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The Domain André-Grasset: Synthesis of the 20 th Century Urban Planning Movements in Montreal The Samcon Experience Urban Planning & Development | McGill University Pierre Malo, urban planner Development Director, Samcon 29 mars 2011

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The Domain André-Grasset: Synthesis of the 20th

Century Urban Planning Movements in Montreal

The Samcon Experience

Urban Planning & Development | McGill University

Pierre Malo, urban plannerDevelopment Director, Samcon

29 mars 2011

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Presentation Plan

1. Introduction | 20 Years in Urban Redevelopment | Business Plan and Customer Profile | Development Process

2. Domain André-Grasset: the case of the Sulpicians | Synthesis of the Urban Planning Movements | Urban Planning Study

3. Realizing the Vision | Constructions photos

4. Samcon in the Future | Projects on the Drawing Board

The Domain André-Grasset: Synthesis of the 20th Century Urban Planning Movements in Montreal | 2

Commentaires de présentation
Thanks to McGill University for giving me the opportunity to present to you this synthesis of 20th century urban planning movements in Montreal in the framework of the construction of the Domain André-Grasset in the Ahuntsic district in Montreal. The presentation is divided in four major sections: Introduction Samcon | 20 years in urban redevelopment Business plan and customer profile The development process at Samcon The Domain André-Grasset: the case of the Sulpicians A Synthesis of the Urban Planning Movements in Montreal: Urban Planning Study | A Discretionary Approach (this approach is base on negotiation principles compared to the rigid urban planning process 2.1Morphological Analysis 2.2Key Concerns 2.3Criteria for Urban Integration 2.4Project Description (Third part of my presentation is) Realizing the vision Constructions photos« Portfolio » au PM (and finaly) Samcon in the Future Samcon projects on the drawing board
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20 years in Urban redevelopment:• Rebuilt• Transform & Reshape the City• 3000

Commentaires de présentation
INTRODUCTION Samcon | 20 years in urban redevelopment Samcon is a company that works in residential construction in Montreal since 20 years. Samcon began its first project in 1991 with a modest debut, building only 8 units during his first year of operation. The situation quickly changed and the team counts more than 80 employees today.   Since 1991 Samcon has built more than 3 000 condos in Montreal. Since 1999 Samcon received three Domus prizes of the APCHQ (Association des constructeurs d’habitations du Québec), and the prestigious price of the " Builder of the year ".   Today, Samcon continues to work to facilitate the access to property for the largest possible number Montrealers. The name Samcon is a symbol of quality, exemplary after-sales service, professionalism and innovation.
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Vision:TOD & UrbanPassion & Quality

Commentaires de présentation
Are Business plan is quite simple: TOD and urban The urban redevelopment strategy at Samcon is articulated around two major themes:   Transport Oriented Development (TOD); And location in central and urban areas.   For Samcon, the proximity of the subway or train stations is very important. For Samcon, the urban redevelopment means revitalizing, transforming and improving various districts of Montreal.   Passion and quality From project to project, this mission takes shape in every corner of the city, led by a passion for the quality of our products and the desire to offer a superior-quality service to our clientele. At the moment, Samcon is active in eight districts of Montreal with more than a dozen projects presently under construction.  
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Customer Profile:Y & X Gen75 %

Commentaires de présentation
Are Customer 74 % of the buyers of Samcon are of the age group 20-45 year old, that is the generations X and Y;
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Customer Profile:• 68 %: 4 ½ with 1 Bedroom• 63 %: Renters

Commentaires de présentation
Are Customer 68 %: the most popular condo type are the one bedroom, also call a 4 ½; 63 % of the buyers are tenants, the great majority of whom live in the same district or in the surrounding of the project.
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André-Grasset Domain | City Beautiful Movement

The Domain André-Grasset: Synthesis of the 20th Century Urban Planning Movements in Montreal | 7

• 1927 : Dupaigne Plan • 1935 : Gréber Plan • 1952 : City of Montréal• 1964 : Domaine Saint-Sulpice

