postpartum period report

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Post on 09-Mar-2016




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my MCN 314 reportcredits to the owner of the images



Postpartum PeriodPosTPARTAL PERIODPuerperium-puer means child, parere to bring forthThis happens on the 1st 6 weeks after child birthWHAT HAPPENS TO THE MOTHERS BODY DURING THIS TIME?* Involution of the Uterus- the return of the uterus to its pre-pregnant state* Production of milk for lactation,*restoration of Menstrual Cycle*Parenting Role beginsPhases of puerperiumTaking In Phase2 to 3 days, a woman is largely passiveWoman usually wants to talk about her pregnancy, especially about her labor.A woman in this phase is DEPENDENT. This dependenceresults partly from her physical discomfort becauseof afterpains or hemorrhoids; partly from her uncertainty incaring for her newborn; and partly from the extreme exhaustionthat follows childbirthMAIN NURSING RESPONSIBILITY:Allow the mother to verbalize feelings.Help the mother interpret events of delivery to make them more meaningful and to clarify misconceptions.Phases of puerperiumTaking Hold PhaseOccurs during the 1-3 days after deliveryMarked by a period of being dependent and passive behavior.Mother is during this ttime is talkative about her labor and delivery.

PRIMARY NEED OF MOTHER: (her own) Food and Sleep

MAIN NURSING RESPONSIBILITY:The best time to do health teaching to the mother. Identify areas to focus health teaching.Provide brief demonstration on how to care for her baby and allow her to care for her child--- under watchful supervision.Phases of puerperiumC. Letting Go Phase* This process requires some grief work and readjustment of relationships, similar to what occurred during pregnancy.Woman defines her role as a Mother to her newbornShe gives up the fantasized image of her child and accepts the real one.She gives up her role of being childless or the mother of only one or two children.DEVELOPMENT OF PARENTal love and positive family relationshipEn Face Position eye-to-eye contactExplore newborn with fingertipsHand and palmar contactWhole arms enfolds whole baby close to the body

*CLAIMING or BONDINGThe Claiming Process includes the identification of the babys specific features, relating them to other family members.Those long toes are just like his Dads.The babys facial features are just like her sisters.Rooming INThe infant stays in the room with the mother, rather than in the nursery.This is the best time to initiate bonding with the mother and other family members.Mother can be better acquainted with her child and begin to feel more confident in her ability to care.

Nursing Responsibility: During this time, provide assistance to the mother in performing activities to her child, such as proper latch on, proper way to carry the child, how to burp the child, etc.Maternal concerns and feelingsAbandonment DisappointmentPostPartal Blues50% of women experience some feeling of overwhelming sadness for which they cannot account Hormonal changes- decreased progesterone and estrogen Response to dependence and low self esteem caused by exhaustion, being away from home, physical discomfort and tension Fearfulness, feeling of inadequacy, mood ability, anorexia and sleep disturbance Assurance and support

Physiologic changes of the postpartal period

Involution Reproductive organs return to

Uterus 2 process 1.The area where the placenta is sealed off Accomplished by rapid contraction of the uterus after the delivery of the placenta Muscle fibers become shorter controlling the bleeding by compressing and sealing off blood vessels

Physiologic changes of the postpartal periodUTERUS2. The organ is reduced to its pregestational size through Autolytic process Few cells of the uterine wall are broken down into their protein component which is then absorbed in the blood stream and excreted in the urine. Contraction

-Immediately after birth 1000g -At the end of 1st wk- 500g -6wks 50g

Physiologic changes of the postpartal periodUTERUS

After placental delivery the uterus may be palpated through the abdominal wall halfway bet the umbilicus and the symphysis pubis

-1hr after- level of umbilicus -Decrease 1 fingerbreath

NURSING RESPONSIBILITY*ASSESS the uterus: *Placement and location should be level with the umbilicus after delivery. The uterus then should decrease 1 FB / day. Should also be midline and the size of a grapefruit *Uterine Toneshould be firm. Assess by supporting lower portion with one hand and palpate fundus with other. If found boggy, then massage. Do not overmassage. * Lochia: Color, and odor Rubra Color: RedDuration: 1-3 daysComposition: Blood, Decidua Fragments, MucusSerosa- Color: PinkDuration: 3-10 daysComposition: Blood, Mucus, LeukocytesAlba- Color: WhiteDuration: 10-14 daysComposition: Largely mucus

Characteristics of Lochia Should not be excessive in amount Should not have an offensive odor Should not contain large pieces of tissue or blood clots Should not be absent during the first 3 weeks Should proceed from rubra -- serosa -- alba

Physiologic changes of the postpartal periodCervix After birth- soft and malleable, internal and external os is open Pre-pregnant appearance is a dimpled area in the center -- post-pregnancy appears as a jagged slit.

Vagina Check if vaginal area is edematous and bruised. Rugae begin to appear when ovarian function returns. - Teach the mom to do Kegels exercises.

Physiologic changes of the postpartal periodPerineum: Check for tears, lacerations and intactness of the episotomy site.*Mother may perform sitz bath under nurses supervision 3-4x a day.

