postgraduate guide for indonesia ausaid international students

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  • 7/29/2019 Postgraduate Guide for Indonesia AusAID International Students

    1/58AustrAliA ChinA indiA itAly MAlAysiA south AriCA

    PgaaeCe Ge 2013 2014 AAid ieaa se


    eve p.

  • 7/29/2019 Postgraduate Guide for Indonesia AusAID International Students


    W ce Ma?Gba ecg. Our degrees are globally recognised,giving our graduates an extra edge helping them thrive

    in the international job market.

    Pege. You get a qualifcation rom a Group o Eightuniversity

    Expee. Undertake your course under the leadershipand supervision o world-class scholars.

    Cce. Monash oers one o Australias most

    comprehensive ranges o postgraduate courses

    Cec. Monash is connected throughpartnerships and alliances with universities in North

    America, Europe, the UK, Asia and Arica. We also havea global network o campuses and centres.

    reevace.As a research-intensive university, ourcourses are designed using the latest research andindustry developments

    Monash is based in Melbourne, Australia the worldsmost liveable city




  • 7/29/2019 Postgraduate Guide for Indonesia AusAID International Students


    There are all kinds o brilliant in the world. Some can fll trophy cabinets, while

    others can fll bank accounts. But the kind o brilliant we believe in is the one thatmakes a dierence. From pioneering the creation o lie through IVF, to helping

    shape the careers o uture leaders, it can achieve anything. Thats why we nurturebrilliant by giving our students the knowledge, confdence and resources to do

    things they never thought possible. Thats not only what brilliant needs, but whatit deserves. And thats why Monash University is where brilliant begins.



    PhArMACy AndPhArMACEutiCAlsCiEnCEs

    BusinEss AndEConoMiCs






    MEdiCinE,nursinG And

    hEAlth sCiEnCEs










    CRICOS provider: Monash University 00008C.

    CRICOS provider: Monash College Pty Ltd 01857J Monash University 2012, all rights reserved.This publ ication reects presc riptions, policy andpractice in orce as at September 2012 and takes noaccount o developments and changes made sincethat date.

    2 Global reach,global reputation

    4 Living in Melbourne

    5 Studying in Melbourne

    6 More opportunities inmore places

    8 Study options

    9Making a dierence

    10 Support

    How to use this guide

    This guide provides you with an overviewo the Universitys courses, as well asinormation about lie on campus, studyoptions, accommodation choices, andmore. You should also explore the Monashwebsite at ormore detailed and updated inormationabout courses and study opportunitieslisted in this guide.

    Monash online

    Homepage Finder

    International students

    Monash on YouTube

    Monash speaks your language




    Vit Nam

    AustrAliA ChinA indiA itAly MAlAysiA southAfriCA




  • 7/29/2019 Postgraduate Guide for Indonesia AusAID International Students


    Ma acve ceMa a paepw 16 eag vee n Ameca, Epe,Aca a Aa.

    te w top CEOsae me ke hireMagraduatesThe New York Times, ocbe 2011

    Brilliant beeae beg ee.te scp Bak Pwe iex aame Ma a pwe ,cmmeg ceea a aacg pa Aaa CEo.

    scp Bak Pwe iex 2012

    60,000+Ma e wwe22

  • 7/29/2019 Postgraduate Guide for Indonesia AusAID International Students


    QS World University Rankingsby subject 2012

    The Good

    Universities Guide

    (2013), Aaa

    m aave


    ve ag

    pbca, a

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    maxmm ce

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    Acaemc rakg W uvee 2012

    Ma uve a membe AaaGp Eg. te gp membe pceme a 70% a bac research ccea a Aaa pbc vee

    6in the world

    15in the world16

    in the world21in the world28

    in the world






    18 subjects are ranked in the top 50






    61in the world overallQs W uve rakg 2012











    Ma a ve-a p . t meawe ae j w-ca, b a ee ea wc e ve be e a acwwe w ape.


  • 7/29/2019 Postgraduate Guide for Indonesia AusAID International Students




    Melbourne is consistently votedone o the best places to livein the world. The city is a rich,multicultural landscape o ideas,skills and personalities. The peopleare cosmopolitan, un-loving andriendly.

    The city has something or all tastes.

    From calm parks and gardens to theedgy arts and music scene.

    Melbourne is also Australiasrestaurant capital, with more than3000 restaurants and caes, oeringcuisines rom around the world.

    And, i you like sport, there arelocal competitions in all sports and regular international events,including:

    Formula One Grand Prix

    The Australian Tennis Open

    Australian Rules Football

    Melbourne Cup and Caulfeld Cup

    Rip Curl Surfng Titles

    Australian International Air Show International Test Cricket



    Melbourne has a long-held reputationor welcoming international studentsand providing them with memorablestudy experiences.

    It oers a high standard o living, andfrst-class education, health care,public transport, employment rates,saety and security.

    *In a ranking o 140 cities all around the world, Melbourne ranked as the worlds most liveable city

    (Economist Intelligence Unit 2012). This ranking is based on standards o education, inrastructure,

    culture and environment, healthcare and stability.


  • 7/29/2019 Postgraduate Guide for Indonesia AusAID International Students


    FREE MonAsh se B

    During the academic year, aree Monash Shuttle busservice runs in bothdirections rom:

    _ Clayton to Berwick

    _ Clayton to Caulfeld

    _ Clayton to Peninsula

    _ Frankston Station toPeninsula

    Pbc B

    All Austral ian campuses

    are accessible by publictransport. Public transporttimetables and mapscan be ound


    Parking is available at or nearall Australian campuses.

    Ca pg

    Monash Rideshare is acarpooling scheme orstudents and sta traveling toBerwick, Caulfeld, Claytonand Peninsula. Car poolersare eligible or ree parking.


    For details o local bicyclepaths and bicycle lanes,reer to the Bicycle Victoria

    website at bicycle parkingis provided at all campuses.


    Monash Residential Services(MRS) can help guide you in yoursearch whether you decide to liveon or o-campus. For moreinormation on accommodation,visit ortelephone +61 3 9905 6200.


    Living on-campus oers certaintyand security or students livingaway rom home. It is also a greatway to concentrate on your studiesand youre part o a community opeople also committed to theircourses. The closing date orlodging applications or theollowing year is 30 November.

    o-camp accmma

    O-campus accommodationoptions include student hostels,ull board/homestay, part board,private apartments and privatehouses. For a list o suburbs nearcampuses, visit

    The Housing Advisory Service,part o Monash ResidentialServices, assists students withinormation and advice abouto-campus accommodation.


    City of Melbourne











    20 km5 km 50 km 170 km

    Monash University,Victorian campuses







    100 km

    a studying Mebe

  • 7/29/2019 Postgraduate Guide for Indonesia AusAID International Students



    Monash University has six Australiancampuses, campuses in Malaysiaand South Arica, a Joint GraduateSchool in China, centres in Prato, Italyand Mumbai, India and a network opartners across the globe.

    MonashSouth Arica


    Ma camp ca Ma excage ca


    Berwick is a small, riendly campuswith about 2000 students about 40minutes south east o Melbourne. Itis a fve-minute walk rom the hearto Berwicks specialty shops, caesand business services.


    Clayton is the largest o the

    Universitys campuses. It combinesa vibrant research, technology andmanuacturing precinct withfrst-rate sporting acilities, shops,a student centre, libraries, a postofce, banks, medical services andreligious centres. The campus canbe reached by public transportutilising an extensive bus networkcombined with train stations insurrounding suburbs.


    Caulfeld is the second largestMonash campus, with about13,000 students. It is the maincentre or the aculties o Businessand Economics, Art Design &Architecture, and InormationTechnology. Caulfeld is ninekilometres rom the Melbourne citycentre and adjacent to Caulfeldtrain station. The campus has agym, library and caes, and is close

    to several shopping

  • 7/29/2019 Postgraduate Guide for Indonesia AusAID International Students



    6 Victorian campuses


    Southeast University-MonashUniversity Joint GraduateSchool, China

    Sunway campusMalaysia

    IITB-Monash ResearchAcademy, India



    Located three kilometres northo Melbournes city centre, theParkville campus houses theFaculty o Pharmacy andPharmaceutical Sciences, withfrst-class teaching acilities,innovative learning spaces andresearch laboratories. The campusis home to the Centre orMedication Use and Saety and theMonash Institute o Pharmaceutical

    Sciences, which comprises thelargest and most experiencedgroup o pharmaceutical scientistsin Australia.


