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“Everything starts from thought. If you master your thoughts, you learn the right words. If you master your words, you learn the right actions. If you master your actions, you adopt new habits. If you master your habits, it builds character. If you build your character, you will change your destiny.”

One of the biggest lessons we have learned in life is that it has

taught us that life is a huge social construct. We have

expectations and obligations placed upon us. We squeeze

ourselves into roles and we forget who we truly are inside.

Thoughts are a gold mine if we truly harness its awesome power

to create an extraordinary life instead of having our thoughts

being conformed by flimsy social constructs, having the power to

choose choices that liberates us instead of constricting us.

We hope that this book will bring you much joy and liberation as

we had putting this together. It took us years of learning,

experimenting and building the game called ‘life’ and all its

lessons are put together in this book.

The first step begins with your first thought – to have a better life!

Khai S. Ng & Yuenn Ng

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Power Follows Thought Table Of Contents


Why controlling your thoughts will make or break your life Most people are slave to their thoughts Learning how to ‘catch’ your thoughts

Using thoughts to improve your personal life

Using thoughts to empower your financial life

Using thoughts to have a fulfilling career

Using thoughts to break bad habits and form new good ones

Using thoughts to improve your health

Using thoughts to strengthen your fitness level

Using thoughts to improve your spiritual life

Using thoughts to find your true love

Using thoughts to strengthen the bonds between your family

Using thoughts to find the kind of friends you want


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A man who was broke all his life made a

shift in his thoughts to become a


A woman who had been in abusive

relationships all her life, changed the way

she thought about men and attracted the

lover of her dreams.

A teenage boy changed his thoughts and

went from being a scrawny body to a six-

pack muscle stacked quarterback in a year.

A depressed girl who felt rejected all her life

decide to commit herself to feeling loved and attracted friends that made her life feel


These are just examples of ‘miraculous’ breakthroughs that changes a person’s life almost

seemingly overnight.

They are not special people. They are just ordinary people who made a choice to make

their thoughts their greatest allies rather than their biggest tormentors.

If you are reading this now, it is not an accident.

God, nature or the universe has aligned us to be here in this space right now and it is your

thoughts that have helped you to be here.

You probably want a change in your life. You probably want to create phenomenal results

and live the kind of life you want. You are here for a reason.

We are here for a reason too.

Since you are here, we will give our all to help you to master the most powerful tool in your

arsenal for abundance - your thoughts.

Get ready for the ride of your life.

Khai S. Ng & Yuenn Ng

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Why Controlling Your Thoughts Will Make

Or Break Your Life

Most people are slaves to their thoughts

Have you watched the movie ‘Limitless’? It is about a guy who finds a magic pill and once

he ingests it, his whole mind is ‘activated’ in such a way that he can remember all the

details of a book he read years ago, figure out complex mathematical predictions to game

the stock market, learn a new language in seconds and even do kung fu as though Neo

from the Matrix has been uploaded with every fighting technique there is.

This is a myth.

We’re not going to teach you how to access the

extra 90% of your brain.

In fact, if you can already use 1% of your brain

effectively, it is more than enough.

We sometimes beat ourselves up thinking that if

we can be ‘better’ or use more of our brains, we

can reach our full potential.

However, we can fully attest to the fact that if you can just focus on working with your

existing thoughts and harness the power of them, you don’t need a magic pill to make a

miracle happen.

This miracle is just at your fingertips and if you harness your thoughts correctly, your

miracle could manifest as quickly as the next minute.

Take a look around us:

- You hum a song in your mind and the next thing you know, the person sitting next to you

starts singing that same tune even though you didn’t make a sound

- You think about an old friend you haven’t called in a long time and suddenly your phone

rings and their name appears

- You change a small belief and judgment about people and suddenly the world opens up

with opportunities with that group as though the fog has been lifted

- Even Internet entrepreneurs ‘attract’ abundance in money and the next thing they know

is a $5,000 sale appears in their PayPal account

These coincidences aren’t coincidences.

Your thoughts brought them into reality.

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If you know how powerful your existing thoughts are, you would be careful to take care of

every thought you think.

Unfortunately, people do not do it the right


Instead of making their thoughts their ally,

they become a slave to it and their thoughts

and their minds torment them incessantly.

Their thoughts run them.

It’s like they have been possessed by a force

within themselves and the worst part about it

is the more negative they are, the more they

attract the things they don’t want and they

become more and more negative attracting

even more crap into their lives.

This vicious cycle makes them worse and

worse and they wonder why god or the

universe is so unfair or that they are not

meant to succeed in anything.

Eventually, they become too afraid to even

‘think’ that they can be successful and they lock themselves up in a prison of mediocrity

and a self-fulfilling prophecy of despair and doom.

Do you see this destructive pattern?

It is all because of our thoughts.

The best example we can give about a person who was a slave to his thoughts was none

other than Jim Carrey.

This A-list actor wasn’t always smiling and laughing.

He had confessed that he was struggling with bouts of depression and he said that he was

trapped in his own mind.

He even once said, “I wish everyone could experience being rich and famous, so they’d

see it wasn’t the answer to anything...”

Obsessive thinking and repeating patterns became a part of him because he was locked in

his own thoughts because he spent most of his childhood trying to entertain his mother

who was ill all the time.

Fame and fortune brought no relief to his suffering and he sought deeper.

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After a long struggle, he finally woke up one day with a very enlightened state that he is

not his mind.

Read that line again - he is not his mind.

Most of the captivity arises because we

think that we are our thoughts.

The moment that we are able to

disassociate ourselves from our negative

thoughts, we are able to take control of

them and use them to create a miracle in


It was that moment that Jim Carrey

became free from the torments of his own

mind and he experienced inner peace

like no other.

Feeling stuck in your own brain is an

objectionable feeling and one a lot of

individuals with anxiety have issues with

as well. We could provide a list of why

this is however in our opinion the principal cause is the trapped thinking about ‘us’.

If you consider the common individual walking down the street, they'll be considering what

they're going to eat for dinner, then the meeting they will have at work later that day,

meeting up with acquaintances for lunch, everything is outside of them, where as

individuals who suffer with anxiety think principally about themselves and how they're

feeling, everything is inside them, which causes a lot of the feelings of being trapped in

your own brain

We have known many people who have spent years thinking about just them, fretting and

trying to find a way out of the way they were feeling, but they found that this had exactly

the opposite happening and they started to feel more and more trapped and alone in their

mind. Naturally they would feel trapped their own mind, it adds up they never let anything

else in, being lost in thinking about the way they felt and how to get out of the predicament

had sent them down a road where ‘anxiety’ had become who they were. They were so

used to fretting and thinking about what could happen that this became a habit.

You see what they needed to do was change this process and habit.

The first step we need to do is to be aware of our thought patterns and start working with

them (you can’t fight an enemy if you don’t even believe it exists!)

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Learning how to ‘catch’ your thoughts

Now that you are aware of the nature of your thoughts, let’s begin by recognizing thought

patterns in your life. Notice how much power we give to our thoughts.

Here are some examples:

- I can’t get anything right... whenever I start something, it always isn’t perfect or it turns

bad. I don’t think I ever want to try anything big in case I will fail

- I don’t have luck with money

- My mom doesn’t love me the way I want her to love me

- My friends are all dead beat friends

- I’ll never find my true love. Most of the men I meet are scumbags hence men can’t be


- I’ll never be able to lose weight... I guess I’m just big boned or not born athletic

- Meditation is too difficult, I can never concentrate...

