength and success to our corps, centre managers and volunteers as they

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    work with people on debt, budgeting and financial inclusion issues. We pray that each life would be changed. Please let them come to know freedom through you and the loving witness of our Salvation Army. Amen.



    f MONDAY 16 NOVEMBER – WHAT? What does partnership with God in mission involve? Ask the Holy Spirit to show you what opportunities you or your corps have to bring light into darkness (Matthew 5:13–16), to love and serve (Matthew 20:25–28), to defend and declare God’s word (2 Timothy 1:8), and to build and fight (Nehemiah 4:16–18).

    f TUESDAY 17 NOVEMBER – WHO? Praise God that he ‘wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth’ (1 Timothy 2:3–4). Pray today for people on your heart who need to hear this good news.

    f WEDNESDAY 18 NOVEMBER – WHY? Today we focus on our motivation for missional service. Are our actions fuelled by passion for Christ and compassion for others? Make the words to this song your prayer: ‘Consuming fire, fan into flame a passion for your name. Spirit of God, fall in this place. Lord, have your way with us.’ (Tim Hughes)

    `SETTING THE SCENEThe role of a divisional mission enabler is not that of an expert going along to a local expression of The Salvation Army with all the answers regarding the development of their mission. More often our job is to help people to ask helpful questions as they continue their journey together guided and led by the Holy Spirit. As we focus on Enabling Mission, we will ask a simple question each day to reflect and pray about for your personal and local situation and for the wider Salvation Army.

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    f THURSDAY 19 NOVEMBER – WHERE? Philip is a great example of a man who obeyed the prompting of the Spirit so that he could minister just where God needed him to be (Acts 8:26–40). Pray about new opportunities for mission that God may be calling you or your corps to move into. What is he calling you to be and do right where you are now? Pray for discernment and faith to obey him.

    f FRIDAY 20 NOVEMBER – WHEN?Wait upon God to seek his timetable and timescale for mission development in your corps or church. What are his priorities? What do you have a real sense of urgency about? Pray for courage to act and patience to wait.

    f SATURDAY 21 NOVEMBER – HOW? ‘“Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit” says the Lord Almighty’ (Zechariah 4:6). There are many tools and resources available to help us, but they are all ineffective if we miss the essential truth that human endeavour is not enough. Pray for a fresh anointing of the Spirit upon The Salvation Army today.

    f SUNDAY 22 NOVEMBER – BE STILL Now we have asked our questions and maybe allowed the Lord to question us, take time to simply be still and give God’s mission back to him, confident that it is safe in his hands. ‘I know whom I have believed, and am convinced that he is able to guard what I have entrusted to him until that day’ (2 Timothy 1:12).


    f MONDAY 23 NOVEMBER – ‘I LIFT UP MY EYES TO THE MOUNTAINS – WHERE DOES MY HELP COME FROM?’ (V1)Father God, you encourage me to look up, to look high, to take my eyes off the things that surround me and search for your glory and majesty in the creation around me. As I look towards the hills I give thanks that I see your power and beauty in all their splendour. Thank you for lifting my heart to Heaven. Amen.

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    f TUESDAY 24 NOVEMBER – ‘MY HELP COMES FROM THE LORD, THE MAKER OF HEAVEN AND EARTH.’ (V2)Dear loving God, where else can I turn for help but to you, my Creator? You who put stars into space and covered the Earth with beauty, you are my God, my Saviour in whom I trust. Thank you for showing me such beauty and creativity. Amen.

    f WEDNESDAY 25 NOVEMBER – ‘HE WILL NOT LET YOUR FOOT SLIP – HE WHO WATCHES OVER YOU WILL NOT SLUMBER’ (VV3,4)O Lord, how wonderful to know you are always alert and awake to our every need. You watch our every step and guide our paths. Thank you for being our rock, dependable and strong, ready to clutch us out of harm’s way and keep us on the narrow path. Amen.

    f THURSDAY 26 NOVEMBER – ‘THE LORD WATCHES OVER YOU – THE LORD IS YOUR SHADE AT YOUR RIGHT HAND’ (VV5,6) I praise you, Father God, for your ‘keeping watch’ of my soul. When I am tempted you show me the right way, and when I am down you lift me up because of your amazing love. I know I have nothing to fear in this world when you are with me. Thank you for the assurance of your care over my life. Amen.

