portfolio1 of curtis yin


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jewelry & metalwok & others from 2013~2016


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Page 2: portfolio1 of Curtis Yin


ForewordThis portfolio records my work during the years from 2013 to 2015.Despite not presenting all my works,it will be enough for you to

understanding my creative characteristic and research direction.During this period, I tried a lot of things that I am interested in,and

these I am showing you are some representative parts of them.

I am a person with a unique personality,which is strongly reflected by my works.I am obsessed with western modern art,especially

Dadaism and minimalism,meanwhile I always have tremendous passion of eastern art.Thus my works somewhat contain elements

of both western and easter culture.It is my general creation method that adopts the rational way of western art and the eastern

philosophical spirit to express my ideas.In the future,I will definitely extend my sense of art creation,but my national attribute and the

implicit charm of my country's culture will always be the ladder which lead me to another level.

The fusion and conflict of different cultures will be displayed in a more harmonious way through my future works,and this portfolio is

a new step of my creation journey.

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Education Background

09/2011-06/2015 BA in Jewelry Design at China University of Geosciencesaverage 88.2

honors:'Exellent Graduate'1national scholarship(8000RMB)3Choutaifok' scholarship(5000RMB)

09/2015Admitted to MA Jewelry Design programme exempted from entrance examination by China University of Geosciences

honors:MA Entrance Sholarship(14000RMB)

Curtis Yin jewelry designer,hiphop MC

wall painting artist,graffiti writertatto designer


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Contents Faces ·································································································································································1

indifference`························································································································································7 panic···································································································································································8 fake smile····························································································································································9

Silent Beat Trilogy ··········································································································································10

graphic rhythm····················································································································································12

sculpture of audio················································································································································24

play it!·································································································································································33

Knee Jerk ·························································································································································44

Frame and Express ·········································································································································54

stablization and diversification·······························································································································57

the bottle·····························································································································································64

Others ······························································································································································71

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Facesseries of brooches,2015

sterling silverhand engraved

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When I was watching the music video of ‘only’ by Nicki Minaj,I was impressed by the scene Chris Brown singing after a piece of a tightened white cloth,with his face and body rubbing and touching the cloth.


'Only' mv screenshot

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Then I started to think about the relationship between the performer and the cloth:which is meant to be displayed,the singer or the cloth?

If the performer wants to show himself,he can do it better without a piece of cloth covered;If it is the cloth which is planned to be shown,is it really necessaryto display it in this way?


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So I tried to switch my view of the scene,I began to focus on the relationship itself.As the picture shows,the person and the cloth have an invisible connect that can protect the person’s real statement from others,which means the person can show the emotion or attitude he wants people to see if he leans his face or other body parts on the cloth;on the other side, it’s also safe for him to just stay behind the cloth,doing ulterior things.

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It’s a marvelous metaphor of people’s seeming expressions and their real feelings.Sometimes people cry with happiness and smile with tears in thier heart;sometimes people play the role of a backstabber with blessings in their mouth,which is what everybody experiencing directly or indirectly in daily life.

We pretend to be nice because we don’t want to lose friendsWe pretend to be indifferent to evade troublesWe pretend to act like we don’t care to protect ourselves from heartbreak

So I made my final decision of the series’ main idea: the face and the heart.

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Production Process

I chose the unpolished silver pieces to imitate the texture of the white cloth.

cut down the required shape and draw the

zonesto be hammered

burry the piece in the sealing wax,then hammer and engrave the silver piece step by step as designed

finish engraving the main part of the brooch,and begin to produce the

accessories as planned

finish all the decorative parts of the brooch,mark

the places need to be better finished

weld all parts together make the pin for wearing and weld it to the back of

the brooch

polish the brooch as designed and finish

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Indifferencebrooch,2015sterling silver,hand engraved'I chose squares to delicate the frame around the face to convey the feeling of indifference,which seems calm and quite on the outside but tough and unloving inside. '

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Panicbrooch,2015sterling silver,hand engraved'I don’t think people can always pretend to be wise and calm in any situation,especially when horrible stuff happens.So I selected lozenges to be both the main shape and decorations,just to show the sharp feeling of acute panic.'

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Fake smilebrooch,2015sterling silver,hand engraved'I think this maybe the most difficult one to finish in this series,because it is really hard to show an audio statement and moving action of a 'fake smile'in a silent moment by doing it with metal.I put 4 triangles in the corner of the square piece to show my idea of a silent fake smile,which always contains the opposite information of good meanings as it looks.'

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silent Beat Trilogy

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Cultural Background of the Project

Cultural BackgroundIn Song dynasty,when the Song poetry was the most popular genre of poetry,people invented revolutionally different rhymes along with its matching regulation of rhyming so that poets could make their own style of poems using the new regulaition,which absolutely boosted the level of ancient Chines poetry art on the whole.The most significant feature of the Song poetry is that every song has two parts,and the two parts are similar to each other but always a little different.The two parts have similar word numbers,similar rhythm and similar formats,but it is the very little variety between them that makes the Song poetry extremely facsinating.