Plan • 1976 : Centre Claude-

Robillard• 1980 : Opération 10 000

logements• 2001 : Le Domaine André-

Grasset Samcon Project

Commentaires de présentation
2. Now the Domain André-Grasset   Situated at the junction of Ahuntsic and Villeray districts, the Domain of the Sulpiciens represents the characteristics of a sector in interface between the urban fabric of lower density of the Northern part of the city and a more traditional urban fabric in the South. Those characteristics are:   Strongly landscaped enclave; Weakly connected with its context; Low density.   The first attempt to proposed a vision for the area begin in 1927 with the Dupaigne and Gréber Plans The City Beautiful Movement was at that time a response of the deterioration of the conditions in housing in a industrial cities as Montreal. In 1935, Montreal counts more than 25 000 unhealthy housing or slum. During those years, the City Improvement League promote the intervention of the Government to improve the housing conditions. The movement of garden cities was born.   The first project of 1927, proposed by P. Dupaigne, was based on the principles of the "City Beautiful" movement present an axial plan where the presence of institutions of suburban type, organized around an important central space containing an artificial lake. The College André-Grasset is then proposed in the Eastern part of the site. Right in the heart of the site, the avenue Christophe-Colomb is proposed, with a sinuous shape in green.   In July, 1935, the architect and the French town planner Jacques Gréber produce a sketch of the Domain of Saint-Sulpice inspired again by the City Beautiful Movement. The Gréber project call Cité-jardin Villeray, does not respect the traditional city grid of the streets of Montreal. It was probably influenced by the plan of the model Town of Mt-Royal conceived in 1912.   The plan gets organized around a vast landscaped central space in which are public buildings and sports facilities are proposed. Of the Gréber project for the Cité-jardin Villeray, only the plan for the Christophe-Colomb avenue was built in green.   In 1939, the Domain becomes the property of the provincial government.
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André-Grasset Domain | Functionalism

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• 1927 : Dupaigne Plan • 1935 : Gréber Plan • 1952 : City of Montréal• 1964 : Domaine Saint-Sulpice

Plan • 1976 : Centre Claude-

Robillard• 1980 : Opération 10 000

logements• 2001 : Le Domaine André-

Grasset Samcon Project

Commentaires de présentation
After the Second World War, in 1952, the City of Montreal buys the Domain of Saint-Sulpice and give the mandate to the Planning Department to propose a development plan for the entire site. In 1964, a document of the Planning Department, entitled "Domaine Saint-Sulpice" represents an attempt of coherent vision with the dominant practice in the town planning of the years ' 60.   The 1964 plan proposes the introversion of the residential development characterized by a large landscaping on both sides of the Christophe-Colomb and Papineau Streets. A important part of the 1964 plan was built during the ‘70.   At the beginning of the years '80, the City of Montreal completes the development of the residential sites within the framework of the Opération 10 000 logements. That operation consist in selling public land after a public contest.    Today, the André-Grasset district presents a mixture of elements which give him his unique character:   Continuity of the primary network with service roads (Papineau) or landscaped boulevard (Christophe-Colomb); Discontinuity of the secondary grid; Low density; Residential.   The Domain of the Sulpiciens establishes the transition between two districts: Villeray in the South and Ahuntsic in the North:
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Urban Planning Study | Morphological Analysis

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• Transition area in the urban fabric

• South Side of Crémazie: traditional North-South city block with lane

• North Side of Crémazie: lessdensity with suburdan layout

• Christophe-Colomb Avenue : inspire by American Parkway

Commentaires de présentation
2.1 Urban Planning Study | Planning of the Saint-Sulpice Domain: a Discretionary Approach The landscaped boulevard The landscaped boulevard is an example of the theories of the functionalist or modernist town planning of the post-war years. A good example of that landscape parkway concept in Canada are located in the city of Ottawa. Several of those urban parkways of which some were planned by Jacques Gréber in the years ' 40. The key purpose to:   Isolate an artery with major traffic from the bordering residential area; Design in the style of a park or a urban forest with restricted connections to the secondary streets.
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Urban Planning Study | Key Concerns

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• Access: bike path and Métropolitaine highway