Do you see how these thoughts create the kind of life you

don’t want? The more you think about it, the more it

reinforces it, attracts more of it and keeps you in captivity.

Before we can understand why these thoughts work this way,

you have to realize why they are there in the first place.

It is not enough to think a different thought if your

subconscious mind does not recognize why you should not

be thinking this.

Perhaps subconsciously you believe this to be true (as

shocking as this may sound).

The first step to make your mind work with you rather than against you is to believe in the

truth. The mind’s job is to protect you and this is one of the reasons why it can often work

against you is because the truth is too painful to process and it causes the mind to quickly

reframe the truth into a lie in order to protect you.

Let’s look at a few examples of why people can often believe in a lie and hence become a

slave to their thoughts:

- A child witnesses their parents fighting over money. He decides that money is the root of

unhappiness in his family and when he grows up, he decides subconsciously that ‘never

again’ will he let money cause unhappiness in his family. His mind associates thinking

about money as ‘bad’ and he winds up avoiding issues with money hence he is broke but

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apparently ‘happy’. (Note: Money is not

the root of all evil, the love or the hatred

of money is the real cause of suffering!)

- A woman grows up watching her mom

beaten by her step-dad. Her mom

leaves her step-dad and finds a

boyfriend who does the same. This

pattern repeats itself for years and she

decides that men cannot be trusted.

This thought manifests itself in all her

relationships where she either drives

her boyfriends away by being an ‘overly

attached girlfriend’ (keeping a close

watch on their every move) and she

winds up being ‘right’ all the time... that

men just can’t be trusted. (Note: the

mind always wants to be right so it will

create the kind of result even if you

don’t like!)

- An overweight boy goes to school and

performs badly in a track and field

competition. His friends ridicule him for

losing and he decides that he just isn’t

good at anything physically related. He

brings this thought into adulthood and

becomes obese. Later on, he tries all

the diets and exercises but every time

he loses weight, he gains back even

more and this vicious cycle continues...

- A person has a friend that they have

asked to help them with a project that

really means a lot to them and has to

be done at a particular time. The friend that is asked to help swears up and down that

they will finish their part of the project on time. The day rolls around when the important

project is due and the friend has not even started on their part. The person that asked for

help now feels as if all his friends will fail him and he will never again trust any of his

friends with things that are important.

All these examples have one thing in common - a false belief rooted in a past experience.

Once you identify the childhood difficulty or past trauma and recognize that you have a

choice to choose differently based on truth, then you have the power to change your future.

If you are unhappy about the results in your life, make a list of these false belief systems

by ‘catching’ these thoughts, write them down, and choose the opposite.

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Area Of Your Life False Belief Truth

Personal Life

Financial Life


Good and Bad Habits


Fitness Level

Spiritual Life

Love Life

Family Life


Here is a chart you can fill in with the following questions below to realistically

examine the various areas of your life.

1. If you are unhappy about your personal life, write down a belief about it and choose

the alternative (e.g. I am not a confident person versus I can be a confident person)

2. If you are unhappy about the amount of money your bank account, write down a

belief about it and choose the alternative (e.g. Wealthy people are greedy versus

wealthy people are one of the most giving people)

3. If you are unhappy about your job or career, write down a belief about it and choose

the alternative (e.g. I’m not good at running a business versus I can do meaningful work

by myself)

4. If you are unhappy about your habits, write down a belief about it and choose the

alternative (I’ll never be able to quit smoking versus I can choose a healthier habit)

5. If you are unhappy about your health, write down a belief about it and choose the

alternative (I always fall sick at this time of the year versus I am healthy all the time)

6. If you are unhappy about your fitness level, write down a belief about it and choose

the alternative (I can never lose weight versus it’s only a matter of time before I lose


7. If you are unhappy about your spiritual life, write down a belief about it and choose

the alternative (Spiritual people are financially poor versus you can be spiritual and be

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rich at the same time)

8. If you are unhappy about your love life, write down a belief about it and choose the

alternative (I’ll never find true love versus it’s only a matter of time before I find my true


9. If you are unhappy about your family life, write down a belief about it and choose

the alternative (My family will never change versus I love them just the way they are)

10. If you are unhappy about your friends, write down a belief about it and choose the

alternative (I only have deadbeat friends versus I choose positive and empowering


Have you uncovered your self-limiting beliefs?

Time to set some better ones based on truth and we’ll go into the specifics in the next 10

chapters to help you to get a better breakthrough.

We go even more in depth in our Master Course with these exercises as well.

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Using Thoughts To Improve Your

Personal Life

“A young child is often inquisitive about the world and the way they express their curiosity is by asking questions. A parent grows sick and tired on his child’s incessant questioning and tells the kid to shut up. That same child tries different things are gets punished for making a mistake. Very soon, the child stops asking questions and grows up afraid to learn something new for the fear of making a mistake because the pattern is reinforced.”

Imagine the scenario that you’re with the way your body looks. What happens to you

because of this? Well, you could be envious of others (who, you should realize, are

likewise not pleased with their bodies). You may be concerned that you’re not attractive so

you won't meet anyone, and consequently weaken your chances at a relationship. If you’re

already in a relationship, you may believe your partner will leave you for somebody who

looks better. You may then behave badly, and do things out of jealousy that in reality leads

to your partner becoming unhappy, and maybe finally leaving you.

If you’re not happy with your body, you may not want to see it. You may stop eating to the

point you become unhealthy, and then as you are starving, gorge yourself, and then feel

worse about the situation. You may avoid exercise, as you don’t want to even entertain the

body image issue. You may cram your face with junk food as a comfort, and then make

the health issues worse.

You could have anxiety about all of this, your body, your wellness, your partner leaving

you. Then you use more food to alleviate the anxiety, and it spirals downward. Or you go

shopping to make yourself feel better, and you and scrounging to pay bills and have all

this stuff you don't need. Or you drink excessively or numb yourself with other things so

you don’t have to consider all this.

At work, you’re not happy, as you aren’t self confident about you or your body, so you

don’t accomplish the items that demand confidence and that would boost your career. You

may not search for work you’re more passionate about, because you don’t believe you’re

adequate. Even with the job you are doing, you do what you can to not consider how

unhappy you are, so you procrastinate with social networks, games, and other diversions.

There’s much more that’s possible, but you get the idea.

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In life, your relationship with yourself is the most

important relationship in the world.

We are often nicer to other people compared to

ourselves. A good example is the way we treat our

guests when they come to our house compared to the

way we sometimes treat the family members who live

in the same house.

We are also more prone to keep our word to others

(fear of breaking a promise to others because of what

they might think of us) versus keeping a promise to


Pretty soon, we stop working on ourselves and start

focusing on the problems of other people.

The biggest reason individuals aren’t more self-

compassionate is that they're frightened they will get to

be self-indulgent. They think self-criticism is what keeps them on the straight and narrow.

A lot of individuals have gotten it wrong since our culture states being hard on yourself is

the way you are supposed to be. So our "little voice" inside is keeping us in line, so they

believe. But it's really hurting us in the long run.

If you want to have a breakthrough in this area, it is time to start examining your thoughts

about your personal life.

Here’s how you can examine your thoughts about yourself:

Write down 5 qualities about yourself. There’s no good or bad - just write them down if it is

the first thing that pops up in your head.

1. ___________________________

2. ___________________________

3. ___________________________

4. ___________________________

5. ___________________________

The next step is very important. What are your thoughts about these qualities? Why did

you wind up with these thoughts in the first place?

