pr-1001b - trip _ critical alarm setpoint change

Petroleum Development Oman L.L.C. Trip / Critical Alarm Setpoint Change Document ID PR-1001b Document Type Procedure Security Unrestricted Discipline Operations and Engineering Owner Functional Production Manager - UOP Issue Date May 2012 Revision 3.0

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Petroleum Development Oman L.L.C.

Trip / Critical Alarm Setpoint Change

Document ID PR-1001b

Document Type Procedure

Security Unrestricted

Discipline Operations and Engineering

Owner Functional Production Manager - UOP

Issue Date May 2012

Revision 3.0

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Petroleum Development Oman LLC Revision: 3.0Effective: May-12

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Petroleum Development Oman LLC Revision: 3.0Effective: May-12

i Document Authorisation

Authorised For Issue - May 2012

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ii Revision History

The following is a brief summary of the 4 most recent revisions to this document. Details of all revisions prior to these are held on file by the issuing department.

Revision No. Date Author Scope / Remarks

3.0 May-12 Robin Norman UOP6 Reformatted and major revision. Refer to Addendum 1 for details

Mar-12 Robin Norman UOP6 Updated the Form in Dec-2011. Refer to Addendum 1 for details


May-07 UEV11 Reformatted, revised and re-issued

Sep 01 UOP/1 Revalidated

1.0 Oct,98 UOP/1 SI-13+SI-23 combined with OP-28 reformatted & revised

iii Related Business Processes

Code Business Process (EPBM 4.0)

EP.71.02 Operate Wells and Facilities

iv Related Corporate Management Frame Work (CMF) Documents

The related CMF Documents can be retrieved from the CMF Business Control Portal.

Refer to Appendix 2 for Reference Material

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i Document Authorisation....................................................................................................3

ii Revision History................................................................................................................4

iii Related Business Processes.............................................................................................4

iv Related Corporate Management Frame Work (CMF) Documents.......................................4

1 Introduction....................................................................................................................... 6

1.1 Background................................................................................................................. 6

1.2 Purpose....................................................................................................................... 6

1.3 Distribution / Target Audience......................................................................................6

1.4 Changes to the Document............................................................................................6

1.5 Step-out Approval........................................................................................................6

2 Roles and Responsibilities.................................................................................................7

3 Settings Change Procedure...............................................................................................8

3.1 Scope.......................................................................................................................... 8

3.2 Procedure Description..................................................................................................8

3.2.1 Justification for the Setting Change.............................................................8

3.2.2 Facility Change Proposal............................................................................9

3.2.3 Implementation of Changes.........................................................................9

3.2.4 Z6 Notification and Documentation Update..................................................9

3.3 Close Out of the FCP...................................................................................................9

Appendix 1 – Abbreviations....................................................................................................10

Appendix 2 – Reference Material............................................................................................11

Appendix 3 – User Feedback Form.........................................................................................12

Addendum 1 – Changes at Revision 3.0.................................................................................13

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Page 6: PR-1001b - Trip _ Critical Alarm Setpoint Change

Petroleum Development Oman LLC Revision: 3.0Effective: May-12

1 Introduction

1.1 Background

Changes to the setpoints of instruments that perform a function to moderate, control or protect a process system or piece of equipment shall be controlled under Management of Change (MoC). Additionally approval / authorisation to effect the change shall be in line with the Discipline Control and Assurance Framework (DCAF) and risk assessed.

Requests for changes shall be processed through the Facilities Change Proposal process in accordance with PR-1001a – Facility Change Proposal Procedure.

1.2 Purpose

Trip and critical setpoints are determined during the Detailed Design phase of the project. Changes in the operations of processes and equipment due to modification and aging of the facility may require changes in these setpoints to be made. Such changes require to be assessed by suitably qualified personnel to ensure the integrity of the facilities are not compromised. This procedure shall ensure these requirements are met.

1.3 Distribution / Target Audience

This procedure shall be referenced and followed by all PDO or Contract personnel who see a need to make changes to trips and setpoints.

1.4 Changes to the Document

Responsibility for the upkeep of the Document shall be with the Functional Production Manager UOP, the Owner. Changes to this document shall only be authorised and approved by the Owner.

Users of the Document who identify inaccuracy or ambiguity can notify the Custodian or his/her delegate and request changes be initiated. The Requests shall be forwarded to the Custodian using the “User Feedback Page” provided in this Document.

The Document Owner and the Document Custodian should ensure review and re-verification of this procedure every 3 years.

1.5 Step-out Approval

This procedure is mandatory and shall be complied with at all times. Should compliance with the procedure be considered inappropriate or the intended activity cannot be effectively completed or safely performed, then step out authorisation and approval must be obtained in accordance with PR-1001e – Operations Procedure Temporary Variance, prior to any changes or activities associated with the procedure being carried out.

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2 Roles and Responsibilities

Proposer Prepare the justification for the set point changes

Raise the FCP request form

Production Coordinator

Review the proposed set point changes and support the request.

Area Production Supervisor / Instrument Supervisor (Interior)

Provide discipline input during field review of the setpoint change justification

Perform responsibilities of the FCP owner when nominated

FCP Coordinator Initiate the FCP process in accordance with PR-1001a – Facilities Change Proposal

FCP Owner Preparation of implementation documentation after FCP approval.

Prioritise FCP at implementation stage.

Oversee the implementation of the FCP and advice / update progress.

