prairie computer network solutions yearbooks/1936.pdf · 2019. 4. 6. · memoriter vdll i\ie viii 0...


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Page 1: Prairie Computer Network Solutions Yearbooks/1936.pdf · 2019. 4. 6. · memoriter vdll i\ie viii 0 published by the 'exior la of 19!36 0 lia~ll\10. ·n 'oi\ull i 'ity high s< hool
Page 2: Prairie Computer Network Solutions Yearbooks/1936.pdf · 2019. 4. 6. · memoriter vdll i\ie viii 0 published by the 'exior la of 19!36 0 lia~ll\10. ·n 'oi\ull i 'ity high s< hool
Page 3: Prairie Computer Network Solutions Yearbooks/1936.pdf · 2019. 4. 6. · memoriter vdll i\ie viii 0 published by the 'exior la of 19!36 0 lia~ll\10. ·n 'oi\ull i 'ity high s< hool
Page 4: Prairie Computer Network Solutions Yearbooks/1936.pdf · 2019. 4. 6. · memoriter vdll i\ie viii 0 published by the 'exior la of 19!36 0 lia~ll\10. ·n 'oi\ull i 'ity high s< hool
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'EXIOR LA OF 19!36


liA~ll\10. ·n 'Oi\Ull i ' ITY HIGH S< HOOL

HAl\ll\10 ' D. ILLI .~. OIS

Page 6: Prairie Computer Network Solutions Yearbooks/1936.pdf · 2019. 4. 6. · memoriter vdll i\ie viii 0 published by the 'exior la of 19!36 0 lia~ll\10. ·n 'oi\ull i 'ity high s< hool

Editor-in- 'hief

Bu--ine"s .tanager

Advertising Managers

Athletic Editor

Snapshot Editor

.'ocial Editor

,Joke Editor



~adyne 0 th

Elieen Grh-wold

Lynn A. kin. , Edwin A::;kins

Dale Robin on

Aileen Hoyt

:\1argueritc Lowe

Rowena Ryan

Calendar Editor :\1ary Goodrich

~K \ xx=rxxxxxxxxTyTxxxxxxx;:Jt IEl\IORITER xx'X.,YTrx., r rxyrxTxXxx·i3JC3it xxxxxxxxxxxxxx£Xxxxxxxxx Lxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx~~

Page 7: Prairie Computer Network Solutions Yearbooks/1936.pdf · 2019. 4. 6. · memoriter vdll i\ie viii 0 published by the 'exior la of 19!36 0 lia~ll\10. ·n 'oi\ull i 'ity high s< hool
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.r 2 · xxx .._::rxxxxrxxxxxxxxx:rx 1 JE~JORJ'fER J~txxxxyxx=rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' "':L.-:rX.:x:Y .• :c. x :x x:a:x. :Jt :a ~:x:::t_ :JL:x:xx: .. ----c x ..... :a:::x:x::a::::a::x ..... :xxx:x:x:x:a:xx:a::a::a:x~


H Gil RUDDO K, J r.

P re ident

B. F. VA. T URE~


W . F. S H UMA.



Page 9: Prairie Computer Network Solutions Yearbooks/1936.pdf · 2019. 4. 6. · memoriter vdll i\ie viii 0 published by the 'exior la of 19!36 0 lia~ll\10. ·n 'oi\ull i 'ity high s< hool

c.:EHTH C I>I" H . C \LLil"' B. !:\.

Indiana tate Tt>ach •r ' Colleg ommercial

J. WILBP I{ KOLB. M. \ .

mdian:- nive ity Hi tory, Principal

C \lUI E •• L. P \HH A. B.

niversity of Illinoi f~n~li h Latin

LEC L < OX, I . S .

• 'orthwestern State Teacher!" College l\Iathematic .. Hi~tory, Agriculture

Phy. ieal Edueation "oach

h l ' TII E \\I L \1 \ '\ , B. Ed.

Illinoi~ :tate Xormal rtiVCI'!"ity Home Economic:<, ~cit>ncc

Dramatic , Girl • P. E.

OH\. GE L. .JO~ES, B.:.

Indiana , tat • Teacher ' College i\lctropolitan School of .\l u ie

Indianapol~, i\1. .M. Y. S. Engli h, ~Iu ic

Page 10: Prairie Computer Network Solutions Yearbooks/1936.pdf · 2019. 4. 6. · memoriter vdll i\ie viii 0 published by the 'exior la of 19!36 0 lia~ll\10. ·n 'oi\ull i 'ity high s< hool

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('L \S. \\HITE-l'PR

Freshman Veda Yea~t

Sophomore Dorothy Deane ~mith

.T unior



Girl.' Glee luh

Boy · Glee luh

Ruth Wehman

Bernice Talkington

~Iary Gri:<wold

Lob Buckingham

• amuel urry

IEl\fQ RITER .:x.xxxxxx....-xxx=rxxxxxxxxxxx:-;: ~xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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''Goody, (,oody"

Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Orche!'tra 4;

Home Ec lub 3, 4; Memoriter • 'ovelty

'taff D1amatics 1, ~) . . . -· razy to Reduce''

; "Step on It tan' 4.

;\l.\({Gl' ERITE LO\\ E

"Ju. t too sweet for anything"

Vic '-Pre ident !; Home Ec 4 · " P each of a

Family":!; ''Step on It :tan" 1.


"Book \Vorm'

Seuetary-Treasurer -l; Band 1, 2, 3, !; Glee

luh 1, ·z. :!; Dramatics 1, 2,; "A Peach of a

Family" :l; Home Ec. lub :3, 4.

f _..,-x-rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx JEi iORITER rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:i! ~:'Y. !.x~~xx £"".JC :L:x:xxxxxxxx:Lx:xxX' )Cx:x:xxxx:xxx:xxxxxxxx:x:xx:L:xl!C:

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'3Cxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx~ J JE1 IQRJTER xxxxxxTxxxx..xxxxxxxxxxxxx ~xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx1xxx~ ~xx~xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx~

I\'\'\ A "KI. "S

"Th 'Y pres:o:ed a button-a n-look !"

l're ident :!, 3; Glee lub 2, 3, ·1; F ootball •) 3, Track ., 3, : Band 1, •) 3, 4; .. , -· -· Ba ketball •) -· 3, 4· . A thletic ouncil 1· . ''Will-of-the W i p'' 1: " a! or Ble. d" a; " Peace I c.ive Unto You" 4; ""tep on It,

Stan ' 4.

HO\\ E'\ \ IHE h In \ .

''A :~treak of lean, a 'treak of fat-like

ba con ' '

Tran:-fen·e-1 from LaP lace m '34; "A P each

of a Family" a; ".:tep on it, "tan" 4; Home

Ec lub :~. 1; Memoriter • tafT 4.


•·A "mile a minute"

Orche:-tra 4; Glt:e 'lub 4; Athletic ouncil

:l; :\Iemoritrr Staff ·1; Dra m a tic:; 1, 2; " A

Peach of a Family" 3; " razy To Reduce" 1;

"Step on :t, • tan" 4; hcet· L ader· 2;

Home Ec luh ·1.

D.\LE ROBI-:"1 ' 0 .

''Gosh ! H ow long, how long!"

Transferrerl from La P lace in '34; Football,

:J · Basketball :J,-1; ~I emoritet · taff 4; Sec­

rctary-Trea:urer 3; Band 3, ·1; Glee luh

3, -1; "A Peach of a Family" 3; " tep on it,

• tan' t

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:x;xx_:r...;JC...-..;;;rx:rxxxxxxyxxxrTxx~ J JE~JORJTER xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:rxx:x ~X&X~XXXX~XXXXXX~XXXXXX~ ~XXX:X:XXXXX&XXXXXXXXXXXXX


"II blovo:s ancl blow and blow -it' a


Vice-Pre idu1t 2, 3 · Ba ketball 1, 2, 3, 4;

:\lemoriter :tafT 4; Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Track

=~. 4.

Hl''I H ~ ' A IH :-..E ' 0 TH

"Bottled Pep"

Dramatic. 1, 2; Secretary 1; Glee Club 2, :l,

; Band 1, 2 a, 4; .Memoriter • tafT 4; heer

L('adt•J' ~~; "A Sign Unto You" 1; " A P each

of a Family" :1; "Pt•ace I Giv • Unto You'' J;

" Cr·az;v to Reduce'' 4; · 'tep on it, Stan" 4.

,' \ '1 E L CURRY

Quit School.

• L\RIV \ LEHM \ .

"Jud ~ rature' · \\'ay"

T rt:::de11 'd from LaP lace ':J4. Football :3.

f-?t;cr rxx xxxxxxxxxxxx'X.,7xx:X: 1\fEl\IQRITER ~ xrxxxxx_xxxxxTx-rxxx-r-r=rx5d a: Y . ! . :a:: ."'xxx :x:xxxxxxxx::x:xxx:xxX:: !C:x:x:x:x:x:x::&.AXXXXXX:a::x::a::....,x::a:::a::::a::l(

Page 15: Prairie Computer Network Solutions Yearbooks/1936.pdf · 2019. 4. 6. · memoriter vdll i\ie viii 0 published by the 'exior la of 19!36 0 lia~ll\10. ·n 'oi\ull i 'ity high s< hool


lay 2fl, 1946

"'allie :

.._,ince you ar in Indiana and now one of th" \Vorld' fa t t typi t , t

thou~ht you might b intere ted to hear nbou the enior Ia of 1936. Th ouri r

i publi hing a erie of ~omt' ir.t re ting art ide v. hich t ll u "hat the graduate of

Hammond High School are doing. Thi "eek the Hammond ourier tell \\hat th

enior .,Ia of 1936 i \loing.

Edwin .A kin the leadl'J of "Eddie and Hi. La .e '' \\ho an~ playing at th

Aragon Ballroom in Decatur, Illinob.

Lynn A kin. farming on a JI}O-acrt• fm m. It reported that Lynn doing

very good in the Soy B •an hu ine

mu 1 "urry i now a radio mmounc"r. H~ take great plea me in introducing

"E,Jdic and II is Las l's'' to hi wide 1 ange of li t ners.

l\lat·y Goodrkh i a nry famou author ani! . till h~ h r arne old laugh. ~h' it

back and write her poem with "Ea~e".

Our brilliant "Red'' Gri£.\\Olrl 1 \·ery happy. She is an old maid ehool tenl·her and

get>: a lot of fun from giving her tudent, .. ·adyne, (iO' and 70' .

John Hall i pre ident of the H 11, Haul, Hall Trucking concern. Hi child1 n,

who go to Gri:;wold' chool, receive good mark lik ' their father did.

Aile •n Hoyt taking the pla ,., of (,raci Ben in the pictur '' eriou ne .,••.

Aileen hope thi picture i a uct·e .

Paul Ke tner i ch·iving a tnxi :rom Hammond to Arthur. Paul ny hu in

not a good a it u ed to b .

.;\!arion L hman i now in lm :nef. with the nooch·ich Tire < ompany in • • 'W York.

He has become quite wealthy.

::\1aJ·~uerit Lm\, may now lll' addJ•e st:d ~· Dr. ~lr •. Kenneth Ohler. he and h •r

hu bancl live at Voot hie when• Dr. Ohle1· ha • tnbli hed the < hler ho pital

Dale Robimson i in Iowa coaching a ba h •tball h>am on how to fall do\\11 and •et

up quickly.

Rowena Ryan i propri >tor of ln exclu ive womnn'. drc

l\ladam Rowena' " i enough to maKe any ''oman ga. p .

hop. "It came from

.. 'adyne South ha:- taken the name of one of the be t . oda-maker . • he i married

and ha. two :-on:.

Page 16: Prairie Computer Network Solutions Yearbooks/1936.pdf · 2019. 4. 6. · memoriter vdll i\ie viii 0 published by the 'exior la of 19!36 0 lia~ll\10. ·n 'oi\ull i 'ity high s< hool


~-:.c'"X.~:&::&:XXX::&:XXX~:X::X:X~ 'lC:X:&:XX:XX:XX:X:X:::XX:X:X:&:X:XXX:XX~

L \ , T WILL \ I> ·:·!:ST \:\II I OF I HE CLASS OF 1936

We, the cia~~ of Hl3fi of H. C. II .• • .. Town of Hammond, Township of Unity, County of Piatt, State of IIlinoi~. U .•. A., in ou1· e timation of ound mind, hereby make this ou1· In t legal will and te ·tament r(•\ oking all oth('J' will heretofore made.