Examine them by looking back in your life - why did you decide that this was who you are?

What is the meaning that you give to these qualities?

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For example: If you wrote that you are ‘lazy’. Why do you call yourself lazy? Was there an

incident in your life that made you decide that you are a lazy person? Is this quality true

about you or is it because someone else decided that for you?

As you go deeper, you realize that the power over your personal life is not so much about

the word you ascribe to yourself but rather the thoughts about it. The more you think about

those thoughts, the more power you give to it.

Do you realize that this is how you view yourself?

This is the summary of your relationship with yourself.

Imagine that there are two of you. You are sitting opposite yourself and you are telling that

person (which is you) who you are.

When you look at yourself from a 3rd person point of view (outside of yourself), you will

start to reclaim your power by looking at yourself objectively versus the subjective nature

of the mind.

You become free to choose the way you see yourself - the same way we choose to see a

person in a different light and you will get a different result.

Remember that you are NOT your thoughts.

Your thoughts are a tool in your toolbox that you can use to manifest a certain outcome in

the world.

But first, you must recognize that you are the captain of your ship. You (your control over

your thoughts) tell the ship where the ship (your life) wants to go.

Learn how to strengthen your relationship with yourself by being kind to yourself because

the kinder you treat yourself, you will enjoy your relationship with yourself.

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These are a few tips about strengthening your personal life.

Power Follows Thoughts Lesson:

1) Tell yourself that you are your own best friend. Understand that you are the one who will

always be there for you and the one that you can always count on.

2) Be patient. It's crucial to be patient with yourself if you're going through a hard time.

Impatience leads toward decreased self-respect and a general foul mood. It's likewise

something we tend to sulk over; becoming stuck in the negative past rather than treasuring

the here and now. Remain patient and you'll be certain to have additional peace in your life.

3) Watch the negatives. Everyone uses self-talk. Occasionally it's favorable and

occasionally it's negative (or very damaging). Do you say things to yourself like: “you

moron” or “how stupid are you?” Do you say things to yourself that you would not say to

other people? Are your words to yourself kind?

For a lot of reasons it's good to attempt to be aware of negative self-talk and to change it.

With awareness one may change things. With “kindness to self”, it's crucial to shift ugly to

words and tones into other statements that you'd feel comfortable using with somebody

else. Courteous words, kind words, make you feel great or better or even like you are


4) Encouragement. When things are hard or you're fighting with something,

encouragement is a fantastic way of giving you a boost. However, does encouragement

have to come from somebody outside. We ought to constantly have enough favorable

belief in ourselves to see us through. Belief is empowering.

5) Forgiveness. Forgiveness is frequently not easy. Among the steps in achieving

forgiveness for others is self-forgiveness. So, if we don’t get that correct, we're “doomed”

in trying to forgive other people. Forgiving yourself is crucial.

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Using Thoughts To Empower Your

Financial Life

“A man works hard all his life struggling with money issues. He dabbles in all kinds of opportunities ranging from network marketing to investment schemes. Some ventures fail while he makes some here and there and often burns his profits on other unprofitable schemes. After years repeating this pattern of making and losing money, he finally throws his hands up in the air and decides that he’s just not cut out to be financially free”

Why do some people seem to have the Midas touch when it comes to money while others

seem to struggle with it all their lives? The answer is all rooted in their belief systems about

making money.

Know that it is not about having money per se that determines our wealth or status but

rather our thoughts about money that determines our true wealth.

Money is not the cause, it is the effect. It is merely a result of what our thoughts fixate


Chances are, when you are young, you were programmed with a set of beliefs (whether

true or false, beneficial or detrimental…), and these belief systems are stuck in your

subconscious mind. By uprooting these beliefs, you will be able to clear the money blocks

or financial blocks that will help you to prosper in your financial life.

Here are a number of financial beliefs you may or may not have:

Money doesn’t grow on trees

Wealthy people are all greedy and selfish

If I become rich, my friends will start asking me for money

Managing money is difficult, if I start having more money,

I’ll have lots of work

It is much better to have a steady job that pays

consistently (although less)

Money is the root of all evil

If I want to become wealthy, I’ll have to take more from others

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If I am rich, it is very hard to be spiritual

The more money I have, the more problems I’ll have

Robbers will rob me if I buy an expensive car

He/she probably inherited a large sum of money to get that…

I despise rich people… they make me sick

You need to have lots of money then only you can earn lots of money

It is better to give than to receive

In order to be rich, I’ll need to sacrifice time from my family and work till I die

God does not want me to be rich

I just don’t have what it takes to be rich

Do you see how difficult it is to become rich with this kind of mindset?

Consider one of the wealthiest men in the world, Donald Trump. He filed for bankruptcy 4

times in his life. He could have fallen back on the “money is bad” mindset. But instead he

has a core belief system that he will be abundant regardless what. This belief system

drives his thoughts, feelings and behaviors. And when these match up and work together,

the then what you desire, believe and center on manifests.

I try to learn from the past, but I plan for the future by focusing exclusively on the present. That's where the fun is. Donald Trump

The first thing you need to do is to recognize that these incorrect belief systems we talked

about above are not helpful. We’re not saying that you cannot be a good giver to give to

others, it’s just that people self-righteously believe that it’s bad to be a good receiver (on

the contrary, it is better to BE in a position to give rather than receive only… there’s

nothing wrong with receiving per se)

If you are having any of these thoughts, a quick way to take the first step towards

changing your destiny is to think the opposite of them.

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Try this:

- Money grows because of great ideas

- Wealthy people are generous and they are great givers that’s why they are wealthy

- If I become rich, I’ll be in a position to help others

- Managing money is fun and I have more choices

- Job security is a myth… I can create my own income anytime

- I love money and money gives me more choices to help others

- If I want to become wealthy, I’ll have to give more value to others

- I can be rich and spiritual at the same time

- The more money I have, the more units of choices I have

- Only jealous people curse others who drive a luxurious car. I’ll have one soon…

- Bless that person who has money for he/she can use it to help others

- I love rich people and I’ll become one of them

- You can make money out of thin air with creativity, great ideas and working smart

- I love receiving and it is better to BE in a position to give than to just receive only

- I might have to work hard for awhile, but in future, I’ll have all the free time I want

- God wants to bless you and make you rich!

Do you see how important it is to reprogram your thoughts with empowering words and


Even if your mind resists the notion of these wealthy mindsets, at least know that it is

better to try something new and become rich than believe the same stuff and become


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Start repeating the wealthy mindset every single day to train your thoughts and see what


Power Follow Thoughts Lesson:

1) Tell yourself that true financial riches come from being rich and giving value before your

bank account can be rich.

2) Center on long-term goals. Simply because you go through a small setback doesn't

imply that you won't finally get where you wish to go. there will be freshly chances for you

to work towards your goals.

3) Remind yourself of the things you already have and personal strengths if you're tempted

to consider your weaknesses, needs or things you have failed at. The polar reverse of

abundance is called "scarcity." Don't let yourself to get into a hard to escape way of

thinking negatively. When negative thoughts spring up, instantly replace them with

favorable reminders.

4) Forge and maintain relationships with other people who share a good attitude about

money and abundance. Others who have a positive mentality will help to encourage you.

You don't have to totally shun those in your life who don't share this mentality, however do

not surround yourself with mostly negative thinkers. A bit much negative input will likely

make training a positive outlook harder.

5) Write evidence of opportunities and favorable events every day. Start a personal journal.

