p.r h i»Ö7)t8 o h b hudson ftÜsh1 h harliwa-re, h at day hd · omtber tha fi t.tort fiaa...

8-treate«t>e.rwn Rsetlraeee. ,F MONTMT ttm «rt+i ttnj ef May, at 1*4} »-ek^m, ehe M»»eh* Br* Ba»"»«-' o eat* I a-wdo~ft»*WhyfJlht8* Im)«/ .I,**'*e/t t>-t>ae.ee «,7,1,r. Be.lreed Oonpei-r Mrtrege, t~e'o« inta-wet at it. reU of BffM «-»tj*ev a»»'iae. payable **e.l aauualy ob TV* mbd# BI* We B< .d U kB» cf f.«« IBTB tB ttt IbbAj <0# 'ifviMcf aa** M A.'ewi: 1" per east vo t-a ;tf as U* day *i **#». WtiM «4 Us fete artig Bay. atIB*, cBVe of it* A <*Üofi»>T, BjfcBJfBBS-at Mart-r-tiiraa BeBB, Ho. |St Baoaowar. | New Yostt, April >. I*» f AT an ELECTION W 1)1 RKcf ORS of aa* METbOPOLlTAN BANK heat tin Ins*., Um f le-wine ¦aaeed s> at *i wete rheeen a i jofall E. WILLIAMS, SUI/'/l Hl'HPHBr.ra, »VILB'in . BL-S.T. orobok w»bben, BtNlr.L B. MJLLER, HENRY U JAQt'es. EDWARD 0. »AILE P.ENRY a_ HURLBlT, HORACEB CL.APLIN, AARON L RAID. ¦ RSJBTL Pi »RAUN, FRANCIS bf. BABCOCFL FFi.RO HaLL. AUOLBTU8 C. BICIIARfcw, TU J MAB BMI IX, isa .i H. BAI let, UPUAOJE A. ROB BINS Bed tw ln*p*etcrs of the Bf it e'aWon. JAB. FREELAND, ROBERT M<C09KRY, JOBEPri BATTELL. At a ecbee,ternt meatier <f :e» B «/d 'f Dlrectore, J'lHI Pi, WILLIAMS, til we* mlevted P'*t.de:.t. »od HENRY L. JAVtl'EB, eau, VeePr.Hdoat OEO I. BEfFRT. CMhtor. OppSCB or St. Nicmoi at latiaikta Oisriir. ) Mo. 10 M»r-aeu'e RjU ba »-. Bad 4'ii it, / . BtBM Bab BB 4p-1l It, IA1 J AN ANNl'AL ELEl MOS for DIKKCT0R8 of tkla COMPANY BTTM bau« ss TI'KSDAY. April 12, BBSS The f.llowiag uemed öett.ui. u Doar coOi'JtuM Uta, B->»td of Dirrct'.ri nai derlei B. warte, Wsrr«c B. Bat*, Jed edle.' Mi M r, Henry Dub li, Fl'Bard Redly, Wm W. Cornell, 8 W. J>nee, Wo» V.i ilow, Wat. Mol/. Wae. J. Brie'ey, Jetree A. PUvvi.a, J< Bai C. u ii ». Robert A! Li i* ic, I) H Japaai, JcAn a. Cineea&aii, O'lkett Oakley, Janet B. «. i !..» H'n'Hx. Ax.draw Ward, Denial J. Tenuy, James M mv, Charles K ,-, Ideal Ml*t, Wm A. Wreeler, Tlioa J. Co.toaau, . T r»**«l»i Preetaeal lor tAe eoenin« eear. Janet B. «« t RAA at B «Balisa fc« A Ap. .. 13, iVM- H'INBLOVV was BLOCL'm, Baa WM I CaiTtaL BuiLBoaD CaatraVY or Maw JaatBr, { El.lT aSCTRTOWB, April .4 II I. S ^äVTICE ia lerebr aivon that the ANNUAL A' M'EHNatrf tb>- BtOCKHOLDEBS of the centr. a RAlLBOan njHfaitr «f NEWJEasEY for tb- * TDM af OIRPCTORB for tb« eattilna r*ar wl'l aa Bellet mta eBJ«a, a1 El.aeBrtApnrt, N J on MtJ.tDAy .>¦ Jid.yti Mat t.z*, between the hoars of llr 'elock m e .il 2 oVloek a n. Fa* Traatfer Bvokt of the Cotrpeey will he elot»d tea aa*i pee. < aa to Uw day of e*cU«n. Bt order ©' tne B art of Dv aaetnta _0 M M1LLI9AN, Be reUry. AT a MTETINO of th7>ir*t-M..rti:a«!a"}Vit)fi- hoidereof the MILWAUKEE AND MORICON RAIL¬ ROAD br',401 the lAtb Ina'. It wae *»»» Iraat That t/i» B-ndbo'drra prrernt tbjn the not'e* to R. H. I. iey eaaj Pnie-.r, rrqLritl a bin to edtrrtler, aod >ell tie e*id K ad end eppurtenaaraw e' auction, in the City of Now- Tofb, aarfeabU to tit t-rarof the Mornaie, » .d tba*. each B' dbbioere at were B*t pretant r>- no-fi-d to ca upid the hVerr'a y, J J \ an Rurra at tbe nfti'ie of A J BWiaer 4. Cv Mo 7 Pin* .'. and MfJB tbeir taai.t tnrrrt f .r'bwlA. J. J. Vak Bun, Bsc. L RL'tBSOM Cbelrnan. On its or tiic MivsEior* Mibiki. O nraNv ) New York Aprl i4 l«La I NOTICE.-Tho Transfer Hooks of the MINNE- B TA M'NINO COMPANY atii as alasai .:<.<> a A afar BaTI'b o»Y,|i r 2Sd |. it u tl! MONO A Y. the 2«. f M.y Belt, Far tea dirtdeod of FIVE DOLLARS per there, peyabla on the BMBtr Bay. By erdei of the Dlrectora _BAML. J. W. BARRT, 8«eratary. OmtB er tha Fi t.tort Fiaa lasCBABCS CoMraay, { N«. t" Wallit.Nrw-tcrk, AprU 12, IBM i THE Board of Directors of this Company hare tiii d.y d- Inert a SEMI-ANNUAL DIVIDEND of TEN FIR CRNr, petaLleon den en-1 _JAMES M. RANKIN, Baoratary (ri iax BABB, Nr. a York. Aril 14, 18*9." AT the- Annual M,«etiriß; of tbo Stöclüiolaers ol t*i» B arc held at thaBr Banklni R .ome April'2th last, the folio e log L»a>ed lentlemea w»re auaulo.o JEU.ECTE0 DIBEtTOPB for the iiiiali:* ye,.. O B etABTIN. 1 AKKKIt HANDY. BOB'RT HAVPOCK, Oh-OROE K. «-'ARB.EN, SABJl t-L B «ho M..N. 8. C BOITTHMAYD, «tiBÜON W BIBNUAM, JAMES M HcNEOICT, JOHN boyce, JOHN CASTREe", li'cien 0. COM AN, ALBERT A. MaRTlN, BOBEBT L rtet JIVN Aad for INSPECTOR* of the ne»t i ioi-«Im« ELFC PIONt Joseph m. brown rbb>nrzrr collamore, RALPH M r. Ai> A* a ankeeqnent meetinf nf the Boa.d of Oireetori. D. RAN¬ DOLPH MARTIN, «at, wat uieoltnone y rea'eetei PRE8I- AtJtRT PARK.FR HANDY, Cethier. .- »f iChiOAN 8IX PER CENT LOAN for the 1 BEMFF1T of the SHIP CANAL AROUND the FALLS ef BT. M A RT -In yttrettax.ee of an ant of the Btate of bfii bt- bbb, ». titled " An act to proride f>< and verattna of the Bblp Canal eron ho pe f ine tie trurt r eerwc'Ing the pan, ». titled .' An act to protlde BM the reBalrtni, preeetratloo and perattegof the Bblp Canal eron t d the Fall* of St. Mary, and an peif jrm tie trurt reerwciji.g the eame," approred Fabroary It, 1»i9, the r.rderi'jned Oo%ernor eud Btate Treasurer of ratal ¦an, and ».abroar» --.m of aaid hereby alte in tlce Diet on Monday the twenty Sfth af April ueat, tbey will ofor for aale tothehlgheit bidder, bouie of the Btate of M.cMgaa of nut leia t-aan one thooeand | dollart aavrh, to the amcunt of one hundred thoneand dollars, few the rtlog V) \ »¦* orlremente thereof, the prlnrlpal redeeraahle In the City g*W-Bealj at the pltaaure of the Bute la twenty yeera frnea 'ST..* ifif of lo'y "#,*> *vA .hf> ln>re»t jiayabl* half yearly at »»» ER CKNT PER ANNUM in iald city The toQ, and in- .eoAjf Mid Canal after r*yln the exaeneee of the nare and fw*F"Bjrjg thereof are by the Statute pledged and devoted to aba ^*J**.ptK'u i f the Botel, ai d the ;a'tb f tue Bute li pledged *' Vir pa>n-*Dt Pereot i wlihlns to Md for aaid Losa wUI haar] addree* propoeaJa to the nade'elaned, Btate Treaj rret, at V^ee-ii.Mlcblsan, whl-b will be op.i,ed by the o earner and at'gaM". at 'he Ai'laa ,f Ba< k, In the City of Naw-Fork, where f-totiatlon wl.l be completed. ona to whom aaid loan, or any part thereof, aaay ha _.id, w'I be required to dep lalA the amortut tueraof to the .jtafiev. r.i of u>e Bute of Mlcblgen In inch Bank aa he >a*gLe'e at the Daaa aad plaoe the bonds era de'trered. jd (e la the following worai- " rJb<-'t to provide tot the repairing, preeerretli n and opee- .jt of Die Bblp Canal am .nd the FaQa of St Mary, and ha At im to* Imet reepe.'ttr>g the eema. rt »f»r*o«. By ao act f Congreee approved Angatt Bt, lABRtaa tjnna-rei i f the t'r.lted 8'\'n greuted the right Ui looete a Bbl* Oanaf aronnd the Falls of 8t. Mary, and alao e-eet, hundred and any tSiHiaand ev-ree of the pubbc fends to eld In toe iirtrnnttea at - Caiaal i and P> Aereoa, The aaid act wee aeneiited by, and Die oondftloaB tbeteof uaada obligatory upua tula Stets by au Bot approved Fabroary t, lt&l; and H Aeteae, Bn«-B Canal having been bti|R end eecepaed by the Batbarltiea ef thai Bute, la found to need repelre In wider to lu Caervati.ni and oaeniUieat, and iha due performa- oe ef tat at *reaud by eeld act of Cougreaa, and the aaaaat of kbia Bbe'e tbtreto: therefore Samoa 1. Th* ptoplt ef tie HUtU «/ Mu-Atgaa enael, That the Ovvrr BIS and Bute Treeauier are hereby autborleed end dire, ted In Uie r.arae and bebetf of the people of this State to aegoHete and eooVect for a an or loana not earc dlogla all bundled thousand rVilare, redeemable at the pleaioie ef the te, at eny time after the eaptrattou of twenty years fi..aa ehe t day SB July, In the year on* thoaeand eight huu tred £a hundred tt t ueaud dullare, redeemeble at the pleataie of the a>. at any " ley r.f July, Bfty nine, on the beet and moit fevnreVe Uiiik a.id I n lt'ona that In U eU judraeent nan be obte«aed, at an 1 itereet net ea- aevdlua raa per naiaaa pee atanuea, payable half yearly, to Be as. pouded end epptled eolely in nietloi, Lora time to tiaie, eweb repatre upou the lo.-ke, rate* and weiie thereof aa the B- erd of ajontrel reeled by tie eta titled " An a. t to pro.td* for the eollecUt-n of tolls Bud for the oara, -harge and opeteMnt of the BU. Mary't Fall* Bhip Caoal," t| omved Februeiy i, IBML nay Seem i.e.-. aeeir for the preeervatlon ead effloleut operetloo of aaid Caual, a t the fi.il perforna'ice af the trust eh.ne re-JteA Bbctiob 2. Fcr the purpoae of effecting lb* loan on oeaa aforteaid, D » Ouvernor acd But* Tieaaurvr are hereby empow¬ ered and directed after i avtug Bret ad.ertiaet for aa. h loan la eaw of D.a dallr papereui tb« rltlei nf Detroit Boat, u N*w- Tark art Phuburgh, tut at leatt thirty dayt prior to ne,.-latlog aaid !<a»., tu aauee to be made and lnued, buu^i In tumi sot lea* thai one Ueouiend d >Uaxt each, to be ilgned by the Govarnos and BtsatavaBBai by the Be. reUry of Btate and Suu Treeeorat. with lb* great seal of the Bute allied therr'.o, a hl.-b lel.i bouda aball be dtawn le fevor of the A .dit.-r o.. r-a1 a d .-.tag ta- Sataidtp bin aball become tea-t'ereMe acd de'Uerrlta the the aero or and SUU Treatuiar, and traniferable by these la Baach fei u aa they aball di-lde to be redecruab e ea n' .eeeld and to bear to irrest as afoieaald, payable on the Bret day of Jaly .od Jte.tary la each year tn 1' ' N. w-York, or «. abeie ta the I cited Btatae. ehon'J the te-verror and Btete t'-reeartr tad It --inveulenl aad adventageoue ao baeeatrecti BaBttM barehy *t-.rth*>r deolarad tbet It ehaK he deemed a tntnriaal aaa awtion . f iald power to borro w, that the Oorernoi and State TraBit.tcr rave a lied turb bonda to be eiecnt>d and aild. fareeaeaJ, That eald bonds aball be a Id to the htgheit bidder, bat aaati rat he . Id at lees than par and the lao.o y obtainea Rwaa said loan aball be paid over to the Bute Treasurer, aad aheJI. .i.atltute a par* of ih* Bt Me y i S'ilp Canal load, to ha agapBed e .d n>ed for tea above named anrpoee* ar.d f re ao othat parpoeea whatever for which appltwalon of tu.a money ehe latth ol the State la hereby pledged Bat r oa 3. A'l U.et...!a end other tnooaaa Bern the eald Bt Blary'a Ealle Bhtp C*.-.el, after paying the actual at.d aeeaaaary for aba cere and operating of the eeoie. are hereby fMdgad and devoted to the paynieut of ealt boa.de, priii-.pal and h»-re.t aa be tame »r a fa1', d acd Iba BUU hereby goar- aatee* the payment of the principal and leureet of la.-t. beiail .adeath acd every of them, cut of auch to.li and Income, ead ¦sedge* its faith Cat, In de'aalt cf auch peyaient, It will ob*ob- UUonalfy pay the eame without delay. Bbctiob 4. All naceaaary ,x mlngen expeueee Incomed by the G ternor ai d Stafe Treeaurar Ic aurtc« . it Nee prnvtsteaa af thl* act aball be audited by the Board of Bute Auditors, aad aaid rut of any mourn In the Treasury not otherwise aperupri- 4Uad, aod be cnerged egaiuit eald Canal fund, ^reeuted, hew e*er. That the State Treaaarer eheil Bot, as a mecubet of aaid Board, toe* ta eaettUng any oialat under Ih.i eevakau B a v r i c i A Tbe boada. the laaue or wbloh 1* aotbortaadj by .hta a aball be nruaibared and regdetered la a b»ek u> »* are- bared for that putyaae by the Andltor-OauereJ In his ottaa, Which r*e<rter ahaU onuBaln lb* number, a«omit, and wbaa Aach hood beeKHwee due, tbe rate of Interest, and whea Bad Vbert th* InUieetbt payeble: and aaoh bond ahaU aotttata a hawy nf the third section cf thU act. BavTioaA Ttui act aaaU Uk* effect BMMBlBBtety. ADM B »AIRFIELD, Fraaidattt or the PENRT A. 8RAW, Speaker of the House of RoproeeoUrJ Approved, Feb. IA I US La. ttug March A S.A. M. W1BNER 11 ..error of MUbigata, JOHN MoKINNtY. Btate Treaurer. C .., ITALY, arftelANT. a aa a SVS EDAN, JOHN MUNROE A AMERICAN BBNBEBS. No. I RI E DE LA PAIX, FaRII, *_4BwJtfB I WALL-STRICT. NEW- TORE, t?*-1^ LaKTT}. "*J,f CREDIT f., MERCANriLE FIB- *»ufl*». AI.. CIRCl'LAR LttTFRRB OF CREDIT aa aJJ Ike pi'Dcipal lowu* ead Clttee of AHANCE. RKLOIl'M. <a-EAp BRITAIN. SPAIN, Tf; AND, POKM ÜAL, a V1*.A«D, BWlT/EBLAND ALSO OR . PHKNS, OONBTANFINOPLl, ALEXANDRIA CAIRO, BEYROl F. JRRLAALEm;' Ra, Ac BIL1.8 ON PARIS and Bterl.rg BlJa, at abort at JO dsti' slgbi, for aaie fat leau to lutt. H. BICKARD, Mining ÄTent and Stork e Bnker, nBIoa No. tl Naeeau-et, New York, boy* and eelte slitaiNCj BhARRB, MINEH and MINERAL LANDS on CaaaaaAvahna, wbQ exanfae Mfsei and Mineral Lands ic any part ef the L'tthwd Btatae, aad rep.-r oa their vane, Aa. riTlnabjl aataatasa Btvac S Lab« BayattBr baHaiae HPHE STOCK I IC'LDhKS and CREDITORS if I Um- <>HIO AM» MlBNlS^irri BAILRO»raC<>VlPAKY, >t»ri Plvtatao, »i» bereb' »crrtfVed . a a>**Ont of the Tra***" i turn' 1 H, tr». »-,..»-> cat ¦ f (t-wswrli. AW «tuif h»id at tt-rr i .II«. Mar r >Tt it*, lie »oljo«rtng Pw»«ibi* aal K . ' .Iae* we* .4»p*»'5-- PPAertai Tm '.jTeein'D I f 0*** «a»«r 15, IBS*, Not keen mV err-bed r) 1' e por ieu "f IM p*>i»l-» »t ¦» - / .«.. > ¦-».'- are ».»!.in (>rd»r to M ry IdVo effect toe prix.try txd me.n fa ¦««.' eastern laled teer, try. V-et M te-mi !l it n»e* rtett tn determine «t *a early day, a*-fc.tb<-r aeab rkwtry end met p ireneee of mid agreement oan t, fvtrset be <***vltiuoB>Bt>d. Tt.'-retore. tt ¦ McultoJ By th» Trwe** purtntnt to lie tiUmrltv |)Ten by tarter - ertlrl« Bf raid .»fr-m-i t that frov-i aed Bfte' the Irtt Mj of Key next, too rif.Ji ul er.y end of eil partlet ke mberrtb* t< eeio igii eejeal *f Oi. ember IB, lA'.g, or A'y of lid ooesteir- ¦tuu the.l ceeee uxi ta rroioele "Xr-pt epo., end wit* tt.* anen- daoeo* ooeeeBt of i*Jd T. it***, bi prerlded la toe eeid tenth arBVl* thereof. B/eeierd. fvrtrrr. That tr.e Trot:. ** win on end B*ter the laid fr» daj u.' Blatte- d- >ro.a>e whether or oot tTaVJ tejeeernecl of i>.' ember IS \U+, beat-'*n beea (r. Been bed by toe pern et eeaenlia! to give eff-ct tax e::d tao coaaaaiujete ha primary end tee In p- 'pe*** ** therein dec a-ed Ceeeired /aether That fveTroeteet poblith a o'/tlee of the etove er»Beit > aud reenlt.tloet, In accordaace with uie sever.- te-ertb artiel* of veld agreeaw-irt. ttaaolee*,/yrtAee Toa: 'he Treat*** vrUl nnltedly Bad eerneet- H wake all feir and hoei.rt.ble *ff>,r»a to proeore, before toe fcrrt day of May next the .Uneturee of partlt Decenary to eonina- citt* and oarry Into *3ect the prtrna-y and main -jurp^aei of laid Beaeeaeatat be.levln», et »hey do tn*' the eobtu aaawhwel of eatd p ireo'et. at therein der tared, -laet titj to aeeo-e and pr' teet a* 111Hill of all the Creditor! and BtAekholderi of tba Obio and MiMiwtpi>l RaHroerl Coanpai.y Elf. rs DtvUion, and to pf*Ten*. a 'o'telotare cf the Mort|a*ei on the corporate pTuperty aad frnr.i-.Mjei of that Company Vor f other additional information, apery at the nffieei of the Cenipa- t at Clnrinnati ai.ri No tSWalit., New-York. Daun NiwVork, Mar< b 8. it Ml im..- 'd| kVal. H AB'INtVALI* r airman. toaitt ai Unttum. A W. C01.TO», Auctioneer AVERY LAKGfc a»iortmeiit of HOUSEHOLD PI RNlTt RE both new and e.-iond band Carpelaofall klada, Pianoforte, I n full pie-.* of Oil Cloth. <*< dozen cart maple Chain. M new Cottafe Redateada, fyetber with any atiai lit! of othei fo rtt will be aold THIS DAY, Saturday, Apnl 6 at l*i oeloek, at N A9 Seekmar-af. N. B kale wi'l ke per.n.,1 ) r kkaa r. lira to weather. p.» *. Hmr*W, AoetJoneer.Offire No. 33h Broadway. AUCTION NOlICE-AUCriON SALE. RICH .OIZWOOD aad IMPOBTCB Ei'RNiTL'RE . S HOUarBwi »tpLbl'aa.i Jon THIS DAY (letudiy) Aa*'I l*t. at) JoYWk prniiely. all the furnltore, Carpe'a, Jjeioratlor ., W oika of Ar-, Ars., Ar ; aleo, a feoeraJ kinrtmeat ofTtl'le Ware, M h at Caioa, I».m r and Tea Sate Silver *.] ¦», Tea I'm, 8e!v>rt. Cu' jtlara Ware, CJ'l-ry, ertJi, Poiki Ac., Ai- rorjuleed la O'et-ciaMretldecce Si 12 ( oiver- .ft* pit r. Beat W a»Ll. ?'.< l »q ik.-e Catal |uei to be had at ti e hoiire OLiy Dl I ION' NOTICE.-1'hnta, TrWa\ Ever- tree Til, f Peoulri Aeal ai and P't I' < in areat irty, Irom WM. WlLtON tlarltt, iPhatA, to be ioId at II k, THIS DAY, at No IM tj.loWUi * t D HOLBROOK, A Uonaer. A Irl Mrtwrv. Auetlobeer. BY HANGS, MERWIN tV Co., Trade-Sale Room. No. IS Park-row. MONDAY BVENIN9, Apill 18, a'. 