practical suggestions on how to pass the bar

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  • 8/9/2019 Practical Suggestions on How to Pass the Bar


    hotjurist 2010

    Practical Suggestions on How to Pass the BarGraduation for law students is so anti-climactic. As if the spartan life we have lived the past four years is not enough, we still have to gear up and march to the Coliseum and wage an even greater

    battle. The fight is filled with uncertainties, for when we step into the ring, we are on our own. There is no assurance that we would emerge as victorious Gladiators cheered upon by the crowd, or be the nextHappy Meal for the royal lions.

    The first thing a reviewee must do is to accept this reality. Studying for the bar is one big marshmallow test. It would entail a drastic change in habit and lifestyle. Sacrifices must be made. The sooner you acceptit, the better you could cope with the bar exams demands and challenges.

    As Sun Tzu once said, the art of war includes knowing ones enemy. The number one enemy that a bar reviewee must confront is his fear of the unknown, the anxiety as to what lies ahead. It ihuman to fear what one doesnt understand. So, the main goal of this exercise is to help you understand what the bar is. I hope this article could serve as a map that would aid you conquer the bars perilousterrain.

    The tips contained herein are not foolproof. Its objective is modest-it is simply to pass the bar. Most of the suggestions contained here were culled from my experience. However, to give it somcredibility, I also included the effective habits of fellow reviewees, as well as sound advice from previous topnotchers

    I. PREPARING FOR THE BAR Set your goals and devise your own strategy on how to do it. When you have no gameplan, you simply conform and follow what the others are doing. This can be dangerous. Strategize and maximize. Follow the Pareto principle. Each one is given more or less the same amount of time to study. You must be able to manage your scarce resources

    Concentrate on your critical few, the 20% input that would produce 80% of your output.

    Organize your materials ahead of time.Buy the right books and review materials.

    Political Law -Outline by NachuraLabor Law- Azucenas Everybodys Labor Code and Alcantara

    Civil- JuradoTaxation -Dan Calicas Reviewer

    Commercial -Miravite/VillanuevaCriminal -Ortega NotesRemedial -Regalado

    Legal Ethics Aguirre

    STARTER KITa good and sturdy bookstand

    a good lamp, white lighta cubicle made from illustration boards, this would give you privacy and minimize distractions (for

    student lounge people)earplugs, to block off noise. It also sends a s ignal to noisy co-reviewees to shut-up

    vitamins/supplementsnotebook, index cards

    a good supply of highlighterspost-its. The tags can be used t o divide the material, which can mark your goal for the day. By

    breaking the books into parts, it makes reading more manageable.

    II. STUDYING FOR THE BAR Master the codal provisions. This is a minimum requirement. You can never go wrong with this strategy. Manage your time according to the weight of the subject. Not all bar subjects are created equal. Prepare a tentative schedule for your bar review. Adjust your body clock. Sleep early, start early. Some reviewees even go to the extent of simulating the bar month by making Monday their rest day (since Mondays are brain-

    dead days during September) Have a study buddy so that you can have a benchmark. This would help pace yourself, giving you the extra push to study. Your study buddy must have good study habits. She need

    not be your girlfriend.

    Learn the art of answering the bar. Study how bar questions are phrased and how it should be answered. The bar questions are crafted differently from the usual law exams we have. Look at the Suggested Answers published by the UP Law Center. Some questions repeat over time so

    make sure you get the survey of bar questionnaires to concentrate on areas, which are favorite sources of questions. While studying for the bar, take down notes and prepare your mnemonics. Whether we like it or not, the bar is a memory game, and there is no substitute for memorizing. Emphasis should be made on the quality of your study time and not the amount of hours you spend studying. Dont be obsessed with the number of pages you read in a day. The

    problem with being obsessed with the number of readings is that you are tempted to postpone your understanding of the material since at the back of your mind, you intend tosecond and third read it any way. Next thing you know, it is already bar month and youll be cramming all the information in your head.

    Read to understand and not for the sake of simply reading. Reading can become a mechanical exercise. Most reviewees brag that they have read their bar materials three times.Dont be alarmed. Some read faster than the others. However, speed-reading should not be done at the expense of comprehension. It is better to have one good reading thanhave three lousy readings.