Make it as brief or as elaborate as you wish. Maintaining this sort of record helps you to

review and reflect on real world examples of your reformed mentality taking shape.

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Using Thoughts To Have A Fulfilling


“Daniel is an artistic person who dreams of starting his own art showroom. Unfortunately, he is stuck in a dead end job as an engineer. Even though he is doing good work, his heart does not want to be one and he longs to fulfill his passion but he is too afraid to break out from his unfulfilling career for fear that his parent’s hopes and wishes that he makes good use of his engineering degree would be heartbroken. As a result, he feels stressed, burned out, strained because his spirit hates his job and feels depressed…”

There are many societies in the world that believes that either you become a doctor,

lawyer or an engineer, you are a ‘nobody’.

Of course, not everyone can become a doctor, lawyer, or engineer – it just wouldn’t make


Who’s going to cook in a restaurant to make sure the doctor, lawyer or engineer has food

on the table? Who’s going to become a policeman to keep them safe? And the most ironic

of all – who is going to start a business or a practice for the doctors, lawyers and

engineers out there?

If a fish is judged based on his aptitude to climb a tree, that tree would be the most

useless thing in nature…

Take the case of Steve Jobs. He began his life as an adopted

child, which is not a bad thing, just a fact that could have

shifted his mental attitude if he had let it from the beginning.

The father showed Steve how to work on electronics in the

garage, showing his son how to dismantle and rebuild

electronics like radios and televisions. As a result, Steve got

interested in and developed a hobby of technical monkeying


The mother Clara was an accountant who taught him to read

before he attended school.

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Job’s youth was riddled with problems in school. In grammar school, he was a cut-up

whose fourth-grade instructor had to bribe him to study. Jobs tested so well, all the same,

administrators wanted him to skip over 2 grades and enter high school—a proposal his

parents said no to, allowing him skip over only one grade.

Jobs then went to junior high school and senior high and met a computer whiz kid named

Steve Wozniak which sparked his interest in computers. Jobs dropped out of college after

6 months and spent the following 18 months checking out creative classes, including a

course on calligraphy. He continued this path while sleeping on the floor in friends'

dormitories, taking back Coke bottles to buy food, and getting weekly free meals from a

temple. Jobs later stated, "If I had never dropped by that single calligraphy course in

college, the Mac would have never had multiple typefaces or proportionally spaced fonts

when it was designed.

You see even though he had a rough go of it, he finally made his way to what he was

passionate about.

Do you see a possible belief system that could be holding you back?

A career is not something you do simply just

to earn money – it is an expression of your


Your work defines who you are (after all, we

spend a third of our lives in the workplace or

in the marketplace so learning to enjoy it is

the key).

Make a list of stuff you like to do and see

which of these you can correlate into a

career. It doesn’t matter if you can’t do it

now… fill in the list first and you’ll see. Ask


The first thing I think about in the morning is:

1. ___________________________

When I get back home from work, the first thing I reach for is:

2. ___________________________

When the weekend comes, I will:

3. ___________________________

My dream life consists of:

4. ___________________________

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I lose track of time when I:

5. ___________________________

6. ___________________________

Time flies when:

7. ___________________________

Tomorrow is the day I can’t wait to start:

8. ___________________________

If money weren’t an issue, I’d be doing this for the rest of my life:

9. ___________________________

My greatest passion is:

10. ___________________________

Did you see how your spirit lights up when you

fill up these blank spaces?

That’s the power of your thoughts.

Think about these day in and day out.

Even if your passion doesn’t make you money,

at least you will be even more motivated during

your job to generate more money to fund your


Another way to ‘program’ your thoughts is this:

Take a leap of faith and trust that if you hate your current job so much and you leave it to

do something else; your job-hopping on each stop will take you from one milestone to

another milestone instead of feeling stuck in one place where you will not feel any sense

of fulfillment.

Your work is an expression of your soul. Remember that the more you tell yourself that

you hate your job, the more it creates a downward spiral of mediocrity to the universe.

Start by training your mind to say that I love my job or I love to learn. At the very least, it

will give you the courage to move towards the next step with a leap of faith.

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Power Follows Thoughts Lesson:

1) Tell yourself that when you love what you are doing, you will have a fulfilling career and

money will soon follow.

2) Specify your goals. Ask yourself in which areas of your career you want success. In

order to accomplish your goals, you have to first know precisely what they are. Remember,

you're reprogramming your brain, so answer your questions positively.

Draw up a list of positive questions and replies. If you wish to program your brain to help

you acquire a new job, for instance, grand statements like: "I can get that job," are likely to

be declined by your subconscious, as you don't truly believe what you've written. Rather,

compose questions like: "Why am I able to that job?" Then, answer the question with a list

of your favorable talents and skills. be positive as you answer your questions. Then study

the list each day. After a couple of days, add a fresh question, like: "Why am I getting to be

more positive?"

3) Think positively. If you perpetually assume that a negative thought is real, like "I'll never

pass that test," your subconscious will think you. When you have a damaging thought,

attempt to shift it to something favorable, like: "I will study really hard."

4) Discover a place to meditate where you feel comfy and relaxed. Meditate. You don't

need to sit cross-legged on a mountain to accomplish this. Merely discover a calm,

relaxing space where you won't be distracted. Shut your eyes, center on breathing and

relaxing and consider the success you've accomplished in your life or career thus far.

Think positive thoughts like "I'm a great person and love my life," and meditate about times

you've proved this.

5) Begin a diary of gratitude. Sustaining a gratitude diary may produce a huge shift in the

way you think and feel. Throughout the day, watch for items that make you thankful, like a

beautiful flower or the comfy chair at your desk. When you go to sleep every night, write 5

of these items in your diary. Observe any troubles you experience throughout the day, and

attempt to add a favorable angle to these obstacles.

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Using Thoughts To Break Bad Habits And

Form New Good Ones

“Jesse has been smoking all his life. He comes up with every excuse under the sun why he fails to quit every year. The worst thing is, he beats himself up in his mind every time he takes a cigarette. He confesses that sometimes, the guilt of hiding his smoking habit from his wife is often more painful than the damage he is doing to his lungs… ”

Everyone is a creature of habit.

The stuff that you do every single day for 2-5 minutes will become a lifelong pattern that

often will have a tremendous impact on your destiny.

Take for example: a computer game that you decide to play after work…

It starts off as a casual hobby – clicking here, clicking there, then back to work.

The next day it starts again and you can get more and more interested in it.

Later on, it goes from five minutes into an hour and maybe even two hours.

Pretty soon you are hooked and it consumes your life.

Of course, we have nothing against computer games… but rather the habit that makes you


No thought occupies your mind rent-free and because it is

in your mind, you will constantly think about it until the

thought of not thinking about it is like a withdrawal


From our experience, we have learned that it is very hard

to ‘break’ bad habits, but if you were to spend your time

replacing it with a new better habit, your mind will be less

occupied with the bad habit.

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Here is a way to deal with the example of computer gaming addiction – instead of working

at home, start going out to Starbucks and working in an environment where everyone else

is working as well. You will be more compelled to work on your stuff there.

Here is another example.

As individuals who become used to firing up a cigarette

whenever they enter their car or are on the phone, the

sheer action of driving or speaking on the phone may make

you want to smoke. This accounts for a couple of reasons

to smoke, and smokers get a lot of triggers that spread

throughout their lives. Likewise, smokers who resort to

smoking while coming across stressful conditions often lose

their self-belief in their ability to tackle such conditions

without smoking.

