post office 1851 pdf format - margate local history office 1851.pdf · a post office directory kent...

A Post Office Directory Kent 1851 A MARGATE MARGATE is a sea-port town and watering-place in the parish of St John, in Ringslow Hundred and the Isle and Union of Thanet, and lathe of St. Augustine. It is on the sea shore, on the west side of the North Foreland, and opposite Margate sands. Margate is a member of the Cinque Port of Dover, and is 71½ miles from London, 16¾ from Canterbury, and 5 from Ramsgate. The market is held on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Margate is much frequented as a watering-place, for which it is well adapted from its situation, and ready access to it by the steamboats. A branch of the South Eastern Railway also communicates with Ramsgate. Fishing for skate, haddock, soles, and flat fish is carried on, and some little trade with the Netherlands, for the immediate wants of the district. The parish contained, in 1841, a population of 10,679, not having much increased of late years. The area in acres is 381, and the Property Tax assessment £52,080. Steamboats run to London, Gravesend, Herne Bay, and Ramsgate. The place was formerly known by the name of St. John's, and still earlier as Meregate, a gate of sea; afterwards a small fishing town arose, at the gate in the cliff called Margate, and this name now applies to the whole town. That part of the town to the west of the harbour is called Buenos Ayres. The town is well laid out, paved, lighted, and watched, and some of the streets are good. The Marine parade has of late years been widened; the Marine terrace extends 1,500 feet in length, and is protected from the sea by a stone wall. The Esplanade is parallel to the Marine terrace, and extends a quarter of a mile in length—it is much frequented. With the piers Margate thus possesses the advantage of excellent promenades, and its shore for bathing is very good. Cecil square was built in 1769; Addington square more recently; Hawley square is an old square. The pier was built in 1810, by the celebrated John Rennie, and is of Whitby stone, 901 feet long, 60 feet wide, and 26 feet high. The promenade is raised above the level of the sea. There is also a wooden jetty, called Jarvis's landing place, which is frequented as a favourite promenade, and used for landing passengers from steamers at low water. The lighthouse is on the pier; a fine view is obtained from it. A patent slip for the repair of ships is opposite to the jetty, so that, although there is no regular port, considerable Page 1 of 27

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Page 1: Post Office 1851 PDF format - Margate Local History Office 1851.pdf · A Post Office Directory Kent 1851 A MARGATE MARGATE is a sea-port town and watering-place in the parish of St

MARGATE is a seIsle and Union of TForeland, and oppofrom London, 16¾Saturdays. Margateand ready access toRamsgate. Fishing Netherlands, for thenot having much i£52,080. Steamboaby the name of Starose, at the gate intown to the west owatched, and someterrace extends 1,50to the Marine terraMargate thus posseCecil square was buwas built in 1810, b26 feet high. The pJarvis's landing placsteamers at low warepair of ships is

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A Post Office Directory Kent 1851 A


a-port town and watering-place in the parish of St John, in Ringslow Hundred and the hanet, and lathe of St. Augustine. It is on the sea shore, on the west side of the North

site Margate sands. Margate is a member of the Cinque Port of Dover, and is 71½ miles from Canterbury, and 5 from Ramsgate. The market is held on Wednesdays and is much frequented as a watering-place, for which it is well adapted from its situation, it by the steamboats. A branch of the South Eastern Railway also communicates with for skate, haddock, soles, and flat fish is carried on, and some little trade with the immediate wants of the district. The parish contained, in 1841, a population of 10,679, ncreased of late years. The area in acres is 381, and the Property Tax assessment ts run to London, Gravesend, Herne Bay, and Ramsgate. The place was formerly known . John's, and still earlier as Meregate, a gate of sea; afterwards a small fishing town the cliff called Margate, and this name now applies to the whole town. That part of the f the harbour is called Buenos Ayres. The town is well laid out, paved, lighted, and of the streets are good. The Marine parade has of late years been widened; the Marine 0 feet in length, and is protected from the sea by a stone wall. The Esplanade is parallel ce, and extends a quarter of a mile in length—it is much frequented. With the piers sses the advantage of excellent promenades, and its shore for bathing is very good. ilt in 1769; Addington square more recently; Hawley square is an old square. The pier y the celebrated John Rennie, and is of Whitby stone, 901 feet long, 60 feet wide, and romenade is raised above the level of the sea. There is also a wooden jetty, called e, which is frequented as a favourite promenade, and used for landing passengers from

ter. The lighthouse is on the pier; a fine view is obtained from it. A patent slip for the opposite to the jetty, so that, although there is no regular port, considerable

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accommodation is afforded for shipping. The church of St. John the Baptist is an ancient edifice, commenced in 1050. It is of rough flint; consists of a nave, two ailes, and a square tower, with 8 bells at the west end of the north aile; there is a fine organ. The brasses and monuments are numerous and ancient. The living is a vicarage, in the presentation of the Archbishop of Canterbury. Trinity church was built in 1825, but this fabric has not any endowment for the minister, the Rev. Mr. Prosser. The Cobb family have handsomely found the incomes for two assistant curates. It is in the pointed style, built of brick, cased with Bath stone, and has a nave and two ailes and chancel, with stained glass windows. The tower is 135 feet high, and was partly built at the expense of the Trinity House as a landmark. The Wesleyan Methodist chapel is in Hawley square. The Roman Catholic is in Princes crescent. Zion chapel, Addington Street , belongs to Lady Huntingdon's connexion. Ebenezer chapel, near Cross street, belongs to the Baptists; it has been lately much enlarged and improved. The Seamen's chapel is opposite Zion place. The Calvinist chapel is in Love lane. The Town hall is a plain structure, near the market, and contains some portraits; in it are held the weekly petty sessions, and monthly meetings of the Town Commissioners. The Market was erected in 1820. It is enclosed by porticos, in the Tuscan style, and iron railings. There is a good supply of meat, poultry, fish, and vegetables. The market days are Wednesdays and Saturdays. The Droit office is at the end of the pier, and is a handsome building with a portico; it has an illuminated clock. The Custom-house is on a small scale. The Post Office is in Cecil square. The Theatre is a convenient structure, built in 1787. The Assembly Rooms have billiard rooms and coffee rooms attached. The Literary and Scientific Institution was established in 1839; it is in Hawley square; the circulating library already contains 2,000 volumes, principally works of established reputation, The reading-room, under the care of a librarian, is supplied with newspapers and periodicals, and open daily to the subscribers; during the winter season lectures are occasionally delivered, chiefly on scientific subjects; most of these lectures have been illustrated by diagrams and elaborate experiments. The museum of the institution has a very extensive collection of British birds, of which a catalogue of the rarer species will be found at the institution ; the museum also possesses a collection of some of the most curious specimens of plants indigenous to the island; acting Hon. Sec. John Poussett, Esq. The Royal Seabathing Infirmary is at Westbrook; a neat building, with extensive accommodations for 210 indoor patients; it has a considerable income from legacies and gifts. The Gas works belong to the Margate, Ramsgate, and Broadstairs Company. They are in the Dane. Clifton Baths are excavated out of the solid chalk rock, and contain, besides the usual accommodation, a billiard table and an organ. The Bathing Rooms are in High street; they have reading-

