postcolonial quotations

Quotes About Postcolonialis m Quotes tagged as "postcolonialism" (showing 1-16 of 16) Edward W !aid # ou cannot continue to $ictimi%e someone else &ust because 'ou 'ourself were a $ictim once there has to be a limit * Edward W !aid tags+ colonialism, imperialism, israile, palestine, postcolonialism, $ictim ./ li0es li0e adie !mith A trauma is something one repeats and repeats, after a ll, and this is the traged' of the 23bals-- that the' can4t help but reenact the dash the' once made from one land to another, from one faith to another, from one brown mother countr' into the pale, frec0led arms of an imperial so$ereign * adie !mith, White 5eeth tags+ postcolonialism li0es li0e 7rant% 7anon 5 a0ing the continent as a whole, this religious tension ma' be responsible for the re$i$al of the commonest racial feeling Afri ca is di$ided into 8lac0 and White, and the names that are substituted- A frica south of the !ahara, A frica north of the !ahara- do not manage to hide this latent racism 9ere, it is affirmed that White Africa has a thousand-'ear-old tradition of culture: that she is ;editerranean, that she is a continuation of Europe and that she shares in <raeco- =atin ci$ili%ation 8lac0 A frica is loo0ed on as a region that is inert, brutal, unci$ili%ed - in a word, sa$age * 7rant% 7anon, 5he Wretched of the Earth tags+ africa, histor' , postcolonialism, racism li0es li0e 5he abiding western dominolog' can with religion sanction identif' an'thing dar0, p rofound, or fluid with a re$olting chaos, an e$il to be mastered, a nothing to be ignored 4<od had made us master organi%ers of the world to establish s'stem where chaos reigns 9e has made us adept in go$ernment that we ma' administer go$ernment among sa $ages and senile peoples4 7rom the $antage point of the coloni%ing episteme, the e$il is alwa's disorder rather than un&ust order: anarch' rather than control, dar0ness rather than pallor 5 o plead otherwise is to write 4carte blanche for chaos4 #et those who wear the mar0 of chaos, the s0ins of dar0ness, the genders of unspea0able openings -- those >thers of >rder 0eep finding $oice 8ut the' continue to be muted b' the bellowing of the dominant discourse * ?atherine @eller, 7ace of the eep+ A 5heolog' of 8ecoming tags+ chaos, colonialism, feminism, histor' , nature, oppression, order, postcolonialism, religion, theolog' 6 li0es li0e adie !mith And the sins of the Eastern father shall be $isited upon the Western sons >ften ta0ing their time, stored up in the genes li0e baldness or testicular carcinoma, but sometimes on the $er' same da' * adie !mith, White 5eeth tags+ postcolonialism B li0es li0e

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Post on 03-Jun-2018




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Quotes About PostcolonialismQuotes tagged as "postcolonialism" (showing 1-16 of 16)Edward W !aid#ou cannot continue to $ictimi%e someone else &ust because 'ou 'ourself were a $ictim oncethere has to be a limit* Edward W !aidtags+ colonialism, imperialism, israile, palestine, postcolonialism, $ictim./ li0esli0e

adie !mithA trauma is something one repeats and repeats, after all, and this is the traged' of the 23bals--that the' can4t help but reenact the dash the' once made from one land to another, from one faithto another, from one brown mother countr' into the pale, frec0led arms of an imperial so$ereign* adie !mith, White 5eethtags+ postcolonialism li0esli0e

7rant% 7anon5a0ing the continent as a whole, this religious tension ma' be responsible for the re$i$al of thecommonest racial feeling Africa is di$ided into 8lac0 and White, and the names that aresubstituted- Africa south of the !ahara, Africa north of the !ahara- do not manage to hide thislatent racism 9ere, it is affirmed that White Africa has a thousand-'ear-old tradition of culture:that she is ;editerranean, that she is a continuation of Europe and that she shares in <raeco-=atin ci$ili%ation 8lac0 Africa is loo0ed on as a region that is inert, brutal, unci$ili%ed - in a word,sa$age* 7rant% 7anon, 5he Wretched of the Earthtags+ africa, histor', postcolonialism, racism li0esli0e

