ppt contoh recount text kelas x

We will tell you about Recount Text Example of recount text;Question;Generic structure;Grammar

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We will tell you about

Recount TextExample of recount text;Question;Generic structure;Grammar

Page 2: PPT Contoh Recount text kelas X

Let me Introduce my Team!

We are From Ten Social Three1.Amalia solihat

2.Dea Resta Cicilia Asmarani

3.Ika Diana Putri

4.Natasya Maulidi

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Our Point

Example of Recount Text

Question about the text

Generic Structure of the Text ( Orientation,events,Re-orientation)


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Recount Text ‘Terrible Day’

I had a terrible day last monday, the first day I entered school after a long holiday.First, I woke up an hour late because my alarm clock didn't ring.Second, I was in such a hurry that I burned my hand when I was making breakfast.Third, I rode my motorcycle to school, but it turns out the road is very badi hate this part so much. Because, if only there had not beentraffic jam, I'm sure I could get to school on time. In fact, I was late for school. I wasn't able to follow the ceremony on that day, and then I also got a punishment, The punishment is stood in the middle of the field and not been allowed to follow the first lesson of that day. finally, after my punishment was over, I could get back into my classroom. I hope I never have a day as the one I had yesterday It's the worst day i've ever had.

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Question of the Text

1. When did the event happen?

2. What’s kind of text above?

3. Based on the text above, Who is the main character in the story?

3. What is the purpose of the text above?

4. Why did the writer woke up an hour late?

6. “the first day I entered school after a long holiday” what is the antonym of the underlined word?

7. what’s she got when she arrived at school

8. What did she do after the punishment was over?

9. How did the writer think about that day?

10. What does the writer hope?

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Generic Structure of The text

Generic Structure

Orientation Events Reorientation

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Generic Structure of The text “Orientation”


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I had a terrible day last monday, the first day I

entered school after a long holiday.

Orientation is begining of the story, provides the setting and introduces participants

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Generic Structure of The text “Events”

Events tell what happened in the past


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First, I woke up an hour late because my alarm clock didn't ring.

Second, I was in such a hurry that I burned my hand when I was making breakfast.

Third, I rode my motorcycle to school, but it turns out the road is very bad i hate this part so much.

Because, if only there had not been traffic jam, I'm sure I could get to school on time. In fact, I was late for school. I wasn't able to follow the ceremony on

that day, and then I also got a punishment, The punishment is stood in the middle of the field and not been allowed to follow the first lesson of that


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Generic Structure of The text “ReOrientation”

Re-orientation is the end of the story


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ReOrientationfinally, after my punishment was over, I

could get back into my classroom. It's the worst day i've ever had..

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Grammar Of the text

Simple past tense

I had a terrible day last monday, the first day I entered school after a long holiday

First, I woke up an hour late because my alarm clock didn't ring

Second, I was such in a hurry that I burned my hand

Third, I rode my motorcycle to school

 I'm sure I could get to school on time.

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Grammar Of the text

In fact, I was late for school  I wasn't able to follow the ceremony on that day, and then I also got a punishment

The punishment is stood in the middle of the field and not been allowed to follow the first lesson of that day.

after my punishment was over, I could get back into my classroom.

It's the worst day i've ever had

Past Continous Tense

 when I was making breakfast.

 if only there had not been traffic jam (perfect continous tense)

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