The Rhyme System of the Song PoetryThe regulaiton of the Song poetry rhymes is not as strict as poetry art before it,like the Tang poetry,it is relatively free and more melodious,so the Song poetry is more fun to read or sing. However, there are still some firm rules of making a Song poem,as a result of the correspondingly loose rhyme system,the poets at that time invented 'Ci Pai 'name according to the certain types of rhymes in the Song poetry,so that it is easier to create their own works. In fact,most of the Song poems are sung along with their macthing music,poems sung in the same or the similar melody are in the same category,which is known as 'Ci Pai 'name.

The Base of the ProjectThis project,'Silent Beats',is based on the Song poetry rhyme system.I try to express the spirit of 3 'Ci Pai' names,which is mainly expressed via the symbolization and visualization of the 3 different rhymes methods in 3 sub-projects.These 3 sub-projects are not isolated,they have some inner connections which means they gradually become more high-end,so I also call it 'the Trilogy of Rhymes'.

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Graphic Rhythm

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Zhe Gu Tian 1brroch/ring,2015,sterling silver,hand fabricated

'To show the rhyme of the poem by making it visible and symbolic.The only fabricated polished silver piecemake it the focus of the whole work,

providing a different rythem in the limited area of shape,which is also the spirit of the Song Poetry art.'

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The Ci Pai name of ‘Zhe GuTian’,of which the rhyme format is called 'double flat rhyme',the first and the second section of the peom is nearly the same with only a slight difference .Now let's break the eaxmple poem down.




We can see the change in the second section ,the highlighted 2 sentences of the second part is made up of only 6 words,which makes itself both the visual and vocal focus of the whole poem.Visually,the difference of the word number is apparent;vocally,the two 3-word sentences provide an acute pause when we read the poem,and that is what I decide to emphasize in the afterwards design.That is to say,this point is the symbol of the Ci Pai name of 'Zhe Gu Tian'.

Inspiration and Analysis


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Selection of Material

Why paper?Because people in Song dynasty already began to write on paper ,no exception for the poets.Why not paper?Paper is not durable,but silver is,and silver is more wearable .

the comparison between silver and paper(pics via Fang Longhuizi)




I chose unpolished annealed silver piece to simulate the texture of white paper.

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I choose the above patent on page 16 as the basic visual form of the work and then I pick oval as the shape for each element to mke up the whole piece of work.

Design Process

As I analized before, the main method of designing the whole series is to symbolize and visualize the vocal features of different rhymes(page12 underlined) according to the result of the analysis above.

the reason why I chose oval is here:·the gentle curve can coney the spirit of the traditional chinese poetry culture·the shape of oval express the Taoism idea of being peaceful and calm·compared to circle,oval is longer and slimmer,so it is more suitable to imitate the form of a Song poem.

the whole process can be transferred to the graph below:

visualize & symbolize

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Sketches & Drafts

3D rendering of the work

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Production Process

cut down 16 silver pieces as designed burry 8 silver pieces in the wax and engrave them as designed then finish making the main visual elements

make squre tubes for the frame structure

make 4 required frames then weld them togetherthen finish the whole frame structure

weld the frame structure and the visual elements together,thenfinish the wearing parts,then clean the brooch by pickling

brush the whole piece,then finish setting the polished little silever piece to

complete the work

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Zhe Gu Tian 22015,ring and pendant

925 silverhand fabricated

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The cage is an interesting metaphor for the rhyme regulaitions in poetry becauseit is not completely sealed,but it does limit the range of activity of whom get in it.I understand it as an essential feature of writing poems,as if we are dancing with shackles on.

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Sketches & Drafts

plan 1easy to understand,easy to buildbut not exquisite enough

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Sketches & Drafts

plan 2more clipper-built,comfortable to wear and more elegant

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Production Process

cut down the pieces as designed and finish welding the 2 crown parts make 2 wood models and set them in the cage-shaped crowns to make them the ideal shape

make a small ring to hoop the 8 feet of the cage so as to weld the 2 crwons to the ring circle bend the ring circle as planned,then finish the filing ,polishing and pickling

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sculpture of audio

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Analysis of the Inspiration

audio devices

wires output deviceslink

Graph1analysis of audio devices

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rhyme regulation system the content and wordswriting format

wiresoutput devices


Graph2analysis of the poetry art

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As the two graghs above shows,the audio devices and the poetry do have interesting things in common.

The audio wires fuction as the rhyme rules,they both control the shape,statement of the whole and connect the source and the output-end,just as the bones of creatures.

The speaker makes people hear the sound ,which is just like the content of the poetry,conveys the spirit and emotions of the poet,just like the flesh of the creatures.