    f FRIDAY 27 NOVEMBER – ‘THE LORD WILL KEEP YOU FROM ALL HARM – HE WILL WATCH OVER YOUR LIFE’ (V7) O Lord, I don’t deserve your tender care and your gentle mercy. So often I am prone to go the wrong way or say the wrong words or think unholy thoughts. Yet when I turn to you I find forgiveness and peace. Thank you for preserving my soul, for keeping me holy, for shielding me from evil. Amen.

    f SATURDAY 28 NOVEMBER – ‘THE LORD WILL WATCH OVER YOUR COMING AND GOING BOTH NOW AND FOR EVERMORE’ (V8) Father God, I know that I am always with you, whether in this life or the next. Your hand was on my life as I came into this world, and I pray you would continue to hold my hand for ever, especially on the day I journey to your heavenly Kingdom. Thank you for your promise that you have gone to prepare a place for me. Amen.

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    f SUNDAY 29 NOVEMBER Lord, on this first Sunday in Advent, we prepare our hearts and minds to journey with others and with you. Help us to make this a day of reflection as we wait in anticipation for the way that you will reveal yourself during this time. Amen.

    f MONDAY 30 NOVEMBERAdvent is a time when we may use a lot of lists to help organise us and take us though the busy time which leads to Christmas. Most of our lists in Advent are about doing, but this Advent list is about things to be, as a child of God. As you work your way through the 26 letters of the alphabet, for 26 days with 26 words in the coming days, pray that it will be a helpful way to focus on who we are and what we need to be this Advent season. (Please feel free to include your own words if that helps!)


    An angel begins the coming of Jesus to earth. Gabriel comes to an unpromising village, to a girl with a very common name. Mary was as shocked as we sometimes are at God’s choice of her. Her words in Luke 1:38 clearly and loudly declare her availability to God’s plan and purpose: ‘I am the Lord’s servant… May your word to me be fulfilled.’ Lord, may these words be true of me this Advent time: here I am. Amen.

    f WEDNESDAY 2 DECEMBER – BELIEVINGIn Luke 1, Mary’s believing response to Gabriel is sharply contrasted with the pedigreed priestly response of Zechariah, the father–to–be of

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    John the Baptist. As an experienced priest he says: ‘How can I be sure of this?’ (v18). Because of his unbelief he was unable to speak for nine months. If we couldn’t talk every time we doubted God, there would be a lot of quiet people around! Think about God’s promise of Jesus. We can believe because Jesus is already here.

    f THURSDAY 3 DECEMBER – COMPANIONEDLuke 1:39–56 tells us that after Gabriel visited, ‘Mary got ready and hurried to a town in the hill country… where she entered Zechariah’s home and greeted Elizabeth’ (vv39–40). It was a long, lonely journey, but after the news she has heard, Mary needs the refuge, comfort and wisdom her elderly cousins, especially Elizabeth, could provide. It is during this time that Mary sings her Magnificat (vv46–55). Lord, thank you for the time spent with fellow believers and the awareness they give of what you have done for us, in us and through us. Amen.

    f FRIDAY 4 DECEMBER – DREAMERJoseph the carpenter, one of the few to be called ‘righteous’ in the Bible, joins the ranks of the Bible dreamers (Matthew 1:20–25; 2:19–20). He didn’t need an angel appearance to change the course of his life, only a dream. Joseph’s prayer, righteous as he was, surely was, in the words of William Himes’s song, ‘Take all my dreams and bend them to your will’ (SASB 568). God answered Joseph’s prayers. Lord, may this be our heartfelt prayer too. Amen.

    f SATURDAY 5 DECEMBER – ENRICHED‘For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that you through his poverty might become rich’ (2 Corinthians 8:9). Like the Bible personalities we are considering in this Advent Alphabet, have we discovered the true Christmas jackpot that is freely offered to us all? Pray that this Advent you may be spiritually enriched.