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rooms attached. There is also another bathing house on the Lower Marine terrace. The Tivoli Gardens are described elsewhere, but may be considered as belonging to the town. Draper’s Hospital is almshouses for widows, founded in 1709. The town contains French bazaars, libraries, reading-rooms, &c, and all the stock amusements of a well-frequented watering place, and as many as 100,000 visitors sometimes arrive during the season. The Charity school provides for the education of 400 children. The Bank is in King street. Messrs. Cobb and Co. are the proprietors. Races are held annually in September on the race course, about a mile from Dandelion. Dandelion, at which are the remains of an ancient mansion with a well prison, is 1½ miles west from Margate, on the London road passing through Westbrook by Garlinge; a handsome castellated gateway, with upper chamber, still gives us an indication of the fame once surrounding the residence of Dann-de-Lyon. Near it are Street, Muthrix, Rankhorn, and Hartsdown: Hartsdown house is a gentlemanly farm fabric, commanding a fine harbour and north sea view, surrounded also with trees, and inhabited by C. T. Hatfield, Esq. Garlinge is a small hamlet, near which, in 1724, upwards of 20 ancient instruments, like adzes or chisels, of mixed brass or bell metal were found. Woodchurch is a hamlet 2½ miles south-west, at which formerly was the chapel of Acol Twenties, 1¾ miles south-west. Shottendane and Salmstone, ½ mile south; here is an ancient Grange or parsonage, once belonging to Christchurch, Canterbury, but now to the See. It has remains of the chapel or infirmary. Chalk Hole is 1¾ miles south-south-west. Vincent, 2 miles south-south-west. Lydden is 2 miles south, and Fleet 2 miles south. Dane had formerly a chapel, erected in pursuance of a licence granted in 1230; it is now in ruins. Nash Court is 1 mile south from Margate, and Nash 1½ miles south, lying to the West of the road to Ramsgate. On the road to Ramsgate are Chapel Hill 1 mile south; Poor Hole 1½ miles south; near it Nash and Westwood, and Jacky Bakers 2½ miles south; near it Northwood. On the road to St. Peter's and Broadstairs are Draper's, ½ mile south-east, where are almshouses and the Quakers' meeting ; near it Updown, Sacket Hill, and Shallows, 1½ miles south. KINGSGATE, formerly Bartholomew Gate, takes its name from a gate through the cliffs, and from its once having been the landing place of King Charles II; and the Duke of York (James II.) It is 1½ miles north of Broadstairs and north-east of St. Peter’s, and 3 miles east of Margate. Here was formerly a seat of the first Lord Holland, built on the design of the Norman villa of Cicero. The grounds he decorated with models of ancient buildings and ruins, and on the Downs erected a monument to commemorate a battle fought in the year 800 between the English and the Danes. It was afterwards the property of the celebrated Charles James Fox. From the coast is a fine view of the passing shipping; and to the north is Foreness, the

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north point of Kent, Long Nose Spit and Kemp's stairs, and White Ness, and on the south the North Foreland, the Acantlum Promontorium of the Romans, and the North Foreland light, 63 feet high. On the road to Margate are Northdown, a neat village, West Northdown, and George Hill. Near Northdown is Whitfield Tower, now used as a sea beacon. Hackendown, on the road to the North Foreland, is the scene of the conflict first-mentioned, where two tumuli formerly existed; and the tower of Lord Holland now marks the site. And the adjoining residences in the parish of St. Peter's, altogether make the drives from Margate to the north-east of the Isle of Thanet as attractive to its visitors as do those from Ramsgate to the south-west.

GENTRY. Adams Thomas, esq. 11 Addington sq Alliston Williams, esq. Flint cottage Atkinson Mr. 3 East crescent Barker John, esq. 2 Grove place Barker William, esq. Dane Bayley Mrs. Brook house Beckett Thomas Valentine, esq. 9A, Prospect row Bird Rev. Caleb [minister to the Countess of Huntingdon's chapel], Chapel house, Addington square Blackburn Thos. esq. North Down hall Blackmore Martin, esq. 6 Cliff terrace Blake William, esq. Dane house Bland Mr. 12 East crescent Boys John, esq. [J.P. for Kent & cinque ports], St. James's square Boys John Harvey, esq. 33 Hawley sq Brown Lieut. Alex. R.N. St. James's sq

Brooke William, esq. 23 Cecil square Brookson Mr. Benjamin, 115 High st Burlton 51 Hawley square Burton Carr, esq. Chapel hill lodge Busfield Joseph, esq. 3 Up. Marine ter Canney Rd. Brice, esq. 10 Addington sq Chesterton Mrs. 1 Dane hill Chippendale John, esq. 3 Grove place Clark Mrs. 22 Union crescent Cobb Francis, esq. Foley house Cobb Francis Wm. Carr, esq. King st Cobb John Mitchener, esq., 4 Lower Grosvenor place Cobb Thos. Fras. esq. 11 Up Marine ter Cookes Mr. Thomas 3 Prospect place Cozens Miss, 6 Cecil square Cramp Thomas, esq. 5 Hawley square Crofts Robert, esq. 14 Hawley square Crookshanks Mrs. 30 Hawley square

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Dalgety James, esq. 11 Cecil street Dalton John, esq. 2 Churchfield place Daring Mrs. 18 Cecil square Devaynes Wm. Angus, esq. Updown ho Dixon Mrs. 71 High. street Dodgson Mrs. 111 High street Dorson Miss, 10 Union crescent Finnis Mrs. Salmstone grange Flint Miss, 8 Cecil square Flint Mr. Benj. Fenner, 6 Addington sq Flint Mr. Fenner Ludd, 6 Addington sq Flint John Berry, esq. Addington house, Long Mill lane Flint Thomas, esq. 6 Hawley square Friend Mrs. Northdown house Friend Jas. Taddy, esq. Northdown ho Foster Mrs. Northumberland house Gairdner Mrs. 8 Addington square Gaskell George, esq. 3 St. James' sq Gaskell William, esq. 41 Hawley square Gibbon William F. esq. Garlinge Giffin Mr. Joseph, 4 Prospect place Gilbert Richard, esq. 24 Hawley square Gilder William, esq. 7 Union crescent Giles William, esq. 11 Cecil square Gordon Mrs. 45 Hawley square Greenland Mr. James, 8 Market place

Griffith John Michael, esq. 4 Grove pl Hall Mrs. 20 Fort cottage Hall Mrs. 21 Charlotte place Hall Rev. Wm. John, M.A.. 7 Cecil sq Harvey Mrs. 9 Union crescent Hatfield Miss, 2 Prospect place Hayden Charles, esq. 23 Hawley square Heath Mr. 3 Addington place Hemer Lient. Robert, R.N. Union cottage, Westbrook Higgins Rice Giles, esq. 9 Up. Marine ter Higham Thomas, esq. 8 Churchfleld pl Hillas Mrs. 15 Hawley square Hollis Rev. Joseph [minister to the Wesleyan chapel], 23 Union crescent Hopton Mr. James, 2 Addington square Horton Fredk, esq. 10 Up. Marine ter Horton Mrs. 8 Lombard street Hoskins Rev. Wm. Edward, M.A. [vicar of St. John's church, Isle of Thanet], 12 Cecil square Howard Mrs. 13 Hawley square Hubbard Miss, Royal house, Hawley sq Hunter George Yeates, M.D., M.R.C.S., Cecil square Isaacs Mr. Elias, 6 Union crescent Jacobs Mr. Edward, Grosvenor house Jolly James, esq. Shottendane house