BreastsAssess for presence of nodules and lumps. Nipples for inversion, bleeding, pain, blisters and other abnormalities.Teach mother how and when to assess her own breast using the Breast Self Exam Procedure and principles.Individualize teaching for breastfeeding and non-breastfeeding mothers.

Process of Lactation

Sucking of infant stimulates the nerves beneath skin of the areola to transmit messages to the hypothalamus

Hypothalamus sends messages to the pituitaryAnterior Pituitary Gland receives message and produces PROLACTIN needed for gland milk production.Oxytocin is then released by the Posterior Pituitary Gland for the LET DOWN Reflex, to stimulate contraction of cells around the mammary gland. Oxytocin also causes contraction of the uterus.Nursing responsibility:educate mother on properbreastfeeding careUse warm water in taking a bath or washing nipples, no soap on nipples. Wear supportive bra.Avoid tight fitting bra or binder.Breastfeeding tips:*Teach the mother how to Latch Onthe infant properly. The infant should fully get the nipple and the areola in the mouth.*Teach various positions to hold the baby (football hold, side lying position, etc.)*Feed the baby at least every 2 hours or PRN.* Relax to allow let down

Elimination Changes Gastro-Urinary System Mild Proteinuria is Normal.Diuresis is common loss of fluid of pregnancy. 2000-3000ml of excess fluid accumulates in the body during pregnancy.Hemorrhoids or distended rectal veins may have been pushed out of the rectum, because of the effort of pelvic stage pushing.NSG responsibility:Assess and measure first two voidings post delivery.Important to attempt to void every 3-4hrs. If patient is unable to void, assess if there is a need for catheterization.PATIENT TEACHING:Increase Fluid intake and activity, eat lots of fibrous foods. Stool Softeners, Anesthetic sprays,and Tucks**ENEMA OR SUPPOSITORIES should not be administered to patients with 3rd to 4th degree of lacerationEffects of retrogressive changesExhaustion: because of the labor process. NSG RESPONSIBILITY: Provide adequate rest and sleep period to the mother.b. Weight Loss: due to rapid diuresis during the 2-5 days post partum. Lochial flow also causes additional weight loss. However, additional weight loss is most dependent to the amount of pregnancy weight gain and the active measures the woman performs to lose weight. NSG RESPONSIBILITY: Assess womans health and nutritional status to prevent obesity or being underweight/ nourished.c. Vital Sign Changes: reflect the internal adjustments that occur as a womans body returns to its pre-pregnant state.

Temperature: slightly increased during the 1st 24 hrs post-partumNSG RESPONSIBILITY: Assess womans vital signs and report abnormalities as needed for early diagnosis of complication of infection. Encourage mother to increase fluid intake.Pulse: slighty lower or slower than normal (60-70 bpm) due to increased stroke volume of the heart.NSG RESPONSIBILITY: Evaluate Pulse rate conscientiously, a rapid thready pulse could be a sign of hemorrhage.Blood pressure: decrease in BP postpartum may denote Bleeding. Elevated BP post partum (above 140/90mmhg) may indicate a development of postpartal PIH, an unusual but serious complication of the puerperium.NSG RESPONSIBILITY: Evaluate Blood Pressure at an interval directed by the AP. Assess effects of oxytocin administration to the post partal woman, as this may also cause BP elevation and possibly a CV accident. In general, the following are the nursesresponsibility in caring for a Postpartum mother:Perform thorough assessment of the post-partal mother, to include the uterine location, tone and lochial discharges.Observe for signs of complication such as elevated BP, bleeding, rapid thready pulse, an elevated temperature, edema, pallor, and inflammation of breast.Provide adequate rest and sleep to the woman to replenish lost energy during the labor and delivery process.Encourage increased intake of nutritious foods, foods high in roughage content and water to remain well nourished, good hydration and aid in the comfortable elimination of human waste.Provide measures to relieve pain and discomfort of the mother, as directed by the AP, if needed. (medications, sitz bath, hot or cold theraphy, massage, and others.)Perform thorough assessment of the post-partal mother, to include the uterine location, tone and lochial discharges.Observe for signs of complication such as elevated BP, bleeding, rapid thready pulse, an elevated temperature, edema, pallor, and inflammation of breast.Provide adequate rest and sleep to the woman to replenish lost energy during the labor and delivery process.Encourage increased intake of nutritious foods, foods high in roughage content and water to remain well nourished, good hydration and aid in the comfortable elimination of human waste.Provide measures to relieve pain and discomfort of the mother, as directed by the AP, if needed. (medications, sitz bath, hot or cold theraphy, massage, and others.)Observe aseptic measures at all times, especially in handling blood products, performing wound care, med administration and breastfeeding.Promote independence by letting the woman perform self care procedures by herself as soon as she is able to.Educate the mother on various methods to promote:Uterine involutionBreast care and breast feedingRelaxation and pain alleviation Muscle strengthening exercisesMaternal and infant well-being


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