    Monash Gippsland is theUniversitys only regional campus situated about a two-hour driverom Melbourne. Eight o the 10Monash aculties are representedon campus, providing a broad arrayo undergraduate and postgraduateacademic programs and researchactivities. Home to 2000 on-campus students, 5000 o-campusstudents and nearly 400 sta, the

    campus is valued as a place tostudy and live away rom thepressures o city lie. It is easilyaccessible by a bus connectionrom Morwell train station or by car.


    The Peninsula campus is aboutan hours drive south o Melbourne,between the bay and the beach.It is a centre or nursing andparamedic training and earlychildhood and primary education,and is also being developed as acentre or health science research.There is a bus connection toFrankston train station, and a reeshuttle bus runs between Peninsula

    and Clayton campuses.

    sz, Ca

    Following recent endorsement byChinas Ministry o Education, theSoutheast University-MonashUniversity Joint Graduate School(Suzhou) will ofcially welcome itsfrst students this year. Located inSuzhou, near Shanghai, theGraduate School will eaturepostgraduate courses in a rangeo disciplines includingnanotechnology, biomedicine,environmental science,transportation, industrial design,economics, and sotware, thermaland mechanical engineering.Monash University is the frstAustralian universi ty to be granteda licence to operate in China.

    swa, Maaa

    Monash University Sunway campuswas the frst international campus o

    Monash University.The campus o ers state-o-the-ar tteaching and learning inrastructureto almost 4000 students. There arespecialised laboratories or variousfelds o study. The Universityprovides fnancial assistance orintercampus student exchangebetween Malaysia and Australia.

    s Aca

    The South Arica campus isdedicated to educating the utureleaders o Arica. The campus islocated on a 100-hectare site inRuimsig, a growing suburb 23 kmrom the Johannesburg city centre.Students at the campus beneftrom small classes, advancedacilities and state-o-the-arttechnology. There is a strongvolunteering ethic on the campus.

    Many students give up their reetime to help disadvantaged childrenwith their school work.

    Pa Cee, ia

    The Prato Centre, near Florence,hosts short and semester-lengthcourses and seeks to develop andexpand Australias connections withuniversities, governments, culturalorganisations and industry inEurope. It has also beenestablished to develop and expandthe opportunities or Monash andother Australian students to studyoverseas. It is an ideal venue orworkshops, seminars andconerences.

    iitB-Ma reeacAcaem, ia

    The IITB-Monash ResearchAcademy, based in Mumbai, Indiais an exciting partnership betweenthe Indian Institute o TechnologyBombay (IITB) and MonashUniversity two o the worlds

    leading educational and researchinstitutions. Together IITB andMonash are taking a collaborativeapproach to multidisciplinaryresearch that can deliver highimpact,integrated solutionsto complex research problemsor industry, government and thebroader research community.The Academy wil l be located ina purpose-built, modern acilitylocated at the Powaii campuso IITB.

    o-campI work or amily commitmentsprevent you rom attending one oour campuses, consider studyingo-campus. Please note, theAustralian Government does notgrant international student visas orstudents studying o-campusprograms.

  • 7/29/2019 Postgraduate Guide for Indonesia AusAID International Students




    Cewk p

    Postgraduate coursework degreesat Monash are oered in alldisciplines. Many masters degreesare designed so you can exit earlywith a Graduate Diploma orGraduate Certifcate. In this way,i you need to withdraw rom studyor some reason, the work you havealready done will be recognised,and awarded a qualifcation.

    reeac p

    Monash oers research-basedpostgraduate degrees in alldisciplines. While the challengetakes commitment, drive,motivation and talent, the beneftsare enormous. It will enable you topursue a passion, working in asupportive environment withlike-minded people, and openincredible career opportunities.

    Cewk a eeac

    Combined degrees oer you theexibility to complete part o yourcourse by ollowing a unit-basedprogram, and part o it by completinga research thesis. It will allow you togrow through experiencing two verydierent methods o highereducation.

  • 7/29/2019 Postgraduate Guide for Indonesia AusAID International Students


    CRICOS Provider: Monash University 00008C

    Australia nChina nIndia n Italy n Malaysia n South Arica

    Accg The New York Times,

    e worlds top CEoae me ke hireMagraduates.

    In a recent study published in The New York Times*, more than 200 CEOsrom the worlds most successul companies rated Monash the topAustralian university rom which to hire graduates. So its no surprise ourgraduates enjoy one o the highest rates o employment in the country,making a Monash degree your frst step toward reaching great heights.

    *The New York Times (20 October 2011)


  • 7/29/2019 Postgraduate Guide for Indonesia AusAID International Students


    Makg a

    differenceMonash is a university that seeks to make a dierence.We judge our research not only by its academicexcellence, but by the impact it has on the communitieswe engage with and serve.

    We have always recognised that our work does not end atthe Eureka! moment. It continues until we have ound away to turn our breakthrough into a change or the better.

    Our research today

    Today our ambition and optimismare stronger than ever. We havea clear vision o what we wantour research to achieve and howwell help our researchers makeit happen.

    Although we conduct researchacross over 150 felds o studywe ocus on a number ospecialisations. We call these our

    leading capabilities.Weve grouped these capabilitiesinto our categories:

    health and wellbeing

    uture technologies

    sustainable environments

    resilient cultures and communities

    Our research tradition

    Even beore we became theglobal university we are today,our researchers looked beyondtraditional boundaries, creating newrontiers and discovering new wayso approaching the felds in whichthey worked. Its why a Monasheducation is respected around theworld. Things that we now take orgranted would not exist without theinitial work o Monash researchers:

    i-v eaPegac

    Proessors Alan Trounson and CarlWood achieved the worlds frst IVFpregnancy in 1973. The Trounsonand Wood team went on to achieveAustralias frst (and the worldsourth) successul IVF bir th in 1980.

    ifeza eame

    In 1986, a team rom our Facultyo Pharmacy and PharmaceuticalSciences (ormerly the VictorianCollege o Pharmacy) designedand synthesised the anti-u drug,Relenza. Relenza frst becameavailable in Australia in 1999 andis now used globally.

    ra ae (eabe)

    In 1964, work by Monashresearchers led to the worlds frstlaws requiring that seatbelts beinstalled in all new cars. Dramaticdecreases in road deaths andinjuries ollowed immediately.

    nbe Peace Pze

    In 2007, eight scientists romMonash University shared inthe prestige o the 2007 NobelPeace Prize, awarded jointly to theIntergovernmental Panel on ClimateChange and ormer US Vice-President Al Gore.


    Our research specialisations:

    _ health and wellbeing

    _ uture technologies

    _ sustainable environments

    _ resilient cultures and communities

  • 7/29/2019 Postgraduate Guide for Indonesia AusAID International Students




    Our orientation serviceincorporates a series o programsto help students adjust to a newcountry, and fnd their way aroundcampus, not to mention thesurrounding community. Activitiesinclude visiting the localsupermarket, using publictransport, social events andriendship programs.

    se pp

    Monash has services in place tohelp you adapt to and enjoy youruniversity lie as well as ulfll youracademic potential. StudentService Centres are located oneach o the Australian campuses.Sta can deal with your questionson admissions, enrolment, ees,examinations, graduations andscholarships.

    Ma PgaaeAca (MPA)

    All Monash postgraduate studentsautomatically become memberso the Monash PostgraduateAssociation. In addition to itsseminar program, the associationprovides services or postgraduatestudents, including:

    _ social unctions such as lunches,coee clubs and question-and-

    answer sessions_ newsletters and publications

    including Compass, MPA guideto postgraduate programs and aweekly MPA email news bulletin

    _ advice, advocacy and mediationon issues that postgraduatestudents may encounter duringtheir study

    _ representation on MonashUniversity and aculty committees

    _ seminars to help you make thetransition rom successul studyto a successul career, theseseminars address helpul topicslike publishing, timemanagement, careermanagement and writing skills.

