positions open - science...ads under the following headings: positions open, employment agencies,...

SCIENCE publishes each Friday, except the last Friday of the year, and is mailed on issue date. Personnel advertising is accepted only with the understanding that the advertiser does not discriminate among applicants on the basis of race, sex, religion, age, color, national origin, handicap, or sexual preference. SCIENCE re- serves the right, in its discretion, to decline to publish advertisements submitted to it. UNE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS DEADUNE: Thursday, 10 a.m., 2 weeks prior to issue date. Advertising is accepted only in writing. POUCIES: All classified ads will be edited and typeset according to SCIENCE style guidelines. NO ABBREVIA- TIONS. Any deadline for applications stated in ad must be at least 2 weeks after date of issue in which ad appears. CLASSIFICATION: SCIENCE publishes line classified ads under the following headings: Positions Open, Employment Agencies, Fellowships, Situatons Wanted, Courms and Training, Meetings, Announce- ments, and Marketplace. Advertisers should specify classification desired; however, SCIENCE reserves the right to decline classification requests which it believes may be misleading to readers. RATE: $41 per line, $410 minimum, per week. One line equals 52 characters and spaces; centered headings equal 32 characters and spaces per line. No charge for use of blind box number. No agency commission for ads less than 40 lines. To ESTIMATE ad cost, structure ad copy on a 52-character line; include any desired head- ing on 32-character lines. Each line of heading, one line of white space between heading and body of ad, and all partial lines (including centered reply information, if desired) are counted as full lines. Multiply total number of lines x $41 = approximate cost of ad, per week. (This is an approximate cost ONLY. Allow for variation be- tween estimated lines ans actual typeset lines and resulting final cost. Purchase orders must allow for some degree of flexibility and/or adjustment. SCIENCE cannot provide proofs of typeset ads.) PREPAYMENT DISCOUNT: A 3% cash discount is granted to all prepaid line ads. Prepayment in U.S. dollars by checks drawn on U.S. banks is required for all foreign ads. BOXES AND LOGOS: Any 1-column line classified ad can be boxed and/or published with logo. No extra production charge for use of box or logo. For boxed ads, one line equals 48 characters and spaces; two addi- tional lines will be added to cost of ad to allow for top and bottom rules. Logos are billed according to number of lines needed to accommodate logo. SITUATIONS WANTED ADS: As a service to AAAS members in good standing, SCIENCE offers free place- ment of Situations Wanted ads for individuals seeking full-time or part-time employment. A blind box may be used. Ads must be submitted in writing with text of 20 words or less, not including address or box number, and are limited to two insertions per member in each calen- dar year. Please enclose SCIENCE mailing label includ- ing AAAS membership number when submitting ad. CANCELLATIONS: Deadline for cancellations is 10 a.m. Tuesday, 10 days prior to issue date. Address ad copy or requests for information to: SCIENCE ClassIMed Advertsing 1333 H Stret, NW, Room 940 Washington, DC 20005 Telephone: 202-3264555 FAX: 202488240816 MARKETPLACE AND DISPLAY PERSONNEL ADVERTISEMENTS For rates, deadlines, and information about fractional display ads (1/6 page and larger) and all Marketplace listings of available products and services, contact: Scherago Associates, Inc. 1515 Broadway New York, NY 10036 Telephone: 212-730.1050 FAX: 212-382-3725 RESPONSES TO EMPLOYMENT ADS Applicants should read Positions Open ads carefully in order to submit all required material when responding, and should especially check for any stated deadline for receipt of applications. SCIENCE encourages appli- cants for positions to investigate employment laws, non- discrimination policies, visa requirements, and cultural differences in the country advertising for employees. To reply to a blind box ad, address correspondence to: Box (give number) SCIENCE Classiled Advertsing 1333 H Street, NW, Room 940 Washington, DC 20005 POSITIONS OPEN The Animal Science Department, Iowa State Univer- sity, seeks to fill the following tenure-track faculty posi- tions. All positions emphasize research, teaching, and graduate education. ASSISTANT PROFESSOR. Dairy Product Molec- ular Biology and Food Science. Research and graduate education in dairy product design, development, alter- ation, and utilization with emphasis on molecular biol- ogy. Collaboration will be with other scientists in animal products, genetics, and nutrition. FACULTY POSMON. Food Microbiologist/Meat Science. Conduct a major research program including but not limited to preservation and safety of meat and poultry products. Teaching will be in related areas. Collaboration in the Meat Export Research Center, Meat Irradiation Program, and Food Safety Research Center will be essential. Applicants for the above positions must have a Ph.D. in the area specified or in a dosely related field. Outstand- ing research ability and effectiveness in communicating with colleagues, students, and clientele are essential Candidates may request information and/or apply by contacting: Dr. S. A. Ewing, Head, Department of Animal Science, 101 Kildee Hall, Iowa State Univer- sity, Ames, IA 50011. Telephone: 515-294-7620. Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. The Department of Medicine, University of Toronto, has an openg for an ASSISTANT PROFESSOR. The candiate should have a Ph.D. (M.D./Ph.D.) in biochemistry, molecular biology, or a related field with extensive experience in the application of molecular biological techniques to the understanding of the struc- ture and function of transport proteins. As a member of the MRC Group in Membrane Biology, the candidate will be focusing on basic and clinical problems in epithe- lia with special emphasis in Nephrology. The appoint- ment is for an initial 3-year period with limited teaching responsibilities. The candidate will be expected to apply for external research and salary support. Salary offered will be commensurate with qualifications and experience. The appointment is to be effective January 1991, with a closing date for receipt of applications being 30 No- vember 1990. The University of Toronto encourages applica- tionsfiom qualfied women and men, menbers ofvisible minor- ities, aboriginal peoples, and persons with disabilities. In accordance with Canadian Immigration requirements this adver- tisement is directed to Canadian cizens and permanent residents. Curriculum vitae induding three references should be directed to: Dr. M. Silverman, MRC Group in Mem- brane Biology, Medical Sciences Building, Room 7226, University ofToronto, 1 King's Coliege Circle, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5S 1A8. ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF PHARMACOLOGY AND TOXICOLOGY The Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology at Ponce School of Medicine is seeking applicants or a faculty position at the assistant professor level. The applicant should possess a Ph.D. degree in toxicology or pharmacology and have at least 2 years of postdoctoral experience. Research interests must have a toxicological focus. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to: biochemical, neuro-, immuno-, and cardiovascular toxi- cology. Candidate must have experience with modern analytical methodology such as HPLC, GC-mass spec- trophotometry. Academic responsibilities will include teaching medical students, and pharmacology and toxi- cology graduate students. Interested applicants should send a detailed curriculum vitae, statement of research plans and career goals, and names of at least three refcrences to: Dr. Arthur L. Hupka, Chairman, De- partment of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Ponce School of Medicine, P.O. Box 7004, Ponce, PR 00732. The Ponce School of Medicine is an Equal Opportu- nity Employer. ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOPHYSICS (Ph.D. and/or M.D.). Research areas: membrane biophysics including receptor mecha- nisms. Physiologist able to teach areas other than re- search interest; e.g., gastrointestinal to medical, nursing, and graduate students. Minimum of2 years of postdoc- toral training required and ability to develop extramu- rally supported research. Application deadline: 26 July 1990. Send curriculum vitae, research plans, and list of five references to: C. H. Baker, Ph.D., Department of Physiology and Biophysics, Box 8, Coliege of Medi- cine, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL 33612. Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. 22 JUNE I990 POSITIONS OPEN PHARMACOGNOSY, ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Teach undergraduate and graduate courses in pharma- cognosy, and develop a research program. Ph.D. in a wide area of disciplines such as pharmaceutical science, natural product chemistry, biochemistry, immunology, etc. required. Postdoctoral training is required. Evidence of excellence in teaching and research is essential. Aca- demic year, tenure-track position. Search will continue until suitable candidates are recruited. Interested persons should submit curriculum vitae and the names of three references to: Yuzuru Shimizu, Search Committee Chair Assistant Professor Pharmacognosy (161011) Position The University of Rhode Island P.O. Box G Kingston, RI 02881 An Afirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF PHYSIOLOGY This full-time faculty position is available immediately. Candidates must have a Ph.D., M.D., D.V.M., or equiv- alent with recent postdoctoral experience. Position in- volves teaching and research. Cancduates are expected to develop an independent research program with outside funding. Teaching duties include participation in the first-year medical physiology course and courses in a newly developing Ph.D. program. Preference will be given to candidates with experience and interest in cardiovascular, musde, cellular, or neurophysiology. Screening of applicants will began 1 August 1990 and continue until the position is filled. Send curriculum vitae and names of three references to: Dr. Brian K. Lewis, Chairman, Department of Physiology, Ponce School of Medicine, P.O. Box 7004, Ponce, PR 00732. ASSISTANT/ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR. Regu- lation of plant gene expression. The Department of Horticulture, University of Illinois at Champaign-Ur- bana is seeking applications for a 9-month, tenure-track, 75% research, 25% teaching position to be housed in a new building with 100 other biotechnologists. The appointee is expected to develop an innovative research program in environmental and developmental regulation of gene expression in horticultural plants subjected to stress. Possible research includes, but is not limited to mechanisms of signal transduction, isolation and charac- terization of regulatory DNA sequences, gene transfer systems, or foreign gene expression. Candidates with postdoctoral experience are preferred. Submit by 30 July 1990 a statement of research interests, curriculum vitae, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of at least three references to: Dr. Jack Juvik, Department of Horticulture, 1005 Plant Sciences Lab, 1201 South Dorner Drive, Urbana, IL 61801. The University of Illinois is an AflnnawtiveActionVEqual Opportunity Employer. Women and minority candidates are especially encouraged to apply. THE UNIVERSITY OF CALGARY ELECTRON MICROSCOPIST The University of Calgary Department of Anatomy invites applications for a full-time academic position at the ASSISTANT PROFESSOR level as a cel biologist/ electron microscopist. Qualifications include a Ph.D. and/or M.D., 2 years of postdoctoral experience, and a proven research record in eukaryotic molecular/cell biol- ogy with expertise in electron microscopy. Rank and salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience. The successful candidate will be expected to compete successfully for salary and establishment grant support from the Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Re- search, and will have 75% of time protected for research. Submit curriculum vitae, synopsis of research interests, and the names and addresses of three referees, by 15 August 1990, to: Dr. R. Hawkes Head, Department of Anatomy The University of Calgary 3330 Hospital Drive N.W. Calgary, Alberta T2N 4N1 Canada In accordance with Canadian immigration requirements, pri- ority will begiven to Canadian citizens andpermanent residents of Canada. The University of Calgary has an Employment Equity Program and encourages applicationsfrom all qualtled candidates, including women, aboriginal people, visible minori- ties, and peopk with disabilities. PERSONNEL PLACEMENT 1567

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Page 1: POSITIONS OPEN - Science...ads under the following headings: Positions Open, Employment Agencies, Fellowships, Situatons Wanted,CourmsandTraining, Meetings,Announce-ments, and Marketplace

SCIENCE publishes each Friday, except the last Fridayof the year, and is mailed on issue date. Personneladvertising is accepted only with the understanding thatthe advertiser does not discriminate among applicantson the basis of race, sex, religion, age, color, nationalorigin, handicap, or sexual preference. SCIENCE re-serves the right, in its discretion, to decline to publishadvertisements submitted to it.

UNE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTSDEADUNE: Thursday, 10 a.m., 2 weeks prior to issuedate. Advertising is accepted only in writing.POUCIES: All classified ads will be edited and typesetaccording to SCIENCE style guidelines. NO ABBREVIA-TIONS. Any deadline for applications stated in ad mustbe at least 2 weeks after date of issue in which adappears.

CLASSIFICATION: SCIENCE publishes line classifiedads under the following headings: Positions Open,

Employment Agencies, Fellowships, SituatonsWanted, Courms and Training, Meetings, Announce-ments, and Marketplace. Advertisers should specifyclassification desired; however, SCIENCE reserves theright to decline classification requests which it believesmay be misleading to readers.RATE: $41 per line, $410 minimum, per week. One lineequals 52 characters and spaces; centered headingsequal 32 characters and spaces per line. No charge foruse of blind box number. No agency commission for adsless than 40 lines. To ESTIMATE ad cost, structure adcopy on a 52-character line; include any desired head-ing on 32-character lines. Each line of heading, one lineof white space between heading and body of ad, and allpartial lines (including centered reply information, ifdesired) are counted as full lines. Multiply total numberof lines x $41 = approximate cost of ad, per week. (Thisis an approximate cost ONLY. Allow for variation be-tween estimated lines ans actual typeset lines andresulting final cost. Purchase orders must allow for somedegree of flexibility and/or adjustment. SCIENCE cannotprovide proofs of typeset ads.)PREPAYMENT DISCOUNT: A 3% cash discount isgranted to all prepaid line ads. Prepayment in U.S.dollars by checks drawn on U.S. banks is required for allforeign ads.

BOXES AND LOGOS: Any 1-column line classified adcan be boxed and/or published with logo. No extraproduction charge for use of box or logo. For boxed ads,one line equals 48 characters and spaces; two addi-tional lines will be added to cost of ad to allow for top andbottom rules. Logos are billed according to number oflines needed to accommodate logo.SITUATIONS WANTED ADS: As a service to AAASmembers in good standing, SCIENCE offers free place-ment of Situations Wanted ads for individuals seekingfull-time or part-time employment. A blind box may beused. Ads must be submitted in writing with text of 20words or less, not including address or box number, andare limited to two insertions per member in each calen-dar year. Please enclose SCIENCE mailing label includ-ing AAAS membership number when submitting ad.

CANCELLATIONS: Deadline for cancellations is 10a.m. Tuesday, 10 days prior to issue date.

Address ad copy or requests for information to:

SCIENCE ClassIMed Advertsing1333 H Stret, NW, Room 940

Washington, DC 20005Telephone: 202-3264555

FAX: 202488240816


For rates, deadlines, and information about fractionaldisplay ads (1/6 page and larger) and all Marketplacelistings of available products and services, contact:

Scherago Associates, Inc.1515 Broadway

New York, NY 10036Telephone: 212-730.1050

FAX: 212-382-3725


Applicants should read Positions Open ads carefully inorder to submit all required material when responding,and should especially check for any stated deadline forreceipt of applications. SCIENCE encourages appli-cants for positions to investigate employment laws, non-discrimination policies, visa requirements, and culturaldifferences in the country advertising for employees.To reply to a blind box ad, address correspondence to:

Box (give number)SCIENCE Classiled Advertsing1333 H Street, NW, Room 940

Washington, DC 20005


The Animal Science Department, Iowa State Univer-sity, seeks to fill the following tenure-track faculty posi-tions. All positions emphasize research, teaching, andgraduate education.

ASSISTANT PROFESSOR. Dairy Product Molec-ular Biology and Food Science. Research and graduateeducation in dairy product design, development, alter-ation, and utilization with emphasis on molecular biol-ogy. Collaboration will be with other scientists in animalproducts, genetics, and nutrition.FACULTY POSMON. Food Microbiologist/Meat

Science. Conduct a major research program includingbut not limited to preservation and safety of meat andpoultry products. Teaching will be in related areas.Collaboration in the Meat Export Research Center, MeatIrradiation Program, and Food Safety Research Centerwill be essential.