To the teachc1· who ran• helped u ~n much w • will th('m all the happines« ancl ucce s that can he obtained.

'I'o the Junio1· we clo will nnd lwqueath our namt- as being "dig-nified" in ca. e they n •eel it next year.

To the Sophomore. we lLUve cur r:ght Pttitudc toward our .chool work.

To the Fn•l'hn:cn "e bequeath the right to appear intellig(;nt even if you are not.

f Edwin Askin , do ''ill rnd h.!qucath to :\lctle Wayne • hively my ability to al­way have my hair in place.

I, Lynn Askin~. do will and hlqueath my ability to play br.sketball to Lynd n Adam ..

I,. amuel < urry do \Vill ~ nd bequ('ath my publi<: speaking ability to Duane Foreman.

f, :\lary Goodri<h, do will and bequeath my . hyness to Alma Turpin.

I, Eileen Gri«wold, do will and bequeath my ability to get good grade.- in school to I<:ugenc Stillabowl r.

I, John Hall. do will and bequeath my .Max'' ell to Burh Bolin provided he doe:-n't ch·ive it over :~5 mile an hour.

I, Aileen Hoyt, do ''ill and bequeath my <heerful di:<po. ilion to l\lary Gri wold.

I. Paul Kestner, do will ~nd beqt:eath my hashf•1lness to Eugene Le~ge.

I Marion I.chnu·n, c1e will ar.d bequeath my "casie" way to Bob hril'tianson, nro­viding he doesn't misu~e it.

I. Marguerite Lowe, do will und Lequeath my goo,! grades in ~hortr.and to Bernice Talkington.

I, Dale Robinson, <:o wiil and IJcqu('ath my place on the basketball team of Wayne ~ochran.

I, Rowena Ryan, do will t•nd bequeath my ability a~ beauty culturist to Ruth Richman.

I, ~adyn • South do will and bequeath my good gtadcl'. and t·oncentratcd . tudy to Junior Dougla ..

\Ve do hereby nominate and ap1)'lint the Junior Class to he executrix of this, our La t Will and Testament.

In Witnel' · Whereof we have he•·eunto suh:cribed our nam s ill d affixed our :,;cal , this 29th day of January in the year of Our Lord, Cne Thou"and ~·me Hundred and Thirty-. ix.

SE. 'lOR LASS OF 1936

( EAL)

Page 17: Prairie Computer Network Solutions Yearbooks/1936.pdf · 2019. 4. 6. · memoriter vdll i\ie viii 0 published by the 'exior la of 19!36 0 lia~ll\10. ·n 'oi\ull i 'ity high s< hool


Th •r ' a heap of . ati fa tion

In graduating,-ye , that' true,

And getting your Diploma, but ha it not truck you

'l'hat tho' leaving chool i thdlling

There's a :-:: adne . in that thrill,

AJHl a feeling you can't down

Tho' you tl"iv with all your \\;II?

You think of the teach rs, and of you1· fri •nd~;

And th • nook you love the mo t;

And how, ''hen later you'll go ha k,

In the new aowd you'll be lo t .

Say, i:-n't it l'trange how then you thought

The tim • . o long ' twould never pa

'\'hen you were down in the lower g1·ade~

Longing to be in the graduating dac; "!

But when you got there and :;ta rted

With th • work and wol'l'y, too,

Your idea:- omehow _cemed to chan6 ';

And thing:- weren't what they _eem d to you?

But now that high :-chool day are pa t a nd gone,

If you feel the way I do,

You'd he mor~ than glad to go on'J" again,

The work and worry, too!

-Annn Fny G1 aber

JC.XxxxTxxxxxxxxx..,.xxxxxxxx. lEl\lORITER ~xxxxxxx~xxxxx'iCSCx:rxxxrX, ~XXXXXXXXXXXXX~XXXXXXXX~ ~ ¥XXXXXXXXXXX1XXXXXXXXXXX

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IE fORJTER ~xxxxxYxxx=r=rxxxxxxxxxTXX ~&A~AX&XZXXXXXXXXXXXXX


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l lOR L \ .. S

Fron' 1 ow-1\li:-r Parl' Bernice!ngton Ruth Richman, :\Iary Gri wold, A lma Turpin

econd row-\ erlyn Bolin, Duu.n Foreman, Eugen • Stillabower, :\l erlin 'hinly,

Eugene Legge, Wayne C:ochran, Rohert hri..;tian~en.


Pre ident Eugene Legge

Vice P resident Duane Foreman

ccn•tary-Trea~u rer Bernice 'faikington

~pon~or 1\l L: r. L. Parr

Flower 'ht y~anthemum

:\lotto •·If you can't b. at the top be among lhe .foremost"

Green and White

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£)rxxxxxxxrxxxx=rxxxxxxxxX: ... JEl\JQ}l,JTER ~rxxxxxxxxxx:w:.;rxxxxx:X:X:xx)i; ~xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx~ ~xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx~x1~

Jl ~ "IOtl Cl \8S HISTORY

For the Junior 'Ja~, of Hammond High Who help d pu h her name to the ky \\' e wbh to l;ay a word or two Of Rom of the thing::; th3t they can do. To take up our member. one by on Let's ~tart with that leading ~on,

Eugene L"gg , tl.e athlet ' , Who for Hammond will oft compEte. Th n there' Duan~ Foreman, anoth 'l" on For whom our praise i~ r ever done. And Rohert 'ht isti:ln en, a \\ itty lad, \Vhosc .. ,\ 1se crack:.:" Fomctimc"' get him in bacl . Mer! r Sh1vely, the La Pl .. c kid, Who tell many thing" he never did. Eugen t llabower. now g-irl. don't blu~h But h<.. caw-ed man) of yc..u ~. ru ·h. \ erlyn Bolin, th bo~ full of pep, Who will 1ollow in hi brothers' foot . tep". Although h left U !: we regret For a cia mat who (; name wa~ "Ch t". But in his place w ::~dded one, That""- Wayne Cochran full ot fun. Other wh left arc O~cat i\lann And Eleanor Bilby \'!ho have helped all they car!. There'.: Mary Gri ·wold who toots a horn, • he' ll always v;et b~ as ~ure a~ you'r horn. Ruth Richman alwaY!: do ~ her part, For the many acti' ities sh help. u. tart. Alma Turpin another f rom LaPlace, Who strides along to keep in place. Bernice Talkington, the girl who ma1<e ' high gtn de Whose place in H. . H. S. will never fade. ~ow to sum up all that'~ been told, We try not to he too, too bold. But in after years when we lt:ave thb place, We hope we have k(.•pt in the race. Enough to be mentioned once in a while, \nd these memories with a smile, ~ow for that motto we support, We try to . trengthen ou1· fort, By doing our part all we can And hope s ome day to he a man.


Bernice Talkington

Ruth Ri<:hman.

JQRJTER Stxxxxxx ... xr:r_...-xxxxxxx....__.,..xx:X ~XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX1XX~

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ENCl!SlJ r\l


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tE!\IORITER ........................ __...,.,...,. .... ..,. ..... ..,. ......... ,. .............. X .... "'


h o/71 or~~

fEI\fQRJTER ncxxxxxxxxTxxxxxxxxxxTxX:X ~xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx~

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Fir t row, left to right-Catheri'le Lehman, harlotte Lehman, I.oi. Buckingham,

Rr~ F ergu on, Eu~enia Trax)e,, Lor"ne outh.

Second row-Do10thy Dean" mith, Vilgin:a Barr, Eleanor Kestner, Helen Brown,

1ar~ E. (;oodrich, liss Wineman.

Thhd 10w-Ivan Fie ne1. Pnul Hoyt, Wendell "onner, Howard Traxler, Waiter

urry, Lynd 'P Adam .


President Ray Ferguson

Vice-Pre. iden~ harlotte Lehman

:--cc. >tary-Trea. urer Lois Buckingham

pon or ::\Ii s Ruth Wineman

Cia s rolot·s Orange and Brown

Cia Flower 'alcndula

Ia. i\f otto '"On vard ~nrl _l.!pward"

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... ttj

::= 0 ::d ...... ~ ttj ::d


Lois Buckingham

Helen Brown

Lynden Adams

Vi1·ginia Ban

Paul Hoyt

Ray Ferguson

Ivan F'lecncr

Dorothy Smith

Sis South

Wenda] Conner

Walter Curry

Howard Traxler

l\Iury Goodrich


"To write the hi story of our class

As you may guess is quite a task."

~F"\'TE"( ED FOR (;~TIL

Smilin~ A cloudy day

_ TmperEonating Jean Harlow ··--· -She gets to he a movie star

------Being shy of girls -·· _ ~--He has a wife

Reading a novel magazine

_Sweeping the school house

Getting 100'k in English

··-------- She publishes her life history

. - Jic!cly gets a broom

- He is a taxi driver

. _ - ___ Hauling girls to school ____ __ ------- He is a teacher in H. C. H. S.

Fighting Catherine

·- -.Singing too loud

- Ile1' ways are much better

She gets to be H. C. H. S. Coach's wife

Following his father on the mail route He is a U. S. Mail Carrier

Carving on school desks __ _ __ He replaces all cuts on desks

- Putting mean ideas into Burb's head He is Justice of Pence of Hammond

Getting to school on time ----Her V-8 flies over Hammond

Catherine Lehman ----- -- -.. ---~ Talking too nice to her schoolmates

- -Disturbing peace with her bass horn

She is taught Letter by M. K G.

H. C. H. S. likes it Eugenia Traxler

Charlotte Lehman ... - ---·---Studying . _ _ _ She needs it



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~ ~ y; ~ ~ y; y; ~

~ omplimcnt.'-' of ~ ;;n ( ompliment of ;;n ~ 1~ T Dr. J. J. Abram , Optom 'tri t y; u: ,ogu • avcrn ~ At\\ ood, Illinois ifi ;;n Bement, Illinoi ;;n

~ y; y; ~ y; y; y; ~ y; y; y; ( omplim nt of Compliments of !:n ~ Dr. E. W. Weir, ~1. D. l\11·. and :\lr: .•. A. Black, ~ y; Atwood, Illinoi Ccno Gordo, Illinoi. y; y; y; y; y; y; y; y; ~ y; ( ompliment of ompliments of y; !:fi Bodamer' .'ervic , tation l\lr. and ~1 rs. \Va nl Silver y; y; y; y; ~ y; y; y; y; ~ Compliments of Compliment::; of ~ y; Alumni II lub 0. L. T1·a .·lcr ami on. y;

~ ~ y; ~ ~ ~ y; 'omplim nt of ompliments of !;!; !:n f~ t •1 llutf Unalea ancl ~lary Lou Kolb !:n y; y; y; y; y; y; ~ y; ari Compliments of u: ;;3"1 Compliment· of ;;n !:n Ruth E. Wineman y; ~ 'armcn L. Pan ~

! ~ ~ y; ~ ' omplimenb of ...,ompliments of ~ ~ Lloyd H. Kell~·. In urance ~11-. and 'i\1rs .• J. W. Kolb ~ y; ~ ~ ~ y; y; ~ ompJ:ments of ...,ompliments of ~ y; (,ertrude II. allies :.1 ·. and 'i\lrs. X. H. Buckingham y; y; ( ommercial In truetor !:n y; y; y; y; ~ ~ y; ~ ~ .... ompliments of u:::

( ompliment of ;;n ~ l\lr. and Mrs. Schuman ifi ;;n Thoma!' Ke tne1· ;n y; y; y; y; y; y; ~ mnpliments of ~ :n Compliment;.. of ;;n ~ :\lr. md ~Irs. Fred Brun. ~11·. and :\Irs. B. F. Van uren and ~ :n Loretta ;;n y; y; y; y; y; y; y; y; ~ ~ ~~y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;~

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x-xxx ....... x .................................. ~~ 1\IE~IORITER w:xxxxxxxxxxxxx..- ........................ ,ii! ;;xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx~ ~xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxaxx~


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FlU. H:\1 \ C'L \

Fir t row. left to right-Marjorie .:\lo1-r:s, Veda Yea::-;t, Dorothea Lowe, Thelma

Bnrcu . Ruth Foreman.

