
Jane Austen Jane Austen

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Post on 02-Oct-2015




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  • Jane Austen

  • About the AuthorJane Austen,the daughter of Reverend George Austen, was born in1775 in Hampshire. She started writing when she was only fourteen,her novels tells about:romantic affairs,daily business of social visits and matchmacking. Among her major novels there are: Sense and Sensibilty,Pride and Prejudice,Emma and after her death,in 1817, was both published,Northanger Abbey and Persuasion.Jane Austen is one of the greatest novelist in the English language.

  • Jane Austens mayor novels,were all composed in about 20 years, during the Napelonic Wars. At the time Pride and Prejudice was published,in England, there was king George III,and after him, his son George IV,the Prince Regent,who was a widely known as a man of dissolute morals and his example was followed by many of society's leading figures.

  • author Jane Austentype of work Novelgenre Comedy of mannerstime and place written England, between 1796 and 1813 date of first publication 1813 narrator Third-person omniscientprotagonist Elizabeth Bennetantagonist Snobbish class-consciousness (epitomized by Lady Catherine de Bough and Miss Bingley)setting (time) (1797-1815)setting (place) Longbourn , in rural Englandpoint of view The novel is primarily told from Elizabeth Bennett's point of view.tense Past tensetone Comic


    Pride and Prejudice, originally called First Impression, at first was rejected by the publiscer,but it was rewritten and published in 1813.The novel,which is set during the Georgian era, is the story of Mr and Mrs Bennets daughters, which are all unmarried and belong to the middle class;so when a rich young man, Mr Bingley, came into the neighbourhood,Mrs Bennet hopes to secure him as a husband for Jane,the eldest daughter.This relationship, is sabotaged by Mr Darcy(a friend of Mr Bingleys),who fell in love with Elizabeth(the protagonist and the second daughter in the family Bennet).However misunderstandigs and events conspire against them.

  • Elizabeth Bennet :She is the protagonist and the second daughter of Mr and Mrs Bennet.Her admirable qualities are noumerous: she is intelligent expetially in the conversations,quick witted, lovely, clever , and she has an enterprising and rebel personality.She is one of the most well-known female character in English literature.Her qualities allow her to overcome all obstacles;antagonizing females, several snobbish,a distant father and mainly, her prejudices against Darcy.

  • Fitzwilliam Darcy:He is a very rich young man and the best friend of Bingley.He is the Elizabeths male counterpart.Darcy is intelligent, forthright,he too has a tendence to judce too hastily and harshly,and he is expetially proud and overly conscious of his social status.However he is proud, the Elizabeths rejection of his advances, makes him more humble,so he proves Elizabeth to be worth her.

  • Jane Bennet and Charles Bingley:The story of Elizabeths elder sister and Darcys wealthy best friend occupies the central peace in the novel.They are very similar in nature and behaviour.Their principal characteristic are goodwill and compatibility.Jane and Bingley both are cheerful,friendly,good natured,always ready to think the best of the others.The contrast of their romance with that of Darcy and Elizabeth is remarkable;as a matter of fact Jane and Bingley lack the prickly egotism of them.

  • Mr. Bennet:He is the patriarch of the Bennet household.A man driven to the exasperation by his rediculos wife and difficoult daughters.Although he has a symphatetic figure with a sarcastic humor, he is detached from his family;he is a weak father and at critical moment,(like when Lydia elopes with Wickham) he gives up his family.

  • Mrs. BennetShe is the wife of M. Bennet.She is also one of the most tiresome character in the novel. As a matter of fact, she is foolish and she has lack of social gracies and kindness,which alienate people as Darcy or Bingley.Through her obsession to see her daughters married,Austen highlines continually the necessity of marriage for young women.


  • LoveThe courtship between Darcy and Elizabeth is one of the most famous into the English literature.In this novel Austen shows two different tipes of love; the first is love between Darcy and Elizabeth,something of indipendent,capable to overcome all difficulties and obstacles,and the second is the untrue love between Charlotte Lucas and Mr.collins; as a matter of fact she marries him only for his money.This to demonstrate that love doesnt always influences marriage.

  • ReputationPride and Prejudice shows a society,in which a womans reputation is of ulmost importance.This theme appears in the novel, when Elizabeth arrive to Bingleys house whit muddy skirts,and Miss Bingley criticizes her.Austen,highlines in particular, the bad reputation of Lydia when she elopes whit Wickham out of wedlock.

  • ClassThe theme of class is related to reputation;in that is both reflected the life for middle and upper classes in Regency England.In the novel Austen, draws strictly the lines of classes.The Bennets ,who belong to middle state, while Bingleys and Darcys who are social elevated and are treated as such.In the novel, Austen criticizes the class structure,but, only a limitated slice of this.

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