practicum orientation

Practicum Experience Orientation ECD 110 Early Childhood Growth and Development

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Practicum Experience OrientationECD 110 – Early Childhood Growth and Development


This course has a required practicum component of 50 hours.

The hours must be completed in an early childhood environment with children that fall between the ages of birth to eight years.

The student is responsible for procuring their practicum site and ensuring all paperwork is completed and turned in to the course instructor.


Q: Why do I need to complete practicum hours?

A: Practicum experiences are field-based learning opportunities that focus on observation, application, and reflection.

Practicum experiences require the ECD learner to spend a specific amount of time in a real-life classroom setting to demonstrate competencies that are aligned to professional standards in the early childhood field.


Q: I am already a classroom teacher – why can’t the practicum hours be waived?

A: OTC understands that it is a challenge for the classroom teacher to find time to complete a practicum component but we believe it is a necessity. Continuous learning is paramount for the survival and improvement of the early childhood profession. Teachers improve their instructional practices when observing/working with other teachers; it provides insight into their own practices as well as introducing them to new ideas and techniques.


Q: What do I need to do?

A: There are some forms and a few other items that must be completed before you can begin at your practicum site.

Student Information Form

FCSR Worker Registration Form

FCSR Background Screening Results

TB Test, TB Risk Assessment Form, or Chest X-ray

All of these forms are due no later than Monday, 01.26.15.

Note: If you completed this paperwork in the Fall 2014 semester, you do NOT need to resubmit these forms (with the exception of the Student Information Form.)

Student Information FormDue No Later Than Monday, 01.26.15

This form can be found under the Practicum Paperwork tab.

The completed form will need to be scanned (or you may take a picture with your smart phone) and uploaded to the submission link.

The upload link can be found under the Practicum Submissions tab.

FCSR Worker Registration FormDue No Later Than Monday, 01.26.15

This form can be found under the Practicum Paperwork tab.

The completed form will need to be scanned (or you may take a picture with your smart phone) and uploaded to the submission link.

The upload link can be found under the Practicum Submissions tab.

FCSR Background Screening ResultsDue No Later Than Monday, 01.26.15

Your screening results will be mailed to you.

The screening results will need to be scanned (or you may take a picture with your smart phone) and uploaded to the submission link.

The upload link can be found under the Practicum Submissions tab.

TB Test, TB Risk Assessment Form or Chest X-Ray Results

Due No Later Than Monday, 01.26.15

The TB Results Form and TB Risk Assessment Forms can be found under the Practicum Paperworktab.

The completed form or results will need to be scanned (or you may take a picture with your smart phone) and uploaded to the submission link.

The upload link can be found under the Practicum Submissionstab.


Students cannot begin the practicum portion of the course and/or begin to accrue practicum hours until ALL paperwork has been completed and turned in to the course instructor (See Syllabus.)

Students who have not started their practicum hours by midterm will be required to drop the course.

Students with child abuse and/or neglect findings on their FCSR background screening will not be allowed to complete a practicum component and will be required to drop the course.


The forms and/or results that need to be completed and uploaded no later than Monday, 01.26.15 are:

Student Information Form

FCSR Worker Registration Form

FCSR Background Screening Results

TB Test, TB Risk Assessment Form, or Chest X-Ray Results

Practicum Site Agreement (more info on slide 22)

Your Practicum Site

The location and setting of practicum sites is based on individual circumstances and is determined between the student and course instructor.

All students are invited to complete their practicum requirements at the Early Childhood Education Center on the main campus in Springfield, Missouri.

Approved Practicum Sites

OTC Early Childhood Education Center (ECEC)

Students who are completing their practicum requirements at the ECEC (volunteer, work study, and/or part-time employees) must schedule their times with the Center Manager, Connie Harmon, within the first 14 days of the semester.

Upon receipt of available times and the completion of required paperwork, Ms. Harmon will assign the student to a classroom and the student may begin their practicum experience.

Approved Practicum Sites

Off-Campus Practicum Sites

Students employed in the early care and education profession may complete their practicum assignments and hours at their work site provided the work site meets the MANDATORY requirements listed below:

The facility actively utilizes play-based learning centers

The facility agrees to assign the student to a classroom with children who fall within the age range of birth - 8 years

Approved Practicum Sites

Off-Campus Practicum Sites (continued)

The facility provides an experienced teacher who has more educational experience than the student and is not related to the student by blood or marriage, to serve as the Mentor Teacher and supervise the student’s practicum experiences

The facility provides the opportunity for the student to complete course assignments as specified; verifies the completion of course assignments, and signs the student’s monthly time sheets

The facility signs the OTC Practicum Site Agreement documenting they will allow the student to complete their practicum hours at the facility

Approved Practicum Sites

If a student does not currently work in the early childhood education field, the student will need to procure their own practicum site as a volunteer.

The practicum site must meet the mandatory requirements previously listed.

The student is responsible for completing the practicum site’s requirements as well as the course requirements for practicum sites.