5he abiding western dominolog' can with religion sanction identif' an'thing dar0, profound, orfluid with a re$olting chaos, an e$il to be mastered, a nothing to be ignored 4<od had made usmaster organi%ers of the world to establish s'stem where chaos reigns 9e has made us adept ingo$ernment that we ma' administer go$ernment among sa$ages and senile peoples4 7rom the$antage point of the coloni%ing episteme, the e$il is alwa's disorder rather than un&ust order:anarch' rather than control, dar0ness rather than pallor 5o plead otherwise is to write 4carteblanche for chaos4 #et those who wear the mar0 of chaos, the s0ins of dar0ness, the genders ofunspea0able openings -- those >thers of >rder 0eep finding $oice 8ut the' continue to be mutedb' the bellowing of the dominant discourse* ?atherine @eller, 7ace of the eep+ A 5heolog' of 8ecomingtags+ chaos, colonialism, feminism, histor', nature, oppression, order, postcolonialism, religion,theolog'6 li0esli0e

adie !mithAnd the sins of the Eastern father shall be $isited upon the Western sons >ften ta0ing their time,stored up in the genes li0e baldness or testicular carcinoma, but sometimes on the $er' sameda'* adie !mith, White 5eethtags+ postcolonialismB li0esli0e


?hristopher 9itchens?all no man luc0' until he is dead, but there ha$e been moment of rare satisfaction in the oftenrandom and fragmented life of the radical freelance scribbler 2 ha$e li$ed to see Conald Ceagancalled a useful idiot for @remlin propaganda b' his former idolators: to see the <eneral!ecretar' of the ?ommunist Part' of the !o$iet Dnion regarded with fear and suspicion b' the?ommunist Part' of ?%echoslo$a0ia (which blac0ed out an inter$iew with ;ilo 7ormanbroadcast li$e on ;oscow 5F): to see ;ao edong relegated li0e a despot of anti3uit' 2 ha$ealso had the eGtraordinar' pleasure of re$isiting countries<reece, !pain, imbabwe, and othersthat were dictatorships or colonies when first 2 saw them >ther mini-Ceichs ha$e melted li0edew, often bringing eGiled and imprisoned friends blin0ing modestl' and honorabl' into the glareE pur si muo$eit still mo$es, all right* ?hristopher 9itchens, Prepared for the Worst+ !elected Essa's and ;inorit' Ceportstags+ Hth-centur', cold-war, colonialism, communism, c%echoslo$a0ia, despotism, dictatorship,freedom, greece, &ournalism, liberation, mao-%edong, milos-forman, moscow, postcolonialism,propaganda, ronald-reagan, russia, so$iet-union, spain, tele$ision, united-states, %imbabwe/ li0esli0e

8au$ardPostcards and postcolonialism are two things 2 ad$ocate for people who can4t afford to go on$acation* 8au$ard, !ome 2nspiration for the >$erenthusiastictags+ funn', humor, postcolonialism, $acation/ li0esli0e

 AleGander ;c?all !mithE$er'thing, all those great things, had happened so far awa'--or so it seemed to I;maCamotsweJ at the time 5he world was made to sound as if it belonged to other people--to thosewho li$ed in distant countries that were so different from 8otswana: that was before people hadlearned to assert that the world was theirs too, that what happened in 8otswana was e$er' bit asimportant, and $aluable, as what happened an'where else* AleGander ;c?all !mith, 5he ouble ?omfort !afari ?lubtags+ africa, colonialism, postcolonialism li0esli0e