    f SUNDAY 6 DECEMBER – FAVOUREDGabriel’s first words to Mary were: ‘Greetings, you who are highly favoured! The Lord is with you’ (Luke 1:28). Mary is favoured before she says ‘yes’ and before she carries the Messiah. Mary had not earned

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    the favour of God, it was offered freely before it could be earned. God, thank you for choosing us for your work, for favouring us because of who we are. We are yours! Amen.

    f MONDAY 7 DECEMBER – GODSENDAs a child, if I did something good for my mother which she was not expecting, she would say: ‘You are a godsend!’ She found what I did helpful and she was thankful. Through life I have become aware of the real Godsend. He is spoken of in 1 John 4:9: ‘He [God] sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him.’ Lord, as people who have received life from the true Godsend, help us to do those unexpected things that others may find helpful. So help us to be a Godsend to others. Amen.

    f TUESDAY 8 DECEMBER – HAPPYA smile is a good sign of happiness. As a young officer I was told by a more senior officer that a smile a day keeps the doctor away. His advice was to smile in the morning and get it over with! I was told as a probationary teacher not to smile at my new class until Christmas! When God placed Jesus in the manger at Bethlehem, some say we saw the smile of God – a smile people had hoped and waited centuries for. Next Sunday in the Advent calendar is called Gaudete (Joyful) Sunday. As you pray, smile and know the loving happiness our Saviour brings.

    f WEDNESDAY 9 DECEMBER – INCLUDEDMany know what it feels like to be left out, not included. We feel unwanted, unwelcome, unloved. But in the birth of Jesus we hear God saying to Mary, Joseph, and the shepherds, the wise men and also to every single one of us: ‘You are included.’ We don’t have to win, earn or deserve our place – it’s already there! This Advent, God invites us all to see that we are included, and invites us to simply say ‘Yes’! Thank you, Lord, because we are all included in your all–inclusive love. Amen.

    f THURSDAY 10 DECEMBER – JOYFUL Following what must have been a dangerous, difficult and deadly journey, and a disappointing meeting with Herod, the star that the

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    Magi followed disappeared. Possibly any joy they felt when they started out had disappeared a long time before that. When the star reappears, so does their joy (Matthew 2:9–11). The star continued to lead them to Jesus, and when they saw him with his family they bowed down, worshipped him and gave gifts. The joy these men experienced gave them strength to continue their journey and overflowed into worshipping Jesus, in a genuine and costly way. The same can be said of the joy known by all involved in this story. Can it be said of us this Advent time?

    f FRIDAY 11 DECEMBER – KIND‘But when the kindness and love of God our Saviour appeared, he saved us…’ (Titus 3:4–5). This year a famous celebrity made her dying wish to those who knew her: ‘Be kind’. We have seen such kindness in the face of floods, of Covid–19, of financial hardship and other fears this year has brought. Titus reminds us of God’s kindness when he entered our world. Lord, help me to make a difference to someone this Advent by imitating you through being kind. Amen.

    f SATURDAY 12 DECEMBER – LOWLY‘The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel’ (Matthew 1:23). In Hebrew Immanuel means ‘God with us’. Not God up there, but God down here, coming to us in the midst of our lives. As he was with Mary and Joseph, he is with us in our Bethlehem. ‘He [Jesus] came right down to me, to condescend to be my friend, he came right down to me’(Albert Orsborn).

    f SUNDAY 13 DECEMBER – MOVEABLEJoseph the carpenter was prepared to move from delivering furniture to helping deliver the Messiah. In Hebrew he was known as a satdiq, a serious student of the Law (‘faithful to the law’ – Matthew 1:19). He was of high standing in his community, so his association with Mary would bring him into disrepute. In marrying her he moves from studying the Law to doing the law of God. Jesus, of course, was moving from his privileged place in Heaven to become a servant, a man and Saviour on earth (Philippians 2:7). What a movement! Is God asking you to move? To move your focus, ambition, values, home or your very life? In this holy season, be ready to get moving!