Applicants for the above positions must have a Ph.D.in the area specified or in a dosely related field. Outstand-ing research ability and effectiveness in communicatingwith colleagues, students, and clientele are essentialCandidates may request information and/or apply bycontacting: Dr. S. A. Ewing, Head, Department ofAnimal Science, 101 Kildee Hall, Iowa State Univer-sity, Ames, IA 50011. Telephone: 515-294-7620.Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.

The Department of Medicine, University of Toronto,has an openg for an ASSISTANT PROFESSOR.The candiate should have a Ph.D. (M.D./Ph.D.) inbiochemistry, molecular biology, or a related field withextensive experience in the application of molecularbiological techniques to the understanding of the struc-ture and function of transport proteins. As a member ofthe MRC Group in Membrane Biology, the candidatewill be focusing on basic and clinical problems in epithe-lia with special emphasis in Nephrology. The appoint-ment is for an initial 3-year period with limited teachingresponsibilities. The candidate will be expected to apply

for external research and salary support. Salary offeredwill be commensurate with qualifications and experience.The appointment is to be effective January 1991, witha closing date for receipt of applications being 30 No-vember 1990. The University ofToronto encourages applica-tionsfiom qualfied women and men, menbers ofvisible minor-ities, aboriginal peoples, and persons with disabilities. Inaccordance with Canadian Immigration requirements this adver-tisement is directed to Canadian cizens andpermanent residents.

Curriculum vitae induding three references should bedirected to: Dr. M. Silverman, MRC Group in Mem-brane Biology, Medical Sciences Building, Room7226, University ofToronto, 1 King's Coliege Circle,Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5S 1A8.


The Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology atPonce School of Medicine is seeking applicants or afaculty position at the assistant professor level. Theapplicant should possess a Ph.D. degree in toxicology orpharmacology and have at least 2 years of postdoctoralexperience. Research interests must have a toxicologicalfocus. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to:biochemical, neuro-, immuno-, and cardiovascular toxi-cology. Candidate must have experience with modernanalytical methodology such as HPLC, GC-mass spec-trophotometry. Academic responsibilities will includeteaching medical students, and pharmacology and toxi-cology graduate students. Interested applicants shouldsend a detailed curriculum vitae, statement of researchplans and career goals, and names of at least threerefcrences to: Dr. Arthur L. Hupka, Chairman, De-partment of Pharmacology and Toxicology, PonceSchool of Medicine, P.O. Box 7004, Ponce, PR00732. The Ponce School of Medicine is an Equal Opportu-nity Employer.

ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF PHYSIOLOGYAND BIOPHYSICS (Ph.D. and/or M.D.). Researchareas: membrane biophysics including receptor mecha-nisms. Physiologist able to teach areas other than re-search interest; e.g., gastrointestinal to medical, nursing,and graduate students. Minimum of 2 years of postdoc-toral training required and ability to develop extramu-rally supported research. Application deadline: 26 July1990. Send curriculum vitae, research plans, and list offive references to: C. H. Baker, Ph.D., Department ofPhysiology and Biophysics, Box 8, Coliege of Medi-cine, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL 33612.Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer.

22 JUNE I990


PHARMACOGNOSY, ASSISTANT PROFESSORTeach undergraduate and graduate courses in pharma-

cognosy, and develop a research program. Ph.D. in awide area of disciplines such as pharmaceutical science,natural product chemistry, biochemistry, immunology,etc. required. Postdoctoral training is required. Evidenceof excellence in teaching and research is essential. Aca-demic year, tenure-track position. Search will continueuntil suitable candidates are recruited. Interested personsshould submit curriculum vitae and the names of threereferences to:

Yuzuru Shimizu, Search Committee ChairAssistant Professor

Pharmacognosy (161011) PositionThe University of Rhode Island

P.O. Box GKingston, RI 02881

An Afirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer.

ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF PHYSIOLOGYThis full-time faculty position is available immediately.

Candidates must have a Ph.D., M.D., D.V.M., or equiv-alent with recent postdoctoral experience. Position in-volves teaching and research. Cancduates are expected todevelop an independent research program with outsidefunding. Teaching duties include participation in thefirst-year medical physiology course and courses in anewly developing Ph.D. program. Preference will begiven to candidates with experience and interest incardiovascular, musde, cellular, or neurophysiology.Screening of applicants will began 1 August 1990 andcontinue until the position is filled. Send curriculum vitaeand names of three references to: Dr. Brian K. Lewis,Chairman, Department of Physiology, Ponce Schoolof Medicine, P.O. Box 7004, Ponce, PR 00732.

ASSISTANT/ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR. Regu-lation of plant gene expression. The Department ofHorticulture, University of Illinois at Champaign-Ur-bana is seeking applications for a 9-month, tenure-track,75% research, 25% teaching position to be housed in anew building with 100 other biotechnologists. Theappointee is expected to develop an innovative researchprogram in environmental and developmental regulationof gene expression in horticultural plants subjected tostress. Possible research includes, but is not limited tomechanisms of signal transduction, isolation and charac-terization of regulatory DNA sequences, gene transfersystems, or foreign gene expression. Candidates withpostdoctoral experience are preferred. Submit by 30 July1990 a statement of research interests, curriculum vitae,and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of atleast three references to: Dr. Jack Juvik, Department ofHorticulture, 1005 Plant Sciences Lab, 1201 SouthDorner Drive, Urbana, IL 61801. The University ofIllinois is an AflnnawtiveActionVEqual Opportunity Employer.Women and minority candidates are especially encouraged toapply.


The University of Calgary Department of Anatomyinvites applications for a full-time academic position atthe ASSISTANT PROFESSOR level as a cel biologist/electron microscopist. Qualifications include a Ph.D.and/or M.D., 2 years of postdoctoral experience, and aproven research record in eukaryotic molecular/cell biol-ogy with expertise in electron microscopy. Rank andsalary will be commensurate with qualifications andexperience.The successful candidate will be expected to compete

successfully for salary and establishment grant supportfrom the Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Re-search, and will have 75% of time protected for research.Submit curriculum vitae, synopsis of research interests,

and the names and addresses of three referees, by 15August 1990, to:

Dr. R. HawkesHead, Department of AnatomyThe University of Calgary3330 Hospital Drive N.W.

Calgary, Alberta T2N 4N1 CanadaIn accordance with Canadian immigration requirements, pri-

ority will begiven to Canadian citizens andpermanent residentsof Canada. The University of Calgary has an EmploymentEquity Program and encourages applicationsfrom all qualtledcandidates, including women, aboriginal people, visible minori-ties, and peopk with disabilities.


Page 2: POSITIONS OPEN - Science...ads under the following headings: Positions Open, Employment Agencies, Fellowships, Situatons Wanted,CourmsandTraining, Meetings,Announce-ments, and Marketplace


University of Maryland at Baltimore, Division ofEndocrinology seeks Ph.D. at the ASSISTANT PRO-FESSOR level to supervise all aspects ofAdult Endocri-nology Laboratory. Prior expenence with radioimmu-noassays required. Administrative experience desirable.Salary negotiable. Curriculum vitae and three letters ofreference should be sent to: J. F. Wilber, M.D., Head,Division ofEndocrinology, Room N3W50, 22 SouthGreene Street, Baltimore, MD 21201 by 1 August1990. Equal Opportunity Employer.


ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OR POSTDOC-TORAL appointments (two). (i) Enzyme chemist withan interest m molecular biology to work on proteinkinases of calcified tissues. (ii) Protein chemist. Non-collagenous proteins, protein chemistry, and molecularbiology. Candidates must have M.D. or Ph.D. andrelevant experience. Submit resumes to: Melvin J. Glim-cher, M.D., Children's Hospital, Enders Building,320 Longwood Avenue, Boston, MA 02115.

ASSISTANT/ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR. De-partment of Veterinary Pathology, School of Veterinary

edicine, Louisiana State University (LSU), invitesapplications for a tenure-track faculty position in exper-imental pathology. Applicants should have experience inpathobiology at molecular and cellular level. Ph.D. de-gree is required. D.V.M. and pathology board desirable.Primary duties: development of an inlependently fundedresearch program and graduate instruction. Salary com-mensurate with qualifications. Hire date is 1 September1990, or until suitable candidate is selected. Applicantssubmit: curriculum vitae, names of three references, andsummary of current research activities to: Dr. H. W.Casey, Head, Department of Veterinary Pathologv,School of Veterinary Medicine, Louisiana State Uni-versity, Baton Rouge, LA 70803. LSU is an EqualOpportunity/iAflrmative Action Employer.



A tenure-track position is available for an ASSIST-ANT OR ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR studying mo-lecular or cellular aspects of neural development orregeneration. Applicants should send their curriculumvitae, a summary of their research interests, and have atleast three letters of reference sent to: Dr. A. Aguayo, c/oSearch Committee, Centre for Research in Neuro-science, 1650 Cedar Avenue, Montreal, Quebec, Can-ada H3G 1A4 by 31 July 1990.

ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTHThe Prograr in Social Ecology at the University of

California, Irvine, is recruiting for an ASSISTANTPROFESSOR, tenure-track position in the area ofEnvironmental Health Science and Policy. Applicantsshould have received a Ph.D. in environmental sciences,environmental chemistry, molecular and environmentalbiotechnology, or biochemistry. The successful candidateshould have demonstrated experience in laboratory orfield research related to environmental sciences or health.Ability to teach statistics and environmental testingmethodology is desirable.The Program in Social Ecology grants B.A., M.A., and

Ph.D. degrees. The 30 full-time faculty have multidis-ciplinary interests and expertise in environmental sci-ences, public health, demography, urban planning, envi-ronmental law, and environmental psychology. TheSocial Ecology Building houses four laboratories: ultra-clean monitoring, water quality, microbial ecology andbioremediation [aboratory, radiocarbon dating and envi-ronmental chemistry laboratory, and a full-scale environ-mental simulation laboratory.

Candidates should submit a letter of application, cur-riculum vitae, and names of three references to:

Dr. Betty H. Olson, ChairEnvironmental Health Search Committee

Program in Social EcologyUniversity of California

Irvine, CA 92717Closing date for applications is 30 November 1990.

The University of Calfornia is an Equal Opportunity/Afllr-mative Aaion Employer.


Neurobiologist. New faculty positions (tenure track atASSISTANT OR ASSOCIATE PROFESSORLEVEL) available in the expanding Department ofAnatomy and Neurobiology: (i) two cellufar/molecularneuroscientist positions available. Preference given tocandidates witfi research interests in neuroendocrinol-ogy, developmental neurobiology, regeneration, neu-roimmune system, or aging. Excellent opportunities forcollaborative research with the Centers on Aging andCancer. Ph.D. and 2 to 3 years of postdoctora[researchtraining required. Establishment ofan independent, pro-ductive, and extramurally funded research program ex-pected. Team-teaching in either histology or gross anat-omy and participation in the graduate program essential;(ii) one position, dedicated to teaching gross anatomyand histology, requires Ph.D. in anatomy, and docu-mented expertise in computer-assisted learning in anat-omy. Send curriculum vitae, summary of research andresearch plan [position (i) only], accomplishments,teaching experience, and three letters ofrecommendationto: M. B. Nikitovitch-Wimer, Chair, Department ofAnatomy and Neurobiology, University of KentuckyMedical Center, Lexington, KY 40536-0084.


IN VASCULAR CELL BIOLOGYTwo new positions are open in basic biomedical

research on the staff of the Cleveland Chnc ResearchInstitute. Successful applicants will establish an indepen-dent research program as well as collaborative ties withcurrent staff scientists. Areas of research interest includeregulation of vascular cell gene expression, intracellularsignaling pathways, lipoprotein-celt interactions, connec-tive tissue production, vascular cell growth control,leukocyte-vessel wall interactions, and vessel wall/coag-ulation system interactions. Applicants with experiencein molecular and cell biology, genetics, or biochemistrywill be given preference. Physician-scientists and throm-bosis researchers are encouraged to apply.The Cleveland Clinic Research Institute, which con-

sists of nine departments comprising over 150 scientistsinduding pre- and postdoctoral trainees, offers a stimu-lating and supportive environment for career growth,competitive salaries, excellent fringe benefits, and sub-stantial space and funds for establishing or relocating aresearch effort. Send curriculum vitae, a brief statementof research interests, and names of three references by 1August 1990 to: Paul E. DiCorleto, Ph.D., Depart-ment of Vascular Cell Biology and AtherosderosisResearch FF4, Cleveland Clinic Research Institute,9500 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44195.

The Cleveland Clinic Foundation is an Equal OpportunityEmployer.


The University of Calgary Faculty of Medicine invitesapplications for academic positions at the ASSISTANTor ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR level in the area ofmolecular biology of aging and/or the nervous system.Qualifications include a Ph.D. and/or M.D., postdoctoralresearch training, and demonstrated expertise and com-mitment. The successful candidates will be associatedwith the Molecular and Developmental Biology andNeurosciences Research Groups, and the Departments ofPathology and Medical Biochemistry. Academic rank andsalary will be commensurate with experience and quali-fications.The successful candidates must compete successfully

for salary and establishment grant suport from theAlberta Heritage Foundation for Medica Research and/or the Medical Research Council of Canada, and will beexpected to devote at least 75% of time to research.

Submit curriculum vitae, a statement of research inter-ests, and the names and addresses of three referees before31 July 1990 to:

Dr. N. B. RewcastleHead, Department of Pathology

The University of Calgary1403-29 Street N.W.

Calgary, Alberta T2N 2T9 CanadaIn accordance with Canadian immigration requirements, pri-

ority will begiven to Canadian citizens andpennanent residentsof Canada. The University of Calgary has an EmploymentEquity Program and encourages applicationsfrom all qualtfiedcandidates, including women, aboriginal people, visible minori-ties, and people with disabilities.


CIATE PROFESSOR level, tenured or tenure track, toundertake research using molecular approaches to immu-nology. Candidates are expected to establish a vigorousresearch program and participate in graduate studenteducation. The dosing date for receipt of inquiries is 1August 1990. Please send curriculum vitae and names ofthree references to: Search Committee, Department ofPathology and Laboratory Medicine, 709 WoodruffMemoral Building, Emory University School ofMedicine, Atlanta, GA 30322. Emory Univrity is anEqual Opportunity/AfimnativeeAction Employer.

BIOCHEMIST. Research Foundation, Cleveland,Ohio. Study of interferon, biological molecule which hasan antiviral and anticancer effect and its regulation of aspecific set of cellular genes are regulated by interferon.Research objective is to understand the mechanism andhow this set of genes are transcriptionally regulated.Protein interacts with specific DNA fragments of thesegenes, study of how this interaction and regulationoccurs within a cell. Thirty-five hours per week; 9 a.m. to5 p.m.; salary $30,000 per year. Requires 1 year ofexperience and Ph.D. in biochemistry or molecular biol-ogy. Must haveproofof lgal authority to work permanently inthe United States. Send resume in duplicate to: J. Davies.No calls. JO # 1084550, Ohio Bureau of Employ-ment Services, P.O. Box 1618, Columbus, OH43216.