?hinua Achebeshe was sensiti$e enough and intelligent enough to understand, and her literar' educationcould not but ha$e sharpened her perception of the e$idence before her e'es+ that in the absurdraffle-draw that apportioned the destinies of post-colonial African societies two people starting offe$en as identical twins in the morning might 3uiet easil' find themsel$es in the e$ening one asPresident shitting on the heads of the people and the other a nightman carr'ing the people4s shitin buc0ets on his head* ?hinua Achebe, Anthills of the !a$annahtags+ africa, postcolonialism li0esli0e

 Arundhati Co'As for the third >fficial Ceason+ eGposing Western 9'pocris' - how much more eGposed can the'beK Which decent human being on earth harbors an' illusions about itK 5hese are people whosehistories are spong' with the blood of others ?olonialism, apartheid, sla$er', ethnic cleansing,germ warfare, chemical weapons - the' $irtuall' in$ented it all


* Arundhati Co', 5he ?ost of =i$ingtags+ colonialism, european-ci$ili%ation, histor', h'pocris', international-de$elopment, post-colonial-theor', postcolonialism, third-world-feminism, western-ci$ili%ation, western-histor',western-h'pocris'1 li0esli0e

Lamsoon @angAlthough 2 belie$e identit' politics 4"produces limited but real empowerment for its participants," itis important to note that it contains significant problems+ first, its essentialist tendenc': second, itsfiGed Mwe-the'M binar' position: third, its homogeni%ation of di$erse social oppression: fourth, itssimplification of the compleGit' and paradoG of being pri$ileged and unpri$ileged: and fifth itsruling out of intersectional space of di$erse forms of oppression in realit'* Lamsoon @ang, ?osmopolitan 5heolog'+ Ceconstituting Planetar' 9ospitalit', Leighbor-=o$e,and !olidarit' in an Dne$en Worldtags+ christianit', cosmopolitan, cosmopolitanism, feminism, identit'-politics, postcolonial,postcolonialism, spi$a0, theolog'1 li0esli0e

Wong #oon Wah5he stories surrounding eating durians remind us that literature should incorporate low culture,bringing it closer to li$ed realit' 5hese legends come not from the pens of the elite, but areassembled from the words of the masses, both written and spo0en, passed from one person toanotherthe onl' wa' to create a teGt this deep and compelling* Wong #oon Wah, urians Are Lot the >nl' 7ruittags+ durian, postcolonial-literature, postcolonialism, southeast-asia1 li0esli0e

?le$erness ha$e no meanings until 'ou find the stupidit' that teach 'ou* =ena 9ussaintags+ cle$erness, determinism, life-lessons, philosoph', postcolonialism, power, stupidit'1 li0esli0e

Power is something that is out of term* =ena 9ussaintags+ decoloni%ation, determinism, imperialism, postcolonialism, power 1 li0esli0e

7rom the outset, people4s eGperiences of desire and rage, memor' and power, communit' andre$olt are inflected and mediated b' the institutions through which the' find their meaning - andwhich the', in turn, transform* Anne ;c?lintoc0, 2mperial =eather+ Cace, <ender, and !eGualit' in the ?olonial ?ontesttags+ postcolonialismH li0esli0e

Lamsoon @angWalter ;ignolo terms and articulates Mcritical cosmopolitanism, &uGtaposing it with globali%ation,which is a process of "the homogeneit' of the planet from abo$eNNeconomicall', politicall' andculturall'" Although Mglobali%ation from belowM is to counter Mglobali%ation from abo$eM from theeGperience and perspecti$e of those who suffer from the conse3uences of Mglobali%ation from


abo$eM, cosmopolitanism differs, according to ;ignolo, form these two t'pes of globali%ation;ignolo defines globali%ation as 4a set of designs to manage the world,4 and cosmopolitanism as4a set of pro&ects toward planetar' con$i$ialit'* Lamsoon @ang, ?osmopolitan 5heolog'+ Ceconstituting Planetar' 9ospitalit', Leighbor-=o$e,and !olidarit' in an Dne$en World