Approved Practicum Sites

The following facilities/programs are examples of approved practicum settings:

Childcare facility/program licensed by the appropriate state authority governing child care programs (i.e., Missouri Department of Health, Bureau of Child Care Licensure). This includes LICENSED in-home family providers and group providers

Full-time, faith-based (licensed or licensed-exempt) childcare/preschool facility

Approved Practicum Sites

The following facilities/programs are examples of approved practicum settings (continued):

Head Start or Early Head Start program

Full-time preschool program (public or private school)

Early childhood special education program (public or private school)

Kindergarten program (public or private school)

First through third grade (public or private school)

Non-Approved Practicum Sites

The following facilities/programs/employment are examples of non-approved practicum settings:

Mother’s Day Out Sunday School After-school programs (unless approved by

instructor) Nanny

Please note - If you are the director of a program and you wish to use your employment as your practicum site, you will need to contact your instructor ASAP for specific instructions.


If you are concerned about whether your chosen practicum site meets mandatory requirements, contact your instructor promptly to discuss the matter.

My email is [email protected]

My phone number is (417) 319.4431

I am available via Blackboard Collaborate on Tuesdays, 8-9 am and Wednesday 8-9 pm.

Practicum Site Paperwork

The following paperwork can be found under the Practicum Paperwork tab. and is specific to the practicum site.

A copy of each form should be provided to the practicum site administrator for their files:

Practicum Site Letter (site retains this letter)

Practicum Agreement

Monthly Time Sheets

Midterm and Final Evaluations

Practicum Site Letter

The Practicum Site Letter can be found under thePracticum Paperworktab.

This letter is to be given to the practicum site administrator at your first meeting.

Practicum Site Agreement

The Practicum Site Agreement can be found under thePracticum Paperwork tab.

The completed and signed agreement will need to be scanned (or you may take a picture with your smart phone) and uploaded to the submission link.

The upload link can be found under the Practicum Submissions tab.

Monthly Time Sheets

This form can be found under the Practicum Paperwork tab.

When you have completed a monthly time sheet, you will need to scan it (or you may take a picture with your smart phone) and upload it to the submission link.

The upload link can be found under the Practicum Submissions tab.

Midterm and Final Evaluations

The Evaluation Form can be found under the Practicum Paperwork tab.

The completed form will need to be scanned (or you may take a picture with your smart phone) and uploaded to the submission link.

The upload link can be found under the Practicum Submissions tab.

Practicum Site Guidelines

Upon arriving at your practicum site, ensure all personal items (medication, phone, iPod, etc.) are stored out of the reach of children.

Students are expected to follow the expectations for staff at the site where they are fulfilling their hours in addition to the stated expectations for the department listed below:

Get to know the children, their names, and how to correctly spell it

Use appropriate language and grammar

When speaking to children, get down on their level and look them in the eye and tell them what you need them to do. Please do not shout or yell out to them from across the room

Practicum Site Guidelines(continued)

Observe discretion and confidentiality with families, staff, faculty, and other students

Follow the site’s standards, policies, and chain of command

Maintain dependability in attendance and punctuality

Deal with conflict in a professional manner, keep personal problems private

Complete routine care and tasks; this is part of early childhood teaching

Ask for help if you need it; don’t worry over mistakes

Suspension or Termination

Students who are asked to leave a practicum site by a Facility Administrator will be immediately suspended from completing any practicum hours until the student meets with both the course instructor and the Lead Instructor and/or Program Director.

A decision will be made at that time to determine if the student will be allowed to be placed at another site.

Suspension or Termination

A student will be immediately suspended from their practicum site and/or course lecture and may receive a “F” for the course, if it is determined one or more of the following have occurred:

Student is/has attended class or practicum while under the influence of alcohol or other illegal substances

Student is/has falsified time sheets and/or other required reports or assignments

Suspension or Termination

The student will be referred to the Lead Instructor and/or Program Director and the Dean of Special Academic Programs. If circumstances appear to warrant further disciplinary action, the student will be subject to the College’s policies and procedures regarding academic integrity which can be found in the OTC Student Handbook, on the OTC Academic Integrity web page and in the College Policy 5.15.

If you have any questions, consult your course instructor promptly.

You Are A Mandated Reporter

Even as a student, you are a mandated reporter of suspected child abuse. A mandated reporter refers to:

An individual who in their professional relationship with the child and family may encounter child maltreatment or neglect – including

physicians, teachers, child care workers, health care workers, social workers, etc.

This means, if you suspect abuse, you report it directly to the appropriate agency. Reporting to your supervisor (asking staff and/or volunteers to report to a supervisor) or a school district “designated agent” does not relieve you from the legal responsibility of making the hotline call if you suspect abuse.

If you would like assistance in making a hotline report, your instructor can help you.


All forms can be found under the Practicum Submissions tab in the Blackboard course menu.

Detailed instructions and submission procedures are included for each form.

If you have any questions or concerns, talk to me as soon as possible.

My email is [email protected]

My phone number is (417) 319.4431

I am available via Blackboard Collaborate on Tuesdays, 8-9 am and Wednesday 8-9 pm.