, c<."ond row-:\lary ~noggins, .:\1ary Yakey, Loretta Van m·cn :\1aric Bindet

Leonr-. Gibson, :\l r. 0. L. Jone:<.

Third row-Junior Doug-las, Charles Brown, l\l ilburn Helfrich, Everett Kestner,

Dean Foreman.

( L \ S OFFI( E R

Vicc-Pn>:-;ident Thelma Barcus

~enetary-Treasure • · Veda Yeast

.. pon:-o•· l\l r. 0. L. Jones

Ia~,· color: Green and White

la~s Flower W hite Ro:e

Ia~: ~lotto "Progress is mad\! from work alone"

;xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx~ 1El\10RITER ...... xxxxx,..xxxxxyxxxxxxxxx~ xxxx:x::x::a::x:x:xxxxx...,.:x:xx:£:xxx:xX" "'" ;.::x::&:xxxxx:x:xx:x::x:xxxxxx:x:x:x:£X

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!f:;rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxX ~Jf:!\JQ}~JTER i xxxxxxxxxxxx~TxxxXX_x_x_X: m x:x::&:::a::X:a;XXX1XXX::&:XXXXX:a::'¥: ~X:X:Z: ... XX:XX:X::X:XX::a...a..x:x:::&: ..... X:JL.JI....&.~


In the fall of '35 the Fre .... hman Cia s et.rolled in B. C. H .•. with fifteen memb r .

),:tho' we w 'I'C green at fir~t. it . lowly hut surely rolled away. ~onsequently aftet· the

"Initiation Party" we lo t ~ome of our timidity aud re.,.:med om· hard wot·k.

The fir~t of the year we electt>d h following cla-=s otli<'er:-::

Pre ident Dorotht'a Low

Vic Pre. id nt Thelma Ban·u

ecr tary-Treasurer Veda Yea t

Aftt't the football gam· with ( er1o Gordo we took part in our fir t H. C'. H .

camival. W hOJl that Wl' helped mPke it a sutc 'S~.

During the Athletic . eason!'!, we have hel'n well repre~entl'd in all activiti 'l'.

One who helped u.· through our Freshman year wa::; ~l r. Hoyt, our janitot·. He

alwayg t,ad u l'hecry smile, merry '' ord, and a he! pin.,. hand in ny activity.

\Ve, al-.:o, woulcl like to thank P10fe:-;:-or Jone .. our S}'on::;or, for the help and co-

op 'ration he has given us during the pa. t year.

Veda Yea t

~xxx:rxxx....-rxxxxxxxxx'). xxx--:. 1\fE:\IORITER 5i::xxxxrxxxxxxxxxxxxxxY ..... 7:3ii! ~11X~> ~XX1111X111XXX J 6 ~X11111XXXXX111X1X1XXX1~

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~!n!fi!fi!fi!n!fi!fi!fi!fi!fi!fi!fi!fi!fi!fi!fi!fi!fi!fi!fi!fi!fi!fi!fi!fi!fi!fi!fi!fi!fi!fi!fi!fi!fi!fi!fi!fi!fi!fi!fi!fi!fi!fi!fi !fi ~ !fi !fi ~ 'omplimcnts of Compliments of ~ !fi ~Irs. Dur~t 'Mr. and l\lrs. ,Jones !fi !fi !fi !fi ~ !fi !fi !fi !fi !fi !fi ~ 'omplin.enb of ompliment: of ~ !fi Elma outh l\lr. ox and Family !fi !fi !fi

~ ~ ~ 'ompliments of ~ !fi 'ompliments of ;;n !fi Roy F. Dixon ~ u= ,Joan Mcintire ;;n !fi Lovington Illinois !fi ~ !fi !fi !fi ~ 'ompliments of ~ ~ K ~lax IIoo\'er, ream Station ompliments of ~ ;;n Hammond Produce ;;n !fi Lo\'ington, lllinob ~

!fi !fi !fi !fi ~ omplinments of CT. \\'. and E. L. Hines ~ ~ Erwin's afe Filling Station !fi !fi Lo\'ington, Illinois Pierson, Illinois ~ !fi !fi

~!fi!fi!fi~!fi!fi!fi!fi!fi!fi!fi!fi!fi!fi!fi!fi!fi!fi!fi!fi!fi!fi!fi!fi!fi!fi!fi!fi!fi!fi!fi!fi!fi!fi!fi!fi!fi!fi!fi!fi!fi~!fi~ !fi !fi ~ !fi

~ A COMFORTING SERVICE ~ ~ !fi .4 g; ~, !fi ~ The greatest ~en ice of the modern funeral director i' ~ !:fi that of lifting the load of res pons:bility from the shoulders !:fi

~ of the berea \'ed. From the moment he is called, he as_ ~ ~ sumes charge of the many details which require attent- ~ ~ ion. In our organization we gi\' :::pecial attention to thi~·. ~ ~ cominrting ser\'ice. ~ !:fi !fi I Prompt and Efficient I !fi !fi

~ AMBULANCE S•ERVICE ~ ~ !fi !fi ~ !fi


~ Lovington and Sullivan ~ !fi !fi ~ Lo\'ington Phone 120 Sulli\ an Phone 5 ~ !fi !fi ~ -~!fi!fi!fi!fi!fi!:fi!fi!:fi!fi!fi~!:fi!fi!fi!fi~!fi!fi!fi!fi!fi!fi~!:fi!fi!fi!fi!:fi!fi!fi!fi!fi!fi!fi!:fi!fi!fi!fi!fi!fi!fi!fi!fi~

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r 1

IS LIKES ~E\' EH \\- \'\'IS TO HE

MARY GOODRICH -------------- goofy --------- --------------- ----- good times ____ . _ . flirts ... ... .... . -- ---- less ha8hful

LYNN ASKINS .... - ~---- popular .... ---· ---- -·- OUI" girls - ............. _ says no - hrilliant