• Noise and air pollution: noise exposure

• Transition spaces with sports fields: noise and lighting system

• Presence of matures trees: part of the heritage of the site

Commentaires de présentation
Key concerns : Access East: the accessibility to the site since Christophe-Colomb interrupts by the continuity of the bike path; South: the accessibility to the site since the South is a difficult because the complexity of the movements of vehicles turning left on Christophe-Colomb and accessing the Métropolitaine highway.   Noise and air pollution The site is directly exposed to a strong level of sound constraint and to a high rate of air pollution because of the nearness of the Métropolitaine highway. For that reason, the municipal by-laws propose large set back, mixed used or high density.   Transition spaces with sports fields The site has also a relation with the sports grounds of the College and the centre Claude-Robillard (noise and lighting system).   Presence of matures trees The site of the Collège André-Grasset is characterized by the presence of mature trees among which some were planted in the first years of existence of the College. The patrimonial study of the site, identifies the existing trees ispart of the patrimonial character of the site.
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Urban Planning Study | Criteria for Urban Integration

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• Comprehensive vision and harmonious character: Master Plan

• Building type and layout: Pavilion

• Density: High

• Access: Christophe-Colomb

• Landscaping and transition spaces: Keep Existing Trees

• Architecture: Compatible

Commentaires de présentation
2.3 the planning study identified some Criteria for Urban Integration Comprehensive vision and harmonious character The site must not to be split in several operations. The site must be developed according to a concept compatible with the volumetrics and the architecture of the Collège André-Grasset.   Building type and layout As the Collège André-Grasset, the new buildings should be a pavilion type implementation; The height of buildings should be the same as the Collège established between 6 and 8 story; A layout of the building are perpendicular to the avenue Christophe-Colomb; The site coverage ratio is established at between 35 % and 50 % for the entire site; Buildings must be arranged with an important setback and in a curving implementation the Christophe-Colomb.   Density The new development must have a higher density then the residential sectors in the neighborhood.   Access The access to the property must be confined on Christophe-Colomb; The access to the new residential project must minimizing the impact on the bike path; The access has to be made in one of both existing traffic.   Landscaping and transition spaces Saving the existing trees by the sensible implementation of the new buildings and protective measures during the construction.   Architecture Compatible with the sober architecture of the Collège André-Grasset (volumes and colors); Compatible implementation with the Collège André-Grasset, while presenting a residential character.
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Les aspects stratégiques et politiques | Vision d'aménagement de la capitale du Canada | 13




Numbers and Facts:• 6 residential towers, 8 story, 350 units• Construction period: 2003-2010• Price: starting from 269 900 $• Absorption: 60 units par year

Commentaires de présentation
Domaine André-Grasset: numbers and facts Situated in the heart of the district Ahuntsic, the project The Domain André-Grasset is constituted by 6 towers with 350 units and presented those caracteristics:   Classic architecture with a touch of modernism; Offer the peace of mind of a private domain; Nearness of the sports facilities of the Center Claude-Robillard; Attractions of the St-Denis and Fleury streets; In front of a bike path; Near Crémazie subway station and easy access to the main roads.   Dates of the beginning and the completion of the construction: 2003-2010; Price range: from $269 900 (tax incl.); Period required to sell all the units (absorption rate): 60 units per year or one tower per year; Degree of completion: 99 %.  
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Commentaires de présentation
DESCRIPTION DU DOMAINE ANDRÉ-GRASSET Situé au cœur du quartier Ahuntsic, le projet Le Domaine André-Grasset est constitué de 6 tours qui s’élèvent au cœur de la verdure. Ce projet se veut un havre de paix : •élégance digne des grands hôtels d'autrefois, mélangé à une touche de modernisme; •offre à la fois la quiétude d’un domaine privé; •proximité des installations sportives du Centre Claude-Robillard; •attraits de la rue Saint-Denis; •des commerces de la Promenade Fleury; •proximité des pistes cyclables; •proximité d’un métro et d’un accès facile aux grands axes routiers. •Type et envergure du projet : 6 tours résidentielles de 8 étages, 350 unités; •Dates de début et d’achèvement de la construction : 2003-2010; •Gamme de prix par unité : à partir de 269 900$ (taxes incl.); •Période requise pour vendre toutes les unités (absorption) : 60 unités par année; •Échéancier de réalisation : Il ne reste que 2 unités; •Degré d’achèvement : 99 %;
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Samcon in the Future:• Mil-N Project in the


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Samcon in the Future:• Mil-N Project in the


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Samcon in the Future:• Mil-N Project in the


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Samcon in the Future:• Metropol Project in


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Samcon in the Future:• Metropol Project in


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Les aspects stratégiques et politiques | Vision d'aménagement de la capitale du Canada | 27

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