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    f MONDAY 14 DECEMBER – NOURISHED‘She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger…’ (Luke 2:7). In our familiarity we have sanitised and even glorified the manger, forgetting that Mary actually laid Jesus in an animals’ feeding trough. Bethlehem too, meaning ‘house of bread’, was a place where people were fed, and much of Jesus’ ministry was spent eating with others. At the outset of his life Jesus nourishes people as they find him in the manger. Lord Jesus, you are the Bread of Life and call us to be nourished. Thank you because there is room not only at the table, but also at the manger. Amen.

    f TUESDAY 15 DECEMBER – ORDINARYJoseph and Mary, outstanding in God’s plan and purposes and yet still so ordinary. They went with everyone else to Bethlehem to be counted and added to the Roman record books. As this couple went through the long line, nobody thought they were important. But surprise, surprise! Important they were. Thank God for those who do seemingly ordinary, daily things, but in an extraordinary way.

    f WEDNESDAY 16 DECEMBER – PONDERING‘But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart’ (Luke 2:19). Mary remembered this wonderful story, which could easily have been forgotten. She thought deeply about it and constantly considered it. So must we. The carol ‘Christians Awake’ contains a prayer that we would be like Mary: ‘O may we keep and ponder in our mind God’s wondrous love in saving lost mankind!’ This Advent, think about these things God did and keep thinking about them.

    f THURSDAY 17 DECEMBER – QUICKENEDSeeing one of the greatest appearances of the heavenly host, the shepherds’ instant, hurried and immediate response is amazing, coming from what was considered a heathen, unclean and outcast part of society. Many people would have enjoyed the concert and then gone home. Not the shepherds. This Advent, as we hear the message of the birth of Jesus again, allow the Holy Spirit to quicken you. Go, see, then tell – and do it quickly!

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    f FRIDAY 18 DECEMBER – RECEIVINGI’ve always thought of the travellers from the East as givers. They brought precious and costly gifts to the one they thought would be born King of the Jews. Yet they also received the experience of a family filled with love, of infant flesh, of a story they would tell forever. Lord, help us to give what we can this season, but also to receive the gifts that you have for us. May our hearts be filled with your presence. Amen.

    f SATURDAY 19 DECEMBER – SMALLThe meaning of the birth of Jesus is that God became small, to accomplish something infinitely big. He became a baby, in a modest family, in a small town in a marginal corner of the world’s leading Empire, in order to begin the salvation of all humanity. God in his economy never sees the small as ineffective and insignificant. C.S. Lewis writes in The Last Battle: ‘In our world too, a Stable once had something inside it that was bigger than our whole world.’ Prayerfully embrace the small to find the bigger things of God.

    f SUNDAY 20 DECEMBER – TRANSFORMEDThe shepherds returned and ‘spread the word concerning what had been told them about this child…’ (Luke 2:17). They were transformed, hence becoming messengers to others as the angels had been to them. The shepherds became angels – for the original meaning of ‘angel’ is ‘messenger’. The encounter with this baby had profoundly changed them, having found the angelic message of hope, joy and salvation to be true. Lord, in finding the Christchild, these excluded, impure shepherds became angels bringing the good news of God. Help me to become an angel to others today. Amen.

    f MONDAY 21 DECEMBER – US‘A child is born… a son is given’ (Isaiah 9:6). ‘Us’ is a short word; it means you and me together. It really tells for whom the gospel was given. Of course, Jesus came for ‘them’ and ‘those’. He came for others and he came for all. But in all of this we must not lose the wonder that he came for you and me – he came for us. Note the last two letters in the name Jesus are ‘us’. Thank you, Jesus, for coming for us all! Amen.

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    f TUESDAY 22 DECEMBER – VULNERABLEGod put his beloved Son, Jesus, in his place when he came to earth. It was a vulnerable place, in a culture that did not sentimentalise, indulge or cosset children, since they were more marginalised even than women. It was a dangerous time, as Herod’s slaughter of the infant boys of Bethlehem shows (Matthew 2:16). Ask God to be with those who are vulnerable. He knows all about it. ‘Be near me, Lord Jesus; I ask thee to stay close by me for ever, and love me, I pray.’