NADYNI-~ SOUTH .. __ _. somebody - __ most of 'em . forgets ....... --.... ------··- a teacher

~~~ MARGUERITE LOWE _ . talkatiVl! -·--------- J CITY

_____ grabs ··- ___ --·· ~--- someonc's wife ';,;J ..... -~

. .. - -


:= ~ -0 . _------------------ Pool shark

0 ~ MARIO'\ LEHMAN -----· __ unheard of ---- ___ honking .. __ ----- __ talks ~ - -~ ~ ~ ~ ~ DALE ROBINSON _ ·-- --- lanky -• . --·· -··· his auto __ c ---·------------·- minds Mama ----·-- .... famous ~

ROWENA RIAN ... ------- breezy -·--· ____ dancing ------ ----·. ----·- tea~cl' . ----- --·-·c ---- heauty culturist

EDWI~ ASKil\S .... _____ always sleepy - -- __ music --------·- _____ -·--·· prin1ps ------·-··------ . pro-dancer

SAMUEL CURRY --·----- so C'lever ··-----·------------- blonds ----·-- -······· ---- again - __ . --- It

l<:TLI-~EN GRISWOLD ____ -· ski:my . _ ----- ---- __ read hooks . ___ dates -····----·-·-····--·· St!amstress

,\ILEEN HOYT ·-----·------ taken ---·----------------- chocolate _____ cats

··-· --·· ·---·---··---· a nurse

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.x;xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxi! IE~IQ RITER _x:rxxxxxxTX::Jr:,jltXXXXXXXXXXXX ~xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx1xx~ ~xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Th • Initiation Party for the Frc hmen wa~ held by the ophomores in early ._ ep­

t •mb •r. We all enjoyed the party very much although it wa li~htly painful. Game

were played and a good time wa. had by all (e pecially the Fre. hmen). Refre~hment.

of Pineapple Bavarian l-ream, cookie and coc-oa were erved.


The Senior Ia . entertained the fatuity and tud •nt body at the Valentine Party,

on February 12, 1u:w. Each person a they entered wa given a letter of the alphabet

and they then formed a line with the \vord , "Welcome to ou1· Valentine Party". The

girl wore bow tie and the boy wor hair ribbon~. There wa:-; a folding chair relay

and each of the per~ons on the winning team wa. given one red heart. There was also

a mock band. Broken heart. WPre passed and matched to form the partners for refresh­

m •nt.. Refreshments of ice cream, cookit''l and red H 0 were . erved. 2

T. P .\TRICI\. ' P \RT1

The Junior lass entertained the high ~chool and faculty on March 24, 1936, with

a belated St. Pat's Party. The evening wa. .-pent playing To::;s Hat, Last Couple Out,

Pig-Sticking Contest, How Do You Like Yom ~ eighbor and a Potato Relay. Refre. h­

ment: were "Bit-o-Heaven,' gingeraie and ::;andw1ches.


The Spring Party wa. ::;pon«ore•l by the Freshmen lass on April 17, 1936. The

evening wa sp •nt in playing games. Some of the g mes played were How Do You

Like Your • 'e1ghbor, rucker Eating relay and musical chair. Refre ·hment:; of ·alad,

cookie~ and coolade wer • . erved. Everyone had a good time.

ti:xxxxxxxxxr=rr=rr=rx=rxxrrx::;e IEl\lORITER rxxxxxxxxxxxxrxxrxxxxxx::ia &."'¥"'7'•. :a:: :xxxxx:a:xxxxxxxxx:a::a:xx~ • ,.. )C::£::a:~..&:xx:x:a::xxx:a::a::xxx:xxxxxxlC:

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Jl '\ lOR P l.A Y

Fir!'t row, left to right: Alma Tt.rpin, l\1ar~· (,ri wold, Bernice Talkington, Ruth R1chman.

Second row: Miss Wineman, Dua1.e Foreman, Eugt•n > Legge, Robert hri~tian~en,

W erdall Conner, :\!iss Parr .

'1la: Long, Farmer arah Long, hi wife

Hazel, daughter Lizzie Blanks hired girl Minnie Hall, town gossiper Hank Blinks, hired man Dave Hinkle, old miser

.. LOOK 0

Richard Biltmore, • trange1· from dtr


Eu~l'rll' L gge Alma 'l'm·pin

Ruth Richman :\1ary G ri \\old

Bernice Talkington Robert Chl'i tian en

Duane I<' or •man Wendall onner



CA T JO EPH , Fath r ~!ART A, :.I other PETER. ALE , • on


:amuel urry • 'adyne South

Eugene Legge I ynn A kin Walt r urry

It i: hristma: Eve in the home o! Jo~eph ~nd ::\1art~. Their . on:- are not home for they are at \\ar against each otrc1·. :\tarta will not give up hoping that the bov~ will come home for hristma: !'O she places a candl in th • window. Both hoy~ . ee the light and are guided home. At fir. t tnt•y are v •ry antagoni!'tic, hut due to the Chl'i t­ma .. pirit become very peaceful.


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fE IORITER ~xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ~xx~xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx~


First row, left to right: Marguuite Lowe, Nadync outh, Dale Robinson, Rowena


Second row: Robert hristiansen, Aileen Hoyt, )li~

Wineman, )lary Goodrich, \Valter uny.

allies, Lynn A ·kins, liss

ast- TEP 0~ IT,

~tan Gra), The town': leading failure

Charlie • •orri ·, The Town's Leadinll Romeo ~id Pre ley, The town': leading loafer

Ray ryde1·, '!'he town's leading citizen

Betty Brook , Who inspires ~tan to ".step on it"

Hazel Wilton, The object of harlie'. affections

Prud<•ncc Quimby, The town's leading old maid

,'ibley Shepard, The town's richest girl


Dale Robinson

·---------·-- - Lvnn Askins _ __ Walter urry

__ Bob Christian en

r adyne South

Aileen Hoyt

Rowena Ryan

Marguerite Lowe

~arah Boggs, Direct from Willow Spnngs in sl'arch of her fortune Mary Goodrich

Scene: Library in the town of Forest Hill.

Time: The present. Sp1ing of the year.

Director: Miss R. E. Wineman.

Sponsor: Mis: G. H. Callies.

~xxTxxxxxxxxxxxxxxTxxxY:i! MEMORITER iix~xxxT=rxxxxx=rxxTxxxxril ~Exx~xxxxxxxx¥XXXX* ~xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx~

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£..J~txxxxxxxTxxxxxxxx:rxxxxX: l\JEl\JORITf.~R JE: rxxxxxxxxxxx~xxxxXS::xxi2' ~~cxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx~! l ~ ~xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx~


cc ... t

Dr. 2\Iar). Livetorever, Rt•dut·inJr 2nd Developing Expert

o.colanica Swayback albthenic,.; Jn..;tru<:tor

Ima Nutt, th Dumh A si tant

Sophenia Sobb, Reporter on the Whangville Whiz

Thelmn Thump, the h·ory Tickler, of Whaugvill'

i\lr,.;. Duhoi:- Wellington Humphr 'Y Vandooz,.n, with a family tree

Emiline ~cheech

Bellndona Wheeze On their way to

Blinda Beller hoir Pradh:e

Gri:-elda , hmultze

Mr:. Henrietta Hemaway, Burd(ned with a husl1and

2\1r~. Tiny Waite, Whangvillc's Heavy Weight

::\lrl'. Claribel Hummingbird, wife of a ong write1·, ~o-called

~aomi Nibbleni:x, strictly on a diet

l\1r . Widemore Bunch, the thinnc t thing it. tO\\ n

Leona Lott, Fatima Lott Twins with Movin' Pkture amhition

Loi-.: Buckingham

Dorothea Low '

Helen Brown

Ruth Foreman

Loretta \'an uren

.. 'adync South

( harJottc l.t•hman

2\Iary Goodrich .:r.

( atherine l ehman

Mar • E. Goodrich

Hazel Foreman

Eleanor Kc tner

Lorene South

Aileen Hoyt

2\Iary Yakey

2\Inrjorie 2\lorri", Eugenia Traxler

Place- In Dr. I.iveforeve1·'s Rcchldng Emporium.

Time-On a June morning.

Playing Time-Frcm one and onl.'-half to two hours.

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Monticello Hi Th ' chool, pril 25, 1936

SHORTHA. "D-90 Word Di<'tation th place

.A D\' \ . (ED TYPI G-3rd. Av. N. W. P. l\1.

• t nrguerit • Lowe ~adyne ~outh

Eileen Gri:~wold

Team avuag • BEGL I (. TYPI~G-3rd

~1ary (., 1~ \\old Ruth Richman Bernice Talkington

Team average net wonb per minute.


!.12.66" 0.55'~


32.52 37.2 19.0G

29.59 av.

!\'adyne outh Rowena Ryan

61.7 41.9 41..1 .Marguritc Lowe

Team average -·-----4 .3 average net word. per minute


'Iarguerit.: Lowe _ 100 word :hortha nd .l\adyne South, Typing 61.7



Ruth Richman Lytm A kins Marguerite Lo\' .. ·e ~!ary Gris·vold Ituth Rkhman \Iarguerite Lowe Nadync South Rowena Ryan ~adyne South

Average net word: per minute for ten minute·

--- 32 ertificate ·10

Certificate 40 Certificate 42 Certificate 41

-·----Pin p3 P in 62 Ptn 53

ealed Certificate . 62

J lOR 0. G. A. PI

~adym• South

Eileen Griswold


Rowena Ryan Eileen Griswold Aileen Hoyt Lynn Askins


~farguerite Lowe


95.5 '~ accuracy 97.25', accuracy 7.25r, accuracy

97. '~ accuracy


99' ( accuracy

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IEl\IORITER ic.:xTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTXXTTX ~xxxxxxxxxx~xxxxxxxxxx~

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xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ~~E~JQRJTER r:w:_Txxxxxxxx=rrxxxxxxxxxxX:: ~xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx£kxxxx~l l ~xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx~

GIRL ' ';LEE ''L B

Fir t row, left to right.- atherine Lehman, Xadyne South, Lois Buckingham,

Aileen Hoyt, Charlotte Lehman, Ruth Foreman.

:econd row-Helen Bro\\n, Eileen Gl"i!'wold, Eleanor Ke. tner, Lorene

F.ugenir- raxler, )lary E. (roodl"i<•h, Mr. ,Jone .


Third row-Dorothea Lowe, ~luy Yakey, Hazel Foreman Loretta Van Curen,

:\!arjorie .Moni~.


Secretary-Trea. urer




Loi: Buckingham

Xadyne South

_ Aileen Hoyt

------ Loretta Van Cut!en

;,;Jit'XXXXTXXXXXXXXXXXXTXXXT~ IEI\IQRJTER Yxx=rr:rrrrry=r:rr=rrxxxxyx~ xxxxxxx~1xxxxxxxxxxxxxxrl ~ Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx~

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kxxy=rxxxyxxxxxxxxxxxxxxX:: l\JE~JQRJTER iCxxxxxr_Txyxrxxyxxxx;(XxxX: 'llt.~•-::x:x:a:::a:x:&:x::a:xxxx:a:x:xxx:a::xx~ "" )Cxx:a:x:&xxx:&:x:a::a:xxxx:x...,.x..,.xx:l(

HO"\ S' GLEE '"'L B

Fir:-t ro''• left to right-Ivan Fl'ener. Junior Dougla Paul Hoyt, D an Foreman

harles Brown.

econd row-Walter urry, Eugeue Legge, Sam Cuny, John Hall, Dale Robin. on,

Mr. Jone . .

Third row-Milburn Hel1t·ich, ' \ endall Conne1, Rohert hri tian •n, Lynn A kin , W m. Foreman.

Director 0. L .. Tone

Accompani t Mi Pan·

x;=rxxxxxT:rxxxxxxxxxxxxxx...,:: \JEl\IORJTER SiCxxyx1(0Xxxxxx-rxxxxxxxxx~ ~x:x:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx • ~xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:x:xxxxxx~

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THE B \. D

First row, l<.'ft to right Edna G1·iswold, Aileen Hoyt, ~tary Goodrich, Charlotte

Lehman Eucreni" Tra.·!c Wm. Foreman, Lynn A kin • 'adyne <:::outh, l\lary Griswoid.

ccond row-Lois Buekingh:..m. Lcrene ~outh, Ruth Richman, ~lilburn Helfrich,

l\fr. Jcne~. Snnuel uny, Eileen Cr" wo!d Wendall 'onner, Edwin Askins, Dale Robin­

!Oon, Job, A~chet man, athtrint Lehman, Ruth Foreman.


Bn inc :\Ianager Echvin A:kin,:

"'ecretary and Librarian • 'adyne South

;:J~::Xxxxxxxr,..r:rrxrxxx·xxrxx..,:x-: ]\JEl\fORJTER :Trxxxxx-rxxrxxxxxxx=w::r=rx~ Xx1xxxxx1xxxxxxxxxxxx%x~

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OH('Hl: I IL \

• itting, left to right-Dora Lee Huff, i!Iarjorie Morri , Loi Buckingham Lor •ne

~outh, Ruth For •man, MaQ' Yalwy, ~laty l'ra. ler, hnl'lott' I. hman, Edna Gl'i wold,

Aileen Hoyt, illary Goodrich, Alma Turpin, Veda Yeast, .fnry Gri wold, Mary E. Good­

lieh, 'nalca Kolh Lavonne Curt·y, D01 oth~ Dcane 'mit h .

• tanding-Ruth Richman, . lilburn II lf!'ich, Mr. Jone , Eugenia Traxler, Hazel

Foreman, Catherine Lehman, Dean Forema.1, .John A :!herman, Donald Dance, Lor n


xxrxxrxxxxx:rxxxxxxxxxxxr~ ~~E~J RITER 5i:.;rxxxxxxxrxxx xxxxxxxX x x3i! ¥xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx~

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c_,..,.xrxxxxxrxxxxxxxxxxx=rx. IE~IORITER F...:w:.,:rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"Tx:. ~xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx~ ~xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx~


Fir t rO\\ left to l'ig-ht-Eddic French, Thelma Barcu , :\Iary Goodrich, Ruth Rich-

man, Le:-lie ... 'ichol!'Oll, Eugene :\lurphy.

~ccon<i row- Ivan Fleener, i\Iilburn H lfrich, Wm. Foreman, l\lr. Jone:, Dean

Foreman, harle Brown.

To the ~lembers of the ~ enior las::;­

ummcJ' School at ,June Fall Term begin theh· COlll''-'CS

t I e rear.

Brown's of Decatur b ~gin:, i\Iay 25 and begins September 1. tudents may

on anv .Monday morning thr ug:hout

ou1 ses are o1fered Ill 'hort hand, Typing, Bookkeeping and Aecounting, a::; well as m lerical and Secretarial bran­ches. P1 epare now for an ofllce position. Tiemembe.1·, Bu:in ss need-: trained young people who are r •sponsible and alert. \Ynte. toda~ for information.

BHO\Y ... ._. BUSL E OLLEGE Decatur Illinoi~

