postal stationery - 5 sept oct no 5... · upss newli -notes 166 new revalued nepal...

POSTAL STATIONERY September - Ocru.ber 1960, Vol. VI, No. II WIu.Ie No 64 , e.-- _' REVALUtlltUED , U I ' ,. O. DlOi: . D , EPf. L- H IS SIDE: FOR ADDRESS , " FREAK REVALUED U. S. 2c POSTAL CARD _ STORY ON PAGE 159 ,I N THIS ISSUE A Re valued c..rd Variety UPSS Annual Meetin8 and Elect- ion 159 South African Poetal Ca rd Dis _ covery 160 The 1958 Re"Duled Stamped Envelope3 - Ahd a cheek llet 161 U. S. P08tal Cards - WARNING 163 U. S. Envelopes at Auction GerDlan " "Flourescent" )'08141 Cards 1M omSA PEX "60" 165 UPSS NewlI - Not es 166 New Revalued Nepal Enve lope VBrief)' 161 Bill VI'_ - New lope Knif e 168,

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Page 1: POSTAL STATIONERY - 5 Sept Oct No 5... · UPSS NewlI -Notes 166 New Revalued Nepal Envelope VBrief ... IInll~tI surpilis for .1/4 rllc

POSTAL STATIONERY September - Ocru.ber 1960, Vol. VI, No. II WIu.Ie No 64

, e.--_'

REVALUtlltUED , 2¢ U I ' ,. O. DlOi:. D, EPf. L-


, "



A Re valued Po~tal c..rd Variety UPSS Annual Meetin8 and Elect-

ion 159

South African Poetal Card Dis_ covery 160

The 1958 Re"Duled Stamped Envelope3 - Ahd a cheek llet 161

U. S. P08tal Cards - WARNING 163

U. S. Envelopes at Auction GerDlan" "Flourescent" )'08141 Cards 1M

omSA PEX "60" 165

UPSS NewlI - Notes 166

New Revalued Nepal Envelope VBrief)' 161

Bill Mai~eI VI'_ - N e w lope Knife



Page 2: POSTAL STATIONERY - 5 Sept Oct No 5... · UPSS NewlI -Notes 166 New Revalued Nepal Envelope VBrief ... IInll~tI surpilis for .1/4 rllc


[t s~ems that we Ill.., starling to bring tIll' most llCUd Jut<- or this .Jowllul c1USl'r to the

achml date of its nppe:lZ'JU1<: .. .

If t ile membership will he II little patient. I rlln SIIre that within II s lim" timt', we might

eVen hecome like the pulp-magll7.ines . . flPI)Cllr hefore the rnasthead d~te 0)

As editor, I wlicit the membership for articles for puhliration. I am t" ying to hll\"!'

instituted in it.;; oontenLiu column on British North AnwriclI issu"s whie!. "h()uld he of

interest to 1\ go ... .,\ percrntagc of our members.

Mr. Ali, w1,0 recently WOIl all IIward for his Ch!'Sapel< exhibit of very fllre J Iydl·rablld

cards, has given me the material for Ii check list of these ennis IIml this will appear in II

fulure i~ue. Also I will have Il check lis t on the Postal Curds or China.

At pre lent we will continue the hi -monthly issues until the end of Volume VI (Nov.-Dec., 1960, No. 84). With the new year we will start Volume VII and plan to present 12 issues for the year 1961.





E. Norman Lurch Blaek J) " ek Drive.

Stouy Bronk, N. Y.

E. A. Farntworth P. O. Box 101

C"I'I , i~ h Fillt, ~. II.

E. A. Farn.worth

munc )", .. " I're~" .~o Rear Pleasant Strect

Cla r emont. \ '. H.


SUaSCRIPTION RATE Entered flS second dass matter in the

$3.00 PER YEAR Postoffice fit CIHremont, X. II.

DISPLAY ADVERTISING, $1.25 pcr column inch, per insertion. Spe('ial rates for contract 1IIhcrtising.

ADLETS, 6e per wOrll, per insertion, including address. Three insertions for the cost of 11"0.

l,'jl! Postal Stnlioncry. Sepwmber - October. 1<)6(1, Vol \' / , No. 11 Whole N, ,_ Rt

Page 3: POSTAL STATIONERY - 5 Sept Oct No 5... · UPSS NewlI -Notes 166 New Revalued Nepal Envelope VBrief ... IInll~tI surpilis for .1/4 rllc




A quick surwy of t he kll'lWU n lfietiCll nf the n·\,Alu .. " U. S. p"s tal cortis of 1!62 ~II()II'~ that those rC"ll lued by the full ~ hCcl on prillt i"g pl'e ~s, '~ in (jovcrllllwnl l'rintin ll Off ices h[\\'c rchHil'r1y f .. 1\' crr" r~ comr~nrcd to tlJose rel'ulued singly by Tick()me Ler in the hu·gc·r Po.;L Oft'iccs. T his lends add~d i'n lnrl..'lnce to a new ,'uriety of t he Ie Je rferson card fe,'IIll1ed by printing Pn'ss which llMs j us t CC' llle to ligh t.

I n II ddi1im, 10 the full nor m!!.1 Over­print , nhuut two- third~ of lUi equally denr itn pl'c'ssiull is present. pur ll,' over­hipping till' first. There ure nho severnl li~ht GTc'''' !! ink smears. and wlnlt might a lmost he takeu It>f " third fuillt irnpres­simi .. r Jl:lrt ,·r t i ll' fnlnll' line.

C; ('('~g~ r-. I (l rl in .. :; r"('"8 with Ill'" Lh nL it is undoul.lcd ly ., l rUt· ,in ... ]'l.· :Hlfchnrge of Uri.; cunl. ulthm:g!. nd t h,·r of ' I.~ i.~ cert"in n~ to <':"lI.ctl~ how i t was p rllI.l uCt·J. For Iud. uf any uetter (':"p!unutinn. I sugS"sl tlont LW{' ~ Io ("~ls were fed iulu til(' pn·ss at tlw<.- tinIC, the top ooe di~p!IlCt·d some­wiJOt to tlt t· It'ft . OJ:" , 'c rli(la l I' ," ur 'l\'~ rprilll~ r('ll pa.,tinliy ont he dg!lt "c;o:' . ,r tlr(' lI pP"r ,.h,,~ L. [I nd fllir tiali)' in a

'Iorrnul pnsit ion on tl,,· I"wrr ~ Ior .. t. 'I'll<" ~jJ<!il~d II ll !",llr s l'("et Wfl~ Jlrnhnhl~' not;(.'('(1 by t ire open. tor. ~m: WIIS ,'<, mo\",·t! tl nd dps t l"'yed; ,wt ink " " tht' ri~h l cel l!"'" of t llil< $Ihe.>t could ""sih' hllw s lII"nTNI th .. Imn·f ~h('(' t durin:;:: i-.. mrwul. 1(. S<:t'IlIS

!!l');;L lik,-t.~· (wishful tl linkingH t lmt only the ri~h\.. lo alid row of c~rd ."i in l ilt· lower sllcet \I'o~ affected; it r~cd "('I1 'I",-nwl s ll rdlnr~t"~ ofter tire [m"lilll {l1I,·S. S' l [.'!nt most of the shed Wll ~ ('l1tir"I~' "..,rmil! fon< l"SCRfX'd l lr (' ins fK'cl" r'~ n"lir .. •.

Anothcr puint of illtcl'c~ t wllidl ;n­<iil'<.'c tly proVe!< t hat Llo .. cllTd WfiS prol", rly i~~II('d. nnd WfiS not s(lh·II~ .. d from print­er'S w~st(' : il Ims n printt'd fld on the hilek . ~nd Ions al"" r~(. ... il't'd a Post Ofri~'e marking "CnnCt,[,· tl Not Good For P' )!J tuge". Thb sl,o\\';. Cllnchzsivcly thnt th~ ca rd WIIS pnrchu~ed , printed for commercial n.'IC. nlld then redrerncrl as II nll~tI surpilis for .1/4 rllc<, \'nill" nt a P(II<t Orrice. oCC<l rdilig I" ~('. 426 21l . 212 nf Lh(' Pos ta! n~:iu.'fll i"'!s.

T h .. n· 1II,,;<t have IlI"{'n only On" full ver t iCil] row of slleh Ctlrd ~ with t he pnrtiul ,IOlll,!,, ; if II ddit;01)1I1 rows were IIff~CLCd lIL .. y would have rrCf'ind n COTH­fllct~ second imI'Tl'SJl ioli. Unti l f<lrth",. doulJlc s lI rehnrgl"S nro' f"und 'Hl thi" eM,! un,l r" fl"lI· t r.l . nathinr mlldl lIlOTl, can he wid nholl l it. excqJt t hul it ,·xisu; . !I" I'll *". in thi'l uniqut" ~p, 'cill1:."/1.

'I'll!' AII!l1wllll ('dinl~ "I' tire UPS.:;; t"hs place -"r,t ll l·d".\". N" .... ·"' l"'l, I~t". ut LO::W A, :\1. ut till" CO!!<"fl1ors' Club ~~ EIl8 t ::~'t\l Stn·,'t. ''f''W Y"r~ . Nt,W Yllrk. Thi~ nfln llHJ rn,'elin!! tnkt·~ p:<lcr si lil ul lnll~"lIs:y wit !: t il" fI ~ OA "1",,,. TI>u~ Hur "h'rnh"r~ In" .. a t" , .. r,,1d ud n ml>'I-:t" ;11 aILrnoJulII·.· lOt thi" l; lIw.