7 o'r! k, BOOKHtLLI RS' SfOCK-i:in.priilDt a eolle'tion of fiae library edition! f Standard Boon oa varloui iur>i«c ., lce.ludib( S. IBB it. Clatilea. and Bcbrol B >oki. and t tarier of new mti ealbxatooapBklllltlliail Aleo, an ta ortnie-.t of ^tatloneiy, it:- cludLnr Rlauk Bo. la, Pepere Pen Caaei, K Ac. U ¦ DNFSDAY F VfcNINO, Apill?'. at7o':lry-k, CHOK E PRIVaTE LI8KAR»-Of Ea|;iih and Amerban Bce.kt or.Diprlalnf valuable worn In nearly every department, 1' r.iutitti-j many elegant and expenaively 1 nt-ated woika. A Ik., a vatitty of new ita-.dard booki aome of which have not beloie been offered tl Am bWA Ca'* o?u-i are now ready. BY JOSEPH HEOEMAN..On WEDNES¬ DAY. Api Bj at 9 e'aaaab a. m., prerlarly. a', the More of BuTI'hEN A WEEKS No SM. Brradway between Walkir ai d Ca e et a N V to rloie up the rettll BtBBab of ther \, ,.' Dtn. The wbolciale rjepa tmei.t to be reo.otrd to N«. I(K> Llb- atty-at a^d No. 106 C»dtr it. Alane and teiert' aiaortaent Bf rli b wallpap«ri. Kren b deporatloni, aola and vrlvet pi; era, bordiia, iucltilltf a variety of a prl >ed latin papert, b ank', Ar. The tale ii per. "i t ry, without reieivo. aad without re- l>rd v. v ra'bar, and the |oodi will be told In Io»« to lull pur- r baten, wi;b a nnv lege u, dealeri. CaUKgun at the ttore oa Tueitiay. BY JOSEPH HEGEMAN.Ofl MotTrdBT, April if, »t Vt i.'rloek B, m it No. Sa Front, be .ween Main and Dork *te Metogany Parlor F.irnlture, Bediteade. H irea n, Ma*- tretaet. Hedsiug Cbairn Tablet, walnut axtanii u Table, Crock- eiy a. d Krtbt n KLrnlt'ire SAME DAY. At 2 -'clock p. m., a* No. Hau.pden it.. eiih'b home frnm Pi Ka.'.-av - inatioiauy puloraad« Latnter F^r^i'ure- handioxe uiahugat y Secretary and Bo. koe»e, oak rxteniioi. Table, Brill- nil t«n«try, three p'v, tod ingrain Ctiprti a d Oil Ci.tb", U>i ilatoraa, Sewlpg Macauie, parlor aud cook Siovei, Oloeb- ery and K t b< u Kuri.il re, ail Lu txielient 0'<ler. Catalaguai a', the iBiei 11 in Dt I'ltTMEN'T OF FlKAtCK, CokTIOLI.IR't On ich, I Haw Vota, Marek 19, l'A9 } CORPORATION DOCKS ami SLIPS to be LEAHKD at AUCTION .Notice Ii hereby given that aev- eraJ of ilie U ,rka Fieri aad Slipi belonging to th- C irporaUoa, win be leaaed ou bid* at pubJ) aocllou, on TUESDAY, April 19 ISM. tt 12 o'clo. k, noon, at tbe City Hall, lor the term of Ate y. era A Ca'.e: tue routaluing tbe Baa her and loca¬ tion, and alao the ternn and »mditioni of tale, aay be bad at U.lf < tli'e, tbeteruent of City Hall.) atepe will alao he ¦bow of the t orp ration W ba'Vea an t Plen By order of U Coniwlaaicntiioi'ao* Banking Fund ROBT. T. HAWS Conttoler. Fnv. *sd H 11 BLOW A Co Ao*Blarie*rt HANDSOME HOUSEHOLD I I h'Niri'RE at *u< tioo.-E. 11. LI DLOW A Co. will ae.ll at auulou, on MOMDA V. April 18 laaR at II oVI ..-t, a' N-. AT Ott) aa pla.., HANDSOME HOI 8E Fl'RM f CUE. i.iim'i | of rotewcrd I'aili l f n-i. tuie, 8. foi Chain Inin t», in blue and .Ilk latin bn rate.le, Arn. lad Ree, ption Chairt In rept, Coniol Tabie laige P>. t U alt, Lam- Cnrtalna, Chandel er 'A tel rote- wr od Etajit r»«, n*ewet,d Hide Table, Ma-hle Tofa, Taiwilry Velvet, Cirpvta, blaet walnnt Bedt'eadf, roaewood Dim- ¦nr Biirrau* and Waabataiida. marble top«; roi. wood Brli in rid p'ui'i, Cba'ri and Rocken to mt'i b, Oei Brvketi, Elgravmii, Kbadea, Hair Mattreatai. Boliten a,d I'Jlowi, Brciaeli cud Tai ea'ry Carpeta Oil. loll t, toxe'iier witn aa at aattataaAof Kftaaaa wiiaisBiia aaibb which the ia e will oom- BaaBoa. Catalogue* previoui to the aale at ta- Aucili neer'i off Ida, No. Id Piae at <l,83o). A J Bi ar< aits, Auctioneer. M4GNIF1CEN1 SI I ES ne«r TARRY T( >WH. A J. BLEECKER, BON A t a eill tall at taetl 1 OB Sa. I'RDAY, Apnl 23, a*. 12 o'clock, atjthe REVERE HOI BE, Tairv w. Hap- t: A 111 ACT OK LAND eor'ait'tig 51} fret, iltnated near Tan y to WD, on Ue 8I.EEPY II H.LoW i, i. BM la Uta lawtl- dtate iipfghborhood of the mttrtlSeaDt i-e'.e M- lira. Barilett, Swordi, BOKER, A. J. PH>1.P8 J. W. VaERH, IfafOlitty, and uteri It bei from every put an extemive view of the .uirouuning country and the Ill'DSOS KlVlR north aud totith Uu well wooded and watered and \\ i LL H E Di VI DEI) in. i tiof ftoin Ato 1( acieaea-li, afl "di tLOVELY VIEWS FROM EACH PLOT. TKR.VS At CM V iDATiNO Liho- araaelc niapt at a ¦ aaieixoami, Not 7 aud I Pia* in, pa*tl .ua i ia e._<l,6>o) EOWABB Ii. Li :i oh, A,, tioneer PEREMPTORY HALE of VALUABLE PROPERTY n BIOAOWAT. CANAL an I tVALKCR- BT8.li at AUCTION. order f lollN JAY and JOHN F. BtTTFR A OR ill Exec.it. ra of Jl DOE JAi E. II LI DLOW A Co Brill aeil a', pal I a tt- D on Tl Ei- Dar, April 18. ,K.-ti, at 12 o'. lack, at the Mer, l.a .ta' Ex.-liange: Broadwa-.No. lit, r .cLlLg tbiough to Cortlandt aliey; lot 28.tlxP.'> trtt Kr, adway. No. i*", runolng through tu Ccnleod: allev lot 27 lxi"i (ret Canal and Centre iti I Lot, nrr'.n-weat corner. Caual-at,. Lot, aertb il le. pear Bi .adway. Caual-tt I Lot, , Btbetde near C .rt .a .It all*y. VN iBjat tt I Lot a adjB at**, weir Corte»'..at alley. U aller it .1 Lot, Borth tide, near t ort ai dl alley. fth av .4 Houiei and Lot* weal aiJe Bawl 3 nfc it T*. thlidi ol tne p- ' -ba-e BSAa) can remain on mortgage. For hotik, mapa, aud full paiticulaaa, apply at the Au tiooeet't Ofl c* Na. It Plnr tt. (l.TM) PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR'» SALE.. THOMAS D. DO! RLE I) AY will sail at the itore. No. 152 Drat d-tt, corner ol Klin it.. oa HONDO, the 18th tnat at a tu , all it* effeott bi It uglug to th* ettat- of U.ya«* Rada.ln, caoeaied. comln Hg cf OROCEHIEB. Llli ,> PRr.Sr RVED I BUlTS, I tit ESC, Ac. By oidrr ot TU0MA8 C. FIELDS, Public Admlnitttaior. PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR" SALE.. THOMAS D. DOl'SLKDAY, Auctioneer, will BeU a: Fort fcaaylat. Waakabeate*Caaatt, ou KRiDAY, the tifteeuth day af April next, at one c'cWi, all tbe personal ett».-te at laid Fort, keloaging to tbe ratete of Col. JOrlN L. SMITH, dea-eaaeo. Tbl above n!. la poitpooed to MONDAY April -25 By order of THOMAS C. PIELDB, Pablic Admloiitrator. A. .1 liiii kit. Auctioneer. SUPREME COURT SALE in PARTITION ol tb, .. PARKINSON ESTaTe; at BTATtN ISLAND .A J BLEECKER, SON a Co will tell oo TrlfRiDaV, April VI . M at o't .wk at Sever . Hetel. \ »odetbtl- . Land- till . pa: ait ol be.-. '.'1.1 LAND a C.tfton tar tint ft ota . IS acrei aa. b. m the luiuiedia'.e m-igbaorho .1 sc tbr BaaAt of M-aan PK-irrti,.!] AipIuwb!'.. Ac Also 2 PLOTS of It acrei eavb, ou Caatietoa Hijhtt, rear of Pstten'i Hotel Abo 2*3 At KE8 ki own aa tbe farm of tie late Caleb Ward, oppaaltt P.i-h a- .1 fataM Ai t. v. witb a bwW water fraaA The ap.if eax-.-i a.ar toi*-rty It udi: ryaited for U auty of riBBBtl .' if r*aa dt ci view, and eii.ava.-ea tone cf ta* caoi.-eet aitet oa tot in d I' will be aaown ou appl:.a-.ioo at tbe Horne.'ead .1 U ONARO I'AKKINSON. at a I.itb tiiphic ki.pe al Mo 7 Pfjie a) aid baaal ai laiHiaiiiaiil In siaten lalaod« r By on at H B. METCALFE. Bahrte (i iTi) \ A. J. Bi I tiiri. Auctioneer. ACRES of GROVE LAND.At Rw'Qork, aA'eeti bettrr County, k-ownea Barry't Woodi ol the Cue .attnLil Utov*. A J BLr ECKER. SON A 0*. wil< teil a, .AiJKUAi, ap ü at 1.' o eat a-, tee Meaoaaatr1 Ra eh. a.|.. toe aboTr b-a.mul p- prity. ntutt. d l va . , tt.li taiaa ta | f Marc r.r i e.-k Vi> age. or ten a*Bet*e' a all of de pnt, Th* lai d la a baaaolilu level, covered wtu. l oe timterr ai Jaär] ' awtfat», with th* Mama.-oce.-k River ikuvtag i wee poci t a*y, loralng ob* of tea* aoott kaaj tn 8 BaaM Ml a geo-le aiat. a .eaadet. r, or pi.b ic retot' in tbe c'ly'a oei^W-orbood, ac- ta-aai'ae by N--w Hevea Raiur*e4 or eeeeBihnil FartVaianat K.c 7 Pi '.-a*. tt.SBfi Jneoranfe CATiit}j(mift. MERCHANTS' INSURANCE COMPANY. I9T ORKAN WiCH STREET, oorntr of FULTON. CAPITAL .S JIM .«Hin BUKPLl 8 iovei.. «IOO.O<iO At th* Eleet on beia oc the 11th but, the foilowln« Oeot'e- n et wtr* tucted Dls». ten of Uu Company for the eniaAtf tear :. t V B. Otti-ender. L-vl Apgar. D. Randolph Marvin, J.*eph B. Barker, Pepj. 8 Tay'or, Ward A Work. Mi -*i A Bar* k, Erj Hotpcvk, Eaea'r. Beeilertar, Oi rdoa W Bninbata.lirBtl Minrar. Joiepfa M öruea, HrLiy A. K>rr, Jarruiiab Rohhuj, David Mifie, Witilaai HuaU-e, Raoi'i B. Bouaaao, CO Van Wageaaa, Barret H Van Oi keo.Crow*! Adam*. Natbaclel Weed. At a auk* a Lent oieeUnd of the B ard. C V. B Of TRANDEA Wat unanuaooily ra-eltated Prraldenl . the enaciug year. J. L DO OLA5». ttritaia. . a( 12, iae? fiiar,y>ii»rp. B ^ok BALE.A ^TEAM-engine if«h»r* r-wer. io« to «t IM h»- w,*»-.'«cW/ry mimi of Aey- e. -* Wil-eaigh |ri. B t » eli a n c I f i k E beöül u0u, KOR MAVIRO FUr.L IN HTEAM-BOILBSS. tft« meet »* erMve »»« . tTi<-'e»- .nitruweeB* of Med. rblU. W. COPFLANO, N .*> Broadway N T. Cn:lfi>, (jaromatt, «tr. HARliWA-RE, CTFLK1T, EDOE TOOLS, «4b for eele by CHaBLES S LITTLE h Oo.. Noi r >u t -». r». Win reir.rv* ob the iBfJ *f May. )»-*., BS No. 2p0 Broedwey. fmOl üAftDLN ORNAMENTS. JAN fs, n. kue ft OO., No V* BROADWAY, N F., kB idcttlOB to thett oeual vertefy, it« " rtan'Jy pTo4cTbag bw« ertteeei o' BSorBBBABt tot .»«».»». . leewne, C ¦. eres ssw ruh \ p«ikt. ROUNTAIN8.Brno Blbto »IVB. vase8 Over Se dtPerenr 11't.nii so« air**, from Bit to BIAS. SETTEES exd Ca A 1RB Bf »11 tne various pattem. LIONB. CbkwbbI Life-Blie. end In MuilAtui*, tUadl&g Auf rer/ceing DP FR.Three slff»r»nt St'Vmi BOOB.E«»i d'.Fereit ,. WILD BOARS r- v » S KAOLE8, LAMBB, Ae, iLLt'T iitiD Cirat.oetif eent oj me|. janes, bkebr a to.. No 'it* Broadway, New-York. INGOT COPPER, SPELTER, BANC A TIN, 1 ArSTIMONlY, LEaD, BPCLTtR 8OL0IR. THOMAS PIG IRON-S<.ft, fr«*, strong, and warranted sobs tor* Vr Bo'«h Pig Q AMES & SON* SHOVELS snd SPADES. \1 OLTJT HOPF CUT NAILS.Very superior kJA «Ballt*. Al'It' Bm M utt BeM IroD Co. JOHN W. QDIMCT A Co., No «. W-|iHan-er. Sl'MMKR STOVi-.S, CÖokläf BtoreZ H> \nCm- ten, end b veiy iB'rr ¦Bash, of f(. BBS fi.rnienlag BBSwSj for sal* v»ry k>w, si No. t Carinii.- . ebo.c Bissel*a WILL! III CLAEKE. S N sDicun öUi.iu.a», Gl. THE NORTII-GEBMAN LLOYD » STEAI--.- SHIP NEW-YORK, B J VON SaNTEN '- a wli) >e peeltivrly, rarrtirt tk* U S. Mall, bb SATURDAY, April 16, at 12 an., roa BREMEN tu SOUTHAMPTON, teilet paw- geri for l^NDON, ma. RE, BOL'THAMPTON and BREMEN, at lb* roi owing .».- . BIRST CABIN. BUS] SECOND CABIN, 9*0; BTEER- AOE, » Bor Pr. I, .. aid *«. ere .. p j to atELPCRBj KEUTOEN k REICHELT, No. 31 Br aiwty. Su n on m co. 'a OISPATCB LINE FOR BAN FRANCISCO. SHARPEST pjai F'NLBT CLIPPKIl SHIP L'P, To BAIL t. Iba HAY ADFUfftBJaA CLIPPEB ef April uit. Tke rp.< ..£.( »: favnnu- A I . tBsM r-thls B E BO XI B, Canar Matrar, Ii rracIaiDi brr rargo >t Plat Hb n r Rirer, Anil will promp'rt iail aa ab its. Tbe B. F HOXIE, bthf wrifknowti as a fast aaller of tba axtraBie chpprr »l.ir nirrln a; a cniTfrius b. r earro la fine ardrr, WITHOOff D.\aj*Or, la raromrmcd'd t* «klpfi aa Bha mor daalrabl« coDrayaxo» olfarlBg, and will fill oa brr AD¬ VERTISED DAY. Bi rrON k Co, No. M South-at., eor. Wall. HE NEW LINE fof BAM FRANCIS JO, CaLIFOINIA .ORAAV RtDUCflON of FaRE -Tha fa»ont»» itrimiMii BioBBBKHN LliiHf, Capt Ti kirn will laava New York from Pi.r Na. 3, N. R on Tl «4()Af. IIa» 1", at 2 o'clock p m., conns-tit p rlt Pa-ama Railroad, wltb tbo iteamihip ORl/AhA. Apply at Uic on>y ..fflo-ef tea lite, No.6 BowiIli 011BBS, I) B. ALLEN. Armt. N B AI' perw'i.i «r» ' ibid truitlrt any aar oo AcoeuB. of tbe abore thlpa or owci-ra. TEAM to IBELAND DIBECT, for $30..The _ LiTcrpoool New Yetk an. PfailedcIanU «U-jmablB Co.'a aplei dirt er d pcwctfu »»reri ab!p Cl TV OF MANCriE«PER 2,119 tu:», Catrt Jeio'i K»nnrc y, will «all from Sel'aet to New- York on VVJD.nEBDaY .»r' ca'urt at Curk to atci.-k paaai-r rt'-'t. Bfae will lce\e Cael fjr New-York direct, FBI DAY April I. Tie CITY OP MANT1IESTER wi'l »II from Nrw York to Cork and Liv.rp ol 8A T 1's.D AY, April 3 a: noon, (i.m flal Flo. 44, Noitb Alter. F*Tr« or Pamr.it: Cabin, f.-tai New-Yi -a toCork end LieerpoM.B»" 8t*rre«e, from New York to Cork aid Lltvrpiol... 30 Inr.lueiDs an ui.lln it.-d BllBWBBCB cf tbe beet cooked prorl « » a bleb will be BBTTI d b> '.£).¦ Coopa > a a'ewerda Pa-.ei aere by ttlt Itaa a'old th» rial aud jreet det-r.tior of eel u.a at Heülax aid 8t Jubi.'a, a* tbe City tl MenobedMrr aalla dire, t to Cork. For frtlgnt or r»"Bf* enp'y to JOHN M, PEE. No 103 Vlnor^a-it, BelTaat C. W. D. SEi MOi'R a Co , Cork, and in Pbiltedalpbla sod Nrw t ora at Ue CaaaiaaBry'l officea No. 11.9 V\ BiLUt-at rblledrlpna, erd tao K; -a'way. N-w Turk. J"1IN O. DALE Acbl*. TA'M. INMAN, Afetit, Not. C2 aud 64 Tower flu iaUga, Liv¬ erpool. K rtber aaillnae will appear In f I ire alr.rtlif m- its. NOTICE. . In fnturr* tbe .Stt'itriiTi of tili« Line ell at COhK, Irr v o, .¦. ¦¦, ,d ad rece'v« astfaaa and pa.aeipeii. Blaaaa to LIVERPOOL adiilt|ttCORK aud via Liverpool to LONDON QLaBOO Bf. e d bD be priu- eilialtowneln OBEA r R . IT alt. end IBELAND, at (eaatl) recuced rar*i-Tb» L'VF.BPO'»L. NKU-YuRK a .d PHIL*- DrLPHIA hTEAMelllP COMPANY 8 .p'endid C yda bulit Iron aciew biteaaubipt are ii.te ded to eall aa fobowi; ranaj liw.voaa CITY OF BALT1MOBE.8ATI IIDAY, Arrl! il . IT» OF WASHINGTON....BaTL'aUA». Mey 7, RANOAROO. SATURDAY, May 21. And every altercate Setu-dey, At IS o'eJock soon, from Pier No. 44 North Ufr. BaTBi or raatacB CaVlB trem New t orb er d PbUadelprte.B1' Tbiid-chuB from New- York to any of a a named plaoe* 3e Retoni tlcieta. avaHabla for ala oiouihe. |o I'eaeengera forwarded to Havre Paria, Hama-irg Bremen, At tw erp, and all parte of tbe Contloent wttbout de ay. NoTitB..Tkeee eteameri are provided wltb every regniaiie to Irienre the laimedlate aatLjctl a of fire, and Uta errietest ale clp'lce Is enforced with regard to tha ose of light* Paatecfera to Ireland by tile Lin* an id the ilak andfr*t'. detention of tailing at St Johna, aa Ibe iteatnrripi'teedU) Coik dlrrct. Far freight or paaaage, app.j at the f - ef the Cospavy, JOHN w DALE, No. II Broadway, New Yotk, Ageut _b Liverpool to »VM INMAN. Tower Buiidtnga GBEAT REIJÜCTION..THE vTND^;i^ Hil.r Pl KOl'EAN LINE of I NIFED STATES MAIL BTKAM8HIP.S, VANI)KRHlLT...Cept P. E Lefevre, Ol'EAN Q1EEN, NOBTH 8T4R....(BPt A O Joaaa, a;,i' i. will firm brOBTBIMTLI liuabetween New Yuaa.BoiTHaktr. li sand HATBA, leavL-g isla aide eex.b a t»tna'e SatuMday, a^d the other tide rack alter a'e Wednesday, vti: raoej bbw-vubb raoa aavaa roa iottTHaatrToa a loirmerTi» aau Raaaa. rce aew voaa VANDEB BM.T. Satur.iey. April 13 Wadseaday M .v 11 NOhTil STAR_ .Saturday, May 1... 'V.«n,l1jT ag,, ^ ARl* L.iBatordey May 2l.. Wedu. *d*>, Juo* a. \ANI)tlli;ILT.Ip. .- 4.. .Vedriedey, Jana 2S. These Bteamahlpa ha«.- w»t»r-ti^bt, ompartm nie. trtiry able fturteon* nicB P*«.awa.Fiti ra way tub i.hz-\ .j: Per VaMiramiT .Klii CeUu . iho eaa . .<*; Se»wod Cab¬ in, AW>ard B.Vi- a- jrdic» to lo-at.on sf atBJta room a Frr North Bias and abicl.Fixet Casln, AiK); Second Cabin. BjBR Caat ii l< am 'ii ei of paaaage from Eurtpe. Bpecir drliveied .u Loodo^ a.io i'eita. D. ToRRANCt, ltd 3 Boailng Oleen, New TorA Tbe GLASCdW a:,.l new-YORK B1 EAM- 8HIP COS* ANY Intel.d aal Ilm (metf tew and r- werful BlaaaaaeafraaiNEW TOBKdxreetta dU^MWic «. n »mK; A" abun*ou. BArtRDAY, May 14, at U t'cletl Bo«n. I DINBt RUB, Cimmlng,-,-, at IS oV-lo. k noon. BalaBaf BaaaBd* ' n, N-* Totk, Philai elpnl* or Boetoute Gaaiow, LHaryaat, Be.fi»-, Dublin or Londoodery Firat clate, B7S| Steerase, fouLd wt'b an ab-inde* .* of c oked i 'oviaiooa, A BE Peteeae ft at attbaa of tbe above pla ea to No w Ycrt: Cakio. B*- Steerage, e-ti'. Ci ilir.n ui.di r 12 >.t« of age, half fare. K'tit i»a ret.. I tkl ta. eaei:*'.,* witbm Ml mocuu, B140. i or bright or it.a.fe enply to ' _ROBERr cRAIJ. Na 17 Broadway. Special NOTICE..FiTBt eatreme clipper ab i toealL rr R08S. FALCONER i. to 'a Lice for 8aN FRANCISCO. The eitreme OefgBBBS dhip \ I KINO, Wineor, Master, i* bow receivitg Mal of h.-r cargo at Pier No. II East River, lue last paaaaie ai rjag Vikirg waa i*E daye. Apply to Ross, FALCONER A Ca., No 46 Flue at cor. W'tHun, Ar ti at Ban Frander,^ Meaer*. ROB8 HEM e»TFR k Co. "DALI IMORt,\YA>HlNti (»\, äöd iwt WES T. AA .The i-eaBwra of tae NF-Vt-ioRK and BALTIMORE BTEaMBHIP I I*E lee^e Pier No. .> n rta R -r b TL' ES DAYS, ffHI RSDAYS end 8ATI BDAYS BaBBABg tne a-.tge lo_ foity houri. Kralfl.t to Bel'.i.