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)txxryyxxrxxrrxxxxxxxxxxrW:. ""IE xx:a::xxxxxxxxx:a:xxxxxxxxx:a:r ~~ ~lORITER rcxxxxxr...-......... x ........ x...-x..-xxxTx:rX ~xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx !

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Front row, left to rig-ht-W ~ndell Conner, :\Iilbm n Helfrich, Dean Foreman,

Lyncl~n Adam , Wm. For~man.

-Pcond row- Paul Hoyt, Verlyn Bolin, Duane Foreman, Lynn Askin., Eugen

Stillabow~t, }Iedin hi vel:;, Walt~t Cuny.

Third row- :\lt•. Kolb, Howard Traxler, Samuel uny, Robert Ryan, John Hall,

Wayne O(·hran, Euj!em Legge, :\Ir. Cox.


Opponents Hammond Opponent· Hammond

Decatur Re:-.~rves I) 0 Blue Mound 7 7

Atwood 6 14 Cerro Gordo 12 13

Bethany 7 0 :\1aroa 12 6

:.\1attoon Reserves 0 7 Lovington 0 21

7';Y:rxxxxxxx:r:rxx:r:rx:rxxxx_ .... ..,.-= J\JE:\IQRITER ::i:xrx:r:rrr:r:r:r:rxxxxxxxxxx_x~ X:s::a:::xxxx:xx:a:xx:x:a::xx:a:xx::a:x~.&.r ¥xx::a::x:x:x:x:x:xx:x:xxxxxx:xx:x::a...£.~

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B.\ .. Id~'l B LL Fir. t row, left to right: Dale Rob'n on, Lynn Askin , nobcrt Ryan Eugt•n' L •gg ,

...... dwin Askin". Second row: Verlyn Bolin, Duane Foreman, Eugene "'tillahower, Mer·lin Shively,

Wendall onner. :\1r. ox. Third row: Dean Foremar, :\lilburn lh•lfdch, Walter Curry,

Opponents AtWC0'1

Mar:J:! \\ ~ rrc nshu rg

T n :tic \H. ~ion Ar~enta

·.ovington Bdh n~ 31u:! ~found

Hammond hammon<' hatr.moncl

hummoml Hammond Ha1-:mon·1

Hum mont! Hammond

H\~1\FTB\LL Rl!.~l LT~ FOH 1~3:i-3<'

1'i Hammond

2 ... OpJ oncnts Atwood

22 2.1 M:!t oa 11 34 \\ arn•n burg 18 21 ~ 'inntic 1:~ 12 ~It. Zion 20 35 Ar~ent::-

20 45 Lovington 27 4 Bt.thany Hl ·n ( u o Gordo

Ol . ! Y f(,llr\ \\IE ... r 41 D an•l

14 Bement :.\Ian fit'<

HE<: I)'\ \L l Ol'H~ \:\H '\'1 21-1 23

Lr thut .:\lonticello

:n ( t rro (.ordo • FCTIO \L 'I Ol R \ \IE~T

.n RJ\ uton .:\lacon

Paul Hoyt.

Hammond 21 37 16 :n

7 ,()

20 37 25 20 13 39 27 23 16 :~4

11 15

1 15 16

11 22 25

f;,.;llt..,7"-rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, JE~JORITER e:xxxxxxx.,_ xxxxxxxrxxxxxx:i! ~l!x~xxxxxxx-xxx-XLX111~ ~x1X1X1111111111XX1XX1X~

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;x:xxxTTT11t:T"XTXXXT'XXXTXXXX~ ~ IE fORJTER XXXXXXXXTX:X~XXXXTXXXXXX;llt ~x~xxxxxxxxxxxxxx~xxxx~ ~xx~xxxxxzxxxxxxxx~


Here I am in quite a 1 ckle Patiently waiting the referee'~ whh:tle. :~2 minutes of anything hut fun Gee! I wi. h thi. game wa won. Up goe the ball, and the game i~ begun, You'll have to jump Ryan, to get that one, Defen e boy. ! Watch that dribbler! When he come~ down the floo1· it make:- my . pine ;~hiver.

There' a man in the corner, don't let him shoot! Aw! It's in! And a free throw to boot. Come on Eugene, drive down that floor Shoot Ed, that put:-:; up our . core. I ,.,.·onder if I told those hoy:-:; to stay back Our defense mu:-:;t never crack. For those boy:-; are big- and strong And will come down that floor ere long . ... 'ow I didn't tell thost• boy!' to try that play, It won' t work with that big center in the way. Yes it did, and the ball is in! Keep that up boys and we're bound to win. Pondering these thoughts and many more Thu. sat Coa( h Cox till the quarter was o'er Thus ~at he al. o through quarters 2 and 3 While the visitors made 20 and Hamond 2~ . ... •ow back to the game with just eight minutes to fight, Boy~, we've got to ~tart this quarter off right. Down the floor we mu~t take that ball, It's not near time to start that stall. There goes the whistle. that's four fouls on Lynn, Get off your shirt, Burb: and get ready to go in. Dale go back! There's a man loose down the floor. Oh, too late! That tie.-; the score. At last he called that guard for fouling But how can Nanny make 'em with all that crowd howlin~? Ah! It's in and now we're in the lead Defense boys with all possible speed. One point ahead, but ju · t look at that clock Still a minute to play! Wont this game ever stop? What was that prayer, l uo.:ed to know Let me think! Just how did it go? Back up boys, here th :r come down thP floor Oh, my gosh! It's in! Now look at the "core. (Let's see here's Howard, Stilly, Paul, Conner and Shively) ay I wonder if Sh1vely's hot?

They'd keep him coHred thcugh. like as not. Shoot boys. shoot! The time:·'s r:ot the gun ready. Take your time though, and keep your lye steady. Hurry boys hurry! Cause there goes th.• gun, And there ~oes Burb with another wild one. Too late! too late! Oh my !>Oor head Would I wete in my grave, d(!ad, dead, dead.

ays 1r. Cox to ~11-s. Cox: Where am I , and what·:- that clanging? Say~ Mrs. Cox to Mr. ox: Get up Silly, that's the alarm cluck ringing! - Alfred Moore

Exxxxxxxx:r:ryxxxxxxxxxxxX JEI\-IORITER :-xxxTxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:iil ~:-v:!.;.&:XXX:XX:XXX X::XX%XXXXXX:&:X' ~XXX::X::X:XXXXX:X:XX ..... XXX:X:XX:X:Xli(

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~¥LXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX~ fEJ\fORITER xxxxxxxxxxxxx--=xxxxxxxxxx


TR.\ ~K

First row, left to right: Duane For<'man, Yerlin Bolin, Ed'' in A kin , Lynn A kin .

Back row: Dean Foreman. P aul Hoyt, Milbum Helfrich, Eugene Legge, Sam Curry,

Walter urry, oach Leo ox.


Han: monel





74 poin

li 2/ 3


}ft. Zion





District ;\l t•t

s ;~ point.

Pole Vault Fifth

li9 points

4 1/ 3



High Jump Fifth, tied

;JC "%xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx .. :...:r:::::i::X3i! 1E~IORITER Cxxxxxxxx ... ..-xxxxxxx..-xxTxii ~---~-XXX X X X XX:XX:X% .W ::a::!!"-~-111 ~ 3"- .'C:X:X:XOLXXXXXXX:&:1XXXXX:X1~

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~ -· !:n !:n !:n ompltm nt of ompliment of ~ ~ H H\a d Re d, t t ' Attorn Y J. B. By rline lothing ~tor ~ !;f; .wntic llo Illinoi B m nt, Ilhnoi. !:n !:n !11 !:n !:n !:n !:n !:n !:n !:n omplim nt of !:n ~ Darrell Fo tcr "'ompliment of ~ !;f; ircuit "Jerk and R otd r l\\ood 001 'rntivc reamciJ• o. !:n ~ lontlcello, Illinoi Atwood, Illinob ~ !:n !:n !:n !:n

~ omplim nt of ~ !;f; H"rvey Fay omplimcnt. of !;f; !:n < unty Clerk !:n ~ lontic llo Illinoi .h. and Mr . R. A. Richman ~ !:n !:n !:n !:n !:n !:n ~ !:n !;f; ( ompliment of !;f; ~ Chn~. Mclnto:-h Compliments of !;f;

~ County Nupc!·intendent of • chool , ~ ;;n Homer E. E ·kridge ..., !:n ;\lonticello Illinoi:- Y; ~ ~ ;;n !:f; !:n ~ !:n !:n !;f; omplimcnt of Compliment. of !;f; !:n Bo .vman Hardware and Electric !:n !:n i{cv. fli~r~rin and Family u: !:fi .lonticcllo Illinoi ~ ~ !:n ~ !:n ~ ompliment::; of !:n !fi Compliment. of !;f; ...= I!aycraft Dt·ug Store u: "" ;\laurine Pittman ;;n !fi ;\lonticello Illinois !:n !:n !11 !11 !11 ~ !:fi !:n Com 1>1imcnts of !:n ~ Hill':-; Cafe ( omplimcnts of ~ !fi Beml•nt, m;noi~ Home "Ec" lub !fi !:n !11 !:n !:n ~ !:n !:n !:fi !fi Compliment::; of Compliments of !:n ~ Kintnct•' Ila•,>Jl~.· Hour Store ~It·. 1 '1 I · '1 b I ~ ;;n "' an1 •• r,. ,C\\'JS ~· o er y ;;n

!:n Bement, Illinoi" !11 !:n !:n !:n !11 !:fi !:n ~ ( omplimcnts of Compliment::; of !:n !:n Rc.xall Drug Store Scmor Girls ~ !:li Bement. IJI'noi" !;f; ~ !:n !:n !11 !:n !:n ~ omplimcnts of 'ompliments of !:n ~ Hammond Community luh Mr. and :\Irs. Hugh Ruddock, Jr. ~ ~ !:n !:n ~ ~!:n!:n!:n!:n!:n!:n!:n!fi!:n!:n!:n!:n!fi!:n!:n!:n!:n!:n!:n!:n!:n!:n!:n!:n!:n!:n!:n!:n!:n!:n!fi!:n!:fi!:n!fi!:n!:n!:n!:n!fi!:n!:n!fi~

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f[xxxxxxx=rxxxxxxxxxxxrxxiC. IE IORITER sr.,.xxxxxXXTTTTXXXXXXXXXXil ~x~xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx~ · ~xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx~

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


I OF SERVICE I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ That is what this bank endeavors to be. ~ ~ Here you are treated as an individual ~ ~ ~ !:fi -not merely as an account. y; ~ y; ~ ~ ~ y; ~ Here you will find that friendly interest ~ ~ ~ ~ in your welfare and progress that means ~ ~ ~

~ o much ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ You will like this bank. Come in and ~ ~ ~ ~ get acquainted. Your business-large ~ ~ ~ !:fi or small-is appreciated here. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I THE STATE BANK OF HAMMOND i ~ ~ ~ TilE BANK OF FHIE~DLY SERVICE ~ ~ ~ ~ Member of Federal Deposits Insurance Corporati n ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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~;,r~ ..... ..._.,..xx ..,. .. x~ .l IEI\1 RITER xxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxx ~~~-~ ~X%XXXXXXXXXXX1XXXXXXXXX

.. IE;'\1 HITEH CA LE. DAH 19:J5-36

..::'EPTE :\IllEH

" Fre hmen nt 1 th buildin lo\\1) and very h~ly. Will it Ia t? 3. Th ne\\ teacher ar· very w 11 liked. \Y e tak ignm n and b gin to poli h

th ru t. 4 •• • o chool. Band go to Iontic.,llo to play '' ith thr oth r band for th ounty

Fair. 5. Band concert. \Ve had a regular band of horn . ar horn .)

Girl 1 Gle lub m . Who i th bariton ing r? H. Our new comm 1 cia) teach 1 am~ todn;o,•.

10 . .:orne of th tudent are chan~ing ubject • What i .h matt r? 11. enior:- Ol1!anize l-h ir Ia .. 12. Elect cheer lead 1 , th Lehman h\ in , harlotte awl Cath rine. Y a, team let' go! 13. Engli h IV "'Ia had a t t. It rtainly \\a ''Th D y of Doom''. Th t ch

r mind a couple of the tud nt. that Ia t night ;o.a not HnllO\\ 'en. All but t\\O boy. are out for football.

lG .• 1emoriter taft i organized. D catur Re" rve aturday. 17. Girl. 1 Gym 1 ha a \\ien r ron tat Ducey'~. Ev ryon had a good ime. Junior

cia s organize . 1 .• ophomor and Fre hman cia e. organize. li Parr "on't I t Burb nd tilly

recite _o the) come to th tudy Hall. HJ. Band oncert. I gue th r \\ .. rn't anything hanp ning ~o cm1ain car. Th

office ha:- nice chair ! ! ~C. ~cveral of the boy:s wt•nt to the footbnli game at Gordy. IJid you hear about th

• enio.· heads :-hrinking? 2!J. American Hi~tory and Ancient Hi t r;o, clus,es tart on a eri •:-s of 1·cport.:. Why

wa s John late for Eng!Lh ela::-;s? 24. Wayne . is out of chool \\ ith an injured foot. 25. 1 eachcrs and Ia .. P re ident mr>d to organize for· the carnival. 26 . .__ome of the Bu~ine Arithrm tic student ... carry an adding machine with them.

W hy don't you, Sa m? 2i. Init iaticn P .. rty. Poot· Fre hicc ar.d new T ut·her Beat Atwood in the Football

game. Atta time! :w. Ther" seems to he a budding roman(e bet\H en a ~enior boy and a Fre~hman girl.


1 .• eniors will have their· Jlidurcs taken at Rembrandt' talk in class.

Plea e remember not to

-· Toe Business Arithmetic students get to have :l t hewing gum pnrad '· Then! I one "swell ' head in t he • enior lass today.

a. English IV i. not a \ cr·y good place to ]lay drop the handkcn·hief with a I' •d bandana. Did you h •ar om thinu about Pocohonta ?

·L The I.<"tin II clas · learns to t:::<e their a'[lpendix. P~p meeting in the Gym, we play Bethany tonight. Wayrw l. is back in ~<:hool.

'i. The Fre~hic. should take High t·hool rr.ore •riou . ~1ury E. Goodrich, • oph., came to school at noon. Did ~he forget it wa. l\londay? Review for the Six Wl eks tc t. -.veryiJody certainly ·hould be indu triou .

9. Bad day for the f;enior.. The Band committee L now trying to figure the capacity of the memb('L' so they can order the refreshments for the party.

10. Visitor's Day. l\1ary K. Re dy, Helen Lowe and Thelma A. kin . Band P arty. 11. • •o school! Teacher· in. titute. Won football game from i\1attoon.

{_;::~~ :rxxxxxxx=rxxxxxxxx-r:rxxX! fEl\-fQRJTER SC:rxxx xxxxxxxxxxx=r..-rxxxx:iJ ~ ~~~xxx1xxxxxxxxxxxx~ ~xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx~

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;xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx .... ..,. .................. ~ J IE~IORITER xxxxxx ... xxxx.:xxxxxxxxxrxx~ ~XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX1XX4 ~XX~XXX1XXXXXXXX1XXXXX

14. Fire Drill. Ii Wineman a k" that th • e\\ing girl it on the chair., but they

ay th y ar' afraid tht•y might brenk!

15. dtici m in ewing cia::<.. \', e find that the gat·m •n

tf". Takl> orne nap:-;hot for the Annual. Today i deadlin

17. Gt·oup picture are taken for th ~lemorit r.