Actually, these people are under the belief that it would simply be unimaginable for them to

act on situations if they quit the habit of smoking cigarettes. This is a chief case of the

psychological aspect of smoking behavior – employing smoking as a means to keep one's

distance from the roadblocks and challenges of life. If smokers become conscious of their

triggers that might vary from person to person and attempt to adopt appropriate

techniques to tackle the situation, they face a particular degree of hardship in doing so.

But habits can be changed.

To start off your new chain of good habits, make a list of bad habits you would like to

replace with a good one:

Bad Habit Desired Good Habit

Focus is the key – don’t try and change too many habits at once.

The key is to implement this habit for a full 30 days. Don’t focus too much on getting it

‘right’, as long as you get into the habit of creating a habit, you will learn to shift out of your

comfort zones and your mind will start to reprogram itself to ‘lock in the new habits’.

The mind can be very tricky and will start to feed you lies.

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If you think about breaking your bad habits ‘permanently’, you will crack under the

pressure of the thought of never doing it again.

Don’t think like that – think that you’ll be

reinforcing a new good habit and it is only for

5 minutes a day. These 5 minutes could be

anything from reading a personal

development article to taking a 5-minute walk

or calling up an old friend just to keep in touch.

Anything you do for 5 minutes over a long

period of time will help you to install new

habits and when you enjoy your good habits

so much, you won’t have time for your bad habits.

Try it today and tell yourself, that it is just 5 minutes.

Power Follows Thoughts Lesson:

1) Tell yourself that you love to create good habits every single day for 5 minutes.

2) For every habit, distinguish your triggers. What conditions spark your smoking habit

(waking up, drinking coffee, drinking alcohol, nerve-wracking meetings, going out etc.) or

whatever habit it is? Distinguish all of them, for every habit.

3) For each trigger, key a favorable habit you’re going to do as an alternative. When you

first get up, rather than going through with your bad habit, what will you do? What about

when you become strained? If you go out ? A few favorable habits may include: exercise,

meditation, deep breathing, organization, de-cluttering, and more.

4) For, at any rate 30 days, center solely on being as uniform with your triggers as you can.

That means, each time those triggers surface, do the favorable habit you identified rather

than the negative one. The more orderly you are, the better the good habit will come into

play. If you occasionally engage the fresh habit when the trigger happens, and

occasionally don’t, the fresh habit won’t form really well. Try to engage it each time. If

somehow you fail, carry the one-month period a bit longer and attempt to be really

consistent from then on..

5) Keep away from conditions where you normally will execute your bad habit, at least

awhile, to make it a little easier on yourself. If your bad habit pops up when you go out with

friends, think about not going out for a bit. If you commonly go outside to smoke with

colleagues for instance, keep away from that activity. This applies to any foul habit —

whether it be consuming junk food or addictions, there are a few situations you will be able

to avoid that are particularly hard for someone attempting to modify a bad habit.

Recognize, though, that when you go back to those conditions, you'll still get the old urges,

and when that occurs you ought to be prepared.

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6) Recognize that your urges will be mighty, but they'll disappear after a couple of minutes.

They pop up in waves, however just outride the wave. Discover techniques for coming

through the urges Like deep breathing, self-massage, eating good food, walking,

exercising, calling a acquaintance who will support you.

7) Invite help. Get your loved ones and friends and colleagues to support you. Find a

group in your area (if this is an addiction of some sort). Join Net forums where individuals

are attempting to give up a bad habit. When you have truly mighty urges or a truly hard

time, turn to your support network for help.

8) Thinking positive is the key! You'll have damaging thoughts — the crucial thing is to

recognize when they're occurring, and get them out of your brain. Squeeze them like a bad

bug! Then substitute them with a favorable thought. “I can accomplish this!"

9) Remember if you bomb (and some will, at least once), don’t throw in the towel. It may

take several tries to successfully quit a bad habit. Work out what failed, and plan

techniques to defeat that obstruction the next time. Keep your favorable mental attitude

and continue trying. You’ll get it sooner or later.

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Using Thoughts To Improve Your Health

“Jessica is ill most of the time… or so she thinks. What happens is an endless cycle of headaches and colds followed by migraines and stomach aches. The list of sicknesses never ends and over time, she even thinks that it’s more convenient to be sick rather and gain the sympathy of others rather than get well and face reality… ”

Most people often confuse health issues with fitness related issues.

The truth is both of these areas of life are completely different. A fit person might not be

healthy. He could be building a body of ripping muscles but because of inadequate sleep,

he could be facing a number of health issues. Likewise, a health nut might not be able to

do 20 push-ups in a row.

Many experts define health as a state of utter physical, mental and social welfare and not

simply the absence of disease or frailty. To amply answer what the difference is, then, you

might decide to fine-tune it to "What's the difference between physical wellness and


Even inside these parameters, fitness is only one component of wellness. And on the

other hand, fitness has a bunch of factors: "fit to do what?" Endure, have strength, and

flexibility are 3 elements of fitness. Commonly, though, fitness may be outlined as the

capability of doing effort, work or exercise. Physical wellness may be defined as being able

to resist illnesses; the capability of your immune system, however even inside the confines

of physical wellness, it isn't simply "the absence of disease or frailty.

Health may be considered as the power of your body to recuperate from diseases like a

cold, however it is so much more than that. Alternately, physical fitness may be seen as

your power to recuperate from doing arduous exercise, however it, too, is much more than

that. Physical fitness is one facet of wellness, commonly mediated through the fitness of

your heart and cardiovascular system, lungs, and muscles.

You are able to be fit but not healthy, you will be able to be healthy but not fit or you are

able to be both.

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If you want to take a closer look at your health issues, you have to consider the following:

Your body is like a car, the better you take care of it, the further you can go

The organs in your body all have a lifespan. Just because you don’t feel any pain

doesn’t mean that it is not close to its expiry date

Sleep is very important. Your body sends chemicals to your brain depending on

how much sleep you get. It changes everything. You even lose weight when you

have enough sleep!

Your mind is stronger than your body! What you think actually manifests in your


If a person constantly says stuff such as:

- This really makes me sick

- Looking at this makes me wanna puke

- This looks disgusting

You will start manifesting sickness in your body because you keep repeating these works

over and over again.

The mind cannot tell the difference between figurative speaking and literal speaking.

By changing the vocabulary of your words you will reprogram your mind to give you fewer


Here are a number of words you can replace:

(Say this first thing in the morning) I love my life!

I am healed and I am fully charged!

I have nothing to worry about!

Life is good!

This is my life and I’m going to make every day


Now you might be thinking… this sounds really weird or


But in actual fact, the thought vibration that it sends to your body is really powerful!

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If you don’t believe me, just try looking in the mirror and

repeating to yourself for an hour, “you make me sick, you ugly

piece of ****, you are a disgusting person and I feel like


We guarantee that you’ll feel like crap afterwards – the fact is,

people program this kind of thinking with their work

colleagues and friends sometimes more than an hour a day

and these thoughts circle inside their head when they are


It’s no wonder people are manifesting diseases.

Another advantage of programming your mind with good thoughts is that it will also help

you to sleep better.

Power Follows Thoughts Lesson:

1) Tell yourself that you are healthy, healed and happy!