    For details,

    Acaemc pp

    During their studies, students haveaccess to academic supportprograms to improve written andoral expression, reading, listeningand note-taking skills. Tutors areavailable to guide advancedstudents through researchmethodology, conerencepresentation and the best wayo submitting academic papers.

    e-reeac sevce

    The Monash e-Research Centreprovides all Monash researcherswith access to outstanding adviceand assistance to help youmanage your research projectsand data eectively and efciently.The centre can give you theadvice, inormation and assistanceyou need to help you identiy,speciy, develop and confgureIT tools, data managementsystems and practices, to meetyour specifc needs.

    am pp

    Monash Family and Child caresupports international studentswith children, or amilies who arestudying at Monash. Advice isavailable regarding childcare,primary school, playgroups, schoolholiday care and other child andamily support issues. Socialevents or international studentswith amilies are held throughoutthe year.


    Each Monash campus eaturesa Health, Wellbeing andDevelopment Hub that oerssupport, inormation and adviceto international students on a widerange o issues including settlinginto lie in Australia:

    _ settling into lie in Australia,

    _ cultural adjustment

    _ student visa

    _ healthcare_ fnding your way around campus

    _ study and lie balance issues

    A postgraduate degree takes commitment and drive.To help you maintain the momentum you build, we help putyou in touch with like-minded people. To share inormation.To build networks. To get the support to keep you going.

    Monash helps students settle into university lie byproviding an extensive range o support programs

    and services.


  • 7/29/2019 Postgraduate Guide for Indonesia AusAID International Students



    For the most up-to-date inormation on our course oerings go to

    Wa me ce ? sca ee


    A a gace

    _ ieaa ocus: Studyoptions on our Australiancampuses and our internationallocations: China, Malaysia, SouthArica and Prato, Italy. The acultyhas exchange agreements with120 universities throughout theworld.

    _ Excellent resources: One othe worlds largest collections oonline databases with 243,838e-books, 33,991 e-serials and798 electronic databases.

    _ Flexibility: O-campus studyavailable, both part-time andull-time. Study across disciplineswith another aculty or make it adouble degree.

    dbe Mae taase

    The Double Master in TranslationStudies is a collaboration between

    the Monash Translation Studiesprogram and the English Studiesdepartment at Jean MoulinUniversity (Lyon, France). Thistwo-year degree is aimed at Frenchand Australian students who wishto become translators. Courses arebased on theory and practice andare taught collaboratively byacademics and proessionaltranslators.

    For two years, students arecompletely immersed in the twolanguages and cultures, taking oneull year o courses in Australia and

    another in France. A special eatureo the degree is the opportunity towork in industry or several months

    with proessional translatorsproviding key contacts andexcellent career opportunities.Graduates qualiy with two mastersdegrees.

    The Monash Translation Studiesprogram is approved by NAATI(National Accreditation Authorityor Translators and Interpreters).

    reeac exceece

    _ Broad supervision: As one o thelargest arts aculties in Australia,we have the capacity to supervisealmost any topic. We can alsooer supervisory teams acrossdisciplines and in collaborationwith universities throughoutthe world.

    _ Research support programsunique to Arts: We provide arange o highly successulprograms to help our researchstudents achieve standards o

    excellence. This includesinitiatives such as the Trickso the Trade seminar seriesand Graduate Researchersin Print program.

    Eqe1800 [email protected]

    Sunhine KamaloniPhD

    Sunshine is the current President o the Monash PostgraduateAssociation. Origina lly rom Zambia, she commenced herundergraduate studies at Monash South Arica beoretranserring to the Monash Caulfeld campus in Melbourne.

    Drawing on her own experience as a Black Arican woman livingin Australia, Sunshines research is ocused on highlightingthe complex ways in which race and racism continue to besustained in mundane interactions and how people individuallyand collectively experience these things.


  • 7/29/2019 Postgraduate Guide for Indonesia AusAID International Students


    A Cece


    Camp Mmm eace eqeme ae ma

    iake 2013ee (A$)



    Cewk egee

    Graduate Diploma in Applied Linguistics

    Proessionals who know how language works and how it can

    be utilised in a multitude o situations are highly-valued in

    the workplace. This course oers students an introduction

    to undamental areas o applied linguistics, research training

    and opportunities to specialise in such areas as second/

    oreign language acquisition, language teaching, language

    contact and intercultural communication. It provides excellent

    preparation or urther studies in the application o linguistics

    to proessional and social contexts oered in the masters


    The Graduate Diploma in Applied Linguistics is available in

    the ollowing streams: General Applied Linguistics (available

    both on and o-campus); Japanese Applied Linguistics,

    (on-campus students only); English as an International

    Language (on-campus students only).

    0010 1 year FT Clayton A bachelors degree in a related discipline or a related graduate

    certicate with a credit average.

    First Semester


    Second Semester


    26,500 A

    Master of Applied History

    This course is intended or students who wish to pursue

    careers in such elds as commissioned research and

    writing, heritage conservation and management, oral

    history, community, local and institutional history, museums

    and related areas. The course has excellent links with the

    heritage industry, other leading Australian universities and

    proessional historians working in these elds. Students can

    choose rom a wide range o electives including Australian

    history, environmental history, biography and lie writing,

    gender and history, and archaeology. The course includes

    a placement ocused on work experience and the building oproessional networks or a commissioned research project.

    3077 1.5 years FT Clayton A bachelors degree in a related discipline with a distinction average

    or a related graduate diploma with a distinction average.

    First Semester


    Second Semester


    26,500 A

    Master of Applied Linguistics

    Postgraduate linguistics ocuses on sociolinguistics

    (language in society), discourse studies and the applications

    o linguistics to language issues including the teaching

    and learning o languages, literacy, bilingualism, language

    policies, language planning and language endangerment.

    The Master o Applied Linguistics is available in the ollowing

    streams: General Applied Linguistics; Japanese Applied

    Linguistics; English as an International Language.

    3769 1.5 years FT Clayton A bachelors degree with a credit average or a graduate diploma

    with a credit average.

    First Semester


    Second Semester


    26,500 A

    Master of Asian Studies

    Students gain knowledge about the cultures and societies o

    one or more o the many nations that orm the Asian region.

    With a broad range o electives to choose rom, students

    can design the course most relevant to their proessional

    and educational aspirations, be it in areas such as businessand law or the humanities. Throughout the course students

    are encouraged to engage critically with the notions o Asia

    and Asian values and to make an inormed assessment o

    past and current issues in the Asian region or in international

    relations within or with the region.

    3084 1.5 years FT Cauleld, Clayton A bachelors degree with a credit average or a graduate diploma

    with a credit average.

    First Semester


    Second Semester


    26,500 A

    Master of Bioethics

    This course provides an interdisciplinary education that is

    concerned with the ethical issues raised by medicine and the

    biomedical sciences. It is suited to health care proessionals,

    scientists who ace complex ethical issues in their working

    lives, those involved in developing public policy and law

    and those who are interested in exploring issues o public

    concern in greater depth. Studies cover questions o lie and

    death, ethical issues in patient care, legal issues in bioethics

    and ethical issues in proessional lie. Students who have

    completed at least one semester o the course are eligible to

    apply or an annual ellowship to work during the Australian

    summer as an intern in the human genetics program at theWorld Health Organisation in Geneva.

    0122 1 year FT Clayton A degree requiring the equivalent o not less than our years ul l-

    time study in an approved tertiary institution with at least a credit

    average in the nal year in medicine or any other health science;

    in law; the biological or social sciences; or in a branch o the

    humanities such as philosophy OR a degree requiring the equivalent

    o not less than three years ull-time study in an approved tertiary

    institution with at least a credit average in the nal year o the

    course in any o the elds reerred to above plus not less than three

    years o documented relevant practical experience at a senior level

    in a healthcare eld where ethical problems were a component o

    the duties undertaken OR qualications and experience which in

    the opinion o the Faculty Board are a suitable preparation or the

    candidates proposed eld o study OR a related graduate diplomawith a credit average.

    First Semester


    Second Semester


    26,500 A

    Master of Communications and Media Studies

    This program is designed to address the needs o those

    working, or aspiring to work, in the communications

    industry. It looks at the history, development and reception

    o traditional and new media both globally and with reerence

    to Australia, Malaysia and Singapore. Contemporary policy

    debates in these and other nations are studied as responses

    to changing processes o mediation and consumption. More

    widely, the degree aims to develop skills in communications

    and media research.

    3064 1.5 years FT Cauleld, Malaysia A bachelors degree with a credit average or a graduate diploma

    with a credit average.

