pratical course telebot lecture4 telebot software final ... · testing your soft cod dr. zhang,...

Technical Aspects of Dept. Informatics, Faculty of Mathemati University of Praktik Praktik Telebot Telebot system system Lecturers Manfred Grove Houxiang Zhang TAMS, Department of Informatics University of Hamburg, Germany Dr. ZHANG, Houxiang Institute TAMS Technical Aspects of Multimodal System Multimodal System ics, Informatics and Natural Sciences f Hamburg kum:4 kum: 4 m environment m environment @Tams group [email protected] ms 1

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Technical Aspects of Dept. Informatics, Faculty of Mathemati

University of

PraktikPraktikTelebotTelebot systemsystem


Manfred GroveHouxiang Zhang

TAMS, Department of InformaticsUniversity of Hamburg, Germany

Dr. ZHANG, HouxiangInstitute TAMS Technical Aspects of Multimodal System

Multimodal Systemics, Informatics and Natural Sciencesf Hamburg

kum: 4kum: 4 m environmentm environment

@Tams group

[email protected] 1

Technical Aspects of Dept. Informatics, Faculty of Mathemati

University of

Dr. ZHANG, HouxiangInstitute TAMS Technical Aspects of Multimodal System

Multimodal Systemics, Informatics and Natural Sciencesf Hamburg

[email protected] 2

Technical Aspects of Dept. Informatics, Faculty of Mathemati

University of

Content of today’ s l● Program introduction

● Telebot program environment– Overview

– Example

● Your task

Dr. ZHANG, HouxiangInstitute TAMS Technical Aspects of Multimodal System

Multimodal Systemics, Informatics and Natural Sciencesf Hamburg


[email protected] 3

Technical Aspects of Dept. Informatics, Faculty of Mathemati

University of

Content of today’ s l● Program introduction

● Telebot program environment– Overview

– Example

● Your task

Dr. ZHANG, HouxiangInstitute TAMS Technical Aspects of Multimodal System

Multimodal Systemics, Informatics and Natural Sciencesf Hamburg


[email protected] 4

Technical Aspects of Dept. Informatics, Faculty of Mathemati

University of

C++ Introduction● Structure of a program● Variables, data types● Constants● Operators

Y t h l i● You can get more help in – online documents● More online documents.– http://tams-www.informatik.uni-

Dr. ZHANG, HouxiangInstitute TAMS Technical Aspects of Multimodal System

Multimodal Systemics, Informatics and Natural Sciencesf Hamburg



[email protected] 5

Technical Aspects of Dept. Informatics, Faculty of Mathemati

University of

Structure of a progra

#include <iostream>using namespace std;using namespace std;

int main () { "H ll W ld!" dl{ cout << "Hello World!" << endl;

return 0;}}

Please use g++ compilerPlease use g++ compiler.

Dr. ZHANG, HouxiangInstitute TAMS Technical Aspects of Multimodal System

Multimodal Systemics, Informatics and Natural Sciencesf Hamburg


Hello World!

[email protected] 6

Technical Aspects of Dept. Informatics, Faculty of Mathemati

University of

Variables & data typ● Global variables● Local variables● Constants● Operators

Dr. ZHANG, HouxiangInstitute TAMS Technical Aspects of Multimodal System

Multimodal Systemics, Informatics and Natural Sciencesf Hamburg

pes// operating with variables #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main (){// declaring variables: int a, b; int result; // process:a = 5; b = 2; a = a + 1;result = a - b; // print out the result: cout << result << endl;;// terminate the program: return 0;}

[email protected] 7


Technical Aspects of Dept. Informatics, Faculty of Mathemati

University of

Control Structures● If and else● Iteration structures (Loops)

– while loop

– do-while loop

– for loop

● The selective structure: switch

Dr. ZHANG, HouxiangInstitute TAMS Technical Aspects of Multimodal System

Multimodal Systemics, Informatics and Natural Sciencesf Hamburg

[email protected] 8

Technical Aspects of Dept. Informatics, Faculty of Mathemati

University of

Functions● Defining functions and methods● Calling functions and methods

The result is 8

Dr. ZHANG, HouxiangInstitute TAMS Technical Aspects of Multimodal System

Multimodal Systemics, Informatics and Natural Sciencesf Hamburg

// function example#include <iostream> using namespace std;g p ;int addition (int a, int b){

int r; r=a+b; return (r); ; ; ( );}

int main ()t a (){ int z;z = addition (5,3);cout << "The result is " << z << endl;cout The result is z endl; return 0;


[email protected] 9

Technical Aspects of Dept. Informatics, Faculty of Mathemati

University of

Object-oriented Prog#include <iostream>

● Class ● Object

using namespace std;class CLrect {float x,y;public:public:

CLrect(void);CLrect(float, float);

void set_values(float, float);float area() { return(x*y);};float area() { return(x y);};};

CLrect::CLrect(void)// Konstruktor 1{} // besser z B : x= 0{} // besser z.B.: x= 0

