practical magic 2a, from mysticalgod

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  • 8/14/2019 Practical Magic 2A, from Mysticalgod


  • 8/14/2019 Practical Magic 2A, from Mysticalgod


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    I N T R O D U C T I O N

    In order to perform magic with demons, one must have a good understanding of them, and

    possibly even a respectable relationship with them. I don't intend for you to attempt to make friends

    with any of them, but if you treat them properly, and they know you possess power, which you

    occasionally use to compensate them, they will occasionally obey your wishes.

    You will mostly understand them from their actions, what they do or don't do. However, other

    peoples' experiences may also serve to teach you more about them. The "Bible", as I've taught in a

    previous lesson, is composed of many books, by many different, and often unrelated, authors. Many

    books have not been included. Use the life times of experiences in any such books to puzzle together

    questions about life, universe, spirit, and magic. Do not follow them as if they were "law books",

    manipulated to argue whimsical causes.

    Since, once again, I am your guide, allow me to take you into this labyrinth of magic, lore, and

    history, so that you may emerge a greater Wizard/Magician/Witch yet.

    If you haven't read the previous lessons, MA. 1-8, and PM.1A, then please give yourself a

    wonderful treat, and study them. You have enough time, and you will benefit.

    In this lesson, we will focus on the practical application of magic which connects you with demons

    and angels, or invisible, higher powers, whichever term you prefer. We will also cover fundamental

    magical combat, because once you open the door to greater magical powers within yourself, you will

    automatically attract greater adversaries. You will overcome all evil adversaries.

    The adversaries I refer to are not the ones your baby is crying from. What do I mean by that?

    Remember the last time you saw a two, or three, year old baby cry angrily because he couldn't have

    things "his/her" way? He wanted the candy from the shelf, or he wanted to be picked up and held, or

    he wanted to go first. Well, all adults have that baby still inside. Although,the babies cry is silent, or

    barely heard, it is still there. There are also "the collective" babies, nations, like Israel, who

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    have not learned to suppress the baby inside, to sacrifice material for the greater good -- or even the

    U.S. and korea, without a peace treaty, while the last of the war vets of that time prepare for card

    games in retirement homes.

    Let the baby inside mature into something withmagnificent power and self discipline.

    A time of such people is approaching. Unlike the usual change in generations, this will be more

    significant. If you sit peacefully, and tilt your ears up to listen, you can feel the change in people

    approaching. There are a lot of destructive people, and they may always be with us, but they will

    become a fleck upon an ocean of people who promote magic and care for others because it naturally

    feels great.

    So, be certain your magical combat is for protection against evil, and not for harming others in

    revenge. Otherwise, you might be feeding the very problem you seek to eliminate.

    G O I N G B A C K T O N A T U R E

    In our day and age, we are often stressed due to our own inventions. We are frequently in a hurry

    to make or do something new. We create harmful chemicals, and we consume harmful chemicals.

    We hurry to get somewhere, then we hurry to get somewhere else, often for very little practical

    purpose at all. We invent gadgets, and before we fully understand what we have invented, we are

    inventing something else, often to the harm of the planet. From all of these things, we stress our

    bodies, minds, and nature.

    By stretching ourselves so thin, we lose contact with our spiritual bodies in the way we were meant to

    be in contact. This contact is necessary for powers over elementals and spirits and such.

    Two methods for regaining that contact:

    (1) After sex, anger, shock, or stress (usually by the end of a hard day), meditate on yourself. Focus

    your attention on who you are, not the ordinary, but the extraordinary, the magical. It will feel as if you

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    are gathering all the scattered parts of your being and rebuilding yourself, making yourself stronger.

    (2) Detach the robot cable. Turn off the auto pilot. With so much technology around us, we've lost

    touch with our connection to the magical nature within us. To get in touch with this return to your

    primitive feelings toward magic. How? Pick any magical object, and find a way to feel awed by it. Pick

    an image of God, and fall to your knees in awe of His/Her power. Listen to the sound of thunder

    outside, and let it send a tingle of awe inspiring fear down your spine. Look at the green, green

    landscape, and be filled with incredible joy at the beauty of how magical it looks. Start a garden, and

    be strongly grateful, and give gifts to your God/Goddess for blessing you. Walk into a river, and close

    your eyes, and gently skim the top of the water with the gentleness of one falling in love by its touch.