    First Semester


    Second Semester


    26,500 A


  • 7/29/2019 Postgraduate Guide for Indonesia AusAID International Students


    A Cece


    Camp Mmm eace eqeme ae ma

    iake 2013ee (A$)



    Master of Counter-Terrorism Studies

    This course oers a rigorous course o study that examines

    terrorism and political violence in international politics.

    It provides a critical understanding o what terrorism is and

    how it is constructed and reproduced. It also addresses the

    diverse and multiaceted actors involved in enacting and

    preventing terrorism and other security concerns. The course

    is suited to proessionals working in law enorcement, public

    service, deence and diplomacy as well as those who are

    interested in pursuing postgraduate study. Studies cover

    terrorism (state, religious, revolutionary and right wing);

    the political, theological and intellectual bases o terrorism;political violence and political movements; and country and

    regional studies. Theoretical and empirical units that examine

    the international processes and events that uel and

    discourage terrorism provide urther context.

    3758 1.5 years FT Clayton A bachelors degree with a credit average or a graduate diploma

    with a credit average.

    First Semester


    Second Semester


    26,500 A

    Master of Cultural Arts

    The Master o Cultural Arts is an interdisciplinary degree

    designed to equip students with advanced knowledge and

    skills necessary or participating in and managing creative

    arts sectors and industries.

    4048 1.5 years FT Cauleld A bachelors degree with a credit average or a graduate diploma

    with a credit average. Applicants or the Creative Writing stream

    will also be required to submit a portolio to the course coordinator.

    First Semester


    Second Semester


    26,500 A

    Master of European and International Studies

    This interdisciplinary course explores the signicance o the

    European Union in the world. It investigates its political, legal,

    economic, social, humanitarian, environmental and security

    implications or the international system. Its goal is to provide

    proessionals or uture proessionals with a particular interest

    in the European region with a broad and deep understanding

    o the institutional ramework and policy-making processeso the European Union and its relations with non-EU

    countries. The course draws on a wide range o disciplines,

    oers a broad choice o core units and an extensive range

    o electives.

    3924 1.5 years FT Cauleld, Clayton A bachelors degree with a credit average or a graduate diploma

    with a credit average.

    First Semester


    Second Semester


    26,500 A

    Master of International Crisis Management

    This course aims to develop the required knowledge, skills

    and competencies or proessionals responding to complex

    emergencies and post-crisis management. It has been

    designed to meet the needs o proessionals or academic

    training in the currently neglected eld o complex crisis

    management, including the core issues o human security,

    confict and natural disasters.

    The course introduces students to the principles o multi-

    disciplinary crisis management through evidence-based case

    studies, and stresses the importance o a people-centred

    approach and a sound understanding o relevant issues

    such as human rights, vulnerable groups and sustainability.A special eature o this course is its inter-disciplinary

    approach allowing students to select a course most relevant

    to their proessional and educational aspirations, be they in

    areas such as medicine, business, engineering, law or the


    4051 1.5 years FT Cauleld A bachelors degree with a credit average or a graduate diploma

    with a credit average.

    First Semester


    Second Semester


    32,640 A

    Master of International Relations

    This course allows graduates in politics or cognate disciplines

    to explore the many issues raised by the rapidly changing

    nature o the contemporary international system. It is

    particularly suitable or those interested in pursuing careers

    in areas such as government, diplomacy, business, teaching

    and journalism. It pays particular attention to relationships

    among major powers and to developments in Australias

    regions. Units covering areas including international security

    and regional politics provide a thorough grounding in the

    principal theoretical approaches in international relations

    and the ways in which these approaches may be used to

    analyse issues.

    3093 1.5 years FT Clayton A bachelors degree with a credit average or a graduate diploma

    with a credit average.

    First Semester


    Second Semester


    26,500 A

    Master of Interpreting and Translation Studies

    The Master o Interpreting and Translation Studies is suited

    to students with advanced bilingual prociency and aims

    to develop their interpreting and translation skills while

    raising awareness o practical and theoretical approaches to

    translation/interpreting practice and studies.Students gain

    a oundation in theories o translation and interpreting and

    receive training in research on these areas. The core units

    provide intensive language-specic practice in written and

    oral transer skills to the NAATI proessional level.

    3921 1.5 years FT Clayton A bachelors degree in a related discipline with a credit average

    or a related graduate diploma with a credit average. The level o

    language competence should be the equivalent o at least three

    years post-VCE study.

    First Semester


    26,500 H

    Master of Islamic Studies

    This course oers a broad and comparative introduction to

    the social, historical and political aspects o Islam. It covers a

    range o areas and disciplines such as international relations

    theories and practice, human rights, international business

    and concepts o nationalism and post-colonialism. Thehistory o Islam and its civilisation, diversity o thoughts and

    interpretations, geographical spread, challenges o modernity

    and globalisation and the practice o Islam in the west is


    4003 1.5 years FT Cauleld A bachelors degree in a related discipline with a credit average or

    a related graduate diploma with a credit average.

    First Semester


    Second Semester


    26,500 A


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    A Cece


    Camp Mmm eace eqeme ae ma

    iake 2013ee (A$)



    Master of Journalism

    Students develop advanced literacy skills (written, oral,

    computing, visual, televisual, digital), proessional skills in the

    crat o media writing and production, advanced proessional

    knowledge o legal issues and ethics relating to journalism

    and publishing or the mass market, and high levels o

    communication and negotiation skills. An extensive critical

    understanding o the theory o the role o the Fourth Estate

    in comparative media systems, investigative skills applicable

    to a media workplace, amiliarity with changing technologies

    including convergence and multimedia in the journalism

    workplace, and advanced inormation management skills aredeveloped. In addition, students develop a demonstrated

    ability to apply skills o judgment, interpretation, analysis,

    and critical thought.

    3932 1.5 years FT Cauleld A bachelors degree with a credit average or a graduate diploma

    with a credit average.

    First Semester


    Second Semester


    26,500 C

    Master of Journalism and Master of Business

    The Master o Journalism and Master o Business provides

    a comprehensive introduction to Australian and international

    business and an entry-level qualication or a proessional

    journalism career, and a mid-career course or working

    journalists/ business people seeking to extend their expertise

    and reresh the intellectual basis o their practice. It has a

    national and international orientation designed to optimise

    the contribution graduates will make to their proessions

    using a ull range o media and business practices and


    4054 2 years FT Cauleld A bachelors degree with a credit average or a graduate diploma

    with a credit average.

    Prerequisite : A Weighted Average Mark (WAM) o 65 per cent, or

    equivalent Grade Point Average (GPA) as determined by the Faculty.

    First Semester


    Second Semester


    34,000 C

    Master of Journalism and Master of European and

    International Studies

    The Master o Journalism and Master o European andInternational Studies provides a comprehensive introduction

    to European society and culture, the European Union and its

    relations with non-EU countries, regions and international

    organisations. It also provides an entry-level qualication

    or a proessional journalism career, or a mid-career course

    or working journalists seeking to extend their expertise

    and reresh the international basis o their practice. It has

    a national and international orientation designed to optimise

    the contribution graduates will make to their proession using

    a ull range o media technologies.

    4092 2 years FT Cauleld A bachelors degree with a credit average or a graduate diploma

    with a credit average.

    First Semester


    Second Semester(July)

    26,500 C

    Master of Journalism and Master of International


    The Master o Journalism and Master o International

    Relations provides a comprehensive introduction to the

    nature o the international political system and some o

    the key issues in contemporary international relations, an

    entry-level qualication or a proessional journalism career,and a mid-career course or working journalists seeking to

    extend their expertise and reresh the intellectual basis o

    their practice. It has a national and international orientation

    designed to optimize the contribution graduates will make

    to their proession using a ull range o media technologies

    and insights into approaches to international relations.

    4063 2 years FT Cauleld A bachelors degree with a credit average or a graduate diploma

    with a credit average.

    First Semester


    Second Semester


    26,500 C

    Master of Journalism and Master of Sustainability

    The Master o Journalism and Master o Sustainability

    provides a comprehensive introduction to environmental

    sustainability and sustainable development, and an entry-

    level qualication or a proessional journalism career, and

    a mid-career course or working journalists seeking to

    extend their expertise and reresh the intellectual basis o

    their practice. It has an international orientation designed

    to optimize the contribution graduates will make to their

    proession using a ull range o media technologies.