T!li~ }('nf''s (~I"d it![ll.·~ ], ,1' t l! .. Offi(" 'rs fof Ollr ,;oo;i r t } : (Ire "S foll"w"

1961 -1% ..:! i -'r,·s;:.Icut <\u3lin P. I IIIl!rr. I'I I_D .. C .. [if"n':n ;:j " ~L \ j<.;~. j-',,·~i,:,·n l fI , l' l.itil' D;"i l<. n.D.~ .. ~ " 1\ '1 " r!, '; l"eC,.1 :] \ ie.' -~ ' rl· . .; idcn t C!l:lri ~~ A. ~":·j c !.,·, !\'TIIISY! ' i' nia ~: , ' cn.t"'n' J.",ll'~ 11. H.~,U I . Alaimrna Tr<·';~!I,.~r '. kln:- A. " TI~'''t!.· . i\,,'" 'I ' , . ~

A. n. (j a~~, C .!il"ornia WiUi lUIi II . i\1.:;wi. [I i 'lnl:o,,,j Fnmk B. ti l r:llkn. imni ~ I "rt. O . Tnrn~ r. D i., lr i,;t "r C": ... "b:,,

'1'11" il .nu n! .. ·"t D:I ... ·(·\, ,,-.; I I ":, \I -I!)(i:!! il f.· ·

Gel'Jrg,· :'Ii. .\lurtin. W~~hi!)gl"n (;"""!I"" C. !-iI,.l \\ S(,! I. \ ~rm"!:t !\ l ar, ;u~ ',y. White. ,\I;".<acl",,"I,l< !l. G,'O"g.· W,,! fe. N ,>,. ),,,,1.

'n,l' umninll t ing ru:r..lliu .. ·,· Cllmpri<l'\!: I IIIro!\1 :> "'~" 'h (CI,uirrnfln), Dr. Dillin . 311'1 I lr.-l,..r l '::,·hnl1 .

Pll~l[ll :-:-itn Ucnery. 6epl,·miWl" . Odobe,·, 1960, Vol V/, No. II \rlro!c No. t:1. 159

Page 4: POSTAL STATIONERY - 5 Sept Oct No 5... · UPSS NewlI -Notes 166 New Revalued Nepal Envelope VBrief ... IInll~tI surpilis for .1/4 rllc


BY J . ;\1. WEI N:;T E I'I, PFlETOII!'\ .

An int"n'~ling disco\"~ry has r~c"'ntly I>""n mnde in cnnncof;on with a reeeni South -\fricFln I' rlS tA] c~rd iSSlle. It will do1uh t le:;;; be d~fllt with in d,·tail in 1.1,,: SOUTH AFFlICA N Pl m ,ATEI.! ::;T \· ... r\· s',,'rl lv. hul perhaps a lH";efoutli rl c Ill. t\, i~ sta!!;'" mi,d,'t a!~rt i"tnn'st~d l .. n ]kd,nrs I,efo rc it h" eorne~ tnn Illtn to hop" for any succe~s in a s .. arc1l for I.h ,' \"flrietie~ .

Tlw i,sn,' ill q1l<'stion i ~ the I 1 /2d pi ct oria l pns tH\ enrol s" 1 o f :1(, (sho'" inf! the chcet ah de~ign on th l' iml,,·i,'t ... d sL'Hun) which ;mrn~ oIi!lteh 1'''' .. c ...... d ... ,1 the 2d pos ta l CA rd set which appeared lai c lust yeur. T hiH i~ tlw seri e~ in which thcr~ is nn cn.'l.t-of-arrns in the dcsi~n flnd where the word ing "Pnst Card I'nstkllfl rt" i~ in ripper flnd lower CIiSe serif type, not in serifed Cflpital I c Ll~rs nnl)·.

In til!' printin,< nr these postal cards t ~le larlgllflg<: wnrding in th <: d <,~ign corres­ponds will, that in t il(' im [}r~"""d ~t1mp. In nther words, if til .. l;;nJ;1i ,h "Post e flrd" apIWH r~ first on lhe c9rd t hen the description of the pictu" e i ~ fll "" printed in Enp:!ish f ir."t and tht, ~ tamp be"rs the wnrds "~u th Africfl" flt the t np nr its d<>sign, Cnrr ... sprmdingly . wllPre the word "Postkallrt" llJlpeurs fi r;,1 t he view is descr ibed in Af,·iknllrlS f;,.st flnd tIl<' wnrd~ "Suid-Afr iku" is fnu nd .11. 1.1", l>p of the ~tamp d e.<il,"Tl.

Now the d iscovery has he': 11 mude t1,,1], certain post~1 cards in the sd (nf :16) ref(·rred to have bee!] found with t 'w English t ex t first but with the Afrik Alns " S uid-A frika" (1t t he top of t he Stll1r1]l design, li nd vice-vcrsa with t he Afrikaans t.nt fi r~\. and t he l ~ngEsh ":"<,II \.h Afr; ,'n " HI. top of sl.flInp des ign

I t I']lp'.'llr.~ tha\. th is callie ,,\)nut becausc of th~ p' ""'t,,1 cH,1 \", in!! !l1';nt.·d in I.wn "I >crati"n~, firs t the lext and pictnr'ial desh;n in t ~l e One color, and therenl'ter' t he stamp desi f:"f1 in t he other (:0 1011'. An ... I'rf}r by t!le printer ffli ling to set the two cyEn­d~rs in correct llligmnent resul ted in" rUIl

or 18 d,'~i !!,,~ of tIl<" ;\(, I",;"" pri,,!.~d in r<'",'rsc posi t;n!], The rca",,,, why IB d c.<i<;n~ w,'r,' ul-fl'(:J...'d is ~irnl'ly I.hl1t t' u'r.' l\"l,"'· tW() I'l"t"s, {,,,;;h :1 x (i . used to nh­tR in tIl<" ;\(i rl ,,~ i:!,,~, mul that t his ,,"1\)1"

'~( :lIl'red onl y i" t~1C pl·jnting or t!I<' Oil"

p!Ht~ . \Vhen it wa~ f1 ' ,Iieed , aPl'~ "entl)" onh flfter II C', ,,s i rl r l'flb!~ run, the cylin­d~,'s Were correet ly aligned I," t the eards Wen' permit("d to I,,, kept. and indud" d in t h<: vHdous sets <of 36 \\'iI~n thl'Y WCI"<'

SI,rtf d in tn pflckds e·-'ntflinin!! on ... of each design,

C'msequ,'nt \,:; I'~ckpts of 36 lla V<' h,'en f()und c'1n tflin ing n"ne of th~s~ {'nor;; , ,,'hil ~ it i~ known 1.1>;11. UP t" !.i ,'r,.",' cards huY<' bnll fnu Hll in on~ pnd,.t. The la en,)r de~;gns lla\'e however, all hc,," record"d cvcn though the C<l:nph, t~ mng" in a ~illgl~ ]Jacket hfl s sn fur not bccn fo und .

W heth<: r the pr int"r hfl s II r~cnrd oj' till' nurnl.>e l' 01' ': 1'<'<"'- cards thn t Wcre printrr! T dn nct knn\\' . C er ta inly unused s~\s of IB wi ll prow ex trcr lll'iy rare, Single mint ('In],, ~'H':IH !,., J>ro~l1rl\}, I " ill th" t""d c an d "'~"d c, 'pi ... " sl,nl11 ! ]", ohlainahl (' fro,n s t"cks of bun, s l fl lio rl ery

GerrnaHY - 211 ",rr, H"h"1lOSt plu~ '\UpIiClIl<:S 8 ;1.50

c.:"rmnny - Offi""s ill Turkey -29 ell>'d"I''' ~ and "'rajlpe " ~ \I~cd in Jcr\l ~al"l11 $;·11.00

GcrnHl n Colonic~ and Office~ -162 oliff, minl $ 19,00

Germany - :\.'\. Pri,'ale Erl"clu~, ~s

and Wrapp"I'S nl"slTy fanc y pictorial $ 6,50

~"" f'rl\l 1I"rHlr",\ 'Iixeli I,a:;n Amf'ri{,ll ·';':'0,00

E. NOrlllarl Lnre ll

StOll)" BlUnk, N~w York


Firs t issue "r each elll'elope ant.! eart.!, All in ni"" condition, minI,


11 <:<ll'ics 831.00 Almos t all other nunlberson hand ,. Buy, sell, trade.

No s tmnps. Send a wunt Ii,.!.

E, D, Skeen, Walkerton, 11101,

160 Pos tfll Stllt ioncr)', S<:ptelll i>cl' - OCLviJ.'I', 1%0, \"u. YI, No. 11 Wbole No. 84

Page 5: POSTAL STATIONERY - 5 Sept Oct No 5... · UPSS NewlI -Notes 166 New Revalued Nepal Envelope VBrief ... IInll~tI surpilis for .1/4 rllc

TilE 19.'>8 HE .... ALt;F.n

STA:,\I I'lm ":NVE,.o I'I·~-;

In' ;\IAJOR 11OI1 E£lT(; , I\ABB

With the c!""':'!'" in tl", n r:< t cia" ... po!j­tl\~" flltl' from .1'; to -le, lind lIir mail (,e­w 7c. dfccti, ,, Augus t. 1. PHU, the /!O\' ­

c rn l111'Il'1 WIIS fact'd wilh !I COllsilkrahk 8Uf\,h", o f ob .... '\elc ~t.!Unp.: d rlwclop;'~ nn lIU\ (1. Proc\"ctinn "f 1.I ,e new 4c ond 7c I'n \"t· l0l' .... ~ oould han!! )' he expected to he immed ia t ely IIdell ll ll le to meet the d ... rnund IICt'"si • • n ,-c! In' ,Ill" I}(,W rnle<J.