    Less is more. One important faux pas to avoid is the temptation of reading a lot of materials. We have this thinking that five months should be spent reading all the materials wecan get. Anything less would make us feel guilty and insecure. You may read all you want, but remember that you should not spread yourself too thinly. The truth is, the bar is

    composed of only 30-40 questions per subject. You must be conscious of the fact that the examiner will grade you solely on the basis of the way you answer these questions. Thefact that you read all the commentaries would be immaterial.

    Practice good handwriting skills. This is important. Your exam may be readable to your law professor, considering that he is checking around fifty bluebooks. Imagine multiplyingit by one hundred. Bar examiners are humans too. Their patience could be equated as inversely proportional to the number of bluebooks they will be checking. The bar examinermight not have the forebearance to decipher your encrypted hieroglyphics.

    III. CAVEATS Learn the proper way of highlighting materials, since you will re-read the materials. Highlight only the important words and phrases. Avoid highlighting everything since it defeats

    the very purpose of highlighting in the first place.

    Read carefully. Dont accept everything you read as gospel truths. There are a lot of errors that you need to correct in your reading materials. Also, make sure that the law youare reading is udpated.

    Avoid the Maricon virus (the syndrome of photocopying all the materials that one can get his hands into. A tribute to Maricon, the xerox empress) like the plague. The next timesomeone flash you a candidate material, think twice. Inspect the materials carefully and determine if you truly need it, or whether you will be able to read it. Photocopiedmaterials give us a false sense of security. We justify this photocopying spree saying that you need the option of being able to read it if your time permits it. The danger lies in the

    fact that if we have too many materials at hand, it might overwhelm us and reduce us into a state of helplessness. It also makes us lose our focus. Added to this, is the sense oinadequacy if we failed to finish our ambitious reading list.

    Rumors are just rumors. In the duration of the bar review (even after), be wary of the rumors that would spread. One example is that you will hear that this person is theexaminer, so the next step you will take is to ask if he has written a book so that you can buy it. We have this standing theory that the one responsible for spreading these rumors

  • 8/9/2019 Practical Suggestions on How to Pass the Bar


    hotjurist 2010

    are the book publishers who wants to increase their book sales. Dont believe these rumors! Be aware of the fact that you are extremely vulnerable as a reviewee. Withhold belieeven when the person tells you that the information comes from a very reliable source. With respect to knowing who the examiner is, dont preoccupy yourself with it. As a co-examinee bluntly puts it, in spite of the fact that we know our law professors, we still could not predict the questions that they ask during finals. This is the same case with thebar examiners.

    Hot tips are not hot, even if they are stamped confidential. Tips are overrated and you should take it with a grain of salt. It caters to a reviewees psychological need, a placebo.Even if you did not receive any hot tips, dont despair. You can do good without it, maybe do even better.

    IV. RECOMMENDATIONS Should you enroll in the bar review classes? Well this is open to debate. I enrolled in the bar review classes because my philosophy then was never to shortchange my review.

    told myself that six thousand pesos might spell the difference between passing and failing. Enrolling would preclude me from blaming myself, in the unfortunate event that I fail,

    thinking that I would have passed if only I enrolled myself.H

    owever, I was disappointed with the way review classes were conducted. The lectures could be boring and slow attimes. Listening is a skill, it drains too much energy and takes too much of your time. Sometimes, you will be deluded into believing that your understanding mirrors that of thelecturer. Your option would be to just borrow the materials from a co-reviewee and have it photocopied. Take time to sift through the materials and segregate the materials you

    think might be useful. Should you billet yourself in a hotel? I talked to my classmates who did not stay in hotel and they said that they were more relaxed. If you decide to stay home, think of these two

    things:A. how to receive the tips (if you still think it is indispensable) B. how to get to the examination area on time (6 am ideal)

    If you decide to stay in a hotel, I suggest that you dont share a room, to minimize movements and distractions. Study in the student lounge. Personally, I think my stay there has helped me pass the bar. The daily interaction with fellow reviewees, the jokes, small talks and power naps form

    part of the student lounge experience. It has definitely kept my head above water in those grueling five months. There, we found humor in our collective misery. Exercise. It is normal to gain weight during the bar review. We reviewees use eating as a mechanism to deal with tremendous stress. I eat five full meals during the bar

    excluding merienda, because I used eating as an excuse not to study. Dont worry, you will shed the unwanted fats after the bar review (I did say my advice is not foolproofright?) To deal with this, some co-reviewees enrollled in gym classes. Others simply jog around the academic oval. Exercise improves blood and oxygen circulation, even when itonly means a walk to the vendo machine.

