portland puppet user group june 2014: writing and publishing puppet modules

Writing and Publishing Puppet Modules Colleen Murphy, Portland State University

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"Writing and publishing puppet modules" presented by Colleen Murphy at Portland Puppet User Group June 2014 meeting following June 2014 Triage-a-Thon.


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Writing and Publishing Puppet Modules

Colleen Murphy, Portland State University

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HelloThis is a beginner’s approach.

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HelloPSU’s College of Engineering’s IT department, aka The Computer Action Team (TheCAT),uses puppet to manage a diverse infrastructure.


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What is a puppet module?● An encapsulation of configuration for a

service● A structure containing an organized set of

puppet code and data● Analogous to a package, gem, python library● The place where your code goes

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What should a module do?● Set up a service, such as:

○ ssh○ mysql○ apache○ sudo

● Extend puppet functionality. Examples:○ puppetlabs/stdlib○ puppetlabs/concat

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The strategySet up the service… without puppet.

Then iterate.

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Layout of a moduleyourmodule/

➔ manifests/ # where your puppet code goes➔ files/ # flat configuration files➔ templates/ # dynamic configuration files➔ lib/ # plugins: types and providers, functions,

| facts, etc➔ tests/ # smoke tests/example usage➔ spec/ # automated tests

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Layout of a moduleyourmodule/

➔ manifests/ # where your puppet code goes➔ files/ # flat configuration files➔ templates/ # dynamic configuration files➔ lib/ # plugins: types and providers, functions,

| facts, etc➔ tests/ # smoke tests/example usage➔ spec/ # automated tests

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Layout of a moduleyourmodule/

➔ manifests/ # where your puppet code goes➔ files/ # flat configuration files➔ templates/ # dynamic configuration files➔ lib/ # plugins: types and providers, functions,

| facts, etc➔ tests/ # smoke tests/example usage➔ spec/ # automated tests

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Starting out$ puppet module generate cmurphy-ssh && mv cmurphy-ssh sshGenerating module at /etc/puppet/modules/cmurphy-sshcmurphy-sshcmurphy-ssh/manifestscmurphy-ssh/manifests/init.ppcmurphy-ssh/speccmurphy-ssh/spec/spec_helper.rbcmurphy-ssh/testscmurphy-ssh/tests/init.ppcmurphy-ssh/READMEcmurphy-ssh/Modulefile

$ mkdir ssh/{files,templates}

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Writing your first module# manifests/init.pp

class ssh {

package { 'openssh-server': ensure => installed, } file { '/etc/ssh/sshd_config': source =>

"puppet:///modules/ssh/sshd_config", require => Package['openssh-server'], } service { 'ssh': ensure => running, enable => true, subscribe =>

File['/etc/ssh/sshd_config'], }


# tests/init.ppinclude ssh

# or

# /etc/puppet/manifests/site.ppnode default { include ssh}

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Drop in a configuration file# files/sshd_config

# Managed by Puppet

# What ports, IPs and protocols we listen for

Port 22

Protocol 2

# Logging

SyslogFacility AUTH

LogLevel INFO

# Authentication:

LoginGraceTime 120

PermitRootLogin no

StrictModes yes

# ...

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Needs more portability!

No one should have to change your code or your files in order to use your module.

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Template your module# templates/sshd_config.erb

# Managed by Puppet

# What ports, IPs and protocols we listen for

Port <%= @port %>

Protocol 2

# Logging

SyslogFacility <%= @syslog_facility %>

LogLevel <%= @log_level %>

# Authentication:

LoginGraceTime 120

PermitRootLogin <%= @permit_root_login %>

StrictModes yes

# ...

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Template your module# manifests/init.pp

class ssh (

$port = 22,

$syslog_facility = 'AUTH',

$log_level = 'INFO',

$permit_root_login = 'no',

) {

# ... file { '/etc/ssh/sshd_config': content =>

template('ssh/sshd_config.erb'), require => Package['openssh-server'], }

# ...

# Applying the classclass { 'ssh': permit_root_login => 'without-password',}

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Templating strategies# manifests/init.pp

class ssh (

$ports = [ 22 ],

$options = {}

) {

# ... file { '/etc/ssh/sshd_config': content =>

template('ssh/sshd_config.erb'), require => Package['openssh-server'], }

# ...

# Applying the classclass { 'ssh': ports => [ 22, 2222 ], options => { 'PermitRootLogin' => 'no', }}

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Templating strategies# templates/sshd_config.erb