BIOLOGY. St. Andrews College invites applicationsfor a 1-year position beginning 28 August 1990. Primaryresponsibilities: participation in a team-taught generalbiology course and upper level courses in at least two ofthe following areas: plant taxonomy, ecology, plantmorphology/diversity, and plant anatomy/physiology.Qualifications: ABD required, Ph.D. preferred. The suc-cessful applicant will also be expected to serve as herbar-ium and greenhouse manager. Consideration of applica-tions will begin on 6 July 1990. Send resumi, transcripts,and three letters of recommendation to: Dr. DennisMcCracken, Chair, MNHS Division, St. AndrewsCollege, Laurinburg, NC 28352. Afnnative ActionlEqual Opportunity Employer.

Biology Department. West Chester Universitys De-partment of Biology has openings for the 1990-91academic year for an ECOLOGIST and a HUMANPHYSIOLOGIST. These 1-year temporary positionsmay be renewed for a second year. Ecologist: to teachfield-based courses in ecology and population biologyand laboratories in general biology. Human Physiolo-gist: to teach laboratories in a nonmajor's human physi-ology course, as well as laboratories in general biology.Both positions require a Ph.D. and teaching experience.Send curriculum vitae and names and phone numbers ofthree references, postnarked by 31 July 1990, to: Dr.Martha Potvin, Department ofBiology, West ChesterUniversity, West Chester, PA 19383. Afinmative Ac-tion/Equal Opportunity Employr. Women and minorities areencouraged to apply.


The Department of Radiation Medicine at Massachu-setts General Hospital (MGH) has an opening for acellular/molecular biologist to do research on chemicaland biochemical mechanisms of radioprotection in mam-malian cells and DNA. These studies are being pursuedwith a view to determining how improvements in cancertherapy might be achieved in a major treatment center.The research will be performed in a well-established, fullyequipped laboratory in the Cox Cancer Center at MGH.Opportunities exist for multidisciplinary interactionwithin the research/academic complex of the biomedicalcommunity of the Boston area. Applicants are soughtwho can work at the radiobiology/biochemistry/molecu-lar biology interface in a challenging environment. Ph.D.in radiobiology, biochemistry, or molecular biology re-quired. Level of appointment depends on expenence.Concurrent faculty appointment at Harvard MedicalSchool available for suitably qualified individual. Pleaseapply to: Dr. K. D. Held, Department of RadiationMedicine, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston,MA 02114.

Massachusetts General Hospital/Harvard University areEqual Opportunity/Afirmative Action Employers. Qualifiedwomen and minorities are encouraged to apply.



Page 3: POSITIONS OPEN - Science...ads under the following headings: Positions Open, Employment Agencies, Fellowships, Situatons Wanted,CourmsandTraining, Meetings,Announce-ments, and Marketplace


Atmospheric Research andExposure Assessment LaboratoryResearch Triangle Park, NC



The United States Environmental ProtectionAgency is seeking a highly qualified candidate forthe position of Deputy Director of theAtmospheric Research and Exposure AssessmentLaboratory (AREAL) located in Research TrianglePark, North Carolina. This is a permanent full-time position with a salary range of$59,216-$76,982 per annum.

The AREAL, a component of the Office ofResearch and Development, is responsible fordeveloping research and development policiesregarding a major segment of the Agency'sprograms in the areas of:

* Ambient Air Pollutant Levels and Exposure toHumans and Ecosystems

* Air Quality Monitoring Methods and Techniques,and Source Apportionment, Air PollutantTransport, Transformation and Fate Models

* Source-to-Receptor Relationships BetweenAmbient Air Quality and Air PollutantExposures

* Long-term Research in AtmosphericChemistry; Air Pollutant Fate, Transport, andTransformation Processes; Exposure Assessment;Analytical Chemistry; and Predictive Modeling

An Equal Opportunity Employer

The incumbent must have experience in thefollowing: planning, coordinating, evaluating,organizing, budgeting, and directing researchand development programs; assisting incoordinating activities with representatives offoreign, state, municipal and federal agencies;industry; and academic and private organizationsthroughout the nation.

Applicants for this position must submit evidenceof the following factors: 1) skill in planning,implementing, monitoring and reviewing bothlong and short-term scientific researchprograms; 2) skill in developing productivity andother effectiveness-efficiency standards; 3) skillin gathering and analyzing information; 4) skill inthe utilization of human resources; 5) skill in theacquisition and administration of financialresources; 6) knowledge of federal procurementprocedures; 7) skill in organizational representationand liaison; 8) skill in oral communication; 9)skill in supervising a multidisciplinary staff; 10)skill in written communication; and 11) skill inevaluating programs for effectiveness.

Please submit an SF-171 to: Rena Sawyer,Human Resources Management Division(MD-29), US EPA, Research Triangle Park, NC27711; or for further information, call RenaSawyer at (919) 541-3677. EPA is an EqualOpportunity Employer


The University of Hawaii Cancer Research Center of Hawaii is seeking applicationsfrom medical oncologists for two tenure track faculty positions in the Center's ClinicalResearch-Cancer Control Program.

The Center conducts clinical cancer research and cancer control research forparticipation by all cancer health care professionals in Hawaii. The Center maintains fullmembership in SWOG and NSABP and a satellite relationship with POG. In addition,local studies are developed to build on programmatic strengths in areas such as livercancer, gastric cancer, natural products and biologics. Cancer control research isfocused on special underserved groups in Hawaii's multiethnic and multiculturepopulation. The Center is responsible for providing educational, administrative andscientific support for all studies introduced into the community. Integrating laboratoryresearch conducted at the Center into clinical studies is an essential activity. Facultyprovide scientific direction to the program and generate national cooperative group andlocal study protocols.

It is anticipated that the successful candidate will also hold a teaching appoint-ment in the Division of Oncology, Department of Medicine, John A. Burns School ofMedicine and participate in a teaching-research oncology practice focused on specialpopulations.PROGRAM DIRECTOR

Applicants should have a record of accomplishment in clinical cancer researchand teaching. They should have demonstrated organizational and administrativeabilities and good communications skills.

Minimum requirements include an M.D. degree, board certification or equivalentin medical oncology and at least seven years of relevant experience. Rank and salarywill be commensurate with experience.RESEARCH MEDICAL ONCOLOGIST

Applicants should have experience in conducting clinical research studies anddemonstrated teaching abilities. Applicants should also have laboratory researchexperience in pharmacology or cellular and molecular biology. Alternatively an activeinvolvement in epidemiology or prevention and control research would also beencouraged. Minimum requirements include an M.D. degree, board certification orequivalent in medical oncology and at least three years of relevant experience. Rankand salary will be commensurate with experience.

Interested applicants for the above positions should send a curriculum vitae and alist of three persons from whom references can be obtained to: Brian F. Issell, M.D.,Director, Cancer Research Center of Hawaii, 1236 Lauhala Street, Honolulu, Hawaii96813. Closing Date: August 31, 1990, or until positions are filled.


- ~Zoology Dept(ConservionGenetics):

Senior Lecture, FzPick InsfituteThe FitzPatfick Institute at the University of Cape Town is searching for abiologist with PhD training and postdoctoral research and teachingexpenence in the field of consewvation biology in general andpopulation genetics in paticular. The successful candidate will beexpected to help develop and co-ordinate a one-year MSc programmein conservation biology. E>xrience in demographic modelling of smallpopulations, knowledge of a computer language (e.g. FORTRAN, truebasic or C), and/or proven abilities in the use of molecular tools (e.g. proteinelectrophoresis and/or the restriction enzyme analysis of DNA) to studynatural populations are of particular interest.A negotiable salary package includes attroctive staff benefits such asmedical aid, a pension scheme and a housing subsidy in certaincircumstances. Further details conceming remuneration will be sent toapplicants on request.A full curriculum vitoe and the names, addresses and telephonenumbers of three referees should be submitted not later than 31 July1990, to the Appointments Officer, University of Cape Town, Rondebosch7700, Republic of South Africa (tel: (21) 650-2192; fax: (21)650-2138).Further information may be obtained from the above, or from theCounsellor, Science and Techndogy, South Africon Embassy, Suite 350,4801 Massachusetts Avenue, NWWashington DC 20016.The policy and proctice of the University of Cape Town is to opposediscrimination on grounds of gender, race or creed in any sphere ofuniversity lie, UCT has consistently protested, and continues to protest,against apartheid laws and proctices and is committed to workingtowards a just future for our country. Information on this is available onrequest.




Page 4: POSITIONS OPEN - Science...ads under the following headings: Positions Open, Employment Agencies, Fellowships, Situatons Wanted,CourmsandTraining, Meetings,Announce-ments, and Marketplace


BIOCHEMISTAlliance Pharmaceutical Corp. is engaged in a growth

factor research and development effort. A position withinthe biochemistry group is available for a master's level (orequivalent) person. The ideal candidate is genuinelyinterested in the discovery and evaluation of possiblynovel and useful cell effector molecules. This prsonshould also be able to work independently and thought-fully and be willing to contribute to the group m acreative manner. Please forward curriculum vitae withacademic and professional experience to:

Philip Dehazya, Ph.D.Manager, Biochemistry Laboratory

Alliance Pharmaceutical Corp.P.O. Box 567

Otisville, NY 10963Otisville, New York, is in scenic Orange County,

about 2 hours from New York City.


The Harvard School of Public Health is seeking aprofessor and CHAIRPERSON ofMaternal and ChildHealth. Candidates must hold a doctorate in a disciplinerelevant to maternal and child health studies (for exam-ple, child development, obstetrics, pediatrics, epidemiol-ogy, nutrition, sociology, anthropology, nursing, andsocial work). Experience m and knowledge of state, localand federal maternal and child health programs andagencies, and with international health agencies, is desir-able. Candidates should present a solid record ofresearchaccomplishment, evidence of excellent teaching skills,demonstrated ability to combine basic and applied re-search and to work productively in interdisciplinaryteams. Proven ability to provide leadership and vision inthe development of maternal and child health programsis necessary. Along with background and expenence in amaternal and child health area, commitment to profes-sional education in public health and general knowledgeof the field are desirable. Expressions of interest shouldbe sent to: Maternal and Child Health Search Com-mittee, Office of the Dean, Harvard School of PublicHealth, 677 Huntington Avenue, Boston, MA 02115.The search committee is particularly interested in hearing fromqualtfied women and members ofminoritygroups.


The University of Georgia invites nominations andapplications for the position of Dean of the College ofPharmacy. Professional qualifications and special compe-tencies desired include an earned doctorate, backgroundand experience in pharmacy and/or the pharmaceuticalsciences, demonstrated leadership abilities, and a success-ful record of scholarly contributions commensurate withthe rank of full professor. Completed applications willinclude a letter of application; names, addresses, andtelephone numbers of five professional references; andcurriculum vitae. These materials should be sent by 1September 1990 to: David P. Anderson, Chairman,Search Committee for the Dean of the College ofPharmacy, College ofVeerinary Medicinc, UniversityofGeorgia, Athens, GA 30602. The University ofGeogiais an Equal Opportunity/Aflnnative Action Instition.


The Institute ofMedicine of the National Academy ofSciences is seeking a director for its Board on Bio-Behavioral Sciences and Mental Disorders. Responsibil-ities include directing the division, managing and devel-oping programs, supervising staff, and coordinatingactivities. Requires an M.D. and/or Ph.D. or equivalentin the neuroscience or behavioral science field, at least 6years of experience in the mental health field and healthpolicy issues, demonstrated technical expertise in: neuro-science or behavioral sciencc field, management and staffsupervision, administration of program financing andbudgets, and organization of projects. Excellent oral andwritten communication skills, working knowledge offederal agencies, private foundations, and other fundingsources required. Please send resume in confidence to:Institute of Medicine, NAS 325 (QB), 2101 Consti-tution Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20418. EqualOpportunity Employer.


LABORATORY DIRECTOR for CAP-accreditedinfertility laboratory. Endocrine (RIA), andrology, mi-crobiology, andembryology (IVF) laboratories. Ph.D. inclinical chemistry or biology with postdoctoral experi-ence preferred. Send resume to: Geor-e L. Gaunt,M.D., Ph.D., Center for Reproductive Medicine,P.A., 2034 Randolph Road, Charlot NC 28207.

DIRECTOR OF RESEARCH (DOR), Dayton VAMedical Center. Must be productive research scientist.Physician preferred but Ph.D. applicants considered.DOR administers the facility's research programs andassists investigators in their research. Must qualify forfaculty appointment to Wright State University Schoolof Medicme. Send curriculum vitae to: Dr. ThomasMathews, Chairman, Search Committee (151), VAMedical Center, Dayton, OH 45428. Telephone:513-268-6511, Extesion 2880, for more information.

An Equal Opportunity Employer.


COASTAL RESEARCH CENTERMote Marine Laboratory, an independent, nonprofit

research institution, is seeking a physical oceanographerto serve as Director of the Southwest Florida CoastalResearch Center. Applicants must have a Ph.D., experi-ence in research management, and a strong record ofextramural funding and publications. The successful ap-plicant will develop research focusing on coastal pro-cesses and coordinate center activities on needs of thesouthwest Florida coastal region. Send resume to: Dr.Richard H. Pierce, Director of Research, Mote Ma-rine Laboratory, 1600 Thompson Parkway, Sarasota,FL 34236 by 13 July 1990.


Exxon Biomedical Sciences, Inc., has an immediateopening for a qualified individual as a study director inour Ecotoxicology Laboratory. The state-of-the-art lab-oratory indudes facilities to culture and test marine andfreshwater organisms. Acute and chronic tests of prod-ucts and effluents are conducted in accordance with GLPand appropriate regulatory guidelines. The position re-quires the individual to act as a study director with fullresponsibility for the study design, development of pro-tocols, review and evaluation of the data, and final reviewand approval of reports. In addition, the position in-volves some administrative duties including, schedulinand coordination of studies, training lab personne,monitoring ongoing studies, etc. The successful candi-date will have a masters in environmental toxicology or arelated field and 2+ years of experience in an aquatictesting facility. A working knowledge of TSCA/FIFRAGLPs, statistical methods, PC and mainframe computersis desired. Please forward resume to:

Christne Ramos, Human ResourcesExxon Biomedical Sciences, Inc.

Mettlers Road, CN 2350East Millstone, NJ 08875-2350

Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/H/V.

EXPERIMENTAL MYCOLOGIST. The Depart-ment of Botany/Plant Pathology invites applications foran experimental mycology position at the ASSISTANT/ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR level (academic year, full-time, tenure system). Appointee will develop and main-tain active research programs in molecular and/orphysiological mycology and teach undergraduate andgraduate mycology. Applicants should have a Ph.D.degree and postdoctoral research experience in molecu-lar, cellular, or medical mycology. Previous teachingexperience desirable. Interactions with other departmentsand programs is anticipated. Salary commensurate withqualifications. Application deadline is 15 August 1990.Send statement ofcareer objective, curriculum vitae, andthree letters of reference to: Dr. A. Rogers, Chairper-son of Search Committee, Dcpartment of Botany/Plant Pathology, Michigan State Univcrsity, EastLansing, MI 48824. Mich&ian State University is an EqualOpportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.