    Listen to the wind moving through the trees,and be filled with butterflies, while thoughts of spirits

    dancing in the leaves of the trees become so real that you can almost see them. Listen to your

    favorite songs, and get tingly feelings as you translate the words, or notes, of the songs into

    messages from angels, or demons, or gods. Sit in a very dark room, or forest, with only one small

    candle lit, and imagine the shadows that form around you as spirits taking shape. You have the idea

    now, so what are you waiting for?

    Just a note: don't lose control while engaging in any strong feelings. That can lead to backlash.

    The skills used to bring about these states are discussed in the lesson that trained you on inducing

    states (ASC).

    T H E C A L L OF P O W E R

    This first ritual will sharpen your ability to gain successful leverage with demon, angels, and

    spirits of the dead.

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    A note on the spirits of the dead. Until now, everyone has taught you that when people die, they

    remain exactly the same person, except that they become spirit. Well, I have something different to

    tell you. Always remember, things are not always as they seem. A song may be more than a song.

    After the death of my girlfriend, as described in a previous lesson, I traveled during meditation to

    visit her. What I found, wasn't exactly her, and yet at times it was completely her. It was though she

    were in a state of flux. For the most part, she had become another sort of creature or being. There

    was also a danger (to others) of what she had become. I suppose that was the angry part of her. I

    don't know. My point here, be cautious when dealing with the spirits of the dead.

    Keep in mind that some people can be very envious of you when you have something they don't,

    while "alive". Now imagine how much worse that person can be if you have "life" and they don't. This

    can lead their spirits to great depths of evil. And they will find pleasure in finding ways to torment you.

    And they can, so be aware.

    You may have read a thousand books on summoning demons/angels using everything from

    symbols drawn on parchment (or ground) to blood sacrifices upon the altar. Unfortunately, most of the

    time, they won't listen to your calling, simply because they are not interested in either the way you are

    calling, or because they are not interested in you.

    In order for them to be interested in you, you must perform, or possess, one of two things, or

    both. One possible way is for you to "have done something that catches their interest". This requires

    (a) knowledge, and (b) trial and error. You first think you know what will do catch their eye, and you

    try it, and watch what happens. This can be as simple as helping your neighbor take out the trash, or

    it might be as complex as drawing a symbol in blood, on paper, using a birds feather.

    The response you get from them may be positive, or negative. Either way, it doesn't matter. What

    matters is a swift and "obvious" response to your action. More will be explained in a segment to follow

    The other way is by being "marked". The nature of your spirit, created by God, is summed up to

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    be a "mark". Some call this a number, some call it a name. Angels, demons, and some spirits will

    yield to this mark, just as we might yield to a stop light in traffic. The mark carries many meanings.

    One can even spend a day on the dream plane traveling through the labyrinths of this mark. It has its

    own laws (just as our world has laws of physics). It makes the laws by which all events in your life are

    constructed. It makes the rules on what powers are yours and which powers cannot be yours.

    F I R S T C A L L I N G R I T U A L

    In this ritual, you will travel to your "Plane of Destiny" to be shown your mark, though not all in

    one glance, but over a small period of time. This will make you aware of what powers you possess to

    be able to call which kind of spirits, angels, and demons for service. By having a clear "vision" of this,

    you will open doors of power to perform powerful magic related to your mark.

    There, of course, are different ways to accomplish this same task. You could use psychic

    abilities, or months of meditation, to determine the answers concerning your mark.

    This ritual is for you to learn whether demons, angels, and spirits will listen to you, and what

    commands, or requests, from you they will follow. It is a ritual to illuminate an area around you. When

    it is lit, you will see things more clearly. Then from that point, you will be more powerful, if you

    understand and use the energy of the new knowledge properly.

    For example, if demons send messages to you, after the ritual, telling you that you are talented

    with candle magic, and they enjoy watching you perform, then that would be your unique mark, one

    which you may use to have such demons serve your wishes.

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    *** THE RITUAL ***

    You will need: scissors or razor (to cut paper with); The First Calling symbols drawn upon paper;

    anointing oil ( or consecrated water); incense; a small glass (not too small) of rum or wine, or grape

    juice; a bell or a spoon; a book large enough to hold and conceal the page containing the symbols of

    The First Calling.

    Note: The First Calling symbols may be drawn by you. They are the three circular symbols provided

    within the image

    1) cleanse, or anoint, the items to be used. For the drink, you should anoint the glass, goblet, cup, or

    chalice, unless you use it ritually all the time.

    2) Sit comfortably, and clear your mind. Silence your thoughts. Using your physical ears and your

    psychic ears together, listen for the voices of spirits, angels, and demons.

