ppt stockholmsummit 4 5 nov 121104


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Post on 15-Nov-2014




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etthalvtarkpapper.se A website based on the short story Half a Sheet of Foolscap by August Strindberg. With a point of departure in the 37 lines of the short story, we have uploaded materials for teachers to work with the short story in the classroom; educational planning which embraces an entire semester if not more. The story is available in more than 40 languages, as a text, a recording and sign language interpretation.


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August Strindberg, author, playwright, artist

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37 lines , The Short Story entitled Half a Sheet of Foolscap, A gift to the City's pupils.

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Half a Sheet of Foolscap

• The last load of the furniture had departed, the tenant, a young man with a mourning crape on his hat, took another turn around the residence to see had he missed anything. – No, he hadn’t missed anything. Not a single thing, and then he walked out, into the hall, firmly resolved to never again have to think about what he had gone through in those rooms. But look, in the hall, near the telephone, a half sheet of tacked-up paper, and it was covered with several kinds of handwriting – some of which were clearly legible, others scribbled out in lead pencil or red ink. There it was, the whole beautiful story which was played out in the short period of two years; everything he wanted to forget was there in writing; a piece of human life on a half sheet of paper.

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Website with a responsive design

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Strindberg's own phone numbers list

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Creative commons The Royal Library

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Making the City Museum available, the Strindberg Museum

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Resources paid for centrally; databases, etc. National Encyclopaedia [Nationalencyklopedin]

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A reminder of about resources which have already been paid for; borrowing film cameras, editing studio and support from media technicians

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The short story was recorded by an actor and some first language acquisition teachers;

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First language teachers translated and recorded the short story.

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The short story in the form of a "Wikipedia article"

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Inclusion, sign language interpreting

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Think for yourself, write from the inspiration which the short story offers

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Strindberg as a photographer, to attract working with imagery

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Dramatise the short story

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Strindberg was a painter too; we want to encourage students to express the story in picture form.

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Fakebook instead of Facebook

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Prepared a blog for teachers and students who want to get started

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Students and teachers are working with the Audicity audio program

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Audacity 1 2 3 for Windows

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• "Poetry and music does not happen on the page of the book or on the sheet of notes – it happens in the body and mind of the reader, the listener. Literature becomes literature and music becomes music only when we do something with that which is inscribed there. Before that, it is purely inanimate text, dots on lines. The art of interpreting is about making dead signs become living music and poetry. You must involve your entire self in this work; body, imagination and thought"

• Magnus William-Olsson, poet.

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International collaboration