University of Minnesota entry-level tenure-track posi-tion in ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING MI-CROBIOLOGY available 16 December 1990. Sendresume and names ofthree or more references to: Dr. W.Maier, Department ofCivil and Mineral Engineering,500 Pillsbury Drive S.E., Minneapolis, MN 55455.Application deadline 30 September 1990. The Universityof'Minnesota is an Equal Opportunity Educator and Employerand specyically invites and encourages applicationsfrom womenand minorities.


Applications for two tenure-track ASSISTANTPROFESSORSHIPS are invited from candidates witha background in virology, immunology, prokaryoticbiology, and cell biology utilizing molecular and/orcellular technologies. The aims of the research programsshould focus on the pathogenesis of infectious diseasesand/or gene experience of normal and neoplastic cells.Candidates should possess a Ph.D. or M.D. with provenability or high potential for an independently funded,productive research program. Send curriculum vitae,bibliography, and statement of research and teachinginterests to: John M. Lehman, Ph.D., Department ofMicrobiology/Immunology #A-68, Albany MedicalCollege, 47 New Scotfand Avenue, Albany, NY12208.The Albany Medical Center is an Equal Opportunity!

Affirmative Action Employer.

GENE MAPPINGDepartment of Human Genetics, University of Mich-

igan, is seeking a tenure-track FACULTYMEMBER ingene mapping and the molecular biology of humandisease. Send resume, statement of research interests, andnames of three references to: Thomas D. Gelehrter,M.D., Department ofHuman Genetics, University ofMichigan Medical School, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-0618. Aflirmtive Action/Equal Opportunity Employer.

NSERC-WOMEN'S FACULTY AWARDThe University of Victoria, Department of Biology,

invites applications for a Natural Sciences and Engineer-ing Research Council of Canada (NSERC), Women'sFaculty Award. Applications from female Canadian citi-zens/landed immigrants in neurobiology, population ge-netics, quantitative marine ecology, and plant cell phys-iology will be considered. A Ph.D. is required andpostdoctoral experience is preferred. Send curriculumvitae, description of research interests, and names andaddress of referees to: The Department of Biology,University of Victoria, Victorna, British Columbia,Canada, V8W 3P6. Deadline for applications is 15 July1990.


Applications are invited for a lectureship in the De-partment of Biochemistry. A higher degree is normallyexpected and some teaching experience is desirable.Applicants with medical or dental qualifications may havean advantage. The department seeks to appoint scientistswith broad interests and may particularly favour thosewho in addition have special expertise in the fields oflipidand membrane biochemistry, neurochemistry, molecularvirology, or human genetics. More than one post may beavailable.Annual salary (superannuable) (under review) is on an

11-point scale: HK$233,700 to HK$390,600 (11points) (approximate US$1 = HK$7.80 as at 14 May1990). Starting salary will depend on qualifications andexperience. A medically qualified appointee who has justcompleted the preregistration year will be appointed aslecturer at the minimum point of the scale. At currentrates, salaries tax will not exceed 15% of gross income.Children's education allowances, leave, and medical ben-efits are provided; housing or tenancy allowances are alsoprovided in most cases at a charge of 7.5% of salary.

Further particulars and application forms may beobtained from: Appointments (37922), Association ofCommonwealth Universities, 36 Gordon Square,London WC1H OPF, U.K., or from: AppointmentsUnit, Registry, University of Hong Kong HongKong. FAX: 852-8582549. E-mail: APP [email protected].

Closes 20 July 1990.



Page 5: POSITIONS OPEN - Science...ads under the following headings: Positions Open, Employment Agencies, Fellowships, Situatons Wanted,CourmsandTraining, Meetings,Announce-ments, and Marketplace

BOEHRINGER INGELHEIMPHARMACEUTICALS, Inc. is engaged in thediscovery, development, manufacture andmarketing of novel therapeutic agents. Wecurrently have an opening for an exper-ienced Scientist in the Biochemistry Depart-ment at our R&D facility located inDANBURY, CT (just one hour from NewYork City.)

This position requires a Bachelor's orMaster's Degree in Biochemistry or relateddiscipline with experience in Enzymology.Experience with the development of enzymeassays, enzyme kinetics and protein purifi-cation required. HPLC experience isdesirable.The incumbent will pursue research on viralenzymes and will be specifically responsi-ble for the evaluation of enzyme inhibitorsas well as the investigation of mechanisticquestions.Our compensation/benefits package ishighly competitive and includes relocationassistance, a company matched investmentsavings plan, and a modern, attractive workenvironment.

Please send your resume and salary require-ments to: Dept. MH-036-1S, BOEHRINGERINGELHEIM PHARMACEUTICALS, Inc., 90East Ridge, PO. Box 368, Ridgefield, CT06877 We are an equal opportunityemployer mi/f/h/v.



Chiron Corporation, the leader in human hepatitis virusresearch, is expanding its efforts in the development ofdiagnostic nucleic acid probe products for the detectionof hepatitis viruses and other medically importantorganisms. These new, sensitive and quantitativediagnostic tests will be based upon Chiron's uniqueprobe technology.

We are seeking highly motivated and exceptionalindividuals at all levels to join our team. MOLECULARBIOLOGISTS, BIOCHEMISTS, VIROLOGISTS andMICROBIOLOGISTS with experience (preferablyindustrial) in the characterization and application ofspecific nucleic acid probes and/or with a workingknowledge of the methods to identify human pathogensare encouraged to apply.

Chiron Corporation, located in the San Francisco BayArea, offers a stimulating and challenging researchenvironment, a competitive compensation package andopportunities for professional advancement. Candidatesplease send C.V. and 3 references to Chiron Corpora-tion, Human Resources Dept. - NAC89-92, 4580Horton St., Emeryville, CA 94808.





Colorado State University invites nominations and applications forthe position of Deoan of the College of Forestry and Natural Resources.The College is the largest college of forestry and natural resources inthe nation with strong programs in education, research, service,extension and international activities. Ht consists of five departments:Earth Resources, Fishery and Wildlife Biology, Forest and Wood Sci-ences, Range Science, Recreaffon Resources and Landscape Archi-tecture and an interdisciplinary research laboratory, the Natural Re-source Ecology Laboratory.

As the chief academic officer of the college, the dean is responsi-ble for the strategic planning, administration and coordinafton ofeducation, research, service and extension programs. The dean re-

ports to the Provost/Academic Vice President. Candidates must havedemonstrated administrative and leadership skills, scholarly achieve-ment and a thorough understanding of current natural resources

issues. A doctoral degree is required. The successful candidate willhave the vision and ability to lead the college in response to thechallenges and opportunities of the 21st century.

Interested parties should request a full job descripfton and appli-cation materials. All application materials must be received by August31,1990. The deadline may be extended if a suitable candidate is notfound. The position starts July 1, 1991. All inquiries and nominationsshould be sent to: Dr. John C. Ralch, Chair, College of Forestry andNatural Resources Dean's Search Committee, C-138 Clark Building,Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523. FAX (3033 491-0528.

CSU is an AA/EEO employer. E.O. Office 314 Student Services Bldg.

PROGRAM DIRECTORSTampa Bay Research Institute (formerly knownas Showa University Research Institute) is anon-profit biomedical research Institute estab-lished in the State of Florida since 1981.

The Institute is affiliated with two JapaneseUniversities, Teikyo University, and ShowaUniversity Medical School, and with Salem-Teikyo University of West Virginia. The Insti-tute is in the process of establishing a Gradu-ate Program in Biotechnology with Salem-Tei-kyo University.

The Institute is based in a modern facility withexcellent individual laboratory and officespace, and centralized biotechnology services.Its central location within the rapidly growingTampa Bay area is most attractive. Investiga-tors will enjoy complete freedom to pursueresearch goals. While generous program sup-port is provided, scientists are expected tosecure extramural funding. Senior Investiga-tors at the Member and Senior Member level,as well as, Assistant Members are encouragedto apply for any one of the following disciplines:Molecular endocrinology, Molecular Phar-macology, Molecular Immunology, Neuro-biology, Oncogen studies, Molecular Virol-ogy, Regulation of gene expression, andReceptor-ligand Interaction.

Interested individuals should send their curric-ulum vitae, a list a publications and the name offour references to:

Chairman of Search CommitteeTampa Bay Research Institute10900 Roosevelt BoulevardSt. Petersburg, Florida, 33716.

Tenure-Track Faculty Positionin Molecular Oncology

Applications are invited for the positionof Assistant Professor (tenure-track in theFaculty of Medicine, University of Manitoba).The successful candidate is expected to esta-blish an outstanding independent researchprogram in molecular structure and/orregulation as part of an Oncology groupstudying malignancy. The position requiresonly minimal departmental teaching respon-sibilities. Requirements include a Ph.D. inBiochemistry or a related field, or an M.D.,with at least two years of Postdoctoral expe-rience. Candidates with a strong researchbackground in the structure and function ofoncogenes or related areas are preferred.Applicants must have obtained a significantpublication record in peer reviewed journals.

Applicants should send a curriculum vitae,an outline of research plans, and the namesof three references to: Dr. A.H. Greenberg,Manitoba Institute of Cell Biology, 100 OliviaStreet, Winnipeg, MB, Canada R3E 0V9.

Deadline for receipt of applications is onemonth after the appearance of this ad.

Both men and women are encouraged toapply. In accordance with Canadian Immi-gration requirements, priority will be given toCanadian citizens and permanent residents,although all are encouraged to apply.

Manitoba Instituteof Cell Biology day


Page 6: POSITIONS OPEN - Science...ads under the following headings: Positions Open, Employment Agencies, Fellowships, Situatons Wanted,CourmsandTraining, Meetings,Announce-ments, and Marketplace


Senior Scientist/Project LeaderDIFCO Laboratories, a world leader in products for themicrobiology laboratory, has a position open for acreative, result oriented scientist with fundamental train-ing in bacteriology relating to microbial physiology andclinical microbiology. Candidate should have a Ph.D.with solid training in microbiology, proven leadershipand innovative skills. The successful applicant will leadprojects relating to the development of new diagnosticproducts in the area of clinical microbiology.

DIFCO R&D Center is located in Ann Arbor, Michigan,home of the highly rated University of Michigan.Reply to:


Research and Development Center1180 Ellsworth Road

Ann Arbor, Ml 48108 USAEOE M/F


Quality Productsfor Microbiology

Enzo Diagnostics, Inc., a dynamic health care companylocated in New York City, is dedicated to the developmentof DNA probe based and antibody based diagnostic tests.Enzo offers challenging positions with competitive salariesand benefits.Protein Chemist/Molecular BiologistWe are seeking an individual with wide experience inenzymology, immunochemistry and molecular biology tolead a group responsible for development of new non-radioactive DNA probe products.

Immunology - This is a senior position requiringsignificant past accomplishments in the field. Theappointee will lead in the identfication and developmentof new immunodiagnostic and immunotherapeuticproducts and will supervise preparation andcharacterization of monoclonal antibodies.

Organic Chemistry - A synthetic organic chemistwith postdoctoral experience is required. Interest andexperience in sterospecific syntheses, synthesis ofhomocyclic rings or nucleic acids are desirable.All positions require a Ph.D. or equivalent. For immediateconsideraton, please forward your resume to:

ENZG)t DIAGNOSTICS, INC.325 Hudson Street, New York, NY 10013

Attn: Dept. S.F.

DIRECTORDivision of Space Biomedicine

The Universities Space Research Association (USRA) is seeking aDirector for its Division of Space Biomedicine (DSB). The USRA is aprivate non-profit corporation, organized in 1969 by the NationalAcademy of Sciences as a consortium of universities chartered topromote research, development, and education associated withspace science and technology. The consortium membership nowconsists of sixty-seven universities.The Division of Space Biomedicine was created in June 1983 toorganize and direct a program of university participation withNASA's Space Biomedical Research Institute (SBRI). The SBRI ischartered to work on biomedical problems associated with thespaceflight environment. The DSB is located in Houston, Texasadjacent to Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center of NASA.The DSB consists of a core staff and variable number of visitingscientists from the university community. The director of the DSBwill be responsible for identifying research tasks, coordinatingproposals and recommendations from the university researchcommunity, and planning the ground-based and inflight projectsintended to solve space biomedical research problems associatedwith the spaceflight environment.The applicant should have a broad research background with atleast eight years experience in managing research efforts. Theindividual should possess an M.D., Ph.D. or equivalent degree andshould have a demonstrated ability to engage in applied researchand education.Salary and benefits are competitive and will depend on theindividual's qualifications. Interested individuals should apply nolater than July 22, 1990 with complete resume of academic,professional and personal data, including three references to:

W. D. Cummings, DSB Search CommitteeUniversities Space Research Association

Suite 212, American City BuildingColumbia, MD 21044

USRA is an Equal Opportunity Employer

Page 7: POSITIONS OPEN - Science...ads under the following headings: Positions Open, Employment Agencies, Fellowships, Situatons Wanted,CourmsandTraining, Meetings,Announce-ments, and Marketplace

to whom formal applications should be sent, preferably before Friday, 20th July 1990.


St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, a private research institute, is creating a new Department ofGenetics. The chairperson will be expected to direct an internationally recognized research program incontemporary genetics and will shape the future of genetics research within the institution through newfaculty recruitment and by contributions to its overall scientific leadership. The Department of Genetics willbe located in a new 240,000 square foot research building to be completed in early 1991, which will alsoaccommodate ongoing basic science programs in Virology and Molecular Biology, Biochemistry,Immunology, Pharmacology, and Tumor Cell Biology, leaving ample space for further future expansion.The Chairman's salary will be provided through committed endowment funds, together with additionalresources commensurate with the needs of a dynamic and ambitious individual. Opportunities exist tointeract with strong clinical programs in pediatric Hematology/Oncology and Infectious Disease. Appli-cants should submit a curriculum vitae and the names and addresses of four references to:

James N. IhIe, Ph.D.Chairman, Department of BiochemistrySt. Jude Children's Research Hospital

332 North LauderdaleMemphis, Tennessee 38105

St. Jude Children's Research Hospital is an Equal Opportunity Employer



The Smurfit Chair of Medical Genetics has been established by an endowment from the Smurfit Group to mark the 400thanniversary of the foundation of Trinity College, Dublin.

The person appointed will be either a scientist of standing in the field or a younger worker who can demonstrate the ability toestablish within the Department of Genetics a strong research programme on the scientific aspects of Medical Genetics. TheSmurfit Professor will also provide scientific support for the development of medical genetics services in Ireland althoughmajor clinical responsibilities are not envisaged and a medical degree is not a requirement.

Further particulars including details of salary and other benefits may be obtained from, and discussed with,

The Secretary to the College

West TheatreTrinity College

Dublin 2

TEL. 778421/FAX 722853

VA- ageiii


I El I...