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Kerridge Mr. Hen. 1 Up. Grosvenor pl Lansell Mrs. Belle Alliance house Lenham Mr. John, 1 Addington square Levey Mrs. 10 Cecil square Lewis Samuel, esq. Albion cottage Manchester Mark, esq. Deeton house Marinack Pet«r Giles, esq.,12 Union cres Marten Frederic, esq. 5 Buenos ayres Mertens Herman Dirs. esq. Street lodge Monnet Miss, 42 Hawley square Munn Mrs. Percy lodge Osborn Misses, 32 Hawley square Ovenden Mr. George, East cliff house Philpotts Miss, 40 Hawley square Pickering James, esq. 22 Hawley sq Plummer Mrs. Fort lodge Porter Mrs. 2 Garden row Pratt John Tidd, esq. Cecil house, Cecil sq Preston Mrs. 37 Hawley square Price John Wild, esq. 1 Northumberland place Prosser Rev. Samuel, M.A.. [minister to Trinity church], 8 Cecil street Read William, esq. 1 Zion place Remingt Mr.Thomas, 16 East cres

Rich Wm, Henry, esq. 7 Fort paragon Richardson Mrs. 2 Church square Righton James Brown, esq. Fleete Rowe Thomas, esq. 8 Princes street Sackett Miss, 27 Hawley square Sayer Mrs. 7 Cecil square Scott John, esq. 29 Hawley square Skerling James, esq. 19 Fort crescent Slater John, esq. 17 Cecil square Slodden Mr. William, 5 Churchfield pl Smith Rev. Sydney [lecturer of Trinity church], 34 Hawley square Smithett Richard Manger, esq. Hengrove house Soper Mr. William, 2 East crescent Standring James, esq. Hawley street Sterland Mr. John, 6 Dane hill Stevens Mr. Frederick William, Stirling cottage, Dane hill Stott Col. George, Lausanna house, St. James' square Stride Henry, esq, 7 Cecil square Symonds John, esq. Addington lodge Tathum George, esq. 7 Addington sq Tidswell Miss, 12 Upper Marina terrace Tomlin Mrs. Northdown Towne Josiah, esq. Belgrave cottage Trotter George, esq. 31 Fort crescent Truefitt Peter, esq. 5 Cliff terrace

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Upstone Mrs. 2 Dane hill Vallé Mrs. 3 Addington square Wales Mrs. 10 Zion place Wetherilt Mr. John, 5 Princes crescent

White Edward, esq. 8 Up. Marine ter While Mrs. 20 Hawley square Willis Mrs. 4 Hawley square Winchester Capt. George, Addington villa, Addington square Winter Miss, 43 Hawley square Wood Misses, Cecil street


Abbott Francis, wine & spirit merchant, 15 Cecil square Adams George, bootmaker, 69 High street Adams George, bricklayer, 16 Dane hill Adams George, plumber, Broad street Adams William, carpenter, 77 High street Adams William, plumber, 12 Bridge street Addis Henry John, lodging house, 18 Cliff terrace Akhurst Mrs. Elizabeth, grocer, 38 King street Allen Miss, dressmaker, 3 Hawley square Allen Thomas, bootmaker, 2 Bedford row Amos Geo. Hope, grocer & dealer in british wines, 6 Marn. prd Andrews Henry, bootmaker, Broad street Appleton Mrs. Elizabeth, lodging house, 15 East crescent Arnold James Dixon, fly proprietor, Prospect place Ashley Henry, baker, 1 Crescent place

Atkinson Chas. London family & commercial. hotel, Hawley sq Atkinson William, surgeon, 8 Queen street Austen Edward, grocer, 5 Lombard street Austen Mrs. Sarah, New inn, New street Austen William, plumber, 2 Mill lane Badger William, dealer, Dane farmhouse Baker William, tailor & hatter, 12 Queen street Ball Miss Sarah, lodging house, 27 Lower Marine terrace Bamford Mrs. Elizabeth, lodging house, 8 & 9 King street Banks James, miller, Draper's mill Barratt Robert, bootmaker, 5 Cranborne alley Barratt, Robert, shoemaker 5 Cranborne alley Bartlett John, Crown Inn, 4 Broad street Basden Mrs. Ann, stay & corset maker, 2 New Cross street

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Bassett George, lodging house 20 Union crescent Bassett Miss Jane, lodging house, 3 Union crescent Bate John, beer retailer, Bath road Batsford Miss Elizabeth, lodging house, 33 Lower Marine ter Bax William, lodging house, 12 Cliff terrace Bayley Mrs Charlotte, grocer and cheesemonger, 13 Queen st Bayly Phillip Edward, lodging house, 8 Union crescent Beale, Mrs. Hannah, straw bonnet maker. King street Bennett John Clelan, architect & survivor Draper’s farm Bentley Daniel, William & Thomas, ironmongers, 42 High st Bentley Daniel, cooper & brush warehouse, 129 High street Bentley William, veterinary surgeon, 41 High Street Bing John Thomas, hairdresser, 11 Queen street Birch John, farmer, West North down Bishop Henry, 'Brewers Arms’ & brewer,130 High street Bishop John, baker, Love lane Boatwright John, butcher, 17 High street Boncey Mrs. Elizabeth, dress maker, 4 New Cross street

Bond Mrs. Mary Ann & Denne Miss Eleanor, establishment for young ladies, Crescent lodge, Union crescent Bone Mrs. Martha, lodging house, 3 Aldby place Bosworth Mrs. Catherine, lodging house, 17 Cliff terrace Boys Mrs. lodging house, 1 Upper Marine terrace Boys Miss Emma, boarding school, Argyle house, Vicarage pl Boys Frederick, pork butcher, Lombard street Boys John Harvey, solicitor, clerk to the magistrates, joint registrar to the commsnrs. of salvage, India house Brasher Miss Ann, lodging house, 10 Lower Marine terrace Brasier Misses Sarah & Jane, cooks & confectioners, 7 High st Brasier William Church, printer & bookseller, 20 High street Brett William, lodging house, 6 Lower Marina terrace Brett William, jun. cabinet maker, 33 High street Brisley Stephen, lodging house, 9 Crescent place Brown Edward, lodging house, 4 Lansell's place. Brown William, livery stable keeper, St. James's square Brooke & Mertens, solicitors & notaries, clerks to the commsnrs. of land & assessed taxes & income tax, Cecil sq

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Brooke Misses, ladies' seminary, 38 Hawley square Brooke Thomas,' Neptune's Hall,' 3 Duke street Broome Horace Alfred, painter, 9 Paradise place Burton Thomas, 'British Tar,' Buenos ayres Bushell Richard, bootmaker, 156 High street Bushell William, carpenter & lodging house, 24 Fort cresnt Cadby John Phillip, chemist, 143 High street Cannaby William, lodging house, 14 Crescent place Carlton Mrs. Mary, milliner, 2 Market street Carpenter James, tailor, 12 New Cross street Carroway Jesse, uphlstr. & undrtkr. 4 Cecil st. & Union cres Case Mrs. Ann, lodging house, 2 St. James's square Case William Mathew, physician, 6 Crescent place Castell William, bootmaker, 1 High street Castle Mrs. Mary, 'First & Last’, Vicarage place Caveler William, architect, Northumberland house Cayley Mrs. Sarah, straw bonnet maker, 1 Bedford row Chancellor Miss Elizabeth, lodging ho. 9 Lower Matine ter Chancellor Mrs. Eliza, lodging house, 20 Crescent place