    3) When you hear, or believe you hear, their voices whispering or talking to each other, ring the bell,

    or tap the spoon on your glass, three times intent on getting their attention. Then say:

    "I am, [your magical, or earthly, name], and I will be heard. You shall not ignore me. Hear my words"

    "Orumina Tosaru !" This will make them give you their fullest attention, at least temporarily.


    "I now present The first Calling in my name. Show me my mark, and give me the honor I deserve! Be

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    with me in this moment, remember me, and I will share an offering of thanks unto you."

    Take the glass hold it out as if showing them, and then lift it up and say:

    "Hereby shall I partake of this drink and offer it unto those spirits, angels, and demons who promise to

    show me my mark, and who shall hear my calls."

    Return the drink to the altar. Place a little oil on your finger tip, or dip your finger into the consecrated

    water, then draw an equal distant cross on your forehead, slightly between your eyes. Then, wipe the

    oil from your finger well, and touch your lips gently, almost as if shushing someone, then touch the

    first circular symbol, at the top, and say:

    "Into this symbol, I invoke Thayunious , Lord of those secrets above me".

    Again, touch your lips the same way, then touch the next symbol, clockwise, bottom right, and say:

    "Into this symbol, I invoke Dayhourus , Lord of those things below me".

    Again, touch your lips the same way, then touch the next symbol, clockwise, bottom left, and say:

    "Into this symbol, I invoke uun Gow a , Lord of those things around me".

    Take your blank sheet of paper, and press it between your hands, and say:

    "Let my name be cast upon this clean paper , and let the Lords of The Calling accept me, help me,

    and empower me, that I may find much success with spirits, angels, and demons, and that my mark

    shall be clearly revealed to me."

    Write your name, or magical name, upon the paper, three times, and write small enough to fit upon

    each circular symbol. Next, cut out one of your three names, and say:

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    "Thayunious , grant me a prominent mark, and let them reveal it to me within seven days." Now

    place your name upon the first (top) symbol.

    "Dayhourus , grant me a prominent mark, and let them reveal it to me within seven days." Now

    place your name upon the second (bottom right) symbol.

    "Uun Gow a , grant me a prominent mark, and let them reveal it to me within seven days." Now place

    your name upon the third (bottom left) symbol.

    Sit calmly, even if you feel warmer, or hear voices. Just stay relaxed, and do not fear.

    Hold up the drink, and say:

    "I will now partake of this drink which shall be offered out to those who promise to reveal to me my

    mark. In the names of [God/Goddess], so mote it be."

    Drink half, and save the rest. Immediately following the ritual, take the drink to an area of ground not

    regularly walked upon, and pour it out, while visualizing the spirits, angels, and demons in the form of

    a mist, swirling down into the ground where the drink had fallen.

    Place the page holding your three names upon the symbols of The First Calling Carefully into the

    book you have waiting. If you have clear tape, you may tape your name upon the page of The First

    Calling. Later place the book somewhere that it WON'T be disturbed. This is not to be taken lightly.

    Other people could have varying reactions to finding, or touching The First Calling page. And the

    backlash could also affect you.

    After the seven day period, tear your 3 names up and dispose of them in a toilet (otherwise water).

    Draw the banishing pentagram upon the page of The First Calling, and release the three Lords from

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    your request (or release your request from them). Then either tear up the page, and dispose in

    running water, or bury the pieces.

    DURING the seven day period you will experience unusual signs. These will be messages to you, to

    help you understand your Mark, and your purpose, and your powers. Keep a pen and Note Pad with

    you always during this period. Immediately write down strong occurrences, signs, visions,

    coincidences, voices, etc., and write down what you interpret each of them to mean. Do NOT worry if

    you can't translate the meaning of the signs right away. It might take you a month, or even a year, to

    decrypt the meaning in some of the signs. The important thing is that they be revealed to you so that

    your spirit and subconscious mind may work on them.

    Remember to dispose of these materials after (7) days, as described above.

    Suggested activities include, but are not limited to:

    1) listening to radio stations, or cd's, and listen more carefully than you ever had, and try to extract the

    angelic/demonic message from the words that are being directed "at" you.

    2) Go to a church and witness who approaches you and what "Unique" messages they have for you

    3) watch TV and note the messages that POP OUT at you.

    4) Follow your nose, and think of what thoughts random scents raised in your head.

    5) go to the movies, and observe what words or scenes sent tingles through you

    6) take note of recurring numbers or recurring dreams

    7) what does the sign the man is holding say? Or, the billboard?