It WB" dt'Ci<! .. cl to """" 'fJ lu<', " o r sn,... chu rlte. ir one lak c~ " purist'" \'1('\\'IM,int. II ~ ,,1'8'.r11lt.;,,1 portion "f tIll' " Id stock on h"ml '" ",cet f,!'" II eW rnles. £i!!,"h1. ci'\tn tn:.rcial en n,]"l'c ml1llUfrwt' lrr rs did "" "II,,;n/? working with I'ej! i'lna l di~lri ­Iml ;" 11 or;"c,''''

T Ill' \I"'"," n-~Ii1l{>r Pnrl<'r f'l t !los l>')" , l\ l as!<-. New r"rl~ , N. Y .. and !\i,.hlll 0':' YII _ ( tlo" h,!t"r l' ''''''' 'j!h Phi!a­d d ,}\,jp l .

T lw ~ (,ul'''''' ~h'ru En n '!"1 '" C~'ml'a!l Y for "tllmt.~. ( ;",

1'11<' \V('; I ~I'n P"I"' L' (';," ",S C' ''ll :''LIL ~' f(,,. Ci~c:ilLlwti. OJ.i (),

N'~.<s Envelopl' Cr>l ll l)" n~' 1' •• ,. D "nv~r. C"II)r [l<lo \ tlLrou~h I)II\1U~. TI'~"s),

' \ ' usion Envr1qr Cnrllo rfl t i.l n f»r \lin· m'(1); .l i~, ,\! inn" K"ns>~~ City lind 5 1.. 1.\.;lis. l\I i,,-~ '" ri.

TIl<' Fiel:I -Erns t En",,1 'P~ CoIlII13Il ~ ' fill' SIln F"auci'O",

TIll' ,'tail W('II Emdfl[lC Cl>lnplln)- 1',,1' Porlhlw;. Oreg" n.

T!", AI11" ri{'HII I::nvrio-,p,· Cmnp!lll) fo ,. C hicnll'o, lII i'lOig.. . .

l'ostlllB ;ters w~r., m~t rll cl<'l , I" turn LII fIL II Cllsrs of :;000 en>'..! ,IPS I' .r rc,-a1"ing: ~mBl1 t:r amounts w.·n ' tn hr rel '\ill~lj ,, 1111 ci tlwr hlln' "IAI11,"" affi Xi,(! o r destroye d . T Ilt' inlr nt W1I'" for 5NI '~d cm)e'S n( 5()(\() tn hI' tlll'ncil ill: henc.-' t il<' min ilJl"m amnu nt of filly one vari e t~' ghplLlc /", .;OOU. lUI omill e ~ u PJlly. PI'csulILfll,I~' , either sOlllr pos tlllll s t (' r~ tll rllN! itl mixeo CHwns "" d "ven mixell bow.<. 01' II ~ul~~Vmti1l1 OInoun t .. f mLxing occurred ti t re"ulufltion , tiS

munv rniwd Cfl>;<.'!! uml IJ",~I 'S han' IJI''''' fou nil rrv ll!ued. Initia l!}' t he r<' WIlS no se t pnttern 1l!1 to which poII l ornccs 1'\' ­

C('ive(! revalued cll\'cl"ik.'l; 11m! wi, it;h (>llC~ "htaill<'d new s tl >ek , Q uite often th .. ,~mu ll er offiC<'.~ would god reva lued "11\'.,. I"pr~ und t he lurger first d HSS offices n')t"ing bnl nrlV cnvd"pi'S, in tIll' plain front typrH, With rc"alue,1 window front cnvI·I".pes the 8it1l>lti,)n WitS a lmoot re · \·Cl'!II' u. Il higher p r,,!mhHit r e.~istrd rur fi nlHIlJr t hem in th" mt',lium LH lArge s i>:rd "ITil:" '"

As might be c~",'c tc, 1 wilh such fi n cx l.I,'1I give operll t iou. a few errors s lillpeu 11:; the in~pcctof!" Thcs.' tlrl" prill '

ci l ~ll1)' "f the tYJl1' wher .. either un "m'e' lor'" is d isp lu!. ... .! frnlll t h ... 11' '''IIIUI jlO!!i t ion ... he ll t he im print is apil licd . Or two " " ­"clo pl.'!> tril'{l to go thmugl' a t t he su me l ifll r. In till" lu tt"" even t eithf>f Ihe two wcn \. th rou gh silllullun..'VU"h·. givillA' a lieU';.' irnprinton th ,' fil'!! t Illid n()n~ on tIle sC(.~)I)d, ur the two w"nL tlll'GII A'I, so t h"l our irnpdnt is split betw""n two en"e"'pe". At n lh,'r times I)nrlilll il11pri n l,~ un' h um!. wilh tlie rnissill A' lJ!<rt lI"wher" t" be fHllfld - ,.erhllP'! t 1mW!! in t l)<' wasle I)il r. to hI' cnun und ~urn~'(t. ,\ ]t!)I' ''l!h rrenk ~ o f Blly t ype ar,' C r t '!in:i S":, . I'L"'~, I-I w~' d •• nu t (Y>m nlllnd a ny !"'"mium t hull fin' t <> I"n t :nll''' L1 ." t uf [m tI Il"rmal l'<"r.,~"

llie !lll t !l"" w,''''olll e~ l~H' ,,,,,,pondrncc fn un un YoJl(' w il l> mtl .\' !,.. interested in tlli,.; ~ 1I! ,j"cl. P l .. nsc ""dres.~ It'llc"" l,,:

Mujor n ubert r.. !lul,l, ,117 Aliso ])rj.·" , ~, E, /\Ihuquerq l"'. N ... w ""~i""




Tnkin.: tile rh',.; \ it ,· !!, Ji~t{'i:. :1 ~('7-(:\t)lo\ . A~.~ .SI .. l l. :1,(,7 i~ t il ... 11>'''- T horp n llml \('r "s.'<ignl"; to Th"q'c ;\... 3010. re\'(l lm,d . It is ilk A. si 1. ~ ;). knii,' 81 with "uterllll,,'k !'iu. ,I I ( 19·\:.). 'I 'h" work -

I, u i\'('<; 9(. , 98 lind 10: ar~ the ohle ' low_bllck t)'p " (PI'(' 19-19); nIl ,.l l ... ", H'" the high I>I",k l~p",

Wllk rml' r!- de ~ i)!!lJ)ti_'Jl" fll'., :16{13n}. :N( I!H,I). 4 1( 191;;) . 12:19,pj 0 QUlll l,

<I ( 11):;:1 i'; _~ Qun!) . .j.i( 1 <).i:l} und ·\ 6(1957). In add ition t' . the grl·flt.r l' whilc[}\",-~ ami .... ·ilo: lo l or l he e~tr" ' ILiulil~' (W lll'r ill l ll i" l\l'r~ ... I. l lOP " '1l l e I'! IIHrl. wi ll I"" .. I he Imlllel'll!s in II lin ~ ,.hlll l illJt . j >w n\\llrd \.< . I lw ri~ht

U1!(' Celli fmpri,d 0 " Thre(l C,,", Cire Lilur IJjc ~ . :1767-(:\0 I (l)-A-.~-B 1-1. 1 37MI·(:-10 I ;;A)-A-.'i031 \\'·,1:1 :17(,<).(:1027A)-"-;:; I W .. 1:1 :11711-( :IO.~:I)·A -\ :; -8:~12 :l77 H306 1}-11..:J-8I-'1 1 :1772·(30%A)- 1-5·81\\'4.1 :1773-(3 IK.HH-7-.'i I W~13 3i7-l-(:II Q()}-I-7-%W--I 1 37i5_(3113A)_1_8_jQ \\'.1 3 :l77(,· (3114)-I -8-1 02W -I 011 Thr"" C.'u! O"H I Ui,-.~. :I 717 _(:1707) - 11-.~-81·~:\ :1 i71l- (3 71.~) -C-5-31-4:I,o\$ 3719-(.UI4)-C·3-1l1 ~14 3780-( :1714A)-C-6-J / 4· 107·4(. :1781-( 3i 15}-C-3-59-4.;;,·16 3782-(37 1 7)-C- 1 3-R3~~.46 378:1_(:17201 _D -5-8I __ H :178 H372l ) -1)-5-8 1 \\'.4,j

P O!! tul S tutiCIh' r)'. s.:ptcmlrer· October, 1960. Yo. V I, No. J J , Whoh· No. 81 161

Page 6: POSTAL STATIONERY - 5 Sept Oct No 5... · UPSS NewlI -Notes 166 New Revalued Nepal Envelope VBrief ... IInll~tI surpilis for .1/4 rllc

3785-(37!:!2A)-D-fi :1/4-107- 10 .17fl6-(:\722B}-D-6 3N-1 07W __ 16 :\7!17-(37:!5)-D-7-.> 1 W --'no 4.; , 1(' 3i"88-( :1726 )-D _lki!)_1.~. Hi :178~)-( 3 7!:!7 ) -D-II-~<)~ ~2 37YO-(372H1-D-8_3YW -\:3, ,\-S, 46 :17<)1 -(:1731 ) -D-I :1-U:I--45, .16 :17!)2-(:17:~3: -D-n-8 :1\V~~.;, 16 319.1-(3736J -E-5-81W ~\ ~, 46 .3791-(:lni J-E--6 :1/-1--1 07-4(, .179:i-(:1738)-E-6 :1 / 4-107'V-16 :n90-(37::9]-E_7_;; I W- 1::I. 4 .~. 46 3797-(3740]- E-II-59-46 :n98-(:1712)-E-8-S9W -1-5,4(. :1799-(:17431 -E-I3-8:1-40 .1800-(:rH5] -E-13-83IA5. 46

On S i ~ Cent. Orange Air", ,,il H ies.