    The Master o Sustainability portion o the course oers

    a choice o three distinct streams:_ Environment and Sustainability

    _ Corporate Environmental and Sustainability Management

    _ International Development and Environmental Analysis

    4057 2 years FT Cauleld, Clayton A bachelors degree with a credit average or a graduate diploma

    with a credit average.

    First Semester


    Second Semester


    26,500 C

    Master of Publishing and Editing

    The publishing industry is a signicant employer o

    tertiary-educated and otherwise highly skilled sta in the

    long-established book and magazine sectors, and now also

    in the electronic publishing sector. This program provides

    editorial and management skills or those wishing to become

    involved in scholarly, commercial, educational, academic

    and corporate publishing, and/or to urther their careers

    and aspirations in publishing, or to establish their own small

    business. The course provides an overview o Australian

    publishing and its international connections and a variety

    o vocationally oriented special knowledge and skill-based

    units. Please note that all classes or this course are held

    in the city.

    2183 1.5 years FT Cauleld A bachelors degree with a credit average or a graduate diploma

    with a credit average.

    First Semester


    Second Semester


    26,500 A


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    A Cece


    Camp Mmm eace eqeme ae ma

    iake 2013ee (A$)



    Master of Sustainability

    This interdisciplinary course is designed to meet the needs

    o graduates rom a wide range o backgrounds who wish

    to enhance their qualications or careers in environmental

    sustainability, corporate sustainability management, or

    sustainable development, encompassing policy and analysis,

    planning, consulting, education, advocacy and management.

    It is also designed or those who wish to broaden and deepen

    their understanding and experience to enable societal,

    organisational and individual change and responsible

    action to support sustainability both domestically and

    internationally. The Master o Sustainability comprises threedistinct streams: Environment and Sustainability;Corporate

    and Environmental Sustainability Management; International

    Development and Environmental Analysis. All three streams

    oer a research or internship project component, which

    provide students the opportunity to work in interdisciplinary

    real-world contexts to combine theory and practice

    in responding to local and global issues at individual,

    community, corporate and government levels.

    3783 1.5 years FT Clayton A bachelors degree with a credit average or a graduate diploma

    with a credit average.

    First Semester


    Second Semester


    26,500 A

    Master of Tourism

    The course has been designed to equip students with

    the skills required to develop or extend a career in the

    tourism (or associated) industry. A strong industry ocus

    allows students to critically evaluate tourism rom diverse

    perspectives and immediately apply theoretical knowledge

    to practical situations. Students complete our core units

    and two electives. Units covered may include marketing

    and international marketing, cultural tourism, development

    and planning, e-commerce, inormation technology,environmental studies, cross-cultural and regional studies

    and communications.

    3067 1.5 years FT Cau leld A bachelor s degree wi th a c redi t average or a graduate diploma

    with a credit average.

    First Semester


    Second Semester


    26,500 A

    Postgraduate Diploma in Arts (Research)

    This course provides a transition between the bachelors

    degree and research masters or PhD. Students gain the

    knowledge and skills necessary or higher research in their

    chosen discipline.

    3937 1 year FT Cau leld, C layton ,

    Gippsland, Malaysia

    A bachelors degree or equivalent. First Semester


    Second Semester


    26,500 A

    degee b eeac a cewk

    Master of Arts by Research and Coursework

    This combined degree allows students the fexibility to

    complete part o the course by ollowing a unit-based

    program and part o the course by completing a research

    thesis. Students complete coursework in their rst semester,

    then have one year to write a thesis o 20,000 to 25,000

    words on a chosen topic.

    2846 1.5 years FT Cauleld, Clayton A our year Australian or New Zealand bachelors degree with an

    overall result o H2A or above (normally with a research component

    in the ourth year) or; an Australian or New Zealand masters

    preliminary qualication with a signicant research component

    and with an overall result o H2A or above or; an Australian or

    New Zealand coursework masters degree with a signicant

    research component graded at Distinction or above, and an overall

    result o Distinction or above or; an Australian or New Zealand

    research masters degree with an overall result o H2A or above or;

    a qualication considered equivalent to one o the above.

    Note: Applicants who have completed an Australian postgraduate

    coursework degree without a research component but have

    achieved at least a Distinction result or 75 per cent o the total

    course may be admitted into the 66 per cent research masters

    degree, provided they are enrolled in a 12-point research project

    unit as part o the degree requirements o 24-points coursework


    First Semester


    Second Semester


    26,500 J

    Master of Arts (Music Performance)

    This course oers students the opportunity to undertake

    a project on an approved topic in music perormance

    research by preparing a well-researched, high-quality recital

    perormance o challenging works that are recorded and

    submitted as part o a portolio along with a program booklet

    and explanatory research essay. On completion, students

    should have developed instrumental or vocal perormanceskills to the level required or proessional perormance,

    as well as appropriate skills in research and writing.

    3059 1.5 years FT Clayton A our year Australian or New Zealand bachelors degree with an

    overall result o H2A or above (normally with a research component

    in the ourth year) or; an Australian or New Zealand masters

    preliminary qualication with a signicant research component

    and with an overall result o H2A or above or; an Australian or

    New Zealand coursework masters degree with a signicant

    research component graded at Distinction or above, and an overall

    result o Distinction or above or; an Australian or New Zealandresearch masters degree with an overall result o H2A or above

    or; a qualication considered equivalent to one o the above

    (a minimum o a bachelors degree with substantial proessional

    experience in the eld in the orm o publications, perormances

    and collaborations that may be evaluated by a group o peers

    who are experts in their respective elds).

    Note: Applicants who have completed an Australian postgraduate

    coursework degree without a research component but have

    achieved at least a Distinction result or 75 per cent o the total

    course may be admitted into the 66 per cent research masters

    degree, provided they are enrolled in a 12-point research project

    unit as part o the degree requirements o 24-point coursework


    First Semester


    Second Semester


    26,500 J


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    A Cece


    Camp Mmm eace eqeme ae ma

    iake 2013ee (A$)



    Master of Environmental Science by Research and


    Research emphasises the processes behind human-

    environment interactions, the development o policy, and

    the implementation o management strategies avourable

    to the environment. The program oers a primary insight

    into the nature o the environmental issues through core

    coursework units involving interdisciplinary research and

    an understanding o the social construction o the issues.

    2702 1.5 years FT C layton A our year Austral ian o r New Zea land bache lo rs degree with an

    overall result o H2A or above (normally with a research component

    in the ourth year) or; an Australian or New Zealand masters

    preliminary qualication with a signicant research component

    and with an overall result o H2A or above or; an Australian or New

    Zealand coursework masters degree with a signicant research

    component graded at Distinction or above, and an overall result

    o Distinction or above or; an Australian or New Zealand research

    masters degree with an overall result o H2A or above or; a

    qualication considered equivalent to one o the above.

    Note: Applicants who have completed an Australian postgraduate

    coursework degree without a research component but haveachieved at least a Distinction result or 75 per cent o the total

    course may be admitted into the 66 per cent research masters

    degree, provided they are enrolled in a 12-point research project

    unit as part o the degree requirements o 24-points coursework


    First Semester


    26,500 J

    reeac egee

    Doctor of Philosophy

    The PhD program oered by the Faculty o Arts enables

    students to complete extensive, independent research under

    the supervision o an expert academic. When completed, this

    research must make a valuable contribution to the current

    body o knowledge on their chosen topic.

    0020 4 years FT Cauleld, Clayton,

    Gippsland, Malaysia

    A our year Australian or New Zealand bachelors degree with an

    overall result o H2A or above (normally with a research component

    in the ourth year)or; an Australian or New Zealand masters

    preliminary qualication with a signicant research component

    and with an overall result o H2A or above or; an Australian or

    New Zealand coursework masters degree with a signicant

    research component graded at Distinction or above, and an overall

    result o Distinction or above or; an Australian or New Zealand

    research masters degree with an overall result o H2A or above or;

    a qualication considered equivalent to one o the above.


    the year

    26,500 K

    Doctor of Philosophy (Creative Writing)

    This course is designed to enable candidates to engage

    intellectually with their creative process and to acquire a

    proessional qualication in the area o creative writing.

    Candidates are required to submit a piece o their own

    creative writing which may be in the orm o a novel, a group

    o short stories, a play or group o plays, a sequence o

    poems, or a portolio o works o various genres. Candidates

    are also required to submit a critical commentary ocused on

    their piece o creative writing.