    8) random thoughts, out of nowhere (very important)

    If you find that this is too difficult, return to meditating daily. You might not be ready yet. It might take

    serious devotion in these arts before you are ready. If you are new to practicing rituals and magic, you

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    should consider spending more time practicing what is given in Magical Advice Lessons 1-8.

    Magic is for those who are ready to live it.

    This power comes from me to you. I have given part of myself to you in this ritual. Done respectfully,

    and properly, they will hear you more clearly afterward. And the signs you will see will be very


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    T R I A L A N D E R R O R

    This process is simple. You monitor every "REACTION" you get from your "ACTIONS", by

    watching, and noting on paper (a journal or diary), exactly what actions cause what sort of spirit,

    angel, or demon to do what.

    This may be a time consuming process, but it can be very rewarding. It will provide you

    knowledge through experience and patience. Then you can use the knowledge in the same way, to

    gain favorable responses from angels, demons, and spirits.


    This ritual is designed to incorporate the 12 powerful magical spheres through the control and

    mediation of a magical seal. It will grant whatever wish you write upon the paper. As taught in the

    Magical Advice Lessons (MA. 1-8), your success will depend on many varying factors, including what

    you ask for. If you haven't studied MA. 1-8, then stop here, and study the lessons. If you've studied

    them, but you haven't practiced them, stop here, and go and practice them.

    Tampering with this ritual without some basic skills first could have you wondering though your

    days as if you were in a dream. You will feel as if you had stepped into another world, and things you

    thought you knew will seem awfully different. Those who are mentally Unstable already, will find

    themselves slipping into madness or obsessions, especially with drugs or sex, because this ritual

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    Untitled Documentdraws energies from your male/female nature and your subconscious mind, then connects them with

    powerful forces in the universe, mainly our Group's Spirit (Magical 333).

    This ritual can have better success if you have performed the ritual of The First Calling days

    before this ritual, but it isn't required.

    *** THE RITUAL ***

    Objects to have: a ruler (or straight edge; if you can draw well); a paper with The 12 Spheres

    printed on it; a virgin white paper; a magic pen (a consecrated, black ink pen; used only for magic);

    paper money; razor or scissors.

    1) Pray that you will have success, and that you will be protected from great and terrible demons

    who might be called to serve your desires in this ritual.

    Cleanse and purify the objects to be used.

    2) You will draw a 3 inch long, 3 inch tall, square, while chanting:

    "This dream shall pass from me into reality, so let it be."

    (Chant this no less than five times.)

    3) Next, draw a square around the first square. Continue chanting the above spell.

    4) Next, draw a square around the second square. Continue chanting the above spell.

    The completed seal should look like the example of The Seal provide below. If you can't draw

    well, then use tracing paper, and trace a copy of the image below.

    5) Point at the seal and say:

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    "Without eyes I see my most cherished destiny

    In a world of dreams I walk ever closer to Thee

    Tr imagdora whom I adore this day,

    Grant to me this favor from you I pray,

    I believe! I believe! I believe! I believe!

    For whatever I write within this seal shall come to be!"

    "In the names of [God/Goddess], so mote it be.

    6) Write your wish neatly within the square. Do not write outside of the lines.

    7) Each square has 4 triangles. Write 333 in each triangle, starting from the innermost square, and

    moving clockwise outward. While chanting, "This number will manifest my wish as I write it." (One

    chant per number 333) Focus and visualize that the number is only appearing so as to carry out

    your wish, and for no other reason. Feel that your wish is making the number appear. Go to the

    next triangle, and do the same. Continue until all 12 triangles have 333 written in them.

    8. Lift the magical object/paper up, over your altar (if you have one) in honor/reverence of it's power.

    Then place the magical seal

    down upon your altar, and prepare to cut out the triangles.

    9) With scissors or razor, cut out the triangles while saying:

    "333 will shall set my wish free. So mote it be."

    10) Take that first triangle, hold it up and say:

    "Hereby shall I place this triangle into the first sphere to...: [state your wish]. Roll the triangle into a

    ball small enough to fit within the first sphere/circle (on the page with 12 circles). Place the ball of

    paper into the sphere. If it's doesn't fit perfectly, don't worry, do your best.

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    11) Take the scissors or razor, and move onto the next triangle, starting from the "innermost"

    triangle, and continuing to move your way outwards, in a "clockwise" motion.

    12) With scissors or razor, cut out the triangles while saying:

    "333 will shall set my wish free. So mote it be."