S070-(~014J-I3l-.8-59-1 [ working Di~ 5481 ~071 -(.~0 IB)-B2-B-.;9-4 1 workillg Die 5,)0~ 5072-(5022J-I3:I-U-59-1-1 work ing Dies 6002 6004. 600.; 'inri 6006

-(5024J-B3-13-S3-:~9 working Dip 600:1

On Si." Cent C .... rmine Air",,,i! ( Sk)"~ m aster] Die>;,

5073-(5058)-A-8-.~9-I:J, >\ 5 5074-(.~O S811 )-n-8-59-15-16 5075-(S059)-A-n-83-43, 45, 46 5076-(5059A)-B-13-.83_15,46 5077-(.i()39BJ-I1-6 :1 (-1-1 07~\6

On Si~ Cent Currni ne Airmail (Fipe~) Dies_

5078-(5067)-' -13-.83~15 507Sa-(5067H)-! 1-1 :1 -8:1-1.,

Tu~, Cent Imprint

0 .. Two Cent Circular nie".

3801-(2687) -II -3-S1-43 .'JS02-(2fi11f1)-A-5-fll-'!_2

-(270-1 l-A-7-.; 1-4', :mn:l_ (2721J-A -:1-.i9-n :1B0 .-i27Z4 1-.-\ -8-~9-42 :\80,,-(27:11 A )-.-\ -8-39W -4:, :II\Oo-(27:12J -A -B-1 02\ V -:\9 :lB07 - (2745 )-A -1 :1-!n~t1 :18011-(27-16 l-A -I :3 -83-12 3809-(211'l1 )-1-1- ! 3-11:1-43 :1810-(2B-1.5)-II-!::-B:l-1.2 ::1 8 L 1-(2901)-1-7 -96W -:\{" :19 :13 12-(2901)-T -8-59-4:1 :\8I:I-(2912A l-I-B-.i9W _.1:\ 3814-(29l:\)-I -Il-L02W -:16. :19 :lB15 -(29251 -1-13-98W -:19

0" Two Ce nt Onl l1)i c~.

::l816-(3671AJ-A-8-59-45 3817-(3671 C l-A-J 3-1l3-4.~. 46 .11111l-(:lli7:I J-B-Il-S9-4;;,16 :W 19-(16 73A )-B-! :1-!I:l-11i 3820-(.%74]-C-5-8 1- t3, 45 3821-(:167;;)-C-3-81-42,4.1-:1a22-(:1676)-C-;i-1l L W -t'i 3823-(3677A )-C (, 3('1-107-·1-6 3824-(3677B-C-6 J/'l -1 07W -·1.6 :11l2.~-(:11i80)-C-7 -S I W--4:I, ,)5 ::1826-(3681 )-C-8-59-4:I, 45, ·)6 :1827-(3682J-C-8-:>'l--42 , 14 38!:!8 - (:l6:l:I I -C-8-.~9W -4:\, 45 3829-(3686J-C-1 3-83-43, 45, 46 :l!l :IO-(:1687)-C-l:l-!1:IA!:!.44 38:\l-(36!1S]-C-n-S:IW-43, 45, 46 :18:12-( 3694] -D-7 -51 W--45 :\B:m-(:1697)-D-8-59W-1:I. 45, 46 3B34-(3700-) D-13-8:-IW-13, 45

.John W. r.rIl.VCS of Wichita reports that he hil S ve rified a f ind of Il singl~

used copy by Edwin 1[. Cole, Battle C" cck, l\Iieh igfUL, of T horp No. 3799, revaulcd Ic on ::Ie oval, No. 3743, Die E, size 13, Watermark 45. - Ed .


T offer e~aetly 6 sets of new regular (XIStal s tationery issu,·s (no airmai l), 49 items from China, Germlluy, Kenyu, Korea, Netherlands, Poland and Zallz ibar.

Also 3 ,dlOrl sets of 25 items us above.

All in immaculate IDint condi tion.

Price $5_50 per set, postpaid,

Pricc$3.00 pcrsct. postpaid.

Can make up sets of airmail stationery - ulso sets of re-eent reguluf issues, but t'arier than above.



162 Postal Sl./I.tioDet y, :::ielJkmber - Oct.oher, 1960, Vol VI, No. 11 Whole No. 84

Page 7: POSTAL STATIONERY - 5 Sept Oct No 5... · UPSS NewlI -Notes 166 New Revalued Nepal Envelope VBrief ... IInll~tI surpilis for .1/4 rllc


BY GEORGE C. SLA \\,50;\

W.\H.'\ J~r.

Tul,· noliec' und bell'"!,,,! The informl)_ l i<)" hen · gi ... ·" i.; not /1,,"-, hu t it hils t.'> I~ rrpent.ed unJ rrj)<'Iltrll in "r.-l,·r In mnk,. Illl irnpTt·s.sinn. TIH't'(· 111',· Cllrr" n IJ ~' li~ lpd ill l)O t b Scot t lind l\lint' lJ~ Clltn l-0l!'lkS P.crL,1i1l po:;!nl cfl!'d ~ ti n\! IH,. Ilhu'Ii-:.! Sppakin~ ror S('ot t '~ ( rO,. which .:nl" J"bll P t ;w writ"r docs th,- H~t in~ l l hr.,", curd., Ut!' OIl Lhd,. ''''Y HUt. Hnd will I .... DElish'li in ti ll" fi llIP. T Im! ~ l at~ "''' lIt p"'rhnps deSt-I'I"·.'! explnnnt j" lJ. Firsl . the cfu'ds lhn! lll'\' on l! l ~ \\"tI)' V""'lril <' liminllLHm from ti l<' cll llt l"A'1J~ lit" th .. ",. cUlwn l h· knliwlI us UX :H. 1l .'i3.i Ilnd th" mint (oot Uli('{1) c"pil."s uf UX.%, nil ,,, I' which Ar" II~ pho ny n~ th .. pro l"l' rh", j t ll r .. " dollar hill .

Then- is n story I)('hind fill cllrds, >11-though that 8tory us upplicP lbk to the JUllny otlwr 1IP1lis k<l \'urb(i~'!f of t rick slI!"(!lmrp;,:s i~ merely th A"L SOUI~nc had u fri('nd in h i~ loculI MIS t.()fI,~'C Id,u wouM do him a ravor. !tnd h""cl'. u wholt: !L"IIOft !lll·nl. of surcharges 011 willlt('H'r ClIffls wen' handih' ol'a il:lhl ,·_ T his perrOrrllnllcr look piao,-, lillie and I.'gain with a lo t of different oo!J"CtA >I'8 hal Ill:; " la rge nUIll Uo- r of l)oI'.O; lll l cmploy<:e> as friends. The!'e i~ 1J0thing new OJ' s lIr­prisin ... in tl ,is. Blit. on th.·s(' t hree cards. thei r ';rigiua l AcccplunCl' inl .. thc ca tn­logue Wits h alkd on other reasollS; nnd there is a stor)' behind these, too, It started with on .. hcwhi .• kcred t:olkc t.or­d (,fl ler in New York C ity wl,o hlld fI hand­ful of UX2.'i cards surchnrg'-'d with the N ew York surcharge AS It {(wor by a poslal friell d , exac tly; salnC type of occilrencc thnl was taking ph:!ce hither lUlU )'l1li ~hrougOOut the country_ Th~'SC cords (currently listed as t he nllnt copes of UX36) were triumphantly exhibill.'d t o n Philadelphia deal ... r 1l'~~ 11 the Illlte ~ ~I'as in New York On a n l lt . Till: vISitor pooh-poohed UJcm and cluimcd anyone could make freaks if that w8.!lal! tha t was wanted. Mr. Whiskers felt he hod ;;om,. sort of a "spedlll inside track" and re­fused to tlccept Mr. Phila.·s statement. It Icd t.o words, II.nd r ... putedl)' to a wager o r lunchcon - although the la t ter part fmny well be apocr~'phaL AnywlIY, ]\fl'.

Ph1111,. too. ha t! fri,'nds in till' IlOSt offiCt.._ Il ml I .. : prt'St'ntl~· obtll in..,d U roup;e uf I/(H .... s or more (at 'kast J ,11()()oopiell) lOr U I c ~urc ll:l l'J;'e aplllie" t.o t l,e Ie red 1\leK ;"I.:) (U X2.1) . In fact, ther(' w ... re so dog~nO' mUll)' o f tiocS<' Cllrds tl'lIt it ,;o;orrn (od COl' \I

whit "~, to I ... a lmost impossihle that ... , .IWIIIY elll'd ~ could be merely II "fan,!," surelmrg,·. They h('l;a" 1.0 fluod tIlt' mark,:!.. IIIllI 1\', ..... somehow Inhdcd as Iln ",'rn"." of SlIrel ,al'!'!e __ wl, iel , tl,e)' ".l, .. ~ t c~r ' (' inh' "u .. nflt. Anyway. I 11Il! J lI~ 1 SlIre 1I,u' L i\I r Wldsh!'l! . 1 ... 1. or nu I>I' L 111'>"e!' puid for n"y ''' ''C/offifl for .\It·. I'h ilil. Thi~ WitS th l ' IJl\si~ for the "'lllrIlIlC,. iut" tl,,· catlllogll(' or C'X:H - pun·ly >111 flU""~II!,liHn III"" ,, ' on lll<' vast !Hlln! ... .. Ilmd,', hut h:lI"ing no s lighl.~s t elnim I . ., Ik·in" II ho un-fid(, issur <or ero' ,r.