Chancellor Francis Cobb, coal merchant, 7 Bridge street Chancellor Stephen Sackett, lodging ho. 3 Low. Marine ter Chancellor Stephen S. jun. bread & biscuit baker, 6 Bridge st Chapman George William, hairdresser, 162 High street Chapman Hart, 'Quean's Head’, Market place Chapman John, bootmaker, 163 High street Chapman Mrs. Mary, lodging house, 6 Lansell's place Chapman Thomas, butcher, 1 Broad street Cheseman William, brewer, maltster & beer rtlr. Dane brwry Chidwick Edward James, plumber, 128 High street Claggett John William, poulterer, 1 Hawley street Clark Isaac, lodging house, 28 Lower Marine terrace Clement Mrs. Jane, lodging house, 16 Crescent place Clewley Robert, fruiterer, 37 High street Coates Edward, plumber, 2 Bellmont Cobb & Co. bankers, brewers & maltsters, King street Cock George, greengrocer, 59 King street Colborn & Co. chemists & sodawater manufctrs. Marine prd

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Cole Mrs. Elizabeth, lodging house, 17 Fort crescent Colley John, White Hart family & com. hotel, Marine prd Collins Henry, greengrocer, King street Conconi Louis, watch & clock maker, 10 Broad street Cook William, lodging house, 7 Fort crescent Cooper John, plumber, Crescent place Cosgrave John, 'Spread Eagle,' Prospect place Court Mrs. Frances, dressmaker, 7 Addington street Cox Mrs. Esther, lodging house, 28 Hawley square Cozens Edwin Bedo, builder, undertaker, & agent to the Phoenix fire office, 46 Hawley square Creed Robert, greengrocer, Cranbourn alley Crickett Charles, 'Six Bells,' Six bells lane Crickett John, bather, 13 Lower Marine terrace Crickett John Howe, bath proprietor, 155 High street Crickett Mrs. Mary, lodging house, 13 Lower Marine terrace Crofts James, coal merchant, 23 King street, & 3 Mill lane Crofts Robert, grocer, 4½ Broad street Crook Misses Julia Ann & Eliza, establishment for young ladies & preparatory school for young gentlemen, 10 Cecil st

Crook Mrs. Ann, boarding house, 30 Lower Marine terrace Crump Richard, builder & undertaker, 9 Addington square Cuthill James, M.A. academy, St. John's college Cutten John, coal merchant, 2 Addington street Darby William, 'Dog & Duck,' Westbrook Davies Henry Benjamin, 'Royal Oak,' brewer & bather, 61½ High street Denne Miss Elizabeth, milliner, 4 St. James's square Denne James, printer & agent to the London indisputable fire office, 4 Queen street Dennison Richard Byam, physician, 7 Churchfield place Deveson Richard, tobacconist & coach office, Bank side Dike Thomas, tailor & draper, 2 Love lane Dimes Miss Susannah, lodging house, 6 Buenos ayres Dixon Frederick Thomas, lodging house, 28 Fort crescent Doughty Mrs. Sarah, 'Rodney,' Garlinge Doughty William, lodging house, 4 Cliff terrace Draper John Elgar, collector of droits, 7 Paradise street Dray Pearson, lodging house, 8 Crescent place Duckett John, statuary & mason, 7 St. John's street

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Dunn Thomas, agent to the steam navigation company & sub-bailiff to the county court, Marine parade Dunbar James, M.A. academy, Dane hill house Dunkin Charles Denn, lodging house, 5 Fort crescent Dye John, medical galvanist, North Cliff house Eastland George, ‘King's Arms,’ 5 Market street Eastland Mrs. Sarah, lodging house, Westbrook house Edwards Frederick, lodging house, 4 Fort crescent Edwards John, lodging house, West Cliff house Edwards William, lodging house, 4 Lower Marine terrace Elliott Mrs. Elizabeth, lodging house, 18 Fort crescent Elliott William, marine store dealer, 13½ Prospect cottage Emptage Daniel, plumber, 3 Northumberland crescent Epps George, butcher, Zion place Epps William, fruiterer, Dane hill Evans Mrs. Ann, lodging house, 7 Lansell's place Evans Miss Sarah, establishment for young ladies, 5 Union crs Evenden Samuel Sheafe, dispensing chemist, 31 High street

Fagg Frederick, professor of music, 25 High street Fagg John, watchmaker & jeweller, 25 High street Faircloth Joseph, eating house, 23 High street Farrant Miss Elizabeth, milliner, 3 King street Fassam John, blacksmith, West North down Feakins John Richard, pipe manufacturer, Dane place Fellowes Mrs. Mary Ann, lodging house, 23 Lower Marine ter Fells Thomas, cabinet ma. & furniture broker, 9 Queen street Field Alfred George, surgeon, 19 Cecil square Flavell Mrs. Jane, lodging house, 1 & 2 Brook's place Flint Brothers, general & furnsng. irnmngrs. 4 & 5 Mrkt. pl Flisher Mrs. Emma, 'Bull's Head,' Broad street Foat Mrs. Mary, butcher, 56 High street Foat Robert, bather, 36 Lower Marine terrace Foat Robert, plumber, 11 Crescent place Foat Stephen, fishmonger, 24 High street Fox George, lodging house, 32 Lower Marine terrace Fox Mrs. Mary, lodging house, 12 Buenos ayres Fox Thomas, gardener, Cottage of retreat Francklin Thomas, baker, Church square Francois Madame Mary, stay & corset maker, Union crescent

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Freebody John, baker, 18 High street Fruin Joseph, lodging house, 21 Lower Marine terrace Gabb Miss Mary, toy warehouse, 135 High street Gardener Thomas, Royal hotel, Cecil square Gaywood Walter John, cabinet maker, 9 Cecil street Gibbs Edmund, 'Clifton Arms,' Clifton street Gilbert George, bath chair proprietor, 40 High street Gillham Frederick, butcher, 111 High street Gisby Thomas, bootmaker, 1 Love lane Gladstone William, linendraper, 2 Queen street Goodale George, furniture broker, & agent to the Imperial life & fire office, 1 Cecil square Goodale James, plumber, 20 Charlotte place Goodban Miss Eliza, beer retailer, Zion place Goodyear Mrs. Sarah, milliner, 142 High street Goodyear Thomas, hatter, 142 High street Gore Frederic, post, office, Cecil square Gore Thomas, undertaker, 4 Northumberland crescent Gorge George, brewer. King street Gostling Mrs. Sarah Ann, linendraper, 13 & 14 High street Gouger Daniel, miller & farmer Gower James, cabinet maker, & agent to the Metropolitan counties life & fire office, 40 Hawley square

Grant Mrs. Ann, lodging house, 30 Fort crescent Grant Richard, grocer & cheesemonger, Zion place Gunnell John, farmer, Shotten Dane farm Gurton John, grocer, 12 Crescent place Hadgraft Mrs. Elizabeth, greengrocer, Lombard street Hadlow George, statuary, High street Haigh Miss Jane, establishment for young ladies, 22 Up. Marine ter Hammond George & Co. consulate merchants & shipping agents, Lombard st, 3 York ter. Ramsgate, & Esplanade, Deal Harnett Mrs. Mary, grocer, 3 Paradise place Harnett William, clothier, 137 High street Harper Richard, lodging house, 3 Buenos ayres Harrison Moses, bootmaker & leather seller, 145 High street Hart Alfred, grocer & cheesemonger, St. James's square Hart Miss Susnnh. establishment for young ladies, Cecil sq Hart William, tea dealer, 13 Bridge street Harty Miss Martha, lodging house, 3 Cliff terrace Hatfield Charles Taddy, farmer, Hartsdown farm Hatfield Miss Maria, lodging house, 19 Lower Marine ter Hayward Edward Charles, 'Rose in June,' Trinity square

