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By: Ric Geiger EDU 290 T-TH 11:00am – 12:15pm Dr. William Merrill winian Theory of Evolut http://www.sliceofscifi.com/2008/02/19/science-standards-w ill-call-evolution-scientific-theory/ http://psychology.wikia.com/wiki/Ch arles_Darwin

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Short presentation on Darwinian Evolution


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By: Ric GeigerEDU 290 T-TH 11:00am – 12:15pm

Dr. William Merrill

Darwinian Theory of Evolution



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Charles Robert Darwin(February 12, 1809 - April 19, 1882)

- Charles Darwin was an English naturalist and geologist. He is most famously known for his development of sub-theories to support his main thesis on evolution which he describes in his book “The Origin of Species”. Most of the research done for this book was gathered by studying the different species of finches on the Galapagos Islands off the coast of Ecuador.




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Perpetual Change



-Darwin’s perpetual change theory states that the world is always changing. This will refute any theory that the Earth is constant or cyclically changing. Evidence of this theory is shown in fossil records disproving any belief that there recent origins of each and every organism known to exist (Hickman et al. 9).

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Common Descent

Common ancestor of ALL living organisms

Kingdom: AnimaliaDomain: Eukarya

Phylum: ChordataClass: MammaliaOrder: Primates

Family: HominidaeGenus: HomoSpecies: sapiens

Human Taxonomic Classification

- Common descent uses similarities and dissimilarities to construct a phylogenetic tree. This shows that all life originated from a common ancestor by branching lineages. Common descent also provides evidence for evolution through comparative studies on organismal form, cellular structure, and macromolecular structure (Hickman et al. 9).

Dr. David Zanatta. Chapter 1 Lecture Outline.


- A taxonomic classification system was developed by Carolus Linneaus back in the mid 18th century. He used physical characteristics to come up with the names for organisms and first proposed the use of latin language in binomial nomenclature. This system is still used today.

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Multiplication of Species

- Species are defined as a freely reproductive populations of organisms. As shown in the figures, multiplication of species is exactly what the name implies. It is the transformation or branching of a once common species into entirely new species with a now separate evolutionary lineage (Hickman et al. 9).



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- Gradualism describes that the large changes in physical traits are actually attributed to small incremental changes in DNA over long periods of time. The opposition wishes to argue that noticeable differences in physical traits can be explained simply by DNA changes over one to two generational gaps, which is not the case (Hickman et al. 9).


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Natural Selection


- Natural selection is the most fundamental supporting theory for the explanation of evolution. The model to the right shows an example of how natural selection may occur. Predation, competition, and climate conditions all play a role in choosing “favorable” characteristics in organisms.


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- The Darwinian Theory of Evolution is backed by literally thousands of years of fossil evidence and more recent biological studies. Biological research has shown time and time again that evolution is the most legitimate theory for the explanation of not just human existence, but the existence of all living organisms.

- Created by: Ric Geiger

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• Roberts, Larry S., Susan L. Keen, Allan Larson, and David J. Eisenhower. "Chapter 1: Science of Zoology and Evolution of Animal Diversity." Animal Diversity. 5th ed. Boston: McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 2009. 9-10. Print.

• Zannatta, David. Chapter 1 Lecture Outline. Print.