2) If you wish to have an utterly healthy body, center your attention on that. Does it truly

matter how you aim it? If you'll let it, the Universe will manifest your want in a form that you

may accept. For some individuals that might be powerful pills, needles, amazing

physicians, or surgery choices. For other people, the manifestation might be a heaven-

sent, unexplainable shift in the body’s condition. Instead of limiting the resolutions

available to you, work on letting the manifestation of your want to come in whatsoever form

it might come. Remember, you aren’t in a state of letting things happen if you're interesting

about the when and the how of manifestation. Let it in it as it shows up.

3) One crucial thing is to remember that your favorable mentality is the key to a favorable

result. Become patient with yourself and pay attention to each improvement. If you take a

big dose of medicine that removes the pain for a while, utilize that time to advance your

thought vibration. Stop and establish appreciation for the advances that you're feeling.

Write or discuss how your body is feeling in this moment instead of fretting about the

moment when the pain comes back. The key is to capture each chance to allow the

manifestation of improved health for you. The more you value and center on your body

feeling great, the more you're drawing in the healthy body that you want.

4) The Universal laws of attraction support each thought, therefore you ought to never feel

weak. You may strive to enjoy life or you may fret about loss of life. The decision is yours.

If you trust that you're dying a slow and misfortunate death, you might indeed be miserable

for the remainder of your life. And that isn't living life in the least. If the physicians don't

have an answer, their reality doesn't have to be your reality. You may offer a favorable

thought vibration that produces your own truth in a heaven-sent way. Even if you do want

to believe that you're failing, must you live out your final days as the walking dead? Feeling

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sorry for yourself will merely put you on a downward spiral. So, do whatsoever you have to

do in order to feel a bit better. Recognize that if you're living you are passing away.

Sickness and disease might be produced from thoughts of fret, concern, anger, or

frustration. If you doubt the fact that you have produced ill health in your body, you have

simply to analyze your thoughts. Ask yourself if the thoughts that you believe are

commonly offering a favorable or damaging thought vibration to the Universe.

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Using Thoughts To Strengthen Your

Fitness Level

“Samuel is the king of diet products and weight loss routines. In fact, he knows everything under the sun about dieting except how to really lose weight in it. The fact of the matter is not his ability to keep on the diet plan but his thoughts about his weight. Deep down, he knows that his motivation didn’t come from within and using gimmicks as a crutch is only a quick fix to a long term solution…”

If you want to be fit, you have to find a reason that is stronger than just the results (of a fit


Most people think that diet gimmicks, fads, workout routines and other quick fix ways will

help a person to get a fit body. It is only a temporary solution.

The key is to keep your mind loving the workout itself.

Exercise and workouts are not a means to an end. The exercise and workouts are

supposed to be the things that a fit person looks forward to.

Why do you think fitness enthusiasts keep coming back to the gym to do their workouts?

You may reason that workouts are painful and tiring, but the fact is, as our bodies sweat to

our workouts, it produces endorphins that make us feel good. Even the pain is a good pain.

The greatest muscle you need to work out is not your abs or your biceps but rather your


We found this kind of intriguing: When we asked ten individuals what their number 1 New

Year’s resolution was this year,80 % of individuals responded, “Get in shape and work out

more.” Now, how many of these individuals really stick to their New Year's Day resolution

is a different story.

However getting in shape isn't that hard a resolution to get done. You simply have to set

your brain into goal-mode, and physical exercise will come naturally to you. You have to

train your brain.

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The fitness habit is very important to start but people often let their minds take them out of

the game early in the game.

If you can keep up the fitness habit for 30 days, you will fell like going for another 30 more.

Most people who have a healthy fitness routine for 1 year will most likely keep it up for the

rest of their lives. Even if they stop for a while, it will help them to get back in shape easily.

Here are some thought programming words

that you can use:

I only need to do this for 5 minutes


I look really good doing this

I enjoy this workout

It’s only for 5 minutes a day

Remember to start with a few simple habits and learn to like them over a period of time.

Don’t expect too much in the beginning and your mind will work for you rather than

against you.

Power Follows Thoughts Lesson:

1) Tell yourself that you can’t wait to start working and enjoying your workout. Believe it

and tell yourself often.

2) Arrange honest expectations. Prior to you actually beginning your exercise routine,

arrange a goal for yourself. What precisely do you wish to accomplish—slimming down,

toning, maintaining weight, or fitness? When you're new to exercising, don't deluge


Attempt to stick to one little physical goal, and keep a list of targets. If you arrange honest

expectations for yourself, you'll be able to obtain them. Then, you can work at the harder

objectives. It’s that easy. If you're thinking about joining a gym, a lot of gyms have

personal trainers available to assist you in setting a goal for yourself. If you're unsure

about what you wish to accomplish, or even how to physically do so, personal trainers are

key to bettering your outlook. They'll provide you that extra push that you some of the

times need to stay focused.

3) Find a buddy. With 80 % of individuals having the same concerns about getting in

shape, it shouldn’t be too hard to find yourself someone to work out with. As you exercise

with a fitness partner, you're more motivated. Whether you're merely having more fun, or

you feel more competitive, hinges upon your personality. Either way, having a friend to

exercise with proves beneficial.

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4) It doesn't matter what it is… just do something! It doesn't matter if you can't afford an

expensive gym club. Simply because you don't have access to all the hoopla doesn't mean

you can't exercise efficiently. Exercise doesn't have to be formal. Go up and down the

stairs a bunch of times a day. Take your dog for a walk. Anything that makes your heart

rate go up and your body utilize oxygen more rapidly is a form of exercise. So, don't let

anything deter you from your goals.

5) Eat the right stuff. In order to become physically fit, exercising is one-half the battle. You

have to eat right. If you are able to afford it, consult a dietician. Remember, even though

you might exercise consistently, if you don't offer your body adequate nourishment, all of

your hard work will be for nothing. You have to eat healthy in order to properly get the

benefits of exercise. You may also find info about nutrition on the Net.

6) Have some fun. You're not alone! There are many others who wish to exercise regularly,

but find it hard to stay motivated or interested. the opening move to any sort of exercise is

your mental state. It's crucial to remember that you exercise, not to torment yourself, but to

make yourself feel great. So, do things that you love. For instance, yoga is a fantastic way

to cleanse your brain and become fit too. Or, join a team of some sort, and forget that

you're really exercising while having a good time! If you start your new exercise routine

with a negative attitude towards exercise, itself, you won't be able to exercise regularly.

Remind yourself that exercise may be fun. It feels great to work out.

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Using Thoughts To Improve Your

Spiritual Life

“Growing up in church, a young man was told that it was easier to put a camel through the eye of a needle compared to a man focused on riches to enter into the kingdom. He grows up feeling spiritually inadequate because he inherited a vast estate from his late father. Week after week, he felt tormented by his thoughts because he thought he wasn’t spiritual enough.”

Fundamentally, religion is designed to be our spiritual source of consolation and advice, a

social structure to provide moral guideposts, a caring community and assistance for those

in need. And in a lot of ways it is. However, religion is likewise the cause of violence, wars,

favoritism, bigotry, pain and suffering in many parts of the world, all of which are a long

way from kindness, compassionateness, comfort and spiritual reassurance.

Pursuing a spiritual life is very important and it is not to be confused with religion.

Although some form of spirituality can be found in some

religious organizations, most of the time, people who

ascribe to a form of lifeless religious dogma will often fall

prey to legalism and rules and regulations that sucks the life

out of spirituality.

That is why it is important to remove all forms of dogma out

of your spiritual pursuit because these thoughts will corrupt

your true spiritual nature.

Another way to look at spiritual pursuit is that it is not

designed to take you out of the world.