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Healing John, master of Infant school, Dane Healing Mrs. Maria, mistress of Infant school, Dane Henderson Miss Eliza, milliner, 9 Cecil square Hermitage Mrs. Jane, plumber, Prospect row Hewett Edward, lodging house, Grotto ho. 1 & 2 Lansell's pl Hewett Edward, lodging house, 18 Lower Marine terrace Hewett Mrs. Elizabeth, lodging house, 20 Upper Marine ter Hill Mrs. Harriett, lodging house, 3 Clifton place Hill Miss Rosina Hellen, milliner, 3 Clifton place Hilliard John, lodging house, 6 Aldby place Hills George, baker, 4 Church square Hobbs Joseph, tailor & hatter, 6 Cranbourn alley Hoffman George Henry, sen. surgeon, 1 Cecil street Hoffman George Henry, jun. surgeon, 1 Union crescent Holle James, baker, 8 St. John street Hollams Joseph, tailor, 7 Queen street Hollingsworth Misses Martha & Eliza, establishment for young ladies, Gordon house. Bedford row Holloway Mrs. Sarah, lodging house, 2 Buenos ayres Holmans Henry Cox, job master, New street & 3 New Cross street, & ' Fountain,' King street

Holmans William Kirby, butcher, 14 Market place Holmes John Scott, lodging house, 22 Lower Marine terrace Holness David, hairdresser, 10 King street Holness James, bootmaker, 2 King street Holness John, lodging house, 14 Fort crescent Holness Stphn. hairdresser, perfumer & tobccnst. 144 High st Hook Mrs. Mary, lodging house, 29 Lower Marine terrace Hopkins Mrs Maria, plumber, 8 Bank side Hopkins Thomas, dyer, 132 High street Howland Mrs. Hannah, lodging house, 13 Cliff terrace Hubbard Miss Alicia, lodging house, 14 Lower Marine ter Hubbard Mrs. Ann Alderson, lodging house 17 Crescent pl. Hubbard Mrs. Martha, milliner, 135½ High street Hubbard Miss Sarah, lodging house 20 Lower Marine terr Hubbard Thomas, lodging house, 24 Lower Marine terrace Hubbard William, lodging house, Albion ho. 21 Up Marine ter Hubbard William, sail maker, Neptune square Hudson John, grocer, Bankside Hudson John, schoolmaster, Albany house, Zion place

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Hudson Joseph, straw bonnet maker, 11 New Cross street Hudson Miss Mary Ann Louisa, milliner, Market street Hudson William, Pier hotel, opposite the Jetty Hughes Richard, grocer, 11 Market place Hughes Thomas, livery stable keeper, 6 Mill lane Humphreys William, tailor, 4 Lombard street Hunter & Thornton, surgeons, 1 Garden row Hunter Thomas, tailor & draper, 1 & 2 Duke street Ingmire Henry, confectioner & tea dealer, 3 Queen street Jarrett Charles, coal & coke dealer, Providence ho. King st Jarrott Mrs. Ann,' Liverpool Arms,' Charlotte place Jenkins Richard, auctioneer, appraiser, estate agent & surveyor, agent to the Phoenix & Pelican life & fire offices, & inspector of weights & measures, 50 Hawley square Jezzard Mrs. Phoebe, preparatory school, Crescent house, 8 Aldby place Johncock Daniel, ‘Saracen’s Head.' 55 High street Johnson Edward, blacksmith, 22½ Zion place Johnson William, lodging home, 13 Fort crescent Jolly Thomas, linendraper, 26 High street

Jordan John, York hotel tap, Duke street Keble Thomas H. bookseller & printer, & agent to the Atlas fire & life office, 137½ High street Kelsey John, Hoy tavern, Bankside Kelsey Miss Martha, establishment for young ladles, 24 Upper Marine terrace Kelsey William, fishmonger, 161 High street Kendal David, grocer, Market place Kendal James, lodging house, 3 Zion place Kennard Isaac Dehock, hat manufacturer, 2 High street Kevis Mrs. Elizabeth Sarah, shopkeeper, 104 High street Kidman Charles, baker, 5 Queen street Killick Misses, boarding house, 7 Upper Marine terrace Kinch Francis, dispensing chemist, 16 High street Kingsland James, greengrocer, 70 High street Knell George, confectioner, 7 Cranbourn alley Knight Mrs. Charlotte, milliner, 2 Crescent place Knight George,' Tailors' Arms,' 43 High street Knott. James, bootmaker, 107 High street Ladd Thomas,' Cinque Ports Arms,' 39 Lower Marine ter Lashmar Richard, sailmaker & lodging house, l Cliff terrace

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Law & Standring, wine & spirit merchants, Bank side Lawrence Mrs. Harriott, lodging house, 12 Hawley square Lawrence George, lodging house, 19 Union crescent Legg John, lodging house, 25 Lower Marine terrace Lenham Richard & Robert, brewers & beer retailers, Love lane brewery. Love lane Lewis Charles Sandys, academy, Churchfleld Lewis William, bread & biscuit baker, 1 Bankside Literary & Scientific Institution (Richard Edwards, librarian), 53 Hawley square Lloyd Samuel ,' Druids' Arms,' St. John's street Long George, hairdresser, 8 Broad Street Lord Richard, ‘Wheatsheaf,' North down Lovelock Henry, lodging house, 13 Upper Marine terrace Lowe Ebenezer, bootmaker, 2 Paradise street Lowin Henry, fishmonger, 4 Market street Lowin John, greengrocer, 133 High street Macnally John Thomas,' Victoria’ Bankside Magrath Mrs. Sarah, lodging house, 7 Buenos ayres Major George, lodging house, 26 Fort crescent Malms John & Harriott, grocers, 5 Charlotte place

Malms William, cowkeeper, 13 Prospect place Mannings Richard, grocer, 5 Cecil square, & 113 High st Marinack Sophia, establishment for young ladies, 11 & 12 Union crescent Marsh Edward, butcher, 4 St. John's place Marshall Miss Elizabeth, lodging house, 3 & 4 Bridge place Mascall William, farmer, Nash farm Matthew John, saddler & agent to the London assurance fire & life office, 16 Market place Maxted Robert Bullock, shopkeeper, 105 High street McAdams Hen. Stanley, Duke's Head hotel, opposite the Jetty Mercer John & William, timber merchants & builders, Kent timber yard, 64 & 65 High street Mercer Samuel, builder, 57 High street Mercer Samuel, grocer & cheesemonger, 57 High street Metropolitan Establishment for Children Afflicted with Scrofula (John Weekley, master, Mrs. Sarah Weekley, matron), Brunswick place Mickleburgh James, academy, Thanet house Mihell Alexander William, bootmaker, 154 High street Miles Mrs. Elizabeth, lodging house, 27 Fort crescent