O~l'ing til" .Iutt.:" PMI of 1'1:.'0 tIl<' L:;,.; Ange!,'s uff;c,' d id $urd,ul'g<' som,' UX::!.i c(l rd~ III/parently in .., r" ,r. N UUl' uf l h,'s<' re neb.." C<11 1" t;tol';;' I,,"' d .•. IJuL nil \\<,1', '

p rinl<'Q UJl I~,~ commc~cial purpu.';s' " IIlurh Ildnrt l~ lIl g !In. Uks .'\"I!~~ Il\rt~ , h"ill" held fvr eI,ronty: a "1:111 ,,,<1,,1' ",I "" ... ..J"" hovki\ t.o b.,. retu rn",1 lu a lih .. llry. etc. 'I'I,,'~,· w .. rc 1111 loerl~.'c t l)' hun~s t u.'w.!fcs. !1m! lh~ ellrds P"'i ... ~d ,- tjr",'f\' , .

li il iu", csp"'dnlly a~ 110 C<)flY "I'('f r"ndu:(I IJlli l)"~ ldk hll n!l~ in t illl \' '?I' '-' I '" " lin UII­u ... ·t! c urd (ld uloll.· U IIIm t on<') tA, h,. reCUH'r(,{t. II very few II S<'d (,nO's II 11V,' been fo""d. p!"llmMy .no t 1110 « ' t h"'l half II do~",J. I he,· an' mdeed 1'111"1'. II lhJ because tIl(' used' copie·s witll II Los Al1gel.' .• s u rcloarg •. Il'arranrcd !istin~." t l ... min t flll'ur items with th" N~w 'urI. slII·dmrb't'. fl:S mude for Mr. WI,i.~k ,'rs, crt pt into the cal li logue, too.. . hut thes" mutLs lire UI1 till' wlty ou t..

T he UXJ.:; also reached the ~'llt!l luglk" hy a devious mUllm:r. A New 'urk collector. wintering in Flaridll. hnd_ a f/OII t orrice frir n" o""ly tll.e J llcksoun ll" ~ llrclmrgc . to n collpl" 01 dOloell or so oopi('s o( UX6, being jw;t II.not.h .. r "fll\'()1' '' it ... m. Some Leu yeurs Inler 'hey ermlt' into the Jlossession of tl New OrieuJl~ dealer who was perrl'Ctly wdl uware of thdr dubious history. He IIscd 11 rllllllo.,r of them (or adVertis ing pUrpOSes __ so t hey nrc known IlSed for New Orlea ,~s (in tile nine teen tb irties). On the IHi~L'

Postal StaJ.ionery, Sept{'mher - O c t.ober, 1960, Vol. V I, No. ] I Whol" No. 114 163

Page 8: POSTAL STATIONERY - 5 Sept Oct No 5... · UPSS NewlI -Notes 166 New Revalued Nepal Envelope VBrief ... IInll~tI surpilis for .1/4 rllc

of Illwing been u8ed. th~~~ Cltrd!:! mltde the clhl'>f:;II.' Il~ UX35, ah'lough this is cOntrar y t..', norma! prncticr (,>:.) one ([retllns of occelltin;:! t h .. mlllly mllde-to­order hist'et~, ~k. which 1111\'1' somehow IllltT1ll,:::e,1 tv ~N.l posta! So·n·ioe) .

All ~WIIY. lJX34, UX3:i It/)(I the Illi,~t (New Ynrk) c<>pies of UX:16 IIrf' on thell' way W Lh ~ oLIi,,';oll of u"n-cnW\o/(uing. Thi:! i~ not dorl<' in Ill! One mo'.jnn bN:lIU;;.c o r the t('IHIl'ncy of dNllcr~ to toke de!isl",l items lind rerer 1.0 t lH.' lus t cllwlOf!:ue price, II lld Iltl.cmllt to !leI! tht· rn on tl ,llt hllsi" _ o r e\'en of tr ~' ing to c\llim tl r"t pri",· is IIOW ou t of ,lute "nd th" ~ I lllriou~ "rtkle i ~ wortl, en'" ",1)1"(' Illnll!'")' th r'" r">rm~rh' cnta!o!!,ucd. Tl, i.~ i ~ O J[ UIl'

ethiCll l jlr'.c1i ..... that is ex t r" III c\~ difficult tu e l lllblit. All the fo"tnot.'~ ill t l". world nwan lIoti ling to th~ u"er'uge (.,~'HI"c1.ur . wh" ski!'''! OVer tlWIIL h!itlwly . Ilence, III ... u1 tl;!'" only way th !'" ~ituati"n e"" he ha1l!H~ct i~ t. ... prie!'" t hes<' dl,]'ioll~ itf'IllS ,in i\.ll liC!r (II:; e~pl ain{'(! in t lw foo tnote lor tl.o. .. · II'h .-• • !''I r(," to look) . lind tn ,b"Ol' t he ita lit:i1.,·d Ilrif'~ f'lIeh :rcHr m,' II it ro'I,,;he~ " p un: I., lH,m;"," amou"t - , Cln'\ . tl ~ "n, pfrft.: Ow e ,mph,t·, ""lllo,"1I1 Ir,,,, , h<tlng. Thi~ i ~ l,e fale i'l stl>re (.,r UX~4.

IIX:\:; Il"d t',e mint ( \("'" York) "" pie~"r \JX:\!\ whie! , ,,,.,' t>ciul\" low,r,·d every yenr unti l t 'wir d~IKlrl.un', /l,n(i. wuit in:;: ,-mtiently fnr t he ,,~it to wk,' en·,.d. t Ill" ;'1',' «,111 Il ll rnl .... rs U'\ :J3E Hill: UX:lJF lin' t '",r,· t<> riJI t lw fu t ure I"IIr:and.·" i .. uxn 1111:1 UX:15. T I,,' pr" ~" nl UX:lf, will II<' ... ·tfl;,, ~ol. "r .;nu,.,.ft . fOI" t h('" u""d ( I ~'.i A I,g""" ) copi"s .,l" surd' lll"jr.,d l J \..5. \1", (lil ly t"I!l' ~urcJlIInw ~ , ' rcor .,j' I!'" 1(1~(l ".,d .,s,

11.I'.S.S. S ·\I .E:; !)EI',\ It'Dl l·:x r


Unless y"u arc using the Snl,," Dc" pnl'tul('llt or UP SS eithef H ~ II IJuyer Of liS

" I>I:JI" I' or bot h you life nut l;ctti ng t il ,' full ... ul lle of your ")(lIllJ.~~h ip.

'1'" )'ollr sales rIlllnagcr Ihr. Mman II UrIl' !o~N1 us:ng t he d~ l'~rtnwn L i~ II .;onstllnl source o r wonder. We heli.·\,,, t hose whn do u§e it have rn,,"d it s:l ti,;/'nc tor y. MOli t o r our huyenl llre ohle to find" ""IJ.­SLIlntiul number of itcm~ tlo~ y n,:<"<1 and 11\0>11. of thnsc suomitlinb IIll1tcriai for sa le we hdie ... ~ hll"e ['("md sn les 8l1 tis· foetory.

1,-,. ... II resume of th~ (']l(!l'lItions o r th" D~ I}[Htlnenl drop II ""fd to the sales mllnnger, C. D. Hoot , 8;:;':; Cuve Way, Denver 9, Colo.

As u\W{l)'" we CUll us.: (ille Illa iu l in USA eotires li n d II~tlll eard~ and 1111 t,ypes of foreign.


1-1 , n. Jl n fm o:r. I ne., New York, "" ,Id t hl' United s<'(; ~ion or t h ... Milttl'll A II .--.m .. " colll'Ctioo .. n Oelolo"r 17, 18. und 1'1. 196U. It upp .. n,.,. frum a ~ 1 ,UllI' of the suiI'

cutulog tlmt t.1 ,c (.'Oll('"f'tion wn~ formed . not hy Tho fpe. hut loy the s impl ified Scot t li" t,ings. Th;.~ i_ ",·i,j ': II cf't! hy t ot (',,7 f,·udi ,,'.: : " Ie hlu,' :n.:ay [""Ut"'. (, (lirf .. coon pl .. liS !ist,ed hy &.,It .... '' i\lnn y of t he i telll~ in tl,i" sto le cnnle from t lo .. h llrk hIlU"I''' c .... l1<:<:tio.'n. Cut!ll"~Il!'" ''10:1.. Price

Sc:ott T hor" T horp 11 "'1\1i~.r.t IJI ~ .~:JI)Il . (jO !3 110 00 W 22 :;'1 6~:\ S2,~O OO"pS l:IO . OO u:m n:1 g:;oo no g 110. no

( lnned) U31 IH $.~OO , 00 S 2:10.00 U37 106 $:;00 ,00 S 2~1) . 00 UI!!;) <135 $7'-.0.00 $ 77;) .00 II 1 ~ oJ:\(, S 17:'0 . 00 S 7i;L 00 UUO 401 1_ $.,O/I .(JQ $1'1.)0 . 0/) UI4.; 1.;8 _ 8.;70 .00 S .)~.l. OO UI.'i7 5()1L --- Sln:;n.on 1; 17 1 (,,,7_ -.-.-- $ 77" on t 1220 BIlII .'i:,!;;on 00 ~ I BOO no l lCHu 5tH 7 ----_ $ 440 IY..) UCah !iO·IB - - - $ 117.; . 0:) UO:..: rl' ,t lis leu ( .. " tlnll,,·r) S 1:'.1110.1\') _ExllI'L TI,,,,·fl" numbt-r not gin'" __ Cu t ${J " nre - &:ntt ~~7.iO . 0fI.