Page 8: POSITIONS OPEN - Science...ads under the following headings: Positions Open, Employment Agencies, Fellowships, Situatons Wanted,CourmsandTraining, Meetings,Announce-ments, and Marketplace




DIRECTORNational Center for

Biotechnology Information(NCBI)

The National Library of Medicine(NLM), National Institutes ofHealth (NIH), invites nominationsand applications for the positionof Director, National Center forBiotechnology Information(NCBI). This is a Civil Serviceposition in the Senior ExecutiveService (SES), with a salaryrange of $71,200 to $79,200 perannum. The person selectedmay be eligible for Physician'sComparability Allowance up to$20,000 per year. A one yearprobationary period must beserved by the individual selectedif not currently in the SeniorExecutive Service.

The Director, National Center forBiotechnology Information, willhave full responsibility forplanning, directing and coord-inating application of computerand communications technol-ogies to advance molecular lifesciences research and healthcare delivery.

For more information, contactMs. Rita Sweeney at (301) 496-4943. The following forms arerequired: Application for FederalEmployment (SF-171), accom-panied by a current curriculumvitae and bibliography. Thesemust be submitted to:

Ms. Rita SweeneyNational Library of MedicineOffice of Personnel Mgmt.Building 38, Room 2N058600 Rockville Pike

Bethesda, Maryland 20894

Applications Must Be Post-marked No Later Than

July 1 7, 1990.

Selection for this position will be basedsolely on merit, with no discrimination fornon-merit reasons such as race, color,religion, sex, national origin, politics,marital status, physical or mentalhandicap, age, or membership or non-membership in an employee organi-zation.

U.S. Citizenship RequiredNIH is an Equal Opportunity Employer

FACULTY POSMIIONUniversity of Hawaii at Manoa: Joint appointment in

the John A. Burns School of Medicine Department ofAnatomy and Reproductive Biology and the PacificBiomedical Research Center available July 1990. Thetenurable position, subject to position clearance, will beat the PROFESSORIAL/RESEARCHER level andthe person selected should have demonstrated an abilityto maintain a well-funded research program inethophar-macology. Teaching responsibilities may include assist-ing in developing a graduate research program in theneurosciences and tutoring in a problem-based medicaleducation curriculum. Qualified candidates should have aPh.D. degree in psychology and a record of research inethopharmacology recognized nationally and interna-tionally. Applicants should provide curriculum vitae andthe names and addresses of three references to: Dr. F. C.Greenwood, Pacific Biomedical Research Center,1993 East West Road, Honolulu, HI 96822.

Closing date: 11 July 1990.The University of Hawaii is an Affirmative Action/Equal



Applications are invited for a faculty position in thefield of cancer cytogenetics within the Division of CancerBiology at the University of Michigan. Candidates forthis position should have at least 2 years of pertinentpostdoctorai experience. The successful candidate will beexpected to develop a nationally recognized independentresearch program. A wide variety of interactions with ourfaculty are possible in many areas of genetics, biochem-istry, molecular and cellular biology, and clinical cancerresearch. We provide excellent physical facilities, a stim-ulating research environment, and competitive salary andbenefits. Applicants should provide curriculum vitae, twocopies of recent representative publications, and a de-tailed description of research goals. The applicant shouldalso arrange for three letters of recommendation to besent directly to us.

Submit applications to: Jeffrey M. Trent, Ph.D.,Director, Division of Cancer Biology, Department ofRadiation Oncology, University of Michigan, MSR-BII C560B, 1150 West Medical Center Drive, AnnArbor, MI 48109-0668. Telephone: 313-936-7380.

The University of Michigan itS an Equal Opportunity!Affirmative Action Employer and applicationsfromfemale andminority group members are strongly encouraged.

INSTRUCTOR IN PHARMACOLOGY. Positionavailable at the University of Missouri-Columbia. Dutiesto include coordinating and teaching the nursing phar-macology course and teaching in the medical pharmacol-ogy course offered to second-year medical students. Thesuccessful candidate should have a Ph.D. or M.D. in arelated basic science area, and will be encouraged toapply for grant support to develop independent researchactivity. Send curriculum vitae and three letters of rec-ommendation to: Dr. Hyun Dju Kim, Professor andChairman, Department of Pharmacology, Universityof Missouri-Columbia, One Hospital Drive, Colum-bia, MO 65212. Applications will be received until 1August 1990. The University of Missouri-Columbia is anEqual Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.

HUMAN ANATOMY INSTRUCTORThe Department of Biology, University of Alabama at

Birmingham, invites applications for a full-time instruc-tor of human anatomy (nontenure track). Candidatesshould have a minimum of a master's degree and expe-rience in human anatomy. The successful applicant willbe expected to possess good oral communicative skillsand a commitment to excellence in teaching students inallied health programs. Applications will be reviewedbeginning 1 August 1990, but will be accepted untilposition is filled. Desired starting date is 1 January 1991(negotiable). Applicants should submit curriculum vitae,names of three references, and a brief statement ofteaching competency and other pertinent information to:Dr. Daniel D. Jones, Chair, Department of Biology,University of Alabama at Birmingham, UAB Station,Birmingham, AL 35294.The University ofAlabama at Birmingham is an Equal

Opportunity/AffirmativeAction Employer.

FISHERY BIOLOGIST GS-11/12Several permanent positions with U.S. Department of

Commerce, National Marine Fisheries Service, WoodsHole, Massachusetts. Conduct studies of the dynamics ofmarine fish populations in New England and Mid-Atlantic waters, particularly effects of fishing on impor-tant commercial fish and shellfish species. Research isused in development of management programs. Knowl-edge of fisheries population assessment, computer pro-gramming, and population modeling desired. Salaryrange $29,891 to $35,825.

Applications accepted until 9 July 1990. Contact:Kathryn McArthur for information and applicationforms, Department of Commerce, Eastern Adminis-trative Support Center, Room 411, 253 MonticelloAvenue, Norfolk, VA 23510. Telephone: 804441-6880. The Department ofCommerce is an Equal Opportunity!A4/lrmative Action Employer.

MARINE MICROBIOLOGY/FISH PATHOL-OGY. The right individual is needed to build a newresearch program in marine microbiology/fish pathologyat The Living Seas in EPCOT Center. Requirementsinclude a Ph.D. and excellent ability to work with people.Superb facilities, interdisciplinary staff, and opportunityto cooperate with other marine-oriented research insti-tutions. Closing date 15 July 1990. Contact: Paul Buss,Professional Staffing, Walt Disney World Co., P.O.Box 10,090, Lake Buena Vista, FL 32830.

MEDICAL PHYSICIST. Forty hours per week:8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday; $36,000 peryear. Working in the field of radiation oncology to: (i)research, develop, and implement a stereotactic proce-dure using Siemens KD-2 linear accelerator, using bio-instrumentation and measurement; (ii) develop a three-dimensional dose optimization program for the abovetreatment; (iii) teach and assist medical residents. Expe-rience not required but must have a master's degree inmedical physics, major in radiological physics. Graduatework must include minor in bioengineering. The gradu-ate study must also have at least one course in bioinstru-ment and measurement. Send resume to: Illinois De-partment of Employment Security, 401 South State3treet-3 South, Chicago, IL 60605. Attention: Mr.Robert S. Felton. Reference: V-IL 1539-F. An employ-er-paid ad.


Applications are invited to fill a 1-year appointment asa geneticist in the Department of Biology starting 30August1990. Teaching responsibilities include an upperlevel lecture/laboratory course in genetics; one in molec-ular biology, immunology, microbiology, or area ofspecialty; and participation in a team-taught introductorycourse in energetics/genetics. Ph.D. preferred. Rank willbe determined by level of experience. Under extraordi-nary circumstances appointment may be made as associ-ate or full professor. Women and minority candidates arestrongly encouraged to apply. Send curriculum vitae, under-graduate and graduate transcripts, a statement of teach-ing philosophy, and three letters of recommendation to:Dr. G. J. C. Hill, Department of Biology, CarletonCollege, Northfield, MN 55057-4025 by 15 July1990. Carleton College is an Equal Opportunity/AffirmativeAction Employer.

POSTDOCTORAL POSITIONIn virology available immediately to study the molec-

ular biology of RNA-RNA recombination in plantmRNA viruses in NIH-funded project. Experience withmolecular techniques desirable. Two/three years avail-able. Send curriculum vitae and three references to: Dr.J. J. Bujarski, Northern Illinois University, Depart-ment of Biology/PMBC, DeKalb, IL 60115. Tele-phone: 815-753-0601.

POSTDOCTORAL POSITIONAvailable immediately to work on a 3-year project to

identify novel proteinases involved in emphysema andcancer. Expertise in protein and peptide chemistry or cellbiology desirable. Send resume with references to: Dr.Robert W. Mason, Department of Biochemistry andNutrition, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and StateUniversity, Blacksburg, VA 24061. An Equal Opportu-nity/Affirmative Action Employer.






Page 9: POSITIONS OPEN - Science...ads under the following headings: Positions Open, Employment Agencies, Fellowships, Situatons Wanted,CourmsandTraining, Meetings,Announce-ments, and Marketplace


POSTDOCTORAL POSITIONS available imme-diately to study the immunobiology of HIV infectionand human neoplasia utilizing human monodonal anti-bodies. Candidates should have expertise in the immu-nochemistry, immunodetection, and immunobiology ofmonoclonal antibodies. Send curriculum vitae, a briefletter of interest, and three references to: Dr. Marshall*Posner, Director, Human Monoclonal Laboratory,Roger Williams General Hospital, Brown UniversityMedical School, 825 Chalkstone Avenue, Providence,RI 02908. Brown Univrsity is an Equal Opportunity/A4finnative Action Employer.

POSTDOCTORAL SCIENTIST. The Bone Mar-row Program of the Department of Medicine at theUniversity of Kentucky has a 1-year position for apostdoctoral scientist. The successful candidate musthave a strong background in molecular biology includingWestern blotting. Emphasis will initially be on thedefinition and molecular characterization of monoclonalantibody defined antigens. Qualified applicants shouldsubmit their curriculum vitae to: John S. Thompson,M.D., Chairman, Department of Medicine, Univer-sity of Kentucky, 800 Rose Street, Lexington, KY40536-0084.

A POSTDOCTORAL POSMON IN EVOLU-TIONARY ECOLOGY will be available at the Univer-sity of Minnesota, beginning September 1990 for re-search on the population structure of scale insects usingallozyme electrophoresis, RFLP and sequencing tech-niques, and field experiments. Send curriculum vitae,statement of research experience, and referees' addressesto: Dr. D. N. Alstad, Department of Ecology, Evolu-tion and Behavior, University of Minnesota, 318Church St. S.E., Minneapolis,MN 55455 by 1 August1990. Equal Opportunity Educator and Employer.

POSTDOCTORAL POSMON. Available 1 July1990 to study the expression of chorionic somatomam-motropin and renin genes in human placental tissues.Experience in cell culture, transfection, general recombi-nant DNA, and protein-DNA interactions is advanta-geous, however highly motivated individuals with back-grounds in related areas are encouraged to apply. U.S.citizenship or permanent residency status required. Send letterof application to: Dr. Daniel F. Catanzaro, Depart-ment of Physiology and Biophysics, Cornell Umver-sity Medical College, 1300 York Avenue, New York,NY 10021. Telephone: 212-746-6497, FAX:212-746-8451.

POSTDOCTORAL POSMONS. Available imme-diately to work on projects relevant to understanding ofthe structure of human chromosome 21. Work willinclude construction of a complete physical map ofchromosome 21 and isolation and characterization ofgenes located on this chromosome, including those genespossibly relevant to Down syndrome, Alxheimer's dis-ease, and other human diseases associated with abnor-malities of chromosome 21. Techniques include somaticcell genetics, molecular biology, biochemical analysis ofmetabolic pathways, transgenic mouse studies, and mo-lecular cytogenetic procedures such as fluorescence in situhybridization. Send currculum vitae, brief statement ofinterests, and names of three references to: David Pat-terson, Ph.D., President, Eleanor Roosevelt Institutefor Cancer Research, 1899 Gaylord Street, Denver,CO 80206.

Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer.

POSTDOCTORAL POSITION. Applications areinvited for POSTDOCTORAL RESEARCH posi-tions at the University of Pennsylvania beginning imme-diately to study molecular structure and function ofthe Tand B cell repertoire during autoimmune differentiation;molecular structure of nephritogenic antigens, antigen-specific lymphokines, and cross-reactive iiotypes; generegulation of MHC determinants in somatic cells andgene regulation of extracellular matrix modulated byautoimmune responses. Experience in eukaryotic molec-ular biolo and or biochemistry is desirable. Applicantsmust be elible for funding from the NIH (U.S. citizensand permanent residents). Send letter of application,curriculum vitae, and two letters ofreference to: Dr. EricG. Neilson, Chief, Renal-Electrolyte Section, 700Clinical Research Building, University of Pennsylva-nia, 422 Curie Boulevard, Philadelphia, PA 19104-6144. The University ofPennsylvania is an Equal Opponu-nity/Afirmative Action Employer.22 JUNE I990

Experimental Toxicology

Postdoctoral ScientistCIBA-GEIGY Pharmaceuticals Division, headquartered on 100 acresin Summit, New Jersey, offers challenging opportunities in amechanistic-based research program in Experimental Toxicology.We are seeking a Postdoctoral Scientist to join our investigativeresearch team in studying mechanisms of drug-induced oxidative cel-lular injury using in vitro test systems. Candidates must have a PhDin Toxicology or a related field. Experience with techniques in primarycell culture (including hematopoietic systems), biochemistry/molecularbiology, and immuno/myelotoxicology is desirable. Participation inscientific forums, both internal and external, and presentation/publi-cation of research findings are highly encouraged.Experimental Toxicology is a multidisciplinary group focused on:1) target-organ toxicity screening, 2) investigafive/mechanisticstudies, 3) animal alternatives, and 4) new technologies for toxicol-ogy research. The successful candidate may participate in a num-ber of related projects.We offer competitive salaries and comprehensive benefits in anenvironment conducive to personal and professional growth. Pleasesend your resume with salary requirements to: Staffing Center,CIBA-GEIGY Corporation, Pharmaceuticals Division, DeptJK, 556 Morris Avenue, Summit, New Jersey 07901. We AreAn Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/HN.

Science Serving Mankind


Drug Discovery Opportunities with...