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Miles John, fishmonger, 34 High street Miles Martin, lodging house, 19 Upper Marine terrace Miles Martin, agent to the Herne steam packet off. Bankside Millgate Mrs. Mary, lodging house, 3 Churchfield place Millhouse Miss Sarah, boarding house, 22 Cecil square Millichap George Thomas, artist, 4 Garden row Minter Martin, baker, 10 Bath road Mirams Edward, carrier, 8 Prospect row Mitchell James, fruiterer, 6 Hawley street Mockett Edward, baker, St. John's place Mockett William, bootmaker, 3 Church square Moore Thomas, Royal hotel tap, Cecil square Mummery Charles, pork butcher, 4 Paradise place Mummery Francis, bootmaker, 9 New Cross street Munns John, carpenter & builder, Garlinge Munns Stephen Rickcey, bootmaker, 5 Duke street Mussared James Valentine, bricklayer, 26 King street Mussared John, confectioner, 49 King street Mussared William George, fishmonger, Bellmont Neame John, surgeon, 16 Cecil square

Nevett Mrs. Hannah, lodging house, 18 Upper Marine ter Newlove Mrs. Eliza, establishment for young ladies, 52 Hawley square Newlove James, academy, 52 Hawley square Newlove James, proprietor of the Cavern & Grotto, Dane Newlove Josiah, baker, 27 Hawley street Newton Benjamin Wallace, baker. 10 Charlotte place Northover William, whitesmith, 9 Union row Norwood John, letter carrier, 54 High street Norwood Thomas, tailor, 12 Lower Marine terrace Norwood Thomas, tailor & draper, Market street Nutting Miss Ann, lodging house, 16 Lower Marine terrace Orpin Edward, hotelier, 19 Market place Osborne Robert Chappell, King's Head hotel & commercial house, & agent to the Alliance fire & life office, 149 High st Packer Edward, basket maker, Cranbourn alley Packer Joseph, bootmaker, 11 Hawley street Palmer John, lamer, Bedlam farm, Garlinge Pamphlett Stephen, butcher & pork butcher, 1 Broad street Paramor Henry, chimney sweep, 19 Bellevue place, Dane

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Paramor James, sen. builder, 21 Zion place Paramor James, jun. bricklayer, 22 Zion place Paramor John, farmer, Great Garlinge farm Paramor Miss Mary Ann, schoolmistress, 24 Princes crescent Parker Mrs. Jane, lodging house, 1 Buenos ayres Pavey Miss Maria, milliner, 4 Upper Marine terrace Peal John, whitesmith, 43 King street Peal Richard,' Britannia,' West cliff Peall Benjamin, lodging house, 8 Lower Marine terrace Peete Thomas, butcher, Hawley street Pegden John, farmer, Twenty's farm Pegden Nicholas, sen. farmer, Church street Pegden Nicholas, jun. cowkeeper, Princes crescent Perry Robert, Chateau Bellevue sea bathing establishment for invalids from the hospitals & metropolitan workhouses, Wilderness, Dane Perry Mrs. Sarah, milliner, 1½ Broad street Perry William, drawing master, 1½ Broad street Phillips Mrs. Sarah, clothier, 3 Broad street Phillpott William, lodging house, 4 Buenos ayres Phillpotts George, proprietor of the Wellington baths & agent to the Medical, Invalid & General life assurance office, 150 High street Phillpotts Thomas, town crier, 3 Lombard street Philpot Charles, pork butcher, 9 Cranbourn alley

Pickering William Druce, tailor, hatter & draper. 3 High st Pilcher & Goldsack, builders & wheelwrights, 24 King street Pilcher John, chimney sweep, 96 High street Pointer Edward,' Mulberry Tree,' Dane Pointon Miss Ann, preparatory school, 4 Charlotte place Poole Daniel, hairdresser, 117 High street Poss Thomas, tailor & lodging house, 25 Fort crescent Pound John, lodging house, 1 East crescent Poussett John, accountant & hon. sec. to the Literary & Scientific Institution, Rose cottage, Long Mill lane Prebble Charles, watch & clock maker, 159½ High street Prebble James, bath proprietor, engraver & dentist & agent to the Etonian & general life assurance & endowment society, 159 High street Price David, surgeon, Northumberland place Price Edward, boarding house, Westbrook, Garlinge Price Thomas, coach builder, Mill lane Pritchard James, lodging house, 7 King street Pyle Henry William, builder, 8 Garden row Quelch Edward, basket maker, 10 New Cross street

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Quested Charles, chemist, Market place Radford John, pawnbroker, 141 High street Ralph John Gibbons, blacksmith, New street Ralph James, baker, Garlinge Rapson Edward, draper, 137 High street Rayner James, baker, Addington street Read Mrs. Harriott, proprietor of the Clifton baths, Fort cres Read Miss, lodging house, 11 Cliff terrace Reeve Thomas Dalby, surveyor of the highways, Hawley st Relph Edward Thomas, butcher, 1 Market street Richards John, grocer, 16 & 35 King street Robertson Thomas, Crown & Anchor tavern, Zion place Robins Mrs. Ann, lodging house, 5 Aldby place Robins Mrs. Mary, lodging house, 7 Lower Marine terrace Robinson John William, grocer, 147 High street Robinson Mrs. Mary, lodging house, 14,15 & 16 Cliff terrace Robinson William, grocer & earthenware dealer, 21 High st Robinson William, lodging house, 15 Lower Marine terrace Roffway James, furniture broker & dealer, Charlotte place Rogers Charles, bootmaker, 10 Queen street

Rogers Mrs. Mary, lodging house, 5 Lansell's place Rolfe Henry, tailor, 19 Cecil street Rolfe James, baker, & post office receiving house, Zion place Rolfe Mrs., ‘George & Dragon,' Charlotte place Reed Frederick ‘Prince of Wales,' 127 High street Rooff Frederick William, eating house, 2 Broad street Rooff William, blacksmith, 7 New Cross street Rouse Edward, lodging house, 11 Lower Marine terrace Row George, Prospect inn, Zion place Rowe Alfred Abraham, bootmaker, 119 High street Rowe Christopher Pashley, Thanet eating house, 6 Duke st Rowe Mrs. Elizabeth, bootmaker, 12 High street Rowe George, coal merchant, 49 High street Rowe Henry Thornton, coffee & eating house & railway booking office, 3 Market street Rowe John, lodging house, 6 Fort crescent Royal Sea Bathing Infirmary, Westbrook Sackett Edward, ironmonger, 139 High street Sackett Henry, farmer, West North down Sackett Richard, baker, 21 King street Saunders John, harness maker, 122 High street Saunders Thomas, baker, Paradise place Saw William, bookbinder, 5 St. John's street

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Sawyer William, grocer, Church square Sawyer William Wellard, baker, 5 Zion place Sayer Mrs. Harriott,' Star,' High street Sayer Thomas.' Fort Castle,' Fort Sayre Edward, saddler & coach trimmer, 110 High street Scott Samuel Thomas, baker, Zion place Scott Thomas, grocer & cheesemonger, 1½ King street Scullard Mrs. Ann, lodging house, 2 Lower Marine terrace Searle Mrs. Emma, milliner, Myrtle cottage, Dane hill Sellers Miss Mary Ann, milliner, 28 High street Sharp Mrs. Mary, lodging house, 2 Upper Marine terrace Sharpe Thomas, baker, 15 Bath road Shearman Mrs. Sarah, lodging house, 4 Aldby place Shelvey John, baker, 1 Churchfield place Sholl Mrs, Mary, superintendent to Drapers' almshouses Shouldham Mrs. Ann, lodging house, 38 Lower Marine ter Simmonds John Valentine, riding & post master, 5 Mill lane Simmons John Neame, plumber, 116 High street Sinclair John, proprietor of the Tivoli gardens Sinnock John, carpenter, 8 New Cross street