(;EItI\I .. \ i\' " FLOUHI~~CENT" j 'OST AL CA UDS

'nI,e G"rman P""l orn~~, D,·pfu·tll,..nt i~ e XP,c,.ill .... nl ing. Ilt pn"wlI l only in t.lle D" rll1stlld t. regio". with sl"rnl.08 und l)()Stllt OImls impl"ell"ntlkd nr imprint~ wilh I I flc''' rl'S(. ... nL d ~'c W oi,1 in snrt.i1\1{ moil, ~im il flr t.f> the Bril,icl ' .. ~, or ~ral'h i t.e s tri l*i' WI t l"" bauk o r l!ttllnrl$ for l l. i.~ 1111/"1)1 -'9".

D r. 1'.1\!' F. !, ( ,!t~ s:~;: of Dl: ':n; t'''!l ad";~cs t hut B I'a l" "" of s tulllP". ru ngin:; fmrn 5 to 40 pfg. 1111 un r':s,d uul s lock ()f the ·'Hcu&~" portrnit ~ tlllll'lS, hllve heen impregnllted witl. the floure.'\ecnL dye I'Ihowing lumiueS<:eIlCr onl y umlrr !\

1\IIf1rtr IUfllP, not "isible b t!' ... n~ked cy'" ·· lI en~" single postlll Cllrds of 8 a",J

10 Ilfg "ollle, along wil h 10 !lnd 20 pfg rerl~' CSlrds. ~how II ligh t ~e llow rr.c t.nngle of the (l,,"rescent dyc unmedilltely to til,· ].,rt of t. he stllmp. this IIl·iug clearly "i,uble.

Dr. Pdtnson, whose IIddrc~ is lIeim­ri chs trll.~~ ~2.'i, Dannslndt. Gen""m'. sln tc~ hc wii! end~av"r t tl ~ 1IP1II .v tl ,c LI'; ;; sinJ.l le cards at 50e each tlnd t he rep!." co .... ls al SI l'oeh uscd o r unused.

The <,.a nls will i)C li-;tcd II/ld iIIu<;tnotd in t he N" \' D;JC. i ~IJ" (,f I-O"iTA L ~TATJO I,"En' .

161 Postal S tll tion~r)', s.:ptcmLcl" _ Octuua, 1%0, \'oi. VI. Nu. 11. Wloule No. 84

Page 9: POSTAL STATIONERY - 5 Sept Oct No 5... · UPSS NewlI -Notes 166 New Revalued Nepal Envelope VBrief ... IInll~tI surpilis for .1/4 rllc

ClIES\ \>EX "6H" Tl~ e Ch .. ,,'1lJ'!x "60" E~hihi t jrm ",us Io e ld S,mt\'miwr J'J-.-18 in 1'." ";"ulh.'rn linte l in

nlll tlln"r~. '11I~'illfld , ~Jl"Jl~rnll: or,!Ju,i~al ion" wel't'; T I ... ur .... " T h.· C' I1~""HHt<. ::>t1m p \ !lill nl·~. HJIII Th,. ,\ rn ('r; o; ftn Fir,;t DI1\' r~,,·.' r ~lCj,.tv_ .

TI,1' UPS" AWlln! Winne~ we,·c:' • I ,;L Award (I. :I\'H Airrm.iI AWll rd ) CharJ.'~ Fid ", 2nd WAward ({;rrn,,1 AWllrd ) ",' rI '~rt Dc :o.l ",,~ 3rt! ,\wllrd Frn "k StmU"n lind Churles ~'rick,' 4t h Awurd il,1nrcT, uar! Annhi Wloi l.r 3th A",,,,.d Elh'ry D .'nison (NUIl·I\·I"rnhN) 6th Awn rd Ch,yton J. r. ' ll>dpastor 7tl, Award 1\1. A. Ali

In additinn the Sh" ,,' :".plln.<ll/"ll ga"e t he roll(lwin;:r " "',orel ,, Gr,k! Awur,1 CllItr\rs Fricke ~i l n'r Awanl lI .. rher t 1).,:\I .. "s :'\iher .\ \\'n rd Fmnk :-: ' m llnn uII,1 ChOlr;r_ Fdd , .' Bronze AWHr,] !\brcw; Ulld Arillie WI,; L,'

Mr. n(,w[und P. Pollard IIml \1,.. C. T. Tunrr r I\'Un'l"'l(Hl;! llu' j ,id::r" s I,l Lhe ~~I "W.

n US-'l IA

Clil iXA

OODS rlllt!



Hirnnlil Skl r. rl"' .. ki. Towson. Md. · con I;.. lli.< tor)· and complet e li .~tin~ in 1·:Tl<!li",h. b~' t l, .. "",'ner. I-:Il .. ry Dcnis-.on , Takoma Pork, M d. - Po;;t.'l! Cards. s howin~ aU typ~~ frmu 18117 to d'l l.·, MUTCns and Arm i., W hit ... Wor<;cskr, ,, In,,, ....

EN DS -P(ls tll l Sta,~I";O:'~"c'j'".· .'":-i>::-_______________ _ Chllrlc's ~'rid ", J>ld Jlldrlplr i», ]'".

A SJWd'It:7.'·d ~tn ~ly of the I-'i r.,.t LN r ~ Pas til I Card "I' tlo,' 11I7:I-H175 i~s,w.

llr-nr)' H"rl\h ,·rg ~ r. llJ.lti"I:or~. ,'Id. U.S. ---Wu31oin-;wn liicenlenni,,1 "' ~ri l·~ , Jln~: 'nirlL r.) tnr~·. 1,'iNL dny ,.f

' ;!SII I' , elc. C lrl )" ' ,n 1. (inod pl1 <; lflr. Auhurn. C llt.

"'OHLD __ -'lI an' {lIl ol C I,,-.:<ic A.·ro~ r: I1"r ilt'~ "r Ih,' W"rld·· . Ilenr)"O!., . l 'lri ludrl"l,i". !'".

N I,:\\, ZEALAND :---All I'luIS"~ or New Z~~land [>O~ lni ~ t." li"ncr y. 11 .. !'h"r! N. D e il,1. ·>,\s, Hllitimor<', :'Ill!.

u.s, - '1'1,,· Collllohian I "'-~ur~, ""8ll~' ~. I"I1I',ti l''', s pcci",~"s and J\ l rs. Conwn¥ Zirld~ , S.'cane, I'a.

JAPA N ---Jalll"l ~sc Po-" I Clink Fir.4 Two 1 S::i ' J('~ . 1U73. ~~~.~~~~~==~'---- ----


M,"\;, COIl WU)' Zi rkle. S~,anu. I'u. P"st.a l StR t ir" ,;on- 01' I{"r~" I" 1'10.; .

Ernes t E. :-:ich llS'.I.' r: Sr .. h {· lulu.n' . N. Y. --Air Let~r lI hl'C ts of the World , Ilrnry E. Hornberger, Baltimure, Md. ___ Celltrnnia l [ !I.~ ' lC, jJn)(}b. working ,!i l'~' s lation cunl,,' l ~, [uHI lLnli~kd

vuricti('s, lIe thcrt N , J)cMOl;lj. 13nltimo"e, Mu.

U.S. ____ c;: .• ~·S~-I~"",':!D~;~"C .. f,.c""~·~·ro"l'"~do.._l~~"..~"~",. ~;C"~"I.-Tn""~p"';','yl>,--C'S'P"""";'""!'"""c"C""d,,--"n"""c;,U"",,,._ .. n . Laurence Pool, EIISl l-ilull])t,on , L. I.. N. Y.

u.s. POSSES.-;IONS--Entires CunnI ZOIlI', Cuba. J) {l1l i~h Wrst [ndil''; and Illl"aii.




I I. Luuren(:C I'oul. Ells t lIomploll. I.. I. . N. Y. _ Threl' C"UL N..,~ bitl of 135:l-55, tu il' , l"Orlll'l"S. Ex])rl's.~ C" .. lO U'! n lriOllS

POS lllgc nS,mgl's . 1\1. A. Ali. (I~II S t ) Ni7.~ ruuhod. A. 1'. Imlin.

-Hare !lntl Im porta nt P'lfIt Ca ,.d~ uJ" E •. Il yuerablld, Fr(lllk B. Slrultoll, Grinnell, 10wo. lind ChHd~s Fricke I'hillluclpia, Po. ---A sIX"dali~I..,<1 study of t he 187'01. IIIn and 1898 :!c U.P.U . l ulur.

Clint"! "r t h,' U. s. Chades SchUUlII(ll,. HlIl l imore. (\ Id.

U.s. The end of :Ul 01<1 a nd Bl'gillll,n~ tor II Ill'''' ern. E. A. Farns wor t h, Cornish Fia t, N. II.

WOHLD ---New and rt':CC lL t i»":i uus uf the world . P OS Lul S tationery. September - Oo.;luber, 1%0, Yul VI. :'\u. Ii WIl"k N". M Ib~)

Page 10: POSTAL STATIONERY - 5 Sept Oct No 5... · UPSS NewlI -Notes 166 New Revalued Nepal Envelope VBrief ... IInll~tI surpilis for .1/4 rllc


(ii09A 186th Lan e-Gnoss, S{'crdar\'


A J)l''.V mlditioll Lu til(' P.P.S.S. lihrnl'y is f\ r..-.pv 01' ChHdf'~ A. Fl"i cl\~'~ "tI. STlJDy' LF THF: 'BI G-TlOi.E' YA­nll~TYOFTHE F' li1STU. S. POSTAL CABD, 1!17:l-1875. " Thi~ pllflmpl,.t WIIS donah',) bv th<J fl ut.l ,or. to) whmu we S<ly "Tlmnks":

NEW "m,mmRS

.JMJES II. "ANN (77!i) r 'lOl P!flin­ridtl fl ood. Cincinnflti ~6. Ohio. Co!ket~ US P08tfll S tAt ion .. "", includi llg" c/lI'c­!"r~s . p("' eAl"(l~ Arid Jdt~r sh ~et.s.