1 . Game with Blu :\lound.

ati factory.

forth fir.t i \\e k

21. Home Ec. ha a Ballow 'en party at Eileen b. \Vh wer tho naughty H lJO\\ •' n prankster ?

22. Ther' are a lot of .. oapy windov,; today. \\ond r who did it?

23. Band practic' marchin • at night in th" Gym.

~·1. .roup picture:- com and all ure "'Ood. Big pep me •ting in th, Gym and Snnk dance held.

25. Homecoming for Hammond. P&rade < nd t arni\'a) ~ucce • The ''Fr hi '' \\er at Hom coming b cau e they "ain't mi t on in 50 year". I..a t and by far not lea t, Hammond won the game \\ith Gordy, 13-12.

2 Blue Monda). It rained all day. 2!1. ~ '2nny ju. t talked to all of hi F rc:-;hmnn girl today. :''l. How i. that op n ait· ta.·i you knO\\ that D-:X? 31. Hallow en. Ever~ body had better :-;tay home and keep gum d. E p cially tho

in La Place.

- "0 \'E:\IBER

1. \\' e !llayed i\1aroa and )o:-;t 1 ~-li. 4. Die' you hear about the larthqu~ke '! Jl.:h, Wineman ha:< the late t reports about it. !5. :-ome of the • enior:-; ~u:<pede<l ~omething. What eould the ~eaet be'! If vou know

doP 't tell until tomol'I'O\V, fi. Quit that tea:-;ing. You know th, ~:eniors are ua:hful. 7. Pia:. 1 ract:ce for the .Junior~ and a! o the Girl~' Gl' 'lub. Why don't II nry,

Ja.ek an<l harlie eome? Home Ec. ul (I SOl'S a hili suppu. :\!t·. (ox give.., hi opinion why 1ary G. (Sr.) .,. "0 !<low. P.cmcmher, ~11'. Co.·, ''P.omc ''us not bu:lt in a day".

1.!.. Played I..c vington football game. \"le von their I.omeeoming game. couple of Glee luh girls went to Tu cola.

12. Mary E. Goodrich and Sis wet·e ah ent today. What can h' the matter? 1:1. ?lay given by the Girls' Glee Clu , "Crazy to Reduce". 1·1. E\eryhody !<ay:ng the play ''a gru•t "UC'Cl':< and "we'' ny, "Dot' tine''. • 5. "Say do you go ,•,ith the boy"'!" Well, if you do, I can't go around with you. H

careful teaehers! ! 1 ~. Girls Ol'"'anize their Bz:-;ketllall tcoms. Boy. tart practicing ba ketball. ltJ. Girls' Glee lub had a White El<>phant JlUI'ty. Tht•n• c •J·tninly were lot of nice

gifts. 20. Quit teadng atherine ahcut ht•r pre_ent. 21. Juniot pia:., "Look Out Lizz:e '. • 'anny ccrtuinly c·un handle Ruth and .:\lary. John

Hall enjoyed the play very much. ~2. ~o school. Teacher's meeting. 25. \ \ hy are they teasing Eilet•n G.? 26. Received indi' idual pictures. Everyone lm. y trading pictur '·. 2h. Thanksgiving. • ·o ~chool. 2:1. Too much turl ey ~(;::<tenlay, so thl'!"e 1 ·••'t any :-dwol.

~xrxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:x: l\fEl\l O RITER srxxxx xxxxxxxxx .......... xxxxxxx:;a ~-~xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx~ • ~xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx~

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2. • 'adyne, Ro\\ ena and Iary go t•lling tick t · with ~lr .• mith from L PI c . (,roup picture come.

3. Ba ketball ea on op ·n . Play At\\ood. 4. Beat Atwood 2 to HI. Ju t a k Mr. Cox if it \\8 a jok or not. 4. La Place orche tra gives a play, ":Th Path Aao tht• Hill". 6. Defeated Maroa in the ha ketball gamt 35-22.

13. Play Cerro Gordo and even it if \\a I· ddny the 13th " • cut th b con OUI' iz 16. We played ,. ·iantic and won. 17. We trav •I on to Atwood to play l esk •tbnll ami g t th • "ch • •" 1 . We play our old l'ival, .It. /,ion, &nd lo t but boy , it \\8 a good game. 20. hri tma program. .. 'o chool until January li, o I •rry < hri tm and Happy

Xew Year.

JA. l .\I~Y

li. Everybody had a nice vacation o the teach r ay. • 'ot much redting. 7. Seem a if h •ridan v.a riding by thP teacher ' hou e Ia t night 01· that' what

we hear. Doel' anybody know who it wn '! Has anybody "een harlottc g1·e n comb? If they have giv it to her.

!l. Aileen and ~lary are reporting the new today ~o give th •m a clap. 10. Everybody very enthusia. tic today a we play l\lt. Zion. What' athel'ine L.

blu_hing about? Doe-n't he like to wear ign '! 13. All Eng. I\ chart . hould b' ready to hand in today. But incident lly we for ot,

too. 15. Post • eme:ter exemptions. 16. Seme ter Examination·. 20. Ev rybody lived through the ~em ~t r .. 21. Doroth~ L., :\1ary Y., and Ruth F., t•11lie in the office today. 22. Two of the Freshman gi1ls v: it Am rican Hi tory. :!3. Big tnowstorm. • everal arc nb nt from chool. 24. Hammond plays Deland in the '•>Unty Tournam ·nt and win the victory. 25. Hammond is again Piatt ham pion having \\on from B •ment and l\lan field today. 27. \Ve think ou•· trophy i ju t "it". ~H Play Betkn~ tomorrow night.


4. Game with • ·ian tic pol'tponed bet·au. e of our unfavorabl • weather. G. Everybody i. l'leigh riding and kating. 7. Play Lovington tonight. We lo t- too bad, boy . • enior girl

riding. t noon go leigh

10. Everybody i. ~aying "where did you go C:aturday mght" and if you r •memb •r I advi ·e you to tell them.

11. 1•) ~.


14. 17. 1 .

eniorl' give out invit..,t"on to the party. Leap yeat party tonight. Bring your Valentine . \Ve mu:-t ay that the boy would b mighty cute if they \\ould wear ribbon. all the time like they did Ia. t night. Who': been . ending or giving tho~e comic Valentine away? Catherine say:- ~h got on \ alentine, hut he' not ju t ure who ent it. Play Bethany and win. "Attn time, bo • ."

HI. Play • 'iantic at Illiopolis.


fE~I RITER iix:rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxil ~ ~xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx~

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y;y;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~y;~~~y;~y;y;~~y;y;y;~~~y;~~y;~~~. ~ y; y;

~ Flowers for all ~ ~ y; ~ ~ y; y; y; ~ Occasions ~ ~ y; ~ ASCHER ANN'S ~ I DAUT BROS. I I i FLORISTS I GARAGE ! ~ y; ~

~ Phone 5281 ~ ~ y; y; y; y; ~ y; ~ Decatur, Illinois ~ ~ y; ~ y;

~We grow our own~ ~ y; y; ~ y; y; ~

~ FLOWERS ~Sales and Service~ y; y; y; ~ IN DECATUR ~ !fi !:fi !:f1 HAM!v!OND, ILLINOIS ~ ~ Which A sure You FRE H ~ !f; y; y; ~ !fi FLOWERS EVERY DAY y; !:n y; !fi ~ y; !fi !fi ~~~~~~~~~~~~~y;!fiy;y;~y;y;y;!fi~~y;~y;~y;~~~y;~y;y;y;~y;y;!fiy;!fi~~ y; y; y; ~ Why Buy ~ orsnuBuToRs ~ y; y; OF y; y; !:f1 y; !fi 0 !fi y; ~ A y; y; ~ ~ Texaco Petroleum y; y; y; ~ ~ NOW? ~ Products ~ y; y; y;

~ Becau e Price~ are ~ Ha voline, Texaco ~ !fi y; y;

~ LOWER ~ AND ~ !fi y; y;

i Sell us Your Grain ~ Valor Oil ! y; y; y; ~ ~ ALL I\ C \N ~

~ Hammond ~ C ~ ~ Co-Operative ~ Prairie Oil 0. ~ y; y; y; ~ Grain Co. ~ rNcoRPOHATEn ~ y; y; y; y; LAWRENCE PITT t \N l\IGR. y; HAMMOND, ILLINOIS y; y; y; y; y; ~ ~ ~~y;y;y;y;y;y;y;~y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;~y;y;y;y;y;y;~y;y;y;y;y;~y;y;y;~y;~y;~y;

Page 57: Prairie Computer Network Solutions Yearbooks/1936.pdf · 2019. 4. 6. · memoriter vdll i\ie viii 0 published by the 'exior la of 19!36 0 lia~ll\10. ·n 'oi\ull i 'ity high s< hool

20. What i Loi y blu hing about today. ~ 'anny Legg • ay he like the "red box" )lis Parr gave him.

21. Th' g-irl play \'olley Ball tonight. 24. Today i "Jerry Lynn' ·• birthday. 25. Who took that lock on the G:; m door? 26. We are reviewing- for the t ::<t which all~ chedulcd for Thur day and Friday 27. We 1 arn that we hould not whi. per today.


4. What do we ~ig-nify today \\ ith. -.:omebod~' birthday? The Regional Tournament !'tart today.

5. Hammond goes to l\lonticello to 1 lr y Ar.hur \\ ith n \\inning- pi !"it and thi they did. 6. Tonight Hammond plays :\1onticello and win~. 7. Hammond play. in the final tonight awl win the title. K ep going boy ! U. Arc we proud of our boy and the trorhy? We urely are.

10. The .:enior girls feel cheap today. Do ' :a. 'anny. 11. Play Riverton at Decalut· in the ~ectional Tournament and won. 12. We would like to know if the Ft·e hmf>ll and 'ophomore want to trade their hon-

oted eat in the A~~embly? l:l. Friday the 13th. We play Macon tonight und lo t it. Hl. Inter- Ia::<:-; Ba:-ketball Tournament :-tart . 17. Dorothy Lowe is hark after having th" mumps. 1 . Mr. Green an impe1·sonator of braham Lincoln gavt• an int r • ting talk to th

:-;tudent body. l!l. What is tr.c matter with l\lis. Parr !he 3rd period. Poor Senio1· ~irl ! 2:!. Watch out, Ease, l\1i.. 'allies can u. e that ruler. 24. In the :\!emory of Lois Lareau Lu!'t '' ho 1 a::<~ed away one yca1· tgo .oday. ~5. Thank: to the Junio1·. "ho ga·. c t:5 the nice 1 arty 1::. t night. 2(i. l\!arion t:nds out \\ h n he is Io kin"" t:p ( omm rcial La\\ word not to u the

Latin Dictionary. ~7. Eat:;; and more eats. Baskethnll b2nquet. :w. Thanks to tho~e who helped with the banquet. 81. Band Concert.

.. ~PRIL

1. April Fool. Jchn Apl'il Fooled u by g(.tt:n~ to school on time. Two windo\\ blind were found. but it is a secret to \\hom they belong.

:t ~oloists go to :\1attoon. ~eruo1·.., ~nd F'u( ulty go to the play at ~1illikin, "The Would Be Genth•man".

6. Will Ed and Goody go to Omaha? :\lr. Kolb ~ay::-; in Governm nt las::-; when voting you can mark an X in the corne1· of a cirde and your vote will he counted. We wonder how you could ma1·k in the corn r of a circle.

7. ~1iss Callie:-; is very excited over a letter he got tcday . • ix week::< te. ts are h('ginning. fnapshot. of all the clas e are taken today for the ~1emol'iter.

U. Junior D. come:-; to trc St Lidy Hall the . eventh hou1· with rouge and lip tick on. We wonder if he borro\\cd Th •lma'::-; compact?

15. Freshmen gave out invitation::-; to the . tudent hody to their 11arty. 16. e\\ ing lass has their critici::-;m today. 17 Pol->tpon, Band and Glee Club practice at :\lonticello until Tue day. Big track meet

at ArthUl. Fre:-;hman Jlarty.

fE~fO RITER i"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxiCI ~ ~xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx~

Page 58: Prairie Computer Network Solutions Yearbooks/1936.pdf · 2019. 4. 6. · memoriter vdll i\ie viii 0 published by the 'exior la of 19!36 0 lia~ll\10. ·n 'oi\ull i 'ity high s< hool

y;y;y;~y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;~, ~ y; -y; \Vlll~1 r L. T DE AT It y; \Vhen in Decatur Buy Tho e y; y; ~ y; y; VISIT TilE ~ y; y; y; • ried in Butt r ~ ~ wAYSIDE INN ~ TEAK liAl\IB RGEit y; Mj Mj On Toa~·ted Bun ~ ~ ~~0 E. 1 TOitTII ~ y; ~ ~ .AT 'l'HE !fi !fi Famou. for all Kind of Good Yi !fi ~ Things to Eat and Drink Mj 'liE KElt BOAitD II ~ y; "1.. I'llE IIEAitT f I• TilE ~ :~ 10 •. I•ranklin y; ~ SII OPPI. 'G DISTIU "I" ~ 0. 1'. FEIUU , PHOP. ~ y; y; y; y; y; y; y; y; ~

! ~ S. S. DOBSON~ !fi HILL'S y; !fi y; !fi FVIL ~IT ltE y; y; F It. I 1' RE y; !fi y; y; D y; y; A ... -D !fi A.. !fi Mj Mj 1.'. TDEI?1' \Kl~TG Mj ;n 1 '. -DEitTAKIXC. ;n - ~ n. · " ;n y; y; y; ~ AT\VOOD ILLL ro[ ~ Phone 71R2 ~ y; y; y; PHONE .. TO. B ~ CEHHO GOHDO, ILLL. .,.01 ~ y; y; ~ ~ y; y; [ L C!:,';~y;y;y;y;~~y;y;y;y;y;y;!:fjy;y;~!§iy;~y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;~;~y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;~ ~ y; !fi y; ~ H. POST & SONS ~ "SAY IT \VlTII FLO\\ERS' ~ !n y; I' no M y;

I E,~:~~!~~~\~72 I !:BEE\ 1roon An; 11; ~ ~ DE''AT H, ILII~Ol ~ GREENHOUSES i Mj Cl:oo~e Your Grad•t'ttion .ift ~ y; ;;n ;;n l'NO JOliN ON, PUOI'. Mj FltC :\1 POST8' Mj ~ ;;n ;;n P1 ice~ V cr~ Iteasonable ;;n

y; Fine Quality \Vatchcs and Mj 70~ Gt e nwood y; y; ;;n y; !fi .T ewelr:v at Iteasonable Price~ y; Phone ~-() :3. Decatur, Ill. y; y; ~ y; y; - y; y; y; y; y; y; y; y;

~ A MACK & GOUGH ~ 1 orting Goods -- Trophil' ~ !:fi y; lla11m10nd 's DC'ea m· y; ~ y; y; ~ Fountain Drinks ~ Bookstore ~ y; y; y; ~ and a Good Place ~ IIALTFQ and E IC'K 0. ~ y; y; y; ~ to Eat ~ DEc ATrn, ILLIXOI ~ ~ y; y; y; HAMlV'OND, ILLINOIS !fi ffice upplie - - - - Book~ !:fi y; y; y; ~ ~ ~ n!fi!fi!fi!fiy;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;~y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;~y;y;!:fi

Page 59: Prairie Computer Network Solutions Yearbooks/1936.pdf · 2019. 4. 6. · memoriter vdll i\ie viii 0 published by the 'exior la of 19!36 0 lia~ll\10. ·n 'oi\ull i 'ity high s< hool

£:x~TxxxxY-xxxxxxxxxxxx-~ IE ~- !~XXXXX~XXXXXXX1~XXXX~~

20. W t: c rtninl~ have omc mor" n '' . 'l'ht• nior 'l'nt to Bloom in •ton, • tut In •. Did you know that carrot· are a ft uit?