A lot of people who pursue spirituality might even have the

mindset that being spiritual means that you cannot be rich

or well rooted in the world.

This is a scarcity kind of thinking that sucks the life out of a true spiritual person as well.

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Programming your thoughts the right way includes:

Practicing meditation for 5

minutes a day every single day

Feeling your inner guidance or

listening to the still small voice

of god

Allowing yourself to have faith

in the universe

Creating a life of serenity,

tranquility and acceptance for


Realizing that we are all part of oneness and connected to everyone else

Spiritual pursuits also strengthen the inner man (or woman). When you are focusing on

your inner being, you will look beyond the flesh and body to reveal a deeper you.

Practice the following mantras each day to reprogram your thoughts and become a more

spiritual person:

Being grounded in the world is good for my spirituality

I am not separate, I am with the world

I am here and it is good

God, make me an instrument of your peace

Great spirit, guide me today for the decisions I’m about to make

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to

change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.

I am being renewed day by day

Liberation and letting go is the path to enlightenment

Today I will focus only on my karma

Speak these mantras to yourself as you do your meditation or your quiet time with god.

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Power Follows Thoughts Lesson:

1) Tell yourself that you are calm, peaceful and serene.

2) Meditate to discover inner peace. Frequently in the turmoil of day-to-day life, individuals

forget about the real meaning of life and what's truly crucial. Sit on a pillow or mat in a

calm place and get rid of all the distractions. This will be difficult at the start, however with

practice, you will be able to do away with outside thoughts and unwind.

3) Study spiritual writings. This may mean anything from the Scripture to the texts from

pop culture books. Explore a broad assortment of spiritual and religious writing* to

determine what appeals to you.

4) Assist other people. Behaviors speak louder than words, so think about volunteer work

for your preferred charity or merely baby-sit a neighbor's youngster so she may go to

school. A spiritual human thrives on turning kind words and feelings into truth. Reciting

Scripture might calm the nerves, but assist other people to accomplish real spirituality.

5) Compose and create by keeping a journal of daily feelings and observances. You are

able to include drawings, photographs and additional artwork in it. Utilize the diary as one

part healing therapy, and one part spiritual quest. By mixing the two, you'll learn how

inside observation and self-sacrifice may make you live a more tranquil, more centered life.

6) Pay attention to your manners--and your words. Get to be kinder to individuals every

day, in your personal life and career situations. Be well aware of others thoughts and

feelings, and provide help to them when you are able to do so. This will produce good

karma for you- but naturally, that shouldn't be the motivation for being kind.

7) Communicate with nature. Go on a walk in nature rather than going to a crowded health

spa. Hike a nature trail or take in an alley cat or two. Abandon the common materialistic

pursuits and you'll feel better and get to be more spiritual in the end.

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Using Thoughts To Find Your True Love

“Christy has been fearful that her boyfriend is cheating on her. She keeps a close eye on him while hiding her true intentions. On the surface, everything seems okay because she hasn’t found any evidence yet. Yet somehow, she can’t shake that thought because she is too afraid if it would come true. Because she keeps thinking about it, the universe gave her what she attracted in the end – a cheating boyfriend…”

Here is a very powerful truth about people who often seek to find their true love.

People keep attracting the same types of people with their thoughts.

A woman who gets abused will keep on attracting abusive men subconsciously (unless a

drastic change happens in her thought habits).

A man who keeps attracting cheating girlfriends will keep on manifesting that over and

over again (could be issues of self worth playing out in the relationship).

The fact of the matter is this – most people attract them based on the frequencies of their

thoughts. The reason why some people just can’t find their true love or their soul mates is

because they are not manifesting the kind of person they want. They just keep on

manifesting the people they don’t want.

For those individuals who are yet fighting with loving themselves, getting reassurance and

support from a loving mate is really crucial in the healing process. Reminding somebody

who's fighting with self-acceptance that he or she merits love is a real gift from the heart.

If must continually ask your mate if he or she loves you, or if your mate is never able to

take in the love you want to share, both of you might need to seek some added support.

If you let the pattern go forward, your relationship won't have the power to or ability to grow.

Trusting that you're loved might be hard for somebody who's suffered an injury or

significant loss. For those individuals we advise patience and persistence. we believe that

the heart only has so much room and if it's filled up with damage, there's less room for love.

Love really thrusts out the sadness in our hearts, so by letting it in you not merely get to

feel the fantastic gift of being loved by some other person, you likewise get to release a

few old pains you might be holding on to.

Recall the story of the princess and the frog. We may all turn into something charming if

we let ourselves be loved.

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The moment you change the thoughts about yourself you

will be able to attract someone different. These emotional

blocks are the reasons why you might attract all the wrong

people and you have to clear them out:

Ask yourself these questions:

Did something happen that made me decide that men

cannot be trusted?

How do I feel about my mom and dad’s marriage?

Am I ready to commit to this person for the next 50


Do I have what it takes to give without asking for

anything in return?

You have to dig deep and ask yourself what these blocks are and once you train your

mind to speak the opposite of the stuff you identify as a problem.

At the end of this day, remember this principle: Don’t look for the right person – BE the

right person.

Power Follows Thoughts Lesson:

1) Tell yourself that you can be the best person for my future mate.

2) Trust that you're lovable. It's sad that we're supplied so many reasons to detest

ourselves in our culture: not rich enough, not bright enough, not attractive enough, not

notable enough, simply just not good enough. Remember, there's no perfect individual.

We all have defects, and we're all yet worthy of love in spite of those defects.

3) If someone states, "I love you," hear them and amply absorb the meaning behind those

terms. For a lot of us, our inborn reaction to receiving love, "No," because, whether

consciously or subconsciously a lot of us think that we're unlovable. Thus, we set about

attempting to prove that we're unlovable by ignoring, belittling, brushing aside or denying

anyone who expresses love towards us. You are able to start to break this formula merely

by listening and being open to expressions of love that are directed towards you.

4) Keep your body open and ready to obtain love. Most of us have kind of a cave dweller

posture. You recognize the look. Its slumped shoulders, head down and eyes looking

down and it comes from spending a lot of time in front of our PC's and digital devices.

Modern cave dwellers keep their hearts closed. They simply can't get love when they

have a posture like this. so open your body and your heart by putting your shoulders

back, raising your chin and eyes.

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5) Learn to distinguish acts of love. Everyone shows love differently. A few individuals

provide compliments, a few write eloquent love letters, a few cuddle, a few execute

practical acts like house cleaning. Learn to read how your loved ones convey their love for

you. Then, be certain to accept this love.

6) Be hospitable to love in all its forms. Don't put "should haves" on love. Don't be simply

open to love when it comes from the exact individual you want in the precise way that you

wish. Say to yourself, "I'm open to all the love that comes my way in all its assorted forms."

Don't be frightened. Don't back away. Don't sabotage love. Be courageous. Be open. Be


7) Give love first of all and return what is supplied to you. You know what they say about

love: It's like a magical coin and the more you give, the more you get back.

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Using Thoughts To Strengthen The

Bonds Between Your Family Members

“Marvin grew up hating his dad. He complained that his dad told him that would not grow up to become a useful human being. He told himself that ‘never again’ will he be a useless person and he made up his mind that he will be a successful person and a successful father – at least more successful than his father ever was. As he fathered his own son, Marvin’s inadequacies made him work his son

very hard to make sure his son is successful and thought it would make him a successful father too. When his son cracked under pressure, they got into an argument and he scolded his son saying that he would not grow up to become a useful human being. Marvin froze at that moment stunned that he repeated the exact same words his father told him and he hid in his room and cried…”

Family upbringing has a very profound effect on every human being.