A 9V1 Company

This dynamic, expanding drug research organization has the followingopenings at our 172-acre, campus-like site in suburban Philadelphia.PRINCIPAL SCIENTIST, CARDIOVASCULAR

SENIOR RESEARCH SCIENTISTS* Imaging * General Pharmacology * Biochemical PharmacologyThese positions require a Ph.D. in Pharmacology, CardiovascularPharmacology, Biochemistry, Radiation Biology or Nuclear Medicinewith a minimum of 2 years' relevant postdoctoral experience.The successful candidates will support increased drug discovery effortsand the development of new therapeutic/imaging agents for thetreatment of cardiovascular disorders, including myocardial infarction,coronary thrombosis and injuries related to arteriosclerosis.We offer a modern facility, competitive salaries and comprehensivebenefits including an on-site fitness center. Send resume with salaryhistory and requirements to: J. Richardson, R.W. Johnson PharmaceuticalResearch Institute, Welsh & McKean Roads, Spring House, PA 19477.An Equal Opportunity Employer, M/F


Page 10: POSITIONS OPEN - Science...ads under the following headings: Positions Open, Employment Agencies, Fellowships, Situatons Wanted,CourmsandTraining, Meetings,Announce-ments, and Marketplace

lbxicology FellowshipsAvailable

The University of Mississippi Medical Center has fivefellowships available for graduate training in toxicolo-gy. The program prepares students for work in aca-demic, industrial research or government settings. Thefellowship includes an $8,500 stipend, tuition and feesand travel to at least one national scientific meetingper year for presentation of the fellow's research. Sti-pends are funded by the National Institute of Environ-mental Health Sciences. Applicants should have a bac-calaureate degree with a strong background in biolo-gy, chemistry or a related discipline. U.S. citizenshipor a permanent visa is required.The Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology is

intemationally known for research in the toxic effectsof chemicals and drugs on the respiratory, hepatic,cardiovascular and central nervous systems and in thefields of biochemical and analytic toxicology. Thedepartment has 12 faculty, 19 graduate students and15 postdoctoral fellows.The University of Mississippi Medical Center cam-

pus is located in Jackson, capital and the majormetropolitan center of the state. For further informa-tion contact: Dr. Harihara M. Mehendale, Professor ofPharmacology and Toxicology, Department of Phar-macology and Toxicology, the University of MississippiMedical Center, 2500 North State Street, Jackson,Mississippi 39216-4505.

The University of Mississippi Medical Center is an equalopportunity employer, M/FIH/V.

RESEARCH ASSISTANT IV (Chemical Engineering) for Uni-versity in NE Ohio to conduct research on new methods of separationespecially in the areas of mass transfer & reaction in rotating packedbeds & fractionation of fine particle slurries by cyclic processes using bi-directional flows & partial sedimentation & resuspension. Job dutiesinclude designing & constructing bench scale & pilot plant equipment;interfacing equipment to personal computers for controlling operation &data acquisition; analyzing samples using Spectrophotometry, Sedi-graph instruments, Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectroscopy (GC-MS).Flame Photometric Detectors (FPD), & Thermal Gravimetric Analysis(TGA); mathematical modeling & APUBASIC programming for process-ing experimental data; presenting technical papers at professionalmeetings; writing research proposals, papers & reports; and advisingundergraduate & graduate Chemical Engineering research students.Requires an M.S. in Chemical Engineering & 4 years chemical engineer-ing R&D experience; Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering required in lieu ofM.S. & 4 years experience. Must have experience with data acquisitionsoftware development for computer controlled & monitored experimentsas evidenced by submission of a paper or report authored by thecandidate describing the software he (she) developed (not specializationof general purpose packages such as LabTech Notebook); pilot plantscale centrifugal equipment construction & operation for continuous flowprocessing as evidenced by submission of a paper or report authored bythe candidate describing the process, its construction & operation, & thecandidate's contributions (not use of laboratory or process centrifugesmade by others); spectrophotometric instrumentation design & construc-tion as evidenced by submission of a paper or report authored by thecandidate describing the instrument, its construction & operation, & thecandidate's contributions (not use of standard or modified commerciallyavailable instruments); knowledge of & experience with the program-ming language APL for processing & reducing experimental data asevidenced by submission of a paper or report authored by the candidatedescribing the software (not specialization of general purposepackages such as Lotus 1-2-3). 371/2 hr/wk, 8:30 am-5:00 pm, Mon-Fri,$25,165/yr. Must have proof of legal authority to work permanently inU.S. Qualified applicants should submit C.V. with names & addresses of3 references as well as the above required papers & reports in duplicate(no calls) to G. Maugans, JO# 1084554, Ohio Bureau of EmploymentServices, P.O. Box 1618, Columbus, Ohio 43216. The position is with anequal opportunity, affirmative action, employer.

California Institute for Medical ResearchResearch Extendin frem Discoeey of Cause through

Cure ofHuman DiseasesCIMR is embarting on a 10-year plan of expansion in basic and clinical research onselected human diseases. This small independent non-profit institute in San Joseplans to add established research programs with a focus on understanding andcontroUing human diseases through investigative research in the fields ofneuroscience, carcinogenesis, aging, and infectious diseases.

Endowed Chairsin Neuroscience, Carcinogenesis, Aging, and Infectious Disease

CIMR plans to establish its first endowed chair in one of the four fields listed aboveat the earliest possible date and at the latest by 1992. The investigator chosen forthis first appointment should be an established investigator with a successfulhistory of securing continued grant support. The recipient of this chair should beable to provide scientific leadership to a group of principal investigators andpostdoctoral fellows in a core departnent, and should demonstrate an interest todevelop scientific interaction with our current CIMR programs. CIMR currentiy hasNIH-funded programs in Parkinson's disease, human genetics of carcinogenesis,age-related neurodegenerative diseases, neurophysiology, and myocology.

Research ScientistsCIMR wishes to attract new investigators in the four areas above. Applicants will befavored who have already secured funding or show great promise for fundingthrough uniqueness of their scientific approach.

CIMR, San Jose, and the San Francisco Bay Area offer great potential for scientificachievement and collaboration with many nearby Califomia universities and a welldeveloped biotechnology industry. The Bay Area is also noted for its excellentweather and physical beauty. San Jose is a city of great charm which is undergoingphysical and cultural revival with its recently renovated downtown area.

We actively promote affirmative action and equal opportunity employment. Forconsideration please snd your resume, indicating position of interest andincluding a description of research goals, and a list of at least three references to:

John Leavltt, Ph.D.Scientific Director

Califomia Institute for Medical Research2260 Clove Drive

San Jose, CalIfomia 95128(408) 998-4554

RESEARCH SCIENTISTSPANLABS is expanding its U.S. laboratory facilities. We have opportuni-ties for scientists with a demonstrated record of scientific innovation andindependence. Positions available:

Ph.D. - Biochemistry, Molecular Biology,Pharmacology, or other related area3-5 years experience

Responsibilities include participation in projects involving cloning andexpressing mammalian proteins in cultured cells, and the developmentof radioligand binding and enzyme assays directed at drug discoveryand characterization.

Ph.D. - Molecular Genetics, Natural ProductsChemistry, BiochemistryPostdoctoral experience or experiencewith industrial microbes preferred

Responsibilities include training and supervision of technical staff incloning and characterizing gene clusters for the biosynthesis of second-ary metabolites. Position requires skills and experience in moleculargenetics, natural products chemistry and biochemistry. Candidate musthave good communication skills, publications, and strong desire to workwith a team.

BS/MS- 2-5 years experienceResponsibilities include development, validation and implementation ofhigh-throughput assays for drug discovery and characterization, includ-ing radioligand binding, enzyme activity, and cellular functional responseassays. Background in biochemistry and molecular biology desirable.PANLABS is a growing U.S. based international company that hasprovided R&D services to pharmaceutical companies and the fermenta-tion industry worldwide for 20 years. Located in the high tech corridornorth of Seattle, PANLABS offers competitive salaries and benefits.Submit CV with names and phone numbers of 3 references to:

PANLABS, INC.Atn: Human Resources Manager11804 North Creek Parkway South

Bothell, Washington 98011An equal opportunity employer

Page 11: POSITIONS OPEN - Science...ads under the following headings: Positions Open, Employment Agencies, Fellowships, Situatons Wanted,CourmsandTraining, Meetings,Announce-ments, and Marketplace


Researchershiimunology/Cell Genetics

Genentech, Inc., a leader in the field of biotech-nology, has excellent opportunities forPostdoctoral Researchers in our Immunologyand Cell Genetics departments.In our Immunology department, we have anopportunity to study the interactions betweengrowth factors and cytoldnes in the regulation ofT-cell functions. The qualified candidate willhave a strong background in cellular andmolecular immunology. Dept. MPA positon is also available in Immunology tostudy down-regulation of inflammatoryresponses. The candidate should have a strongbackground in cellular immunology. Someexperience in molecular biology and/or in vivomodels of inflammatory disease is desirable.Dept. PJ.Our Cell Genetics department has a positionavailable for a Postdoctoral Researcher to studygrowth factors controlling liver regeneration,mechanism of signal trnsduction and effectson transcriptional regulation. Ph.D. required.Dept. PG.Genentech, Inc. offers an excellent salary andbenefits package coupled with the opportunityto make a significant contribution to ourorgaization. For consideration, please sendyour resume, indicating appropriate depart-ment, to Yvonne Davino, Genentech, Inc., 460Point San Bruno Blvd., South San Francisco, CA94080. We actively support and promoteaffirmafive action and equal employmentopportunity. Women and minorities areencourged to apply.

Genentech, Inc.CO

BS/MS ScientistsGenPharm International is a rapidly growing biotechnologycompany specializing in transgenic animal technology, withsubsidiaries in the U.S. and Europe. We are seeking researchassociates and assistants for our Mountain View, Californiafacility. You will join a dynamic team of scientists using newlydeveloped technologies in mammalian molecular genetics tosolve a technically and intellectually challenging problem inmolecular immunology.

Molecular BiologyYou must have experience in the isolation and characterizationof doned genes, including plasmid constructions, restrictionmapping, and Southern analysis. Proficiency in DNA sequenc-ing, RNA isolation and analysis and small animal surgery ispreferred.

Cell BiologyYou'll be responsible for the generation and culture of mouseembryonic stem cells, transfection of cells, and basicanalytical techniques, including PCR and Southernanalysis. Experience with cell culture is necessary, but EScell experience is not a requirement.Both positions require an MS/MA with academic re-search experience or a BS/BA with at least 1 year ofpost-graduate research work.We offer a competitive salary and benefits packageincluding a stock option program. Qualified candidatesare invited to forward a c.v. to GenPharm International,Attn: LF, 2375 Garcia Avenue, Mountain View, CA94043. We are an equal opportunity employer.


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Let the free Science product informa-tion service put you in touch with the ven-

dors whose products you will need.

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SCIENCE MagazineNew Lab Service Department1515 Broadway ) TheGkOalVofew;otnNew York, NY 10036 ;!CIENCE

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Faculty Positions In

The Biotechnology Center, in collaboration with academic depart-ments within the colleges of Biological Sciences, Medicine andPharmacy, invites applications for three joint tenure track facultypositions. Successful candidates will occupy new laboratories onthe Neurobiology floor of the Biotechnology Center and join exist-ing faculty whose research efforts focus on gene expression in ner-vous tissue during development and aging. This group will shortlyexpand to 10 faculty.Applicants for Assistant Professorships should demonstrateexceptional potential to develop strong research programs thatapply tools of molecular biology to address significant problems inneurobiology. Senior candidates with ongoing programs of excel-lence will be considered for an Associate Professorship. Qualifiedmolecular neurobiologists working with vertebrate or invertebratesystems will receive careful consideration. Candidates who utilizetransgenic mice in the course of their research are especiallyencouraged to apply.The Ohio State University is establishing an outstanding program

in molecular neurobiology and neuroscience which is reflected byquality research facilities and highly competitive start-up fundsand salary.

Screening of candidates will begin on August 15, 1990. Applicantsshould submit a curriculum vitae, statement of research plans, and

names and addresses of threereferences to Dr. Anthony Young,Chairperson, Molecular Neuro-

THE biology Search Committee, OhioState Biotechnology Center,

OHIO Rightmire Hall, 1060 CarmackRd., Columbus, OH 43210. The

STATE Ohio State University is an EqualOpportunity/Affirmative Action


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CAS, the world leader in chemical information ser-vices, has several openings for professionals whowant to analyze and document chemical literature.While editorial experience is not required, a goodcommand of the English language is needed. Theseare full-time career opportunities located inColumbus, Ohio. Our current needs are in theseareas:

ENDOCRINOLOGY MS or PhD is required.

ENZYMOLOGY - MS or PhD and readingknowledge of Russian or Japanese lan-guages is required.

FOODCHEMISTRY- MS or PhD is required.

GENERAL BIOCHEMISTRY MS or PhDand reading knowledge of Russian orJap-anese is required.

MAMMALIAN PATHOLOGY- MSorPhDand reading knowledge of French or Ger-man languages is required.


PHARMACOLOGY MS or PhD and readingknowledge of French or German lan-guages is required.

RADIATION BIOCHEMISTRY MS orPhD and reading knowledge of Russianlanguage is required.

TOXICOLOGY MS or PhD is required

ZOOLOGY MS or PhD is required

Located in a growing and dynamic metropolitan area,Columbus, Ohio has excellent housing, cultural,recreational and transportation facilities. In additionto a competitive salary, CAS offers a professionalworking environment, flexible working hours, gener-ous vacation, exceptional insurance programs, relo-cation reimbursement, and employer-paid retirement.To be considered, submit your resume to:

* >CHEMICAL ABSTRACTSSERVICEEmployment DepartmentP.O. Box 3012Columbus, Ohio 43210

An Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/H/V

DirectorCenter For Biotechnology

Northwestern University

Northwestem University invites applications and nominationsfor a Director of the newly created Center for Biotechnology,which encompasses all life science programs of the University.The goals of the Center are to create an environment thatstimulates biotechnology research, to enhance collaborativeinteractions between biotechnology companies and the Univer-sity, and to facilitate the transfer of biotechnology advances andtrained scientists to the biotechnology industry.Reporting directy to the Vice Presidentfor Research, the Direc-tor will have primary responsibility for the general operation of theCenter, including financial management, planning, and corpo-rate relations, and will serve as Chair of the Center's ExecutiveBoard.Qualifications include a Ph.D. in the biomedical sciences, signifi-cant experience in both academic and industrial settings, includ-ing senior managerial responsibility at a major biotechnology orpharmaceutical firm.Appointment of the Directorwill be on September 1, 1990, for aninitial term of five years, and carries an attractive starting salaryand a faculty-level appointment.Applications and nominations should be sent by July 15, 1990,to:

Professor Daniel I. H. UnzerChair, Director Search CommitteeDepartment of BiochemistryMolecular Biology and Cell Biology

Northwestern University2153 Sheridan Road

Evanston, IL 60208

EEQ/AA Employer. Employment eligibility verification required upon hire.

TOXICOLOGISTCELL BIOLOGY/PRODUCT SRFETYThe Gillette Medical Evaluation Laboratories, a division

of The Gillette Company, has an opening for a toxicologist inproduct safety assessment. Responsbilities of this entry-levelposition include the review and analysis of current In vitrotesting methodology and results; the safety/risk assessmentof ingredients and formulas; and the implementation ofapplicable government regulations in order to ensure thedistribution of safe consumer products. Work involves cooper-ation in a team effort to evaluate in vitro testing in-house,initiation of clinical/toxicologic product safety studies andevaluation of test data, and the review of drug claims andconsumer medical comments.

Qualified candidates will possess a Ph.D. in Cell Biology(Tissue Culture) or Toxicology as well as experience in In vitrotesting and familiarity with current literature on alternativesto animal testing. Familiarity with designing clinical/toxicolog-ic tests for product safety evoluation and knowledge ofindustrial hygiene is desirable.

