praslea the mighty and the golden apples


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Post on 11-Apr-2015




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Page 1: Praslea the Mighty and the Golden Apples


Page 2: Praslea the Mighty and the Golden Apples

Once upon a time, there was a king who had in his

garden a tree which made golden apples; but he never

succeeded in tasting them, because someone used to

come and stole them.

Page 3: Praslea the Mighty and the Golden Apples

There were a lot of men who ventured to guard the

apple tree, among these the king’s older sons too,

but none of them succeeded in catching the thief.

After a lot of requests, Praslea, the king’s youngest

son, is allowed to guard the apple tree. He

succeeded in wounding the thief and brought to his

father thelong-expected fruits.

Page 4: Praslea the Mighty and the Golden Apples

The three sons of the king decide to go after the

thieves. They walk together until they arrive to a

precipice and it is only Praslea who decides to

descend there.

Page 5: Praslea the Mighty and the Golden Apples

As soon as he reaches the other world, the king’s

youngest son discovers that there is a dragon who

keeps prisoner the daughter of a king.

Page 6: Praslea the Mighty and the Golden Apples

Praslea fights the dragon, defeats him and saves the

girl who asks him to free her sisters too, because they

were also under the spell of the two dragons.

Page 7: Praslea the Mighty and the Golden Apples

Afterwards, the brave man goes looking for the second


Page 8: Praslea the Mighty and the Golden Apples

After a terrible fight, he succeeds in defeating the

second dragon too.

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Then, he reaches the third castle.

Page 10: Praslea the Mighty and the Golden Apples

The fight with the third dragon is even terrible than

the other two, but the brave man is helped by a raven

and by the king’s youngest daughter.

Page 11: Praslea the Mighty and the Golden Apples

After he rests for a while, the king’s son turns the

castles into three apples and he entrusts the older

sisters to his brothers, the youngest one being his


Page 12: Praslea the Mighty and the Golden Apples

His brothers save the girls, but they let go the rope

the moment when they must save him too, wishing his


Page 13: Praslea the Mighty and the Golden Apples

The brave man kills a dragon who wanted to eat the

babies of a griffon.

Page 14: Praslea the Mighty and the Golden Apples

As a reward for having saved its babies, the griffon

takes the brave man to our world.

Page 15: Praslea the Mighty and the Golden Apples

Praslea takes himself a job at a silversmith in his

father’s town, because he found out that the king’s

youngest daughter had asked to the one with whom

she was going to marry, first a fork and then a golden

hen. Therefore, Praslea decides to show the precious

objects which he kept in the golden apple and which

remained at him.

Page 16: Praslea the Mighty and the Golden Apples

The king’s daughter realizes that only the brave man

who saved her from the dragon could have been have

to make such objects and she asked that the

craftsman should come to the castle.

Page 17: Praslea the Mighty and the Golden Apples

When he comes to the castle, the king’s youngest son

is recognized by the girl and the king asks him to tell

him what happened. When the king finds out the way

his older sons treated their younger brother, he asks

him to punish them. But, the punish comes from God,

because the arrows shot in the air kills the guilty ones.

Page 18: Praslea the Mighty and the Golden Apples

The youngest son marries the king’s daughter

and after his father death he becomes the king

of the empire.