21 ~omoiTO\\ ela . e bt>gin at l'lght o'clock. h" \ll't' LO nnw on tim . Tr k mt•t t 'dth Mt. Zion and \\e \\On.

;.L. Practice 101 the BPnd and Gl•t• Club ~t ;\lontic llo for tlw big fc. tiv 1. 23. Big picture ho\\. yout elf n. other. t•e you • fl Win mnn '' on't you let

u take our • e\\ ing home'? 24. ard and invitation go to pn•. '!.7. las e:- tart at :00 tomonow morning .o • 'anny, conw on time. 2 . Go to Montie 'llo thi aft rnoon to mu ic fe th·al pt actict• nd for th t>nh•rt innwnt

tonight. 29. The fe tival \\a gra:td In t night but th' ruin did pn•vt•nt tlw cnmd from coming. 30 .• enior mu. t get bu~y and do ~omcthin);{. 31. The meet at De(atur.

) I \\

1. 11ay Day. Did the teacher' May ba. ket come? L Why don t we have play praetic '? \\'hut hnpp tll'd to . ti

dently f om • of th' ~ewing- girl lmow ho\\ to . ew t~r l\li fit~ a lot better.

5. You ~houldn t :-;kip -ehool but some till in i!'t they mu t. fi. 1 ~o band practice thi aftt>rnoon. i. The eniot are pa~ ing out theit· card .

12. The ticket go on ale for the pl~y.

Wineman' pur •? Evi­Wineman ~ay ht•r coat

2~. The Senior are out of chool now. , enior Play, ", t 'P on it, • tan". '!.4. Baecalaureate. '!.5-26. Semc ters and p!Pnty of th(•m. 27 . .Junior-Senior Banquet. Thank. lo tht' Junior . " chool picnic. Enjoy the beautiful gorg ou lake onw " touh". " mmencement.

'HlT KLE.'

ar d lh n of m n."

Page 60: Prairie Computer Network Solutions Yearbooks/1936.pdf · 2019. 4. 6. · memoriter vdll i\ie viii 0 published by the 'exior la of 19!36 0 lia~ll\10. ·n 'oi\ull i 'ity high s< hool


~ ~ ~ " ALES SETIVI E ~ y; .. PPLIE y;

I UNDERWOOD ELLIOT FISHER CO. i y; TYPE\\ IUTEitS - - - Standards and Portable: y; ~ y; :n Addin~·. Bookkeeping and Accounting .. lachines y; y; y; ~ C. W. CHADER, Salesman ~ ~ 11 1-2 E. \Villiam Street Decautr, Iilinoi.' ~ y; Phone :::-02 7 y; y; y; ~y;y;y;~y;y;y;~y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;~y;~

I "YOUR HOME SHOULD COME FIRST" i y; y; y; -And you know that 1'{ rig-ht. Be thrift)- y; ~ awl N~' \'e by JJuy ing S\\ E .... ON' GOOD ~ ~ Fl H1 ... IT RE, rug-s, linoleum, and window ~ ~ shades y; y; ~ y; ~

! ANDREW SWENSON, BEMENT, ILL. ! ~~~y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;~y;y;y;y;y;~y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;~~ y; y; y; y;


~ Up .. to-Date Methods ~ y; y; ~ Dependable Service ~ y; ~

~ 314 North Main St. Decatur, Illinoi ~ y; y; ~fiy;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;~,.';!:fi!f;!f;!fi!f;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;~ ~ y; ~ y; !:f1 y; y; ~ Burnett's Place ~The Coffee Pot~ ~ HAMMOND, ILL. ~ O~E FOUHTII MILE F·\ST OF ~ y; . OFT DRINK ·- LUI'CH SIIOln' ~ LAKE DECATUH 0~ 'lG y; y; y; y; ~ OIWEI~~-IGE CHE \~1 - C \NDI ES y; - BFST fiO~th COOKED ~tEALS y; ~ CIGAR - CIGAHE l'TE' y; y; :n y; S:111dwiche. , Tobacco, Cundy and y; ~ ICE -POULTHY-1-.GG~ y; Fountnin SE>rvice. ~ y; ~I SIC BY y; ~ y; y; GAS- AT"HN liON TO TRUCKS ~

~ Electrical Transcription m CABINS WI 111

SHOWER ~ y; ·- "' ~y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;~

Page 61: Prairie Computer Network Solutions Yearbooks/1936.pdf · 2019. 4. 6. · memoriter vdll i\ie viii 0 published by the 'exior la of 19!36 0 lia~ll\10. ·n 'oi\ull i 'ity high s< hool

&."¥' "'!.:,£XXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXX:&:X"' IE JORITER .xxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxx xxXXT....::'JIC..X.X


It "a. an arduou: ta k for ~lr. of mathematicl>.

to drum into hi. youthful pupil the pl"in ·iple

"?\ow, ligten,'' he .aid, ''in order to ubtrad, thin~ hav • to l1 in the . arne denom­ination. Thi i "hat I mean: • ·ow, ou couldn't takt.• three apple from four p aeh nor eight marble" from eight button~. It mu:-t b thre • apple from four appl . and "o on. Do you under:-to:and?"

The majority seemed to gra p th,• idea. Lynden Adam , ~ittin~ in the nat·, r"i ed a timid hand. "Plea~e. ~ir,'' he inquired, "t•ouldn' t you tak thre quart:- of milk from two cow.?"

Rowena Ryan: The joke I handed in were not publi:-hed. l\li alii • : I know it. After this write them on ti ue paper ~ O I ean :-;ee

through them.

:\1 i~ L· Wineman: J.<:u~ene define vat·uum. Eugene Legge: I have it in my hf'ad hut I ean't e pre ' it.

Lynn A.: I '' ould face death for you. Marguerite L.: Why dicln 't you fnce that bull dog then?

Lynn: It ''a n't dead.

Dale R.: I want somethin~ to wear around the dormitory. Lorene S. How large is you dormitory?

Sam C.: "That's r fierce looking 11og. Wh~L hi. name? Charlotte L.: "Ginger." Sam: "Doe. Ging r bite?" Charlotte: ". 'o, hut Ginger. nap:-."

They ~: a:: that Elt!anor'~ wedding \',a putTed rice .

• John H.: "\\'ho ' uncl•t' my h d?" Burglar: ". 'obody."

lith a s'\'1!11 affair that they even ugul

John : "Funny, I t•ould ha vc l'WOlll I heard a noi~e."

'l\1 i C·• llit! : "Wa) ne, you tan 't !'Jeep in ela . " Wayne .: " I know :t. I've hee:1 try in~ it for haif an hour."

\Vendell Conner: "Doeg yout· do~ ehal'e the tow. ?" Marion L.: "No, he' a bull dog."

~lary Cri~wold : "};.. my faee dirty, or i"' it my imagination?" Eih:en G ri wold : "You face i:-n t; I don't kno,-..· about your imagination." Four-year-old Paby ''a enjoying her tit·. t Thanksgiving dinner. After l'trug-

d in~ vr'nly for . vera! minute. to remove the s kin f1·om th drumstit-k, she hand d it to her father and :-aid, "Here, Daddy, pie se take the underwear otT my turkey leg."

::\tr. Jon :-; had patit.•ntly e. plaine<! to Dean Foreman the meaning of a "r •. t'' in mu:ic. Dean rep ated it after him, and "'(•emed to know it. He began to play hi piece hut disregarded the "rt!l't". "Why didn't you top for the re. t ?" "Oh, I'm not

tired yet."

Hi:-; :- i'-'t ...: r called him "Willi •", Hi: mother called him " Will";

But when he went to colle~e. To dad 'tua!' "Bill, Bill Bill."

;c:xxxxxTxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxY;i! fE tO RITER i"'xx r x,...xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxil ~xxx~x~~xxxx~xxxxxxxxx~ kxxxxxxxxxxx£xxxxxxxxxx~

Page 62: Prairie Computer Network Solutions Yearbooks/1936.pdf · 2019. 4. 6. · memoriter vdll i\ie viii 0 published by the 'exior la of 19!36 0 lia~ll\10. ·n 'oi\ull i 'ity high s< hool

~!:fi~~!:fi!:fi~~~!:fi!:fi!:fi!:fi!:fi!:fi~~~!:fi~!:fi!:fi~~!:fi!:fi!:fi!:fi!:fi!:fi!:fi!:fi~!:fi!:fi!:fi!:fi!:fi~!:fi!:fi!:fi!:fi!:fi~ -· ~ !:fi !:fi !:fi

I IGilA I gj LaMA Ul Ul ~ !:fi !:fi

~ ~ SULLIVAN m ! THEATRE ! E ~ !:fi !:fi

I ARTHUR, ILL. I THERE'S i !:fi !:fi !:fi

!:fi !:fi A !:fi !:fi WE ~ !:fi !:fi ~ !:fi !:fi ~ !:fi !:fi !:fi !:fi


~ YOUR ~ ~ !:fi !:fi !:fi


~ ~ !:fi ~!:fi!:fi!:fi~~!:fi!:fi!:fi!:fi!:fi!:fi!:fi!:fi!:fi!:fi!:fi!:fi!:fi!:fi!:fi!:fi~!:fi!:fi~!:fi!:fi!:fi!:fi!:fi!:fi!:fi!:fi!:fi!:fi!:fi!:fi!:fi!:fi!:fi!:fi~!:fi~

i STILLY'S PLACE E FLEENER'S i ~ Right Now Service i Service Station I !:h !:fi ''BUD" :\lOORE, 1\lGR ~ !:fi G \-; 0 I L ' Oim \ "\ E') !:fi ~ !:fi ~ GAS OIL - GRcA 'E '-CANDIES !:fi

~ Lunch and Cold ~ ~ =n ;;n CIGARS CIGARETTES-SOFT ;;n !:fi ~ !:fi ~ Drinks ~ nRl~K ·-ExmE BATTER It. !:fi

y; Nc II :\l\I()ND ILL !:fi HOUlE 36. HAi\IMONO, ILLINOIS m !:fi I'OUI~ISI CABI ~ A , . !fi !:fi

~ffi~!fi!fi!:fi~!fi!fi!fi!:fi!:fi!:fi!:fi!:fi!:fi!:fi!:fi!fi!:fi~~!:fi!fi!fi!fi!fi!:fi!:fi!fi!fi!fi!:fi!:fi!:fi!:fi!fi!fi!fi!:fi!fi!:fi~m ~ BILL and PETE'S I ! ~ ~ Long's Chevrolet !:fi !ft The Best Place !:fi !:fi

~ ~ GARAGE m m TO EAT m m

!fi !fi s 1 d . !:fi ~ (THE SQUARE) ~ a ~. an erv1ce ~ y; !:fi !:fi ~ TAYU R MADE ICE CHEA\1 !:fi SATI 'I•AC'IIO. GU,\HANTEEO- !fi

!:fi WII H TA YLOH FI~EEZER !:fi ~ !fi !fi HAMMOND, ILL. =n

. II 111· . !fi !:fi ~ Mont1ce o, IDOlS !:fi ~ !fi ~ -~!fi!:fi!fi!fi!fi!:fi!fi!fi!fi!fi!fi!fi!fi!fi!fi!fi!fi!fi!fi!fi!fi~!fi!fi!fi!fi!fi!:fi!fi!fi!:fi!fi!fi!fi!fi!:fi!:fi!:fi!fi!fi!fi!fi!fi~-

Page 63: Prairie Computer Network Solutions Yearbooks/1936.pdf · 2019. 4. 6. · memoriter vdll i\ie viii 0 published by the 'exior la of 19!36 0 lia~ll\10. ·n 'oi\ull i 'ity high s< hool

•x;rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ..... xxx5e JE JQRITER ~x rxxx=rxxxx.xxxxxxxxyxTxX ~Y•xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx~ ~xxxx~~x.xxxxxxxxxxxxx~X

"I l'nt Jerry for two pound. of plum:- and you only ~ent a pound and a half." ".;\ly l·ales are all ri~ht, madam. Have Y••U weighed your littl boy?"

It wa Rowena'. fir,..t attempt at cooking, and whl!ll her hu band cam hom he ~aw a very long Jli' on the table.

"Whatever i that?" he a:ked "I couldn t get any hortcr rhubarb.'' h repli d.

:\lis: Parr: "Wdte a :-entenre \\ :th the \\Old 'analy is' in it." One pupil wrote, "The tearhe1· told u to look up the \\old 'analy:-i:-' in thl:'


"\Vel!, Johnny,'' ~aid the unde '' ho had not ~een ,Johnny for ome time, "you ar getting to be quite a big boy now, aren't you?"

"Yep,'' replied Jor.nny, "Pop £ay:-: I'm growing lik the public debt.''

"H'm," thl' publi. her mumur~d. "Your handwi'Iting i:- o illegible I can hardly r •rd the~e po<·m~ of your . Wh~· didn't you typ • th m before bringing them to me?"

"Type 'em,'' the would-b puet g, "ped. "D' you thmk I'd waste my time \\riling

po try if I could type?"

,\ !.1dy of the old ~chool had a f~·.v word to ~:lY to her granddaughter. ":\ly du1r," . aid the grandmother, "I "i h you would do ~omething for m '· Thcr'

are two word~ I wi~h you would prma1i:-e llll' never to u e. One i. . well and the other is nifty. Would you prombe m<> that?"

Why ~ure, Granny,'' !'aid the girl. "Wl':at are the words."

"Mr. hvirman," :-:aid thl• peaker, "tt, •r • are o many intl•rruption that I can

~<:arcely hear myself talkin;;." •· heer up, raJ., !'aid a voice fro.n the real, "you aren't mi<:<:ing much."

At a convention a man aro:-' and addre ed th chairman, "(an I make a p ch ?'' The chairman rl'plied, "We don't know. Let' hear you."

Pa: "Junior, \Vhat did the tearhe1· ay ahout your arithnwtic work today?" J1.nior Dougla:: ".he ~aid . he would 1 thcr you \\Ouldn't try to h •lp me with it'


John Hall ~tayed awake in cia

• 'adyne • outh didn't flirt?

Lynn Askins dated somebody be>: ides ~~~ rguerite Lowe?

Loi. Buckingham didn't win in a dice game?

Lorene and Dale didn't qua. rei'!

ather;ne Lehman got reriou:-?

Aile n Hoyt didn't tmiil'?

Eileen Gris\\ old didn't get her . C\\ ing in on time'!

Three enior girls didn't take their s wi!lg home over night?

Dorothea Lowe didn't have a date?

Ray F. didn't know hi: Latin?

ME""~QRJTER - -xxx=r=r=r=r=r=r=r=r=r=r=r=rx=rx=r:JCI ~xxyyxyxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx~ ~1 ~ ~ ~~xxxxxxx~xxxxxxxxx~ ~xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Page 64: Prairie Computer Network Solutions Yearbooks/1936.pdf · 2019. 4. 6. · memoriter vdll i\ie viii 0 published by the 'exior la of 19!36 0 lia~ll\10. ·n 'oi\ull i 'ity high s< hool


~ ~ ~ ~ v1 IT oun .·Ew A•'D '\ 'ITAI v ~ Stop at the ~ ~ MEAT MARKET ~ ~ ~ IHPIIE KILLED ~tEAT:; ~ VILLA ~ !:fi !:fi !:fi

~ ~ by the Empress ~

! ~!;~ "~-~c~; ! 413 No. Water ~ !:fi !:fi !:fi

~ Lu.·cliEs- slloHT mwEH - Ich ~ Decatur, Illinois ~ !:fi lJHEA~l SOrT DRINK::, CA. 'DIES- !:fi !:fi

~ C I G A !? - C I G , \ H E l'T E - G H 0 <.; E I~ I E S ~"!:fi !:fi !:fi !:fi !:fi !:fi!:fi !:fi !:fi!:fi!:fi~ !:fi !:fi !:fi!:fi ~!fi!:fi !:fi !:fi !:f~ !:fi !:fi !fi


~ CREAM ~ ~ !:fi~ ~!:fi Sa lit. n g !:fi~ ~ llE "T PHICh:::i PO "SIBLE PAID ~ ~


~ !:fi ~ !:fi ABE'S MARKET !:fi llard\\are, toves and !:fi ~ ~ Implement.-; !fi ~ AND CAFE ~ i\Iiscellaneou · Repairing ~ ~ HAiViMOND, ILL. ~ Hammond, Illinoi~ ~ ~ ~ !:fi ~!:fi!:fi!:fi~!:fi!:fi!:fi!:fi!:fi!:fi!:fi!:fi!:fi!:fi!:fi!:fi!:fi!:fi!:fi!:fi!:fi~!:fi!:fi!:fi!:fi!:fi!:fi!:fi!:fi!:fi!:fi!:fi!:fi!:fi!:fi!:fi!:fi!:fi!:fi!:fi~!fi~ !:fi ~ !:fi

~ Patrick's Service ~ Standard Oil Co. ~ !:fi !:fi !fi

~ Stati.on ~ ~ ::n ::n Try Our Stanolex ::n !:fi !:fi !:fi !:fi "BI LL" PATIHCK, PIWP. !:fi Tractor Fu~l No. 1 !:fi

!:fi lrA • OILS- GRhASE - CANDIES ~ And be Convienced ~ ~ CIUAH~-ClliAIH<:TTE · - :sOFT ~ ~ ;n I I<INI\S E L BORN !:fi ~ IWdii '\OW "ERVICE ~ • • ~ ~ lW 'J'E :~ti . IL\:\I:\10!"1l, ILLlNOIS !:fi LOCAL l\IGU. PHONE 35 ~ !:fi ~ !:fi