Gillette Medical Evaluation Laboratories Is located in anew facility, outside of Washington, D.C., in an area rich ingovernment, private, and academic scientific laboratories. Weolfer an excellent compensation, benefits, and relocationpackage. For consideration, please send a confidential resu-me to:

Gillette Medical EvaluationLaboratories

Personnel Office401 Professional Drive

Gaithersburg, MD 20879Equol Opportunity Employer

Page 14: POSITIONS OPEN - Science...ads under the following headings: Positions Open, Employment Agencies, Fellowships, Situatons Wanted,CourmsandTraining, Meetings,Announce-ments, and Marketplace


POSTDOCTORAL POSMON. Available begin-ning 1 August 1990 to study specific gene expression inacquired salt tolerance at the cellular and whole plantlevel. Ph.D. in molecular biology, biochemistry, or re-lated field. Experience in recombinant DNA techniquesand molecular biology is highly desirable. Send curncu-lum vitae and names of three references by 1 August1990 to: Dr. Ilga Wmicov, Department of Biochem-istry, University of Nevada, Reno, NV 89557.Affirmative Aaion/Equal Opportunity Employer.

POSTDOCTORAL POSMON. Immediatelyavailable for 2 years to study the physiology of singleolfactory receptor and bulbar neurons of fish to individ-ual amino acid stimuli and to their mixtures. Ph.D. andelectrophysiological experience are necessary. Send cur-riculum vitae and addresses of three references to: Dr.John T. Caprio, Department of Zoology and Physi-ology, Louisiana State University (LSU), BatonRouge, LA 70803. LSU is an Equal Opportunity/Affir-mativeAcion Employer.

POSTDOCTORAL POSMIION. Available in cellu-lar and molecular neurobiology to investigate mecha-nisms controlling the differentiation of retinal neuronsand photoreceptors using cultures of isolated retinalprecursor cells.The projects are multidisciplinary, allow-

the opportunity to use and learn the techniques ofcell culture, molecular biology, immunautoradiography, and extraceiular matrix iochemistryPlease mail curriculum vitae and the names, telephonenumbers, and addresses of three references to: Dr.Ruben Adler, Winmer Institute, Johns Hopkins Uni-versity School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD 21205.


Available immediately to investigate molecular andsomatic cell approaches to mechanisms influencing hu-man genome stability. Ongoi efforts utilize heritabledisorders with mutant celluar phenotypes of chromo-somal mapping and doning of genes and/or DNA se-quences with relevance to DNA repair, centromere struc-ture, and chromosome evolution and stability.Applicants should have a Ph.D. and experience withmolecular or somatic cell techniques. Send curriculumvitae and names of three references to: Dr. Roger A.Schultz, Director of Molecular Genetics Laboratory,Division ofHuman Genetics, University ofMaryland,655 West Baltimore Street, Baltimore, MD 21201.Telephone: 301-328-8497.

POSTDOCTORAL POSITON available, Univer-sity of Florida. Support is available for an individual witha Ph.D., or equivalent degree, in biochemistry, molecularbiology, immunology, or microbiology to pursue sub-unit vaccine development for the nckettsial parasite,Anaplasma marginak. Parasite surface proteins involved ininvasion of host erythrocytes will be identified, cloned,and characterized, and recombinant products based onthese surface proteins will be isolated and tested for theirimmunoprotective efficacy in cattle. Interested individu-als shou[d send curriculum vitae, statement of researchgoals, and three letters of reference to: Dr. David R.Allmd, Department of Infectious Diseases, Building471, Mowry Road, IFAS 633, University of Florida,Gainesville, FL 32611. The Univerity of Florida is anEqual Opportunity/Afinnative Action Employer.


Louisiana State University MedicalCenter (LSUMC)-Shreveport, invites applications for a postdoctoral posi-tion in neuropharmacology. Specific projects involve thestudy of neuropharmacological mechanisms mediatingthe discriminative stimulus and behavioral effects ofcocaine and the study of the role of central beta adren-ergic receptor subtypes in behavioral regulation and inthe mediation of the behavioral effects of antidepressantdrugs. Candidates should have interest and experience inrelevant areas of behavioral neuropharmacology, such asoperant behavioral pharmacology, drug discrinination,receptor pharmacology, or HPLC analysis ofneurotrans-mitters. Salary dependas on previous experience. Pleasesend curriculum vitae and three reference letters to:James M. O'Donnell, Ph.D., Department ofPharma-cology and Therapeutics, LSUMC-Shreveport, P.O.Box 33932, Shreveport, LA 71130-3932. The univer-siry is an Equal Opportunity/Afimative Acton Employer.

POSTDOCTORAL POSMIION. To analyze effectsof climatic and anthropogenic processes on landscapetransformation in mid-Atlantic United States as recordedin the stratigraphic record. The applicant should betrained in paleoecology and statistical techniques includ-ing time series analysis. Available immediately. Sendcurriculum vitae and names of three references to: Dr.Grace S. Brush, Department of Geography and En-vironmental Engineering, The Johns Hopkins Uni-versity, Baltimore, MD 21218. Telephone: 301-338-7107. An Equal Opportunity Employer.

Gastrocnterology. POSTDOCTORAL POSI-TION. Available immediately to study the regulation ofexpression of the glutathione S-transterases in the liver.Strong background in molecular biology, genetics, orbiochemistry desired. Research involves work with cul-tured hepatocytes and in vivo studies of hepatic regener-ation. Send curriculum vitae and names of three refer-ences to: Thomas D. Boyer, M.D., Department ofMedicine, P.O. Box 23206, Atlanta, GA 30322. Em-ory University is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

POSTDOCTORAL POSMIIONS. Available July1990 to study: (i) regulation of gap junctional commu-nication through phosphorylation ofjunction protein bycellular kinases and pp6Osrc, and (ii) the expression ofoncogenes and tumor suppressor genes in human gastricand thyroid cancers. Candidates should have a Ph.D.degree and experience in molecular biology, particularlymutagenesis, PCR, expression vectors. Send curriculumvitae and three references with telephone numbers to:Dr. Alan F. Lau, Cancer Research Center, 1236Lauhala Street, Honolulu, HI 96813.

POSTDOCTORAL FELLOWSHIPA postdoctoral position is available immediately to

study mechanisms of free radical generation during car-diac surgery. Experience in the biochemistry and physi-ologyof myocardial ischemia and reperfusion as well asanaytical techniques (GC-MS, HPLC) is necessary. Abackground in ESR is welcome but not necessary. Peasesend your curriculum vitae and names of three referencesto: Drs. B. Kalyanaraman/fJ. E. Baker, National Bio-medical ESR Center, Medical College of Wisconsin,8701 West Watertown Plank Road, Milwaukee, WI53226. Equal Opportunity/Afimiative Action Employer,MIFIH.



Postdoctoral fellow position available for Ph.D. and/orM.D. beginning 1 September 1990. The fellow will be amember of a scientifically exciting group with expertise inthrombosis, thrombolysis, and endothelial cell biology.Attractive compensation and surroundings. Researchexperience in molecular biology or biochemistry pre-ferred. Specific topics have both clinical and industrialrelevance. Please send curriculum vitae and references to:Dr. Marschali Runge, M.D., Ph.D., P.O. Box LL,Atlanta, GA 30322. Emory University is an Equal Oppor-tunity Employer.


Research associate/postdoctoral fellow needed to workon a multicenter national Alzheimeres disease clinicalneuropathology research program. The work will includethe isolation and characterization of normal and abnor-mal proteins from human brain tissue, as well as im-munocytochemical and in situ hybridization studies.Experience with data collection and analysis is desirable.Send a copy of curriculum vitae and references to: Dr. S.Mirra, Laboratory Services, Veterans AdministrationMedical Center, 1670 Clairmont Road, N.E., Deca-tur, GA 30033. Emory University is an AffirmativeAction/Equal Opportunity Employer. Women and minorities are en-couraged to apply.

POSTDOCTORAL FELLOW/RESEARCH AS-SOCIATE. Position available 1 July 1990 for 3 years tostudy the regulation of gene experience in leukemic cells.Ph.D. or M.D. degree require and cxperience in molec-ular biology preferred. Please send a letter of interest andcurriculum vitae and names of three references withaddresses and telephone numbers to: Dr. George At-weh, SUNY-Brooklyn/VA Medical Center (111D),800 Poly Place, Brooklyn, NY 11209.


A Ph.D. in Physiology, Pharma-cology and Electrophysiology withpost-doctoral experience is soughtto participate in an active researchteam to study the physiology andpathophysiology of the cardiovas-cular and respiratory systems. Ifpossible, experience in molecularbiology, immunology and smallanimal surgery is preferred.The candidate should be produc-tive and have extramural fundingrecord or have the ability or poten-tial to procure extramural funds.The position is at the SeniorResearch Associate or ResearchScientist level.

Please send curriculum vitae to:

Mr. Leon HalberChairman of the Board

D> DDebohResearhInstituteTrenton RoadBrownsMis,NJ08015

Equal Opportunity Employer


Molecular Biologist neededwith experience in cloning,sequencing and expres-sion of rotavirus genes withknowledge of relevance ofgene product(s) requiredfor induction of protectiveantibodies for rotavirusvaccine development forhumans. Experience indetermining interrelation-ships of various rotavirusesby study of antibodies toexpressed proteins byvarious immunologicassays.

$44,477 perSalary isannum.

Please contact the NIAIDPersonnel Office for furtherinformation: (301) 496-4634.

NIH is an Equal OpportunityEmployer






Page 15: POSITIONS OPEN - Science...ads under the following headings: Positions Open, Employment Agencies, Fellowships, Situatons Wanted,CourmsandTraining, Meetings,Announce-ments, and Marketplace


POSTDOCTORAL RESEARCH ASSOCIATEOpen immediately to study the neural and hormonal

control of energy balance, especially the control of nat-urally occurring changes in adipose tissue as affected bythe photoperiod. Multidisciplinary approach to site-specific changes in adipocyte cell function. Experiencewith some ofthe following techniques desirable: isolatedfat cell metabolism, adipose tissue cellularity, in vivomicrodialysis, adrenergic receptor assay, HPLC with ECdetection for NE turnover study. Two to five yearspossible. Send curriculum vitae and names of threereferences to: Dr. Timothy J. Bartness, DepartmentsofPsychology and Biology, Georgia State University,Atlanta, GA 30303 by 16 July 1990. Georgia StateUniversity, a unit ofthe University System of Georgia, is anEqual Opportunity Educational Institution and an Equal Op-portunity/Affinnative Action Employer (06357).

COLUMBIA UNIVERSITYPOSTDOCTORAL RESEARCH ASSOCIATEA position is available to study the structure and

function ofHIV-1 genome. Emphasis on the mechanismof action and genetic determinants of low-cytopathicHIV-1 isolate and its effects on cellular gene experienceand cell functions. Candidates should have a Ph.D. orequivalent and a strong background in virology andmolecular biology. Applicants should submit curriculumvitae with a list of publications, a statement of researchinterests, and names of three references to: Dr. D. J.Volsky, Molecular Virology Laboratory, College ofPhysicians and Surgeons, St. Luke's/Roosevelt Hos-pital Center, 432 West 58th Street, New York, NY10019.

An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.


Position available in ongoing project examining thepathogenesis of neurologic disease in transgenic models.Candidates should have an M.D. or Ph.D. degree andtwo or more years of experience in the expression ofhybrid genes in the CNS of transgenic mice. Extensiveexperience is required in the molecular and histologicanalysis of nervous tissue. Practical experience with mu-rine LCMV infections is also necessary. Salary: $40,000.Applications should include curriculum vitae, list ofpublications, summary of research activities, and threeletters of references. Applications should be addressed to:Dr. Michael B. A. Oldstone, Department of Neuro-pharmacology, Scripps Clinic and Research Founda-tion, 10666 North Torrey Pines Road, La Jolla, CA92037. Attention: L. Quinsaat-IMM2.RESEARCH ASSOCIATESHIP on catalytic anti-

bodies using protein chemistry, enzymology, and recom-binant DNA methods. Ph.D. in biochemistry, immunol-ogy, or related discipline. Excellent facilities, interactiveenvironment, and competitive salary. Send curriculumvitae and telephone numbers of three references to:Sudhir Paul, Ph.D., Departments of Pharmacologyand Biochemistry, University of Nebraska MedicalCenter, 600 South 42nd Street, Omaha, NE 68198-6960. The University ofNebraska is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer.

SENIOR RESEARCH ASSOCIATE. The Univer-sity of Georgia Complex Carbohydrate Research Centerrequires a carbohydrate chemist/biochemist to undertakeresearch in the isolation, purification, and completestructural characterization of complex carbohydratesfrom plant cell walls and microorganisms using chemical/enzymatic techniques in combination with HPLC, GLC,GLC-MS, and NMR spectroscopy; train graduate stu-dents/postdoctoral fellows to use HPLC and GLC-MSequipment; and assist in the writing of grants andscientific manuscripts. Requirements: M.S. or equivalentwith minimum of 6 years of research experience in theapplication of chemical/enxymatic procedures for thed7epolymerization of complex carbohydrates and in theuse of HPLC, GLC, GLC-MS, and NMR spectroscopyfor the isolation and structural characterization of com-plex carbohydrates and their derivatives. Good publica-tion record required. Salary: $35,000 per year; 40 hoursper week. Review of applications will begin on 1 Augut1990. All qualified applicants should submit resume to:Professor Alan G. Darvill, Complex CarbohydrateResearch Center, The University of Georgia, 220Riverbend Road, Athens, GA 30602. An AffirmativeAction/Equal Opportunity Employer.22 JUNE 1990

RESEARCH ASSOCIATE. To study the interac-tion of inter-leukins and of the hypothalmic-pituitary-adrenal-axis on intermediary metabolism. Experience insmall animal surgery, RIA, ELISA, and HPLC. Knowl-edge of tissue culture helpful. Joint appointment atShriners Burns Institute, Massachusetts General Hospi-tal, and Harvard Medical School. Send resume to: LynneL. Levitsky, M.D., 51 Blossom Street, Boston, MA02114. Equal Opportunity Employer.



(MOLECULAR BIOLOGIST OR IMMUNOLO-GIST) immediately available with the Helminthic Dis-eases Laboratory, Beltsville, Maryland. Research objec-tives include the construction ofDNA probes for cattleparasites and the analysis of the induction of cytokinesecretion by bovine T cell clones. Ph.D. required. Salaryis commensurate with experience ($29,891 to $35,825per annum). Send applications (SF-171) and copy ofcurriculum vitae to: Dr. Louis Gasbarre, USDA, ARS,HDL, Building 1040, BARC-East, Beltsville, MD20705, or telephone: 301-344-2509. Applicationsshould be marked 0E007. An Equal OpportunityEmployer.POSTDOCTORAL/RESEARCH SCIENTISTS.