CII .\NCE OF AUI)UESS EL~IEH .T i l .\ ·' ~:;. ;;U ! S~l\{'en :Street.

\V,·~t S",wea :.!4, Npw Yo,.k. Frmll" iJ(i29 L,wson D;"in', E! Pn8D, T CXH S,

CEO n (;E II . . 'lOS;';, .m. (790) Bnx 2:14. ;::\Cll l.l,.ig i l ~. "" . J., CnH('cL~ freaks ;lnd ,·,.r"r, r.r all !.;in,h in U. S. el1\"(,-

1() 1)P~: '-' ,l:e ct~ i':xpositiotl str.t·o;] "r :.· c'~[lc6 ~ ' !~' \',-orlu's "ni,. canc' · l lali,,,,~ on C ,Iwllbia ll ~" , · i ,·,, : (~J!le(; l s De]);l1'),­"'(, I, t a\;; Hfl': a:l'llliJi! ''''v.,] o, ' ~s , swei­"','n,·, p:':milk~ am! " ffi (~ 'lb .

J> t~y. F HA.'\ClS W. IIA YF$ .m. (1T,) 1013 C!"·s~l;-.('a!;,, Awll"'· . !-;f\J"[ \-1')11 . \ i":::i lli" ,

:\1. / seT. (71i :1) 2ij70

11"",(,, " lplJ ,

WILL I. ' ." 10.:. T llfn l ,:-; (, I'::: !A .->O:pwd!'<)tI . I I ill AI' !\<;\, 1 n' I.

21:\91 Fl.'!' LT . II. V. [o'! ;!U>lE\!;X (5:16) 1 Ail' Div is ion I1Q, HeAL' , CAPO ;;03~ , Cn[l~'~i:t" :\,-m.·,: Fn; 'e~ " E uroJle

'ULii'i' ::,'. H. \ '. F I_ W\!' H ,\ r ,i'l:,) wl ';I"" v' ,,,!,-j,,,, t:"'l_ a ~' ''~ urfic('r in t.ile ;loynl C'1'ladin" -\.j ., F"re~ . I,, · 110-," I"b" I',.'u'- ,,',! ;- assi !!:Il Itlt' •• l in _\ Tet.r . i: r""c,' : ii , ~''' ' '''d i n~ inter. ~ [., ii,· j" l! ", rich[ uf c.",um>n',,",·u; th ",r'! <1.;(_

Flushing (is, New York

1I"0"Id iii", to "xcloungp ",it.!! nlhpr nwml'en . "

DAVIn Sl-n m (7fll,) lJr,j \'~si ty I lo"s~. Cunhr rrn ACT. AusLmli!l.

JOliN :\1. HANUALI.(769), 15lS i\'l nn­roe ~trept, :r'!'ladison S, Wis<'~lJ]Rin , C::ollccts U. S. pc,~tAl stationery, jnclml­

bg specimens, pe!lnlties, precuncds find printed frAnks


!\-Jr. ,T"l,n n. l)c l<: r_~ml, 9 .. !, \Vp~t E~ R e'( A ': c ,. Liln~do,,"n,.. ])e:1-,­svl\-""in. is "ne of o u~' ,,,,,,,pst m~ml"'r~. r\-Tr. Prt<'l"SOn, Il. [];\t"lIt tlUoI"rWY. !>ItS hren ef)l1~ cling Swpd i·,h stnti()llpr". r"r 'll1it~ (\ few ye; rs and on!~ iatply ,'~ai i ~_ ,.:1 tlwt tl'" urss (~'vers ov~r~NIS st"t. i oncr~· I '",. -'t l'i~ Sll"di,'~ 'nlh-'Lh-, c":n ;Jri,, ~~ ,\~ )6,, 1, S(101 ik m~ ilne! II\' still f",.ls it bon!:: no%, (')Ill n l·,t ~ , T!" h:1 ' "I"t" ,; s('v"r,, ! i :,," ~~ 01' i"·'~1. >i l ("l rd~ , T;,i~ j,,, ,,~'.\' )'~ _ ~c" ;'ch wod, :-Inti !1" ,~ ,·~t1"~m dv i,,­l"r~"t"d in g~ t!.; nt' in Il Jl'eh 'with ""0:--' !~ wh" ;: '1\'(' ('~~""si\-,' g"" '", of ~; ',"~" i S!1 m"l~rj.~! ,,~ "il,O hi,'i" -don', , " me of Ille AdvA1!<yd w"rk in this 'i~!d . O ne of hi~ j,ow. in i' ,in ing th,> ur,"s j< I' ji'\. ilt" will hr able· 1,0 in­r,.~"o~ h i~ 1)' , ;lat~lk ( ~'ntnet~ i ~ this ~j ,.]{ I .

WHOI,ESALE E''TIRES, Mostly I\lint,

C.~. ?"sse ,·", i ,,;::~ . Lis t ~cn .. "u d c,'ler'", le tterhead.

C . S . E ur.ires, few cut ~qllares, .~anle as ah(n'e.

Comli t ion the ',e~t lind price~ , righ t. SUr,,!u .. "tor.\<.

Eo I), Skeen, Wall<crlon,' ndiana

! ion~ry "ntire and ell t S(t,Hlr<'. I "',~. ~"~I':'~' _..:::::::::::::::::::; .---_._-' BRYANT PGLI. •. \!W CO. ,

P lt!)[ :T!) II SVI I,I ,E n':!{)\JO!\'!'

166 l'ostul StAtionery, Septemhe!' - Octol,n, 1%0, Vo. VI, No. 11. Who!e Xo. 84

Page 11: POSTAL STATIONERY - 5 Sept Oct No 5... · UPSS NewlI -Notes 166 New Revalued Nepal Envelope VBrief ... IInll~tI surpilis for .1/4 rllc


1I1~ \,. M. L , RI C KETT S P . O. HO l( 24-

LO"ing ion, Ullnois


,'II rd. " ' illu>1I t t he hurse tlr t he illS\.' r ip­Ii,,". has been f" lInd in brown. It is H "cry ~harp }lrinl. "" hell"" "uli\'~ Cll rd stOl:k , and the ('o lor is ' t h,,' IIf the U\'l' ] PlIshll l'~'l j " !l rd ",hi,·1t foll ,,",­~, ] it. 'I'hc " ar!! i.~ ,"int, a nd 11 111 "

t" nln t ivcly be consid"r .. d 'l.~ " ['ruof. The dah:~ in t he corners "f II", ~ t ll rn" are d e ll rl y sCen 1'1 he 1!)9U, <l r 11':13,4 :\ . 1>. T hl! ea rliest kn "w" (\"' 0> "n " l :~e ,] <:lIrd (a"d nil " a r (L~ kilO"'" II r ,' u~ed) is 1935.

5. T hl! h ru"'11 O\'a ] I'Hsh "!," li '· , rd S it", snrne I"\e I'rintin ,l(s, 1,000 rha l'S " ... 1,,,,, as th,· latt<'r 19iW·s. since t hey Wt'rt' in li S" flC<'" s i"n"lh ' ,,1 that (\ ,, \ " ("' ith ". l ~ PS. ~ l "rn l' ,,,id,,t! t" I" ' Y Ih .. II" '" l"ll'li t' r ralt') . Th.. desi,l2'n " ' ns

Last r enr ~.n· eral a rticles hy this ".,,,oI t cr(' '] thrnu A'hou t th~ ... nti re pe-Illithor "p]Jcared in this IlIag" 1. i llt' rlod, hllt thc s luulcs nf hro",n ,-n ri,'d d o:: s<' rihinj( the !lustlll s t a tio nery o f ""nsidernh ly, as d id Ihe <''' r<1 stn{:k Kepnl. ind uding some hitherln Il n- " S!"1. T ht' ]ato::st p r inti n,l2's w(: ro:: blll('k_ known "Il rielie~ (sec V ol. I", Nos. I. ht"w" un thi n. n.1l; ,·o:: ... a rd , :.t, Iln!1 4). Since t.hen ,<t"'c r ,,1 new .. \ pro"f, ;I]']l ll rt'ntly. of thi s ('arr] is typ-es h""'e t u rncd " I' II ml shou ld h r kn"w n p ri n led un nmhe r Eur"I 'CI.n reported, en r,) st n .. k in d " r k Im''''n , This m ny

1, In th e r ed-nrAllge C rn5.~ ed Ku k ris h,· uniq" .... series of postnl curds nll<: n<:w ,·"tidy ,j . The , ~ I'S. Ilrccu ell'· ... lopc hu s h itS b t'cn f ound, which ~hn n l d tit' l'lns- nnw been f<>lmd printed " II the s ifio::d 6.'\ , It is l ike numher 6. bu t hilS ( Iwo Illin t copit'5 ku ,,",u ) . :\ d" llble st' ,'en " ", ronl's" Inskllt! of s ix, lind t he .. tete becl'l!'· p rintin ,l2' in r o::d has lO is" !;rnuplng i., unique, unli k ,' the $e,'"n becn seen. ( Xotcd in I'SI'H . Yu!. "I, ):, TUlI pS nn Ihe othe r cUfll ~. Mr. l"r,,,,k I', 100,) CO"'~ n fi rs t r(:(vgni ~ e'! t his ,·" ricty . (i .. The n""rpri,,!t'd {'''''t:\npes (8 1'S . " nd s inCt' t ho::n I h" ,'O:: fOllnd Olle, This " II ~ PS , red ) Il r~ 11 (1", tn ho:: Iis l t'<t i ll i~ a tlI njnr " " r let,\' " nd "Pl'nrentl,.- ("" r ,-" rie tics. The " HrIHill! is Hf two qu ite SCU f(~e. (,I'pes: 01\1' "'OI"(l nr ,,~ twn, "nd O::l!.ch