    f WEDNESDAY 23 DECEMBER – WORDLESS Many words in Matthew’s and Luke’s accounts of Jesus’ birth are about Joseph. Interestingly, though, not one single word is recorded as coming from him. He is given no song to sing, no sermon to preach and no prayer to say. In Scripture he is wordless! Yet in his wordlessness he more than eloquently carries out the purpose and plan of God. We are often full of words as we work through Advent. As you pray, refrain from using words, but silently wait on God to speak to you.

    f THURSDAY 24 DECEMBER – XENIALThose who are xenial are hospitable, especially to visiting strangers or foreigners. John’s Gospel boldly declares that while Jesus came into the world, the world did not recognise him: ‘he came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him’ (John 1:11). Lord, how many times have we not recognised your presence in our midst? Forgive us, and open our eyes to see you and to welcome you. Amen.

    f FRIDAY 25 DECEMBER – YOUJesus has three birthdays. We honour his birth as a baby in Bethlehem each year. Then through the ages men have recounted his second, eternal birth as Son of the Father in the splendour of the Trinity. Then his third birthday is by grace, in the life of every believer who accepts him. The first two birthdays are in the past. His birth in individual lives happens each and every day, ongoing. Lord Jesus, be born in me again today. Amen.

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    f SATURDAY 26 DECEMBER – ZEALOUSCongratulations for the zeal you have shown if you have worked through this Advent Alphabet! The letter Z could signify the end of our list, but the word zeal signifies a lasting energy and enthusiasm for a cause. A few days after his birth, Jesus’ parents presented him in the Temple (Luke 2:22). Seeing the family, the prophetess Anna recognised Jesus as God’s promise for saving Jerusalem (vv36–38). She gave thanks to God, and in advancing age her enthusiasm and energy ensured she went on telling others of Jesus with such zeal. Lord, give us this same zeal as your children in making Jesus known. We know that the true work of Christmas begins after Christmas. Amen.

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    f SUNDAY 27 DECEMBEREpiphany is a word that comes from the Greek epiphainein which means ‘reveal’. As we look back together in prayer over the past year, let us consider the moments of revelation we have experienced, as well as the longer journeys of discovery we have made in our faith. Today, simply think about and thank God for all your epiphanies throughout this year.

    f MONDAY 28 DECEMBER ‘Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? We saw his star when it rose and have come to worship him’ (Matthew 2:2). The Magis’ first epiphany was the star–sign in the sky for a new–born King. Their moment of initial revelation started a long journey of discovery to find Jesus. Father God, we pray for those who are on a journey into faith, seeking and searching to find meaning. We pray that your Holy Spirit would be their ‘star–sign’ that leads them to Jesus Christ. Amen.

    f TUESDAY 29 DECEMBER‘When they saw the star they were overjoyed’ (Matthew 2:10). For the Magi, this is the ultimate epiphany; a moment of great revelation as they recognised the Saviour, the King of kings, and they were filled with joy. Pray that many people would encounter Jesus in a moment of epiphany and be filled with joy. Take some time yourself to read Matthew’s account of the Magi; imagine yourself there meeting Jesus in person, and simply bow down and adore him.

    f WEDNESDAY 30 DECEMBER‘Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh’ (Matthew 2:11b). The Magi each had something different to offer that was fitting for Jesus. So do you and I. This is the response of a worshipping heart that has truly met Jesus: to open up completely our hearts, our minds, our deepest being, and all that we are and all the treasures we have, to offer to the Lord. Just where you are right now, offer yourself afresh to God, you yourself and the treasure he longs to receive.

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    f THURSDAY 31 DECEMBER ‘…they returned to their own country by another route’ (Matthew 2:12). Father God, we leave 2020 with all its experiences and lessons, joys and sorrows in your hands. We choose to walk forward in faith with you into 2021. We believe that whatever paths you lead us into, we will know your peace and joy and love as we trust you and walk with you. Thank you that you walk beside us and have promised never to leave us. We worship and adore you, Jesus, our Lord and Saviour, for now and for ever. Amen.

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  • The Salvation Army, SA Prayer Network, 101 Newington Causeway, London, SE1 6BN

    020 7367 4539

    [email protected]

    The Salvation Army is a christian church and registered Charity in England and Wales (214779), Scotland (SC009359) and the Republic of Ireland (CHY6399)