-nore eix rarMM p*r aWBtl t> WBjAiaghBB ten nti ter fu- end p'opc'tiorete rB;n ) bj throagh ratei |a the BVeet, c vet-ng eaaVBAeSa rat |aa . ra ¦ h 0 R R. Co lOri ce, NV ;. . B-oedwey. Apply ta _H. B CBQMAA f LI. h Co No. K Kmt tt. POR SAVANNAH and FLORIDA..The A ner- J7 u-an Atiei tic Screw 8te«meb-p C wjpaay'a new aal elaiant ateacabip H NT8\ II.LE, Jpo A Poat, commander wlU leava Pter U North Rlv. r ot SATURDAY. April 16 at 4 o'cloek p m. Paaaage to Bevannah. wltb uoaujpaiaaii e.x«iu» >ga;i->na Blii ttrougJi tick«:, to Nea-Orleans, B39 7J, Mobile Montgomery, IB; Alber. y Oe Aid. Atiaota and Coliiatbae,' 9A. Macon. Ml| Auguera, BSD: aleo. to piiaclpai putcee In Blonde *t leweet ratea. Steemere leaaint BaTenuah ob MON- DA» WEDNEBDAT and FRIDAY MORNIN08. Frelgbt IB Ssap per foot aiid |ropujtiocate ratea bBSbRBRSS oa* aatf aer swst Apply t _H. B CROMWELL h Co No. Sg Weat-at. P«DB SAVANNAH and FLOBIDA.-U. 8. aV MAIL LINE.-The tavortte steamitus AI JUST A Capti'e Thoojj Wcx^huik will leava on SaTURDAT Aprli IS. at 4 j clock p. ai frem Pier Nu 4 N R Tbro,^b ti.-aet* ffi ven to Mor-gottery. Cei Jua, ua, A ...ante A. taaiy aud Ma on Bills of kadi: a arced only on board For freier« or aeaaeee aeale Bo BAM lL MITCH J l». h BON. No/lTBroe^dwaV NEW-JERSEY RAILROAD.Fur PHILA¬ DELPHIA and tha SOUTH and WEST via JERAET OTT.- Mail and Eipree* One* keav* New-York et 1 I end ! 1 a. aa sad 4 and 8 a. as., rare Bl Tbrocgb TVoheta eoid for Clr> stBaati andi the Wear, and for Wtaahangtoa bVaMMbbbbjWmi Bas BouBb. Ao-1 and throagth heggag* chwcAed to Ws.*hthgtoa ta 7 a. aa. ana 0 p. an. trains J. IV. WOODRUFF. AaalatanlSttBerNtMadeaR Ne ^rrrf- «rill be received far aay train aim lik^erad and abaoAad 6fWaa Bbint»«aa tn adTaiM of Uav taiaa of keavtng. .tuamnaax» mrnö R8air0**>» n|i?ILIM to. the NORTH i»Ö7)T8 * ti«T m * EftT, th.-, 1 bay, h-far. **rOu| « V't royi eailu-a* evtra rrw b*bbb .»'».»». mi to -air* IBM THBOL'OH ROUTE W aP8 w- J*U-*e>*- »MM BM Bra**** ....... |»a-» HOW PI ««411 9 a a PL a"*""** k Co rri ******«, Woo. IjtlBBjMI *'**»¦*»> HUDSON RIVER RAILROAD..Prom Auril 4, IA59 tra'ae «10 leave Chamber** rtttlca a* f .Uowtt r nr.,. Yr*m*Rt. n. and 3p m.; Albany Mtli Tra»e, IIa at t»i Pcetkteer"*, 1 a Bill l:«ul!.iii«, M Dekko* r»-ry. IhI M:#>r* ¦ tad 4 and l":*11 m 'ot Umm 8re* * 48 am f-i Peeiaktil Dpi T»* Ponghkeepet*. PeettHil .li I »Irgend DakW Fetry Tnma ttcp »t tke <v»y Station* riwu.ii »»k»l ».. Ctembere, Cane'. I .jJtewirr bob 3ir.-*U Tralat fat New »oik l»e*-Tr*y at 4 tfend t *> a ax. bb4 i 40 b. ex. tad Aikeaiv kk^ut » o»li.ot#« itior Oa 8ua Jk»t *'* p m * r safTil u. DAY BOAT for ALBANY. - learner ARME- . a MONDAY, WEONBSDAT tad FAIDaT, rem foot of Her-woe tt,, at 7 s'cloak a. av THfc REGULAR MAIL LINE tie NTO NINO- TON, fei BOSTON bb« PBOViDF.NCE.-lB»xod Bact*. aae ibartrat ana boot, ciirwt. -ea-rviag tk* Eeatern Mail Ph. m«* .:. PL i HOI TM R"CK Oat*. Joel kW-. a.« COMMODORE, Car'. D ¦ H. « ¦ lo : b«. «*0 to* FTONINOTON ar.d PROVIDENCE ar.d tOTTOH *nd PROVIDINCC RAIT.ROADS, .. »f ft*w Tort Aalry (Baa- levt i from Piet No. 3 North P- t-ak * above .attary-p,e,oe, at 3 o'clock a. a, , tad St-arungina at I * p at, Met 1W aartvaJ af the Nal! Treis which leave* Sorer at 1:1» p m Tb* COM art'DO RE, froao New-Tort. Monday iVraneaaaj «b4 t'ldm fr-tn Stonlngion, Tuaatday, Tnu.-aaVey ta.d SaCnrday The PLYMOUTH AOCK, from NewT. rk, Taeeday Tbor* day i i 8***rd*y from 1 ..«»u i, Mead** .'.Arjeade* Bad rMaar * «j . »'.'¦ proeeed fma» I'h:. r- - ft raimoaa «e Prat* loLCe atd Sorter., ta the Eifere Mail Tral i. feecAtr« eaW t a tala »" .' " of thoae ky ott't rouU-e, ar.i lu ample tiraa An Ul '±» .». i se rnlcf llnea, crnaectir.f North and Eaat Puten (.rt taat ereiVr It rem«in on K n-l the Meamer. tajoa a nlaht'i rer* e hr*«A/aat If aealrea. act <ea«* a> tv«« i* taa * i r trata Pare from ProTtdenoe to Naaraort V) eenta A »»/r» .- .' acoompaclae Uie r.eaeaer tsd trata akroaai each «aa for paaeaae. perAa, ttata roomt et feinst, ae»'» ^ »oart ta* .-et- or at e «¦ .. OCce. Pier No. 3 North River oi al the off e. No 'C Bt'Urj i»*c* PM » SBM THE NEW-YORK and NEW-HAVEN RAIL- R la 0 COM r** NY ha»e BEMOVFID lii-lr OtTieetfr^m Na. I Haacvrrit. to -he Ptaa«Bger Depot, eorner of 4U» and 7li*-r._ DAY BOAT for ALBANY \r,A TROY eon- neiic.Lg on SATURDAY, April 2, lfV» -Tc* oe« tmt tpienrtld iteamer MKTAMORA will i*a»e Pier fr.trt of Jtt-r., a-»ij TUESDAY, THURSDAY and «ATI R04 5', U'la, -. «.< ¦ *.Pe mual larding* VEW-YORK And NEW- H AVf:N RAILROAD. A* MBS SPRING ARRaNORMENT. IA-8. Conruieockg April I lVt>. Piit*ri»r PtAtt. n in Ne« ^ ork. comer of TTtc rt. and tth-ta Eiitran-e on TIIAIN9 LEAVE NEW-YORK, for NewHaren %\ t tk SB. (BE.) J 5: leg ); J:*o an* 1 <" p tu. For Bridteporf, 7, « a. m. (eO; l2:l\ 3:14 tet.), 1 Wana 4:459 rn. Per Mlfcrd Stratford, ftirtie d S a'j.v rt art u i tip gal. Ti.ii.: 12:45, I'M and I V> p. ¦ Tor Norea't. 7, 11 n.. lltSJi 8: !S {*%.), 3:50. 4:4% 5:+' p m. P>r Dari«a and O'eeDerlta, 7,9 a. av 12:«V j *\ I »», I.V p. n. Pji . laaB -d, 7 t i,x.) 91, m.. 14:8a, SiM (as.) s-»». 4 4*. a.Sp r. m P' r P' r. <'better and Inter.:.rrjla> S^rJiaa, 7, 9 %. m S:4.V 3;Sfi, 4:45, 5:V', «:*. p. m. CONNECriNO TR8INS. P' r Bwaaaa, t a ir. (e» ), 3:15 p m i»ii. For Hirtforn and Spno;firld lam. (n), 3:15 p. a. («x ) For (eaaaaafjaal R!»et Rallr. ad to Montreal, lam. (ex ). and 3:15 p. m (ex.) to N'rtrtmpVn Pot New-H*v*n, Haar Lou'', n ard S'-'Lligtns Rt i" id a' y a. m and 3:1.5 p m. For CaBBl Pa. ad to Nona- atpt. r,, la. w. ('I ) and 12:15 p. m For Ii viaavtalo Rtl r id, lam. Sat Nauraturk BalUoad. 8 a m., S: 15 p tn For Oaa- kari and Norwaik Bailroad, 7 a m '" p m. _JA.ME8 H HOYT 8 ip'-ctenl-at. IIJEW-TOSK AND HASLIM RAILROAD. IT BPRINO aR R aNOEMrSNT O:. tad aP.»r « EDNf.SDA Y, Api.l «, IfBR Tra'ai tHi -im ».t>. »t Ve.ion, Ne*. York, at fol|->«t: 7.45 a m..For Wilrlamtbridte. 8-30 a. m..Mail Train fur A.'but. 9;jfla m..For Wllrlamabridge. 11:3« a. m..ForWr.lte Pialna. S.-ti p. m..For Wi.i.an.tb(id|*. 4.n0 p. ru..For Dour Plaint 5.i 0 p. m..For White Plait.t. 6 15 p a... For White Piaini, frcm WklM tni Cralre-tta. 1:50 p. m For U iiiiamabildge. Rnt kM\6-W|ll let?*: I B a u-...Froai " site Plalxt. (tBJ a. m..From Dover Plein*. d:4Pa. tn..Frrrn Wiil'amihitdg*. I A m..Prom Whit* Plaint. t:45a m..Mall Tttin fr-in »>itj, 9:30*. a.. From Wibiamtbt'die. "¦. r. m..From WlUiamtbridge. 3 00 p a-..From Wh|te Pltlet 8:00 p. Cj..From Wililamihrldga. WM J. CAMPBELL, BopertnteadeBk CENTRAL RAILROAD oi NKW*JERSEY.. ( innting at N- *r Ha-np'. n «1th -ne i).ia«a-e. a ka- :.¦* nd Wtttata Railroad, and at Eattr a witn ih- Lrb^o \ * k j Railroad. eiPrtl (I ARRANOEMENP. Ott IBM or- b t Me - IB, t'*- Lear* N»» York for Baataaj aud In'a-rjiediate pla-r* 'mm fi-t ft" 2 Hortb Liter, at 7} a. in., 12 to and 4 p m. I it Sooaer- Ti'le by ahove iralnl a- d at b. i p m. Tt e ab*«* traiM eoi.nect at E.l/aheth «''h *ra' ¦ cn the N- «¦ Jrriey Railroad, wi lab laatt New Y' rl tr. tee toot o( C itr. it. at ' 41 a at *' I 12 m , a id 4 BBS 5 pm. .»r«.'t f. r the De a. are, La- kaweo a and ov'e^em Pa In art win lea** at 7j a. m only. F.t laealgh Vt'Iey Rai)- road a i u. tnd 12 m. _JOHN O STERNS, BBRarBataB U NEW-YORK AND ERIE RAILROAD..On a. d aft r MONDAY, April 4-ii. l*-59, a:.d aotll fu-aief oo- t«*. Patte, »er Train will leata Pie.. !>.-. of »..aae-r.. u tol Iowa tti: DUNKIRK FXPP.FSS V. 6 am., for Das» irk tad So Jak» an * pribcidal iLtrrmediate bt«tiont. WaIL TP A IN at 8am, fo: U n:xk il' BufTalo, ud later meoiate Sta-'cnt. RoCKI AND PASSENGER at 3 30 p. a., from foot of Har rlt a it, tt* PatiaaanA fag Sati-rnttad int» iBBadtta * Sta'Jont WAY I' A da K NO ER at 4 p. m., tor ti'ewburgo. Mid^leta*n and laBtnaedlir* S'atlo^t. NIGHT EXPRESS at öp. m for Dunkirk a.-id Buffalo. The abote Tralnt raa da'.y, Suourt aaatftal Their Pxprett Train* conre. t al Hi ein a. wrtb the Rimlra Oal tl Baffaa tad Nlaiere Fait Raiir iai, for N aaa a Pajji: al h tk an pkaa, with toe Btrti-nt* ai.i Bli riaciptou Ra'.r a.' ' Syracutr: a' lornliii, k.'.n U-e Sutia.o. Uirn.e«, aud Ne*>>Vata Rallr< ad fir Rochn tr ind Bu6» t' '1-ea' B»jd. wtABI M Deiaeaie La itanaa,Bad Weeteta Bilbaad, ta*Baaaaaoa:al Hon elleivllle, with the Bufitio and Ne»-York CHy Rai road: ai r1 at PlÜbIo and Dar kirk «rl'.b the Lake Sure R*'iroaiL foi Cletr.aid, Cincinnati, Toledo D'trnt. Chlcag... ».¦. CHARLES M'iRAN. Preetdent I Sa'CI .THE PENNSYLVANIA CENT RAI I OtPa"* H i !! U> ; a; , < .n l^J u -. .* . teal to any In the coantr*. THKFP TH80UOH PASS BNO EE TRAINS BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA AND *ITT*.B' R»»M .'ot.l* BbS direct tt Pb'ltdeiphik with tcre :,n '.r\)\i fr>ra Boa to:. New-York and all point* »aat, and fn -he L'uloo depot al riittbuTrfh wiib tbr to traint f >r Ci.eiaaati, St Louia Olet* a. A CLIiago, Burl'ntton, 8t Paal'i lad'ai apolli Luulrrllla (tea .o'-a;t, and a'I Irtermediet* point* In OMo. lodlaiia II sola, Keataaba, Mlehlgm, Wltncciln Altn-e». ta. M taourt Raa tat and Nelruka.that fiirnithiag iVtlltlei fag tie traataor BAbaa tf paaaengert ... i-.niu-j ,'ur taeed tad kTany athrr root* Etrrra* and Faat Ltnera ran throngs to Pitttiarga «ithooi BBtJafaaf *'i or oondurtora. 8kfOEING CAR8 are attached to -a -. -ra. 'a . n i . LEI PINO CaR8 to Etpreat and Faat Train* THE Kl- PRE88 El NS DAILY Mali and I eat Un*. Sicdayt excepted Mal< Tratu leatei Philadepnia at. 7 a <a Fa*t Una leate* Pbiiad*«bla al. p. m Exprett Train leatet Philadelphlt a'.. I o" p ra. Six Dally Tralnt between New.Verb t: d Pblladelpaiai Twa Dalit T'tltt between New-York and H Tkroogb T- -1 j (all a: are rood on cither of the abut* ta-aica. BOAT TICKETS from Boatoa are good tie Norwva. Fal Eitrr or Btoulngton Baat Piiteareri fri m W ublDgton City neve two dally i fro*> Ballan.orr, oencecting at liarriaburf for aj point* Wear.lea* tug Baltimore at-a. m. and-p. m. Pataecgert for P Wiliiamaaorv Elrnlra, * "a ftiae ara Kala and Intermediate point* leavia* Palaadripoia at 7.13 a. m a 11 SS a. m go direct.y throajh. t: te*j V\ eatward i. ar be obtaine* al the cfloe* of ta* (>.** aany in Philadelphia, New Fork, Button or Baltimore, and t krtt ) a - ..- i i any of the imporact Raln-oad aawtaa it the Weet. alto, on board any of the refuiar Lin* of Steamer* ot the Mlttita'ppl or Ohio Rivera. FARE ALWATt AS LOW AS BT ANT OTHER ROVTBa ASK FOR TICKETS BT PITTSBURGH The oompJetion ef the Wettern ccnnectoai ef ta* Penauyl faala Raiiroad to ( :. a.- makea thl* ta* DIRECT* LINE BETWEEN THE EAST AND THE GREAT NORPH-WE8T The concerting of treckt by the Rallr--ad Brtiga at Pitta brjrgb, avoiding all drayage or (erriage of Pretaat, tetethev ww> toe tavtig of c.e are advantage* readUv appra.-igred ky *Blp> part of freight ted the traveling public FREIGHTS WESTWARD By thle root* Freighti of til dee.;rtptioBa can he torvertea trcni PUiadeipbla, New York. Bor< l-. or Baltdmore. to aay point on the raiircadj of Oslo, Reetncky, IndlaL*. Ilttaata wa son ein v»a or Mit*oari ky railroad direct Tke PeBDiyivania Railroad aao eatutecu at Plaeearts »tu .team, ra by «biet pood* can b* forwarded M aay p rt m% tat Ocio, MacktLrum. Reatacky, Tenaeeere, CumOereal. IJis.ia WieronaiB. Miatourl, Raa aat Arktnaa* and B*d Evert, and at Cleveland, Sacdoaky and Chicago with naamm to aj port* on the North-tA'etterc Lake*. Merrhan** and Shipperi Intruttlng tat tractponatlop of tneb PrelgB'. tt thla Company, can rely with ocafideraoe oa 'tt tpeedt kranttt THE RATES OF FREIOFfT to aay podct ta th* tVeat ay the Penniy.vBala Railroad are at all , at 5argraa4* a* art Oharaed by other Rafiruad Compaule* parocn.ar to mark peckat-. " Via Pence. R f Men ban la in the Weet ordering good* from taa Eeat wtO at rail to direct them to be lalpp-d by tail route For freight " Areea either Ptttabargb .-t toem kj oe laipje-a oj -Jut route tt Contract* or Sbippir.g rNrectjoBA apply to zr td of the 'ollowtne Age;; ta of toe Com pear, D A STEW ART. Prttaborga, Porte * Co.. BteobenTUkt Oio, H 8 Fierce a Co rllfc, Ohio: J. J Jobnirton, RlfAey Ohio. R. MiNce.y, AfAva vii*, Ormaby A Cri.pper, Pjraaiouth Oaio, Paddo. k A Co., Jeffer* nvtlie, lad., H. W Br *n A Co CBaabBBttJ Ohio Athen, A Hlbkeit, Oterinaatl, Oblo, R. C aie.d-ar^ Maduvl. lad.; aVuUeai. Btstham, Lorjlav'je, Rj f a O R lev k Co EvBctville. Ind., N. W-. Graoam A Co Cairo. Ill R. V a-.. St. Locla, Mo.; Jahn H. Harrta, Nathvllie Te.n. HarrVi kit at Mercpaaa. Teno. Clarke A Co. ChV**o III W M H ¦Mag, AlbWt, ftl Nurpb, A Walle, Dahofl-i. Iowa. : art, Freurnt Ageutt of tU..' *ot at dlffer-nt potnta U *h* «. Pa.- .. atxenddsg to their oem ».:;.. kj f.otn Ue y^, ^. . at tt U- their Inters tc call oa the Agen-a of thJ, u mP* SS F*J" Jj*S8 tbiaptng or -ttert adda^J U atther of theo, oe tA* aakject af balahaa, arRl aaat* wtxhlaaaBBBf E. J SNEEDFJl. PbiiAdetpAia. MAGBA W A EVOUNS. No v North at. LEECU A Co No 2 Attor Hoaae, or (to 1 R Wre!**. ¦ w LEECH A Co 54 tl.by tt Bot*^ vv«--«t.BLI H. HJIOUBTON. Generai Freight Agent. Phdaad*ft*At. For tAaocah BtcAata tapaT at ta* OfJc-^No 2 altor^La, t. A. irCOTT, aVavtpia *>tf*Ttaa*Aa*t>t, mmmmtK P.R B06T0? »ad PORT axd LL BJ»W-11» LfÄ." . .eree. «AT r-T«TE. Capt J*ee-. We».* «.*¦ Ycike.ery Ti rfDAV THUBBBA* a dSATURDAYa i " * t . the rMPiBK BT ATE, Cat* P rattan, an MO'tPAI, BVEt'NF«DaT iii KRIDA Y at 3 V*-l f. s*., frveJi Pier he 3 n B. _M r. iee*er. oc re-ese wf 1 b- rere'd-d ee eetured :o »ct epph- Mi: a' t t kc e»a»e ebell bev- b~-e pablBst »r-i,it t- Boeten Ii f warded a'th «real dlepeV* bj .b Ii. ... f Treis. U M BUB OEM, Igest, Ho,. Ti gj TI Wer eL_ FTÜSH1 NO RAILliOÄ dZl.' tvei KHilroo Mar BbBWIbH 'i-* «'»n-er t>Oca DPaN, ». « 0. « and IS a. m and 4 ttd Ii a m The Chi h-ave * ¦,*.»-* l* '.»..' t And I*a. ie and 4 and * p m rn-e'-ib| e.-d »i ¦"Bi P .ei geie w.U> '-Lr ..: et Uuil-l'« .'ott» f 13 ents BTBJ. M BttPffl Receiver. ÜTcöitül. «J.J HEALTH OF AMERICAN WOMEN. «Jg Brad pre'i ni noti.-ei h. TlB TniK »B. Prv* af Tili i> > i r». . I"-*-*. "* Dtibibb ClTBOt. reel, Bl » per bettle -«d. .i /Bf ptl It er. "a erat eefery bj Fxereea. Ii w « .-ectes* --w« *w eeeeavaUrtsev* ¦ n In in aad tlKtr fimtf i .<< Adder« JOSUl'A »' BMPHE Bf P, ferestewa wras/ew* fcefe-r^e>r-",V HB. BjBJ Tees io», Hte 'tn_ DRUGS, Ac. - WlLLlAAl rt KINSLEY, fin 11 Geld-et., Beer hlAiaeu aa*>e_ New YerB. offere to P.B1 AlLEftB ANo AlAMt.-pACn.RrRB B- eeenrt* er.t ai reliAb* BAH'4*8 ke.. ob reasonable term*. CONSIGNMENTS ef ¦ tOIClKitA. t ll '.MIC ALS ko., Bteeeee' e' to '-Be beet ed^BBltasre. Bf .'..l»l te pabUc o»tloe. BELMIIOLD» Heimboii'l Heunholc/l Hel-Bbold'i H-hn holde B-rtrv Bockst, Irrt t Boona, Eitract Bocka, Kitreyt Boebn, aUtract Bachs, Tbe Greet DfnretJc, The Greet DVuretV, Tbe Greet Diuretic, The Orret Diuretic, Tbe Greet Diuretic A reraln, leJe tLd ip»<dj ..:» kr t'aeteei of the B edder, K djien, ?Travel, DrepeT, t\ :' WeeJrriee-l. frf-e Bl per Bottle, or its f:r BV PePre-eJ n »nj eddreee. iv, .. No. 10A Bcntb KtB-sC, Pkliaeelahie - wtoleeals BjrJ retail, by A B. k D. BANOB A Co.. No '.*) Karton, cornet -f ti H iBü-it., New-York, end by dr-ugtriita and dealeri etrarj' abeie _ PULMONARY CONSUMPriON, AitöniB and BroD bltla CL'BED by tbe INHALATION of the COM¬ MON AIR tbrouih e Tube. Tnli treat-near 1* worby attention as It will effect a Cure If any » > . can Pnce of Tuba, wit* 4 r. .'. ill. «i ArpiTtn J BlHttWBJ m O t*> 'Jrend st-.N » Ql KRl COD LIVER OIL JELLY, ap- praTed by t»e New-York A. ei»my rf M>-<li Baa n tbe only aae ro talnit | »5 per rent of tri.. BEWARB OB IMIPA- tlONB No imiution acatalne ei ir.ueh oil as mine, thouih eoene are bo dly adverieed aa eot.ta.3iu» ei much aa 90 per cent. Abo American aid 1". t»>rio 0<d leteat Of In toe llq iid ttate. E QI'ERI', No. 13o4'n «»., New Vork. A 'so f. r Bata %% DELLl'C k OO.'I f T. OREEN B. Nua tit and ktj Broadwa- » d ai> fBBpatMiBls DraBAasta Peneold. Parker . mowhr, Wb >le-»!e as»nts. No 4 ft etc her et. n'JKKS" CURATE of MAf.NESlA..Try it! Tty !t Larje Bortte* in Powder oc:» *^ cents One en'llr itr|' «I to thie» u'" the Liquid. A ver* wre«abte PurfB- ti-e I-or aabl by ell druirleta. Depc-. No, Bl BprtBA'Sl ANEORI)'" LIVER l.WIGf lit A TOR, COMPOUNDED prom GUMS. A BPRINO M-*DI(MNII A TAMIL* MCDIC1NIR PI'RIPIEB THE BLOOD. CLBEB LlYER COMPLAlNTB CI RE8 BICR HEADACHE. Ct'RKä DI/INKS8 CURES DVBPKPBIA. CURES SILLIOUB ATTACRB. cure8 RENALE CO.MPLAlNfR CLREA COSTIVE>KMS CUM KB CHRONIC DIARRHEA. OUREB WORM DISKA-iKS 8. T. W. 8ANF0RD. m. 0.. Proprietor, No 34-i Broadway. Bold by all Drngrlita hi town acd aauBtry at can q-ollab raa tt LB. CAM I) S S A R s a 1'AR I 1. L A.