2. 011(: ,,,,,j o r 'mel one minor ,·"tidy t,l' pe [OI'Pcn rs 1Il'ri(rht <lnd " Iso in vo:: r t -11,1\'1' ht.t. n fou nd in !he hlue ~ ' r "sse<l I'd . l'ost [O lI ~' used ('opit's " r m ost " r k"kris seri o::s. C" rd H .weurs wi th t heso:: n r t known, mostly phi t"tdi .... the minor ""rill t ion "d r ol111ed inS('rip- 1. T he 8 PS. A. e rogrlllnmc Is.~ned on lion". The horso:: II od a ll t he ins('rip- ..I.l,r il Hi, 19,';9 :UIII int ended fo r lion ,n e I' r inl ed 20mln. 10""'e r t h rm domuti .. \I SO:: is fo und in t.,..'" "u rie\les, ro::gularly with relu llon to the s t l\ ltIl'. .-\11 ",,\>i~s kno"' n 'tl rut" m int Or p"~. Two o r three of t.hese (",fils h" ... · tall,\' use,1 show n dc('"r ll ti"" hnNlc r come t o my hnnd ~. Thi s m.~,\' he Ii st('d whi r ], ind ud o::s SWIlStiknS at the ,'u r-ItS I ·~A . Iwr~ 'Hut r" i"-w ,, ~' betweo:: n ... ' rner~ on

T he m nj"r ""ridy in t his series , the h" r i7,(' "I ,,1 edA'c~ (six s" ' nl>ti kll5 in wh ich I ('n 1[ 17A, hcnrs Ull insc r iption ,,11 ) . All t hose r~ 'H'elkd on th o:: f irs t npl'roxlnlRt eiy like C~l r<1 S 16 nlHl 17 . dll r d" not h'-" 'e Ihese SWllstikllS! H " wl' ,'!' r. the ho fS(' is r,ulie[OlIv d i(- 'I'1H're m ust 1];I\'e I"','n two I' r in t in ll's, fe renl _ [0 "e ", c rude s n itn,,1 imieed ! 1't"~ :' :qlS ,.,·en befnre an~' "'e re s"lcI. (Cnll it ho rsl': #--6 ) . It is 11 l':rhllp~ h(!s t SOl fa r " ,1 ",in t ,'""ies mi nus Iii ,· <lescr ihed li B " s 'lllnre-cut". Only three s","stik" .. h~,' c heen r epu rt e rl; e"cn "r four of th O::Se " re kno",n hc re. nil t husc pur ('h~sed d urinA' thl': ... t'l'k t hey IIsed, The n.rt'st curd n f t his so::r;e.~ ,,'C ro:: isnerl ho::"r ! ht' [Odd i! iun,,! orn,, -remains numbe r 17. of which un I,\' mco ts. on .. ('nrrl is known. /,n Inte r nati nnn i Aeroj:Crn nlme h ,,~

3. 'l' W<l "n ri t' ti es of Ihe hlue l' IIsh- ."ct to be is.<lleri by Nepal. Th~ fol ' u i>nti ('un! sho ll ltl hI': r1 is linj:uished, I """' i ll~ is oH er ... d li S a ,'h ,.('k iis l r"t w il h t h o:: ",,- riat ion in tll l: Ilrched in- N t'I)~, 1 o::n .... I0 [1e6' scription ''''t'r the ho rst', The cmnlllOn- 1. ~ I'S, Green vn rl,)Us sluu!('s c r Iype Is sharply r"nntled. nhnost n A, Printed on ]'a('k ~em i-drcle, The !;(,,, I'{'e r lytle is n "t- n, Prin t ed to:ll': ho::ehe in r,.,1 tened :som e",h,,!, a nd t he riJl,'ht c nd '!. 8 1'5. Red, ,·" timlS shndes exto:: nds lower Ih an the left end, !l1"lng A . 'J'rinted on h ack " " nnb" ln nccn nppcnran ce, :1 . 24 rs. Orang t· registry

A print ing o f t he slnmp o f t h is -21f2 mffi. splice PO!:lI.8! Stfl linnl'ry, St-pt...ltIber - Octoller, 1%0, \, .. 1. VI. Nu. 1 L WI.oI,· No. 8,1

~n .. elope hct",een


Page 12: POSTAL STATIONERY - 5 Sept Oct No 5... · UPSS NewlI -Notes 166 New Revalued Nepal Envelope VBrief ... IInll~tI surpilis for .1/4 rllc

\\"urtls of inS" rip l iOll ,\ . ·1 % llIm space l)('hl'('cn

"'ortis 11. r\ .. inscript ion ,,\ " II

~. 2 1'S. Bcd (t he Ilos t-ca rd sl allll' on an cUI·dop.·)

5 , 21'S. Re.1 O ... :rllTin!nl in bla"." " I': ;ghl 1'1l 1~ " s " ( in Dc\'ana-

II't l) O v.:qHint in two wor(ls, up ri.c;ht. A. Inn' de" "" " "prin !

'i. 2 PS. Red o\'rrprinted liS abo\'e, b,,, Ol'c r print in on e wora. A . Ol'crprint invert ed.

7. 6 PS. Red, e r "wn in oval (1959)


r.EOnr.r:: C. SLAWSO""l

I hr\i,·,·c we hn"1' Il~l ootirrd t hllt. th (' Ponv Rq)rr~~ 1'1I,·,'!n!,,, Wll~ print~<i us in p; a n':w kn if,· --- nlld u l thnu~h t he siz(' i ~ ~I, i' l (, .1/1. th,' rnrlll n( t.he elll'e lnne lm~ chIlM,'!'.! (;!>n~iMrllh ! y. T hf' tnn flnp i ~ much shnr l"r. ill' inA' fln l )' Ilhnut :l7 mm. ins tr lld or 4!) rn rn . Rnd hils squa T(' g um i n~ I "1H1 <If " ",,..Ird. T he hottom rlap i~ rlul "I l h .. 1" 1' in'; \.f'llri of I>f' i n~ n'!!ulll rly I">uml"d M Wll~ l n w for knirl' lOi. and t !, .. n' :,,~ Il l..o .liffc,·r tlCt!s in th .. sidp n"n~· TI ,i~ '1.·\\' :t nir(' e hilS n(Ow m ali C'

i l,~ Ilpl}('''Jl1l1<X'! ;n th .. r .. !!nlnrly is.';' 1l'U 4 c nn.1 di ,'!<. Ami tlwr .. i~ Il Iikcl i!t<lO<1 thll1 in tim~ 1hi_ II .'W Imif ... now li81!'d " ~ kf\ir~ 1Of!. will ~ u l \,' r~f'(k ll", preSt'n1 knif .. H17. n lthoup:h t" oIllt .. it ha~ m"d~ i t.~ nnp,'afllncr onl v Of) t h .. <Ii .. C rotn1'y IJreS~ 4c " I1 \'(' )"Pl·~. in uddition to the Pony I ': _~pr~~~ it"IlN ~rl'dit for IInt in !!: ami re­pr-..-tin'" 1.1)1~ .. n vdnf}e ~ hnll id he A'i w n I,n Pall! !-'.'n"~I'. 22~3 \1'n ll"'p !,r!'" Hlnl. I\ fcK pr~rnr t . Penna.

HlI.! . !\UISF.I .. UI'S!:, 1·ItF:XY,

i'l l ,\lInn:".

On N{>I'cml"' r 26. ]9(.0. Miss Donna BuntinA'. m ,d Willill m H. l\f aisC'l. Pr .. si­dent of till' I J PS.~. wel'e uni t.:d in mnrriage. T he wedding OCC UI'"d ill Balt imore, in which city Bill IllIg heen a resident a ll his life. The couple have tak .. n a home at 1507 Norman Avenue. Lutherville. M llry­land. which is nellr nill'~ office. and wi ll permit him to spend an hour a od a hal f per day mure Ilt home with his hrid(' instpad of u~i llg t ha t t i.n .. to buck Balti­mure trllnic in the proce~~ o f com lUutiog.

(l '·JlOI·lt:d 10)' G~'Orge Slawson.

' ·:I",-,whrr .' in tl,i~ i~-s .... tllt' rl' 1t/i11('1l1'll I1 n Hd n r t i""llll'lI l. off('ring II limilCiI nu'n­h.'r ,,( ~r' l .; or tit',," unol r('C('nt is."ul'~ of p,,,.t,· 1 s l.a lioner)· rmlll $C,·.'rll l ou" nl ri .. >I.

I ~{"1. "r ti",,, I" deHlle to gntlwrins new is.<nt·s II,; uril;'inll ll\' I.lllnned hus tn llde il imp(.,,~ ij,k r" r m .. ' t" ""t up n IlI'W i~~",' ",,'fl' i0(' ri~h t now hut liS new ilemll lire 1I('CUlIiUllJtnl I wi ll nlllkc '>oXflsi"nnl 101 "rf~ l's \iud, I1S Il ppellN in th1." i ~~ lI r,

N<·"dv HII "I' th t' itl'm~ will h(' lis ted Ami illuSt mt<,.l in tI, .. Nn". - D"c. i~sue "I' PO:-lT AJ. STATI ONERY. Pric ~s Ilnrlll)'" Il li llie OVer lOe "pi~Cl' although ""'tn,· "r t he it.·lll s cost 15 to 25c euch w l ~)ll',:/l I.,

E. A. FlI rllswort h

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168 Posta l SUttionery, Sepl.<:mht:: r - Ocwl,er. 1960. Vo. VI , No. Jl. Whole No. 84.