    3940 4 years FT Clayton A our year Austral ian or New Zealand bachelors degree with an

    overall result o H2A or above (normally with a research component

    in the ourth year) or; an Australian or New Zealand masters

    preliminary qualication with a signicant research component

    and with an overall result o H2A or above or; an Australian or New

    Zealand coursework masters degree with a signicant research

    component graded at Distinction or above, and an overall result

    o Distinction or above or; an Australian or New Zealand research

    masters degree with an overall result o H2A or above or; a

    qualication considered equivalent to one o the above.


    the year

    26,500 J

    Doctor of Philosophy (Music Composition)

    This course is designed or composers to develop a

    research-based composition olio that makes an independent

    and original contribution to knowledge.

    In consultation with a supervisor, candidates will plan

    and develop a substantial research-based olio o original


    4067 4 years FT Clayton A our year Austral ian and New Zealand bachelors degree with an

    overall result o H2A or above (normally with a research component

    in the ourth year) or; an Australian and New Zealand masters

    preliminary qualication with a signicant research component

    and with an overall result o H2A or above or; an Australian and

    New Zealand coursework masters degree with a signicant

    research component graded at Distinction or above, and an overall

    result o Distinction or above or; an Australian and New Zealandresearch masters degree with an overall result o H2A or above

    or; a qualication considered equivalent to one o the above (a

    minimum o a bachelors degree with substantial proessional

    experience in the eld in the orm o publications, perormances

    and collaborations that may be evaluated by a group o peers who

    are experts in their respective elds).

    Note: I applicants have obtained the above minimum qualications

    without having undertaken composition units at either honours or

    masters qualiying levels, students need to demonstrate their ability

    to compose through the submission o at least two original musical

    works to the satisaction o the schools coordinator o composition.


    the year

    26,500 K


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    A Cece


    Camp Mmm eace eqeme ae ma

    iake 2013ee (A$)



    Doctor of Philosophy (Music Performance)

    This course requires candidates to develop and present

    a live perormance in a public venue, and submit a written

    critical commentary on their work. The perormance will

    embody the results o the research investigation, which

    will be into the contexts, aesthetic elements and theoretical

    infuences o the project. The commentary will address

    perormance context and methodology and demonstrate how

    the perormance research contributes towards the body o

    scholarly knowledge.

    4088 4 years FT Clayton One o the ol lowing qualicat ions in music perormance or a

    related eld as well as substantial documented proessional

    experience in the eld: a our-year Australian or New Zealand

    bachelors degree with an overall result o H2A or above (normally

    with a research component in the ourth year) or, an Australian or

    New Zealand masters preliminary qualication with a signicant

    research component and with an overall result o H2A or above or,

    an Australian or New Zealand coursework masters degree with

    a signicant research component graded at Distinction or above,

    and an overall result o H2A or above or, an Australian or New

    Zealand research masters degree with an overall result o H2A or

    above or, a qualication considered equivalent to one o the above(a minimum o a Bachelors degree with substantial proessional

    experience in the eld in the orm o publications, perormances

    and collaborations that may be evaluated by a group o peers who

    are experts in their respective elds).

    Applicants will be required to perorm a 30-minute audition ollowed

    by a 30-minute interview. In the case o overseas or interstate

    applicants, a video recording o a perormance will be accepted

    or consideration in lieu o an audition. With regard to the audition

    process, two reerences are required rom reerees who can speak

    to both an applicants academic training as well as perormance


    Applicants must also submit evidence o practical work in the

    eld in a portolio which will include the ollowing:

    1. A representative selection o the candidates perormance

    work, in the practice genre in which the candidate proposes

    to work (i.e. audio and/or visual recordings).

    2 A research proposal o two to three pages addressing the

    ollowing headingsi. Research question

    ii. Background to the research

    iii. Aims o the research

    iv. Methodologies o the research

    v. Examples o comparative practice as research and

    associated literature

    vi. Proposed structure o the perormance project

    3. A covering letter explaining the candidates interest in the

    degree and a CV outlining the candidates proessional

    interests, previous perormance projects, and publications

    i any.


    the year

    26,500 K

    Doctor of Philosophy (Theatre Performance)

    The course aims to equip students with a sophisticated

    understanding o the real world application o their research.

    It appeals to a broad range o candidates including theatre

    proessionals, practitioners, educators, honours students and

    those who want to advance their knowledge and skills in

    areas such as: creating perormance work or proessional

    production; understanding the mechanics o perormance

    making and theatrical production and; exploring

    methodologies o practice as research in perormance

    (an area recognised as cutting edge in international

    theatre and perormance studies).

    4066 4 years FT Cauleld, Clayton One o the ollowing qualications in Theatre, Perorming Arts or

    a related discipline as well as substantial documented proessional

    experience in the eld: a our-year Australian or New Zealand

    bachelors degree with an overall result o H2A or above (normally

    with a research component in the ourth year) or; an Australian or

    New Zealand masters preliminary qualication with a signicant

    research component and with an overall result o H2A or above or;

    an Australian or New Zealand coursework masters degree with

    a signicant research component graded at Distinction or above,

    and an overall result o H2A or above or; an Australian or New

    Zealand research masters degree with an overall result o H2A or

    above or; a qualication considered equivalent to one o the above

    (a minimum o a bachelors degree with substantial proessional

    experience in the eld).


    the year

    26,500 K

    Doctor of Philosophy (Translation Studies)

    The PhD in Translation Studies oered at Monash University

    is the rst o its kind in Australia. Translation Studies at

    Monash adopts an interdisciplinary approach and introduces

    candidates to the methodologies o practice as research.

    Candidates are required to submit a body o translated

    work together with a critical exegesis. While its ocus is on

    the theory and practice o translation, it draws upon a wide

    variety o elds including language, culture and literarystudies, linguistics, semiotics, media and technology,

    science, nance and the law.

    The main languages available are, Chinese (Mandarin),

    French, German, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean,

    and Spanish. The ollowing languages are subject to sta

    availability: Arabic, Croatian, Russian, Serbian and Ukrainian.

    4080 4 years FT Cauleld, Clayton A our-year Australian or New Zealand bachelors degree with an

    overall result o H2A or above (normally with a research component

    in the ourth year) or; an Australian or New Zealand masters

    preliminary qualication with a signicant research component

    and with an overall result o H2A or above or; an Australian or

    New Zealand coursework masters degree with a signicant

    research component graded at Distinction or above, and an overall

    result o H2A or above or; an Australian or New Zealand research

    masters degree with an overall result o H2A or above or; aqualication considered equivalent to one o the above (a minimum

    o a bachelors degree with substantial proessional experience in

    the eld).


    the year

    26,500 J

    Master of Arts

    The Master o Arts degree by 100% research enables

    students to undertake substantial independent research on

    a chosen topic while under the supervision o an academic.

    Students oten complete the masters by research because

    they would like to continue on to a PhD.

    2695 2 years FT Cauleld, Clayton,

    Gippsland, Malaysia

    The minimum qualications or admission to 100 per cent research

    masters candidature are: a our-year Australian or New Zealand

    bachelors degree with an overall result o H2A or above (normally

    with a research component in the ourth year)or; an Australian or

    New Zealand masters preliminary qualication with a signicant

    research component and with an overall result o H2A or above or;

    an Australian or New Zealand coursework masters degree with a

    signicant research component graded at Distinction or above, and

    an overall result o Distinction or above or; an Australian or New

    Zealand research masters degree with an overall result o H2A or

    above or; a qualication considered equivalent to one o the above.

    First Semester


    Second Semester


    26,500 K


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    A Cece


    Camp Mmm eace eqeme ae ma

    iake 2013ee (A$)



    Master of Arts (Creative Writing)

    This course involves the development o creative writing

    along with a scholarly, sel-refexive critique. The creative

    writing component may be in the orm o a novel or novella,

    a group o short stories, a play or group o plays, a sequence

    o poems, or a portolio o creative works o various genres.

    The accompanying critical commentary will be based on

    research into the theory and practice o the creative process

    ocussed on the students creative writing component.