    13) Take that triangle, hold it up and say:

    "Hereby shall I place this triangle into the second sphere to...: [state your wish]. Roll the triangle

    into a ball small enough to fit within the first sphere/circle (on the page with 12 circles). Place the

    ball of paper into the sphere. If it's doesn't fit perfectly, don't worry, do your best.

    14) Continue to do the other triangles, on up to the twelfth. When all 12 spheres/circles have little

    balls of paper in them, You should have only the written wish remaining. Place that wish within

    the center of the 12 spheres, upon the magical 333 symbol. Point at your wish, and say:

    "Tr imagdora, Tr imagdora, Tr imagdora!

    I present before you this most precious and true wish,

    let the 12 spheres open to allow powers I enlist,

    Demons and Angels, Spirits and Elementals,

    living in lights and shadows passing through these windows

    This will divide a timeless space in reality

    To manifest this my most precious wish unto me.

    15) Bring your hands together, clasp them, and earnestly say, "It is done."

    Focus your magical will power into the seal for a moment, then say, "In the names of [God/

    Goddess], so mote it be."

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    Just a note on the names related to The Seal and The Spheres. Katazic-12 Spheres of Power is

    a demension between our would and the unseen world. And Talwamar is a power symbolized by a 12

    headed Dragon, unlike any one you've ever heard of.

    M A G I C A L D E F E N S E T R A I N I N G

    Demons and evil spirits will attack you more as your power increases, IF YOU ARE IMPORTANT to

    the grand design. It's like a football game: the players are only concerned with those who are playing,

    and they ignore the spectators.


    (1) Offense: They attack those not paying attention

    (a) Defense: pay attention to where you are, what you are doing

    (2) Offense: They attack those who are sick or tired

    (a) Defense: take care of your health and get enough rest (if you have a health problem, visualize

    good health daily)

    (3) Offense: They attack those who show timidity or weakness

    (a) Defense: even if you "are" weak, fill your mind with courage (ever seen how much courage a

    person gets when drunk?)

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    Without alcohol, feel strong, even when the odds are against you.

    (4) Offense: They attack those who are the commanders/leaders. They seek to control by eliminating

    the leaders.

    (a) Defense: Be flexible. This means being willing to bend. That which doesn't bend, can eventually

    break. When

    faced with obstacles they place before you, accept the obstacles as though you wanted them for a


    Then use the obstacle as part of your plan for success.

    (5) Offense: They attack those who show lack of control, by luring with objects of obsessions, or by

    targeting impulsive

    weaknesses. For example, using alcohol, sex, drugs, cigarettes, or other addictions, or by using

    anger or fear

    or procrastination, etc., to cause instabilities in the target's life.

    (a) Defense: Be aware of your actions. Be truthful and self-disciplined with yourself. Often these

    behaviors are signs of

    very powerful individuals, who only need to redirect the energy back into magic. These "self-


    addictions/or habits are caused by energy being clogged up in ones psychic veins of power. By


    control, the veins will become unclogged, and the energy will serve the person very well.

    They will use circumstances, people, or yourself to affect you, to weaken you, to tear you down.

    Protection rituals can help a lot. They may be simple acts or elaborate rituals. If you feel that you are

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    in urgent need of protection, do the following:

    1. Take a shower, or bath. Allow the troubles to be washed down the drain.

    2. Relax, think only positive thoughts, even if you think you can't.

    3. get a tiny picture of yourself, and tape/glue it upon our group symbol (Magical 333), and awaken

    the power of the symbol within magical 333, by pointing at your image upon the symbol and saying:

    Tr imagdora, Tr imagdora, Tr imagdora, awaken!

    Let your sacred powers wash over me

    break the bonds of evil and set me free

    never to shadow

    never to trouble

    never to intolerable

    never to a devil

    never to be foul

    never to awful

    stab it with a golden sword and turn it back

    bless, protect, and hide me in darkness so black,

    make this vessel unite with your power

    and may my purpose delight you forever.

    In the names of [God/Goddess], so mote it be.

    4. Draw a banishing pentacle in front of you and say" Hereby do I turn back all evil and curses"

    Turn to your right, and do, and say, this again (drawing the banishing pentacle).

    Turn to your right, and do, and say, this again (drawing the banishing pentacle).

    Turn to your right, and do, and say, this again (drawing the banishing pentacle).

    le:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/Owner.MAGNITO/Desktop/PM%20pt2a/practical%20magic%202A.html (17 of 18)11/24/2009 3:09:51 PM

  • 8/14/2019 Practical Magic 2A, from Mysticalgod