-T h E iT* on EAT American BEBTEDV BOB POUrriNO THE BLOOD Aiti.o'uhmit ein rahaalastalleepeoiaofthMyaar, a- il m a1! tlsail11 -.>...> ye: iu Iha Bpriuff anon'hi mis fiely reaetable r-rue.iy Ii pe<- .'ar'-, b n--ti si -u exp»l morbid nasoca and p<>wit the dist < tenant of yuitaUa, plaplee, led 'i" r . r'lp'.oi 1 .pou tr.- ah 11 A bu'tlea » i'i »eoera ly d-.»pert» a'l 1 fu'ooi tendency, » bi.- It la piorei rjie appetite Bai lay t et-e tr.- con»t t ,ii->o. Preieredby ARID SeN.18 rfrrej|llts _No ,41 Willla» it. New-York. %\* E ailvin,' fhimp neiiit;Stehttioo, Citrdtt» of Mai{- ** tene, BajBAstja or Mireral WaBafS ha try ROJEIta'd C irrit» of Mspaeila In Powder, a vj r bBb| «ud r-freeniri fflrat IsBffB bottleun y »i ,-eute P*f ss e he ail dr irn.ts; well ed*| ted fur tae country tre4e. D p- '. No LSt Sprior st. CUaut CntB. DR. TRALL" WATER-iJl.'KE is locattyl bnt eue doer from St. J -bn's Pert, at N > II Ls-gn' it. Good hi laRD Baa be obtalaed 'rom B > to * per week. B lard, witn tr»-*to,ent Irom AT to AID |fl per week. B. T. TRALL, M. D., and D A. ggfel ON, M. P., Payeijlaua._ DrTMCNTJE7» WATKR-C1 IRL, at pnurnoos Meae., ibms miles weit htm the N rt.-» ,pt. :. Rallmad 9ep<>t, Is one of the Urteil and beet reguieted establlshmente u tiie I'aBtl Steire, and kept In operation mro .guout the year " Dr. k. :r ti next to rnrimi'j, the »¦ .' emluent pree trtloner of the water-cure that Atertsan* aaa prcduoeA" IN V Tri bone. '' Uli rarlo-ia enbtlcatloni an *o:i.water cures ere certainty among the belt, U not the moi; itiper.or, of any In .eermany " I Home Jooruai 'We are nenrtneed that no algOei .;-.-.<.. ntj than he tz .atteri of hydropathy, can be foend in eur own or any other loontry." lamer. MAgarlne of H me. petty and Hvdrooatby OR. E. .1. LOWEMHAI. " Wk\ TER-CI'ue ar.d GYMN ABIL M, No. Ii« BlaiSbdl-at fS Y Treat oietit without Boat A Tranalsntand permarent kwrdera taken It I 0f7)Rl»ATHY..A litt!" irk v.it liThis titlo I'I he. ,nit been pubilsBed by Dr 11 Hxi.sTKO, the Pro- pl etcr at d Pbyii.ian of lAa aVrnretl M il Wa er Oars atN<rth- eo.ptoi lien It li devuted to eu BIpeBlltOB ff tell uew lyitnm ni l liiease.its prtL'Iplea and maone e' epplicati<in.ita i BBsfttl suite Iu pre tli-e, wcicb Beve eoelreaeri 1:1 a rtwM In " the <aitn tbat is in b m of its piedajslMstt i»r a, end let bleu t*i»i 11 it > ye.-1 eiperle- re to ad p\ It lo preferenra to auy 1'h-r. also a b storyai.d deeonpt: j I ic :^ ro . aaea cf -aroulc dl.eaaes of b^th eeiei wfc .:h :i»ye be^n H o»aaf^|iy Ire*. J by thiaiyatem at r- und Hill tVa uaae reed tnie ilttie book wit* a. l 1. te.--.-. \. -*. 1 |i -.i^.eLd M 'he etteuUon of BtrBBjkBB BBTeVrl «n. i.-. I. t*| »Broulit 1:*ea*ei. . . Or. He.tied bes devoted n auy yeart witu sath ..Atic a'dor to the praed e ,,r 'a favorite uieory. aad 'Jie uamea tany uf ojr beet errrteas, of their personal koow'edge, atteat tta preeminent vi New Hit.-d J. umel end Courier NoTr. . lnveiide would do weil to enter .'. nr1-, u Improya- ¦ett in «la-e»eaof woaie-i, I r Me I'BStT WhAsh Ol HALSTEO Is en -e:pbreted, in er-li al complaiute a^d 10 ¦aat r-nlr -airi. ti far BkBta rap 1 In tbe roe BeaatRl Circ. ari aent gratia Treatise on Mjlorpatby fir V> cente ImTi: ii Vi .IENE «ni METE TIC !N> TI TUTE. No MB M e- N--a-Y 'rk farnliiee a -ou e, kj d. j ^t- dir qs n.ed ral t'l-atmett, atten iva ntiraf -ig, and s* ry comfort *; d . I r :.>a.ldi. Tne » i:e-:, oealtiiest and belt flirt in tie worlifoi BBAkBBtl B'd Board-ri Our motto im Baiass 11.d rfl | ajrj retn sra SBbbbbbs 1 t'.a best and ¦ .'eiy tm4 tatsseh artr ratttaa-B bow by keeo well Dr. i HLAS HROV.N, 'toti y lean P yii .aa if the Hyiiaue 1' .|.. a. H. iIol Mm See Cr UlBI £rgal XVolicrs. IN PURSUANCE of «n nrilur "f tb« 8«rrogatej of tne CbbwSI of New-Yo-k. N. ti e '1 Hereby given to all p-riona bare » m* erain: HARLES HAST1N »8, late of aba Ctt*fsf New-York, de^eeeed, to pr.eeLt the earaa. with voocbsri rJbtprri Fj to th» sebs< ribar, at nIs (, eee ef bueineii, Ne* I. Park How, in the c.ty of New Yc:k, eu cr before Ue IstA devef June Beit-Dated New.York, the 1< ta daysf Daaember l&SA- O VAN CO IT. dll lawdm* Admtxlitratcr. with the Will saaaAed. Noiice of appüratinn tot tbs diicharge of aa meolvea: fioaa hie deate, pn luaiit to the provitoae of the tbtrd aitic.e of the firit tit e of the S' h aBapter ef t.e eeaead paut .1 be Bar.ee l BtaABJlaa WILLIAM D CRUMalEeftae City and C< un j of New-T- rk, en iaeei.eBt debtor. Ms'Jee (ret i-D-ahec Mer-b Mtb 1US Credi.oriU epprar aefare the Bob. Ytotr es W 1 eike, one <f the J ml ee of me doprem* Ceart of the City and Coutty af New Y..ia, el :aa Caaaaa-sri ef tae t P'rme Coort, bj the City of Mew-Tort, oa raa msta day ef May tilA, a' I, .. baaRbj the fo'eB voa, te . « ainea. If any 'Jter here, wby sa eaalg-c 10*11 f tae said laeeiveat 1 estate ahnüd no 1 L' tae e eud be be dleriargea flow .>!* deeti A U 1 i.ii.l Att-rsey . r re d laeelvnt, m'Wlawterir_ Hi k Wall street. votice of applicat[f»NTrlu7"diacBsrgB A a ef ae iL*jn»n: 1*bt,r from a-.s debM, enrauaot as tae pto- v .lone of Ue t:.:rd BttBBM of ue fir et title of the Itn «aapur ef :. leeocdpait of t ie K.vieea Staiutes MTROS VANOBI .RNaf tae City of H-deeo, Cooaty of ... .r . sad State ti New-T .ri. sa In* ivent deb-i r facti-e I at pub labet Peb II l'*8 Ciedit^.ra to appear before tbe Nob Oarlu* Peek Coiaty J .d|e of CoiemblA County. State ef New Y .rk, at bie efBte is tne Cvy of II . Isaa. n. laid C- ^a-y oa the Item day ef Mey next at lOo aiook it theforeaeoa, to .bow sa.ee, J aay they have woy an aaeigaRieat abo'-ld r.ot oaaae of said tnso.rent's aa 'a-- a. 1 be 1:1 ..i.gtj fraen bis lev 1 leb» .a» low Bat MILLER A vVEI^ch, _ Art itwrs f 11 laaelyeen. Sail PREME C01RT.-TU0MAS b. i'ndeb- % a-.'in' a^aa4^a-»Aajr tL:Zk co iPEt. esd »OLOM «J C< OPER. hsrLisband R-b*.-. a J. Ptsb.r Pster Joaaetoe, rrederira A Leaiecce Jooo | Maura, Wi Use B T.ltaB Or kudo Meid lohoMorar, Tc. Nsw Yo k U's In.Lraa** Ceai- Bany J-.bn W Meyers, and Ra'Vey Pa.a>er defeBiiaat*..The *.*p an'ta ta'ie. 40c wee fl ed trie ,rC e af ta* Clerk of "v f We t. heater, a: White P.al 1 lo seid Ctanty, co the Aid aay of Jenuary, HAS To the de'eodaaU Rusa Co. per. e^d 8... tnou C < per her b isBead iUeeeaaJ Piaaer, I-'er loBrat.n, PrederVk A Lewrenoe, Jsha B. Mvw*. » i.-ia^-. b ire-ten, Orlando Meed. J.,aa M>r»a Tba lew York LI'e . a -I .... J.hn W. Meyere aod Harvey Pisaer are terety 1 r .--..:».' 1.: pgg ui«>: il '.hi.e -ion. wblth U fl^d In tie ofJJe* of tbs Cieik af tba Coutiyor V\es'< beater at Whlu Piains 1" aatd aeunty, and to eerve a acpy of yoar answer to rae aald eompaUit an the sobe-nber, at kls > t7l.-e ts Wniu P.ats*. In Ike sa d Cr. .ty ef >\1 bssger, wtuin twenty days after tba lerv-.r* cf Ala euai- a i t oa yeu. exclnelve of the day of laeh e»'vlce and If yea fail tr BBiwer the said 00m plaint ertAIn tbe Use aroraaaid, the piaiLt.ff in tau nation will acaJy to the O.srt tor the reiief ie- aaaaded in Lew swmpbOnt.Dated January MtA arw -AM lawTwB* JOBM J. CUkff tmkmW s Aateraay. H H H H .TMP H I IT spr.ttic HOMEOPATHIC ReHCDIEtt, Ne BRO.DVVAT. M P H RE s^rripic HOMOlOTtflK 'I' m1 DIRS, Ho. Ml Ba.laO A 4T. 0 M P 1 I E .»r.« ific HOMOEOPATHIC BF.MEDIES, No 5*.j sAOAOWAT. D M PURE »PE j i * ic HOMO~»P*THiv «tEMEOlES. No. M BROaOWRT HD M P H R I T . ¦ SPECIFIC HOMEOPATHIC RKMKDICR, No 5*2 broadw AY, HAVE THESE ADVANTAGES: THEY AHE HAKM-EdS No Ii ry «? aria* fr*m ^ BB8> THEY ARE SIMPLE. V». alwayi know whet to tea* mm bow to take tr_ THEY ARE CONVENIENT Yoo ran tlwtyt at* n.rd'' eted ptwMI IWRAf Pttl M A lu.rueat* aetiee, without hesitation M delay. THEY ARE EFFICIENT Teo.modt art BBaJ them la I du. ate, with tb* rLo«' eitui.:ir,lug furccea. LIST Of iPr-Malc REMCIHEB. No. 1. »rrr raU.Toi Co«;, C lugcetioo tad IMBBSBbwAwI of all kiaiit. No. 2. H orm /Vi*.For BVgtM. Feter, Worm Cob* Aud Wtt- ll: ;. Bfd. No S Haby't Pt/.'r.For C-Crytag, Teething tad West- fulneie, and N*rvou*u»t* of adult*. No. 4. iH^rrK,., PC,-for D:*rrb*a, Cbolara I maxima tad Si.oomer C< inp'aLst. No \ l'tHnttri Pj:,-f T C-i: Griping, Pytentrry or Bloody Eiux. No. '1 l'W«i r.üa-Pnt Ch. »ra, Cholera Morbea, VoaalUal. N. I C tgh ! u.»-Fci CoiijUa, C- id*, Hoartaaaaa, LaflocAiA and St M flksssBj n 7 u .(.\t r. . f r r i oe, Ft* ach«.« tad n*a- ral-la. No. ft Hrud -drA* rii»-F.r Head foe, Veitlgo, H.at aad F im ll ti No. I11. / Vfceeia Pul..For Week and Deranged Stomach*. Co:.itipetn ¦ a:.d Uvrr leuiugieiu:. No. 11. For K«a < /'Mi/jjiM/ia*.fointy, Painful ar Sup. preaaed iVriod*. No. 12. ftm.iU r^i>- For Leucorrbje, Fixfu*e Mraae* aad, Br«nug Down. No. 13. Craaa Pitti-For Crour, I >tne Cough, Rad Brett*- lag No. 14. Salt 1 Hnn Pfc.'.-Kor Erytlpelat, Eraptiatt, Plmplee od tba Pace. No. 15 Rhtumatie /'i<"i Km Pam, Lemeaeae Sorenete V Üia ».-«:. Ra. k, Lotui Lto.be. A.. For Feter aad Aga*, Cbt'.l Erter, Dumb Agn*, old mia managed Aguea. P..For Pllee, Bhi.d or Bleeding, lafraal or ExternaL 0-For8ore, Weak or loUtmed Ein and Eyelid*, Falllaf* \\ ak or Blurred SlgLt. C.For CatAiib, af long itaudiug or lecent, eltber with ob. ttru/tlou or prof lie dikOt.ge U C .For W tioopiag Cougb, abating tu v; "i. e a .d aborV eoiLg tta courae. In all A i il Ditr«si:i nrh u F.-veri, loflammatlODg, Dlarrbit, Dyianteiy, Croup, Rae inatiim, and inab ertiptWa dlieai** aa 8< artet FeT»r, M*ai!*i and Eryaipelaa.tk* adraa. tag* of firing tb* ptoper r-medlr* promptly It obrioo*, and la all lucb caiei tb* ipedfi . it like a charm. Tb* entire diaeaaa Ii often arreited at cue*, and In ell cain the aioieuee of tka at¬ tack la moderated, the «lerne, ihotteued aud r< adored lea* dangero.iA Eran aboold a pnyii -im af erward bate to be called, be will take the rite at ileciued a-ivaatag* from Ue pre- t ¦ treatment. I i ail and Coi BS, which are of tu< b frequent re-arren.*, aud whl. h BB olt*n ley toe fouudarloo of diaeeeed lunga, kron- chltli, aad rontumptiuu uiay nil be at one* cured by the Ferer undCojgb Pill* In ai. CMRujiii. Di-mu, lucb a* Dfipepala, Coa*tfpathn, Weak t'.-a.A t. Liver Coinpieiu 1'i.n, Female Debility and Irregularltle*, old Uradacbe, Bore or SF| ik Eye*, Catarrh, Bait Kbeum, and other olil »r ptioDi, toe oaae baa ipe.-iii'*, whoaa proper e|.plii ation will effort a ure In almoit ererv lc.itai.ee- Often tl.e ri.r. cf a liug'e hiOLic gifB' .Uy, *uch al Dyipepala, Filet, or tatairh, Headache or Female Watknett, bat m -a than paid f.i toe oaae teu tiuei BVBf THE OREA T FEATURE Of tUt teriet of D. me,tie Rrinediet it tint rech paiti olaf ni< di lie tt t S ? hi. fag -.or panic | tr diet ate or Ha** of dig¬ ram wb. M an.i" it beara, aid may he relied upon for the rura of that ptitlcnlar BBwBfAwA Hence per.on* *uttertn| from t chronic diarate or long itandhg aliment, lo ku\iug a rata if ¦VMPSESYl'l BtBCII 14 . brain the parti, .lar on* dn p*| I. r tl.. I: caae, aod th * tn-ujie.t i BBBM a cur», which other. »% Ite would oit them ma y dollart. tod co taitll ion at of IBM BB4BawMBl aitCLdeui e, it tnd. ed it oould be ut/taiued at all. Tbut ir ti tltndrt n.ffer from Ovtprptu, BiLiott Cotomot, CMTttaaata, Bin Tatra, Coaiau PoBMB, and DiiHiLirv, which la perle t.y controlled aud curel by the DYSPEPSIA SPECIFIC. There It tear.* y a pate-or form of thli dlieaie wfcirh I* not promptly controlled and alternately cured by th* on- of thli Spe/ifie. Tlo# tau.!* wo i hate ttiired f ir year* with thli " Mllloiit Cundltl. a " ka* B| p irebaaed a BBM uf thate Ift i bate obtain, d a perfect cure and immunity from their old eomplainL COL OH 8, COLDS ard SORe THROATS, which t-> freq-ieat- ly h-ad to BRONCHITIS and CON 41 MPTION, are all In th*lr ruly ttuea promptly cured h/ tte cut 'ill PILLS. Maoy caiec of long Handing BreuoaltU end lintat.Lg Cough bate bee a perf. it red by thu Specid ,. K M moie many pertu at beta t - tar llaXllty to coldi, anl tale them from the leatt SB* p. . » Tl, i niil be ealu-.'y r> ItcMii by the ute of t ir COÜOLI PILLS ai an IM IBB t»tiiii froiti eip»rience. Bo CaTABKH It one ol our mott ,incn<m «-jd moat troubletoaa d'aeaai . at air. at whl> b the Old BaAktej ageo lue, anderen Horn*, opatbh pretciiption* a/« of eery litt e uae. Yet butd'edaof par- tout hare h»en I red of Bag M y r a* »..d f.eah, hut «Ten loo| ttandii g and obttiuate 88888 of CATARRH by the utc sf thug S[».lflc Ore *dBhi lady In Syrecuae wa* tbut peifectly eared of a Ca. bttth » bich bad annoyed arr ai. h»t life Aod a young lady at one of oar firtt claa* b aiding *i.b K.W, w -o waa to aBLcted with t. :< Bbtaata at to aagyt re mere than f ,rty band*rchl*f!i t w**A> wat eii'irely culeii la a (Ingle weet b) thli Specific. PILES, b'rtd'' g aid 6 BtS, U one uf thoau oommoa tad oh. ttitiate formt of diiraie wmcb tie »o difltult to cur* by tk* or* diuary mett-, «, kut which tiudt au entire and fundamental care Id the Catarrh Speuttc. True, Ha.« 1* required, kut the Spa* IBMBl pleaaant to tat«, PagJ BBM BaBM r diet nor rectraiat, tad, li '. g l-.llowed r. * perfect tun I* the leault Bantradiof [ itott in r r'hailog a 'teteri 8pr. itici hate aMawkSi a ctra fortbiin.oat trylig and ooitioete form of dli»eae, walch bit been worth to them tea timet the jott of th* -utlrc act Caaaa ( f over twenty )eat*'itau ling bate been a .red with tat* tloa- pie Sf* mm, ai I we bellete all may be cured ky peraereranee. Tbeiai ,. ..! tae bait FEVER aod AOUE SPECIFIC kn^wn. a n ii.eay wt'bout aoy deieterioua or poleoooo* tab- I'tnce, which rot on'ycarri lee agie, aad old u..-h i. d ggai i, but may feJad upon at a pre. ^utive wbao feraoot art rai.dmg.ua tn and-ag'ia SBBaMI it piavcuta or proteota upon the tame pr4:.. Ipla taa: «abciuati>o preventa tmall pot or beUadotn picvauu *c*rl*t lever, by pr*occnpyln| the tyttent with the une Sptdfic. iiuadrad* nave been that proucted and cured. The Of H thal.my Braam, bu proved* mott invaluable rett¬ ed y for flott Kyi I aid Avr.Lint aad for Wtxa tad Bnottaa BiatTT, One lady In Inditta who bad been a auSrrar fr*m tore eye* for many yean, aad tor two yea't waa entirely bRad; waa cored perfn Jy by it* OpbtAalmy Specific alone. BxBAPACHit. To atlch to maa) t'* aubja«. fiad* aearatfva la tie at*. There u a ipeolfic woi b rrtwvtt at the time of th* atta k, BLd alto BM wkloh ooneeu the coedliioa of the iy*te« 0000 «hieb It dipt-Llt aad »o detuoyt ta* prtdifp-oaiUoa to a return. That ever, ,itgl* Remedy i* a Sp*cff!I and may be railed upoti U t cme f->r the llMabw ahtea** for which It At d*el*-Bed, aa« the a bo' foimt a caae af B*m* w* perfectly iavaluahU bo th* fam.!y or Uavaler. or eU*rt, who deiix* to be relWved from tie cue* of BMtatB aid d/uga CW TLtae BaacffdB ti* th* prtitrlationa of Plot HLM- »Hlflt1«. tad for year* in hi* ex*otiv* pvtcfie*, aad to tka prifeyttion of whKb be ka* devoted the reaciuroti of a«t*a*t»a bnowtedg*. etoerieaü* aad twdy. The aaBBW may raat aMiired toat daring tba Ufa-time of Dr. H no cn* hat been or akaJ be lawuatad with the preparative of AI* Sptctüc«, aad b* olfer* the guaraxty of hit prole**iooaI oft and BtfaMBwa that tbeyaball j at) a* h< rcpnaanu the* FRICAeB. Fu'l art, 20 iarge vlaj* la aaorocco caae and book. 9)5 m) 1 *J Bat, BJ large vial* la pi du caae aad hot A. * . tae* ': In xbertd ie»i»t aad book. I ** Caae ©.'gay t tue. »ered bole* aod b.jtk. 1 Slagle n-n berri aox-t, *ith dir*;tloag. ** Bkal* Uttered boaea, with direction*. .* l>rj* plttatatioL or pi.yatoiaa'* c**e, 1 and2oa. taMWe« LS OUR REMRDIEd BY MAIL. Look over the d*t, *aaka up a oaea ci wbtt kind yoo chooee, aad Lac lot* the aracmt ta t carrcat not* or «tarna* ry mall t* our addrea*. at No. 'JtU Broad-ay, N-w-Yora, aod tba aatdUctta BfffJ ba duly rttaraed by ma'I or ex pre**, free of chart*. aoentb wanted. Wa dealie an aetife, *fRol**t rgMJBj tb* aal* of oar raaaa- dlei, U. erary atwa or community in the L'uixaa Btatea. Adirae* Dr. ' HL AtPHRETB A Co., No. ItV. Breadwty, Haw logt»