Systems and Operation Support Team

Assist with the implementation of the set point change(s) if required / requested (Control and Automation)

Production Strategy & Support

Assist with the implementation of the set point change(s) if required / requested (Engineering / Process)

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Petroleum Development Oman LLC Revision: 3.0Effective: May-12

3 Settings Change Procedure

3.1 Scope

The scope of the procedure covers the changing of the setpoints of instruments that are used to contain the operating envelope of the process or equipment and not those that control within the envelope itself i.e. changes within the envelope that are used to control how the process behaves are not subject to this procedure, but set points that restrict or prevent operations outside of the envelope are.

Current information regarding trip and alarm setpoints is maintained in the SAP Master Data and local databases such as the Instrument and Setpoint Register. Whenever changes are implemented these sources shall be updated and must be consistent.

3.2 Procedure Description

In compliance with CP-206 - Management of Change – CoP, Section 4.1.5 Changes to Process Conditions, changes to set points, either up or down, shall require an MoC to be raised. The MoC process in this case will be via PR-1001a – Facilities Change Proposal.

Although the change control process will be managed by the FCP there are a number of other functions that will require to be completed before and after the FCP process is initiated.

3.2.1 Justification for the Setting Change

Trip and alarm set points that maintain the integrity of design performance envelopes are calculated by the design team or the manufacturer / vendor during the project phase. These also take into consideration of the system or equipments function with regard to the overall process of the facility as changing one can impact on the other.

Justification for the change will require to consider;

Current operating conditions;

Current design parameters;

Conditions U/S and D/S of the proposed changes;

Any manufacturer / vendor limitations on the operating envelope;

Future proposed modifications or tie-ins;

The justification should also include an estimate of cost for the work including materials and labour (in man hours).

Costs benefits with regard to enhanced production or reduced downtime should be included in the justification and should be presented as both long term and short term benefits.

On completion the Production Coordinator and other key discipline should be consulted to ensure the proposed changes are supported and should be carried out.

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3.2.2 Facility Change Proposal

The set point changes will be sent to the FCP Coordinator (for the respective Directorate) on the appropriate Request Form or using the electronic Web Based application.

As part of the FCP process the changes will be risk assessed by the appropriate disciplines at the correct Technical Authority (TA) levels (in accordance with DCAF).

In cases where the FCP requires to be ‘fast tracked’, this can be accommodated within the FCP process. The FCP panel can sit, outside of the normal timings in these cases and approve changes based on criticality.

3.2.3 Implementation of Changes

The FCP Coordinator will assign an FCP owner whose responsibility will be to ensure the FCP is implemented correctly. The FCP owner can be a Project Engineer, a Discipline Supervisor or any responsible person charged with overseeing the work.

Work that requires modification or changes to the remote control systems e.g. Distributed Control Systems (DCS) or Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) will be allocated to System and Operations Field Support, whereas straightforward changes to set points could be undertake by field based or coastal based engineering / contract or vendor personnel. It will be the responsibility of the FCP owner to ensure this work is completed to schedule and the FCP is closed out.

3.2.4 Z6 Notification and Documentation Update

The FCP owner shall also be responsible for ensuring;

the Z6 Notification for the change is raised and processed through SAP;

the Plant Operating Manual is updated;

PEFS are ‘red-lined’ for inclusion in next As-Built release, and;

the Instrument Setpoint Register is updated.

3.2.5 Temporary alarm inhibit or disablement

Any temporary changes to the alarm annunciation process (inhibiting or disabling) should be routed through the e-MOC Temporary Alarm Change application

3.3 Close Out of the FCP

On completion of all works the FCP shall be ‘Closed Out’. Signatories for completion shall be:

FCP Owner

Production Coordinator

FCP Coordinator / OxO2 (if required)

The FCP database will be updated accordingly.

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Petroleum Development Oman LLC Revision: 3.0Effective: May-12

Appendix 1 – Abbreviations

MoC Management of Change

DCAF Discipline Control and Assurance Framework

FCP Facility Change Proposal

DCS Distributed Control Systems

SCADA Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition

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Appendix 2 – Reference Material

Code of Practice

CP-115 - Operate Surface Product Flow Assets CoP

CP-206 – Management of Change CoP


SP-2120 - Specification for Change Management and Operations Variance

SP-2120 - Specification for Change Management and Operations Variance


PR-1001a - Facility Change Proposal Procedure

PR-1001c - Temporary Override of Safeguarding Systems

PR-1001e – Operations Procedure Temporary Variance

PR-1528 - Z6 Notification Procedure

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Appendix 3 – User Feedback Form

PR-1001b – Trip / Critical Alarm Settings Change Procedure User Feedback Page

Any user who identifies an inaccuracy, error or ambiguity is requested to notify the custodian so that appropriate action can be taken. The user is requested to return this page fully completed, indicating precisely the amendment(s) recommended.


Ref ID Date:

Page Ref: Brief Description of Change Required and Reasons


Custodian of Document Date:

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Petroleum Development Oman LLC Revision: 3.0Effective: May-12

Addendum 1 – Changes at Revision 3.0

The document was last revised in 2007 and the format has since changed. The revised document is in the new format.

Section 1 has been rationalised and all sub-sections that do not add to the documents value have been removed.

Section 2 is now Roles and Responsibilities. The roles have been reduced because the procedure utilises the process of PR-1001a – Facilities Change Proposal during the main review and approval phases.

Section 3 procedurally is covered mainly by PR-1001a. The proposer of the change requires to prepare full justification for the setpoint changes and these will be used for the FCP when it is raised.

The FCP owner will be nominated by the FCP Coordinator and will be responsible for ensuring completion of the Z6 Notification, POM updates and Instrument Register.

The differences between this revision and the past document;

There is no longer the need for a specific form as the authorisations and approvals are all covered in the FCP process.

The risk assessment will be addressed during the FCP process and be in line with DCAF requirements.

More streamlined process.

More clarity for responsibilities.

Better audit ability and can be processed via a web form.

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