    In the duration of the review, pamper yourself once in a while. This is part of stress management, to combat the possibility of burnout.V. IMPORTANT REMINDERS

    During the night before the exam, try to get a good night rest. Bubble bath. Drink a warm chocolate. Ask someone (your bar buddy) to prepare your food. Grab a sliced Subwayso that you can eat and read in the afternoon within La Salle.

    Be sure to bring all the papers (exam permits, I.D). It is suggested that you buy a transparent envelope and hang it in your neck (with a fancy ID holder) so that you wont losethese important documents. This is simple but this would be very helpful, as it would reduce unnecessary stress.

    Bring a jacket or umbrella. Do not bring your celphones inside La Salle and avoid the hassle of depositing it. Go to La Salle early to avoid the madness in the hotel lobby. Know in advance which gate you would have to go to. Choose the materials you think you have to read in the interim before the exam. Bring only these materials, lest you want to subject yourself to a panic attack. Remember, you

    need to relax yourself. Never leave your blue book, switching is not a remote possibility

    Bring mineral water, sweets/chocolates as brain boosters during the exam.

    VI. DURING THE BAR EXAM The thirty minutes before the exam after the proctor told us to bring our things in front was really nerve-wracking. Imagine staring blankly at your co-examinees and whisperin

    to yourself that the minutes could have been productively used reading codal provisions.

    After the distribution of the exam questionnaire, scan the questions. Compute the number of questions and allocate your time accordingly. Remember that it is okay if you feeyou dont know the answer. This is the so-called information rush. Breathe and allow things to settle down.

    In answering bar questions, take a deep solid breath and process the question. Be responsive and try to answer clearly and directly. Cite legal provisions or case law to supportyour arguments. If you dont know the exact provision, cite a provision that you think comes close. It is rare that you know all the answers to the questions, dont fret. In theevent that you dont know the answer, guess, but support it with legal arguments or case law. Use good English to mask your ignorance. My experience with the bar is that even iI know the answer, I had difficulty answering because I wanted to craft and formulate my answer in the best possible way. Be conscious of time, make sure to start writing, nevemind if it is not as grand as you initially wanted it to be.

    Skip questions you are not sure of the answers. Just be sure to get back to it. Review your answers; make sure you answered all the questions sequentially.

    VII. AFTER THE BAR EXAM Learn how to compartmentalize. Even if you didnt do well in one exam, dont despair. Dont let the bad feeling affect your performance in the next exam, otherwise it will not onl

    be one subject you will have to worry about. I avoided discussion of answers with fellow reviewees. It is cathartic for some but it is depressing for most. I personally believe thatthe exercise is very counter-productive. It only depresses us more to know that our classmates were able to eloquently answer the questions we thought was difficult. Often, ourco-reviewee approached the legal problem from a different angle and we tend to blame ourselves for failing to see it the way he did.

    Be contented with your answers. You have already submitted your bluebook have already done everything from your end. It is already up to the examiner to appreciate youranswers. It is futile to feel sorry. Sure you could have answered better but it is sad that it always seems to dawn only after you submitted the booklet. Remember that given the

    limited time we had, we may have failed to give our best and most rational answer. The ratio of last clear chance comes to mind. Sweet Surrender. Pray and trust in the Lord Almighty. As a friend puts it, the bar is a humbling experience. It is impossible to control all the factors that would guarantee ou

    passing the bar. Undergoing the bar experience makes us more keenly aware of our limitations as human beings. Within the limited time we have, we can only study and prepareso much. I believe that there is more to the bar than the bar questions we need to answer. The real exam is surviving the four Sundays without cracking from the tremendouspressure the whole exercise brings. In the course of writing this article, I may have committed some mistakes, grammatical or otherwise my apologies. For whatever thisarticle might lack in logic and coherence, is made up for with a genuine and sincere desire to help you hurdle and pass the bar.