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Page 1: P.R H i»Ö7)T8 o H B HUDSON FTÜSH1 H HARliWA-RE, H AT DAY HD · OmtBer tha Fi t.tort Fiaa lasCBABCS CoMraay,{THE N«. t" Wallit.Nrw-tcrk, AprU 12, IBM i Boardof Directors of this

8-treate«t>e.rwn Rsetlraeee.

,F MONTMT ttm «rt+i ttnj ef May, at 1*4}»-ek^m, *« ehe M»»eh* Br* Ba»"»«-'o eat* I

a-wdo~ft»*WhyfJlht8* Im)«/ .I,**'*e/t t>-t>ae.ee

«,7,1,r. Be.lreed Oonpei-r Mrtrege, t~e'o« inta-wet

at it. reU of BffM «-»tj*ev a»»'iae. payable **e.l aauualy ob

TV* mbd# BI* We B« B< .d U kB» cf f.«« IBTB tB ttt IbbAj <0#

'ifviMcf aa** M A.'ewi: 1" per east vo t-a ;tf as U* day *i**#». WtiM «4 Us fete artig Bay. atIB*, cBVe of it* A <*Üofi»>T,BjfcBJfBBS-at

Mart-r-tiiraa BeBB, Ho. |St Baoaowar. |New Yostt, April >. I*» f

AT an ELECTION W 1)1 RKcfORS of aa*METbOPOLlTAN BANK heat tin Ins*., Um f le-wine

¦aaeed s> at >¦ *i wete rheeen a i


UPUAOJE A. ROB BINSBed tw ln*p*etcrs of the Bfit e'aWon. JAB. FREELAND,ROBERT M<C09KRY, JOBEPri BATTELL.At a ecbee,ternt meatier <f :e» B «/d 'f Dlrectore, J'lHI Pi,

WILLIAMS, til we* mlevted P'*t.de:.t. »od HENRY L.JAVtl'EB, eau, VeePr.Hdoat OEO I. BEfFRT. CMhtor.

OppSCB or St. Nicmoi at latiaikta Oisriir. )Mo. 10 M»r-aeu'e RjU ba »-. Bad 4'ii it, /

. BtBM Bab BB 4p-1l It, IA1 J

AN ANNl'AL ELEl MOS for DIKKCT0R8of tkla COMPANY BTTM bau« ss TI'KSDAY. April 12,

BBSS The f.llowiag uemed öett.ui. u Doar coOi'JtuM Uta,B->»td of Dirrct'.ri naiderlei B. warte, Wsrr«c B. Bat*,

Jed edle.' Mi M r,Henry Dub li,Fl'Bard Redly,Wm W. Cornell,8 W. J>nee,

Wo» V.i ilow,Wat. Mol/.Wae. J. Brie'ey,Jetree A. PUvvi.a,J< Bai C. u ii ».Robert A! Li i* ic, I) H Japaai,JcAn a. Cineea&aii, O'lkett Oakley,

Janet B. «. i

!..» H'n'Hx.Ax.draw Ward,Denial J. Tenuy,James M mv,Charles K ,-,Ideal Ml*t,Wm A. Wreeler,Tlioa J. Co.toaau,

. T r»**«l»i Preetaeal lor tAe eoenin« eear.

Janet B. «« t

RAA at B «Balisa fc« A Ap. .. 13, iVM- H'INBLOVV was



CaiTtaL BuiLBoaD CaatraVY or Maw JaatBr, {El.lT aSCTRTOWB, April .4 II I. S

^äVTICE ia lerebr aivon that the ANNUALA' M'EHNatrf tb>- BtOCKHOLDEBS of the centr. a

RAlLBOan njHfaitr «f NEWJEasEY for tb- *

TDM af OIRPCTORB for tb« eattilna r*ar wl'l aa Belletmta eBJ«a, a1 El.aeBrtApnrt, N J on MtJ.tDAy .>¦ Jid.ytiMat t.z*, between the hoars of llr 'elock m e .il 2 oVloek a n.

Fa* Traatfer Bvokt of the Cotrpeey will he elot»d tea aa*i

pee. < aa to Uw day of e*cU«n. Bt order ©' tne B art of Dvaaetnta _0 M M1LLI9AN, Be reUry.

AT a MTETINO of th7>ir*t-M..rti:a«!a"}Vit)fi-hoidereof the MILWAUKEE AND MORICON RAIL¬

ROAD br',401 the lAtb Ina'. It wae*»»» Iraat That t/i» B-ndbo'drra prrernt tbjn the not'e* to R.

H. I. iey eaaj Pnie-.r, rrqLritl a bin to edtrrtler, aod >ell tiee*id K ad end eppurtenaaraw e' auction, in the City of Now-Tofb, aarfeabU to tit t-rarof the Mornaie, » .d tba*. eachB' dbbioere at were B*t pretant r>- no-fi-d to ca upid thehVerr'a y, J J \ an Rurra at tbe nfti'ie of A J BWiaer 4.Cv Mo 7 Pin* .'. and MfJB tbeir taai.t tnrrrt f .r'bwlA.J. J. Vak Bun, Bsc. L RL'tBSOM Cbelrnan.

On its or tiic MivsEior* Mibiki. O nraNv )New York Aprl i4 l«La I

NOTICE.-Tho Transfer Hooks of the MINNE-B TA M'NINO COMPANY atii as alasai .:<.<> a A afar

BaTI'b o»Y,|i r 2Sd |. it u tl! MONO A Y. the 2«. f M.y Belt,Far tea dirtdeod of FIVE DOLLARS per there, peyabla on theBMBtr Bay. By erdei of the Dlrectora

_BAML. J. W. BARRT, 8«eratary.OmtB er tha Fi t.tort Fiaa lasCBABCS CoMraay, {

N«. t" Wallit.Nrw-tcrk, AprU 12, IBM i

THE Board of Directors of this Company haretiii d.y d- Inert a SEMI-ANNUAL DIVIDEND of TEN

FIR CRNr, petaLleon den en-1

_JAMES M. RANKIN, Baoratary(ri iax BABB, Nr. a York. Aril 14, 18*9."

AT the- Annual M,«etiriß; of tbo Stöclüiolaers olt*i» B arc held at thaBr Banklni R .ome April'2th last,

the folio e log L»a>ed lentlemea w»re auaulo.o JEU.ECTE0DIBEtTOPB for the iiiiali:* ye,..O B etABTIN. 1 AKKKIt HANDY.BOB'RT HAVPOCK, Oh-OROE K. «-'ARB.EN,SABJl t-L B «ho M..N. 8. C BOITTHMAYD,«tiBÜON W BIBNUAM, JAMES M HcNEOICT,JOHN boyce, JOHN CASTREe",li'cien 0. COM AN, ALBERT A. MaRTlN,

BOBEBT L rtet JIVNAad for INSPECTOR* of the ne»t i ioi-«Im« ELFC PIONtJoseph m. brown rbb>nrzrr collamore,

RALPH M r. Ai>A* a ankeeqnent meetinf nf the Boa.d of Oireetori. D. RAN¬

DOLPH MARTIN, «at, wat uieoltnone y rea'eetei PRE8I-AtJtRTPARK.FR HANDY, Cethier..-


ef BT. M A RT -In yttrettax.ee of an ant of the Btate of bfii bt-bbb, ». titled " An act to proride f><and verattna of the Bblp Canal eronho pe f ine tie trurt r eerwc'Ing thepan, ». titled .' An act to protlde BM the reBalrtni, preeetratlooand perattegof the Bblp Canal eron t d the Fall* of St. Mary, andan peifjrm tie trurt reerwciji.g the eame," approred FabroaryIt, 1»i9, the r.rderi'jned Oo%ernor eud Btate Treasurer of ratal

¦an, and».abroar»

--.m of aaidhereby alte in tlce Diet on Monday the twenty Sfth af

April ueat, tbey will ofor for aale tothehlgheit bidder, bouie ofthe Btate of M.cMgaa of nut leia t-aan one thooeand | dollartaavrh, to the amcunt of one hundred thoneand dollars, few the

rtlog V)

\ »¦* orlremente thereof, the prlnrlpal redeeraahle In the Cityg*W-Bealj at the pltaaure of the Bute la twenty yeera frnea

'ST..* ifif of lo'y "#,*> *vA .hf> ln>re»t jiayabl* half yearly at»»» ER CKNT PER ANNUM in iald city The toQ, and in-.eoAjf Mid Canal after r*yln the exaeneee of the nare and

fw*F"Bjrjg thereof are by the Statute pledged and devoted to aba^*J**.ptK'u i f the Botel, ai d the ;a'tb f tue Bute li pledged

*' Vir pa>n-*Dt Pereot i wlihlns to Md for aaid Losa wUIhaar] addree* propoeaJa to the nade'elaned, Btate Treaj rret, at

V^ee-ii.Mlcblsan, whl-b will be op.i,ed by the o earner andat'gaM". at 'he Ai'laa ,f Ba< k, In the City of Naw-Fork, where

f-totiatlon wl.l be completed.ona to whom aaid loan, or any part thereof, aaay ha

_.id, w'I be required to dep lalA the amortut tueraof to the.jtafiev. r.i of u>e Bute of Mlcblgen In inch Bank aa he

>a*gLe'e at the Daaa aad plaoe the bonds era de'trered.jd (e la the following worai-

" rJb<-'t to provide tot the repairing, preeerretli n and opee-.jt of Die Bblp Canal am .nd the FaQa of St Mary, and haAt im to* Imet reepe.'ttr>g the eema.

rt »f»r*o«. By ao act f Congreee approved Angatt Bt, lABRtaatjnna-rei i f the t'r.lted 8'\'n greuted the right Ui looete a Bbl*Oanaf aronnd the Falls of 8t. Mary, and alao e-eet, hundred andany tSiHiaand ev-ree of the pubbc fends to eld In toe iirtrnntteaat a» - Caiaal i and

P> Aereoa, The aaid act wee aeneiited by, and Die oondftloaBtbeteof uaada obligatory upua tula Stets by au Bot approvedFabroary t, lt&l; andH Aeteae, Bn«-B Canal having been bti|R end eecepaed by the

Batbarltiea ef thai Bute, la found to need repelre In wider to lu

Caervati.ni and oaeniUieat, and iha due performa- oe ef tatat *reaud by eeld act of Cougreaa, and the aaaaat of kbia

Bbe'e tbtreto: thereforeSamoa 1. Th* ptoplt ef tie HUtU «/ Mu-Atgaa enael, That

the Ovvrr BIS and Bute Treeauier are hereby autborleed enddire, ted In Uie r.arae and bebetf of the people of this State toaegoHete and eooVect for a an or loana not earc dlogla all

bundled thousand rVilare, redeemable at the pleaioie ef thete, at eny time after the eaptrattou of twenty years fi..aa ehet day SB July, In the year on* thoaeand eight huu tred£a hundred tt t ueaud dullare, redeemeble at the pleataie of thea>. at any


ley r.f July,Bfty nine, on the beet and moit fevnreVe Uiiik a.id I n lt'onathat In U eU judraeent nan be obte«aed, at an 1 itereet net ea-aevdlua raa per naiaaa pee atanuea, payable half yearly, to Be as.

pouded end epptled eolely in nietloi, Lora time to tiaie, ewebrepatre upou the lo.-ke, rate* and weiie thereof aa the B- erd ofajontrel reeled by tie eta titled " An a. t to pro.td* for theeollecUt-n of tolls Bud for the oara, -harge and opeteMnt of theBU. Mary't Fall* Bhip Caoal," t| omved Februeiy i, IBML naySeem i.e.-. aeeir for the preeervatlon ead effloleut operetloo ofaaid Caual, a t the fi.il perforna'ice af the trust eh.ne re-JteABbctiob 2. Fcr the purpoae of effecting lb* loan on oeaa

aforteaid, D » Ouvernor acd But* Tieaaurvr are hereby empow¬ered and directed after i avtug Bret ad.ertiaet for aa. h loan laeaw of D.a dallr papereui tb« rltlei nf Detroit Boat, u N*w-Tark art Phuburgh, tut at leatt thirty dayt prior to ne,.-latlogaaid !<a»., tu aauee to be made and lnued, buu^i In tumi sotlea* thai one Ueouiend d >Uaxt each, to be ilgned by the Govarnosand BtsatavaBBai by the Be. reUry of Btate and Suu Treeeorat.with lb* great seal of the Bute allied therr'.o, a hl.-b lel.i boudaaball be dtawn le fevor of the A .dit.-r o.. r-a1 a d .-.tag ta-

Sataidtp bin aball become tea-t'ereMe acd de'Uerrlta thethe aero or and SUU Treatuiar, and b» traniferable by these laBaach fei u aa they aball di-lde to be redecruab e ea n' .eeeldand to bear to irrest as afoieaald, payable on the Bret day of Jaly.od Jte.tary la each year tn 1' ' N. w-York, or «. abeieta the I cited Btatae. ehon'J the te-verror and Btete t'-reeartrtad It --inveulenl aad adventageoue ao baeeatrecti BaBttMbarehy *t-.rth*>r deolarad tbet It ehaK he deemed a tntnriaal aaa

awtion . f iald power to borro w, that the Oorernoi and StateTraBit.tcr rave a lied turb bonda to be eiecnt>d and aild.fareeaeaJ, That eald bonds aball be a Id to the htgheit bidder,bat aaati rat he . Id at lees than par and the lao.o y obtaineaRwaa said loan aball be paid over to the Bute Treasurer, aadaheJI. .i.atltute a par* of ih* Bt Me y i S'ilp Canal load, to haagapBed e .d n>ed for tea above named anrpoee* ar.d f re ao othatparpoeea whatever for which appltwalon of tu.a money ehelatth ol the State la hereby pledgedBat r oa 3. A'l U.et...!a end other tnooaaa Bern the eald Bt

Blary'a Ealle Bhtp C*.-.el, after paying the actual at.d aeeaaaaryfor aba cere and operating of the eeoie. are hereby

fMdgad and devoted to the paynieut of ealt boa.de, priii-.pal andh»-re.t aa be tame »r a fa1', d acd Iba BUU hereby goar-aatee* the payment of the principal and leureet of la.-t. beiail.adeath acd every of them, cut of auch to.li and Income, ead¦sedge* its faith Cat, In de'aalt cf auch peyaient, It will ob*ob-

UUonalfy pay the eame without delay.Bbctiob 4. All naceaaary ,x mlngen expeueee Incomed by

the G ternor ai d Stafe Treeaurar Ic aurtc« . it Nee prnvtsteaaaf thl* act aball be audited by the Board of Bute Auditors, aadaaid rut of any mourn In the Treasury not otherwise aperupri-4Uad, aod be cnerged egaiuit eald Canal fund, ^reeuted, hewe*er. That the State Treaaarer eheil Bot, as a mecubet of aaidBoard, toe* ta eaettUng any oialat under Ih.i eevakauB a v r i c i A Tbe boada. the laaue or wbloh 1* aotbortaadj by

.hta a aball be nruaibared and regdetered la a b»ek u> »* are-

bared for that putyaae by the Andltor-OauereJ In his ottaa,Which r*e<rter ahaU onuBaln lb* number, a«omit, and wbaaAach hood beeKHwee due, tbe rate of Interest, and whea BadVbert th* InUieetbt payeble: and aaoh bond ahaU aotttata a

hawy nf the third section cf thU act.BavTioaA Ttui act aaaU Uk* effect BMMBlBBtety.

ADM B »AIRFIELD,Fraaidattt or thePENRT A. 8RAW,

Speaker of the House of RoproeeoUrJApproved, Feb. IA IUS La. ttug March A S.A.

M. W1BNER 11 ..error of MUbigata,JOHN MoKINNtY. Btate Treaurer.

C ..,

ITALY,arftelANT.a aa aSVS EDAN,


No. I RI E DE LA PAIX, FaRII,*_4BwJtfB I WALL-STRICT. NEW- TORE,t?*-1^ LaKTT}. "*J,f CREDIT f., MERCANriLE FIB-*»ufl*». AI.. CIRCl'LAR LttTFRRB OF CREDIT aa aJJIke pi'Dcipal lowu* ead Clttee ofAHANCE. RKLOIl'M.<a-EAp BRITAIN. SPAIN,Tf; AND, POKM ÜAL,



Ra, AcBIL1.8 ON PARIS and Bterl.rg BlJa, at abort at JO dsti'

slgbi, for aaie fat leau to lutt.

H. BICKARD, Mining ÄTent and Storke Bnker, nBIoa No. tl Naeeau-et, New York, boy* and

eelte slitaiNCj BhARRB, MINEH and MINERAL LANDS on

CaaaaaAvahna, wbQ exanfae Mfsei and Mineral Lands ic any partef the L'tthwd Btatae, aad rep.-r oa their vane, Aa. riTlnabjlaataatasa Btvac S Lab« BayattBr baHaiae

HPHE STOCK I IC'LDhKS and CREDITORS ifI Um- <>HIO AM» MlBNlS^irri BAILRO»raC<>VlPAKY,>t»ri Plvtatao, »i» bereb' »crrtfVed . a a>**Ont of theTra***" i turn' 1 H, tr». »-,..»-> cat ¦ f (t-wswrli. AW «tuifh»id at tt-rr i .II«. Mar r >Tt it*, lie »oljo«rtngPw»«ibi* aal K . ' .Iae* we* .4»p*»'5--

PPAertai Tm '.jTeein'D I f 0*** «a»«r 15, IBS*, Not keen mVerr-bed r) 1' e por ieu "f IM p*>i»l-» »t ¦» - / .«.. > ¦-».'-

are ».»!.in (>rd»r to M ry IdVo effect toe prix.try txd me.n

fa ¦««.' eastern laled teer, try.V-et M te-mi !l it n»e* rtett tn determine «t *a early day,

a*-fc.tb<-r aeab rkwtry end met p ireneee of mid agreement oan

t, fvtrset be <***vltiuoB>Bt>d. Tt.'-retore. tt ¦McultoJ By th» Trwe** purtntnt to lie tiUmrltv |)Ten by

tarter - ertlrl« Bf raid .»fr-m-i t that frov-i aed Bfte' the IrttMj of Key next, too rif.Ji ul er.y end of eil partlet ke mberrtb*t< eeio igii eejeal *f Oi. ember IB, lA'.g, or A'y of lid ooesteir-

¦tuu the.l ceeee uxi ta rroioele "Xr-pt epo., end wit* tt.* anen-

daoeo* ooeeeBt of i*Jd T. it***, bi prerlded la toe eeid tentharBVl* thereof.

B/eeierd. fvrtrrr. That tr.e Trot:. ** win on end B*ter the laidfr» daj u.' Blatte- d- >ro.a>e whether or oot tTaVJ tejeeerneclof i>.' ember IS \U+, beat-'*n beea (r. Beenbed by toe pern eteeaenlia! to give eff-ct tax e::d tao coaaaaiujete ha primary endtee In p- 'pe*** ** therein dec a-ed

Ceeeired /aether That fveTroeteet poblith a o'/tlee of theetove er»Beit > aud reenlt.tloet, In accordaace with uie sever.-

te-ertb artiel* of veld agreeaw-irt.ttaaolee*,/yrtAee Toa: 'he Treat*** vrUl nnltedly Bad eerneet-

H wake all feir and hoei.rt.ble *ff>,r»a to proeore, before toe fcrrtday of May next the .Uneturee of partlt Decenary to eonina-citt* and oarry Into *3ect the prtrna-y and main -jurp^aei of laidBeaeeaeatat be.levln», et »hey do tn*' the eobtu aaawhwel of eatdp ireo'et. at therein der tared, 1« -laet titj to aeeo-e and pr' teeta* 111Hill of all the Creditor! and BtAekholderi of tba Obioand MiMiwtpi>l RaHroerl Coanpai.y Elf. rs DtvUion, and to

pf*Ten*. a 'o'telotare cf the Mort|a*ei on the corporate pTupertyaad frnr.i-.Mjei of that CompanyVor f other additional information, apery at the nffieei of the

Cenipa- t at Clnrinnati ai.ri No tSWalit., New-York.Daun NiwVork, Mar< b 8. it Ml

im..- 'd| kVal. H AB'INtVALI* r airman.

toaitt ai Unttum.


W. C01.TO», Auctioneer

AVERY LAKGfc a»iortmeiit of HOUSEHOLDPI RNlTt RE both new and e.-iond band Carpelaofall

klada, Pianoforte, I n full pie-.* of Oil Cloth. <*< dozen cartmaple Chain. M new Cottafe Redateada, fyetber with anyatiai lit! of othei fo rtt will be aold THIS DAY, Saturday, Apnl6 at l*i oeloek, at N A9 Seekmar-af. N. B kale wi'l keper.n.,1 ) r kkaa r. lira to weather.

p.» *. Hmr*W, AoetJoneer.Offire No. 33h Broadway.


S HOUarBwi »tpLbl'aa.i Jon THIS DAY (letudiy)Aa*'I l*t. at) JoYWk prniiely. all the furnltore, Carpe'a,Jjeioratlor ., W oika of Ar-, Ars., Ar ; aleo, a feoeraJ kinrtmeat

ofTtl'le Ware, M h at Caioa, I».m r and Tea Sate Silver*.] ¦», Tea I'm, 8e!v>rt. Cu' jtlara Ware, CJ'l-ry, ertJi,Poiki Ac., Ai- rorjuleed la O'et-ciaMretldecce Si 12 ( oiver-.ft* pit r. Beat W a»Ll. ?'.< l »q ik.-e Catal |uei to be had atti e hoiire OLiy

Dl I ION' NOTICE.-1'hnta, TrWa\ Ever-tree Til, f Peoulri Aeal ai and P't I' < in areat

v» irty, Irom WM. WlLtON tlarltt, iPhatA, to be ioId atII k, THIS DAY, at No IM tj.loWUi *

t D HOLBROOK, A Uonaer.

