possible adaptation ideas: portal 2

Jarad Tansley LO1b – exploring possible ideas Page 1 Exploring possible adaptation ideas for an existing creative product Jarad Tansley Cambridge Technicals Media Unit 10: Media Adaptations – LO1B 1: Choose an existing media text that you can adapt into an audiovisual product. I have chosen to adapt Valve’s 2011 firstperson puzzle/scifi video game Portal 2 into a feature film. 2: Explain why the medium you want to adapt the text into is a suitable medium The narrative follows one protagonist, who goes by the name of Chell, who finds herself in a science facility controlled by a single robot. Portal 2 is a sequel to the original game that had little of a story, so while the original game had little to no story, Portal 2 revolved the game around the story, making it more suitable as an adaptable media text. The narrative type of Portal 2 seems to be singlestranded and episodic. The game splits the narrative in chapters, making it an episodic narrative. The story only follows the point of view of Chell, making it a singlestranded story. I think the narrative could be multistranded, following the other characters. The character roster in Portal 2’s story is very small, consisting of three characters: Chell and the two robots, Wheatley and GLaDOS (Whom control the facility Chell is trapped in). The voices of all the robots, as well as the voice of the CEO of Aperture Science, are provided by voice actors, some who have well known roles in television and film. It could be possible to use these voice actors in the feature film. The protagonist and main character of the game, Chell, is the only main actor who will be acting on set. I don’t think that Chell’s actor should be a bigname actor, as the movie is not aiming to get sales from its casting, rather it is getting it from the fact it’s an adaptation of an existing media. The locations may place a cost in the time and budget, but they are not impossible to do. While a facility like the fictional Aperture Science may not be able to be recreated in the real world, it can be recreated for a feature film with visual effects. The location itself would be under the same copyright as the game, reducing the time costs for licensing the fictional location, as Valve owns both the copyrights to the game itself and the trademarks for the fictional elements of the game, including the location, however the costs for recreating the location will be placed on our time and budget.

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Post on 14-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Possible adaptation ideas: Portal 2

Jarad  Tansley   LO1b  –  exploring  possible  ideas   Page  1  

Exploring  possible  adaptation  ideas  for  an  existing  creative  product  Jarad  Tansley  Cambridge  Technicals  Media  Unit  10:  Media  Adaptations  –  LO1B    1:  Choose  an  existing  media  text  that  you  can  adapt  into  an  audio-­‐visual  product.    I  have  chosen  to  adapt  Valve’s  2011  first-­‐person  puzzle/sci-­‐fi  video  game  Portal  2  into  a  feature  film.    2:  Explain  why  the  medium  you  want  to  adapt  the  text  into  is  a  suitable  medium      The  narrative  follows  one  protagonist,  who  goes  by  the  name  of  Chell,  who  finds  herself  in  a  science  facility  controlled  by  a  single  robot.  Portal  2  is  a  sequel  to  the  original  game  that  had  little  of  a  story,  so  while  the  original  game  had  little  to  no  story,  Portal  2  revolved  the  game  around  the  story,  making  it  more  suitable  as  an  adaptable  media  text.    The  narrative  type  of  Portal  2  seems  to  be  single-­‐stranded  and  episodic.  The  game  splits  the  narrative  in  chapters,  making  it  an  episodic  narrative.  The  story  only  follows  the  point  of  view  of  Chell,  making  it  a  single-­‐stranded  story.  I  think  the  narrative  could  be  multi-­‐stranded,  following  the  other  characters.  The  character  roster  in  Portal  2’s  story  is  very  small,  consisting  of  three  characters:  Chell  and  the  two  robots,  Wheatley  and  GLaDOS  (Whom  control  the  facility  Chell  is  trapped  in).    The  voices  of  all  the  robots,  as  well  as  the  voice  of  the  CEO  of  Aperture  Science,  are  provided  by  voice  actors,  some  who  have  well  known  roles  in  television  and  film.  It  could  be  possible  to  use  these  voice  actors  in  the  feature  film.  The  protagonist  and  main  character  of  the  game,  Chell,  is  the  only  main  actor  who  will  be  acting  on  set.  I  don’t  think  that  Chell’s  actor  should  be  a  big-­‐name  actor,  as  the  movie  is  not  aiming  to  get  sales  from  its  casting,  rather  it  is  getting  it  from  the  fact  it’s  an  adaptation  of  an  existing  media.    The  locations  may  place  a  cost  in  the  time  and  budget,  but  they  are  not  impossible  to  do.  While  a  facility  like  the  fictional  Aperture  Science  may  not  be  able  to  be  recreated  in  the  real  world,  it  can  be  recreated  for  a  feature  film  with  visual  effects.  The  location  itself  would  be  under  the  same  copyright  as  the  game,  reducing  the  time  costs  for  licensing  the  fictional  location,  as  Valve  owns  both  the  copyrights  to  the  game  itself  and  the  trademarks  for  the  fictional  elements  of  the  game,  including  the  location,  however  the  costs  for  recreating  the  location  will  be  placed  on  our  time  and  budget.  