We find that family does play a chief role in the way we act in society. As we develop, we

learn a lot of things from our loved ones that are advantageous to our society. Nearly

everything that we learn as a youngster comes from parentage and how we respond with

our parents. Our parents experienced the concepts of life, and they went through society

as a youngster and a grownup, which we learn as we become older too. Our families,

particularly our parents, have much wisdom about what happens in life, as they've already

experienced a lot of it. They're the ones who may teach us what they've learned, and they

may show us how we ought to act, feel, and think of our contemporary society.

Likely, the heaviest influence in our lives is the loved ones we grew up with. Our birth order,

the personality's of our parent(s), the way we were handled by our siblings, the economic

status of the family unit, their schooling, the place they lived — all of these formed us at

the time when we were tenderest to being shaped. Besides these silent influences, our

parents showed us all the basics of "suitable" behavior.

When we were little kids, we acted out whatever impulse got into our heads. We didn't

understand that it was socially unacceptable to scoop up food with our fingers, to play with

the pretties on the coffee table, to hit our siblings, to break our toys. These and many other

rules were beat into our heads by our parents. Some of this is all right, some not so all

right. Either way, it's frequently hard to shift things infused at an early age.

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But remember that what happens to you is not your fault, but what happens after you grow

up is all your responsibility – you have the ability to choose and decide what you want to

do with your life and not to blame your childhood.

Regardless of whether you have a good childhood or not, you have to consider these

principles about family life:

Your parents

made the best

choices they

could make

raising you

Your parents’

parenting is

flawed because

they are not

perfect and they

are raised by

people their

parents who are

flawed as well (a

carbon copy of a

carbon copy is

never perfect)

You can’t blame

yourself for what

you went

through because you didn’t know any better. Beating yourself up about what

happened to you in your childhood does not help

There are many different types of languages of love. Different parents with different

personality types express love in the only language they know how to even though

this language may come across as something else (due to different perception of

what love is)

Looking into your life is very important if you don’t want to repeat the same problem over

and over again.

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Power Follows Thoughts Lesson:

1) Tell yourself that you are happy to have a family that got me to where I am today.

2) Get a fresh life story. There are 2 ways for you to look at your childhood. In one, you're

an individual who's so unloved and unwanted, that no one cared. In the other, you were

born, had a look around at , and said, "I can altogether do better than this. In one you're a

victim, in the other, you're in power. Guess which viewpoint is best?

3) Recognize fault = like. Fault is amazing. It feels great, right? It feels righteous. It feels

mighty. It feels like somebody’s going to be in trouble what they did to you. The only issue

is—provided you're faulting—nothing may ever change. How come? Because in order for

your life story to shift, you have to want things to be changed. And if it feels great to fault,

you have to accept that you love it. And if you love it, you have to accept that you don't

truly want it to shift. Which is why fault just gets you more of the same.

4) Accept the reality that a few do not genuinely wish to see you win. This sounds brutal,

and it is. However, it's true. A few of your loved ones and friends "support" you by falsely

being in line with all your b.s. about how difficult you have it, as if you win, 2 things will

occur: 1) you'll leave. And 2) they'll be left behind. This doesn't mean you have to do away

with your friends and loved ones, you simply have to remember that they love you so

much, they're absolutely happy for you to remain precisely where you are today.

5) Save your cash. The number 1 way to end your bad childhood is to save cash. There's

a really easy rule about cash: If you save, you'll always have cash. And cash is power. All

those commercials you see are a big, rich company's try to get you to give them your

power. Don't do it! Consider every buck you save as one-step away from the individuals

and places that have kept you down.

6) Accomplish something hard. Get a grueling/crappy job and do it till the voices in your

brain stop telling you that you can't take it another moment. Everything following that will

be cake, and your bad childhood will look like less.

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Using Thoughts To Find The Kind Of

Friends You Want

“Kelly has lived her life trying to please her friends. Her friends weren’t particularly negative people; they were kind people who would always be there for her. One day she decided that she would take a leap of faith and moves to another town and start a new career. She made the fatal mistake about telling her friends about it, but their concerned stares and words made her feel that she is leaving the group and making a big mistake ‘in case’ something bad happens. After a few days of swinging to and fro like a pendulum, she decides that it’s not worth it and her dream dies as she accustoms herself to mediocrity.”

Sometimes, your friends might change your future even more so than your parents.

Having a realistic assessment on your friendships is very important.

There is a very powerful theory called the sum of five.

If you take a look at the five people you spend the most time with, your future is the sum

average of these five people!

If you want to see your future in your company, just look at your immediate boss.

If you want to know what you will be talking about in the next 5 years, just take a look at

the conversations you have with your current friends.

It is said that you can choose your friends but you can’t choose your relatives. The good

news about friendships is because you are not tied with blood and you can freely choose

better ones (and to a certain extent, you can actually limit the time you spend with

negative family members as well).

Now your mind might be thinking, “This is not right – what about loyalty to my friends?”

Think about it this way… if your deadbeat friends are truly loyal to you, they would be

seeing you in your best light in your best possible future. (Think of the movie Good Will

Hunting where Will’s best friend said that he would give anything to knock on Will’s door to

see him actualize his full potential by making good use of his intellectual abilities instead of

being a construction worker).

That is what we call a true friend.

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Do you have these kinds of true friends?

Are you keen to become like your five

friends? Only you will know the truth

and you will have to start finding new

ones if you have any doubts about

your current batch of friends.

The average individual interacts with a

lot of individuals every day, but this

social interaction is far from great

friendship. Even chatting with

colleagues and loved ones every day

might not equate to a real friendship

connection. If you're looking for ways

to discover great friends and establish rewarding social relationships, there are a lot of

ways to achieve your goal.

Power Follows Thoughts Lesson:

1) Tell yourself that you have friends that will take you to the next level.

2) Sign on for classes (like photography, clayware, or music) through a rec center or local

community college. look for and make small talk with other grownups that are there alone.

3) Put in your time at a local library, at a hospital or for a charity. Find a friend from a field

of individuals who share like values and viewpoints.

4) Talk to and offer to help your youngster’s teacher in the schoolroom. Discover her

outside interests and get to know her better while seated on the bus on the way to a field

trip. You might remain friends long after your youngsters have gone onto a different grade.

5) Nurture friendships by asking fresh acquaintances out for coffee or lunch to bond and

learn some more about them. Be accessible at all times. You never know when somebody

at a coffee bar, bookshop or supermarket will start a conversation with you.

6) When you make a great friend, keep up with the relationship in spite of how busy you

are. Meet for a fast cup of coffee, chat on the phone on the way to your youngster’s soccer

game or send a couple of e-mails in the course of the day. Friendships will not remain

when they're lost in the shuffle.

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One of the reasons why we covered so many areas of life to look at is that at the end of

the day, the most important thing about your thoughts is that you will function your best

when you are well balanced in every area of your life.

In our Master Course, we cover in depth strategies on how to further improve the 10 areas

of your life so that the changes will be permanent. It is all about building the habit.

Although most of these lessons here are quite simple, do not be fooled by the simplicity

because everything that you practice in your mind for 5 minutes will have a really profound

effect on your mind.

The words you tell yourself daily will change your thoughts and you will reclaim all that

power in your life.

So start training your thoughts now and we can’t wait to hear your wonderful stories of