A Irl Mrtwrv. Auetlobeer.

BY HANGS, MERWIN tV Co., Trade-SaleRoom. No. IS Park-row.

MONDAY BVENIN9, Apill 18, a'. 7 o'r! k,BOOKHtLLI RS' SfOCK-i:in.priilDt a eolle'tion of fiae

library edition! f Standard Boon oa varloui iur>i«c ., lce.ludib(S. IBB it. Clatilea. and Bcbrol B >oki. and t tarier of new mtiealbxatooapBklllltlliail Aleo, an ta ortnie-.t of ^tatloneiy, it:-cludLnr Rlauk Bo. la, Pepere Pen Caaei, K ,« Ac.

U ¦ DNFSDAY F VfcNINO, Apill?'. at7o':lry-k,CHOK E PRIVaTE LI8KAR»-Of Ea|;iih and Amerban

Bce.kt or.Diprlalnf valuable worn In nearly every department,1' r.iutitti-j many elegant and expenaively 1 nt-ated woika.A Ik., a vatitty of new ita-.dard booki aome of which have notbeloie been offered tl Am bWA Ca'* o?u-i are now ready.

BY JOSEPH HEOEMAN..On WEDNES¬DAY. Api Bj at 9 e'aaaab a. m., prerlarly. a', the More of

BuTI'hEN A WEEKS No SM. Brradway between Walkirai d Ca e et a N V to rloie up the rettll BtBBab of ther \, ,.'Dtn. The wbolciale rjepa tmei.t to be reo.otrd to N«. I(K> Llb-atty-at a^d No. 106 C»dtr it. Alane and teiert' aiaortaentBf rli b wallpap«ri. Kren b deporatloni, aola and vrlvet pi; era,bordiia, iucltilltf a variety of a prl >ed latin papert, b ank',Ar. The tale ii per. "i t ry, without reieivo. aad without re-

l>rd v. v ra'bar, and the |oodi will be told In Io»« to lull pur-r baten, wi;b a nnv lege u, dealeri. CaUKgun at the ttore oa


BY JOSEPH HEGEMAN.Ofl MotTrdBT, Aprilif, »t Vt i.'rloek B, m it No. Sa Front, be .ween Main and

Dork *te Metogany Parlor F.irnlture, Bediteade. H irea n, Ma*-tretaet. Hedsiug Cbairn Tablet, walnut axtanii u Table, Crock-eiy a. d Krtbt n KLrnlt'ire

SAME DAY.At 2 -'clock p. m., a* No. Hau.pden it.. eiih'b home frnm

Pi Ka.'.-av - inatioiauy puloraad« Latnter F^r^i'ure- handioxeuiahugat y Secretary and Bo. koe»e, oak rxteniioi. Table, Brill-nil t«n«try, three p'v, tod ingrain Ctiprti a d Oil Ci.tb",U>i ilatoraa, Sewlpg Macauie, parlor aud cook Siovei, Oloeb-ery and K t b< u Kuri.il re, ail Lu txielient 0'<ler. Catalaguaia', the iBiei 11 in

Dt I'ltTMEN'T OF FlKAtCK, CokTIOLI.IR't On ich, IHaw Vota, Marek 19, l'A9 }

CORPORATION DOCKS ami SLIPS to beLEAHKD at AUCTION .Notice Ii hereby given that aev-

eraJ of ilie U ,rka Fieri aad Slipi belonging to th- C irporaUoa,win be leaaed ou bid* at pubJ) aocllou, on TUESDAY, April19 ISM. tt 12 o'clo. k, noon, at tbe City Hall, lor the term ofAte y. era A Ca'.e: tue routaluing tbe Baa her and loca¬tion, and alao the ternn and »mditioni of tale, aay bebad at U.lf < tli'e, tbeteruent of City Hall.) atepe will alao he¦bow of the t orp ration W ba'Vea an t Plen By order of UConiwlaaicntiioi'ao* Banking Fund

ROBT. T. HAWS Conttoler.

Fnv. *sd H 11 BLOW A Co Ao*Blarie*rt

HANDSOME HOUSEHOLD I I h'Niri'REat *u< tioo.-E. 11. LI DLOW A Co. will ae.ll at auulou,

on MOMDA V. April 18 laaR at II oVI ..-t, a' N-. AT Ott) aa

pla.., HANDSOME HOI 8E Fl'RM f CUE. i.iim'i | ofrotewcrd I'aili l f n-i. tuie, 8. foi Chain Inin t», in blue and.Ilk latin bn rate.le, Arn. lad Ree, ption Chairt In rept, ConiolTabie laige P>. t U alt, Lam- Cnrtalna, Chandel er 'A tel rote-

wr od Etajit r»«, n*ewet,d Hide Table, Ma-hle Tofa, TaiwilryVelvet, Cirpvta, blaet walnnt Bedt'eadf, roaewood Dim-¦nr Biirrau* and Waabataiida. marble top«; roi. woodBrli in rid p'ui'i, Cba'ri and Rocken to mt'i b, Oei Brvketi,Elgravmii, Kbadea, Hair Mattreatai. Boliten a,d I'Jlowi,Brciaeli cud Tai ea'ry Carpeta Oil. loll t, toxe'iier witn aa at

aattataaAofKftaaaa wiiaisBiia aaibb which the ia e will oom-

BaaBoa. Catalogue* previoui to the aale at ta- Aucili neer'ioff Ida, No. Id Piae at <l,83o).

A J Bi ar< aits, Auctioneer.

M4GNIF1CEN1 SI I ES ne«r TARRY T( >WH.A J. BLEECKER, BON A t a eill tall at taetl 1 OB

Sa. I'RDAY, Apnl 23, a*. 12 o'clock, atjthe REVERE HOI BE,Tairv w. Hap- t:A 111 ACT OK LAND eor'ait'tig 51} fret, iltnated near

Tan y to WD, on Ue 8I.EEPY II H.LoW i, i. BM la Uta lawtl-dtate iipfghborhood of the mttrtlSeaDt i-e'.e M- lira. Barilett,Swordi, BOKER, A. J. PH>1.P8 J. W. VaERH, IfafOlitty,and uteri It bei from every put an extemive view of the

.uirouuning country and the Ill'DSOS KlVlR north audtotith Uu well wooded and watered and \\ i LL H E Di VI DEI)in. i tiof ftoin Ato 1( acieaea-li, afl "di tLOVELY VIEWSFROM EACH PLOT. TKR.VS At CM V iDATiNO Liho-araaelc niapt at a ¦ aaieixoami, Not 7 aud I Pia* in,pa*tl .ua i ia e._<l,6>o)

EOWABB Ii. Li :i oh, A,, tioneer


BT8.li at AUCTION. b» order f lollN JAY and JOHNF. BtTTFR A OR ill Exec.it. ra of Jl DOE JAi

E. II LI DLOW A Co Brill aeil a', pal I a tt- D on Tl Ei-Dar, April 18. ,K.-ti, at 12 o'. lack, at the Mer, l.a .ta' Ex.-liange:Broadwa-.No. lit, r .cLlLg tbiough to Cortlandt aliey; lot

28.tlxP.'> trttKr, adway.No. i*", runolng through tu Ccnleod: allev lot

27 lxi"i (retCanal and Centre iti I Lot, nrr'.n-weat corner.Caual-at,. Lot, aertb il le. pear Bi .adway.Caual-tt I Lot, , Btbetde near C .rt .a .It all*y.VN iBjat tt I Lot a adjB at**, weir Corte»'..at alley.U aller it .1 Lot, Borth tide, near t ort ai dl alley.fth av .4 Houiei and Lot* weal aiJe Bawl 3 nfc itT*. thlidi ol tne p- ' -ba-e BSAa) can remain on mortgage.

For hotik, mapa, aud full paiticulaaa, apply at the Au tiooeet'tOfl c* Na. It Plnr tt. (l.TM)

PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR'» SALE..THOMAS D. DO! RLE I)AY will sail at the itore. No.

152 Drat d-tt, corner ol Klin it.. oa HONDO, the 18th tnatat a tu , all it* effeott bi It uglug to th* ettat- of U.ya«*Rada.ln, caoeaied. comln Hg cf OROCEHIEB. Llli ,>

PRr.Sr RVED I BUlTS, I tit ESC, Ac. By oidrr ot TU0MA8C. FIELDS, Public Admlnitttaior.


fcaaylat. Waakabeate*Caaatt, ou KRiDAY, the tifteeuth dayaf April next, at one c'cWi, all tbe personal ett».-te at laid Fort,keloaging to tbe ratete of Col. JOrlN L. SMITH, dea-eaaeo.Tbl above n!. la poitpooed to MONDAY April -25

By order of THOMAS C. PIELDB,Pablic Admloiitrator.

A. .1 liiii kit. Auctioneer.


.A J BLEECKER, SON a Co will tell oo TrlfRiDaV,April VI . M at o't .wk at Sever . Hetel. \ »odetbtl- . Land-till . pa: ait ol be.-. '.'1.1 LAND a C.tfton tar tint ftota .

IS acrei aa. b. m the luiuiedia'.e m-igbaorho .1 sc tbr BaaAt ofM-aan PK-irrti,.!] AipIuwb!'.. Ac Also 2 PLOTS of It acreieavb, ou Caatietoa Hijhtt, rear of Pstten'i Hotel Abo 2*3At KE8 ki own aa tbe farm of tie late Caleb Ward, oppaalttP.i-h a- .1 fataM Ai t. v. witb a bwW water fraaA The ap.ifeax-.-i a.ar toi*-rty It udi: ryaited for U auty of riBBBtl .' if r*aadt ci view, and eii.ava.-ea tone cf ta* caoi.-eet aitet oa totin d I' will be aaown ou appl:.a-.ioo at tbe Horne.'ead .1U ONARO I'AKKINSON. at a I.itb tiiphic ki.pe alMo 7 Pfjie a) aid baaal ai laiHiaiiiaiil In siaten lalaod« r Byon at H B. METCALFE. Bahrte (i iTi)

\ A. J. Bi I tiiri. Auctioneer.ACRES of GROVE LAND.At Rw'Qork,

^» aA'eeti bettrr County, k-ownea Barry't Woodi ol the Cue.attnLil Utov*. A J BLr ECKER. SON A 0*. wil< teil

a, .AiJKUAi, ap ü at 1.' o eat a-, tee Meaoaaatr1 Raeh. a.|.. toe aboTr b-a.mul p- prity. ntutt. d l va . ,

tt.li taiaa ta | f Marc r.r i e.-k Vi> age. or ten a*Bet*e' a all of de

pnt, Th* lai d la a baaaolilu level, covered wtu. l oe timterr ai

Jaär] ' awtfat», with th* Mama.-oce.-k River ikuvtag i wee

poci t a*y, loralng ob* of tea* aoott kaaj tn 8 BaaM Ml a geo-leaiat. a .eaadet. r, or pi.b ic retot' in tbe c'ly'a oei^W-orbood, ac-

ta-aai'ae by N--w Hevea Raiur*e4 or eeeeBihnil FartVaianatK.c 7 Pi '.-a*. tt.SBfi



At th* Eleet on beia oc the 11th but, the foilowln« Oeot'e-n et wtr* tucted Dls». ten of Uu Company for the eniaAtftear :.t V B. Otti-ender. L-vl Apgar. D. Randolph Marvin,J.*eph B. Barker, Pepj. 8 Tay'or, Ward A Work.Mi -*i A Bar* k, Erj Hotpcvk, Eaea'r. Beeilertar,Oi rdoa W Bninbata.lirBtl Minrar. Joiepfa M öruea,HrLiy A. K>rr, Jarruiiab Rohhuj, David Mifie,Witilaai HuaU-e, Raoi'i B. Bouaaao, CO Van Wageaaa,Barret H Van Oi keo.Crow*! Adam*. Natbaclel Weed.At a auk* aLent oieeUnd of the B ard. C V. B OfTRANDEA

Wat unanuaooily ra-eltated Prraldenl . the enaciug year.J. L DO OLA5». ttritaia.

. a( 12, iae?


B^ok BALE.A ^TEAM-engine if«h»r*

r-wer. io« to «t IM h»- w,*»-.'«cW/ry mimi of Aey-e. -* Wil-eaigh |ri. B t »

eli a n c I f i k E beöül u0u,KOR MAVIRO FUr.L IN HTEAM-BOILBSS.

tft« meet »* erMve »»« . tTi<-'e»- .nitruweeB* of Med.rblU. W. COPFLANO, N .*> Broadway N T.

Cn:lfi>, (jaromatt, «tr.


for eele byCHaBLES S LITTLE h Oo..

Noi r >u t -». r».

Win reir.rv* ob the iBfJ *f May. )»-*., BS No. 2p0 Broedwey.


JAN fs, n. kue ft OO.,No V* BROADWAY, N F.,

kB idcttlOB to thett oeual vertefy, it« " rtan'Jy pTo4cTbag bw«

ertteeei o' BSorBBBABt tot .»«».»». . leewne, C¦. eres ssw

ruh \ p«ikt.ROUNTAIN8.Brno Blbto »IVB.

vase8Over Se dtPerenr 11't.nii so« air**, from Bit to BIAS.SETTEES exd Ca A 1RB Bf »11 tne various pattem.

LIONB.CbkwbbI Life-Blie. end In MuilAtui*, tUadl&g Auf rer/ceingDPFR.Three slff»r»nt St'VmiBOOB.E«»i d'.Fereit ,.WILD BOARS r- v » S KAOLE8, LAMBB, Ae,iLLt'T iitiD Cirat.oetif eent oj me|.

janes, bkebr a to..No 'it* Broadway, New-York.


THOMAS PIG IRON-S<.ft, fr«*, strong, andwarranted sobs tor* Vr Bo'«h Pig


\1 OLTJT HOPF CUT NAILS.Very superiorkJA «Ballt*. Al'It' Bm M utt BeM IroD Co.

JOHN W. QDIMCT A Co., No «. W-|iHan-er.

Sl'MMKR STOVi-.S, CÖokläf BtoreZ H> \nCm-ten, end b veiy iB'rr ¦Bash, of f(. BBS fi.rnienlag BBSwSj for

sal* v»ry k>w, si No. t Carinii.- . ebo.c Bissel*aWILL! III CLAEKE.



sDicun öUi.iu.a», Gl.


wli) >e peeltivrly, rarrtirt tk* U S. Mall, bbSATURDAY, April 16, at 12 an.,


teilet paw- geri forl^NDON, ma. RE, BOL'THAMPTON and BREMEN,

at lb* roi owing .».- .

BIRST CABIN. BUS] SECOND CABIN, 9*0; BTEER-AOE, » Bor Pr. I, .. aid *«. ere .. p j to




CLIPPEB ef April uit.Tke rp.< ..£.( »: favnnu- A I . tBsM r-thls

B E BO XI B,Canar Matrar,

Ii rracIaiDi brr rargo >t Plat Hb n r Rirer,Anil will promp'rt iail aa ab its.

Tbe B. F HOXIE, bthf wrifknowti as a fast aaller of tbaaxtraBie chpprr »l.ir nirrln a; a cniTfrius b. r earro la fineardrr, WITHOOff D.\aj*Or, la raromrmcd'd t* «klpfi r» aa

Bha mor daalrabl« coDrayaxo» olfarlBg, and will fill oa brr AD¬VERTISED DAY. Bi rrON k Co,

No. M South-at., eor. Wall.


fa»ont»» itrimiMii BioBBBKHN LliiHf, Capt Ti kirnwill laava New York from Pi.r Na. 3, N. R on Tl «4()Af.IIa» 1", at 2 o'clock p m., conns-tit p rlt Pa-ama Railroad,wltb tbo iteamihip ORl/AhA. Apply at Uic on>y ..fflo-ef tea

lite, No.6 BowiIli 011BBS, I) B. ALLEN. Armt.N B AI' perw'i.i «r» ' ibid truitlrt any aar oo AcoeuB. of

tbe abore thlpa or owci-ra.

TEAM to IBELAND DIBECT, for $30..The_ LiTcrpoool New Yetk an. PfailedcIanU «U-jmablB Co.'a

aplei dirt er d pcwctfu »»reri ab!p Cl TV OF MANCriE«PER2,119 tu:», Catrt Jeio'i K»nnrc y, will «all from Sel'aet to New-York on VVJD.nEBDaY .»r' ca'urt at Curk to atci.-kpaaai-r rt'-'t. Bfae will lce\e Cael fjr New-York direct, FBIDAY April I.Tie CITY OP MANT1IESTER wi'l »II from Nrw York to

Cork and Liv.rp ol 8A T 1's.D AY, April 3 a: noon, (i.m flalFlo. 44, Noitb Alter.

F*Tr« or Pamr.it:Cabin, f.-tai New-Yi -a toCork end LieerpoM.B»"8t*rre«e, from New York to Cork aid Lltvrpiol... 30

Inr.lueiDs an ui.lln it.-d BllBWBBCB cf tbe beet cooked prorl« » a bleb will be BBTTI d b> '.£).¦ Coopa > a a'ewerda

Pa-.ei aere by ttlt Itaa a'old th» rial aud jreet det-r.tior ofeel u.a at Heülax aid 8t Jubi.'a, a* tbe City tl MenobedMrr aalladire, t to Cork.For frtlgnt or r»"Bf* enp'y to

JOHN M, PEE. No 103 Vlnor^a-it, BelTaatC. W. D. SEi MOi'R a Co , Cork,

and in Pbiltedalpbla sod Nrw t ora at Ue CaaaiaaBry'l officea No.11.9 V\ BiLUt-at rblledrlpna, erd tao K; -a'way. N-w Turk.

J"1IN O. DALE Acbl*.TA'M. INMAN, Afetit, Not. C2 aud 64 Tower flu iaUga, Liv¬

erpool.K rtber aaillnae will appear In f I ire alr.rtlif m- its.

NOTICE.. In fnturr* tbe .Stt'itriiTi of tili« Lineell at COhK, Irr v o, .¦. ¦¦, ,d ad rece'v« astfaaa

and pa.aeipeii. Blaaaa to LIVERPOOL adiilt|ttCORK audvia Liverpool to LONDON QLaBOO Bf. e d bD be priu-eilialtowneln OBEA r R . IT alt. end IBELAND, at (eaatl)recuced rar*i-Tb» L'VF.BPO'»L. NKU-YuRK a .d PHIL*-DrLPHIA hTEAMelllP COMPANY 8 .p'endid C yda bulitIron aciew biteaaubipt are ii.te ded to eall aa fobowi;


And every altercate Setu-dey,At IS o'eJock soon, from Pier No. 44 North Ufr.

BaTBi or raatacBCaVlB trem New t orb er d PbUadelprte.B1'Tbiid-chuB from New- York to any of a a named plaoe* 3e

Retoni tlcieta. avaHabla for ala oiouihe. |oI'eaeengera forwarded to Havre Paria, Hama-irg Bremen,

At tw erp, and all parte of tbe Contloent wttbout de ay.NoTitB..Tkeee eteameri are provided wltb every regniaiie

to Irienre the laimedlate aatLjctl a of fire, and Uta errietest aleclp'lce Is enforced with regard to tha ose of light*

Paatecfera to Ireland by tile Lin* an id the ilak andfr*t'.detention of tailing at St Johna, aa Ibe iteatnrripi'teedU) Coikdlrrct.Far freight or paaaage, app.j at the f - ef the Cospavy,

JOHN w DALE, No. II Broadway, New Yotk, Ageut_b Liverpool to »VM INMAN. Tower Buiidtnga


BTKAM8HIP.S,VANI)KRHlLT...Cept P. E Lefevre, Ol'EAN Q1EEN,NOBTH 8T4R....(BPt A O Joaaa, a;,i' i.will firm brOBTBIMTLI liuabetween New Yuaa.BoiTHaktr.li sand HATBA, leavL-g isla aide eex.b a t»tna'e SatuMday, a^dthe other tide rack alter a'e Wednesday, vti:

raoej bbw-vubb raoa aavaaroa iottTHaatrToa a loirmerTi»

aau Raaaa. rce aew voaaVANDEB BM.T. Satur.iey. April 13 Wadseaday M .v 11NOhTil STAR_ .Saturday, May 1... 'V.«n,l1jT ag,, ^ARl* L.iBatordey May 2l.. Wedu. *d*>, Juo* a.

\ANI)tlli;ILT.Ip. .- 4.. .Vedriedey, Jana 2S.These Bteamahlpa ha«.- w»t»r-ti^bt, ompartm nie.trtiry able fturteon*nicB "» P*«.awa.Fiti ra way tub i.hz-\ .j:

Per VaMiramiT .Klii CeUu . iho eaa . .<*; Se»wod Cab¬in, AW>ard B.Vi- a- jrdic» to lo-at.on sf atBJta room a

Frr North Bias and abicl.Fixet Casln, AiK); SecondCabin. BjBRCaat ii l< am 'ii ei of paaaage from Eurtpe.Bpecir drliveied .u Loodo^ a.io i'eita.

D. ToRRANCt, ltd 3 Boailng Oleen, New TorA

Tbe GLASCdW a:,.l new-YORK B1 EAM-8HIP COS* ANY Intel.d aal Ilm (metf tew and r- werful

BlaaaaaeafraaiNEW TOBKdxreetta dU^MWic «.

n »mK; A" abun*ou. BArtRDAY, May 14, at U t'cletlBo«n.

I DINBt RUB, Cimmlng,-,-, at IS oV-lo. k noon.BalaBaf BaaaBd* ' n, N-* Totk, Philai elpnl* or Boetoute

Gaaiow, LHaryaat, Be.fi»-, Dublin or Londoodery Firat clate,B7S| Steerase, fouLd wt'b an ab-inde* .* of c oked i 'oviaiooa,A BE Peteeae ft at attbaa of tbe above pla ea to No w Ycrt:Cakio. B*- Steerage, e-ti'. Ci ilir.n ui.di r 12 >.t« of age, halffare. K'tit i»a ret.. I tkl ta. eaei:*'.,* witbm Ml mocuu,B140. i or bright or it.a.fe enply to '

_ROBERr cRAIJ. Na 17 Broadway.

Special NOTICE..FiTBt eatreme clipperab i toealL


R08S. FALCONER i. to 'a Lice for8aN FRANCISCO.

The eitreme OefgBBBS dhip\ I KINO,

Wineor, Master, i* bow receivitg Mal of h.-r cargo at Pier No. IIEast River, lue last paaaaie ai rjag Vikirg waa i*E daye.Apply to Ross, FALCONER A Ca.,

No 46 Flue at cor. W'tHun,Ar ti at Ban Frander,^ Meaer*. ROB8 HEM e»TFR k Co.