CLrect::CLrect(float a, float b) // Konstruktor 2

{ b }

Fläche: 12Fläche2:24

{ x= a; y= b; }

void CLrect::set_values(float a, float b){ x= a; y= b; }

Dr. ZHANG, HouxiangInstitute TAMS Technical Aspects of Multimodal System

Multimodal Systemics, Informatics and Natural Sciencesf Hamburg

gramming (OOP)

int main(){ CLrect R;

0 0; y= 0 0;

{ CLrect R;CLrect *R2 = new CLrect(3.0, 8.0);R.set_values(3.0, 4.0);cout << "Fläche: " << R.area() << endl;cout << "Fläche2= " << R2 >area() <<endl;0.0; y= 0.0; cout << "Fläche2= " << R2->area() <<endl;return 0; }

[email protected] 10

Technical Aspects of Dept. Informatics, Faculty of Mathemati

University of

Content of today’s le● Program introduction

● Telebot program environment– Overview

– Example

● Your task

Dr. ZHANG, HouxiangInstitute TAMS Technical Aspects of Multimodal System

Multimodal Systemics, Informatics and Natural Sciencesf Hamburg


[email protected] 11

Technical Aspects of Dept. Informatics, Faculty of Mathemati

University of

How to program the ● First build your telebot

● Task description: – If there is an object in front of the

t l b t it If t it t Thtelebot, it moves. If not, it stops. The Robot works without connecting to the GUI.

Dr. ZHANG, HouxiangInstitute TAMS Technical Aspects of Multimodal System

Multimodal Systemics, Informatics and Natural Sciencesf Hamburg


[email protected] 12

Technical Aspects of Dept. Informatics, Faculty of Mathemati

University of

Building the mechan

Dr. ZHANG, HouxiangInstitute TAMS Technical Aspects of Multimodal System

Multimodal Systemics, Informatics and Natural Sciencesf Hamburg

nical system

[email protected] 13

Technical Aspects of Dept. Informatics, Faculty of Mathemati

University of

Programming the rob#i l d "T l b h" //i#include "Telerobot.h" //impoint main(int argc, char *argv[ ]){

Telerobot *t=new Telerobot; //createTelerobot t new Telerobot; //createt->robotConnect(); // connet->initial(); //initialt->ask(); //gets thwhile (!t->Stop_flag) //check

{ if (!t->Pause_flag) //che{ if (t->getSensor1()) t->mo

//if sens//if senselse t->stop(); //else ro};


t->missionOver(); //missiot->robotDisconnect(); //discon


Dr. ZHANG, HouxiangInstitute TAMS Technical Aspects of Multimodal System


Multimodal Systemics, Informatics and Natural Sciencesf Hamburg

both T l b h d filort the Telerobot head file

e a telerobot objecte a telerobot objectect the telerobot and your PCization the telerobot

he sensor feedbackif mission shoud be canceledck if mission should be paused

oveForward(90); or1 is true robot moves forward with 90% speedor1 is true robot moves forward with 90% speed

obot stops

on over, buzzer pipes. nnect the telerobot

[email protected] 14

Technical Aspects of Dept. Informatics, Faculty of Mathemati

University of

Compiling the progra● Compile your code with g++

– g++ -L. –o destination_file_name co

– or

– g++ -L. –o destination_file_name co

● The API library can be found on th– http://tams-www.informatik.uni-

Dr. ZHANG, HouxiangInstitute TAMS Technical Aspects of Multimodal System

Multimodal Systemics, Informatics and Natural Sciencesf Hamburg


ode_file_name.cpp -lTelerobotLibrary

ode_file_name.cpp Telerobot.cpp

he TAMS web page.


[email protected] 15

Technical Aspects of Dept. Informatics, Faculty of Mathemati

University of

Correct use of sensor● Task: Move forward until an obst

Wrong !!Wrong !!

…..t->moveForward(50);while (!getSensor1())


while (!getSensor1()) ;


//// //t-t-…

Dr. ZHANG, HouxiangInstitute TAMS Technical Aspects of Multimodal System

Multimodal Systemics, Informatics and Natural Sciencesf Hamburg

rs in your programacle is found


…..>moveForward(50);hile (!getSensor1())


or t->moveForward(50);


[email protected] 16

Technical Aspects of Dept. Informatics, Faculty of Mathemati

University of

Using analogue sens● Sensorchannels 6 and 7 can supp

you connect one of the optical sens

● For every method using digital sensusing analogue sensors on channelusing analogue sensors on channel

F l● For example:Digital: ask() Analogu

i h ( 0)moveRight(50)

Dr. ZHANG, HouxiangInstitute TAMS Technical Aspects of Multimodal System

Multimodal Systemics, Informatics and Natural Sciencesf Hamburg

ors (1)ly analogue values, whensors to them (8 Bit)

sors there is a corresponding method 6 and 76 and 7

ue: ask_Asensor()i h A ( 0) moveRight_Asensor(50)