~~~!:fi!:fi!:fi!:fi!:fi!:fi!:fi!:fi!:fi!:fi!:fi!:fi!:fi!:fi!:fi!:fi!:fi~~!:fi!:fi!:fi!:fi!:fi!:fi!:fi!:fi!:fi!:fi!:fi!:fi!:fi!:fi!:fi!:fi!:fi!:fi!:fi!:fi~~ !:fi !:fi !:fi !:fi !:fi !:fi

!:fi Compliments !:fi Herff-Jones Company !:fi

~ ~ ~ !:fi !:fi L DIA ... T APOLI ' L TDIA. A !fi

~ KANE ENGRAVING ~ .Jeweler~ to Ilam·11ond i !:fi !:fi ommunity High ~ ('ho l !:fi

~ co ~ ~ ~ . ~ E. H. HALL ~ !:fi !:fi !:fi

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Page 65: Prairie Computer Network Solutions Yearbooks/1936.pdf · 2019. 4. 6. · memoriter vdll i\ie viii 0 published by the 'exior la of 19!36 0 lia~ll\10. ·n 'oi\ull i 'ity high s< hool
Page 66: Prairie Computer Network Solutions Yearbooks/1936.pdf · 2019. 4. 6. · memoriter vdll i\ie viii 0 published by the 'exior la of 19!36 0 lia~ll\10. ·n 'oi\ull i 'ity high s< hool
Page 67: Prairie Computer Network Solutions Yearbooks/1936.pdf · 2019. 4. 6. · memoriter vdll i\ie viii 0 published by the 'exior la of 19!36 0 lia~ll\10. ·n 'oi\ull i 'ity high s< hool
Page 68: Prairie Computer Network Solutions Yearbooks/1936.pdf · 2019. 4. 6. · memoriter vdll i\ie viii 0 published by the 'exior la of 19!36 0 lia~ll\10. ·n 'oi\ull i 'ity high s< hool