"DALI IMORt,\YA>HlNti (»\, äöd iwt WES T.AA .The i-eaBwra of tae NF-Vt-ioRK and BALTIMOREBTEaMBHIP I I*E lee^e Pier No. .> n rta R -r b TL' ESDAYS, ffHI RSDAYS end 8ATI BDAYS BaBBABg tne a-.tgelo_ foity houri. Kralfl.t to Bel'.i.-nore eix rarMM p*r aWBtl t>WBjAiaghBB ten nti ter fu- end p'opc'tiorete rB;n ) bjthroagh ratei |a the BVeet, c vet-ng eaaVBAeSa rat |aa . ra ¦h 0 R R. Co lOri ce, NV ;. . B-oedwey. Apply ta

_H. B CBQMAA f LI. h Co No. K Kmt tt.

POR SAVANNAH and FLORIDA..The A ner-J7 u-an Atiei tic Screw 8te«meb-p C wjpaay'a new aal elaiantateacabip H NT8\ II.LE, Jpo A Poat, commander wlUleava Pter U North Rlv. r ot SATURDAY. April 16 at 4 o'cloekp m. Paaaage to Bevannah. wltb uoaujpaiaaii e.x«iu» >ga;i->naBlii ttrougJi tick«:, to Nea-Orleans, B39 7J, MobileMontgomery, IB; Alber. y Oe Aid. Atiaota and Coliiatbae,'9A. Macon. Ml| Auguera, BSD: aleo. to piiaclpai putcee InBlonde *t leweet ratea. Steemere leaaint BaTenuah ob MON-DA» WEDNEBDAT and FRIDAY MORNIN08. Frelgbt IBSsap per foot aiid |ropujtiocate ratea bBSbRBRSS oa* aatf aerswst Apply t

_H. B CROMWELL h Co No. Sg Weat-at.

P«DB SAVANNAH and FLOBIDA.-U. 8.aV MAIL LINE.-The tavortte steamitus AI JUSTACapti'e Thoojj Wcx^huik will leava on SaTURDAT AprliIS. at 4 j clock p. ai frem Pier Nu 4 N R Tbro,^b ti.-aet* ffi vento Mor-gottery. Cei Jua, ua, A ...ante A. taaiy aud Ma on Billsof kadi: a arced only on board For freier« or aeaaeee aealeBo BAM lL MITCH J l». h BON. No/lTBroe^dwaV


OTT.- Mail and Eipree* One* keav* New-York et 1 I end ! 1a. aa sad 4 and 8 a. as., rare Bl Tbrocgb TVoheta eoid for Clr>stBaati andi the Wear, and for Wtaahangtoa bVaMMbbbbjWmi BasBouBb. Ao-1 and throagth heggag* chwcAed to Ws.*hthgtoa ta 7 a.aa. ana 0 p. an. trains

J. IV. WOODRUFF. AaalatanlSttBerNtMadeaRNe ^rrrf- «rill be received far aay train aim lik^erad and

abaoAad 6fWaa Bbint»«aa tn adTaiM of Uav taiaa of keavtng.

.tuamnaax» mrnö R8air0**>»

n|i?ILIM to. the NORTH i»Ö7)T8* ti«T m * EftT, th.-, 1 bay, h-far. **rOu| « V't

royi eailu-a* evtra rrw .» b*bbb .»'».»».

mi to -air* IBM THBOL'OH ROUTE W aP8 w- J*U-*e>*-

»MM BM Bra**** ....... |»a-» HOW PI ««411

9 a a PL a"*""** k Co rri ******«,Woo. IjtlBBjMI *'**»¦*»>

HUDSON RIVER RAILROAD..Prom Auril4, IA59 tra'ae «10 leave Chamber** rtttlca a* f .Uowtt

r nr.,. Yr*m*Rt. n. and 3p m.; Albany Mtli Tra»e, IIa at

t»i Pcetkteer"*, 1 a Bill l:«ul!.iii«, M Dekko*

r»-ry. IhI M:#>r* ¦ tad 4 and l":*11 m 'ot Umm 8re* * 48am f-i Peeiaktil Dpi T»* Ponghkeepet*. PeettHil.li I »Irgend DakW Fetry Tnma ttcp »t tke <v»y Station*riwu.ii »»k»l ».. Ctembere, Cane'. I .jJtewirr bob 3ir.-*U

Tralat fat New »oik l»e*-Tr*y at 4 tfend t *> a ax. bb4 i 40

b. ex. tad Aikeaiv kk^ut » o»li.ot#« itior Oa 8ua Jk»t *'* p m

* r safTil u.


rem foot of Her-woe tt,, at 7 s'cloak a. av


aae ibartrat ana boot, ciirwt. -ea-rviag tk* Eeatern MailPh. m«* .:. PL i HOI TM R"CK Oat*. Joel kW-. a.«

COMMODORE, Car'. D ¦ H. « ¦ lo : b«. «*0 to*

FTONINOTON ar.d PROVIDENCE ar.d tOTTOH *ndPROVIDINCC RAIT.ROADS, .. »f ft*w Tort Aalry (Baa-levt i from Piet No. 3 North P- t-ak * above

.attary-p,e,oe, at 3 o'clock a. a, , tad St-arungina at I * p at,

Met 1W aartvaJ af the Nal! Treis which leave* Sorer at1:1» p mTb* COM art'DO RE, froao New-Tort. Monday iVraneaaaj

«b4 t'ldm fr-tn Stonlngion, Tuaatday, Tnu.-aaVey ta.d SaCnrdayThe PLYMOUTH AOCK, from NewT. rk, Taeeday Tbor*

day i i 8***rd*y from 1..«»u i, Mead** .'.Arjeade* Bad

rMaar* «j . »'.'¦ proeeed fma» I'h:. r- - ft raimoaa «e Prat*

loLCe atd Sorter., ta the Eifere Mail Tral i. feecAtr« eaW

t a tala »" .' " of thoae ky ott't rouU-e, ar.i lu ample tiraa An

Ul '±» .». i se rnlcf llnea, crnaectir.f North and Eaat Puten

(.rt taat ereiVr It rem«in on K n-l the Meamer. tajoa a nlaht'irer* e hr*«A/aat If aealrea. act <ea«* a> tv«« i*taa *

i r trataPare from ProTtdenoe to Naaraort V) eentaA »»/r» .- .' acoompaclae Uie r.eaeaer tsd trata akroaai

each «aafor paaeaae. perAa, ttata roomt et feinst, ae»'» ^ »oart ta*

.-et- or at .¦ e «¦ .« .. OCce. Pier No. 3 North River oi al

the off e. No 'C Bt'Urj i»*c* PM » SBM

THE NEW-YORK and NEW-HAVEN RAIL-R la 0 COM r** NY ha»e BEMOVFID lii-lr OtTieetfr^m

Na. I Haacvrrit. to -he Ptaa«Bger Depot, eorner of 4U» a» and



neiic.Lg on SATURDAY, April 2, lfV» -Tc* oe« tmttpienrtld iteamer MKTAMORA will i*a»e Pier fr.trt of Jtt-r.,

a-»ij TUESDAY, THURSDAY and «ATI R04 5', U'la,-. «.< ¦ *.Pe mual larding*


Conruieockg April I lVt>.Piit*ri»r PtAtt. n in Ne« ^ ork. comer of TTtc rt. and tth-ta


for NewHaren %\ t tk SB. (BE.) J 5: l» leg ); J:*o an*1 <" p tu. For Bridteporf, 7, « a. m. (eO; l2:l\ 3:14 tet.),1 Wana 4:459 rn. Per Mlfcrd Stratford, ftirtie d S a'j.v rt

art u itip gal. Ti.ii.: 12:45, I'M and I V> p. ¦ Tor Norea't.7, 11 n.. lltSJi 8: !S {*%.), 3:50. 4:4% 5:+' p m. P>r Dari«aand O'eeDerlta, 7,9 a. av 12:«V j *\ I »», I.V p. n. Pji. laaB -d, 7 t i,x.) 91, m.. 14:8a, SiM (as.) s-»». 4 4*. a.Spr. m P' r P' r. <'better and Inter.:.rrjla> S^rJiaa, 7, 9 %. m

S:4.V 3;Sfi, 4:45, 5:V', «:*. p. m.CONNECriNO TR8INS.

P' r Bwaaaa, t a ir. (e» ), 3:15 p m i»ii. For Hirtforn andSpno;firld lam. (n), 3:15 p. a. («x ) For (eaaaaafjaal R!»etRallr. ad to Montreal, lam. (ex ). and 3:15 p. m (ex.) to

N'rtrtmpVn Pot New-H*v*n, Haar Lou'', n ard S'-'LligtnsRt i" id a' y a. m and 3:1.5 p m. For CaBBl Pa. ad to Nona-atpt. r,, la. w. ('I ) and 12:15 p. m For Ii viaavtalo Rtl r id,lam. Sat Nauraturk BalUoad. 8 a m., S: 15 p tn For Oaa-kari and Norwaik Bailroad, 7 a m '" p m.

_JA.ME8 H HOYT 8 ip'-ctenl-at.


».t>. »t Ve.ion, Ne*. York, at fol|->«t:7.45 a m..For Wilrlamtbridte.8-30 a. m..Mail Train fur A.'but.9;jfla m..For Wllrlamabridge.11:3« a. m..ForWr.lte Pialna.S.-ti p. m..For Wi.i.an.tb(id|*.4.n0 p. ru..For Dour Plaint5.i 0 p. m..For White Plait.t.6 15 p a... For White Piaini, frcm WklM tni Cralre-tta.1:50 p. m For U iiiiamabildge.

Rnt kM\6-W|ll let?*:I B a u-...Froai " site Plalxt.(tBJ a. m..From Dover Plein*.d:4Pa. tn..Frrrn Wiil'amihitdg*.I A m..Prom Whit* Plaint.t:45a m..Mall Tttin fr-in »>itj,9:30*. a.. From Wibiamtbt'die.

"¦. r. m..From WlUiamtbridge.3 00 p a-..From Wh|te Pltlet8:00 p. Cj..From Wililamihrldga.

WM J. CAMPBELL, BopertnteadeBk

CENTRAL RAILROAD oi NKW*JERSEY..( innting at N- *r Ha-np'. n «1th -ne i).ia«a-e. a ka-

:.¦* nd Wtttata Railroad, and at Eattr a witn ih- Lrb^o\ * k j Railroad.

eiPrtl (I ARRANOEMENP. Ott IBM or- b t Me - IB, t'*-Lear* N»» York for Baataaj aud In'a-rjiediate pla-r* 'mm fi-tft" 2 Hortb Liter, at 7} a. in., 12 to and 4 p m. I it Sooaer-Ti'le by ahove iralnl a- d at b. i p m.

Tt e ab*«* traiM eoi.nect at E.l/aheth «''h *ra' ¦ cn the N- «¦

Jrriey Railroad, wi lab laatt New Y' rl tr. tee toot o( C itr.it. at ' 41 a at *' I 12 m , a id 4 BBS 5 pm..»r«.'t f. r the De a. are, La- kaweo a and ov'e^em

Pa In art win lea** at 7j a. m only. F.t laealgh Vt'Iey Rai)-road a i u. tnd 12 m.


NEW-YORK AND ERIE RAILROAD..Ona. d aft r MONDAY, April 4-ii. l*-59, a:.d aotll fu-aief oo-

t«*. Patte, »er Train will leata Pie.. !>.-. of »..aae-r.. u tolIowa tti:DUNKIRK FXPP.FSS V. 6 am., for Das» irk tad So Jak»

an * pribcidal iLtrrmediate bt«tiont.WaIL TP A IN at 8am, fo: U n:xk il' BufTalo, ud later

meoiate Sta-'cnt.RoCKI AND PASSENGER at 3 30 p. a., from foot of Har

rlt a it, tt* PatiaaanA fag Sati-rnttad int» iBBadtta * Sta'JontWAY I' A da K NO ER at 4 p. m., tor ti'ewburgo. Mid^leta*n

and laBtnaedlir* S'atlo^t.NIGHT EXPRESS at öp. m for Dunkirk a.-id Buffalo.The abote Tralnt raa da'.y, Suourt aaatftalTheir Pxprett Train* conre. t al Hi ein a. wrtb the Rimlra

Oal tl Baffaa tad Nlaiere Fait Raiir iai, for N aaa a Pajji: alh tk an pkaa, with toe Btrti-nt* ai.i Bli riaciptou Ra'.r a.' '

Syracutr: a' lornliii, k.'.n U-e Sutia.o. Uirn.e«, aud Ne*>>VataRallr< ad fir Rochn tr ind Bu6» t' '1-ea' B»jd. wtABI MDeiaeaie La itanaa,Bad Weeteta Bilbaad, ta*Baaaaaoa:alHon elleivllle, with the Bufitio and Ne»-York CHy Rai road:ai r1 at PlÜbIo and Dar kirk «rl'.b the Lake Sure R*'iroaiL foiCletr.aid, Cincinnati, Toledo D'trnt. Chlcag... ».¦.

CHARLES M'iRAN. Preetdent


< .n l^J u -. .*

. teal to any In the coantr*.THKFP TH80UOH


.'ot.l* BbS direct tt Pb'ltdeiphik with tcre :,n '.r\)\i fr>ra Boato:. New-York and all point* »aat, and fn -he L'uloo depot al

riittbuTrfh wiib tbr to traint f >r Ci.eiaaati, St Louia Olet*a. A CLIiago, Burl'ntton, 8t Paal'i lad'ai apolli Luulrrllla(tea .o'-a;t, and a'I Irtermediet* point* In OMo. lodlaiia IIsola, Keataaba, Mlehlgm, Wltncciln Altn-e». ta. M taourtRaa tat and Nelruka.that fiirnithiag iVtlltlei fag tie traataor

BAbaa tf paaaengert ... i-.niu-j ,'ur taeed tad kTanyathrr root*Etrrra* and Faat Ltnera ran throngs to Pitttiarga «ithooi

BBtJafaaf *'i or oondurtora.8kfOEING CAR8 are attached to -a -. -ra. 'a . n i

. LEI PINO CaR8 to Etpreat and Faat Train* THE Kl-PRE88 El NS DAILY Mali and I eat Un*. Sicdayt excepted

Mal< Tratu leatei Philadepnia at. 7 a <a

Fa*t Una leate* Pbiiad*«bla al. p. m

Exprett Train leatet Philadelphlt a'.. I o" p ra.

Six Dally Tralnt between New.Verb t: d Pblladelpaiai TwaDalit T'tltt between New-York and H Tkroogb T- -1 j

(all a: are rood on cither of the abut* ta-aica.BOAT TICKETS from Boatoa are good tie Norwva. Fal

Eitrr or Btoulngton BaatPiiteareri fri m W ublDgton City neve two dally i fro*>

Ballan.orr, oencecting at liarriaburf for aj point* Wear.lea*tug Baltimore at-a. m. and-p. m.

Pataecgert for P Wiliiamaaorv Elrnlra, * "a ftiaeara Kala and Intermediate point* leavia* Palaadripoia at 7.13a. m a 11 SS a. m go direct.y throajh.

t: te*j V\ eatward i. ar be obtaine* al the cfloe* of ta* (>.**aany in Philadelphia, New Fork, Button or Baltimore, andt krtt ) a - ..- i i any of the imporact Raln-oad aawtaa itthe Weet. alto, on board any of the refuiar Lin* of Steamer* ot

the Mlttita'ppl or Ohio Rivera.FARE ALWATt AS LOW AS BT ANT OTHER ROVTBa

ASK FOR TICKETS BT PITTSBURGHThe oompJetion ef the Wettern ccnnectoai ef ta* Penauyl

faala Raiiroad to ( :. a.- makea thl* ta*DIRECT* LINE BETWEEN THE EAST AND THE

GREAT NORPH-WE8TThe concerting of treckt by the Rallr--ad Brtiga at Pitta

brjrgb, avoiding all drayage or (erriage of Pretaat, tetethev ww>toe tavtig of c.e are advantage* readUv appra.-igred ky *Blp>part of freight ted the traveling public

FREIGHTS WESTWARDBy thle root* Freighti of til dee.;rtptioBa can he torvertea

trcni PUiadeipbla, New York. Bor< l-. or Baltdmore. to aaypoint on the raiircadj of Oslo, Reetncky, IndlaL*. Ilttaata wason ein v»a or Mit*oari ky railroad directTke PeBDiyivania Railroad aao eatutecu at Plaeearts »tu

.team, ra by «biet pood* can b* forwarded M aay p rt m% tatOcio, MacktLrum. Reatacky, Tenaeeere, CumOereal. IJis.iaWieronaiB. Miatourl, Raa aat Arktnaa* and B*d Evert, andat Cleveland, Sacdoaky and Chicago with naamm to aj port*on the North-tA'etterc Lake*.Merrhan** and Shipperi Intruttlng tat tractponatlop of tneb

PrelgB'. tt thla Company, can rely with ocafideraoe oa 'tt tpeedtkrantttTHE RATES OF FREIOFfT to aay podct ta th* tVeat ay

the Penniy.vBala Railroad are at all , at 5argraa4* a* artOharaed by other Rafiruad Compaule*B» parocn.ar to mark peckat-. " Via Pence. R fMen ban la in the Weet ordering good* from taa Eeat wtO at

rail to direct them to be lalpp-d by tail routeFor freight "

Areea eitherPtttabargb

.-t toem kj oe laipje-a oj -Jut routett Contract* or Sbippir.g rNrectjoBA apply to zr tdof the 'ollowtne Age;; ta of toe Com pear,

D A STEW ART. Prttaborga,Porte * Co.. BteobenTUkt Oio, H 8 Fierce a Corllfc, Ohio: J. J Jobnirton, RlfAey Ohio. R. MiNce.y, AfAvavii*, K» Ormaby A Cri.pper, Pjraaiouth Oaio, Paddo. k ACo., Jeffer* nvtlie, lad., H. W Br *n A Co CBaabBBttJ OhioAthen, A Hlbkeit, Oterinaatl, Oblo, R. C aie.d-ar^ Maduvl.lad.; aVuUeai. Btstham, Lorjlav'je, Rj f a O R lev k CoEvBctville. Ind., N. W-. Graoam A Co Cairo. Ill R. V a-..St. Locla, Mo.; Jahn H. Harrta, Nathvllie Te.n. HarrVikitat Mercpaaa. Teno. Clarke A Co. ChV**o III W M H¦Mag, AlbWt, ftl Nurpb, A Walle, Dahofl-i. Iowa. : art,Freurnt Ageutt of tU..' *ot at dlffer-nt potnta U *h* «.

Pa.- .. atxenddsg to their oem ».:;.. kj f.otn Ue y^, ^..at tt U- their Inters tc call oa the Agen-a of thJ,umP* SS F*J" Jj*S8 tbiaptng or -ttert adda^J Uatther of theo, oe tA* aakject af balahaa, arRl aaat* wtxhlaaaBBBfE. J SNEEDFJl. PbiiAdetpAia.MAGBAW A EVOUNS. No v Northat.LEECU A Co No 2 Attor Hoaae, or (to 1 R Wre!**. ¦ wLEECH A Co 54 tl.by tt Bot*^ vv«--«t.BLIH. HJIOUBTON. Generai Freight Agent. Phdaad*ft*At.For tAaocah BtcAata tapaT at ta* OfJc-^No 2 altor^La,t. A. irCOTT, aVavtpia *>tf*Ttaa*Aa*t>t, mmmmtK

P.R B06T0? »adPORT axd '» LL BJ»W-11» LfÄ."

. .eree. «AT r-T«TE. Capt J*ee-. We».* «.*¦ Ycike.eryTi rfDAV THUBBBA* a dSATURDAYa i " * t. d« the rMPiBK BT ATE, Cat* P rattan, an MO'tPAI,BVEt'NF«DaT iii KRIDA Y at 3 .¦ V*-l f. s*., frveJi Pierhe 3 n B. _M

r. iee*er. oc re-ese wf 1 b- rere'd-d ee eetured :o »ct epph-Mi: a' t t kc e»a»e ebell bev- b~-e pablBst

»r-i,it t- Boeten Ii f warded a'th «real dlepeV* bj.b Ii. ... f Treis.

U M BUBOEM, Igest, Ho,. Ti gj TI Wer eL_

FTÜSH1NO RAILliOÄ dZl.' tvei KHilroo MarBbBWIbH 'i-* «'»n-er t>Oca DPaN, ». « 0. « and IS

a. m and 4 ttd Ii a m The Chi h-ave * ¦,*.»-* l* '.»..'

t And I*a. ie and 4 and * p m rn-e'-ib| e.-d »i ¦"Bi P.ei geie w.U> '-Lr ..: et Uuil-l'« .'ott» f 13 ents

BTBJ. M BttPffl Receiver.


«J.J HEALTH OF AMERICAN WOMEN.«JgBrad pre'i ni noti.-ei h. TlB TniK »B.

Prv* af Tili i> > i r». . I"-*-*. "* Dtibibb ClTBOt.

reel, Bl » per bettle -«d. .i /Bf ptl It er. "a

erat eefery bj Fxereea. Ii w « .-ectes* --w« *w eeeeavaUrtsev*

¦n In in aad tlKtr fimtf i .<<

Adder« JOSUl'A »' BMPHE Bf P, ferestewa wras/ew*fcefe-r^e>r-",V HB. BjBJ Tees io», Hte 'tn_

DRUGS, Ac. - WlLLlAAl rt KINSLEY,fin 11 Geld-et., Beer hlAiaeu aa*>e_ New YerB. offere to

P.B1 AlLEftB ANo AlAMt.-pACn.RrRBB- eeenrt* er.t ai reliAb* BAH'4*8 ke.. ob reasonable term*.

CONSIGNMENTS ef ¦ tOIClKitA. t ll '.MIC ALS ko.,Bteeeee' e' to '-Be beet ed^BBltasre. Bf .'..l»l te pabUc o»tloe.

BELMIIOLD»Heimboii'lHeunholc/lHel-Bbold'iH-hn holde B-rtrv Bockst,

Irrt t Boona,Eitract Bocka,Kitreyt Boebn,aUtract Bachs,

Tbe Greet DfnretJc,The Greet DVuretV,Tbe Greet Diuretic,The Orret Diuretic,Tbe Greet Diuretic

A reraln, leJe tLd ip»<dj ..:» kr t'aeteei of theB edder,K djien,?Travel,DrepeT,

t\ :' WeeJrriee-l.frf-e Bl per Bottle, or its f:r BV PePre-eJ n »nj eddreee.

iv, .. No. 10A Bcntb KtB-sC, Pkliaeelahie - .¦ wtoleealsBjrJ retail, by A B. k D. BANOB A Co.. No '.*) Karton, cornet

-f ti H iBü-it., New-York, end by dr-ugtriita and dealeri etrarj'abeie _

PULMONARY CONSUMPriON, AitöniB andBroD bltla CL'BED by tbe INHALATION of the COM¬

MON AIR tbrouih e Tube. Tnli treat-near 1* worby attentionas It will effect a Cure If any » > . can Pnce of Tuba, wit*4 r. .'. ill. «i ArpiTtn J BlHttWBJ m O t*> 'Jrend st-.N »

Ql KRl .» COD LIVER OIL JELLY, ap-praTed by t»e New-York A. ei»my rf M>-<li Baa n tbe only

aae ro talnit | »5 per rent of tri.. BEWARB OB IMIPA-tlONB No imiution acatalne ei ir.ueh oil as mine, thouiheoene are bo dly adverieed aa eot.ta.3iu» ei much aa 90 per cent.Abo American aid 1". t»>rio 0<d leteat Of In toe llq iidttate. E QI'ERI', No. 13o4'n «»., New Vork.

