positive self-talk for the believer-edited cover-2

Positive Self-Talk For The Believer (28 Daily Declarations of Faith to help you Soar!) By Pastor Samual J. Burton Jr (Empowerment Specialist/Musician)

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Positive Self-Talk For The Believer

(28 Daily Declarations of Faith to help you Soar!)

By Pastor Samual J. Burton Jr (Empowerment Specialist/Musician)

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Prayer Is The

To The Kingdom




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What Is Prayer?

Prayer is the way we communicate with God and the way we get to know him. It is also the way we petition him for the things we need but to stop there and say amen is missing out on a rich intimate relationship with the creator.

Couple this with daily speaking the declarations out loud, you will be able to recalibrate your life as you are speaking God’s words over your own life, and this will help you to access more of the promises of God.

Consistency is the key to an active prayer life and even 15 minutes in prayer a day puts you ahead of the game. You will grow closer to God and develop an intimate relationship with him while you begin to see positive changes take place in your life.

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Meditate and Speak Over Your

Life !

These Daily Declarations of Faith are for you to speak them out loud each and every day or as many days as you have time for in order to recalibrate and move your life forward. Through consistent use of these affirmations you can see positive changes to your life. You can have whatever you say as you speak to the mountain and command it to be removed. You can see many of your enemies be destroyed before your eyes as they come out against you one way and flee before you 7 ways. The word of God is powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword so you can’t speak a more powerful word on your behalf. Your Faith grows as you hear yourself speak these words over your own life. To Meditate means to ponder, to mutter. As I learned from reading Sid Roth’s Healing E-Book, it is the Jewish way to read scriptures out loud. To think and speak out loud as you process information. It is all about accessing and moving into your destiny and entering into that abundant life God has already appropriated for you. Embrace the process and move forward as you change your language and thus change your life.

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What Is Faith?

Faith is the very essence of the thing you are hoping for, it is seeing what you want before it happens so strongly that it is as if it has already happened, so that when it happens you will recognize it because it has already happened in the spirit realm and in your heart and mind.

Things in the kingdom come to pass immediately after it is even thought. Proverbs 23:7 says that as a man thinks in his heart so is he. What is conceived in the mind and heart will come out of the mouth and so when you speak it, Mark 11:22-24, tells us it will come to pass. It says whatever you say, you can have with respect to the will of God and his word. Knowing the word allows you to pray the word and not pray the problem.

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Positive Self Talk For The Believer !

1. I am who God says I am in his holy word.

Pair this with proverbs 23:7: “So as I think in my heart, so am I.” I am victorious”.

2. Cleanse me Lord from all negative self-talk, doubt and unbelief. I renounce doubt, fear, and unbelief in Jesus Name.

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. Meditate-To ponder, to think on.

. 3. I meditate on the positive promises of God Day and Night, Night and Day and I do not re-visit the negative thoughts and dialogue of my past. (Joshua 1:8)

4. I am a Winner as God tells me that I am the head and not the tail, above and not beneath, in a position to lend and not have to borrow. (Deuteronomy 28:12-13).

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I sit in Heavenly Places while I am still on earth

5. God has made me to be seated with Jesus in heavenly places while I am still on this earth. (Ephesians 2:6)

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Dominion! Authority!

6. Thank you Lord for giving me Dominion on this earth.

(Genesis 1:28)

7. I Have the authority through the blood of Jesus to bind and cast out all hindering spirits and negative influences. (Matthew 18:19)

Whatever I bind on earth is backed up and bound in heaven. I bind poverty and loose abundance and prosperity. I bind sickness and I Loose healing and wholeness.

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Power To tread upon serpents!

8. I take my power back and tread upon serpents(demonic oppression) and scorpions(witchcraft and curses) and over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt me. I am Victorious in Spiritual Warfare and Prayer and Defeat is not an option. (Luke 10:19)

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Chosen People Mature in Word

9. I am a part of a chosen generation, a royal priesthood,

a holy nation, a peculiar person

that I should show forth his

praises. (I Peter 2:9)

10. I have embraced the word of God and matured in the word and am now able to discern both good and evil as my senses have been exercised in my use of the word.

(Hebrews 5:12-14)

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I am Healed! I Hunger and Thirst forRighteousness!