Sisley James, builder & undertaker, 19 Charlotte place Skelton John, linendraper & agent to the Star fire & life office, 140 High street Slater Miss Elizabeth, establishment for young ladies, Hawley house, 48 Hawley square Smith Alfred, confectioner, 148 High street Smith Mrs. Elizabeth, lodging house, 18 Union crescent Smith George, beer retailer & eating house, 3 Marine parade Smith William, lodging house, 7 Aldby place Snow William, plumber, 1 Northumberland crescent Solly Mrs. Ann, lodging house, 16 Fort crescent Solly George Wass, lodging house, 20 Fort crescent Solly Henry, hairdresser, 7½ High street Solly Isaac, lodging house, 8 Lansell's place Solly John, lodging house, 3 Fort crescent Solly William, blacksmlth, Mill lane Somes William, watchmaker, 4 Cranbourn alley Soper John, builder, 15 King street Spooner William, academy, Dane house Spratt Henry, baker, 4 Duke street Staner Mrs. lodging house, 35 Lower Marine terrace Staner George, baker, 118 High street Staner Joseph, auctioneer & agent to the Norwich fire & life office, 48 High street

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Stanley William, academy, Bath house, Zion place Stannard William, carpenter & lodging ho. 3 & 4 Bank side Stedall James, tailor, 14 Broad street Stevens Mrs. Mildred, lodging house, 2 Cliff terrace Stodart James, shell dealer, Fort bazaar Stokes John, dyer, High street Stokes John, farmer, Updown farm Stranack Mrs. Hannah, lodging house, 4 Union crescent Stranack John Seath, grocer, & post office receiving house, Paradise street Stroud Henry, seedsman, Swiss cottage, Long Mill lane Sturges George, Elephant hotel, 132 High street Sutton Mrs. Ann, lodging house, 26 Lower Marine terrace Sutton Charles, tailor, 41 High street Sutton Charles John, tailor, 41 High street Swinard John, pilot, 5 Northumberland crescent Swinford John Sackett, farmer, Nash Court farm. Tadhunter Mrs. Elizabeth, lodging ho. 5 & 34 Lr. Marine ter Tappenden Thomas, carpenter, New street Tatnell Mrs. Ann, lodging house, 15 Fort crescent Taylor James, grocer, 1 Wellington place Taylor John, tobacconist, 160 High street

Terry Miss Anna, linendraper, 3 Cecil street Thomas Mrs, Martha, lodging house, 14 Upper Marine ter Thorn John, lodging house, 31 Lower Marine terrace Thunder Thomas, bootmaker, 5 Clifton place Thurton Samuel, brewer, Mill lane Tofts James, dairyman, West North down Towne Thomas, farmer, West North down Townsend Samuel Smith, solicitor, St. James's square Tring Stephen, butcher, 1 & 2 Market place Turner Petcr Theophilus, schoolmstr. & stationer, 3 Addington st Upton William, farmer, Nash farm Valder William Henry, managing clerk to Geo. Hammond & Co. & agent to the Royal Exchange fire & life office, Lombard street Vaughan William, bookseller, stationer & marine library & reading room, 157 High street Vaux Mrs. Louisa, tobacconist, 36 High street Vincent John Wootton, farmer, Vincent farm Vincer Thomas, fly proprietor, Prospect place Waddington Joshua, surgeon & consulting surgeon to the Royal Sea Bathing Infirmary, 14 Cecil square, & 6 Upper Marine terrace Wales George, beer retailer, Bath road

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Walker George Francis,' Queen's Arms,' Market street Walker Joseph, fly proprietor, 14 Buenos ayres Walton Miss Martha, teacher of drawing, Fort ho. 22 Fort cres Wanstall James, butcher, 133 High street Wanstell Joseph, shipwright. Fort place Wanstell Robert, butcher, 10 St. John's street Ward Samuel, Ship hotel, 2 Bankside Warren George, leather seller, 2 Charlotte place Waters Miss Martha, shopkeeper, 126 High street Waters Richard, plumber, Zion place Watler Joseph, lodging house, 13 Buenos ayres Watson Archer, coach builder, 4 Churchfield place Watson James, corn merchant, St. John's street Watson Walter, carrier, St. James's square Watt William, steward of the' Royal William' steamboat, Edgerton house, Paradise place Webb George, grocer, 87 High street Webb Thomas, farmer, Rowe's farm, Dane West Miss Una Christiana, preparatory school for young gentlemen, 6 Churchfield place Westfield Godfrey Faussett, Albion coffee house, 6 Bankside Wharton George, plumber, 4 Hawley street White Alfred, bath proprietor, 151 High street White Edward, bootmaker, 9,10 & 11 High street White Thomas, baker, 13 New Cross street Wickham Thomas, butcher, 6 Market street

Wilkerson Thomas, shoemaker, 7 Zion place Wilkinson Richard William, George inn, King street Willett Thomas William, linendraper, 8 & 158 High street Winch Miss Amy, lodging house, 9 Marine parade Winch Francis, shopkeeper, 8 Bridge street Winch Frederick, tailor & draper, 10 Marine parade Winch James, bricklayer & builder, 15 Market place Wood Richard, bath proprietor & agent to the National Mercantile fire & life office, 152 & 153 High street Wood Robert, butcher, Northumberland crescent Woodcock Mrs. tobacconist, 149 High street Woodgate Edmund, clothier, 19 High street Woodruff Charles, billiard rooms, 149 High street Woodruff Chas. Chronometer & watchmaker & jeweller , 6 High st Woodruff Charles Stephen, Kent hotel & commercial house, 1 Lower Marine terrace Woodward John, builder, 6 Fort Paragon Woodward Leonard, baker & pastrycook, 131 High street Woodward Richard Henden, grocer, Bath place Woodward Thomas, tailor & draper, 15 Broad street

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Woolley Thomas, solicitor, 1 Churchfield place Woolls John, grocer, 3 Cranbourn alley Wootton & Son, hoymen & cornfactors, 125 High street Wootton Edward, chemist, 136 High street Wootton Henry, registrar of births, deaths & marriages for the Margate district, 17 Union crescent Wootton Henry, dealer in hay, Dairy cottage, Long Mill la Wootton Thomas, cabinet maker, 5 Hawley street Worthington Miss Mary Ann,preparatory school, Waterloo pl Wright Edward R. H. Royal York Hotel, Marine parade Wright James Edward, solicitor & notary, 36 Hawley sq

Wright James Josiah, boat builder, 6½ Crescent place Yeomanson Francis, bootmaker, 44 King street Yeomanson Samuel, greengrocer & corn chandler, 20 Zion pl Yeomanson William, bootmaker, 6 Queen street Young Frederick, blacksmith, Garlinge Young Mrs. Mary, lodging house, 18 Crescent place Young Mrs. Mary,' Walmer Castle,' Churchfield place Young Thomas, beer retailer, Garlinge Young William,' Hope & Anchor,’ High street