# Managed by Puppet

<% @ports.each do |port| %>

Port <%= port %>

<% end %>

<% @options.each do |k,v| %>

<%= k %> <%= v %>

<% end %>

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Templating strategiesWorking with tricky configuration files● Take advantage of Include conf/* directives

file { '/etc/collectd.conf': ensure => present, content => 'Include "conf.d/*.conf"\n',}# …define collectd::plugins::exec { file { "${name}.load": path => "${conf_dir}/${name}.conf", content => template('collectd/exec.conf.erb'), }}

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Beyond templates● puppetlabs/concat

concat { '/etc/motd': }

concat::fragment { 'welcome':

target => '/etc/motd',

content => 'Welcome to Redhat',

order => '01',


concat::fragment { 'legal':

# … }

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Beyond templates● puppetlabs/inifile

ini_setting { 'puppetdbserver':

ensure => present,

section => 'main',

path => "${puppet_confdir}/puppetdb.conf",

setting => 'server', value => $server,}

ini_setting { 'puppetdbport':

# …}

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Beyond Templates● augeas

● domcleal/augeasproviders

augeas { 'sshd_config_permit_root_login': context => '/files/etc/ssh/sshd_config', changes => "set PermitRootLogin $permit_root_login", require => File['/etc/ssh/sshd_config'],}

sshd_config { "PermitRootLogin":

ensure => present,

value => $permit_root_login,


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Smart Parameter Defaults# manifests/params.pp

class ssh::params {

case $::osfamily {

'Debian': {

$ssh_svc = 'ssh'


'Redhat': {

$ssh_svc = 'sshd'


default: {

fail("${::osfamily} is not supported.")




# manifests/init.ppclass ssh (

# ...) { include ssh::params

service { $ssh::params::ssh_svc: ensure => running, enable => true, }

# ...

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The Forge

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Publishing your moduleModulefilename 'cmurphy-ssh'version '0.0.1'source 'https://github.com/cmurphy/puppet-module-ssh.git'author 'Colleen Murphy'license 'Apache License, Version 2.0'summary 'Puppet module for ssh'description 'Demonstration of parameterized ssh module'project_page 'https://github.com/cmurphy/puppet-module-ssh'

## Add dependencies, if any:# dependency 'username/name', '>= 1.2.0'

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Publishing your moduleREADME● docs.puppetlabs.com/puppet/3/reference/READMEtemplate.markdown

license● choosealicense.com

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Publishing your moduleChangelog## 2013-12-05 Release 0.10.0### Summary:

This release adds FreeBSD osfamily support and various other improvements to some mods.

### Features:

- Add suPHP_UserGroup directive to directory context- Add support for ScriptAliasMatch directives...

## 2013-09-06 Release 0.9.0### Summary:


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Publishing your moduleUse semantic versioning! semver.org


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Publishing your module$ cd ssh/

$ puppet module build .

$ ls pkg/

cmurphy-ssh-0.0.1 cmurphy-ssh-0.0.1.tar.gz

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TestingWhy we test:● Testing gives us (some) assurance that our

code won’t break production systems● Contributors can run tests without having

the same infrastructure as you

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Testing your module● Smoke testing

# puppet apply --noop tests/init.pp

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Testing your module● Unit testing: rspec-puppet

○ rspec-puppet.com

$ bundle exec rake spec

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Testing your module# spec/classes/init_spec.rb

require 'spec_helper'

describe 'collectd' do

let :facts do

{:osfamily => 'RedHat'}


it { should contain_package('collectd').with(

:ensure => 'installed'


it { should contain_service('collectd').with(

:ensure => 'running'


# ...

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Testing your module● Acceptance testing: beaker-rspec

○ github.com/puppetlabs/beaker○ youtu.be/jEJmUQOlaDg

$ bundle exec rspec spec/acceptance

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Testing your module# spec/acceptance/class_spec.rb

require 'spec_helper_acceptance'

case fact('osfamily')

# ...describe 'ssh class' do context 'default parameters' do it 'should work with no errors' do pp = "class { 'ssh': }"

# Run it twice and test for idempotency apply_manifest(pp, :catch_failures => true) apply_manifest(pp, :catch_failures => true)


describe service(servicename) do it { should be_running } end

# ...

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Testing your module● Linting

$ bundle exec rake lint

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Maintaining your moduleUpdate your code● fix bugs● add features● manage pull requests

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Installing modulesSearch for modules on forge.puppetlabs.com or puppet module search

Then install with puppet module install

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Where now?Learn more at docs.puppetlabs.com/guides/module_guides/bgtm.html

Get help atAsk: ask.puppetlabs.comIRC: #puppet on freenodeMailing list: groups.google.com/group/puppet-users

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Thanks!Find me:

Colleen Murphyfreenode: crinklegithub: cmurphy

twitter: @pdx_krinkle