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 3:  Explain  the  technological  issues  that  might  arise  in  the  adaptation    As  stated  in  the  above,  there  are  technological  issues  when  adapting  the  game  into  a  movie.  The  fact  that  a  place  like  the  science  facility  in  the  movie  does  not  exist  mean  that  it  has  to  be  built  as  movie  sets  then  expanded  using  special  effects,  which  can  be  both  costly  in  time  and  money.  Making  a  science  fiction  and  video  game-­‐based  movie  with  a  low  budget  will  make  the  movie  a  total  disaster,  which  will  make  people’s  already  negative  perceptions  of  films  based  on  video  games  even  worse.    As  this  film  requires  the  budget  of  a  feature  film,  it  needs  to  appeal  to  a  US  audience  to  gain  attention  from  US/Hollywood  studios  who  dominate  the  film  industries  in  many  countries.  The  budget  should  mainly  cover  the  costs  of  special  effects,  sets  and  lighting,  as  well  as  the  cost  of  casting.    As  there  was  little  to  no  violence  in  the  original  game,  it  was  rated  12  by  the  Pan-­‐European  Game  Information  (PEGI)  classification.  that  rates  all  video  games  being  released  in  Europe.  However,  should  this  movie  have  certain  amounts  of  detailed  violence  (e.g.  blood  after  being  hit  by  turrets),  it  may  be  rated  higher  by  the  film  classification  boards  such  as  the  British  Board  of  Film  Classifications  (BBFC)  or  the  MPAA  in  the  US.  The  film  may  be  pushed  towards  a  rating  of  15  by  the  BBFC,  as  it  will  not  prevent  most  of  the  audience  from  watching.    In  the  game,  Chell  does  not  speak  any  words,  at  any  point.  This  will  become  an  issue  as  if  it  is  decided  she  will  speak,  it  may  not  be  well  received  by  fans  of  the  game,  who  know  of  her  lack  of  speech  and  may  not  tolerate  her  having  a  voice.    4.  Explain  the  new  opportunities  available  to  you  to  make  this  adaptation  a  valuable  new  version  of  the  original    There  are  opportunities  available  to  us  when  adapting  Portal  2  into  a  movie.  The  first  opportunity  is  the  popularity  of  the  video  game  and  its  genre  in  film.  The  video  game  itself  is  popular  worldwide,  and  science  fiction  movies  are  popular  in  cinemas  worldwide,  so  large  studios  may  consider  adapting  this  game  into  a  movie.    As  there  is  no  interactivity  at  all  in  a  movie,  we’ll  have  to  show  the  storylines  of  the  other  two  characters  in  the  movie  in  order  to  immerse  the  viewer  even  more.  This  gives  us  the  opportunity  for  writing,  to  make  it  more  than  just  an  adaptation  of  a  video  game.  For  instance,  we  could  bring  in  the  point  of  view  of  GLaDOS  or  Wheatley  when  they  pose  an  important  part  in  the  storyline.  For  instance,  Wheatley  replaces  GLaDOS  with  himself  and  turns  evil.  This  allows  us  to  bring  in  the    A  movie  does  not  require  any  “system  requirements”  as  all  of  the  3D  elements  are  already  rendered  with  the  movie  in  a  digital  file,  rather  than  rendered  live  via  complex  code  like  the  video  game  does.  This  allows  us  to  use  more  effects  and  computer-­‐generated  imagery  in  the  movie,  even  some  that  would  not  have  been  

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possible  in  the  video  game’s  engine,  therefore  allowing  us  to  push  visual  boundaries  in  the  film.    One  well-­‐known  ethical  issue  of  this  movie  is  with  how  movies  based  on  video  games  are  well  known  to  be  negatively  reviewed.  There  is  a  common  conception  that  movie  adaptations  of  video  games  are  not  produced  very  well,  leading  them  and  other  video  game-­‐based  movies  to  have  negative  reception,  however  this  movie  presents  itself  very  cinematically,  making  it  possible  that  this  adaptation  may  prove  itself  to  go  against  said  conception.      5.  If  you  are  choosing  to  adapt  a  product  that  has  been  adapted  before,  you  must  explain  what  your  ideas  will  bring  that  are  new  and  different  from  the  earlier  adaptation(s).    While  the  original  Portal  has  been  adapted  by  its  fans  into  short  films,  there  haven’t  been  any  feature  films,  and  especially  none  for  Portal  2.    6.  Identify  the  core  audience  and  one  secondary  audience  for  your  proposed  adaptation,  paying  attention  to...  

• Age  • Gender  • Interests  • Spending  Power  • Lifestyle  

 The  core  audience  for  the  movie  would  be  fans  of  Portal  2  and/or  the  game  before  it.  They  are  commonly  male  and  unemployed  or  in  the  working  class  (E  and  D  in  socio-­‐economic  grouping).  Because  of  this,  they  may  be  between  the  ages  of  15-­‐25.  They  would  be  interested  in  anything  based  on  Portal  however  they  may  turn  against  the  movie  due  to  the  common  conception  about  video  game-­‐based  movies.  They  live  a  commonly  relaxing  lifestyle,  although  some  older  fans  may  be  in  university,  leading  a  lifestyle  of  studying.    The  secondary  audience  of  the  movie  would  be  fans  of  science  fiction.  Like  fans  of  Portal,  they  would  be  un-­‐employed  or  working  class,  however  some  of  them  may  be  in  the  skilled  working  class  or  lower  middle  class,  which  is  C2  &  C1  in  the  socio-­‐economic  groups.  Also  like  fans  of  Portal,  science  fiction  fans  are  commonly  males,  however  the  female  protagonist  may  appeal  to  females  as  well,  due  to  the  strong  nature  of  her  character.  Like  Portal  fans  too,  they  may  be  15-­‐25  years  old,  however  there  are  fans  that  are  older  too.  This  fits  the  socio-­‐economic  groupings  of  the  fans.  They  would  show  interest  in  science  fiction  movies,  which  allows  the  movie  to  cater  to  them.  They  may  have  a  relaxing  lifestyle,  not  being  too  busy.  Some  science  fiction  fans  may  collect  merchandise  of  the  media,  which  is  common  for  fan-­‐bases/fandoms.