    3773 2 years FT Clayton A our year Austral ian or New Zealand bachelors degree with an

    overall result o H2A or above (normally with a research component

    in the ourth year)or; an Australian or New Zealand masters

    preliminary qualication with a signicant research component

    and with an overall result o H2A or above or; an Australian or

    New Zealand coursework masters degree with a signicant

    research component graded at Distinction or above, and an overall

    result o Distinction or above or; an Australian or New Zealand

    research masters degree with an overall result o H2A or above or;

    a qualication considered equivalent to one o the above.

    First Semester


    Second Semester


    26,500 K

    Master of Arts (Music Composition)

    The degree is designed to enable composers to develop a

    distinctive compositional voice and to research and acquire a

    range o compositional techniques. Students create a olio o

    original compositions that demonstrates their ability to work

    in various media, including traditional, electro-acoustic, and

    contemporary solo and chamber combinations. They also

    write a critical commentary that demonstrates their capacity

    or research into compositional approaches and musical

    aesthetics in the context o contemporary music. Through

    regular work in the studios, students acquire a knowledge o

    music technology and an understanding o music technology

    as a compositional tool.

    3063 2 years FT Clayton A our year Austral ian or New Zealand bachelors degree with an

    overall result o H2A or above (normally with a research component

    in the ourth year) or; an Australian or New Zealand masters

    preliminary qualication with a signicant research component

    and with an overall result o H2A or above or; an Australian or

    New Zealand coursework masters degree with a signicant

    research component graded at Distinction or above, and an overall

    result o Distinction or above or; an Australian or New Zealand

    research masters degree with an overall result o H2A or above

    or; a qualication considered equivalent to one o the above

    (a minimum o a bachelors degree with substantial proessional

    experience in the eld in the orm o publications, perormances

    and collaborations that may be evaluated by a group o peers who

    are experts in their respective elds).

    Note: I applicants have obtained the above minimum qualications

    without having undertaken composition units at either honours or

    masters qualiying levels, students need to demonstrate their ability

    to compose through the submission o at least two original musical

    works to the satisaction o the schools coordinator o composition.


    the year

    26,500 K

    Master of Arts (Theatre Performance)

    The Master o Arts (Theatre Perormance) by 100 per cent

    research oers the opportunity to combine creative output

    with practice-based research. A major requirement is to

    produce a live perormance normally in one o the elds

    o directing, theatre making, musicals, dramatic writing or

    theatre design. The perormance will embody the results o

    research into the contexts, theoretical infuences, aesthetic

    elements and perormance making processes o the project.

    3939 2 years FT Clayton A our year Austral ian or New Zealand bachelors degree with an

    overall result o H2A or above (normally with a research component

    in the ourth year) or; an Australian or New Zealand masters

    preliminary qualication with a signicant research component

    and with an overall result o H2A or above or; an Australian or

    New Zealand coursework masters degree with a signicant

    research component graded at Distinction or above, and an overall

    result o Distinction or above or; an Australian or New Zealand

    research masters degree with an overall result o H2A or above or;

    a qualication considered equivalent to one o the above.

    An applicants degree must be in Theatre or Perorming Arts or

    a related discipline, or the equivalent, which would normally be

    an undergraduate degree in a relevant discipline and substantial

    documented proessional experience.

    First Semester


    Second Semester


    26,500 K

    Master of Bioethics

    This research program ocuses on ethical issues raised by

    medicine and the biomedical sciences. It will be o interest

    to health care proessionals, teachers in the health care

    eld, and those with a general interest in the area. Areas

    o research strength include ethical issues in patient care,

    the ethics o clinical trials, ethical problems o resource

    allocation, medical end-o-lie decisions, new reproductive

    technologies, nursing ethics, surrogacy, disability and

    discrimination, moral psychology and moral development.

    2704 2 years FT Clayton A our year Austral ian or New Zealand bachelors degree with an

    overall result o H2A or above (normally with a research component

    in the ourth year) or; an Australian or New Zealand masters

    preliminary qualication with a signicant research componentand with an overall result o H2A or above or an Australian or

    New Zealand coursework masters degree with a signicant

    research component graded at Distinction or above, and an overall

    result o Distinction or above or; an Australian or New Zealand

    research masters degree with an overall result o H2A or above

    or; a qualication considered equivalent to one o the above.

    First Semester


    Second Semester


    26,500 K

    Master of Environmental Science

    This course enables students to undertake substantial

    independent research on a chosen top while under the

    supervision o an academic. The research topics are decided

    in consultation with sta and will be in the students chosen


    3902 2 years FT Clayton A our year Austral ian or New Zealand bachelors degree with an

    overall result o H2A or above (normally with a research component

    in the ourth year)or; an Australian or New Zealand masters

    preliminary qualication with a signicant research component

    and with an overall result o H2A or above or; an Australian or

    New Zealand coursework masters degree with a signicant

    research component graded at Distinction or above, and an overall

    result o Distinction or above or; an Australian or New Zealand

    research masters degree with an overall result o H2A or above

    or; a qualication considered equivalent to one o the above.

    First Semester


    Second Semester


    26,500 K

    English language level: Please see page 5859 or detailed requirements.


  • 7/29/2019 Postgraduate Guide for Indonesia AusAID International Students


    Be aEcmc

    Wa me ce ? sca ee

    A a gace

    _Teaching and researchexcellence: Monash Universityhas established an enviablereputation or teaching andresearch excellence acrossbusiness disciplines. Thisreputation is built on ourinnovative and progressiveapproach to course delivery, andthe strong links we have orgedwith commerce and industry, bothin Australia and overseas, makingMonash business degrees trulyinternational and enablinggraduates to work around theworld.

    _International accreditation:The aculty was the frst in Victoriaand one o a small number o eliteentities worldwide to receiveaccreditation by the prestigiousEuropean Quality ImprovementSystem (EQUIS). EQUIS is theleading international system oquality assessment, improvement

    and accreditation o highereducation institutions inmanagement and businessadministration.

    _Global reputation: The MonashMBA is consistently ranked in thetop MBA programs worldwide.Our MBA program is the third inAustralia to be accredited by theAssociation o MBAs (AMBA),recognised internationally as theglobal standard or MBAprograms across the globe.

    _Research Excellence: More than

    350 students take the Master oPhilosophy and Doctor oPhilosophy by research. Withresearch strengths across allmajor business disciplines, the

    aculty supports a wide range oresearch endeavours includingThe Centre o Policy Studies(CoPS) and The Centre or HealthEconomics.

    Pea a peaevepme

    The Faculty o Business andEconomics provides a rangeo personal and proessionaldevelopment activities includingregular workshops in networking,career readiness, academicdevelopment, leadership andmentoring or graduate students.These are designed to enhanceand complement your study, addvalue to your academic lie andtransorm your career path.Personal development units,designed to enhance your capacityto lead and manage in aninternational business environment,are available within our mastersprograms.

    Pea accea

    Our programs satisy theeducational requirements orproessional registration by relevantproessional bodies including CPAAustralia, Institute o CharteredAccountants in Australia (ICAA),Financial Services Institute oAustralasia (FINSIA), NationalInstitute o Accountants (NIA),Australian Institute o Management(AIM), Australian Human ResourcesInstitute (AHRI), AustralianMarketing Institute (AMI).

    Eqe1800 [email protected]

    heea CeMaster o Business

    A Monash Master o Business turned Helena Chens interest incorporate social responsibility into a passion. Today, thanks alsoto the Green Steps Program, she has the skills and knowledgeto show companies the way towards a more sustainable uture.

    For the most up-to-date inormation on our course oerings go to



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    Cewk egee

    Graduate Diploma in Accounting

    The course provides students with the opportunity to broaden

    their business knowledge and increase understanding o

    accounting-related matters. This course allows students to

    take a substantial number, but not all, o the units needed to

    meet the academic requirements or associate membership

    o CPA Australia and or entry into the CA program o The

    Institute o Chartered Accountants in Australia, providing they

    entered the course with a bachelors degree.

    0748 1 year FT Cauleld Applicants must have completed an Austral ian bachelor degree

    or an equivalent qualication in a non-accounting discipline, or

    an Executive Certicate awarded by the Faculty o Business and

    Economics and achieved a Weighted Average Mark (WAM) o

    55 per cent or an equivalent GPA as determined by the Faculty.

    Applicants will be ranked and selected based on their entire

    academic record.

    First Semester


    Second Semester


    33,000 A

    Graduate Diploma in Applied Econometrics

    Globalisation has dramatically increased the complexity

    o nancial markets, leaving domestic and international

    businesses alike in need o experts who can interpret vast

    amounts o inormation and predict economic patterns.