[email protected] 17

Technical Aspects of Dept. Informatics, Faculty of Mathemati

University of

Using analogue sens● You can get the analogue values by



Both return an (unsigned) char (1

Dr. ZHANG, HouxiangInstitute TAMS Technical Aspects of Multimodal System

Multimodal Systemics, Informatics and Natural Sciencesf Hamburg

ors (2)y calling the methods


[email protected] 18

Technical Aspects of Dept. Informatics, Faculty of Mathemati

University of

Writing standalone p● You don’t need MCGUI to run a

● If you are writing a standalone prog

! Delete all calls to checkGuiCommand()

! After creating the telebot-objeg jsetmyoutput(true)

Dr. ZHANG, HouxiangInstitute TAMS Technical Aspects of Multimodal System

Multimodal Systemics, Informatics and Natural Sciencesf Hamburg

programs program using the Telebot.

gram you should

(important !)

ect call the method

[email protected] 19

Technical Aspects of Dept. Informatics, Faculty of Mathemati

University of

Testing your soft cod● First check your hardware with CG

Dr. ZHANG, HouxiangInstitute TAMS Technical Aspects of Multimodal System

Multimodal Systemics, Informatics and Natural Sciencesf Hamburg

de with the TelebotGUI application

[email protected] 20

Technical Aspects of Dept. Informatics, Faculty of Mathemati

University of

Testing your soft cod

Dr. ZHANG, HouxiangInstitute TAMS Technical Aspects of Multimodal System

Multimodal Systemics, Informatics and Natural Sciencesf Hamburg

de with the Telebot

[email protected] 21

Technical Aspects of Dept. Informatics, Faculty of Mathemati

University of

Testing your soft cod● Execute your program on a Linux c

Dr. ZHANG, HouxiangInstitute TAMS Technical Aspects of Multimodal System

Multimodal Systemics, Informatics and Natural Sciencesf Hamburg

de with the Telebotconsole

[email protected] 22

Technical Aspects of Dept. Informatics, Faculty of Mathemati

University of

Content of today’s le● Program introduction

● Telebot program environment– Overview

– Example

● Your task

Dr. ZHANG, HouxiangInstitute TAMS Technical Aspects of Multimodal System

Multimodal Systemics, Informatics and Natural Sciencesf Hamburg


[email protected] 23

Technical Aspects of Dept. Informatics, Faculty of Mathemati

University of

Your task ( after a 15● Following a line

Dr. ZHANG, HouxiangInstitute TAMS Technical Aspects of Multimodal System

Multimodal Systemics, Informatics and Natural Sciencesf Hamburg


[email protected] 24

Technical Aspects of Dept. Informatics, Faculty of Mathemati

University of

Execute your code on a Linux console ExecContr

Dr. ZHANG, HouxiangInstitute TAMS Technical Aspects of Multimodal System

Multimodal Systemics, Informatics and Natural Sciencesf Hamburg

ute your code on the MCGUI(Monitor and rol GUI)

[email protected] 25

Technical Aspects of Dept. Informatics, Faculty of Mathemati

University of

How to use MCGUI?● Type in the execute code path● Load● Start the mission● Terminate the mission

Dr. ZHANG, HouxiangInstitute TAMS Technical Aspects of Multimodal System

Multimodal Systemics, Informatics and Natural Sciencesf Hamburg


[email protected] 26

Technical Aspects of Dept. Informatics, Faculty of Mathemati

University of

Implementation• Building the mechanical system• Programming• Testing

Dr. ZHANG, HouxiangInstitute TAMS Technical Aspects of Multimodal System

Multimodal Systemics, Informatics and Natural Sciencesf Hamburg

[email protected] 27

Technical Aspects of Dept. Informatics, Faculty of Mathemati

University of

Building the mechan

Dr. ZHANG, HouxiangInstitute TAMS Technical Aspects of Multimodal System

Multimodal Systemics, Informatics and Natural Sciencesf Hamburg

nical system

[email protected] 28

Technical Aspects of Dept. Informatics, Faculty of Mathemati

University of

Programming the rob

Dr. ZHANG, HouxiangInstitute TAMS Technical Aspects of Multimodal System

Multimodal Systemics, Informatics and Natural Sciencesf Hamburg


[email protected] 29

Technical Aspects of Dept. Informatics, Faculty of Mathemati

University of

Do it on yDo it on y

Dr. ZHANG, HouxiangInstitute TAMS Technical Aspects of Multimodal System

Multimodal Systemics, Informatics and Natural Sciencesf Hamburg

your own…your own…

[email protected] 30

Technical Aspects of Dept. Informatics, Faculty of Mathemati

University of

PraktikumPraktikumTelebotTelebot sensorssensors


Houxiang ZhangManfred Grove

TAMS, Department of InformaticsUniversity of Hamburg, Germany

Dr. ZHANG, HouxiangInstitute TAMS Technical Aspects of Multimodal System

Multimodal Systemics, Informatics and Natural Sciencesf Hamburg

m: 5 & 6m: 5 & 6s and actuatorss and actuators

@Tams group

[email protected] 31

Technical Aspects of Dept. Informatics, Faculty of Mathemati

University of

Thanks for yo

Any quAny qu

Dr. ZHANG, HouxiangInstitute TAMS Technical Aspects of Multimodal System

Multimodal Systemics, Informatics and Natural Sciencesf Hamburg

our attention!


[email protected] 32