A 'so f. r Bata %% DELLl'C k OO.'I f T. OREEN B. Nua titand ktj Broadwa- » d ai> fBBpatMiBls DraBAasta

Peneold. Parker . mowhr,Wb >le-»!e as»nts. No 4 ft etcher et.

n'JKKS" CURATE of MAf.NESlA..Tryit! Tty !t Larje Bortte* in Powder oc:» *^ cents One

en'llr itr|' «I to thie» u'" the Liquid. A ver* wre«abte PurfB-ti-e I-or aabl by ell druirleta. Depc-. No, Bl BprtBA'SlANEORI)'" LIVER l.WIGf lit A TOR,






8. T. W. 8ANF0RD. m. 0.. Proprietor,No 34-i Broadway.

Bold by all Drngrlita hi town acd aauBtry at can q-ollab raaa«tt LB.

CAM I) S S A R s a 1'AR I 1. L A.-T h EiT* on EAT American BEBTEDV BOB POUrriNO THEBLOOD Aiti.o'uhmit ein rahaalastalleepeoiaofthMyaar,a- il m a1! tlsail11 -.>...> ye: iu Iha Bpriuff anon'hi mis

fiely reaetable r-rue.iy Ii pe<- .'ar'-, b n--ti si -u exp»l morbidnasoca and p<>wit the dist < tenant of yuitaUa, plaplee,led 'i" r . r'lp'.oi 1 .pou tr.- ah 11

A >» bu'tlea » i'i »eoera ly d-.»pert» a'l 1 fu'ooi tendency,» bi.- It la piorei rjie appetite Bai lay t et-e tr.- con»t t ,ii->o.

Preieredby ARID SeN.18 rfrrej|llts_No ,41 Willla» it. New-York.

%\* E ailvin,' fhimp neiiit;Stehttioo, Citrdtt» of Mai{-** tene, BajBAstja or Mireral WaBafS ha try ROJEIta'd

C irrit» of Mspaeila In Powder, a vj r bBb| «ud r-freenirifflrat IsBffB bottleun y »i ,-eute P*f ss e he ail dr irn.ts; welled*| ted fur tae country tre4e. D p- '. No LSt Sprior st.

CUaut CntB.

DR. TRALL" WATER-iJl.'KE is locattyl bnteue doer from St. J -bn's Pert, at N > II Ls-gn' it. Good

hi laRD Baa be obtalaed 'rom B > to * per week. B lard, witntr»-*to,ent Irom AT to AID |fl per week. B. T. TRALL, M. D.,and D A. ggfel ON, M. P., Payeijlaua._DrTMCNTJE7» WATKR-C1 IRL, at pnurnoos

Meae., ibms miles weit htm the N rt.-» ,pt. :. Rallmad9ep<>t, Is one of the Urteil and beet reguieted establlshmenteu tiie I'aBtl Steire, and kept In operation mro .guout the year" Dr. k. :r ti next to rnrimi'j, the »¦ .' emluent pree

trtloner of the water-cure that Atertsan* aaa prcduoeA"IN V Tri bone.

'' Uli rarlo-ia enbtlcatloni an *o:i.water cures ere certaintyamong the belt, U not the moi; itiper.or, of any In .eermany "

I Home Jooruai'We are nenrtneed that no algOei .;-.-.<.. ntj than he tz

.atteri of hydropathy, can be foend in eur own or any otherloontry." lamer. MAgarlne of H me. petty and Hvdrooatby

OR. E. .1. LOWEMHAI. " Wk\ TER-CI'uear.d GYMN ABIL M, No. Ii« BlaiSbdl-at fS Y Treat

oietit without BoatA Tranalsntand permarent kwrdera taken

It I 0f7)Rl»ATHY..A litt!" irk v.it liThis titloI'I he. ,nit been pubilsBed by Dr 11 Hxi.sTKO, the Pro-pl etcr at d Pbyii.ian of lAa aVrnretl M il Wa er Oars atN<rth-eo.ptoi lien It li devuted to eu BIpeBlltOB ff tell uew lyitnm

ni l liiease.its prtL'Iplea and maone e' epplicati<in.itai BBsfttl suite Iu pre tli-e, wcicb Beve eoelreaeri 1:1 a rtwM In" the <aitn tbat is in b m of its piedajslMstt i»r a, end let bleut*i»i 11 it > ye.-1 eiperle- re to ad p\ It lo preferenra to auy1'h-r. also a b storyai.d deeonpt: j I ic :^ ro . aaea cf -aroulcdl.eaaes of b^th eeiei wfc .:h :i»ye be^n H o»aaf^|iy Ire*. J bythiaiyatem at r- und Hill tVa uaae reed tnie ilttie book wit*a. l 1. te.--.-. \. -*. .» 1 |i -.i^.eLd M 'he etteuUon ofBtrBBjkBB BBTeVrl «n. i.-. I. t*| »Broulit 1:*ea*ei. . . Or.He.tied bes devoted n auy yeart witu sath ..Atic a'dor to thepraed e ,,r 'a favorite uieory. aad 'Jie uamea tany uf ojr beeterrrteas, of their personal koow'edge, atteat tta preeminentvi New Hit.-d J. umel end CourierNoTr.. lnveiide would do weil to enter .'. nr1-, u Improya-

¦ett in «la-e»eaof woaie-i, I r Me I'BStTWhAsh Ol HALSTEOIs en -e:pbreted, in er-li al complaiute a^d 10 ¦aat r-nlr -airi.ti far BkBta rap 1 In tbe roe BeaatRl Circ. ari aent gratiaTreatise on Mjlorpatby fir V> cente

ImTi: ii Vi .IENE «ni METE TIC !N> TI TUTE.No MB M e- N--a-Y 'rk farnliiee a -ou e, kj d. j ^t-

dir qs n.ed ral t'l-atmett, atten iva ntiraf -ig, and s* ry comfort*; d . I r :.>a.ldi. Tne » i:e-:, oealtiiest and beltflirt in tie worlifoi BBAkBBtl B'd Board-ri Our motto im

Baiass 11.d rfl | ajrj retn sra SBbbbbbs 1 t'.a best and¦ .'eiy tm4 tatsseh artr ratttaa-B bow by keeo well Dr.

i HLAS HROV.N, 'toti y lean P yii .aa if the Hyiiaue1' .|.. a. H. iIol Mm See Cr UlBI

£rgal XVolicrs.

IN PURSUANCE of «n nrilur "f tb« 8«rrogatejof tne CbbwSI of New-Yo-k. N. ti e '1 Hereby given to all

p-riona bare » m* erain: HARLES HAST1N »8, late ofaba Ctt*fsf New-York, de^eeeed, to pr.eeLt the earaa. withvoocbsri rJbtprri Fj to th» sebs< ribar, at nIs (, eee ef bueineii, Ne*I. Park How, in the c.ty of New Yc:k, eu cr before Ue IstAdevef June Beit-Dated New.York, the 1< ta daysf Daaemberl&SA- O VAN CO IT.

dll lawdm* Admtxlitratcr. with the Will saaaAed.

Noiice of appüratinn tot tbs diicharge of aameolvea: fioaa hie deate, pn luaiit to the provitoae of the

tbtrd aitic.e of the firit tit e of the S' h aBapter ef t.e eeaeadpaut .1 be Bar.ee l BtaABJlaa WILLIAM D CRUMalEeftaeCity and C< un j of New-T- rk, en iaeei.eBt debtor. Ms'Jee (reti-D-ahec Mer-b Mtb 1US Credi.oriU epprar aefare the Bob.Ytotr es W 1 eike, one <f the J ml ee of me doprem* Ceart ofthe City and Coutty af New Y..ia, el :aa Caaaaa-sri ef tae tP'rme Coort, bj the City of Mew-Tort, oa raa msta day ef MaytilA, a' I, .. baaRbj the fo'eB voa, te . « ainea. If any 'Jterhere, wby sa eaalg-c 10*11 f tae said laeeiveat 1 estate ahnüdno 1 L' tae e eud be be dleriargea flow .>!* deeti

A U 1 i.ii.l Att-rsey . r re d laeelvnt,m'Wlawterir_ Hi k Wall street.

votice of applicat[f»NTrlu7"diacBsrgBA a ef ae iL*jn»n: 1*bt,r from a-.s debM, enrauaot as tae pto-v .lone of Ue t:.:rd BttBBM of ue fir et title of the Itn «aapur ef:. leeocdpait of t ie K.vieea Staiutes MTROS VANOBI.RNaf tae City of H-deeo, Cooaty of ... .r . sad State tiNew-T .ri. sa In* ivent deb-i r facti-e I at pub labet Peb IIl'*8 Ciedit^.ra to appear before tbe Nob Oarlu* Peek CoiatyJ .d|e of CoiemblA County. State ef New Y .rk, at bie efBte istne Cvy of II . Isaa. n. laid C- ^a-y oa the Item day ef Mey nextat lOo aiook it theforeaeoa, to .bow sa.ee, J aay they havewoy an aaeigaRieat abo'-ld r.ot 0» oaaae of said tnso.rent's aa'a-- a. 1 be 1:1 ..i.gtj fraen bis lev 1leb» .a» lowBat MILLER A vVEI^ch,

_Art itwrs f 11 laaelyeen.

Sail PREME C01RT.-TU0MAS b. i'ndeb-% a-.'in' a^aa4^a-»Aajr tL:Zk co iPEt. esd »OLOM «JC< OPER. hsrLisband R-b*.-. a J. Ptsb.r Pster Joaaetoe,rrederira A Leaiecce Jooo | Maura, Wi Use B T.ltaB Orkudo Meid lohoMorar, Tc. Nsw Yo k U's In.Lraa** Ceai-Bany J-.bn W Meyers, and Ra'Vey Pa.a>er defeBiiaat*..The*.*p an'ta ta'ie. 40c wee fl ed trie ,rC e af ta* Clerk of

"v f We t. heater, a: White P.al 1 lo seid Ctanty,co the Aid aay of Jenuary, HAS To the de'eodaaU RusaCo. per. e^d 8... tnou C < per her b isBead iUeeeaaJ Piaaer,I-'er loBrat.n, PrederVk A Lewrenoe, Jsha B. Mvw*.» i.-ia^-. b ire-ten, Orlando Meed. J.,aa M>r»a Tba lew YorkLI'e . a -I .... J.hn W. Meyere aod Harvey Pisaer

are terety 1 r .--..:».' 1.: pgg ui«>:il '.hi.e -ion. wblth U fl^d In tie ofJJe* of tbs Cieik af tbaCoutiyor V\es'< beater at Whlu Piains 1" aatd aeunty, andto eerve a acpy of yoar answer to rae aald eompaUit an thesobe-nber, at kls > t7l.-e ts Wniu P.ats*. In Ike sa d Cr. .ty ef>\1 bssger, wtuin twenty days after tba lerv-.r* cf Ala euai-a i t oa yeu. exclnelve of the day of laeh e»'vlce and If yeafail tr BBiwer the said 00m plaint ertAIn tbe Use aroraaaid, thepiaiLt.ff in tau nation will acaJy to the O.srt tor the reiief ie-aaaaded in Lew swmpbOnt.Dated January MtA arw-AM lawTwB* JOBM J. CUkff tmkmW s Aateraay.





.TMP H I ITspr.ttic


M P H REs^rripic

HOMOlOTtflK 'I' m1 DIRS,Ho. Ml Ba.laO A 4T.

0 M P 1 I E.»r.« ific


D M PURE»PE j i * ic





THEY AHE HAKM-EdS No Ii ry «? aria* fr*m^BB8>THEY ARE SIMPLE. V». alwayi know whet to tea* mm

bow to take tr_

THEY ARE CONVENIENT Yoo ran tlwtyt at*n.rd'' eted ptwMI IWRAf Pttl M A lu.rueat* aetiee, withouthesitation M delay.THEY ARE EFFICIENT Teo.modt art BBaJ them la

I du. ate, with tb* rLo«' eitui.:ir,lug furccea.

LIST Of iPr-Malc REMCIHEB.No. 1. »rrr raU.Toi Co«;, C lugcetioo tad IMBBSBbwAwI

of all kiaiit.No. 2. H orm /Vi*.For BVgtM. Feter, Worm Cob* Aud Wtt-

ll: ;. Bfd.No S Haby't Pt/.'r.For C-Crytag, Teething tad West-

fulneie, and N*rvou*u»t* of adult*.No. 4. iH^rrK,., PC,-for D:*rrb*a, Cbolara Imaxima tad

Si.oomer C< inp'aLst.No \ l'tHnttri Pj:,-f T C-i: Griping, Pytentrry or

Bloody Eiux.No. '1 l'W«i r.üa-Pnt Ch. »ra, Cholera Morbea, VoaalUal.N. I C tgh ! u.»-Fci CoiijUa, C- id*, Hoartaaaaa, LaflocAiA

and St M flksssBjn 7 u .(.\t r. . f r r i oe, Ft* ach«.« tad n*a-

ral-la.No. ft Hrud -drA* rii»-F.r Headfoe, Veitlgo, H.at aad

F im .¦ ll ti

No. I11. / Vfceeia Pul..For Week and Deranged Stomach*.Co:.itipetn ¦ a:.d Uvrr leuiugieiu:.No. 11. For K«a < /'Mi/jjiM/ia*.fointy, Painful ar Sup.

preaaed iVriod*.No. 12. ftm.iU r^i>- For Leucorrbje, Fixfu*e Mraae* aad,

Br«nug Down.No. 13. Craaa Pitti-For Crour, I >tne Cough, Rad Brett*-

lagNo. 14. Salt 1 Hnn Pfc.'.-Kor Erytlpelat, Eraptiatt, Plmplee

od tba Pace.No. 15 Rhtumatie /'i<"i Km Pam, Lemeaeae Sorenete V

Üia ».-«:. Ra. k, Lotui Lto.be.A.. For Feter aad Aga*, Cbt'.l Erter, Dumb Agn*, old mia

managed Aguea.P..For Pllee, Bhi.d or Bleeding, lafraal or ExternaL0-For8ore, Weak or loUtmed Ein and Eyelid*, Falllaf*

\\ ak or Blurred SlgLt.C.For CatAiib, af long itaudiug or lecent, eltber with ob.

ttru/tlou or prof lie dikOt.geU C .For W tioopiag Cougb, abating tu v; "i. e a .d aborV

eoiLg tta courae.

In all A i il Ditr«si:i nrh u F.-veri, loflammatlODg,Dlarrbit, Dyianteiy, Croup, Rae inatiim, and inab ertiptWadlieai** aa 8< artet FeT»r, M*ai!*i and Eryaipelaa.tk* adraa.tag* of firing tb* ptoper r-medlr* promptly It obrioo*, and la

all lucb caiei tb* ipedfi . it like a charm. Tb* entire diaeaaaIi often arreited at cue*, and In ell cain the aioieuee of tka at¬tack la moderated, the «lerne, ihotteued aud r< adored lea*

dangero.iA Eran aboold a pnyii -im af erward bate to becalled, be will take the rite at ileciued a-ivaatag* from Ue pre-t ¦ treatment.

I i ail and Coi BS, which are of tu< b frequent re-arren.*,

aud whl. h BB olt*n ley toe fouudarloo of diaeeeed lunga, kron-chltli, aad rontumptiuu uiay nil be at one* cured by the FererundCojgb Pill*In ai. CMRujiii. Di-mu, lucb a* Dfipepala, Coa*tfpathn,

Weak t'.-a.A t. Liver Coinpieiu 1'i.n, Female Debility andIrregularltle*, old Uradacbe, Bore or SF| ik Eye*, Catarrh, BaitKbeum, and other olil »r ptioDi, toe oaae baa ipe.-iii'*, whoaa

proper e|.plii ation will effort a ure In almoit ererv lc.itai.ee-

Often tl.e ri.r. cf a liug'e hiOLic gifB' .Uy, *uch al Dyipepala,Filet, or tatairh, Headache or Female Watknett, bat m -a

than paid f.i toe oaae teu tiuei BVBfTHE OREA T FEATURE

Of tUt teriet of D. me,tie Rrinediet it tint rech paiti olafni< di lie tt t S ? hi. fag -.or panic | tr dietate or Ha** of dig¬ram wb. M an.i" it beara, aid may he relied upon for the rura

of that ptitlcnlar BBwBfAwA Hence per.on* *uttertn| from tchronic diarate or long itandhg aliment, lo ku\iug a rata

if ¦VMPSESYl'l BtBCII 14 . brain the parti, .lar on* dn p*|I. r tl.. I: caae, aod th * tn-ujie.t i BBBM a cur», which other.»% Ite would oit them ma y dollart. tod co taitll ion at ofIBM BB4BawMBl aitCLdeui e, it tnd. ed it oould be ut/taiuedat all.Tbut ir ti tltndrt n.ffer from Ovtprptu, BiLiott Cotomot,

CMTttaaata, Bin Tatra, Coaiau PoBMB, and DiiHiLirv,which la perle t.y controlled aud curel by the DYSPEPSIASPECIFIC. There It tear.* y a pate-or form of thli dlieaiewfcirh I* not promptly controlled and alternately cured by th*on- of thli Spe/ifie. Tlo# tau.!* wo i hate ttiired f ir year*with thli " Mllloiit Cundltl. a " ka* B| p irebaaed a BBM uf thate

Ift i bate obtain, d a perfect cure and immunity from theirold eomplainLCOL OH 8, COLDS ard SORe THROATS, which t-> freq-ieat-

ly h-ad to BRONCHITIS and CON 41 MPTION, are all In th*lr

ruly ttuea promptly cured h/ tte cut 'ill PILLS. Maoycaiec of long Handing BreuoaltU end lintat.Lg Cough bate beea

perf. it red by thu Specid ,. K M moie many pertu at betat - tar llaXllty to coldi, anl tale them from the leatt SB*p. . » Tl, i niil be ealu-.'y r> ItcMii by the ute of t ir COÜOLIPILLS ai an IM IBB t»tiiii froiti eip»rience.Bo CaTABKH It one ol our mott ,incn<m «-jd moat troubletoaa

d'aeaai . at air. at whl> b the Old BaAktej ageo lue, anderen Horn*,

opatbh pretciiption* a/« of eery litt e uae. Yet butd'edaof par-tout hare h»en I red of Bag M y r a* »..d f.eah, hut «Ten loo|ttandii g and obttiuate 88888 of CATARRH by the utc sf thug

S[».lflcOre *dBhi lady In Syrecuae wa* tbut peifectly eared of a Ca.

bttth » bich bad annoyed arr ai. h»t life Aod a young lady atone of oar firtt claa* b aiding *i.b K.W, w -o waa to aBLcted witht. :< Bbtaata at to aagyt re mere than f ,rty band*rchl*f!i t w**A>wat eii'irely culeii la a (Ingle weet b) thli Specific.PILES, b'rtd'' g aid 6 BtS, U one uf thoau oommoa tad oh.

ttitiate formt of diiraie wmcb tie »o difltult to cur* by tk* or*

diuary mett-, «, kut which tiudt au entire and fundamental care

Id the Catarrh Speuttc. True, Ha.« 1* required, kut the Spa*IBMBl pleaaant to tat«, PagJ BBM BaBM r diet nor rectraiat, tad,li '. g l-.llowed r. * perfect tun I* the leault Bantradiof[ itott in r r'hailog a 'teteri 8pr. itici hate aMawkSi a ctra

fortbiin.oat trylig and ooitioete form of dli»eae, walch bitbeen worth to them tea timet the jott of th* -utlrc act Caaaa( f over twenty )eat*'itau ling bate been a .red with tat* tloa-

pie Sf* mm, ai I we bellete all may be cured ky peraereranee.Tbeiai ,. ..! tae bait FEVER aod AOUE SPECIFIC

kn^wn. a n ii.eay wt'bout aoy deieterioua or poleoooo* tab-

I'tnce, which rot on'ycarri lee agie, aad old u..-h i. d

ggai i, but may b« feJad upon at a pre. ^utive wbao feraoot art

rai.dmg.ua f» tn and-ag'ia SBBaMI it piavcuta or proteotaupon the tame pr4:.. Ipla taa: «abciuati>o preventa tmall pot or

beUadotn picvauu *c*rl*t lever, by pr*occnpyln| the tyttentwith the une Sptdfic. iiuadrad* nave been that proucted andcured.The Of Hthal.my Braam, bu proved* mott invaluable rett¬

edy for flott Kyi I aid Avr.Lint aad for Wtxa tad Bnottaa

BiatTT, One lady In Inditta who bad been a auSrrar fr*m tore

eye* for many yean, aad tor two yea't waa entirely bRad; waa

cored perfn Jy by it* OpbtAalmy Specific alone.

BxBAPACHit.To atlch to maa) t'* aubja«. fiad* aearatfvala tie at*. There u a ipeolfic woi b rrtwvtt at the time of th*

atta k, BLd alto BM wkloh ooneeu the coedliioa of the iy*te«0000 «hieb It dipt-Llt aad »o detuoyt ta* prtdifp-oaiUoa to a

return.That ever, ,itgl* Remedy i* a Sp*cff!I and may be railed upoti

U t cme f->r the llMabw ahtea** for which It At d*el*-Bed, aa«

the a bo' foimt a caae af B*m* w* perfectly iavaluahU bo

th* fam.!y or Uavaler. or eU*rt, who deiix* to be relWved from

tie cue* of BMtatB aid d/ugaCW TLtae BaacffdB ti* th* prtitrlationa of Plot HLM-

»Hlflt1«. tad for year* in hi* ex*otiv* pvtcfie*, aad to tka

prifeyttion of whKb be ka* devoted the reaciuroti of a«t*a*t»a

bnowtedg*. etoerieaü* aad twdy.The aaBBW may raat aMiired toat daring tba Ufa-time of Dr. H

no cn* hat been or akaJ be lawuatad with the preparative of

AI* Sptctüc«, aad b* olfer* the guaraxty of hit prole**iooaI oft

and BtfaMBwa that tbeyaball b« j at) a* h< rcpnaanu the*FRICAeB.

Fu'l art, 20 iarge vlaj* la aaorocco caae and book. 9)5 m)

1 *J Bat, BJ large vial* la pi du caae aad hot A. * .tae* ': In xbertd ie»i»t aad book. I **

Caae ©.'gay t tue. »ered bole* aod b.jtk. 1

Slagle n-n berri aox-t, *ith dir*;tloag. **

Bkal* Uttered boaea, with direction*. .*

l>rj* plttatatioL or pi.yatoiaa'* c**e, 1 and2oa. taMWe« LS S»

OUR REMRDIEd BY MAIL.Look over the d*t, *aaka up a oaea ci wbtt kind yoo chooee,

aad Lac lot* the aracmt ta t carrcat not* or «tarna* ry mall t*

our addrea*. at No. 'JtU Broad-ay, N-w-Yora, aod tba aatdUctta

BfffJ ba duly rttaraed by ma'I or ex pre**, free of chart*.aoentb wanted.

Wa dealie an aetife, *fRol**t rgMJBj tb* aal* of oar raaaa-

dlei, U. erary atwa or community in the L'uixaa Btatea.

Adirae* Dr. ' HL AtPHRETB A Co.,No. ItV. Breadwty, Haw logt»