practical ideas presentation


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Post on 07-Aug-2015




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• Order a copy of the book, Practical Ideas for a Two Year Stewardship Promotion TODAY to deepen your understanding of this presentation!

The Role of the Pastor is to...The Role of the Pastor is to...

• guide the local church to teach stewardship in the context of the church.

• lead as examples of faithful stewards and expect members to grow as stewards.

• facilitate Christian financial planning emphasis in the church.

• utilize the parables to teach financial principals.– Life is a stewardship trust.– All people face a day of accounting.– We are not saved by works but we are judged by them.– Leaders are more responsible than followers.

Progress in stewardship education Progress in stewardship education will result in...will result in...

• An increase in understanding and acceptance of the Biblical concept of stewardship.

• A willingness by church members to give testimony of their personal growth.

• A willingness to serve in the church’s organization related to stewardship/missions.

• An increase in the number of persons giving to the church.

• An increase in the number of persons growing in their giving.

• A regular use of stewardship resources to assist your church in planning, promoting, and evaluating its stewardship activities.

Rationale for the Biblical Rationale for the Biblical Basis/Theology of StewardshipBasis/Theology of Stewardship

• Stewardship centers in a person’s relationship to God and in their God-given charge to care for the material world.

• Stewardship implies trust, partnership, and responsible management.

Distinctives of a Christian StewardDistinctives of a Christian StewardA Christian steward will...A Christian steward will...

• shape their lifestyle by Christian standards.

• have a clear and purposeful commitment.

• give witness of Jesus Christ and His way of life.

A Christian steward will...A Christian steward will...

• make Christ Lord of his or her life.

• acknowledge God as Owner/Redeemer and self as manager.

• seek to discover God’s purpose for every material possession.

• pursue God’s purposes.

Year One –Year One – Practical Ideas for Year-Round Practical Ideas for Year-Round

Stewardship PromotionStewardship Promotion

• A month-by-month plan of stewardship and mission activities are put together for your local church.

• Refer to page 5 for suggestions for your church.

Sample Calendar for Monthly Sample Calendar for Monthly Stewardship/Missions ActivitiesStewardship/Missions Activities

• As a stewardship promotion team, chart the course of stewardship and mission education experiences for your church.

• View the suggestions on page 6.

Optional Education ActivitiesOptional Education Activities(in 7 areas of stewardship ministry)(in 7 areas of stewardship ministry)

• Missions of the Church

• Biblical Basis (theology)

• Individual and Corporate (church)

• Organization (church stewardship committee or team)

• Planning (stewardship calendar)

• Church ministry budgeting

• Accounting procedures

Biblical Stewardship ChallengeBiblical Stewardship Challenge (Annual Promotion Ideas)(Annual Promotion Ideas)


• Weekly

• Monthly

• Quarterly

• Annually

Year Two –Year Two – Practical Ideas for Stewardship Practical Ideas for Stewardship


• A month-by-month plan of stewardship and mission activities are put together for your local church.

• Refer to pages 12 - 15 for suggestions for your church.

25 Ways to Improve Giving in 25 Ways to Improve Giving in Your ChurchYour Church

1. Develop a personal theology of stewardship and teach church members.

2. Teach the biblical concept of stewardship.

3. Exemplify Christian giving.

4. Teach stewardship lessons regularly.

5. Preach regularly on stewardship themes.

25 Ways to Improve Giving in 25 Ways to Improve Giving in Your ChurchYour Church

6. Establish a church stewardship committee/team.

7. Develop a clear, concise statement of the mission of the church.

8. Build a sound, effective ministry budget.

9. Call for all members to make an annual commitment to support God’s work through his church.

10. Conduct a new member stewardship training class.

25 Ways to Improve Giving in 25 Ways to Improve Giving in Your ChurchYour Church

11. Visit in the home of ALL new members.

12. Prepare regularly for the offering time.

13. Use scripture, Missionary Moments, and/or offertory emphases during the offering time.

14. Provide a 2-3 minute testimony sermon, illustration.

15. Give statistics about church member giving.

25 Ways Continued25 Ways Continued16. Use the envelope system from time to time.

17. Give envelopes to children who are in the home of church members.

18. Plan instruction of children on the importance of giving.

19. Use stewardship tracts regularly.

20. Examine all phases of the accounting process the church uses.

25 Ways Continued25 Ways Continued

21. Keep good records of member giving.

22. Conduct an annual audit.

23. Purchase a position bond.

24 Lead Christian Financial Planning conferences.

25. Conduct an annual Estate Stewardship conference.

Discover available resources for Discover available resources for Stewardship & Cooperative ProgramStewardship & Cooperative Program

• Explore your state convention website (under the area of stewardship)

• Visit the SDA website

• Visit the SBC Executive Committee Cooperative Program and Stewardship website

Purposes for Practical Ideas Purposes for Practical Ideas ResourceResource

• Refocus the vision.

• Rejoice in your possibilities.

• Remember greed’s destruction. (Luke 12:15)

• Respond with dedicated disciples/stewards who are advancing the church’s mission.