    This course provides the quantitative skills required to carry

    out nancial orecasting and market analysis. Students will

    develop the skills or designing and implementing applied

    econometric projects and the ability to communicate the

    results to wider audiences.

    3816 1 year FT Cauleld Applicants must have completed an Australian bachelor degree or

    an equivalent qualication, or an Executive Certicate awarded by

    the Faculty o Business and Economics and achieved a preerred

    Weighted Average Mark (WAM) o 60 per cent or an equivalent GPA

    as determined by the Faculty. Applicants would normally require

    a credit or equivalent in an introductory statistics unit at tertiary

    level. Applicants will be ranked and selected based on their entire

    academic record.

    First Semester


    Second Semester


    33,000 A

    Graduate Diploma in Business

    The Graduate Diploma in Business may be completed in one

    year o ull-time study, or two years part-time. It is a stand-

    alone award, or a pathway to a masters degree. Students

    may choose any eight graduate-level units rom the Faculty

    o Business and Economics. However, in order to proceed

    to a masters degree with ull credit or the eight completed

    units, these units must include at least our core units romthe relevant masters degree. Students must also meet the

    entry requirements o the particular masters degree in which

    they intend to enrol.

    3848 1 year FT Cauleld Applicants must have completed an Austral ian bachelor degree or

    an equivalent qualication, or an Executive Certicate awarded by

    the Faculty o Business and Economics and achieved a Weighted

    Average Mark (WAM) o 55 per cent or an equivalent GPA as

    determined by the Faculty. Applicants will be ranked and selected

    based on their entire academic record.

    First Semester


    Second Semester


    33,000 A

    Graduate Diploma in Economic Studies

    This course is aimed at graduates o disciplines other than

    economics or commerce, those who have undertaken only

    the equivalent o rst-year economics, or graduates o more

    than 10 years standing. It is designed to provide a sound

    understanding o economic and economic statistics issues

    and their unction in the business world.

    0172 1 year FT Clayton Applicants must have completed an Austral ian bachelor degree or

    an equivalent qualication and achieved a Weighted Average Mark

    (WAM) o 55 per cent or equivalent GPA as determined by the

    Faculty. It is preerred that applicants have successully completed

    year 12 mathematics or equivalent. Applicants will be ranked and

    selected based on their entire academic record.

    Note: or the econometrics specialisations it may be necessary or

    students without a tertiary background in statistics to undertake the

    rst-year level statistics unit prior to entry to the course.

    First Semester


    Second Semester


    33,000 A

    Graduate Diploma in Human Resource Management

    Human resource managers develop and implement strategies

    that enable people to ull their individual needs in the work

    environment as well as achieve the organisations businessobjectives.

    This course provides current and aspiring managers with the

    opportunity to develop specialist knowledge and expertise

    in human resource management, in the context o external

    and organisational change, new employment relationships,

    globalisation and a changing workorce.

    2778 1 year FT Cauleld Applicants must have completed an Austral ian bachelor degree or

    an equivalent qualication. Applicants will be ranked accordingly

    based on their entire academic record, and a 55 per cent average

    is preerred with due consideration given to relevant employmentexperience.

    First Semester


    Second Semester


    33,000 A

    Master of Applied Econometrics

    In the new inormation economy proessionals are conronted

    by masses o data. Econometric methods acilitate analysis o

    this data and assist in making inormed decisions. Students

    acquire the skills to take responsibility or designing and

    implementing applied econometric projects and the ability to

    communicate the results to wider audiences. They also have

    the option o studying another business discipline.

    3822 1.5 years FT Cauleld Applicants must have completed an Australian bachelor degree or

    an equivalent qualication, or an Executive Certicate awarded by

    the Faculty o Business and Economics and achieved a preerred

    Weighted Average Mark (WAM) o 65 per cent or an equivalent

    GPA as determined by the Faculty. Applicants must have achieved

    a credit or equivalent in an introductory multiple regression unit at

    tertiary level. Applicants will be ranked and selected based on their

    entire academic record.

    First Semester


    Second Semester


    33,000 A

    Master of Applied Finance

    Finance, banking and risk management are important and

    strategic unctional elements o business, and proessionals

    working in these key areas make a critical and active

    contribution to public and private organisations across

    the globe. This course is designed or graduates with an

    educational and/or proessional background in business

    or commerce, wishing to gain a ormal qualication in

    applied nance.

    3818 1 year FT Cauleld Applicants must have completed an Australian bachelor degree with

    a major in nance or an equivalent qualication. Applicants will be

    ranked accordingly based on their entire academic record, and a

    65 per cent average is preerred with due consideration given to

    relevant employment experience.

    First Semester


    Second Semester


    34,000 A

    Master of Applied Finance and Master of Applied


    This course provides the quantitative skills and expertise

    required to carry out regression analysis, orecasting and

    nancial market analysis, designing and implementing

    applied econometric projects as well as providing advanced

    knowledge and skills in nance. These skills are extremely

    attractive to the business and nancial services sector.

    4 412 2 years FT C aul el d A pp li cants mus t have completed an Aus tralian bachel or degree

    or an equivalent qualication and achieved a preerred Weighted

    Average Mark (WAM) o 65 per cent or an equivalent GPA as

    determined by the Faculty. Applicants must have achieved a credit

    or equivalent in an introductory multiple regression unit at tertiary

    level. Applicants will be ranked accordingly based on relevant

    employment experience and their entire academic record, with

    a credit average preerred.

    First Semester


    Second Semester


    33,000 A


  • 7/29/2019 Postgraduate Guide for Indonesia AusAID International Students


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    iake 2013ee (A$)



    Master of Applied Finance and Master of Business


    The course aims to provide graduates with theoretical

    constructs and their applications or their work as nance

    proessionals in the nancial services industry and other

    business sectors. This course is also designed to enhance

    and develop the knowledge and skills o accounting

    graduates in public practice, industry and academia. It

    includes advanced level studies in nancial and managerial

    accounting, auditing, corporate and international nance,

    and investments.

    3850 2 years FT Cauleld Applicants must have completed an Australian bachelor degree

    with a major in accounting and a major in nance or an equivalent

    qualication. Applicants will be ranked accordingly based on their

    entire academic record, and a 65 per cent average is preerred with

    due consideration given to relevant employment experience.

    First Semester


    Second Semester


    34,000 A

    Master of Business

    This fexible, industry-ocused program is specically

    designed or early career proessionals seeking to rene

    their business skills and advance to the next stage in their

    career. With specialisations including marketing, inormation

    technology, and law and responsible business as well as risk

    and supply chain management, it enables students to build a

    degree encompassing the skills they choose, need and want.

    The program covers broad business skills such as advanced

    written and oral communication, inormation literacy, global

    outlook, and moral and social responsibility, while also

    allowing students to specialise in a business area o their

    choice. The degree also oers a pathway or direct entry to

    a higher degree by research.

    3844 1.5 years FT Cauleld Applicants must have completed an Australian bachelor degree or

    an equivalent qualication, or an Executive Certicate awarded by

    the Faculty o Business and Economics and achieved a Weighted

    Average Mark (WAM) o 55 per cent or an equivalent GPA as

    determined by the Faculty. Applicants will be ranked and selected

    based on their entire academic record.

    First Semester


    Second Semester


    33,000 A

    Master of Business (Accounting)

    In a world o increasing accountability and the globalisation

    o accounting standards, proessionals with the highest

    levels o qualications are highly sought ater. Accountingis undamental to any organisation, and many executives

    working at senior levels hold accounting qualications.

    Accountants must possess sound numerical and analytic al

    skills, along with strong communication and people skills.

    This program is designed to provide students with not only

    proessional competence, but also a portolio o intellectual

    skills and attributes that will enhance their careers.

    0503 1.5 years FT Cauleld Applicants must have completed an Australian bachelor degree

    or an equivalent qualication with a major in accounting and a

    Weighted Average Mark (WAM) o 60 per cent or an equivalent

    GPA as determined by the Faculty. Applicants will be ranked andselected based on their entire academic record.

    First Semester


    Second Semester


    33,000 A

    Master of Business (Accounting) and Master of

    Business Law

    This double degree course has been designed or those

    working or intending to work in accounting who also wish

    to gain a postgraduate applied business law qualication.

    4401 2 years FT Cauleld