So I plan to base the section2 of the trilogy 'Silent Beat' on the discovery above.I set the theme of this part as 'the poetry bones and flesh',to express the relationship between the audio device and poetry art.


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Pu Sa Man12015,ring,sterling silver,moster beats 'studio'audio wire,epoxide-resin gluehand fabricated

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Sketches & Drafts

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Production Process

saw down the pieces and make the 4 column-shaped crowns of the ring make the base panel as designed,and make sure the size is right

make the 4-way 'valve' for joining the wires together to finish the base part,and glue the base to the crowns adjust the size for comfortable waering experience

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Pu Sa Man 22015,

ring,,sterling silver,

moster beats 'studio'audio wire,

hand fabricated

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Play It!

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·Based on the rhyme characteristic of the Ci Pai name‘Ru Meng Ling’,which is called ‘triple stack rhyme’

·Symbolize and simplify the‘triple stack rhyme’ to make it the main visual element of the work

main visual element

·Being the last part of the Silent Beat Trilogy project,this one should be able to make real sound

Project Outline & Analysis

rhyme form : ABB,ABB,ABB 3 same rhymes in a row

·interaction between the jewelry and the wearer·simple but durable mechanical parts

·use audio wire to relate to last part of the whole project


stack! reunite as the rhymes connect

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Overall Directions of Design

main visual elment

make real sound (mechanical parts)

interact with the wearer

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Ru Meng Ling 12015,brooch,925 silver,stainless steel,hand fabricated

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Abacus,as a tool for calculation,can also make special sounds in different pitches,which is similar to a melody when shook


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concept digital model of Ru Meng Ling1

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Ru Meng Ling1 moving effect

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Ru Meng Ling 22015,

pendant,925 silver,

monster beats audio wirehand fabricated

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Sketches & Drafts

concept & structure

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wearing parts design&details

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Knee Jerk

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Knee Jerkbrooch,2016

925silver,copper,steel spring,stainless steelhand fabricated

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When I was chilling with my friends,I suddenly came up with the idea of playing a game with them which is called 'knee jerk'.It was really funny to observe their reaction after they got a gentle hit on the knee by a wood hammer,because I found that no matter how hard we tried,we could not stop the automatic kick of our feet.

the principle of knee jerk reaction

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Simplifying the Process



transfer the direction of the force

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Sketches & Drafts

using lever and tackle

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Combination of the Lever and the Tackle

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Design of the Detail Structures

rivet structure,avoid heating and welding,to protect the steel spring

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Improvement of the Structure

the spring container and the button to push the kicking hammer,the spring container and the button before the pre-assembling

pre-assembling of the parts to check the mechanical properties

the spinning structure collapsedbecause of the shaft was not

strong enough

the advanced axis sleeve,which was strengthened and more reliable

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the process of the 'knee jerk' in the work

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frame and expression

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In Chinese culture,we say ’the walls may fall,the building stands still’,which means everything has its inner frame,even if part of it vanishes,the whole thing can still function.In the field of art and design,frame structure also plays an vital role in idea and emotion convey.Especially inarchitecture, frame structure is more commonly used notonly because of its extraordinarily excellent mechanical properties,but also the special aesthetic feeling.

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I like Dadaistic art so much that when the moment I saw the ‘Bottle Rack’ of Marcel Duchamp,I decided the way I will do my work with no hesitation.

The Bottle RackMarcel Duchamp,1914,Dada

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Stablization and Diversification

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Stabilization and Diversification2014,ring,925 silver

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I wanted to express two opposite definitions.As we see so much in life,the buildings become taller,girls’ collars get lower,Iggy’s hip keeps growing...the world never stops changing.So I came up with the word change.It’s easy to think of the opposite definition,fixedness.

triangle is the most stable geometry in the word

Para l l e l quadr i la te ra l can represent the def in i t ion of diversification(easy to change).


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Sketches & Drafts

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Stabilization2014,ring,925 silver

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I designed 2 spinning structure to the ring.One connects two square frames,the other connects the crwon and the ring.So 3 parts of the piece can spin freely in 2 vertical directions,which emphasizes the theme of diversification.

Diversification2014,ring,sterling silver

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The Bottle

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The Bottle2014,ring925 silver,cubic irconia

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I have been obessesed with Giorgio Morandi's paintings of different bottles for long,now I try to view them in a new way:focues not only the color,but also the shape,with eyes of Dadaism.

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Process of the Design

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The Bottle2014,ring

925 silver,cubic irconia

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Pill Box2015,ringsterling silver,stainless steelhand fabricated.

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Pill Box2015,ring

sterling silver,stainless steelhand fabricated.

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Dog & Eagle2015,ringwax sculpture

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clay sculpture


plasticine sculpture


plasticine sculpture

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Graffiti'Shrink' 2015(up)'G-funk' 2015(right)'Ycy' 2016(left)

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silver,jade,blue turqoise,kingfisher feathers