Columbia University. Qualified applicants will be re-cruited for undertaking studies on the mechanisms ofaction of the seminiferous growth factor (SGF) in deter-mining gonadal sex, promoting development of the malereproductive system, and stimulating the proliferationand differentiation ofgerm cells. Candidate must have anM.D. or Ph.D. and two or more years of postdoctoralexperience in cellular and molecular biology of growthfactors. Salary: approximately $25,000. Send curriculumvitae and the names ofthree referees to: Dr. Anthony R.Belivi, Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology,College of Physiians and Surgeons, Columbia Uni-versity, 650 West 168th Street, New York, NY10032.POSTDOCTORAL RESEARCH IN AUTOIM-

MUNITY AND CANCER IMMUNOBIOLOGY.Opportunity in a multidisciplinary immunology programfor integrated studies of immune responses to ligand-gated and voltage-gated cation channels, antigenicity ofneurotransmitter reccptors and ionic channel proteins intumor cells, anti-synaptic autoimmunity as a manifesta-tion of tumor immunity, and experimental therapy ofautoimmunity and lung and ovarian cancer. Ph.D. orM.D. Strong background in biochemistry/molecular bi-ology an asset. Competitive salary. Please send statementof interests, curriculum vitae, and name, addresses, andtelephone numbers of three references to: Vanda A.Lennon, M.D., Ph.D., Department of Immunology,Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN 55905. An Equal Oppor-tunity/Affirmative Action Employer.RESEARCH INSTRUCTOR OF ANATOMY.

Nontenure-track position available for research in devel-opmental neurobiology, and teaching in medical grossand developmental anatomy. Candidates must have aPh.D. in anatomy or neuroscience and at least 2 years ofexperience teaching gross anatomy (laboratory and lec-tures) to professional students. Research involves lineageanalysis of neurotransmitter development in amphibiaand skills must include intracellular delivery of dyes toembryonic cells, immunohistochemistry on developingbrain, embryonic microsurgery, and electron micros-copy. Position available 1 September 1990; deadline forapplications is 15 July 1990. Send curriculum vitae andthe names and addresses of three references to: Dr. SallyMoody, Department of Anatomy, Box 439 MedicalCenter, Umversity of Virgnia, Charlottesville, VA22908.


CANCER RESEARCH CENTERPosition available for a Ph.D. biochemist to help direct

ischemic/toxic renal tubular cell injury laboratory. Mini-mum of 2 years of experience, preferably in membrane/cytoskeletal research experience desired. Please respondby express mail or FAX to: Fred Hutchinson CancerResearch Center, 1124 Columbia Street (ad# HN-1751), Seattle, WA 98104. FAX: 206-224 4051.Smoke-free environment. Affirmative Acion/Equal Opportu-nity Employer, M/F/H.

PENNSTATECollege of Medicine * University HospitalThe Milton S. Hershey Medical Center

CHAIRPERSONDepartment of Microbiology

and ImmunologyThe Pennsylvania State UniversityCollege of Medicine is seeking a

chairperson in Microbiology andImmunology to succeed Dr. FredRapp who is retiring from the posi-

tion effective June 30, 1990, afterserving as Chairman of the De-partment for twenty-one years. TheDepartment has a tradition of ex-

cellence in research and teaching.The faculty of the Department ex-cels in their individual fields of re-search and their endeavors are cur-rently well supported by extramuralgrants and contracts. The Depart-ment offers courses covering var-ious aspects of microbiology, im-munology, and molecular biologyfor medical and graduate students.The faculty participates in a de-partmental graduate program, aswell as, three interdepartmentalgraduate programs and a college ofmedicine M.D./Ph.D. program. Thedepartment offers unique opportu-nities for growth and developmentin a rapidly expanding academicmedical center. The candidateshould be nationally and interna-tionally recognized with an out-standing reputation as an investiga-tor in an area of research relevantto microbiology and immunology.The candidate should also haveproven leadership skills and shouldbe experienced in teaching andadministration.The deadline for applications is

September 30, 1990.Applications or nominations shouldbe addressed to:

Leonard S. Jefferson, Ph.D.Chairman, Microbiology andImmunology Search Committee

The Pennsylvania State UniversityCollege of Medicine,P.O. Box 850, Drawer SCHershey, PA 17033

An Affirmative ActionlEqualOpportunity Employer.

Women and Minorties areEncouraged to Apply.




Page 16: POSITIONS OPEN - Science...ads under the following headings: Positions Open, Employment Agencies, Fellowships, Situatons Wanted,CourmsandTraining, Meetings,Announce-ments, and Marketplace



The Department of Psychobiology invites applicationsfor the position of ASSISTANT RESEARCH PSY-CHOBIOLOGIST. The ideal candidate will have adoctoral degree, some postdoctoral experience, and skillsin some or all of the following areas: hybridoma tech-nology, cell culture, protein purification, immunohisto-logical procedures, electrophysiology, and experiencewith the Xenopus oocyte expression system. Send curric-ulum vitae and names, addresses, and phone numbers ofat least two references to: Ricardo Miledi, Distin-guished Professor, Department of Psychobiology,University of California, Irvine, CA 92717. The Uni-versity ofCalfornia is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Ac-tion Employer.


Cryopharm Corporation seeks a Ph.D. level scientistto direct a basic research group dedicated to advancingthe companys proprietary technology for lyophilizationand reconstitution of human red blood cells and bloodproducts. This core technology will address crucial bloodbanking needs for blood storage, transport, and use intransfusion medicine. The successful candidate will havea demonstrated record of innovative research and have abackground in cellular physiology and biochemistry.Hands-on experience with human/mammalian bloodcells, cryobiology or cryopreservation, and animal circu-lation models highly desirable. Applicants must havedemonstrated project leadershi ski and have an abilityto coordinate projects with other research groups. Thisposition will report to the Director of Research andDevelopment. Cryopharm is well financed and is startingclinical trials. Cryopharm offers a stimulating entrepre-neurial environment with a competitive compensationpackage including equity participation. Cryopharm islocated in Pasadena, California, near Caltech. Applicantsshould send curriculum vitae or resume with the namesof two professional references to: Christine Gray,Cryopharm Corporation, 2585 Nina Street, Pasa-dena, CA 91107.

RESEARCH SCIENTIST with Ph.D. in immunol-ogy and strong background in microbiology to head upprogram in Pediatric Otolaryngology ImmunobiologicResearch at Children's Hospital of Buffalo. Experiencerequired at postdoctoral level. Salary competitive. Sendcurriculum vitae to: Linda Brodsky, M.D., Depart-ment of Otolaryngology, Children's Hospital of Buf-falo, 219 Bryant Street, Buffalo, NY 14222.

SCIENTIST. Meridian Diagnostics, Inc., has anopening in its research and development department fora scientist. This position will assist in design, develop-ment, and execution of research projects. Must be capa-ble of supervising one research associate and workingindependently. Requires a Ph.D. in biochemistry, immu-nology, microbiology, or related field. Up to 2 years ofindustrial research and development experience helpful.Familiarity with protein separation and purification orimmunoassay beneficial. For consideration, please sendresume to: Mendian Diagostics, Inc., Human Re-sources, 3471 River Hills Drive, Cincinnati, OH45237. An Equal Opportunity Employer.

SENIOR STAFF ENGINEER/SCIENTIST. Re-sponsible for the development of products utilized inland surveys, navigation, civil engineering and geodeticpositioning applications, employing measurements ob-tained from GPS satellite systems. Must possess knowl-edge and experience with: NAVSTAR Global Position-ing System (GPS) satellite for high accuracy, geodeticpositioning applications and post-processing analysis ofrecorded GPS satellite signal measurements; develop-ment and use of TRANSIT Satellite-Doppler surveyingsystem; Fortran and C computer software languages onIBM PC platforms; WM, PoPS GPS post-processingsoftware systems; implementation of PC-based data basemanagement systems for storage and organization ofgeodetic and engineering survey data. Must have Ph.D.or equivalent in geodetic sciences, 3 years in positionoffered or 3 years as senior scientist/geodetics. Salary:$5512 per month. Forty hours per week. Job site andinterviews: Torrance, California. Send ad and resum6, nolater than 7 July 1990, to: MLU #15859, P.O. Box9560, Sacramento, CA 95823-0560.


ASSISTANT MATERIALS SCIENTIST. Ph.D. inMaterials Science or Physics. Graduate research shouldinclude studies of superconductors with emphasis onpreparation, microstructure, and critical current-criticalfield measurements. Individual will carry out researchefforts to develop practical conductors from oxide super-conducting materials. Activities will include experimentalinstrumentation, sensitive critical current measurements,microstructural analysis, materials preparation, and de-velopment of strategies to obtain better practical materi-als. Salary: $3750 per month; 40 hours per week, 8:30a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Send resume to: Illinois Departmentof Employment Security, 401 South State Street-3South, Chicago, IL 60605. Attention: Connie M.Evans, Reference #9687-E. An employer-paid ad.

RESEARCH CHEMISTThe Biochemistry Section, Division of Respiratory

Disease Studies, National Institute of OccupationalSafety and Health (NIOSH), in Morgantown, WestVirginia, is seeking a scientist with training in biologicalor biochemical sciences and experience in cell isolationtechniques, identification of cellular mediators, respira-tory toxicology, inhalation toxicology, and/or inflamma-tory lung disease. A Ph.D. is required with postdoctoralexperience desirable. The incumbent will conduct re-search related to occupational respiratory disease in amodem, well-qulppeds and funded laboratory. Collab-oration and an adjunct faculty appointment with WestVirginia University, located adjacent to NIOSH, areencouraged. Salary starting is $36,000. Interested candi-dates should send inquiries, curriculum vitae, and refer-ences to: William S. Latham, Chief, NIOSH Person-nel Office, MS C-6, 4676 Columbia Parkway,Cincinnati, OH 45226. Applications must be submit-ted within 30 days of this announcement. NIOSH is anEqual Opportunity Employer and maintains a smoke-free workenvironment.


Supervisory Pharmacologist or Research Chemist,GM-14, to serve as chief of the PharmacodynamicsTeam, Biochemical Pharmacology Branch, U.S. ArmyMedical Research Institute of Chemical Defense, Ab-erdeen Proving Ground, Maryland. Responsible for su-pervising and managing fundamental research on mech-anisms of action of tOXiC agents, and the development ofconcepts ofprophylaxis and therapy. Qualified applicantsmust have established expertise in pharmacokinetic mod-eling, neurotransmitter pharmacology, enzyme kinetics,toxicokinetics, or molecular biology, as indicated throughpeer-reviewed publications. Demonstrated ability to effec-tively manage and supervise research in the above areas ishighly desirable. Salary range $50,342 to $65,444 perannum. Position requires bachelor's degree (or higher) andapproprate professional expenence in chemistry or phar-macology. Ph.D. desired. U.S. citizenship is required andthe applicant must be able to obtain a security dearance.Resumes must be received by 31 July 1990 and sent to:Commander, U.S. Army Aberdeen Pro GroundSupport Activity, Attention: STEAP-CP-RT (Ms. C.Davis), Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD 21005-5001. Equal Opportnity Employer.

WATER ANALYSIS CHEMIST. Forty hours perweek, overtime not available, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.; $2815 permonth, overtime not available. Duties: Evaluates chem-ical contaminants in portable drinking water; developstesting methods and conducts analysis on chemical addi-tives which directly or indirectly come in contact withwater, including: organic and inorganic analysis, titra-tion, gravimetnc testing, physical determinations, pho-tometric analysis, environmental gas emission, micro-biological growth, plus computation and theoreticalchemical composition analysis. Required Ph.D. in chem-istry (analytical), 1 year of experience in job offered or 1year of experience in related occupation as researchassociate (analytical chemistry). Other special require-ments: (i) research experience in trace metal analysis bythe hydride-atomic absorption as evidenced by publishedwork in a research journal, (ii) 1 year of experience inanalytical method development andevaluation of analyt-ical methods for trace metal analysis, and (iii) workingexperience with EPA protocols as evidenced by prepar-ing EPA reports on research projects. Applicants sendresume to: Illinois Department ofEmployment Secur-ity, 401 South State Street-3 South, Chicago, IL60605. Attention: L. Donegan, reference #1472-D.An employer-paid ad.



GIS/REMOTE SENSING/MONITORINGThe University of Georgia Marine Institute on Sapelo

Island has an opening for a RESEARCH TECHNI-CIAN to be responsible for data acquisition from itsGeographical Information System (GIS) and its atmo-spheric and hydrologic monitoring stations. The success-ful applicant will be charged with calibrations, malnte-nance, computer interfacing, and quality control.Familiarity with GIS, IBM compatible microcomputers,and/or Hydrolab and Campbell datalogging systems isdesirable. This full-time position is currently fnided for 2years, with extensions expected. Send risum6 and namesoftwo references to: Dr. Alice G. Chalmers, Universityof Georgia Marine Institute, Sapelo Island, GA31327. Telephone: 912485-2201. The University ofGeorgia is an Equal Opportunity/AfirmativeAction Employer.



Symposium on recent advances in basic research ondevelopment of novel drugs and pharmacologic ap-proaches against AIDS. Details and application forms:Department ofPharmacology, University ofAlabamaat Birmingham, University Station Box 600, Bir-mingham, AL 35294. Telephone: 205-934-4578 or205-934-4584. FAX: 205-934-8240.


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MONOCLONAL ANTIBODIES TO HHV-6Pan-Data Systems, Inc.' offers PDS Unibodies':monoclonal antibodies to four HHV-6 (HBLV) pro-teins-p41, gp82, gplO2, gpl 16 to the research com-munity for use in diagnostic assays and cellular sys-tems. For more information contact Ms. ChristineOwens.

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Page 17: POSITIONS OPEN - Science...ads under the following headings: Positions Open, Employment Agencies, Fellowships, Situatons Wanted,CourmsandTraining, Meetings,Announce-ments, and Marketplace

Helmut Horten Foundation

Madonna del Piano, June 1990

Nominations for the 1991 Helmut Horten Research Award

In autumn 1991, the Helmut Horten Foun-dation will, for the first time, award ascientist, or a group of scientists workingon a common project, the Helmut HortenResearch Award amounting to SFR 1,0million (approximately US$ 700.000.-).This amount includes a sum to be given tothe laureate for his discretionary usetogether with funds destined to supportof his or her research in the field of basic,clinical or a,pplied sciences. The awardwill be granted bi-annually on a world-wide basis.The award intends to honor achievementsand to encourage further research in thefield of medicine or biology of benefit tohuman health. Such achievements couldinclude seminal scientific contributionsto the basic biomedical sciences, epide-mology, parasitology, or to disease eradi-cation efforts.The award-winner will be selected by acommittee composed of internationallyprominent scientists.Readers are invited to assist in nomina-ting candidates for the Helmut HortenResearch Award. The following should benoted:

1. Nominees should be proposed by scien-tists, physicians and institutions havingdetailed knowledge of the candidates'research.

2. Nominations submitted by candidatesthemselves cannot be considered.

3. Nominations must be made on an official'form obtainable, togheter with furtherinformation, from:The secretary of the Selection CommitteeFoundation Helmut HortenCH-6995 Madonna del PianoSwitzerland

4. The deadline for nominations isNovember 15, 1990.


Page 18: POSITIONS OPEN - Science...ads under the following headings: Positions Open, Employment Agencies, Fellowships, Situatons Wanted,CourmsandTraining, Meetings,Announce-ments, and Marketplace

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