practice exam name - mathematics 11 › 2017 › 02 › practice-exam-t2.pdfmathematics 11 review...

Mathematics 11 Review for T2 Exam Practice Exam Name: 1 Ver. 2016-2017 Using the material from Mathematics 11, provide clear, well organized and concise answers to the following questions. Where a word explanation is required, ensure that you answer in complete sentences. Place your final answers, in standard form, on the provided line. Calculators MAY be used on the unit test. 1. 1. Given the following constraints; find the maximum and minimum values of f ( x, y) = x + 2 y y 2 y x + 2 2 x 2 a. The maximum value of f ( x, y) = x + 2 y is _____. b. The minimum value of f ( x, y) = x + 2 y is _____.

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  • Mathematics 11 Review for T2 Exam

    Practice Exam Name:

    1 Ver. 2016-2017

    Using the material from Mathematics 11, provide clear, well organized and concise answers to the following questions. Where a word explanation is required, ensure that you answer in complete sentences. Place your final answers, in standard form, on the provided line. Calculators MAY be used on the unit test.

    1. 1. Given the following constraints; find the maximum and minimum values

    of f (x, y) = x + 2y y ≥ 2y ≤ x + 2−2 ≤ x ≤ 2

    a. The maximum value of f (x, y) = x + 2y is _____. b. The minimum value of f (x, y) = x + 2y is _____.

  • Mathematics11 Factoring & Polynomials Unit Test

    2 Ver. 2016-2017

    2. Given the following: A= 2 5−3 −2 and B=

    3 36 −4

    a) Find A × B

    b) Find B × A

    c) Find A + B

    d) Find 2A + B

  • Mathematics11 Factoring & Polynomials Unit Test

    3 Ver. 2016-2017

    3. The following graph represent a function P(x)

    a) Describe the end behavior of P(x) b) How many real zeros does P(x)? c) Is P(x) an even or odd degree polynomial? Justify. What is the sign of the leading coefficient of P(x)? Justify

  • Mathematics11 Factoring & Polynomials Unit Test

    4 Ver. 2016-2017

    4. Solve x4 + 5x2 + 6 = 0

    5. Is (x − 3) a factor of the polynomial function, f (x) = x3 + 4x2 −11x − 30 ? 6. Fully factor f (x) = x3 + 4x2 −11x − 30

  • Mathematics11 Factoring & Polynomials Unit Test

    5 Ver. 2016-2017

    7. Consider the function f (x) = −2 25



    + 5 . Without using a graphing

    calculator, determine

    a. What is the parent function?_____ b. Describe the transformation.

    c. the domain: _________

    d. the range: _________ e. What is the the y-intercept? ______

    f. equation(s) of any asymptotes of the graph of the function _____ g. Does this function represent exponential growth or exponential decay? Justify.

  • Mathematics11 Factoring & Polynomials Unit Test

    6 Ver. 2016-2017

    8. A mug of tea is 90°C at time t = 0. It is surrounded by air at a constant temperature of 20°C. If stirred steadily, its temperature in Celsius after t minutes will be C(t) = 20 + 50(1.081)− t

    If the optimum drinking temperature is 60°C, will the mug of tea be at or below this temperature after 10 minutes?

  • Mathematics11 Factoring & Polynomials Unit Test

    7 Ver. 2016-2017

    9. Solve a. 94x+2 = 81 b. 367x+1 ≤ 2163x−2

  • Mathematics11 Factoring & Polynomials Unit Test

    8 Ver. 2016-2017

    10, Sketch the graph of f (x) = log4 x

    10. If log4 5 =1.1610 , log4 3 = 0.7925 and log4 2 = 0.5 , evaluate the following

    a. log4 225 b. log418

    c. log4254



  • Mathematics11 Factoring & Polynomials Unit Test

    9 Ver. 2016-2017

    11. Using the Laws of Logarithms, write the following expressions as a single logarithm. a. 2log5(x −1) − log5 x b. 2log6(2x) + log6(x + 2) − log6 y c. 2log6(2x) + log6(x + 2) + log6 y 12. Solve a. log7(5x) + log7(6) = log7 40 b. 4 4 4log ( 1) log (2 3) log 8x x+ − − =

  • Mathematics11 Factoring & Polynomials Unit Test

    10 Ver. 2016-2017

    c. 3 32log log ( 3) 3 0x x− + − = d. log2(2x − 3) > log2(x + 4) 13. Simplify a. (2x3y5 )3 b. (5x2 + 5x − 2)− (4x2 − 6x + 5) c) (4 − 6i)+ (13+ 5i) d) 6b(2b − 3)+ 2b(b + 3) e. (3− 5i)(3+ 5i)

  • Mathematics11 Factoring & Polynomials Unit Test

    11 Ver. 2016-2017

    14. Without solving state the number and nature of roots of 4x2 + 6x − 36 = 0 15. Solve 4x2 + 6x − 36 = 0 16. Solve 8x−1 + 8 = 9 17. Find f ( f (−1)) ,if f (x) = 6x 18. What is i42 ?

  • Mathematics11 Factoring & Polynomials Unit Test

    12 Ver. 2016-2017

    19. Give one example of a polynomial function. Justify why it it’s a polynomial?

    20. Given that f (x) = x5 − 3x4 − 5x2 ,find f (3) 21. If A=

    a. What is the dimension of A?

    b. What is the element a2,3 ?