11. He was wounded for my transgressions and bruised for my

Iniquities and by his stipes, I AM

HEALED! (Isaiah 53:5)

12. I hunger and thirst for righteousness, and I am filled. (Matthew 5:6)

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I am a Giver and He gives back to me

13. I give and it is given back to me, good measure, pressed down and shaken together and running over shall men give unto my bosom. (Luke 6:38)

14. Because I delight myself in the Lord he is giving me the desires of my heart as well. (Psalm 37:4)

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I am blessed I lack nothing!

15. My God is supplying all my need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:19)

16. I am free as he who the son has made free is free indeed. (John 8:36)

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New Mind! New Creation

17. I have taken on the mind of Christ and have placed God’s will above my own and serve him in spirit and in truth. (Philippians 2:6-11)

18. I am a new creation in Christ as old things have passed away, behold, check it out and see, all things are new. (II Corinthians 5:17)

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I am Humble! I Press My Way!

19. I humble myself under the mighty hand of God and he will exalt me in due season. (Psalm 46:10)

20. Forgetting those things that are behind me, I press towards the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 3:13-14.)

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I am Delivered ! I am Spirit Filled!

21. I have been delivered from all strongholds and hindrances and am free as he who the son makes free, is free indeed. (John 8:36)

22. I receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit and pray in my heavenly language. Acts 2:1-21.

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I Am Prospering ! I Am Forgiving!

23. I am prospering and in great health even as my soul is prospering including everything that pertains to life and Godliness.

Even my finances are blessed.

24. I am forgiving and I forgive men their trespasses even as my heavenly father forgives me of my trespasses.

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I trust God! I can do It!

25. I totally trust in the Lord and I do not lean unto my own understanding. (Proverbs 3:5)

26. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!

Failure is not an option.

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27. No Weapon Formed against me shall prosper, and every tongue that shall rise against me in judgement, I shall condemn. (Isaiah 54:17)

28. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is of me, says the Lord!

He prepares a table before

me in the presence of my

enemies, he blesses me in

front of my enemies. The

Lord is my shepherd. (Psalm


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The God of our Lord Jesus Christ, The Father of Glory is giving me the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him, my eyes are being enlightened so that I may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints.

(Ephesians 1:17,18)

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Closing Prayer

Abba Father, Daddy God we thank you for this opportunity to share these positive declarations of faith to all those who believe. I ask you to bless everyone that reads them to enjoy positive changes and breakthrough’s as never before, and that people will experience miracles as they release the miracle in their own mouth in Jesus Name, Amen.

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About Pastor BurtonPastor Samual has served as a Minister of Music for over 35 years and was called into the ministry of the Gospel while a senior in college. He later chose to pursue a career as a concert musician and was reminded of his call in 2009. Samual went through a great trial and suffered affliction in his body and almost died but cried out to God and through prayer and faith overcame many illnesses. During his recovery, Samual began formulating some of these affirmations and began applying them. He later, decided he could not ignore or run from the calling anymore and was licensed and ordained as a minister of the Gospel in 2010. Pastor Samual is also an Emmy award winning Concert Flautist, pianist, and composer, and has been pastoring His own ministry called “SONG OF SAMUAL MINISTRIES INTERNATIONAL” since 2009. Pastor Burton has additionally studied at the International School Of Ministry online and has been preaching and teaching around the Cleveland, Ohio area. His passion is to share the love of Jesus Christ through the word and song around the world and to offer a word of encouragement to those who are hurting and need a fresh word to help them enter into abundant life.

I Dedicate this book to the memory of my deceased father, Rev. Samuel C Burton SrAnd my living mother, Arveretta Burton who still is a powerful Gospel Soloist.

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Research and SourcingI was impacted greatly by Lou Tice in the book: Thought Patterns for a Successful Life, published by The Pacific Institute Inc.

Definition of the word” Meditate” taken from “Healing Scriptures” E-Book, by Sid Roth.

Dr. Cindy Trimm and the Command Your Morning Video.

The 3 Realms of Prayer video by Benny Hinn.

Dr. Emoto’s experiment with rice.

WIND,Flute and Spoken Word from

Acts 2:1-21, by Samual Joseph Burton Jr.

[email protected]@gmail.com