POST OFFICE.—Frederic Gore, postmaster, Cecil square. Money orders are granted & paid at this office. Letters from London, via Dover & railway, arrive at 6 a.m. & dispatched ½. past 9 p.m. Box closes at 9; letters may be posted with one extra stamp to 20 min. past 9, then box finally closes. Letters from London (by day mail) arrive ½ past 3 p.m.; delivered as soon as sorted. Letters dispatched to London at ¼ past 8 a.m. Box closes at 8; letters taken until 5 min. past 8,

with one extra stamp. Letters also to Ramsgate & Broadstairs dispatched at the same times as the morning & the evening London mails BANKERS:— Cobb & Co. King street; draw on Barnett, Hoares' & Co. Lombard street Savings' Bank, Market pl. Wm. Church Brasier, actuary

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INSURANCE AGENTS :— Alliance, Robert Chappell Osborne, High street Atlas, Thomas H. Keble, 137½ High street County Fire, Frederic Gore, 4 Cecil square Crown Life, Charles Sandys Lewis, Churchfield English & Scottish Law Life & Loan Ass. S. Peake Etonian & General Life, James Prebble, High street Globe, Stephen Wootton, High street Imperial, George Goodale, Cecil square Law Life, John Harvey Boys, 33 Hawley square London Assurance Fire & Life, John Matthew, Market pl London Indisputable Fire, James Denne, Queen street Medical, Invalid & General Life, Geo. H. Phillpott Metropolitan Counties Fire & Life, James Gower, Hawley sq National Mercantile Life Ass. Richard Wood, High st Norwich Union, Joseph Staner, High street Pelican Life, Richard Jenkins, 50 Hawley square Phoenix Fire, Richard Jenkins, 50 Hawley square Provident Life, Frederic Gore, 4 Cecil square Royal Exchange, William Henry Valder, Lombard street Star Life, John Skelton, High street Sun, Samuel Lewis, at Cobb's bank, King street

LAW & PUBLIC OFFICERS:— Clerk to the Magistrates, John Harvey Boys, India house Clerks to the Commissioners of Land, Assessed, Property & Income Taxes, Brooke & Mertens, Cecil square Joint Registrar to the Commissioners of Salvage & Notary Public, William Brooke, Cecil square Notary Public & Clerk to the Commissioners of the Town, James Ed. Wright, Hawley square Deputy to the Mayor of Dover & High Constable, Francis William Cobb, esq Sub-Deputy & Deputy to ditto, Richard Jenkins Collector of Droits, John Elgar Draper, 9 Paradise street Vice-Consul for France, Holland, Prussia, Sweden, Norway, Hanover & United States, & Agent for Lloyd's, George Hammond, jun. Lombard street Harbour Master, John Seath Stranack Registrar of Births, Deaths & Marriages, Hen. Wootton, Union crescent PUBLIC ESTABLISHMENTS :— Custom House, Thomas Stribley, sub-collector, Bankside; Henry Casswell, tide waiter Preventive Station, Newgate, Lieut. Finemore, R.N..Lieut. Hemer, R.N. Westbrook

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Excise Office, Isaac Ballard, supervisor,' Queen's Arms,' Duke street Margate Harbour Pier Company, George Yeates Hunter, chairman; John M. Cobb, deputy- chairman; Charles Taddy Hatfield, treasurer; Stephen Sackett Chancellor, chief clerk ; J. E. Draper, collector of droits; John S. Stranack, harbour master; William Caveler, surveyor; Lewis Samuel, registrar Corn Market, at the Fountain inn, King street, every thurs. at 3p,m Town Hall, Market place Theatre Royal, Addington street Gas Works, King street, John Wilkinson, secretary Police Station, Stephen Cullum Marchant, inspector Literary & Scientific Institution, Rev. Samuel Prosser, M.A. president; George Henry Hoffman, treasurer; Joseph Staner & John Poussett, esqrs. hon. secs.; Rd.Edwards, curator Royal Sea Bathing Infirmary, Alderman Michael Gibbs, treasurer; John Paul, sec.; Mrs. Ann Almond, matron Margate Philanthropic Institution, Fountain inn, King street; Her Royal Highness the Duchess of Kent, patroness; James Tomlin, patron; Francis William Cobb, James Edward Wright, George Yeates Hunter, & William

Brooke, trustees; Stephen Sackett Chancellor, treasurer & president; Edwd.Thos. Relph, vice-president; James Cutten, secretary Drapers' Alms Houses PLACES OF WORSHIP :— St. John the Baptist, Rev. Wm. Edward Hoskins, vicar; Rev. Francis Baynham, curate Trinity, Rev. Samuel Prosser, minister; Rev. Sydney Smith, evening lecturer Roman Catholic, Rev. T. Costegan Baptist Chapel (Ebenezer), Rev. John Rogers Wesleyan, Rev. Joseph Holles Lady Huntingdon's (Zion), Rev. Caleb Bird Independent, Cecil street, Rev. Frederick Beckley PUBLIC SCHOOLS :- British (for boys & girls), New Cross st. Alfred White, master; Miss B. Honey, mistress National, Geo. Chexfield, master; Miss Mansfleld, mistress Infant, John Healing, master; Mrs. Healing, mistress POSTING HOUSES:— York hotel, E. R. H. Wright Duke's Head hotel, Henry McAdam, Bankside White Hart hotel, John Colley, Marine parade

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WATER CONVEYANCE:- Wootton's hoys to Wool quay, every sat Steam vessels every morn, to London in summer, & three times a week in winter

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BIRCHINGTON BIRCHINGTON (the town of birches) is a sea parish, 3½ miles south-west of Margate in. the Hundred of Ringslow, and Union and Isle of Thanet. The ground is rather rising, and is bounded on the sea coast by bluff cliffs, indented by Westgate Bay and Epple Bay. The village lies along the turnpike road from London and Canterbury to Margate, about ¾ of a mile in length. Its population, in 1841, was 874, and its area 1,760 acres. It is included in the Cinque Port liberty of Dover. The Property Tax assessment, in 1842, was £8,130. The church, dedicated to All Saints, is a handsome edifice, containing some antique monuments of the families of Quex and Crispe: also brasses, of the date of 1449. There it a National school, and a Wesleyan and Baptist chapel.


Cotton Henry Perry, esq. Quex park Edwards Robert, esq Friend John, esq. Brook's end Friend, John, esq. Birchington place Neame Miss Charlotte Neame Edward, esq

Neame Francis, esq Neame Miss Maria Neame William, esq Sankey Mrs. Sarah Whish Rev. Henry Fulham [curate]

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TRADERS Allard Mrs. Ann, mistrs. of National scl Allard Paul, master of National school Brislow John, farmer Busbridge Stephen, grocer, & post office Clarke James, carpenter Darby Denis, tailor Gardener John, beer retailer Harris Thomas, baker Holman William, baker Hudson James, miller Oliphant Daniel, farmer Pemble John, grocer Pemble John, shoemaker Pinker Robert,' Powell Arms' Pointer Augustus, New inn Sharpe John, butcher Thorpe, William, bricklayer Wanstall Oliver, shoemaker

Wanstall Wetherden. butcher Wilson John, blacksmith POST OFFICE.—Stephen Busbridge, postmaster. London letters arrive from Margate 8 a.m. dispatched ½ past 6 p.m National School, Paul Allard, master; Mrs. Ann Allard, msts Preventive Station, Lieut. Samuel Fredk. Short, Westgate VANS TO:- MARGATE - Holman, ½ past 11 morn.; Chapman & Co. 6 even CANTERBURY - Chapman & Co. 9 morn. ; Holman, ¼ to 4 aft