post impressionism

Post Impressionis m Fernanda R. Arana

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Post on 10-May-2015




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Post Impressionism

Fernanda R. Arana

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The term Post-Impressionism was first coined in the eighteen hundreds by the English art critic Roger Fry in his seminal exhibition Manet and the Post-Impressionists. Painters of Post Impressionism, except for Van Gogh were French, and most of them began as Impressionists. However, each of them abandoned the style to create highly personal art.

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ArtistsPost Impressionism is the works of late 19th-century painters such as Paul Cézanne, Georges Seurat, Paul Gauguin, Vincent van Gogh, Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, and others.

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To Knows

Impressionism was based, in its strictest sense, on the objective recording of nature in terms of the fugitive effects of color and light. The Post-Impressionists rejected this limited aim in favor of more ambitious expression, admitting their debt, however, to the pure, brilliant colors of Impressionism, its freedom from traditional subject matter, and its technique of defining form with short brushstrokes of broken color.

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Paul Cézanne (1839–1906)

The eldest of the group, he followed diverse stylistic paths in search of authentic intellectual and artistic achievements. Cézanne was fascinated with structure and the way painting can tackle nature. His work can summon up a broad range of sensations for the viewer. Through his use of color and space Cézanne achieved an extraordinary degree of expressiveness.

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Vincent van Gogh(1853–1890)

Largely self-taught, Van Gogh gained his footing as an artist by zealously copying prints and studying nineteenth-century drawing manuals and lesson books. He felt that it was necessary to master black and white before working with color, and first concentrated on learning the rudiments of figure drawing and rendering landscapes in correct perspective.

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Paul Gauguin(1848–1903)

His experience in Martinique broadened his vision and enabled him to develop original interpretations of Brittany scenes. His break with the Impressionist movement came when he started his painting ‘Vision after the Sermon’, where he was more concerned with the inner meaning of the subjects painted. He was also an influential exponent of wood engravings and woodcuts as art forms.

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Henri de Toulouse-


Deprived of the physical life that a normal body would have permitted, Toulouse-Lautrec lived completely for his art. He dwelt in the Montmartre section of Paris, known as the center of cabaret entertainment as well as bohemian life. He loved to depict dance halls, nightclubs, racetracks, and prostitutes. All of which were the inspiration to his work.

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